#everyone says OH don't try to lie to them they'll find out
naamahdarling · 2 years
#i would give ANYTHING to be out from under the duress of SSDI and i simply cannot achieve that and my boyfriend simply cannot achieve that#and i honestly don't know what to do#the constant anxiety#the fear of SS punishing me for begging for help#of holding my boyfriend's income whether earned or unearned against me if we choose to marry and possibly even if we do not#i just don't know how to exist in this world that wants to punish me out of existence simply for trying to survive#everyone says OH don't try to lie to them they'll find out#and i'm like well i'm fucked because for the last many years i thought unearned income was NOT counted against you#but it turns out is is#and it is penalized even more harshly than earned income#to make sure that those of us who CANNOT work know our wretched and worthless place#and if they come at me for having BEGGED for help in the past and my benefits get yanked#guys that's game over for me#that's suicide time and i am not lying because without what meager help they do give i WILL not survive for long#and if they choose to jail me that's also not survivable#so im just looking at this hideous bleak future where i live in fear all the time and can never marry my boyfriend#and it has soured everything#i cannot work#the idea of getting married is sour now and almost disgusting because it's so tainted by fear and oppression#and no a civil ceremony isn't the answer as they consider that the same as legally wed#so i just don't know what to do#i just don't fucking know how to go on#when the rules they play by are so obscure and so rigged against me#i can't do what i love most and make ponies because the very idea fills me with grief and anxiety#i don't have the spoons to chase down the answers or the solutions#i am so tired#and i so very much wish i could just be a regular person and do normal things and care for myself#i am one crisis away from utter dissolution and i barely know who i am anymore#god help me i want to live so very fucking badly but i look at the future and see nothing changing#not going to hurt myself but i wish to god i knew how to make my meager income safe and how to fucking beg so they won't want to take it
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volensnolenss · 6 months
You look pretty cold
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—✦ SUMMARY: They won't let you freeze in this weather, so they'll find all the ways to keep you warm;
— CHARACTERS: Gojo Satoru, Nanami Kento, Ryomen Sukuna;
— CONTENT: sfw! fluff, soft;
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✧˚.𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮
The prickly snow crunched pleasantly underfoot, leaving your footprints on itself; its creaking seemed deafening, and the silence of the birds brought an even more intimidating atmosphere. Satoru persuaded you to go with him on his student's mission so that you both could be with them in case something went wrong. Still, being with you is a great time for him, whether it's rain or tornado.
“Beautiful weather, isn't it?” Satoru addressed you with a note of sarcasm as you walked, hugging yourself, trying to keep warm in every way, “The weather would have been fine if I had stayed in the building.”
“Honey, a place needs to be changed.” you looked at him angrily and he didn't let you say a word, Gojo started talking again, “Oh, by the way, your eyelashes are white, just like mine!” He took out his phone and immediately took a picture of you, giggling at your face.
“I'm cold, Satoru!” You snorted, acting like a teen who was forcibly sent outside.
“Mmm, wait, I'm going to...” He got distracted and instantly disappeared, leaving you alone among the trees, wrapped in a cold blanket of snow, so you were with an old building. This time you decided to keep quiet and wait for the students to finish.
Less than a few minutes later, he suddenly returned, “I'm here!” You immediately turned around when you heard his voice coming from behind you.
“This is to keep you warm.” Satoru handed you hot coffee, which warmed you instantly; its aroma and hot steam pleasantly bathed your face.
“Well? Do you like?” He hugged you from behind and stood up so that as few snowflakes as possible fell on you.
“It's very sweet... but it's much warmer for me, thank you, Satoru.” You kissed him on the cheek when he moved his head towards you. Gojo, pleased, looked up, looking at the snow-white sky and at the same time thinking about you, how lucky he was to meet you, “Everything is for my angel.”
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✧˚.𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨
You and Nanami were walking through the evening snow-covered city, going to solve certain important cases. Yellow lanterns burned brightly, shimmering with falling flakes of fluffy snow, which decorated various signs, roofs of houses and skyscrapers.
“You look great, but aren't you cold?” Make no doubt, he likes what you're wearing: a beautiful long dress and a coat on top, but agree that this is not enough to stay warm, “No, Kento, everything is fine.” You felt like a soldier, trying to keep your teeth from trembling.
“Are you sure?” The temperature seemed to get even lower under the onslaught of his calmly dangerous tone and posed question, “Of course.”
He knows you too well, it's just useless for you to lie to him. Despite all his seriousness in his actions and words, there is always a piece of care and concern for you in them. “Stop it.” You immediately froze and stared at him, “But I...”
“No, darling, now listen to me.” He shook his head and took off his warm wool scarf and wrapped it carefully around your neck, trying not to spoil your curls. The smooth fabric felt good against your skin, which needed it the most, but especially Kento's attention and attentiveness.
You batted your long eyelashes at his deadpan smile, “Are you comfortable? Did I overdo it?” Nanami approached you again, adjusting the scarf, but you touched his gentle hands, “Everything is fine, Ken!” You broke into a smile and, grabbing his forearm, you pressed your head against him.
“What a gallant and wonderful man I live with. You won't mind if I take it from you, will you?” You looked at him with your trademark look, which he always obeys.
“Only if you don't freeze.”
“Your love warms me up.”
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✧˚.𝐑𝐲𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐒𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐚
He'll set fire to everything and everyone to keep you warm
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luvsturniolo · 5 months
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pairing : matt sturniolo x fem!reader
synopsis : having been dared to kiss a random stranger, you're the first person matt choses to approach
a/n : guys ive been needing to write another fic so badly that i got this prompt off of pinterest and i'm completely winging it (this is a cry for help. pls send reqs bc i'm running low atm.)
i hate how this is written & this is prob the worst thing i've done on this app but i need to post something so ur gonna read it anyway !
wc : 2.5k
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nick, matt, chris, nate, and madi are currently on an expidition to the mall. they hardly ever hang out as a complete group, so everyones moods are sky rocketed from the simple fact of them all being together. it honestly doesn't matter what they're buying or where they are. they'll all have smiles on their faces regardless.
"i'm surprised nick isn't trying to record a video right now." chris says as the group enters a random clothing store. "it's one of the very few times we're all together and everyone is in good moods. nick would normally take advantage of that."
"just say you want to record and move on." matt grumbles, walking over to one of the racks to flip through the t-shirts on display.
"i don't want to record! i was saying nick probably would!" chris tries to defend himself, earning weird looks from everyone due to this very clearly being a lie. chris lets out a sigh when he realizes that nobody is believing him. "whatever. i'm just saying that i don't think we should waste the opportunity to make good content. the fans love nate and madi."
"woww," madi says sarcastically, feigning offence, "you're just using us for content?"
"oh, shut up." chris replies, dramatically rolling his eyes at her teasing. madi giggles and takes a sip from the cup of lemonade she got from lunch earlier today at the food court. everyone else already finished their drinks, she's the only one with anything leftover from the meal.
"i didn't bring the camera anyway." nick says with a careless shrug, causing chris's jaw to drop with shock. "i wanted this hangout to be authentic. just everyone laughing and smiling together as a group. no cameras. no new friends. just us."
"since when did you ever leave the house without your camera?" chris asks him with his jaw still hung loose on its hinges. "it's practically glued to your bag at all times."
matt finds himself zoning out of the conversation as he looks around at the clothes. their argument about recording is only relevant to him if they decide that they are going to record. otherwise, it's unimportant and frankly quite boring. and now that nick admitted that he didn't even bring the camera, the conversation is no longer of interest to him.
they continue to stay near the front of the store, nick and chris arguing about the camera predicament while nate and madi laugh at them from the sidelines. but matt strays away from the group. he has about eighty bucks he brought with the intent on spending it all today. well, at least half of it or more. so he begins to get distracted with the task of finding new clothes to add to his wardrobe.
he made a mental note before leaving the house that he wants more hoodies since the weather is started to get colder. knowing this, he wanders over to the back of the store. he's been here enough to know that there's a rack of jackets and long-sleeved shirts in the right corner beside the employee exit door.
matt flips through the clothing. he wants more bright colors in his closet. most of his hoodies are black or dark grey. nick said that his wardrobe looks like a funeral home and he needs something more lively. but nothing here seems to catch his eye.
"need help finding anything?" a random female voice asks him. he turns to face the sound and sees a worker standing to his left. you. and lets just say you definitely catch his eye — unlike any of the clothes you're selling. he likes the style of your hair, the color of your eyes, the shape of your face, the bridge of your nose, all of it.
damn! matt's never been this whipped for a random stranger. it's normal for him to find random girls attractive in public, but something about you is making him unable to take his eyes away yours.
"okay? i'll take that as a no." you say before turning on your heel and leaving. as soon as you walk away, matt feels the urge to call out and stop you, but he doesn't know your name. he was too busy admiring you to read the tag on your uniform.
he lets out a sigh before walking back across the store and rejoining the group, his mood now soured completely. when he walks up to his brothers, nick turns around with a camera in his hand, recording.
"what the hell?" matt says. "i thought you didn't bring it."
"he lied so he didn't have to film." chris says with an eye roll. "but i didn't believe him. so i dug through his backpack and guess what! i found it sitting on the very top, fully charged."
matt just nods, not having anything to say to that. plus, now that he's in a bad mood it's be best to stay away from the camera so his bitchiness doesn't ruin the video. he feels guilty for being like this while everyone else has such high spirits, but he can't help it. he embarassed himself in front of the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen. there's no coming back from that.
the group exits the store and they begin to wander around. they're looking for a sunglasses store for nate so he can buy a new pair seeing as he broke his last ones while leaning out of the window of the van. the slipped off of his face — never to be seen again. but nate claims he needed new glasses anyway due to how old and scathed those ones were.
"you okay?" nate asks. the fact that he noticed matt's fatigue takes him by surprise. matt wants to continue sulking in his soured mood, but when he looks at nate's genuine worried expression, he can't help but confide in his friend about the events from earlier.
matt tells him about how he was looking for a jacket when you approached him. you came up so casually as though it meant nothing to you, when it meant everything to him. matt describes you, accentuating your beauty to paint the picture as well as possible. he tells nate that he feels like he's being dramatic, but he can't help it. i mean, you're a complete stranger whose name he doesn't even know. and yet he can't take his mind off of your guys's short interaction.
"i wish i had some wise words of advice for you, but i don't." nate says. "but judging just by the way you talk about her, you need to get her number or something. i've literally never heard you talk about a girl like that. you're fuckin' whipped, man."
"i agree." matt says. "but how the hell am i supposed to get her number when she's a literal stranger? i don't know anything about her."
"you know where she works." nate points out.
matt thinks about this for a moment before deciding that nate's right. he knows where you work and that's more than knowing nothing. someones job says a lot about them — how much money they make, what means a lot to them, etc. i mean, he's not the type of guy who gives a shit about your income, but if he wanted to know something about you, he could easily find out a lot.
"lets buy your sunglasses." matt says, confidence slowly overtaking him now that he doesn't feel like this whole thing is hopeless. "then, we can all go get a snack at the food court so i have some motivation to go talk to her."
nate agrees and hurries to catch up with the rest of the group. matt does the same, rejoining everyone now that his mood is boosted once again. they go to the glasses store and nate picks out a pair that he likes. the whole time, matt is back to normal. everyone notices the shift in his demeanor, but they decide not to point it out.
after nate purchases the glasses he chose, matt tells nick that he's hungry. madi agrees with matt, saying she could eat something seeing as it's been a few hours since they had lunch. not thinking much of it, nick agrees to go to the food court.
"fuck." chris says, sitting in the plastic chair beside matt. "i didn't know they had mozzarella sticks! if i'd known that, i would've gotten them too!"
matt just shrugs, eating another bite with a smug look on his face. chris shoots him a glare and scoffs, turning back to his cheesy fries with a frown. just as chris is about to insult matt, nick and madi come over to the table with their food. nick is still carrying the camera around, filming everything for their next blog. most of what he's filming will be edited out, but he's still taking the footage just in case.
as they all begin eating their food, nate — who had been using the bathroom for the past few minutes — comes back with a slushy and a small grin. he sits on the other side of matt with a weird look on his face. matt gives him a strange look and nate just giggles and looks away.
"i'm bored guys." nate says. "we should play truth or dare."
"okay." chris agrees easily. but nick shakes his head, not thinking this is a good idea. but chris insists. "c'mon, it'll be good content. plus we're not gonna do any stupid dares that will get us in trouble or anything."
when matt and madi take chris's side, nick has no choice but to give in play the game. his only condition is that he gets to ask chris first, and he has to pick dare. chris agrees to his terms.
"i dare you to say yes to everything i ask for the rest of the day." nick tells him with a sarcastic smile. chris rolls his eyes, but has no choice but to do as he says.
"can i go next?" nate asks excitedly. it's supposed to be chris's turn next since he was the one who did the dare, but nick answers dow him. he nods, letting nate go ahead. and chris can't argue since he has to say yes to whatever nick wants. nate grins widely and continues. "matt, truth or dare."
"dare." matt says without hesitation.
"i dare you to kiss a random stranger." nate tells him with a grin. "they have to be in the food court, though."
"what the fuck type of dare is that?" nick shouts. "we're not bringing random stranger into this! plus, isn't that against some kind of law? kissing random people can't be fucking legal."
matt is about to agree with nick, saying it's a horrible idea. but he notices nate flicking his eyes back and forth between matt and someone over his shoulder, gesturing for him to look at them. matt turns around and follows nate's gaze to find you sitting alone at a table. you're wearing your work clothes, sipping on a smoothie while scrolling through your phone.
matt changes his mind in an instant. "it's my dare, nick, not yours. so fuck off and play the game like everyone else."
with that, matt stands up from his seat, causing the legs to scrape against the tiled floor beneath it. he awkwardly approaches you with a giddy smile. god, he feels like an idiot. he feels like he went back in time to when he was a child, getting nervous to talk to literally any girl on the playground.
he stands in front of your table and clears his throat to get your attention. you look up at him and raise a brow in confusion. "mind if i sit down?" he asks, pointing to the chair beside you.
"go ahead." you tell him. you're still confused about who this guy is as he sits down at your table. he's attractive and seems sweet, but who is- oh. as he runs a can through his hair, you remember who he is. "you're the guy from the store. you were the one who stared at me instead of answering."
matt feels his cheeks heat with embarrassment. that's not the first impression he wanted to make. but at least you remember him! it's better than you not knowing who he was at all.
plus, you're not talking to him in a weird way. you're smiling as though you find his awkwardness amusing rather than strange — which it is.
"that's me." he says. matt glances over his shoulder at his friends only to see that they're all staring at you guys intently. chris waves him on, urging him to hurry the hell up.
"they're nosy." you say with a laugh. "i'm assuming they're your friends. otherwise, i'd be extremely creeped out."
"uh, yeah." matt says, looking away from chris to refocus on you. fuck. every time he looks at you, he's taken aback by your beauty. like time seems to slow when you guys make eye contact. "listen, they sent me over here as a dare. i'm supposed to kiss you."
you laugh at him for a second. but then you realize he's not kidding. he's being serious. "god, take me on a date first." you tell him sarcastically. matt laughs, but is still pretty serious about the dare. you feel weird agreeing to kiss a stranger, but it'd be even weirder if you were to say no.
not to mention, the boy beside of you is insanely attractive. it wouldn't be such a bad thing to kiss something this hot. "i'll let you kiss me if you agree to give me your number afterward." you tell him.
"i would have asked for it anyway." matt says with a teasing smile. knowing you have an interest in him as well gave matt a boost in confidence. and you honestly think that his confidence makes him even more attractive.
he leans forward and you do the same. you were expecting a small smooch the way little kids kiss at recess, but this guy went all in. he places one hand on the back of your head to tangle through your hair while the other hand cupped your cheek. the kiss was passionate and needy. and you fucking loved it.
when he broke it to catch his breath, you felt deprived of something more. you were practically craving this guy you met only a few minutes ago.
matt smirked at you before you guys exchanged numbers. you were still distracted by the fact that you guys nearly made out in the middle of the food court to process what was going on. as your confidence left, his was refilled.
"i'll come back to your shop before i leave the mall." matt says. "maybe next time i'll actually catch your name before we make out in the storage room."
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@kasqnxx @lvrsparadise @prettysturniolo @strniolo @urmyslxt @cupidsturniolo @opheliaofficial07 @thetriplets3 @sturn1olo-ffics @uhnanix @deadxrx @kitaysworld @lovelysturniolo @wilmalovegood @ladylokilaufeyson5 @sturniolopepsi @strnilolo @knowingnothingnoel @its-jennarose @lea0518 @slaysturniolo @sturnlover @tcvazq @ifilwtmfc @poopydroopt @cl0esblogg @ellaynaa @itzdarling
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love-toxin · 6 months
yes pls tell me all ur thoughts on blade, luocha, gepard, jingyuan and kafka 😳 the eng va and trailers for jingyuan and kafka in particular got me acting up—just smthing about jingyuan’s lil smirk and laid bk countenance and how i know he can fuck the daylights out of anyone effortlessly—and kafka? yes ma’am anything for u pls slam ur foot against the wall behind me 🙏🏻
god bless im literally in love w/ all of them anon. would give my left nut for blade, luocha or jing yuan, gepard and kafka carry my team so hard. also bc i want them to step on my face.
also i wanna be toxic rn so under the cut ⬇️⬇️
blade -> prrrrrrrrr. big daddy. idk why but he gives me discord kitten daddy dom vibes. he manspreads. he gets pussy. he probably doesn't shower as often as he should. he's unapologetically a rude bitch. he absolutely girlbosses you into being his baby, he pulls out the "i feel nothing but you give me a taste of life" and keeps you so close you're basically part of him. handsy and off-putting in public for passersby but you can't get his hands off you, it's a losing battle babe. nd he's nasty freaky slimy and rubs his cock against you as a sign he wants to go home or just find someplace quiet. he doesn't like fucking you out in the open but he'll do it if the need arises--like if you "forget" that your body & soul belongs to him and need a harsh reminder. you're just his delicate little kitty after all, so if anyone's gonna break you it should be someone you love unconditionally. right?
kafka -> gatekeep. gaslight. girldaddy. beats you up and makes you say thank you. you're her pet so get used to it, but she'll feed you once in a while so you should be glad, puppy. she's the mean tall girlfriend who babies you and then spits in your mouth for a treat. her & blade treat you like a pet and if she's feeling extra mean she strips you down and makes you kneel between them with nothing to cover yourself. if you're good and give them a lil show they'll let you go early, they promise (lie). humping kafka's pillow to get your scent all over it becomes a nightly ritual to help her sleep, no it is non-negotiable, it is in your spouses' contract that she signed with your hand while you slept. it also states that your face may be used in any and all leisure activities at her discretion--mainly for her to push your head between her legs and lazily give you an order as she sifts through documents. you might be her pet, but that doesn't mean she doesn't love you. at least as far as you can tell.
luocha -> ngl idk that much about him yet but he's immediately unhinged bf-shaped. stupid and drunk on thoughts of you & gives you his credit card details on the first date. he's gross and wants to bite your thighs. begging to be drowned in pussy/choked with cock. you're so pretty and he's so dirty by comparison. he can't blame you for not wanting his gross dick anywhere near you, guess all he can do is eat you out <33 oh noooooo! what a tragedy! sike. he loves that shit. he's got meds to make you squirt too. ik he's not that kinda healer but don't tell me unhinged luocha wouldn't have a ball drugging you both up and taking you for a ride. he wouldn't even know his name once the high dies down, just the feeling of your lips leaving stray kisses all down his face as you try to stay awake.
jing yuan -> daddy 2.0. a dilf with no kids. 1000% goes into husband mode the second you're within reach. chill & soft & uwu until everyone's outta the office, then he becomes a menace to society and your underwear. he cums in them before you leave for the day so you don't forget him <3 you can have a cheeky one in your mouth on his lunch break if you're good. ♀️ he beats your pussy up cock-first for hurting his bbg with your period. he still doesn't get enough of you in the day so he creeps on you at night, rubs one out on your thighs while you sleep and flips over to go right back to snoring afterwards. you can never have too much cum on you--that's his wisdom and as your superior general you should probably believe it, no? don't worry, he can fuck with your job and your life and your friends and your money and your heart until you find it within yourself to agree.
gepard -> dummy boy goody-two-shoes. he likes fuckin in the uniform and being called "captain" i am not taking criticism at this time. dumb little captured stellaron hunter & horny silvermane captain roleplay. moans in your ear during sex. he moans like a girl and he hates it but it's hot and he cums 10x faster if you tell him just how hot it is. he's so big & tall he just makes you feel like a little bunch of grapes when he picks you up, nd he's self-conscious about how weird it is that he likes seeing your face scrunch up in pain when he eases you on his cock but it's just too big. the gravity makes it all feel too much when he sits you on his lap like that but you just wiggle around on it rather than get off, and he's a fiend for it. also consider clean, prim, missionary-lover gepard falling in love with rimming you & feeling like a dirty mutt for enjoying it so much & begging you for it when he's in need. asking him to take a shower with you turns into code for "let's do anal against the tile please" real quick.
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moonyeyedstar · 5 months
Remus Lupin x Reader First Time Smut Oneshot
I do another quick look in the mirror before heading down to the common room. The party had already started a little bit ago but I took forever picking out the right outfit. I find my way to grab a hard cider and shuffle around all the already sweaty moving bodies to find my friends. I slip right in and listen in on their conversation.
"Look Moony all we're saying is find someone and hook up, you're the last one, we've all done it, even Pete managed to do it before you!" Sirius laugh and the others join in. I watch as Remus rolls his eyes in annoyance.
"I don't care about that as much as you idiots do," Remus defends, but I could tell he didn't mean it as much as he pretended to.
"Oh leave him alone," I chuckle and butt in. I do my best to laugh it off but I also haven't lost my virginity yet but I can't let the guys find out because they'll never let me live it down. I've told them I've hooked up with this guy on holiday to cover for myself. I just hope they don't catch my lie.
"Well, why don't you sleep with him y/n, since you have soooo much experience," Sirius says wiggling his eyebrows. I feel my cheeks flush but laugh a bit and look at my feet.
"Shut up Sirius, I don't need your help getting laid, why don't you worry about yourself," Remus groans annoyed with how they are still stuck on this topic.
"Don't worry about me mate, I've got my eye on Mary, think we're gonna go all night long," Sirius says cockily. I roll my eyes at them.
"God Sirius you're such a dog," Remus scoffs annoyed, and walks off from the group. I feel bad and watch him walk off and go get another drink.
"That's not nice Sirius, you shouldn't push him so hard," James says because he feels a bit bad but they were all just joking, Sirius just takes it too far. I walk off to go to Remus and put my hand on his shoulder, "Hey Remus, are you alright?"
"Peachy," Remus mutters sarcastically.
"You know, only if you'd want to of course I wouldn't be opposed to...," I blush starting to bring it up.
"It's alright I don't need pity sex from you," Remus says turning away to walk away, thinking I came to tease him and hook up with him as some weird plan from the other guys.
"No, Remus," I say and grab his arm to stop him so he turns around. "You see, uh, I'm a /virgin/ too," I say quietly.
"No, you're not, you told us you did it with that bloke over holiday."
"I lied Remus, I was embarrassed because everyone else already had," I sigh.
"Oh..." Remus relaxes and puts his drink down, "Do you really want to?"
I blush harder nodding, "This way we can both get it over with, but only if it won't make things weird between us."
"And you're completely sure you want to?" Remus asks in a lower voice so no one can hear our conversation even though most of the people are already drunk. I nod and watch Remus's face as he thinks, "We can go to my dorm, the guys are all down here and I'm sure they won't be up for hours." I nod and feel a bit nervous but follow him up the stairs to his dorm. I go and sit at the edge of his bed as I watch him close and lock the door behind us. I sit nervously shuffling my hands around in my lap and watch him walk over and sit next to me. "Is it okay if I kiss you, or do you want to start it," he asks nervously.
"Don't be so nervous Remus, I've never seen you so nervous. You can kiss me," I blush. I feel Remus scoot a bit closer and take a deep breath to calm his nerves before he cups his face and pull me into slow, gentle kiss. I push my body in a bit closer trying to close off some more space between us and kiss back with a bit more pressure than he has to let me know its okay. I feel as his body softens, relaxing into the kiss and he lets his tongue lightly graze over my bottom lip. A soft whimper escapes my lips and open my mouth, allowing us to deepen the kiss and let our tongues collide. I let my hands come out of my lap and scoot my body even closer and rest my hands in his lap for balance, if I moved any closer I would have to readjust my body to straddle him. Remus lets out a soft low groan, turning me on. I feel my cheeks grow red as a wet warm spot grows between my legs. My need for friction or pressure is slowly becoming more and more and I want to move myself into his lap. I break the kiss and let my forehead rest against his and let my lips graze his as I speak,
"Can I straddle you Remus?" I ask softly.
"Of course," Remus says quietly but his voice sounds course, like he's been trying to hold back groans. I carefully get on top of him and straddle him. I slowly rest all my weight onto him but keep my hips hovered just a bit worried about putting all my weight on him. This was solved quickly as Remus lets his hands grip my waist and pushes me onto him and brings his lips back to mine kissing me passionately like we never stopped. I whimper softly into the kiss and slowly roll my hips to grind on him. I move myself on him slowly at first, worrying I am doing it wrong but pick up my pace and grind on him shamelessly as I hear all the low growls leave his throat. "Oh y/n" he groans gripping my hips to a halt, "stop before I cum" he says breathlessly. I blush and nod and watch as he slides his hands under my ass and flips us, moving us to the center of the bed. I look up at him blushing and his cheeks have a tinge of pink too and his lips are red and swollen but that doesn't stop him from leaning down and kissing me again, this time with tongue straight away. We let our hands wander each other's bodies and keep kissing each other, our kisses growing hungrier and hungrier.
"Please touch me, Remus," I whimper needy into the kiss. I arch my body to meet his hand as it slides down my torso and to my thigh. He slides his hand up my inner thigh into my skirt and pushes my soaking wet panties to the side and slips two fingers in. My breath hitches and I whimper softly at the feeling.
"Is this okay?" Remus asks me breaking the kiss and whispering in my ear. "Y-yes," I stutter and nod and throw my head back a bit as he starts to pump his fingers and curling them, hitting my g-spot. "Oh Remus," I moan softly and buck my hips into his hand and he starts pumping his fingers faster and brings his kisses to my jaw and down my neck, leaving soft, small bites on the way to my collarbones. I bite my lip to hold back moans and feel myself getting close with every curl if his fingers that hits my G-spot. "F-fuck Remus, stop I'm c-close," I moan out softly because I am a bit embarrassed to say it out loud. Remus stops instantly and takes his finger out and sucks them clean. I turn bright red watching him in disbelief.
"You taste so sweet, y/n," Remus says in a whisper into my ear. My whole body shudders when his hot breath hits my skin.
"Oh Remus," I whimper, "fuck me." I feel a small smirk grow on his face against my skin and watch as he gets up and goes to Sirius's bedside table and steals a condom. I watch as he undresses himself with shaky hands and rolls on the condom and get a bit nervous because I don't know what it will feel like and hope it won't hurt. In the meantime, I slip off my skirt and soaked panties and slowly slip off my sweater and undo my bra and lay back down covering myself slightly.
Remus gets back on top and I watch as his eyes wander my body, "oh y/n, you're so perfect," he says with a slight blush on his face. I look up at him with big eyes and blush at his compliment. I watch Remus as he slowly lines up, "Tell me when you're ready okay?". I nod, "I'm ready just go slow," I say and watch as he nods and slowly slides his tip in. I whimper as I feel myself stretching around his tip and it burns but it hurts in a good way. "Keep going," I whimper and moan softly as Remus slowly fills me with his length but doesn't thrust yet letting me adjust myself to his size. After a couple of moments shifting myself to fit him better Remus starts to move slowly. Low groans and grunts slip from his lips and I whimper and moan loving the feeling but it hurts at the same time. The stretching feeling slowly begins to stop and now all I feel is pleasure and let soft gentle moans fall from my lips. "Oh Remus, you're so big," I moan.
"You feel so good y/n," Remus groans and slides a hand down to rub my clit in circles sending me over the edge.
"Oh fuck Remus," I moan and cum hard on his cock. I ride my orgasm out as Remus grips my hips and goes harder as his head falls back showing off his Adam's apple and curses slip his tongue and his lower half shakes as he cums. After a couple of sloppy thrusts, as he rides out his climax, he plops next to me and we both lay down side by side panting.
"Did you like that?" Remus asks nervously breaking the silence. I blush and roll to face him and nod. "Me too," Remus blushes. I peck his lips and get up after a bit and get dressed.
"Maybe we can do that again," I say blushing, and fix myself up.
"Definitely," Remus says getting dressed, and gives me a quick peck before we go back downstairs to the party.
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starglowwos · 7 months
Wait I wanna know which warrior songs you've associated with the life series and why
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aaalright so i only know of blixemi ones but here we go :> it's not all of them but it's the ones i have stronger associations for
(quick warning that this post isn't super plain text friendly, i don't have the spoons for it right now, sorry)
shared eyes
this one fits martyn so well i think
here's some specifics - i'll highlight some eyesandearsy things as well :>
i'm not who you think i am, if you think of me at all
i wish your silence came from hate then at least i'd know why i'm to blame but a fool i'd stay to pray within a drought to drown in the rain
it seems to me that i have always been the problem though i'd wish to solve it, foolishly, i've gone and charred each star that's fallen
i'm not who i think i am when you think you've seen it all in this frozen state of apathy i've blossomed with every flaw
what good is it to even try? you'll never hear or see or face all the parts of you you despise come to life, standing right fore your eyes in spite reminding both of us have wished on a starless night
you can try as you might you can lie, fantasize but we both see your eyes your eyes in mine
and these ones fit limited life so well ↓
this feels wrong… it's not playing out right. how am i colder now, upon a bridge i chose to ignite? am i all wrong? it doesn't feel like it should this hollow triumph doesn't fill the pain i thought it would… i've spent so long why do i pity you now? you've yet to change, so in your place, i've learned to torture myself
like. AAA
and he runs
this one kinda fits double life cleo, i think? and martyn by proxy. it's a biiit of a stretch in places though
off you go inside your mind again your legs must shake from the memories you chase round your head i beg you no, but there you go, to find a version of you that's dead
your body's here, but it is clear you're always searching for what you cannot find
gives vibes of martyn missing ren kinda. even though that doesn't exactly involve cleo
i'm not fine
jimmy probably, canary curse?
i'm a wreck, i'm in a downward spin and i don't know what it feels like to win but they tell me, "just gotta put in the work, you'll be fine!" and they tell me, "everyone falls down, time to time"
i'll be the best they've ever seen! you'll fall, you'll trip, you'll make a scene. …it'll take some work to get to where i need to go..! they're better off without you, you know? oh…
and though i try, and though i reach for the sky there's this voice that's getting louder in the back of my mind saying i'm not fine it's screaming at me saying i'm not fine!
and they tell me it's alright everyone takes their own time but my time is moving backwards i don't think i'll get it right cause i'm losing my own battles cannot find the will or might cause the little voice that's s'posed to cheer me on is the one i have to fight!
just one heartbeat
i don't have anything really specific for this one, but it definitely feels watchery
you've been trapped in your mind, your doubts tucked down below but it's okay to be afraid! i'll show you all that i know all i need is a heartbeat—just a breath, and i'm through i can open up your world, i do this all for you
just when i thought i'd won, one stunt left me undone and my fate has plunged and spun into the paws of someone who is eager to believe her destiny's a high achiever so i'll reach her, and i'll teach her, and eventually deceive her but she can see that i lack her beliefs but if she gives me just one heartbeat, their defeat is in reach she is wrapped in her deceit, soon my task will be complete they'll be banished to a blackout; endless shadows i'll release
but i can see they don't trust so easily so let me share a breath of time trapped within my memories there's a group of three who plead—they're so blinded by their greed!— —who will make all of my work compose completely seamlessly!
bold sol's an old soul, i desire full control old sol's bold soul's goal's to envoke revolt your prophecy's my bait, and soon i will dictate all the choices of the voices who're around this lake
you stand faced here before my truth, yet you continue to hide you need me more now than ever! i'm an escape for all your lies! i see darkness in your heartbeat! this clan life you will lose! you have opened up his world, his blood was spilt on you.
one not two
mean gills. scott. mean gills scott and the limited life finale
storm, it was you and i, side by side, since our mother had died back then we had no one else, just ourselves, no one was left in our defense we had each other, there was no better brother you were my best friend until it was my end
we walked through hell together, we weathered every weather the stormy wind carried along my weary withered feathers would i rewind and change my mind, and leave it all behind? not on your life
we came into the world in a whirl split by our blood and our loyalties we walked upon a line, you and i, plagued by floods of brutality
i can feel my heartbeat racing, i don't know if this is my place and yet i feel inside, i must die for you to survive—my brother, i i love you so, more than you know, it's time to go but you won't ever be alone
if i could rewind and change my mind, and do it all again with all the answers ahead of me, and knew how it would all end would i make the same choice? like, before i knew? that our destinies were tied to each other? it was me and you—one not two, one not two
if i could rewind and change my mind, and do it all again with all the answers ahead of me, and knew how it would all end i know i'd make the same choice, and now i know it's true that our destinies were tied, i would die for you
shifting roots
technically not a warrior cats song anymore but its on the list oops
anyway. just, life series in general actually
all that's familiar to you suddenly feels strange the calm and steady now marked with scars you can't explain the friendly faces now have faded into foes it went unnoticed—now it's all you seem to know
one breath, the world's turned backwards two blinks, nothing's the same memories are frayed and fractured can you hold to what remains?
the hunt becomes the hunted haunted days and sleepless eyes what you knew cannot be trusted buried truths uproot tonight
your history cracks and crumbles like stones beneath the sea no time for falls or fumbles, must go and take the leap move quick, don't lose your balance; don't sway or look behind below you creeps greed and malice; you cannot stop your climb
and you'll bend, and you'll break, and you'll burn as the ground claws you down to the dirt
and you'll love, and you'll lose, and you'll learn while your prayers and despairs go unanswered
everybody's got a secret to hide keep it close, keep it locked inside but, though they try, it'll find the light something lurks, something's coming to life
sink away
scott in the limited life finale again
we're barely floating now, we can't keep up this pace something must sink away for you, i'd sink away
we've clawed so desperately for a future out of reach to keep our heads above the truth beneath our feet i know we're only now prolonging what awaits love shapes a heartless fate for you, i'll sink away
in this pain, an island stands with warm and white inviting sands i wish that, somehow, i could reach this place but the more i swim, the more i see i simply just can never be living all the dreams i planned to make still, i'll fall unafraid so you don't sink away
hope lifts my weighted mind, and though my heart will break love's left within my wake that cannot sink away
in this pain, an island rests where all i loved are safely kept somehow, i've found myself here in its place and the more i see, the less i grieve—i fade away so you can be living all the dreams you planned to make and you'll live unafraid i know you'll be okay for you, i'd sink
walk without the stars
last life martyn and the watchers. just. yeah
you and i had plans that we would stand up strongly for our clan but something changed, pushed me away, left me estranged… how could you be so blind and turn your eye to my decline? what once was ours has turned to scars as i walk without the stars
i'm torn by two sides, stuck with my paws tied do i embrace my pride and ally with the dark side? or do i rewind; turn heel, and decide to do what is right, beside my bloodline? but can i change it, explain it? put on a front and contain it? or is it probable my soul's already tainted? do i belong in the dark? my actions have made me marked to continually march with those who walk without the stars
i was in their plans, that i'll stand strongly up against my clan but something changed, pulled me away, left me dismayed… how could i be so blind and turn my eye to their demise? i closed my heart, clan torn apart, cause i walked without the stars walked without the stars
you and i had plans that we would stand up strongly for our clan but something changed, pushed me away, left me estranged… how could you be so blind and turn your eye to my decline? what once was ours has turned to scars, as i walk without the— i was in their plans, that i'll stand strongly up against my clan but something changed, pulled me away, left me dismayed… how could i be so blind and turn my eye to their demise? i closed my heart, clan torn apart, cause i walked without the stars
way to you
martyn missing ren in limited life especially. maybe also flower husbands after jimmy dies?
i don't know the way to you you can't be gone, i just won't say it's true my world won't change, i won't be broken down for you're not lost, you're just not yet found
the path is broken, and it's incomplete i trip and stumble, i can hardly breathe so many choices, but no clarity so many voices, but no melody
i am broken, and it's hard to breathe without you here, i feel so incomplete there's no more choices and no melodies with you gone, i've lost a piece of me
in the blink of an eye, everything's washed away it takes no more than just a breath for everything to change and nothing's right, and it feels like i've lost the way but i feel changes—something's telling me i'll be okay
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rjalker · 1 year
Bigot online have been accusing me of being 30 since I turned 20, and it's always the exact same sort of people (who claim that criticizing any kind of bigotry online that they think is fun means you're terminally online and a useless hobo who needs to get a job and needs to touch grass and yada yada yada insert the newst trendy ableist insult here) who say this like it's an insult, and they think this means they're somehow winning the "debate".
Someone will post something blatantly bigoted, I'll point out the bigotry, and then they'll be transmisic, ableist, or classist towards me, or all three at once, and then follow this up with "aren't you 30?"
Like, no, I'm not, and more importantly, what are you trying to accomplish with this "accusation"?
Like, do you people think that bigotry is only bad if it's happening to people ages 29 or younger?
Do you think when people turn thirty their opinions on bigotry no longer matter?
Like what is the fucking logic here? Because like, it's literally just blatant ageism, on top of whatever other bigotry they're being criticized for in the first place.
Like oh, sorry, I didn't get the memo that once you turn 20 you're not allowed to think misogyny, or ableism, or racism, or classism are bad. It's Definitely The Law™ that all people older than 20 have to be apathetic and resigned to the world burning down and everyone dying without any resistance at all.
Like it's so ridiculous.
"you're thirty why are you talking about how sexual harassment is bad"
Gee I don't fucking know, maybe because when I'm actually 30 years old morals will still exist and bigotry will still be bad?
Like this is just blatant bigotry but these fucking people always think they're being sooo clever and progressive by just lying about my age like me being 30 would mean my opinions about bigotry that impact my life would suddenly be rendered meaningless.
Like are these people going to walk up to Queer and disabled elders and tell them their experiences don't matter because they're older than 20? Only people younger than 29 are allowed to have an opinion on bigotry being bad, otherwise you're cringey and terminally online and need to get a job????
Like, hello? You do all realize that if you're not already, you're going to be thirty some day if you're lucky, and so will I, and pretending that "Being thirty" imparts some state of "no longer mattering in any way to any conversation" is just....straight up ageist??? Along with being patently absurd???
Like why do you all feel the need to lie about how old I am and then mock me for the age you've assigned me. What fucking sense does that make in your self-proclaimed leftist head.
I think some of you self-proclaimed "leftists" just need to admit you want to go back to highschool so you can be a bully to children who can't fight back again. Because we can all fucking tell you're still riding that high and looking for new victims as soon as you think you find one that's an "Acceptable" target.
If all it takes for you to start misgendering people and making targeted ableist insults is for someone to point out that your attitudes and behavior are classist and ableist, then you're not a good person and you never have been, and it doesn't matter how many times you lie about my age las though me being 30 would somehow be the most devastating insult ever to exist. Like seriously what is wrong with you people. I don't think you know what morals are.
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midweastindigo · 1 year
part three of what i've dubbed evan enchanted bc i have no actual brain it's just bees in there
part one
part two
it appears that that particular order has lasting effects.
buck is nine days into a suit he filed against the lafd and the city of los angeles and he's trying to jump from his balcony, but every time he so much as touches the ledge, his chest tightens as if disobeying a direct order. a feeling so familiar to him that it's become like a sixth sense; a second skin. eddie's words echo through his head. not the demand to live, no. the other thing.
'you're exhausting.'
in all his rage, not once did he slip up. not once did eddie angrily make buck do something like so many others have before him.
it makes the pain of losing him hurt more. because that's what happened. he lost eddie. in his selfish actions, out of fear of losing everyone, he lost the most important person. people, really, because losing eddie means losing christopher.
'you're exhausting.'
eddie can't lie. and if there's one truth buck's infinitely more familiar with than eddie, it's that he's exhausting. he knows, okay? he gets it.
but why does he have to make himself smaller in order to fit? why can't everyone else just make a little bit more room for once? maybe that's why they think him selfish. it's always about buck.
so, he's sitting on his balcony. not jumping. because apparently, an order from months ago is preventing him from dying, and he's pissed off about it. he can't even die for himself. someone commanded him not to.
and they call him selfish.
he doesn't jump. can't jump. can't swallow more that two pain killers for his leg when it's time. can't pick up any sharp utensils without shaking. he decides to drop the lawsuit; it's the only thing it seems he can take control of right now. has to beg maddie to accompany him because the lawyer will certainly say something that will keep buck from pulling out.
'you're not dropping this.'
'i'm not...dropping this...?' buck looks to his sister, panicked. she takes a deep breath for him to follow. nods slightly. buck mimics her actions, clears his throat and stands.
'i am dropping the lawsuit. i never wanted the city's money. i want nothing to do with any of this anymore. all i wanted was my job and now i've lost everything.' he walks away before the lawyer can speak again. maddie hurriedly follows him out.
'buck, hey. i don't think you've lost everything. i'm sorry i took chim's side. there shouldn't be sides, but you're my brother, and i should have -'
'it's okay. i was just being selfish.'
'no, you weren't. if bobby really did keep you from going back and then lied about it, you had every right to be angry. i think suing the city was a little far, but,' she laughs. buck finds himself chuckling along with her.
'oh, one hundred percent too far!'
they're climbing into buck's jeep when he asks it.
'do you think they'll ever forgive me?'
'i do. it's what family - real family - does, evan. we forgive each other. you've found a real family with them. we both have, in a way. they'll move on because they love you. the real question is, are you going to be able to forgive yourself?'
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kiunlo · 11 months
just cause sombody's got pronouns in their bio and they reblog pro-trans shit it doesn't fucking mean anything. when I go onto a small post with like, fucking 50-100 notes and it's severely transphobic, i usually can go through all the reblogs and the likes to find not a single pro-trans person trying to disagree with them, and so of course I go out of my way to block every single idiot who reblogged and liked the post just for fun (and also my safety). And you know what I see sometimes, when I do this? Very rarely, I'll see a supposedly "pro-trans" person in the notes. They usually have their pronouns in their bio. I can type in "trans" into their blog and see pro-trans posts. But they liked the severely transphobic post that had no actual pro-trans commentary added to it in any way. It's jarring, and I sometimes wonder if it's mistake. Maybe there was some pro-trans commentary and it got removed, so I can't see it? Maybe it was a misclick? After all, why would somebody who clearly cares about trans issues, based on what their blog is like, just go on the internet and lie about it?
The thing is, though...people do in fact go onto the internet and lie about it, like...all the time LMAO. if it gets them fucking clout or whatever, they'll do it. If it's popular to be an "ally" and they'll receive vitriol from everyone around if they're outwardly bigoted towards trans people, they'll pretend to be that ally. If their friends are trans and they're still in that realm of not understanding why they should give a shit or support them, and being confused by it, instead of trying to rethink what they believe about gender identity and shit, they just stop talking and pretend like they get it when they clearly don't, and still end up harbouring transphobic ideas. They just never say it to your face. I've had people be outwardly transphobic in my face, jot knowing at all that I'm trans, and being severely surprised when I tell them, hey you idiot I'm trans and you just said the worst shit ever. I always get the "oh but you're like...not like those trans people, though." Except I very much fucking am.
Allies pretending to give a shit but actually not giving a shit is EXTREMELY frequent and happens a lot when it comes to trans issues (and other issues too). Many of my "friends" were supportive of me as a trans person until shit hit the fan. They called me Ash and he/him until somebody didn't give a shit, and emboldened everyone else to also not give a shit, thereby proving that all my supposedly supportive friends...very much weren't supportive to begin with. This is not new. I am not surprised when some cis person who is loudly and openly a trans ally online and even in person suddenly is exposed as being a transphobic asshole. It's nothing fucking new to me. Because people do in fact, go onto the internet and lie. All the time. Every single damn day.
Does it mean that every cis ally is secretly a transphobic asshole? of course not. but when a cis ally is exposed as being a horrid transphobic cunt, do you really think it surprises me? do you really think i'm that shocked? because at this point it's like clockwork. lmfao.
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the-literary-nomad · 11 months
I once read a book with a plus sized main character. This was so very long ago that I don't remember the title, the author, the names of the characters or even what the cover looked like.
All I remember is that when the MC went over to her sister's house and was hugged by her nieces and nephews, one of them had commented, "Auntie ______, are you pregnant?"
And in my mind, I was like "ouch, that's gotta hurt." I was also extremely grateful that I hadn't faced that in my life.
Until last week.
It had stayed with me. That scene—etched into the crevises of my memories until it had become something I would never forget.
Last week my four-year-old cousin comes up to me and punches his tiny fist into my second biggest insecurity. "Why is your tummy so big? Are you pregnant?"
I've heard that kids can be brutally honest, but I'd never realized until just then just how brutal, or just how honest they could be.
I laugh it off, "No darling, no baby in here. Not yet." I wasn't even married for goodness sake (our culture). But he was four. He doesn't understand where babies come from.
It didn't hurt, really it didn't. His face was too innocent and naive for any maliciousness to settle between the smooth lines of his youth.
Later on, when we were seated amongst the other cousins, he throws another punch at my belly. "Aw, why'd you do that? It hurts, ma,"
It didn't. I merely just wanted him to stop.
"If I punch the baby will come out faster." Was his giggly reply.
I was slightly shocked. I laugh it out again, "There's no baby men!" I force myself to say.
Later on I realize that he had hurt me in some way. I was just used to taking hurtful things in stride that I had just brushed it off. Even more later on I realize that he too was brainwashed by society's need for people to be thin to be accepted amongst them.
Lose weight, lose weight, lose weight. You're unhealthy, you're going to become sick when you get older. You need to do it for your older self. They'll thank you. Maybe it's true, maybe it's not.
But I'm so tired of trying to fit into a dress that's two sizes too small. I'm tired of all the comments. I'm tired of my own brain that keeps throwing them back at me when I see my favourite chocolate, ice-cream or any other junk food I like. I don't even enjoy eating anything anymore.
"What's something you love to eat?"
Oh honey, I don't eat what I love. How do I say that without sounding pitiful? So I just smile and lie.
It comes easy now. Practice makes perfect.
I hate it. I really do. Sometimes, I just want to go into nature, cut off from everything, everyone. A bit like Ralph Waldo Emerson, and just live by the sea for a year—go for long walks by the beach, sleep under the stars, not worry about what people see when they look at me, not worry about whether men would find me attractive.
Just be free. To live as I want.
But to be free in my culture, one must be married. And to be married, one must be pretty. And to be pretty, one must be thin.
And my culture is all I've ever known.
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kitkatopinions · 1 year
One of the most frustrating fandom trends that I've seen over and over in just about every fandom I have been in is people seeming to view characters as threats to their favorite characters, ships, or the perception of the show itself and therefore deciding that no one should like the character and going out of their way to read the character's every action as evil and intended maliciously. This is also usually paired with doing whatever they can to put the actions of the characters or ships they do like in a favorable spin and getting angry at even the knowledge that there are people out there with a different opinion. This happens all the time and it's so annoying. I'll see it in fandoms I'm literally not even part of lol.
People ship Character A and Character B together, but Character B has had romantic moments with Character C? No worries! They can just find a way to twist all of Character C's actions into something ill intended and harmful even if it makes no sense and goes against canon, insist that Character B actually dislikes Character C or was just tricked into it, repeat over and over that Character C and Character B would be horrible for each other, and then say that anyone who ships Character C with Character B is ignoring Character B's 'choice' or is an abuse apologist or something. Oh, and don't forget that they can excuse and defend anything bad that Character A ever did, but if you so much as condemn the bad thing Character C did but headcanon that it never happened, you're disregarding canon, hate the writers, and people lie about you and say that you like that the bad thing happened.
People really like Character A, but Character A and Character B have a history and Character A did something wrong to Character B or did something wrong and was called out by Character B? No worries! They can just find a way to 'explain' how Character A never even did that thing or any other even sort of vaguely bad thing despite the fact that it's canon that they did, because they can just say that people were biased, or misremembering! They can just say 'Character A wouldn't do that,' and accuse you of not knowing canon or of hating Character A or of being a toxic hatedom fake critic making up lies. And if Character B seems to have ever done something good, they can just say they were pretending because they're evil and were just trying to use people. And then obviously, if you like Character B - even if you acknowledge their flaws and mistakes - then you're an evil apologist who deserves to be harassed. And you can point out that other characters they like do the same things they condemn as completely evil in Character B and use as reasons why no one should like Character B, but you're told that that person actually meant well and Character B is just clearly too badly intentioned at all times.
People really a show, but some people are criticizing the handling of Character A and saying their arc was bad, so because that character is now a threat to the show, they'll act like everyone who likes them is immoral, despite the fact that they have nothing to say about the fans of terrible evil villains - sometimes they'll even defend terrible evil villains in order to try and make Character A look worse. They decide to start out and out attacking people who like Character A, they decide everyone who likes Character A must secretly not only love every action the character was written to take, but must also probably be secretly bad in tones of others that they can't prove at all, so that they can defend how much they hate them. Character A gets put on a blacklist where either you talk about how much they're a horrible awful piece of crap every time they come up, or you're not even allowed to be considered part of the fandom anymore. People will just make up whatever they can about Character A in order to defend the writing, and take it as a personal slight towards the writers and/or themselves if you so much as say that you think they could be handled better.
It really reads as insecurity. It reads as them not being able to understand that the character does not exist and them having fans is not actually hurting the other character or ship or the whole show. People liking a character or ship or disliking aspects of how a character was handled isn't hurting other people's blorbos, or 'ruining the experience' and it isn't automatically bashing of the character, ship, or show they like either. There's so much defensiveness, and I honestly think part of it comes from a place of not wanting to admit that the character they like, the ship they like, or the show they like has flaws, or is not just officially The Best. They act like seeing opinions they don't agree with or facts they don't like about what's actually canon is going to prevent them from liking the character or ship or show they like. They act like they have to fight back against personal slights to themselves, or have to fight for the honor of fictional people who don't exist.
To be honest, I feel like if people need everyone to like the character, ship, or show they like and can only ever hear good things about them and need to only hear bad things about any character that poses the slightest threat to them... Then they're not mature enough to consume media. And they actually legitimately might not like the character or ship or show as much as they want to like the character or ship or show, because when I at least actually like something, I can hear criticism or bashing - even if I don't agree with it - without it 'ruining it' for me and without feeling the need to hate on other characters in order to fuel me. I like Spider-Man, I don't need to hate on Harry Osborn or Gwen Stacey's dad for threatening Peter's happiness, and I don't have to make it my business to try to convince everyone they must hate Harry Osborn or are secretly a murder apologist. I love the ship between Merlin and Arthur, but you won't see me acting like Gwen is some stupid jerk Arthur probably never liked in order to convince myself and others that the ship I like is good. I like Tangled the Series, but I'm not going to wage wars against fans of Cassandra because the way that she was handled puts the show runners in a bad light. Because I can see criticism without it making me insecure. The defensiveness in fandoms that leads to picking some characters and deciding that no one should be allowed to like them is off the charts and I am so sick of seeing it.
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nokingsonlyfooles · 1 year
Are your children unsafe? Why not just lie to them?
Quoth the article:
Recently, Morgan Hook's nine-year-old daughter Elise came home from school and took her family by surprise when she said the drills would not be much use if the gunman just shot down the door.
Mr Hook tried to reassure his daughter that wouldn't happen, but he thought back to a recent shooting at a private school in Nashville when the suspect did exactly that.
"Sometimes when you try to comfort your kids, that means you're lying to them," says Mr Hook, who lives in Saratoga County, New York.
Yeah. Don't have all the details there, but I'm not hearing a kid came home from school crying and screaming and needing emotional support. I'm hearing a nine-year-old correctly assessed she was being asked to participate in security theatre, and YOU tried to gaslight her into feeling safer, Mr. Hook. Do you feel better now? Does she feel better? Is anyone any safer? Does it even matter?
Sometimes, when you lie to your kids, they stop trusting you, and you lose any ability to comfort them at all. And sometimes, when you lie to yourself, you send your kids somewhere unsafe and they die. Odds are they won't, but sometimes they do. So who's lying to whom here?
What's the truth?
"Elise, honey, sit down. Mommy and Daddy and the school are playing a numbers game with your life, okay? You're basically like a bicycle we lock outside everyday. Probably someone won't try to steal you away from us, but if a bicycle thief/murderer finds you, we just want to make sure he kills some other bike, not you. So we want you to have the best U-lock we can afford! Someone could beat it with bolt cutters, easy, but maybe they'll go after another kid who's not lucky enough to be in a locked classroom instead. That's all Mommy and Daddy want, for someone to kill someone else's daughter, and not you."
"Do you not have anywhere to put me where I won't get stolen/killed, Mom and Dad? Could I go learn somewhere safe? Or stay home?"
"Well... It's complicated, but no. The only way we know how to socialize you and teach you while we do our jobs and take care of the house is to send you somewhere you might die. And it's too hard and expensive to make that place safer for real. Like, we would actually have to address systemic injustice, poverty, disinformation and mental healthcare - oh, and gun control! - but not enough people want to. Or maybe they do, but it doesn't matter because the people in power don't listen. So please just take a few minutes out of your day to practice these things that don't actually help. Mommy and Daddy will feel so scared if you don't."
"Sure, I'm happy to help you regulate your emotions and absolve you of your feelings of guilt, Mom and Dad. No problem. You don't even hafta ask!"
"...You're very sarcastic for an imaginary nine-year-old, Elise."
"Just tryin' to articulate the feeling of utter pointlessness that must be in the real Elise's soul, Mom and Dad!"
We've got households where the school is the only daycare they're gonna get and all the caregivers have to go to work - it is not fair to make these folks choose the form of their destroyer, poverty or gun violence. However, if you actually are afraid your child is going to die in school, you should be making noise about how unfair that is. For everyone. Not buying a bulletproof backpack and lying to your daughter's face with an equivocating smile.
At least validate their emotions and admit something is wrong. "You're right, Elise. I'm sorry. We're trying to fix this, but in the meantime, you're going to have to help the school and the teacher play pretend. The real thing is that sometimes bad things happen, but they usually don't, so we're able to be brave and keep going. If you're feeling sad or scared, we're always here to talk about it, and we'll keep you as safe as we can. And if something bad happens, all we can do is keep trying to be as safe as we can, and get through it. Are you okay with that?"
"Pretty much how I live my life every day, Mom and Dad. I'm a kid, that's my job."
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I made a post about this before but I can't find it so I'm gonna make it again:
Y'all have GOTTA stop being so weird about age gaps between adults & comparing age gaps between adults to being a pedophile. Don't get me wrong, some are really weird, but not at all the same as being a pedophile.
Also it really depends on the relationship & situation.
Did they happen to meet & hit it off or does the older person exclusively date people that are that young [18-24] ? Did they meet as adults [AKA both 18 or older] or did the older person know the younger one when the younger one was a minor ?
Also yeah, there is a power dynamic/experience gap the larger the age gap & how old they are [like 20 & 22 ? Not much of a gap/power dynamic stemming from the age difference. 18 & 28 ? A big difference in both of those generally], but that's not something that's impossible to work on [yes it can be hard, but not impossible]
Yeah a lot can be predatory/abusive & it can be hard for the younger one to recognize that this isn't normal/okay relationship behavior, but a lot can also be very healthy & happy.
But for the love of God stop saying age gaps between adults=older one being a pedophile. Especially when they met as adults. You can comment on how gross you think the relationship is w/o making that comparison.
It's also annoying cause you'll see someone go "I [20] & my partner [30] are in a happy relationship. We have a shared friend group but one friend [21] keeps crossing boundaries w/ me. We aren't close so I don't really like going places alone w/ people I don't really know, but [21] keeps trying to pressure me into alone time. [21] also keeps flirting w/ me & making weird comments about me. Partner & I keep shutting [21] down [I've done it on my own but when [21] wouldn't stop I enlisted partner] & even other friends have stepped in. Recently [21] has even made up a lie that we hooked up [partner didn't believe [21] for a second, because they trust me for one & second they were w/ me]. Everyone wants [21] out of the group but other friend. Everyone loves other friend but they're super close to [21] & say they'll stop talking to us if we kick [21]. The whole group doesn't know what to do..." & all of the comments will be "Is no one gonna mention the age gap..." & "Yeah this is bad but also the age gap between you & your partner is kind of a red flag..." even when it's very clear the age gap between OP & their partner isn't the issue at hand.
Raise awareness & make younger people aware of the potential issues, red flags in partners, how they should/shouldn't be treated, etc. Yes !!! But imo immediately seeing an age gap between adults & going "Oh the younger person is a victim & we should pray for them cause they need to get out :((" w/ no proof other than their significant other is older than them for one doesn't help anyone & is gross imo.
Again this isn't a defense of ALL age gaps. I understand why people think they're gross & I know how bad & predatory they can be. But I think "Big age gap=abusive relationship" is a very unhealthy & unproductive mindset. Like yeah if they met when the younger one was still under 18 or started dating when you younger one was under 18, or the older person almost exclusively dates people in their late teens [18 & 19] & early 20s, then yeah that's gross & people should be sus of the relationship [& in the case of them dating while the younger one was a minor, they should think the older one is a predator cause they are]. But if they happened to meet as adults & hit it off, I think jumping to predatory & abusive isn't good. Like yeah that might be the case, but it also might be the case that they're in a happy healthy relationship.
I hope this makes sense. It's just really annoying when there's a health relationship [as far as anyone knows] w/ a big age gap & people act like it's the most toxic abusive relationship based off just that... When if they were both in their 30s or both in their 20s people would think they have a healthy relationship [because they do]
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nimuetheseawitch · 11 months
🌤️ and ☔
Alright, this got long, so I'm putting it all under the cut. Thanks for asking! Because it's you, I figured I'd talk about MASH, and because you asked, I'm actually feeling some motivation to get back to these, so thank you thank you thank you. It'll still be a while because I'm limiting my writing still to not aggravate my wrist, but the docs are open now, and the thoughts are churning.
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP.
Oh man, you keep making me think about my BJ is the worst WIP and hopefully I'll actually figure out where it's going one of these days and write it. In the meantime, enjoy:
As he's starting to dial, he realizes there's someone else he can call first. He asks the operator to find Peggy Hunnicutt. When nothing comes up he reevaluates and asks for Margaret Hayden. The operator puts him through. "Hello?" Hawkeye breathes a sigh of relief. It's been years, but he recognizes that voice from the tape they put together for that anniversary, years ago. "Peg? This is Hawkeye." "Hawkeye? What? Why?" She sounds completely bewildered. "I'm in Stinson Beach." "What did he do?" The venom in her voice shocks him "I don't know. I just got here. His hospital called me when he didn't show up for work for a week." "Of course, he put you down. I had no idea he even had your number. That asshole probably hasn't even written you back once, has he?" "No, no he hasn't."
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
Yes. I have so many of these, especially for MASH. Most of them are because I just can't get the voice right, but some of them are because they need an actual plot (although maybe I should just give up on that and do some character studies).
So, my favorite of these is my BJ is a liar concept. It was entirely sparked by that one scene where they're in the shower and BJ makes some joke about how whatever he said was a lie (I am really spacing on what line/episode/whatever it was). But at some point in Korea, BJ just starts telling bold-faced lies about himself to everyone but mostly the patients, since they'll never see him again. Here's the two paragraphs I wrote ages ago and never got back to:
He wasn't sure what sparked the first lie. It's not like he'd never lied before; there was the childhood incident with the candy jar and numerous sins pinned on his younger sister and lies about crushes and all the usual lies you try out as you're growing up. But these lies are different. The lies of his youth were often unsuccessful or inconsequential and we're motivated by self-preservation or embarrassment. He'd never before lied just because it was interesting. He'd never had such complete control over what people knew about him. There was his service record of course, with his basic info: Stanford medical, fresh out of residency, home in Mill Valley, wife, daughter, name, height, eye color, hair color. But he could choose exactly what to say about anything else.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Lookit patrick scramble to recover this narrative now. Look at him skittering around Profound Bond telling people to Message Me. Nono, he won't say it on main where people can correct them. He corrals people into DM to fill their heads with lies and anxieties.
Patrick, you just saw, actually, what happened. You saw your own plans backfire. Everything you claimed about me being fake just got proven *wrong.* *You* are the irrevocably dumb motherfucker that didn't know what was going on here for the last FIVE YEARS.
But since I know Shatner and Mark P are STILL hate crawling my blog, I wanted to let them know that @/tfw2point0 is a huge factor in this. If you guys wanted that to stay quiet, you probably shouldn't have had him in your SM secretary's ear.
Anyway don't forget to ask Mark Pellegrino, everyone, if he confirms or denies the contents of his late 2017 communications in group chat and 1:1 regarding an attack on Misha's Career by Travis.
Hey!! Mark Pellegrino, Shatner, Travis!! Go thank Patrick. :)
And you know. You can lie to the newbies 1:1 right now. Sure. But eventually, they're gonna hear about TAW. Eventually, they're gonna look it up. Hell, eventually they'll find me there, since I was the one who got his ass blacklisted, and man you worked REAL hard to bring that on Mark P and Shatner today.
So I mean, enjoy having them for a year or two until somebody educates them on history and what new following you're trying to groom up from losing your own realizes you're a lying lech.
Genuinely impressive that in trying to disprove me not only did you prove everything in the attacked masterpost was true but you titanically fucked over Mark Pellegrino. Good work.
Just like I said even. I show up, clear my throat behind my new icon, and Mark yeets. And boy oh boy did he fuckin yeet yesterday. And so did Shatner when he actually got control of his account from his SM manager again. Mark's braindamaged heckle was under the association I was gone. Cuz you know what? He HAD been talked to about that. He just didn't know my new twitter. Like I said. In my fucking post. But the second he did boy did he teleport, didn't he.
Like damn I don't like Mark either but I kept it mostly quiet beyond the Mark P B GoN joke and damn you stupid motherfuckers ran right to Shatner's socials thinking you had something to drag on main and all you guys got was a lost job, and two VERY pissed off worried actors you just blew up.
If you had been TRYING to hurt Mark P and Shatner I'd be like GOOD ON YOU BOI but no you thought you were doing some shit here with me and realized you're 5 years behind on who's legally entangled with the SPN crew.
Once again I'm left cycling on "what a dumb bastard." dude literally directly verified two things in the post he was trying to counter. The ones on video he can't counter. What, on god's green earth, does he believe he can disprove about me at this point
sending the jared stans to defend a jared hater that attacked him professionally calling him an abusive druggie and alcoholic on main to his fans and shit during all this-- because you don't like my factual coverage of things like ratings-- truly. Magnificent dumbfuckery.
Cannot. Believe. This dude. Literally verified I'm legit. By trying to shit his pants. Because he didn't get the last FIVE FUCKING YEARS OF EVENTS WITH THE CAST AND CREW.
Five years. Let me emphasize the capital level of OBLIVIOUS NOBODY you are that you JUST NOW FIGURED OUT I was at the core of blacklisttaw when I started the trend, you NEVER tapped the brake to think what that fucking entails, and you NEVER stopped running your mouth long enough to make sure you weren't defending rape apologists.
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fangaminghell · 1 year
So early yesterday I talked about the mermaid au with a mut( @kiroons-hyperfixtations , hope you don't mind the tag!)on discord. I wanted to share some thoughts :)
Originally I thought of Richard as a fellow merman but it was suggested to me that instead he's a monster hunter that lures Leo into a false sense of security ( again). He basically goes to convince Leo that not all humans are bad, only to turn his back on Leo ( though tbf, he never was one Leo's side), trying to kill Leo for his scales.
Blair is a former monster hunter who works with Adrienn and Arclight in protecting monsters, like merfolk.
To make things easier, merfolk have the ability to shift into more human appearances with legs. However, I think that some look more human than others. For example a merfolk can shift but might have visible fins or scales, while some do not. It makes it very hard for merfolk to even live on the surface if they ever wanted to ( you know I can see Ace being a merfolk but is able to hide it well. Though I don't think they would really want the genocide of their species? So maybe they'll still be human, idk)
Monster hunters have varying reasons for why they do what they do. It's mostly for the money that comes from selling monster parts on the market ( for example, merfolk scales), but it can also be for potential fame, believing that all monsters are evil, or it's considered a sport. Team Meteor believes that eradicating monsters/merfolk is "cleansing the earth".
Suraya and Cain are merfolk! You already know about Cain but I didn't mention Suraya.
Into some plot stuff, it's still vague but we discussed that Leo possibly gets kidnapped after he escapes team meteor. Most likely by Richard, but something happens to make it so Leo does not know it was him.
Blair pretty much helps Leo with the human world BUT when Richard comes into play, xe are threatened that they will kill Leo is Blair tries to interfere with their "relationship ' ( I can see Richard initially planning simply taking Leo's scales - which would result in Leo getting severely hurt to do so- and then dumping him back into the sea so this is kinda big). I also can see Richard saying that he won't contact team meteor about Leo, less Blair wants what xe, Adrienn and Arclight have been working so hard for to crumble down. Blair begrudgingly agree to Richard's terms, but is still actively trying to get Leo away from Richard.
Suraya and Cain friendship <3. They're also freaking the fuck out when Leo goes missing. Suraya pretty much trying to get Cain and Leo together lmao. Is Leo still on denial in this au? Probably yeah. Either that or very oblivious. Pulling an Imani.
I can see Leo being sought out for not only his scales but his magic? Maybe what makes Leo special is his connection to something greater? Not 100% sure, but there's some potential there.
Leo doesn't want to be in his situation. The only human he truly trust is Richard ( unfortunately) and everyone else he is distrustful of, even when trying to help him. He especially doesn't want to see Cal or Taka ever again( lie)
Speaking of Cal he left team meteor after letting Leo escape. He wants to find Leo to make it up to him but between Leo still being hurt and betrayed and Richard it's going to be very difficult.
Taka is miserable but what else is new
For angst reasons, I can see something happening where Leo isn't able to shift back into his merman form and his gills are covered so he literally can't breathe underwater and almost drowns. :)
I think that's everything? Oh wait, Fern joining team meteor since he can pass as a human and thinks it's safer for him to be with them than his own kind.
And yeah. Mermaid au, though I guess it more of a monster au? Whatever, it focused on mermaids. I wanna think about other characters too in this au so feel free to share ideas <3
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