#farm animal adoption network
sweetlyskz · 1 year
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For Better or For Worse
Pairing: Poly!Bts x fem!reader Overview: you weren’t thrilled to be moving in with bangtan but you learned to come to terms with it. Your father however did not. When truths come to light and secrets are revealed, will you switch sides or simply exclude yourself from the situation altogether?
Strange||Chapter Two
Pairing: Idol!Bts x fem!reader Overview: You and Jin grew up in an orphanage together. With no parents or family to take care of you, you both looked after each other. You fed one another, clothed one another, cried with one another. But it all changed when he was eventually adopted by a loving family, leaving you all alone. What happenskaa as when you're now a grown, successful adult working with him and his six boyfriends?
Emerald Gem|Chapter Six
Pairing: Hybrid!Bts x fem!reader Overview: Living away from society has its perks. All natural food from your thoroughly cultivated farm, no nosy neighbors, and peace and security with your animals. But sometimes you did get lonely, having no one to talk to but the cows and pigs. However, when 7 extremely wanted hybrids stumble upon your deserted farm, everything changes.
Star girl
Pairing: Ot8!skz x fem!reader Overview: Being one of the best dancers JYP has ever seen, he asks you for help with one of his biggest boy groups- Stray Kids. Sadly, you were just too busy. However, the guys (and twice) think they can convince you otherwise. Will you fall for their charm or stick to your word?
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Sfw Twitter
Nsfw Twitter
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script-a-world · 5 months
Submitted via Google Form:
My world's main agriculture is farming but I'm wondering if that's truly viable in terrain that's not ideal for growing stuff. Though I am certainly having the world be advanced enough to have greenhouses and so on but nothing too fancy other than some rudimentary GMO. With greenhouses, I assume the majority of land could possibly be used - including desert/polar regions. Just as long as they can transport all their needed supplies.
Ebonwing: If so much of your terrain is unsuited to farming that they’d have to build greenhouses everywhere, why would the main agriculture be farming? In areas where farming crops isn’t feasible, people have traditionally found other ways of feeding themselves, often by having animal herds and maintaining diets based on meat and dairy.
Tex: Arable land depends on soil fertility. While it’s true that this is climate-dependent, there are, for example, plants that grow in both the Arctic and the desert. There is currently an interest in some farmers adopting no-till farming due to more research being conducted on soil microbiology (Nature portfolio).
Successful agriculture is heavily dependent upon the health of the soil and the greater biome. Greenhouses are a popular concept for alleviated perceived issues with the production of crops, but also have issues with decreased microbial diversity, something that plants need in order to be healthy (Legein et al.). Accordingly, this microbial diversity has a perceptible impact on human health (PDF Samiran &  van der Heijden).
Genetic engineering is a new field and has only recently been involved in agriculture, with selective breeding of animals and plants the predominant method of cultivating desired characteristics the typical preference of farmers, when they have not opted for domestication.
What are your world’s main goals for agricultural production? How many people are they feeding, how many animals are they feeding, and what is the general density of these populations? What does an ideal diet look like? Is the food mostly equivalent in quality and accessibility across all social strata, or are there visible disparities? What are their major obstacles in reaching these goals? Agriculture does have a side effect on the environment, particularly with the use of tilling and chemical applications - the natural biome is altered, and sometimes permanently. When over-used and improperly maintained, it can create inhospitable environments (Wikipedia).
Further Reading
Lee, Sang-Moo, et al. "Disruption of Firmicutes and Actinobacteria abundance in tomato rhizosphere causes the incidence of bacterial wilt disease." The ISME journal 15.1 (2021): 330-347.
PDF Chen, Tao, et al. "A plant genetic network for preventing dysbiosis in the phyllosphere." Nature 580.7805 (2020): 653-657.
PDF Gu, Shaohua, et al. "Competition for iron drives phytopathogen control by natural rhizosphere microbiomes." Nature Microbiology 5.8 (2020): 1002-1010.
PDF Wolinska, Katarzyna W., et al. "Tryptophan metabolism and bacterial commensals prevent fungal dysbiosis in Arabidopsis roots." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118.49 (2021): e2111521118.
PDF Wei, Zhong, et al. "Initial soil microbiome composition and functioning predetermine future plant health." Science advances 5.9 (2019): eaaw0759.
Licorice: “Agriculture” derives from the Latin for “cultivation of fields”; “ager” is a field, and an ”agricola” is a farmer. So agriculture = farming. Agriculture is defined as “the practice or work of farming” by the Cambridge Online Dictionary; other dictionaries give a similar definition. 
The first time I read your query, I thought you meant your world was one where little or none of the terrain was suitable for growing stuff. However, on a second reading, it seems your question is more along the lines of “how do the inhabitants of marginal land produce their food”? If that’s the case, then it sounds to me as if your world is a lot like Earth. 
Human beings have settled in just about every environment on earth, adapting their lifestyles and diets to the local conditions. Some regions of earth have traditionally produced an abundance of food and been well suited to farming; others have not, and in those cases the indigenous people have generally relied on hunting and gathering for their food. Some places, like the Welsh Hills or the slopes of the Alps, are more suited to animal husbandry than to the cultivation of crops. And, of course, there was a time when the different regions and human societies of Earth each had their own unique food crops. 
There’s been a lot of interest in greenhouse farming in the Arctic, but as far as I know it remains small-scale and somewhat experimental. That could change.
And of course the inhabitants of your world will be trading with each other. Regions that produce a lot of fish will salt it and trade it with regions that produce a lot of wine or spices. Tea can be exchanged for gold. Maybe potatoes are abundant but wheat is a luxury? And so on; it’s up to you to decide what your world’s most precious food commodities are.. 
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definegodliness · 2 years
26, 34
26. What’s the most life-changing choice you’ve made so far? 34. Was your childhood happy?
26. About seven years ago I stood on the landing between the two floors of my parental home. That was the fork in the road of my existence. I could go up, and commit suicide, or go down, and finally break down and tell my mom I was suicidal, and could no longer cope. I remember she was having guests over which she'd had to call off, and that being a legitimate reason for me to not bug her. There was a moment of intense panic, and then I fled down. I could have easily fled up to escape it all, but I made the choice to escape toward life instead of death.
34. Absolutely. I remember my grandparents' farm / homestead most fondly. There were lots of dogs and cats (because my grandmother always adopted them haha). We built treehouses, huts, and slides. Ate fruit from the orchard; picked all kinds of berries, and grew food on patches of land grandpa had made free for us. On Wednesdays grandma would bake pancakes, and you could always ask her to bake it in a particular shape. Like a little guy, or your favourite animal. They had satellite TV which meant I could watch Cartoon Network there. Warner Bros., Hannah Barbera; Tom and Jerry, Wacky Races, Yogi Bear, Snagglepuss, Looney Tunes, all the classics. Either in English or in German, haha. I could go on and on. I was a really happy child.
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divineproverbwoman · 2 years
Some of my goals
- Graduate as an A+ student
- Study consistently even for subjects i am naturally good in DONT SETTLE FOR B’s get yourself only A+
- Have prettiest essays and notes every school year
- [ ] Be known as the favorite of all teachers because of your professionalism, discipline and the work you deliver.
- Took all EHBO lessons.{resuscitate someone}
- Be kind and understanding to everyone every single day
- Strong emotional intelligence and mental health
- Have a personality that spreads God’s love by being gentle, kind, wise, graceful, poised, soft-spoken, and selfless
- Be most organized, well put together and optimistic person people know
- Become more physically appealing everyday
- Grow glutes
- Grow and thicken lashes and eyebrows w serum
- Nails appointment regularly
- Teeth whitening appointment monthly
- Get koi fish tattoo
- Gain weight
- Grow out my hair even longer
- Dress more modest
- Build muscle everywhere
- Clear skin everywhere
- Get belly and ear piercings
- Master full self love
- Learn new languages (Japanese, Chinese, French and Arabic)
- Improve my stamina and endurance
- Get better at dancing and learn other dance styles
- Improve my humor and communication skills
- Have emotional intelligence
- Improve my baking
- Become better at problem solving
- Become good story teller
- Improve my intuition
- Become more organized
- Learn to play the piano
- Improve manners, etiquette and femininity
- Improve handwriting
- Master charm, seduction and mystery
- Improve cooking
- Get better in sports
- Improve my drawing and painting
- Invest money regularly
- Save allot of money Never be broke
- Earn enough to live a comfortable live not having to worry bout what to eat, wear and where to live
- Become one of best psychologists
- Have my own company (animals, visagiste or psychiatry)
- Live more minimalistic and gratefully
- Fix sleeping schedule
- Drink 2L water daily
- Eat more fruit and vegetables
- Heal from all past trauma and find 100% comfort and enjoyment in solitude
- Read books regularly
- Journal and reflect everyday
- Have a self care day weekly
- Eat 3 meals a day
- Don’t use money on useless stuff really only on things that are necessary
- Find a good church to visit every Sunday
- Become proverbs 31 woman
- Pray every morning and night
- Get baptized
- Fully release all sins
- Be able to speak in tongues
- Start my own podcast/youtube
- Write and sell a book
- Sell my own art/crafts
- Adopt kids
- Encourage my children to be self sufficient, smart, ambitious, kind, generous and always learning
- Have a fountain in garden with birds and butterflies roaming around and Plant my own plants in my garden
- Own gorgeous house in midst of nature
- Own pets
- Own my dream car in big garage
- Have my own farm where i grow my own fruit,vegetables and get my own eggs milk from the animals there
- Support all family financially (also in Cape verde)
- Gorgeous basement in house with amazing view to sunsets and stars with telescope in center of roof
- Spoil friends monthly
- All people around me contain a warm positive encouraging energy
- Marry a man that has the same norms and values
- Invest in charity yearly
- Get big social network to improve environmental issues as war, climate changes, child labor, population etc.
- Travel the whole world and mean something in every country
- Room/house clean 24/7
- Maintain hygiene everyday
- Smell the best (vanilla, shea and coconut)
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kavyaorganicfarm19 · 6 days
Cultivating Change: The Role of Research and Innovation in Advancing Agroecology
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In an era where sustainability is paramount, the agricultural sector faces the challenge of meeting growing global food demand while minimizing environmental impact. Agroecology emerges as a beacon of hope, offering a holistic approach that integrates ecological principles into agricultural systems. At the heart of this movement lies research and innovation, driving the transformation towards more sustainable farming practices.
Understanding Agroecology:
Agroecology And Sustainable Food Systems represents a paradigm shift from conventional agriculture by emphasizing the intricate relationships between plants, animals, humans, and the environment. It promotes biodiversity, soil health, and resilience to climate change while fostering social equity within farming communities. By harnessing natural processes and minimizing external inputs, agroecology offers a pathway towards sustainable food production.
The Role of Research:
Research plays a pivotal role in advancing agroecology by deepening our understanding of ecological interactions and developing practical solutions for farmers. Studies explore diverse topics ranging from soil microbiology and crop diversity to pest management strategies tailored to agroecological principles. Through rigorous scientific inquiry, researchers uncover innovative techniques that optimize yields while preserving ecosystem integrity.
Innovation Driving Change:
Innovation acts as a catalyst for change within the agricultural landscape, driving the adoption of agroecological practices. From precision agriculture and agroforestry to organic farming methods, innovative technologies empower farmers to enhance productivity while minimizing environmental footprint. By harnessing cutting-edge tools such as drones, sensor networks, and biotechnology, agroecological systems become more efficient and resilient.
Subheading: The Power of Partnerships
Collaboration between researchers, farmers, policymakers, and industry stakeholders is essential for scaling up agroecological solutions. Through knowledge exchange networks and participatory research initiatives, diverse perspectives converge to co-create sustainable farming practices tailored to local contexts. Public-private partnerships facilitate technology transfer and ensure that innovative solutions reach farmers on the ground.
Subheading: Education and Capacity Building
Education plays a crucial role in fostering a culture of innovation within the agricultural sector. By equipping farmers with the knowledge and skills needed to implement agroecological practices, training programs empower rural communities to embrace sustainable agriculture. Extension services and farmer field schools serve as platforms for experiential learning, enabling practitioners to share best practices and troubleshoot challenges collectively.
Subheading: Policy Support and Market Access
Policy frameworks and market incentives play a vital role in creating an enabling environment for agroecology. Governments can promote sustainable agriculture through subsidies for organic farming, agroecological research grants, and regulations that prioritize environmental stewardship. Furthermore, consumers' growing demand for ethically produced food creates market opportunities for agroecological products, incentivizing farmers to adopt sustainable practices.
As we stand at the crossroads of agricultural development, the imperative to embrace Agroecology And Sustainable Food Systems has never been more pressing. Through research and innovation, we have the power to revolutionize the way we produce food, safeguarding the planet for future generations. By fostering partnerships, investing in education, and advocating for supportive policies, we can pave the way towards a more sustainable food system. At Kavya Organic Farm, we are committed to driving this transformation and promoting the role of research and innovation in advancing agroecology.
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gqresearch24 · 2 months
Regenerative Agriculture: A Sustainable Approach To Farming
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Regenerative agriculture is gaining increasing attention as a sustainable and environmentally friendly approach to farming. Unlike conventional farming practices that focus solely on maximizing yields and profitability, regenerative farming emphasizes soil health, biodiversity, and ecosystem resilience. In this article, we will explore the principles, benefits, challenges, and potential of regenerative agriculture in addressing global food security, climate change, and environmental degradation.
Principles of Regenerative Agriculture:
This type of agriculture is guided by several key principles aimed at restoring and enhancing the health of agroecosystems while minimizing negative environmental impacts. These principles include:
Soil Health: Regenerative agriculture prioritizes the health and vitality of soil as the foundation of agricultural productivity. Practices such as minimal tillage, cover cropping, crop rotation, and composting are employed to improve soil structure, fertility, and microbial activity.
Biodiversity: Diversity is encouraged in both crop and animal species to enhance ecosystem resilience, pest and disease resistance, and nutrient cycling. Polyculture and agroforestry systems are utilized to mimic natural ecosystems and promote biodiversity on farms.
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Carbon Sequestration: Regenerative agriculture practices aim to sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in the soil through techniques such as agroforestry, rotational grazing, and the use of cover crops. This helps mitigate climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing carbon sinks in agricultural landscapes.
Holistic Management: Regenerative farmers adopt holistic management approaches that consider the interconnectedness of soil, plants, animals, and humans within agroecosystems. This holistic approach emphasizes collaboration with nature, adaptive management, and continuous improvement.
Benefits of Regenerative Farming:
Regenerative agriculture offers a range of benefits for farmers, consumers, and the environment, including:
Improved Soil Health: By enhancing soil fertility, structure, and organic matter content, regenerative farming improves soil health and productivity, leading to higher crop yields, reduced erosion, and better water retention.
Increased Biodiversity: Regenerative practices promote biodiversity on farms, supporting pollinators, beneficial insects, and wildlife habitats. Diverse ecosystems are more resilient to pests, diseases, and environmental stresses, reducing the need for synthetic pesticides and fertilizers.
Climate Resilience: Through carbon sequestration and reduced greenhouse gas emissions, regenerative agriculture helps mitigate climate change and build resilience to extreme weather events such as droughts, floods, and heatwaves.
Enhanced Nutritional Quality: Studies have shown that regeneratively grown crops and livestock products may have higher nutritional content, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, compared to conventionally produced foods.
Sustainable Livelihoods: Regenerative agriculture offers economic opportunities for smallholder farmers, rural communities, and indigenous peoples by promoting diversified and locally adapted farming systems, value-added products, and direct marketing channels.
Challenges and Considerations:
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While regenerative agriculture holds great promise for sustainable food production, it also faces several challenges and considerations, including:
Knowledge and Education: Adopting regenerative practices requires education, training, and technical assistance for farmers to understand the principles and techniques involved. Extension services, farmer-to-farmer networks, and demonstration projects can help disseminate knowledge and best practices.
Investment and Infrastructure: Transitioning to regenerative farming may require initial investments in equipment, infrastructure, and resources, which can be a barrier for small-scale farmers and resource-limited regions. Access to finance, incentives, and supportive policies can facilitate adoption and investment in regenerative practices.
Market Access and Consumer Awareness: Building market demand for regeneratively produced foods and products requires consumer education, labeling, and certification schemes that communicate the environmental, social, and health benefits of regenerative agriculture. Strengthening local and regional food systems can also improve market access for regenerative farmers.
Policy and Governance: Regulatory frameworks, agricultural policies, and land tenure systems may need to be reformed to incentivize and support regenerative farming practices. Governments can play a crucial role in providing subsidies, incentives, and technical assistance to promote sustainable land management and agroecological farming methods.
Social Equity: Regenerative agriculture emphasizes equitable access to resources, knowledge, and opportunities for all farmers, including smallholders, women, youth, and marginalized communities. By promoting inclusive and participatory decision-making processes, regenerative farming contributes to social cohesion, community empowerment, and rural development.
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Ecosystem Services: Regenerative farming practices provide a wide range of ecosystem services, including pollination, water purification, carbon sequestration, and biodiversity conservation. By restoring and enhancing natural habitats, regenerative farming supports ecosystem functions and ecological balance, benefiting both agricultural landscapes and adjacent ecosystems.
Regenerative agriculture offers a holistic and sustainable approach to farming that prioritizes soil health, biodiversity, and ecosystem resilience. By adopting regenerative practices, farmers can improve agricultural productivity, mitigate climate change, and enhance environmental sustainability while promoting economic livelihoods and food security for future generations. As awareness of the benefits of regenerative farming grows, concerted efforts are needed from stakeholders across the food system to support its widespread adoption and implementation on a global scale.
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indiafund · 2 months
Championing Compassion: Animal Rights NGO Making a Difference
In a world where animals often face neglect, abuse, and exploitation, there shines a beacon of hope — the tireless efforts of animal rights NGOs dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of our furry and feathered companions. One such organization stands out for its unwavering commitment to championing compassion and advocating for the rights of animals in need.
This blog delves into the inspiring work of this animal rights NGO, highlighting its mission, initiatives, and the tangible difference it is making in the realm of animal welfare.
At the heart of this NGO’s mission is the belief that every living creature deserves to be treated with respect, dignity, and kindness. They are staunch advocates for animal rights, working tirelessly to raise awareness about issues such as against animal cruelty, exploitation in industries like entertainment and agriculture, and the importance of responsible pet ownership.
One of the key initiatives undertaken by this NGO is its advocacy campaigns aimed at influencing policy changes and legislation to better protect animals. Whether it’s lobbying for stricter laws against animal cruelty or advocating for bans on practices that harm animals, they are at the forefront of legal and advocacy efforts.
Education and outreach form another pillar of their work. They conduct workshops, seminars, and educational programs to enlighten communities about the ethical treatment of animals, the importance of adopting from shelters rather than buying from breeders, and the impact of consumer choices on animal welfare.
Moreover, this NGO is actively involved in rescue and rehabilitation efforts. Their dedicated team of volunteers and professionals work round the clock to rescue animals from abusive situations, provide them with medical care, rehabilitation, and ultimately find loving forever homes for them. From rescuing animals from illegal wildlife sos trade to providing sanctuary to abused farm animals, their rescue missions embody the essence of compassion in action.
The impact of their work extends beyond borders, reaching animals in need across India. They collaborate with like-minded organizations, veterinarians, and local communities to create a network of support for animals in distress.
One of the most heartening aspects of this NGO’s journey is the stories of transformation and hope that emerge from their efforts. From the emaciated stray dog nursed back to health and adopted into a loving family to the rescued elephants finding sanctuary in natural habitats, each success story is a testament to the power of compassion and collective action.
In conclusion, this animal protection NGO is not just an organization; it is a beacon of hope and a catalyst for change in the realm of animal welfare. Through their advocacy, education, rescue, and rehabilitation efforts, they are making a tangible and enduring difference in the lives of countless animals, paving the way for a more compassionate and humane world.
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tearsinthemist · 2 months
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Mon, Apr 22, 2024
What can you do to celebrate Earth Day?
Use a recyclable water bottle or coffee mug
Build a birdhouse
Take a bike ride
Hike or walk
Use recyclable grocery bags, not plastic ones
Recycle your paper and cardboard
Remember to turn off lights that you’re not using
Switch to LED lightbulbs
Repair your leaky faucet
Pick up trash at a local park, neighborhood, or beach
Plant a tree or buy a tree certificate (such as through Friends of Trees or a living tribute)
Carpool to work or other activities
Switch to paperless bills and invoices
Compost (check out this great article from eartheasy for how to do so)
Start a bee farm (first, check with your local authorities to see if you have permission, and then check out this great article from Countryside Network for how to start your farm)
Plant a garden
“Adopt” an animal at a wildlife preserve (such as through the World Wildlife Fund)
The possibilities are endless! How are you going to celebrate this year?
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tigressaofkanjis · 2 months
Transformers: Lost World (Cozy Farm Sim More Details Part 2)
Posts: (1), (2), (3)
All Lost World Characters: 
Xarians – The Inhabitants of the land. While human-like in posture, their reptilian skin, tails and horns separate them from humans greatly. They nearly went extinct in their own home during the Cybertronian war as Megatron sought to use their world for resources and plunder all their Energon that grew naturally across the land. Since the Cybertronians disappeared, they have mostly left the land to other parts of the planet to rebuilt except loyal families. Maybe now that the war has ended, they can find comfort in the presence of the Transformers with your help. 
Xarian NPCs mostly stay around their respective villages though if you make a base close to their home, they can venture out and visit the base. Random Xarians will be found wandering around town with not much to say...though bringing different Transformers might change their tune. 
Shockwave and Perceptor – After rebuilding their lab for them, they simply ask you to be their field scout and find all you can. Shockwave has utmost interest in all the animals and crops out there, and Perceptor loves Energon and materials. By reporting each type to the respective scientists, you can gain rare rewards for your efforts with the final reward of both being not only Legendary base makeovers and farm equipment, but they will be open to being befriended and helping you. 
Flora Town (Meadows): 
Raine – Village Leader 
Knowing all the Meadows and Jungle areas like the back of her hand, but she is quite mum on certain subjects of the past. 
Arvaran – Merchant 
He carries basic materials. You may find a few rare items like furniture and special materials for sale for a price. Anything you have, he’ll usually buy. Be careful what you sell. 
Lillabea – Nursery and Garden Keeper 
She carries Meadow and Jungle (once area is unlocked) seeds and decorative plants and trees to make the land your home 
Waka – Weapons Expert 
Buying weapons from him is like buying a live grenade someone pulls the pin of and puts in your hand. Crazy but efficient to his most loyal customers. He has a good heart and can offer exclusive tools for jobs around the farm too. The more areas you unlock, the more he has to offer.   Weapons are a necessity in order to hunt and sometimes defend yourself against wild animals and Transformers that must be battled in order to subdue to befriend. Relying on your Companions to be your weapons of choice only can be quite the handicap...unless you want a challenge but maybe you’re crazier than Waka? 
Zeplin – Seamster  
He specializes in clothing outfits. Either buy exclusive clothes from him or custom make your own. Unlocking more areas gives you more options. He is the brother of Zepler. 
Veris – Cook  
A vegetarian specialist, including Energon-infused veggies and fruits, she can make your palette water even with a few berries. Bringing ingredients to her will unlock new recipes to eat or to serve to your Companions, and you can use her kitchen any time you want. 
Irisi – Pet Shop and Shelter 
He carries all you need for pets and if you have to release them, you can always find the ones you’ve tamed again through his network, and they will be ready for pickup later on in the day. A few pets and certain variants of animals can only be adopted through pet shops and cannot be met in the wild. 
Jaksan – Archeologist  
The expert of ruins and artifacts, he has quite the documented history of the Transformers from what he gathered from their ruins. Bringing him a few Transformers to show off may earn you special rewards for upgrading his research. Answering clues and questions he has across the land aids his research greatly with good rewards as well. 
Other Flora Villagers –  
Janji (Flower Enthusiast – Tell him of any flower and its color documented, he’ll give you a few items based on those flowers) 
Kayva and Layva (Twin girls and sweet troublemakers – watch your pockets) 
Vivi (The Crazy Minicon Lady – Giving her Minicons for Companions on her secluded little farm gives you exclusive cosmetic rewards for your own Minicon Transformers. If you ever want to trade Minicons or give them to her up until her max limit, she’ll gladly take care of them for you.) 
Relas (Artifact Enthusiast – Show her artifacts and she’ll reward you for your efforts.) 
Little Pono (Transformer Fanboy - A little kid who will listen to any fact of any Transformer you have to give. He doesn’t have anything to trade, but he gets really excited to hear about them anyways.) 
Shady Springs (Desert): 
Kumaris – Village Leader 
He knows of the Transformers from tales passed down from his ancestors. Cautious but friendly, he is open to much change within reason. 
Nevu – Merchant 
 He sells common items, bullets, and other supplies, but rare items can be found with a high price tag. He has to make a living too. 
Rozania – Nursery and Garden Keeper 
She sells seeds of crops found in the Desert and Volcanic Basin (once unlocked) as well as decorative plants and trees that grow within said areas. 
Werven – Cook 
A picky cook who specializes in cold dishes. Bring him various tangy and chill ingredients and he’ll show you a thing or two of how to master the cool breeze of a relaxing meal to eat or to feed to your Companions in the hot sun. 
Other Shady Springs Villagers 
Primari (Organic Animal Enthusiast – Tell her about the many native animals of the land and she’ll give you items based on the animals you’ve documented.) 
Lumion (Farm Enthusiast – Tell him about your efforts of your farm and he’ll reward you with items to decorate your bases with in approval.) 
Folina (Teenage girl with a heart full of music – You can hear her playing her six-string thrummer around the Oasis with her befriended white Nitrotiger, Silverbeat.) 
Moonrock Fort (Mountains): 
Guavero – Village Leader 
He protects what is left of his home from the looming force of the dread Nemesis and the creatures of the Mountains.  
Plekami – Merchant 
She sells just about every material (as they are unlocked) and can hold multiple rare and legendary items at a time for a huge price. 
Melvak – Nursery and Garden Keeper 
He sells all seeds (as the areas are unlocked), especially the elusive and most expensive ones found in the Mountains only. Rare and multitudes of different plant decor for your bases can be obtained through him. 
Other Moonrock Fort Villagers 
The Five Elders (Protectors of the Five Peaks – They hold much wisdom, ask away, and can offer exclusive rewards for showing them the Legendary Transformers of myth you can befriend –post-game through documenting all 186 Transformers–) 
Eclipsa (Transformers Enthusiast –Only appears post-game onward– Show her any Transformer collected and gain a reward specific to them. Show her all 186 and she’ll grant you a Legendary unique item. Show her all 200 Transformers and multiple Legendary unique items will be available starting at 182 onward.) 
Snowhaven (Tundra): 
Tomolin – Village Leader 
A wise and gracious leader, he keeps an open mind about everything though that does open him to much ridicule. 
Kevia – Merchant 
Sells good and great materials as well as rare items occasionally. She is locked less than the others and can also hold items from the Meadows, Desert, Volcanic Basin, and Ocean (after each area is unlocked.) 
Hydregi – Nursery and Garden Keeper 
She sells seeds from the Tundra and Canyon (when unlocked) as well as plants and trees from these areas. 
Vlade – Cook 
A picky cook who specializes in hot dishes. Bring him various mild and spicy ingredients and he’ll show you a thing or two of how to master the flames to eat or to feed to your Companions to warm you in the chill of the Tundra. 
Mama Qualion – Historian 
An old lady who works with Jaksan to keep the history of the Cybertronian presence on their world alive. By bringing her any artifact, relic, Transformer, or animal, she could tell you anything you want to know and that may just lead to a few unexpected discoveries. 
Other Snowhaven Villagers 
Deniran (Crops Enthusiast – Tell him of all the crops you’ve collected and he’ll reward you with more seeds free of charge.) 
The Frostbite Gang (A group of teen boys looking for trouble – They would rather insult you than provide anything helpful. They sometimes deserve a good snowball or two...straight at their heads.) 
Guana (Allspark Enthusiast – While no one believes her, she thinks the Allspark, a legend inscribed on many ruins of Cybertronian history, is out there. After talking with her, you may encounter random points in the land with unusual energy signatures...make sure to tell her what you find after doing some investigating for exclusive rewards.) 
Nova Bay (Ocean): 
Bazza – Village Leader 
A noble and proud elder who thrives to keep her people happy. She loves the sea and although she finds the new cybernetic species invasive, she found a friend in an old Warwhale that lives in the Blue Lagoon crater nicknamed Atlas. 
Rebarilo – Merchant 
He has everything you need from common items to rare ones, but do keep in mind the Ocean doesn’t have most of these materials so buying them might be more expensive than normal, but his selection is infinite compared to his partners across the land. 
Cosmadel – Nursery and Garden Keeper 
He sells seeds from the Ocean and may have a few different types from other areas upon occasion. Plants and trees from the area, though not as abundant, are to have in your base. 
Calmar – Cook 
A meat specialist, especially seafood, any dish he makes can make your mouth water. If you don’t like meat...maybe don’t tell that to him as he will find your presence in the Ocean a little redundant. 
Zepler – Seamstress 
She specializes in clothing outfits. Either buy exclusive clothes from her or custom make your own. Unlocking more areas gives you more options. She is the sister of Zeplin. 
Other Nova Bay Villagers 
Kaper (Material Enthusiast – Show him all the materials you discovered, and he will reward you with rare materials.) 
Evgeni (Cybernetic Animal Enthusiast – Enlighten him with all the Cybernetic Animals in the land and he will find something worthwhile to give you for your efforts.) 
Seashell Scouts (A group of kids with some fancy, homecooked meals to sell – Donations to this group support a new outdoor, live ranch for all the sea creatures for the village to take care of. Once upgraded, you may find a few surprise creatures the girls may befriend along the way. Daily spawns vary. *Nothing in this aquarium reserve can be hunted or taken however, even rare colors and valuable animals that spawn.*) 
Altaria (Energon Enthusiast – Fascinated by the hums and glow of Energon crystals, she will provide rewards for informing her of various details about them and what they can be used for.) 
Overworld Items 
Lost Crates – When the Ark and Nemesis crashed, much of their loot was lost. Perhaps you can use whatever items are inside if you can find them scattered across the land. 
Artifacts – Old pieces of various things the Cybertronians once held dear. Collecting all the pieces might just hold the key to finding some extremely rare Transformers. 
Relics – Sell them for a fortune...or keep them? Finding them in the wild is tricky, the decision of what to do with them is up to you. Maybe some Transformers interact with them uniquely. 
Allspark Shards – They can reveal a whole other world, literally, if one collects all 160 fragments. 
Allspark Trials 
After collecting all 20 fragments per area, an unusual spot on the map will appear and you can venture into the Allspark’s Sanctuary to gain unique items and test your wits in fun challenges the Allspark has made for you. 
Hobby Stations and Transformer Activities (Online Play would be an option) 
Cube – A game of immense calculation and entertainment of getting the Cube into the goal between two teams of five. Many Transformers enjoy it so building a cub field will keep your Companions energized. You may enjoy seeing it being played too or take control of a Transformer to play it yourself. 
Gladiator – A good old-fashioned battle, just not the deadly version of it. Fighting might be messy, but it keeps Transformers’ minds and physical strength stronger than ever. You can cheer (and control) any Transformer in the ring in the arena you construct. 
Racing – Challenge any Transformer with your chosen Companion to a race either by flight or by wheel and either use generated race paths or create your own. 
Arts and Crafts – Some Transformers will take interest in simple art or create something to be proud of. Others won’t. You can use the stations yourself to make your own posters and color schemes for furniture if you so desired. 
Video Games – Did you know Transformers do have an interest in gaming? While they may not have the depth of Red Dead Redemption 2, they do enjoy a good mental challenge. Set up projector pillars to make screens they can interact with and play on. 
General Hobby Stations – Large round pillars with various equipment that can be modified between different types of themes. Certain Transformers don’t much care for certain types of hobbies so they will avoid the pillars and activity pens they don’t like. Keep plenty of variance in many pillars and they will be happy. 
Transformer Stables 
Large and small stables, each can hold up to 10 Transformers or 10 Minicons respectively with 8 stables maximum per base (10 when fully upgraded by finding all 200 Transformers) 
Building your first stables requires wood and stone to start off. From there, they can be upgraded to be sturdy with stronger materials throughout and then decorated with various designs and colors. Each pen can be decorated to appease the Transformer assigned. Minicons cannot reside with regular-sized Transformers. 
You can remove barriers in stables to put multiple Transformers in a single, giant pen but not all Transformers get along. Stalls do not have doors or gates as Transformers can come and go as they please. If unhappy with their setup, you may see them get fussy or annoyed at their surroundings that will require you to change their pen to their decent liking. 
To avoid clutter, a few Transformers will often rotate for stasis naps while the others work on the farm or move about. You can wake them up to use in the field easy. If you walk by them asleep, they will not be stirred but if you run by them, maybe you’ll see a change in animation before they resume resting. Shooting off your weapon or axing something nearby might give you a glare or two if too close in proximity to them. 
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vavaclasses · 3 months
Improvement in Food Resources Class 9 NCERT Notes
Introduction to Improvement in Food Resources Class 9:
In the pursuit of ensuring global food security and sustainability, mankind has witnessed significant advancements in agricultural practices and food production techniques. The improvement in food resources encompasses a spectrum of strategies, ranging from modern farming methods to innovative technologies. These endeavours aim to enhance crop yields, minimize environmental impact, and ensure a steady supply of nutritious food for a growing population. As we delve into the realm of Class 9 studies, understanding these key facets of agricultural progress becomes crucial to appreciate the complex interplay between human ingenuity and the earth's resources in the quest for a more secure and sustainable food future.
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1. Agricultural Practices:
Adoption of modern agricultural techniques, such as the use of high-yielding varieties (HYVs) of crops, has significantly increased food production.
Irrigation methods, like drip irrigation and sprinkler systems, have been employed to ensure efficient water usage in agriculture.
Organic farming and sustainable agricultural practices aim to minimize environmental impact while maintaining food production.
2. Crop Rotation:
Crop rotation helps in maintaining soil fertility and prevents the depletion of essential nutrients.
Farmers alternate the types of crops planted in a particular field over different seasons to avoid soil exhaustion.
3. Multiple Cropping:
Multiple cropping involves growing two or more crops in the same field during a single year to maximize productivity.
This practice helps in utilizing the available resources effectively and diversifying the sources of food.
4. Use of Fertilizers:
Chemical fertilizers and organic manures are used to enhance soil fertility and improve crop yield.
However, the judicious use of fertilizers is crucial to prevent soil degradation and environmental pollution.
5. Pest Control:
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) involves a combination of biological, chemical, and cultural methods to control pests and diseases.
This approach reduces the reliance on chemical pesticides, promoting sustainable and eco-friendly farming practices.
6. Animal Husbandry:
Improved breeds of livestock, like high-yielding dairy cows and meat-producing breeds, contribute to increased food production.
Scientific breeding practices and better animal healthcare enhance the quality and quantity of animal products.
7. Aquaculture:
The cultivation of fish and other aquatic organisms in controlled environments, such as ponds and tanks, helps meet the growing demand for protein-rich food.
8. Food Processing:
Food processing technologies, such as canning, freezing, and drying, help in preserving and extending the shelf life of food products.
This facilitates better storage, transportation, and distribution of food resources.
9. Storage and Distribution:
Improved storage facilities, like warehouses and cold storage, prevent food wastage by reducing post-harvest losses.
Efficient transportation networks ensure the timely delivery of food products to various markets.
10. Biotechnology in Agriculture:
Genetic engineering and biotechnology play a role in developing genetically modified (GM) crops with enhanced resistance to pests and diseases.
Biotechnological advancements contribute to the development of crops with improved nutritional content.
Improvement in Food Resources class 9 Important Questions and Answers
Here are some important questions and answers related to the improvement in food resources for Class 9:
Q1: What are the key modern agricultural practices contributing to the improvement in food resources?
A1: Modern agricultural practices include the use of high-yielding crop varieties, efficient irrigation methods, and sustainable farming techniques. These practices aim to increase food production while minimizing environmental impact.
Q2: How does crop rotation contribute to the improvement of food resources?
A2: Crop rotation involves growing different crops in a particular field over successive seasons. This helps in maintaining soil fertility, preventing nutrient depletion, and reducing the risk of pests and diseases associated with monoculture.
Q3: Explain the concept of multiple cropping and its significance in agriculture.
A3: Multiple cropping involves growing two or more crops in the same field during a single year. It optimizes the use of resources, increases agricultural productivity, and provides a diversified source of food. Farmers can cultivate different crops in the same field based on their respective growing seasons.
Q4: How do fertilizers contribute to the improvement of food resources, and what precautions should be taken in their use?
A4: Fertilizers enhance soil fertility by providing essential nutrients to crops. However, excessive use can lead to soil degradation and environmental pollution. Farmers must follow recommended dosage guidelines, and sustainable practices such as organic farming should also be considered.
Q5: Explain the importance of integrated pest management (IPM) in agriculture.
A5: Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a holistic approach that combines biological, chemical, and cultural methods to control pests and diseases. It minimizes the reliance on chemical pesticides, promotes sustainable farming, and helps maintain ecological balance in agricultural ecosystems.
Q6: How does animal husbandry contribute to the improvement of food resources?
A6: Animal husbandry involves the scientific breeding and management of livestock. Improved breeds, proper healthcare, and efficient breeding practices enhance the quality and quantity of animal products, such as milk and meat, contributing to overall food resources.
Q7: Discuss the role of aquaculture in meeting the demand for food resources.
A7: Aquaculture involves the cultivation of fish and other aquatic organisms in controlled environments. It provides a sustainable source of protein-rich food, helping meet the growing demand for seafood.
Q8: Describe the significance of food processing in the context of improving food resources.
A8: Food processing involves various techniques such as canning, freezing, and drying, which help in preserving and extending the shelf life of food products. This facilitates better storage, transportation, and distribution of food resources, reducing post-harvest losses.
Q9: How do improved storage and distribution facilities contribute to the reduction of food wastage?
A9: Improved storage facilities, such as warehouses and cold storage, prevent food spoilage and wastage by reducing post-harvest losses. Efficient transportation networks ensure timely delivery of food products to various markets, minimizing losses during transit.
Q10: Discuss the role of biotechnology in agriculture and its impact on food resources.
A10: Biotechnology in agriculture involves genetic engineering and the development of genetically modified (GM) crops. These crops often exhibit enhanced resistance to pests and diseases, improved nutritional content, and increased yield, contributing to improved food resources.
The exploration of improvement in food resources reveals a dynamic tapestry of agricultural innovations and sustainable practices. From the adoption of high-yielding crop varieties to the meticulous application of integrated pest management, humanity strives to strike a balance between increased food production and environmental responsibility. The significance of multiple cropping, the judicious use of fertilizers, and the careful integration of biotechnology underscore the importance of holistic approaches in farming. As we navigate the complexities of food production and distribution, it becomes evident that the synergy between scientific advancements and traditional wisdom holds the key to ensuring a resilient and nourished global population. Class 9 students, armed with this knowledge, are poised to appreciate the intricate relationship between human endeavours and the bounty of nature, fostering a responsible and sustainable approach towards food resources.
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ananya5400 · 3 months
Animal Disinfectants Market 2023 - 2028: Trend, Status Growth, Opportunity, and Key Players
The animal disinfectants market size is projected to reach USD 4.9 billion by 2028 from USD 3.4 billion by 2023, at a CAGR of 7.7% during the forecast period in terms of value. The demand for animal disinfectants is rising globally due to factors such as animal health and hygiene awareness, government regulations, and the need to prevent the spread of zoonotic diseases. With the increasing awareness of animal diseases and the need to maintain good health and hygiene, the use of disinfectants has become crucial in the livestock industry. Additionally, governments worldwide are imposing regulations on the use of disinfectants to prevent the spread of diseases. Furthermore, the rise in industrial livestock farming practices has increased the need for animal disinfectants.
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Animal Disinfectants Market Opportunities: Rise in consumer preference for biological disinfectants
The demand for biological disinfectants is expected to increase during the forecast period on account of the rising consumer inclination toward non-toxic disinfectants coupled with the rising livestock production globally. The general consumer perception is toward the toxic nature of synthetic formulations that farmers are seeking to avoid and adopt biological solutions. The recent change in the regulatory requirements in the developed markets, including the classification of formaldehyde as a possible carcinogen, is a key factor expected to propel the demand for biological disinfectants.
For instance, in Sep 2022, Canada based company Thymox SF, a subsidiary of Laboratoire M2 Inc., made a partnership with Construction Distribution and Supply Co. Inc. (CDS) (US). Through this partnership, CDS gains access to Thymox SF's advanced technology and product line, allowing them to diversify their offering and meet the needs of customers seeking eco-friendly disinfection options for animal facilities. By incorporating Thymox SF's biodegradable disinfectants into their distribution network, CDS can position themselves as a reliable supplier of sustainable solutions, attracting environmentally conscious customers and gaining a competitive advantage in the market.
By application, the dairy cleaning segment is projected to dominate the market during the forecast period.
The cleaning of dairy cattle involves removing equipment and bedding before cleaning. The nature of the surfaces will influence the disinfection process. Rough and porous surfaces are difficult to disinfect in comparison to smooth surfaces. Both the milking parlor and milk toxin-producing machines must be cleaned daily. The milking machines, including the teat dips and milk tongs, are among the major sources of infection and can have an adverse impact on the health of the livestock. Therefore, these disinfectants can be applied to various areas, including milking parlors, holding pens, feeding areas, equipment like milking machines and others to thoroughly sanitize and eliminate the potential sources of contamination. Also, the regular utilization of animal disinfectants in dairy cleansing helps to create a healthier and more productive environment for both animals and dairy workers, thereby promoting the overall well-being and efficiency of the dairy operation.
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Europe is expected to lead the animal disinfectants market with the highest market value during the forecast period.
Europe is one of the leading per capita consumers of chemicals and is a key market for animal disinfectants. There has been a significant utilization of animal disinfectants for farm animals in the region to reduce animal diseases. Regulatory requirements and standards regarding animal health and welfare are becoming more stringent in Europe. Compliance with these regulations necessitates the use of effective disinfection protocols. As a result, farmers and animal care facilities are seeking reliable and approved animal disinfectants to ensure they meet the required hygiene standards. This has contributed to the rising demand for such products in the European market. The region also has a significant livestock population that includes poultry, cattle, swine, and others. The concentration of livestock in the region, both in terms of commercial farming and smaller-scale operations, creates a substantial market for animal disinfectants to preserve the health and hygiene of the animals.
Animal Disinfectants Market Share
The key players of the market include Neogen Corporation (US), GEA Group (Germany), Lanxess (Germany), Zoetis (US), Solvay Group (Belgium), Kersia Group (France), Stockmeier Group (Germany), Ecolab (US), Albert Kerbel GMBH (Germany), PCC Group (Germany), G Sheperdanimal Health (UK), Sanosil Ag (Switzerland), Delaval Inc (Sweden), Diversey Holdings Ltd (US), Fink Tech Gmbh (Germany). These companies have been focusing on expanding their market presence, enhancing their solutions, and partnering with many channel partners to cater to consumers across the globe. The deep roots of these players in the market and their robust offerings are among the major factors that have helped them achieve major sales and revenues in the global animal disinfectants market.
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asiantraderbiz · 4 months
Navigating Trends: The Rise of Plant-Based Products in the Market
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In the 21st century, there has been a huge shift in consumer preferences towards more sustainable and ethical choices in their routines. This particular idea and movement have created the rise of plant-based products in the market, helping to transform the landscape of the food industry. From plant-based burgers to dairy-free milk alternatives, the demand for these products is skyrocketing. It is driven by factors that range from health consciousness to environmental concerns.
The major driving force behind plant-based consumption is the growing awareness of the adverse effects of animal agriculture on the environment. Studies have shown that livestock farming is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and water pollution. As a result, consumers are increasingly turning to plant-based alternatives as an eco-friendly option to reduce their carbon footprint. Moreover, the health benefits associated with plant-based alternatives are gathering a lot of attention. Much research indicates that food routines rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can lower the risk of chronic diseases. The important idea that we need to keep in mind is that plant-based products offer cholesterol-free and lower saturated fat alternatives to animal-derived foods, which appeal to health-conscious consumers looking to improve their overall well-being.
The emergence of social media and the internet has also played an important role in the widespread adoption of plant-based lifestyles. Influencers, celebrities, and healthcare advocates are using their platforms to promote the major benefits of plant-based products, reaching millions of followers worldwide. The digital age has facilitated a great deal of information, recipes, and support networks, making it easier for individuals to transition to a plant-based lifestyle.
Major advancements in food technology have led to the development of innovative plant-based products that closely mimic the taste, texture, and appearance of their animal-derived counterparts. Major companies are investing heavily in research and development to create plant-based alternatives that appeal to mainstream consumers, blurring the lines between traditional plant-based food products. This innovation has been instrumental in breaking down barriers and dispelling misconceptions surrounding plant-based products, making them more accessible and appealing to a broader audience.
The demand for plant-based products has not gone unnoticed by the food industry. With major players investing in and expanding their plant-based offerings, it has become a great arena to pursue. Fast-food chains, restaurants, and supermarkets are adding plant-based products to their menus, catering to the evolving preferences of consumers. This mainstream acceptance and integration of plant-based products into everyday food choices signifies a shift in the way we approach food consumption and production. However, despite the clear growth of the plant-based market, challenges remain in ensuring long-term sustainability and scalability. Issues such as supply chain limitations, ingredient sourcing, and pricing abnormalities need to be addressed to meet the growing demand for plant-based products globally. Additionally, there is a need for continued education and advocacy to debunk myths and misconceptions surrounding plant-based diets and foster widespread acceptance and adoption.
The rise of plant-based products in the market represents a transformative shift towards more sustainable, ethical, and health-conscious food choices. As consumers become increasingly mindful of the impact of their dietary decisions on the planet and their well-being, the demand for plant-based alternatives is expected to continue its upward trajectory. By embracing innovation, collaboration, and education, the food industry can navigate this trend and pave the way for a more sustainable and compassionate future.
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seoplassy · 5 months
Sorghum Supplier in India: Exploring the Excellence of Euro Sun India
Sorghum Manufacturer in India, a versatile and nutritious grain, has gained prominence in various industries, from food to animal feed. As the demand for this ancient cereal crop rises, the importance of reliable and quality sorghum suppliers becomes crucial. In India, Euro Sun India emerges as a prominent Sorghum Manufacturer, consistently delivering high-quality products to meet diverse market needs.
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Euro Sun India takes pride in its commitment to quality in sorghum manufacturing. With state-of-the-art facilities and a dedicated team, the company ensures that the sorghum produced meets stringent standards. From cultivation to processing, Euro Sun India employs best practices to guarantee a superior product.
Sorghum Exporter in India: Euro Sun India's Global Reach As a Sorghum Exporter in India, Euro Sun India plays a pivotal role in catering to international markets. The company's global reach extends to various countries, where its sorghum products have gained acclaim for their quality and consistency. Euro Sun India's commitment to sustainable farming practices ensures that the exported sorghum meets international standards, making it a preferred choice for discerning buyers worldwide.
Sorghum Wholesaler in India: Euro Sun India's Wide Distribution Network Euro Sun India's role as a Sorghum Wholeseller in India further underscores its influence in the domestic market. The company's extensive distribution network ensures that quality sorghum reaches every corner of the country. This not only benefits large-scale buyers but also caters to the diverse needs of local markets.
Euro Sun India's position as a leading wholesaler is supported by its ability to meet bulk orders without compromising on the quality of sorghum. This reliability has established Euro Sun India as a trusted partner for businesses across various industries.
Sorghum Trader in India: Euro Sun India's Dynamic Market Presence In the dynamic landscape of agricultural trade, Euro Sun India stands out as a Sorghum Trader in India. The company's market presence is characterized by adaptability and responsiveness to changing market trends. Euro Sun India leverages its industry expertise to make strategic decisions, ensuring a competitive edge in the sorghum trading business.
As a Sorghum Trader, Euro Sun India focuses on building strong relationships with both suppliers and buyers. This collaborative approach fosters a sustainable and mutually beneficial ecosystem within the sorghum market. Euro Sun India's commitment to fair trade practices makes it a preferred choice for those seeking reliability and transparency in sorghum transactions.
Euro Sun India: A Name Synonymous with Quality Sorghum Euro Sun India's prominence as a Sorghum Manufacturer, Exporter, Wholesaler, and Trader in India is a testament to its unwavering commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. The company's comprehensive approach, from cultivation to distribution, ensures that every batch of sorghum meets the highest standards.
Emphasizing Sustainability and Ethical Practices Euro Sun India not only focuses on the quality of its sorghum but also places a strong emphasis on sustainability and ethical farming practices. By prioritizing environmental conservation and supporting local communities, Euro Sun India aligns its business values with the broader goals of responsible agriculture.
Customer-Centric Approach What sets Euro Sun India apart is its customer-centric approach. The company values feedback and continuously strives to exceed customer expectations. This commitment to customer satisfaction has earned Euro Sun India a loyal customer base, making it a trusted name in the sorghum industry.
Innovation in Sorghum Processing Euro Sun India invests in research and development to stay at the forefront of sorghum processing innovation. By adopting the latest technologies, the company enhances the efficiency of its production processes while maintaining the nutritional integrity of sorghum. This commitment to innovation ensures that Euro Sun India remains a leader in the sorghum industry.
Conclusion: Euro Sun India - Your Trusted Sorghum Partner In conclusion, Euro Sun India stands out as a leading Sorghum Supplier in India, encompassing the roles of Manufacturer, Exporter, Wholesaler, and Trader. The company's dedication to quality, sustainability, and customer satisfaction makes it a reliable choice for businesses and consumers alike. Euro Sun India's influence extends not only within the borders of India but also globally, contributing to the growth and positive reputation of the Indian sorghum industry. Choose Euro Sun India for superior sorghum products that meet the highest standards of quality and ethical practices.
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jcmarchi · 5 months
Dirt-powered fuel cell runs forever - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/dirt-powered-fuel-cell-runs-forever-technology-org/
Dirt-powered fuel cell runs forever - Technology Org
A Northwestern University-led team of researchers has developed a new fuel cell that harvests energy from microbes living in dirt.
About the size of a standard paperback book, the completely soil-powered technology could fuel underground sensors used in precision agriculture and green infrastructure. This could potentially offer a sustainable, renewable alternative to batteries, which hold toxic, flammable chemicals that leach into the ground, are fraught with conflict-filled supply chains, and contribute to the ever-growing problem of electronic waste.
Working in the lab, Northwestern alumnus Bill Yen buries the fuel cell in soil.
To test the new fuel cell, the researchers used it to power sensors measuring soil moisture and detecting touch, a capability that could be valuable for tracking passing animals. To enable wireless communications, the researchers also equipped the soil-powered sensor with a tiny antenna to transmit data to a neighboring base station by reflecting existing radio frequency signals.
Not only did the fuel cell work in both wet and dry conditions, but its power also outlasted similar technologies by 120%.
The research was published in the Proceedings of the Association for Computing Machinery on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies. The study authors also are releasing all designs, tutorials and simulation tools to the public, so others may use and build upon the research.
“The number of devices in the Internet of Things (IoT) is constantly growing,” said Northwestern alumnus Bill Yen, who led the work. “If we imagine a future with trillions of these devices, we cannot build every one of them out of lithium, heavy metals and toxins that are dangerous to the environment. We need to find alternatives that can provide low amounts of energy to power a decentralized network of devices. In a search for solutions, we looked to soil microbial fuel cells, which use special microbes to break down soil and use that low amount of energy to power sensors. As long as there is organic carbon in the soil for the microbes to break down, the fuel cell can potentially last forever.”
“These microbes are ubiquitous; they already live in soil everywhere,” said Northwestern’s George Wells, a senior author on the study. “We can use very simple engineered systems to capture their electricity. We’re not going to power entire cities with this energy. But we can capture minute amounts of energy to fuel practical, low-power applications.”
Wells is an associate civil and environmental engineering professor at Northwestern’s McCormick School of Engineering. Now a Ph.D. student at Stanford University, Yen started this project when he was an undergraduate researcher in Wells’ laboratory.
Solutions for a dirty job
In recent years, farmers worldwide have increasingly adopted precision agriculture as a strategy to improve crop yields. The tech-driven approach relies on measuring precise levels of moisture, nutrients and contaminants in soil to make decisions that enhance crop health. This requires a widespread, dispersed network of electronic devices to collect environmental data continuously.
“If you want to put a sensor out in the wild, in a farm or in a wetland, you are constrained to putting a battery in it or harvesting solar energy,” Yen said. “Solar panels don’t work well in dirty environments because they get covered with dirt, do not work when the sun isn’t out and take up a lot of space. Batteries also are challenging because they run out of power. Farmers are not going to go around a 100-acre farm to regularly swap out batteries or dust off solar panels.”
To overcome these challenges, Wells, Yen and their collaborators wondered if they could instead harvest energy from the existing environment. “We could harvest energy from the soil that farmers are monitoring anyway,” Yen said.
‘Stymied efforts’
Making their first appearance in 1911, soil-based microbial fuel cells (MFCs) operate like a battery — with an anode, cathode and electrolyte. But instead of using chemicals to generate electricity, MFCs harvest electricity from bacteria that naturally donate electrons to nearby conductors. When these electrons flow from the anode to the cathode, it creates an electric circuit.
But in order for microbial fuel cells to operate without disruption, they need to stay hydrated and oxygenated — which is tricky when buried underground within dry dirt.
“Although MFCs have existed as a concept for more than a century, their unreliable performance and low output power have stymied efforts to make practical use of them, especially in low-moisture conditions,” Yen said.
Winning geometry 
With these challenges in mind, Yen and his team embarked on a two-year journey to develop a practical, reliable soil-based MFC. His expedition included creating — and comparing — four different versions. First, the researchers collected a combined nine months of data on the performance of each design. Then, they tested their final version in an outdoor garden.
The best-performing prototype worked well in dry conditions as well as within a water-logged environment. The secret behind its success: Its geometry. Instead of using a traditional design, in which the anode and cathode are parallel to one another, the winning fuel cell leveraged a perpendicular design.
Made of carbon felt (an inexpensive, abundant conductor to capture the microbes’ electrons), the anode is horizontal to the ground’s surface. Made of an inert, conductive metal, the cathode sits vertically atop the anode.
Although the entire device is buried, the vertical design ensures that the top end is flush with the ground’s surface. A 3D-printed cap rests on top of the device to prevent debris from falling inside. And a hole on top and an empty air chamber running alongside the cathode enable consistent airflow.  
The lower end of the cathode remains nestled deep beneath the surface, ensuring that it stays hydrated from the moist, surrounding soil — even when the surface soil dries out in the sunlight. The researchers also coated part of the cathode with waterproofing material to allow it to breathe during a flood. And, after a potential flood, the vertical design enables the cathode to dry out gradually rather than all at once.
On average, the resulting fuel cell generated 68 times more power than needed to operate its sensors. It also was robust enough to withstand large changes in soil moisture — from somewhat dry (41% water by volume) to completely underwater.
Making computing accessible
The researchers say all components for their soil-based MFC can be purchased at a local hardware store. Next, they plan to develop a soil-based MFC made from fully biodegradable materials. Both designs bypass complicated supply chains and avoid using conflict minerals.
“With the COVID-19 pandemic, we all became familiar with how a crisis can disrupt the global supply chain for electronics,” said study co-author Josiah Hester, a former Northwestern faculty member who is now at the Georgia Institute of Technology. “We want to build devices that use local supply chains and low-cost materials to make computing accessible for all communities.”
Source: Northwestern University
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moodyviking · 6 months
What Is Baby doge?
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 Its main function as a meme coin is to raise awareness of animal welfare and pet adoption. With over 2.5 million followers across all of the social media outlets it looks like it is working.
    Once the coin hit the main stream they built multiple apps and tools such as a swap and aggregator, chess game, NFT collections, partnered with payment and wallet apps, farming as a service, Baby Doge Card, exclusive merch discounts for holders, all while donating over $1 million to animal adoption. So the coin is proving its worth out there in the meme market.
    There are a few places you can buy the coin but for me the best place for free baby doge is to go to this free baby doge faucet. They payout 1,250,000 Baby doge per claim and you can claim up to 20 times a day.
    Baby doge started on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) but has also moved over to the Ethereum (ETH) network. There has been a total supply of 420,000,000,000,000,000 coins minted and of those 50% of them have been burned.
    Another really cool option Baby doge has is that it gives anyone that has baby doge in there wallet "it has to be on the BNB smart chain" free baby doge every day. So free Baby doge for doing nothing. 
    The community receives a 5% fee for every transaction. So every time someone uses baby doge you get a small percentage deposited into your wallet. It is actually a 10% fee for every transaction but the other 5% goes to powering the project and they burn a few.
Overall I really like the coin and hope it hits the roof this coming year like I think all coins will. 2024 is the season of crypto.
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foodmagazineofficial · 6 months
Milk Matters: A Comprehensive Guide to Dairy Nutrition
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Milk has been a staple in human diets for centuries, cherished not only for its taste but also for its unparalleled nutritional value. The dairy industry, responsible for bringing this essential nutrient to our tables, plays a crucial role in ensuring the availability and quality of dairy products. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the nutritional benefits of dairy and delve into the dynamics of the dairy industry.
Nutritional Powerhouse: Understanding Dairy's Impact on Health
Dairy products are rich in essential nutrients that contribute to overall health. Calcium, a mineral vital for bone health, is abundant in milk and its by-products. A sufficient calcium intake is particularly crucial during childhood and adolescence when bones are developing. Additionally, dairy is a prime source of high-quality protein, necessary for muscle growth, repair, and overall body function.
Beyond calcium and protein, dairy products provide essential vitamins such as vitamin D, which aids in calcium absorption, and vitamin B12, essential for nerve function and the formation of red blood cells. Moreover, dairy contains various micronutrients like phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium, contributing to a well-balanced diet.
Research suggests that regular consumption of dairy products may also have broader health benefits. Some studies indicate a potential link between dairy intake and a reduced risk of developing conditions such as osteoporosis, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes. However, it's important to note that individual responses to dairy can vary, and moderation is key, especially for those with lactose intolerance or dairy allergies.
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The Dairy Industry: From Farm to Table
The dairy industry is a multifaceted sector that involves numerous stages, from farming and milk production to processing and distribution. Let's take a closer look at the key components of the dairy industry:
Farming and Milk Production: Dairy farming involves the care and management of cows or other milk-producing animals. Farmers work tirelessly to ensure the well-being of their animals, as happy and healthy cows are more likely to produce high-quality milk. Modern dairy farms often employ advanced technologies to monitor and enhance milk production.
Processing: Once milk is collected from the farm, it undergoes processing to ensure safety and extend shelf life. This includes pasteurization to eliminate harmful bacteria and homogenization to prevent the separation of cream from the milk. Dairy processors create a variety of products, including milk, cheese, yogurt, and butter, meeting diverse consumer preferences.
Distribution and Retail: After processing, dairy products are distributed to retailers and supermarkets. The distribution network plays a crucial role in maintaining the freshness of dairy items. Refrigeration and transportation systems are designed to preserve the quality and nutritional value of dairy products until they reach the consumer.
Challenges and Innovations: The dairy industry faces challenges such as fluctuating milk prices, environmental concerns, and changing consumer preferences. In response, the industry has witnessed innovations, including sustainable farming practices, alternative milk products (plant-based options), and advancements in technology to improve efficiency and reduce environmental impact.
The Future of Dairy: Trends and Considerations
As we move forward, several trends and considerations shape the future of the dairy industry:
Sustainability: Consumers are increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of food production. The dairy industry is responding by adopting sustainable practices, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, optimizing water usage, and improving waste management.
Diversification of Products: With the rise of plant-based diets, the dairy industry is diversifying its product offerings to include plant-based alternatives. This not only caters to the preferences of individuals with lactose intolerance or those opting for vegan lifestyles but also opens new market opportunities.
Technological Advancements: The integration of technology, including precision farming, data analytics, and automation, is transforming the way dairy is produced. These advancements contribute to more efficient and sustainable practices.
In conclusion
The dairy industry is a cornerstone of global nutrition, providing essential nutrients that contribute to overall health. As we navigate the complexities of dietary choices, understanding the dynamics of the dairy industry empowers us to make informed decisions about the food we consume. Whether enjoying a glass of milk, savoring a piece of cheese, or exploring plant-based alternatives, the world of dairy continues to evolve, adapting to the diverse needs and preferences of consumers.
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