shoshiwrites · 2 months
💘😊🔁 fic rec meme, please!
💘 A fic you couldn't stop reading once you started
Ornithology at the End of the World by ester_inc (12 Monkeys, Cole/Ramse, Teen and Up) — I went through a 12 Monkeys phase in lockdown (don't ask) and this was just. So Gorgeous and thoughtful and hard-edged and tender. I love it very much.
😊 A fic that made you smile on a bad day
a simple lesson by distractionpie (Band of Brothers, Shifty/Tab, Teen and Up) — Just ver very sweet. Yearning. Kissing lessons. Need we say more?
🔁 A fic you’ve re-read several times
a nation of rats by arbitrarily (Prime Suspect US, Calderon/Blando, Teen and Up) — Please do not ask me what year this show got canceled. I think about the visual of iced tea with raspberries congealing at the bottom of the glass at least once a week.
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fictionescapism · 2 years
Fanfic Rec #128 Arthur/Eames (Inception) part 4
High Hopes by ester_inc Arthur at seventeen is not the same as Arthur at twenty-nine; Eames is one of the few people to have met Arthur at both ages. Some days, Arthur thinks that if he could go back in time and smack some sense into his teenage self, he would. A story about lust, love, and the years between.
Ivory Tower by earlgreytea68 In which Arthur is an academic with a sexy conference hook-up...
Follies of Roughhousing by Ylith Dom is Arthur’s older brother, and Eames is Dom’s best friend.  Dom and Eames have always loved to mess with Arthur, but as they get older Arthur develops a raging crush on Eames.  Arthur is mortified the first time he gets hard while Eames is tackling him, but then one day Eames wrestles him to the ground and Arthur can feel that he isn't the only one affected.
La Vie de Famille by Lenore Arthur takes a job babysitting for Eames's son. Family happens.
you're the sugar to my high by scribblscrabbl A bakery AU.In which life and love are never so simple as making a perfect croissant.
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oopshidaisyy · 4 years
July Fic Recs
a little late but here we go!
praying for sparks in the dark (in the heart) by susiecarter "Him," the Bat repeats, in a low and deceptively soft growl. "I don't know who he was," the man says immediately, taking this cue and running with it. "I don't, honest. Honest, I swear to god. Nobody did. He just showed up, that's all. Asking about you, asking everybody what they knew, if they'd ever seen you, what you'd done. Metropolis," the man adds belatedly. "He had that look, you know? Clean. Said his name was—Carr, or Kemp, or something. Something like that." (Or: in a universe where Bruce becomes aware that someone's looking into the Batman, he goes to the effort to track down Clark Kent. It doesn't play out quite the way either of them expected.) Clark/Bruce, 20k, E
having let go forever the fallacy of ever being alone by gyzym This time there are shitty dogeared paperbacks Arthur wouldn't be caught dead reading piled on the coffee table, and half-finished crosswords tucked into the bookshelves, and the far wall is hung with that tapestry they'd bought in a shit part of London on a whim. This time they've spent all day fixing their sink and there's a mug of yesterday's tea sitting on top of the television and it's not just Arthur's living room at all. Arthur/Eames, 16k, E
A Sure Thing by lightgetsin "Okay," Peter says, and there's a rasp in his voice. "Repeat after me: theft is not foreplay." Neal/Peter, 3k, E
perfect strangers by susiecarter Batman and Superman are fucking. Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent are a great cover for fighting crime, and also might be dating. Bruce and Clark have no idea what they're doing; but they definitely aren't going to be able to talk themselves into stopping. Clark/Bruce, 15k, E
run to the river (dive in) by susiecarter MoS AU: With one successful fishing season already under his belt, Clark's finally getting comfortable on the Debbie Sue. He just wishes this guy Dixon hadn't signed on with them, because the way he watches Clark is really starting to give Clark the creeps. (Or: Bruce goes undercover looking for enhanced individuals before BvS instead of after—and finds one.) Clark/Bruce, 5k, M
Took Me By Surprise and Then by thehoyden After the second surgery in New York, Charles doesn’t anticipate anyone keeping vigil by his bedside — and certainly not Tony Stark. Charles/Erik, 5k, T
as to which may be the true by susiecarter It isn't difficult to go on in the wake of Superman's death. His resurrection, though, poses a problem—especially when it turns out there's no such thing as the right moment to explain that Martha Kent's obnoxious billionaire friend? Is also the man who tried really hard to shove a kryptonite spear through Clark's face. Clark/Bruce, 53k, M
Blue Devils by VillaKulla /blo͞o ˈdevəl/ noun, inf: a feeling of despondency, depression, or low spirits origins: Old American West Billy/Goody, 4k, M
Spree by thingswithwings "So, okay, Britta," Annie says, "this thing you gave me is seriously just a scrap of ripped looseleaf that says 'IOU one shopping spree at A Woman's Touch.' I do not even know what that is." Britta does an excited little leap in the air and claps her hands. "It's me deciding to help you discover your true womanhood." Britta/Annie, 4k, E
embroidery appreciation by Annie D Written for an anon on tumblr who requested Natasha and Tony as brotp, or Steve/Tony being schmoopy in love. This is a bit of both. Tony & Nat, 1k, T
and every map is blank by gyzym It's -- topography, Carlos thinks, of a person, of two people, it's so complicated, it's so much easier to just go it by yourself. He doesn't want to hurt Cecil but he doesn't want to keep any part of himself from Cecil, either, and it scares him that that's true, and it scares him to know it's what Cecil wants. Carlos/Cecil, 7k, T
trothplight by arriviste “What a metaphor,” Grantaire said bitterly. “I may dress your windows, but no more. We’ll greet each other in the streets, but you won’t admit me to your chambers or your hearts. I know all the words, all the empty speeches one needs to mouth for membership – I can rattle them off as well as you. Want me to prate Hébert or praise the Supreme Deity? Quote Rousseau or Marat? I can mum them; I don’t, because I don’t mean them, and because I’m an honest sceptic, I’m untrustworthy.” Enjolras/Grantaire, 4k, E
A-Wing, X-Wing, Y-Wait, B-Mine (Please) by ester_inc Finn keeps finding himself in situations where – no, wait, let's start over. Poe keeps ending up shirtless, nearly shirtless, or soaking wet, and somehow Finn is always there when it happens. The universe is either taunting him with what he can't have or rewarding him for good behavior, and Finn can't decide which is more likely. Either way, he's emotionally unprepared for, oh, let's be honest here: Poe's entire existence. It's fine. No big deal. He's working on it. Finn/Poe, 7k, E
Just Give Me Moments by barricadeur Enjolras comes home from a protest to a not-empty apartment. --- "What happened?" Grantaire says. His other hand grips Enjolras's shoulder, as if to keep him from pulling back, but Enjolras is so tired that the energy necessary to break away seems monumental. He lets Grantaire inspect him, says only, "I hit my head." "On someone's fist?" Enjolras/Grantaire, 1k, T
The Rare Gift by triedunture The prompt was "Dean receives an . . . unusual . . . Christmas gift from Castiel." The gift turns out to be wings. Dean/Cas, 4k, M
i love you now like i loved you then (this is the road and these are the hands) by theappleppielifestyle Somewhere in their phone calls after Derry 2.0, Richie and Eddie had decided to finally take that road trip. Richie would fly in from LA, then they’d drive back there from New York. It’ll be just like it could’ve been, Richie had said once. (Or, Eddie and Richie resume.) Richie/Eddie, 6k, M
i guess i should say thanks or some shit believe it or not, charles has a well-thought-out moral philosophy. he doesn’t follow it. but he has thought it out. alternatively: charles and erik douche it up in amsterdam. Charles/Erik, 17k, M
this is your sword, this is your shield by susiecarter Post-BvS, Diana and Lois start to develop a habit of protecting each other. But sometimes habits become ruts, and every now and then it's a good idea to break out of them. (Or: a whole bunch of times Diana and Lois looked out for each other, plus the time Lois ended up feeling like it might be worth it to be just a little less careful.) Diana/Lois, 9k, T
Family Portrait, c. 1840, oil on canvas by littlerhymes Lestat's latest favourite is a painter. Lestat/Louis, 2k, T
get religion quick (cause you’re looking divine) by brinnanza So it was fine. Even if Crowley couldn’t love him, he clearly liked him well enough, and that was almost the same thing. It no doubt would have continued to be fine, or at least fine-adjacent, were it not for a narrowly averted apocalypse and several bottles of a really quite nice Riesling Aziraphale had found in the back room of his newly restored bookshop. Aziraphale/Crowley, 4k, G
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caducus · 6 years
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Some fanart I made a while back, inspired by reading ester_inc’s “A-Wing, X-Wing, Y-Wait, B-Mine (Please).” I read the tattoo description and decided I wanted to see if/how I could make it happen.
“It wasn't abstract, at least not the way Finn had half expected it to be based on the glimpses he'd gotten. It started at the small of Poe's back with two overlapping X-wing schematics that almost looked like roots, the design flowing upward from there like a stem, spanning across Poe's shoulders. On his left shoulder blade was a tree, or the idea of a tree, odd and beautiful. On the right was an A-wing, and along Poe's spine where the two met, the lines melded together, seamless, one and the same.
It was amazing.”
-Ester_inc, “A-Wing, X-Wing, Y-Wait, B-Mine (Please).”
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iamnmbr3 · 2 years
Hiiii! As someone who comes to thorki fandom occasionally, you're my absolute favorite blog! *~*
A question. Do you still rec fics? It's totally okay if you don't, please don't feel pressured!
But if you do, can I please ask for "early thorki" relationship? Like, perhaps set in thor 1 era and maybe dark world. No avengers characters please, i really get weird vibes when they're in thorki fics and i prefer asgardian vibes more🥲😅 i really like their relationship in the first movies bc i feel like in thor 1 and pre-canon, it was thor who started the relationship but always acted like nothing particular was going on between them, making loki feel miserable and then when loki finally snapped, thor realized he truly loved his brother. I just like this silly headcanon of mine🤭
Anyway, thank you!!!♡
Anon this message genuinely made my day. Thank you so much for the kind words! Yes! I am definitely happy to give you recs! I’ve included them below. And I feel you. The early movies' characterization and dynamic is great. Plus I love pics that really explore the whole world of Asgard more. If you or anyone else has additional recs I'd love to hear them bc I love pre canon or canon divergent thorki fits set around Thor 1. And nice headcanon! Hope you enjoy some of these fics. Come back into my inbox any time. :)
On the Eagle's Wings by illwynd (words: 2,975 | rating: T | Thorki)
After Loki falls from the Bifrost, Thor begins to write him letters every day.
The Heavy Crown by orphan_account (words: 10,024 | rating: M | Thorki)
Odin is dead. Loki must take up the mantle of King even as war threatens Asgard, Thor remains bereft of both Mjolnir and his immortality, and stress coupled with the knowledge of his heritage drives Loki to the brink.
As the Wind Said to the Trees by ester_inc (words: 4,331 | rating: E | Thorki)
An old rumor reaches Thor's ears; his confrontation with Loki has unforeseen consequences.
Yidrigar by epistolic (words: 5,174 | rating: M | Thorki)
Sometimes I am envious, but never doubt that I love you.
Chaos War by astolat (words: 34,203 | rating: E | Thorki)
It was never easy to find Loki when he wanted to hide, but he wasn't doing a particularly good job of it at the moment. Probably he didn't think anyone from Asgard would be wasting their time hunting for him while the shining ones churned their way steadily through all the realm.
No Common Thing by ravenbringslight (8,283 | rating: E | Thorki)
Loki follows Thor to a brothel and gets the shock of his life.
Tongues to the Flame by seidrade (words: 9,844 | rating: E | Thorki)
A peculiar, sour look crossed Loki’s face before his expression smoothed. “It is now tradition for the initiate to celebrate his newfound strength before he leaves the next morning on his long journey. I imagine you will find no shortage of offers on this most auspicious of nights. I will take my leave, brother, and you may tell me who to summon to your side.”
Thor didn’t think he was imagining the bitterness that laced Loki’s words.
“Don’t go,” he said, still feeling as if he was floating in his own body. “Stay.”
Born to be Kings by Kadorienne (words: 66,618 | rating: T | Thorki)
When the princes of Asgard made their ill-fated jaunt to Jotunheim, Odin arrived to fetch them before the frost giant grabbed Loki's arm. Odin was able to carry out his plan to make Loki his puppet king of Jotunheim. But how long will Loki remain an obedient puppet?
Loyalty at Any Price by seidrade (words: 22,663 | rating: E | Thorki)
“This whole time, I’ve been searching the Nine Realms— alone— for answers to questions I barely know how to ask. I thought Heimdall at his watch, our father upon the throne, and most grievously… I thought you lost to me forever.” Thor’s resurgence of anger gives way to something like despair. He can’t tell whether he wants to pummel Loki into one giant bruise, or hold him and weep like a child.
When Thor returns to Asgard and exposes Loki’s deception, his demands for answers and Loki’s reluctance to give them soon bubble over into a cathartic confrontation.
Dead wings carried like a paper kite by illwynd (words: 48,612 | rating: M | Thorki | CW: Dark Themes)
In the heat of battle, Loki kills his brother. As soon as Thor lies dead at his feet, though, he realizes this is not what he wanted. So he brings Thor back, and surely all is well again. Right?
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ishipitpod · 3 years
Fresh from a week of braving the elements from the comfort of a La Quinta, Emily is flying solo and discussing WandaVision, her lack of survival skills, and a fun sexy little trope called 'Huddling for Warmth'.
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--your will is not your own by @typhoidmeri: https://archiveofourown.org/works/1006734
--The Hoth Affair by ester_inc: https://archiveofourown.org/works/5720476
--Breaking the Ice by Dira Sudis (dsudis): https://archiveofourown.org/works/4178922
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jlf23tumble · 4 years
i’ve never read anything finn/poe so i would love even an out of date rec!! i trust your fic judgement haha
I feel like you sent me this ask, like, five billion years ago, multiple fic recs ago, I don’t even know if you still follow me at this point, god, I’m so sorry, but I had a massive delay because a) gross sickness (pneumonia AND the flu), b) holidays, c) most of my reading in this fandom was long before my bookmarks were of any use, and d) I didn’t keep up past 2016 because all my fave authors went to hockey RPF, like, the trajectory was literally Man from UNCLE —> Force Awakens —> hockey, lmao. And then to add sadness to all of that, two of my very fave authors deleted all their work, and I had downloaded their TMFU fic but not their finnpoe (stormpilot?? I’m never sure of the official name), so I was thisclose to weeping real tears of sadness. But never fear! My compulsion, uh, compels me, so I went into my tags, went through the authors I remember, skimmed a BUNCH OF STUFF, and pulled a few I hope you like. The “good” news about finnpoe (stormpilot???) is that a LOT of the fics are really short, but that means it’s extra tough to put them in length order like I normally do, so I put them under the cut in date order (my faves started in late 2015, drifted into 2016, there’s a gap, and then I have a few in 2017 and 2018). I haven’t seen the latest movie yet, so I might have more recs in a month or so, but the real Renaissance was after the Force Awakens…most of us were very meh after Last Jedi, seemingly. A few caveats, I don’t have ANY prefs on who tops/bottoms here, but the notes are sometimes hilarious because they make it seem like at that point in time, they were really bucking convention? I also LOVE both the finnpoe (stormpilot???) and napollya authors who pulled heavily from kink memes and prompts; you just don’t see that in One Direction fic, and more’s the pity. Enjoy!
everything led back to you, by Bupkis, 3k. Finn can’t sleep. Poe helps.
Supernova Tonight, by halotolerant, 9k. There’s probably a lot that Finn needs, now he’s conscious again, and probably half of it Poe is never going to be able to figure out, but at least he can tell him the stories.
the measure of things, by mortarsmayfall, 6k. His face is – not what Poe expects from a Stormtrooper. The polymer armor is a shock of lightning against his broad face, handsome with dark skin and soft black eyes that are wide not in fury, but panic. Beautiful, is what Poe’s exhausted brain supplies. Instead, all he manages to do is blink.
save an x-wing, ride an ex-stormtrooper, by visiblemarket, 1.7k.  He should take it slow, if not for his own sake then for Finn, who’s sworn up and down that he’s ready for this, who’s assured Poe that it’s far from his first time, who Poe’s careful not to patronize but still so desperate to protect.
Instructional Manual, by imaginary_golux, 5k. Everyone assumes Poe is great in bed, except he’s been holding out for true love. And Stormtroopers, of course, are not encouraged to have interpersonal relationships. There are instructional manuals for everything *else*, why not for this?
The Papers Want to Know Whose Shirts You Wear, by athriax, 2.4k. Poe’s dedicated himself to making sure Finn starts his days sticky and happy.
More of This, by ginevraknifehands, 9k. Poe’s voice is muffled by the slow line of kisses he’s dragging along Finn’s jaw. His thumbs press small circles into Finn’s back. Finn stares down at the worn blanket they’re lying on and tightens his grip on Poe’s hip. “I want to do more. With you.“
first comes the night, by coffeeinallcaps, 20k. He doesn’t get nightmares. He doesn’t dream about the mask, the cries of the villagers, waking up in the desert with a blinding headache and his mouth filled with blood and the man who’d saved him gone, most likely dead. Instead, he just can’t sleep.
you’ll be my resolution, by zeppelin, 8k. And so it went, until last night in the caves of Yavin 8 Finn was knocked unconscious, and no one thought anything of it until he woke up with— “Amnesia,” Poe clarifies bluntly. (or the one where Finn gets amnesia and he feels distinctly like he’s on the outside of a joke.)
Hold Me Down, by coffeeinallcaps, 5k.  He’s clenching down around Finn, head thrown back into the pillow, his chest rising and falling rapidly, and Finn realizes, with sudden clarity, He wants me to fucking wreck him. It’s a bewildering thought.
A Room with a View, by pyes, 13k. Poe awaits Finn’s arrival at a busy spaceport after a long, lonely year spent on opposite ends of the galaxy.
Love and the inevitable decay of these prisons of flesh we call our bodies, by Krytella, 2.8k. Written for the kink meme prompt: “Poe turns 40, has a miniature crisis about dating someone half his age, ends up in front of the mirror poking his doughy belly and identifying all the grey in his beard and above his ears.”
A-Wing, X-Wing, Y-Wait, B-Mine (Please), by ester_inc, 7k. Finn keeps finding himself in situations where – no, wait, let’s start over. Poe keeps ending up shirtless, nearly shirtless, or soaking wet, and somehow Finn is always there when it happens.
Simple Pleasures, by orphan_account, 6k. Poe Dameron is a man of many talents. He’s a highly skilled pilot, a dedicated fighter, a passionate lover, a decent musician, and, according to Jessika, a tolerable cook. Coming from Jess, it means a lot. He is not, however, a patient man.
A Thicket of New Veins, by gloss, 5.7k. “I’m okay.” Poe grabs Finn’s shoulder and tugs him closer. “Promise you won’t laugh?” “Yeah, of course, I won’t.” Finn nods and hope it looks reassuring. “You know, other than that one defection, I’m a pretty reliable person.”
(these are my faves of faves, but you can find PLENTY of gorgeous pwp in this pairing, sweeping huge stories, etc.)
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berlynn-wohl · 5 years
Berlynn Wohl's Ultimate Thorki and Hiddlesworth Rec List
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Beneath the Read More you will find about a hundred Thorki (and a few Loki/other) recs, plus about twenty Hiddlesworth recs.
I have divided these recs into fairly broad categories. Some fics fit into more than one category, so you will notice some redundancies. (This also means that I may have put a fic in one category it belongs to, but neglected to put it in another that it belongs to. Please message me with any mistakes/omissions of this nature.)
As always, be sure to heed the tags on the individual fics.
First, the Thorki:
ARRANGED MARRIAGE AU A Well Made Match series by Smuttysmutwriter Had We But World Enough series by Smuttysmutwriter (mpreg) That tethered mind free from the lies by ohfreckle for versy It's An Institute You Can't Disparage by Coneycat (Gen-ish) OTHER AUs (note: I don’t count jotun!Loki as sufficiently AU) Don't pay no mind to the demons by cm (mumblemutter) The Northern Sea by soltian (mermaid AU) He’s not a goat, Thor by thenumber2pencil (satyr!Loki, mpreg) Love, Lust, Temptation and Sin by wicked_writings (modern AU) Thawing of the Frost by teeterss (slave!Thor) for queen and country by versy That's When I Knew I Was Lost by RadiatorfromSpace INTERSEX!LOKI The Northern Sea by soltian (mermaid AU, WIP) My Love Is Like To Ice, And I To Fire by amberfox17 (jotun!Loki, mpreg) Had We But World Enough by Smuttysmutwriter (mpreg) A Well Made Match by Smuttysmutwriter (series) He’s not a goat, Thor by thenumber2pencil (satyr!Loki, mpreg) Love, Lust, Temptation and Sin by wicked_writings (modern AU) That tethered mind free from the lies by ohfreckle (jotun!Loki) Thawing of the Frost by teeterss (jotun!Loki, slave!Thor) light in monochrome night series by umakoo A Time For Unwinding by Emerald Embers (emeraldembers) In the Flesh by hjbender In Your Dreams by hjbender Bound in Blue by orphan_account escalated almost to an art by Lise MILK!FICS Hunger Strike by Pikuni Kon Milk Slave by AdamantSteve Jotun Milk by thorkihost Little Cow by Lokincest WATERPSORTS Wetting by Lokincest Golden by Lokincest Used by Lokincest INTERSPECIES Arms In by RadiatorfromSpace Sorcerer Seeking Dragon; Dragon Seeking Princess for Tower by RadiatorfromSpace MPREG Sleeping Beauty by lies_d Had We But World Enough by Smuttysmutwriter He’s not a goat, Thor by thenumber2pencil My Love Is Like To Ice, And I To Fire by amberfox17 (jotun!Loki) Gold Hair and Lightning by blacktofade Eight Months of a Century by stereobone The Trade by lies_d Fair Bargain by lies_d Red Ruin, and the Breaking Up of Laws by TheHummingbirdMoth An Omega in Heat by madwriter223 MISCELLANEOUS Mine by lies_d Assure Me That Your Love Is Mine by astrild (PG-13/Teen) In That Moment by Asgardian Vampire (MetalliKirk) I'm Your Man by Clarice Chiara Sorcha (claireoujisama) Indelible by AccursedSpatula G I L D I by CalamityCain Moral Of The Story by astolat Learning To Fly by astolat Better Than Ice Cream by astolat Looks Like a Nail by TheHummingbirdMoth Res Judicata by dreamlittleyo Spoils of War by Fickle_Obsessions It's Good to be King by Moiraine Athelas by astolat Custom by lies_d Fair Bargain by lies_d Contortions in the Dark by Emerald Embers (emeraldembers) A Life's Story by Thorki_ed An Unspoken Night by Thorki_ed Hug Therapy by astolat As the Wind Said to the Trees by ester_inc Bedding the Wolf by leonidaslion Untouched by Acinonyx1 Princes of Sakaar by Foxleggs Shadow Plays by dreamlittleyo The Reign of Lodbrok by eyebrowofdoom Forget Me Not by ravenbringslight LOKI/OTHERS Lovesong Of The Buzzard by Cardstock (Tom Hiddleston/Loki) Gifts by lies_d (Loki/OMCs) Free by lies_d (Loki/Svaldifari) vessel of chaos by Revanche Lemme Smash by jessalae (Loki/Hulk) Getting to the Top by StarsInTheRiver (Loki/Grandmaster)
And now, the Hiddlesworth: Friday Night Plans by thisdorkyficthing Somewhere Around Nothing by umakoo taste of cherry by rangerdanger clover honey and copper by hannibalisms Dress the Part by octojohn this cup of yours tastes holy by rangerdanger Maze by insouciant Backstage Moments by yourfriendlyneighborhoodanon Changing Roles by purelycoincidentalcats Salty & Sweet by Velociraptor_Hands Roll Away Your Stone by deviantsexpanther again and again by townpariah To Be Used by MarbleAide Lost And Found by umakoo The Doctor Is In by sweet_honey_bronzed_baby_jesus Half Moons and a Peach Tree by furiedheart I Only Want to be the Sun for You by furiedheart
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finnpoeficrec · 6 years
fic rec; But I’m a Stormtrooper!
But I’m a Stormtrooper! by ester_inc 
rating T | wordcount 3269 | notes fake/pretend, fluff, first kiss 
A Resistance pilot and a reformed stormtrooper walk into a bar. Finn's not sure what the punchline is, but he's almost certain it's gonna hurt. (He's wrong.)
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coffeecupandcorgi · 7 years
hump day fic recs, mid-month edition <3
baby, you’re a firework by cmonkatiekatie Arthur's been struggling against his attraction to Eames because Eames turns him on too much; he comes too soon and it humiliates him. Eames figures it out and teaches him control.
^ did you read that summary!? you’ve opened the tab already, haven’t you?
all our wires got crossed by five_ht
"I don't know how much more I can fucking take," he says irritably. Eames reads between the lines, notes the tension in his shoulders, knowing that that's what Arthur really can't take. He'll let it build and build until he explodes unless he finds an outlet, and if Eames has to screw Arthur to prevent a hostage situation, well, that's a burden he's willing to bear.
hot, hot, hot, so hot
press new game by reliable machine
He presses New Game for what feels like the 30th time then pauses. There’s a guy wearing aviators and a tatty orange and white baseball hat, sitting in a well-lit room with band and movie posters on the wall behind him. There’s some kind of palm houseplant sticking into the camera’s view from somewhere off to the guy’s right and he’s not wearing a shirt.
Arthur is bored and horny...and messing around on Chatroulette. good times, good times. high hopes by ester_inc
It was intoxicating. Arthur curled a hand in Eames' shirt and hooked an arm behind his neck, pulling him in. Eames pressed them together, pushing a thigh between Arthur's legs, and Arthur moaned.
"Christ," Eames murmured against his mouth, "I'm going to hell."
“Arthur at seventeen is not the same as Arthur at twenty-nine; Eames is one of the few people to have met Arthur at both ages.” Classic but that Arthur’s-first-time-scene will always send me to my bunk and deserves to be rec’d forever, nnngg. <3
I want your psycho by toomuchplor
Eames would gladly welcome comparisons to other dashing bearded men, but Eames rarely gets what he wants when it comes to Arthur.
rec’d to me during an inceptiversary watch party, and it’s an instant favorite, just so hilarious and clever. I didn’t realize how hot the, um, beard porn would be, hah!
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shirasade-recs · 7 years
It would work. The machine, the plan, everything. The Night Room was so close Cole could almost taste it, death and decay at the back of his tongue.
Tomorrow, thirty years ago, in a world where lions born in a zoo would never see the world outside their cage, some better version of Cole would tell Ramse I told you so, and neither of them would know how right he was.
Teen, canon divergence. Cole gets sent on a little detour and finds out a secret.
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iamnmbr3 · 3 years
heyyyy! i was wondering if you could suggest some good bttm!loki fics, preferably thorki, but i'm open to other ships as well!
tbh I don’t really tend to pay that much attention to what sex positions characters prefer in fics I read lol. I tend to remember the character dynamics much more. I think sometimes fandom has a tendency to conflate preferring certain sex acts with certain character traits or relationship dynamics. which definitely isn’t the case. like I really genuinely don’t remember the specific sex acts that take place in most fics tho I definitely do remember what the dynamic between the characters is etc. but here are a few u might like. u might particularly like chrysalis; it’s long but it has really amazing character arcs and political intrigue that totally sucks you in. I found some others as well. 
Chrysalis by cunninglingus (words: 177,085 | rating: E | thorki)
The aging, widowed Allfather has found himself a sweet little pet, and Thor's not jealous. Nope.
Prizes by Kay (sincere) (words: 3,436 | rating: M | thorki)
The queen of Asgard must provide an heir. Loki knows that. But he must arrange everything just so -- it must happen precisely on his terms -- and he must make Thor work for it.
Bound by CatalenaMara (words: 8,032 | rating: E | thorki)
SUMMARY: AU DarkFic. The war against Jotunheim has been long and brutal. When the Aesir capture a Jötunn sorcerer, bind his power and enforce his obedience they believe the war is nearly won. The Aesir mages force Loki to betray his people and present him to their leader as a bed slave.
Thor has NO idea what he is getting into…
Bad Decisions by Lise (words: 11,132 | rating: E | Loki/Valkyrie) 
Loki and Valkyrie start sleeping together as a way to pass the time and release some energy. Naturally, things don't stay quite that simple.
How long we were fooled by Ark (words: 28,227 | rating: E | thorki)
Loki is not a good man, he knows; there is something rotten in the core of him; and even a much better man might let Thor kiss him, since Thor still tastes of sizzling lightning, like gathering rain, like a desire so fierce and so awful to him that when released it could bring Asgard to its knees.
I will kiss you till your breath is found by 100indecisions (words: 6,946 | rating: E | frostmaster, loki/thor/grandmaster | CW: Dark Themes)
Thor convinces the Grandmaster to bring Loki back from the dead--but he's not gonna do it for free. That would--that would just be silly.
As the Wind Said to the Trees by ester_inc (words: 4,331 | rating: E | thorki | CW: societal homophobia, sexism) 
An old rumor reaches Thor's ears; his confrontation with Loki has unforeseen consequences.
making love with his ego by Lise (words: 16,100 | rating: E | Frostmaster | Dark Themes)
Loki dies on the Statesman.
He wakes up on Sakaar.
More fic recs here
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caducus · 6 years
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It wasn't abstract, at least not the way Finn had half expected it to be based on the glimpses he'd gotten. It started at the small of Poe's back with two overlapping X-wing schematics that almost looked like roots, the design flowing upward from there like a stem, spanning across Poe's shoulders. On his left shoulder blade was a tree, or the idea of a tree, odd and beautiful. On the right was an A-wing, and along Poe's spine where the two met, the lines melded together, seamless, one and the same.
- “A-Wing, X-Wing, Y-Wait, B-Mine (Please),” by ester_inc I wanted to play with photoshop, trying to figure out how to illustrate this tattoo gave me the excuse.
Please do not repost. Please do not remove credit.
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lupines-slash-recs · 7 years
Canon: Star Wars - the Sequel Trilogy Pairing: Poe Dameron/Finn Rating: Teen [PG] Word Count: 8,556 Summary: Getting stranded on an ice planet with Finn after picking a fight with First Order scout vessels is not what Poe expected when he volunteered to do a supply run. On Hoth, a few things (okay, a lot of things) go wrong, and a couple of things go right. Eventually. Or: Poe is bad with feelings, Finn is bad with words (except when he's not), and BB-8 has too many opinions for someone who wasn't even there.
Rec: Gah! so cute. Finn is so brave, especially because he’s freaking out the whole time. And Poe being floored by how sincere and just plain great Finn is. THis was all so very much in character and I can’t gush enough about it.
{More recs for this fandom can be found here, and the pairing here.}
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