#everyones like huh and hes like oh yeah im bisexual
humanthatexistsrn · 9 months
thinking about troy and abed and what direction they might take in the movie for them. currently i see two options: 1. dan harmon makes it a story about friends growing apart and changing and how that’s just how life is sometimes, or 2. dan harmon finally ties up all of the homoeroticism surrounding the two and it’s them finally realising they romantically love each other
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jakowskis · 1 month
Day 1 - How did you first get into Torchwood?
fdhkf ok ok so basically. i do not remember exactly what happened. this happens to me often like i can never remember what i came across that first got me into the media. with torchwood i at least know it was the fact that everyone was bi, but i dont rmr if i saw a post about it, or if i was fucking around on tvtropes or something - i legit cannot remember. i remember seeing a gifset of gay torchwood kisses p early on, but i dont think that was like the inciting incident? that mighta come about when i was doing research into the alleged fruitiness FHSJDFKDS. i do know i've been aware of jack as a character for at least a decade, like i'd heard of the harkness test + i was aware that he was 'that slutty doctor who guy', and also, coincidentally, in the fandom i was in in 2015, someone wrote a crossover fic where my fav slept with jack and ianto and i read it 😭 had no idea who they were, i hopefully at least googled them but fhsdjkf. but anyway i was like 'ooh a show with an all bisexual cast? color me intrigued.' i'd never touched dw either, i had friends who liked it when i was in middle school but i always saw it as kinda dorky fhsdkj (namely cuz my friends were dorks), but yeah, i was reeled in by the concept of sci-fi bisexuals. but not fully! it was in like 'yeah ill put that on my watchlist and get around to it in 2 yrs' territory
but then, as im looking into it, i realize owen's played by burn gorman, who i only knew from pac rim, which i'd fixated on briefly in 2018, riiiight before pru came out. my pr fixation p much revolved entirely around newt; i liked newmann, but i didn't get super into it. hermann himself was kind of an afterthought, i wasn't big on him at the time. anyway i saw owen and recognized hermann's actor, and my initial reaction was like "WHAT DO U MEAN HERMANN FUCKING GOTTLIEB'S IN THE SLUTTY BISEXUAL SHOW??? THIS I MUST SEE! HERMANN GOTTLIEB KISS MEN REAL NOT CLICKBAIT?!?!?!!??" and that was literally the thing that made me watch it. LAWL and the first few eps were so damn jarring bc i continued to just associate owen with hermann initially. and worse yet, ive now developed a hefty crush on burn himself lmao, i think he's gorg and ive watched a lot of his stuff, but before i got into torchwood i only knew him from PR and i didnt find hermann attractive or even rlly compelling in the slightest (this has changed significantly; im in my hermann era as a pr fan. newt who). so it was also a lot of "WTF WHY IS HE HOT??? HUH???? DUDE NO WAY." it's since lost its novelty, but it was very jarring + amusing to me at first, trying to reconcile owen n hermann. its like if u ran into ur frumpy weird professor at leather night and he was the twink of ur dreams FDSKJFHDSKJFDSK
yeah so then i watched the show and it fucking smacked me over the head with a shovel bc its so fucking bad but its so fucking good. and very quickly my view of owen went from "wait a mf second why is not-hermann kind of 🫦 hiii mean slutty hermann hiii" to "wait. oh hes fucked up. oh hes sad. oh no i love him" to him being my third favorite character of all time. fff. but more on that tomorrow! hehehehe
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zombvibes · 2 years
Important question! Would TMS! Noelle's room in Queen's castle also have a Susie statue? If yes, would TMS! Susie also take it?
Also could you tell us more about TMS! Berdly? I have a pretty hard time figuring out his personality
> Of course it would and why wouldn’t she? (I don’t really know how the statue would look like though)
- My hate for emo berdly aside (/j), tms!berdly was always meant the "guy who tries WAAAY to hard to be cool and edgy but isn't at all" and the "lone wolf who isn't a lone wolf at all" character. He’s supposed to be the “bully” but nobody a : finds him intimidating and b : takes him seriously. And it’s not like he’s really good at bullying anyways. The only person who he really bullied anyways was Susie, who actually got hurt by the things he said. She isn’t too hurt by the things he says now (though sometimes it does get to her). He tends to put down everyone and put himself up (and noelle as well. he looks up to her a lot which is where is smug personality came from. He tends to mimic people he looks up to in one way or another.) He’s kinda just one of those edgelords who are actually cowards honestly—
- Oh yeah he’s bisexual…you probably didn’t know that though huh? *canned laughter*
Speaking of teammateswap hey y’all lookie :-D -> @teammateswap-au (im gonna keep shouting out the account until I get tired doing it)
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
me, nodding of to sleep: IM HERE IM HERE
did my head just loll to the side? you will never know. first of all this chapter was the most beautiful thing i have ever read. Mavid have my HEART. It's also 4 16 am so im sorry if the reactions are a little bland but this was PERFECT.
me, throughout the whole thing: mavid mavid mavid
They had kissed for the first time almost a week ago. And they had kissed again. A couple of times.
Okay fine, they had kissed a lot since then.
Not a lot a lot. But a lot.
Wait a minute. How much kissing was a lot of kissing?
this is adorable
“I heard he cried when he found out Lexi and Liv were dating,” David chuckled.
yup that's jace
“We have to pay to talk on the phone?” Max asked incredulously. “I thought it was free.”
“Of course it isn’t free, Max!” David chuckled. “We have to pay for WiFi too.”
“This is ridiculous!” Max said. “Next you will say we have to pay for electricity.”
“Um, we do have to pay for electricity,” David chuckled again.
we pay for water too
but max you didnt know-
“Don’t let them guilt trip you!” Max had chastised. “They like doing chores. Let them do it. They fight demons all day and then come home and do chores. I feel like it’s their form of therapy. They need this.”
cant relate nope
“I don’t know,” Max groaned. “My family is so dramatic.”
the lightwood-banes in one sentence
“Well, too late!” Max announced. “This date is going to be the best first date in the history of first of dates.”
In retrospect, he really shouldn’t have said that.
nah its gonna be great
“Perhaps you should just take him to the New York Library. They have, uh, books.”
yes that is what they keep in libraries
His parents would not be pleased if they knew Max was summoning demons for relationship advice.
But they had also encouraged Max to make friends with everyone regardless of their identity. So, technically this was their fault. They gave him very mixed messages.
you know i really shouldnt have laughed at the demon attack news but for some reason i did
i blame my sleep deprivation
shit i feel sick
you know maybe i shouldve just waited till the morning...
ok but the demon attack is NOT coincidental
there is something going on
“I thought dragon demons were extinct!” Max yelled over the commotion.
“Man, fuck the orders!” Max said in frustration.
if you get hurt ill kill you
oh it's not her
well fuck
“That was an Armani, you piece of shit!” Rafael yelled at the demon. Max almost laughed.
It really did. Dragon demons smelled like they lived inside a boys locker room.
well that's nice to know
ok what is going on
“Say the thing!!!”
“I’m not saying the damn thing, you maniac!”
“Say the thing!”
Rafael groaned and raised his hands, the alliance rune lighting up.
“I’m not just a shadowhunter,” Rafael said through gritted teeth. “I’m Magnus Bane’s son.”
“Well, demons are stupid,” Max pointed out.
“Yeah, that makes sense,” Rafael said with a mouthful of food. “You are half demon after all.”
Im so sleepy i cant even react to this
Max wanted to laugh. Only David would worry about another person while being injured in the infirmary.
Max nodded; his throat still dry. He couldn’t stop staring at David. At the wound. At the blood.
Also, maybe the naked chest.
we're getting lightwood-bane fluff LET ME CRY
on one hand alec smoking is fucking hot BUT WITH THE MUNDANE DISEASES OH HELL NAH
“But it tastes so good when it’s from your plate!” Max said with a mouth full of food.
“Oh, you want my food? Here!” Rafael grinned and threw a piece of chicken at his face.
Max caught it with his mouth cause wasting food was a crime. “Thanks, bro!”
“You little s-”
“And no fighting over chicken!” Bapak pointed out. “We can always summon some more.”
“Order,” dad corrected. “We don’t summon. We order. And then we pay.”
“How do we destroy capitalism if we have to pay for everything?” Max asked.
Max has a point y'know
“That’s rich coming from someone who is wearing an Armani jacket,” Max stuck out his tongue.
“It was a gift!” Rafael said, furiously chewing on his chicken.
“Does that mean Bapak is a capitalist?” Max asked.
Max: What even-
Max: Can shadowhunters get high on iratzes lol
David: Mr Herondale yelled “Yes! Two out of three!”
“David is what you get if Dad and Uncle Jace and Uncle Jem had a baby.”
“Oh,” Max said. “Uh, David and I…We are dating.”
Dad choked on his coffee. “Excuse me?”
Bapak chuckled next to him. “Of course you didn’t know.”
“You two are dating?” dad demanded. “Since when? Who else knows about this? Why didn’t you tell us before? Were you dating when you were in London? Magnus, did you know about this?”
“There you go!” Max yelled triumphantly. “That’s the dramatic reaction I was looking for. Thanks, dad!”
There's alec. Yup
good thing i had wattpad I MEAN-
“Kissing?” dad gaped. “On the mouth???”
“Um, where else would we kiss?” Max asked incredulously.
“Well, actually,” Bapa cleared his throat. “There are many ways you can enjoy-”
And that’s how the next hour turned out to be the most painful and most embarrassing hour of his life.
Max decided he would rather get attacked by a hoard of dragon demons than sit through it any longer
“You guys know we have something called the internet, right?” Max demanded.
“Well, the internet can have mixed messages,” Bapak sniffed. “We on the other hand have real life experien-”
“Magnus!” dad looked red in the face.
“Fine,” Bapak sighed. “Now moving on to the importance of lubrication and-”
“I’m begging you to stop,” Max groaned.
“I’ll have you know this conversation utterly traumatized me. I demand financial compensation.”
“Well,” dad said carefully. “David is…”
“French?” Max asked.
i blame my sleep deprived ass for laughing at this
next thing i know someone's being tortured and im laughing because i dont have sleep in my system
Max honey...
listen to him
i for one, dont want a repeat of pg 511 cols
oh he's finding out about the incident
that's what i call it
Max thought of all the stories he had heard then. The one of the warlock who killed people who he could bring back his dead girlfriend. The one about a nephilim mother who paired up with prince of hell to bring back her dead son.
oh yeah...
They called it The Jem effect.
It was true. In fact, he used to have a crush on both Tessa and Jem. It’s how he had found he was bisexual.
very very valid. have a good day sir
you know it's a sign ive been watching b99 too much that i was imagining mina talking like gina...
pls send help
“Can we not talk about my boyfriend’s sperm, please?”
im surprised my parents havent woken up by the sound i let out
“I’m hearing an inflated sense of self-importance,” he heard Ragnor call from the bathroom. “Is Magnus here?”
“Just the spawn,” Max called back.
“He is married to the Consul!” Tessa chuckled. “And one of his sons is a shadowhunter.”
“It’s still very bad for our reputation,” Ragnor grumbled. “He is too close with shadowhunters.”
“You are the headmaster of Scholomance!” Catarina said incredulously. “You teach nephilim! Even though you don’t need a job!”
“I was coerced!” Ragnor huffed. “Manipulated by the children of the angel.”
really ragnor?
The grin disappeared and Ragnor buried his face on Catarina’s shoulder. “I can’t go through this again, Cat! Not again!”
“So much for not taking up after his father, huh?” Catarina chuckled and looked at him. “That’s nice, Max. We are happy for you.”
“We are not!” Ragnor said in a muffled voice.
a kind of endless love...
dont make me cry
“I know you are worried, love,” Tessa’s voice was a whisper. “You are worried about surviving after David. You are worried about your own heart. But you should never let that fear stop you from finding love. Because love is what sustains us immortals. It keeps us alive. When you love a mortal, you love them forever. You might not remember all the memories. The colour of their eyes or the sound of their voice. But you will remember the love. You will carry that love inside you forever. It does not make you weak or fragile. It makes you stronger. And you will forever be grateful for it.”
my eyeballs are too tired to cry
stop it
bitch you hate children wtf-
Max laughed. “I’m going to kill dad for making us do this. God, this is so weird!”
better get it done now
dont do this to me at 4 am
“You should two should some spend time together. Get to know each other and all of that,” Max suggested with a smile. “Maybe you can bond over archery or something.”
“I’m pretty sure he would use me for target practice,” David mumbled.
“Don’t be ridiculous, David!” Max said incredulously. “My father doesn’t need target practice!”
At this point, a David and alec scene isn't a want its a NEED
“I got it all planned,” Max said – for someone who had no idea what he was going to do.
me throughout life
max Rafael isn't the one smoking-
“Also tell him to stop smoking!” Max pointed out seriously. “It’s not good for his health! Especially with all the mundane illnesses going on.”
“I know, Max,” dad sighed heavily and blinked. “I mean, I’ll talk to him. For sure.”
Alec if anything happens to you...just know ill raise hell
“I don’t want easy,” David smiled. “I want you.”
“Dad? The Consul? That dad?” David looked surprised and relieved all at once. “Oh my god, he doesn’t hate me!”
“Of course he doesn’t hate you!” Max chuckled. “But he did say he will put your nerd ass in the silent city if you don’t bring me home by 11.”
of course, he did
oh my god SLEEP. there is so much to do tomorrow dying...my grammar was really bad and I don't have what it takes to use Grammarly's corrections except for the ones it's already doing as type.
this chapter had my heart BURSTING!! AHHHHHHH
the talk was so important I'm so glad they took care of that. ok imma head to bed now BYEE
Eeeeeee this was a lot sfkjdfkd I hope you are okay. Get some sleep next time or I will call the police.
Thank you as always for reading, reacting and supporting 💚
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lcnelyinthesky · 3 years
admiration - tsukishima kei
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a/n: okay hi?? im ellie?? heres this??? i worked on it for like four? days?on and off? and its longer than any oneshot ive written but yk shes cute ig. pls be nice pls enjoy... but also my last piece got 2 notes and im really hopin in not shadowbanned here lmao
genre: fluff, angst, rivals to lovers!!
pairing: bisexual!female!reader x tsukishima kei (yes bi reader its a vibe)
warnings: a break up with a beautiful woman i made up myself, swearing
word count: 3.7k (ahhhh!!)
enjoy!! :D
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Elementary second year. Your newly-assigned seat was next to a much taller, blond kid. He was smart and bright, rivaling the sun in terms of unbridled joy. Now, none of that can be seen by eight year old eyes, but looking back and comparing, it's easy to spot that he changed. 
Tsukishima Kei was an excitable kid, just as everyone was, but he was still snarky; his arrogance seemed to be something that just festered within his soul, no matter the trauma that brought it out. 
Childlike wonder is still alive and well at eight. 
The teacher you had back then was quite rude. She was pushy and angry, and she assigned way too much homework. Everything she uttered made you huff in disappointment, crossing your arms and hoping for some sort of reaction from someone. The kid next to you was named Koji--or, at least, that's what you called him. He was your best friend, spending every moment with you like you were siblings. You'd be able to crack a joke with the smallest glance and you’d talk constantly. As soon as your handwriting was legible to people of your age group, you'd pass notes back and forth and cackle at their contents. Until, of course,
“Tsukishima, will you switch seats with Kojikata today?” Your teacher sounded exhausted, huffing her sentence out on a sigh before going back to the multiplication tables on the board. Suddenly, your little world was interrupted.
“Y/N, right?” He didn’t look at you, placing his folders down on the desk and pushing his glasses back up as he sat. His words were hushed and quiet, but the class had moved into individual work--he wasn’t interrupting anyone.
“Yeah. Can I call you Tsukki?” You were angry, gripping your pencil tighter in your little hand as you wrote numbers down on white paper. One times one is one. Two times two is four. This is easy.
“No,” he was long doing the same thing, but writing quicker than you. That’s how it is, huh?
Three times two is six. Four times five is twenty. Six times three is eighteen. Five times six is thirty. This is easy-
“Miss, I’m done.” His voice was always so dry. Uninterested. 
Four times three is twelve. “Me too!” Your hand shot up with the paper in it, sending a death glare at the boy next to you.
That's how it is, huh?
This pattern continued for weeks. Tsukishima didn’t move from his seat next to you, as your teacher had made the realization that you worked far harder without friends around. Tsukishima lit a competitive fire under you; everything was now a race.
It started with handing in assignments. Who would go up to the front desk first to have their work checked over? Who would finish this quiz faster? Then it transferred into everything. 
Who would get to class faster? Who finished their lunch quicker? Who could read faster? Who scored higher on spelling tests? Who could run faster in gym class?
And then it was middle school.
Middle school brought in Yamaguchi Tadashi. 
It'd be an understatement to say he warmed to Yamaguchi quickly, but the basis behind that was strange. Tsukishima was never one for friends, even though everyone wanted to be friends with him. He was cool in the eyes of a handful of eleven year olds; letting everything roll off your back seemed to be an admirable trait. Yamaguchi worshipped him, and Tsukishima took him under his wing to teach him the ropes of being a cool kid.
At heart, though, Yamaguchi was kind and attentive. He could tell when things were going wrong, and supposedly it was him that changed the rest of your life.
The rivalry continued just as it had in elementary, just with higher stakes. You'd fight for answering questions first, working ahead of everyone else to just beat him. He’d never bat an eye at it, and sometimes you thought it was all over, but then
“Y/N.” Tsukishima Kei stood three steps behind you, looming over you with the height he was seemingly born with. The hallway was emptying by now, kids walking into their classrooms once again. The white floors rung with the quiet sounds of soft-bottomed shoes and a light above your head flickered calmly.
“Yeah?” You spun around to meet his gaze.
“What’d you get on that lit essay?”
“A 96. Why?”
“No reason,” he smirked and tilted his head up, looking down at you, “I got a 100.”
A huff and a stomp away gave him the answer he needed as he followed you into the classroom, sitting down behind you and next to Yamaguchi just as he did every day. The little shit.
Tsukishima was never better than you, technically speaking. On average and on paper, you were always both roughly the same. You'd fight for being top of the class, the position switching between both of you every day. You excelled in creative things while he excelled at sports, but both of you dabbled in the other. When people in your year began dating, everyone came to assume you two were. It was embarrassing, really, because Tsukishima Kei was a little shit know-it-all who will never beat me at anything ever and people need to stop thinking he will because he won’t I’m better than hi-
“Hey?” Oh right. Friends.
“Koji!” He never left, at least not yet. His nimble fingers tapping on your shoulder brought you back to reality, making you jump and turn around to face him, wrapping your arms around his body for a split second.
“You looked zoned” his face was riddled with concern that was easy to write off.
“Oh, whoops” a small blush heated your cheek as your hand migrated to rub your neck. “Did you want something?”
As you walked into the classroom a bit further, Koji sat on your right; he seemed to buckle down more when you had moved away from each other way back in the day, so there were less mid-class comedy shows. He grew up just as you had, and with the closeness of the two of you people began to think you were dating. At twelve, it was incredibly necessary to date someone--anyone. Theories bounced from everywhere and anywhere and with you it was either your best friend or your biggest rival. Your lack of attraction to either of them became the center of many late night crises. 
“Not particularly,” his gaze switched from you to the board again, beginning to write something down when he turned his head. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah! Of course I am,” you smiled at him, the kind of smile that made your eyes crinkle at the corners, and suddenly it was high school.
“Tsukishima is really cute! And he's smart, I heard that Kageyama wasn’t too bright somewhere.”
“But Kageyama’s so much hotter! His being a little dumb sometimes is endearing.”
“Are we not going to talk about that third year setter, Sugawara?”
“No, he’d never go for a first year. Besides, that Hinata kid is more of an enigma.”
“Have you even seen them play?” A howl of angry “yes”s fell over the crowd, trying to prove something. None of them had ever seen them play.
That asshole Tsukishima getting popular felt like a stab in the soul. None of them knew him or how much he sucked, but the amount of girls fawning over him was horrific.
There's something consistently poetic about young love, no matter where it comes from. Something extra sweet about holding pinkies in school corridors when no one is looking and seeing them every day, smiling loudly as the sun broke over the horizon all bright and early. The raging hormones and dumb, fake social hierarchies of fifteen make emotions run wild, and only the deeply immature end up helplessly infatuated. Others are more cautious, but there's only so many precautions one can take at fifteen. Sometimes some of us just want to be loved, no matter the sincerity of it.
Cared for, and whatnot. No harm in that, in the long run at least. 
“Y/N, right?” Her name was Mei. She was in your class; 1-4, just like Tsukishima. She was pretty. Long, black hair was preceded by two green streaks at the front. She’d always have those down, making her features look like a photo in a perfect frame. She had a collection of hair clips with small shapes on them that she’d have somewhere on her person at all times. Her more mid-sized body was paler than most, and she was covered in freckles and moles. Her eyes were an unusual shade of blue that looked deep enough to swim in. Her cheeks were always stained with a peachy blush that moved up her collarbones and into her ears, making her look like she was always smiling no matter what her face was doing. Karasuno’s school uniform did wonders for her curves, the skirt swaying up on occasion and making her look so damn perfect.
“Yeah! You’re…” a second of dumbfounded pause felt like years in your mind, coming to the conclusion that she was the most beautiful girl you had ever met. “Ojiro Mei?”
“Yep! I just wanted to tell you you looked really pretty today!” Her voice always had an upward inflection, and was higher than most. It was cute. Incredibly cute.
“Oh.” A moment of confidence fell over you like you weren’t in control of your actions, “you’re beautiful.”
“Thank you very much,” she bounced back on her toes and then rolled back to her heels, hands intertwined behind her back, “You’re too kind, Y/N.” Her sentences were always punctuated with an eye-crinkling smile.
Later that day, you found her on every social media account you could; she messaged you first.
When you don’t know you’re interested in women, it’s hard to notice that they’re flirting with you, but after a handful of supposed gay panic, you asked her on a date.
She was two inches shorter than you, and somehow that persisted no matter what shoes she was wearing. Every small outing with her felt like cloud nine--watching the sunset, small conversation over tea at a nearby cafe, cuddling in your bedroom with only a string of Christmas lights on. She always looked so wonderful in soft lighting, the potential cold of winter disappeared with pale beiges that made her freckles look like stars. Every action Mei ever did was soft and full of care. She could send every single emotion through her fingertips on your jaw, deepening a kiss you started moments before. She was like magic, until she wasn't anymore.
You supposed, when thinking back, that things fell out around month thirteen. The rose colored lenses everything was viewed through faded a bit, and it's easy to notice her pulling away. There were less late night phone calls and less recommended music and less hands running through your hair. Everything has a natural progression to the end, right?
“Do you still feel it?” It was raining. Large drops of water fell down to the floor, smacking the pavement at speeds you couldn’t even try to measure. She was wearing a bright yellow raincoat that looked almost dull in the four pm light. 
“Feel what?”
“Anything, baby.” All of her words ended with a huffed out sigh, like she was tired of something. Lying, maybe. 
You pondered the question, and it seemed like your hesitation gave her all the answer she needed. 
“Ya know, Y/N.” She looked down and grabbed your hands with hers, rubbing her thumbs on your palms as you grabbed around them. “This was fun. We had a good run.”
A solemn tear fell down your cheek at the ending, but there was no use in self pity or anger now. She was so sweet and kind, and it's truly unthinkable how she continued that kindness in the end.
“Yeah. A good run.” The pink in your cheeks grew as you choked out a laugh, pulling her in for one final hug under the dim fluorescent lights on the front door overhang of the school.
Fifteen came and went with love, and when sixteen rolled around you wondered if you’d ever be loved like that again.
A spirit can't be broken overnight, and if you’ve spent the last eight years of your life having a strong, consistent rivalry with someone, it won’t leave any time soon. Tsukishima and you were on similar playing fields for most of your life, but you had one thing he didn’t: relationship experience. In that way, you always counted yourself one point higher, like a boy scout badge. 
For a spell, however, your intensity changed. There was nothing more driving you than spite, and there was nothing you wanted more than to beat him. You were well into your second year of high school at this point, and--volleyball notwithstanding--you had wins over Tsukishima. You had seen him play volleyball, every match in his second year, and you deemed he was simply okay. You refused to count his success onto the list of wins for both of you.
June fifteenth. Tournaments were coming up around the corner when it happened, which explained every reason why he was there. You weren’t exactly prepared for the rain, so the best bet seemed to be sitting at the front entrance of Karasuno High School and wallowing in a little bit more self pity before you went home. You were just dumped after all, the tears weren’t done falling. 
The feeling between sadness and shame overflowed you, shades of yellowish green painting the world around you and churning your gut into oblivion. And the tears fell. It felt like a scene in a movie; in a few seconds, a strong, capable man would show up to your rescue.
“Y/N?” what the fuck?
He was sweaty. His face was matte from a light film of saltwater. He had a grey umbrella over his head, keeping himself dry from the still-pelting rain. His six-foot-two frame was covered with a black tracksuit, and he still had his sports goggles on.
Those fucking sports goggles.
“Tsukishima.” you deadpanned, trying to get him away as fast as possible. His words were snarky, as always, but this time laced with concern. Like he actually cared.
“What are you still doing here? It’s almost six,” he stood under the overhang with you, crouching to take a few feet off of his incredible height. 
“Ah,” he huffed and sat down next to you, “it’s not great for your posture, ya know.”
“Oh shut up, Tsukishima.”
“Remember when we were eight,” he looked up, studying the moths as they flew around the lights on the ceiling, “and you asked if you could call me Tsukki?”
“Vaguely, but we were eight.”
“Yeah, true” his head dramatically fell to his lap, staring at his knees as he chuckled, “but you can. Call me Tsukki, that is.”
An uncomfortable laugh fell from your lips, and he spoke for you, “this one kid, Koganegawa, the setter on Date Tech, calls me that too. It's not a Tadashi-only nickname anymore.”
“You say Tadashi-only like I wasn’t there first.”
“He never asked.”
“Would you have said no?”
“Probably” he hasn’t actually looked at you yet. 
“Should I not have asked?”
“It doesn’t matter anymore.”
“Okay, Tsukki” you drew out the last letter, giggling at the situation before you had time to think about your emotions.
He noticed that you weren’t crying anymore and helped you stand, grabbing your hand and pulling you up. Tsukishima and you lived closer than you thought, walking the same direction and only splitting up seconds away from your home.
You walked in silence the whole time, but it was comfortable. While he was your rival, he was always a friend. There was nothing scary or intimidating about him, as is with most people when you’ve known them forever; it was almost like his facade just didn’t work on you. You were huddled close to him to stay out of the rain. 
The second you parted ways, you ran home. The rain was more of a drizzle now, but the temperature began a free fall--getting out of the cold as fast as possible was your first priority. Upon entering the front door and taking off your shoes and jacket, leaving everything to sit in the entryway, you took a shower. The rain didn’t do enough to wash away the pain of the day, and warm steam would let the rest evaporate. The expected unrelenting sadness wasn’t really present as much as was expected, though. Everything felt fine. Content. Okay.
And it continued that way. He sent you a snapchat asking if you had gotten home safely, which prompted a memory of you never giving each other your phone numbers. After a quick yes, tsukki. no need to worry ;), you sent him your number asking to play some game.
Whatever is meant to happen does, right? Any excuse for falling for him. You didn’t want to, of course, but things happen. Time changes. Thus, the excuses. Thus, the ignorance. Thus, the five stages of grief. 
It started with the denial, because no Y/N you can’t like Tsukishima Kei. He’s so competitive and mean and snarky and horrible and you hate him! Then, the anger, because Tsukishima sucks and he’s horrible and you’re going to punch him in his stupid cute face. Next, the bargaining, because please don’t let this be happening you’ll do anything to lose these feelings, even if it means letting him win at something. Going into the depression, because all you’ve ever wanted was to be free of this assclown and now you’re stuck thinking about him at three in the morning when you’re supposed to be dreaming about anything other than him. And finally, acceptance, when you scowl at him in the hallway because fuck, you like Tsukishima Kei.
The worst bit of acceptance is getting over it. Now you had to confront your feelings. Now you needed to tell him. 
It was roughly five months since he found you sulking on school grounds, and you regretted most days the way you let him text you every morning. It’d always be something stupid, like a joke about the novel you were reading in lit or sometimes he’d tell you, off hand, something dumb Hinata and Kageyama did at practice. Sometimes he’d text you, within the first twenty minutes of the school day, pointing out something little you did with your hair. They were never really compliments as much as comments; he’d say “your socks have a pink ring at the top” and give you nothing to work with from there. A simple yes would suffice, you always supposed, because “yes, tsukki. they do.”
He’d linger at his desk during the break between classes and would stay there if you didn’t leave, but would leave a few steps behind you if you did. He wouldn’t follow you, but he’d watch to know where you were going. Everything he did was concealed though--you'd only notice if you really wanted to know.
Yamaguchi was the only one to notice, even after a while of it. You’ll never know what he said to his friend, but the conversation you had with the aforementioned friend a day later gives some guesses.
“Y/N?” Tsukishima was never the shy type, and you knew him in the days where everyone was shy. He wasn’t loud, but he was bold. His words were always pointed and important. Everything he did always had purpose and intensity behind it.
“Tsukki?” You were sitting under a tree, enjoying the late spring weather of the beginning of your third year. Nothing became intense yet classwork wise, so there was ample time to chill on the school grounds. Overlooking the soccer field was a large oak tree. It was big enough to comfortably have multiple groups of people under its shade, but it was empty at the moment; save for you and the book you were reading.
“I was just wondering if you’d like to maybe go out sometime?” He somehow didn’t pause while talking, but his words came out more something akin to word vomit. You we’re more shocked than you should have been, if you had picked up on the signs. But you were feeling the same as he was, as far as you could tell.
“Sure, when?” You looked back down at your book for a second, placing the bookmark in it and folding the pages shut.
Tsukishima looked dumbfounded, standing there with his eyes bugged out and his mouth slightly agape. He started making unintelligible babbling noises, hoping to get something out that had any meaning at all. You took the reins instead, gaining confidence in his lack thereof.
“I was planning on getting coffee or something today after school. It gets really cold at night now, huh?”
“Yeah, I suppose.”
“Would you like to join me?”
“There's a break before practice today so” he hesitated, letting the pink in his cheeks finally catch up to the beating in his chest. “Sure.”
You wouldn’t have ever pegged Tsukishima Kei as the flustered type.
There was never a drop in conversation, as there never really was between you two. A whole life together and you still had things to talk about, mentioning everything from your individual childhoods to recent developments. Turns out he never knew what genre of books were your favorite. Or what kind of music you listened to. Or what any of your hobbies were. 
Turns out you both had more in common than you thought, competitive spirits notwithstanding. Tsukishima Kei was a strange man in every sense of the word. He was arrogant and snarky and disinterested and bright and passionate and smart. He was your rival, smug look plastered on his smug face making your chest bubble in anger just as it had a million times before--or was that admiration this time? The world may never know. 
All that was real right now was the deck of cards on the table, being separated out into a card game both of you learned as kids. The small, round, cafe table shook with every slap of your hands, but the basis of your relationship would always be competition. It's just that now the anger behind that competition was gone. All that was left was admiration. 
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darkfairy-tales · 4 years
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Insanity - Chapter 3
Description: She was an angel who came across the devil himself and her existence drove him insane.
Pairing: Sangyeon x Reader
Genre: Mafia au
Warning: Mentions of blood. Swearing
The next day you had been on edge since the moment you woke up. You couldn't help but feel nervous about the party Sangyeon had mentioned. You couldn't help but keep thinking of Sangyeon too. He was a mystery. You couldn't figure him out. But he was an interesting person to you. Earlier he had texted you reminding you about the party to which you had replied that you remember it and that you don't have short term memory lost or things like that. You knew that you were being snappy but you didn't really care. An hour and a half before it turned 7 pm you had went to take a bath willing yourself to relax. You got out and slowly started to get ready taking your time. You settled for a light make up. Giving yourself a natural look. You let your hair down. The dress Sangyeon had gotten for you looked wonderful on you. It was the right fit which sort of surprised you. You wore the earring and necklace which went well with the dress. When you done giving yourself a final touch it was almost 7 pm already. You put your heels on and walked out of the house locking the door behind you.
Just on time a large expensive car pulls up in front of your house. The driver gets off and opens the door. You saw Sangyeon who had a smirk on, waving at you lightly. You huffed as you walked towards the car and got inside. The driver closing the door and then getting back to the driver seat as he starts the engine and drove towards where you assumed the party venue was. "You look beautiful princess." Sangyeon says. You glanced at him. He was wearing a beautiful suit which looked expensive and you think of how it must have costed a fortune. He looked hot if you were honest. Dangerous but tempting. He looked like a predator and unfortunately or fortunatelyyou felt like a prey under his gaze. You didn't really minded for some reason. "Thanks. You look great too." You mumbled as you looked away hiding your blush. The whole time on the way Sangyeon had his eyes trained on you and then looking away when you looked towards him. It didn't made you uncomfortable per say but you felt a little bit of nervousness in the pit of your stomach. Your let out the breath you didn't knew you were holding when the car stopped in front of a large hotel. You got out of the car along with Sangyeon. He takes your hand in his as he leads you inside the hotel. "Good evening Mr.Lee. Good evening ma'am." Some of the staffs greeted when you too walked in. Sangyeon nodded back at them. You did the same with a smile. You could see some of the female staffs glaring at you making you shift uncomfortably beside Sangyeon. "Good evening sir. I have been told to lead you to the hall. Please do follow me." A male staff said. "Lead the way then." Sangyeon said as both of you followed the staff.
He led you to the hall. You could hear the chatters and slow music playing in the party clearer and clearer as you got closer. "Here you go sir, ma'am. Enjoy the party." The staff said. The two guards guarding the door opened the door wide. It was as if all the spotlight fell on you and Sangyeon as everyone inside the hall turned back to look at you and Sangyeon. Some whispered to each other looking at you while some looked too surprised to say anything. "Let's go in princess." Sangyeon softly says to you as he leads you inside. Your arms hooked around his. "Smile. You look beautiful. Don't look too nervous. It will make you stand out more." Sangyeon says. You try to look relaxed as much as you can and give the people staring at you a smile. A middle aged man comes up to both of you grinning. "Oh hello Mr.Lee. I almost thought you were not coming but I see you did and also brought a beautiful date with you." The man says. Sangyeon gives the man a smile, which in your opinion was fake. "Well I had nothing much to do Mr.Chou. So I thought why not." Sangyeon said. "I see. So who is this beautiful woman?" The man asked looking at you up and down. You coughed a bit as the sudden attention. "I am Y/N. Nice to meet you." You said bowing a bit. "Such a lovely name. It is really nice meeting you." Mr.Chou says with a smile. "Anyway enjoy the party. I will go greet other guests." The man says as he walks away. Sangyeon leads you to the table filled with different types of food and drinks. "Stay here. Don't move. I am going to go have a talk with someone. You can eat anything here. Be wary of other people. Don't listen to anyone talking shit and most importantly don't trust and follow anyone." Sangyeon says. You just nod with a huff as he walks away.
"Jerk. Leaving me all alone in a party I have no idea about." You mumbled to yourself as you turned around the table filled with food. "What would you like to have ma'am?" A man, who seems to be a staff asked referring to the foods and drinks. "I am not sure. But I would like to drink something. Recommend me something." You said as you looked at all the drinks. "Non alcoholic or?" The man asked. "Yes non alcoholic please." You said with a smile. The man nodded as he picked up a blue drink handling it to you. "It is a mocktail called Blue Shoe. It is my personal recommendation." He said. You hummed as you took the glass and started drinking as you looked around all the people in the hall. Everyone seems to be socializing chatting with each other. You see Sangyeon chatting with some woman and you unconsciously narrow your eyes at them. "Who the hell is she?" you mumbled to yourself. "She is Im Chaerin." A voice answered for you. Surprised you turned around and saw a shorter male with blue hair. "Oh." You answered not really knowing what to answer. "I am Kim Hongjoong. Nice to meet you..." The man says trailing off. You noticed how he had such cute facial features. "Y/N. Nice to meet you too." You says as you finished off your drink. "You came with Sangyeon?" He asked. You hesitantly nodded. "Well that's a first. He doesn't really come in parties like this. More so he doesn't really bring anyone with him. You are a first. Many woman would be jealous. Especially with the fact that you are really attractive." Hongjoong says as he picks up a drink for himself.
"Are you here because you find me attractive too?" You asked raising your eyebrows. You didn't meant to sound cocky and shit but you were a bit curious. Hongjoong laughs at your questions. "I would have been attracted to you if I was single. But what can I say I am really loyal to my boyfriend." He says. "You are gay?" You asked for confirmation. "Bisexual. But I prefer man more." He says as he takes a sip of his drink. "How do you know Sangyeon?" You ask. "You can say we are kind of friends? Well we help each other in various ways. He is more closer to my boyfriend." He says. "Did you came with your boyfriend?" You asked as you put pick up another glass Blue Shoe Mocktail. "Yes. And I don't knew where the hell did he went." He huffs with an annoyed look. "I am sure he will come back looking for you." You said with a chuckle. "Oh well he better. Or else he is sleeping on the couch." He said sounding threatening making you laugh at his threat. You look back up to where Sangyeon was and you saw him walking back towards you, his eyes flickering between you and Hongjoong. "I don't know about mine. But your man surely is coming." Hongjoong says snickering. You blush at his words. "I hope I didn't took to long. And I see you have met Hongjoong." Sangyeon says. "You left your girl to talk to another girl. Y/N was glaring at you." Hongjoong says. His words making your flustered as you hit his arm blushing. "Oh is that so?" Sangyeon says, you swear you hear his cocky tone. "Shut up." You said glaring at him. "Hey baby." Another voice spoke up. You saw a man slightly taller than Hongjoong approach the said male. "Hey hwa." Hongjoong greets with a big smile. "Y/N meet him! He is my boyfriend. Park Seonghwa." He says with a bright smile. You internally cooed. They looked so good together. "Hi Seonghwa-ssi I am Y/N." You said with a little bow. "Nice to you meet you Y/N-ssi. I am guessing she is your date for tonight huh?" Seonghwa asked as he looks at Sangyeon smirking. "Yes you are right." Sangyeon answers putting his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. "Does she know?" Seonghwa asked. "Yeah. She is the one who saved me after I got shot." Sangyeon says and realization dawns on you. "You guys are also gangsters or so?" You asked turing to Seonghwa and Hongjoong. They both nodded smiling sheepishly. You look at them in awe. 'Was all gangsters this handsome and pretty?' You thought to yourself.
"Anyway me and Hongjoong here will head out. We have to return soon. You know how Wooyoung is. Can't leave him alone for long. He might burn down my house or shit." Seonghwa says. "Sangyeon hyung do give Y/N my number. I would love to be friends with her." Hongjoong said making Sangyeon nod and after saying their farewell they went away. "They are cool." You mumbled. "Do you want to go back?" Sangyeon asked. "Yep I would love to. I am hungry. But I don't want to eat here." You said as you looked around at all the people feeling out of place and uncomfortable. After all you weren't used to attending such big parties. "Come on then." Sangyeon says as he pulls you away out of the hall. You followed him without any words. Both of you got inside the lift and he pressed on the 5th floor. "Why are we going on the fifth floor?" You asked curious. "This hotel has a large restaurant in the 5th floor. Their food is amazing." Sangyeon shortly says. When you arrived on the fifth floor he leads to where the restaurant was. In the front you can see a large glass door. The staff standing beside the door opens it for both of you with a friendly smile. He walks towards the reception. "Table for two please." Sangyeon says. The staff scarmbles off to guide you two to a table. You two ordered for your food and ate it quietly but you decided to break the silence. "So was the party.. a gang party? or whatever you call it?" You asked. He looks at you amused. "Nope. Some gang leaders has legal business. We use these business to hide our illegal works. And the party was a business related. Not gang one." He answers. "Is Seonghwa the leader of a gang too?" You asked now curious about lots of things.
"No. Hongjoong is the actual leader. But you can say Seonghwa is too. Because well they are together and they work together as a team to get their gang going. And Seonghwa is also the one who handles their legal business." Sangyeon says. "Aren't you scared that I might go to police and tell everything about you?" You blurted out. He laughs at your words. "First of all I don't think you won't. I know that you won't. Second of all you think they can catch us?" He says confidently. "Don't be so cocky." You grumbled as you focused back on your food as he did the same. After both of you were done eating he paid for the food. Oddly it felt as if it was date but you didn't dare comment on it. Both of you got out of the hotel and went to where the car was parked. The driver opened the door for you and Sangyeon to get inside. After closing the door he got to the driver's seat and started the engine driving back to your house first. "You really do look beautiful today." Sangyeon says making you blush mumbling a small 'thank you'. You didn't dare look at him too flustered. He was making your heart beat so fast and you felt butterflies in your stomach. You stayed silent as he settled for looking at you the whole way back to your house.
The car parked at the front of your house when you finally reached. Sangyeon got out of the car and kept the door open for you. "Thanks you know. For coming with me today." Sangyeon said. He was glad that it was dark. He didn't wanted you to see the blush on his cheeks. "Thanks too. I enjoyed it." You said looking down shyly. He suddenly closes the gap between you two. His arms coming up to wrap around your waist pulling you closer to him. You look up at him, your heart beating fast, your cheeks burning as it turned red, feeling shy at how close you two were. He leaned in and placed a peck on your lips. It was fast. It ended fast and it left you frozen. "I think I would like to have you as mine." He said lowly making you shiver. He pulls away from you. Your knees weak from his words. "Go in. I am sure you would like some good rest." He says with his hands in the pockets of his pants. You nodded. "Goodnight! I will see you some time later!" You squeaked out as you literally ran inside your house. You could hear him chuckling behind you. "I will definitely see you again love. Goodnight princess." You heard him say. You quickly opened the door and went inside. With a last peek at him you shut the door closes as you leaned your back against it trying to catch your breath. 'Fuck my first kiss is gone' you internally screamed as your hand touched your own lips. That night you fell asleep, still feeling tingles on your lips where Sangyeon's lips were earlier. And you totally dreamed about the said man. You were fucked and you knew it.
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Hello guys! Sorry for not posting for so long. My assessment exam was going on so it was a bit hard to write anything. Again! Thank you so much for all these support. I really appreciate you all ❤❤❤
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please don't forget to like and reblog. Thank you again. I have also made a masterlist for Insanity seperately. Stay tuned for next chapter. Buiii 💞💞
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pan-inc · 4 years
SDR2 Boys +Chiaki Figuring Out Their S/O Is FtM
  Blank (Aka Mod Rantaro) was working on part SDR2 and DRV3 of the boys when they have a crush on you, but she dislocated her wrist part way of writing them and insisted she finish them herself, so I decided to do some work and write this with some ideas from Blank since I’m not too good at making ideas ;;
  I don’t think I was too specific on whether or not they’re FtM or MtF, so go ahead and change the pronouns if you need!
  (I myself am not transgender and don’t know anyone who is, so I’m very sorry if I get some incorrect information on you guys)   Non-Despair AU
  Y/N- Your Name   D/N- Dead Name
-Mod Chihiro
Spoilers under the cut
  (Warning, there is a tiny bit of dead naming in this but not in a ‘them trying to be transphobic or rude’  way, just them not knowing your actual name yet.)
Hajime Hinata
  Not even gonna hide it, I headcannon Hajime as FtM as well, so let’s just go with he hasn’t told you about how he’s trans either.
  Him calling you by your now dead name made you flinch slightly, “I-Im sorry! I knew that you would be grossed out and stuff, so I-”
  “Grossed out? Why the hell would I be grossed out by you being trans?”
  “Y-You just got mad... Mad at me? And... A-And......” You are very confused, his mood switch from yelling to being concerned was a bit too much to deal with over the heart-pounding anxiety of coming out to him.
  Your anxiety dies down a little and confusion rises through the roof once Hajime hugs you as tightly as he can, “I wasn’t mad at you being who you really are, I was just... A little upset that you didn’t trust me with this information earlier in our relationship, but I guess I have no room to talk.”
  You hug him back while not processing the last part of his explanation, snuggling your face into his neck instead. “I also have something to tell you.” “Hm?”
  “I’m also trans,,,,”
  So after you two coming out to each other he takes a little bit to get used to your new name, and he promises to himself that he’ll buy you literally anything you need from The Store™ to feel comfortable once he gets a hang of your name.
  If you feel ~dysphoria~ before then, he will not hesitate to let you borrow some of his baggier clothes and possibly even a binder if your body hates you enough.
Nagito Komeada
  You wanted to talk to him about your transition, but he just started rambling on and on about hope. You were getting a little upset (so was Hajime, but a lot more than just a little upset.) but your anxiety about him not accepting you forced you to stay quiet and just let him ramble.
  “God Nagito, if you’re not going to shut up for me at least do it to hear what D/N has to say.” Hajime snaps, shutting up Nagito.
  “Y/N...” You whisper softly in an attempt to correct Hajime, but he doesn’t hear.
  “Okay, what do you need D/N?” He seems slightly upset that Hajime interrupted his preaching, but lightened up when he started talking to you.
  “Please call me Y/N!” You accidentally shout, quickly covering your mouth, “Sorry for yelling...”
  Hajime, despite not knowing how to spell without help, clicked it in his brain what you were trying to say to Nagito, so he quickly excused himself and walks away.
  “I’m sorry Y/N, what do you need?”
  “I, uhm... You’re bisexual right? So, that means my transition won’t be too hard on you right?”
  Nagito tilts his head to the side, but then quickly picks you up and hugs you.
  “My wonderful Y/N is so amazing, don’t be filled with so much despair just because you want to come out to me!”
  Honestly, what else would you expect. He’s insanely supportive of your transition and thinks of you as an even more special hope that he isn’t deserving of. 
  You might have to reassure him a bit more than you usually did, but it’s 100% worth it in the end.
  Will totally lend you his jacket.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
  To be honest, you came out to Peko before getting anywhere close to coming out to Fuyuhiko. You knew he loved you with all of his heart, but you were worried about if that would change if you transitioned.
  Peko was really supportive, but she had let it slip a few times to Fuyuhiko.
  Thank God Peko is smart enough to make a smooth recovery to make sure Fuyuhiko doesn’t find out before you’re comfortable with him knowing.
  After a bit of encouraging and planning from Peko, you finally decided it was time to come out to him.
  You walk up to Fuyuhiko, who was talking to Peko, and pull on his suit sleeve as gently as you could while still gaining his attention. “Huh? Yeah D/N?” “Can we talk about something?” You respond, trying to not sound too serious to try to not scare him.
  Fuyuhiko looks at Peko, back at you, then back to Peko, as if asking for permission to leave the conversation.
  “Go ahead Young Master. Our conversation can wait.” She smiles and walks away, leaving you panicking to yourself and a confused Fuyuhiko.
  “U-Uhm... Does the Kuzuryu Clan support same sex relationships?”
  “Huh? The hell? Why do you want to know that?”
  “Because I am now the second leader of the Kuzuryu Clan, Y-Y/N! A-And now your.... Your b-boyfriend?”
  “Well fuck, they better support gays and transgenders or they’re getting kicked out and fucking murdered.”
  Peko smiles in strong Ally.
Kazuichi Soda
  Big think.
  Was he into guys? Before he got to know you, a gal (Sos if you aren’t), better he was enamored by Sonia, also a gal.
  From what you know, he’s never liked any guys, so what if he wasn’t okay with dating you when you transitioned?
  (Spoiler for later in this scenario, he’s bi-curious uvu)
  You decided to come out to him using your knowledge that he taught you about making electronic stuff.
  It was hard to hide that you were making something from him. but with a quick “I’m making a gift for you, you’re going to be so proud of me!” He (reluctantly) leaves you be to create whatever your creating.
  After a long bit of working, you had finally finished.
  Two little doll-like items (Kinda like Mini Maru) that looked like Kazuichi and the real you. The Mini Y/N was holding a trans flag and Mini Kazu had a blank flag that can be changed at a later time, and the two Minis had their arms intertwined.
  “Kazu~! Look look, I’m done with my project!”
  He turns and looks at your invention. “Oh, what is this D/N? Is that me? Who’s that?”
  “It’s me and you of course!”
  After a bit of his confusion, he understands and supports you greatly. Like a simp 
Gundham Tanaka
  After thinking about the pros and cons of every possible way to come out to  G U N D H A M  T A N A K A , you just decided to come out to him in a more straight-forward way after brainstorming with Sonia.
  You run up behind the slightly embarrassed G U N D H A M  T A N A K A who was being complimented by Sonia and jump onto him, almost making him fall over onto poor Sonia. After giving her the signal she excuses herself and makes her escape.
  After getting off G U N D H A M  T A N A K A ‘s back and calming him down from his extremely blushy state, you start panicking over what to do again.
  ‘What if he doesn’t like me because I’m a guy? What if he’s transphobic? Love isn’t the purpose of life, but he’s been such a huge part of me that I don’t even know how I’d be if he was gone. You’d be so lost without him-’
  “Fallen Angel, are you alright? My skin didn’t poison you, did it?” He asks, obvious concern in his voice.
  “Oh, no, it’s not that.” You take a deep breath, look up at him, and push your anxiety as far down as it can go.
  “I-I don’t want to be your Queen a-anymore!”
  “You... Don’t want to be my Queen?” There was a lot of pain in his voice and you realize what you said.
  “T-That’s not what I meant! I want to be your Queen of the Underworld and Overworld, b-but I would...” You take a deep breath, “I would rather be your K-King!”
  He pulls you into his arms and hugs you as tightly as he can, burying his face into your neck.
  You hug him back, “Also, please call me Y/N.”
  “Anything for my King. I will tell my Devas of this news so they do not make you uncomfortable.”
  Sonia is very happy about the energy she has created in the studio today.
Nekomaru Nedai
  I’m not very good at writing for Nekomaru so I’m gonna have to skip the coming out part, I’m very sorry if you wanted to read you coming out to him TvT
  But anyways~
  He isn’t the brightest light bulb, so he does his research.
  If you wear chest binders he’ll panic quite a bit but after asking you and gaining more knowledge, he goes less hard on you when it comes to exercising.
  Your binder is giving you troubles? Fucking take a break, take it off, B R E A T H E.
  Oh, you want muscles to look more ‘manly’ like him? First, he will let you know that you don’t have to look ‘manly’ to be who you are. If you still insist then he will help with your want.
Teruteru Hanamura
  Before you officially got together he would flirt with practically everyone no matter their gender, so you were pretty confident about him not leaving you because he’s ‘NoT gAy’.   So uh
  I’m horrible at writing him
  So just know he’s supportive and doesn’t really mind that you transition.
Chiaki Nanami
  “Hey Chiaki? Can I talk to you about something?” You walk into her room with your beautiful flag in your arms.
  “Yes D/N?” Chiaki hums, not looking away from the screen of whatever she was playing.
  You drape your flag over your arms and then wrap them around Chiaki’s neck in an attempt to hug her from behind, “Please call me Y/N.”
  She looks over at the flag and after a bit of the wheels in her brain turning, it clicks in her brain what you mean. “Okay. Is there anything else you need, Y/N?” You smile at your names coming from her and sit next to her properly and nuzzle into her hair while using your flag as a blanket, “Just your support.”
  She smiles softly, “You already have that bunny, you should know that already. Also, tell me if my nicknames make you feel uncomfortable.”
  Very supportive, will get into the head of anyone who says anything mean to you about you being transgender.
  But besides that she doesn’t really make a big deal of you being trans. A gud gorl.
Ultimate Imposter
  He’s someone who can and will be the impostor of anyone no matter their gender (’Cuz that’s his whole ultimate) So he absolutely wouldn’t judge you for changing genders, right?
  So I’ve rewritten this like 4 times, even with the help of Mod Rantaro, and neither of us know his personality very well so sorry about this.
  Either way, he’d be very supportive and buy you everything you need to feel comfortable in your body.
Izuru Kamakura
  Oh, you’re trans?
  Oh cool.
  So who are we giving despair to today?
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The car ride that changed everything :)
(Note this is aged up so the characters in this are 18+ and this is in my pov and if you don’t like it, then don’t read it and I also added a name so if you want me to do one with just y/n then ill do one)
Main Character: Cj 
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual (possibly gay)
Another main character: Katsuki Bakugo
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual (if not then gay)
Side characters: Kirishima, Sero, Denki and mina 
   it’s the start of summer and the bakusquad wanted to go somewhere so they all decided where they were headed too and they wanted to invite me since im always hang with them. Btw we live together so the bakusquad lives with me until everyone finishes school(college)
*goes to your room*
Mina: hey bestie!!
Cj: ah!- oh hi mina what do you need?
Mina: well….me and the bakusquad are going on a road trip and we want you to join and I think bakugo would like it the most 
*Nudges you a bit*
Cj: eh? m-maybe …..
I’ve always had a crush on bakugo since we met at UA but i haven’t had the courage to tell him i liked him bc every person who tells him gets rejected and im afraid i’ll get rejected too.
Mina: Then it’s settled! We’re leaving this weekend since it’s Tuesday and everyone will have enough time to get ready!!
Cj: okay
Mina leaves my room and i go deep into thought about bakugo and mumbling things, making me flustered and red.
Cj: *mumbling*bakugo is...hot…
Suddenly i hear a knock at my door so i open it and to my surprise its katsuki
Cj: Kat? Oh, do you need anything???
Katsuki: just wondering if you’re going with us on the trip
Cj: oh..yeah I am! *smiles*
Katsuki: oh okay then goodnight 
Cj: Night!
Bakugo POV:
Bakugo goes back to his room and locks his door and lays in his bed and starts thinking about me. Little did i know he liked me too.
Bakugo: Damnit! Why...I want him to be mines and no one else’s..ugh! 
He goes into deep thought about how i could be his and forever <3
                                           The next day(Wednesday)
Kirishima: *yawns* babe? You up 
Denki: mm...5 more mintues kiri 
kirishima:*chuckles* yeah okay * kisses his head*
Kirishima heads to the bathroom and takes a shower and does his hair and comes out and wakes Denki and he does the same thing.
Denki: let’s eat breakfast then wake the others up 
Kirishima: yeah okay 
  Kirishima and Denki have been together since 2nd year at UA so this makes three years of being together, they go downstairs and sees me already up and dressed and eating.
Kirishima & denki: Hey Cj
Cj: oh hey guys *puts his plate in the sink*
Boys: so can you wake bakubro up while we wake the other love birds
Cj: no problem 
i laughed at their comment about Mina and sero being together for 2 years, i knock on his door feeling that it’s locked so i yelled a bit.
Cj: hey bakugo time to get up we have planes with the sqau-
Before i could finish my sentence, bakugo opened the door up
Bakugo: I know dumbass...I was putting on my shoes and other things 
Cj: oh okay then, Kiri and Denki went to go wake the love birds up 
Bakugo: okay ima go eat breakfast now
Cj: okay
Bakugo and the others ate breakfast and they drove in my truck and blasted TikTok music and bakugo vibed with some while the windows are rolled down and everyone smiling and laughing with each other. We all arel going shopping for the road trip this weekend.
Cj: Hey guys ima pull over and get some gas
Others-expect bakugo: okay
Bakugo: I’ll help you with it 
Cj: okay…(Odd he never does that)
After pumping the gas we head to the store and the girls go together and same with the guys. After everyone got what they needed me and bakugo went to the bathroom and came out and we drive back home. 
                                        The next day(Thursday)
Everyone is asleep while i  were the only one up and it was around 12 in the afternoon, so i went and took a shower, did my face routine and did my hair, and put my shoes on.
To my  surprise, after i  went downstairs i see bakugo on the couch watching tv. So i  speak.
Cj: Hey bakugo 
You said with a smile
Bakugo: hey...Cj, where are you going? 
Cj: oh well I was gonna go on a little walk then was gonna go back to the mall and walk around there-
Without missing a single beat bakugo said.
Bakugo: I’m coming with you and you have no say in this got it?
Cj: I- okay then…(is bakugo okay?? He’s being nice to me and it’s kinda cute and sweet)
Me and bakugo go outside and starts walking around the block then get in the car.
Bakugo: Hand me the keys I’m driving
Cj: okay 
I hand him the keys and my phone hooks to the car blasting loudly ^E.T by Katy Perry^ and I  turn the volume down,
Cj: I’m sorry heh I forgot to turn down the music from last night 
Bakugo: Dumbass that’s loud as hell…
 We arrive at the mall and get out and started walking around the mall.
Cj: So….
Bakugo: huh? What dumbass?
Cj: why did you come with me? It’s so..unlike you
Bakugo:(shit...) well you’re always getting lost so I came to make sure that you don’t get lost or do or even buy something stupid
Cj: oh...heh I guess so 
Bakugo: So where are we heading to first?
Cj: Um hot topic…. Then spencers then the food court 
Bakugo: okay then let’s get going dumbass 
You guys go into hot topic and I see this black skirt and red top and gets it and some other clothes, snacks and etc.
Bakugo: That’s all your getting Cj?
Cj: Yes I am bc I wanna go to spencers before the food court
Bakugo: okay then 
I pay and leave to go to spencers. Once I made it we went in.
Cj: oo this looks so cute!
I found some more clothes and looked around more while bakugo followed me around.
Bakugo: Oi dumbass what are you looking for?
Cj: nothing just looking around- (is that a sex toy??)
i go up to it and notices what it reminds me of and i back away slowly and go pay for the clothes. Bakugo looking confused until he looked as well and left with you.
Bakugo: we agree to never speak of this?
Cj: agreed.
We head down to the food court and we found the place we wanted to eat at. we ate burger king.
Cj: hey bakugo?
Bakugo: Hm?
Cj: Thanks for coming out with me! 
I said with a warm smile.
Bakugo: oh no problem 
we leave after eating and head home and we had a squad night.
                              The next day at night(Friday,9 pm)
I were warming up the car and put my bag in the trunk with the rest of the squad’s stuff. Im driving and bakugo sitting on the passager side while kirishima is on the right side, sero in the further back with mina and Denki on the left side in the backseat. I may be wondering where they’re going well i’ll find out once you guys get there.
Cj: everyone ready? Nobody left anything before we pull off?
Everyone nodded and i asked who wanted to play the music from my phone and mina wanted it. So she played (All about that bass-Megan Trainor). Then i stopped and filled up on gas then started hitting the road.
Cj: So...what should we play
Bakugo: The hell you’re talking about dumbass
Kirishima: OH! Do you mean a car ride game?
Denki: aw man I love those 
Mina and Sero:Ikr! They’re always so fun to play epslly when we have a long drive to go!
Cj: Yeah how about I spy with my little eye?
Everyone agreed and even bakugo. i turned down the music so it’s like background music and Denki starts the game.
Denki: I spy something blonde and grumpy
Kiri: Bakubro!
Mina, Sero: Bakugo!
Cj: kats…
Bakugo: damn idiot! Tf why me!?
Denki: Idk you’re the first person I see bro
 Bakugo:tch...fine my turn
You start blushing for no reason at all.
Bakugo: I spy something red 
Denki: Kirishima’s hair 
Kiri: My hair?
Mina: Cj
Sero: Kiri’s hair 
Bakugo: No and Raccoon eyes got it
Cj: hah?! 
Mina: Yes! I knew it! Girls instinct
Boys: ohhhh…
i blush harder and harder meaning my face turning redder than Kirishima’s hair. The boys continue to laugh but get Bakugo’s point bc their the only ones who know his crush on me.
Cj:(why?...why me?)
Bakugo smiles at me and i  turn to the road while letting i window down so i feel something cold against my face. 
Bakugo: Your turn pinky 
Mina: okay! I spy with my little eye something bright!
Cj: oh the sun
Kiri: denki’s hair 
Sero: the sun
Bakugo: (dumb shitty hair) the sun
Denki: My hair 
Mina: Cj got it first! So Denki and Kiri you’re wrong 
Cj: Oh okay then 
We go another few rounds before everyone wanted to listen to music and do their own thing. Three hours passed and it was ^9:08pm^ and everyone had fallen asleep and i see this resting place so you pull over and the only person who wasnt asleep was bakugo to my surprise. So i get out and goes to the bathroom and so does bakugo.
Cj: I’m surprised 
Bakugo: what do you mean extra?
Cj: You’d usually fall asleep around 8 pm so it’s kind of weird ya know
Bakugo: oh well you look tired so I wanted to drive some anyway
Cj: oh okay...that’s fine 
We sit on the hood of the truck and look up at the stars and we talked more than ever and soon enough i fell asleep so Bakugo puts me in the passager seat and got in the car and shuts it off and fell asleep as well.
                                 The next day(7 am)
i woke up to music and bakugo driving so i sit up and notice his jacket on me and i look at him. Admiring him his eyes, his calmness, his body. 
 Bakugo: You’re gonna keep staring or say something dumbass
Cj: oh sorry
Bakugo: For what??
Cj: oh I assume it made you uncomfortable
Bakugo: no not really(should I pull over on this cliff? yeah)
Bakugo pulls over and gets out and opens my door and brings me out and closing the door behind me. giving bakugo a confused look. 
Bakugo: I wanted you to see the sunrise with me…
Cj: oh well it does look lovely doesn’t it?
Bakugo: yeah it does...hey can I ask you something?
Cj: yeah okay? (I wonder whats he’s gonna ask me)
Bakugo: okay...um do you like anyone?
Cj: um...yeah actually wbu do you like someone?
Bakugo: May I ask who it is and yeah I do dumbass
Cj: oh...well its you
Bakugo:oh...OH! wait really?
Cj:yeah...its okay if you dont like me-
Without a heart beat he kissed me, we both have a slight blush look on our face
Bakugo: i like you too dumbass 
CJ:oh um...what does this means now?
Bakugo lets out a sign and asks
Bakugo:ugh.....cj would you like to be my boyfriend?
I say back with me smiling like crazy, blushing mess
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bluescarletdiamond · 4 years
2Gether the Series Ep 4 Commentary
I’m so invested that I cannot stop from watching omfg LETS GO
Section 1/4
We love eye contact
Sarawat’s like… bro you’re giving me a night to learn a whole ass song ? Only because I love you
Everyone is curving my boy :((
“You talk to much” Sarawat just had to bring me back to that Ep where Lan WangJi told Wei WuXian the same thing :’)))
I love this girl, she is sweet, she is nice but what I don’t love is all this straight shit right in front of my salad (though as a bisexual I am struggling to also not care about this relationship lol)
bruh lmaoooo 
I hate Tine lmaoooo
the power that Sarawat has in this show is IMPECCABLE
Oh my god
Who looks that good 
“are you listening” Sir you just finished talking 
Sarawat is me tho, if I like someone I won’t try to flirt with anyone else or let anyone flirt with me lmao
Sarawat is so smooth like how? The universe really took its sweet ass time making him huh
He looked so sad when she said mans went home and now he’s :)
He gave you a key dude
Who sleeps like that? Me I also sleep like that except not naked OSDFKLO OH MY I cannot with this show sometimes haha
NEVER DID HE SAY “Sarawat Expo” 
Don’t reap more than you can sew Tine
Are they actually gonna get shit done? I truly do not know haha
“But if you do I might” ope WE LOVE IT HERE
Wait didn’t this already happen? Or was this like a preview that I commented too early on lol
 He is really adamant about this huh haha and Sarawat is such a tease
all these BL couples really need to learn to LOCK THE GODDAMN DOOR smh
I’m assuming that’s Sarawat’s mom and brother?? Welp this just go interesting :)
Section 2/4
Sarawat is just complete gay panic right now
I loveeeee how Sarawat is never up for this straight shit lmao
His brother is me I can already tell
He says that like he hasn’t already told them to play a scrubb song - boy I know you 
Never in my life dude I would literally throw hands if someone left me and to pay
this gives me modern Thai drama version of the untamed vibes since Sarawat is writing a song, a natural introvert, doing things he doesn’t normal do etc. while Tine is active, flirts with all these girls etc and Sarawats brother is the one exposing him lmao
I already know it’s a girl
and I was right smh
Dang he is really gonna expose him lmao
All these girls are thirsty as hell no cap
Awww he looks so cute 
Bro who is this man?? I know I’ve seen him before but I can’t remember where
Please don’t tell me that sarawat’s bro and him have a relationship because I don’t want that :((((( I don’t know why I just get a bad vibe from the dude
Section 3/4
If they do end up together, that worker is gonna be SHOOK
Never is he actually listening to him hell no
idk who this man thinks he is or what but he gives me a bad vibe and I dON’T LIKE IT
honestly I’m over these “bad” boy looks and attitudes oof
Finally, the person we’ve all been waiting for
Ooh does he know or does he know
I thought Sarawat was just a substitute tho? interesting
Did Sarawat not get the fit memo lmao
oh my god… I just realized he kind of looks like a wannabe greaser smh and I am not a big fan of 
oh my gosh they are the other couple… idk how to feel right now
He is so cute haha
Ma’am he’s a high schooler lol
that was not that funny lmao
Oh I would’ve taken her up on that lmao free school? sign me up
Wait was that all a daydream? I’m confused lol they need to show when it’s a flashback or daydream or present time better because a bitch is confused
Section 4/4
Tine :) oh wait :(
never did that girl just ditch him tf
oh okay she didn’t ditch him but like that do be random
Damn tea that aint it
of all things he said diarrhea omfg
mark your words sir
oh hell no LMAO
for you he will :)
Me lmao
at you brother
Me too guys me too
But didn’t he strike a pose for the picture lol?
Interesting concept haha
I wish it was that easy to do that but paying attention to a song from one earbud in a crowd full of people? yeah no
oh and he’s singing :))
this is so cute 
if only they reached for each other’s hands smh
Okay I think I’ve endured enough pinning for the day lmao but in all seriousness, I cannot wait for their relationship to develop omfg it’s gonna be great I can already tell
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readyourimgaines · 5 years
The One Where Chandler and Joey Come Out
Reposting because I accidently deleted it when pressing the wrong button and also because I’m petty want to make it show up on an idiot’s dash again. -Freddie
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“Chan, come on. It’s been almost four months, we should tell them sooner than later,” Joey tried to persuade his boyfriend.
“No. No. No. Joey, I love you, but I can’t tell. Not yet.” 
“And why not, huh?” Joey tossed the spoon in his into the empty tomato sauce can. 
“I can admit to you that I’m like my dad. I can do that. But telling everyone else that I’m like him-” Chandler’s face lost all colour when what he said sunk in. “I-I’m not ashamed of being with you, I promise.” 
“I knew what you meant,” Joey dismissed. “Look, I’m still trying to get used to this ‘bisexual’ idea, alright? It’s weird. I didn’t know you could like both but here I am.” Joey added a little bit of salt to the noodles he had on the stove. “I just feel like we should tell the guys. They tell us everything.” 
Chandler sighed from where he sat on the other side of the kitchen and burrowed his hands in his hair. “We have to do this, don’t we?” 
“They’d appreciate it.” Joey nodded. 
Chandler didn’t move for a little bit, his mind racing with what their reactions might be. Ross bordered on homophobic because of Carol and Susan. Monica, personally, wouldn't mind and he knew that if Ross stopped hanging out with Joey and him then so would Monica and there goes Rachel. The only one that he thought wouldn’t care at all- even support them- was Phoebe. 
Chandler was pulled from his racing thoughts by Joey gently kissing his lips. “You okay in there?” Joey asked, tilting his head slightly. 
“That’s yet to be decided.” Chandler sighed again and leaned forward slightly so their foreheads touched, his blue-green eyes looking into Joey’s chocolate ones. “You really think we should tell them?”
“I really think we should tell ‘em.” 
“Then we’ll tell them.”
“Anything planned for tonight?” Rachel asked the group. 
“Not really.” “My date cancelled.” “No.” Came the scattered answers of Ross, Monica, and Phoebe. 
“Well, we’ve gotta do something; I don’t work tonight.” 
Chandler and Joey looked at each other and Joey nodded. Chandler adjusted how he was sitting on the armrest of the chair Joey occupied and tightly held his boyfriend’s hand behind his back. “Uh-” he cleared his throat, “Joey and I got something we can do.” 
“Yeah?” Phoebe asked with a slowly growing smile, getting a feeling for what was about to happen. “What’s that?”
“There’s something we should tell you guys and we’ve been tossing the idea around for a couple days, actually.” 
“Oh god, one of you is moving!” Phoebe clasped her hands over her mouth in mock shock. She wasn’t as dumb as they all thought and she’d known about the two since before they themselves did. 
“No, no, we ain’t moving.” Joey dismissed. 
“So, you guys know how everyone thinks I’m gay because I have that certain ‘quality’ to me?” Chandler asked. He got a scattered and murmured answer of yes. “Well, I don’t know about the ‘quality’ but they’re not wrong on the gay part.” He cast his eyes down, scared of their reactions. 
“Wait, so you’re really gay?” Rachel asked. 
“Well he’d have to be to do half the stuff we’ve done,” Joey spoke up. 
The group stared at them in shock. “You’re both gay?” Ross asked. Chandler stiffened, preparing himself. 
“I am...Joey’s bi.” 
“Bi, ya know?” Joey went on. “Bisexual. I’m into girls and guys?” 
“So you two are going out?” Monica asked, still processing. 
“Yeah…” Chandler was still waiting for someone to blow up- mainly Ross- and compare him to his father. 
“That’s awesome!” Phoebe clapped. “How long have you two been together?” 
“Almost four months,” Chandler said slowly. 
“Wait.” “Why didn’t you tell us?” Monica and Rachel spoke together. 
“Well, we didn’t know how you were guys were going to react,” Joey said. “We’ve been debating tellin’ you guys since our one month but we were sorta on edge.” 
“Why?” Monica asked. “It’s just us.” 
“Yeah, but two dudes together ain’t exactly the norm,” Joey went on. 
“You know we weren’t going to be upset.” Monica smiled kindly, putting a hand on each of their knees to bring them some sort of comfort. “In fact, I’m going to make Chandler’s favorite dinner and Joey’s favorite dessert to celebrate.” 
Ross had yet to say anything and was still staring at the floor. Chandler was starting to get antsy at his friend’s silence and Joey noticed. “Chan?” he whispered under Rachel, Monica, and Phoebe’s excited chatter. “You okay?”
“What? Yeah.” 
“What’s going on?” 
“I don’t know yet. I’m still trying to judge that.” Chandler spoke. He was waiting for Ross to do something. “Damn I could use a smoke right now.” 
“No, no. Ya don’t need a smoke.” Joey gently ran his hand through Chandler’s hair and smiled lightly when his boyfriend tilted his head into the touch. “Wanna take a walk? Go around a block or two so you can get some air?” 
Chandler considered. “That sounds nice. We can pick up something for dinner so it’s useful.” 
“We can do that. Sure.” Joey turned a bit on looked into the kitchen where Monica was already working on the lasagna. “Hey Mon?” 
“What’s up?” 
“Do you need anything from the store? Chandler and me can go get it.” 
“Uh...I’m working on the sauce right now...uh… Oh! I don’t have cottage cheese. You sure you guys are okay getting it?” 
“Yeah. We’re big boys now, Mon,” Chandler piped up with his usual defensive humor. 
“Alright, well thank you.” 
“Not a problem.” Joey smiled as he and Chandler stood up from their chair. “We’ll be back in fif-” Chandler shook his head a little and mouthed twenty. -”twenty minutes.” 
“See you guys.” “Bye.” Came the voices of Phoebe and Rachel. The boys waved over their shoulders as they walked out the door holding hands. Chandler closed the door behind him and the second the door was closed Rachel whacked the back of Ross’s head. 
“What was that for?” he asked. 
“Why haven’t you said anything? You’re scaring the hell out of Chandler.” Rachel folded her arms across her chest as she looked at the black haired doctor. 
“Well I’m sorry if I’m a little uneasy with two of my best friends coming out as gay right after my ex-wife gets married to her lesbian lover,” Ross retorted. 
“Well you should be.” Phoebe agreed with Rachel. “It took a lot of courage for them to tell us and then you go and act like this. They’re trusting us with a very important part of themselves.” 
“Yeah. Besides, I think it’s sweet. I mean, how did we never notice it before?” Monica asked from where she was stirring a pot of tomato sauce on the stove. “They’re always hanging off each other or touching each other in some way.” 
“Joey kissed Chandler on New Years two years in a row,” Phoebe added. 
“Chandler blowing through girlfriends like a little kid with bubbles.” Rachel added. “He even stopped trying to correct us when we teased him about the whole quality thing.” 
“You guys have never heard them doing anything?” Ross asked. 
“No.” Monica said simply. “I just- they’re two of our closest friends. How could we have missed this?” 
“Well, it’s not exactly in the norm yet.” Phoebe said. “Girls can be all cuddly with each other; you and Ross get cuddly; I just thought they were being friends.”
“He hates me.” Chandler said as he walked side by side with Joey still holding hands. “We never should have said anything.” 
“Hey, hey. He doesn’t hate you, he’s just Ross. He’ll come around,” Joey promised. “Don’t worry so much, Chan.” 
“I-I- we shouldn’t have said anything a month after his ex-wife gets married to a woman. We the hell were thinking?” Chandler ran his free hand through his hair. 
“Remember what Ross told Carol when she an’ Susan almost called off their wedding? We didn’t tell ‘em for them. We told ‘em for us. We’re gonna be happy together whether or not Ross is happy for us, m’kay? And hey, I hate to say it- actually, I don’t. If Ross stops hangin’ out with us because we’re together then he’s not who I thought he was and I think we’d be better off without ‘im.” Joey finished his rant and brought their hands to his mouth, kissing their intertwined knuckles. “I love you, Chandler. And I ain’t gonna stop lovin’ you for anyone.” 
“I love you too, Joey.” Chandler pecked his cheek.
“We’re back.” Chandler announced as he opened the door, feeling much better about things than he was before. 
“Hey uh, guys...” Ross stood from where he was sitting at the kitchen table and tried to quickly word things in his mind before speaking them aloud. “I wanted to say I’m sorry for earlier. I just...I wasn’t expecting this and I shouldn’t have been so aloof with it. I want you guys to know that I don’t care that you guys are- I mean- I uh, I do care. I just- I’m not upset that you two are together. I promise. I just have to get used the fact that Carol and Susan aren’t the only gay people in the world and that anyone can be gay.” 
Chandler was beaming by the time Ross stopped talking. He gave Ross a tight hug and Ross wasted no time in returning it. “It means a lot to hear that. I know we could have picked a better time, with Carol and Susan getting married and all-” 
“No, no. This is on me, not on you guys. Rach had a good point. I shouldn’t be supporting my ex-wife but leaving my friends out to hang. She’s right and I was right when I told Carol that what other people think of your relationship doesn't matter. You aren’t together for them, you’re together for each other.” 
“Anyway,” Phoebe jumped in, “how did you know you were gay?” 
“I uh...I was in denial for a long time,” Chandler said. “I guess I’ve known since high school, I just didn’t want to admit it…” 
“Remember two years ago when I kissed Chandler on New Years?” Joey got a chorus of conformations. “Yeah. Since then.” 
“So… does the sex feel different?” Ross asked slowly. 
“Depends on the act, I guess…” Chandler shrugged. 
“Like, if ya goin’ in, it ain’t too different,” Joey started. Chandler was already red faced and hiding his face against Joey’s shoulder blade. “But the hand stuff is waaay better ‘cause ya both actually know what you’re doin’.” 
“Oh, that makes sense.” Phoebe nodded. 
“Can we please discuss anything el-” 
“So who’s on top? How does that work?” Rachel asked. “‘Cause Chandler’s taller than you, but your personality is more commanding.” 
Chandler figured if his face got any more red it melt. “We just go for it.” He muttered. 
“We flipped a coin once.” Joey reminded him. 
“Have you guys told your families?” Monica asked trying to save Chandler from becoming any more embarrassed.
“My family knows an’ they don’t mind too much.” Joey nodded. 
“I haven’t said anything yet,” Chandler said. He traded hiding his face behind Joey to hugging the slightly shorter man from behind. “I don’t really plan to… I mean, if my mom finds out she does but I don’t plan on telling her.” 
“But so we’re all good ‘ere?” Joey checked. 
“All good.” Phoebe answered for the group.
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kyman-is-god · 4 years
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The four boys, Stan, Kenny, Kyle, And Eric (Cartman) were all super excited, there was only a few minutes left before New Years, when they would posses the body of their soulmate.
"I bet mine has a really hot body." Stan raved.
"Why? So you can be a hot girl for a day?" Kyle asked, he was writing a note to his soulmate.
Dear soulmate,
This may be confusing, but it's okay.
My name is Kyle Broflovski, you are now in South Park Colorado, in my best friend Stan's house. Have no fear, soon I'll make it back to you so we can be together. (God I hope you speak English).
I'm diabetic so... don't eat sugar. Hope you enjoy my body.
                     Your soulmate
He read inside his mind. He folded the paper and put it in his pocket.
"I hope mine likes it rough!"  Kenny said, licking his lips.
"I hope mines got a nice ass." Cartman chimed in.
Everyone knew that Cartman is gay, but nobody knew Kyle is.
Well, actually, Kyle is bisexual, but prefers boys. He wasn't sure if his soulmate would be a boy or a girl, all he knows is that once he meets his soulmate his stupid crush on Eric will go away.
And he couldn't wait for that shit to be over.
"You guys, you guys, you guys!" Kenny yelled. "The countdown is starting!"
"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!" they all yelled at the same time.
Suddenly, Kenny was in Japan in some ftm transgender guys body.
Stan was across town in Wendy's body. "Aww yeah!" He cheered.
Kyle opened his eyes. He was laying on the floor.
"But I'm still in Stan's house!" He complained, sitting up. "I must not have a soulmate."
Then he looked down.
His stomach was so wide and extended, he couldn't see his feet! He was wearing different clothes and tasted... powdered sugar?
"Ow! Son of a Bitch!" He looked over and saw his own body sitting up.
They looked each other dead in the eyes.
"Kahl, give me my body back." Cartman said slowly.
"HOLY SHIT!" Kyle exclaimed. He tried to jump up, but he couldn't. "WHY ARE YOU SO FAT?!"
Cartman tried to sit up, but Kyle had a small, lightweight body and he ended up crashing into Stan's sofa.
"You're my soulmate?!" Kyle yelled.
"No. No. No, no, no, no, NO, NO, NO , NO, NO, NO NO NO!"
Kenny and Stan's bodies stood up.
Kenny was speaking Japanese, but Stan (Wendy) looked them both up and down.
"Oh, my god." She laughed.
"Don't mock us, Stanial!" Cartman growled.
"Wendy? Oh thank god! Tell me how to get out of this fatass' body!" Kyle begged.
"Kyle? Are you in there?" Wendy giggled.
"Okay, Okay. Well, I'm pretty sure you just have to... I don't know."
"COME ON JEW! GIVE ME BACK MY BODY!" Cartman lounged at Kyle, but since he wasn't used to being so lightweight, he crashed behind his target.
"This is a disaster! I wanted this stupid crush to go away, but..." Kyle realized he was talking out loud when Wendy and Cartman were staring at him.
"真剣にみんな、私はどこですか、私は誰ですか?" Kenny's body asked. "待って、ここに誰かが日本語を話しますか?"
*seriously guys, where am I, who am I? *wait, does anyone here speak Japanese?
"Whoa, Kahl... you have a crush on me?" Cartman asked.
"Yes! And you're my goddamn soulmate!"
"So... wow. I thought I was alone!" Cartman beamed.
"I like you, dumbass."
"R-really, Cartman?" Kyle asked, wiping away tears.
"Yeah, here." He reached out his hand. "With my body you have to use your legs more than anything."
Kyle stood up and stumbled for a second.
"This is beautiful." Wendy remarked, Kenny's soulmate was long gone.
"Fuck you, Wendy." They both said at the same time.
Cartman's body was just a little bit taller than Kyle's, so Cartman (in Kyle's body) wrapped his arms around the taller boy's neck.
Kyle put his hands on Cartman's waist (which was weird bc it was his body).
Cartman made the first move and pressed his lips against Kyle's. They closed their eyes, when they opened them, they were in their original bodies.
"Heh, go figure." Wendy smiled devilishly.
"You knew that was the cure the whole time, didn't you?" Kyle yelled.
"So Kahl, does this mean we're dating now?" Cartman asked, looking down at his soulmate.
"I guess so. Why, do you want to?"
"Yes!" Cartman smiled, then smashed his lips against Kyle's again.
Author's note:
Eh, ewwwwww! I'm sorry about this. I'll try to edit later.
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zaritarazi · 5 years
Please tell us about the mixen baby!!!!!
okay first of all FIRST of all idk why but i love giving legends kids like. either very out there names or really old fashioned ones. like i am ADAMANT that the zarlie kid is named zelda and i also have an atomwave finds a baby post where they name the infant jupiter. maybe i’m cursed or maybe i’m juST TOO POWERFUL
anyway Their Baby is An Accident. like yeah okay you had a lot of unprotected sex what did you EXPECT but mick was also like well she already HAS ese so. problem solved. she doesnt need to have another baby. this is not how that works but mick was Raised Catholic and was married to a man for 20+ years it is HARD being a bisexual when you are ALSO kind of an idiot
how does amaya have esi and then also more babies? she shares time on the ship and in Zambesi time couriers solve everything everyone's there it’s FINE
the following things happen which is that first nate is like WAIT IS MICK KNOCKING PEOPLE UP NOW?? IS THERE A WAITING LIST?? and mick is like no, and NO, and if your mom comes around here trying to steal my sperm for later use i’m going to mcfreaking lose it, and nate is like I CANT HELP WHO MY MOTHER IS!!! YOU KNOW THAT!!! YOU KNOW THAT. 
second thing is nate is like optimally, this is the best baby we could have with esi also being tied for best baby, as she is currently the only baby. we all know amaya’s offscreen husband. what a great guy. we love him so. anyway
THIRD, i truly love mr nancy from american gods and he shows up sometimes bc amaya is his MOST FAVORITE totem bearer and these are his grandnieces, nevermind the fact that he’s like immortal amaya is just like yeah this is my uncle nancy you guys know him. he’s great! he brought presents for my tarantulas
like was he there for esi? sure yeah she gets an ancient blessing all that blah blah he’s not actually really here for the baby he’s here bc he loves wild drama and amaya’s offscreen husband is just not the kind of guy that brings the drama! but this time! this time it’s gonna be nothing but spiders, bay bee
esi means sunday’s child, which means that mixen baby would likely be named ami, saturday’s child, i know they could have her any day of the week but also they’re on a time ship so while esi was ACTUALLY born on a sunday, amaya is like well it COULD be a saturday. so we’ll name her ami. and mick has NO concern over the matter he’s like listen you list the tasks i do them you name the baby i sign my name on the certificate. not because he’s not involved or doesn’t want a child but because he’s like, this is a DISASTER have you MET me you people trust me with a CHILD are you INSANE like that’s gonna take some time for him to work through
also now that esi is like 3 or 4ish traveling with her mama all the time that means kuasa and mari are also fine and just imagine adult kuasa showing up bc she ran out of chips and just like wait am i gonna have an aunt now? holy fuck. a baby aunt. and then amaya is like it’s mick’s
also esi carries around a stuffed rancho named popcorn and sometimes she’ll accidentally like leave him on the chair or on the floor and someone will walk in and just FLIP OUT and then be like oh it’s just. it’s just esi’s horrible toy
follow the dot heywood logic if amaya is nate’s true love that means any baby she has is also nates, by default, its like nate and amaya AND amaya’s offscreen husband made a baby, this counts, this COUNTS, and then following that logic if mick is ALSO nate’s true love and mick and amaya are having a baby, well that’s just scientifically also a grandbaby, you can’t argue with science,,,,
fuckin dot just ignoring nate for esi as all italian american mothers do when they FINALLY get grandchildren and nate like... huh. i’m not sure what to do with my life anymore and dot, offscreen, “make more babies”
dot: so is mick getting people pregnant now? is there a waiting list? nate did you put yourself on the waiting listnate: im TRYING
also the team wasn’t there for pregnant amaya round 1 so what they didnt realize is she STILL insists on doing EVERYTHING like this is her second kid and mick is pretty big so it’s a large bump and she’s just waddling around making sure everything’s in order making plans protecting time and ava is like you know there are no rules about pregnancy and time travel but- and the legends like nope you confirmed it time to gET IT STARTED BIG TIME and ava like what have i done what have i done
the BIGGEST most important thing though is mick loves amaya with all his heart and like. you know he’s been having tea parties with esi since day 1 minute 1. amaya is like you’re essentially a distant team dad so i dont know what you’re worried about and mick like this team is NOT a point in my favor
but he’d do anything for the mother of his child and he says very soft things to her when no one else can hear but DONT TELL ANYONE. come on esi let’s go learn how to crime
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trauma-13 · 5 years
You know the drill. All them asks. 😈 (is this deja vu?)
You got it dude!! (It is...cause I fucked up 😂)
The meaning behind my url:
Trauma because it's my favorite area of nursing.
Princess because I'm a fuckin princess.
93 because the year I was born.
A picture of me:
If you look hard enough you'll find one on here. Also my icon is me soooo.
How many tattoos i have and what they are:
Oh good lord. I have quite a few....
1. Mom's last name on my left wrist.
2. Flowers on my right foot.
3. Tribal-ish heart my brother drew on the back on my neck.
4. Walt Disneys signature on my left foot.
5. Mickey and Minnie behind my ears.
6. A prior dogs paw print on my left ankle.
7. A dandelion on my right shoulder blade with music notes.
8. My dog, Axel, paw prints on my collar bones.
9. A moon on my right ankle.
10. A semi colon on my right wrist (ulnar side)
11. A arrow on my right wrist (radial side)
12. A humming bird on my right forearm.
I think that's it... for now...
Last time i cried and why:
I dunno, honestly. I cry frequently hahah
Piercings i have:
Ears gauged to a 00.
Traugus both sides
Right sided daith.
Favorite band:
Sooo many. Currently imagine dragons.
Biggest turn offs:
Bad hygiene, liars, cheats, narcacists.
Top 5 (insert subject):
Tattoos i want:
Too many to list, honestly.
Biggest turn ons:
I'm a big physical touch person, so basically anything where I'm being touched.
Ideas of a perfect date:
Doing something totally new that neither of us has experienced.
Life goal:
Pediatric ICU trauma nurse, be a mom, be a good wife.
Piercings i want:
Maybe my left daith. Probably a 2nd lobe hole.
Relationship status:
Very happily engaged.
Favorite movie:
Steel magnolias (the old one), Moana, Mean Girls.
A fact about my life:
I'm a nurse, I work in the ER and medsurg/tele, I have 2 doggos, and 2 kittens, I'm practically married at this point, I live on the surface of the sun.
Spiders, failure.
Middle name:
I'ma pass on telling the world that.
5'6" with shoes on.
Are you a virgin?
What’s your shoe size?
Between 9-10 depends on the shoe and brand.
What’s your sexual orientation?
I am bisexual, however I'm in a heterosexual relationship.
Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs?
Drink yes, no to the others.
Someone you miss
What’s one thing you regret?
Suffering in an abusive relationship because I didn't think I had a way out.
First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive:
Chris Evans.
Favorite ice cream?
I'm honestly not a big ice cream person, but we have some delicious basil-lime sorbet from a local store that I'm obsessed with.
One insecurity:
What my last text message says:
"I re sent it. Just delete the other one I guess? Lol" from @car-one-responding in reference to this cause I done FUCKED IT UP.
Have you ever taken a picture naked?
Have you ever painted your room?
Not recently at all, but as a kid yeah.
Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex?
Yep, couple times.
Have you ever slept naked?
I usually do.
Have you ever danced in front of your mirror?
Almost every day hahah
Have you ever had a crush?
Duuuh, who hasn't hah
Have you ever been dumped?
Aldo duuuh.
Have you ever stole money from a friend?
Nope. I'm a very honest person.
Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met?
Hmm. Probably.
Have you ever been in a fist fight?
Does patients attacking count?? I didn't punch, but I got punched.
Have you ever snuck out of your house?
Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?
I think just about everyone has.
Have you ever been arrested?
No. Im from a tiny Town where my dad was a cop, mom was a nurse. So everyone knew me.
Have you ever made out with a stranger?
No I don't think so.
Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere?
Like...in a sexual way? Or like hung out? If so yes to both hah
Have you ever left your house without telling your parents?
Yeah, however I'm a pretty open person. I usually tell my mom where Im going. She raised me as a single mom, and I had a lot of freedom as long as I was open and honest with her. That's just transferred into adulthood.
Have you ever had a crush on your neighbor?
No. But I purposely became friends with an old neighbor cause he had a cute ass dog named Max.
Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun?
Yep. Got busted too haha
Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex?
Uh huh! It's called sleep overs, duh aha
Have you ever seen someone die?
Unfortunately, that's part of my job. Not everyone gets saved in the ER. Plus in the hospital where I work there is a very large group who has very strict rules about death, so frequently we admit people to die either to the floor if we suspect it'll be a couple days, or the ER if we think it'll be quick. Death can be a beautiful process, or it can be horrific, and traumatizing...just depends how ya look at it.
Have you ever been on a plane?
Yeah quite a few times!!
Have you ever kissed a picture?
Honestly what little girl didn't kiss a picture of Leonardo DeCaprio...
Have you ever slept in until 3?
Bro I'm a mid/nightshifter. Weird sleep schedules are my life.
Have you ever loved someone or miss someone right now?
Weirdly worded question. But yes I have loved, yes I do miss people.
Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?
Yes!! It's one of my favorites. I also love to watch the stars.
Have you ever made a snow angel?
Yeah!!! It's super fun!!
Have you ever played dress up?
Have you ever cheated while playing a game?
Queen of attempting to cheat at games and failing miserably 🙋‍♀️
Have you ever been lonely?
Mhmm. Side affects of working away from my family.
Have you ever fallen asleep at work/school?
I'm forever sleepy, so yeah.
Have you ever been to a club?
Yeah couple times!
Have you ever felt an earthquake?
Once as a kid. I don't remember much of it besides it waking me up, and I woke up my mom because I didn't know what it was. I was maybe 7?
Have you ever touched a snake?
I love snakes. They're such cool animals.
Have you ever ran a red light?
That may or may not be why I didn't have a drivers license for 3 yrs.
Have you ever been suspended from school?
Nope 😏 I did get temporarily kicked out of nursing school and fought my way back in though. That's a tale for another time.
Have you ever had detention?
Once, for chewing gum.
Have you ever been in a car accident?
Yeah, nothing serious though. *knocks on all the wood*
Have you ever hated the way you look?
I feel like everyone has, unfortunately.
Have you ever witnessed a crime?
1. I live where I live, it's a regular occurrence. We don't carry a gun for no reason.
2. Used to work in the heart of the ghetto.
3. Used to live 5 mins from there.
Safe to say I've seen a crime or two.
Have you ever pole danced?
One drunken Halloween, yes.
Have you ever been lost?
Physically not emotionally? Yes to both haha
Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country?
I have yeah!!
Have you ever felt like dying?
Yeah, on quite a few occasions I don't talk about.
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
Have you ever sang karaoke?
Again, drunken Halloweens.
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?
Im sure I have.
Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?
Yes I have, it's not fun.
Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger?
Hmm.....I don't actually think so.
Have you ever kissed in the rain?
Have you ever sang in the shower?
Every single time.
Have you ever made out in a park?
Have you ever dream that you married someone?
Yes, and I'm marrying him in a little over a month.
Have you ever glued your hand to something?
My other hand hahah
Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole?
No..but not for lack of trying.
Have you ever gone to school partially naked?
Uh, no haha
Have you ever been a cheerleader?
Nah, I was a band geek.
Have you ever sat on a roof top?
Yes, it's a great time.
Have you ever brushed your teeth?
I want to say "who hasn't" but we all know there's those people who haven't...
Have you ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone?
Sometimes, yes.
Have you ever played chicken?
Not huh.
Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
Probably so.
Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger?
Have you ever broken a bone?
A few yeah. My nose, jaw in 3 places, my tail bone, my ankle.
Have you ever been easily amused?
Have you met me....
Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
Like 45 mins ago hahah
Have you ever mooned/flashed someone?
Yep, regularly occurs in my house.
Have you ever cheated on a test?
Probably way back in the day, but I don't remember anything specific. I'm a pretty honestly person, so if I don't know it, then oh well.
Have you ever forgotten someone’s name?
Every fucking day of my life!
Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real?
Not quite sure...?
Give us one thing about you that no one knows.
Once upon a time, I was like 13 or 14. I was hanging out with my mom while she cooked dinner and eating a carrot. I suddenly sneezed. I then had a carrot chunk stuck in my sinuses. I could feel it, but mom didn't believe me. So for 3 days straight I blew my nose constantly. And I finally got the carrot chunk out.
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humankoalaa · 5 years
freeland ive missed you!
everytime a recap starts with thundergrace a child is fed. don’t @ me.
im not even 30 seconds in the damn episode and im already dying 🤣🤣 lala and this same damn tracksuit with the pinky ring. BRO… who are you 😩
the fact that LALA shows up with a gun in hand. like can we give him another entrance? and also how many times has he resurrected now? 🤦🏾‍♀️
jefferson calling lala latavius still gets me everytime 🤣 how many times has that man said his name is lala Jeff? huh?
LMAOOO i ain’t even finish the initial sentence and lala once again tells Jeff his name is lala!
lemme find out cress tryna grow his hair out.
okay okay resurrected twice. got it.
this beat in the background lit tho.
this ninja done shot super dad.
jenn would be tryna make her suit cute 🤣🤣🤣🤣
“i shouldn’t have to sacrifice style for practicality” 🤣🤣🤣🤣 i love jenn so much.
she’s seriously talking about nice fabric for her suit. i can’t. this is just so jenn and these writers are just brilliant!
that old suit tho… hot garbage 🥴😩
this lab scene is everything tho 😭 the power of jenn!
who is earl tho?
awh lawd they done resurrected the entire unintentional suicide squad 🤦🏾‍♀️
oh nevermind lala seeing shit again.
lol sit down lala that chair ain’t do shit to you
jenn is the realest 😭
anissa in tears breaking my heart 😭
“just go find grace” OKAY?! say it louder!
best little sister ever.
nafessa tho 😍
lmao that fast little daughter of yours 😂 okay lynn. OK.
christine got the best fade tho.
agent rafiki back on his bullshit.
agent yoda: “do you understand what im saying?”… lynn: “you don’t like dogs?” 🤣🤣🤣🤣
who. is. earl.
“i will shoot you straight in the face” 😂😂 this is the blackest thing that’s ever been said on the cw 🤣
i like don’t care about any of this tho…
finally some damn action from the great value suicide squad.
wardrobe department…. why y’all got cress in these tight ass pants tho? 😩
is that earl?
lol i forgot todd died.
agent extra terrestrial needs to die.
nafessa looking fye again 😩😍
wait…. i know damn well that’s not grace growling. shit it better not be 😩 im scared of what’s behind that door and Anissa isn’t suited up like 🥴
🤣🤣 “i can hear someone in here” first of all … anissa… does it sound like whatever is in there human? like are you not hearing these growls? welll she didn’t see grace malfunctioning right in front of her so im actually not surprised but still 😩
“or at least i could” 🤣🤣🤣🤣 AKA im not leaving till you open the door.
we got tobias speaking to portraits, lala speaking to his … conscience..s? and now anissa talking through a door to whatever was growling.. i miss anyone?.. oh and jenn talking to her laptop. k.
OMGG HE SCARED THE SHIT OUTTA ME HOW AGGRESSIVE HE OPENED THAT DOOR 😩 least it’s wasnt grace growling but if this is her brother errr.. relax.
he rude as hell.
“trouble will find you if you do not leave this place” 🤣🤣🤣🤣 the delivery took me out.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😩 that fly. where did that damn fly just appear from 😩
anissa so damn persistent. im here for this.
is she fucking glitching while shape shifting?! 😩 like what is she?! 😩😩
chantal looks beautiful 😭 well ..in her true… form?…. or .. well when she looks like grace. that hair is giving me life.
soooooo anissa now has no choice but to show up as thunder to save her girl who actually doesnt need saving from anyone… but herself 😭
oh hey earl. but like bye earl. this part of the episode is just annoying now 🙄 long ass drawn out ass scenes.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 but why earl look like a pokemon? snorlax to be exact.
jenn running in the lair excited for her suit 😭
lol more growling. like is grace just chillin inside her apartment as a lion? seems like something she would do.
i really wanna know how bad it smells in there tho 😂
WAIT. NEVERMIND. is that like a dead deer?
like is she just casually roaming around freeland with dead animals on her back or is she also a flying dinosaur with a invisibility cloak….
OMG wait 😩 this can’t be. no. just. NO.
🤣🤣🤣🤣 grace as this damn man and this voice i just can’t. im not mature enough for this.
they really bout to fight!
there better be at least one thunderclap 😤
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♀️ okay jet li. i can’t take “him” serious. was that a knife hand? 😂
thunder using her ponytail as a weapon is next level extra 😂
fuck his ass up thunder!
🤣🤣🤣🤣 look right 🤦🏾‍♀️🤣🤦🏾‍♀️😩🤦🏾‍♀️ i just 😭 let me get this straight… you mean to tell me grace knew damn well that was anissa and instead of being like … “let’s go back to your place and talk about this horizontally in the nude preferably” she opted to beat the breaks off thunder then….turn …into a.. growling black animal with a tail?… and just… jumped… … out.. the …. window?… what type of shit is that 😩
like what kind of woman lover are you grace. it’s only one thing im doing if i found out my girlfriend was essentially the baddest motherfucker in the city… ima pounce on that ass and get to hunching 🤷🏾‍♀️
it’s like they’re set on making grace the next lolo jones and the queen of hide and seek. jesus. when will this end? im tied y’all. TIED. JUST TELL HER!!!
JENN 🤣🤦🏾‍♀️
…. the fuck.
yeah this shits getting real weird.
this dude breath gotta smell like shit. baking biscuits in the corners of his mouth and shit 🤮 all that damn spit 😩
lol agent looking like everyone’s morning shit might’ve just played himself. whatcha gon do if they lied tho? how you gon find out who else they told now that you’ve killed them? i hope they were lying 😩😩😩😩
but all in all this episode was solid. too many long ass filler scenes with lala but whatever.
until next time…. i must end this with… grace being a useless bisexual and anissa being a useless lesbian match made in heaven 😍 i still can’t believe grace jumped out the damn window KNOWING it was anissa under the damn suit. smh that window deserved better.
WAYMENT… i just realized something…. anissas bout to be mad ass hell grace beat the shit out of her 😂😂 K N O W I N G L Y at that 😩 she did hold back tho… which may make anissa even madder 😂🤦🏾‍♀️
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christiavn-blog · 5 years
Tumblr media
╰ ♡ ✧ ˖ jung jaehyun. 23. he/him. have you seen christian park? they used to be so humorous before their heart got broken. now they just seem to be very cold. i think it had something to do with his ex boyfriend leaving him for someone else, but who knows how accurate that is. i know, we should get them a new car to help cheer them up! maybe then they’ll start acting like smiling at strangers, helping someone off the ground, listening to a soft playlist. ( ruby, 19, pst, they/them )
hello ! jfkdsls first of all, thank u for reading 
christian’s always been a big Family person ! he’s very close with his dad and looks up to him :^) his mom passed away when he was little in a car accident and he doesn’t remember much of her. but he did know that she loved palm beach and would always go there with dad. he’s originally from jacksonville !!
anyways he and his dad bonded over Cars & christian is such a stereotypical manly man . he loves cars and working out and jogging in the morning. he just emits dad / big brother energy to everyone he comes in contact w. he used to be very happy go lucky, laughing all the time, smiling at strangers, making jokes ,,,,, being an overall crackhead. 
he’s bisexual and it was hard for him to come to terms w/  that at first because he’s like bro im not gay ? im Manly man ....,, but he eventually was like alright, what abt it ?
he was scared to tell his dad at first but his dad was very accepting of him and proud of him for being able to come out ! 
christian used to go around looking for parts so he could fix up a ‘67 chevy impala (weird flex but ok)  he found (its his dream car) and one day he just saw this CUTE ASS DUDE at like a car repair shop. and he was just huge heart eyes & it was a mess. the dude had like his shirt off, wiping down the car hood,, it was like a movie scene from an 80′s romcom
any christian decided to say fuck it and started talking w him, and was like asking if he would help him fix up the impala ? and the dude (his name was oliver) was like ye bruh
so everyday they’d kind of work on the car together and accidentally touch hands or christian would stare a little too long at him,, sublte flirting,, and christian eventually learned he was Gay so it was iconic ? ‘cause oliver was casually like “yeah my ex boyfriend...” and christian was like oh word ? haha .
and they started hanging out,, went on some dates,, and boom they were boyfriends !! and they’d make out in cars all the time and be super cute ,, go the movies,, wow
and sometime,, like 5 months into this relationship, there’s this new Gay dude in town . and he becomes friends w the two of them. but,,, as u may have guessed it,, he starts to try to steal christian’s mans. they hang out all the time,, and he even confesses to oliver like hey bro i got a crush on u haha *blush emoji* and oliver’s like oh ? thats so crazy haha.... but me and christian r boyfriends so :^) ? 
but the new kid doesnt give a fuck. he keeps trying to steal oliver and christian NOTICES and is like fuck no ? and hates this new kid. but oliver is like christian stop ur being mean :/
and christians like huh. what do u -- what do you mean he’s trying to steal u like......literally..........
and christian kind of shuts off a bit and distances himself from them bc they’re getting close and hes being made to be an asshole if he says anything abt it ? and next thing u kno: “christian we need to talk.”
and he breaks up with him. 
christian fixes up the chevy by himself. and after that he feels empty. he got into a bad depression and would drink a lot or drive recklessly in his new car ( like speeding ) 
and his dad was like bro. stop. and christian decided he was gonna move somewhere else to get away from it all. 
and that’s how he ended up in palm beach ! 
he’s very kind, gentle, n soft,, like a giant mastiff puppy. he looks scary but he isn’t. but if you piss him off or get on his nerves he WILL throw his beefy hands at you. 
has a tendency to be pessimistic now a days. and harder to open up to. tends to shut new people out and isn’t open to dating bc he’s in his feelings smh.
he would marry his car if he could. he LOVES that thing and if anybody tries to go between him and his car he’ll bite ur hand off.  it’s his most prized possession and when he’s angry he’ll go to wash his car until he cools off. or he’ll go for a drive. 
he likes soft playlists,, as u could tell.
uhmmm,, thats it ? i have some wanted connections here but if nothing floats ur boat we can brainstorm ! :)
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ferallymine · 5 years
15 Questions Tag Meme
Rules: Pick a character from your WIP, and have them answer these 15 questions, then tag 15 people! 
Dani’s Note: I don’t have a WIP.....i just have a bunch of OC babs so Imma pick from them <3
Tagged by: @cataclysmic-writer
Tagging: @powerovernothing @mobcraft101 @fruity-pies @xenonsdoodles @notaverygoodlistener @zakuraboi @samathos @tis-i-the-most-uncooked-fry
Introducing: Aria, Celaena, and Aed ((My skyrim babes))
1. What is your full name?
A: Aria Evelyn. I don’t have a last name.
C: Celaena Raijin!!!
Ae: Aed Thana~!
2. What does your name mean?
C: Oh! I haven’t been asked this much. Hmmm... “Celaena” means “I will not be afraid” and Raijin means “Lightning” which comes in handy considering my electromage gifts, hehe!
Ae: Aed Thana translates to “Death of the Fire.” I found it kinda weird because my life hasn’t been all death. In fact I think the fire in my heart has grown ever since I married you, Laena~
C: You flirt *blushes* ....Hey Wish, tell them your meaning!!
A: Aria Evelyn has many translations
Ae: Well, yeah, BUT you told us about your psychic person back in Cyrodiil!! Tell them what she said!
A: *sigh* Aria Evelyn is a name that represents the many paths that lay in front of me. It can mean “Musical Life” “Blessing of the wished for child” “Breath of Life” whatever. My name meaning reflects my life journey.
C: I think now it means that, uh, “Blessing” meaning, Wish. You’ve been a blessing in our lives
A: ....sure
3. What are your nicknames/other names?
Ae: Ah! We have a couple nicknames for each other, huh?
C: Well, I call Aria “Wish” as well as “Lyn” or just “Ari.” 
Ae: Yeah! And you, m’love, are often just “Laena” or “Jin”. I don’t have a nickname, honestly. My birthname is short enough, heehee~
A: People tend to call me “Ice Queen.”
C: ...aria people use that more as an insult
A: I know, which is why I freeze them in frost and put a little ice crown on them when they call me that.
Ae: Even Lucien?
A: Especially Lucien
4. What’s your gender?
A: Female
Ae: Female
C: Female.
5. What’s your sexuality?
A: Straight, i guess. 
Ae: Really? You seem more Ace to me.
A: I don’t form romantic connections often, but they do happen, Aed
C: I’m bisexual with female preference~
Ae: And I’m lesbian! 
A: A match made in heaven
6. Where are you from?
C: Me and Aed are from the Builders Dwarven Sect-
Ae: Babe, before that you were from Eastern Cyrodiil-
C: Well if that’s how we’re playing then YOU originated in Western Morrowind
Ae: Damn straight I was.
C: Anyway, Wish, where did you first originate?
A: Factoring in my amnesia, I first showed up in the Imperial City. But going back to the beginning, I was born and raised in Dawnstar, according to evidence we found when the Sanctuary moved there.
Ae: Wait, you have amnesia?!
A: Long story for another day
7. How old are you?
C: We’re all old as shit
Ae: Amen
A: 227 years old
C: Right to the point, eh? Well....if I’m being honest, I don’t remember
Ae: Me and Laena “restarted” counting when we joined our first pirate crew after escaping the Builders. Then we....just stopped counting. 
C: Whoops
Ae: Big fuckin whoops
A: I’m the only one with amnesia here and I managed to figure out my age. 
Ae: You’re just that smart, Ice Queen
A: Don’t push your luck, Dwarf
8. What is your magic form/What designation are you?
C: I’m an Electromage! It tends to run in the Falmer lineage, anyway. I don’t really transform into anything when I use it, though.
Ae: My only magic is when I build things. 
A: I’m a frost mage. I don’t know what magic form you’re talking about-
C: Wait!! What about when you go Full Silver and I go Full Gold? Does that count?
A: Aura colors don’t alter your appearance, though. They just add spirals and whirls to your body.
Ae: When you go SIlver you get so GLOWY and there’s silver spirals all down your legs and arms. And Celaena you get hard jagged lines that look like lightning!! Oh, babe, when you use your Dragonborn shout stuff, you get this almost ghost of a dragon look to you
C: Whoa..... Bad. Ass.
9. What does your human form look like?
C: Man and Mer are different. This... this is our normal form. Racist.
Ae: Falmer and Dwemer are indeed different than man
A: I’m a Breton, which is as close to “human” as you’ll get out of this trio.
10. What’s your aesthetic?
A: ...aesthetic?
C: It’s things you like that chalk up to who you are as a person. Like different items and themes that represent you. 
A: ..... blood....poison....stealth weapons.... death.....
Ae: You’re describing your profession
A: I’m the Listener to the Dark Brotherhood of course that’s what my aesthetic is.
C: I like purple! I also have a kind of...rustic theme? Mixed with pirating and plundering. Rain and thunder/lightning storms make me feel all calm inside so i guess that’s my aesthetic too
Ae: Hmmm.... my rum-
C: Ah, yes, my wife can’t live without her homebrewed rum
Ae: Damn right. Anyway- my rum, my mechanical spiders OH that reminds me I have to fix Seven up he lost a leg
A: ...You named them?
Ae: Don’t fucking judge me MurderMcHobo
A: I.... that’s fair
Ae: Rum, my mechanical spiders, my blueprints, building things, a forge... wow I’m such a stereotypical Builder dwarf
C: The Aetherium? Fire?
Ae: YEAH that’s also my aesthetic. Plus swiping jewelry for melting down and building with. 
11. Who’s your best friend?
A: A what
C: Aria’s BFF is a tie between Inigo and Serana. 
Ae: She’ll never admit that though
A: *scowls*
Ae: See?! She’s got a reputation to uphold. Inigo and Serana know that she values them, though.
C: Hmm... I suppose Aed is my best friend.
Ae: Haha! The classic “Married people are their spouse’s best friend” loophole!
A: ....you two need to get out more
12. Would you ever get a piercing/tattoo?
A: *gestures to the other two* They’re pierced and tattoo’d all over.
Ae: Not all over! Our tattoos are on our backs and we only have piercings in our ears and nose! Me and Laena have like 5 loop earrings in each lobe
C: Correction, I, Celaena Raijin, have both nose and ear piercings. You, Aed, do not.
Ae: Yeah you have 3 nose bridge spikes and a bull nose ring
C: It’s fun to play with when I’m bored
Ae: Aria has an ear piercing too!
A: True, but it’s tasteful
C: I’m offended but whatever NEXT QUESTION
13. When are you happiest?
C: I’m assuming we can’t answer “When im with aed or aria”
Ae: For sure
A: Bold of you to assume I was ever happy
Ae: I’m offended by that see you in court
A: *death glare*
Ae: I drop all charges ANYWAY I’m happiest when i’m tinkering in my little work station or when I’m sailing with a crew
C: I’m happiest when leading a crew through a successful raid
A: I guess I’m happy when finishing a contract.
Ae: Yeah sure not when you’re with Lucien or Inigo or Serana or when you’re talking about that Martin dude-
A: *frost shooting out from under her* Shut your mouth right now if you know what’s good for you
14. What’s your biggest secret?
Ae: We’re open books. No secrets here. 
C: Me and Aed’s biggest secret was our relationship. We had to run from the Builders because of it, and now here we are. I don’t recall any recent secrets, though. 
A: I suppose my biggest secret is keeping the Dark Brotherhood part of my life away from my public eye life. And I guess I never did tell you girls about my Akatosh mark *holds up right hand*
Ae: WHAT?!
A: A story for another time
C: That’s fair 
15. Do you have a sidekick?
C: We’re all in the AriaArmy. Everyone’s her sidekick
A: My what 
Ae: Aria, deny it all you want, but you have friends who love you and would die for you. Proud to be in the AriaArmy!! *pounds chest*
A: .....oh.....
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