#even tho in my mind this is canon but alas
toukasspouse · 11 months
one thing i'd like to say about kaneki is how neurodivergent-coded he is, just from the first few volumes of tg alone.
let's start with the beginning in how kaneki wanted to take rize out on a date. when asked by hide, he talks about going to the bookstore and if not there, then to Big Girl. hide laughs about it, because in terms of socialization, kaneki seems kinda odd for picking those locations. i can say as a neurodivergent myself, picking locations that are familiar are a go-to, not because of the fact ND (neurodivergent) people don't care about where their date might want to go, but because it's a social circumstance we are accustomed to and feel the most comforting in being able to be in a social setting without having to mask completely. i feel ken is similar in that instance, because these are places he frequents enough to know how to navigate around.
the next instance that comes to mind is when he and rize do talk, he gets really invested in the topic of books (especially his favorite author), that it's seen a bit as a burst of enthusiasm. oversharing, or in this case i see it as infodumping, is a common "love language" of ND people. i think it speaks for itself.
one more memorable instance: kaneki describing food to touka and yoshimura after the surgery. in this instance, he goes into intricate detail about just how awful the taste is in detail. it's not just "this food is gross", but articulating how exactly each part of the sandwich he ate was off. touka and yoshimura's response? they chuckle about it, and touka even goes to say that kaneki's weird for it. it's not uncommon of ND people to have this kind of relationship with sensory input, especially with food. that, and it's also not uncommon for ND people to speak in mannerisms that people find off or weird, whether that be in tone, dictation, etc.
in terms of what i see of kaneki, his hyperlexia more than likely influenced him to go into detail of his senses.
my last note is how using abstract thought was able to help him understand how to proceed with a problem: the egg = the world, and that to break out of the egg is to destroy a world. this thinking helps motivate him into action, and until then was unable to act in a way that made sense.
in conclusion, i see kaneki as neurodivergent, and it's hard to not see him as such when there's also more evidence to back it up.
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marukrawler · 8 months
Yeah there would need to be some reshuffling. I think many suggested Barry as Pyros as it would need minimal design alterations. Though it feels... a little boring ... you know. Ace can work as Aquos if we add Lancelot theme (lol) to his bakugan evolutions. We can even play with arthurian themes. Yes, it makes Mira his Arthur and we can pull so much from this. It doesn't matter that the original may not have been that deep. Doesn't matter.
it would mean no Marucho but! I think him having screentime in Gundalions was a right call because his Ren dynamics were good. So he is still represented. Mira must stay subterra for gus parallel purposes (and salt mines). Speaking of Gus, gus as bastard theory is good so maybe it would have worked as canon.
continuation of this ask and this ask.
couldn't help myself so i drew my version of pyrus!baron and aquos!ace ashjdjsksk
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some notes:
pyrus for baron works surprisingly well with his energetic attitude and canon catchphrase 「激熱!」 gekiatsu! → "let's fire this up!"
added some tails to his headband. i was gonna replace the lightning bolt with flames but i can't draw flames so 😭pyrus symbol it is rip
his overall fit is pretty nice so i didn't want to change anything. although i didn't draw the rest of him, i can imagine swapping his pants and boots for dan's since dan won't be in the resistance in this au lol
ace was lucky enough to get some of shun's gender ambiguous swag. the gloves and exposed shoulders are an obvious reference to shun's resistance fit. kept the big sleeves bc that's ace's thing™️but he will have to fight hatsune miku for the trademark tho.
the rings in his hair are actually a reference to elyon from w.i.t.c.h. for no other reason other than i thought it'd look cool. but it also works because marucho's resistance outfit has a lot of circles on it.
could be nice if there was some lady of the lake stuff sprinkled into ace's ability cards especially after percival evolves into knight percival but alas, i know nothing about the legend of king arthur so im leaving this up to you guys lmao.
and yeah, i totally agree with you. marucho is really not needed for the first half of nv so i don't mind swapping him out for runo or alice. mira of course should stay because she started the resistance and she needs to be the driving force behind the whole bakugan liberation movement. the spectra/gus and mira/ace parallels would be even more pronounced with ace acting as mira's lancelot 🫣
as for the gus theory asjhdjksask i don't mind if it's there in a possible s2 rewrite or not. i feel like that kinda plot twist would need a reason to be there so i'll think about what it could mean for gus' character arc to be zenoheld's bastard child because it would change a lot.
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sanlangsaturday · 7 months
if you wouldn’t mind would you be willing to tell us a bit more about your pidw kids? i’m really interested in that 👀 like do you have thoughts on their mothers? are they his only two kids or some of many? how do they react to each other/how do they try to get their fathers attention? you don’t have to answer all of these or any btw!! just would love to hear more about them
first of all its canon that bingge has a whole heap of descendants so ya they have a horde of siblings. i mean... 3000 wives? yeah. imagine
luo biyu was my first and so her background is a little more fleshed out than her little brothers 😂 her mom married bingge in an arranged marriage for a political alliance. she didnt want it, and bingge quickly lost interest. she fell out of favor, hard, so she and her kid (biyu) became outcasts in the harem/palace (ive been toying with the idea of whether they were put in a cold palace or not...) biyu has only met her father a few times in her life, tho shes seen him more often from a distance. shes desperate for his attention/affection/acknowledgment. after her mom died, she left the palace in a daze and has been just wandering the lands. (ive also been thinking about her going to the ruins of long gone qing jing peak to look for the fake jade pendant in a desperate bid for his regard if she could retrieve it for him) shes like... 160cm ? maybe, i havent actually decided yet if i want her to be tall or short
luo mei is a little less developed cus hes so fresh LOL i know his relationship with his father was much better than biyus, atleast in childhood. as he grew older, and his personality developed, bingge slowly distanced himself for some reason... (its cus mei started vaguely reminding him of Someone... but who... 🤫bingge, justifying it in his head: ok but what if my child has bad vibes?)
he grew up surrounded by women so he thinks men aint shit. hes somewhat friendly but he has a tendency to lash out at times. he can fight but its not really a passion or anything for him. hes an arts guy! specifically, hes a dancer! luo mei is 180cm
thoughts on their mothers: luo biyu loved her mother, she was her whole world. they were isolated and only had eachother.
luo mei has a regular relationship w his mom. i havent rly thought much about them yet!
how do they react to eachother: luo biyu resents her siblings, ESPECIALLY the ones who get more attention from bingge. luo mei pities biyu. they dont interact a lot (specifically because biyu was so isolated) tho he finds her to be one of his more tolerable siblings LOL
how do they try to get their fathers attention: luo biyu tried at excelling in anything she could to get his attention/approval. shes therefore one of the strongest of his kids but alas... and she will try to do things that she knows has meaning to bingge like getting him things etc that kinda stuff luo mei doesnt want bingges attention LMFAO hes like that man aint shit!
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acaciapines · 6 months
so....abt that adventure time daemon au....sits down with folded hands. im SO SO curious as to what your thoughts are and lowkey wondering if theyre anything like what ive been cooking up in my twisted mind...slash joke...YOU GO FIRST I WANNA KNOW!!
jkdfgdjfkg yeah im gonna focus on the fionna + cake aspects since thats what i posted but if you wanna know about someone else send a followup!! i have the strongest ideas for marceline and more scattered thoughts on everyone else but!! i turn this around in my head a lot lol.
under the cut bc i am incapable of being short
so. the reason fionna world is Like It Is despite nominally being a human au is bc i decided that in ooo, humans are the only people with daemons! everyone else has Something Else, but that something else isnt actually a daemon (this bit is still fuzzy lol since it would just be more bg in anything i write).
so that means the only characters in adventure time who have/had a daemon are finn (tossing around the name honey for her?? shes unsettled but mostly dogs bc they grew up with dogs lol), marceline (she lost her daemon upon becoming a vampire, gets her back at the end of stakes. do not ask me what she is settled as idk as of now lol), and simon (lost her upon becoming ice king, he does Not get her back. i think its fun if she is a penguin bc that makes ice king surrounding himself w penguins super tragic. he knows something is gone but cannot articulate what.)
also i guess people like susan strong and the humans on the human island but shhhh i dont have super strong ideas for them lol.
ALL THAT TO SAY. since fionnaworld was created by prismo (gonna be real idk what his deal is but he is obviously His Own Thing and as a deity type deal he probably is granted w 'can see dust' powers and thus has no idea what daemons are all about) and lives in ice kings/later simons head (one who doesnt know about daemons and one who is mourning the permanent loss of his own) when fionna and cake were "created" finn jake and finn's daemon were mashed into two characters, who are! human and daemon.
everyone else either never had a daemon in normal ooo (ex. pb) or didnt have them at the time fionnaworld was created and thus they werent carried over (ex. marceline.) of everyone tho probably marshall WOULD know the most, this is why he has a line in my fic where he's like, do you know what i'd do for a weird cat? as a sort of hint that he SHOULD have a daemon, but. alas.
uhhh. where am i going with this.
OH RIGHT so yeah basically when fionnaworld became de-magicked it took with it a lot of people's points of connection--everyone ends up way more isolated than they were. since simon is mourning his own daemon that translates to daemons just Not Existing, and so fionna and cake are very much isolated from each other. they dont have the words for their relationship. all fionna knows is she needs cake with her, and vice versa.
cake IS still a daemon, but without that framework shes stuck in the 'normal cat' role even though she does a lot of noncatlike things, n her and fionna are very very good still at sorta knowing what the other is thinking and reacting accordingly. the people closest to fionna (so, really just marshall and gary lol) have SOME idea of what is up but if asked its more leftover instinct than like, the ability to actually explain any of this. fionna and cake try to interact w the world as a human-daemon pair but that doesnt work when the world has no fucking idea what that is.
uh. that. probably answers some question!! i think the plot of fionna and cake itself is MOSTLY the same...really fionna and cake just find out there is a word for who they are to each other n get that relationship reestablished which isnt a far cry from canon. i really like the stuff they do with betty/simon so i wouldnt want to change that, though i imagine there is a bit of simon mourning his lost daemon too--idk i feel like you could tie those feelings in if you were to write a full adaptation but i!! dont think enough changes to do that so i wont be lol.
i mostly just wanted to do episode one bc again. daemon in a world that doesnt know wtf a daemon is. truly the funniest and most tragic thing in the world.
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teaspoonofdread · 6 months
THOUGHTS on Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga
I'll start with two statements regarding Anya Taylor Joy's casting and go from there.
I like her (I know some don't).
I agree she doesn't look like Charlize Theron (and we all know Charlize realized Furiosa as much as Miller did).
BUT a thing that struck me as soon as I heard she was cast was that she had that ethereal vibe of the Five (when I first saw them, the word 'mermaids' wouldn't leave my mind). I could see Anya playing a 'wife', which works with a backstory, I don't think any fan would like to watch play out on the screen...
Now let's try not to be too skeptical: she's tall like Furiosa, there's the probability she was more feminine as a girl living in a feminine world the Green Place of Many Mothers, she didn't need to be as muscular in her youth so she wasn't, etc.
Now. The trailer didn't manage to completely sell me the idea of Anya as Furiosa, but it eased some of my nerves. THE EYES! I saw a troll post on redit literally the day before the trailer dropped with close-ups of Theron and Joy (brown-eyed) captured "Furiosa eye color change?"
I've read the meta, I knew the eyes were carefully retouched in Fury Road in post-production, so I had hope. And seeing Anya's eyes in the trailer, I thought to myself, 'This is THE death stare. This is Furiosa'. And when she screamed all disheveled, I liked that part best. The one with her face covered, making the V8 symbol - second best.
I liked that she was shooting, I liked that cropped-out-seconds-rising-the-tension-rising-the-momentum Gorge Miller magic, I liked how over the top Lord Dementus was, it worked for me. Joe looked like Joe, I believe he didn't have any lines.
I definitely didn't like that head-touch with Tom Burke's character 😕 (sorry. He seems to have a lot of fans.)
And I didn't like the opening and closing shots. Can't quite place why: the opening one seemed like I'd already watched it before, also a bit too long, and the closing felt not authentic somehow. I wish she was more muscular. She just seems fragile in the classic Furiosa outfit.
Last roll of 'complains' before I start with the excitement-inducing points:
The over-explaining in the trailer itself, the big words with the exact number of years and all (like they could've converted into days, like they do in universe) but alas I suppose that's in order to bring in a wider audience. I hope it succeeds, tho!
Is a prequel the story I wanna visit - no. I'd like a movie about the Four - rebuilding, reforming, growing (green and as people), I want Max back even as I know it isn't like him to stay, and finally I want Theron and Hardy side by side, even as I know they wouldn't haha.
All of that is so unlikely. And there are so many spectacular novel-length fics about that. Hell, one such universe has been materializing in my mind for the past year. I almost don't want a movie about what comes after.
Still, I'd prefer a movie about the after rather than the before, but that's what's happening.
But I'm a nobody. The Creator of this world has a story he'd like to share, and it is centered around one of the most incredible characters in recent history, I think we're lucky to be able to witness that.
Now, onto the real excitement!
Disclaimer: this is less coherent even than what came before it.
First of all, we're finally getting a Wasteland movie by Gorge Miller (edited by Margaret Sixel!!!)
I cannot stress this enough!
We're getting chases, and War Boys and shiny mutant-cars, and we're going to GasTown, people! To the Bullet Farm! Helloo, I'm so ready, so curious!
And we're going to the Green Place, y'all! I'm so excited about it. Like they had horses wtf? Mary Jo Bassa! Canon Vuvalini names! Traditions! Defense strategies, weapons, male Vuvalini maybe, crows, so much lore...
But I'm most excited about that Lady driver and the little girl. I'm soo ready for the stories of women in the Wasteland!
To sum up: I'm mostly hyped for the expansion of the world because I love it so much. Because we'd see another of Miller's visions.
And I trust the team behind it enough to know it won't be an unremarkable movie.
I know it won't be another Fury Road because there never will be.
I watched it way too late, and it's my dream to see it on the big screen, which wouldn't happen. So I'm grateful for a second chance to experience something like it. And I'm hoping the fandom will live again, because from my lurking I've found it to be as intricate and smart and fucking amazing as Fury Road itself is, and I'd like to be a part of it this time around :')
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chibishortdeath · 6 months
Fuck it, Simon Belmont, because why not you basically themed your blog after him
You don’t have any specific numbers, so I’m just answering every question >:3c mwahahaha—
1. “Why do you like this character”:
A lot of reasons!!! First off, most of his games are super fun and some of my favorite platformers just in general. I replay CV1, Simon’s Quest, and SCV4 most often cause they’re a real joy to play! I also absolutely LOVE Simon’s story, I’ve considered making comics about it if I could ever get out of recent art block whoops, even though I’ve seen many people say he doesn’t have one (´TωT`). His designs are really cool, he’s got great music in his games, there’s just a lot to love and I’ll explain more in detail in other questions.
2. “Favorite canon thing?”
I really like the concept that he looks up to Christopher as this legendary hero and then ends up considered the same kind of legendary hero by Juste and others after him. It’s pretty ironic, kinda bittersweet, especially after being hated for so long. Castlevania loves its cycles like that. Also just Simon’s Quest in general, I love that game.
3. “Least favorite canon thing?”
Ooo that’s very hard. There’s kinda a lot of things about him that aren’t explained or confirmed, especially personality wise, but I kinda like that in a way cause it leaves room for interpretation and whatnot. Idk hmmm. I’m gonna go with Grimoire of Souls in general. I had some hopes for it, but it ended up being kinda lame. A lot of the characterization was weird and don’t even start me on things like the Cursed Whip theory being in there 💀. So I just choose to ignore it and not consider it canon.
4. “If you could put this character in another media, what would it be?”
I have thought about drawing him as if he was a character in other series for ages lol. I’ve already drawn him as a Pokémon trainer, I’ve thought about drawing Castlevania and Soul Eater crossovers before, and I tried drawing him in the style of Resident Evil 1 but could not get the art style down. Idk put him in Fortnite or something that’d be funny we already got Solid Snake so Konami has been in talks with them I guess X,,,,,,,,,,D
5. “What’s the first song that comes to mind when you think of them?”
Probably either Simon’s Theme (of course lol) or Bloody Tears, but I do wanna mention that I have a YouTube playlist of songs I wanna make Simon animations with eventually (alas animation is HARD).
6. “What’s something you have in common with the character?”
Mostly negative things unfortunately d(;w; ). Like self comparison, doubt in my own abilities, trouble making and keeping friends, etc etc. Although a lot of these are based on assumptions and interpretations, as a lot of him usually is. Simon does have a really similar hair color to me on the NES box art tho so that’s cool.
7. “What’s something the fandom does with this character that you like?”
There’s a lot of really nice art of him!!! Usually portraits, but sometimes there’s other doodles and whatnot too :3. Cool fan redesigns too! I also have seen a lot of neat headcanons, a lot of which I’ve adopted. I also appreciate the Captain N reunion stuff for the most part, it’s pretty wholesome.
8. “What’s something the fandom does with this character that you don’t like?”
I’ve seen a lot of comics, especially around when Smash Bros Ultimate came out, that were really… weird. I think all of them could kinda be boiled down to “old = bad” in the way that the artists probably just found out he was from the 1600s and then decided to make him the Boomer to Richter’s Gen Z for whatever reason (ya know despite Richter being from the 1700s but anyway). Simon would either be the jerk in the situation and/or the butt of the joke. I don’t think that Simon would have any issue with any of the female characters’ outfits let alone start harassing them for it. I saw some comics that made fun of him for not speaking very much in some genuinely disgusting ways too. Like making him not able to read or practically just the generic caveman stereotype. Especially in cases where the artist would depict other silent NES protagonists really nicely after making Simon out to be a complete idiot and asshole. There was also the trend of making him generally be all “oh no witchcraft!!!!!!!!!! What sin!!!!!!! The horror!!!!!!!!” about like anything and everything. I guess a lot of this comes from Smash Bros fans not usually being fans of Castlevania, but I’ve seen it in the Castlevania fandom too just less frequently. There’s also the “Simon has no story” thing oof. I’ve seen people tell people to skip his games or play fan games instead before :(
9. “Could you be roommates with this character?”
Realistically, no, my room is too small for another person :(. If that wasn’t an issue, then yeah probably :).
10. “Could you be best friends with this character?”
11. “Would you date this character?”
No, he’s probably married, generally feels more like a bestie, and I’m aroace lol
12. “What headcanon do you have for this character?”
Too many oh my god. I think he probably makes things. That’s a very vague sentence lol, but think like armor, knives, general woodworking, all his necklaces and headbands and stuff, etc. He generally seems like he keeps to himself and lives mostly alone, so I can see him doing all that by himself. He keeps some bones and teeth of things he hunts most of the time. A lot of people have him as the most super Christian of the family, but I see him as like Christian but really not organized or strict about it, if that makes sense? I’ve seen someone else describe the Belmonts as like “Christopagan” before and yeah I think that fits. Idk why but I have consistently drawn him with his cross necklace in his mouth sometimes. I headcanon him as semiverbal (I think that’s the correct term for it, basically like inbetween speaking and nonspeaking). I like to think he’s like really average height for the 1600s cause he’s about as tall as other townspeople and skeletons and stuff. Which is funny cause that’d make him like 5’5-5’7 ish and that’s kinda short in modern day lol. And I guess that makes his 8bit sprite being used all the time make more sense XD. I have way more, I didn’t even get into Simon’s Quest related ones, but I don’t wanna make this too long aaaaaaaaaaaa
13. “What’s an emoticon that reminds you of the character or you think they’d use a lot?”
Ok this is funny cause I actually do have one for this and it’s got context. It’s the “:3”. So I was watching a bunch of people’s playthroughs one night cause I was bored and ran into a channel with a toooooon of speedruns of maps from Harmony of Despair. Whenever they’d get to a boss battle they’d use the typing feature just to go “hi” with a different cutesy emoticon every time, but when they got to Dracula they specifically went for the “hi :3” and then went “oh no :(“ when Dracula started attacking and now that’s the way I think he’d text I guess.
14. “Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character”
How does one properly explain how much this guy slays in one aesthetic term—
15. “What’s your favorite ship for this character?”
Oooooo, in canon probably like his wife (Selena) and/or the Mysterious Woman (who could be the same character depending on what theories you go by), but outside of that Simon Belmont x Getsu Fuma and I can’t even explain exactly why, but it’s pretty cute.
16. “What’s your least favorite ship for this character?”
Any BelmontXBelmont shipping ugh, it’s unfortunately really common on some places… also the whole Lucas or Pit or whatever other child character thing the smash bros fandom had ugh. I guess I also just don’t see the appeal of shipping any of the Belmonts with Dracula.
17. “What’s a ship you don’t hate but it’s not your favorite?”
I’ve also seen people ship him with Solid Snake, Palutena, or Bayonetta before. Ummm he doesn’t really have a lot of other characters he’s shipped with tbh. Idk I saw someone ship him with one of the priests from Simon’s Quest once.
18. “Relationship in canon you admire?”
Unfortunately he doesn’t really talk to people enough in game to form canon relationships 😔
19. “Relationship in canon you don’t like?”
I don’t even know if I can answer this one for the same reasons as the above 💀💀💀. I guess the townspeople hating the hell out of him, but I don’t hate that cause it’s kinda integral to the plot???? Yeah idk lol
20. “What character is the ideal best friend for this character?”
Simon and Shanoa would get along a lot I think. Sara too. Hmmmm… I think he and Alucard would probably also be good friends. Christopher too for many reasons. Simon just really needs friends my poor dude is out here in Dracula’s Castle and the Romanian countryside after being cursed alone like this poor guy :’(
21. “If you’re a fic writer, what’s your favorite thing to do when writing this character? What’s something you don’t like?”
I have not written much at all, however what small comics I have done I looooove to make sure to sprinkle in whatever symbols he has in the games into it. He has a lot of cool things ranging from like rose thorns to The Hanged Man card and a lot of them end up meaning things like martyrdom and whatnot idk I made a post about it a while ago :3. I also like specifically Simon’s Quest speculation stuff, like what if scenarios for the vague, left open spots of it. If it’s not something super angsty or lore heavy, it’s usually just wholesome character interactions or doodling him being comforted by Christopher or Trevor cause I was sad or something lol. As far as things I don’t like writing uh idk that’s hard, maybe just any kind of filler scenes cause I’m not very good at those oof. Dialogue is hard too 💀💀💀
22. “If you’re a fic reader, what’s something you like/don’t like to see in fics?”
I’ve mentioned a lot of things I don’t like seeing in uh question 8, but things I do like is when people really try to go full horror with him. I’ve seen some Simon’s Quest fics (sadly there’s very few :’3) that really try to get that same feeling of anxiousness and dread the game does and I love that honestly. It’s a really dark story in the series! I also saw one that went psychological horror with it with him kinda losing himself a little at night it’s just ough it’s cool :D! Simon is a horror protagonist! Make him afraid!!!
23. “Favorite picture of this character?”
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Again, too many!!! X3
24. “What other character from another fandom reminds you of them?”
Not from fandoms I am in (yet, hopefully I’ll get into these), but Ragnvaldr from Fear and Hunger I’ve heard is just directly inspired by him and Alfred from Bloodborne also, to me, seems heavily inspired by him. The whole Vilebloods section seems very Castlevania inspired tbh. From other fandoms I’m in, that’s hard to say, there’s not really any I don’t think.
25. “What was your first impression of this character, is it the same as now?”
Well I got into Castlevania through Smash Bros and at first was completely indifferent about him, he was just kinda fun to play as. Then Richter got me to play SotN and actually get into the series more. I had no idea I had SotN on XBOX360 for a long time, but that made it pretty easy to start playing. And now I am absolutely hooked and Simon is my favorite character so uh yeah X3.
26. “Freebie!”
I guess I just say anything? Ok, I am currently half trying to cosplay Simon’s Simon’s Quest design rn! I have like everything but the armor, but I’ll have to wait a while to be able to get materials for it oof. But yeah :). Hopefully that works out. 
Ok yeah that’s pretty dang long wow, but yeah, thanks for the ask!!!! I am happy to rant about Simon anytime :3
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dizzybevvie · 1 year
Hello B!
Do you have any opinions on the character designs within the aphverse?
Example: too many characters have blue eyes, there aren't enough (x) traits, etc etc
[Keeping this to MYS because thats what I know.]
I mean, I DO think too many characters have blue eyes. Between Dante, Laurance, Garroth, Katelyn, Zane - thats already the majority of the friend group.
I dont mind the blue hair/blue eyes combo, but Dante AND katelyn having it is a bit much 🤷‍♂️ AND they couldve kept Laurances original colour pallet :( I totally get changing the design bc of the skins, but in MYS theres no lore reason for Laur having blue eyes so at least they shouldve been green right??? Im also devastated hes not ginger but alas <\3
I think overtime the girls in the show have less variety, particularly in the hair. No different lengths or anything. I mean, just take Cadenza! She has longass hair in s1 but it eventually gets cut the same length as Kate, KC and Aph. The girl with THE most variety in character design - and probably one of the best designs imo - is Kim, and i literally couldnt tell you a single one of her character traits other than 'possessed'. Her highlights are different and I like her colour pallet.
The guys all look... kinda similar too. But they did well differing them in little ways, like hair partings and such. I do want Laurance's long hair back tho. Jess dont be a coward give us ling hair ginger laurance
I think its very funny that Laurance has ABSOLUTELY NO fashion sense, but i would like clothes to be more consistent! I like Dante's outfit with the button up/button up/shirt combo, even if it was ridiculous it felt in character - although its a shame that after Aarmau was made canon no other character could wear purple or red, because dante looked good in red!! I love Garroth's hawaiian shirt getup and they should bring that vibe back for him for sure.
I dont think there are enough brown eyes im gonna be real brown eyes are beautiful and like. way too many inbred eyes /lh
this isnt so much an issue with character designs because. minecraft. but there arent many different body types. Like, I think Aphmau and Zane are fat, and then Travis has broad shoulders (according to 1 line of dialogue in s1, and hes still buff). and everyone else is just somewhere on the sims4 slider of skinny and strong.
It wouldve been neat seeing disabilities other than zane's blindness purely because of limited differentiation in design. Like, going forward into s7 I would love to see Travis keep the wheelchair bc im pretty sure he cant. recover from that. unless they pull some aphmau magic bs
All in all im torn abt Luci because I think its cute for her to be the odd one out (as i said in my If-I-Was-Tasked-With-Rewriting-Mystreet post), but thats clearly not the intention and you kinda forget shes a witch at all. Which would be cool if it was brought up? idk. Her black dress + bow was her best outfit i think. The red eyes and the bright ginger hair is a lot on the eyes and the black is a good combo for that.
TBH, the only Aph outfit I liked was the one from Season 3, but her current skin (non-mystreet) is actually very cute. I like it a lot
People have said this a lot, but one BIG issue i have with the mys designs is the colour pallets. Im a big fan of shows where one character is heavily associated with one colour, and though this doesnt HAVE to be the case for Mystreet, Id like then to be consistent. Kate's colour has always been blue, Travis' colour has always been green, Aph/Aaron Purple/red, Kc pink, zane black/grey, and Garroth is usually blue. but Dante, Laurance, Lucinda, Melissa, etc have had some super inconsistent ones.
One character design that I like across the series is actually KC. Once they know how to pair the pinks and black/white well, they do pretty well with it! Its just a lot of pink and easy to get wrong. but they do well
Travis' also isnt that bad, the outfit of his i really remember was fhe green hoodie and black trousers which felt correct.
To go back to the eye colours, Its fun to see Jess' thought process bc like. almost ALL of her love interests have blue eyes except aaron? idk. food for thought.
In conclusion,
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grahamcarmen · 11 months
Little rant but I saw a semi recent post about how RedCrackle is weird cause Carmen mentioned how she sees Graham as a big brother and that shipping them is weird cause if the brother/sister dynamic and I’m like……. Why are people still arguing if it’s okay to ship TWO NON RELATED ADULTS 😭 almost been three years since the show ended and peope still think redcrackle is like Reylo or like pro ships😭😭😭 I could literally write a page on why RedCrackle is the ship that makes the most sense out of the show but I digress
A) if you ever mind *-* I would like to hear why you like red crackle ! I like hearing why other people like them :3
B)...yeah ok I'm ...always beyond frustrated that this still is a thing.
And I try not to touch on it too much because other people have already mentioned why that its not SooOoo weird to consider them romantically :/. and I like them kissing endgame so that usually all I have to say about it most of the time.
Most people don't. I really do.
And I've Reblogged from people who already said 🤨? For me . [Including nodding my head at a couple people who waaay back in s1 !who didn't even ship RC! react like "oh ok siblingless behavior" to comments like that+ arguments that usually *he's like a brother* can be used as a "we are close" statement for the moment when those feeling actually might change ex: see pam from the office]
But like if you don't like even a wiff of that type of connection implication happening with your ships? It squicks ya out that happening in ANY point of the dynamic ? Toeachandallthat
They are not related!! Hence. "Like" a brother. Not brother. And him acting friendly to her for a year doesn't make them related. [💀dude...a single year?]
And both of those times are an acknowledgment of what their Past dynamic was before
A) he was revealed to have completely different values than her [but she still has hope for him even tho looking up to him is over]
B) the possibility of reconciliation was presented as a possibly romantic one.
" before he was crackle he was gray and gray was like a big brother to me, I thought I lost him for good but this could be...i don't know... some sort of do over., a second chance?"
Everything about that do over is slightly romantic tinged and carmen KNOWS. And her eyes still light up ala 🥺
AAAAAAAANd for good measure she slips up and apologizes to GRAY for standing him up on the date with soft smile which im inclined to think is as genuine as the grimace when he reminds her that GRAY didn't ask her out. Graham did.
I'm not gonna pretend she fell right then and there but the possibility does not disgust her. She even flirts a bit back.
Thats not what hinders her.
vile having him does.
💀like idk why its so hard to accept the fact of some people liking that it might change because the original dynamic already HAS changed and if they even want to be friends later they need to parse out a lot of stuff. Its like not as simple as this is what they were and always should be. Even after literally everything that has happened.
And even the show makes carmen acknowledge that in the Himalayas when she doesn't get her [ skip ahead ]. Its more complicated than that. The people and emotions involved are more complicated than that.
And Hey ! HI! Gray does end the series with romantic feelings for her just not really the confidence that she would want to see him again.
So like...don't ship them idc but like the idea of romance in the carmen/gray dynamic was a show thing, they're both adults , not related , KNOW what they were to each other and have peeked at what they MIGHT be while bringing it up TWICE [ at the himalayas/ and a flashback when she's regaining her memories] so 🤷‍♀️ like idk why the surprise that some people hope it does go in that direction
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viperwhispered · 11 days
hi hi ner!! 👻💕🎨 for the ask game !!
Aaa Ian here you are again coming in with the questions that I really have to think about (it’s fine don’t worry but oof these aren’t easy ones for me to answer).
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
I mean all my opinions are factually correct so… Jk, jk. Kind of a tricky question, tho 🤔
I know I’ve said this before but I kinda never know when character / canon interpretation or interpolation crosses over into headcanon territory. Plus I generally do try to be pretty canon-compliant and base my interpretations on that.
Basically, for all those folks making headcanon lists and stuff, my brain just does not work that way and not sure I'd ever be able to produce one of my own.
Honestly, I’m totally drawing a blank here, sorry 😔 I guess if I’ll ever throw something wild into a fic, you’ll find out?
Only thoughts I can even kinda grasp rn are nsfw and uhhh some of those are definitely more personal wish fulfillment than actual headcanons.
💕 What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Aaa how can I even choose.
I mean also a big chunk of it is smut and a lot of it isn’t widely available (and I probably can’t remember the existence of half of it off the top of my head), so…
I suppose in some sense Of Cows and Curses and Consequences (Hatsuharu x reader, Fruits Basket) is my magnum opus, at least as far as longfic and plotting is concerned. Yes, it is very unfinished and I haven��t touched it in ages, but I worked so properly on that one, outlining my chapters and the story (like, I’ve got notes like 10 chapters ahead of what’s been published), which makes it stand out. Plus it was one of the first if not the first fic I ever wrote (if we don’t count the beginnings of a young teenager self-insert for Earth’s Children that never made it past couple hand-written pages). So yeah, a bit of a “go big or go home” start to my fic writing journey. 😅
Also whatever was the first fic I wrote with a friend’s tastes specifically in mind. Always love it when I can get someone right in the feels (definitely a big reason for why I write in the first place, but that’s a story for another time before I get even more off-track).
Honestly there’s so many pieces I could consider notable for being a first in something or otherwise meaningful but I really can’t pick just one.
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
Oh boy so many Jamil scenes coming to mind. Fixation would have so many tasty bits (some of them even sfw, oop), some whump for the Kali & Shiva analogy thoughts (it could be so cool even if it also would hurt me so bad 😭), Jamil’s first realization moment (or any flustered bit, really) from How Not to Be Swept Under… All of them would be lovely ngl.
Though honestly, if anyone ever were to make anything (draw, write, whatever) inspired by my works, I would probably just combust and live off the high for a week (or a few).
I’m afraid my answers for these ones are kinda rambly and not super definitive but alas, it is what it is. Can’t pick just one for many of these. Still, ty for the questions Ian! I hope my answers weren't too disappointing.
(ask game here for anyone else curious)
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forgetsrotation · 1 month
[hc] [mewlsar] [mostly gaius thoughts]
dusting off this blog because i have headcanon text that is too much to be screenshot and shared as images 😂
I have most definitely talked about this before but I want to talk about it again!! It is very long-winded lol
I've been thinking about the progression of feelings from Gaius's perspective...
His first run in with Makoh'to, unbeknownst to Gaius, was during the XIVth's take over of Ala Mhigo. Not much here except Makoh'to was around to aid in helping some people escape. I have a comic I never got around to finishing where he strikes Gaius's gunblade off kilter from afar to ensure the safety of a few people. At that time all they could make out of each other was a vague silhouette... perhaps Gaius returns a shot and Makoh'to carries a scar as a reminder. Maybe a rain of arrows to distract Gaius and his soldiers and he is gone, along with the people he was helping flee... h mm.
Makoh'to is mostly a thorn in his side. I need to become more acquainted with 1.0, but Gaius does remember the miqo'te once he sees that familiar figure. Still wandering, still helping people it seems. Atp Gaius just thinks Makoh'to is naive, foolish, a bleeding heart for sure... which is useless to him. And he will pay back Makoh'to tenfold for his little act back in Ala Mhigo. Cue the attempt to kill him in 1.0 lmao that's canon for now!
Still funny to think Gaius could recognize Makoh'to would do what was needed to ensure Eorzea wasn't completely obliterated in 1.0. Like, Gaius knew between a rock and a hard place, Makoh'to was going to ensure Eorzea was at least still around even if it may still fall into the hands of the Empire. I think around this time Gaius starts to wonder more about Makoh'to's personal motivations and starts to build on his ever growing admiration of his rival. Carries into ARR/2.0. I'd love to expand more but it's more or less Gaius becoming increasingly confounded by the Warrior of Light who could harness his power to "aid" in Gaius's cause but chooses to... just be a naive fool and "help everyone". Gaius still has opinions in present-day about Makoh'to saying "yes" to most requests he gets without thinking about the political fallout LMAO
Gaius in Prae asking Makoh'to one last time to join him... it's a sign of utmost respect in a very peculiar way - despite thinking Makoh'to is a fool, perhaps he will be a fool the Empire could use. That he could use... there is no romantic feeling here tho. He's still trying to wrap his mind around how Makoh'to does what Makoh'to does. He's seen Makoh'to fell primals, his fellow countrymen, so many things... it's almost bordering idolization. But Makoh'to's terse rejection keeps him from crossing into that line. Like that rejection is a confirmation, yes, he is an absolute fool and not worth the time. Actually, it's more like he hate-idolizes the Warrior of Light. Not that Gaius knows ANYTHING about Makoh'to. He's never seen Makoh'to smile or laugh up to this point. And my god he won't until 4.x patches - and it STILL won't be at or because of Gaius
So my live / die comic where Makoh'to answers he didn't leave Gaius to die in Prae that day, he just let him face the consequence of his actions? Yeah, the beloved Warrior of Light known for being a silly lil guy really said that! He's had front seats to Gaius's shitshow for the past couple decades. (I imagine Makoh'to goes where help is needed.) While Makoh'to still holds onto the belief people can change, he's seen that has not been the case for Gaius who is nearing 60 at this point... so why would he help him then. Of course Makoh'to pities him at this point. I imagine during one of their earlier talks about Prae when they are on speaking terms (4.x or 5.x) that Makoh'to mentions that he DID pity Gaius at that point. And it would sting sooo much for Gaius to hear that.
Even during 4.x patches Gaius doesn't get to see Makoh'to's full range of joy. I mean... most of his friends seem to be in a coma with no signs of getting better. He's kind of stressed out of his mind. Gaius does get to see Makoh'to be vulnerable tho? And how he preservers in the face of uncertainty for the sake of his friends. It starts to humanize Makoh'to to him, in a sense. He is still the Warrior of Light, but he also is a guy named Makoh'to Mewriyo who cares very much for his friends. Gaius cannot even fathom being acquaintances with the WoL, but it's still eye opening to him? Like... this is the guy that defeated him multiple times. That's the guy and he's dealing with more crisis than anyone can imagine. Gaius has been keeping up with Makoh'to's exploits since 2.0. Not to an obsessive degree, but... he's definitely up to date on the details. He doesn't get it. This guy is nobody to anyone, yet trouble finds him at every corner and the miqo'te just rolls with it.
Then 5.x stuff happens and Gaius doesn't know nearly as much about the events of Shadowbringers, but he's recognizes the thousand yard stare Makoh'to has sometimes when no one is looking. Asking for the Warrior of Light's help feels... incredulous. And the fact Makoh'to says YES feels even more so - but Gaius expected Makoh'to to say yes given the circumstances. He would also understand if Makoh'to said no - or actually, he wouldn't. Not given everything else Makoh'to has said "yes" to... but Gaius doesn't dwell on it at all lol
Then the oddest thing happens - Gaius finds himself lost in thought and pensive as the events of SoW unfold and... the Warrior of Light is trying to comfort him? It feels alien. And unearned. But Makoh'to doesn't coddle, and he doesn't push. He just checks in on Gaius from time to time and assures him that they will do everything they can to rectify the situation. Makoh'to is also one of the few people who is not berating Gaius (at the moment) for his hand in all of this. Gaius almost wants to ask why, but he's got too much on his mind to pursue the thought.
This time Gaius can accept Makoh'to's pity. He feels conflicted about it though. He wants it, but he knows he's not deserving of it either. Gaius doesn't feel like he is on equal footing with Makoh'to and realizes he was never on the same level. Not even close! And that it was arrogant of him to ever think that.
The events of SoW wrap up and Gaius has much to deal with... Makoh'to and Gaius's relationship does not progress very far during this time, but Makoh'to has offered the olive branch of some sort of friendship if Gaius is ever in need of an ear and shoulder to cry on. Gaius still doesn't get it - he does not understand why this miqo'te would go so far out of the way to listen to him after everything they've been through together. But he'll remember the offer.
And what do you know, Makoh'to does come back to Terncliff to check in on him and Allie. At first it seems Makoh'to is mostly there for her, but the miqo'te makes time to check in separately with Gaius. Their conversations are very short at first and superficial - Gaius can tell Makoh'to is letting him control the depth of their talks and he appreciates it. NOW by this point Gaius has seen a genuine smile from Makoh'to and it was directed at HIM!! Gaius feeling seen by not his former adversary, but this kind old miqo'te... and yet it's not a romantic feeling that blooms in him lol. That still takes a while :3c
[Addition: During this time is when I imagine Gaius FINALLY letting it all out in Makoh'to's arms. He doesn't mean to break down crying in the arms of his former adversary, but he does and he can't believe how gently he is being held by someone he hardly knows.]
They find themselves chatting longer and more, about mundane things, philosophical things each time Makoh'to visits. And those visits become more frequent. Makoh'to's letters, when he can not physically check in on Allie and Gaius, are addressed to Allie but include snacks and trinkets to be shared with her father.
Gaius has to do a lot of introspection once his own feelings DO start feeling a bit more than that of a friend. He STILL feels odd having a friendship with Makoh'to. He's double thinking about if it's remnants of his old adversarial respect warping into an "inappropriate" affection. Like he's not trusting his own feelings, especially after having everything he ever believed in turned on its head, so like... doubly so. I think it's cute if Gaius kind of turns a bit awkward because he's actually thinking too much of this. And by this point Makoh'to IS putting the moves on him in the form of gentle physical touch and tender little smiles.
I don't think Makoh'to is Gaius's first anything, but it has been Some Time since he was last wooed. And the fact it's Makoh'to is... making him question his own sanity. This is where Gaius in my lore is always like "Of course everyone is mildly attracted to the Warrior of Light, that is natural" when he is just trying to work out his own feelings lmao
Just a lot of that goes on until Makoh'to makes his own feelings VERY obvious that Gaius HAS to confront it. I've always imagined it as Makoh'to mentioning, "If someone were to kiss me under the moonlight, that would be okay with me n_n" while sitting with Gaius at the lookout 😊it may not even happen that night but Gaius gets the greenlight to return those feelings haha
Then from there they get to know each other in a romantic sense! There's a lot of talk around the nature of their relationship, the seriousness of it, the potential fallout if the WoL is with the man formerly known as the Black Wolf... how Makoh'to can reconcile being with someone who has such a horrible history. You know, a lot of things.
And the rest is history :) I hope I can continue to draw and write bits and pieces of their relationship to share with everyone! o7
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vinnybox · 2 years
What would the rest of the batfam look like with wings? Like Bruce Alfred and Cass, etc? Would Steph somehow have purple wings? (idk if there’s even any birds out there with purple wings lol)
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@reddkass tagging as well so you know I've answered your ask <3
aaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAA SORRY FOR LATE ANSWER! Been real busy and been bouncing between answering asks with or without doodles or not. Would love to draw them rn but Artfight GRRR
firstly! Yes!! Cass showing her support and love for her brother through physical affection is canon and I take no criticism/lh
She most definitely gives his wings little pats and also in Cass style, if she notices his distress or if something isn't sitting right, she's the first to comfort him with little wing touches even if Dick didn't realize how distressed he really is.
As for Wings AU Cass and Steph and ther rest of the batfam!! I've thought about it, but the only birds I could think of for Cass is a Secretary bird and for Steph would be a Violet-backed Starling? 🤔
Long rambling and images under cut!
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Secretary bird! Absolutely gorgeous but deadly as in has very powerful kicks and destroys snakes DHSDDSHJD They're pretty big too if I remembered correctly?
ALSO just now realizing smth, but ok at first I thought about Batman as this bird, Bat Hawk (haha) but like, this COULD also be Cass cause I think she can beat Batman in a fight? and Bat Hawk also eats bats...
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And Violet-backed Starling! I hadn't got around to doing more research yet, but This is all I can think of for now! but there could be others that might fit her more since I did want to base off both from looks and vibes or how they function etc. BUT mostly want to just have fun designing wings later on :]
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AND as for Batman and Alfred. Let's get Batman first.
Batman, I've thought about him being Bat Hawk cause of the name and looks alone, but alas, I’ve also come right back to my first options being either Crows or Ravens! Not just cause of their looks alone, but also they’re very intelligent birds! And they communicate within their flock and Ravens are known to form mutual relationship where they work together with wolves. A special bond!
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Im leaning a little on the Raven tho for Batman/Bruce cause Ravens are known to do barrel rolls in the sky too! I think it’d be useful for evading aerial attacks c:
As for Alfred, his might come as a surprise?? idk, but I honestly feel Alfred vibes from Shoebill bird (says someone who’s never read a lot of comics WEEPPSS! I’LL DO IT SOME DAY I promies :c )
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Like! They’re very intimidating, but are like, super cool? They sometimes bow to people too from some stuff I’ve heard in videos, but they can be quite dangerous if want to. Overall the bird is pretty chill tho.
Another hting I could think of in a funny way are Penguins HDGSHJ cause in Japanese their name means Business Goose which is super funny and sweet.
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OR Alfred COULD be a Crow while Bruce is a Raven. (Ravens are larger and has a slight difference in how their tail looks from Crows :D)
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If any of you have a better idea I wouldn’t mind y’all sharing and comparing notes haha
EDIT: ALSO COMPLETELY FORGOT I COULD EVEN DO NON-BIRD WINGS. Batman could literaly just hve bat wings and that’d be POGGERS
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charmixpower · 1 year
Genuinely speaking do you think each of the boys like pre plan and assign who saves which winx in dire situations or is like instinctively catch their gf or what lmao Bcs imagine them needing to have this discussion as a battle strategy or smth😭 or like do they all go for their gfs and lol too bad for the rest🤪but in all honesty I really miss platonic friendships between specialists and winx who weren’t dating like flora and Brandon or flora and riven who had amazing friendship potential in early s2 and even like sky and Stella for example like that erasure of these friendships in the later seasons rlly up played the useless boytoy nature of the specialists💀
Remember when Brandon gave Musa romance advice??? Me too I'm sobbing, let them all be friends again
I think in the earlier seasons they were more likely to help not their girlfriend, see Nabu trying to help Musa, but the show runners preferred romance bait, see Nabu jumping over Tecna
In the later seasons????? No, in s5 their basically just there to date the girls and it doesn't get any better. Cannot imagine any of the guys being allowed to even think about helping someone other than their respective gf.....I miss Aisha harassing the boys more now fjejrjej at least then she was spending time with them
As for my head canons, they'd all definitely prefer to be useful to their girlfriends (esp Riven with his abandonment issues, Brandon with residual bodyguard trauma instincts, and ESPECIALLY Sky with his pretty extreme over protectiveness, bless his heart. Also Helia, but for the romance of saving his girlfriend) of course all of them want to keep their love ones safe but their the ones who are likely to get the most upset if their not the ones who do it (none of them are jealous tho. Riven's is scared he'll be abandoned by someone else he loves if he's useless and Brandon/Sky has delt with people trying to murder their best friend for years. It's mostly fear tbh) as they get better this desire goes down, but theyd all be down for someone else saving their gf as long as she's safe ya know???
I imagine they do strategize about who is best to support who in any battle but it's a quiet understanding that's it's best for everyone to team up with their respective partner and it's usually strategically the best (especially for Sky who gets panick-y when Bloom's in danger and he's not near by. He's more helpful when he can put all of his attention to the task at hand instead of worrying out of his mind)
The boys would have a use outside of being chauffeurs if the show ever made eye contact with the concept of magical exhaustion but alas
Giving them magic is one way to combat this but it feels like a cop out. Which is why I'm going to just crank up the effects of magical exhaustion until i force the boys into usefulness
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katyspersonal · 1 year
Heyo! How about sharing some Bloodborne ships opinions/ideas? It's been a while since you talked about those!
To be honest, 'Bloodborne ships' is a concept so boundless and infinite that 'bottomless Sea' compared to it is just a pathetic shallow puddle, because in my monkey brain a BB ship is any character + any character out of consenting adults who are not blood related (and even in THAT case you'll probably have ghosts of people who ship Maria with Annalise trashing your pots at night at least once *eyesroll*). So I think, for the sake of this post having a start AND an end, I'll only touch upon "acknowledged" ships.
THAT'S RIGHT FOLKS, time to recall what is POPULAR! OOOooooOOOOoooooOOOHHHH-
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Mariadeline - I am always back and forth on this ship. It is shifting between 'it doesn't seem to have came to fruition in canon since Adeline addresses Maria as her superior, and also the ship is better in Adeline's Blood Saint stage since the horror of the Research Hall doesn't fit for some uwu fluff, and Adeline seems to be too carried by Arcane to care for simple human happiness anymore' and 'since WHEN canon "evidence" and timeline could stand in the way of imagination and simply enjoying the ideas?'. A struggle between my brain and my pp..... I think I like pretty much any way to go about this ship, but in my heart it will always be superior as attraction that not only never been resolved, but also has been a breaking point for Maria, with Adeline dying in her arms no less.
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I do think they'd make a cute dynamic, it is absolutely the case where one does full autistic ramblings about their special interest (Adeline) and another just listens (Maria). I also do think they both suck at being direct about their feelings and every AU where they DID date needs the third party as a wingman xD
Laudwig (or Holyvicar, as I see often) - I do not have strong feelings on this ship? My engagement with this ship is passive (ie I just see fanart of it on my dashboard/timeline and might like it). It has a huge depth and drama potential, though! Which one became the beast first and how another reacted? How much Ludwig really knew about the Healing Church's nasty secrets; how much Laurence was hiding from him about their impending doom in the name of potential progress? I can say whereas Logarius is arguably a more useful 'pawn' in the grand plans, Ludwig's more knightly, 'naive' honor could more likely win Laurence over. I actually wrote my interpretation of the ship once! Observe:
Not a flawless ship, as Laurence has to keep many skeletons in his closet and Ludwig would have been sick if he learned HALF of the shit Laurence has to hide… Besides, there is no saying if Ludwig would spare Laurence should his precious moon sword call for hurting him. This relationship is more of a game with neigher side being allowed into depths of another's soul. However, despite his higher status, Laurence would be the one feeling more shy, helpless and red in the face because Ludwig is so big and strong and radiates hope and joy, whereas Ludwig would be more of passionate no-insecurity caring lover that had already organized a pretty date before Laurence even as much as had a THOUGHT about one. Alas with canon context in mind, this "ship" works better as a plot device to show messed up things about Church and things people gotten themselves into, to the point of no longer being allowed deep, genuine bonds.
Gehrmaurence (???) - This is canon because Gehrman basically moans his name in his sleep lol
Ok ok or OK seriously tho! I am kind of rooting for this ship and am always happy to see it recognised, I just, yet again, am passive about it and just 'like it when I see it'. It is undeniable that Laurence and Gehrman were close. Gehrman trusted Laurence enough to give himself to the "insidious Moon" in faith that Laurence WILL succeed at his designs while he sustains the Hunt for him, and WILL free him then. I do think that realising he has been failing Gehrman miserably was one of Laurence's most horrible, devastating fears when beasthood was taking him over, maybe even the last cry of his humanity. But it is that situation where character can share very deep and intimate bond without romantic involvement and it is still good; I'll certainly take them as 'friends doomed by the narrative' JUST as willingly as 'lovers doomed by the narrative'.
Gehrmaria - I do not even know whether I want to share my honest feelings about this one... lol OF COURSE I DO because nobody read the post to this point except for you anyway! xD Alright, but upon my arrival in the fandom, when I was digging up my own lore and sometimes comparing it to the fandom popular one, I was content with the idea that Doll creation was Kinda Sus and Gehrman was a bit creepy. Then I found Bellringermal's blog and was like 'OMG CURSED but you go girl!!!!!!'. Then I started to slowly develop the enjoyment of the ship that I desperately tried to deny and suppress because, again, back then I saw Gehrman as a creep, so I just blamed Mal
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Yo but do you remember what actually triggered my researcher streak? OH LAURENCE OF COURSE YOU REMEMBER-
Right, I've had that dream about a snow/ice Great One attacking altered Yharnam, several characters gathering in a castle built-in the mountain, Rom being pregnant from Simon (wtf!!!!!!!) and… Maria was there too. There was that brief moment where Gehrman was awkwardly trying to see her from the shadows and someone asked Maria like 'hey who is that guy following you everywhere :т', from which Gehrman got scared and chickened away, and Maria was like '…nobody important'.
So after that time I woke up with the strange +15 Insight effect, because something about her intonation, her face and the context made me perceive the depth to which that bond went, and the complexity of her resentment. You know how in the dreams you sometimes can just... 'perceive' feelings and information that wasn't directly said? Telepathy. Makes sense, because dreams happen in the brain... or... DO THEY? So, I knew I NEEDED to grasp that exact sentiment and find out WHAT Maria was feeling in my dream. It felt significant. So that day I dived EXTRA deep into research and wrote the 'Let's analyze Gehrman, Maria and the Doll' ( x ) that not only is my real, genuine take on the relationship, but also the girls liked it and some changed previously harshly negative opinion on Gehrman.
I still wish I never poked my nose deeper on the matter and things just stayed that way, because this is the only controversial ship in the fandom and it constantly brings out the worst in fans. Letting people enjoy their ship and have their takes on the old man is far too much to ask from a western community, so for every toxic, mean-spirited, disrespectful hiss towards Gehrmaria shippers, I kept discovering new counter-evidence, new ways to see Maria and new redeeming qualities about Gehrman! Until I've lost the sight of whether I myself actually SHIP it, started to root for this ship to pick-up and prosper as a matter of 'cool people keep winning', lost the creepy but so needed 'darkness' of this ship as a concept... And although PLENTY of people thanked me for "saving" Gehrman's ass and the ship as a concept (not exaggerating), sometimes I wonder: would not it have been better to just leave things as they were and enjoy my own thing in secluded, individualist way?
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Pfffft LMAO mfw you came to listen about ship dramas, but ended up listening about my PERSONAL dramas XD But yeah, my interpretation here is pretty darn simple. Maria might have had a crush but by now is greatly disappointed - based on Gehrman's curiosity that WAS digging through corpses to seek eyes for Willem, but she is disappointed in herself more than in him, he taught her a great deal but she also got her gentler, sweeter side practically ruined by the hunt, he liked her but never dared to approach her because of age gap and he just felt undeserving, he could not even dream of her because of his own regrets and crashing realisation of how much he failed her - including not being there for her to prevent her Minecraft… Another case of ship that never came to fruition in canon. But in an AU where it did happen, I think it would be bittersweet; Gehrman is older and beaten up by hard life, and is a callous brick in emotional situations at times, so their relationship would know some conflicts; not a bad thing, arguments are normal! They're both tough outside and gentle inside, both are capable of great self-sacrifice but also of great war crimes, lol. But Gehrman is just… a bit dead inside? They have enough in common to get along, but not enough to get bored by each other.
Valmura/Valtmura/whatever - Funny enough, they do somewhat remind me of how Gehrmaria is in my head! The 'dead inside', somewhat cruel and callous murderous mentor figure that Seen Some Shit before and might be intimidating with how far he goes and his sensitive, emotional, slightly naive, passionate student with great knightly chivalry that is effectively broken by walking this mentor's path, LOL.
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So the same sort of relationship that is not ideal and almost certainly is canonically SCREWED, only Valtr pulls his big boy pants and sucks the grief up instead of succumbing to despair to the point of madness. I think this is a nice ship, the dynamic is great! Just the perfect balance of 'similar enough to get along but enough differences to have productive conflicts and not be bored' I do not find very often! (Also yes I keep completely disregarding power imbalance of mentor/student for both this ship and previous one, I hope ya'll are still hooked </3 )
Gasgoryk - I used to dislike this ship, actually! No shit, outright going 'grrrrrrr' seeing it because it reminded me too much of my internet childhood during my 12-13 years where the girls would always neglect the male character's canon crush/lover/wife to not "stand in the way" for their gay ship! It just felt like Viola was pushed aside despite being mother of Gasc's children...? And I thought the two ships could not coexist because Henryk MUST be Viola's father (source: younger daughter mentioning 'grandpa'). But I've since seen plenty of good interpretations, justifications for 'grandpa' commentary, and all in all, setting events in the past and AUs still exist! I just don't mind by now, I simply prefer Gascola more! But I think I enjoy the thought that Henryk might have had silent crush on Gascoigne that he never delivered and it was too late when he got engaged with his daughter; but the pain was forgotten when the first child was born!
Gascola - A lot to explore, a lot to speculate (wholesome and not much), doomed by narrative, IS CANON! Everything I love. Will always prefer this ship to Gascoryk or Violeen because... canon... guys this is SUPER canon... and they also have children, guys you don't understand, it is ACTUAL family... (too bad they all fucking die lol)
Micorom/Romicolash/whatever - This, my fellas, was my very first ship when I poked my nose in Bloodborne! I clicked with Rom so much almost instantly, and Mal was my first exposure to the ship, as well! I thought absolutely nothing could be more fun. Back then, my Rom had a different personality (simply she was sassy, bitter and a bit tired from being overworked by Micolash and Willem). I was fully prepared to become a Micorom type of fan and give this ship soooooooooo. muuuuuuuuch. CONTENT. ...but at some point I saw this:
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And EVERYTHING clicked into place.
So yes, Rom being his sister is my official idea now. But- honestly, this is still such a great ship as a concept! It feels like no matter how Rom's personality is written, the two could have a great dynamic! And what is the outcome? Does Micolash end up being jealous and resentful because he hates to see the girlboss win- I mean, that Rom ascended and he didn't? Or he simply misses her and hopes to JOIN her when he ascends? I just don't know what a mf would have to do to not make a ship like this work imo, because these characters are just cursed to have The Dynamic TM no matter what. I definitely cheer people who ship it... Do what I can't! *sobs*
Hunter x Doll -
Ok ok ok listen dfhhdshdf With Bloodborne, everything depends on the interpretation, so it is not excluded there are ways to make this work! But this is just certainly not my thing.
Doll is an interesting case though, because like I said before, I think soul of Maria DOES live in her - without memories and sedated by the Moon, and Gehrman probably doesn't even know that himself. But when Doll is asleep - she is awake somewhere else and vice-versa, yadda yadda. However, before a hunter as much as looks at her the attracted way, she still needs to find a decent connection with her humanity. And there is her perception of her role as a servant for those hunters that will just stand and take it if they hit her. This is just... it is such a delicate matter that I can't even begin to cover it. It is not even the same level of delicate as complexities of mentor/student!
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Rombrietas and Romurie/Yurrom - Perfect ships, nuff said. Though I feel like they are no longer 'popular' and are the thing of the begone era of the fandom (forgotten like Julie x Imposter). But from what I gathered, fandom of 2016-17 enjoyed them. I think that both of these are so likely that I can declare them canon-plaucible. As in, they could actually happen IN canon, not even in alternative/happier timeline. Ebrietas weeps the petrified corpse that looks like Rom when lyrics of her theme refer to Mensis ritual that Rom is covering; meanwhile, Yurie/Julie irrationally fights you on the way to Rom that even Willem encourages you to hunt... That's just two whole women to care about Rom deeply!
Of course not tryna push anything; Ebrietas could lament something else (maybe fate of humanity in general), and Julie could just be winning time for imposter Iosefka to do her experiments. But... why? x) I am very on board with the idea that Ebrietas worries about Rom all the way, seeing Rom becoming a 'spider' (association with Amygdalae and forbidden knowledge). She, who used to be a pawn of the Moon behind her, got in contact with her human side (as an adult celestial larvae), to the point of crying red blood when 'celestial' Kin have it drained of color normally.
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AYYYYY that's why it is called 'Paleblood sky'!
Also an oldie:
She loved listening to Rom's 'epiphanies' and took her 100% seriously before it became mainstream x) Though Yurie was eager - getting angry at anyone that dared to criticize Rom even IF criticism was right! Meanwhile Rom always shared personal info with Yurie before anyone else. Plus they always had many shared interests - singing, nature, stars, bothering teachers long after classes are over with silly questions… Yurie having always been by Rom's side physically and mentally made her by effect keep Willem's teachings at heart even if other former Byrgenwerth students who joined Choir ditched those mostly. When Yurie ends up losing her sanity too, one thing she still holds onto is refusing to agree to harm Rom, completely ignoring Damian's pleading that not only it must be done, but also Rom will come out alright as a Great One.. really sad downfall.
Alfred x Crow - I am not very comfortable with the fact that Alfred... well... listen, it is a rather sensitive topic, so I will try to address it as discreet, subtly and maturely as possible. Alfred, as we can conclude... IS A GODDAMN RELIGIOUS FANATIC THAT THINKS VILEBLOODS SHOULD BE EXTERMINATED AS A KIND BECAUSE OF THE BLOOD HIS RELIGION DEEMS "IMPURE"!!! This ship is just certainly not my thing. I know Crow messed up a little by causing Eileen's death, but I am sure not even he is bad enough to deserve any advances by the guy that dehumanizes (devampirizes????) him by proxy. Sure, ship can fit into hatef4cking territory, but we talk about ship... like, relationship... relationshipies...
Ariadella - Fun fact! Despite this ship being basically the same problem as Alfred x Crow (except worse because Adella DOES kill Arianna), I used to like it initially! These two show the personalities that I can see as type of opposites that can mutually improve and complete one another! ...in a happier AU somewhere. But more often than not I am unhappy with the idea of "erasing" the fact that Adella considers Arianna worthy of being murdered in the scenario where she "dirties" the Hunter with her blood just for some shippy fluff. It is a back and forth for me, depending on how the ship is portrayed, and in what context!
Alfhunter - No strong feelings, it got nice art but I just shrug it off. Like, valid, but that's it. However, I do lay awake at nights and think:
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"Man, but what could possibly make people see that psychotic religious fanatic beat a defenceless vampire queen into a bloody pulp and decide this is the most desirable man ever that they want to hook up their self-insert or mindchild with?" And you might ask: "Wait, doesn't line up, THIS is where you draw the line? But then how do you explain your crush on Micolash who's done much, MUCH worse things?". Well, I actually have an answer to that that will clarify your confusion and prove that I am not being a hypocrite! You see,
*gradually becomes transparent upon spinning around and teleports away like Rom*
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party-in-eldarya · 1 year
Playing ANE what a joy, part... another part, ep7
Guys, this episode will be mostly about Leiftan. I am sorry if you do not like him, but I find those infos interesting and well, he IS my LI so there is a lot about him today.
Anyway, Erika and Leif got a date, they meet under the tree. Leiftan offered to teach Erika some mediation's technique.
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He teaches her how to meditate the aengel style, your honor! She is afraid she will enter his mind, just like she entered Miiko's once.
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Um, really? You just got to know her better, and she allowed you to see her painful memories so... here, you can get to know your partner, you were yearning for companionship, for love, understanding, support... here could be your chance.
...But Leiftan assures us that neighter Erika nor him will be able to read minds durig meditation. It's a whole different thing.
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LORE! It is happening, it is happening!!! We will get to know something about aengels!
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Eh, basically aengels are able to see the flow of maana? But in this state they are also v connected to Eldarya. Erika didn't see anything wrong with the world, so this merge thing seems a bit too much.
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He promised to never use daemonic powers...
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...but went to Genkaku for our sake, hoping to protect us. However, when the danger appeared- sersea, maripods, attack of Tenjin's kitsunes...
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He tried to break his vows or Erika. Damn, that man really loves her.
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Just imagine. You are the most powerful creature on this world. Strong, capable, smart. You always believe you are in the right, but during last month you realised your ideas were false, wrong. You almost lost (or lost in same cases) love of your life. And now all you got- the connection to your race, parents, ancestors- is severed. You are powerless, useless, confused. And you arrived to Eel, with it's famour mental health care /s and try to carry on. No one should know it, because otherwise they may deem you useless and you will lose even their protection. You would be alone for real. Poor, murderous baby.
THE CHOICE, and Beemoov didn't give us much hints on which answer would be a "shitty" one. Suggesting him to be more active about regaining his powers gives you -5, but it still seems like an ok answer. Hugging- that's the right option.
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Erika offers her help in finding some solution for him- really nice touch that she asks for his permission.
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This is a really nice scene, and Erika is v good here. No complaints.
He asks her for her discretion.
+4 maana for our familiar which sours my mood. Beemoov could have ended this scene with two sentences:
-We stayed there for a while. 2 maana.
-It was so peaceful, and I knew that Leiftan felt the same. 2 maana.
...and then write canon lines: Erika has to go pick the dress from Catlady.
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it's a date then.
We talk with Purriry, there is an important CHOICE (pick the one about wanting to dance with someone for illu with LI). Erika blushes and Purriry is surprisingly nice to her, while all I want to hear was:
Leiftan and Erika sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G first comes love, then comes marriage then comes...
The dress is nice, but alas, not the colours of my Imo. Will buy recolors. Too expensive, tho.
I went for a little walk and met Lance and his little pet.
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A nice scene, Erika mentions that he probably didnt play with familiar... or spent some fun time with anyone for ages. Pet's name is Skala btw.
And that's fine, but scenes with Erika's pet are not. Why, you ask? It's because Skala is here to make us see how Lance has changed. That he has a softness that wasnt there (or was hidden). That he is no longer a person who murders weak, that he values lifes of even those beneath him (familiars). While with Erika we know her thoughts and we know that she is a good person and it didn't change.
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...and this is something that my OC Erika would say. See, that episode has some decent writing!
We leave Lance and Skala alone, change to our new dress and then HH appears. Lots of thoughts on how wonderful HH is, how her laughter is refrehsing blah blah. But HH in this scene resembles her TO self.
Does Erika knows what happens during balls?
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we got junkin all night Then after the ball its the (after party) And after the party its the (hotel lobby) And round about 4 you gotta (clear the lobby) Then head take it to the room and freak somebody
Erika suspects that answer, but decides to ask HH for answer:
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I... didn't expect this. It was... OMG, this episode IS kinda good?
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AHEM. When Gardienne had diverse opinion of Lance HH wasn't that happy and accepting.
Anyway, I did little walk during night just to marvel at backgrounds. they prepared night version too! I think they had bigger plans for ANE...
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^This will help too.
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Chrome is not happy to have party in place where Oracle has died. Karenn seems ok with this, she doesn't seem to respect his feelings... -ish, kinda? But tries to cheer him up. Mathieu admits he doesn't see the problem- but agrees it could be because he didn't even know Oracle, which, for some reason, angers Koori. She is v moody.
HH's motivational speech is about uncertain future, and how eldaryans always manage to preserve. Ok speech (for anyone who would like to add this scene for their stories- this would be a perfect moment to think about Valkyon). However, she ends it with "dance our first dance with someone who is dear to you" which is like, ok? Preschool? OFC, the first one to dance are HH and Ewelein. HH IS NOT A VILLAIN, their love is in our face, the perfect couple, the perfect, caring leader. Her sister dances with Adalrik. Interesting... Or she doesn't give a shit about HH's words and just wanted to dance ASAP. Koori tries to force Karuto to ask Zifu to dance, but because he is shy, she asked fenghuangs herself. Karuto is sad and leaves to serve something to eat. He agrees that he may ask Zifu later for a dance but still, that was a bitchy move.
And Leiftan. Who tried to leave party but for once me and Erika had same wish: to be with him. Wait, was he a bad dancer in TO? Anyway, Erika encourages him to get...closer. INSERT HUMPING FROG GIF.
And in this route their feelings and they craving for physical intimacy are quite well described. It would make sense if they slept together after ball. They had an emotional moment under the tree, they shared their feelings, they have chemistry too. Just writing this because most players said that the sex scene in ep 14 (?) was off and strange.
I think that if Beemoov decided to quit with harem aspect in their games and players are forced to pick one route quite early... then they could have written different scenarios and pacing for each route. For Lance any real intimacy (emotional at least) should happen late in the season, but Leiftan and Erika has something big going on this episode.
Ok, on this route Erika clearly KNOWS what she wants from him. I heard that in next ep she is hiding those feelings again, but here... they are for him to see. She wants him. He wants her. Erika cannot even tell to whom those thoughts belong to. The illu is ugly, but mostly because strange Erika's profile (her eyes are too close). Anyway, it WAS a rather nice scene. The end of episode. I think I will buy some maana when they will put all bank outfits to buy... and will start ep 8, but for now, that's all.
It was IMHO best episode (I enoyed first one too), and I only have minor complains. I managed to talk to each LI (Nevra was a hidden scene, Lance was optional). Karenn and Chrome were more likeable than usual, we learnt something about aengels. There was some awkward moments, and ffs too much familiar, but it was a solid 7/10. Maybe 8/10 because after genkaku all is better. Thank you all who comment, like and subs interact, it makes playing ANE much more fun :)
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drewsaturday · 2 years
ty viennaaaaa! questions from here
Favorite character: barbara my beloved
Least Favorite character: i feel like it's almost lazy to say steve but... steve.... weirdly he kinda grew on me but he was still used in extremely annoying ways 9/10 times, so if i cared i would make my own lil pocket version of him that is bearable but alas i do not so he is simply... steve..... i'm also not a huge merlin fan.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): stricklake and stricklakerot are rly all i've explored but that reminds me i also wanna look more into barbmura, morgana/gwen, morgana/barbara, and usurna/nomura. honorable 3below mention to zadra/izita and wizards mention to arcane order hell since we're over 5 anyway.
Character I find most attractive: it is SO cowardly of me to say barbara considering the show is also like, monsterfucker central, but... she pretty... and unfortunately a lot of female troll designs kinda suck, and while i love morgana i have issues with her design as well. i do think strickler and angor rot are attractive in theory but i have a very weird sexuality of like, yes i'd love to get railed by them even if it'd kill me, but i don't think i'm "attracted" to them because i'm in a weird zone of being a lesbian but also a monsterfucker and i genuinely do not know how to explain it more than that. so yeah we'll go with barbara bc there is...... idk, something special abt bein into someone kinda plain amidst a world of magical creatures, too? maybe? who knows, thanks for coming 2 my ted talk in this wendy's drive thru
Character I would marry: barbara is going to be my answer for SO much so i'll say nomura for this one because i love the surprise of never knowing if i'm going to get poisoned. usurna is also in that realm.
Character I would be best friends with: hmm maybe blinky because we're both insufferably autistic, but i would probably get annoyed with him fast. i probs would've vibed with eli when i was in high school tho, and aja reminds me of the classic hyperactive adhd weeb girlies i always wanted to get to know better.
a random thought: this is making me realize that after i finished the franchise i forgot literally everything about the show that wasn't barbara-centric
An unpopular opinion: yeah we're not going there <3 the worst i can probably answer with is that while i hate rott, i also do love the delicious angst of watching barb's reaction to strickler dying (esp doing so right after they got engaged) so i am kinda glad it gave me a glimpse into that just...... i do not want to take that or anything else from that film as canon tho lol. i just like having that in my back pocket for when i want a mental breakdown.
My Canon OTP: stricklake babey
My Non-canon OTP: stricklakerot is the only other one i've really explored!
Most Badass Character: either angor rot or barb with her broom
Most Epic Villain: man i wish i could say morgana because i love her in theory but in practice i just... don't vibe with a lot of how she was handled. so i'm gonna probs say some kinda tie between angor, strickler, usurna, and nomura because i also don't rly care about gunmar or bular etc (sry mister clancy). arcane order comes to mind but i didn't pay as much attention to them as i should've.
Pairing I am not a fan of: so i don't hate jim and claire but i also don't know why i semi-like them??? i really appreciate a lot of the ways they're portrayed in fanart! esp when toby gets added in. and again i actually don't hate them! i just don't... know why they're together when i actually think about it, and they're also too young for me to rly care to think about that much anyway.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): hmm i mean... rott aside i don't know. i guess "draal should have lived" counts here. also my previously mentioned issues with some troll designs, i just think nomura's in particular could've been way better. oh and i had some issues with morgana's whole narrative but i can't remember them. ultimately i think the writers just didn't go into the actually interesting characters' backstories anywhere near enough.
Favourite Friendship: barb and nancy even if it's all in my head <3 also jim and all his new dads
Character I most identify with: barbara, which is probably mostly projection but like... i vibe with trying to balance work and school and childcare responsibilities even if i will never have it as hard as she had jl;sdjfsldkfj. i also love angor rot because yeah i also relate to continually being at the mercy of people who don't have my best interest at heart and wanting nothing more than to have independence from them but having no means of doing so. there's also def something there with changelings x autistic feels with always having a Mask on and being in survival mode.
Character I wish I could be: omg none of them everyone's lives are all nightmares??? BUT probably barbara because being at the center of a monster harem sounds fun
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greypetrel · 1 year
doing a pinky swear
For the Touching ask prompts, character of your choice :)
Thank you! :D
Pulling a Hawke/Merrill because I’m in a Merrill mood.
(Note: since I couldn’t choose for the fic one of my current two Hawkes, I kept them both. Garrett’s one year younger, a Spirit Healer and Blood Mage -Merrill in the house… He was curious and learnt some things. Also, Merribela is canon, tell me what you want, I romanced them both and nobody stopped me and so they’re all three together in my head, can’t convince me otherwise, Isabela just didn’t move in.)
And I’m definitely not procrastinating a chapter I’m finding difficult to pull out, noooo, who, me?
31. Doing a pinky swear
“It wouldn’t hurt if you stayed still!”
A thousand and one thing could be said about Merrill as a mage -she was insanely talented, she was resourceful and had a brilliant mind she never gave herself credit for-, but one thing she wasn’t. She wasn’t a healer. And it was painfully evident as she was trying to patch a nasty cut on her side up without magic, fumbling with alcohol rubbed too roughly and in too much quantity -it trickled down her bare side, making her shiver- and touching the wound too much. Thankfully, Garrett had noticed it and had taken all sewing tools away from where she knew to look for the healing tools when he wasn’t at home, like now.
But, she knows it’s her way of worrying and of dealing with the worry -and that bloody bastard hit cut her deep, it has stopped bleeding recently. So, she let the elf have a go, pushing hard in applying a piece of clean cloth on the wound and hissing when she moved it and it scraped, gritting her teeth.
“For such a fierce warrior, you’re really delicate.” She giggles, picking a roll of fresh, cleaned bandages from the casket and starting to wind it around her.
It’s not the first time she did it, and Hawke knew she would have either gone too loose or too tight. So, she gently turned -wincing when the movement pulled at the wound-, and stopped her with a hand gently on her wrist. She could be gentle, when she wanted, and with Merrill, she always did.
“Let me.” She just told her, with half a smile met with another and a not of her head.
She made a quick work of it, equally used to do the job by herself by now to be quick about it. Not that she was more delicate than Merrill has been, but at least she knew when to expect pain. She exhaled loudly when she was done, letting her back fall on the mattress, theatrically, bouncing once with an exaggerated sigh.
“Alas, and I didn’t even get a kiss where it hurts! How, HOW will I survive my current predicament without one?” She declared, with just the right amount of emphasis to make clear that it was just for show.
As on clue and wanted, the elf giggled at it, bending down towards her face. Hawke looked at her, peeking between her eyelashes, and pursed out her lips in a clear invitation. She was met with a finger in the middle, tho, pressing slightly.
She opened one eye, questioningly, to find the Dalish looming over her with a pout on her face that was too adorable to incute any real fear, but she learnt long time ago not to underestimate the other. Even if she really looked like an angry fluffy kitten, as Bela called her, she saw her taking down the worst thugs and Qunari seasoned warriors as it was nothing. So, she didn’t point her finger at how cute she looked and how much she wanted to kiss her, right now. And just, pursed back her lips and opened her second eye, sighing and resting both hands on her stomach.
“You shouldn’t go around and attack random people. Not now.”
Merrill scolded her, and Raina knew she was right. She still had her finger on her lips, so she didn’t reply.
“I know you’re still feeling horrible and guilty about your mother.”
“I’m not-” She protested, furrowing. She moped around the house for three days and listened to Isabela who told her to just… Mope around for a bit. Grieve. Throw a tantrum if she needed. Eat her weight in cake. She did mope around and got ugly and ate nothing but cake, one day, cozying up with Garrett and Beowoof before the fireplace. It was good, Bela was right, and now she was fine.
“You are. You have this faraway, restless look in your eyes sometimes, your leg starts to bounce and you fidget, and then you get your armour on, take your daggers and rush to Lowtown. I thought Fenris was having a stroke, once, before I realized he was just worried about you.”
She furrowed back at her. She knew Merrill wasn’t finished, but she made clear that she didn’t agree with all that. She rushed to Lowtown because there was always something to do, some bandit to clear out, and everyone in town would have asked her anyway, so why waiting. Fenris could have all the strokes he wanted, if he and her idiot of a brother wanted to tag along, they should have not taken so long to get ready.
“What I mean, venhan, is… I’m worried. You’re acting reckless and getting hurt, and with the situation with the Templars… Meredith knows of your brother, you shouldn’t get so much attention.”
 As scolding as the elf was trying to be, there was real worry in her voice -she never could mask her emotions and she loved her for that. And she hated how easily Merrill make her unfurl by creeping right behind her walls and defenses, making her notice things she would have liked to keep buried down and never look at again.
She raised a hand, cupping the elf’s cheek and stroking her cheekbone with the thumb.
“I would never let anyone happen to you or my brother, you know that?”
“I’m not worried about that, I’m worried about you, silly.”
“I’m not a mage, what could Meredith do?”
“No, but she could imprison you for housing two blood mages. We would be killed on sight if we can’t run away, but you? I don’t know if she’ll spare you the same courtesy.”
Raina sighed, slipping her hand to the back of Merrill’s neck to drag her down and get the kiss she had wanted from the start. That she really needed, right now. The elf put her hand right on a big bruise, but she soldiered on, circling her waist with the other arm to keep her flush against her. She dragged the kiss for long, nibbing at her lower lip and licking her palate. Bodhan had baked blueberry cake and didn’t tell her? After… Well, after, she’ll go right down and act offended.
When Merrill moved back to breath, she was deliciously flushed, lips reddened and plump. Beautiful. She smirked at her, satisfied of her work. For now, at least. But Merrill evidently still wasn’t done in reprimanding her. She could get used to that, even if usually the controlling one was always Isabela, between them three. Raina didn’t mind at all, found the idea of a Merrill in full control positively tantalising, and couldn’t stop smiling, smugly no doubt.
“I’m serious. No more rushing? Talk to me first?”
“If you ask it this nicely…”
“Pinky promise?”
And indeed she raised her hand to offer her her pinky. Which took Raina a little aback. She didn’t want to giggle at her, she really didn’t. But she couldn’t help it.
“Pinky promise? Seriously, Mer?”
“Laugh all you like!” She batted the other hand on her shoulder, playfully, which made Hawke laugh more and had the elf start giggling as well. “It worked with Bela, you see.”
“Did it.”
“She hasn’t stolen any other precious relic in three years!”
More laughter, boisterously now, that earned her another bat on the shoulder and another feat of giggles.
“Laugh all you want, it worked!”
“Ok, ok, I got it... Let me... There.” She yielded, chest still shaking in laughter and a stupid smile that didn’t want to fall from her face, as she twined her own pinky with Merrill’s, waving their hands about left and right. “Pinky promise. But on one condition.”
“What, venhan?”
Hawke smirked as the only foreshadowing, kicking up the bed and flipping them over, trapping Merrill under her -with a loud squeal- , their hands still joined by their pinkies between them, and pecking her on the lips.
“A kiss where it hurts?”
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