#fantasy calligraphy
toeffelphi · 3 months
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codex manesse but make it fantasy fairy tale.
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lunarsigilart · 2 years
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my calligraphy with flat pen inspired by TES Skyrim
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ooeygooeyghoul · 3 months
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No longer trapped in r/malelivingspace \o/
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knitmeapainting · 2 months
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inkcurlsandknives · 8 months
Am I learning baybayin calligraphy to test a book theory for 1 historically accurate throwaway detail in SAINTS OF STORM AND SORROW? 🫣 Maybe?
And maybe I just spent 3 hours collecting banana leaves from a condemned apartment building, finding Tagalog Tanaga poems that fit thematically with my novel, SAINTS OF STORM AND SORROW translating the tagalog into baybayin symbols then testing writing implements and copying out 4 different sheets to be stored in different environments to test the long term legibility of said poems 🤣 that's also possible!
But in my defense nowhere on the internet was willing to tell me more than the Wikipedia single paragraph of yes South East Asia and the Philippines used banana leaves as a writing surface pre-colonization. So really this was for science. I will likely be writing up a full blog post detailing my recent adventure into historical recreation and banana leaves, once I've finished using all my extra banana leaves to make suman 😋
Happy Filipino American History month 🇵🇭
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kjagasanpijrtu · 2 months
Hi! I do conlang commissions!
Call me Ire (she/they). I'm 23 and I'm away too into worldbuilding for my own good. I love talking about all these worlds locked up in my head and giving advice. My askbox is open for anyone looking for advice or guidance, or just interest in any of my worlds or conlangs
Speaking of conlangs, I DO COMMISSIONS I CAN AND WILL MAKE ONE FOR YOU IF YOU WANT. I may or may not have a special interest in linguistics lmao
For anyone interested in my credentials, I've made 7 or so conlangs and contributed to a few extra, and I specialize in synthetic and polysynthetic inflection. My commissions are open and actively support me while I put myself through the hell that is american higher education. I'd love it so much if you'd let me make a language for you!
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Pricing and terms below the cut, dm if interested <3
Ko-fi Venmo
I divide the languages I make into 4 parts: Phonology, Grammar, Dictionary, and Writing System. I charge a certain amount for each part depending on the desired complexity for each, and I can do all or some parts depending on your needs. For example I can make an entire language from scratch or I can focus on, say, just the phonology or dictionary if you would prefer to do the other parts yourself
In other words you're basically ordering a custom language like a sandwich, as stupid as that sounds. I'm very flexible so don't be afraid to tell me what you're looking for, especially if it's weird (I love weird, don't hold back). Just beware that complexity charges may apply at any stage if what you're looking for is particularly laborious
TL;DR: A barebones conlang with 150 words and no writing system costs about $35. A language with the full complexity and dumbassery of English with 550 words would be $138 (and might incur some complexity charges)
Additional details at the bottom (they are important please read them). Interspersed are some samples of writing systems I've made, all of which have alt text that contain some juicy details. Prices are in USD
Phonology /fəʊ.nɑːɫə.d͡ʒi/
How you want the language to sound. Choose one.
Simple Phonology - $5
I'll make a vowel and consonant chart for the language's phonemic inventory with IPA characters (as seen above). This of course will also include a romanized alphabet you can use to make your own words if you wish.
Full Phonotactics - $10
Everything in Simple Phonology plus more details including charts of possible syllable structure & consonant clusters, vowel stress & tone, and any other phonological feature you'd like to add.
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Grammar ∅
How you want the language to work. Can be similar to or vastly different from English, all up to you. Choose one.
Basic Grammar - $20
I'll make rules that cover basic sentences and questions, including basic inflection for nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs if applicable. Includes ~50 basic and grammatical words.
Complex Grammar - $30
Everything in basic grammar plus extra rules that cover complex sentences and word derivation (which may give you extra free words!)
Natlang Grammar - $50
All the bells and whistles. All of the above plus extra declensions, inconsistencies, and situational grammatical constructs. You'll be putting me through the wringer.
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Dictionary 📖
The words themselves, even the weird ones.
Words - $10 Per 100 Words
I'll build you a dictionary for your language, word by word. You're welcome to also interpret this as 10¢ per word if you just need a handful. Plus I have a word bank so you can customize what general topics you want to focus on.
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Writing System 𐎧𐏁𐎠𐎹𐎰𐎡𐎹
How you want your language to be natively written (my fav part). See below to decide what works best for your language if you want one.
Alphabet - $20 ΑΛΦΑΒΕΤ
A writing system where each character represents a single sound. A versatile choice that can work for pretty much any language, as evidenced by the Latin alphabet and its variations being the most used writing system in the world.
Abjad - $25 أبجد عربي
The predecessor to the alphabet which only writes consonants and rarely includes vowels. Best used for languages that have a heavy focus on consonants and where vowels don't carry much grammatical meaning, like Arabic, Ge'ez, or Aramaic.
Alpha-Syllabary/Abugida - $25 한글 अबुगिदा
A middleground option between an alphabet and a syllabary, where each character is made up of smaller parts that come together to represent a syllable. Another versatile choice used all over the Indian subcontinent and the Korean Peninsula.
Syllabary - $35 ひらがな カタカナ ᏣᎳᎩ
A writing system where every character represents a syllable. Fits best with languages that have lots of open syllables, like Japanese, Inuktitut, or Cherokee. More expensive because syllabaries often contain a large number of characters.
Logography - $1 Per Word 漢字
A writing system where every character reassembles a whole word or concept. Can work for any kind of language but works best with languages that are phonologically dense and/or have simple grammar.
Mixed - Negotiable وαत ðə ファⲕ 암 あй रीᏗŋ
Want a system that incorporates more than one of these? Great! Those are my favorite to make!
Number System - $8 ٩ ٨ ٧ ٦ ٥ ٤ ٣ ٢ ١ ٠ I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX
If you want I can create a written number system to pair with your writing system. It can be simple or complex and can be any base you want (within reason of course).
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To make this as easy as possible for me to understand what to make for you, please provide a reference, idea, or general vibe for each part of the language. I understand not everyone has that much knowledge about languages so I won't request anything too specific, but examples from real-world languages usually give me a lot to work with.
Terms ⚠️
Final product will be a single Excel Spreadsheet (.xlsx file) for one language that contains instructions on how to use and expand the language. Unfortunately I don't have enough experience with vector files or fonts to provide digital versions of the writing systems I make so photos of hand-drawn characters are all I offer for now.
Payment is minimum 50% upfront and the rest upon completion before the final product is delivered, as it divides the trust evenly between two unfamiliar parties. I accept payment through Venmo and Ko-fi only (no crypto or other bullshit).
Refunds: if something occurs where I will not be able to fulfill a commission, I will do what I can to return any money given to me. However if significant work has been put into a commission before an event that prevents its completion, the initial 50% payment will not be refunded.
Usage: if the language I make for you is used in a publicly released creative project, I ask that you credit me. Please notify me if you plan on using your language commercially.
I maintain the right to alter terms and pricing.
Thank you for reading this far ur amazing <3
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cinnominbubble · 1 month
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— Brian Murphy, Dimension 20 Fantasy High Junior Year Episode 16: Untapped Rage
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lunnessey · 15 days
fabian aramais seacaster is going to take one (1) look at that baby and love them for all of eternity, time quangle be damned. but maybe his newly purchased munitions will help when he's hunting his banker for sport
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per-aspera-ad-aporia · 9 months
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just reread Carpe Jugulum, and this time i am sympathising not with Agnes Nitt my beloved but with Mightily Oats. (the first time i read the book, i looked at him and really thought 'couldn't be me, i'm past this stage'. just goes to show, ahaha.)
when i first read the Witches series i was physically, viscerally resentful towards the older witches. now i hold Granny very, very dear to my heart, not least because she struggles with her base urges every day and wins, at least where it counts.
(i made wallpaper versions! get them hi-res here)
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mpicabo · 12 days
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This is probably my favorite fantasy script I made. It’s called Aeba and is written clockwise.
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cainballad · 2 months
Auron’s jug was a challenge. 😂
I tried using a Halloween prop; that didn’t work. I tried to make it from scratch with craft foam; that failed. So I went to the grocery and searched for a bottle with a similar shape lol this was it lolol round and perfect.
I drank that all within 2-3 days LOLOL
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After cutting off the top and making it smaller (that took forever cuz of the hard plastic)… so begins the process of making that stupid thing 😂😐
So I used black primer first. Then I spray painted it with the almond color. I repainted it several times cuz of mistakes lol esp the stupid lines
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The cork top was made with simple foam. I didn’t have regular brown paint so I used my metallic brown that I somehow had and it worked
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Painting out the lines was a pain. SUCH a pain lol none of it was even. The spiral script was one shot though
But after all the time and struggle, I think it worked out in the end lol my Auron figure really helped as a reference 💕
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New Dimension 20 merch just dropped? /j
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lunarsigilart · 4 months
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tamburnbindery · 4 months
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We're down to the final stretch for the Kickstarter campaign! If you'd like to reserve your copy of the illuminated Beowulf book or any of the other rewards, please head over to the link below and lock yours in before Sunday noon.
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Step 1: Base lines.
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Aka guidelines. Just do an unfilled rectangle and stack it on itself twice.
Step 2: Basic calligraphy
Choose your brush. Different brush shapes have different dynamics, and different dynamics will wield different results on paper.
Best experienced on actual paper, for digital programs cannot give you the exact right feel of drag when you try to do wrong strokes. Usually, if you write by hand on paper, and it's feeling effortless, then you're doing it right.
Cheat sheet for brush tips of different kinds:
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Step 3: The execution
You might want to try asemic writing at first, or take inspiration from other writing systems that already exist. Know that it is nigh impossible to create something that never existed before, for your writing system will always bear similarity to at least a dozen others.
There are multiple methods of making scripts,
You set up a goal and plan things up before setting up the canons. Usually used for featural scripts.
Make an asemic array of symbols and assign them Latin equivalents.
Make a monogram - some complex symbol with lots of strokes - and break it into lesser shapes erasing some of the original strokes. Similar to the Combinatorics method. Example below:
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Make particles, combine in different ways. See below:
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Natural evolution simulation
Following the pipeline "pictogram" -> "letter". As seen below:
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Other useful tips:
Omniglot.com: go there and take a look at how many writing systems are there in the world. This site stores lots of conscripts as well, and you can submit yours if you want to!
r/neography is a huge subreddit that has everything about neography (aka the art of creating new writing systems).
Learn about what kinds of writing systems there are. Basically they are categorized by how much information a symbol carries. It could be one sound, a syllable, or whole words. Though there are nuances, explained on r/neography's wiki, by the way.
Practice. Doodle a lot. You will get the grip of it eventually.
There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. The middle is between M and N, as M is letter #13. If you include numerals, that's 36 symbols. If you include punctuation, that's about 48 symbols depending on how much punctuation you want.
I have a sideblog called @thecrazyneographist meant just for neography, and all the scripts posted there are free to use per request!
Have fun :D
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goldfarthing · 2 years
the map of middle earth on my sketchbook cover – finished! I think next time I'll go larger scale because this was a squeeze 🤧 still can't believe how much I managed to fit on there, and in hobbit lettering no less lmao 💀
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