#fact check me on that because i read it on the internet lmao
mlady-magnolia · 9 months
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rollercoasterwords · 11 months
tried to read wfrau as i saw people rec it, but there's something bothering me in that fic. i don't like the alpha-male-ification of remus in wfrau. remus is not a beast who can fight another beast werewolves. he was a timid, sheltered boy in canon, but it's like you're making him fit into the fanon toxic wolfstar heteronormative box. it feels weird to read. please don't make me start on why it seems like you hate sirius OR use sirius as a self-insert to indulge in your fetishization of remus. like why do you write sirius as abused, when it was canonically remus who was disabled. can you consider rewrite some points in the fic, aligned to canon?
lmao where do i even start with this. uhhhhh okay first of all to answer your question - no, i will not be rewriting to make my non-canon-compliant fic more compliant with canon. if you don't like it, i suggest you don't read it! i'm not writing the story for you, and i'm not really sure why you think it would matter to me whether you like it or not. there are plenty of other fics out there that you can go read.
this fic was explicitly written to be a werewolf-fighting ring au. if you don't like remus fighting other werewolves, then i'm baffled as to why you even started it in the first place, considering that it's clearly tagged "werewolf fighting ring." i don't agree with your interpretation of canon that he was a "timid, sheltered" boy; even if i did, this fic is specifically exploring how the characters would be different in an au, non-canon-compliant version of their world. if the gay romance between two men is too heteronormative for you, there are, again, other fics out there that you can read. and if you don't want to read about "toxic" relationships then u DEFINITELY shouldn't read this fic, because none of the relationships in it are wholesome and healthy lmao. if you think i hate sirius...i don't even know what to say lol. like yeah i hate him so much that i've written hundreds of thousands of words of fanfiction about him. that checks out! and remus is fetishized in this fic for being a werewolf, which is a topic that gets explored in-depth in his pov chapter and is not something condoned by the narrative. i'm assuming you didn't read that far, though, and that what you mean by "fetishization" is the fact that sirius finds him sexy. so. again, i think you probably should just not read this fic if characters being sexually attracted to each other bothers you. i write sirius as being abused because that's the story i wanted to tell; not really sure how remus being canonically disabled is something that would cancel that out? those are two separate things. and remus's canonical disability is his lycanthropy, which....also exists in this fic. and is another topic that gets explored throughout the story.
in conclusion i truly cannot emphasize enough that i am not the person out here reccing this fic, i am not trying to grow an audience or go viral or any of that bullshit. not sure where you got the rec from, but i have actually asked people not to post about my fics on tiktok to try and avoid them blowing up there, because i do not want people like you reading them. i include an entire warning on the first chapter about the fact that this fic is dark and deals with heavy topics; i've tagged the fic thoroughly and have also included "additional tags to be added" to remind people that it's a wip and things are subject to change. all this is to emphasize -- i really, really, really don't care if any person reading the fic dislikes it. i don't care if they dislike it so much that they have to stop reading, because i don't care how many people are reading it in the first place!! i'm writing this story purely for fun, for myself, so i'm going to write what i want to write. even if you intended for this message to be polite, it just comes off as incredibly entitled to ask a stranger on the internet to spend hours of time and labor tailoring a story to your specific tastes, and if you think this type of message is okay to send then i think you should genuinely sit down and reevaluate the way you approach fandom. nobody is making you read fics you don't like, so just....don't read them.
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changbinsboiledegg · 8 months
PLEASE I loved your bsf skz reactions and now I want to request head canons for skz as your internet friends? - 👽
F is for friends these days, it seems. Also, I'm so happy you loved them! ILYT. 💜💜💜🫶🫶🫶
Warnings: Swearing.
Note: I liked coming up with these head canons, I hope you guys enjoy them as much as I did! :)
Where you met? Anywhere. He’s probably had you as a mutual for months prior. How do you know he’s not your moot now? Eh?
Now, he says he’s always watching, but baby so am I. That doesn’t scare me.
Okay, seriously. I see him as the type that frequently checks up on you. Just wants to hear from you and about you. Whether you’re happy or sad— Especially when you’re sad, he seems like the type to listen and offer advice, so that’s nice.
Probably doesn’t text much but y’all know why. Man’s in the studio.
The type to send good morning/night texts. Chan strikes me as the person to text you at the ass crack of dawn with a “Good morning! :D” and whole time you’re passed out like a non-idol human would be. (joking. anyone can be awake at ungodly hours)
Probably sends out-of-pocket posts stays make because some of y’all have no fears. Be real, he probably already does this in the gc. If not him, then I’m betting at least Felix.
“Why are they like this?”
“You ask. You're not the famous one.”
Makes sure you’re watching his lives when he does them because If you aren’t watching his lives, you’re getting tossed.
Kidding. But it would make him feel happy that you joined despite the time zone differences depending on where you are in the world, it could be the middle of the night, too early in the morning, or within the same time zone. If you aren’t watching, you better get the footnotes or something, otherwise you’ll get a message, “I see you have other friends to watch.”
Obviously as a joke, I don’t see him as the type to force people to watch him, I mean the dude barely posts, but this is a head-canon so I do sense joking/teasing if you miss a live.
Lee Know
Where you met? Fuck if I know… jk lmao, probably the Pinterest comment section. I Just feel like that’s very Minho… I won’t be elaborating further.
He would send hella pictures… Of his cats.
And of himself, but with the filters he does because I find them endearing and y/n head canon, you’re his hype person.
Remember when he blocked a stay on bubble for getting his cats name wrong?
Yeah. Tread carefully. Learn their names if you haven’t already. He probably won’t block you in this case because you’re his friend, but expect to be left on read for a while.
Fr though, if you don’t like cats, then this head-canon isn’t for you. In fact, riddle me this: How ARE you in this hypothetical situation where you are internet friends with Minho???
I see cat memes in your future. Me personally, I am a dog person. HOWEVER, I like cats too. And I see cat memes and videos because of my cat loving friends. So, if I were Minho’s friend, I would send every cat related post I see. As should you, in this situation.
Obviously, he would do the same too.
I also feel like he’s the type to send a video of something you would be envious of and caption it with, “bet you wish that were you HAHA.”
I once had a dream Minho kept asking what the names of certain songs were, so I’m rolling with it. The man would use you as a human shazam. Hope you can guess the song by the first second. <3
OH imagine spilling tea with Minho. He would be all here for the drama you have to offer, granted that it doesn’t involve him at least.
And of course, not in a way to get himself involved in other people’s drama but everyone who sits similarly to Minho has loved hearing some piping hot tea.
I will not elaborate further on why by the way. All I’m saying is, anyone I’ve met who has the same sitting mannerism as Minho has never passed up the opportunity to hear some tea.
Where you met? Part of me wants to say Instagram. And part of me wants to say twitter. Take your pick.
(My fault, ‘X’ 🤪😒)
Listen,,, basing this on bubble, this mf used to spam my shit. Whether it was about his work out or what he ate or just random photos/ voice messages. He. spammed. my. SHIT.
He spams!!!!
Also, y’all saw how fast he answered TXT’s Yeonjun’s call?
Yeah. I see him as a ‘call me’ type of dude. Lmao. I think he prefers calls because he likes to hear your voice and it makes him feel more connected to you.
I feel like he would also listen to your problems. Make sure you’re okay, eating well, especially if you were having a bad day/night/etc. Like Chan.
And if y’all are his friend, you better do the same or you’ll get thrown. (by me &lt;3)
Come on y’all are breaking my heart, y’all know he doesn’t like doing anything alone, he likes being around someone or talking to someone and you’d be the first person he’d talk to when he’s particularly excited or intrigued about something.
He’ll always wanna chat with you or even stay up with you on a call because you or he couldn’t sleep and I’m not saying this because I’m biased, STOP. I’m gonna get out of here before I cry.
Chan, if you see this, since you’re ‘always watching’, tell Changbin to reject me already. Like actually cause I’m down astronomically bad for this man.
Hyunjinnnnnnn sweetie, you’re up.
A whole sweetheart.
Where y’all met? Instagram. Hands down. Fight me, bite me, whatever. I stand by this.
He’d send pictures of his art before he posts because he wants to show you. :,)
He would be fun to talk to. Like if you say something funny or send something funny, I bet he would smile at his phone and earn suspicious looks from the others or be teased.
Hyunjin strikes me as the type of friend that would send you links or screenshots when you have a question or when you need help with something neither of you have the knowledge of.
Or if you list your symptoms when you’re not feeling well? The sweetie plugs them into google.
Turns out you’ve been dead for the past five years.
Similar to Minho, expect random pictures of Kkami. On topic, off topic, before you wake up, when you wake up, or when you’re sad.
And any pictures you send to him, whether it’s of yourself, the scenery, your own pets— I’m positive he’d love to see the world through your eyes. <3
Lmao I remember this one dream I had where Hyunjin kept taking photos of me so they could be used on a wanted poster for the authorities to find me easier.
Point of that was, I think he would take hella candid's of you if/when y’all meet up one day. And trust me, that day is about to be the most fun day you’ll have.
Prepare to explore, try new things… Or do the same things but together. Your pick.
Where you met? Online video game OR YouTube comment section. Fight me, bite me, whatever part 2, I stand by my head canons unless you present me with a VERY good argument.
In the most RESPECTFUL way possible, I feel like he leaves you on delivered for days on end… Accidentally ofc. It’s an introvert thing.
Another introvert thing, he’s probably not into calls. However, when y’all call, I bet it would be hella fun. If you’re a gamer? Y’all bet it’s all comms in whatever multiplayer video game you decide to play.
Even if you aren’t a gamer, you are now. Unless you want to meet him in the comment section of a random YouTube video.
This is slowly turning into a gamer boy head canon but dude, I feel like he’s pretty quiet when gaming online because he’s focusing but then depending on the game, he’ll scream at random and you’ll rip your headset off because he startled you.
“I forgot you were still in the game.”
“I forgot you were still in the call.”
If it’s a horror game, I can already see you with your headset off and just hearing the chat from a speaker or something, otherwise you’ll wake up the next day with the same hearing you get after being front row at a concert near the speakers.
And if you jump easily or get scared easily to the point where you also scream, best believe Jisung isn’t taking chances either.
Anyways, I know I said he would leave you on delivered for days but like Hyunjin, talking to him would be hella fun. I mean, the man is one of the funniest idols in my opinion.
And for free too?
Just know you’ll be laughing so hard you enter a different plane of reality.
You would have the friendship where if one of you are sad or needs to vent, you’ll drop everything to be there to listen. Doesn’t matter if you’re busy or in a vastly different mood, it’s all ears.
Fighting the urge to not put ‘he would listen’ for every member but I genuinely do believe they would LISTEN.
Jisung seems like the type to send voice messages rather than texts. I KNOW y’all remember that one voice message he sent.
Before I move on; Anime nights with him. Just you two on a call watching the same anime and syncing up the times so neither of you are ahead or behind. :]
Where you met? Probably TikTok. Bet.
Let me set the scene: You’re scrolling on TikTok when you see a TikTok of Felix. You comment on it. Boom, internet friendship has blossomed.
He would send you TikTok's, reels, or shorts. Whatever the man finds funny tbh. It doesn’t matter if YOU find it funny. If he finds it funny, he’s sending it. Now, he would send videos or memes that reminds him of you and ones he knows you would find funny, but the majority? Buckle up.
Bet he would probably get lost in it all and you’ll open your phone to see the ‘57 new messages’ banner. lmao.
“FELIX??? 57???”
‘3 new messages’
“Oh, my bad.”
And then you probably spend nearly an hour trying to watch all of the TikTok's he sends because they are funny. The man has taste.
Danceracha pun intended.
Anyways, it goes both ways too. I did not intend to make Felix sound like a TikTok addict. LMAO I meant… Whatever, y’all know what I meant.
OH expect recipes and pictures of his work in the kitchen. Expect to read mini reviews about his thoughts on these dishes.
I can see you both having the type of friendship where you can freely roast each other and not have your feelings hurt because you know in the end, it’s jokes about you’d both defend each other if anyone else roasted you like that.
Maybe nicknames that sound hurtful to a third party but are actually terms of endearment/ inside jokes between the two of you.
I think it’s funny that every crack edit/ snapchat meme AU I see, Seungmin is the one that sends ‘streaks’ snapchats and it gets me every time so I’m going to keep that going here.
Where you met? Wrong number situation but then you move to snapchat every so often.
“We have an ⌛.”
… A few seconds later, you get a message indicating it’s your turn on 8 ball.
No but Seungmin is such a sweetie, idc what y’all have to say about that. I see him as the type to watch/read/do something just because you like it and want someone to talk about it to.
Even if he isn’t particularly interested, he just wants to talk with you more, even if it means treading into territories he swore not to.
Back to snapchat… Or any social media, anything you post, he’s usually always the first person to see it. Unintentionally, but hey, you’re the one posting at the same time he decides to come online.
Always so happy when you message him, letting him know you’ve preordered their albums or even just watched/listened to their comebacks. Your support means a lot to him and he hopes to/is as supportive to you in the things you choose to pursue.
Even hobbies, he doesn’t judge.
I also think he, like Felix, has the ‘roast each other without consequences’ dynamic.
Seungmin loving train does not STOP and I hope y’all choo choo the fuck out of the way if you’re gonna disagree.
Where you met? Haha, he actually met you irl first and because he was only in the area for a day, you swapped info and now you have a time zone separating you.
Luckily, he didn’t text you once and then became another follower!
I feel like he’s the chaotic internet friend. If you’ve been on the internet long enough, I know you’ve had one.
Y’all probably think it’s Jisung that would have this title, and it probably is, but Jeongin??
For example, Y’all remember that one live he did where he drank hella energy drinks & 3racha was in the states?
Yeah. Unsupervised time go brrrr. Okay? and you’re the one that hears about it first hand because he’s doing chaotic shit over video calls or texting messages and you can’t do anything.
He knows you can’t.
“Hey :)” - “Guess what?”
“God damnit.”
“I bought four giant bags of sugar.”
He likes to joke with you a lot. For example, he was kidding about having four giant bags of sugar.
But your reaction was funny to him, therefore he will keep joking around like this because he loves your reactions and he loves that you haven’t blocked him for giving you so much grief.
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not-goldy · 8 months
Not your followers thinking Jimin doesn't need to be big star also. Are they even sane ??? EACH AND EVERY MEMBER IN BTS IS AMBITIOUS AF, ESPECIALLY JM. But unlike JK, JM is not airhead to keep on saying he want to be next big thing, want to be seen as this het fuckboy who only sings about sex to be seen as mature, want to be one and only kpop star to do so bla bla bla all while not lifting a pen to write songs, won't have streams and sales without a 938397328 versions and all that mediaplay from company. Or atleast the bare minimum hold a mic properly and talk/sing without fidgeting and embarrassing yourself. How you gonna dominate western market without even communication skills lmao.. those times when he used to stand in shade of RM is gone lol. Jk's big project DREAMERS debuted under bubbling 100 while JM gave that YG company their 1st hot 100 entry by a collab. So saying JK is this and that while we are not seeing results organically is dumb af. Golden maknae because he sing and dance some white man's songs which company already bought success for ? Oh there's 100 other artists who sings and dance way better than him. He can't hold 5 mins on stage if he's doing a dance battle with Jimin lol.
What company doing to members IS INJUSTICE AF.. especially Jimin who fucking proved he can also be the 'next big thing'. But they conveniently sweep him under rug so his shine won't affect their industry plant launch. Or why can't they support him too ???? Is it that difficult ? JK didn't do a shit and got everything. I BET HE WONT DEBUT NO.1 FOR SEVEN NOR GET ALL THOSE RECORDS IF IT WAS NOT THE PUSH FROM SCOOTS. BE FR. Go and check his BB points to see how payola impacted his chart. It would've been a -48 like 3D on second week too. While what we asked for Jimin was the deserved support in 2nd week for a song which fucking went no.1 with fans support and artist impact alone. It's NOT secretly wishing JK's treatment for JM, but asking what he fucking deserves. Literally any company will give the extra promos for his in 2nd week but not hybe who's on a mission to sell themselves to somehow establish JK in west 😬
And don't say JM will chose me over JK. Did I said I want JM to chose me ????? THIS IS HIS CAREER HE WORKED HARD FOR NOT A FUCKASS RELATIONSHIP. Even if you look at their relationship also, it's the same lol. JM keep on giving and giving him his everything while JK sit back and enjoy Jimin while not even bothering to post a simple bday wish or go and meet him even after him begging a 100 times.
YOU CANT CALL OTHERS JK ANTIS BECAUSE THEY SEE TRUTH AND SAY IT OUT LOUD. Ask him to play fairly like a man 1st, then we will see who's the real winner here ?
You are crazy if you think money, connections, power, politics, privilege and luck play zero role in making a star. Please find other 2 yr olds and hug them, don't bring this shit to the adult table its embarrassing.
I'm embarrassed for you.
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Go weep somewhere else.
You gonna come on the internet and bitch complain bout how the entertainment industry is not fair WELL BOO HOO CRY ME A RIVER YOU LOSER.
And make sure you come with a costume next time so we know the circus from whence you came Missy Clowniot.
You give PJMs a bad name you ASS HAT
You sound like those whiny kpop losers who complain BTS has privilege and connections and power and their lame loser favs don't- as if power and connections are things you throw on people's laps.
And the fact you out here farting yourself in the name of Park Jimin irks me so much. Here's the truth you want so bad, YOU SUCK. And you making Jimin out to be pathetic too damn.
Now I know it's not Park Jimin you out here acting like he's inferior and a victim and a loser who needs the bar to be lowered and for people to choose him love him play fair and nice before he can win. Child THE AUDACITY.
I know he's not the one you fucking dragging through the mud indirectly with these brain dead waste of breathe rants.
The nerve and audacity for you to even compare him to- WELL ANY ONE I'M ABOUT TO PUT HANDS ON YOU FOR THAT.
It's the lack of intelligence and you not taking a hint and you not knowing when to stop- FUCK IT LET'S GET NASTY THEN.
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transgymbro · 2 months
im sure youve probably answered this before, but do you have a specific gym routine you follow? or one you could recommend?
my issue with the gym isnt even an issue of social anxiety or body insecurity, it's the fact that i genuinely have zero clue what im doing lmao 😅 any advice at all is appreciated, thanks man
I actually haven't answered this one before! This is under a "read more" because it got stupid long. Also sorry this has taken so long I've been grinding on my finals
Disclaimer: I'm not an expert, I'm literally just some guy on the internet who likes going to the gym. Please consult an expert such as a doctor or fitness coach if possible before trying anything I say. If you happen to be an expert/experienced in this, please correct me if I got anything wrong. Also, YMMV.
So generally, when you go to the gym your routine is going to depend on your goals and how many days you're going to be able to go.
If your main goal is to cut (lose body fat): You want to concentrate on cardio, and if you do strength training at all you should focus on lighter weight with a higher number of reps each set
If your main goal is to bulk (gain muscle mass and strength): You'll want to aim for less cardio, heavier weights, and less repetitions.
WARNING: Be careful when you are going up in weight, you can seriously injure yourself if you try to lift something that's too heavy. What I mean by be careful is:
Make sure you can move your current weight easily before trying the next one up. That is, don't go up until you're able to do 15 reps on that weight.
When you move up in weight, don't go up by more than 5-10 lbs. This will make sure that if it turns out you can't lift as much as you thought, you won't hurt yourself.
Have a spotter with you, if possible. If you have someone who can/wants to go to the gym with, you, take them, especially if they have more experience. Having someone there to catch the weight can make the difference on whether or not you get injured.
Listen to your body. If you are hurting/experiencing sharp/unusual pain, STOP and either go down in weight or stop altogether for the day.
Make sure your form is correct. Lifting with bad form is already likely to injure you, and the risk goes up the heavier you're lifting. You can have someone else check you or check online for tutorials.
As for your exercises across the week, it depends on how much time you have to spend in the gym. Some people have time every single day to go, and others can only go maybe two days a week. Regardless of how much time you have though, it is important to give your muscles a chance to rest. Now, this doesn't mean you CAN'T go every single day, you absolutely can if you know what you're doing. But generally for people who are new to the gym I wouldn't recommend it. For one, if you're not used to the strain you're going to take longer to recover and get over the soreness, and if you're super sore it'll be difficult to really push yourself. Also, beginners aren't typically in tune with their body yet, that is, they don't know when to stop pushing to avoid injury. So, it's best to split the muscles you work out across your gym days.
A very common one routine is called the push-pull split. This divides the muscles you will work out into two groups, depending on their motion. The muscles that go in each category are
Push: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, Quads, Calves
Pull: Back, Biceps, Glutes, Hamstrings.
Typically, one would go to the gym 4 days per week and do: push, pull, push, pull, or vice versa. However, this split is also good for people who can only work out twice a week. My brother actually goes to the gym three times per week (last I checked with him) and modifies this split into push, pull, and legs, so this is another option if you want to really make sure you're getting a pump on your legs.
My personal split is a three day split of muscle groups. Shoulders/biceps/triceps, chest/back, and abs/legs. This is how my aunt (former amateur bodybuilder) trained me when she was getting me into weightlifting and I've generally kept the same routine, but you're free to switch any of those days or muscle groups around, so you could do something like biceps/trips/back, abs/chest, shoulders/legs. Generally I would try to keep biceps and triceps together since both are your arm muscles, but that's really only a personal preference.
For the most part, what you choose to do here is up to you as long as you make sure you're giving your muscles a chance to rest.
Now we're getting into specifics: How many reps? How many sets? Generally, 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps on a weight that is manageable but challenging (i.e. you can lift it, but you're getting tired at about the last 2-3 reps). However, there are some (not exhaustive) special cases that I'm listing below
Cutting - Do you remember what I said about low weight high reps earlier? This is where it comes in. If you're on a cut you may want to go for a lighter weight than your normally would (for example, if you usually lift about 20 lbs use the 10 lb weights) and go for 15-20 reps, or if you're advanced, until failure.
Strength gain - High weight, low reps. You'll want something a bit on the heavier side, but you'll only be doing this for about 5-8 reps per set. I do recommend, however, grabbing a lighter weight as well and doing what we call a drop set (we'll get into what this is in a second). Once again: be careful when lifting very heavy weights. You don't want to injure yourself.
The Big Three (Deadlift, Squat, Bench Press) - These ones are the ones people tend to try and go as heavy as they can go on. They are the most rewarding, but also the most dangerous lifts you can do. If you are a beginner, do not attempt going heavy on these without a spotter. Generally for these, you'll want to do less reps the heavier you go. If you have a spotter you can go for a one rep max, where you lift the most weight you know you can lift for exactly one rep. Alternatively, these can go hand in hand with strength gaining, and because of how heavy these can get, you may end up only getting 3 reps in (I can only bench 145 lbs for 2 reps right now).
Drop Set - A drop set is a set where you start with a weight slightly heavier than what you can complete a full set with, do a low amount of reps, and then drop down to a lower weight and repeat, up to the lowest weight available to you. These are very good for building your strength, because they allow you to keep going and working your muscles without injuring yourself. Example: I want to drop set my bicep curls. I can bicep curl about 25 lbs for 10-12 reps. I would start with 30 lbs, do 5 reps, then drop to 25 lbs and do 5 reps there. I could stop there, especially if I'm using dumbbells because I don't want to have that many dumbbells with me, but I could go to 20 lbs, do 5 reps, then to 15 lbs, and then repeat until I'm using 5 lbs. These usually work best with machines rather than free weights because again: there is definitely such a thing as too many dumbbells.
Also: Make sure your first set is a warmup set. That is, do slightly lighter weight and slightly more reps to get your muscles warmed up and ready to lift the heavier stuff. Warming up your muscles will give you a chance to practice your form and prepare your body to handle the heavy shit.
I will also say that your diet will have a massive impact on how fast/whether you reach your goals, but since you asked about the gym specifically, I'm sticking to that scope.
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nothing0fnothing · 16 days
when i post things about narc abuse on my blog i occasionally get ppl being like "don't classify all ppl with npd as abusers!!!" when i didn't say that? tbh on the whole "is narc abuse ableist" thing i defer to my best friend's wisdom, he recently graduated with a BA in psychology (im so proud!!!) and he said smth to the effect of "if you're trying to diagnose them with npd to demonize them then yeah not good but also narcissistic is a word independent of that diagnosis so context is important" its like how ppl without depression can still say theyre depressed or someone without anxiety can say theyre anxious yknow? context matters! i call my parents narc abusers bc it "fits the bill" as in from the medical studies ive read from professionals, all this criteria fits their behavior, not bc i actually believe they have npd. their actions are narcissistic but actually having npd is a question i can't answer.
the point being: im sure you get a lot more comments like that on your blog than my own. the few i get make me upset for a while bc it feels so invalidating (or maybe im just chronically online lmao.) how do you deal with it all? i'm sure the answer is just "block" but does it go deeper? it must feel awful to be called ableist when all you've done is try to spread awareness about a very real thing that happened to you. i could use some of your strength bc your blog is still going strong even amidst the hate 🙏
This ask was actually so lovely to read. You're eloquent and educated and if you'd like to dm me please do any time I'd love to chat with you and check out your blog.
You're absolutely right about narcissism and NPD. Narcissism is a personality trait. One that most healthy people posses. You can't diagnose someone a narcissist, because "narcissist" isn't a disorder.
There's a misconception that NPD is the clinical diagnosis for excessive narcissism. Actually, the diagnostic criteria for NPD is very clear that one does not even have to have narcissistic traits to be diagnosed with it. And it has nothing to say about abusing others, so how recognising abuse is considered a drive by diagnosis of NPD is beyond me.
Saying your abuser is narcissistic doesn't mean you think your abuser has this specific disorder. We know this so to us it's common sense. Unfortunately common sense isn't so common, especially in the narcissistic positivity side of this app.
It's so easy to feel provoked when you know all this, and you're educated and you just want to make content that will connect you to a community of other survivors. Only for some asshole who barely knows what NPD is, decides they're going to make your trauma all about it. It's not chronically online to be made upset by behaviour like that. People like to tell us the Internet isn't real, but when it's our connection to communities of people who share our niche experiences, it is real. Don't undermine yourself when you feel upset like that. Words can hurt anyone, even when they come from an ignorant low life who thinks they can clean up the internet, one trauma support blog at a time.
Me personally? I like to wait to hit the block button till after I've goaded them into an absolute breakdown. It entertains me to no end to watch them rage like toddlers as they start to realise they know next to nothing on a topic I've absolutely schooled them in. It sounds cruel but I have no sympathy for arseholes, especially when they're intentionally spamming random accusations and slurs on my vent posts in hopes they can get a rise out of a vulnerable person. I might make a "narcissists rage at facts and logic" compilation for my own amusement... But that's not really helpful advice to anyone who isn't a bitter hag, like me.
When I first started on this platform I kept my most common response paragraphs in my notes and clipboard to paste and post when I got the same asks day in and day out. It really helped me to reply in a measured way I knew was proof read and edited without having to exert the mental energy it takes to type out a whole reply every time you get one. This of course is if you're so inclined to engage with them.
I also have a limit for how long I'll engage. Usually my rule is I stop responding when they stop asking questions, because my blog is here to be supportive, not to receive criticism from the pro narcissist community. When they stop being coherent and and start being belligerent, that's when will always I block them and that's usually the end of it.
I did have one guy who I'd blocked on 3 or 4 seperate accounts for being belligerent. He was making new accounts every time to spam my asks and reblogs with increasingly ridiculous, heinous and obviously ragebaity shit. I just reposted his replies onto reddit where the crowd is, let's say, more critical of behavior like that. He had an epic meltdown and I've never seen his username ever again. If you're not comfortable doing that, let me know and I'll do it for you. You'd be doing me a favour because I'm a little shit and I love to watch the fireworks.
My last bit of advice to you is to make mutuals and make them friends. I struggle with being sociable in any consistent way, but a few messages back and forth to foster a good relationship with the community is so helpful. It makes your blog feel like an actual supportive environment. It puts your content across the dashboards of more sympathetic people and less losers thanks to the algorithm. Most importantly, when you have friends on this app they're more likely to back you up when an absolute cretin who snuck onto earth decides to pick on you for no reason. Having that back up is invaluable to blogs like ours and it's so important to have it when you're just starting out, especially if you're already getting the narc apologists in your notifs.
That being said, I genuinely do hope you reach out to me. I'd love to be able to send you some more of my strength when you need it. 💛🤎💛
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monzamash · 2 months
just don’t understand why u keep saying you’ve gone off daniel because of ‘what he said/did earlier in the season’ yet ur perfectly happy to write for lando who also made questionable comments idk just feels hypocritical. what made landos comments ok but daniels so horrid lol it makes no sense 👍 if u want to be a daniel hater just come out and say it instead of being all coy about it and pretending like ur not being weird about it cause u say u won’t write for him and then u update ur layout and put up a picture of it lmao so which is it
i don’t know if this is the same anon that’s been sending me shit every second day for months about this - i’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say it’s not because of the way you’ve typed this out but the message is still the same and this is the last straw.
i don’t hate daniel. if you look at my last post i said that he’s a big part of why i fell in love with f1. he was also the reason i started this blog so just because i’m not writing for him now, doesn’t mean i hate him. it’s not as black and white for me as it seems to be for you.
writing doesn’t define my blog - its something i do when i feel like it and most of the time i’m either chatting with you guys on here or supporting other writers. it was a fun escape but lately it’s been the opposite of that.
people may not like this but in my opinion daniels comments were significantly more damaging than landos vague response to a question that nobody could factually corroborate. i don’t think i’m alone in thinking that. daniel straight up said the one thing i personally hate the most when someone’s defending an abuser which is, “well [insert name] has always been good to me so…” that’s what upset me the most and now i have no desire to write for him. that is simply how i feel and if you don’t agree/understand, it’s all good. try and find other blogs who do share your views. makes life a lot easier.
anyway, did daniels comments make me want to erase every trace of him from my blog? no but i made it clear that i wouldn’t be writing for him for the foreseeable future and if anything changed, i would give people the heads up. what i absolutely won’t be doing is caving in to bullies who hide behind a shadow on the fucking internet who say i that i should delete my blog and myself while i’m at it.
so the context of why i made a header with daniel in it was that i thought including him would allow people the chance to bounce if they don’t want to read any daniel fics or interact with a blog that had a lot of daniel content in the past - people hate him and have made sure to tell me how fucked i am to still have his fics in my masterlist. thats the sort of hate that really gets to me because i’m so proud of some of those fics and spent a lot of time on them. that’s one reason why I won’t ever delete them but it’s also because there are daniel fans out there who hopefully feel like they can still interact with me even if we don’t share the exact same opinion. i don’t want that to change.
another thing to note is that this header was up for like two seconds and the fact you saw it must mean you’re just stalking my page? are you checking in to call me out the second i do something wrong? and you think i’m weird? alright lol
lastly, saying i’m being coy and weird isn’t fair - i’ve been honest about where i stand and even when i’ve been unsure, i was still being upfront and owning the fact that i didn’t know what direction this blog would take after all that. so if what i’ve said in this post or in the past isn’t enough for you, then just leave please. literally leave me alone because i don’t want to do this anymore.
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shiverandqueeef · 10 months
looking at the notes of your bands poll is like. nobody knows how to not be over-familiar and violently aggressive to strangers on line. @ everyone in your reblogs Cool It Or Else.
*long beleaguered sigh* yeeeeaaaaaaah. tbf it's only a handful of people who have been outright crossing a line (don't? threaten to kill me??? i mean there is a cute jokey way to do that but i don't know you and you have worded it very aggressively)
also i have almost certainly been guilty of the same behavouir myself - especially the whole 'demanding to know why [insert whatever] hasn't been included on the post without first checking the notes to find out if OP has already added the thing'.
It's just so so frustrating to have so many ppl in the notes expressing outrage (even fun, good-natured "outrage") over either a band/musician they like not being included (they are in a different poll! they were included!!! AHHHH!!!!) or demanding to know where fucking celine dion or rush is because i didn't make it clear in the first poll that the whole point was "popular in canada, unknown(ish) everywhere else" i think i kind of assumed it was obvious...but uh. turns out people can not, in fact, read my mind. also pissing on the poor and all that.
anyways. im still having fun with it. but yeah, i am unfortunately at a follower count that is high enough for there to be a decent chance of a post taking off, but too low for any secondary/follow up posts to circulate at nearly the same level. all my (relatively) popular posts have a lot of very angry and/or confused ppl in the notes demanding to know something that has already very much been answered lol. and i have yet to master the whole not caring about people being wrong on the internet thing. it's been 10+ years of being on the internet (and frequently the person who is wrong lmao) but i still haven't figured it out! 😂
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tragicclownwrites · 1 year
im curious, when did you first get interested in squidbob?
Ooh, my first ask 🤗 and what a great question to start with!
It's honestly such a weird story lmao but the short version is that I didn't find SquidBob. SquidBob found me. 🧽🐙
As for the long version, answering/rambling below the cut!
I think it happened just under a year ago or so? It was definitely sometime in late 2022/early 2023. Before then, I wasn't even remotely in the fandom and was more or less part of the group who had seen SBSP but wasn't involved beyond that.
When we were younger, my sister and I played Battle for Bikini Bottom on the PS2. So when the "Rehydrated" version came out, she hit me up and was like "omg they made a remake! we have to play it!" and I was all "hell yeah! nostalgia ftw!" (def worth it - it's a good time and everyone looks so damn adorable 🥹).
If you've played that game and you're in the fandom, you're probably pretty familiar with this moment (clip actually starts at :12). 😉😂 HOWEVER, this wasn't even the moment that initially caught my attention. In fact, it was actually THIS one between Robot Plankton and Robot Spongebob (who is terrifying btw). My sister and I got to this part in the game and were just...👀👀. Like, why was Robot Plankton (who is essentially a clone of real Plankton) thinking of Robot Spongebob like that? Kinda gay if you ask me. Long story short, I shipped PlankBob (ironically) for a hot minute lmao.
I started looking online to see if anyone else was crack-shipping it up like I was and I think that's when I came across SquidBob in earnest. I had remembered seeing some rather interesting moments between them in the past, but strangely never thought anything of it until I started looking below the surface. A few YouTube clips later, my memory was beginning to refresh - and those clips weren't even close to exhaustive! I just couldn't believe how unsubtle these two were! Like, HOW COULD I BE SO BLIND!?
For shits and giggles, I then decided to check AO3 to see if there were any fics about them. One of the fics I came across was none other than NBYF - the very fic that inspired my first work in this fandom! After reading it like four times, I was HOOKED. I needed more. So, I ended up on Tumblr and have been here ever since. 🥰
For added backstory, I've been in and out of fandoms over the years, but never felt the need to be active in any of them. Whether it was fandom discourse, fleeting interest, etc., I didn't want to get involved in any of that and, oftentimes, the canon just didn't inspire me to create my own works.
Needless to say, I'm so thankful to have found this small corner of the internet. Everyone has been so cool thus far and it's been really fun to write fics for SquidBob. I've always been a bit of a sucker for the grump x sunshine ship dynamic, so this pair is just perfection. 🌧️❤️☀️✨ One of these days I'll do an entire post about why I ship them. Someday lol. And given how episodic the SBSP show is, that actually helps a ton for writing - it's great to be able to stay true to the canon while not committing to any solid timelines or anything like that. I mean, even the actual show has continuity issues, so no one can fault me if I decide to switch things up a bit. 😜 I tend to prefer canon divergence vs. AUs when it comes to fanfiction as well because I really enjoy the challenge of working with an existing world/characters and creating a unique story for it all.
So, that's my fandom origin story. Not the most cut-and-dry (and probably not what you were asking) lmao but that's essentially where it all started! I'd be interested in hearing when/how you got into SquidBob hell, if you haven't already posted about it. 😊
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otteroflore · 5 months
I wanted to look into the former fans of james somerton and what they were saying online and honestly reading some of the stuff they said was... it made me so uncomfortable
a lack of willingness to address their own biases when it came to his misogyny ("oh it was just one line in an hour long video" when hbomb listed so many crucial things);
but more than that, them saying "oh i didnt know anything about aids, about the pink triangle, etc etc"
and people in the comments saying "its okay, its understandable, queer media is buried"
i think the thing that bothers me is if you watch any non-james-somerton queer youtuber, 1, they also talk about this, but like. not to be all "google is free sweetie" on them, but wikipedia is right there. And yeah, wikipedia isn't the best source for information but if you've only heard briefly about queer issues, you can just look up "queer theory" "queer history" "AIDS" literally anything and check the sources (which is how somerton made his videos anyways lmao)
Idk, the person said they didnt know anything about queer history or characters because they "arent on twitter" which is just such a... nonsense reason
i mean, i think the thing that really gets me isn't the idea that people trusted their favorite parasocial bond, but the fact they weren't interested in learning about queer theory when it wasn't coming from this one guy. That they didn't even try to google additional information- even if they couldn't peg the lies, there had to have been gaps in the history or things they'd want to learn more about right?
Maybe im misreading this but I wonder if its the younger generations aversion to using the fullness of the internet and just using video streaming platforms for all their information. And I know theres massive problems with googles presentation of info and content farms, but wikipedia alone could debunk a lot of the shit somerton lied about.
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arctichotch · 2 years
AH blogs always seem to forget one thing: she was found guilty, with malice, on all three counts of defamation. You can go on and on and on and on about how JD apparently had no evidence, or hyperbolic text messages this or but he trashed a hotel room in the 90s that, but it doesn't matter.
With malice means she was proven, to a legal standard, to have lied. More evidence than the UK (farce of a) trial, more witnesses, more time, and she still lost. Why is that? Answer that one question without relying on your safety net of, "Oh the judge and jury and defence were all incompetent/crooked/unprofessional! That must be it!" and the only answer you can honestly come to is, she lied.
this genuinely made me laugh lmao
first of all, she wasn’t found guilty. that’s not how that works.
secondly, you saying the UK trial was a farce while believing that the US trial was perfect is just hilarious. why may i ask was the UK trial a farce? because the judge’s neighbours aunts dogs cousin worked for the Sun??
third, i’m not a lawyer but i have read up on what lawyers, particularly experts in this area, think of this verdict, and they think it’s a whole load of horseshit most of the time. hell, they have lists of grounds for appeal for amber.
and finally, yes the judge and jury was FUCKED. that jury fella pretty much said that amber’s vibes were off. he said that she wasn’t stable on the stand, that she looked at the jury too much and made them uncomfy 🙄🙄 where as JD was more put together ?? i guess for him a victim should be laughing and snickering and having hilarious clap backs.
the jury were literally seen taking naps during testimony. there was that one chap kept on even though his wife had texted him “Amber is psychotic”
the juror that came forward confirmed that social media was accessed by some of the jurors. which is like beyond wrong
and the judge??? she allowed her courtroom to become a media circus. she allowed cameras and livestreams. the odds were stacked against amber the second this decision was made. also isn’t there some kind of rule in virginia that testimony about sexual assault shouldn’t be filmed?? amber had to describe her rape to MILLIONS how is that a fair trial??
she also didn’t sequester the jury. she left them everyday with a “don’t check the internet” speech as if that does anything. this case was EVERYWHERE because she allowed it to be live-streamed. the jury should have been sequestered.
the judge also allowed edited pictures and audio from JD’s side?? that whole picture from the train?? was fake and it was allowed in.
then there’s the fact the gallery was filled with JD supporters every single day. if you think even just that didn’t impact the jury then idk what to say
so if you think it’s best to believe 7 randos, with a clear bias in this case, who have openly said they accessed social media during the case despite being told not to and think amber is a nut job because she looked at the jury and cried over believing 3 different unbiased, experienced UK judges? then i am so sorry, you should get your IQ level checked
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caliburn-the-sword · 10 months
no hate at all, just w h y?? what about this question is so embarrassing that you gotta be anonymous?? also i don't remember ever mentioning we have camels on this page so i love how you just consult your friendly neighbourhood aussie instead of like. google FKSDHFHKS. i was about to go "omg how DARE you just assume i'm from the outback and just know these things i'm literally a city rat" and realised that i DID in fact know these things because of school LMAO (astronomically rare aus high school curriculum W for not glossing over the history of poc in this country). i don't normally do this but that question was so random and shocking that i just HAVE to dive into this lmao just don't expect this to become a regular thing
okay, i wouldn't know about FERAL camels, but i do know about camels. south asian and middle eastern cameleers are the unsung heroes of australia fr, so time for a crash course in history with me <3
now, australia is REALLY fucking big right?? we're only a bit smaller than mainland usa. and like a WHOLE lot of australia is desert, which the useless brit colonisers couldn't traverse if their lives DEPENDED on it (both figuratively and literally; many died) but travel across states and exploration was becoming increasingly necessary. now part of this reason is that horses are Not built for the outback. but you know what IS built for desert?? camels. and who has both access to both camels and an ability to traverse desert?? south asian and middle eastern people.
so between the 18 hundreds and 1920s (you'll have to forgive me for a lack of specifics because it's been 3 years since i've last taken modern history) australia started letting in cameleers predominantly muslim from india and pakistan. these amazing people were the absolute BACKBONE of exploration, transporting goods and stuff between cities and all that. they also established the firsts mosques in australia!!
the need for cameleers pretty much stopped in the 1920s. most cameleers couldn't remain in australia because of the white australia policy, which basically barred immigration of anyone who wasn't a WASP. they were forced back to their old countries, and released their camels into the outback since they couldn't be brought back.
now i think feral camels DOES ring a bell from what i studied of robyn davidson in eng adv. the camels descended from the cameleers' camels are the feral ones in the outback. she was the first woman to cross the desert back in the 70s. check out her autobiography tracks. the only thing i really remember from it was her having to shoot and kill feral camels to survive, but not because it's poorly written, just because i have to read a LOT for eng LMAO. my entire class was actually really invested in it.
like MANY animals introduced to australia, camels are actually NOT good for the environment. very harsh on native plants and wildlife. can't go into specifics because i frankly don't know enough and i'm too lazy for google (i guess that would make two of us) but that's not the camels fault or the cameleers' fault obviously. everyone say it with me: fuck the brits.
ANYWAY this is far from extensive. as fun as it is for me to get to ramble on about history, i'm no expert, and i'd definitely recommend reading more up on it if it's of interest to you. and PLEASE don't trust me on this, i'm just a stranger on the internet. i didn't google jack shit, just went purely off memory. fact check me. don't just completely absorb this blindly. or do. who am i to tell you what to do?? i'm not your mum.
this was fun!!! i really hope dear anon sees this, or if they're not following me, that it happens upon their feed by some stroke of luck
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fablefics · 1 year
My One and Only | Sebastian Sallow - Chapter Seven
Word Count (Chapter): 2225
Spoiler Warning: like the whole game idk I make a lot of references so if you don’t want spoilers just don’t read this yet lmao
This is very slow-burn, it’s gonna be a long one, strap in.
A/N - I changed the MCs name because it fell too self-inserty, using my internet name. Now her name is Helena (actually my Hufflepuff MC but she’s still a Slytherin in the fic for the sake of continuity). Apologies if this is confusing. If it’s easier, it’s all posted on Ao3 with the MC’s name being Helena the entire time. 
Sebastian had meant to check in on Helena the previous night but by the time he left the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom the moon was high in the sky, and he knew that she would be asleep. He had decided that he’d get her in the morning for breakfast and had gone to bed. He slept like a rock most nights, but that night had brought nightmares. He had dreamt of the night in the Feldcroft Catacombs, his uncle’s lifeless body, and the look on Anne’s face when she realized what he had done. He startled awake and it took him a few moments to realize where he was. He was in his room, in the faculty tower. The sun had just barely started to crest over the hills surrounding the castle, casting a sleepy, morning haze through the room. 
Sebastian stood and accio’d a clean pair of black trousers and a black button-up to him. He didn’t feel like dressing nice today, he just wanted to get started on his work, now that he had Helena around to help him. He didn’t even bother with a tie, just slipped into his shoes and made his way out into the hallway. Professor Ronen had the room right next to his, and the older wizard was standing in the hallway talking to Professor Shah. They both stopped talking as they noticed Sebastian leaving his room. 
“Good morning, Sebastian,” Satyavati smiled warmly, but Sebastian could tell that had been talking about him by the awkward feeling in the air.
“Professor Shah,” Sebastian smiled, “What were you discussing?”
Neither of the older professors spoke for a moment but finally Abraham spoke up, “Well it seems your situation just keeps getting more unique.”
Sebastian figured they’d been talking about Helena’s sudden appearance in the castle last night. It had been such a sudden decision that Matilda hadn’t been able to warn the other professors about the witches arrival. Sebastian simply nodded, “Well, as you both know, it’s a unique year. Not every day a student joins us as a fifth year.”
“Of course,” Satyavati seemed to accept this explanation, “And I’m sure you’ll appreciate having the help. Your first year of teaching is always difficult.”
“Yes,” Abraham nodded in agreement with his colleague, “I’m sure Miss DuPont will be an excellent resource, you’ll be glad to have her around.”
Sebastian felt like the two were having a silent conversation he was not allowed to hear with their subtle glances to each other. To avoid any further discomfort he quickly said goodbye to the two professors and made his way across the hall to Helena’s room. He knocked firmly on the dark wooden door.
“It’s open, Sebastian,” Helena called from inside the room.
“How did you know it was me?” Sebastian asked as he entered the barren room.
“You’ve knocked the same way since we were teenagers,” Helena laughed, “Literally, the exact same pattern and weight.”
“You noticed that?” Sebastian smiled as the witch laughed. It was like a melody he wanted to listen to all the time. He blamed this feeling on nostalgia, and absolutely nothing else.
“Sebastian Sallow,” Helena was curled up in the window seat on the far side of the room, she turned to look him in the eyes, “I notice everything.”
Sebastian crossed the room to look at the book she was reading. Ancient Runes Made Easy. He was sure she had already read it. It seemed like she had read every book in the library during their time at Hogwarts, but this one, he knew for a fact, she had already read. The first time she was reading it was in the Undercroft, they had been skipping class and debating what to do for the holidays. Since Sebastian had no family to go home to, and Helena’s family had essentially disowned her after she went to Hogwarts, the two ended up spending the break together in the castle. They would go to Hogsmeade and make the most of the lack of crowds, Sirona had always given them a discount on their butterbeer, even if they told her not to. 
“Refreshing your memory on runes?” Sebastian pulled the book out of the witch’s hands.
“I couldn’t sleep. I grabbed the first book in my trunk,” Helena explained as she got out of the window seat. She was already dressed. She had traded in her leather pants for a knee-length black skirt and a simple white button-up with a green vest. Sebastian realized that all it was missing was a Slytherin patch on the vest. They were the same clothes the witch had worn when she was a student.
“You’re going to get mistaken for a student,” Sebastian laughed.
“I don’t own much besides beaten up work clothes,” Helena lightly punched the man in the arm, noticing again how much he had come into his own since they had graduated. 
“You look great,” Sebastian stopped laughing and tried his best to give her a sincere compliment. They had never been the kind of friends who would compliment each other and the only kind of physical contact they were willing to give each other was the odd punch or high-five. It was almost like they knew if they let themselves get more comfortable with each other, it would go much further than they anticipated. 
Helena blushed, “Thank you.”
There was an awkward silence before Sebastian clapped his hands together, “Well, time for breakfast then. Most of the other professors seem to have already heard about your arrival.”
“Wonderful,” Helena said sarcastically. She knew how odd the situation was and dreaded having to lie to her professors, now colleagues, once again.
Sebastian opened the door and held it for her as they left her room. He led her up the stairs to the common area. They were earlier than most of the other professors. Only Abraham and Satyavati were already seated at one of the tables. Sebastian led Helena to the other table, but before she sat down next to him, she went to greet her old professors.
“Miss DuPont,” Abraham stood and shook the witch’s hand, “We are surprised but happy that you are joining us. I’m sure Mister Sallow is happy to have your help. You two were inseparable during your time as students. Seems that hasn’t changed has it?”
Helena blushed, but her back was to Sebastian. Sebastian frowned, we weren’t that close… were we? He decided to tune out the rest of the conversation and focus on the mountain of food in front of him. He had to admit, he was incredibly happy to have real food again, when he was traveling he ate whatever scraps he could find. Now he was getting a seemingly unlimited amount of warm, fresh food. As he fantasized about the food, he felt Helena’s hand on his shoulder as she dropped into the seat next to him.
“Are you okay?” She asked.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Sebastian responded through a mouth full of bacon and eggs.
“You looked like you were somewhere else,” Helena grabbed a cinnamon muffin off the table, a small action that made Sebastian’s heart skip a beat with nostalgic happiness.
“I was in the kitchen, eating as much food as the house elves could prepare.”
Helena rolled her eyes as she bit into the muffin. It tasted exactly how she remembered, “So what’s the plan for today?”
“Well I’ve got the first,” Sebastian paused to count on his fingers, “Three days of school planned out.”
Helena wondered if she could damage her eyes from rolling them too much, “Great, guess we’re all set then, I might as well go.”
Sebastian shot her a look as he dug into his own muffin, “I was thinking you could help me finish getting the room set up while I keep going on the lesson planning.”
“Do you still have Hecat’s old stuff?”
“It went to her family,” Sebastian shook his head, “But Professor Weasley said we are welcome to raid the room of requirement for anything we may need.”
Memories of the room came flooding back to Helena as she grabbed an apple and bit into it. After their fifth year, Helena had decided to show Sebastian the room of requirement. They spent a lot of time there, Sebastian would brew potions and pretend to do his homework while Helena took care of her beasts and did both of their homework. She had never been upset by the arrangement, it was always nice to have someone around. It was always nice to have Sebastian around, she thought. 
“I can head up there after breakfast, go to the room of hidden things,” Helena smiled at her friend. Sebastian couldn’t help but stare, she had changed quite a bit since school, but she was still Helena at the end of the day. Without thinking, Sebastian reached over to wipe a crumb off of her cheek. Helena froze, surprised by the sudden touch. The two stared at each other for moment, Helena’s hazel eyes were wide in surprise.
“Helena DuPont,” Professor Weasley’s voice broke the spell and the two quickly turned away from each other. 
“Professor Weasley,” Helena stood and went to hug the older witch. Sebastian didn’t understand how she recovered from whatever had just happened so quickly while he was sitting there feeling like his heart had just fallen into his stomach. 
Matilda sat down next to Helena and the two witches immediately began chatting as if they were old friends. Sebastian felt like he’d been completely forgotten about, he almost felt jealous. What is going on with me? He cursed himself silently before quietly excusing himself from the table. Helena said she would meet him in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom in a bit, when she was done catching up with Matilda and Mirabel, who had also joined them right after Matilda. Sebastian told her not to rush, but in his head he begged her to hurry up and meet him.
As Sebastian turned to leave the common area he practically ran directly into Professor Sharp. The older man deftly stepped to the side so they would not collide, and Sebastian couldn’t help but wonder how the wizard was so agile, with his perpetual limp.
“Sallow,” Aesop scowled at the man. Five years had seen Sebastian grow to be as tall as Professor Sharp, if not a few inches taller. Aesop could no longer stare down at him with that air of supremacy he always seemed to have over Sebastian.
“Professor Sharp,” Sebastian smiled politely, “We really do need to catch up one of these days, unfortunately I am just so busy with preparing for the year.”
Aesop huffed and walked away from Sebastian without another word. Sebastian sighed, wondering how long he’d be able to pretend to be the bigger man with Sharp. He decided that until Sharp became openly antagonistic towards him, Sebastian would do his best to maintain a healthy working relationship with his colleague. Part of him wished he had been a little better behaved in his years at Hogwarts, but another part of him was still proud of the things he got away with it, and even the things he hadn’t gotten away with. He remembered the night in the library, when he and Helena had snuck into the restricted section. He had gotten caught that night, but he was still proud of himself. He took the fall for it, and Helena got the book she needed. As Sebastian left the faculty tower he found himself smiling a bit, remembering the trouble he caused as a student and knowing that now, as a professor, he had the power to get away with even more, not that he wanted to. It was just an option, if he needed to get away with something, he probably could. He thought of Helena’s eyes when he touched her cheek, and his face flushed again.
There had always been a kind of will-they, wont-they dynamic between the two of them but it always seemed like it was never the right time. During their sixth year Helena had dated Garreth Weasley for a while and Sebastian began to question her judgement in potential romantic partners. The relationship ultimately ended on a positive note but it seemed to destroy any potential for Helena and Sebastian to be anything more than friends since Sebastian had spent the entire time ridiculing Garreth, and inadvertently, Helena. She had seemed to lose interest in him, if there had ever been any. By the time they were in their seventh year, Sebastian was bouncing from relationship to relationship and Helena dated Poppy quite seriously for a good part of the year. It had seemed that a relationship between the two was destined not to be. Sebastian wondered if she had dated anyone after graduation, five years was a long time to spend alone, and he would know. 
As he collapsed into the chair at his desk in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Sebastian found himself unable to pull his mind away from the memories of his old friend. He realized for the first time in five years he was excited for the future, because for the first time in five years his future could, once again, include Helena.
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boneless-mika · 11 months
nothin gbaout being cis and aroace is queer. lol. and you cannot be bi and aroace. so. congrats on being a waste of everyone/s time.
While you were writing this hate message where you couldn’t even be bothered to check you’d actually used an apostrophe, providing you meant to say “everyone’s”, I cleaned my kitchen and went to sleep.
I used to be told to kms over the fact I expressed I was suicidal on the internet (yeah that was very disturbing in hindsight) so being called a “waste of everyone/s time” really does nothing to me (also like just don’t look at my blog if I’m a waste of time like that’s fully within your control)
Unfortunately your words cannot stop me from being bi and aroace which is a complicated identity I decided I wouldn’t bother explaining to strangers a long time ago. Being cis is not queer no, but being aroace most definitely is (I mean even the “cis heteroromantic aces aren’t queer” people way back when generally accepted that aroace people are (because functionally we used to be included under the bi umbrella though I admit I’m not an expert on queer history) but maybe you’re one of the people who think I have a “medical condition” and could be cured lol)
This is honestly kind of hilarious to me. Did you really think you were going to change the mind of someone with the aroace flag in his icon? Telling me I’m a waste of everyone/s time would make me see the truth of how everything y’all did to asexuals (not you specifically, ace discoursists in general) was totally justified?
I’ve decided to give you the benefit of the doubt because you might be a 14 year old who still is likely to change their opinions because your writing style really doesn’t read my age to me and I’m guessing this is how the kids talk but like maybe don’t go around calling people a waste of everyone/s time
I don’t mean to mock anon for misspellings, I’ve written subtitles when I meant credits before, but I think I can have some fun if they’re going to send me rude anons
Also like are you just checking my blog frequently to see my response or do you follow me? Because I’ve posted about being aroace and queer a lot before. It’s not a secret. Well, my theory is you found my original post because you search for ace discourse I guess specifically to annoy asexuals?? Because you cannot have been following me and not known I consider myself both ace and queer (refer once again to the aroace flag in my icon)
And why do you feel the need to hide behind anon? Surely just reblogging my post would be easier? Or are you afraid I’d block you (I know you at least used to be able to block anons but I don’t know how and I’ve talked about how I don’t know it before)? Or are you afraid your followers would find out you’re an aphobe? Because I would be, it turns out a lot of people think aromantic and asexual people are queer and harassing us is wrong
I don’t care if anon thinks I’m a waste of everyone’s time. They can’t stop me from existing lmao
Sorry to expose y’all to ace discourse in 2023. I really thought it was over (guess I was wrong lol)
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fluffallamaful · 1 year
In all seriousness, Dreblr has been one of the best fandom experiences I’ve ever had: helped me learn the ropes of all sorts of criticism lexicon and even introduced me to a number of short stories/thinkpieces/etc. that I am glad to have read. It’s also been an astoundingly friendly community that I HONESTLY can’t see thinking poorly of the tk community: there’s a large sentiment about how different people find catharsis in different things, and a lot of non-judgemental discussion surrounding the topic that I’ve found quite interesting! Of all the parts of the internet to be intimidated by, I’d honestly put Dreblr near the bottom of the list.
(Plus a number of the members there are 1) older and more experienced than me/most members of this fandom and 2) CLEARLY have some sort of expertise in English literature. Highly recommend checking them out.) (On the OTHER hand, the only reason I haven’t already pestered you with suggestions about really cool blogs to check out is because you don’t seem like the hurt-no-comfort kinda pal. And if you think MY suggestions are angsty…woof.)
oh that’s so good that it’s friendly!! i’m glad i’m glad. i’ve kinda realised that the fear of people thinking that the tk community is weird is literally created by the community itself lmao. we’re all just paranoid that people aren’t going to understand 😭
and also yeahhhhh,, i definitely can only do angst if there’s fluff to counter lmao, but i do thoroughly enjoy the angsty topics. it gives so much depth to the character dynamics, an amazing counterpart to fluff 😂 but you have in fact seen through me. i am such a sucker for comfort stuff (and more importantly tickle stuff 🫠😵‍💫)
you have no idea how excited i am for you to one day break away from the constraints of being anonymous and create your own blog. like it’s going to be so fun to watch you just go absolutely wild on a concept/AU at your own pace 😍 (though there is something fun about gradual world building with someone else as well. i’m having so much fun with your AUs)
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theswarmanthology · 2 years
Newton Thorne, 21, A small highway town in the Mojave Desert
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"Mostly just participate by talking with friends online through social media, sharing content, and sometimes posting sappy posts on tumblr about them."
Fast Facts: How long have you been a fan?: 9+ years Did you get to see MCR live before this tour?: No, this tour was my first time seeing MCR How many shows on this tour did you attend in total?: 1 Favorite album: Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys/The Mad Gear and Missile Kid Show experience out of 10: 10 Did you cry at your show?: I'm still crying right now
Which date of the tour did you attend? 10/15/22, Night 4 at the Forum
When did you get your tickets for your show? Was it a struggle, or were they easy to grab? 2019! it was easier than i thought, but i still waited forever in an online queue.
Did you attend with anyone else? one of my best friends in the whole world, and my younger sibling, and someone id consider an older brother.
What did you wear? but the most Gender thing i could manage. its got shoulderpads B)
Where were your seats? Nosebleeds on Frank's side
What was your favorite song(s) from the setlist they played at your show? DESTROYA
What song were you most hoping to hear? Did you get to hear it? everything from danger days, so im glad it was danger days night. I was only sad we didnt get Sing.
What was your favorite moment from the show? The moment Mastas of Ravencroft played and my best friend nearly fell down the stairs because its his favorite song. I loved seeing them so happy. I also loved the moments when the entire stadium sang in one desperate, reverent voice.
What was the most unexpected moment from the show? When they played Mastas of Ravencroft
Did you snag any merch? What pieces? I got Piss Gerald!!!!!!!!!
Many fans describe seeing MCR live as feeling like coming home. Did you experience anything like that at your show? I think this is a hard thing to answer with a simple yes. I'm gonna leave a link here to an article I wrote and published on Medium which I think answers this better than I could on this form. it also serves as an answer to the perspective on the band question. This isnt meant to be like, publicity grabbing or whatever I've literally never written anything like this, let alone put it online. I just have been frothing at the mouth while trying to figure out where to put the baggage ive been carrying in my chest cavity since the show, and publishing this article felt like the best way i could lighten the load or whatever. anyways here, read it if you like, its about me finding faith in something for the first time in my life: Newton's Article Here!
If you could change one thing about your show experience, what would it be? i wouldnt change a thing. genuinely.
What advice would you give to people seeing My Chemical Romance in the future? dont expect your eyeliner to stay put. (also arrive a few hours early for the good merch lmao)
Anything we didn't ask that you feel obliged to share or talk about? everything i could have wanted to convey about how truly dear to me this experience was is in that memoir i linked UwU
Thanks, Newton! Be sure to check out their article. Here is where else they can be found on the internet: Tumblr: @kaijumilf | Instagram: Mothr.a
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