babylinsy14-blog · 6 years
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I think we've all been knew😊 Credit to: @/supernatural_93 on IG
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babylinsy14-blog · 6 years
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This is who i decided to stan❤️ Credit to: @/spn_mom_killing_it on IG
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babylinsy14-blog · 6 years
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Jared is such a mood😂😂
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babylinsy14-blog · 6 years
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No. No he has not. ;)
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babylinsy14-blog · 6 years
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Why is Dean me?😂😂
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babylinsy14-blog · 6 years
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Guess im starting again😂wish me luck😂
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babylinsy14-blog · 6 years
Thank you for clarifying everything that happened. I saw a post a few months ago talking about what happened and since they didn’t have your POV, I was actually kinda disappointed and a bit disgusted at Jensen because I to am Bi. Today I just saw the video in YouTube and thx to my curiosity, I looked at the comments and was able to find this. I know a lot of people don’t know your side of the story and I wish this got rebloged, screenshoted, posted on IG, retweeted, just to clarify everything and for if future SPN fans find the post and video I saw, they will know what actually happened and won’t hate on Jensen like I did because now I feel bad and kinda stupid. But at the same time, I don’t wanna bring up what happened. I’m new to the fandom. About to be 6 months so I missed what happened at the NJCon. I just wanna day thank you again for clarifying everything.
Direct from the "Mystery Girl"
Hello! After a lot of driving (a friend reading me posts from the njcon tag and me being appalled by a lot of those posts) I’m making this blog to try and stem the wank a little.
I know this is asking a lot but if you could all please stop posting about this in the “njcon” tag that would be great. Please, please start using the tag “njwank” so that people who would like to hear about this really wonderful con could actually look at the njcon tag.
Now, about the actual question. This is the question I was going to ask:
I’ve loved seeing Dean’s character become more comfortable with himself this season. As a bisexual, I’ve noticed some possible subtext, as seen in Everybody Hates Hitler, that Dean might be coming to accept himself as something other than straight too? I know you’ve said you know Dean better than anyone, so, in your professional opinion, as the preeminent scholar on Dean Winchester, if you see that as a valid interpretation of what’s going on with the character this season. 
That’s the question. The whole question. Questions were screened. The woman screening the questions listened to me say that my question is relating to Dean’s development in the show and how he may have changed from s1 to now and then showed that I even had the question written down on my phone. The woman nodded and asked if that was the only thing I’d be asking as I am allowed one question. She then just went through the typical “Don’t ask for hugs, no personal stories, no asking for phone calls, etc.” Please note that nothing was said about anyone asking for questions about sexuality or shipping being banned. Now here is what happened when I attempted to ask this question. I got as far as the word “bisexual” before the crowd groaned. I proceeded to hold my hand up in a ‘please just wait a second and let me finish’ way and then got as far as the word subtext before the crowd was full on booing and starting to shout a couple things I couldn’t make out. This is when Clif stepped out from behind the curtain looking very intimidating. He said, “Are you really going to ask this question?” to which I responded, “No, I have the question right here on my phone” and I held it up to him for him to read it but he was just like, “Just explain it to me”. I then stood on my tiptoes to talk directly in his ear because the crowd was still too loud. I kind of stumbled through the explanation of the question as it’s a complex question. I just stepped down after that and Clif just said, “Don’t ask that. Please just thank them and go.” He did not say this in an angry way. It is Clif’s job to keep things around Jared and Jensen calm and the way the crowd was was not calm at all. This question was just a little too much for the first question and people’s reactions were very, very negative so obviously I wouldn’t be asking the question. I looked up at Clif and told him that I meant no disrespect and to please tell Jared and Jensen that, then immediately grabbed the microphone and said, “I did not mean to be disrespectful at all. Thank you so much.” and then stepped back so that the girl behind me could move to the mic. Jensen looked confused and said, “I still don’t know what the question was. I’m going to pretend I don’t know what the question was.” I spoke up at that and quietly sort of yelled towards Jensen that Clif would tell him later. When it was obvious that I wasn’t going to ask my question, he stated that that was his queue to move on and he then took the next question.
I continued to stand there with the next girl in line since she was nervous, not only because she was about to ask a question but also because she was surprised by Clif when he appeared practically out of nowhere to stop me. At this point, the woman who screened my question and Adam (works with Creation) came up looking confused and asked if I got to ask my question to which I replied, “No, I’m just waiting for her to ask her question.” to which they asked the girl to step up to the microphone.
That’s what happened on my end. Here’s how I feel about it.
Jensen wasn’t talking to me when he said anything during this one minute video. I was engaged in trying to explain my question to Clif. Jensen was turned to the crowd, keeping them entertained while this was happening. I didn’t know what he was saying until I got to watch this video after the fact.
I am not upset by Jensen trying to keep the crowd engaged
I am not upset at Clif for trying to keep the crowd calm
I am not upset at Jared for encouraging me to keep going
What I am is annoyed that as soon as I stated that I am bisexual, people groaned. Maybe that’s not something you think is okay. Maybe I could have asked this question in a better fashion. The point is, you should never boo or groan at someone when they state their sexuality. I don’t care if you thought I was going to ask a shipping question. I don’t care what you think about me as a person. The end goal for this question was Jensen going in depth about his characterization of Dean. The answer to this question didn’t really matter to me personally, I’m going to ship what I’m going to ship no matter what the canon sexuality of a character is. But I know it does matter to a lot of people and that is why I decided on asking this. A friend has been thinking about this question for quite a while and we have been hashing it out since before VegasCon. We were originally going to ask it there, but were too far back in line. This was a question going to be asked for a very long time now, and so of course I was going to grab the opportunity to ask it. I didn’t think twice of what happened at Misha’s panel as I hadn’t really been online to witness the wank and the atmosphere at the con was very happy. Having been to many cons (7th con, 5th SPN con), the atmosphere here was very good and I didn’t really take the wank seriously.
Now, it took me a couple hours before I went and talked to Clif (I’ve never been scared of talking to someone ever, but wow Clif is intimidating when he needs to be), right after I nervously said hello, I didn’t get another word out before Clif asked me “How are you?”  After this, I relaxed a bit and apologized for having put him in that position. I really didn’t mean too and didn’t expect that reaction. Clif smiled and just suggested to keep it lighthearted next time (next time) for the first question. He gave me a hug and I asked him to state again to Jared and Jensen that I meant no disrespect and he smiled and said he would. 
Overall, what I’m most disappointed about is the fandom’s inability to look past this one incident to really appreciate how wonderful this con was. 
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babylinsy14-blog · 6 years
It's 3:43 AM and i just heard a man talking outside and I️ have my headphones on. Im watching a show in the living room with the lights on. I am praying that it was a car with the radio on really loudly. I dont wanna be the person in the first 5 minutes of SPN...Just in case, day of death, July 3, 2018. 3:43 AM
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babylinsy14-blog · 6 years
Fic Masterpost
This is a list for you to navigate my fics a bit easier. Sorry for the lack of good titles. All of them include a little summary/some things you might want to know!
I will update this as much as I can (: Thanks for reading, angels.
* = newly added
bold = most popular
dean winchester
teen!dean analysis in one shot form.
Bedtime *
Dean comes home to his husband and son after a long day of hunting.
13x22 Coda *
in which i fix 13x22 since it heavily lacked cas’ reaction on jack, and in addition, some destiel.
cop!destiel drabble
proof i watched too much brooklyn 99
Cas has anxiety
Dean helps. (oh my god they were roommates), fluff.
Angel’s Tears (ao3)
When Dean is heavily wounded, Cas knows that only sharing his grace will heal him. But with it comes a price.
short angsty drabble
dean wakes up to cas crying. angst, fluff.
“Take my hand for a minute.”
dean and cas stumble upon cas’ ex. dean has a plan.
in which dean finds his next boyfriend
dean is sure he wants to date the handsome new guy in town, and he finally dares to say hi.
New Year’s fic
short new year’s eve drabble
seven times castiel heard a song
neighbors!au, tiny bit of nsfw
New Man *
high school au, 2k+, loosely based on new man - ed sheeran. jealous!dean, break up angst and a bit of fluff.
shortest 13x06 coda ever
dean and cas meet at a masquerade ball. royalty!au
A New Day At Midnight (DCBB 2017)
castiel has one problem: dean winchester. the punk with tattoos, eyeliner, and band shirts. castiel can’t stand dean, and the fact that everyone else seems to love him makes it even worse. dean, unfortunately, keeps crossing his path. until castiel loses his temper. but he finds out more than he wanted: dean isn’t the bullying asshole he always thought him to be. besides that, he has a secret.
12x23 coda
a 12x23 and 13x06 coda that is actually not that angsty.
fluff, morning cuddles
“You love me, right?”
cas loves dean, but dean can’t seem to talk. another 12x23 fic. angst topped with angst
“You have to stop this.”
sam wants to help dean, who has a hard time coping. 12x23 coda fic, angst.
Grocery Mornings
cas has a hard time getting up and definitely doesn’t want to meet his handsome neighbor today. neighbor!au, grumpy morning!cas
Take These Broken Wings
dean and cas finally get time alone, and dean insists on grooming his angel’s wings. established, canon!fic
cas wonders who the hell says this as their first words to their soulmate. high school au, soulmate!au
“Close your eyes and hold out your hands.”
cas has a present for dean. canon!fic, fluff, bit of angst, established
“You can tell me anything.”
dean has a confession to make to his teacher. teacher/student au
dean loves waking up under angel wings. wing!fic, morning fluff.
“I just want a hug.”
dean gets bullied, castiel wants to make him feel better. bullied!dean, high school au, angst, fluff
Dean’s Doughy Delights
the happy baker dean gets an unsuspected customer. fluff, tiny bit of angst, chubby!baker!dean, homeless!cas, possible series
dean and castiel study outside in the garden. high school au, fluff, there’s art by crxstalcas
dean and castiel have a date on the fair. high school au, fluff
“I remember kissing you, why do I remember kissing you?”
last night, dean drunkenly kissed castiel and cas kissed back, sober. angst, fluff
“I thought you’d never hurt me, but I was wrong. You hurt me the most.”
dean doesn’t like losing. established, fluff, high school au
I confessed to you riding shotgun underneath the purple skies
set in season 13, dean and cas finally talk about cas being human. canon!verse, angst
“Kiss me.”
dean brings cas as his fake boyfriend to his hometown reunion. fake relationship, fluff, dancing
cas will do anything for dean, but being left behind every night eventually hurts too much. end!verse, a lot of angst
“If we get caught I’m blaming you.”
this is what happens when dean and cas tease each other on t he baseball field. high school au, short and a little smutty
12x19 Coda
alternative ending to 12x19. angst, smut, bottom!dean, top!cas
12x23 Coda
dean and sam’s right after castiel’s death (aka how i want 13x01 to go), angst, could be tfw idk
“Is that a threat?”
the baseball team wants their captain, dean, to remove an unwanted visitor from the field. short fluff, established, high school au
two miserable people meeting at a wedding
dean is forced to go to a wedding, but he meets someone who seems as unlucky as him. cop!dean, writer!cas, minor angst
The Jealousy’s Evening
castiel can’t stand that his best friend dean has a girlfriend, especially when she ruins their movie night. angst, minor dean/lisa
“The blood’s just from a nosebleed. Don’t worry about it.”
cas is worried when his husband doesn’t come home on time. teacher!cas, firefighter!dean, fluff, married!au
“Don’t touch him!”
when castiel gets bullied by alistair, dean will make sure cas is okay. punk!cas, bullying, high school au
Patience And Faith
dean hears his roommate crying in the shower and wants to know what’s wrong. angst, fluff, roommates!au
The Piano Man
every time dean gets off the train, a handsome man is playing the piano and simply mesmerizes him. winter!fic, strangers, pianist!cas
“You’re warm.”
cas isn’t used to the cold, and dean has to keep him warm. fluff, winter!fic, bed sharing, canon!verse with human!cas
when a guy starts hitting on cas, dean gets a little too jealous. canon!verse, jealous!dean.
“Please, don’t leave.”
dean doesn’t want his boyfriend to leave on a trip with his family. high school au, established, fluff and a bit of angst.
“I can’t watch you with someone else. It’s tearing me apart.”
castiel knows he and dean are just friends with benefits, but he can’t stand it when dean goes out with lisa. angst, fwb
dean and cas are a little drunk. short, drunk fluff.
A Hard Day’s Night
cas makes an appointment with an escort, but things don’t go as planned. escort!dean, student!cas, chapter fic
Possibility Days
as a single father, castiel has a hard time, but he keeps getting saved by the same stranger. chapter fic, single!father cas, mechanic!dean, i probably won’t continue this
Jibcon 2017
quick drabble i wrote when we all thought jensen wasn’t wearing underwear (a girl can dream)
“Stop biting that fucking lip!”
sam has a few reasons for cas to stop biting his lip. high school au, fluff
Sam’s favorite student
there is one person in sam’s yoga class that he likes most. dirty and smutty, i lost my shame somewhere
cas is the shy new kid, but sam helps him out. (can be read as platonic too!)
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babylinsy14-blog · 6 years
Me: Just one more story
Me after reading 20 stories with 14 chapters each: Just one more story
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babylinsy14-blog · 6 years
I like the theory people have of how Dean could beat Michael the same way Sam beat Luci with Baby when Luci was possessing him but this is AU!Michael. He is stronger and probably more powerful than our Michael. It would be amazing but i don't think its gonna happen.
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