#fantasy insults
the-cypress-grove · 8 months
Insults (Fantasy Edition)
They're as useful as a wet blanket in the middle of winter
I could talk to my horse and have a better conversation
She did love her family, but she'd rather have an ocean between her and them.
He was the kind of man to stumble across rational thought quite by accident and dismiss it as absurd
'Quite frankly, I'd rather eat Hemlock.'
I know the gods do not exist, because if they did, they would've struck you down by now.
Well, you're clearly got some troll ancestry.
That's probably the wisest thing you've ever said and yet still you are wrong.
Do you just sit there all day and hope some sort of sentient through floats in your direction
She was tolerable. From a distance.
They were often wrong but never in doubt.
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daily-fantasy-ideas · 2 years
A more than a few obscene gestures irl seem to just be a way of visually saying "Shove it up your arse" so why not make up some fantasy gestures that mean this too.
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sea-buns · 2 months
If Kristen's entire high school career has not been a comedy of errors to becoming a cleric that makes her own miracles and resurrects forgotten gods you can fucking shoot me dead
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petermorwood · 2 months
I feel like you would appreciate this tiktok: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFBX8YAq/
I certainly do! Thank you!
TL;DR (or TL;DW is more accurate) A member of Post-Purchase Support deals with a customer who bought an enchanted sword and knows nothing about it.
Correction: who knows NOT A THING about it. How extensive is this lack of knowledge?
NTL; Click to W.
Even funnier, taking offence at the term "bastard sword" is something I once heard for real. I've even seen it in censored form: "b*****d sword", and then of course there's Sky-TV's episode listing for "Game of Thrones":
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"Bastard", though it CAN be an insult, isn't a swear-word but a perfectly legitimate description and was even an honourable title.
This gentleman, shown alongside his coat of arms, is Antoine, le Grand Bâtard de Bourgogne...
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That translates to Anthony, the Great Bastard of Burgundy, a member of The Order of the Golden Fleece, fully recognised by his father Duke Phillip and with the right to carry the Ducal arms differenced with a bend sinister.
"Great" just means he was the most senior of the Duke's illegitimate offspring.
The modern circle-and-bar "prohibited" symbol is similar to bend sinister, though its bar is a bend dexter - top right to bottom left - perhaps to avoid confusion with with the diacritical mark used by some Scandinavian languages.
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However I would NOT like to be the Support staffer trying to explain any of this to a dingbat customer... :-P
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stephicness · 10 months
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musicalsobachka · 3 months
Me holding onto dimension 20 npcs I’ve deemed as autistic and therefore will defend and guard with my dying breath despite any shortcomings
Rapunzel neverafter 🤝 Mary ann fhjy
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tosailuponthesea · 11 months
Dimension 20 Parricide Club
Fabian “Toxic masculinity is dead, I dance now” Seacaster
Adaine “Magic is real and so is my frog” Abernant
Katja “I hate confrontation” Cleaver
Colin "Come On" Provolone
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stacy-fakename · 3 months
I feel like the takes I’ve seen on all the PCs this season, especially Kristin, are very black and white. They’re either “KRISTIN IS TERRIBLE FOR NOT BEING PERFECT FUCK HER HOW DARE SHE” or “THE BAD KIDS ARE PERFECT, AND THE RAT GRINDERS/TRACKER/LITERALLY ANYONE WHO CRITICIZES THEM ARE EVIL AND SHOULD DIE”.
Like, why can it just be “yeah X character fucked up and needs to grow, and also is a child who deserves sympathy and kindness”? Like, the Bad Kids, the Rat Grinders, and literally all of the other kids are, well, kids! They fuck up, the screw people over, they act mean, and they need to own it, make up for their mistakes, and adults need to stop putting the weight of the world on their shoulders! They hurt people, and also are children who need help!
Idk, it’s 2:00 am and I’m tired and rambling.
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ghost-bard · 2 days
Youre kidding me. Porter is a multiclass teacher and he wont let one of his students multiclass your fucking kidding me he called gorgug a c+ student while hes taking freshman-junior artificer classes i hate his guts so much my fucking goodness maybe gorgug wouldnt be a c+ student if he wasnt taking on a 400% workload you bitch i hate himmmmmm
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the-cypress-grove · 8 months
Insults (Fantasy Edition P.3)
“I’ve seen thieves with more honour than you.”
Hate was too weak a word to describe the way she felt about him.
“You’re the type of person to mistake a siren for a mermaid and decide to go for a swim.”
“Why are you here? Don’t you have a bridge to guard?”
Reading was a concept with which she was unfamiliar with. If she could not kill it, rob it, or eat it then she was not interested.
“Even rats would consider you vermin.”
“Don’t worry, you’ll be safe. It only goes for being capable of intelligent thought.”
“You still kiss frogs hoping they turn into princes, don’t you?”
“All those muscles and you still can’t swing a sword.”
Even the Jester has better fashion sense than you.
"Were you kicked in the head by a horse as a child?"
"In my village, you would have been left in the forest to die as a child."
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gay-ghostwriter · 5 days
-Fantasy High season 1 Adaine dunks on the dead Elven Oracle
-End of the season, Adaine becomes the new Elven Oracle
-Fantasy High Season 3 Adaine dunks on Eugenia Shadow
Does this mean Adaine is the next Rogue teacher?
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ssaalexblake · 1 year
Some of you guys need to twig that while Rose is portrayed as poor, Dan is portrayed as living in actual cannot afford food poverty.
Rose is frustrated with her life because she recognises her circumstances and lack of finances mean she's lacking in opportunities to do something more with her life. Her main complaint is she's bored and she could be better than this.
Dan literally can't afford food. That thing that is necessary for survival. Rose is portrayed as poor, Dan is showing modern day poverty. He is, also, incidentally, also bristling at his own lack of opportunities as much as Rose.
If you're gonna bitch at Dan for not wanting to do his plastering job because he wants to be a tour guide and saying it's his own fault he's in this situation, have a bitch at Rose for not wanting to do her boring retail jobs because she wants better things out of life than her circumstances will allow.
These are the same thing.
Dan is, however, Much more poor than Rose ever was and this is without even mentioning how Shockingly expensive it is to live in London compared to other England post codes, and that if Rose losing her job wasn't an absolute terrifying crisis to her and Jackie, that they can afford to live on just Jackie's money. In London. Dan does not live in London and can't feed himself, and as we learn, he had a house but.. really not anything else, no food no luxuries and it looks like he's not got any heat either. And then he doesn't even have a house.
Dan is strictly speaking, homeless, his whole run as a companion. He is in poverty. The show is making a point by having his journey say 'i am all of these things and I am still worth living, my life is worth something, it is a life worth living'.
And while Rose's story pointing out the unfairness of the lack of opportunity afforded to the working class is obviously something that needs to be said, Dan's story portraying a homeless person in poverty as an important and worthy human being deserving of both respect and help is utterly vital.
Having the doctor magically fix his poverty would literally negate the importance of the message.
Dan returns home realising he has worth and will accept the help of others, the type of help he always offers others himself. His arc does not change his circumstance, it changes how he views himself and how he responds to others.
But really. Dan's arc is Rose's with the kid gloves removed, both of these stories exist perfectly harmoniously and point out different yet the same facets of a serious issue. And slamming Dan's only to point out how great Rose's is just comes across as... potentially troubling  for a variety of reasons. Why is it acceptable to root for the poor person only when they’re not Gallingly poor? Dan’s arc is saying Dan has worth as a person, a homeless person. Have you seen the way the world treats those without homes? This is vital. 
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Fabian is truly one of my favorite characters to see angry because it’s either cartoonishly posh or unhingedly badass and either way it is so fun to watch
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championofnyx · 2 months
Ratgrinders Theory
I have this sinking feeling that Lucy Frostgaint isn't alive like some of our intrepid heroes think and her death is the root cause of all this, it's why Kipperlily wanted to know where YES! was born and why there is a dead god trying to be reborn.
Imagine you are in highschool and you do everything right. You and your friends get together and start a party. Your bright, and shiny, and hopeful and want to help people. So you train and you follow the rules. You to everything right. And you best friend still dies.
All while the kids who perputally fuck up, who get the princible killed, who go to jail, who start the apoclypos are all living. Infact, the one time that a party member did perma dead, she reseructed herself. Life and death are just another broken rule for them. It's a rule your no allowed to break, so your friend remains dead. How unfair must that feel.
So you dedicate yourself to following the rules. You're going to follow them and get your friends back. You go into the woods to get stronger and stronger, why waste time with adventrure if it's all about XP always.You raise a god how you are meant to; the right location with followers, ect. You use the new god to bring your friend back to life. The way you are meant to raise a god. It's not praying on your knees, dead, in a forest, it's procedure and myth and everything already known.
You followed the rules and your friend is dead. Those who do not follow the rules are alive. It's so unfair.
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halevren · 4 months
I think Fabian is the type to unironically say "chat" in casual conversation.
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