#ew they are so gray
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🃏gloomy cards🃏
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gralunaisland · 1 year
I remember a long time ago I fell upon a translated interview with Mashima talking about being a mangaka and FT. I remember the disappointment when he said that juvia was his favorite female and how Gray was the character that he put most aspects of himself on. I remember thinking that there was no way gruvia wouldn’t become canon now. And not bc it was good or made sense for the story but bc it was a self insert and the authors “waifu” completing a personal fantasy.
Mashima's Favorite WHAT??
My jaw literally dropped reading this, Anon. I had never seen that interview, and now I wish it didn't exist because- what???
juvia lockser is Mashima's favorite female character???
My already immense disappointment in Mashima plummeted to new lows after hearing about this. I'm not sure it can get any lower, but I'm sure he'll continue to one-up himself as 100YQ continues.
You interpreted gr///via perfectly based on this interview, Anon, that it turns out he really just made Gray his self-insert character just so he could fulfill his fantasy of, uh, having a creepy, crazy, stalker waifu lust after him??? Ew. I do not want to associate Gray Fullbuster with Hiro Mashima in any regard.
You're right that gr///via is not good nor does it make sense for the story. I've already talked extensively about how gr///via is a terrible ship, so focusing on the latter point, it just doesn't make sense for the story of Fairy Tail whatsoever. The whole fricking moral of Fairy Tail is friendship and family, and yet juvia shows time and time again she couldn't care less about friendship or family if it's Gray versus them no matter the circumstances.
How does that fit the moral???
And some Pros are so delusional to say that juvia is a boss lady and that she's an example of woman empowerment when she literally cannot function without a man. juvia is a weak, selfish parasite, leeching off of Gray and tearing him and herself and everyone around her down, and Mashima likes her the best???
??? is all I can say right now, really.
Thank you very much for your very informative ask, Anon, you've helped me understand gr///via as Mashima intended it to be much better... And I am disappointed in him right alongside you...
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45780 · 7 months
Pray for Matthew Gray Gubler.
I would say that there is nothing wrong with him but with the amount of bleach I'd wash my mouth out with if I was him he's probably gonna have problems.
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Poor boy. He didn't sign up for making out a pile of shit.
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luvsavos · 1 year
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yet another monster oc human form drawing, this one of my disgraced sun god, naasfilrah<3
he's a g-rank fatalis, and he tends to disdain his human form and Not use it for the most part
he always dresses in some kind of formal attire, pingponging back and forth from business casual and proper dressware, this drawing being more of business casual
he'd be less pale however he has been trapped in an underground bunker and subject to intense energy siphoning for the past Several Thousands Of Years, so he looks a bit more pale and fucked up than he was in the past (but i may draw a past version of him eventually)
(also, the writing on the mug is dovahzul (so is naas' name) and reads "world's best sun god" lol)
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the-moon-on-a-string · 4 months
Who tf sent me this and said it looks like me!?
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droidsdoodles · 2 years
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Made a colored ref for everyone so far
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banzaiblaster · 2 years
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I saw a cool hoodie and had to draw Yuu in it
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footsiepop · 2 years
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pitske · 7 days
there‘s almost nothing I hate more in a book than when a woman is described as attractive and then when it comes to her mannerisms or why she is supposedly so great they start listing atributes which are literally just describing that she is child-like.
I actually hate it so much. it‘s vile, it‘s disgusting. why does this keep happening?
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seo-changbinnies · 6 months
pls disregard coloring choices on my last sets
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beggars-opera · 5 months
We are so unnecessarily harsh to historical people and their trends. “ew why did people want their hair gray why would you put powder on your head” shut up YOU DO put powder on your head it’s called dry shampoo. It’s the exact same thing it just has a different name now. It also came in lots of different colors back besides white, sometimes you could even get it in pink but no one remembers that. And young people are still dyeing their hair gray for fashion. The only difference is we need less powder now because we wash our hair more so the trend is shiny hair and back then it was matte.
In three hundred years kids will be making fun of you too. You are not immune to fashion trends
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beaversatemygrandma · 2 years
I want to share what has to be the funniest scene from my story. It’s something from an early chapter and doesn’t involve enough to give the whole story or require much of the story itself to understand. So, have it. Quick intro to the point in the plot: They’re hunting an oligarch. That’s all you really need to know.
I call it the Birdwatching Stakeout. Click the read more. You know you’re curious. ;)
The day was so dry and hot. The car’s air conditioning could hardly keep up with the sunlight bearing down on it. Pete and Ayla were right back in the same spot on the street from the week before in front of Skylights Company building.
“I swear to god, if you put the AC down to sixty-eight again when we get home…” Ayla grumbled as Pete reached for the air conditioning on the dashboard again.
He leaned back before turning it cooler yet again. “I miss the cold already. This is excruciating,” he said.
“You know you’ll get used to it.”
“I wasn’t used to it when I lived here and I’m still not now,” he laughed. “I want snow.”
“It’s May.”
“That hasn’t stopped it before.”
“Okay, I’ll admit I miss that too. I haven’t seen it since I left New York… And that’s been, what? Thirteen years now?”
“Maybe I do want to eventually get back into Canada. Out in Virginia is okay, but it’s not that.”
Ayla sighed, shaking her head, “Maybe one day you will. But please stop freezing me out at night.”
“What about now?”
“Now is fine, but don’t kill the car battery. I don’t want to ask somebody for a jump out here.”
“I can do that.”
They fell into another silence. Pete reached for his energy drink in the cupholder beside him and watched the building’s gate closely. There was far less traffic than there was last weekend.
“I wonder if he’s even here today,” he said. “…I should go in there.”
Ayla abruptly reached over and laid her fingers over his wrist. “I think that’s the caffeine talking. Your heart rate is ridiculously fast. Don’t do something stupid.”
He leaned closer to the window, looking down the street. “There’s that ‘park’ next door that reaches past the building. I could go through there to get behind it and check around back for a potential entrance.”
“I just said not to do something stupid,” Ayla muttered.
He didn’t seem to hear her. “There’s got to be a second-floor window that’s unlocked. Maybe it’s calm enough in there that I could slip in unnoticed. Then I can find out if Walford is even here today. Maybe even find my way to the top floor,” he pondered, looking over the building. “That or find the parking lot and see if there’s some high value car sitting out there. I doubt any of his workers could afford something nice. There’s no way he’s paying them well with how much he’s got. Maybe the old bastard has a Rolls Royce or something. That would be obvious.”
Ayla silently stared at him. “Are you done now?”
He questioningly glanced back at her.
“You should go out there and search around but don’t go inside. You’re just asking to get into trouble,” she said critically. “Searching the parking lot could be a good idea. But who knows if he’s one of those rich guys with a regular economy car? Some of them are like that.”
“Fair point…” he breathed out.
Pete then reached behind him and pulled a backpack from the backseat. He started going through it, pulling out various things.
“Alright, I’m going to bring the IR camera, a regular one, and…” he trailed off, pulling the IR camera from the bag. “…Though there’s likely cameras in there… Hmm.”
Ayla leaned over and opened the center console. “I don’t want to go through the hassle of figuring out how to dye hair that’s as dark as yours,” she said, pulling out a beanie from the stacks of junk she had already accumulated in there. She held it out to him and as soon as he took it, she pulled a hair tie off from around her wrist, handing it to him as well.
“…Oh,” he breathed out, looking to the hair tie.
“It’s long enough to do that now.”
“No way,” he said, just wanting to prove her wrong. He pushed the bag off his lap and down in front of his feet. He put the hair tie on his wrist and began a long struggle of gathering his hair up.
“Don’t forget the back too,” she pointed out.
He sighed, finally getting it together. Once it was up, it was obviously tight and barely long enough to stay held. He flicked down the visor for the mirror for a brief second. “I hate this. This is going to give me such a fucking headache,” he said, flipping it back up.
“Yeah, you’ll be fine,” Ayla said, motioning to the beanie as well.
He put that on as well. The hair was out of the question for an identifier. That paired with a high-collared button up hid the tattoo on his collarbone and the usual odd contouring Ayla had done, he wasn’t the same person visually.
“Okay, if I get caught near around the back of the building, I’m going with the ‘confused birdwatcher’ for this one,” he said, grabbing the cameras again. “And you should pull around the corner to the front of the park. Not near the entrance though. Don’t want to be suspicious.”
“Oh, yeah, of course. I swear I’ve got the same damn security guard from last weekend eying the car,” Ayla said.
“He can’t do shit unless you’re on the property. It’s fine. But I’m more worried about what’s out back,” he said, closing the bag again.
“…Hold on, ‘confused birdwatcher’?” she asked as he reached for the door handle.
He stopped and looked back to her to quickly explain, “Okay, back in Montana, I was at that national park after hours again and got stopped by a park ranger. He of course was there to kick me out for being there and I didn’t want to be brought home by the police again for sneaking out again. So, I ended up coming up with this really enthusiastic lie about how I was trying to find a certain bird that only appeared during those hours. The guy tried to give me advice about it and let me off with a warning about how he saw a bear around. Then I, of course, ended up still meeting up with Logan on the trails.”
“…I both envy and worry about your childhood,” Ayla said after a moment.
He nodded slightly, unsure how to respond. He grabbed the camera and said, “This is what sells it.”
She furrowed her brows. “Why did you have a camera when you were sneaking out to meet your boyfriend?”
“It wasn’t anything bad, I swear,” he said quickly. “We found a ravine off the path, and it looked fucking amazing at night. It was a full moon; the lighting was great. That was why.”
She doubtfully tilted her head towards him. “Okay… Sounds cool, I guess… Uh, go find the parking lot.”
He nodded and quickly got out of the car. As soon as he shut the door, Ayla was already preparing to pull into the street to go around the corner.
Pete headed down the street, towards the park entrance, carefully looking around for further security and cameras. The only camera should be set in the large tree towards the center of the garden. Everywhere but the entrance should be invisible to it. The cameras on the opposite side of the fence in the back were the ones to worry about.
He kept his hand on the camera, only now noticing just how much he was involuntarily shaking. Maybe today was the one day where so much caffeine wasn’t a good idea. It’s been so long since he had gotten proper rest that he had forgotten how caffeine affected him.
He walked around the small garden path into the back where he could visibly see the cameras mounted on the wall outside the building. There was no way around those. He was going to be seen no matter what he could do.
Birdwatcher. It’s perfect. This is a park. There’s got to be a bird around here. He thought, looking over the park, seeing if there were any around.
There weren’t.
This is a shitty excuse for a park. It has only one tree. He then noticed a pigeon on the opposite side of the fence. I would prefer the courtyard to this too, bud. He had to stifle a laugh about how ironic this was for his excuse as he carefully stepped over the flowers to press against the fence.
He peered over the top, keeping an eye on the bird and the cameras just above it. The courtyard was empty. This was perfect timing. Pete reached up and pulled himself over the fence in one quick motion.
As he started across the courtyard, he looked back at the pigeon. It only looked back at him. This was a bird that was very used to people around. He squatted down barely a foot away from the bird and it stayed in place.
I wish I had something to give him. Bread maybe. He thought, laying the camera on the ground, and taking a picture of it just to help his case of being the ‘birdwatcher’. It was just a pigeon and if anybody knew anything about birds, this might not work. The picture came out super well. The bird was looking right at the camera as if it had been posing.
“Yeah, I’m calling you Jacques. You’re cute as all hell, bud,” he whispered, barely reaching out towards the bird. It was then that it finally hopped away from him.
He stood back up, knowing that he couldn’t let Jacques distract him. Even if he knew that if he reached fast enough, he could easily catch it. But then what? He has a pigeon. No matter how badly he wants to do that, now is not the time.
“Alright, bud, where’s the parking lot?” he asked quietly, glancing back to the bird.
To his surprise, Jacques flapped up to a nearby picnic table, looking back to him. He followed the bird as it hopped from table to table and up onto the canopy covering the courtyard. The bird seemed to be pointing towards the back of the building.
Behind the building, there was a short private road leading from the opposite side. A line of hazard markers lined the edge of the courtyard and led into a parking garage tunnelling below the building.
There’s no way that bird just pointed me where to go. Pete thought, looking back to the pigeon. It was still on the top of the canopy, looking towards the private road to the parking lot. Pete then spotted a brightly colored food truck parked in the street just on the other side. Oh. Jacques wants food. Can’t blame him. A taco truck right there is tempting… Okay, focus. Where’s the security back here?
Pete looked around carefully for any cameras that weren’t accounted for. There was one right at the entrance of the garage and one by the gate at the end of the road. Both looked to be the larger cameras like on the sides of the building and at the secret factory in the next town over.
He took a breath before heading into the garage, ducking down near the wall to avoid the camera. The garage went further into the ground than expected. It was starkly dark, and cars were lined up in an organized manner. It was so organized that it could be necessary to get around any valets working.
There were bright lights towards the back. That spot should be avoided. He continued down the lines, looking over everything inside. There were mostly cheap cars in there, assumably all employees.
It wasn’t until he got to the second floor lower, that he saw something that could be a higher-class worker. He crouched behind an expensive electric car and took a quick picture of the license plate and what it was. This way, he might be able to confirm the owner. It’s possible this might be the car they’ll have to follow later. Upon further investigation, there were three other cars of this type. He took note of every license plate number and model.
Abruptly, the lights on the bottom floor turned on. Pete ducked between the cars and knelt in front of one, just behind the tire. This was as invisible as he could get.
“I can’t believe that old bastard took a damn taxi last night. And he has the balls to call in and order me to drive his damn car home today! He was the one drinking on the clock!” a gruff voice sounded from the other side of the floor.
“He’s the boss. We gotta listen to the boss man,” another said.
“What’s stopping him from doing this himself? Had he just lost himself in his privilege?” the first asked. He then softened his voice in a mocking tone, “Like, ‘Oh, my driver can handle this. No, he won’t get any extra pay or bonus from taking time out of his workday to help me. I own this man.’ Fuck him.”
“I get it. I know. It’s fucking annoying, but it is our job.”
“This isn’t part of the job description. I’m here to park for the employees and keep their cars safe down here, not run errands for this asshole.”
I hope they’re talking about Walford. Pete thought, slowly creeping towards one of the less extravagant cars to hide.
The two men stepped up to the last car he had taken information from, barely five feet away from him. He slid behind the tire of car just beside them as they continued to argue about their plans on getting back. They eventually landed on one of them driving their personal car to follow so they could get back to work.
Pete stayed put, silently listening to every move. He couldn’t make any movements until the lights were off again. It didn’t take much longer for the two valets to drive the car out and the lights to shut off behind them. He pulled out the camera and looked over the pictures, making a mental note of which one it was. Now to get out of here.
Pete slowly made his way out the same way he got in. He made sure to hang back from the exit as he carefully watched the valet get his personal car to follow their boss’s. He ducked back behind another car and waited a few minutes for them to be gone.
Once they were, he came back out and headed for the exit. He dodged the garage camera again and headed back to the courtyard. Jacques was still there, sitting on a picnic table. It looked to him and cooed, flying back up to the canopy, looking towards the nearby taco truck.
Sorry, bud, I’m broke. I’d buy you some chips if I could. He thought, looking to the pigeon disappointedly.
“Hey, you! The courtyard is closed to tours today!” A yell came from across the courtyard.
…Oh fuck. Think of something. Pete turned to the voice and called back, “Sorry, I was out at that park looking for birds! One ended up coming over here and I followed it. I’ll leave!”
“Birds? There’s nothing but pigeons out here!” the guard yelled back, still approaching him quickly.
“Pigeons?” Pete gasped, acting offended. “You can’t tell the difference between a common pigeon and a gorgeous Jacques’s Dove?”
The guard stopped barely five feet away from him. He looked up to the pigeon on the canopy. “…I don’t know enough about birds to say, but I’m pretty sure that’s a pigeon, man,” he said, looking to him questioningly.
Pete scoffed; he was having fun with it at this point. “That’s no pigeon. You can tell he’s a Jacques’s Dove by his blue beak and pinkish plumage! That thin neck just further points to being a dove! Besides, I have no idea why such a rare bird would be out here. The forums online made it seem like this was a real park where they could be seen, not some tiny ass garden! I can’t blame the bird for going elsewhere. That’s a shit excuse for a park.”
The guard was visibly confused. “…That—That’s a fat dove… Uh… Yeah… The park sucks…” he took a step back, glancing over at the small park over the fence. “Well, you saw the dove, right? So, can you… can you go now?”
Pete raised up his hands and nodded. “Yeah, yeah, I got my pics. I was already on my way out. Sorry for causing trouble.”
“Yeah, no problem. Just… Don’t do it again. Stay in the park,” the guard said.
He stayed in place, watching Pete carefully as he headed out towards the street. There was no point in climbing the fence again when there’s a guard already closely watching. He headed around the corner and started down the street towards where Ayla had parked in front of the park.
He got into the car as soon as he found it. He pointed forward, telling her to get moving. She immediately did.
“So, there’s two valets heading towards Walford’s house right now to bring him his car. I got the license plate number and I think they shouldn’t be too far from here,” he said. “Thought I did get held up a little by a guard.”
“How’d you get away from that one so easily?” she asked.
“I made him to think a pigeon was a rare dove,” he chuckled. He pulled up the recent photos on the camera and showed her the picture of the pigeon in question. “This is Jacques. He’s a pigeon.”
She glanced at the picture and laughed. “I can’t believe that worked.”
#its the gaslighting about a pigeon scene#its like a 15 min read not too long i couldn't tell you how many words tho#and honestly a good intro scene for one of the protags#even tho this one is a little bit of an outlier for him bc he's usually tired and angry but its a good tell of character#bc it's a good day when you've gotten proper sleep. have an energy drink. and have been spending time sitting in a car with a friend#taks speaks#out west#(btw new tag for when i decide to ramble about this stuff its the current title which may honestly get changed)#btw jaques' dove isn't a real species i did the research to make sure it wasn't lmao#another small thing i was realizing while rereading this part#is Pete is the same person who picked up a stray cat at one point and couldn't think of a name At All#so he ended up taking it to the vet to get neutered and such bc male cats spray and ew#and he's there at the vet staring at this little black cat entirely unable to form a name and just writes 'Shadow' on the paper#bc the cat is hiding in the shadows of the carrier. the name stuck. that cat is shadow#but yet. he manages to pull out a proper name for a random ass pigeon he finds#he's definitely the guy who picks up animals he finds. free cat in the street. friendly pigeons.#all except dogs. he's a cat person. but his current bf has managed to gather three whole dogs at one point#he's not in this scene at all but through the entire story he is never without a dog. specifically this little gray pitbull#and that little dog even won over pete who was very adamant about not liking dogs. she's a good dog. a very good dog.#also most of the gathering of dogs was revenge for bringing home Shadow bc his bf is allergic to cats and that's a whole damn thing#these are just random background points that have literally nothing to do with the plot tbh#but yeah. all this. I have years into these characters and they're finally formed into their own complex people#they are also now to the point of essentially moving the story themselves. they're just taking me along for the ride at this point#and this scene was very much one of those scenes
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papercorgiworld · 5 months
Boyfriend material
Reader is starting the new year in search of a little fun and a boyfriend. Pansy helps here pick the right outfit and guy.
For Blaise, Theo and Mattheo this will be a two part ‘porn with plot’ thing. This is part one and holds the plot. No Enzo part two, because apparently I can only write so much smut before my brain goes brrrr. Sorry.
I added a part 2 for Enzo!
Warning: reader has a little dirty make out daydream. Slytherin dudes have some naughty thoughts as well.
I had fun writing this. I really hope you like reading it. Kisses.
“New year, new me. I’m no longer a boring girl. I’m going to find myself a nice, good looking guy and get crazy with him.” You started as you sat down next to Hermoine. She laughed in response. “You don’t need a guy to have fun or to be cool.” But before you could say anything Pansy plopped down next to you. “Yes, you do, so who’s the lucky guy?” Hermoine rolled her eyes.
You looked around the great hall and settled on a handsome sixth year. “Him.” You tilted your face his way, subtly pointing. “Ew! No! Boring!” Pansy spat. “What’s wrong with that guy?” Hermoine asked, narrowing her eyes at Pansy. “You wanna be popular, you wanna have fun, you gotta date someone on top of the food chain.” Pansy said as a matter of fact and Hermoine mocked the last words of her sentence.
You ignored the tension completely and simply asked. “Who’s on top of the food chain?” Pansy looked around to search for a good example. “Aha!” She said pleased, when she saw who just walked in and grinned at the girls next to her. “Oh no.” Hermoine sighed as she saw a particular group of Slytherins enter the great hall. You simply pursed your lips at the idea. But you brought yourself back to reality. “How’s a gray mouse like me gonna date the top of the food chain?” Pansy simply wiggled her eyebrows and Hermoine was definitely worried now.
The next day you made your way to sit next to Hermoine in class. With your skirt short enough to make you question its purpose and your shirt tight and revealing, you now had all the guys paying attention. “What’s this?” Hermoine questioned, obviously referring to your outfit. “This. This is my battle-outfit. I’m conquering the top of the food chain.” You replied with confidence. Hermoine scoffed and raised an eyebrow. “Then why is the top of the food chain looking at you like you're their next meal.”
You quickly glanced around the classroom, getting a little nervous, you softly bit your lip. You want to defend your case to Hermoine, but accidentally drop your quill. As you reach for it, Enzo beats you to it. Handing it to you with a sweet smile, but also giving you a cheeky wink.
Theodore, who sits next to Enzo, shakes his head and huffs. “Don’t fall for it. Pansy’s clearly up to something.” Enzo smiles brightly at his friend. “Oh mate, I’ve already fallen. Badly, madly. And it’s okay, you can leave your fallen brother behind. He’s going to a better place, somewhere between her squishy thighs.” Mattheo who sits behind Theodore speaks up. “Oi, T. slap him for me, will ya?” And before Enzo even realizes what Mattheo said, Theo has already given him a light smack on the back of his head. Blaise bites his lip and comes to Enzo’s aid. “In his defense, look at those legs.” Slurring the last word and leaning closer to Mattheo, his eyes never leaving your body. Mattheo pushes his chair a little and leans back for a better view of what his friend is talking about. Mattheo is definitely seeing something he likes, his eyes scan your body. His tongue gently rolls over his lips and he swallows hard thinking about all the noises you would make if he could have his way with you. “Mister Zabini, mister Riddle, care to explain why you don’t have your books out yet.” Professor McGonnagol asks, looking down upon the boys. “Sorry professor.” Blaise immediately reaches for his book, while Mattheo only looks down at his desk like a pouty 5 year old that just got caught.
After class Theodore lets out a frustrated grown as you walk past them in the hallway. You did nothing aside from sitting there and being pretty, yet you had him fantasizing about things that made him loosen his tie halfway during class. “I should’ve skipped class. I wrote down less than when I’m not in class.” Enzo looked confused at Theo’s statement, questioning his logic. Mattheo was about to say something, but Blaise interrupted him. “That simp! Look at him.” Blaise pointed at Draco shamelessly leaning against a wall trying to casually make conversation with you as Pansy tries not to laugh at Draco’s desperation. “No backbone, those Malfoy’s.” Mattheo scoffs. “Yeaah.” Blaise affirms absentmindedly, staring at you as you smile at Draco. Such a beautiful smile, but I bet that mouth can do more than just smile. Blaise was smirking as his thoughts got less innocent with each passing second. “We should save the poor girl.” Enzo states, pulling Blaise out his trance. “Yeah.” Blaise and Enzo quickly make their way over to you. Making Pansy grin at Mattheo and Theodore. Raising her eyebrows as a way of non-verbally taunting them: are you two really gonna just stand there with your pathetic male pride. “Tell me you have smokes. I need one.” Mattheo sighs in frustration after he finally managed to pull his eyes away from you. Theo nods. “Girls and their games. They’ll be the death of me.” Theo can’t help but take one last look at you.
“Pans, I really don’t think this is a good idea. Hermoine’s right I’m attracting the wrong kind of guys.” Pansy eyes roll up in annoyance. That bloody Granger-girl can squeeze the fun out of everything. “You can set them straight. Believe me, if you bat your eyes they will start behaving.” You make a face disagreeing with her. “I’m looking for fun, yeah, but I’m also looking for boyfriend material, they’re not that.” Pansy huffs. “You know nothing.” You frown in confusion. “Just play my game. You’ll get what you want.” Pansy starts walking again, but then turns on her heels looking at you still confused. “You are gonna have to pick one, preferably by tonight. I would hate to see the Slytherin boy band break up, because I really don’t think they can share.” You bite your lip softly and your mind wonders.
If Pansy was really speaking the truth and you could just have your pick. Which one? Him. If he would push you against this cold hallway wall right now you would immediately spread your legs so he could lift you up. Your neck and your jaw would be peppered with his soft kisses. You would wrap your legs around him and he would buck his hips into yours. Your mouth would fall open slightly because of all the sensations building up between your legs. He would mercilessly attack your mouth and his hands would explore every inch of your body. Squeezing your butt, making you instinctively rub your core against his growing bulge. He would cup your breasts, his thumb caressing your nipple through the fabric. “Everything alright?” Luna snaps you out of your wonderful train of thoughts. You look at her sheepishly. “Yeah. I better get going. Class, and stuff.” You push your thighs together, before fully letting go of your daydream. “I have those moments too you know, when I forget about reality.” Luna comforts you as you both walk to class. “Uhu” Is all you manage to say, not really knowing what to think.
If Blaise is you’re guy: part 2
“Your party outfit is a shirt?” Hermoine asks, not hiding her judgment. “It’s an oversized shirt, which makes it a dress. It’s fashion, Granger, get over it.” Pansy snaps. “You’re corrupting my friend.” Hermoine hisses at Pansy. “Oh, darling. I’m not corrupting. But some guy might.” Pansy winks, Hermoine’s mouth falls open and you stand there sheepishly looking at your feet. “I’m wearing shorts under this dress. So it’s really not that bad.” You finally manage to say. “Alright, let’s party.” Pansy says and she’s the first to walk through the doors of the room of requirement.
For Mattheo: part 2
For Theodore: part 2
For Lorenzo: part 2
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writtenbymoonflower · 4 months
You have a panic attack and your boys comfort you. poly!maruaders x fem!reader
cw: panic attack, negative self talk, swearing, mention of raw chicken (ew ik)
1.7k words (it's long i'm sorry)
You never thought you would cry over chicken, but here you were. You knew that you had been having a lot of busy days as of late, there were a million things swimming about in your head. But you were managing it well, or at least you thought you were. But then it all came down.
You had bought a pack of chicken earlier in the week to cook for dinner one night. It had been on clearance so you knew it was  on its way out, but you thought you would’ve had more time. You opened your fridge so you could begin cooking before your boyfriends were going to get too hungry, when you realized that the meat was out of date by a whole three days. It was something so small, yet, it sent a billion anxious thoughts jumping around your head like they were on pogo sticks, and most of them were not very nice. 
How could you be so stupid? You should’ve checked the date. If you hadn't been so lazy earlier this week you wouldn’t be wasting this food. Now there was nothing to cook and your boyfriends would go hungry. They would likely end up resenting you for being a shit girlfriend and being so-
“Dolly? What are you doing over there?” Usually Sirius’ voice was a comfort to you, but right now it just added to your misery. It reminded you of all your failures and why you would never be good enough for anyone. 
Tears started filling your eyes. You tried to still your shaking hands and even your breathing, but it was all too much. They were going to realize your mistake and were going to be angry. His footsteps were painful and your other boyfriends’ laughter in the other room made you wince. When Sirius finally was facing you, your attempt at a facade fell apart. He knew you too well and apparently your body just decided to give over to panic because you suddenly couldn’t catch your breath. You tried to mutter out an apology but your voice was caught in your throat and your pulse was hammering. 
“ Hey.” Sirius’ dark brows scrunched in concern, his gray eyes searching your face and scanning your body for any injury. “What’s wrong?” His voice was raised in panic as you stood and shook. 
Apparently Sirius’ voice triggered your other two boyfriends to barrel into the room, but you refused to look at any of them, opting to hold the chicken package behind your back and stare at the ground. James thought you looked like a small child standing in front of a broken glass, ready to be reprimanded and punished. It made his heart ache. 
“Baby,” Sirius continued to beg for a response. “What’s happened? You’re scaring me.” Remus placed a soothing hand on his partner’s back while James scooted past the both of them to grab your shoulders and stoop to see your face. 
“Hey, hey, hey. Sweetheart, can you look at me?” James spoke softly. He was just as concerned as the other two, but James was better at keeping his head, even though inside he wanted to sob seeing you like this. You swallowed thickly and looked up at him. 
“There you go.” Remus whispered encouragement from behind James. Your chest was still heaving and you were still crying, but now they could read your face better. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, I-” You choked out, hoping that if you spoke about your failure early enough they might forgive your mistake.
“Hey, not right now. Just focus on me, honey. I think you’re having a panic attack, I need you to try and steady your breathing.” James motioned the other two over, Remus getting behind you and pulling you both to the ground so he could rock you in his lap. Sirius and James sat and each took one of your hands, James putting the one he was holding on his chest, while Sirius put the other on yours. (After throwing the chicken on the counter, opting to ask questions after you could speak again.) You stifled another sob from wracking your body. 
“We’ve got you, sweet girl. Just copy Prongs’ breaths, yeah?” Sirius used his free hand to tilt your chin up to meet the eyes of the two boys in front of you. You could feel James’ chest rising and falling as he took deep, exaggerated breaths. Your first few were shaky and clumsy, but soon you were finally able to get a comfortable amount of air in your lungs and your tears slowed to a stop. You still felt guilty, but at least now your head wasn’t so loud. You pulled your hands back into your lap.
“There you go,” Remus soothed from behind you. “Atta girl.” He pressed gentle kisses all over the side of your neck. You could see the two boys in front of you visibly relax at your now calmer state. “Good girl, you did so well. I know that was scary.” Remus turned so you were sitting sideways in his lap and you could see all three of the boys sitting around you. 
“ Thank you for helping.” You said sheepishly, looking down at your fidgeting hands. “I’m sorry I did that, I know it was a lot.” 
“None of that.” Sirius said firmly. “It’s not your fault, baby. You didn’t do it to be bad, you have nothing to be sorry for.” 
Wrong. You thought to yourself, remembering the spoiled food now sitting on the counter. 
“Can you tell us what happened, lovely?” James ducked his gaze to meet yours, his brown eyes were sad and confused and swimming with all too much love. 
You really didn’t want to admit your mistake, but they deserved an explanation for your erratic behavior. 
“It’s really nothing that bad.” You tried to console, as if you weren’t the one shaking on the floor not two minutes ago. “I was just-” You swallowed hard again. “I was being stupid.” You went back to picking at your nails. Your self-deprecating comment made Remus raise an eyebrow and Sirius lightly pinch your thigh. 
“You weren’t. You’re never stupid, be nice.” Remus (lovingly) scolded. 
“I was just, I bought this chicken.” You struggled to keep your breathing even. “I bought this chicken earlier this week and I was going to cook it, but I was too lazy these last few days and I fucked up and I-” You bit hard on your lip to keep from crying again. James desperately wanted to reprimand you for your self-cruelty, but he settled for grabbing Sirius’ hand and squeezing, not wanting to cut you off. 
“Go on, sweetheart. Take your time.” James spoke even softer. 
“I let the chicken go bad. I wanted to cook tonight but when I went to grab the chicken it was bad and I just- I just felt bad because I can’t do anything right. I had all week to make it and now I can’t cook for you all and I just- I just feel bad.” You took another deep breath, still not wanting to meet their eyes.
“Oh, my baby.” Sirius lunged forward, wrapping you in his arms before you could even process what was happening. Remus huffed grumpily over you being stolen from his lap, but let it go. “That’s what you were all worked up about? That’s why you were all scared?” You nodded, your face still stuck in the crook of his neck. 
“It’s okay,” James soothed, now smoothing a gentle path up and down your back. “That happens to everyone, sweetheart. It’s not something you need to be mad at yourself for. You didn’t do anything wrong, and you weren’t lazy. You’ve been busy and tired. It just happens.” James thought he could cry, his girl was so hard on herself that she was all panicked over something like this. 
“Exactly.” Remus said. “It’s nothing we can’t fix, dove. We can go to the store tomorrow and you can make it then.” You started to protest, wanting to go tonight but you were quickly cut off. “Tomorrow.” Remus was firm, but no less kind. “You aren’t doing any work tonight. You need to rest. We’ll figure something out for dinner, it’s no trouble.” 
You were going to argue but you figured it was a losing battle. 
“Thought you would be mad at me.You should be mad at me. I fucked u-” You couldn’t even finish the sentence before James squawked, Sirius sputtered, and Remus inhaled sharply. Sirius forced your head out of his neck to look at you. 
“What?!” He looked genuinely offended.
“Lovely,” James was the one who formed a full sentence. “We would never be mad at you for something like this. Never.” He grabbed your chin to make you look at him. “Look at us, sweet girl. No ones mad at you. We care about you, not a pack of chicken. It’s not worth you being this mean to yourself, nothing is.” He pouted during the last sentence. 
“Also,” Sirius said, still being very gentle. “I’m pretty sure this isn’t just about chicken, dollface. You’ve been really stressed lately.” 
“And you’ve been really hard on yourself. You always have been, but it’s gotten worse.” Remus’ voice sounding sad. You knew he was right though. 
“I know.” You sighed, dejectedly. “I’ll try to be better.” You gave them all a tight-lipped smile. 
“That’s what we mean!” James whined. “You don’t need to ‘be better.’ You just need to be gentle with yourself.” 
“It’s just hard.” You admitted. 
“I know it is, baby.” Sirius empathized. Then his face morphed into his usual grin. “How about, we all lead by example. I know I can be very nice to you.” He took your cheeks in both his hands and started pressing kisses all over your face. You giggled wetly, trying to squirm out of his grasp. “There, like that. Nice.”
“I don’t know how she is gonna do that, Pads. It’s hard to kiss your own face.” Remus attempted (and failed) to keep the amused tilt out of his voice. 
“Oh no!” James dramatically gasped. “I guess we’ll just have to.” He beamed, taking your jaw in his hand to smear even more kisses on your cheeks.
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katsumiiii · 10 months
thinking of hobie starting off leaning against the marble sink in your shared apartment, his eyes droopy and fingers curled around the blunt you both have been sharing for the past five minutes. you’re between his legs, rubbing against the skin peaking from underneath the black Nirvana shirt he was sporting, right above his prickly hairs that led further downwards.
during your high you’d gotten a bright idea (at least in your opinion) to pierce hobie’s tongue. you’d pondered how the metal would look against plush pink, grinning at the thought of cool silver brushing against your bottom lip.
“question.” you stated, staring at hobie through fluttered eyelashes.
“mhm?” hobie took another drag, angling his head so the smoke spout towards the ceiling.
“on a scale of one to ten, ten being absolutely fucking not, and one being of fucking course, how would you feel about me piercing your tongue? like right now…?” you rambled, puckering your lips.
“shouldn’t it be, one absolutely fuckin’ not, and ten of fuckin’ course?” hobie tilted his head down towards your own, chuckling at your teary red eyes.
you quickly shook your head,“no because one is like…number one, and ten is like ew that’s a fucking lot of numbers away from one, you know?”
“mhmm.” hobie said as he set the blunt against the gray ashtray to his left, snaking his fingers around your white tank top to settle against your hips.
“so is mhm a yes of fucking course, or is it a no absolutely not?”
“yea baby, go on.” he lightly pecked the plump of your lips, sucking gently, “tryna stake your claim, huh? branding me and allat.”
you roll your eyes, giggling at the idea, “you’re so dramatic bee.”
“wha’? you’re fuckin’ chuffed at the idea, ain’t ya?” hobie squeezed the sides of your hips, softly kneading the skin. “gonna try and pierce my dick next? though I think I’d enjoy that one a bit more than you babe.”
“just stick your damn tongue out already asshole.”
“yes ma’am.”
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certainlynotasimp · 1 year
Just A Bite.
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(Miguel O' Hara x Female! Reader)
A/N: Hello~ I got another Miggy and Sunny post for my beloved readers, and I think you'll like it. I'm still working on the request too, but I had this idea and I had to write it. Also if you want to be notified about this series, please leave a comment on this post, and if you wanna read more then check out my master list.
Also thank you guys for 100 followers! I really appreciate you guys so much and I hope you all stay with me on this journey!
Warnings: Grumpy x Sunshine, Barley any use of (Y/N) ((Sunny is a nickname, not her name)), Female pronouns, Miguel being a teasing mf, Gwen being a snoopy spider, Establish Relationship?, Fluff, a little break in canon, and Google translate Spanish ((please give me critique if you guys are fluent in Spanish because I don't know how to speak it.))
Still haven't seen the movie yet so excuse any inaccuracies.
“So are they?” Jessica stops picking at her salad as the younger SpiderWoman peers over her shoulder.
Turning her head slightly, it didn’t take her long to discover what the young protégé’s attention is focused on. 
The signature blue costume hugged the tall Spiderman as he stood several feet away from them. His normally dangerous talons were hidden by the two trays of food in each hand. His eyes were narrowed in annoyance as he seems to be hyperlinked on something. It didn’t take long before Jessica figured out who she needed to spot as the source of Miguel’s irritation. 
The black and white costume of the tiny spider caught her eyes first before she realizes that Peter B. Parker had enamored her attention away from Miguel.
 Well, not so much him, but the one-month-old Mayday Parker had the Spider Society's sunshine orbiting around her. Her little hand grasps around the digit of an older woman as Sunny cooes. A look of awe and sadness filled her eyes as the whole world seemed to disappear around her.
“Are they what?” Jessica asks as she turns her attention back to her lunch, mildly groaning as her little bug certainly didn’t appreciate the diet their daddy put them on. 
“Is Miguel and (Y/N) together?” Gwen repeats her question as she analyzes Miguel’s body language.
It was odd to Gwen as Miguel appeared to be annoyed that he had to hold their plates while waiting on her, but he didn’t make a move to say to rush along the tiny spider. In fact, Gwen nearly choked on her drink as she sees the longing gaze in his garnet eyes.
“To be honest…” Jessica catches Gwen’s attention again as she starts packing away her now empty tray with trash. “I’ve been a part of the Society for a long time, but Sunny was here before I was. Her and Miguel are kinda a packaged deal, but I have no idea if they are together.” Gwen tilts her head with a confused look on her face. She knew the older Spiderwoman was one of the first members of the Society when Miguel created it, but she didn’t know the cheery spider was here longer than Jess. 
“She was here before you?”
“She was here before all of us.” Peter interrupts as he plops in the seat next to Gwen. The infant was now quietly sleeping against her father’s chest with webbing holding her up. Peter steals one of Gwen’s french fries off of her tray as Gwen looked annoyed by him. “Miss Sunshine was the first spider Miguel recruited from what I heard, and I should know.” He plops the fry into his mouth as he chats. “I was the second.”
Jessica chuckles at Gwen’s shocked face at the realization as to how long the futuristic spider man has had his cheery companion. “Little bit wants to know if the big guy and Sunny are a thing or not?” Peter raises an eyebrow as he teases Gwen, “Why? You got a crush on one of them?”
“Ew, no. They are old and I’m 16. It's just they are always together and they seem like a couple, but they don’t do normal couple things.” Gwen whines as her face burns in embarrassment.
“First off, they are not old.” Peter scoffs as he runs a hand through his own graying hair. “Miguel is 28 and Sunny just turned 27.”
Jessica giggles as a memory pops into her mind. The look on Miguel’s face when his smaller companion brought him a cake she made for his birthday will forever be Jessica’s favorite moment since joining this team. Well, the second greatest moment. The slight teary-eyed look the leader gave to the bouncing spider as he had to endure her butchering the birthday song was also very funny. At least she can cook better than she can sing.
“And adult relationships aren’t like the ones you’ve seen in high school.” Peter sighs as he remembers the regretful decisions he made in high school. “They aren’t gonna make out in the hallways or tell each other that they love each other every five minutes.” “So they are together?” Gwen slaps Peter’s hand away from her fries, which causes the baby to stir. Peter hastily bounces the baby as he throws Gwen a glare.
“Oh, I have no idea,” Peter answers honestly as Gwen plops her head on the table. “Why don’t you ask them?”
Jessica smiles fondly as Mayday stares at Peter as he finally starts eating his own food. Her hand wanders to the growing baby bump as she looks into Gwen’s frustrated gaze. “Never hurts to ask. But I suggest asking Sunny because Miguel will deny everything.”
“Miss. (Y/N), are you dating Spiderman?” Gwen rehearses to herself as she wanders down the corridor, trying to find her cheery colleague. Gwen groans as rubs her face in frustration, hating all the ideas she came up with sounded childish. How do you ask a grown woman if she is dating her boss? Especially if you’re mutant superheroes who travel to different dimensions and fight anomalies in bright spider costumes.
Just as Gwen rounds a corner, a series of grunts fall into her ears as she draws closer to the combat simulator. One of Lyla’s ideas for the HQ was to include a training room with the ability to use advanced AIs to simulate how fighting in different dimensions. She also thought it would be a fun idea to make it a level system so Miguel can review their abilities and hand out missions appropriate for the skill sets. Gwen attempted to fight in there several times, but she always gets her ass handed to her once she reaches level 3. 
Reaching the door, she peers into the window and sees a disheveled Miguel as he stood in his spider suit in a barely lit simulation. His back to her, she can see his shoulders heave as he pants for a breath of relief in this difficult setting. Despite his lack of spidey sense, Gwen knew he was pretty agile and was one of the strongest Spidermen they had. His talons emerge as his mask disintegrates. His fangs shine in the dim lighting as he looks around the room, looking for something. 
Hunting for something.
She ducks when Miguel looks her way before peeking her head back up. Before she can realize what’s going on, a flash of white gets whipped at the menacing spider, causing him to shred the opposing webbing to bits. Miguel focuses on the direction the attack came from as a smirk rolls onto his face as he approaches his invisible prey. His eyes a dangerous red as his mischief and hunger grows at the anticipation.
“¿Dónde estás, mi pequeña araña?” The predator purrs as his gaze locks on a particular corner. Gwen could barely hear it, but a faint sound of panting, of his prey trying to catch her breath. “No me dejarías esperando demasiado, ¿verdad? Extraño desesperadamente tu dulce rostro, querida.”
Miguel saunters slowly towards the faint sound, a glint of victory shining in his eyes as the smell of her perfume floats into his nose. His smirk turns into a deviously sweet smile as he cracks the bones in his hand. “Especialmente cuando estás gimiendo tan dulcemente debajo de mí…” He mumbles as he finally lunges toward the corner. Gwen puts a hand in her mouth to hide the gasp as he pounces but tilts her head in confusion as his hunt turns sour.
Miguel looks equally stunned for a moment when he realizes that nothing was in his grasp. He pats around the corner to make sure before his hand gets caught on something. He growls as he tries to free his hand upon realizing that it was a trap. A flash of white traps the other hand to the wall above the other as the air rings with giggles. 
“Caught you, Miggy!~” A voice cheers from above as both Miguel and Gwen look up to the ceiling. In a faint glow of green, the victorious smile of the small jumping spider appears out of thin air. Unexpectedly, Miguel meets her smile with a warm chuckle as the hints of a smile appear on his face. “You certainly did, little one.” He sighs as the woman hops down and lands in a crouch position in front of him. Gwen smiles at the adorable display until the older woman leaned over to Miguel’s shoulder. Miguel flinches slightly with a flush of red covering his face as Gwen realizes what just happened.
‘Did she just bite him?!’ Gwen thought as she stared at the smiling duo in bewilderment. 
“Think its going to leave a mark?” He commented as he watches in amusement as his sunshine glares at him.
“It better! Yours are gonna take forever to heal.” She huffs as she stands up. Miguel rolls his eyes and chuckles at her attempt to appear annoyed. 
“It's not that bad…” “NOT THAT BAD?!” Sunny blurts out, interrupting the amused man.
The top part of her costume disintegrates, exposing her tank top underneath as Gwen had to stop herself from shouting in shock. Littering the small spider’s frame were 5 large bruising bite marks, each featuring two distinct puncture wounds. Gwen looks up at the panel beside the door and sees they are on level 6 of 1v1 combat simulation. The realization dawns on the teenager as her face turns an unflattering shade of red. Before she can witness anymore, Gwen teleports out of the corridor as the duo sees the flash of orange. 
“What was that?”
“I don’t know, but whoever it was is gonna be on trash duty for a month”
“So you ever asked her about if she and Miguel are-”
“No, and I’ll never try to figure that out again.”
A/N: Please please let me know what else you guys wanna see or throw me some critiques. I love hearing from you all!!
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