#eventual puzzleshipping
girl-of-ink · 4 months
update on my puzzlefic rec list: i am now at 20+ fics and 15 pages of a google doc & i have no idea how long it will end up being or when I'll post it lol
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wisyhana · 6 months
Come to a realization about puzzleshipping, if it ever happens the 'and magically Atem returns' scenario.... Yugi would be so pissed.
Imagine this, you've been doing your best to come to terms that one of the most important person in your life is going to leave you forever. You're basically dealing with grief, accepting that you have to let it go. Even if you miss em, even if you feel sad about it, you have to accept it because that's how things seems to go.
Yugi did his ultimate best to accept their destiny of being apart. He was in such particular position. It wasn't like his loved one was sick and eventually die from the sickness, no, that loved one was already dead and he had to do such incredible effort to accept that reality.
Yugi was grieving from so long before.
So Atem is gone, Yugi has to find a way to move one, despite missing him, Yugi knows he needs to live for himself. He made up his mind and heart. The moment he created his new deck is when he accepted grief.
Yet suddenly Atem is back.
Yeah, it'd be shocking. Confusing. What would Yugi do with all those feelings? All that suffering? Would Yugi easily accept this new reality? Would Yugi love Atem the same way he used to?
I think is so complex and fascinating to explore. I want to know what could happen in that situation. Also to take a look at what would make Atem return. Like what would motivate him to go back? Just for the power of love? Na man, too cliché.
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Hello! I'm looking for a Puzzleshipping fic that I read around a year ago, but I never really bothered saving it for future reading because I was barely getting used to using A03 (my mistake, I should've tried to saved it, learned my lesson). It is quite cliche at some degree, but I loved it because it was quite well written for a short story. Even more so, I read it when I was going through school and life, so it really did make a difference to me. Sadly, I don't remember the title nor the creator of the fic.
The basic premise of the story had to do with an office romance that eventually would progress as the story went on. Yugi worked in an office to an architectural company. He had a one-sided crush with Yami/Atem (I don't remember by which name the author wrote him as). The working conditions were pretty abysmal as they had to work in narrow office cubicles that they could barely move around in. Anyways, Yami gets the opportunity to design a building that was to be presented to Seto Kaiba, but the model he was tasked to make is due in 2 weeks. Since he's on such a tight deadline, he becomes completely drained and begins to doubt his work. That is when Yugi comes and offers to provide aid and support. Eventually, the boss turns out to be such a prick and racist piece of work and breaks the model. This causes Yami to retaliate and eventually get fired from his job. Yugi soon quits after. They both eventually manage to show the model to Kaiba by luck and get the job.
There are more details that I remember of the story, but other than that, the author, title, and even date of publishing are things that I don't remember. If anyone does know anything about it, please don't hesitate to reply. I would be eternally grateful to remember this fanfic.
Oh man I know (and loved!) this fic, but when I went searching for it, have turned up nothing -- I fear it might have been deleted?
If anyone has more details (like the title or author) that might help us track it down to be sure, please help!
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uniasus · 1 day
fic rec! 6K Modern Puzzleshipping
Summary: A warm hand brushed Yugi’s elbow, gripping it in steady reassurance. Yugi turned woodenly to the man beside him, taking in his familiar profile.
“Rebecca, you’re making my boyfriend uncomfortable,” Atem said calmly.
Comments: Fake dating AU, for the sake of getting Rebecca off of Yugi's back. Jou is great here, pushing Yugi and Atem together but also making sure they don't get hurt by the pretend nature of the relationship. And I love how Rebecca doesn't just take the hint, but eventually realizes she was wrong and apologizes.
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abellaheart-blog · 1 year
"Valentine's Surprise" (Atem x Chubby Reader)
This was requested by @hevexns-realm thanks so much for the patience. So close to Feburary too! This was so cute and all my thicc queens deserve love.
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@noaltbruh @xxmobiumshipperxx @puzzleshipping-princess-1989
Taglist info here if you'd like to be apart of it.
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Valentines day is near and you couldn't wait for it to pass any sooner. You've dealt with enough of your classmates picking on you then gossiping after when you defend yourself. Rumors flew by and your reputation sunk along with them. They were no doubt started by those who's actions you didn't stand for. Before you knew it you've been known around school for being rude and chubby. You didn't pay them any mind since you knew the truth would come eventually. You'd be sure to speak the truth as well.
Valentines day is near and you couldn't wait for it to pass any sooner. You've dealt with enough of your classmates picking on you then gossiping after when you defend yourself. Rumors flew by and your reputation sunk along with them. They were no doubt started by those who's actions you didn't stand for. Before you knew it you've been known around school for being rude and chubby. You didn't pay them any mind since you knew the truth would come eventually. You'd be sure to speak the truth as well.
You can ignore their words and actions but it didn't make you feel any less saddened. Words do hurt and you're human. You felt yourself walking to your locker with an upset expression. Upon opening your locker you see two beautiful pink-white roses and a bunny plush. A smile blooms across your lovely features as you take the fluffy bunny plush into your arms.
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You smell the roses wondering who would give you such a wonderful surprise. You look around and don’t see anyone, so you take the bunny and the roses and walk off home. The walk didn't feel as long today since you looked forward to the next. Would the person reveal themselves to you or leave you a note next? You're not sure what to expect with Valentine's being a week away.
The next school day your day is mediocre and you don't have much to look forward to. After school you're greeted by another surprise from your secret admirer. This time your locker has a heart shaped box of chocolates. It's small but the packaging is very adorable. You place it in your bag for later. Your curiosity got the better of you and you think about who could possibly be leaving these gifts for you. It would be on your mind the entire way back home and for the rest of the week for that matter.
The rest of the week you received various gifts. From flowers to plushies until Friday. You were let out early and decided to use the restroom. On the way there you noticed someone in front of your locker. You recognized him all too well. It was Atem and he was sneaking a necklace and some red roses. He's in a couple of your classes. He's a big name on campus for holding the title as king of games in the dueling community.
“So you’re the one doing all this, huh?” You say, standing behind him.
He faces you with a confident smile. His red eyes hold admiration and affection for you. You notice in his hands he not only holds a bunny necklace but a Tiffany's bunny charm bracelet as well.
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"I think you're very beautiful and I desired to make you feel special on Valentines week at school." He gives you the bunny necklace and charm bracelet.
"Thank you.." You're somewhat speechless since you're so used to not being liked at school.
"I would like to take you on a small picnic. If you'd like."
His red eyes are glowing the same color as his cheeks at this point. He looks so cute and his handsome smile makes your heart swell. You smile, clearly flattered but you frown. It will be windy and rain soon. You also have a lot of homework.
"I'm sorry Atem but the weather wouldn't be suitable for a picnic and I have a lot of homework. Maybe we could go on a date some other time?" You respond hopefully.
You're given a kind nod from him. He wasn't disappointed in the least. Almost as if he knew what your answer would be. He kisses your hand before bidding you a good day.
You made it home before it became too windy. You're thankful to be home since it was dark and cloudy out. In your room you noticed someone seated at your balcony. It was Atem with a picnic set up for the both of you. Red roses and a big blanket perfect for a picnic. He had a basket with food, you're sure he spent quite a bit of time preparing at home. He would be thankful to Anzu and Shizuka for teaching him.
"How did you do all this so quickly? It's so beautiful. It's perfect." You look around noticing some red heart shaped balloons as well.
Atem looked incredibly amused as he answered your questions. He mentioned his friends giving him a ride and being good wingmen. You chuckle taking a seat beside him. He places his hand over your own. Going over your Japanese you remember some words that can be best used in this moment.
"Itoshi teru." (I love you) You boldly said with a sweet smile. You were hoping for a flustered response but he quickly replied in Japanese as well.
"Usagi mo daisukidesu." (I love you too, bunny)
His smile mimicked your own. You two went on to enjoy the lovely little at home date. You both ended up cuddling and watching the sun set over the city. His arm was affectionately wrapped around your cutely chubby frame. It was the best Valentines you could ever ask for.
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bastetwastaken · 10 months
Hey, I love your writing and admire all your fics! Congrats on your mass of followers, you deserve it! <333
Because of you, I've been inspired to start writing my own works. So thank you for that :D
I saw that you were taking writing requests! Could you please do 36. or 37. with the puzzleshipping boys?❤️❤️❤️
If it's not too much trouble, (and if you do end up choosing 37) I thought it could be fun with a twist like Atem clowning Yugi for cheesy or nsfw stuff he said while drunk the previous night (?) Just an idea to add to the prompt that I had!
Thanks for creating and being awesome! <33
Oh that's so lovely of you to say!! I wish I knew who you were so I could thank you properly <3 <3
I'm so glad to hear that you're writing your own works, that's amazing and I'm sure you're doing an absolutely wonderful job! Keep having fun with it and I sincerely hope that it brings you joy <3 <3
These prompts are both so fun, so I kinda used both since one works as just dialogue and doesn't require much setting. ^.^ also your idea of Atem clowning Yugi is wonderful, a twist on an otherwise angsty prompt which I am grateful for <3 They're in an established relationship here, but Yugi being drunk and with no filter opens way more doors for them.
Enjoy! And thank you again.
36. "Good morning, my love" and 37. "I am not proud of the things I said to you"
He woke with a dry mouth, aching bones and the worst headache of his fucking life. A groan left his lips as he rolled onto his back, stretching his limbs out in an attempt to bring life back to his body. 
He blinked several times, trying to clear the blurriness from his eyes and the fog from his mind. After a few more tries, he was finally successful enough to see the room he was lying in was not his own. 
A moment of panic seized him but it quickly passed when he recognised the pictures on the walls, the guitar in the corner and the small cat curled up on the bed with him. 
He had no idea how the hell he’d gotten to his boyfriends last night but here he was in Atems bed…but without Atem? 
His boyfriend wasn’t next to him, the bed was empty…not even the extra pillows were where they should be and he frowned, fighting the urge to just roll back onto his stomach and go to sleep once more. 
With only a little reluctancy, he pushed himself up and swung his legs off the bed, frowning at his lack of clothes. Him waking up naked in Atems bed had been a common occurrence for the past few months but he usually remembered the previous night. 
No matter, he was in his boyfriend's home, this was fine. No cause for concern.
He reached for the drawers next to the bed, pulling out one of Atems oversized sleep shirts and retrieving his own underwear from the floor. His head swam when he stood up and he had to give himself a moment before he attempted to walk toward the door, but he managed to leave the room eventually. 
He made it to the living room where he could hear the quiet sounds of the television playing after stopping off at the bathroom to freshen up and he smiled when he caught sight of his boyfriend sitting on the sofa. 
“Good morning, my love.” Atem said softly as he shuffled into the room. He hummed in response, rubbing at his eyes in an attempt to rid them of the blurriness of the previous night's alcohol. “How do you feel?” 
Yugi huffed out a laugh as he fell onto the sofa opposite his boyfriend, pulling his legs up and closing his eyes, curling into a ball. 
“Like complete shit.” He said. 
“Oh, my love.” Atem said sadly. “Do you need anything?” 
“Putting down.” 
“Sorry, not an option.” Atem said with a laugh. 
“Fine.” He huffed. “Coffee then I guess.” 
“Of course.” He heard Atem laugh again before he felt the sofa move as he stood up. He felt a kiss pressed quickly to his head, then he heard Atem walk away from him. 
He moved slowly, rolling onto his back, stretching out a little more before daring to open his eyes again. This time, they were less blurry and he didn’t feel as much like the room was spinning so for that he was grateful. 
Thoughts slowly crept into his foggy mind and he wondered how the hell he’d managed to get to his boyfriends in one piece. He’d intended to go home, he knew that. He even remembered walking most of the way with Jou but then he’d obviously just veered off at some point and found his way here. 
As of yet, he was still to remember exactly what had happened once he got here though.
He looked around the room and then sighed happily, dropping his head against the back of the sofa, leaning against a soft thick blanket. As he did, he looked to the other end of the sofa where Atem had been sitting and realised the pillows he’d noticed were missing from his boyfriend's bed were there instead and he groaned. 
“What’s up?” Atem asked as he walked back into the room, two steaming cups in his hands. “Is everything alright?” 
“I made you sleep on the sofa.” He said quietly, watching Atem put the cups down on the table before him. 
“Oh, you didn’t make me but yeah.” Atem said, dropping back onto the sofa next to him. “Uh…you were a little…handsy last night and I thought it was best to stay separate.” 
“God.” He groaned, closing his eyes just so he didn’t have to look at the smirk on Atems face. “You should’ve stayed. I wouldn’t have minded, I can tell you that.” 
“Hmm.” He felt Atems hand come to rest on his knee. “Maybe not, but still. I’d never take advantage of you.” 
He nodded, opening his eyes again and returning the soft smile his boyfriend gave him. Of course he’d expect that from Atem, he had always been such a gentleman. 
“I’m sorry.” He said. “I know I was probably a fucking nightmare to deal with.” 
Atem shook his head and turned to face him properly. 
“Well, I mean, when you got here and after I was over the uh, pleasant surprise of you hammering on my door and waking me up at three in the morning, I asked if you’d had a good night.” Atem said, a smile creeping onto his face. “And you answered that by saying ‘I swear to drunk I’m not god.’ and I knew then that you’d need some very careful handling.” 
“Oh no.” He groaned, sinking further into the sofa under him, wishing the ground would just swallow him up and he didn’t have to deal with the whole awkwardness of this situation. 
Atem didn’t need this, they hadn’t even been together that long. Sure, they’d been friends for years but actually dating? That’d only been a few months. He was cursing his drunk self for allowing this to happen and vowed right then to never let himself be left unattended ever again. 
“I don’t mind.” Atem said with a laugh. “Honestly, you said some pretty funny things.” 
“I almost don’t wanna ask.” He said. 
“I definitely wanna tell you though.” Atem laughed softly. “After all, I had to deal with it first hand, it’s only fair that you share in that.” 
He didn’t respond, he only covered his face with his hands and sank further into the cushions under him. 
“You seem to get very philosophical when you’re drunk.” Atem said conversationally. “You were very concerned with the plight of the river last night. You asked why they always run, and what the point is, then you proceeded to tell me that there’s no point at all to them running since they never seem to get anywhere-” 
“Atem please.” He groaned. 
“Oh, and you also told me about a new friend you made, a guy who looked good in a skirt and wanted to go travelling.” Atem continued. “I’m sure you told me that you’re off to Australia with him next week.” 
“But I think the best things you said were about me.” Atem told him. 
He slipped his hands slowly from his face, looked back at his boyfriend and tried to read his reaction but he couldn’t quite manage. 
“Oh?” He asked, curious despite himself. Desperately hoping he said nothing out of order. 
“Yeah.” Atem smirked at him. “You almost cried when you found out I had a boyfriend.” 
“I’m a fucking idiot.” He groaned again and moved his hands back over his face. 
“Yet I love you anyway.” Atem said softly. “You told me that I was too hot for my boyfriend, whoever he was, that I should be with you instead cause you’d treat me right. You told me that I’d never get a better fuck. Guaranteed.” 
“Oh my god.” He whispered. Shame eating away at him. How could he be so…stupid? He should have gone home, he wished he’d gone home. 
“Then you proceeded to take off your clothes and throw yourself on my bed.” Atem continued. “What was it you said? Oh yeah! You told me to climb on and enjoy the best ride of my life, that you wanted to see me lose myself above you, to watch my beautiful body as I bounced on your co-” 
“I am not proud of the things I said to you.” He muttered, cheeks burning with shame and embarrassment. He’d never say something like that to Atem even if they were true and they were definitely things he’d thought about before.  
“Oh I don’t know…maybe you should be.” Atem said softly. 
He slid his hands away from his burning face, looking back at his boyfriend again. He saw the shy smile Atem was giving him, the way his hands moved restlessly in his lap. 
“Should I?” He said quietly. 
“Well, I mean, um…” Atem stopped to take a breath then gave him a soft smile. “You’re pretty well spoken when you’re drunk so that’s something to be proud of…and maybe I’d like to hear you be more confident in yourself, to be…told what to do.” 
He hesitated for a moment, unsure if Atem was joking or whether he really meant it…but the nervousness in his posture told him he did. 
“Ah…” He said, mouth dry for an entirely different reason now. “Well, yeah, I can…maybe, try that, yeah.” 
Atem laughed softly and looked away from him, leaning forward and grabbing both cups, handing him one. 
“Anyway, shelf that for now.” Atem told him as he took the cup. “A discussion for when you feel better.” 
“Oh, yeah.” He nodded eagerly, glad for the break. Maybe now he could convince himself to calm down enough to speak coherently. 
“You can stay here for as long as you like by the way.” Atem said softly. “I don’t have any plans today and I was gonna see you later anyway.” 
“Ugh. I was gonna take you out somewhere.” He said regretfully, knowing that he might not be in a state to do that anymore. 
“Oh I don’t mind.” Atem said happily, putting down his cup and shuffling closer to him. “Spending time with you is always nice, no matter where.” 
“Even if I’m a drunken mess?” He asked. 
“Even if you’re a drunken mess.” Atem said softly with a quiet laugh, moving to rest an arm against the back of the couch, a finger tapping Yugi's nose gently. “Even if you’re a hungover mess too.” 
“I’m so lucky to have you.” He said softly, putting his own mug down and shuffling into a more upright position. “Really, I’m so lucky.” 
Atem smiled at him, moving closer again. A hand came to rest on his knee and he covered it with one of his own. 
“And don’t you forget it.” Atem teased. 
“Like you’d let me.” He huffed, leaning closer and pressing his lips softly to Atems. 
He felt his boyfriend sigh softly, leaning into him and moving to slide a hand into his hair. He deepened the kiss, pressing Atem back gently and moving with him, pushing him down against the sofa easily. 
Atem laughed happily against his lips, legs moving to wrap around his hips as he drew him into another deep kiss. 
Fancy asking me to write a little thing? My asks are always open, so feel free to slide on in and give me a silly little prompt <3 You can find a list of them and some info here- Link
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Light And Dark, Hand In Hand
A Legend of Zelda/Yu-Gi-Oh! DM crossover fic by outer_entity_nyarla
Words: 3,697 Chapters: 1
The woman's expression shifted, and she gave Atem a long, hard look. Reaching forward, she took his hands in hers, and he felt the callouses of a warrior. "How much do you love your friends, Atem? Your partner?" "With everything I have," Atem said immediately. He had never spoken a deeper truth. When the woman next spoke, her voice was all Atem could hear; even the wind had fallen silent. "And what are you willing to do for them?" "Anything."
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50400451
That's right - this is a Ten Thousand Year Elegy fanfiction, that brings Atem into the story! It's a fic of a fic, but my god does it ever stand on its own - all you really need to know is that the YGO DM gang got isekai'd, they're fighting a really tough miniboss battle, and Hylia decides to pull in some help straight from Aaru. If you're a fan of both Zelda and puzzleshipping, read this tout de suite, with great haste, etc. etc. 💖
It's rare to find a writer who can pivot from melancholy grief to a gorgeously-paced combat scene then straight into heartwrenching romance without blinking, while seamlessly blending two canons, in the space of a one-shot. It's even rarer that you're blessed with someone like that as a reader of your own fic to banter with in the comments section and then eventually be gifted a work like this. Thank you so very much Roz, and I hope you all take a look too! ⚔️
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manchineel-mistress · 10 months
in honor of our favorite 33 to 100000+ year old unemployed terrorist’s birthday (korean time), i present to you: puzzleshipping time loop au where yami yuugi gets worse instead of better from s0.
ok so we all know that the Gang(TM) got through some shit throughout the story, where they are pretty close to dying. a lot.
how consider, instead of making it through barely, they dont. (gets shot multiple times-)
ok but more specifically yuugi dies from the strain of shadow games and stress or a mishap in those games. and yami PANICS HE PANICS SO HARD PRAYING TO EVERY GOD THAT YUUGI DIDNT DIE AND THEN THE MAGIC OF THE PUZZLE ACTIVATES AND YAMI IS BACK IN TIME AND SAVES YUUGI and everyone gets out safe and sounds and sane :)
Except It Keeps Happening. Yuugi Keeps Dying. Yami Keeps Turning Back Time.
he can get it right if he just had another chance. he wont let yuugi die again. that wont happen and they would make it to the end of their journey this time-
Yuugi Dies To A Bully. (one more chance. please. i can make this right-)
Yuugi Dies To Silfer. (no please i not like this hes my partner i cant go on without him-)
yami gets more desperate, protective, and unhinged as the cast makes it through their journey. he gets jumpy, withdrawn, and snaps at anything that might seem like a threat. his already tense relationship with kaiba because more testy as he loses trust in those around him other than yuugi’s close friends. hes also more violent and harsh, not really giving up penalty games like he does in the transition to duel monsters.
yuugi is scared of yami. he never quite got over it even with his friends’ acceptance of yami. but he also knows yami is scared and he cant pinpoint why exactly other than its related to protecting him. but hes also scared to ask because what if yami snaps at him. he doesnt want yami to hurt anymore but also doesnt want him to hurt anyone else.
eventually, the continuous use of extremely taxing magic starts eroding away at both of their souls. cracks form in yami’s soul room first. stair start crumbling and doors are barely holding on. yami slowly starts losing himself and he knows it, but he also cant let yuugi die. the cracks reach yuugi’s soul room after a while. a few of the toys start showing wear, board games losing pieces, cracks in the walls. thats when yami comes clean.
its a terrifying and heartwrenching experience for both the yuugis and the rest of their friends. Yuugi has been dying. These games are dangerous and they haven’t been making it through them like they thought. the only reason why yami kept going and pursuing his memories? because yuugi keeps encouraging him to find himself and he thinks he can protect yuugi better next time. and because he thinks that once hes gone, yuugi will be safe again.
they figure it out though. they make sure yuugi stays safe. why do they keep going? because yami deserves to know who he is, and yuugi is willing to risk his life to get there. as he already had, but this time it will actually be different.
and yami learns an important lesson on friendship, learning when to ask for help, and communication. and then we have the rest of  normal canon just with yami’s major ptsd and a slower to warm yami who is still willing to burn someone to the ground in like season 4.
how does this relate to orv? idk man i just think time loop and go “omg yjh vibes fr fr” i think it would be an interesting parallel between yami and yjh, they just match in my brain for some reason. doesnt quite follow yjh’s character arc tho LOL
anyway i like angsty time loop aus as much as i like silly time loop aus. they just have so much potential. here i just wanted yami to suffer :)
anyway back to silly au ideas
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offlineblues · 9 months
When did you first get into yugioh? I hope you're having a nice day! <3
thank you for your well wishes! i too hope you had a pleasant day!
let's see... to answer your question... it's a little bit of a long story, so i'll make a read more! (there is a TLDR at the bottom if you want)
in late 2017, twitch was broadcasting a marathon of Duel Monsters. at that time, my partner, Jamie, was getting really invested into it, since he had mentioned how he liked it when he was younger. for me, i had heard of YGO on TV when i was younger too, but i felt like i couldn't get invested in it, so i never kept track of it. i was vaguely aware of YGO's continued spin-offs, but i never gave it a chance.
so, after a few weeks, his passion about the show and how much he loved Atem made me want to try giving it a shot, too. because of Megumi Ogata's Yugi Mutou, i was interested in starting from the Very Beginning with the Toei season (season 0). i was curious how subbed YGO might be.
so, we watched all of the Toei season together. i came to really love Yugi the most, as he is a very kindhearted protag (my favorite type of protag) as well as Jounouchi and Kaiba. i was surprised at how the story was about our connections with others. i really loved how different it was compared to what i expected or remembered about the series from the past. the focus on games in general as a medium for the story was really good.
i was hooked on it and respected it. i finally understood the appeal. i wanted to jump into Duel Monsters (sub) right away. and we did! we watched it all together, starting in early 2018.
it took several months to watch, and i enjoyed it! i remember feeling shocked and kinda sad that "the shadow realm" wasn't real, lol. i didn't realize it had been a show that was censored like that. we even watched the DSOD movie after. it was really cool... Yugi really is a character i adore!
for about about a year or so after, i was really invested into puzzleshipping. i didn't draw very much at the time because of my severe untreated carpal tunnel though, so there aren't much past works from me, nor did i ever make any ship art.
Jamie got invested into the spin-off YGO and started watching VRAINS while it was airing after seeing a post about Yusaku/Playmaker on here. i gave it a few episodes, and immediately gravitated to liking Ai. but, i was going through a tough time personally and felt a little fatigued (in general) and of YGO because it was such a long series. i didn't think i could do another 150+ anime. so, i dropped it after 3 episodes and did other things for a few years.
he would talk to me about how much he loved how VRAINS was going and about datastormshipping, and i happily listened even though i didn't understand. it was nice to be a support at the time when i felt too tired and stressed to participate. this went on into 2019 as it finished, and well after into 2020. though, it shifted into aiballshipping, but he kept me safe from spoilers.
on a whim, in the middle of 2022, i suggested we watch VRAINS together because i felt up for it again, and i wanted to watch an anime together. i was excited to learn about Ai more, as i saw some vague spoilers here and there about him. i immediately grew to love Yusaku and Ai a whole lot! i was excited every weekend we could watch together. it only took 3 months to watch all 120 episodes because i was that invested. i again felt like a fool for not continuing in the past...
...and you know the rest. it's impacted me a lot. i haven't stopped thinking or talking about them for nearly a year now. i'm even more impacted by their story than the Toei season or DM. i like the characters and story a lot more for VRAINS, so it's my favorite. i even picked up Duel Links because i wanted to learn how to play (i'm kind of bad at it). i'm currently in the middle of ZEXAL now, but i want to check out all the others eventually, too. exciting!
i got into it in 2017 because of my partner's influence. watched season 0, DM, and DSOD and loved it. fell off for personal difficulties in real life and fatigue with long series. picked up VRAINS again in 2022 after dropping it in 2018 after 3 episodes. am now insane (positive) and invested in YGO because it's so fun and good. i'm happy to be here and hope i can be for a long time
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reddragonofroses · 2 months
I believe I sent an ask after the first one I sent, but I don't remember what I all said on it. Here are a few more questions and I apologize if I repeated some questions: -Do you like Mobiumshipping or other ships with Yami Yugi/Atem? -Do you have any favorite gifs/screenshots/pictures from the anime of Yami Yugi/Atem? -What do you think happens post series (either DSOD since that was based on the manga or anime or your own)? I hope I'm not bothering you and I apologize if I am.
Hey, hi, hello and welcome back! You're not bothering me at all! Questions are brought into existence to be answered, so let's get cracking!
Do you like Mobiumshipping or other ships with Yami Yugi/Atem?
Over the years I have actually come to dislike Mobiumshipping. When I started reading and writing fanfics, I was an avid Puzzleshipping fan and that eventually led to Mobium, but nowadays Monarch is my OTP and I no longer read Puzzle or Mobium because I just can't.
The only other ship I like is Synchroshipping, actually. Why? I do not know. I do not wish to write it, but it works for me and I like reading it sometimes. There are some favourite fics I have which brighten my day when I have read all of my favourite Monarch fics three times over.
Other than that, I do not wish to see Yami Yugi/Atem paired up with anyone else but each other <3
Do you have any favorite gifs/screenshots/pictures from the anime of Yami Yugi/Atem?
As a most horrible fan, I do not have them saved on my computer. Everything is stored in my head.
I'll also tie this answer in with your other ask about me having favourite pictures of Atem/Yami to show you how I imagine him as and I also have not that many on my computer or on tumblr.
Art that I always love to see is made by my wonderful friend: @puzzl-d! You have already found them (luckily!), though I do not have other art to share atm. Not from the top of my head that is, but when I find something, I'll make sure to tag you so I can share some of my thoughts with you? If that is all right, of course, so let me know!
What do you think happens post series (either DSOD since that was based on the manga or anime or your own)?
Difficult to say really, because I still mourn the ending we got, even though Atem/Yami deserved it to rest in peace at last.
If I'd go with the anime ending, he would have found peace in the afterlife and he would have 'lived' there in the way the Ancient Egyptians believed would happen.
If I'd go for the DSOD ending, then I would be hugely upset because Kazuki Takahashi did say Kaiba would finally beat Atem/Yami and that's a no go area for me.
If I'd go with my own ending? He would have beaten Kaiba's ass, lived his life in the afterlife and maybe let his soul be reïncarnated so he'd be able to live a 'living life'.
Or, you know, he's been Yami and then he has to be Atem and he doesn't really know how to be either so that causes for psychological issues and we do love some drama. Split souls and hip hip hurray, we have ourselves some Monarchshipping :P
Hopefully that has answered all of your questions so far! I'll be around to answer more if you have them and I thank you for asking all of your asks too! Stay safe my friend! <3
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cloudsmachinations · 1 year
oh oh oh! For the puzzleshipping prompts:
I'm just in love with Dad!Atem and would love to see him and Yugi in a simple scenario with a child of their own. Maybe just a day at a park? Or how do they spend an evening after child comes home from school?
I don't care what kind of AU or child acquisition happens. I just love the idea of Atem having those few good memories of his own father and wanting to make sure his kid(s) have plenty with him.
Thank you for considering!
I suddenly have this singleDad!Atem idea in which he and Yugi start dating and try to make it work and eventually they form a family together 🥺 This is an excellent prompt, I never would have thought of it tbh so thank you so much!!!
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girl-of-ink · 2 months
Puzzlefic Recs
These Days We Celebrate / Reconfiguration by Phoebeus
Original synopsis: “Originally a series of canon-compliant stories spanning the six month gap between the defeat of Pegasus and the arrival of Otogi, it now includes a branch-off story that changes the climax of the Millennium World arc and explores what would have happened if Atem had gotten his own body a month prior to leaving for Egypt. [Manga-canon, Puzzleshipping]”
Type: Series of oneshots + one multichap longfic
Word count: 300k+ altogether
Rating: G/T/E
Warnings: None
Status: Complete
Times read: 3 times for the whole series, at least 5 or 6 for Reconfiguration specifically
Standout characters/aspects: Yuugi's mom & Honda
Notes: The holy grail. The puzzle fic to end all puzzle fics. Nothing beats it. It aligns almost 98% with my personal headcanons, & the small things we disagree on are contextualized in a way that makes sense in the story. Yuugi's mom is iconic in this story, & my own interpretations of her lean heavily on her portrayal in this series.
Haunted House Sweet Home by InkFlavored
Original synopsis: “Yugi doesn't believe in ghosts. He never has and, up until now, he thought he never would. But when he moves into his new apartment, things start disappearing, doors start slamming, and an ancient crown has it out for him. He's forced to face reality: he's living in a haunted house. But will he be ‘living’ there for long?”
Type: Multichap longfic
Word count: 150k+
Rating: T
Warnings: Mention of eventual major character death, brief mention of eventual Yuugi/Atem/fem OC in final chapter
Status: Complete
Times read: Probably 3ish
Standout characters/aspects: Feriha (fem OC) has a very small part, but she is integrated in a well-thought-out manner & quite likable.
Notes: This fic takes a lot of normal aspects of ygo like “cursed object” and “troubled king” and gives them a new spin! Bonus points for writing an OC villain who works as well as Hazim does.
Egyptology Exercises / All This We Do in the Name of Ma’at by Nedjemet
Original synopsis: “My attempt at redoing Yu-Gi-Oh with a focus on character development, magic, and historical accuracy instead of card games. While this is technically a series, "All This We Do in the Name of Ma'at" functions as a standalone story. All of the other stories are just in-universe follow ups to show what the characters got up to after the story was over. These shorts largely function as stand alones, too, since Ma'at follows cannon very closely in the important ways. All of the stories are ordered loosely in terms of when they occured. You can read them in any order.
All of the Egyptology is heavily researched and I did my best to get it right. If something is off and you have a source, please send it my way!
All of the stuff in modern Japan has minimal research done and is more for flavor than anything else. I'm going for anime-level accuracy with that, not realism.”
Type: Multichap longfic + a couple of shorter multichap fics + bonus work diving into the Egyptology research used in the fics
Word count: 200k+ altogether
Rating: T/M/E
Warnings: None
Status: Complete
Times read: Twice for All This We Do in the Name of Ma’at, probably 5-6 times for the two sequel fics
Standout characters/aspects: Nedjemet’s research on the Egyptology aspects is very impressive
Notes: Really good! The main fic is quite plot & research heavy tho, so I find myself revisiting the two shorter follow-up fics more often. More fluff than substance for me.
The Last Puzzle by Tenderwulf
Original synopsis: “11 years after the Ceremonial Duel, Atem and Bakura inexplicably find themselves back in Domino. When they meet their previous hosts, they realize how much things have changed: Yuugi, the now world-renowned King of Games, is going through a marriage crisis, Ryou is struggling to balance studies, work, and his brittle mental health, and Malik... well, Malik is living his best life—and his own yami is nowhere to be seen.
They soon realize they all have to work together in order to solve the mystery of the yamis’ return: some to make sure that they stay, and some to make sure that they don't.”
Type: Multichap longfic
Word count: 300k+
Rating: T
Warnings: Graphic depictions of violence
Status: Ongoing
Other ships: Tendershipping [Bakura Ryou/Yami Bakura], past Peachshipping [Mazaki Anzu/Mutou Yuugi]
Times read: 1
Standout characters/aspects: Yami Bakura’s character development is stellar.
Notes: Very good, altho I confess that I’m slightly more interested in the puzzle storyline than the tender story (which happens to be the main plot lol). Very much worth reading.
Keep the Light Shining by Clydeside
Original synopsis: “Yugi's new job as a lighthouse keeper sounds simple enough... until he realizes he's not entirely alone on the remote island: a dark spirit haunts Crawford Sound.
It lingers like a shadow in the night.
It watches, and it waits.
The past keepers warned of an inescapable terror, but as the days turn into weeks, Yugi begins to think it's not the ghost he ought to fear.”
Type: Multichap longfic
Word count: 50k+
Rating: M
Warnings: Major character death (Atem is already a ghost)
Status: Complete
Times read: 3
Standout characters/aspects: Worldbuilding!!!! This story is so gorgeously atmospheric
Notes: Please please please read Keep the Light Shining, it’s so good. The horror aspects combined with the romance and mystery aspects are so well-balanced.
Lineament by Zuzeca
Original synopsis: “Once seven, now three. A broken Pendant, a crumbling empire, and tugging at the seams of reality, hints of a sinister power returning. His faith in destiny strained past breaking, newly-crowned-and-deposed Pharaoh Set makes the questionable decision to try and solve the Millennium Puzzle with magic. As it goes with magic, his efforts are rewarded…but not quite in the way he expected.”
Type: Multichap longfic
Word count: 50k+
Rating: M
Warnings: Major character death (Ghost Atem again)
Status: Complete
Other ships: Logicshipping [Priestess Isis/Priest Seto]
Times read: 3
Standout characters/aspects: Set & Isis are very interesting & well-developed characters here.
Notes: Really interesting twist on the whole series. Somewhat of a time travel fic, but in a much more satisfying and less cheesy way than most.
Snake Charmer by InkFlavored
Original synopsis: “Prompts: ‘Wow, my pet snake looks so cute this morning and I’d be even happier if I actually had a pet snake.’ & ‘You curse under your breath in a foreign language and I know I shouldn’t be turned on but I totally am.’
Type: Oneshot
Word count: 20k+
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Status: Complete
Times read: 5
Standout characters/aspects: Osiris the snake is an icon
Notes: 100% fluff. Cute snake. Utterly delightful.
Cut Off / Whiskey, No Chaser by InkFlavored
Original synopsis: “Few people choose a day during the week to drink away their problems at a bar downtown. Most people wait until the weekend, content to simmer with their issues until Friday. Others do it at home with friends, and without worrying about how they're supposed to get home in time for work in the morning. All in all, it's rare that someone walks into a bar on a weeknight at ten-thirty to start drinking.
But that's exactly what happened to Atem.”
Type: Two multichap longfics
Word count: 100k+ combined
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Status: Complete
Other ships: Past rivalshipping [Mutou Yuugi/Kaiba Seto]
Times read: 2
Standout characters/aspects: Great way of showing how Atem becomes part of the friend group
Notes: It’s cute! Not InkFlavored’s best work, but all of their stuff is worth reading.
Macchiato Incommunicado by InkFlavored
Original synopsis: “Prompt: ‘my favorite coffee shop is closed for the day so i have to find somewhere else where i can get my overly-advanced pretentious order and i found the place where you work and now i never use the other place anymore because even though you always serve my drink with a “what the fuck has normal coffee ever done to you”-sigh you're really cute and i'd like to go out with you.’
Type: Oneshot
Word count: 15k+
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Status: Complete
Times read: 3
Standout characters/aspects: Points to everyone else in this fic for putting up with Yuugi & Atem’s stupid bullshit.
Notes: Pretty good interpretation of the dreaded miscommunication plot and the cliché coffee shop AU.
The First Leaves That Fall by Clydeside
Original synopsis: “When Yugi arrives in Yubari to settle the last of his grandfather’s affairs, he finds a mountain village in quiet decline. Most people have left for the city, buildings are crumbling, and nature grows dense and wild against its outskirts.
But among those who remain, superstition abounds, and they all offer the same advice:
Stay out of the forest.
Yugi, however, is intrigued. By the puzzle of its shifting paths. The riddle of a wind that speaks, if he listens.
And, perhaps most of all, by the stranger who always shows him the way out before dark.
Or: Yugi falls hard for the local cryptid. Not everyone is cool about it.”
Type: Multichapter longfic
Word count: 40k+
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Status: Ongoing
Times read: 1
Standout characters/aspects: Honda & Miho are really great friends, and bonus points for local Shinto priest Bakura, who is as ominous and strange as ever.
Notes: I love this fic!!!! Again, Clyde is the best at writing spooky & atmospheric stories. I can’t wait to see what really happened in Yubari to make the nature spirits (including Atem) so angry.
Chained to You by SajiSpellhart
Original synopsis: “Taking place after the events of Season Zero, all the shadow games happened but Yugi never found out he was possessed by the spirit of the puzzle. Now he's an adult, living on his own, and he starts to notice strange and spooky things happening around his apartment. When he sees his own shadow moving Yugi begins to suspect his new place is haunted. But is this shadow spirit malicious or... kinda sweet?
Yami does a bunch of stupidly sweet domestic shit for Yugi to help take care of him. Expect romance, fluff, self-care, and Puzzleshipping shenanigans.”
Type: Multichapter longfic
Word count: 100k+
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Status: Ongoing
Times read: 1
Standout characters/aspects: Yami is incredibly cute in this fic.
Notes: Really interesting AU where Yuugi never finds out about Atem as a high schooler, and so Season 0-esque shenanigans continue into adulthood.
He Has a Heartbeat by Kaibbage
Original synopsis: “Atem is back, and this time he's living and tangible. As such, Yugi cannot stop touching him - and vice versa.”
Type: Oneshot
Word count: 3k
Rating: E
Warnings: None
Status: Complete
Times read: 10 at least
Standout characters/aspects: 
Notes: So cute!!! One of the best Atem Comes Back oneshots out there. Very sweet short little PWP.
Superimposed / Bird Rock Lambchop (Bird Bigger Bird) by Toffeecape
Original synopsis: “Yugi wants his other self to have nice things.”
Type: Series of oneshots + short multichaptered fics
Word count: 70k+ combined
Rating: E/M
Warnings: Some installments mention major character death (but with the caveat that the characters cross over to the Egyptian afterlife), most have no warnings
Status: Complete
Times read: Superimposed probably like 5 times, whole series twice
Standout characters/aspects: Love Yuugi’s urge to provide for Atem, very sweet. I also love the chapter of Like a Stone into a Pond that focuses on Yuugi’s mom’s relationship with Atem.
Notes: This series is sort of YMMV for me. To be entirely honest, the smut gets a little too weird for me in a lot of installments, so I don’t revisit it too often, but the first installment is definitely my favorite, and I love seeing the intimacy between Yuugi & Atem grow while they’re still sharing a body. The 4th installment is my other favorite, as it focuses less on smut and more on character interactions.
Phantom Limb by Killdoll
Original synopsis: “In the hospital after the fire where Yuugi reassembled the Millennium Puzzle, Yuugi and his Other Self have a heart-to-heart.
(Puzzleshipping, set during anime canon, attempted ghost cuddling.)”
Type: Oneshot
Word count: 3k
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Status: Complete
Times read: 5+
Standout characters/aspects: Really great characterization
Notes: Very sweet examination of the aftermath of (the anime version of) the fire.
Pieces of Puzzleshipping by Phoebeus
Original synopsis: “Originally this was where all of my tumblr prompts and random ficlets would come to live, but it's quickly become home to all of my random puzzleshipping fluff, instead. We shall acknowledge it as such until at least one other ship invades!”
Type: Oneshot collection
Word count: 17k+ combined
Rating: E
Warnings: Author Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings (I don’t remember anything too triggering in these oneshots besides a safeword use that is immediately respected in chapter 10)
Status: Complete
Times read: 2-3
Standout characters/aspects: To be honest, I don’t remember these individual oneshots all that well, but I love all of Phoebeus’ work.
Notes: Bite-sized and enjoyable fluff!
Getting Rivalzoned (and Learning to Live with It) by Oogenesis
Original synopsis: “Finding out that your best and closest and most infuriatingly attractive rival has come back to life is one thing.
Finding out that he and his former vessel have eyes only for each other - well, that's quite a different matter.”
Type: Short multichapter
Word count: 8k
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Status: Unfinished (seems to be abandoned, but I recall the last chapter working fairly well as an ending, so it’s not too infuriating)
Other Ships: onesided Prideshipping [Atem/Kaiba Seto]
Times read: 3ish
Standout characters/aspects: Just so incredibly funny. 
Notes: This is my ideal prideship scenario. Sorry, Kaiba.
Visiting Hours by Oogenesis
Original synopsis: “Kaiba, at Atem's insistence, finally brings Yugi along on one of his visits to the afterlife, and promptly regrets it.”
Type: Oneshot
Word count: 1.5k
Rating: T
Warnings: None (possible major character death as Atem has already crossed over to the afterlife)
Status: Complete
Other Ships: One-sided prideshipping [Atem/Kaiba Seto]
Times read: 5ish at least
Standout characters/aspects: Same as the previous fic, just so funny to see Kaiba so deeply jealous while being completely ignored.
Notes: Love how excited to see each other Yuugi & Atem are.
Ours, Not Mine by MagiMevi
Original synopsis: “The spirit found such ease and amusement in simply perusing Yugi's daily memories, and Yugi no longer wanted to just share them with him. He wanted to make them with him – he wanted the spirit to create new memories – he didn't want to just amuse the spirit with the passing fibres of his life – he just – he wanted -
Don't worry about it, partner.”
Type: Oneshot
Word count: 5k
Rating: T
Warnings: None 
Status: Complete
Times read: 2-3
Standout characters/aspects: Great exploration of Yuugi’s character
Notes: Yuugi scheming like hell to try to get Atem to live & enjoy himself while in the puzzle is one of my favorite tropes, 10/10.
Take Him (Cut Him Out in Little Stars) by InkFlavored
Original synopsis: “Most people think of light and silence as comforting things. To Yugi, they're anything but. Atem's mind is tearing itself to pieces and no one understands.
PuzzleJune 2019 (Week 3: Light)”
Type: Oneshot
Word count: 5k
Rating: G
Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings (Major character death canon to the end of the manga)
Status: Complete
Times read: 5+
Standout characters/aspects: I love Atem’s talk with Akhenamkhanen.
Notes: Definitely one of the most influential Atem comes back fics to my own work! It’s fabulous, 10/10.
The Seldom Seen by Clydeside
Original synopsis: “Yugi’s soul has gone missing after reassembling the Millennium Puzzle in the fire, leaving the Other Yugi to fill his place.
As he tries to hide the truth from Yugi’s friends and family, he searches for his partner and the scattered pieces of his soul. But without Yugi at his side, he is losing control of the Puzzle’s power over the shadow realm… and the creature it contains.”
Type: Mid-length multichapter
Word count: 45k
Rating: T
Warnings: Major character death (albeit tagged as “only sort of permanent”)
Status: Complete
Times read: 3
Standout characters/aspects: Angst!
Notes: I love any fic that examines Atem’s relationships (or lack thereof) with Yuugi’s friends and family. 
Jolly Sailor Bold / Shellfish Tendencies by Kudalyn
Original synopsis: “‘The seas sing for those who are lost, and for those who find as well.’
Atem is a siren/merman and Yugi is a ghost haunting a sunken ship Atem comes across. Atem is intrigued by the ghost, hangs around enough that they start to get to know each other, getting attached, and falling for each other over time. But Yugi’s memories start to fade, as ghosts don’t get to stay forever on the living plane, and Atem has to deal with this loss.
My entry for the YGO Big Bang 2018!
Content Warning of character death and mourning, with reward at the end if you stick through it ;)”
Type: Series of two oneshots
Word count: 15k+ combined
Rating: M
Warnings: Major character death (sort of temporary? It’s complicated lol)
Status: Complete
Times read: 3ish
Standout characters/aspects: Honestly really interesting implications about the origins of mermaids……….
Notes: Super fun twist on a mermaid AU.
Untitled Puzzleshipping Doujinshi by Kaluda
Original synopsis: “This is a doujin I made in 2019 that I decided to post here as well. Inspired by the end of the Dark Side of Dimensions film.”
Type: Short comic
Word count: N/A?
Rating: Unrated (I would say G)
Warnings: None (Major character death canon to manga/anime)
Status: Complete
Times read: 3ish
Standout characters/aspects: Such cute art!!!!!! 
Notes: Rare comic example, but it’s posted on ao3, so I’m counting it as a fic. It’s really very sweet & short, go check it out!
Angle of Approach by InkFlavored
Original synopsis: “Definition: (in golf) the angle at which the club head strikes the ball. This affects the trajectory the ball will travel and spin. 
The only thing Atem hates more than his family’s annual summer vacation is the “family” part. A whole three months away from home, away from friends, and away from freedom. This year, he’s nearly resigned himself to the worst trip he’s ever been on, surrounded by people he couldn’t care less about.
Then he meets Yugi, and decides to make his own fun.”
Type: Multichap longfic
Word count: 130k+
Rating: E
Warnings: No archive warnings apply, general warning for emotional and slight physical abuse by parents, and definitely warning for workplace sexual harassment
Status: Ongoing (Unfinished? Abandoned??? I sure hope not)
Times read: 2
Standout characters/aspects: Yugi is phenomenal in this AU. I’m obsessed with him.
Notes: I love this fic!!!! I usually don’t like fics where Atem is an asshole, but apparently it’s fine if he’s a bottom lmao. Anyway I love seeing Atem very very slowly become a better person against his will, and I’m really hoping Ink_Flavored is still working on this fic. It’s one of my favorite ongoing works.
Dress Up Game by InkFlavored
Original synopsis: “The Mutou family, including the newly resurrected Atem, get invited to a wedding. Neither Yugi nor Atem have anything to wear to the event, but it’s not a big deal. All they have to do is go shopping to pick something out. How bad could it possibly be?”
Type: Two chapter fic
Word count: 25k+
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Status: Complete
Times read: 3
Standout characters/aspects: Really great attention to detail about Japanese culture. Taught me a lot about traditional Japanese weddings!
Notes: This fic is so cute! Really nice fic that focuses on Atem living life after coming back from the dead.
Await Red to Become Anthracite by Zigur_zig_ah
Original synopsis: “Yuugi, security guard un-extraordinaire, leads a particularly mundane life. He sits in front of a monitor for eight hours a cycle, pretends to concern himself with the safety of five-hundred and thirty-nine Roman coins of no value whatsoever, and occasionally, when work is especially slow, occupies the unenviable position of Duel Monsters champion of the known universe.
But something stalks the perpetual darkness of Proxima-b. A horror from beyond the grave, loosed in a moment of carelessness, has set its hollow, empty sights on Yuugi - and Yuugi, try as he might, can't seem to stay away from it.”
Type: Medium length multichapter fic
Word count: 30k
Rating: M
Warnings: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings 
Status: Complete
Times read: 1
Standout characters/aspects: Really fun combination of futuristic sci-fi, horror, canon, and ancient Egypt?
Notes: A bit less romance-y than plot-centered, but the way the story unfolds is really fascinating.
Hindsight by Cloudsmachinations
Original synopsis: “Yugi needs to wear glasses. Atem needs to calm the hell down.”
Type: Oneshot
Word count: 2.5k
Rating: T
Warnings: None 
Status: Complete
Times read: 3ish
Standout characters/aspects: I love an Atem that is down bad
Notes: So cute tbh
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wisyhana · 6 months
to yoinks a quote: " How can you grieve when the thing you lost comes back? "
Imagine Yugi thinking that exactly. He was for sure to lose Atem at some point, even if he didn't want it to happen. So he grieves and suddenly Atem simply shows up again.
What would you do?
This concept came to me bc something similar happened to someone I know.
It's not exactly about someone dying, but it's about circumstances that seemed to force a couple to say goodbye eventually (context: one going to study to another country for 4-5 years and the other having already a life planned in their country), so they knew it, they had little time to spare together until to be apart. They knew it for years.
And suddenly they found out, the plan of leaving to study was cancel. And the person who was staying felt troubled, they made up their mind and heart to let their partner go for who knows how long.
So now they're in this weird situation where one is happy to stay and the other has to find a way to reconnect.
I think this can be the exact scenario for puzzleshipping in the Atem returns.
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queeriboh · 2 years
how about yugi, joey, annnndddd bakura! :0
!!! oh boy this is going to be a long one and I can't cut on mobile so let's freaking GO BABEY
My NOTP for them: Yugi/Rebecca, she's like 8 ????? it makes me uncomfortable enough when she flirts with him in the show but then people actually go and ship them y'all. he's short but he's still almost twice her age when they meet
My BROTP for them: Yugi and Joey, I'm here for Wishshipping, I love it I really do, but I like them as besties more than anything
My OTP for them: puzzleshipping
My second choice pairing for them: Yugi/Bakura, I love them so so so much. they can bond over goth shit, gaming, and the unique emptiness of sharing your body with someone for two years and then relearning how to be yourself that no one else on earth can really understand
My fluffy pairing for them: probably Yugi/Joey, they probably enable all of each other's worst habits but they have so much fun doing it
My angsty pairing for them: ooh boy it's definitely Yugi/Atem. I have literally cried for hours before because I thought too hard about them too late at night
My favorite poly ship for them: Joey/Atem/Yugi ot3 babey
My weirdest pairing for them: Yugi/Hanasaki LISTEN. they would be so goddamn cute together if Hanasaki hadn't been written out
My NOTP for them: I really don't like Joey/Mai :/
My BROTP for them: Joey/Mokuba !!!!!! I want to see Mokuba to hang around the nerd herd more and more and kind of adopt Joey as his new, unofficial Big Bro. I bet Joey's brotherly instincts always secretly wanted a lil bro to dunk on in a way he couldn't tease his sister and this kid loves his pranks
My OTP for them: Joey/Atem holy fuck this pairing is so underrated and I don't understand why. Atem breaking down and saying there's no point to defeating Marik if Joey is dead ???? that lingering eye contact in their famous handshake ??? the way the first time Atem takes over when it's umprompted and completely social is to tell Joey to cheer up using the same words he'd shouted at the Puzzle earlier ??????? I'm dying I'm already dead
My second choice pairing for them: either Joey/Yugi or Kaiba/Joey but that one has to be like. 5+ years post canon it's a long story
My fluffy pairing for them: Joey/Yugi !!!!! see way above lol
My angsty pairing for them: back to dragonshipping!!! I think they're both too proud and scared to say I love you and they both know what's going to happen eventually so they never really date. they make out a few times but never go further because Atem doesn't want to use Yugi's body that way before his partner gets to. it's just so much pining and unspoken affection and respect,, ,,
My favorite poly ship for them: Joey/Atem/Yugi
My weirdest pairing for them: okay I don't really have a weird pairing for Joey so instead I'd like to tell you my weirdest pet headcanon and it's that Joey is Jaden Yuki's estranged father
(I'm using Ryou bc there's only one ship I have for Yami Bakura and it's really not even romantic lol )
My NOTP for them: I don’t think I have anyone specific I hate shipping Bakura with?? I’m not that into tendershipping, but I don’t hate it either
My BROTP for them: Bakura and Duke hang out and play all kinds of dice-based games and do deep conditioning hair masks together while they watch horror movies while everyone else is busy with Duel Monsters
My OTP for them: ok I mentioned it earlier so obviously Bakura and Yugi, I want them to start dating years after canon though,,,, they can bond over the loneliness of losing half your heart, good or bad, and help each other grow and recover. I think that Yugi tried to make himself grow up too fast after losing Atem, totally changing his wardrobe and trying to leave behind more “childish” interests like collectibles, and Bakura has a hard time getting back into gaming after Everything. but they can help each other rediscover their interests and passions together and be weird and domestic and cute. I think they’d both make good parents, eventually..
My second choice pairing for them: Bakura and Marik. again, they can bond over the trauma of being used to do horrible things to people they care about and help each other recover and grow. also they look REALLY pretty together
My fluffy pairing for them: Bakura and Yugi!
My angsty pairing for them: also Bakura and Yugi!!
My favorite poly ship for them: lmfao well Yami Bakura/Ryou/Marik but
My weirdest pairing for them: probably Bakura and Tristan, I wasn't a fan of it really until I started working on fleshing out my Darkest au and they just kind of naturally ended up together and it's really bittersweet and cute,,,
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uniasus · 1 year
fic rec! 70K Ancient Egypt Puzzleshipping AU
Summary: When Atem was just two years old, a peasant and his wife from the lower district of Memphis gave him a gift that, for a long while, the prince could not appreciate.
Comments: The majority of this fic follows Atem's life, from 2 to 17, and his relationship to Yugi, who in this story is Atem's personal slave. There's a lot of sweet moments in here, as Yugi is presented as older and at times a caregiver, but they do eventually tip into lovers.
There's some great angst toward the end too!
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bluejaytaco · 6 years
Superhero AU
Yup, posting again! This brings things a little out of order considering this is more of a chapter one type thing. Also, this will now be poster both here and AO3!
And, despite not really needing to read them first, this would technically be Part Four. Check out One, Two, and Three.
<Stasis aborted. Analyzing Subject.>
<Analysis complete: Approximate Age: 19 Sex: Male Height: 152.4cm Weight: 36.7kg>
<Initiating enhancement test>
<Test complete: Enhancement at 100% efficiency. Com->
<Further Analysis interrupted. Welcome Subject Horus!>
< Found Kaiba Corp Logs for Project Millennium. Searching Log files mentioning ‘Horus.’>
Log #27
Isis gave her final visit to the facility today in order to say farewell to Subject Horus. Despite his infantile state, he did manage to look up at her as if he knew who and what she was. We all agree Isis is showing clear signs of regret over leaving behind the child for the project, but as he did inherit her abilities naturally, she had no choice but to leave him in our care. She knew the outside world could be a dangerous place for people like her and her brother; there was no doubt she hoped for something better for her son.
I made sure to assure her Horus would never want for anything. All his needs would be met. I didn’t tell her about how, even at only three months, he would be used for his abilities and enhanced to do get things. He would survive; just like the rest of them.
The first thing the team served to do was the insertion of the Eye. As his powers over the ‘Void’ (as it’s been dubbed) have become more and more clear, we’ve implemented a few enhancements to allow Horus to control and harness the abilities as he ages. We can only hope there is enough of his father’s DNA within to keep him from being so virtually ageless like his mother. That particular trait is far from necessary when it comes to the other subjects for this project.
Log #460
The subjects seem to take to their newfound abilities quite nicely. Ra has nearly mastered his own abilities with the help of Horus. At only a year old, he’s taken to teaching the other children what he’s already managed to control, although he shows signs of frustration when something is outside of his abilities. The enhancements have yet to be perfected and each projection for Horus’ eye seem to frighten him to the point of tears. Too many times, one of the handlers has rushed in to coddle the subject. I need to remind him this is not some simple child.
Anubis serves everyone that reminder on a daily basis. The subject has yet to grasp the extent of its powers and shows signs of disassociation each time damage is done. Tomorrow, we will put Horus and Anubis in the same room. Hopefully, Horus will be able to guide Anubis into a mastery of control just as he did the others.
Log #461
Subject Horus is finally in stable condition.
It’s hard to pinpoint exactly when everything went wrong. Horus was in the room first in front of a simple puzzle given to him by Dr. Mutou, a team member to which most of the subjects have really become attached. When Anubis was pushed into the room, he immediately hid behind one of the tables.
Horus, never one to shy away from the other subjects, approached Anubis calmly and curiously. His approach was the same as it was with everyone else; there was no reason for Anubis to be fearful.
Then everything happened so quickly the video feed couldn’t play it properly. It ended with Horus screaming as Anubis pinned him to the ground and tried to tear out the enhanced eye. Anubis showed no signs of care as the two subjects were separated and Horus was rushed from the room. He was left alone in that room and, when one of the assistants returned, they found him simply playing with the puzzle Horus left on the floor. The pieces are now covered in Horus’ blood thanks it being all over Anubis’ hands.
In a few days, we will attempt again to have the two of them meet and bond. The only hope in stabilizing Anubis is to have him bond properly with Horus just as Ra and Thoth were able to.
Log #465
Horus still shows signs of intense fear towards Anubis. As soon as Anubis was pushed back into the room with him, Horus screamed and cried in fear of the other child. He climbed the leg of the observer in the room and demanded to be picked up in order to get away from him. Despite my protest, Dr. Mutou lifted Horus into his arms. I fear the man might be growing soft with the children. He coddles them too much. I will have to remind him these children are not to be treated as children. They are too dangerous and one misfire could be the end of everything.
As for the relationship between Horus and Anubis, I feel as though the two just need a little more time in a highly controlled setting. With the newfound fear in Horus, it may be difficult for both of them. So far, Anubis has shown no more signs of violence toward Horus or even the other subject. In time, I hope to have the two of them bond to one another.
Another concern sits in the fact that the tear duct in Horus’ right eye seems to have become overactive, possibly from the trauma suffered when Anubis tried to rip it out. More tests must be run to see if this will affect the implant in any way.
Log #527
Thoth and Hathor are dead.
It happened last night after the team left for the night. The cameras caught sight of Anubis sitting up in bed and fazing out of his room. The cameras in Thoth’s and Hathor’s room indicated he fazed in right on top of Thoth. Anubis strangled Thoth in his sleep.
Then Hathor woke up and tried to fight him off before she knew her companion was dead. Her fate was much less pleasant. Her body was mangled on the floor of the room. The camera feed also picked up Anubis attempting to continue down the path when he moved into Ra and Kuk’s room. Moments later, Horus burst into the room and fought Anubis away from the two boys before they could be harmed. When we returned in the morning to do our morning routine, Horus was inside Anubis’ room. He was awake, against the wall, with his eyes staring stubbornly at the bed.
He refused to let Anubis out of his sight. This… is a massive improvement from running in fear of the other subject. Dr. Mutou believes this is a sign that what we’re doing to the subjects is wrong. That all Anubis wants is to be treated as the child he is.
I politely told him he was out of his damn mind if he believed treating Anubis gently was any way to progress the project. Despite how brilliant a scientist he might be, I’m afraid Mutou’s emotions are overtaking his logic. He may need to be let go from the project.
Log #600
It’s been one month since Mutou left. Horus, Ra, and Kuk still look to the door as if they’re waiting for him to walk in with games and sugary treats in his arms. Anubis still shows no signs of care and, instead, continues forth with his testing. He’s gained control of his abilities and honed the skills to be deadly on the beings he deemed worthy of punishment (In this case, the targets with a red marker. Blue markers all get a pass with no damage.)
Horus has begun to exhibit signs of trauma and depression; all of which should be to complex for a child of his age. He continues to cooperate with the tests but only in one on one testing facilities. With the loss of Thoth and Hathor, not to mention Mutou, Horus continues to distance himself and only confides in Osiris. The tear duct in his right eye continues to be overactive. No one on the team can explain the reasoning behind it.
Log #640
There was a break in. The facility has become compromised and three of the subjects are nowhere to be found.
The cameras were completely wiped of any evidence. I’m concerned it may have been orchestrated by [REDACTED]. However, the fact that his nephew is one of the children left behind might imply otherwise. My thoughts went to Mutou briefly, but the man was far from the best at being mobile enough to break in, take three children, and rush back out while still being able to wipe any possible evidence of him being there. A search of his place also qualifies him as innocent.
Plus, he wouldn’t be stupid enough to release Anubis. I could understand stealing Ra or even Kuk… but only one person could be responsible for the disappearance of Anubis. A man who heard about the subjects through a leak into the black market. I want to say his surname was… Bakura.
He had a special interest in Anubis. But the man is now nowhere to be found. I’m hoping the subject killed him and, maybe, ran off. If that’s the case, it’ll only be a matter of time before Anubis finally makes an appearance. His… relationship with Horus might be enough to lure him back.
In the meantime, I’m concerned about what this means for the project. It’s possible it may need to be aborted now that three of them are out in the world. We will need to dispose of the subjects in the cleanest way possible.
Log #641
Project Millennium has been dissolved.
With the disappearance of the three, the team and I have decided to dispose of any evidence that may lead back to what many might say was ‘child endangerment.’ Funny how they don’t care about them when they’re in an orphanage, but then as soon as they’re brought into a case like this…
I digress.
Osiris and Bast both went down smoothly. As expected, they were injected with a painless substance while they slept and simply did not wake up. Horus however…
Horus seems to be immune to such things. So immune, in fact, that it woke him up. It took twelve people to finally subdue him and he still hasn’t been properly destroyed. There were too many… casualties… to continue the attempts. Of course, the very last piece of evidence to the Project is the one that cannot be killed. This is something his mother failed to mention.
He’s in stasis until we can figure out what to do with him. Death may not be an option, but it seems eternal sleep is.
Now, our next priority is to find Anubis. I’m hoping time will eventually lure him out and back here. Maybe he will come back and attempt to destroy Horus himself. If that’s the case, we may just need to leave the two in a room together and they can destroy one another.
Log #1072
I’ve come up with a plan.
With Anubis and the others still nowhere to be seen after seven years of searching, I’ve come up with a new idea. A new subject with the only objective to seek out all the remaining subjects of the project. He’s older than the others were when the abilities were implemented, but I’m hoping his high intellect and surprising maturity will be enough to keep him from catastrophic failure. If not for himself, then for his little brother at the very least.
Subject Set may be the only hope we have left to end this.
Maybe it was a good thing Horus couldn’t be destroyed. Although, his aging in stasis is promising that death may be an option if he’s just left alone. But, had he been destroyed, I would have never been able to transfer his powers into this last ditch effort.
Log #whocares
The project founder is dead. Anubis, Ra, and Kuk either are dead or just so good at hiding that everyone just thinks they’re dead. Isis might also be dead; I don’t know. I don’t care. A lot of these logs were lost. Father sucked at organizing information. This entire project is bullshit.
Horus, I’m waking you up. You can thank my brother for finding you. I read up on your abilities and I’m sure you’re smart enough to know what you need to do in order to keep from being in this tank again. Let’s hope, at least.  A lot of power is being wasted in keeping you asleep. All this power could be used for literally anything else.
So, good morning, Horus. Let’s have a talk.
-Seto Kaiba
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