#even though I still also like Cumulous
wispythreads · 5 months
Me, taking a teeny tiny peak into Saccharina Frostwhip's tag out of curiosity: maybe I'll just see a teeny tiny spoiler, no harm, just a hint of the relationship between her, Ruby, and Amethar improving...
Literally the first post talking about Saccharina specifically: "Rewatching A Crown of Candy had reminded me how much I hate Saccharina."
Me: ( ・᷄ ︵・᷅ )
Granted they then went on to talk about how well-written/roleplayed this character was, how if we had followed along her storyline the whole time instead that 'of course we would be on her side' in this tension between the "reunited" family, so on and so forth (it is a good post, I am just not reblogging because the core of it of "I personally hate her but she is a good character" is pretty antithetical to how I feel, and I also disagree that she's SO focused on receiving the love of her father and half-sister that she's unable to recognize the love and acceptance she's received from her cousins and a loyal knight of the family)
I'm just over here pretty surprised that this is a supposedly large audience reception Saccharina had when A Crown of Candy was still the latest in the batch of Dimension 20 adventures? Enough so that her player got hate for it? And was a feeling so strong that it holds out even upon rewatching it?
As far as I could tell watching everything going on, EVERYONE had reasonable feelings about the situation.
The only reason she was able to survive in that orphanage, grow as strong and powerful as she was, is because even as the nuns tried to burn it out of her Saccharina held onto the fact that they were wrong, that she had a father out there who would love her and want her.
Of course she's disappointed when her attempts at being friendly and sharing camaraderie are rebuked. Of course she's hurt when, after all these years dreaming of finally having a home with the people she came from, the lineage that gave her the gifts that brought her so much joy and misery at the same time, they react coldly towards her, suspicious of her, either keeping their distance or, as is in Ruby's case, being openly hostile.
And of course they are. I truly believe that if they had met before the events of episode 9, Amethar would've swept Saccharina up into a bear hug, unabashedly giving her the love she'd always dreamed of. But he had just been stabbed in the back by his best friend of 20 years, who had also been revealed in the same moment to be the cause behind his sisters' murders. He had just lost the daughter that was most like him, that reminded him so much of his sister Rococoa. He's already made the choice that he needs to harden up, become cold, if he was going to keep Caramelinda, Ruby, and all the people who trusted them and helped them alive. He thought he knew who Calroy was, and trusted him, but he didn't. And it cost him too much. He definitely doesn't know who Saccharina is, and he can't afford to lose anyone else.
Ruby is a bit harder for me to judge, as I think there still might've been some rivalry/resentment(?) through their connections to magic and Lazuli, but I don't think she would've been anywhere near as aggressive over this revelation before losing Jet. Because she's not just dealing with the death of her sister, or even the death of her other half. She is dealing with being the reason why Jet died, at least in her own mind. Jet, for once in her life, showed hesitance in acting bold and brash, didn't want to follow up on the letter on their own. Ruby, who usually is the one following Jet's lead, took the reigns, and now one of them is dead. She only lived because she ran away and left her sister behind to die. And now the universe turns around, says, 'Surprise! You've got a new sister now, and she's bursting at the seams with magic,'?
Both of these characters wear their hearts on their sleeves, and as great as they are with their strengths, they've already shown they can be terribly immature as one of their faults. These things are not Saccharina's fault, but it is what they're dealing with and end up projecting onto her while literally everyone else in the party openly accepts Saccharina into the group, and she accepts them into her found family of marauders in turn.
Saccharina notes how the former king, queen, and bastard princess reacted towards her, and what is her immediate response? "Ok. They don't love me. They don't even like me. Maybe I can try to avoid them hating me by at least being useful. By at least not being an inconvenience."
And that is what she sticks by while talking to them for so long, occasionally throwing out a line to test if maybe they could still end up liking her, that she could still have that family she's always dreamed of, only to hit their walls and instantly reel back to at least being useful, without really knowing why the wall is even there. She tells them she's disappointed, of what she had hoped for, but not in a tone blaming them, angry at them, its almost as if she can't help letting it slip out through her diplomacy as she appends it again and again with her hopes she can at least be useful. She tries over and over to make it clear that she only sees the throne as a tool, one that she doesn't really want but one that she needs, and at the same time tries to offer herself to the Rocks family as the same thing. A tool that can be at least needed, if not wanted.
The rest of her hurt? She confides to her found family. And even then, as she voices to the marauders about her frustration that the Rocks don't want her, that she doesn't know why she keeps trying and that maybe it'd be best if she just stopped and accepted it, she can't stop, she keeps trying to appeal to them through her actions.
And, again, she doesn't know how deep their own hurt goes, how horrific the road their open hearts had led them down and why now, of all times, they've closed themselves off. She sees loss, and is confounded because loss is where she started as young as five years old. And yet she still doesn't treat them any differently. She's finally snapped and let the amount of hurt she's felt finally show to both Amethar and Ruby now, but she still shows them trust, and support, and is willing to lean on the people they brought with them just as much if not even more so than her own people. Her sharp-sounding formality is not how she wants to address them, because deep down she is as open hearted as the rest of the Rocks. It is a mirror she is reflecting as she tries to come to terms with the fact that her dream can't be reality, as much as the child within her still longs for and reaches towards it.
Knowing all that, watching how clear they make her feelings regarding everything and how carefully she's trying to maneuver through the world she's found herself in, how much she's trying to prove that she can at least be a good asset, I'm still just... really gobsmacked that a large number of people look to her and hate her.
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mintacle · 1 year
Ok and another thing about Jason which adds to the fact that he feels so relatable to a female audience is the way his age is used. Women get the wonderful (/s) experience of being called "girls" no matter if they're 16 or 60. Because it's easier to either think of women as cute or pityable or whatever, but to take them seriously. And yeah you won't take a "girl" as seriously as you would a "woman". So whenever Jason goes against Bruce it is framed as the boy going against the man. The man (Bruce) being automatically the authority and in the right for no other reason other than that it is his right to be in the right.
But when his tragedy is discussed and especially the question of responsibility, he becomes an adult. A woman is often only granted "adulthood" and no longer called a "girl" when her rights are being neglected. Because it is easier to say of an adult, she can deal with it on her own. In this instance granting her autonomy is not a sign of respect, it's a justification of neglect of duty to protect others and act in service of respecting their rights. And Jason is also left to stand alone once the question of responsibility and culpability arises. It's easier to then view him as an adult. Someone who should know better and be able to handle things on his own. Attempting to strip him of power when the truth is that, no, no one does things alone. Even the big Batman, here the ideal of masculinity, famously proclaimed to work alone, but recognized by everyone honeslty as dependant on cooperation ranging from Robin to Batgirl and more. For the man, the narrative of the lone wolf is an excuse to pretend your achievements come from you alone. For the woman the lone wolf narrative obligates her to constantly prove how much she has truly achieved on her own and isolates her from the kind of support men can more readily get.
And Jason needs to live with this same kind of dichotomy of age. The portrayal of his age is used in a very female-coded way to justify neglect and disrespect.
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tgcg · 3 months
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this is my element (+ album)
asking me to pick my fave album is like asking an orphan matron to pick her favorite baby boy
thats some weird and cruel circumstances to put upon me i feel like it changes every damn week like a rota
i mean what if my beats misbehave and i gotta put 'em in time out i cant play permanent on that theyre too cute
but yknow what i can show you one thing thats been on my mind lately
so when i was a kid we had this skateboard vid by "element skateboards" on DVD
they were this skateboard kit slash apparel company that was all about progressivism and shit and they did these much lauded comp tapes of dudes riding around on their boards and doing the dopest of macho tricks on the shit
flipping it turnways
putting the rock in the house like a big man
we had some of their merch actually
so anyways the one we had back then was This Is My Element
released 2007
mostly clips from cali i think and i mean the camerawork is fucking insane on some of those shots
this is gonna sound lame as fuck but i prob spent so many cumulative hours just peelin through the footage and ogling the shit outta it
that framing was tight
so you may be asking yourself or me
dave you genuine dicksucker i asked about your fav album not your favorite sordid ass display of smooth dudes hardcore riding and grinding them boards in public dude you have a problem
ok well that wasnt a question first of all so jot that down
but anyways to THAT i say
listen to the music
the whole thing has an original soundtrack of ambient beats
got some abstract hip hop jams, got some more indie stuff, lots of acoustic sampling
HELLA underground
and basically every track minus one is done by sampler beast david p. madson AKA "odd nosdam"
dude is my hero seriously
he is the master of the beat machine i shit you not hes always been kinda my idol on this stuff
aside from bro obviously
anyways he had an E-mu SP-1200 which is a really oldschool sampler invented by dave rossum in the late 80s
revolutionary to the hip hop scene
nosdam had this mega distinct sound to his music that i always wanted to replicate on my own beats
still do
i dont know for sure if he used it on T.I.M.E. but he uses some of the same samples from "vol. 9" which was exclusively SP-1200 so im gonna get a lil j’accuzi on that
it couldve been a boss dr sampler SP-202 though idk
he had one of those
so aside from beating the shit out of the pause/resume button to flip my whole cranium at the cinematography or whatever i would also kinda play it on loop to listen to the soundtrack and space out at 2am
the lonely broner seemed to free his mind at night
ok shit broner is good but i didnt mean it like that
that was goofy lets just keep movin
it was the only way i had to listen to it back then but i mean the video is 50 mins long so its basically just an odd nosdam album with accompanying ambient skater sounds and random expletives and whatever
random car sequence
yknow what i dont think people respect enough?
the dude who catches all the "mad stunts yo" on camera
i swear to god at least half the time hes ALSO on a board and that shit is bananas to me
bros gotta be on some whole other level of zen to skate good AND catch all them glamor shots of his fellow skater
thats like an express ticket to the ER imo
the ambulance is already on the scene watching you like an eager crow watches a half dead dog
ok gonna go ahead and lay it out flat
not great on a board myself
kinda dogshit at it actually
so maybe im not exactly an arbitrator of skateboard heinousness
but i always kinda liked watching THEM do it i mean who doesnt?
whats an even crazier layer to stack on the "dave" cake is
and dirk told me this because unfortunately it kinda happened post-2009
he would do all these collabs with one of my childhood favorite underground rappers david cohn aka serengeti
surrounded by daves left and right dude even before all the time travel horseshit
thats like
serendipitous as fuck i think!
if sburb was just a revolving door of artists called dave that i could bump fists with
instead of other mes in various states of aliveness tending toward extremely dead
i wouldve probably given it something higher than 2 stars on my TGN review
so yeah you ask me my favorite album its T.I.M.E. by odd nosdam i guess
bump that shit on a walk your mind will go places unknown to man
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headspace-hotel · 5 months
How am I going to work for a living when being around other people, moving between different environments and expectations, or being exposed to noise for more than 3-4 hours a day makes me so exhausted it's challenging to perform basic self-care tasks, and pushing past that makes this condition worse, and doing that frequently creates long-term spillover that impairs my functioning for a much longer period
The psychologist who diagnosed me with autism insisted that I could become desensitized to noise through exposure, but it's been almost 10 years and I've never been able to increase my tolerance to stimuli even temporarily, only dramatically decrease it through, I guess, the cumulative effect of exhaustion.
The last semester in school I was having anxiety attacks every single day the first week, and from there I just...limped. I never got to the point where I felt okay and could think beyond just surviving the next day.
I would go to work and basically just, screw around hoping I wasn't in the way too much, because I could not move myself to think on the level of problem-solving and work on projects I wanted to accomplish, I was just too exhausted. I didn't meet any new friends. I didn't go to a single non-required event, even though I wanted to. My mom would ask me if I was enjoying my classes and I would be like..."I don't know." I was often too tired even to play Minecraft.
And I didn't read or write any fiction, even though my love of doing so used to be the fundamental part of my identity.
I kept getting extremely dehydrated and having scary symptoms and being unable to figure out what was wrong. I remember feeling certain that I was starting to get sick/run a fever at many different points throughout the semester, and then I would keep going and feel like 10% better and after a few days it would be clear that I wasn't sick and I wasn't going to become sick nor would I get significantly better quickly. I was sleeping a LOT—like I would be too tired to stay awake by 11:30pm, which is seriously unusual for me and usually means I'm getting sick, and yet I overslept my classes more times than I could count. I felt sure I had some sort of infection or something for the last couple weeks, and then when I came home for the holidays, everything just... cleared up. Still not sure if it was the dehydration or what.
Also, my menstrual period went irregular again??
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super-paper · 16 days
Like I feel like 90% of my problems with 423 (Izuku) could have easily been fixed if Hori had actually stayed true to Izuku's character as someone driven by his empathy for others. Naturally I would have still been extremely upset with Tenko's death, yeah, but I think I would have at least been able to gradually process it and eventually accept it if Hori had actually depicted Izuku as like... actually reacting to the fact that he's killing Tenko and actually attempting to grapple with the weight of taking his life. Any reaction that might come after this chapter is simply too late to undo the damage.
Blood+ is an excellent example of a well done "I had no choice but to kill you" villain death: In this series, The hero (Saya) is ultimately forced to fight and kill her villain (Diva), but the core of her character-- her kindness-- is never sacrificed. It's enhanced by the tragedy of it all, of her being forced to end a life when she sincerely didn't want to. Even though Diva did terrible and unforgivable things, the first thing Saya does when she sees her crumbling is to rush forward and comfort her despite her own injuries, and to express intense anguish over not being able to help her. This cements why Saya is the hero of this story. I haven't watched Blood+ in over ten years, but the final moment between these two is something that has stuck with me all this time-- this is how you write a powerful ending between your kind/empathetic MC and the villain they were ultimately forced to kill.
Comparatively, everything about Izuku and Tenko's resolution feels completely numb. Izuku's lackluster nonreaction to everything he learned about Tenko in the vestige world. His complete lack of distress when Tenko's abuser swallowed him up and took over his body again. Him not expressing any concern for Tenko's safety once AFO resurfaced. Him continuing to beat on Tenko's body as it crumbled without any internal conflict or hesitation.
All of it sacrifices the very foundation of Izuku's character-- him being moved to act out of EMPATHY for others, not out of a desire to simply "beat the villain". The climax of Izuku's long awaited "rising" chapter is ultimately about him punching someone rather than saving someone, which also betrays the core of his character (yes, it's also about how he inspires others by doing his best but can you honestly say him rushing forward to punch TomurAFO to death was "doing his best as a hero". What was supposed to be the cumulation of Izuku's arc ends up being completely surface level/lacking sincerity and instead reads like Hori is just going through the motions).
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The boy from chapter 1 whose body moved on its own after seeing someone in pain was ultimately more heroic than the boy from chapter 423, and that's one of the many reasons why people should be upset with this chapter and what it's done to Izuku's character/arc.
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
I used to think books with "bestseller" labels must be great and that they're the books I should try reading but now that people are getting popular through social media first before their books even release made me think otherwise. People seem to be buying the book like it's celebrity merch. The books could still be good but I now read multiple reviews especially negative ones which has lists of what they think is not good about the books. When I see "bestseller" now I just think "A lot of people bought this." but also ask "Did they like it though?".
Question though: you think "bestseller" label in published books is equivalent to kudos or hits on fics? I mean there's a filter to see items listed that way and there are people who base their fic reading list to it.
Okay, the thing you have to understand about 'bestseller' as a term is that it's time-dependent.
It's not just kudos: it's kudos in the first 24 hours. It's movie profits on opening weekend.
This shit means literally nothing if you're consuming the art even six months later, never mind after a decade.
I think it's stupid as fuck to sort AO3 by kudos unless you're just researching what gets a lot of kudos. I think having this as a default behavior encourages bullies to force targets into archive-locking (which almost invariably reduces kudos and hits) and penalizes authors who don't waste a lot of time trying to game the system. I also don't think it's actually effective for finding good fic.
But buying books based on bestseller status is even dumber because all it means is that a book was marketed correctly to have all its sales in the same week.
Here's someone's attempt to explain. He estimates that you need to sell only 5,000-10,000 copies in a single week to make it on one of the NYT lists.
There are a few other quirks to it, but... yeah... 5k copies in a slow week. Nationwide in the US. For something released by a big publisher with reach. Counting pre-orders if it's the very first week.
And then you get to put "NYT Bestseller" on the cover forever even if it never sold more than those 5k preorders.
Forget booktok promoting garbage: if the numbers are really this low, then "bestseller" meant absolutely nothing for years and years before modern social media.
It's not even cumulative like kudos are. If they mean that, they label it with "Over blahdy-blah million copies sold", not "bestseller".
Like with kudos, the only time this is really useful is if you're chasing buzz. If you want to know what other people are making noise about this week, then yes, you should check out the current bestseller.
It is okay to chase buzz, especially if you are a book blogger and trying to keep your audience up to date on what's going on in publishing! Just be aware that that's what you're doing.
If you want a book that will be culturally relevant for longer than five minutes or a book that is well-written or a book that is to your taste, you should look for some other method of book discovery.
And hey, you might end up with that very same bestseller! It might be a great book, actually. It's just that the "bestseller" status isn't what tells you that.
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crazycartoonnerd123 · 5 months
I made a post like this on TikTok already, but I’m also gonna make one here too because I feel like ranting.
The Owl House: Such a great show with a BIPOC main character who is also bisexual and a fantastic plot line. It provides people with needed representation that makes them feel seen and discusses serious topics that people face in real life. It has a loyal and committed fan base and phenomenal ratings. All factors considered, it should be safe from cancellation.
*Gets cancelled and S3 gets shortened and 2 out of 3 of the episodes were leaked because it “didn’t fit the Disney brand”
The Ghost and Molly McGee: Another fantastic show with a Thai main character that was able to nearly perfectly balance a fun and entertaining episodic structure but still tackle serious and realistic themes and issues people face in real life. It also has great characters and representation, and, in theory, should “fit the Disney brand.”
*Due to lack of promotion and marketing, one of the episode releases on Disney+ kinda flops, and as a result, the show gets cancelled even though the next release had better numbers, thus causing the show to end prematurely. The third season would have dealt with topics such as death and loss and the first 10 scripts were already written*
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur: A fantastic show that has (in my personal opinion) THE BEST representation a Disney show has ever had that manages to tackle serious topics and issues people have to face every day. It is able to mix the elements of a serialized and episodic show almost seamlessly and has already won a ton of awards and had over a dozen nominations cumulative.
*Literally never gets promoted, they release half of the season at one time without said promotion, and now the fate of the show rests on the performance of the 14 episode drop on February 2nd and 3rd AND they’re releasing 2 episodes a week on Disney channel and if it doesn’t do well it will get cancelled*
And this isn’t even close to the entire list of shows that have screwed over. (Referring to the leaks of Amphibia and other shows).
In conclusion,
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zeruby16 · 5 months
extra credit- kim jiwoong
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18+ MDNI
genre: smut, fluff, romance
summary: when you're in dire need of extra credit after butchering your classical literature paper, you ask your class ta, jiwoong, for help.
word count: 3.3 k
warnings: afab! reader, dom jiwoong; usage of pet names (sweetheart, angel, good girl); cursing; oral sex (giving); fingering; penetration; protected sex (always use protection); slightest degradation kink; slight sir kink; slight exhibitionism; please let me know if i missed any!
notes: um..hey y'all so i'm back. trust me when i say this took me like three months to write because being in school made me so uninspired😭 i had major writers block and still do, but my bestie motivated me to finish this. anyways, i have not grammer checked this at all, so please spare me. i hope you all enjoy and i'll try to write more if i can!
you hated the word validation, yet it’s all you’ve ever wanted.
in school, at home, with your friends, you craved hearing people compliment your hard work. 
it made you feel like you were in ecstasy.
so you’d be damned if you got a b in classical literature. it would ruin your perfect gpa, your reputation with your experienced professors, and your sanity.
you needed an a. you were going to get that a.
your main obstacle was an analysis paper on pride and prejudice. 
pride and prejudice for god’s sake.
everything would’ve been fine if jane austen wrote in understandable sentences, but here you were struggling to comprehend how the hell elizabeth fell for mr. darcy. 
the paper was due today and you submitted whatever you could online, but you remembered your professor’s words.
“every project will be graded by me, every paper will be graded by your teacher’s assistant, kim jiwoong.”
kim jiwoong was well-known throughout your university. he was a graduate student who helped out all of his previous professors. it was very noble of him.
he was also the most beautiful man to exist. any girl dropped at his sight, including you.
you were already familiar with jiwoong.
since his previous professors were in the same major as yours, you already had him as a ta for another class.
the other class, the english renaissance, was the worst class you’ve taken. 
you had done perfectly well on every assignment, but then your final happened to be cumulative and you could not remember an ounce of anything pertaining to shakespeare. 
you caved and confided in jiwoong as you always struggled with cumulative finals. then, you scored a 96 on the final.
half of it was on shakespeare. you should’ve failed, but you always got an a.
you knocked on the door twice before waiting for his response.
“come in!”
once you opened the door, you were met with his focused eyes. 
jiwoong was one of the nicest people you knew. he helped anyone who struggled left and right. he even offered tutoring to the students who couldn’t comprehend what went on in lecture.
you had no doubt that he was probably reviewing someone’s paper right now, so they could submit a better product. 
“what can i do for you y/n?” you noticed the slight change in his posture, he had to have a clue as to what you were planning.
“i submitted my analysis paper, but i wanted to stop by and mention how i didn’t comprehend anything from the book,” your eyes contained a hint of dejection. 
“i can’t do anything about it, you already submitted it,” he sternly said, you could see his hand gripping the pen he was using harder.
“i know, but i wanted to apologize beforehand. austen’s works are complex and i read the book three times, but i couldn’t conjure anything in the paper,”
“i tried jiwoong, for weeks, but nothing.”
he sighed while leaning back on his chair. it was working.
“you never struggle with papers,” he mentioned suspiciously.
“sometimes i do, it’s rare though. i’ve only ever struggled once throughout college,” you emphasized. 
“what are you trying at y/n?”
“i was just wondering if there was an opportunity for extra credit,” you innocently asked. you wanted him to give in. you needed him to give in.
he pushes back his hair in distress, while staring you up and down. he may have only dealt with you once, but he knew your ruse.
“you know how wrong this is,”
“jiwoong, i am an adult, you’re an adult. there is absolutely nothing stopping us,” you moved closer to his desk, leaning on it while placing your arms down.
“my integrity will,” you chuckled.
you neared his face as you whispered in his ear, “it hasn’t stopped you before.”
“god the things you make me feel,” he muttered under his breath. you moved away from him, enjoying the teasing.
you walked backward toward the door silently begging for him to stand up. to come rush by your side and help you.
you were in dire need of his assistance.
“do you know how hard it is to see you in class?” he started, standing slowly from his chair.
“to see you laughing with those idiotic boys? to see them staring at you like they have a chance?”
jiwoong makes his way towards you, backing you into the door.
“i’m only having fun,” 
“they can’t handle you y/n. you’re the smartest one in your batch and your beauty is unmatched. they don’t stand a chance,”
“and you do?” you taunted, finding his eyes and then his lips.
his hands made their way to your waist, pinning it against the door. you couldn’t help but let out a small grin at your silent victory.
“of course i do sweetheart, i’m the only one who’s made you scream,” you felt your legs give up on you as his words went straight to your core.
“i’m the only one who’s heard your beautiful moans and small whimpers while you lose yourself on my cock,” his fingers graced your breasts under your shirt.
his touch was cool, but all it made you do was burn. 
you closed your eyes in delight. you forgot how deliberating jiwoong made you feel. it was why you longed for him so much after he helped you the first time.
“what happened? cat caught your tongue?” he smirked seeing you shiver under his touch.
“you act all high and mighty when we both know how easily i can change that.”
“prove it then,” you blurted, wanting to feel his everything and needing him desperately.
“i need you to say it louder sweetheart,” he caressed your face, pulling you closer to him.
“prove it,” you spoke and his lips took yours. he kissed you like you had been apart from years. 
his hands bunched up the skirt you were wearing and he slightly lifted, pausing the kiss to see the view before meeting your lips again.
“you got soaked at the thought of you taking me?” he teased, your face flushed red, avoiding his eyes.
“look at me princess,” his hand forced you to meet his eyes. he was anticipating your answer. 
“did you? did you fantasize about me?” 
you whimpered under his touch, feeling utterly embarrassed at his words, yet you wanted more.
“yes sir, i thought of you,”
“no wonder you couldn’t write your damn paper, you were too busy thinking about getting fucked.”
jiwoong tightened the hold on your waist and guided you towards his desk, stopping when you sat yourself on top of it. 
he pulled away from your lips as he quickly discarded your shirt somewhere in the office. you tossed your bra somewhere, signaling how you wanted his kiss everywhere.
he proceeded to ravish your chest, bruising you as much as he could. it was as if he wanted to prove to others how he was the only one who deserved you.
you started to feel his body under his shirt, while pulling on his hair every so often, earning grunts from him.
annoyed by his shirt, jiwoong lifts it off of himself and leans further towards you, deepening the kiss.
your hands started to reach for his cock, caressing it over his pants. you needed him more than ever.
his brows furrowed at your movements and you unzipped his pants, feeling him closer. he lets you do as you please as you pull down his pants, his boxers joining them.
seeing the hardened member, you immediately stroke it a few times before coating your hand in spit and proceeding to repeat your motions.
“god how are you so good at this?” jiwoong grunted while placing his forehead on yours.
you let go of his member and stood up, grabbing his arms in place and sitting him down on the desk instead. your knees met the carpet and you took him into mouth.
you stopped for a moment to respond to him, “i’m a hands-on learner.”
he lightly moans at your words, recalling how the last time you two were in this position he was guiding you.
in satisfaction, you continued bobbing your mouth up and down his hard-on. you took the time to tease his slit that was already coated with precum and use your hands, slightly squeezing his member. 
he grabbed your hair, somewhat forcing you to quicken your pace. drool had started to spill from your mouth and you looked up at jiwoong, seeing him in absolute bliss.
“my good girl, you’re doing so well,” he cooed.
his words went straight to your core and you felt the need to please him more.
once you felt his hold on your tighten, you knew he was close to cumming. you quickened your pace while his cock started to hit the back of your throat.
his grunts were more vocal and he moaned as his cum spilled into your mouth.
you took everything into your mouth and finished off with a ‘pop’ once you were finished, smiling at him afterwards.
“you’ll be the death of me,” he commented before lifting your body up and holding it as your legs felt like jelly.
“did i do good?” you asked expectantly, jiwoong released a sigh before taking your lips.
“you did amazing, sweetheart, but i think i need a little more for you to get an a,” he chuckled.
“i’m all yours jiwoong, take me.”
he smirked at your words and made his way back to his chair. once he sat, he patted his legs.
“come here sweetheart, we’re going to grade your paper together,” your eyes sparkled at the thought and you walked and sat yourself on his lap, facing the computer.
you shivered as you felt his warm member under you, but he stayed still. once he found your paper among many of the others, he clicked on it and placed his hands on your thighs.
the paper came up and you reread the words, remembering every line that you wrote. you were so focused on reanalysing your paper, that you failed to realize how jiwoong was starting to tease your bundle of nerves.
you let out a small gasp as his finger grazed your core, teasing you every now and then as you grabbed the desk for support.
“let’s see how you did angel,” he says into your ear as he inserts a finger inside of you. 
you placed your head on his shoulder for support and he fastens the pace, while reading your paper.
“eyes on the screen, i already found a mistake,” he forces you to look at your paper highlighting the mistakes. meanwhile, he plunges another finger inside of you.
“you contradicted yourself here, how can darcy be chivalrous once sentence and then an ass in the next,” 
you left his question unanswered, letting the ecstasy you were feeling sink in until his fingers stopped.
“i asked you a question,”
“uhm,” you swallowed, “i don’t know.”
jiwoong chuckled, “you don’t know? this is your paper sweetheart, minus two points.”
you quipped your heads towards him, realizing how he was genuinely grading your paper and begging for him to take it back.
“you want extra credit you have to deserve it, you’re going to explain each mistake you made for me,”
“no buts, you asked for this. now, why did you contradict yourself?”
you sighed, silently admitting defeat.
“darcy did everything the way he was suppose to, making himself a perfect suitor in a way, but he completely disregarded elizabeth’s feelings the entire time and decided to act purely for his own interests,”
you could feel jiwoong’s smile as his fingers started to continuously pleasure you. you moaned in relief as jiwoong continued to read the paper.
he tsked, but his fingers maintained their pace.
“and here, you really think elizabeth revealed jane’s and bingley’s possible engagement out of jealousy?”
you shut your eyes slightly annoyed, but answered nonetheless wanting his fingers to fill you.
“not out of jealousy-” you whimpered as he fastened the pace of his fingers, teasing you endlessly.
“out of spite, she only mentioned the couple because she knew it would garner a reaction from darcy,” you somehow let out.
with a hum of satisfaction you assume, jiwoong places his eyes on your paper once again. you rejoice looking at the screen because the paper was nearly done being read.
jiwoong takes his time using his fingers to tease you mercilessly, all while forcing you to maintain your composure.
you begin to feel a haze as you feel a knot in your stomach.
“not yet angel, i’m not done grading.”
your moans grew louder, feeling your climax closer and closer. your eyes looked at his concentrated face as he read and read.
it felt like a decade and you couldn’t handle it.
“jiwoong please,” you begged, not caring about your shame anymore.
you came here for him, the a was just an excuse.
“why do you think elizabeth accepted darcy’s proposal?” 
“are you serious?”
“she was desperate for marriage,” you rushed out, starting to lose any complete thought.
“do you think she was as desperate as you are right now?” he said lowly, never wavering the pace of his fingers and reaching your spot.
“i don’t know,” you whimpered.
“what was that?”
“i don’t know!”
“but you know everything sweetheart don’t you? that’s why you think you deserve an a,”
“jiwoong, i’m so close,” you completely pressed your body towards his desk, trying to restrain yourself from touching him.
“i know, which is why i’m not allowing you to cum,” he announced.
you turned to him astonished as he took his fingers out of you and innocently licked your juices from them.
“the paper could’ve been better, i thought you read the book three times?”
“i did,” you nearly sobbed.
“well that didn’t reflect in the paper, so now you have to earn your grade and your right to cum,”
“how?” you immediately quipped, willing to do anything for the man.
“you can start by placing yourself on the desk, ass up,” your body immediately follows through and you stand up with your hands on the desk while facing the door.
you hear rustling of the cabinets behind you as jiwoong finds a condom and he grabs a hold of your waist.
“remember angel, try not to be too loud. everyone is grading,” you nodded understandingly, whimpering as you felt jiwoong slowly entering you.
“god princess, it was like you were waiting for me,” he groaned, waiting for your signal to go as your walls clenched around him.
when you placed your elbows on the desk, positioning yourself in a more pleasurable way, jiwoong took it as a sign to go on.
his pace started slowly, while you moaned under your breath feeling him everywhere. 
“jiwoong,” you moaned while he quickened his pace. although he tried to conceal them, his groans were slowly becoming louder.
“yes sweetheart?”
“more,” you begged, wanting more pleasure, more of his touch, and more of his everything.
“your wish is my command,” he said, bucking his hips towards yours rapidly while using one of the hands that was on your waist to tease your clit.
you let out a moan as he continuously hit your pleasure spot with a steady face. with his other free hand, he grabbed your hair loosely, pulling you closer towards him.
all you could let out was his name in whimpers. 
“you’re so good for me y/n,” the praise went straight to your core as he knew what you wanted to hear.
“such a good girl, you take my cock so well,”
“only for you,” you let out between the whimpers and moans, as jiwoong shows no signs of stopping.
“you wanted this didn’t you? you didn’t even need help, you just wanted to lose yourself on my cock,”
“not…true,” you lied.
you loathed pride and prejudice, but papers were your forte and if you really tried, you knew you could’ve done fine without help.
jiwoong was just amazing at validating you and fucking you beautifully, so you couldn’t help but beg for his assistance.
he slapped your ass in response, “don’t lie to me,” he warned.
“i promise sir,” you nearly yelled, forgetting any sense of being quiet. jiwoong placed a hand on your mouth, muffling any sound.
“you promised last time how this would never happen again didn’t you? look at you now,” he whispered in your ear.
you closed your eyes in ecstasy as you felt the knot in your stomach growing once again.
jiwoong kept on giving and giving, while you just took everything he gave.
“please, ” you begged into his palms, clenching around him while he hit your spot over and over again.
“just a little longer princess, i’m almost there,” jiwoong somehow got faster, ramming into you repeatedly all while you moaned into his hands.
“god, you’re perfect,” he mumbled.
suddenly, it all felt like too much. you closed your eyes in bliss while screaming out jiwoong’s name as you came. your head fell onto his shoulders as he lightly kissed your chin, chasing his release as well.
once his groans grew louder, you felt the warmth of the cum he spilled into the condom as his pace became sloppy.
he slowly pulled out of you as you stood breathlessly in between his arms, beads of sweat slowly falling down your face.
he disposed of the filled condom into the trash under the desk and turned you around to face him.
his goofy smile made you chuckle on the spot as you realized the other reason you wanted to visit jiwoong.
you genuinely enjoyed his presence. he made you feel safe and seen when everyone else had expectations for you. he looked at you as if you were the most important thing in the world at that moment.
desires aside, jiwoong was someone you could love and you were willing to give it a shot.
if he didn’t show how much he cared with words, he certainly did with actions as he showed when he started to clean you up with tissues.
you couldn’t help but laugh.
“what’s so funny?” he quizzically asked.
“you’re using tissues?” he rolled his eyes as he threw them in the trash and lifted your body to sit on the desk.
“well if someone didn’t need help so much, i could’ve prepared with time to bring something more premium,” he joked as you caressed the hairs behind his neck lightly.
“i’m sorry, the pent up stress from finals got to me. you don’t have to do anything with the grade,”
“nonsense y/n, your paper was exceptional either way. you didn’t need extra credit at all. you doubt yourself too much,” he complimented.
“does that mean i get an a?” you excitedly let out, not being able to contain yourself. jiwoong smiled at the gesture.
“yes, but you should probably stop relying on me for them because i am no help,”
“i guess it’s a good thing i graduate this semester then,” you mentioned and his eyebrows perked up.
“you graduate this semester? how come i didn’t know?”
“i wanted you to think i would taunt you for a long amount of time,” he slightly smirked at your confession.
“as if you didn’t have me wrapped around your fingers. speaking of, since you're graduating, when can i take you out on a date?”
“whenever you grow the balls to ask,” you joked as he looked down and up to meet your eyes again.
“maybe when we’re not naked?”
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a/n: hope you all enjoyed whatever the hell this was😭 like i mentioned i'll try to write more but this writers block has stumped me. i appreciate you all and thank you for taking the time to read my works! :)
@zeruby16 on tumblr | est. 2023
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pixelnrd · 4 months
obvously river ultimately made his own choices, but april put a lot of pressure on him to conform and join her dad's company and be someone he ultimately wasn't for her own gain (which wasn't necessarily NEGATIVE gain, their family needed to be provided for but still). Now it feels like instead of having learned her lesson from her own road with unhappiness from conforming she's just...doing the same thing to Dustin?? Instead of trying to figure out why he's so unhappy she's just trying to push him to do things because he's interrupting her time with the woman she left his dad for??? at least that's how it feels, idk i'm annoyed with her lol.
I can understnad this interpretation of April as being a bit... selfish? Hypocritical? She definitely is, and from the sentiments in comments about April on recent posts I get the feeling that others feel the same way about April (which is valid! not devaluing that at all).
BUT I want to counter this with a different interpretation (long post sorry!)
For all her faults, April isn't meant to be seen as unfeeling or callous. April is a product of her own upbringing and time period, and if anything she is a victim of changing societal norms in the 70s/80s with second wave feminism. Her parents gave her a great education and expected big things from her with college and a career - she became a doctor. But society also expected her to have the husband and the house and the babies. And she did all that, she played her life by the book as it was laid out to her - and ultimately found that cumulatively, over time in was a burden. It made her burnt out and unhappy. She was expected to uphold her own career, raise the kids, look after the house, have dinner on the table for them all. That's a huge burden to bear, and at a time when men weren't expected to pick up any of the slack to allow women to enter the workforce and become more than homemakers (and let's be real, plenty of men still don't do this in the 21st century). River in that sense did not make it any easier for April - he was playing his own role, one that didn't expect him to share that burden of homemaking and childreading beyond hanging out with the kids on the weekend and doing the odd handy job. He was blind to the burden that April was bearing.
April was also running in the rat race from college, to career, to wife, to mother. She didn't get time to stop and check in with herself on whether she was having a good time. In fact I don't think April could pinpoint when it started to go wrong either. It was the wearing down over time of a person who was expected to do it all and be everything for everyone.
I do feel like everyone comes out in defence for the heir (which, hey, is fair - its their story!). But I've tried to portray all my characters as having flaws and negative traits, making mistakes and not being perfect. River was far from perfect as a husband and Dad. He just slid right on into the breadwinner male role without question because in the era he lived in, that was what husbands did. He grew up in a non-traditional household and was always subconsciously rebelling against that. He grew up poor and got himself to college. He was given a career opportunity that would make him a lot of money and he genuinelly wanted that. He wanted to have material wealth to show for himself after having grown up with no electricity, eating home grown vegetables and wearing thrift clothes. Ultimately he didn't realise the cost of the lifestyle he sought, or why ultimately his parents rejected it - they were happier people, even though they had less.
It's not entirely April's fault that River went down a path that didn't make him happy. Being with April presented opportunities and a lifestyle that River bought into. But as time went on, and they had a house and kids, River became trapped in the cycle of upholding that lifestyle.
River and April were only 20 when they met. They got locked down too young thanks to societal expectations and familial pressures and ultimately they grew up during that marriage into different people. I think the beauty of their separation - even thought hurtful for all involved - was that they were finally able to explore who they really wanted to be.
That's not to say that they didn't learn their lessons. April tries to tolerate Dustin's apathy, but probably finds it hard considering the pressure her parents put on her, and the sacrifices she feels that she made to give him a great upbringing and feeling taken advantage of - after all, she was full time Mum and and a full time doctor.
When writing the character of April, I thought a lot about my own Mum and my Grandmothers and other Mums I have known in my lifetime. And I thought about how they all did double shift, coming home from their paid work to do the unpaid work of being a wife, Mum and homemaker. I wanted April to have her liberation from this system, so that was what I gave her.
I worry that April's character hasn't come across the way I intended, and that makes me feel like I haven't done her justice. If anything that's a lesson to myself in storytelling! But I hope this essay-like response can give others a different way of thinking about April 😊
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rowanyx · 4 months
So in the Adventuring Party, Brennan asked Beardsley whether there is a world in which Kristen gives up being a Cleric.
Mechanics-wise, I understand why the response was a no. That kind of big change would have a lot of restructuring to do, from the character sheet to minis to even plot changes, which would be difficult mid-season like this. (See Riz's sub-class change from Inquisitor to Arcane Trickster happening now, rather than when we actually met Pok)
Story-wise, though, I respectfully disagree. In fact, I posit there is many a world in which Kristen could change her class.
The big one, I think, would be Paladin. Especially either Redemption or Oathbreaker. After all, you could easily argue that this whole situation (i.e. Cassandra seeing Kristen not putting her priesthood first, dying, and the new mysterious voice that taunted the party with the rotting corpse of the god Kristen already failed) cumulates into exactly the type of description for an Oathbreaker (going back on their word and then joining up with some evil entity instead). And, well, after two gods dying, one you've very much stated to want to be good for but can't get yourself to do so, sounds very much like the type of person that would seek Redemption. If not for themselves, at least for others.
And this could also work to show sort of backslide into the Applebee's family drama. After all, we know Bucky just started as a Paladin himself. He's probably not high enough leveled to have a sub-class of his own, but doesn't Redemption fit? The kid who was forced into Kristen's old role, who is already going around trying to save his classmates from Hell? If Kristen did switch to Paladin, they would most likely share classes (something like Gorgug's Artificier track, school-wise). A perfect opportunity to flesh out the relationship there, either to save Bucky from Mac and Donna or have him 'save' Kristen.
Of course, these are just two of the easier paths to see.
Porter did want another Bad Kid in his classes, didn't he?
Maybe Kristen finds she desires a guide and becomes a Totem Warrior Barbarian.
Maybe Kristen decides that just because her parents suck, doesn't mean the whole bloodline did. This causes her to delve into old records and come out of it as a Path of the Ancestral Guardian Barbarian.
Another idea, given the Buff Kristen movement, is a Fighter. Especially the training and power describing a Champion or the fighting spirit of a Samurai, to lose so many gods and keep going.
Or maybe she finds the issue is the evangelizing. That she cannot dedicate herself to bringing others into her path, but still desiring a higher being to help her. There are many to make a Warlock Contract with. She's even living with one, technically, by way of Fig's Archdevil job.
You could even argue for an Eloquence Bard, with all the speeches and now the Presidency campaign.
Or hey, Cassandra was a moon goddess, wasn't she? Maybe even a Lunar Sorcerer.
Unlikely but theoretically possible, she's just desperate to fix something and takes up Artificing. After all, how different can a Battle Smith really be? It's still healing and protecting, right?
Or, let's revisit an old topic. At the top of the game, Kristen was called the Chosen One. We saw that title following her even after leaving Helio. Sol treated her kindly for it, she invented YES! and even reinvented it into YES?. An argument can even be made that that's part of why Cassandra was fixed so easily after clinging to her. But what is that? Where is that power from? Perhaps some new magic awakens in Kristen. That of a Divine Soul Sorcerer.
Just, Kristen, taking a hard look at religion and Clericdom and deciding maybe it wasn't right for her.
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madarasgirl · 1 year
hi! i don't know if you will read this but today is my birthday and i would like to make a request for a dirty - obscene madara that has blood kink (period blood) .
i hope you are well and have a nice day ❤️ your writing is always beautiful, ily
Dirty Blood Kink Madara Scenario
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Madara was also requested to be horny and needy. *rubs my hands together.* Alright! I have my instructions! Hehehe thank you for this ask and the kind words. And happy belated birthday! I hope this short scene satisfies you.
Tags/warnings: 18+ NSFW, Madara x Fem!Reader, period sex including oral and vaginal sex, blood kink, somnophilia. No violence against the SO. 
But come on, as if some blood would turn Madara off. Some people will find the bloody murder sex in this gross. You have been warned! (Mads was horny and didn't notice whatever menstrual product the SO was wearing, okay?) Words: 1540
Madara gazed down at the lush forests of Konoha from his mountaintop perch. The vast expanse of stars blinked like fireflies in the night sky, the sounds of nocturnal animals filled the warm air. His gaze fell on his home in the distance. It was good to be back.
It was a brutal mission spanning several weeks. No, he didn't enjoy the kills he inevitably had to make, but the enemies put up an excellent fight against him. What a battle the cumulation of this mission had been. Madara felt alive, the thrill of battle still thrummed wildly in his veins.
He stepped off the cliff and landed lightly on his feet whilst thinking of who was waiting for him at home. He couldn’t wait to see you. His woman. He needed to fuck.
It was protocol for shinobi to report to the Hokage tower upon returning from missions, but Madara could care less about the rules. He had to see you first if he was to remain civil with whoever he was obliged to deal with next. Besides, who was going to enforce the 'rules' on him? Everyone knew strength ruled in this world. The fool Hashirama wasn't going to pester him for going home to see you first and Tobirama could kiss his ass. If Tobirama took issue (he will), Madara was convinced the younger Senju must just be jealous that the Uchiha was going to have a better night than he. 
With the easy decision made, Madara dashed through the empty streets, the summer breeze in his hair elevating his high spirits. He was alive. His senses prickled with awareness of his surroundings. There was a cat stalking a rodent in the alleyway around the corner. A drunkard stumbled down another. Thousands of nameless shinobi and civilians alike slept blissfully in their own beds. He sensed your presence before he arrived at his destination. Taking a well-practiced route that took him directly to his bedroom, he landed silently on the roof and was through the window instantly in a flurry of smooth motions. 
Madara paused.
He was filthy, covered in the viscera of his foes. He was bloodied himself, with dirt matting his hair and his clothes torn. He was a hot mess and loved every second of it. He thought of you again -your gentle curves, the arch of your spine when you moaned and tried to take him deeper. Your voice as you found release. He longed to fuck you right now, but it felt wrong, sullying, to be in your presence and smearing the filth of others onto your body if he took you now.
His gaze landed on a lump in his massive bed. You were tangled in the sheets and fast asleep, completely unaware of the danger that lurked in the shadows. His expression softened, though his cock throbbed from thinking about your body. He thought of you again, of your bright eyes and smile whenever you saw him return home as you ran to greet him at the door. He almost growled out loud, but managed to contain himself. He made quick work of tossing his ruined garments and cleansing himself for you before he joined you in bed.
Madara nearly laughed as he explored your pliant body. Were you really a kunoichi? You were such a deep sleeper you haven’t even stirred despite how he handled you. He copped a feel of your squishy tits and wrapped his arms around your limp form to snuggle you. He sighed. How he missed this these past weeks.
His cock twitched again when he caught the scent of your hair. It was something lightly floral. He needed more of your body.
Upon feeling your ring around his probing fingers, he hissed. Only a few weeks apart and you were already this tight. He couldn’t wait to get inside you. Madara kept scissoring his fingers into your soft hole, pressing his nose to your neckline and inhaling hungrily. He missed everything about you greatly.
He wanted to be gentle…but now was not the time. Your runny slick provided ample lubrication and though he was large, you would be able to take him. He pulled his digits from your opening, only to be hit by the pungent smell of iron.
What’s this?
Excitement clouded his mind as he realized you were menstruating. The rabid Uchiha lapped up the fluids coating his digits before rational thought could stop him. The taste of blood filled his mouth, almost like he was still in battle. He groaned, fisting his steel cock as he debated whether to plunder his conquest now or to eat it first. Your essence was absolutely delicious.
He needed more of you. He got between your legs and gently eased them apart, then started feasting. Soon, the exquisite mixture of your arousal and blood flowed as he got you wetter and wetter. What could make one feel more alive than this, being surrounded by his woman’s pussy slick and her essence of life? 
He buried his tongue to the hilt up your sheath. He relished the metallic tang and silken slime melting on his tongue as he kept drinking. Your fluids slid down his jaw and crept between the crack of your bum, soaking into the snow white silk of the sheets. A problem for tomorrow.
“Mada?” You jerked awake in alarm before feeling the familiar signature of your love’s powerful chakra. You could barely make out his shape in the darkness, but you knew it was him. You felt his excitement buzzing in the air.
"Shhh." He reassured you that everything was okay and flicked that sinful tongue on your clit before diving back into you to taste and smell your blood surrounding him.
The fog was slow to clear from your mind (some ninja you were). He wasn't expected to be home tonight, the mission ended early? Then again, it was very like Madara to make sure his enemies were thoroughly vanquished so he could rush home to you sooner.
You remembered it was the heaviest day of your period and clenched your thighs around Madara’s spiky head. The naughty, taboo act was embarrassing, but even you couldn't deny his skill. He eased the cramping and discomfort of your monthly. 
Your lover kissed his way up your abdomen to capture your lips and share his delight. "Missed you," he whispered.
You didn't enjoy the taste of blood like he did, but you dreamed of being back in his arms for weeks. You returned his delicate kiss, matching it when it turned feverish. A hard length prodded your rear and you shifted to line up with it.
He buried himself in a single lunge. Your frame tensed, but the shock of the stretch passed quickly and pure euphoria set in. Bracing yourself up on your elbows, you urgently threw your hips back onto his in a sloppy meeting. The two of you moved as one. He gently palmed your face and stroked your cheek, despite the need in his own expression. Faster and faster he threw himself into you and you responded by grinding hard on him with a shudder.
Madara growled and pulled you to your knees with animalistic hunger, the bottom half of his face stained with a runny crimson, stabilizing himself on the headboard with one fist as he kept up his brutalizing pace. He was more beast than man right now. You squealed when he dragged across your sweet spot, making your fluids squelch with every thrust.
Your fingers caressed along his plundering shaft and made their way up your drooling slit to find your nub. You stroked yourself while he pounded you from behind for what felt like an eternity. He finally tensed, grabbing your hips to bury himself fully before shuddering. Your inner thighs that were already soaked in fluid were soiled by the rivulets of hot cum leaking from your tired, overstuffed snatch. The cooling liquids on the sheets were cold against your overheated skin.
His eyes were closed when he filled your core. A low, vibrating moan made its way from his throat, which could be felt against your back. Madara’s hands were everywhere -he petted between your legs and stroked down those limbs and back up to your hips. He licked your earlobes and brought his hands up to wrap around your waist to give you a hard squeeze before fondling your chest and wrapping a paw around your throat. He kissed you passionately, your tongues sparring once more as the sun rose to welcome a new day.
Daylight penetrated through the edges of the curtains to illuminate the room. The aftermath of the night looked like a crime scene. Your naked bodies and faces were covered in palm-width streaks of blood. Hand prints adorned the headboard, the fingerprints clearly discernible between each stain. Thank goodness the headboard was dark leather. It should be washable. The space you were lying on was drenched with dried, dark red pools across the entire bed at crotch level.
You giggled. You love Madara, but he only thinks with his dick once the hormones start running. What were you going to do with your ruined bed sheets and mattress?
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mdhwrites · 21 days
I’ve been watching Amphibia while studying. I should definitely do a rewatch during the summer, but it’s occurred to me that Amphibia’s strengths are criminally underrated.
Amphibia feels like a more focused show than TOH. It has its flaws ofc especially in Season 3, but Amphibia’s cast comes across as a lot more developed than TOH’s cast. I mean, Andrias got a dedicated flashback episode and Belos didn’t???
Amphibia’s execution of the found family trope is one of the best things I’ve seen in animation. In contrast, I always felt that King, Lilith, Eda, and the Hexside crew are plot devices to get Luz where she needs to go. Eda has some depth but generally speaking TOH never “got into their heads,” unlike with the Plantars, Sasha, Marcy, Grime, and Andrias.
And I gotta praise Amphibia’s ending!!! I wish more kids cartoons embraced the idea of permanent, bittersweet change. The idea of letting things go but not forgetting them.
So while I agree Amphibia is more focused, I actually don't think that's what the bigger difference is between TOH and Amphibia that I think needs to be highlighted. No, instead, I'm interrogate something you said: Does Belos not get a dedicated backstory episode? For that matter... Does he potentially get MORE time spent on backstory than Andrias?
Andrias literally only gets The Core and the King. He actually gets VERY little screentime, mostly because the effects of his cruelty are more important than what he does himself. So for backstory, he gets 11 minutes. MAYBE you could stretch to like 12 or 13 if you want to include hints to Lief but that's all post her time with him. So 11 minutes because Andrias only gets one segment, not two.
What does Belos get?
Well... I think everyone just forgets about Elsewhere Elsewhen. That IS backstory. That is previous characterization. It's not a flashback but it is still interacting with a Belos earlier in the timeline, like a backstory exposition dump or a flashback does. And interacting with Philip is the main purpose of the A plot of the episode, even if it takes a bit to get to him and then he dips out before the end.
As the author of the journal though, he also counts for backstory whenever passages of the journal are told to us. It's unreliable but it is still previous characterization. So stuff like Eclipse Lake and the end of Looking Glass Ruins adds a little here and there.
Then of course... What the fuck do you call Hollow Mind if not a dedicated backstory episode to Belos? The majority of the run time is literally go through his brain, and his memories, to show his rise to power. His backstory. And while there is technically a B plot, it doesn't take up much time so probably at least a third of the episode is spent on this and these are 22 minute episodes. If just two thirds get spent on backstory, that's more than Andrias gets.
So why doesn't it feel like that? Why does it feel like we get a VERY complete version of Andrias' backstory, despite seeing cumulatively three days in a row of his life, while it feels like we were never told Belos'?
Efficiency. Amphibia is a VERY efficient work. It crams a LOT into its run times. It's part of why the episodes are so satisfying because they actually manage to tell complete stories with morals, sometimes their own A and B plots in an 11 minute segment and actually move the characters forward a full step within the span of that time. It does this while also being hilarious and action packed, much more than TOH or, honestly, a lot of cartoons. Not every episode segment counts for this but ESPECIALLY the important ones do and The Core and the King should be taught in classes for how to get across a character's motivations and backstory in a nuanced, breezy way while also being DENSE. AS. FUCK.
In eleven minutes, we get a clear idea of the utopia that Andrias used to live in, the cost of that utopia, the pressures upon him as a prince, how deep his relationships are with two other characters, Lief gets some genuinely good characterization that helps explain her choice, a logical progression of events that matches with the sillier side of Andrias we know of, an escalation and then a climax. We can VERY clearly see what Andrias lost, what he is trying to get back, and why he would want it back on multiple levels, both societal, familial and even personal, that will motivate into being a MONSTER for a thousand years. All while still being a lot of fun and having some really great jokes. It introduces so many elements but it never feels bogged down by any of this. Instead, it chose the PERFECT moment to get across everything it needed to and left very few questions that you as an audience couldn't figure out yourselves. This also all while being explicit about much of the motivation and what not instead of relying on background details.
Which TOH can't claim for Belos. In Elsewhere Elsewhen, we see that Philip hates witches, that his journal is unreliable and that he has ALWAYS been an asshole and a manipulator. That's befitting who he will be but doesn't actually tell us jack shit. It also includes I guess how he met the Collector but that's moving plot, not expanding on your villain. Because the journal is unreliable, it tells us very little to nothing about him except for some reason he donated his journal to the people he fucking despised. Then Hollow Mind shows how he came to power... But not who he is. Not his motivation, what he actually wants to accomplish besides murder, etc. like that. The paintings in the background tell you far more just by being far more suggestive of what he's been through.
TOH is fucking awful when it comes to density. Most episodes, not even just Belos, have the problem of only taking half steps. Each of Belos' parts are those half steps. Revealing only one or two elements when it easily could have shown more to be more satisfying. As an example: Amphibia has a GREAT episode between Ivy and her mom about rebellion, the consequences of fighting what your parent wants for you, why they might do the things they do, etc. like that. In 11 minutes, we get a genuinely complex relationship between Ivy and her mom who haven't had much talk about each other or their relationship up until now. Meanwhile, TOH decides to focus on Luz being expelled for the episode about Amity and Odalia, meaning Amity is in like... Three, maybe five minutes of that episode? A full minute of that being the intro to the episode where she's just showing off the abomaton?
Because it isn't actually focused on Amity, the relationship between Amity and Odalia isn't actually explored. Because they can't explore that, they also need to now make Odalia cartoonishly villainous so as to fit the fact that Luz also spends very little time with her due to making the conflict be about Hexside so we have to waste some time with a stock standard montage of Luz, Willow and Gus trying to get back in. And by the end, what is the resolution between Amity and Odalia? "Get in my way again and I will kick your fucking ass."
Much deep. Very brave.
There's TONS of stuff like this where Amphibia is genuinely the work trying to do more interesting, more meaningful and deeper things than TOH and managing to do it in literally half the time. If not even less. That breakneck pace is part of what makes Amphibia feel like a kids show but it's also what makes it just more enjoyable to watch.
Which actually makes TOH fit in better with our current era of streaming television. TOH is constantly baiting you for the payoffs it promises. It keeps swearing that its elements are deeper than they appear so make sure to tune in next week because this SURELY can't be all there is to, right?
Unfortunately, that is all there is to it. And once you realize that and look at the show with that sort of lens, it starts falling apart. It's part of why TOH should be thankful it was shortened. It lets people more easily claim that it just needed another season. Another fourteen episodes. That TOTALLY would have solved all the problems with episodes that happened even before the shortening.
That is extremely rarely how this works everyone. Sorry.
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jeons-catalyst · 9 days
The main thing here is we talk about these two ships as if there's something to compare here just because they're both technically the 'big' ships in BTS but the truth is there is not a single thing that taekook have done in 12 years that is something friends wouldn't do together. Sharing cars, hanging out together, visiting each other, joking around with each other, asking for help with music, posting eo on social media - like what do you guys do with your friends if not this? Vmin are out here wearing matching items, having crazy skinship, Jimin has Tae's dad's number and is apparently friendly with his family, Tae posts sappy posts with Jimin (hands together I only have you...jesus), when Tae is distressed in a group setting the one he reaches out to is Jimin - but somehow none of us think they're together right? Taekook is just held together by mistranslations, unverifiable stories and the wishes of fans who want to see two hot guys together. Why else is shipping such a thing in the kpop community? Its not because all these people love supporting their fave idols dating and being in happy relationships because that's not the reaction when their actual dating "scandals" break out.
And this is the same standard I hold for jikook which is why I will not say with complete certainty that jikook are together either. Cooking for the other person after a concert, being inordinately excited to see the other online, having cheesy sayings like you are me I am you, spending hours watching the others content, constantly doing projects together like collabs or the travel show, always being stuck together backstage or hanging out in each others rooms all the time, having a million inside jokes, paying them extra attention because they're your favourite person, spending each others birthdays together, making Tiktok comments on the others videos, even enlisting together - theyre very sweet! But still things I'd do with my friend (except enlisting, doing collabs etc)
The thing about jikook - the things that really make me pause is those odd out of place things that happen sometimes and I can ignore a few things here and there but in cumulation - yeah I side eye them sometimes. It just pulls me out sometimes and makes me second guess their friendship. The hickey - that was a weird thing. The rose bowl thing - let's write it off by saying Jimin and Jungkook do bite their friends sometimes even though this seemed distinctly off. GCF Tokyo - I dunno JK has made so many gcfs post Tokyo and yet that intimate atmosphere from gcft is just...a little too romantic for me (I'm ignoring the whole it was a birthday present paid for by JK aspect of it because technically I guess you could pay for your friend but...). Jimin's roundtrip back to Korea just to be there for JK's birthday - ok we know Jimin is not averse to taking international trips just to support his friends but doing that in between his hectic holiday schedule with a trip before and after JK's birthday is so.... JK's thirst trap birthday greeting - nah sorry this was again really odd to me and it's strange that nobody in the fandom clocks this as odd - JK could drop a thousand thirst traps every day if he wanted, to specifically do so in a birthday greeting to Jimin - for what?? What was that? And this is super controversial even among jikookers but JK's tattoo - the idea that JK (who btw always calls himself JK) managed to put his initial above the M on his ring finger as if his entire rest of his hand does not exist and it never ever occurred to him that hey that looks a lot like JM which omg coincidence is also the initials my bandmate and good friend Jimin is known for and not me - I mean if it wasn't deliberate then that would really make me question JK's visual intelligence (and nobody say mijoo to me because that J isn't under M either)
And one of these things being off is fine - like who knows what context we're missing. Maybe their physical and emotional boundaries are so different from mine. But all of these things + all the other smaller things we ignore all the time - again I'm not saying they're together. I'm just saying I can see why some people including me do a double take after seeing all this. There's no other "ship" in BTS that has this history of consistent wtf-ery happening in the background over so many years. The rest of them all have a very special and intimate friendship with each other. And Jimin and Jungkook are...Jimin and Jungkook whatever that entails
Anon, i literally don’t have anything to add because you have literally said it all.
In all the years of BTS being together as a group, i honestly cannot say there is a single thing i have seen taekook do for or with each other which made me do double take especially when you understand their dynamic. Everything they do and have done is what friends do with each other and what they do with other friends as well and for people who don’t see this, i really wonder what kind of friendships they have in their lives and what they do with their friends.
Jikook on the other hand is a whole mystery. Those two are sus through and through and even when they are not trying to be, they are still sus. Their consistency and exclusivity is what does it for me and just like you, i cannot swear that they are together but they sure do have an interesting relationship.
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a/n: this one was fuuuun. this is the kind of extra wag i would be so i loved coming up with the little ideas lol. and yes, the photo in the cover is one i took at josh bailey’s 1000th game ceremony 😌 also, happy birthday to the big boy! legit can’t believe i got this done in time, but that’s what happens when it’s a cold and miserable rainy saturday in new york lol
word count: 8.1k 😅
tw: two smut scenes
summary: it’s andrei’s 1000th game and ceremony!
You let your fingertips trace lightly over the back of Andrei’s neck. His face is mashed into the pillow, cheek pressed flat, and a low hum is drawn from his throat. It’s still early, before either of your alarms are set to go off, but you couldn’t sleep very well. With cranky kids and the anticipation of today, you managed a few hours of tossing and turning before finally giving up.
“Solnyshka?” Andrei mumbles your nickname and your fingers still. You hadn’t really wanted to wake him up.
“Go back to sleep,” you whisper, pulling your hand back to your body.
He hums again and rolls onto his side, blinking warm brown eyes at you as he wakes up a little more. “Wasn’t asleep,” he says, a yawn cutting through his words and proving his lie.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to wake you,” you apologize, still propped up on your elbow.
Andrei squints at the alarm clock over your shoulder - the clock blinks 4:30 in red numbers - and shrugs with the shoulder not pressed into the mattress. “I think the crack of dawn is the only time we get to be alone anymore,” he laughs, reaching for you and pulling you into his arms.
You snuggle against his broad chest, brushing your nose against his collarbone. After a few moments of silence, you murmur, “big day today.”
“Mhm,” Andrei hums against your hair.
“A thousand games,” you continue, completely awed by your husband. “That’s, Drei, that’s so amazing.”
“It doesn’t feel real,” he admits, chuckling a bit. “It feels like another game day.”
At the end of the day, it really is just another game, but it’s also a cumulation of all the hard work Andrei’s put in over the last fifteen years. Not many players make it to a thousand games and you’re indescribably proud of Andrei for reaching the milestone.
You tangle your legs with his. “It’s a big day though. Even if the ceremony isn’t until this weekend.”
Even though his thousandth game is a Monday night home game, it was worked out that the ceremony would be on Saturday, since that game is an afternoon one - making it so much easier to bring the girls to the game. Only Evie, at six, would be able to handle the 7:30 ceremony start time and even she could be questionable, depending on the mood she comes home from school in. No, it’s so much easier to corral three girls in the middle of the afternoon.
“I’m glad you and Mama and Papa are coming tonight though,” he says, twisting your hair in his fingers. Your parents are coming over to watch the girls, that way you can join Andrei’s parents at the game. It works out for everyone - the girls get time with their grandparents and you get a child-free night to drink a cocktail and enjoy watching your husband play. Elena and Igor have been in town for a week and are staying for another two, that way they can be there for the ceremony and to spend time with the girls too.
“I don’t know who’s going to cry more tonight, me or your mom,” you tease, knowing Elena will probably take top prize. She’s been watching Andrei live his childhood dream for longer than you have.
Andrei laughs lowly and lets his hands roam over your back. You can tell he’s getting introspective, thinking about his career to this point, and you kiss his sternum. Your hand slides up under the hem of his shirt - the days of sleeping naked are long over for you both, with the oldest two girls constantly getting out of their beds to crash in yours. His skin is warm under your touch and Andrei sighs, his stomach contracting as your fingers dance over the ridged muscles.
“I’m so proud of you,” you murmur, throwing your leg over his hip and rolling Andrei onto his back. His erection is hot and hard against your thigh and you grin down at him. “One thousand games,” you says, wiggling your eyebrows, “your stamina is impressive, Mister Svechnikov.”
His grin is all teeth and dimples. “I’ll show you stamina,” he says, gripping your hips hard enough to leave marks. He pulls you forward so you rub over his cock and you gasp at the contact, even though the layers of his boxer-briefs and your panties. You lean down, one hand braced next to his head, and kiss him deeply, rolling your hips over his.
Andrei bites your lower lip gently, sucking it into his mouth. One of his hands slides under your oversized shirt, his fingers playing at the edges of your panties, brushing sensitive skin. “Drei,” you gasp his name when his fingers disappear under the damp fabric, sliding against your skin. His thumb finds your clit and he presses down, surging up to capture your moan with his mouth.
“I was supposed to take care of you,” you mutter, clenching around Andrei’s fingers. “We’re celebrating your achievement.”
He laughs. “Maybe this is how I want to celebrate, solnyshka.”
You grind down on him and he groans, involuntarily bucking his hips up into yours.
“Mama?” A little voice breaks through the fuzz in your brain and you yelp, rolling off of Andrei with a painful tweak of your hip. His hand is still halfway caught in your panties and he mutters a string of Russian curses.
You lift your head and there’s Alina, backlit by the light from the hallway, clutching her stuffed puppy by the ears. Her eyes are wide in her face and she looks near tears.
“Alya, what happened?” You ask, trying to keep your tone soothing even as your heart is pounding out of your chest.
Your four-year-old rubs at her eyes and her lower lip wobbles, “I had a bad dream.”
Andrei looks over at you, holding his breath a little. He closes his eyes and it looks like he’s trying to do extremely complex math in his head. You sigh. “Baby, it was just a dream and it’s early, why don’t you go back to bed?”
“Can I sleep with you and Daddy?” She asks, eyes welling with tears. She chews on one of the dog’s ears and you melt.
“Come on up, Alya,” Andrei sighs and you really wish you hadn’t gotten as far as you did before Alina interrupted. She comes running for the bed and flings her little body at the mattress, needing Andrei’s help to climb on completely. She clambers over his body and tucks herself against your side.
You cuddle her close and she twists her little fingers in your shirt. Over her head, you catch Andrei’s eye and mouth, “to be continued.”
He grins and whispers, “I’m holding you to that.”
Alina falls back asleep quickly, ending up horizontal with her feet in Andrei’s side and her head on your chest. You stroke her hair off her face and close your own eyes. The next time you wake up, it’s to the buzzing of your 6 a.m. alarm. Andrei’s getting up too, sitting up and stretching his arms over his head.
“Glad we went for the California King,” you comment, tucking the sheet around Alina’s starfished form. Andrei settles her stuffed dog within arm’s reach.
“For such a little thing, she takes up so much room,” he laughs, greeting you with a kiss. “Good morning.”
“For the second time,” you laugh. “You ready for the day?”
“It’s just a game, solnyshka,” he repeats his earlier refrain, but you can see the extra spark in his eyes. He tangles his hand in your hair and pulls your head back gently to kiss you.
You blink a little when he pulls back, resting your hands on his hips. “You’re allowed to be excited, Drei. You’re allowed to think it’s a big deal,” you say. “To get here, after the pandemic seasons, after your ACL, this is such an achievement.”
He sighs. “I know,” his forehead furrows. “I think it’s just…so much of hockey is behind me now. Not that much left in front of me.”
This is his hockey mid-life crisis.
“Drei, baby, you still have so much time left to play,” you smooth your hands through his hair. “I bet you have another seven, eight years of playing.”
He drops his forehead to yours. “Thank you, solnyshka. I’ll get excited, I just need to start the day.”
“Well, you can go handle Evie wake-up then,” you smile. “She’ll put you in a good mood.”
Andrei beams and bounces off out of the room. He and Evie have the exact same personality and you know that by the time you get ready and get Kira up, father and daughter will have already had each other in spasms of laughter and Andrei will be less in his head. You leave Alina sleeping and change quickly into jeans and a sweater. You’ve found that you get so much more done when you put on real clothes.
“Good morning, my little chickadee,” you coo, spotting Kira standing up in her crib.
The eighteen-month-old gives you a big toothy smile and shouts, “mama!” while making grabby-hands at you. Her hair, blonde fuzz at birth and turning darker by the day, is sticking out all over the place. You lift her onto your hip, pressing kisses all over her face, making her laugh.
“You woke up on the right side of the crib today, huh?” You laugh, making quick work of her diaper and dressing her in a little lounge set. You smooth down her hair and use a little bow to keep it in place.
“See Dada!” She grins and you shake your head. Of course.
You pull a face at your youngest. “You want to see Dada? Everyone wants to see Dada today.”
Evie’s bedroom door is open and you poke your head inside, but her bed is empty. There’s noise coming from the kitchen and you follow the sounds, walking in on Andrei and Evie making eggs. Andrei has Evie standing on a step stool and he’s guiding her hand while the scrambled eggs cook. Evie’s dancing on the stool, wiggling her little body along to a tune only she knows. “Hey, remember, we have to be careful when cooking, right?” Andrei reminds her, tapping her shoulder so she can focus.
“Dada!” Kira shrieks, drawing Evie and Andrei’s attention. Andrei’s smile widens and Evie jumps down from the stool to rush over and squish Kira’s cheeks in between her hands.
“Hiiii Kira,” she singsongs, brown eyes dancing when her baby sister giggles. You grin at the sight and set Kira on her feet. Evie plops down on the floor to entertain her sister and you take the opportunity to take over the egg making from Andrei.
He kisses your cheek, “I’ll be right back. Going to get ready.”
“Don’t wake the bear,” you warn, knowing Alina will be a holy terror if she doesn’t get enough sleep. Andrei salutes you, smirking, well aware of the perils of waking your middle daughter.
You finish the eggs, doling them out on plates for everyone and add toast and fruit to the girls’ plates before starting a protein shake for Andrei. “Okay, little misses, breakfast,” you announce, setting the plates on the table. Evie climbs into her seat and digs in, Kira slower behind.
With her mouth full of partially chewed food, Evie asks, “Mama, can I stay home from school and play with the sissies?”
“Chew, please,” you remind her, putting Kira in the highchair and giving her a strip of toast. “And no. You have to go to school, but remember Nana and Pop are going to be here when you get home.”
“Oh right!” She bounces in her seat, messy blonde hair flying everywhere. Where this kid gets so much energy at seven in the morning, well, you know it comes from Andrei, but you wish you could bottle it. “How come they’re gonna be here? It’s Monday.”
You scrape at the frying pan. “Remember today is a special day for Daddy, he’s played one thousand hockey games.”
Evie’s eyes go comically wide. “That’s a lotta hockey,” she says seriously.
“It is a lot of hockey,” you agree. “So I’m going to the game to cheer him on.”
You conveniently leave out the fact that Elena and Igor are coming too, because if Evie gets wind of the fact that Andrei’s parents are going, she’ll absolutely insist on coming. You love how much the girls love their grandparents, but tonight is not the night for wrangling children.
“Can we watch Daddy play on the TV?” She asks, propping her chin in her hand.
“Sure can,” you nod, putting the frying pan back in the cabinet. “But you have to go to bed when Nana and Pop say so.”
Kira drops a handful of egg on the floor and you sort of wish you had a dog to hoover it up, but three kids and a dog, when Andrei’s out of town half the time? No way in hell was that happening. Instead, you wipe up the eggs and point at Evie, “please go get dressed okay? And do not wake up your sister.”
Evie nods and shoves another strawberry in her mouth, running off upstairs while you shout after her to chew. You look at Kira, with her strawberry covered face and toothy grin, and wrinkle your nose at her, “today is a crazy day, huh, chickadee?”
“Kay-zee!” Kira chirps, mimicking you.
You get her cleaned up and by then, Andrei’s back downstairs with Evie clinging to his back and Alina wrapped like a koala around his leg. He grins at you, clearly thrilled by the chaos. “Alya has decided that she’s going to drive Evie to school today,” he informs you.
“Oh, is that right?” You raise an eyebrow down at your middle daughter. “When did you get a driver’s license?”
Alina, the cheeky little child, pipes up, “I don’t even need one ‘cause I’m fast like a runner and I can drive better than Daddy.”
Her explanation makes zero sense, but then again, half of what she says is insanity, so you just nod. “How about you have some breakfast and then you can take Evie to school?”
“Is it oatmeal?” Alina unhooks from Andrei’s leg and scampers to the table, peeking over the top.
“Yes, it’s oatmeal,” you reply, grabbing her under the armpits and swooping her up onto the chair. Alina’s on an oatmeal kick. It’s all she wants to eat and you’re tired of coming up with different way to doctor it up so she’s getting nutrients. Andrei had the genius idea of pureeing beets into it for dinner the other night and calling it Barbie oatmeal. Alone ate it up, literally and figuratively.
Andrei sucks back his protein shake, listening intently as Evie tells him all about her playground drama. She tells the story with her whole body, hands flying in the air, facial expressions exaggerated. Andrei provides the appropriate reactions too, gasping in shock when he’s supposed to. “Okay,” he cuts in apologetically, “finish the story on the road, zaychik. You’re going to be late.”
“I’m coming too!” Alina shrieks from the table, still dressed in her pajamas. Andrei laughs and gathers her up in his arms.
“Of course, we can’t go anywhere without the driver,” he kisses her forehead and ushers both girls out of the house, all three of them shouting good-bye to you.
Once the door closes behind them, the silence is deafening. You blink and lean against the counter, always a little dazed after the morning routine. Kira sighs in her highchair and pouts, “sissers?”
“Yeah,” you laugh, “your sisters are gone for now. But they’ll be back, don’t you worry.”
Andrei returns an hour later with Alina in his arms and a carry-out tray of coffees. Alina nibbles happily on a cake pop and you shoot Andrei a look.
“It was this or have her keep screaming bloody murder in the middle of Starbucks,” he mutters, setting her down on the couch. “I chose sugar.”
“Wise man,” you say, taking your coffee from the holder and sucking back a huge sip. “Oh yeah, that’s the stuff.”
Andrei works on his own coffee - an iced white chocolate mocha - even as you tease him for his sweet tooth. He’s nonplussed, used to the ribbing from the boys. Once you’re both caffeinated, you split the morning tasks, Andrei taking the kitchen and keeping a vague eye on Alina and Kira in the living room, and you heading upstairs to make bed and clean up the clothes that have been left out.
You meet back up in the kitchen with the house a little tidier than before. “Morning skate is 11:45 today,” Andrei says, reading from a text. “So I should be home around 1:30?”
“Perfect, just in time to nap with the zoo animals and eat dinner,” you lean up to kiss him quickly. “Any special requests for dinner?”
Andrei shrugs, “whatever you’re making is fine. I’m not picky.” A slow, lazy smile curls at his lips, “I do know what I want for dessert though.”
“I’ll make something special,” you decide, ignoring the heat in your cheeks and the rush of want in your stomach. You’re still thinking about the denied orgasm from this morning.
“Daddy!” Alina shouts. “Come watch Bluey with me.”
“Duty calls,” you giggle, watching Andrei head into the living room. He sits on the couch and Alina and Kira are immediately draped over his lap. Alina has her little water bottle in one hand and her leg kicked up in the air, singing along to the Bluey theme song and Kira has her thumb planted in her mouth. Your heart melts when you see Andrei gently dislodge her thumb, holding her little hand with his so she can’t try and suck her thumb again.
Eventually, he has to get up, apologizing to the girls for having to leave. They pout and cry and reach for him and you can see Andrei’s heart break at having to go to work. You distract them with crayons as best as you can and pull them into hugs and a silly dance when he leaves.
Luckily, twenty minutes after Andrei leaves, Elena and Igor are at the door. Babushka and dedushka are the perfect distraction for when the girls miss Daddy.
“Baba! Dedu!” Alina shrieks, flinging her body into Igor’s knees. He laughs and lifts her onto his hip, kissing her cheek. “Come watch Bluey with me!”
Elena smothers Kira in kisses and you thank God that they’re laughing again, not crying. “That is the little dog, yes?” She asks Alina, shooting you a little wink.
“Yes! Bluey and Bingo are puppies,” Alina informs her grandmother very seriously. “And they’re sisters like me an’ Evie an’ Kira. And like Daddy and Uncle Geno!”
“Daddy and Uncle Geno are brothers,” you correct Alina, laughing.
“No, they’re sisters like me!” She pouts stubbornly.
It’s useless to try and fight with her, so you just nod and get the girls set up with Bluey. The screen time isn’t your favorite, but needs must. Once they’re distracted, you grin widely and turn to Elena. “I am so glad you guys are here. We have like an hour and half before Drei gets back from morning skate. I have a banner ready to be hung up, balloons in the garage, a cake in the downstairs fridge, and my parents should be here within the hour with Evie.”
You have a whole little surprise party planned for when Andrei gets back from morning skate and you’re so excited to pull it all together. Andrei’s parents jump in to help, decorating the open plan of the living room and kitchen and setting Kira and Alina up with crayons and construction paper to make cards.
“How do you spell bestest daddy in the whole world?” Alina asks, printing her name in big letters under a crayon drawing of Andrei and Stormy the pig. Elena sits down in one of the child-sized chairs and suggests that she help Alina write out her message. You four-year-old concedes the crayon to her grandmother with a benevolent sigh.
The house is mostly decorated when the front door bangs open and Evie rushes inside, her princess backpack bouncing against her back. “Mama!” she shouts, breathless. “Did you know Nana and Pop took me outta school early?”
Her eyes widen as she takes in the decorations and Andrei’s parents. You wait, totally delighted by the shock on her face.
“Oh my gosh! Baba and Dedu are here too?” She yelps, bouncing on the balls of her feet. “This is the BEST DAY EVER!”
Evie discards her backpack, jacket, and sneakers in a heap and throws herself into Elena’s arms for a hug. She kisses her cheek and snuggles up before whipping her head over to look at you, “wait, Mama, does Daddy know that EVERYONE is here? Because he didn’t say a single word!”
“Daddy doesn’t know,” you grin, picking up her backpack. “It’s a surprise for his special game, so why don’t you take your sisters upstairs and put on the shirts that are on your beds? Then you can come back and make Daddy a card.”
“Oh, I’m gonna make the best card ever!” She leaps off Elena’s lap and grabs Kira under the armpits, hauling her to her feet, much to the toddler’s protests. “Come on, Kiry, Mommy said to go change.”
“No!” Kira shrieks and your mom cuts in to hoist Kira onto her hip and usher Evie and Alina from the room, saying, “let’s not get your sister upset before your dad comes home. How about we practice our surprise faces!”
You look around at the adults and sigh, “seriously, thank you all so much for your help. I don’t think I could’ve wrangled them all on my own and get this set up.”
“We’re just so excited to celebrate Andrei,” Elena claps her hands together. “This is such a big moment for him.”
“He’s going to be so surprised,” you giggle just thinking about his reaction. “Oh, I wish he’d get home now.”
It’ll be at least another twenty or thirty minutes before he’s home, so once the girls are back downstairs in their matching shirts (red, with black wording proclaiming “Daddy’s 1000th Game!” with the date underneath and Svechnikov scrawled across the backs- an Etsy purchase you were extremely thrilled with), you set them to finishing their cards and drawings. Now that everything’s calmed down a bit, you inscribe your own message on the card you had also special ordered from Etsy (a cartoon-ish drawing of Andrei from the back with the Canes’ logo and a prominent 1,000 across the top).
Andrei texts that he’s on the way and you grin, “okay, be ready! Should we hide? No that’s silly. Just, we’ll all be in the living room with the balloons. That’s perfect.”
Evie and Alina are vibrating with excitement and Kira is in your dad’s arms, very ready for her nap. You just hope she’ll hold out for the surprise.
You’re checking Find My Friends, and once you spot Andrei’s little dot pulling into the driveway, you usher everyone into place. “Okay, girls, remember when Daddy comes in, we’re all going to shout ‘congratulations’.” You nod at them and they nod back, understanding the assignment.
The excitement builds and you’re ready to burst when Andrei finally gets through the door and shouts, “solnyshka, I’m back!”
You press your finger to your lips at the girls and then call out, “I’m in the living room, Drei!”
The second Andrei is in sight, you all shout, “CONGRATULATIONS!” and he rears back a step or two, clearly surprised. The girls rush him, grabbing at his legs and he rests his hands on their heads, trying to get oriented. Your heart skips when he takes in the banner pinned to the wall - CONGRATULATIONS ON 1000 ANDREI - and the gold mylar balloons, a one, three zeros, and a capital K, floating underneath.
“I…what?” He’s speechless.
“Daddy, you played so much hockey!” Evie yelps, tugging at his jacket sleeve. “Mama said we get to celebrate you!”
“I maded a picture!” Alina shoves the construction paper in his face and Andrei laughs.
“This is…I’m overwhelmed, solnyshka,” he says, giant grin on his face. He’s hefted both girls into his arms and they wrap their little arms around his neck in hugs.
You dance over to him and lean up to kiss him softly. “Are you surprised?” You beam and he nods.
He kisses his mother and your mother hello and somehow ends up with Kira in his arms too. That reminds you, before she ends up conking out for a nap, you want to get a picture. You hand your phone to Elena and pose with Andrei and the girls under the banner. You give each girl a zero balloon and Andrei takes the one, leaving you with the K. “Say one thousand!”
The girls chorus as best they can, smiling for the camera.
Looking at the pictures, you can see just how much each girl looks like Andrei. The four of them have matching brown eyes, all used to varying success when trying to manipulate you into doing something. Evie looks the most like Andrei, but Alina has his nose and the mischievous twinkle in her eyes. Kira has his smile - dimple and all - which means you love that she’s such a happy kid. It used to drive you crazy, how little they looked like you, but now you just love having your mini-Andrei clones.
Kira’s nodding off in Andrei’s arms and you send him off for his pre-game nap. The two older girls follow along like ducklings and you know they’ll all climb into bed with him and snuggle until you wake them up. He kisses you on his way upstairs, murmuring, “I can’t believe you did all this.”
“We love you,” you reply simply.
After an hour or so, once you’re done making an early dinner for Andrei, you head upstairs to wake him up so he can get ready. As you thought, the girls are all nestled in bed with him, looking sweet and peaceful while they sleep. You snap a quick picture and thread your fingers through Andrei’s hair to wake him up.
“Hey Sleeping Beauty,” you whisper. “Time for you to get ready for the main event.”
He chuckles and rolls onto his side to look at you. “You’re amazing,” he whispers back. “My parents, the decorations, the matching shirts. It’s a lot.”
“More where that came from,” you wiggle your eyebrows and step over to your dresser, pulling out a small wrapped box. “A little gift,” you say, placing it on the mattress next to his hand.
Being careful not to wake the girls, Andrei shifts so he’s sitting up and carefully unwraps the gift. A pair of silver cuff links glint up at him, engraved with the Canes logo and a little 1K on one and the date on the other. Andrei smiles slowly as he takes them in and swallows back emotion. “Thank you, solnyshka,” he murmurs, cupping your face in one hand. “I love them.” He brings your face to his and kisses you deeply.
“Wear them tonight for luck,” you murmur against his lips, your forehead resting against his.
PNC is louder than you’ve ever heard it when you get there later. There’s a buzz in their air and you decide to take a lap of the concourse while Elena and Igor go to the seats. There’s more Svechnikov jerseys being worn than you’ve ever seen and everyone seems to be talking about Andrei’s milestone. You’re sure you look crazy, wandering around with a smile on your face, but you’re so proud of him and everything he’s accomplished. A few fans recognize you from social media and stop to say hi and ask you to congratulate Andrei for them.
That’s one of the things you’ve loved over the years being with Andrei and living in Raleigh - the fans are incredible and most of them are so polite and friendly. It feels like you’re celebrating Andrei with thousands of your friends.
Just before warmups start, you shoot Andrei your usual pre-game text and include a selfie, blowing him a kiss.
He sends back a selfie where he’s doing a thumbs-up in full gear, Pyotr and Sebastian photobombing in the background. The picture makes you laugh and you join Elena and Igor at your seats.
The three of you are decked out in Canes gear - matching Svechnikov jerseys included. Elena’s is bedazzled and she keeps catching the light from the overheads. “One thousand games,” she says, already looking a little teary. “From when he was a little boy and the stick was nearly bigger than he was, to all this.” She waves her hand in a vague gesture encompassing the inside of the arena.
Igor rubs her shoulder, smiling. “It’s been a ride, hasn’t it?”
You’re getting emotional now too and wipe carefully at your eyes when the guys start onto the ice for warmups. You spot Andrei immediately, even though, as a tribute, all the guys are wearing Svechnikov 37 jerseys. You laugh, not realizing that the team was going to do that. You’re sure Andrei is embarrassed as hell, but you take plenty of pictures, warmth settling in your stomach. Andrei tosses pucks over the glass to some of the kids gathered and waves to the crowd. His smile is evident even from a distance.
Andrei is in the starting line and the crowd erupts when he’s announced. You and Elena simultaneously reach for each other’s hands, screaming and cheering his name. The puck drops and Andrei’s officially off, playing in his one thousandth NHL game.
The game itself is nothing out of the ordinary - a Canes win, with Andrei picking up points for a goal and an assist. He’s named the first star of the game and you’re pretty sure you scream yourself hoarse cheering for him.
By the time all the fun is done, Elena and Igor head back to their hotel and you head home to relieve your parents and wait for Andrei. The girls are long passed out, Evie and Alina snuggled together in the guest bed. You’re curious as to how that happened, but if they stay asleep, you don’t really care.
“They were so cute,” your mom says, showing you a video of the two oldest girls cheering in front of the TV. “Evie kept saying how her dad’s the best hockey player of all time.”
You snort a laugh, “I think Wayne Gretzky might have something to say about that, but yeah. we’re pretty fond of number thirty seven in this house.”
“Neither one made it past the half-way point of the first,” your dad adds. “I think it may have been the sugar crash.”
“Yeah, I noticed that there’s very little cake left,” you reply, shooting both your parents a side-eye. “Thanks for that.”
They shrug, non-repentant grandparents spoiling the grandkids, and you thank them for babysitting, kissing them good-bye. Andrei should be home in a little bit, so you tidy up and change into something else - the red and black lingerie set purchased specifically for this occasion - and settle on the couch to scroll social media until he comes home.
You hear the car pull into the driveway and bounce up, kneeling on the couch and looking over the back of it towards the door. A few minutes later, Andrei comes inside quietly, not wanting to wake the girls. You hop off the couch and rush to him, jumping into his arms and wrapping your legs around his waist. He catches you easily and huffs in surprise.
“I am so proud of you,” you whisper in between short kisses. Your hands cradle his face and your thumbs stroke his cheekbones. “Did you hear how crazy the arena was? That’s all for you.”
“It was exciting,” he admits, grinning. “But, uh, I like this better.” His hand palms your ass, fingers catching on the lace.
“Good,” you murmur, kissing his jaw. “I was hoping you would.”
“Can I take it off of you now?” He asks, very politely, even though his eyes are more pupil than iris and his fingers are slipping under the hem of the lace.
You nod, giggling when he practically runs up the stairs to your room. He sets you on the bed gently and leans one knee on the edge of the mattress, grabbing hold of your ankles and pulling you towards him. His hands are warm and rough over your skin and it would be embarrassing how wet you are for him if you hadn’t been married to him for so many years and he wasn’t so handsome.
“This was the best day, solnyshka,” he murmurs, lifting one leg so he can kiss the inside of your ankle. You shiver at the caress of his hot breath on your skin.
“I’m glad,” you sigh, cutting off into a little whine when Andrei lets go of your leg to take off his suit jacket and toss it to the floor. The cuff links glint in the dim lighting and it’s practically Pavlovian how you react to the clinking of Andrei undoing his belt buckle.
He looms over you, belt undone and fly of his pants open. You reach up and grab at his tie, yanking his face down to yours so you can kiss him, your other hand tangling in his hair. Andrei traces his tongue over your lower lip, smoothing his hand over your hip and trailing his fingers to the front of your panties, pressing against damp fabric hard enough to have your hips bucking involuntarily.
You gasp, breaking the kiss. “I’m hoping the girls stay asleep,” you laugh, breathless, “but I don’t know if we’ll be able to make tonight a long one.”
“That’s fine,” Andrei laughs, carefully undoing the cuff links and his watch and setting them on his night table. He rolls up the sleeves of his button down and you stare at the prominent veins on his forearms. “I’ve been waiting to get my dick into you all day, ever since this morning. I can’t wait much longer.”
Your legs fall open and Andrei grins. “I don’t think I can wait too much longer either,” you confess, arching your back when Andrei pulls you closer and hooks your ankles at his shoulders. He’s kneeling a bit and his mouth is on you immediately, tongue flattening over you through lace. “Ohhh fuck, Drei!” you yelp, instinctively clenching your thighs together.
He chuckles and keeps your legs spread, holding your ass with one hand and pushing aside the lace with the other. “Solnyshka, you promised me dessert,” he brushes his nose against the juncture of your thighs. “I’m starving.”
“I…oh, god, right there,” your hands fist the sheets, heels scrabbling against Andrei’s shoulders while he gets to work. He licks and sucks, heat and desire pooling low in your stomach. His nose bumps against your clit and you have to clap a hand over your mouth to muffle your scream.
“Too bad we’re not alone,” he murmurs, scrapping. his teeth and stubble over your heated flesh. “I want to hear you scream my name.”
“Next time -“ you break off into a muffle moan when he clamps his lips around your clit and sucks, once, hard, your vision briefly going white when you come. “Fuck,” you mumble, boneless.
Andrei’s head pops up from in between your legs, the lower half of his face wet and shining. He’s got that mischievous twinkle in his eyes and he kisses the inside of your knee. “That’s one,” he says.
“One?” you murmur, registering that he’s releasing your legs and discarding his tie and button down.
“Mhm,” he hums, grasping himself through the fabric of his boxer-briefs and stroking a few times. “If the rest of the day was about celebrating me, tonight is about celebrating you. I couldn’t have made it a thousand games without you by my side for over six hundred of them.”
His face is soft, boyish, when he says it, love for you written all over his features.
You giggle a little, “has it really been that many games?”
Andrei lies down on the mattress next to you and your hand comes up to trace the angles of his collarbone. He shivers a little under your light touch. “Doesn’t feel like it, right?” He asks, pulling you closer and kissing you sweetly.
“Time really flew,” you sigh, swinging a leg over Andrei’s hip and pushing at the waistband of his suit pants and underwear. “One thousand games, ten years, and three kids,” you smile down at him, wrapping your hands around his cock and pulling it out so it curves up towards his stomach. “How did we get so lucky?”
“Because you’re the rock,” he says, tangling his fingers in the lace at your waist. He tugs, not gently, and it rips, baring you to him.
“Hey!” You laugh, faux-indignant, “I liked those.”
“I’ll buy you more,” he promises, lifting you by the hips and guiding you so you’re hovering over him. You brace your hands on his chest and nod and he settles you down. You sink onto him until he’s fully inside of you and it’s the best feeling. You roll your hips slightly and Andrei groans. “Right there, solnyshka.”
Neither one of you talks while you settle into a rhythm, just enjoying the feeling of each other’s bodies. Andrei brushes his fingers against your clit, beads of sweat gathering at your hairline while your thighs tremble from riding him. He rolls you onto your back and kisses your neck, thrusting into you. With the change in position, you wrap your legs around his waist, digging your heels into the hard muscle of his ass. The chain around his neck sways as he thrusts, bumping against your chin.
Your nails dig into his back, scratching his skin and Andrei grunts, sucking a mark behind your ear. “Moya koroleva,” he mumbles. “Love of my life, come for me. I want to see you fall apart.”
Starbursts blink in your vision and Andrei slips one hand between your bodies, his fingers slipping over the swollen bud of your clit. You cry out and Andrei muffles the sound with a kiss, pumping into you twice more before you’re pushed over the edge and coming around him. He keeps kissing you until he’s done filling you and then you’re both limp and splayed out on the bed. Andrei’s body is half on top of yours, his weight crushing in a good way. He kicks his legs lazily, discarding his suit pants and boxer-briefs to the floor. You huff a laugh into his neck, “I can’t believe you just fucked me with your pants on like we’re a pair of horny teenagers.”
“You said we might be interrupted,” he protests, kissing your shoulder. His teeth snag on the strap of your lingerie and he pouts. “I wanted to rip this off with my teeth.”
“Another night,” you push at his shoulder so he’ll roll off of you. You need to go pee before you get back in bed. After you clean yourself up and make your way back to bed, you find Andrei back in his boxer-briefs and under the covers. He smiles sleepily at you, that post-orgasm haze in his eyes, and opens his arms.
You climb in and tuck yourself against his side, playing with the chain around his neck. “Just think, we get to do this all over again on Saturday, you know, celebrate you,” you say around a yawn.
“Do you have another one of these little sets waiting?” Andrei teases, running a finger over the lace cup.
“You’ll just have to wait and see.” You tangle your legs with his and before you know it, you’re both asleep.
The week speeds by in a blur of travel for Andrei and child-rearing for you, until all of a sudden it’s Saturday morning and the house is happy chaos. All four grandparents arrived bright and early, bringing coffee and breakfast, so you don’t have to cook and make a mess. There’s no morning skate since it’s a noon start time, but Andrei still has to get to the arena early and he leaves while the girls are still asleep, kissing you goodbye and wishing you luck.
“Thanks a lot,” you deadpan.
“I’ll see you soon,” he winks.
The grandparents are lifesavers and help get the girls dressed - all in matching Svechnikov jerseys, little black tutus, and red cowboy boots. Evie had picked the outfits and it’s honestly the cutest thing you’ve ever seen in your life.
“Mama, do I get to make a speech?” Evie asks while you fix her hair in two little space buns on the top of her head.
You smother a laugh and reply, “no, baby. No speeches. But we get to walk out on the ice and Daddy’s going to get some presents from the team and there will be a little video.”
“Oh,” she squints at her reflection in the mirror thoughtfully. “Am I in the video?”
“No again, little bug. It’s a video about Daddy’s time playing hockey and his teammates will talk about him. Is that okay with you?” You tie off the second space bun.
Evie nods, “yeah, since Daddy plays so much hockey I think it’s okay that the video is only about him.”
“That’s very generous of you,” you pat her on the shoulder. “Now please go sit with Pop and Dedushka until it’s time to leave.”
She scampers off, tutu swishing, and you check in with the moms - yours has Kira and Andrei’s has Alina. Everything is handled there, so you take the time to get yourself ready, curling your hair and doing your makeup before getting dressed. You’re all ready to go by 10:30, which feels like a miracle. The drive to the arena is smooth and the girls are beyond excited when they get to go through the back entrance and wait outside the locker room.
Andrei, dressed in full gear, steps out and they rush him, shouting “Daddy!” He gathers them into his arms and kisses their cheeks. “You two look like supermodels,” he grins. “Did you bring me a tutu too?”
“No, Daddy!” Alina giggles. “That’s silly!”
“You’re right,” he agrees. “Are you ready to get on the ice?”
Evie nods and wriggles out of his arms to bounce in her boots. “Can we say hi to everyone?” She tries to look around Andrei into the locker room, but you snag her hand to hold her back.
“They have to get ready for the game and we have to get into our spots, okay?” You explain. “Plus we have to go get babushka and dedushka, they’re coming onto the ice with us.”
“Oh!” Evie’s eyes go wide. “Can they skate too?”
Andrei laughs a little. “There’s going to be a carpet, no one is skating, zaychik.”
“That stinks,” Evie mutters. “I’m really good at skating, I could’ve showed everybody.”
She pouts the entire way back up to the suite, until a pretzel is handed to her by your dad and she’s all smiles again. You leave your purse and everyone’s jackets with your parents and settle in to watch a little bit of warmups before you’re ushered back down to wait in the zamboni tunnel while warmups end and the carpet gets laid out.
You hold Kira on your hip and Andrei’s parents gently usher the older girls out to meet Andrei on the ice. He grins and kisses you on the cheek and then kisses Elena’s cheek. She’s already crying and the tribute hasn’t even started.
“Hi,” he whispers to you, looking like the fresh-faced 22-year-old man you fell in love with.
“Hi,” you whisper back. “Ready?”
The lights in the arena dim and you all look up at the Jumbotron as the tribute video starts to play. The girls bounce around, pointing and gasping when video of Andrei doing The Michigan plays. Rod’s on screen, talking about Andrei’s career. Pyotr speaks, grinning when he recounts the early years that Andrei served as his translator.
Elena and Igor get video spots, talking about Andrei’s love of the game even as a child. When Geno’s on screen, Andrei smiles widely and shakes his head, brushing his cheek against the shoulder of his jersey. His eyes look misty in the dim lighting.
Jordan, retired for a few years now, speaks last, “from one Canes Captain to another, we’re so proud of you, Svechy. Here’s to another thousand games.”
You sniffle a little, eyes welling up with emotion. The girls are clinging to Andrei’s hands, dancing in place and Kira is taking in all of the sights. Once the lights go back on, Brady, Sebastian, and Jarvy skate over with bouquets of flowers for you, Elena, and the girls.
“Congratulations,” Brady grins at you, handing over your flowers and Kira’s. “Svechy’s lucky to have you.”
“You’re going to make me cry,” you say with a smile, “again!”
Andrei’s gifted a silver stick - which the girls immediately start to inspect. Brady and Jarvy pull the red curtains off of a framed, team-signed jersey with 1000 instead of 37 on the back and a painting of Andrei’s Stanley Cup winning goal from two years ago.
“Daddy,” Evie tugs on his jersey, whispering, “that’s not the right number on your jersey!”
“That’s because it’s a special jersey for all the games I’ve played,” Andrei explains while ushering them into position as the entire team skates over for a group picture. Evie and Alina ham it up for the picture, but there’s nothing you can do about that except smile.
Andrei kisses you before you leave the ice, “I love you, solnyshka.”
“I love you too, Mister Svechnikov,” you grin against his mouth. “Now go win a game.”
He winks at you before skating back to the bench.
“Now what?” Evie asks as you walk down the tunnel. She’s holding Elena’s hand and swinging it back and forth.
“Now,” you grin at her, giving a little shimmy of excitement that gets Kira giggling, “we party in the suite!”
The girls cheer and rush ahead, staying within eyesight. Igor trails after them and Elena falls into step next to you. Kira leans from your arms and reaches for Elena, so you transfer her over. She snuggles into Elena’s neck.
“This one,” Elena smiles, patting Kira’s back softly, “is just like Andreyusha at the same age. All cuddles and those big eyes, watching everything, planning.”
“They’re all little Drei clones,” you laugh. “We’re lucky to have him. Thank you for raising him into such a wonderful man.”
Elena squeezes your forearm. “Igor and I took Andrei so far, but you and he, you are a wonderful team, wonderful parents. We are so proud to have you as our daughter.”
You wipe at your eyes and laugh wetly, “too bad PNC doesn’t run on tears. We could’ve had this place powered up for a year.”
The girls absolutely thrive in the suite, dancing to the music and eating as many snacks as they can get their little hands on. At one point, you’re on the Jumbotron for the Kiss Cam and the girls scream with delight when they each plant a kiss on your cheeks. It’s one of the more fun games you can remember, mostly because the girls are engaged and excited, and Andrei is clearly having the time of his life on the ice.
When he scores, he points up at your suite and you blow him a kiss that he probably can’t even see, remembering the first time he scored after you had started dating, when you were sitting right behind the Canes bench and he had pointed right at you, grinning with the dimple.
If you could tell that girl that one day she’d be here, ten years later, living her dream life and watching that same twenty-two year old with his little hair wings and dimple celebrate his one thousandth game, you don’t think she’d believe you.
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tanadrin · 6 months
As we age, it is almost as if we suffer a curse; every single thing in our body seems to work less well over time, and once we hit old age, it all seems to start breaking down rather quickly. Everything from how well we heal from injuries, to our immune system, to our senses seems to start falling apart at once.
As I understand it, the evolution of aging is the result of an almost accidental trade-off between reproductive fitness in the short term, and consequences for the individual member of the species in the long term. For instance, you have animals like octopuses and salmon who mate once then die, usually producing many hundreds of offspring. This is because lots of small cumulative adaptations that helped reproduction in the short term had negative consequences for the individual in the long term--but because these animals got so good at making that first reproductive opportunity really successful, the cost for fewer future opportunities to reproduce was (in terms of reproductive fitness) small. And over time their ancestors leaned harder and harder into this strategy.
Humans obviously aren't anywhere near that specialized. Our offspring are normally one at a time (and multiples are very high risk) and require a lot of care. Like all mammals, we nurse and look after our young. But there's still a degree of evolutionary tradeoff; base rates of disease and accident still make betting on reproductive opportunities too far in the future a losing proposition, and the act of giving birth is itself very dangerous for women, so it makes sense to still somewhat front-load our reproductive opportunities, and if we survive for a long time, to transition to a more supportive role for other members of the community (as indeed some hypothesize is the reason menopause evolved in the first place; but note male fertility also declines with age, even though there's no exact male equivalent to menopause).
So deleterious mutations that affect us mostly in our old age, or adaptations that come with a benefit in the short term, and with a high cost in the long term, probably built up in our genome for the same reasons that they did in that of octopuses and salmon, just in a less dramatic way. And so it makes sense that when we age, lots of things tend to go wrong. Aging isn't the product of a single process of system; it's the product of many systems in our bodies breaking down, because they have a degree of planned obsolescence built into them. This is why we shouldn't expect anti-aging interventions to be big dramatic breakthroughs that suddenly fix everything. We have lots of problems to deal with when it comes to "curing" aging, from shortening telomeres and waste products building up in our cells to UV damage to the eyes and loss of bone density, all from different sources.
Despite the image we may have absorbed from science fiction, longevity doesn't look like a single treatment that could easily be monopolized and sold at $100,000 a dose. It looks like hundreds of little things, many of which we're already working on quite diligently and making small-but-important breakthroughs in, and in areas where advances often go from "experimental and possibly very expensive" to "routinely available" in a couple of decades. And this makes sense too! Public health authorities and insurance companies have a vested interest in these advances--a treatment that improves the survival rate for a kind of cancer or helps to prevent heart disease means they have to pay less in more drastic, more expensive medical treatments down the line.
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tomorrowusa · 21 days
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I suspect that the vegetative MAGA crowd is showing the effects of Long COVID on their memories. They have forgotten that Trump's horribly botched response to the pandemic triggered a recession and caused unemployment to spike. Let's not even get into the death toll for 2020.
Sore LOSER Trump left office on 20 January 2021. The 12 months prior to that consisted of one disaster after another.
Nobel economics laureate Paul Krugman looked at "Trump-stalgia".
The Peculiar Persistence of Trump-stalgia
Soaring deaths aside, four years ago more than 20 million Americans were unemployed; Trump left office with the worst job record of any president since Herbert Hoover. Also, the country was in the grip of a violent crime wave, with murders soaring. Today, by contrast, we’ve just experienced the longest stretch of unemployment below 4 percent since the 1960s, and the violent crime wave — Trump didn’t cause it, but it did happen on his watch — has been rapidly receding. [ ... ] One common explanation of Trump-stalgia is that many people give the former president a mulligan for 2020, attributing all the bad things that happened in his final year to the Covid pandemic (and ignoring the extent to which Trump’s botched response to the pandemic added to the death toll). That is, when they say “four years ago” they actually mean “before the pandemic.” That surely explains part of what’s going on. But there are also problems with this story. If Trump gets a pass for the economic and social damage inflicted by the pandemic, why shouldn’t Biden get a similar pass for problems that manifested on his watch but surely reflected delayed effects of Covid disruptions? For example, ripple effects of the pandemic clearly explain a lot of the inflation surge of 2021-22. How do we know this? Because prices rose almost everywhere. Different nations measure inflation somewhat differently, but if you look at the Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices, which is available for a number of countries, you find that cumulative inflation since the beginning of the pandemic has been almost eerily similar in the United States and in Europe. Also, Trump boosters aren’t consistent about sending 2020 down the memory hole. Trump claimed that he presided over gasoline prices of less than $2 a gallon, but this was true only for a couple of months in 2020 — a period when global oil prices were low because the pandemic had the world economy flat on its back.
Trump can't get away from his pandemic catastrophe. Telling Americans to drink bleach, take ineffective malaria pills, and stick ultraviolet lights up their butts certifies him as a two-bit quack. And it took him 50 days after the first COVID-19 case appeared in the US before he declared an emergency. Remember his infamous January 22nd comments on CNBC?
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It wasn't "just fine".
As for now, feelings haven't caught up with the facts.
Trump-stalgia is undoubtedly a powerful force. Biden helped lead us through a time of turmoil — much of which happened even before he took office — to a pretty good place, with very low unemployment, fairly low inflation and falling crime. But many Americans seem unaware of the good news; for example, the drop in crime doesn’t appear to have broken through to public consciousness at all. And there seems to be a romanticized vision of what things were like under Biden’s predecessor, which somehow omits the terrible things that happened in 2020. So are you better off than you were four years ago? For most Americans, the answer is clearly yes. But for reasons that still remain unclear, many seem disinclined to believe it.
Good news is seldom reported. And when it does occur these days, you absolutely won't hear it on Fox News.
One thing that's certainly worse now is the situation regarding reproductive freedom. Roe v. Wade got overturned by the US Supreme Court in 2022. Though if Hillary Clinton had made those three appointments to SCOTUS instead of Donald Trump, Roe v. Wade would have been upheld by a 7 to 2 vote instead of being tossed.
Remind people (repeatedly!) of who appointed the SCOTUS justices who made abortion nearly impossible in many states. In an age of short attention spans and low information voters, don't assume that everybody knows. Trump bragged about killing Roe v. Wade – his influence lives on through his awful appointments to the federal courts.
Most Americans probably couldn't pass those simplistic civics tests given to wannabe new citizens. Patiently explains how the system works – or is supposed to.
Even when times are good, people will still find stuff to complain about. As the late author Randall Jarrell wrote: "The people who live in a Golden Age usually go around complaining how yellow everything looks."
Though this may not exactly be a "golden age", it beats avoidable pandemic dystopia, a coup attempt, and dreadful appointments to the federal courts. And it's certainly superior to having Trump back as a sleazy dictator on day one.
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