#family vloggers
glacier--freeze · 1 month
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[ID: Fanart of Timmy Turner praying at his bedside and saying, "i wish every family vlogger goes to hell no matter what". End ID.]
And their adult fans too! [art by orangefrogg]
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shewhotellsstories · 8 months
I feel like the family vlogger thing is inherently exploitative, in part because when it begins the people who will be the most impacted can’t really consent to being involved because of how young they are. Still, I see a lot of people saying they found 8 passengers so sweet and wholesome and the truth is that Ruby Franke being an abuser isn’t shocking if you recognize that children are people. No good parent takes away their kid’s bed for nearly a year over a prank. Or threatens to cut up a preschooler’s favorite stuffed animal as a punishment. What that woman showed for her own children wasn’t tough love, it was contempt and it wasn’t well hidden.
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tisgifrants · 8 months
the 8 passengers mom is finally arrested!!!
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i just wish the kids to be healthy and eat all they can and get the proper treatment because she and that jodi woman are big dunces
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tss-nonstop-nonsense · 8 months
"All entertainment workers should go on strike!"
"Family bloggers children should go on strike!"
Oh boy I wish I could!
Did you know that even if I went on 'strike', parents are still legally allowed to force their kids to work 24/7 for videos on youtube without paying them a cent?
Did you know that there's no current union for child youtubers, even though there's one for regular youtubers and of course, sagaftra for TV and movie actors?
Did you know there's not even a current support group for child youtubers?
Did you know there's one single law in the USA (illinois) working to protect child influencers by giving them half of the profit, even though to qualify you have to reach an impossible average of 10 cents per view?
I'm not sure what I'm saying with this but pretty much it sure would be nice if I had the right (a right which is given to the people by the laws of the United States) to protect myself and my youtube friends under a union.
Can any politicians get to work on that one?
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kidfluencingadvocate · 4 months
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Saw this abhorrent take on Instagram today. Basically this assistant principal thinks that parents should check their children's phones often because kids don't know how to act.
I'm primarily a kidfluencing account, but the idea of being anti-kidfluencing is inherently intertwined with the idea of youth liberation.
The idea of kids having online safety can and should co-exist with the idea of kids having privacy. Full stop.
The post goes on to say that parents should conduct regular and random phone checks on their children. It also says they should "make content" with their children, which just hurt more to see this rhetoric posted by an anti-kidfluencing advocate I admire, mom.uncharted.
This article undermines the intelligence of children while also giving the parents the rights to literally everything their child is doing. And it comes from a leader of one of the most oppressive institutions for children- school.
So are we really surprised?
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blogtaculous · 8 months
Love and light to the child who fled their home to seek help from a neighbor, thus finally bringing forth the full power of the state of Utah down on the human excrements that are Ruby and Kevin Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt.
I wish nothing but misery and misfortune on Ruby’s all star family of Mormon Influencers who acknowledge that they have know for years there was criminal abuse happening to their own nieces and nephews but chose to keep up appearances rather than seek justice. Ellie, Bonnie, and Julie can eat shit and die.
I wish further pain and suffering upon anyone who believes that informal, behind-the-scenes “church justice” is sufficient to address systemic abuses. Fuck you. It doesn’t work, it’s never worked, and choosing not to involve the proper authorities is why numerous children had to suffer in silence while the world applauded their abusers.
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cloama · 2 months
More family vlog kids turn 18 and speak out.
Now a young adult in her 20s looking back on her childhood, Vanessa says the reality of the blog being the family’s main source of income put an enormous amount of pressure on her. “There was this idea that you have to look perfect and pretty and like nothing is wrong all the time in front of the camera,” she says. “And if it seemed like I wasn’t trying hard enough to maintain that image, like my smile wasn’t as bright as it should be or I didn’t say a line with enough enthusiasm…that would usually devolve into accusing me of not caring about our family. I was told by my mom, ‘Do you want us to starve? Do you want us to not be able to make our payment next month on the mortgage?’”
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elliebartlets · 8 months
in light of that “8 passengers” mom vlogger who got arrested for abusing her kids I’d just like to say that all family vloggers are abusive in someway shape or form. they’re literally exploiting their kids for the entire world to see for views and money and they should be illegal
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I hate how many parents uses their kids for money on YouTube, tiktok etc. Especially disabled kids has zero privacy with their parents sharing everything about them. I saw a mother detail private informations about her 6-year-old autistic son on Facebook, videos and all. Even of him taking a bath! family vloggers making monetized videos talking about how hard is having a disabled kid, with their followers praising them for "not giving up" on their kid.
ok so I know I'm showing my age now but like this whole generation that learned absolutely nothing from the truman show. Even millenials and older generations have forgotten about that movie and its lessons.
One of the scariest things about being a family vlogger is that their kids don't have a choice. there's no unions looking out for them, theres no laws prohibiting the parents from overworking their kids. there's a few good posts I've seen about this phenomenon that I'll try to find but yeah inspiration porn is a BIG problem.
mod ali
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daisywrites-stuff · 2 months
part 2
"I don't think your kid is safe out here with the dogs."
"Well, I installed a fence so they can't get in and I gave them earbuds so they can't hear the growling."
"Just because they can't hear the growling doesn't mean it's not there."
"They're perfectly protected from the dogs."
"Installing a fence won't do much. I've seen dogs jump over the fence. They're on the edge of your yard, it wouldn't take much effort for them to jump."
"If dogs jump over the fence, why aren't they doing it right now? They're just watching them, they're not doing any harm."
"But they're growling and barking, can't you hear them?"
"Of course I can hear them, but it's just some barking. They aren't doing anything."
"Just because they aren't doing anything doesn't mean they won't."
part 1 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
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parasocial-work · 1 year
Society owes an apology to youth actors.
Moreover, we should be considering not supporting any work that hasn’t proactively shown how it’s going to protect the best interests of the child through not just production, but the navigation of fame, family stressors, and the seemingly inevitable role that trauma has on addiction and general health.
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shewhotellsstories · 5 months
Maybe it’s because I don’t enjoy seeing people I love distressed, but I hate this Elf on a Shelf thing. If you play a prank and it results in someone else crying, you went too far. If the person crying is three and believes in magic, it’s just mean.
When I was in elementary school my school made a big deal out of every holiday, no matter how arbitrary. We got apple cider on Johnny Appleseed day. The teachers had someone dress up like Santa and walk by the window the last day before Christmas break. Our school even had its own leprechaun, his name was lucky. Our teachers warned us about mischief. “Lucky,” rearranged our name tags and left us chocolate coins while we were at gym class. No 7-year-olds cried.
The way people are willing to risk their relationships for clout astonishes me. There are gonna be a lot of folks crying about their children be NC with them in 20 years. Making your kid cry for fun and then putting it online is bad parenting.
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thedepressedweasel · 8 months
I hope Ruby Fucking Franke gets tortured to death in prison TBH
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gwydionmisha · 2 years
Making Money off Children’s Pain: Family Vloggers 
CW: Child Abuse
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kidfluencingadvocate · 4 months
Can we talk about dhmis as a metaphor for kidfluencing and family youtube channels? (BTW I'm not saying this is the correct point of view or not because its probably not) just pointing out that a lot of the themes in dhmis line up with the practices of family channels.
Roy makes a kid a part of his content, and when other people point out how that's wrong, they get kicked from the show.
Yellow guy says that his dad is a computer, a possible reference to the disconnect he feels towards his own father, as his father is more of his online boss instead of a nurturing figure.
A lot of the harmful messages found in children's TV is even more prevalent on children's youtube, and we need to talk about that.
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Consider this ship dynamic:
Former Family vlogger kid x Normal family kid
sO MUCH UNLEARNING SO MUCH “Well since your here, we’re doing normal family stuff because you never got the chance too”
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