#especially outside the ct floor
janfraiser · 1 year
"So, who..." "Not going to talk about that." for the Ivy au maybe? 👀
this prompt for this au is absolutely iconic ily ❣️❣️
Ava makes the mistake of heading to the ER's doctor's lounge instead of trekking back up to the CT floor, needing any moment of rest she can steal ten hours into a twelve hour shift. But when she enters the room, Will, Natalie, and April all stop talking, instantly and badly acting like they're focused on random things. Ava rolls her eyes, resisting the urge to tug her lab coat back over her abdomen. "God, you can just ask."
Natalie holds up her hands in a gesture of innocence, and Will grimaces and looks away, but April offers an awkward smile. "Congratulations...?"
"Yes," Ava confirms, the word ending in a hiss of irritation. "I'm pregnant. And I was really hoping I could avoid becoming everyone's business."
"Sorry," Will says sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
"How are you doing?" April asks, a mixture of curiosity and compassion in her eyes. Honestly, Ava doesn't want either.
"I'm alright, just tired," she answers, her gaze drifting away. She sinks down onto the couch, hoping for a moment to close her eyes, but Natalie speaks before she can actually relax.
"So, Ava," she says, lips pursed, clearly going for nonchalance, "who..."
"I'm not going to talk about that," Ava says, a little more sharply than she means. Between the ache between her eyes and the fuss happening around her, she's at the end of a quickly-fraying rope. But her attempt to firmly end the conversation is foiled by Will.
"Nat," he says, not even doing Ava the kindness of actually addressing her, "it's gotta be Connor."
Ava drops her head into her hands-- she's too stressed and tired to argue, and besides, any protest she could make would only make him more certain.
"Wait, Ava, did you sleep with him?" There's an added weight to the couch, telling her Natalie has taken a seat next to her. She doesn't answer, fast regretting inviting this conversation at all.
"Hey," April interjects, "are we maybe crossing a line? Ava, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."
"Thank you, April," she sighs. "I don't-- I don't mind people knowing, I just don't want to be everyone's gossip. It feels..." she shudders, picking up her head and running her hands through her hair. "...gross."
She almost regrets her wording at the look on Natalie's face, but really, she can't spare much energy for comforting the other woman, even if her intentions are harmless.
"Hey, sorry," Will offers. "Congratulations. And it's... none of our business."
"Of course not," Nat agrees. "Sorry, Ava. If you need anything, just ask, okay? I'm happy to help."
Ava knows the offer is genuine, but she can't help but feel that she's not sure she knows her well enough to take her up on it. Another thing that's not Natalie's fault; she never really feels like she can connect with people easily, even when there's no reason they shouldn't be her friends. Again, she closes her eyes, too tired to voice any of this. "Thank you, Natalie," she murmurs, her voice almost too quiet for anyone to hear.
"Hey, let's clear out," Will suggests. "I can't even imagine what surgery shifts are like when you're wiped out like this."
"I'll come get you if you're needed for a patient," April promises.
"Good luck, Ava," Natalie says, her hand brushing her shoulder.
Ava makes herself open her eyes to smile gratefully at them. "Thank you."
It's not enough, but it's something.
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norwestobstetrics · 2 months
Pelvic Pain: Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options
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Pelvic pain can be a distressing and disruptive condition, impacting various aspects of life. Whether it's a persistent ache, sharp twinges, or a dull discomfort, pelvic pain should never be ignored. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the causes, diagnosis, and treatment options for pelvic pain, focusing on the expertise of obstetricians in Westmead.
Understanding Pelvic Pain:
Pelvic pain refers to any discomfort or pain in the lower abdomen or pelvic region. This area encompasses the reproductive organs, bladder, intestines, and pelvic floor muscles. The pain can vary from mild to severe and may be acute or chronic.
Common Causes of Pelvic Pain:
This condition occurs when tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus. It often leads to severe menstrual pain, pelvic pain, and infertility.
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 
Resulting from untreated sexually transmitted infections (STIs), PID causes inflammation of the reproductive organs. Symptoms include pelvic pain, abnormal vaginal discharge, and fever.
Ovarian Cysts
These fluid-filled sacs can develop on the ovaries and sometimes cause pelvic pain, especially if they rupture or become large.
Uterine Fibroids 
Noncancerous growths in the uterus can lead to pelvic pain, heavy menstrual bleeding, and pressure on the bladder or rectum.
Urinary Tract Infections 
Infections of the bladder or urethra can cause pelvic pain, along with frequent urination, burning sensation, and cloudy urine.
Musculoskeletal Issues
Conditions such as pelvic floor dysfunction, muscle spasms, or hernias can contribute to pelvic pain.
Diagnosing Pelvic Pain:
When experiencing pelvic pain, seeking the expertise of an obstetrician in Westmead is crucial for accurate diagnosis. The diagnostic process may include:
Medical History Review 
It is understanding the patient's medical history, previous surgeries, and reproductive health.
Physical Examination 
A thorough exam to check for signs of infection, inflammation, or abnormalities.
Imaging Tests
Ultrasound, CT scans, or MRI to visualise the pelvic organs and identify any issues.
A minimally invasive procedure to directly view the pelvic organs and take tissue samples if needed.
Treatment Options for Pelvic Pain:
Pain relievers, hormonal treatments, or antibiotics, depending on the underlying cause.
Lifestyle Changes
Managing stress, maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise, and pelvic floor exercises can help alleviate pain.
Physical Therapy 
Pelvic floor physical therapy to strengthen muscles and improve function.
In cases of severe endometriosis, ovarian cysts, or fibroids, surgical intervention may be necessary.
Obstetrician in Westmead: Expert Care for Pelvic Pain
Living with pelvic pain can be challenging, affecting daily activities, work, and relationships. Seeking help from an experienced obstetrician Westmead ensures specialised care tailored to individual needs.
Pelvic pain is a complex condition with various causes, ranging from gynecological issues to urinary tract infections and musculoskeletal problems. If you or a loved one is experiencing pelvic pain, don't hesitate to reach out to an obstetrician in Westmead for expert diagnosis and personalised treatment options. With the right care, you can manage pelvic pain effectively and improve your quality of life.
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bighousecats · 2 years
https://www.youtube.com/embed/pPLasVXCdJE cat keeps sitting in the litter box If your cat keeps sitting in the litter box, there may be a number of reasons. It may be suffering from a painful issue, trying to hide, or simply sleeping. In either case, it's better that they use the litter box than not use it. If you have questions, contact a local veterinarian. Your cat may be suffering from a painful issue If your cat is constantly pacing and has a hard time finding a comfortable resting place, he or she may be suffering from a painful issue. Symptoms of this problem may include drooping ears and a squinty muzzle. Your cat may also refuse to eat or drink, and may drop food out of her mouth. The first step in treating your cat's pain is to visit your veterinarian for an evaluation. An examination can help determine the exact location of the pain, as well as diagnose any associated medical conditions. X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans are some of the diagnostic tests your vet may run. A vet may also perform a biochemical profile and complete blood count to rule out infection or systemic illnesses. cat to stop using the litter box Other signs that your cat may be suffering from a painful issue include episodes of aggression, such as growling or scratching. Your cat may also avoid being touched or brushed. He or she may also scratch or bite people who try to touch the painful area. Your cat may also lose interest in food and water, and may even become vocal and withdrawn. Pain may also cause your cat to stop using the litter box for no apparent reason. Pain may make it painful to enter or exit the box and may hinder your cat from maintaining a squatting position. Cats that suffer from pain are often constipated and may delay their bowel movements for several days. Their stool may also be inconsistent. Painful issues in cats are difficult to diagnose because cats can hide their pain very well. Cats can have a number of issues that cause them pain, including arthritis, dental disease, urinary tract infection, bone disease, and even cancer. Learning to recognize the signs of pain in your cat will help you recognize problems early and provide appropriate treatment. If your cat is displaying any of these symptoms, it may be time to visit the veterinarian. It may be difficult to recognize the signs of pain in your cat, especially if your cat is independent. However, recognizing these signs will help you avoid causing further harm and help you feel better. They may be feeling physically or emotionally unwell If you notice that your cat is sitting in the litter box for long periods, this is a common symptom of a health problem. While some causes are easy to spot, others may take more time to diagnose. Some cats are simply sick, while others may be suffering from some kind of emotional or physical problem. In such a case, it is important to contact a vet immediately. The first thing to consider is whether your cat is experiencing any pain in its body. Sometimes, cats will urinate on the floor to ease pain. This behavior is often accompanied by a learned aversion to the litter box. If you observe your cat sitting in the litter box but the box is still within reach, your pet may be suffering from an underlying behavioral or emotional problem. If your cat is sitting in the litter box for longer than usual, you should take him or her to the vet. You should also be aware of other symptoms of unwellness that your cat may be showing, such as lack of appetite or lethargy. If your cat is urinating outside of the litter box, it may be suffering from an underlying medical problem. Treatment for this medical problem may end the problem completely. Alternatively, your cat may be feeling stressed due to a change in her household. Consequently, it is best to introduce new things gradually so she can explore everything at her own pace. Seizures in cats are a symptom of physical or emotional unwellness. Seizures can range from small facial spasms to full body convulsions.
Seizures in cats are serious medical emergencies and should be treated as soon as possible. Some other symptoms of illness that may indicate a cat sitting in the litter box include a change in appetite, a decrease in appetite, and increased meowing. Increased appetite may indicate intestinal parasites, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, or gastrointestinal diseases. Vomiting is also an indication of physical distress. In some cases, a cat may be suffering from depression. These symptoms are usually unnoticed by the owner until some time has passed. However, the symptoms of depression in cats are very similar to those of other diseases, so it's best to seek the advice of a veterinarian if you notice any of these symptoms in your cat. They may be trying to hide If your cat is spending a lot of time in the litter box, it may be an indication that it has an infection. This condition can be painful for your cat, but it can also be deadly if it is not treated properly. Cats may also be trying to hide in the litter box if they are feeling stressed or unwell. If this occurs, take your cat to the vet. One of the reasons a cat might be hiding in the litter box is to avoid a larger predator. A litter box is a familiar location, so the cat will feel safer in it. Moreover, the box is an enclosed space, which gives your cat extra protection. You can use several techniques to help your cat use the litter box. The first way is to set up a litter box that is aesthetically pleasing to your cat. You can also use an enzyme cleaner to remove odors. In addition, it is important to scoop and clean the litter box often. Keeping the box clean will encourage your cat to use it again. Cats are very fastidious, and they are most likely to use it if it feels safe and secure. Another reason a cat might be trying to hide in the litter box is because of stress. In the wild, cats cover their poop in order to protect themselves from predators or to show dominance over another cat. Changing house or neighborhood, other cats outside, and visitors can cause a cat to feel insecure. They may be sleeping If your cat is sitting in the litter box and seems to be sleeping, it might be a sign of some health problem. Your cat might be suffering from urinary tract pain or diarrhea. It could also be experiencing some type of emotional problem. In either case, it is wise to get your cat checked out by a veterinarian. cat is sitting in the litter box Other symptoms of a sick cat can include lack of appetite and excessive lethargic behavior. A veterinarian can make an accurate diagnosis and recommend treatment. If you notice your cat sleeping in the litter box, make an appointment with a veterinarian and explain the situation. It is important to note any signs of illness or discomfort, so you can help your cat recover. Cats can also be sleeping in the litter box if they have a urinary tract infection. This type of infection causes your cat to spend long periods of time in the box. A urinary tract infection can be painful and may be fatal if not treated. Listed below are some signs of urinary tract infection. Your cat may be sick if it spends a long time in the litter box. A weakened digestive system or urinary crystals could be the cause. Diabetes can also increase the frequency of urination, and your cat may be trying to conserve energy by sleeping in the litter box. If your cat has been sleeping in the litter box for an extended period, you should visit your veterinarian to ensure that it is not suffering from an underlying health problem. Your vet will be able to diagnose the problem and give you some advice on how to help your cat return to sleeping in more conventional places. Sometimes, your cat may sit in the litter box to gain your attention. This behavior may be a sign that he or she is stressed or territorial, or it could be feeling overwhelmed. Another possible reason why your cat is sleeping in the litter box may be a toy stuck nearby or discomfort in its urinary tract.
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mapbulb3 · 2 years
Steerage For Industry
Additional information on stopping rodent infestations, diseases from rodents, cleaning up after rodents, and pictures of rats and mice can be obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. Check 清潔公司 in late summer time or early fall to assure there are not any gaps that could be used for entry. Remember that a pencil-sized opening is sufficient for mouse entry. Pay special attention to pipes, wiring, conduits, cables, doorways, and home windows. Even where buried utility piping enters, the inspiration should be successfully sealed. At night, have somebody shine a light along the interior of your basement or crawl space partitions while you circle the perimeter of the home on the outside. So, which rest room cleaning merchandise are higher, business or homemade? It is dependent upon a few things, like how particular the results have to be, your understanding of tips on how to use sure products and components, and your private preferences (e.g. eco-friendly products). Here are some of the main professionals and cons for each industrial and homemade rest room cleaners to assist inform your choice. The listing of loo cleansing merchandise obtainable available on the market is almost endless, from fundamental and inexpensive to professional and hi-tech. There’s a product for pretty much any cleaning job you'll have the ability to consider. Disinfectants claim to kill as a lot as ninety nine.999% of bacteria, viruses, and fungi on surfaces. In damp, heat, poorly ventilated areas, floor mold typically develops on wood elements of buildings. Since new, unseasoned lumber is especially vulnerable to mildew, keep away from utilizing it every time potential. Fungicide merchandise which might be sprayed on materials to offer them mildew protection can be found in low-pressure aerosol containers. Some germicidal, mothproof and water-repellent sprays can also shield towards mildew. Disinfecting Versus Cleaning And Sanitizing The distinction between sanitizing and disinfecting is that one is stronger than the other. However, that doesn't imply sanitizing wipes aren't efficient. Sanitizing wipes are skin-safe, that means you can use them on your hands and delicate surfaces with out worrying about the effects of disinfectant chemicals. Allsanitizing wipes from Wipes.com are bleach-free and alcohol-free to make them as secure as potential without inflicting harm. Sodium hypochlorite is a chemical used in bleaching solutions, disinfectants, water purifiers, and cleaning products. UV lamps are placed in a flow-through contact compartment that is continuously operated. UV fluence corresponding to the UV gentle intensity and the contact time directly impacts the disinfection effectivity. Efficiency of disinfection is outlined utilizing the Ct worth which is defined because the product of disinfectant focus and the contact time . Although this categorization for disinfection levels usually stays valid, there are examples of disinfection issues with prions, viruses, mycobacteria, and protozoa that challenge these definitions. CoV is related to the identical gene beta coronavirus and has the identical morphology as the single-stranded RNA virus . Ethyl alcohol at a concentration of 60 to 80% is a potent agent that inactivates all lipophilic viruses (such as influenza virus, herpes, and vaccinia and many hydrophilic viruses (e.g., polio) . The meat cutting board should be sprayed or wiped along with your bleach answer and allowed to air dry. Rub the product over all surfaces of your arms and fingers until they're dry. Information must be provided to consumers to inform them of the necessity to flush and/or disinfect pipes, tanks and tools. Disinfection methods utilizing odd family chemical compounds could be found at Disinfecting Tap Water. Disinfection with bleach should use regular, unscented bleach. Bleach that is scented, splash free or splash less should not be used as a result of components within the bleach. Additionally, Clorox common unscented bleach is certified in conformance with National Sanitation Foundation Standard 60, which regulates the standard and purity of chemical compounds used for drinking water purposes. Organic Carpet Cleansing Companies Then vacuum it up once you've reached the bounds of your powdery patience. After you have rubbed the paste into the stained space, let it sit for a number of hours or at least till it is dried. After the paste is gone, if the stain continues to be present, you can scrub with a wet rag, which you can rinse periodically if this goes on for some time. Ideally, you may put on gloves throughout this process, especially when you're cleansing up one thing gross . The gloves will minimize both the spread of micro organism from the stain-causing factor (please don't touch bodily fluids bare-handed) and your skin contact with borax, which can be an irritant. When you select us for your next cleansing treatment, you make an insured, green alternative for the well being of your house and our planet. DIY stain removers and carpet shampoos are often misused, damaging your carpet, adding a larger surface area for dirt and dirt to stay to. You doubtless won't have the tools to do this cleansing technique instantly available. Chemical cleaners are also very dangerous to the surroundings, and they can hurt the air we breathe and the water we drink if they have been to be exposed to such chemicals. If you're shopping for a product, ensure it could possibly work with your ground's fibers. And at all times bear in mind to dab or blot, not rub—too much scrubbing pressure can force stains deeper into fibers, rather than pulling them out. ECO Interior Maintenance uses cleansing procedures that are confirmed to be environmentally pleasant. We do that by staying carefully involved with leading environmentally pleasant cleaning organizations. Portlanders love living “green.” We love hybrids, composting, organic produce, and all-natural options in our on an everyday basis gadgets and merchandise. Does your carpet have heavy traffic areas the place vacuuming doesn’t seem to make a difference? USGBC has coordinated a voluntary environmental sustainability plan designed to reinforce the effectivity of building facility operations. The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design program addresses a holistic strategy that covers designs, specs, and implementation strategies for integrated maintenance purposes. Our CEO, Doug Bradford is a LEED AP. SEE Article published by Doug Bradford on IICRC S100 Carpet Cleaning Standard. The Newbies Information To Spring Cleaning Your Own Home Air space rugs outside after vacuuming and shake properly to take away particles. Vacuum curtains and determine if blinds need replacing. Remove all cushions and pay particular consideration to nooks and crannies the place crumbs and particles cover. Read the manufacturer’s tags to find out tips on how to clean them. Some manufacturers offer alternative covers as properly as alternative cushions if yours are hopelessly smashed down and aren’t snug to sit on any longer. First, remove your hamper, towels, shower curtain, and flooring mats from the bath, bathe, and sink areas. ☐ Dilute a couple of drops of dish detergent or distilled white vinegar in a bucket of water and thoroughly wipe down the partitions. Before you begin, collect the supplies you want so that you don’t have to stop in the course of your cleaning spree to grab something. Don't neglect one thing to maintain your provides organized for straightforward transportation — a laundry basket works completely. Cut your litter cleanup time in half with this nifty trick. The stains on your chopping board might seem like everlasting, but it may actually be scrubbed away easily. Simply sprinkle a lightweight layer of baking soda on the surface. Then, run a lemon wedge or half over the floor till the stain is erased. If your rest room is like many others, the counter and flooring might collect hair and lint simply. In fact, these surfaces can look messy a day or two after you have thoroughly cleaned the toilet. You can hold them hair-free and lint-free simply between major cleaning periods by wiping them down rapidly with a moist towel every day or two. Improve The Security Of Your Facility With Industrial Flooring Cleaning By maintaining the work setting clean, you’re making certain that your staff are healthy and productive and ready to serve the wants of any shopper that walks by way of your doorways. U.S. Department Of Health And Human Services The Department of Health and Human Services is the united states government’s principal company for safeguarding the well being of all Americans and offering essential human services. HHS represents almost 1 / 4 of all Federal outlays and it administers extra grant dollars than all other Federal agencies combined. HHS is a major host to quite a few agencies that play important roles in contributing to successful worksite well being and wellness applications. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Healthier Worksite Initiative consists of data on ways to offer staffing assets for workforce well being promotion applications. Eliminate or revise insurance policies that encourage staff to come to work sick or when unvaccinated employees have been uncovered to COVID-19. Businesses with fewer than 500 workers could also be eligible for refundable tax credit under the American Rescue Plan Act if they provide paid day off for sick and family leave to their employees due to COVID-19-related reasons. The ARP tax credit can be found to eligible employers that pay sick and household go away for qualified go away from April 1, 2021, through September 30, 2021. Perform work tasks, hold meetings, and take breaks outdoor when possible. Some conditions, corresponding to a prior transplant, as well as prolonged use of corticosteroids or other immune-weakening drugs, may have an result on employees' capability to have a full immune response to vaccination. To perceive more about these situations, see the CDC's page describing Vaccines for People with Underlying Medical Conditions and additional definition of People with Certain Medical Conditions. Employers ought to think about taking steps to guard these at-risk employees as they would unvaccinated staff, regardless of their vaccination status. A Cleaner is responsible for all basic cleansing in and around the facility or workplace building. They're in a better mood once they see a clear, brilliant, interesting physical setting. The best method to hold your facility protected and maximize productivity is to maintain it organized. If your staff should travel long distances between production lines, it’s a sign of poor plant group and you must consider reorganizing the layout of your manufacturing flooring for optimum efficiency. Also, hold walkways clear by removing unnecessary supplies, which prevents tripping and slipping. U.S. workplaces closed out the 12 months with a whopping $3.eight million in well being violations for noncompliance with COVID-19 mandates, proving as quickly as and for all that office cleanliness isn’t just essential, it’s vital to business continuity. If your organization is still struggling to get its cleansing protocols up to code, it’s time to rethink the plan. 20 Finest House Cleaning Ideas For Individuals With Allergies “Redcare for Drapes” provides on-the-rod material cleansing as a practical answer to your house material upkeep. We then apply safety to shield the fabric from sun rot and discoloration. They do not extract dirt and dust first nor apply a protecting end after cleaning. Protective coating applied to drapes acts like a barrier to stop sun rot on the lining. It also helps keep dust from burning into the material which causes streaks and discoloration. You’ll really feel better with contemporary air in your home with out the allergens from dust, animal hair, and pollen. First, take away the drapes or curtains from their respective rods and hardware, then lay them out on a flat surface, similar to a kitchen island, table, or hardwood flooring. Here's what you have to find out about how to clean drapes and curtains. Avoid utilizing a feather duster or dry rag to dust baseboards or window treatments, as they unfold mud round quite than acquire it. My 5 cleansing secrets and techniques are the first step to taking control of your house. Do NOT dry them in the dryer, or the liner will more than likely shrink. Hang silk indoors to dry, however don't place the fabric near any source of warmth while drying. Fill a large sink or basin with lukewarm to chill water. Green Cleansing Coverage And Program Plan Mechanical ground care tools with attached vacuums and filters additionally seize particulates that in any other case turn into airborne. If it is a disposable paper product or trash bag, it'll include a beneficial quantity of post-consumer recycled content material, or be created from more quickly renewable materials. If it's a piece of cleaning tools, it will contribute to higher indoor air high quality or use less water, and if it is a vacuum cleaner, it will meet filtration necessities set by the Carpet & Rug Institute. All cleansing workers, including alternative personal are required to obtain at least eight hours of coaching per yr. Training is held on an everyday basis to have the ability to fulfill the necessities of this Policy. But what when you don’t have the time to do kitchen chemistry right now? With non-green cleaning merchandise, you get pollution being launched into the air. There are a myriad of synthetic compounds in cleaners that are toxic and harmful, and could be released within the air, water sources, human our bodies, and so on. Green cleansing products are made to not pollute and to be better for the setting. However, it stays essential to verify each product to search out the greatest quality, least harmful product. Indoors, VOCs would possibly appear in cleaners, disinfectants, aerosol sprays, air fresheners and related products. Chemical cleansing merchandise contain harsh ingredients which will result in coughing, sneezing, or eye or pores and skin irritation in some individuals. Small kids could additionally be sensitive to chemical substances used in laundry soaps and chemical cleaners. Using green cleaning merchandise might help you avoid breathing in or coming into contact with harsh chemical compounds. 9 Methods To Reduce Contamination In Your Paint Job In dwellings which are extremely leaky, the impact can be so giant that no mechanical system is required. This does not mean that leaky dwellings have good ventilation; a good dwelling with a mechanical air flow system is always your finest option. No infiltration credit is allowed for multifamily buildings or vertically hooked up items because of the complexity of figuring out the impact of infiltration on individual units in these buildings. This means they exhaust air and supply out of doors air simultaneously at very similar rates. OSHA and NIOSH carefully monitor doubtlessly harmful working circumstances and do random inspections. Whenever there's a concentration of dust and fuel, there could be at all times the potential for fire. By having a dust assortment system, especially one with a spark arrestor, the concern for hearth is significantly decreased. A mud assortment system has dust continuously shifting, which prevents it from amassing and changing into a hazard. Dust assortment techniques have ductwork to draw within the air, an air purifier, and receptable. These fundamental parts are configured in a unique way for every type of system. People who are allergic to those pollutants should use allergen-proof mattress encasements, wash bedding in sizzling water, and avoid room furnishings that accumulate mud, especially in the event that they cannot be washed in sizzling water. Allergic people should also leave the home while it's being vacuumed because vacuuming can actually improve airborne levels of mite allergens and other organic contaminants. Using central vacuum systems which are vented to the outdoors or vacuums with excessive effectivity filters may be of assist. If too little outside air enters a house, pollution can accumulate to levels that may pose health and luxury problems. Unless they're constructed with special mechanical means of air flow, houses which are designed and constructed to attenuate the amount of outside air that can "leak" into and out of the house could have greater pollutant ranges than different homes.
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cheeseburgersstuff · 3 years
Hi💖Can u pls write like steve rogera x reader, where steve got badly hurt in a mission and end up lossing his memory and forget about his wife(reader) and his marriage reader tries to help him remind.. lot of angst with a happy ending please..💗
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Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: language, mistakes, shitty plot, kinda idiot Steve (not really) a Lil bit of angst...
A/N: thank you nonnie for the ask and I'm sorry it took me so long :') and still, it's shitty...
Word Count: 2.8k
You ran towards the infirmary with tears running down your face. It might be an overreaction to someone else considering how he would be just fine but you knew he was hurt. You had a weird feeling before he even went on that mission, a restlessness inside you that you couldn’t express.
The sight made you stop breathing for a moment. “Oh Steve” you whispered seeing your husband laying on the bed embraced by the wires. The right side of his face was swollen, bruised, and a nasty cut on the left side towards his lips.
He was still unconscious. Doctor Cho came out of the room. You rushed towards her.
“How’s he?” your voice, hoarse because of crying.
She sighed and looked at you with sympathy. “Can’t say anything till he becomes conscious. But you can meet him now” she said with a smile before walking off.
You entered his room with shaky legs and sat near him. He looked tired, a frown covering his face that you wanted to smooth out with your fingers. But you were too afraid to touch his injured face, your heart cleaned seeing him like that.
putting your hand on his while resting your head on the space on the bed, a fresh tear escaped your eye.
You woke up feeling a hand jerking away from yours. You sat up and looked at a confused Steve.
“Hey, it’s okay,” you said trying to comfort him but he looked panicked. You went outside to call the doctor.
Steve was trying to free himself from the wires when you got back. You ran towards him to stop him.
“Hey, relax babe” you put your hands on him, causing him to stop. But before he could utter a word the doctor came in.
“Good morning captain rogers.” she greeted cheerfully coming towards him to check him up.
“What happened to me” was what he said.
The doctor kept checking his injuries. “You got severely injured on the mission. Kept everyone worried especially this lady here” she smiled, pointing towards you.
Steve frowned, his hurt hurting like hell. “What mission?” he didn’t remember going on any mission and why would you be worried about him.
“You shouldn’t be worried about me agent y/l/n”
Both you and doctor Cho exchanged looks at his words. This was getting serious.
Doctor Cho sighed and signaled you to follow her. You left a confused Steve behind and followed her.
A frown covering her face, “I think you have an idea what is happening to him.” she said, sympathy in her eyes for you.
Yes, you knew but didn’t want to accept it. When you didn’t reply she sighed explaining it to you. “He is having amnesia, most probably retrograde amnesia where he can’t remember things before the injury. We can’t say what he remembers what he doesn't but by the looks of it I think he doesn’t remember you are his wife”
“Yeah I know, he called me agent” it came out ruder than you anticipated but she understood your anger even though it wasn’t her fault.
“We will have to do CT scans to know how severe the damage is. And maybe he is going to heal soon because of the serum” she placed her hand on your shoulder. Her words soothe your worry a little bit.
“And you could help him heal too, it wouldn’t be easy though. You have to be careful not to overwhelm him with too much information” saying this she left, probably preparing for the CT scans.
With a sigh, you returned to the room. Steve was still sitting on the bed with his head in his hand. You sat down beside him, patting his shoulder gently so he wouldn’t get scared.
The soft eyes he gave you, reminded you of the time he came out of the ice. When you were assigned to guide him to cope with his new life. He had the same look when he was trying to understand how to use a smartphone and then looked at you with confusion, silently pleading for help.
He was asking for help again but this time you weren’t enjoying this, you were scared. What if he never…
“What’s the last thing you remember?” you asked softly.
“The last mission I remember is with you Nat and Rumlow, to free the hostages. But we came back, reported to fury, and then went home. That’s it” that was two years ago, a month before you two started dating.
So he doesn’t even remember us dating. You thought.
“Steve, I know it would be difficult to understand, to accept but what you remember happened two years ago.” you didn't know how much to tell him before he started to panic but for now he looked okay. Trying to take in the information.
You took the ring beside the table, they took it off his finger and showed him. “Um.. this is” you were hesitant to tell him but it was important. You showed him your hand with the wedding ring.
“We got married,” you whispered looking at him, trying to read his expressions.
You knew how emotional he was about his relationships, and suddenly knowing he was married would be a shock.
Steve took your hand in his and caressed the finger as if trying to remember but there was nothing.
Nothing, he could think off and smile. It was a bit painful to know you are married and not know anything about it. That day, your life with that person.
“Hey, it’s okay. You are going to be fine. We are going to retrieve everything back” you said his face in your hands.
You didn't know how you were going to do that or how much time would it take but right now it was important to give him hope.
He nodded and got out of your grip. Suddenly the doctor came in to take Steve for CT scans.
His ring was still in your hands, you didn’t give him, nor did he ask for it…
You brought Steve to your floor after the CT scans. You cleaned the bedroom especially for him considering how difficult you find cleaning your room.
There was an awkward silence between you two. You never felt this way with him even when you two didn’t start dating.
“You should change and take a rest, I’ll bring you dinner” you smiled to which he just nodded and watched you go.
It wasn’t that he didn’t like you anymore. He did like you, and with what he remembers he was thinking of asking you out but suddenly you are his wife and…
His head hurts thinking about that, so he laid on the bed thinking this all to be a dream.
You went to the kitchen where everyone was eating and talking. When they saw you coming they stopped and stared at you.
“I’m just here to make dinner for him. His head hurts constantly, I think he is thinking too much” you sighed. The team gave you sad smiles.
“It’s gonna be alright y/n,” nat said, coming towards you. She hugged you before you started making something for your husband.
You came back with a bowl of soup and saw him lying in bed with closed eyes but you knew he wasn’t sleeping. You sat near him and ran your fingers through his hair causing him to open his eyes. You smiled at him.
“I brought you soup, you have to take your medicines after that.” again just a nod and he took the bowl from you.
You got up and continued watching him, no glance at you, no smile, nothing. You knew you had to be patient but it still hurts seeing him behaving like a stranger.
With a sigh, you went to the bathroom to change for bed…
It’s been 3 weeks since lost his memories and you were trying very patiently to help. You were always there for him, wake him up with a smile, usually, you would kiss him but now everything stopped as he was distant from you. But now things were a little bit better as he would often give you a little smile. You made him his favorite food. You took him for walks and to dinner, where you two had memories.
Yesterday you took him to the restaurant where you went on your first date. You were noticing his expressions the whole time if he would get a spark of his past but there was nothing. And even if he felt something he didn’t show it. He barely showed any expressions now.
Today you were going to take him to the central park, that was where you took him first when he came out of the ice.
You personally had a lot of memories there with your family.
Maybe if you talked about the same things you did that day, that could cause an effect on him.
You sighed happily and went down the floor, to find him. He was on desk duty these days, which was funny. Considering the captain who always gave everyone else that pathetic job as a punishment, was doing it himself. And that everyone was mostly you, the favorite target of Steve Roger’s wrath.
You went towards his desk but didn’t find him there. So after asking FRIDAY you were heading towards the laboratory.
You were about to enter but stopped hearing their voices.
“I don’t know tony. It’s not like I don’t like her but…. She is being too much for me. She is always there, when I wake up I see her face, on breakfast lunch dinner. Then going to bed. And now she is taking me outside. It’s… so overwhelming.” Steve sighed.
Normally Steve Rogers didn’t babble his tensions out when anyone asked him what happened. But now when tony asked this question he couldn’t help but let out everything he was thinking for the past three weeks.
Tony gave him a sympathetic smile, “maybe you should talk to her then. Tell her she needs to give you space. She isn’t like that, Steve, she is worried too and maybe that’s why she didn’t even realize that.”
Steve considered his words and indeed before going out of the laboratory. You on the other hand left before he could.
Here you were trying so hard to help him get back to normal and he was taking you, as too much.
You marched towards your room and packed your stuff. Maybe you should shift back to your floor giving him his space back.
Well, you were being too much y/n. You thought. But for him, and if he had any problem he should have talked directly to you.
You sighed. He was normal with everyone but you, or maybe everyone was normal with him but you.
You took your bag and went back to the other floor. Now you also would try to be normal, acting as if nothing happened and wait for some miracle to heal him.
After making your old bedroom look presentable you decide to head towards the gym to let out your frustrations. But on the way you found Steve, who had the audacity to smile at you.
“Umm… I was looking for you,” he said softly. This made you even more annoyed. He was acting as if he didn’t bitched you to your friend just half an hour ago.
“Why?” he flinched at your tone which wasn’t meant to be that harsh.
“We were supposed to go for a walk” you sighed and gave him a forced smile.
“Not today Steve. I am a bit tired.” you were about to walk away but stopped.
“And Steve, I think we should stop this for some time. It must be overwhelming, huh, you know I can be too much sometimes,” you whispered the last part. He barely caught it but he heard. And watched you walk away.
One week passed and he was restless. You weren’t there, he barely saw you the whole day. He couldn’t even sleep at night. It wasn’t just because of the guilt of his words, it was your presence that soothes him, your warmth. Even though his mind didn’t remember his body was used to being around you.
He was in the kitchen making coffee for everyone when you walked in. and it hurt him when you didn’t even look at him and started preparing your breakfast.
“Hey, your coffee,” Steve said, passing a cup towards you.
“Steve she doesn’t drink black coffee-like, everyone” nat said looking at him.
Steve shocked his head, “no I didn’t make her—” he stopped in the middle of his sentence.
You looked towards your cup and it was filled with cream and an outrageous amount of sweetness, just like you loved your coffee.
You looked towards Steve who was giving you a nervous smile, while everyone remained silent. “Thank you” you muttered and walked out with your cup.
With a smile and happy tears in your eyes, he subconsciously made you a coffee. He remembered.
Still, that didn’t mean you are going to be on friendly terms with him.
The mission was successful but tiring, you were returning in the jet with Tony nat and clint. Sitting in a corner you smiled lightly thinking about the moments before going to the missions.
Steve came to you, “be safe” that’s what he whispered before giving you a peck on the cheek, hesitantly. As if you would slap his face hard for kissing you.
You chuckled before closing your eyes to take a nap…
He was sitting at the desk doing his work when Sherline? What was her name? Came to him with a more than a friendly smile. She was a new receptionist always needing help with stuff especially when Steve is around. She bent down when you walked in with a file on the mission.
Not again… that was what you thought. You knew what he must be on his display by the flustered face and the way he was averting his eyes.
He smiled hesitantly before trying to explain whatever that recipient girl was asking him.
“Captain Rogers” you called, with authority causing both of them to look at you. The girl instantly straightened and walked away before greeting you. Your eyes followed her as she went away before coming back to him.
The look of disappointment you gave him, reminded Steve of a memory, somewhere deep inside his head.
“Captain Rogers” your voice was stern as you looked at Sharon and then Steve. She was there for some work Fury asked her to do, and also got a chance to see Steve as well. You were annoyed from a hectic mission after a week to submit your report and seeing them together annoyed you even more.
“Hey y/n” Sharon greeted with a smile which you returned with your forced one. You marched towards steve and threw your file on the desk.
“Report,” you said before walking away.
With the same look of disappointment, you came near him and threw your file. Steve looked like a kicked puppy when he looked up.
“Report” the voice seemed like it was coming from a distance. He was watching you go away and involuntarily called your name.
“y/n” he kept calling but you didn’t stop. He left Sharon there and ran towards you. He grabbed your arm, causing you to turn. “What?” you spat…
He remembered, he remembered what he said after that, your wrist in his hand and you, still thinking what the fuck he wants?
“Will… will you go out with me” the words left his mouth. He suddenly smiled looking at your expressions. Your eyes got wet, while you chuckled.
“Just a little bit” he whispered.
He took your hands in his, “look y/n I’m sorry about those words. I was just” but you stopped him. “I understand,” you smiled sadly. “Doctor Cho warned me not to be overwhelmed. I just got too much, I know”
“Will you give me another chance, will you help me with this?” he asked.
“Of course babe,” you said before giving him a long-overdue hug. It felt so good to feel him against you after so long, his arms wrapped around you. Now he felt like your husband.
“Now can you give me my ring back?” he said, showing you his empty hand.
“Hmm, lemme think about it. Think if you even deserve it or not” you said squinting your eyes at him.
He pretended to be wounded at your words only to receive a scoff from you. You turned and walked away leaving him there alone.
“Buy me dinner first, then I’ll decide” you shouted behind you, causing the captain to smile shyly.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 2 years
A Chicago Christmas - Sarah Reese x Shepherd!Reader - Chicago Med x Grey's Anatomy
Request: Request, Reese comes over on Christmas Eve with a present and ends up staying the night. On Christmas day you both make cookies, and end up covering each other in flour accidentally, so you change into matching sweaters. They both could also watch Christmas movies and such (I'm sorry I'm craving hot chocolate and affection right now)
You were used to being away from your family for the winter holidays. Your brother, Derek, had died in 2015, and he was the sibling you were closest to, besides your older sister Amelia.
Sitting on the floor, you had just finished decorating the small Christmas tree you'd put up. Being a cardiothoracic surgeon at Gaffney Chicago Hospital meant you were working long hours across the week.
So, it was Christmas Eve and you'd forgotten to put up decorations until now. But it also meant you weren't expecting anyone to turn up at the door, since your sisters were either in New York, or Seattle, and you didn't really have many people in Chicago either.
The doorbell said otherwise as it chimed.
"Hey, Doctor S/n." Sarah Reese gave you a nervous smile as you opened the door, revealing her standing on your doorstep, snowflakes in her hair and on her coat.
"Hey, Doctor Reese. Come in, it's gotta be freezing out here." You moved aside, opening the door further so the frosty psychiatry resident wouldn't freeze on your doorstep.
"I didn't meant to intrude, I just wanted to give you this, since I didn't realise you weren't on call today and I was going to give you it at work... here." Reese pushed the gift into your hands, biting her lip as your face broke into a smile.
"Thank you, Sarah. That reminds me, I put your gift somewhere, I'm kinda bad at gifts, since I usually spend Christmas alone, but April suggested I try not to be a Grinch this year, so here." You rambled, passing Sarah the present that had been chilling under your tree.
"Do you want some hot chocolate? I was just thinking of making some." You enquired, placing the gift Sarah had gotten you under the tree and glancing up, you pointed with your thumb towards your kitchen.
"That would be lovely." Sarah smiled, giggling as hurried over the couch to take her coat and wipe the melting snowflakes from her face.
Sarah didn't intend to stay over at your house on Christmas Eve. But hot chocolate was enough to make anyone sleepy, especially since the glow of your fireplace lulled the two of you to sleep on the couch.
It was only when Sarah woke up and tried to leave that she saw there was no way she was going to make it home.
"Wow, Chicago winters are not for the faint hearted." You chuckled, passing Sarah a mug of cinnamon coffee, hip gently bumping hers as the two of you stood at the window to the winter wonderland outside.
"Since you're kind of stuck here, how about we make some Christmas cookies? With icing and everything?"
"Are you sure April called you a Grinch?" Sarah quirked a brow, following you to the kitchen to reveal you did indeed even have icing for the cookies.
"My family is either in New York, Seattle or are dead, so I'm usually on my own. So I make cookies, curl up on the couch and watch movies. Then my sisters try to call me, but I claim I fell asleep, since I don't really talk to any of them but Amelia." You explained, passing Sarah a wooden spoon as you began to set up the scales.
"Why don't you talk to your sisters?" Sarah enquired, watching you measure out the flour carefully.
"I'm the youngest, but I'm closest with Amelia, she's second youngest and we were both the closest with our older brother. He died in 2015, car accident... they failed to get him a head CT. Anyway, I can't really stand my other sisters, Kathleen is... horrible, Nancy cares but can be... and Liz can be nice, but she starts analysing and predicting everything I say. Amelia's my favourite sister, she's a warrior." You explained, carefully weighing out the other dry ingredients whilst watching Sarah from the corner of your eye.
"Oh crap, I didn't even notice-" You pointed to the flour on your hoodie, pulling it over your head to discard it in the laundry, as Sarah stared at you in shock, not even realising she was squeezing the icing too hard, until it went all over her shirt.
"Uhhh, here, I'll wash the shirt, gimme," putting your hands out, Sarah blushed as she removed her shirt, taking the jumper you offered her in exchange. You were still shirtless, hurrying to sort the laundry out then hurrying back whilst throwing a jumper on over your head.
"Y/n! Your phone's ringing! It says it's Amelia!" Sarah called out, spotting you pulling the jumper over your head, your answer muffled but she knew.
"Answer it, I'll be a second!"
You could hear Amelia talking before you saw her on the videocall.
"Hello- you're not Y/n? Does Y/n have a significant other I don't know about-"
"Amelia! This is Doctor Sarah Reese, she got stuck here because Chicago winters are not for the faint hearted." You explained, stepping into frame.
You didn't notice how Amelia raised her eyebrows slightly at the matching Christmas jumpers you and Sarah were wearing...
"Sorry, Amelia got called away to help with Scout, plus I think Ellis and Bailey were causing trouble. What movie do you want to start with?" You enquired, passing Sarah the remote whilst balancing a plate of the cookies the two of you had made in your other hand.
"How about Home Alone, then you pick the next one?" Sarah suggested, taking a cookie with a quiet 'thank you'.
"That sounds like a great plan, Sarah." You smiled, eating a mouthful of cookie as Home Alone began to play.
"Hey, Sarah. Merry Christmas." You grinned, your cheeks almost aching with how much you were grinning as she rested her head on your shoulder.
"Merry Christmas, Y/n." Sarah grinned back, glancing up at you before she turned to keep watching the movie.
Tags: @nnightskiess @emskisworld
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purple-dahlias · 3 years
day twenty eight- soggy
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wc: 1962 requested: no warnings: none
It had been gloomy since Sarah had woken up early that morning. Dark, heavy clouds seemed to hang low over the city, enveloping the buildings, and the persistent, ever-present drizzle combined to paint a rather dismal picture that only seemed to amplify the miserable mood Sarah had been in all day. She can’t exactly place why she had been feeling so off lately, but she just is. And it’s frustrating and tiring all in one. She just wants to feel some semblance of normal again, not to have this dark, metaphorical cloud hanging over her that made it barely possible for her to function outside of her job. Her tactic right now was just to throw herself into her work, hope that maybe, just maybe, if she tried not to pay much mind to whatever was going on inside of her, it would just slip away. Irrational, really. Especially for someone who was supposed to be a psychiatrist. If she had heard of a patient doing that, well. She would have immediately thought that an unhealthy coping mechanism. But, it always was the way that whenever it came to yourself, you always were a little blind to how things really were; what they really meant. And doctors were no exception to that. In fact, they were probably some of the worst when it came to it.
Sarah had really been hoping for the weather to let up, for the rain to break, maybe to see a peep of sunshine from behind those angry-looking storm clouds. But alas, the heavens open up, and the rain pours down mercilessly onto the windy city. And it only got worse. By the time Sarah left the hospital in the almost complete darkness of the evening, the rain was coming down so hard that it was hard to see more than a metre or so in front of her, droplets striking the ground with such sheer force that they seemed to almost bounce against the pavement, ricocheting like bullets. What didn’t help was the icy wind whipping around her, making everything seem ten times colder, a hundred times more miserable.
She had only taken a few steps away from the hospital entrance and already the rain had soaked through her wool coat, matting her curls to her face and chilling her to the bone. It was only then, a little way from the hospital, that Sarah realised she had left her umbrella all the way up in her locker on the psychiatry floor. And she really, really didn’t want to go back for it, as counter-intuitive as it might seem. She just didn’t think she could handle Dr Charles seeing her like this, the look of concern that would come over his face. The look he had been giving her a lot lately. She didn’t want to have to see that again.
So wrapped up in her thoughts as she is, Sarah almost fails to register that somehow, the rain had let up directly overhead, despite the storm still raging around her, which was, by all accounts, a rather peculiar phenomenon. She turns to find none other than Ava Bekker, the new CT fellow beside her, holding out a large black umbrella over the both of them, the other woman considerably a lot drier.
“What are you doing standing around in weather like this?” She asks with a tilt of her head, still holding the umbrella steady over the two of them.
“I like the rain,” Sarah returns a little stiffly, and as soon as the words are out of her mouth, she’s aware of how completely absurd that sounds. Yes, she likes the rain. Likes the rain when she’s inside, watching it from the warmth and safety of home, but right now, today, she realises, she doesn’t really want to be at home, a place that in itself didn’t quite feel homely.
“Well, you know,” Ava begins, shaking Sarah from her thoughts, “you can’t hang around here all night. You’ll catch your death if you’re not out of those wet clothes soon enough.”
“Yeah, I suppose,” Sarah agrees heavily, letting out a weary sigh. “I didn’t quite realise, I guess.” And in truth, she hadn’t realised how soaked through she had become, not until Ava had put the umbrella over her, separating her from the deluge beyond.
Maybe it’s the look Ava catches in Sarah’s eyes, or the intonation of her voice that makes the concern flit across Ava’s face, knowing instantly that something isn’t quite right with the psychiatry resident standing in front of her, water dripping off her clothes. And she’s not about to leave her out here in the cold, wet weather alone.
“Why don’t you come back to mine?” Ava asks carefully. “It’s not too far, and you can dry off, and it’s probably a whole lot better than standing out here in the middle of all of this,” she gestures to the downpour beyond.
“I- I don’t want to impose,” falters Sarah, wondering why Dr Ava Bekker would even offer such a thing. Sure, they’d worked together a fair bit since Ava had arrived at Med, and had made small talk, even sat together in the cafeteria a few times, but still. Sarah can’t imagine why Ava Bekker, the haughty CT surgeon would be showing her this kindness, paying her any attention.
“You wouldn’t be,” Ava assures, placing a hand lightly over Sarah’s arm.
It might be something to do with the way Ava looks at her, or the promise of spending time somewhere that’s not her own lonely, empty apartment that makes her agree to it. The offer really does sound lovely. And warm.
“Okay,” Sarah says finally, after weighing up her options, offering Ava a small smile.
The drive to Ava’s apartment is a short one, undertaken mostly in silence, but it’s a comfortable silence. Ava cranks up the heating, and Sarah is grateful for the warmth, her numbed hands tingling at the sudden temperature change. She’s even more thankful, however, that the drive is a short one, because despite her hands feeling considerably warmer, she can feel the way her water-logged clothes stick uncomfortably to her skin.
“Well, here we are,” Ava once more cuts into Sarah’s thoughts, bringing her back to reality for Sarah to realise that she is standing in front of Ava’s open doorway.
The apartment is spotlessly clean, everything in a meticulous order, Sarah can already tell. And yet, somehow, there’s a distinctly homely feel to it that sends a pang of, well, not quite jealousy, but more frustration pointed at herself, through Sarah. Ava had been in Chicago for a considerably shorter time than Sarah and it clearly seemed like she had already settled in. Her apartment wasn’t in disarray with discarded items lying about the place that she didn’t have the energy to put away.
Suddenly Sarah feels very self-conscious and nervous, and she dares not look up at Ava, standing in front of her. Perhaps this had been a mistake, agreeing to Ava’s offer after all.
“Let me take your coat for you,” Ava offers. “I’ll hang it in the bathroom, which is probably better, considering,” she gestures to the water dripping off Sarah and onto the floor.
“Oh God, sorry,” cringes Sarah, peeling off her coat, the material a lot heavier now since its ordeal in the rain.
“No harm done,” Ava shrugs with a smile as she takes the coat, leading Sarah further into her apartment, who wraps her arms around herself, shivering on being left in her shirt and trousers, and hating the way the thin material of her shirt in particular, in its water-logged state, clings to her skin, making her feel uncomfortable in more ways than one.
Sarah takes the time to look around the apartment, at the various framed photos sat on the shelves, the muted colour scheme running throughout, a few, carefully selected pieces of artwork adorning the walls, the deliciously soft looking sand coloured rug on the living room floor that Sarah wanted nothing more than to sink her toes into. Everything about the place just seemed to scream Ava Bekker, which obviously it would since it was her apartment, but still. It just seemed to fit her as a person.
“Right, let’s get you into something a little warmer.”
“Thank you,” Sarah smiles weakly at the promise of that, wringing her hands in front of her, realising now in that moment just how tired she really was. She must look a sorry, bedraggled, soggy sight to Ava, if the look of pity on the surgeon’s face was anything to go by.
Ava leads Sarah into what is clearly her bedroom, and Sarah’s discomfort only grows, opting to hover in the doorway rather than enter the room, watching as Ava rummages through her drawers, finally pulling out a green sweatshirt and some striped pyjama pants.
“They’ll probably be a little big, but…” Ava trails off.
“It’s perfect,” Sarah assures her, just happy to be able to change out of her wet clothes.
“There are fresh towels in the bathroom and soap, if you want a shower as well,” Ava offers, pointing her in the direction of the bathroom before heading off, letting Sarah have some privacy.
Sarah steps out of the shower, hair freshly washed and smelling, she thinks belatedly, just like Ava must. She swaps out the fluffy white towel for the clothes Ava had lent her, letting the warmth of the borrowed items caress her skin, revelling in the way the fabric feels against her skin, and the faint lilac scent coming off the sweatshirt in particular. Ava. It was Ava’s perfume. Sarah doesn’t quite know how she should feel about being able to recognise that so quickly; there’s just something so, well, intimate about wearing clothes that were someone else’s. That smelt like someone else. But Sarah brushes those thoughts away, hanging up her wet clothing alongside her coat, putting up her hair inside a towel and exiting the bathroom, feeling much warmer as she made her way back to the living room.
Ava is waiting for her, pressing a steaming mug of cocoa into her hands, which Sarah gratefully accepts, warming her hands around it.
“You look like you could use a pick me up,” she smiles at Sarah, gesturing for her to take a seat on the sofa.
“Thank you, Ava,” Sarah returns the smile graciously, if a little stiffly.
“It’s just hot chocolate. Even if I do make the best hot chocolate,” Ava laughs with a shrug at the solemn expression on Sarah’s face and the sincerity in her voice.
“No, I… I don’t mean just that. I mean for everything.” For helping me. For saving me from having to go home to that place all alone, from giving me this time to not be stuck in my own head, is what Sarah doesn’t voice, but she hopes that maybe Ava gets it, some of it at least, from her saying ‘everything,’ from the tone in her voice.  
“Well, what kind of doctor would I be if I left you outside to catch your death from hypothermia, hmm?”
“True,” laughs Sarah, feeling lighter than she has in a long while.
“Now, how does spaghetti sound for dinner? And don’t you dare tell me I don’t need to cook you dinner. I’m going to eat, and you are too.”
Well, if Ava was that adamant about it, who was Sarah to try and convince her otherwise? Besides, she wants these next few moments to stretch out for as long as possible, and if having dinner with Ava Bekker was what it was going to take, Sarah was more than prepared for that.
“That sounds wonderful.” And it does.  
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Without a light I fear that I will stumble in the dark - missing scene
This is a missing/extra scene from Without a light (my Force Sensitive Fox fic) that I wanted to write, but wouldn’t fit into the main story as it is about my medic OCs Manner and Scalpel. Scalpel has had mentions in Without a light and one of my fics for Codywanweek2021, but this is his first main appearance. 
This is set just before the war starts (during chapter 5 of Without a light) and before Scalpel and Manner are assigned to their battalions. 
Warnings for mentions and discussions of medical treatment.
Scalpel watched as Cadet-Commander Fox left the Medbay with Alpha-17, the Alpha staring at Fox in concern. While Fox forced himself not to scratch the stitches Scalpel’s batchmate Manner had used to help Fox’s new injury above and below his right eye. Scalpel watched the pair leave the Medbay, a hint of longing in his gaze, he often wondered what it would be like to be in a CC batch and assigned to an Alpha to train with. Scalpel and his batchmates were just ordinary CTs, and left to the mercy of the trainers, the Alphas would sometimes assist with their training and they were always the days they looked forward to, getting to be treated like they were sentient beings. Like they were valued. Added to Scalpel’s wishful thinking was how Fox’s batch was still together, while it was known by every brother on Kamino that the CCs would be separated from their batchmates once the war started, Scalpel’s batch had already started to be separated, unusual for a CT batch but it did sometimes happen. Scalpel, Manner and Patch had all scored high in aptitude tests that marked them out as potential medics, leaving Fixer and Xerus in the usual CT training sessions. Over the past couple of years, Fixer had also demonstrated high skills with machinery and so he had been moved into engineer training. Meaning he didn’t spend all of his training with Xerus. Patch and Manner, the two oldest of the batch, were now worrying about Xerus, wondering how he was coping without his batchmates around him all of the time. Thankfully, CT-8914, or 14 as he was known, was good friends with Scalpel’s batch and had adopted Xerus into his batch.
Hearing a sigh, Scalpel turned to find Manner rubbing a hand over his face, causing Scalpel to smile. Manner, the second eldest of their batch, had always been gruff, despite how highly he scored in the aptitude test that made him a medic, it was widely assumed you had to be nice and caring to be a medic. Recently Scalpel and the others had been worried about Manner after Attitude died last year. Attitude was Manner’s best friend outside of their batch and Manner had taken Attitude’s death hard, blaming himself and retreating from everyone he was close to in an attempt to protect himself from further loss. Scalpel had been the first batchmate Manner had let get close to him since Attitude died and Scalpel was aware, that the war could start anytime, and as they were ten, their batch would be deployed as soon as the war started. And he didn’t want there to be any risk of their batch being separated while Manner continued to isolate himself.
“Kriffing CCs,” muttered Manner, casting a glare towards the door of the Medbay where Fox and Alpha-17 had left.
Scalpel rolled his eyes, “Fox was actually a model patient. He only tried to talk to you.”
Manner turned his glare on Scalpel, unlike the other medics who would flinch if Manner so much as glanced in their direction, Scalpel just smirked in response. Well used to his batchmate’s mannerisms. “CCs are more trouble than they’re worth,” scowled Manner, his look defiant as if daring Scalpel to disagree. Well what else were vod’ika for?
“I think the CCs are great! Especially Fox’s batch. I hope to get assigned to the same battalion as one of them!” enthused Scalpel, a blinding grin on his face. Manner’s eye actually twitched at that. Scalpel smirked and added, “you are going to be assigned with one CC Manner. You might as well get used to the idea now.”
His ori’vod’s glare intensified, as if Scalpel was voicing Manner’s worst nightmare. “Just so long as it’s not Commander ‘a blaster pack exploded in my face’, I do not want to deal with that regularly.”
Scalpel rolled his eyes, “from what I’ve heard, Fox doesn’t get hurt that often. And I also heard a blaster pack did explode in his face.” Manner just sighed in response causing Scalpel to smile. It was obvious to Scalpel that Manner didn’t dislike Fox nearly as much as he was letting on, Scalpel just knew most of Manner’s opinions on Fox came from not knowing how much Priest’s attention on Fox had affected the CC. Deciding to tease his ori’vod some more, Scalpel smiled sweetly at Manner, noticing his batchmate tense as he began cleaning away the supplies, he used to stitch the cut on Fox’s face. “Honestly Manner, Fox is a little gruff himself, I think the two of you could be great friends.”
Manner turned around so quickly that Scalpel was almost concerned his batchmate got whiplash. Manner glared at Scalpel, “don’t ever say something that offensive again. Fox and I do not have anything in common, and we will never be friends! Got it?” Scalpel held his hands up in surrender but opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Manner was stalking over to him and hissed. “You say another word about me being friends with that CC and then everyone will find out why we now have to carry more than one scalpel in our med-kits.”
Knowing Manner was serious and would make good on his threat if Scalpel let word get out Manner was friends with Fox, Scalpel didn’t say anything. (Why that was such a problem Scalpel could only guess. Maybe Manner didn’t want to make friends and the best way to stop that happening was to make sure he had no known friends outside of his batch.) Manner didn’t want friends, that was sad but Scalpel had self-preservation instincts and he didn’t want to push Manner. Scalpel didn’t want the other medics, even Patch his eldest batchmate, knowing why they had to pack at least two scalpels into their med-kits. The reason being that Scalpel had kept misplacing his scalpel during field exercises, and therefore being unable to treat the fake casualties he had to practice his skills on. It was not the reason he was called Scalpel, as much as Manner liked to tease him about it. He had actually chosen the name Scalpel because he had recently been put into surgical technician training.
Checking the time and seeing that his and Manner’s shifts had been over for three minutes, Scalpel gestured towards the door to the Medbay. “Want to head back to the barracks?” Manner nodded, and after they had both signed out, they were leaving the Medbay. Scalpel was glad to be away from the sharp chemical smells, he actually liked medic training, but he could do without the smells of the disinfectant and other chemicals used in the Medbay. They soon returned to the barracks that their batch shared with a few others, unlike the CCs who lived in one batch to a barracks, the CTs were well used to mixing with other batches. They reached their sleeping pods, Scalpel sighed, Patch’s shift in the Medbay was two hours longer than theirs, while Fixer and Xerus were still training together with 14’s batch. Manner flickered his gaze over to Scalpel, a hint of worry in his eyes at Scalpel’s forlorn sigh.
Shrugging Scalpel smiled slightly at Manner. “I like being a medic, but I wish our batch could still spend most of our time together.”
Manner sighed and nodded slightly, “I get it.” He then started to make towards the ladder, but Scalpel reached out and lightly grabbed his arm. “What?” asked Manner, turning to look at Scalpel in consideration.
“Just…look…can we double up?” Scalpel asked quietly. He scuffed his foot on the floor, not quite looking at Manner, but not fully looking at the floor either. He jumped slightly when a gentle hand landed on his shoulder, Scalpel looked up to see Manner directing his version of a smile at him while he nodded. Scalpel felt his spirits lift, and eagerly followed Manner up the ladder, waiting while Manner opened his pod. Seconds after Manner situated himself into his pod, lying on his back, Scalpel was lying in the pod next to him. Manner closed the pod and then Scalpel lay on his right side, positioning himself so that his head rested on Manner’s chest. His ori’vod wrapped one arm around his waist, and placed the other in his regulation length hair. Scalpel sighed again, “I don’t want our batch to be separated.” It was his worst fear, but he had the sinking suspicion that Patch and Manner were being considered for Senior Medical Officers, meaning they would be separated.
A hand started to gently run through his hair. Manner’s silence was telling, his ori’vod also knew about the potential ranks of command that could be placed on himself and Patch. “We’ll have commlinks, we’ll all be able to stay in contact,” murmured Manner.
“It won’t be the same,” scowled Scalpel. He wasn’t whining, he wasn’t.
“It’ll be alright vod’ika,” promised Manner. Scalpel almost argued against his ori’vod’s words, but then he felt how tense Manner was underneath him and then he realised that Manner was trying to convince himself as much as he was trying to comfort Scalpel. So, instead Scalpel just hugged Manner in response, nuzzling his head against Manner’s chest. There was a snort of amusement from above him. “We should have called you Tooka,” commented Manner in amusement.
“You don’t even know what a tooka is,” protested Scalpel, his voice faint and slightly slurred from the tiredness pulling at him.
“Pretty sure they’re like you,” stated Manner quietly. The hand in Scalpel’s hair slowed, but continued to card through his strands of hair, making Scalpel’s eyes droop.
Not long later, Manner found out he was indeed being made SMO, assigned to the Coruscant Guard. Scalpel had been there when Manner found out he was going to Coruscant with the newly promoted Marshall Commander Fox. Manner had been left swearing so vigorously 99 had ushered away nearby little Cadets, much to Scalpel’s amusement.
A year and a half later, while Scalpel was sat in the mess of the Negotiator with Fixer and Patch. They were discussing how nice it would be for the 212th to meet up with the 501st in two days, allowing them to see Xerus and see how he was doing as he was an ARC Trooper now. Then Scalpel looked down to see he had gotten a message from Moonshine (formerly CT-8914). Fixer and Patch seemed to have gotten the message as well going by their smiles and chuckles. Scalpel opened up their batch group chat and sent a message to Manner.
Scalpel: @Manner nice to hear you’ve officially become friends with Commander Fox! :D
Manner: What are you talking about?
Patch: Don’t deny it vod’ika. Moonshine told us you’ve just admitted to Commander Fox you’re friends now.
Fixer: This is too sweet. I think I’m going to be sick.
Xerus: Who are you? And what have you done with Manner?
Manner: Moonshine is a dead man.
Scalpel: I hate to break it to you ori’vod. But you are a medic, and an SMO at that. You can’t go round killing vod’e.
Patch: Also, I hear Moonshine supplies Commander Fox with moonshine. I don’t think your new best friend will thank you for upsetting his moonshine supply.
Manner: I hate you all.
Xerus: We love you too Manner!!! <3
Fixer: We love you and miss you!!!!!! <3 <3 <3
Scalpel: Admit it. You miss us!
Manner: No, I karking well don’t! You are all a pain in my shebs, a pain I could do without!!!
Patch: He misses us. I can tell. Love you Manner!! <3
Scalpel sniggered to himself as he watched angry message after angry message arrive from Manner. Patch had told him about the skirmish between the Separatists and a group made up of some men of the 91st and the Guard. Word had gotten out that Commander Fox had almost died, and Scalpel had known Manner had been worried. The fact that Manner had basically told Commander Fox that he thought of him as a friend said how worried Manner had been. Scalpel was just glad that Manner had a friend on Coruscant. He, Patch and Fixer were assigned to the 212th, and Xerus to the 501st, meaning the four of them saw each other regularly. Manner on the other hand, never left Coruscant, and Scalpel always felt bad that Manner was so far away from the rest of his batch. But it seemed Scalpel didn’t have to worry so much anymore. Much to his relief.
End note: The last part is set just after chapter 11 of Without a light. In that chapter it is explained how Attitude died.
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o-wise-corvid · 3 years
Okay so there’s some mentions of children in pain and going through some severe physical stuff. Dark Side torture to build their hatred type stuff. DONT read if that’s too much.
People who were wanting more: @captainrexisboo @clonetrooperrights @koskareevesismyqueen @gospelofme @jgvfhl @ct-27-fives
WARNINGS: mild mentions of torture/ broken bones/ character in pain
Chapter 1: Two, Three, Four, Five
“Get your elbow up! Block with your shins and forearms... Use your points! There you go!”
To be possessed of such a small frame, Gaia never failed to impress Cody with the way she could change direction. She could run full tilt at a training droid, her whole body leaning into the sprint, then check herself, pivoting on a dime to swing up behind it. One firm kick and there was a clanker head lying at his feet.
She ran with what he could only define as commitment, pushing her entire being into a single goal. That wasn’t something he’d taught her to do, but something she’d brought herself; Cody encouraged her natural talents as often as he encouraged the practiced techniques he’d been showing her for over a year.
Gaia rode the toppling chassis to the floor, crouching on its back with a triumphant smile on her face. “How was that?”
Cody grinned at her. “Very nice. Those reinforced gauntlets really help with the punches, don’t they?”
Gaia inspected the new armor that sheathed her arms from knuckles to elbow, matte black instead of shiny. Which was a good choice given the wear the things had already gotten after one day. “Yes. No more broken knuckles.”
“No more broken knuckles,” he agreed, scooping her up. Gaia laughed and rested her small hands on his chest plate. Cody could swear she’d grown since the day before, her weight already not so easy to manage as it had once been. “But what did Papa tell you about broken bones?”
“They grow back stronger,” Gaia recited dutifully, dark eyes serious. Too serious for one so young. “Did you ever break your knuckles, Papa?”
Cody opened his mouth to answer, smiling at a memory of another brother, Kix, belligerently scolding him about his frequent visits due to how he fought droids. But another voice interjected.
“Captain.” Sixthree wobbled over anxiously, arms lifting in manufactured excitement. “You are being summoned by Lord Vader. He wishes you to bring the young lady along.”
Icy tendrils of fear shuffled their way through his body and he tightened his grip on Gaia reflexively. “Bring her with me? You’re certain about that?” he tried, despite knowing the droid would have relayed the message accurately.
“Yes sir.”
“Papa.” Gaia pulled his face around to look right at him. She touched her forehead to his. “I know what to do. Let’s go.”
He couldn’t help but smile. Her accent had changed, picking up the thicker vowels and light r’s that Jango Fett had passed down to all his Clones. In such a clear, delicate voice, it sounded especially sweet.
“I know you do,” Cody told her, lowering her to her feet. “What do you call me?”
“ ‘Sir’ if I speak at all, sir,” Gaia snapped, spine straightening like a flagpole.
“Do you look at me if you’re asked a question?”
“No sir.”
“Do you fear me?” He put a little edge in his voice, looming to his full height as he paced a tight circle around her.
“Yes sir.” Gaia didn’t track him with her eyes, didn’t blink, didn’t flinch. She was good, he had to admit. She’d picked up on what survival meant so quickly and she’d practiced everything to the point that she performed without thinking.
“Do you fear Vader?”
“Even more.”
“How do you address him?”
“My Lord.”
“Alright,” Cody finally murmured, as satisfied as he was bound to get. He touched Gaia on the top of her head, feeling the tight pattern of her braided hair under his glove, then sheathed his face in his helmet.
They stalked through the ship as one. Gaia had assumed a posture and cadence to her steps that mirrored his own, which carried a menace that even ranking officers knew to give room. She had figured out an expression of intensity that looked positively chilling on a little girl and wore it whenever she was in public. Cody admired the girl’s drive and grasp of her circumstances, even though their routine was beyond familiar.
Vader was awaiting Cody in the hangar bay, just as imposing as he’d ever been. Gaia didn’t react to his presence as they entered the long, mostly empty expanse. He wondered how she perceived him in the Force, what he felt like to the other senses that she was gifted with. From the outside, she looked inscrutable, her boots clicking in time with Cody’s as they approached the hulking figure. When Cody stopped, so did she and they both snapped a salute.
“Captain,” Vader rumbled. His sloping helmet shifted so that his attention was obviously fixed on Gaia. “Cadet.”
“My Lord,” Cody and Gaia said together and they both gave a short bow.
Vader stepped over to Gaia, sinking down on one knee until he was more level with the girl. She stared stoically ahead. “I see your training is progressing well, young one. Tell me, what do you sense in this room?”
Gaia frowned a little, but her expression was one of concentration rather than concern. “You, my Lord. The Dark Side is strong with you. The Captain. And... two others.”
Vader actually chuckled and the sound made the buzzed hair on the back of Cody’s neck stand on end. “Well done, little one. Your training has indeed progressed.” Rising, he affixed Cody with his soulless stare. “You are being tasked with the training of two others, Captain. Your success with this one is evident. I am leaving these in your command.”
Two Stormtroopers came hurrying up, each gripping a squirming person in their arms the way someone holding a feral animal would. Cody could see that they were children due to their size but because they were thrashing so wildly, there wasn’t much he could tell about them apart from the fact that they were both Zabraks.
Vader nodded to the Stormtroopers to set their burdens down, which they did, and then hurriedly backed away. Which Cody almost snorted at because it wasn’t like the kids could bite them through their armor. But then he noticed the scrapes and gouges in the white helmets; one of the eyes was shattered.
“Mind the horns, sir,” one of them offered nervously.
One of the Zabrak children twisted around, flailing a little with bound hands and legs, and actually growled at Cody. His blue eyes burned against his dusky skin, bits of plastoid shavings and visor glass stuck in the crown of amber horns along the boy’s scalp.
“I’ll have them tamed in a month, my Lord,” Cody said confidently though he had to admit that both boys looked fierce enough to take on Wookies.
“We shall see, Captain.”
Cody and Gaia glanced at each other, as Vader turned, the Stormtroopers sweeping into his wake. “Can you help me get them to our quarters?” he asked quietly. “I can get one; two might be a lot.”
Gaia grinned and stretched out a hand toward the boys. The other, green-eyed one shot up, dangling by his ankles. Cody almost laughed. Gaia wasn’t one to overdo it if she didn’t have to. Lifting the boy by his binders was easier than trying to just lift his entire body.
Cody snatched up the blue-eyed one in much the same way, keeping him at arm’s length as much as he could. The Zabrak swayed and snarled nonetheless, trying to reach Cody with his horns. Once, Cody was sure he felt the Force flutter weakly at his armored side.
Gaia had a worse time of it. Her size was the biggest problem. Green eyes squinted furiously at her and her legs flew sideways as if she’d walked over an oil slick. Gaia caught herself without dropping the Zabrak on his head and glared hotly at the boy. “Do it again and I’ll break your ankles.”
Cody looked at her worriedly, glad for the concealment of his helmet. He’d never heard such a deadly note in the girl’s voice and it chilled him. He knew she was under the charge of a slightly Forceful woman who visited the ship once a month, but what exactly happened during the hours Gaia would be away from him there, he could never say. He knew how she returned, though; it was usually hours before she finally responded to him verbally. She always crawled into his bunk on those nights, clinging to him like her sanity depended on it.
When they were finally inside his quarters, Cody flipped the blue-eyed boy as gently as he could onto the bunk, carefully righting him so he was sitting up. Gaia did the same with the other and then threw her arms around his neck. The boy’s eyes flew open wide.
“I wouldn’t have done it,” she hurried. “I promise. You have to make everyone out there feel like you would though. If they don’t think you’re bad, they won’t trust you. Do you understand?”
A wave of fierce pride seemed to bubble up from somewhere near Cody’s feet, thawing the frost of Vader’s presence out of his veins. That was his ad’ika, his Gaia. If she could keep that moral core, that goodness, and survive what could be a very horrible existence with it in tact... What a warrior she could be.
Both boys were listening now, glancing between Gaia, who knelt between them on the skinny mattress, and Cody. He took off his helmet and set it on the Gaia’s bunk. Guess he’d be needing to add two more. His quarters were starting to get really cramped now that he thought about it. He felt his lips tug to the side; Fives would’ve loved it, though, wouldn’t he? Fives always did prefer to keep everyone close, within arms reach if need be.
“You’re... wait...” The one Cody had hauled in was frowning, trying to make this new information make sense. He stared at Gaia as if he’d never seen anything so perplexing in his entire life and then his gaze shifted over to Cody. “You’re a Clone.”
“Yeah.” He knelt down and Gaia scrambled off the bed, looping her arms around his neck from behind. He patted her clasped hands and locked eyes with both boys. “I won’t lie to you. This place is dangerous. For all of us. Clones aren’t supposed to be like me. They’re all under the control of the Empire, in here,” Cody tapped his temple for emphasis. “Gaia, here? If she was what they wanted, she really would have broken your ankles. It’s not easy, being us and being here. But together, we can make it. Think you can find it in yourselves to trust us?”
“How long have you been here?” It was the blue-eyed Zabrak who spoke. His accent was as sharp as his canines.
“Over a year,” Gaia replied with a tightening of her arms around Cody’s neck. He wasn’t sure, but it felt like she was somehow guarding him, like she was prepared to launch herself over his shoulder if one of the boys tried anything. “Papa Cody helped me. He’ll help you, too. And when they start teaching you how to... do things, it won’t be easy. But he makes it better.”
The boys looked at each other and then both sighed. “Okay... what should we do?”
“Pick your names.” Gaia beamed at them both. “You can pick anything.”
Cody chuckled, Gaia’s excitement tangible as she bounced on the balls of her feet. “My brothers, the other Clones, all chose their own names before the Empire happened. It was something we all looked forward to.”
“Soren,” bubble the green-eyed boy. He beamed at his brother. “Like that pilot.”
The other boy rolled his eyes indulgently. “I know.” He looked down in his lap as Cody gently unfastened the binders around his wrists. “Who was your favorite?”
Cody frowned. “Favorite...?”
Gaia was looking at him now, too. She knew, Cody suspected. He’d told her so many stories about his little brother, the one who’d earned Jaig eyes his first tour. The brother who’d walked out of the barracks fresher one morning with bleached, barely-there hair and a strut like some sort of Coruscanti model. The brother who’d stood up to a rogue Jedi, defying orders despite the knowledge that doing so might’ve meant his own life.
“Rex,” he said in a tight voice.
“Can I have it, too?”
Cody swallowed, which was difficult, but nodded. “Sure. I think... I think the other Rex would be happy to share his name with you.”
The next six months skipped by very quickly. Gaia went through a growth spurt, shooting up to only an inch or so less than Cody. Soren and Rex took to their combat training like they were born for it. Their physiology leant itself to acrobatics and the boys both favored using their own heads as weapons whenever they could.
Cody finally took the leap and shaved his head, actually feeling pleased at the result. The kids all took turns helping him, giggling and getting into a shaving gel fight before everything was said and done. Then they took turns “buffing” his smooth scalp to make him “shiny like Sixthree”.
Gaia took to guarding her new brothers like they were her own flesh and blood. She talked gently but firmly to them prior to their first session with the woman Gaia called The Teacher, and while both boys looked markedly frightened, she promised them vehemently that she would be there the entire time.
Cody tried not to think about the way all three had looked upon returning for their sleep cycle. Acid burns had peppered the left arm of each child, and Gaia sported an angry red and purple slap mark on her left cheek. He’d arrived back at their jammed quarters after a day spent forcing himself not to think about what was happening with... with his children, only to find them huddled together on his bed while Sixthree tried to soothe them while he applied bacta to their blistered skin. Gaia had thrown herself into front of the door when Cody had turned on his heel with murder in his heart, barring his way and begging him to just stay.
“Papa, what happens if you do kill her?” Gaia had demanded quietly. “They’d kill you. And then what about us?”
His awe of the girl never seemed to lessen, but only expanded more and more every day. She was so strong and so smart, protective to a fault, even of him. He adored her in a way that was no more or less than the boys, but was something different. The boys were like shadows of his childhood, ghosts of little brother cadets possessing different bodies. They felt familiar and like parts of himself that he’d lost. Gaia was more like a miniature, not quite realized version of something that Cody had never actually experienced: a mother. But this would have to be how mothers were. Right?
Two more kids were brought to the ship a week after the head shaving event. Both were just as feral and unwieldy as Soren and Rex had been, especially the youngest one to date, who was only nine. He was the most difficult of them all. And Kali was the one who had tried to Force choke him the second she’d laid eyes on him.
Shriek, the boy, had done exactly that the second that Vader and the kid’s handlers had departed. To say that the boy had a pair of lungs on him was an understatement, but it wasn’t the volume that sent Cody to his knees. Images of his brothers screaming in agony seared his brain like hot knives. Rex, falling and tumbling, the fear in his voice split Cody’s skull. Kix taking blaster bolt after blaster bolt, toppling to his knees with lifeless eyes before anther brother took his place. Wolffe stretched with his limbs pulled taught, Grievous placing a lightsaber at the junction of his shoulder and arm as he unsheathed it. The screams layered, the same but different faces bleeding over and around each other in an unending torrent of pure misery until... the varactyl scream.
Soren surged into action, clapping a dark hand over Shriek’s mouth so hard that it made tears spring into the boy’s dark hazel eyes. Rex tackled Kali, who had flown to her feet and was running away like a frightened animal. Gaia planted herself between the boy who would be called Shriek, arms raised defensively, face taught with concentration.
“Get... out... of his head,” she struggled to say, sinking down on one knee as if some huge weight was pressing her into the plastisteel floor. She whooped in a breath and then growled through gritted teeth, arms trembling furiously. Cody had relied on later recounts of the event to fill in the gaps in his memory but that moment, the relief as... it withdrew from him, was one that remained crystal clear.
No one had moved for a long while after that, all five just breathing loudly. Shriek lay stiff and shivering in Soren’s arms. Kali had allowed Rex to turn her loose, her purple lekku draped over each shoulder as she slumped to her knees. Gaia had collapsed to her hands and knees, but not before knocking her foot against his arm. Are you okay?
He started to tell her he was okay, but he knew he wasn’t, so he didn’t say anything. Such tenderness also wouldn’t have looked good to outside eyes. Instead, Cody straightened out of the curled ball he’d been reduced to by a child and tried to get to one knee. A lancing stab of white hot fire shot through his head, cracking over his right temple and behind his eye. The noise that tore out of him was startling even to him.
“I’ve got to get him to medical,” Gaia said quietly, glancing at Soren and Rex. “Take them to our quarters. Gag that one.”
Kali didn’t resist and instead benignly followed Rex and Soren as they hefted Shriek between them, careful not to glance worriedly back at Gaia as she struggled to get Cody standing again.
“Come on, Papa,” she whispered, fitting her shoulders under his arm. “Help me.”
Energized a little by the girl’s plea, Cody got his feet under him, live blaster round loose in his skull and all, and kept himself righted long enough for Gaia to half drag him to medical. How she did it other than through the Force, he was never able to really comprehend afterward. It was only the next morning, after he came to with five small faces watching him intently did he realize that he’d been unconscious.
“Captain, sir,” Gaia roused the group with a sharp salute and they all lined up beside his bed. Each was dressed in matching simple black body glove, kama, and black vambraces, their faces ghostly in the too bright lights of the medbay.
“At... at ease,” he said, groaning quietly at the sensation of light in his eyes as he slowly pushed himself up on the bed. The five children obeyed in flawless, unnerving synchronization.
“Cadets Kali and Shriek have made a change of opinion since last you spoke, sir.” Gaia intoned in what he could only describe as a menacing voice. But the names... that was promising, he hoped.
She broke rank and placed behind the line, her recent gains in height very evident amongst the others. “Haven’t you?” she snapped pointedly, glaring into the faces of the vibrantly purple Twi’Lek and pale young human as she gave each of them a healthy smack on the shoulder that was anything but friendly.
Again, Cody felt the gnaw of worry mixed with shock at how good Gaia was at this.
“Yes sir,” they both answered, addressing Gaia. That was a nice touch.
She turned to Cody, betraying not announce of emotion other than agitation. “We will leave you to your rest, sir. I would like to put the newbies through their paces, sir, with your permission.”
“Permission granted,” Cody said in as flat and hard a voice as he could muster.
Waiting until the kids had trooped out in single file, he reached over to the pile of discarded armor that someone had removed from his body and grabbed his communicator. “Sixthree?”
There was a pause and then the too chipper voice of the protocol droid responded. “Captain. Oh, I do hope you are sufficiently recovered?”
“I... yeah, I’m okay. Listen. We’re gonna need a bigger room. Six beds. A master suite for myself, a group room for the... squad.” He dropped his voice to a whisper. “Maybe room for a proper kitchen and place to eat. See what you can do about that, yeah?”
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herstoryherlegacy · 3 years
Expect the unexpected
(Trigger warning - lots of throw ups)
This has never really been my motto. Most things in my life have been expected or I’ve had signs pointed out to me that gives me a hint of what lies ahead. I was not expecting to be in the ER tonight. Actually I was just about to put my makeup on and do a lovely couples photoshoot with my husband when I got the call to come to the ER for possible blood clot in my lungs. Let me back up..
I had been healing from my port placement 3 days ago. Yesterday I was texting Juan updates on how I was feeling. I’m extremely thankful he was so diligent on checking in on me. My main concern was the tightness in my chest, pressure where the port is. I couldn’t take a deep breath. I felt better resting. I had even been doing light housework to stay up and active. Today he checked in again. The chest pressure was better. I could actually take a deep breath with little to no problem. Fast forward to this afternoon. I had went down to my best friend Sam’s salon to get my hair styled for my photoshoot. She’s on the 2nd floor and we took the stairs. My favorite part. I hadn’t exercised since my diagnosis and it’s been killing me. I was so active. Upon reaching the 2nd floor which was not far, I was winded. I text Juan letting him know, and he didn’t respond right away. I sat down, caught my breath, and got my hair done. As soon as I parked at home Juan called. He was consulting his doctor and advised I go in ASAP to an urgent care to be seen. I needed an x-ray, EKG, oxygen levels checked to rule out a possible blood clot in the lungs. Fuck me..
Disappointed to say the least. I walked into my home filled with laughter from my girls and their cousins, everyone gathered at the table for a meal, my in laws were visiting. All I could say was, we have to go to urgent care. I didn’t even kiss my babies goodbye 😕 I said goodbye to them but not thinking I wouldn’t be back tonight didn’t cross my mind. Now I wish I had. I arrived at a local urgent care before closing and the first thing I noticed in the lobby were vases of fake sunflowers. By pure coincidence, I use a sunflower background when I update my stories about my disease. I immediately knew this was God’s way of telling me he was with me and that I would be okay. I went into a room to be evaluated, and guess what kind of shoes the nurse was wearing? I’d never seen these before, but white vans with yellow sunflowers all over. There are no coincidences! However I wasn’t helped and was told to go to the ER.
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No one likes to be in the ER, especially not right now. I had labs drawn, and an x-ray which showed proper placement of the port. Luckily Juan was here working and able to be there for my x-ray. He came to see me once more before he left to tell me he was going to communicate with the doctor about my CT and insulin complications. I had mentioned I was waiting for my husband to bring my charger because I was basically on E, and he graciously went to retrieve his charger to give to me. So extremely thankful for that gesture because alone, with no connection to my family in this place, is NOT the business. A charged phone is a precious lifeline so please always keep yours charged! So now..I wait for the CT.
I had been moved all over that ER. First I came to a bed and talked with a nurse. Then another nurse came in demanding she needed the bed. Once I was done I was booted off that bed so fast and into a chair in a hallway. The place was littered with sick people inside and outside rooms. It was so sad and crowded. I do believe I was mixed with both normal sick people and possible covid patients. To say I was nervous is an understatement. Back and forth I went between rooms, chairs, main waiting room, and scans. The longest wait was waiting to have my CT scan. I was in a room with chemo type reclining chairs. This poor girl in front of me was dealing with pain, bad. I felt so sorry for her. She was doing a good job being quiet but her face and body language looked like she was in active labor, though she was not. After watching I assumed she was suffering some sort of abdominal pain. When it was just us two, I didn’t want to make her talk, but I told her that I didn’t know what she was going through but that I was going to cover her in prayer. Her eyes lit up. She said thank you a bunch and I just assured her that I had her taken care of. I prayed with healing words. No matter what situation I’m in, I would never turn down the opportunity to put myself aside and pray for someone else who needed it more. I have failed this test before many times being too shy to pray, but you never know how those simple words of offering someone prayer may help them feel better. I wanted to cry, yeah I was in here for a possible life threatening issue, but I was nowhere as bad off as these people.
So I prayed for her, and eventually it was my turn to go to my CT. I had an IV put in, flushed, and had 3 medications to help me with my scan. One was Benadryl. I was actually glad to have it because I’ll be receiving it in my Pre-chemo cocktail and I wasn’t sure how I would feel on it. Yes it made me woozy immediately, but it was tolerable. Almost enjoyable in the correct setting. Waiting again, and was wheeled over by this super nice guy who eased the stress with good conversation. If you’ve ever done an MRI with contrast..it’s a fucking insane feeling. I laid down, the nurse flushed my IV and added the contrast. She loaded me in and waited a few minutes for it to kick in. I was in the machine for another few minutes and immediately when I was done I felt the warm rush. I’ve previously been warned it makes you feel really warm and almost like you’ve pee’d yourself. Thank god they reminded me because the warm sensation is explosive. It simultaneously felt like hot water was exploding from both my chest outward and my crotch 😂 indeed I clenched my body in case I did pee, but that’s exactly how it felt!!! So odd. Off to wait again for the results. This is where it for torturous. I am SO thankful for my AirPods and this charger. I have a very sensitive trigger to throwing up. Myself, other people, I can’t handle it. I actually did a good job this last week because both my girls got a virus, and I wasn’t second hand nauseous at all, that’s a victory. But in this ER literally 90% of the patients were vomiting 😑 I cranked those air pods to the max to drown out the sound. Closed my eyes. I don’t want what they got. So I’m in the big chair room again, my poor friend comes back in. Still in pain desperate for relief. Then another person, and another until the whole room was filled with us 5 people. 3/5 with vomiting 😕. Poor baby I prayed for got sick first, she was telling a nurse she was getting sick from the pain itself. Then the girl directly next to me. As she was getting her IV meds she started to get sick. It was a constant rush of nurses trying to get those sick bags in time..bless their quickness. I winced and turned to my left as to avoid being there. There wasn’t anywhere I could go where I wasn’t in the direct line of someone getting sick. I was miserable. Benadryl still kicking, I tried to nap, but had to keep my eyes open waiting for my name to be called. Eventually the time came, I was put in a draw chair outside the big chair room and my doctor read me the good news! I had my IV’s taken out and asked if they wanted me to go back into the big chair room (I don’t want to hog the draw chair in case someone needed it) and he said sure, just as I stood up the first poor girl started wrenching and I said “you know what I’ll stay here” and with a laugh the nurse walked back to their station and printed my discharge papers. I was R E L I E V E D. I was as calm in this situation as I needed to be, panicking and stressing weren’t going to help me. Easier said than done, to just not stress, but knowing how much trauma your body goes through WHEN you stress, it just wasn’t going to work in my favor. I came home famished, ate my dinner at 11:30pm, followed by a bag of popcorn, followed by a small serving of ice cream. Then my blood sugars sky rocketed all night 🙃 eh, not a good thing but I will hopefully have that very taken care of soon. Praise God nothing came out of this, each day has its own surprises, not all good, but also not all bad. The day started well with me sharing that my CT showed no cancer anywhere else in my body. This is EXTREMELY good news, and ended with me in the ER. You just never know how things will play out. So hug your kids, tell them you love them, do something fun. Enjoy the day given, because in a flash it could all be taken away ✌🏻
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Sugar with a Side of Coffee- Ch. 1: The Chance Encounter
Chapter 1: The Chance Encounter Series Masterlist
Cate tied her yellow apron around her waist as she prepared for her first day at the mobile coffee cart. The Empty Mug was a small, family-owned coffee shop located in the midst of a busy Quantico, Virginia. They had decided a new way to increase business would be to take it to the streets, with a coffee cart. The shop was starting to hit its busiest hour of the morning, the pre-work rush. 
“Oh, thank God!” gasped Marta, daughter of the owner of the shop. “You’re just in time!” Marta quickly handed a customer their change and hustled to the backroom where Cate was fixing her name badge on her chest. 
“Couldn’t miss my first day manning the new cart.” Cate smiled at her favorite coworker. The two girls hauled the cart out of the storage closet, which proved to be a feat in itself as it came with a lofty umbrella, the same yellow as their aprons. As they neared the storefront door, a customer on their way in held the door. “Thanks.” Cate pushed out, she couldn’t wait to get the cart outside where she could just wheel it.
Once on the sidewalk, Marta wished Cate goodluck and hurried back into her parent’s coffee shop, to tend to the rest of the customers. Cate shoved the large umbrella into a socket on the top of the cart, and began to set up her station along the busy road.
Despite being surrounded by enormous buildings and skyscrapers, the streets and sidewalks were still quite sunny. Cate wished she hadn’t forgotten her sunglasses in her car. She felt like she was squinting at each customer as they gave her their orders. The umbrella did little to help with the sun, but Cate still had it up anyway, she found that the big yellow parasol attracted more customers. 
Cate saw a variety of people along her street. Many people in suits briskly walked by, some stopping for their morning coffee, it was more convenient to stop at the cart than actually inside for some. Most of these people in suits would be simultaneously talking to their bluetooth ear pieces or their cell phones while they ordered from Cate. 
The only people who hadn’t been on the phone while placing their order were young interns grabbing their office’s coffees for the morning. Her most common intern was Brooke, who was punctual with an order of four drinks: a latte, a hot black, an espresso, and a decaf. Upon her arrival at exactly 8:45, Cate had her orders ready in a tray. Brooke smiled a thanks.
“I’d stay and chat, but there’s a new project we’re working on and our graphic design team really needs this.” She gave a company card to pay and plopped a five in Cate’s tip jar. “Catch ya on my break!” And with that, Brooke just about jogged off, taking care not to spill any of the coffees on her way to her building. 
One of Cate’s favorite things to do was memorize her usual customers’ orders. She took pride that she could have a customer’s coffee prepared as she saw them in line. Cate estimated that she knew about twenty different customer’s orders since she started a few months back. Working in The Empty Mug was something that Cate not only enjoyed, but also made great tips from, especially if she put up with some flirting from businessmen. That in itself is partially the reason she memorized orders; to rush the flirtatious businessmen along and keep their interactions short and sweet. 
Cate watched as a short, stout blonde walked up to the cart with her thick, red rimmed, cat-eye glasses. She had a cell phone in hand but was starting to read a large order to Cate. 
“Okay, hi, I have a lot of orders so I hope you’re ready for it!” the blonde started. She took in a big breath, “I need a cappuccino, and macchiato, a latte with dairy free milk, a large hot with extra extra extra sugar, a medium hot regular, an espresso, and a medium hot black.” She exhaled. 
“Coming right up,” Cate smiled. “Do you need those labeled?” Cate grabbed a marker, just in case.
“Oh, yes please,” She smiled graciously. “The cappuccino needs to be PG, the macchiato EP, the latte JJ, the large extra is SR, the regular is AH, the espresso is CT and the black is DR. Thank you very much!” Cate pushed buttons on her register.
“Your total comes to 14.68.” Cate was handed a twenty and the blonde insisted on putting the change into her tip jar. “Thank you, I like your glasses.” Cate smiled.
“Thanks! Bought them on the web.” Cate handed the blonde customer two drink trays and watched as the blonde carried one on top of the other. 
“If you spill those on your way, just come see me and I can make you new ones.” Cate said nervously. She wasn’t supposed to do that, but it was a lot to carry for one person. 
“Noted,” the blonde smiled, and bustled off to whatever job she was off to.
Penelope just about flew out of the elevator and into the bullpen. Emily helped set the top tray of coffees down onto the desk next to the copying machine. 
“They’re all labeled with your initials!” Penelope exclaimed. “From the new coffee cart station, part of The Empty Mug.” Emily was twisting the cups, looking for her initials. 
“CT?” Emily questioned.
“Chocolate Thunder.” Penelope huskily replied, passing it to Derek, who had walked up to retrieve his order. Spencer quickly approached the desk, and plucked the biggest cup from the tray, knowing he had the largest order of the bunch. 
“This coffee might just be the best I’ve had.” Emily said after she took a sip of her macchiato. “We should try to order from here more often.” 
J.J. was walking in and grabbed hers before beelining to Hotchner’s office. Hotch called a meeting to discuss the next case, and just like that the unit sat around the round table drinking their coffees from their new favorite shop. 
It was just about 1:30, a half hour before Cate was meant to close her cart and head back to the shop to finish her shift. She tied her hair up into a ponytail at the back of her head, instead of half up like before. The sun was making it hot standing on the busy street. She moved around to the front of her cart to put away the chalkboard menu sign. She twisted a lid back onto her tip jar and knelt to check her stock of creamers, and sugars and flavors on a shelf. Cate would have to make a note to restock her sugar jar. Between all the typical sugar in a coffee and that large coffee which might as well have been a cup of straight sugar, her typical supply had been depleted.  
“You know the cart was very convenient.” Brooke mentioned to Cate, scaring her in the process. “The line was a lot shorter than going into the shop.” Brooke smiled, leaning her elbows onto the cart. Cate stood up, adjusting her apron and pushing her hair out of her face.
“Well I’m glad to hear that.” Cate was still fussing with the different coffee pots on her cart shelves. 
“Need help bringing this bad boy back to the shop?” Brooke was already grabbing one side of the cart.
“Yes, please!” Cate exhaled. 
Cate came home with almost one hundred dollars in tips, her half of the split tips between her and Marta. She just about ripped her shoes off at the door, letting them thud to the ground as she greeted her small, light orange cat. Changing out of her uniform, and into some leggings and her college sweatshirt, Cate could take a quick nap before cleaning her apartment. 
As soon as Cate had laid down on her couch, her phone chimed, alerting her of a text message. 
Marta: tell me you don’t have plans friday night
Cate sighed before typing her response, I should finish up my lesson plan project, but I have a feeling you want to go out.
Marta: it’s like you can read my mind… let’s go down to the pub and celebrate the new cart :)
Cate’s phone beeped again.
Marta: Pleeeeeeeease??
Cate laughed to herself before typing back, You’re lucky I love you.
Cate stretched as she woke up for another early day working The Empty Mug’s coffee cart. Her little orange cat, Shrimp, stood by her side, watching her intently with his green eyes.
“Let me guess,” Cate pet Shrimp’s head, “Your bowl is empty.” Shrimp mewed up at her, and jumped off the bed and scurried to his food in the kitchen. Cate followed her little cat to the kitchen. “What would I do without my personal, fuzzy alarm?” Shrimp impatiently rubbed his head against Cate’s ankles. Cate grabbed his cat food from her cabinet, and put three scoops into his bowl. 
Cate let Shrimp crunch away as she walked back to her bedroom. She pulled out her usual uniform, which consisted of a white button up, her choice of black or tan pants, and the signature yellow apron. Taking this pile of clothes into the bathroom, Cate ran the hot water to the shower and brushed her teeth. 
After a refreshing shower and changing into her uniform, Cate grabbed her purse and put her shoes on in the makeshift mudroom bench in the hallway of her apartment. Making a quick run to her kitchen to grab an apple from her fruit bowl, she snatched her keys from the counter and was out the door. 
Typically, Cate would take the stairs from her third floor apartment, but decided to take the elevator today. There was something in the air today that made Cate feel unusually on edge. The walk to The Empty Mug went by faster than normal, most likely due to Cate’s quick pace. Upon her entry to the shop, Marta gave Cate her usual smile. 
“Ready for your second day?” Marta said cheerily. No customers had entered the store yet, so Cate and Marta could take their time bringing the cart from the back of the shop. 
“I’ve had a weird feeling this morning.” Cate confessed. “I can’t shake it.” She pushed the cart through the door. 
“Oh,” Marta furrowed her brows. “Want to switch? I’ll take the cart and you can have the shop?” 
“No, no. That’s okay.” Cate sighed. “I got it.” She forced a smile. Suddenly, she remembered, “Shit, I need to refill the sugar before I go out!” Cate ran behind the counter and grabbed an unopened canister to refill the jar once at the location. 
“Alright, well, text me if you need me.” Marta shrugged. The girls successfully got the cart and umbrella out of the front door before any customers managed to come by. 
“Yes, captain!” Cate laughed and made her way down the street to the spot designated for the cart. She set up the umbrella, positioned her chalk menu- not before jotting a coffee pun on it- and knelt to refill her sugar behind the cart.
People jostled by and before she knew it, Cate was in the middle of the morning rush just as she was the day before. As she was behind the countertop of the cart, she heard a man’s voice.
“Are you open yet?” he sounded in a rush. When Cate peeked up from behind the cart, the man was looking at his phone, fingers typing away on some text or email, she guessed. 
“Yes sir,” Cate brushed her hands on the sides of her apron. “What can I get for you?” She smiled, even though the man hadn’t bothered to look up from his phone.
“A large regular, and a danish” he spoke, nose still in his phone. 
“You got it!” Cate said in the most unnaturally cheery voice. She prepped his coffee, and pulled his danish from under a glass cover. “Comes up to 4.18” Cate pushed buttons on her register. The man shoved a five at her and walked away without his change. Cate put it into her tip jar, hoping the rest of her day would be filled with better customers.
Today’s shift was getting better and better. Brooke stopped by earlier with the same promise of stopping by later on her break. Customers had overall been tipping well, Cate’s jar was getting fuller and fuller. The line of customers would deplete as Cate took their orders, but as soon as it dwindled, more people lined up. On the lower end of a swell of customers, Cate had a few new faces. Next up, was a kid in his late teens. His fingers jittered along the counter top as he rested his hands on the cart.
“I’ll have a medium cold brew with an almond swirl. Can I also get a slice of banana bread?” Cate smiled and nodded. When Cate turned her back to make the coffee, the teen made a grab for the tip jar and began running off.
“He’s got your tip jar!” the next woman in line yelled. Cate didn’t know what to do, this had never happened before. Her hands began to shake and she felt tears of frustration build in her eyes. You’ve got to be kidding me, she thought.
There was another man behind the woman who leapt into action and started chasing the thief. Cate watched as they ran through the opposite direction of the current of people on the street. The man in pursuit shouted.
“FBI, stop running!” The thief’s gait faltered. This gave the agent just enough of a stride to grab the thief by the collar of his jacket. “Drop the jar, and I’ll pretend I never saw anything.” the agent ordered. The thief shoved the jar into the agent’s hand and took off running.
Cate swiped her teary eyes with the back of her hand before the agent could approach her cart. She was shaken up and didn’t know what to do or say. 
“I believe this is yours.” the agent handed Cate her glass jar filled with money. He was tall, with long hair. Cate gently took the jar and placed it behind her counter. No amount of money was worth risking that again. 
“Uh, thanks” Cate said shakily. “You really saved my ass, there.” Cate tried to joke. The agent pursed his lips together and went back to his spot in line. The woman before him thankfully had a short and sweet order, allowing Cate to relax her racing heart and thoughts. The agent stepped up next in line. “What can I get for you? It’s on the house.” Cate smiled at him.  “Can I, uh, get a medium hot black but can you put it in a large sized cup so I can put my own sugar in it?” He looked nervous for requesting such an odd order.  “Of course, not a problem” Cate got to work filling a large hot cup about three quarters full. She handed the agent his coffee and also the sugar dispenser. In the same exchange, he passed her a ten dollar bill. “For the wasted order, and a tip.” He smiled nervously at her. Cate placed the ten in her register, and watched as he poured about half of the sugar into his coffee.  “I remember your order.” Cate spoke before she realized she thought out loud. “Pardon?” he looked quizzically at Cate.“Sorry, yesterday someone came by and ordered a large hot with an insane amount of sugar, I just refilled today and you’ve already gone through half of it. You might as well just order a cup of sugar with a side of coffee.” Cate rambled with a smile. “Um,” he paused, lost for words. “Sorry.” he came up with.“It’s fine. It’s meant to be used, right?” Cate felt herself blush. So that’s S.R. she thought to herself.  
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punksarahreese · 3 years
Accident | 4 mg Ativan
Nosdecember day 9 | @neworleansspecial
Anxious!ava; Ava oversteps by accident and Connor’s reaction causes problems
CW: fighting, panic attacks, cognitive distortions
Repost because I’m a clown who accidentally deleted the original post
"Ava," Connor was mad, Ava could hear it in his voice even before she saw his face. She was just trying to make coffee, back turned to the door as she fought with the machine that wouldn’t cooperate. The way the door closed less than gently and the footsteps coming up behind her made her stomach drop a little. She hated that tone, hated the way her name sounded when someone said it with hostility. It made her want to run, but this was real life and she couldn’t do that.
"Connor," Ava tried to keep her tone level, pretending her voice wasn’t trembling a little as she turned to look at him.
He was mad, tablet in hand as he glared daggers at her. Ava hated that look, when his ego was clearly seeping through and one little thing that didn’t go his way made him act like this. He was about to throw a tantrum, she was sure, and usually that would make her more annoyed than anything. However, the way he had her borderline backed up against the counter made her feel more intimidated than she liked.
"Why was my surgery postponed and my patient allowed to break her fast?"
Ava raised an eyebrow, "Latham asked me to cover your pre-ops since you didn’t bother to show up for rounds this morning."
"That doesn’t answer my question, Ava."
"I’m not here for you to demand things of me, Connor," she retorted as she forced herself to stand her ground, "She’s diabetic."
"So her white count and blood sugar were low," Ava rolled her eyes, "A bloody med student would be able to tell me why we had to postpone her surgery."
"We didn’t do anything! You ruined my operating schedule."
"She would have gone into hypoglycaemic shock, Connor. She definitely wouldn’t have made it off that operating table and if she did her risk of post-op infection was too high!"
"That’s not the point, Ava!" He spat and the anger in his voice made her jump a little. He was overreacting, she knew that, but this was getting to be too much. She had been overwhelmed all morning, after sleeping through her alarm and having to rush through her routine to get to work on time. This was proving to be yet another change in her schedule that was only stressing Ava out more.
"Then what’s the fucking problem, Connor?"
“You are,” he was clearly referencing more than just her meddling with one surgery, even if she had good reason. He was mad at her, for whatever reason, and was using this as an excuse to lash out at her. Ava just stared at him, both because she was waiting for him to elaborate and because she did not know how to respond. Usually an argument with Connor was no big deal, since they argued on the daily, but since she was already overwhelmed this was way too much already. She wanted to run, to leave and go find Sarah because she would be able to keep her calm, but she couldn’t. Ava never backed down from a fight, especially not when Connor and her job were concerned, and she definitely was not going to let him win now.
“All you ever do is get in the way,” Connor spat, “I have a system and this was an important surgery, now you’ve gone and messed it up. You meddle too much, Ava, and it’s getting ridiculous.”
“Excuse me?” her tone was incredulous because, really, he was making no sense, “Since when do you have a system? You’re the most erratic and trigger-happy surgeon I have had the displeasure of meeting.”
He didn’t validate that with a response, choosing instead to glare at her more, which only made Ava more upset. Him and his goddamn “holier-than-thou” attitude would drive her crazy one day. He was being entirely unfair too, since she had, in this case, done just was what required for the patient’s safety.
“Why are you on my ass about this all of a sudden? Last time I checked you were the one on Latham’s bad side today because you didn’t show for your pre-ops. Besides, I was thinking about the patient here.”
“Were you, Ava?”
The accusatory tone did not sit right with the other surgeon at all, “What are you insinuating now?”
“Were you thinking about the patient?” his question must have been rhetorical because he didn't let her answer, “Or where you just trying to get me back in the doghouse with Latham?”
“You heard me.”
“Connor, what the hell? Why would you even accuse me of that?”
He just scoffed, as if her shock was ridiculous to him, “I wouldn’t put anything past you, Ava.”
Ava stared at him in confusion, honestly hurt that he thought that lowly of her. They may have their differences but they have worked together long enough to know when the other was joking or just being difficult. Connor was serious now and it was so frustrating, he knew Ava would not put a patient in danger like that just to mess with his surgery.
“Just stay out of my way, Ava,” he turned to leave and only looked back at her dismissively, “Don’t mess with my surgeries.”
When the door to the CT lounge slammed shut again, Ava found herself shakily letting out a breath she didn't know she had been holding. She set her coffee cup on the counter again, realizing her knuckles had turned white from how tightly she was gripping the mug. Her head was reeling, trying to take in everything that had just happened. Connor’s accusations were ringing in her head, making her question where the hell this thought that she would sabotage him like that for no reason even came from.
Before she was even completely aware, Ava found herself sliding down the cabinet and landing less than gently on the floor. The ugly hospital linoleum was cold through the thighs of her scrubs, making her shiver both out of anxiety and the temperature drop. Her mind was racing, all of Connor’s words hitting her way too hard all of a sudden. She could usually brush off his comments with an eye roll and a reminder that he was just being egotistical, but this time they stung.
Maybe it was because she was already overwhelmed, the morning had been too stimulating and too many things were out of place. Whatever the reason, Ava’s anxiety decided to hit full force the second she was alone. She couldn’t breathe, it was all too much and guilt was hurting her like a rolling wave.
Why was she even guilty? There was no reason for her to feel this way, because she had absolutely done the right thing. She even clarified with Latham afterwards and he agreed that he would have done the same. Ava did what was in the patient’s best interest, Connor’s accusation was completely misplaced and ridiculous.
So why was this hurting her so much?
It was his anger, the way he yelled at her and had her cornered like that. Connor wouldn’t hurt her physically, she knew that for certain, but it still scared her. Her anxiety was never rational but when it came to conflict it was inconsolable. She could only hold on to her façade for so long before she broke, which is what this was. She didn’t mean to upset him, didn’t mean to make him angry. It was all an accident; she didn’t mean to.
“S-stupid Connor,” she muttered, “S-stu...stupid God co-complex.”
Her breath was coming out in ragged gasps by this point, short nails digging into her arms to ground herself. Mind racing, she tried so hard to focus on something, anything, but she couldn’t. His words were ringing in her head like a shrill shriek, not letting her ignore them. They began morphing too, into other distortions her brain insisted were real.
All you ever do is get in the way.
You meddle too much, Ava.
You’re the problem.
You’re not worth it.
You’re selfish.
You did this.
Her hands clapped over her ears like she could block out the intrusive thoughts from the outside. She was shaking like a leaf, panic overtaking her completely. Stomach rolling, Ava felt like she was going to be sick with how overwhelmed she was. The fluorescent lighting made her feel way too hot and brought tears to her eyes along with the panic. Her head was reeling, too much going on and no Sarah or Ativan or any of her comfort objects to calm her down.
All of her coping mechanisms went out the window in that moment, slumped over knees and breathing rapidly. Her hands were over her ears or on her neck, nails digging in deep because it was the only way she could ground herself. Pain stims aren’t healthy, she knew that, but in that moment all she knew was she felt like she was suffocating. She deserved this, her brain insisted, the pain was the least she deserved in that moment.
All you ever do is get in the way, Ava.
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kylorenfanfic · 4 years
Long Away - chapter 1
Kylo Ren x Female Reader 
Story: You have been hiding for years, ever since the slaughter in your temple. You were one of the many force-sensitive children that Luke Skywalker was training to be the New Jedi Order. You were there when Ben Solo killed everybody, but you were lucky enough to survive, you weren’t important, he didn’t remember that he let you go by accident. You had given up and ran away to hide in Dantooine, but when you heard that Kylo Ren had become the Supreme Leader, you realized that you couldn’t stay out of it any longer. Finding your way into the First Oder and gaining Kylo Ren’s trust so you could help the Resistance by giving them inside information. But things turned out to be very different than you expected to be the closer you get to the Supreme Leader. A/N: Hi guys, so this is my first fanfic and I am completely nervous about it. I have written more chapters of it already, but I am not sure if I am going to post it. Tell me if you guys like it or if I should keep posting. The first chapters are kinda boring because it’s the context of the whole story. If you wanna be tagged also, let me know. Love, and I hope you enjoy it. Words: 1.6k
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It was a warm day in the Fields of Banir. It wasn’t sunny but you could feel the heat. It was the first time in a while that you were leaving the old Jedi Temple. You have been living there for the past few years, ever since you lost everything and everyone. You used your Force abilities to hide yourself, to shield yourself from any other Force sensitive being that might land. You had to go to Garang to get some of the supplies – even though you were living out of things you could collect in the fields. Sometimes you needed stuff, like medicine and fresh clothes, and that was when you would travel to the capital city of Dantooine.
You weren’t used to having many people around – especially when most of were Dantaris – but you still enjoyed having a change of scenery. Sometimes the cold walls of the ancient Temple became too much for you. It was there, in Garang when you first heard it.
“The First Order has a new Supreme Leader” someone around you said, you couldn’t identify the voice among the crowd.
“It is Kylo Ren, you know? That guy in the mask” other person replied.
“Does that mean things are getting worse?” the voice faded away and you couldn’t hear the answer. Kylo Ren was the Supreme Leader now? That meant he wasn’t being controled by someone, he wasn’t being brainwashed to be in the Dark Side. He was fully part of the Dark Side now. And was its leader. You shook your head, that wasn’t your problem. It was when your mind started to fade.
“(Y/N)!” you heard someone screaming. You were lost among the chaos, the buildings were collapsing and there were flames everywhere. “Stay where you are!”, you heard Hylia’s voice in your head.  
Hylia was your best friend, the one who took care of you when you first arrived to the Temple, feeling alone and afraid, after losing your parents and discovering your Force sensitiveness. You couldn’t leave her there to die. You disobeyed her orders and tried to find her. Then you saw him, Ben Solo killing the padawans. Hylia was standing in front of him and with a furious scream, she ran into his direction holding up her green lightsaber. They started to fight and then she saw you, she didn’t say a word, she concentrated, her hand drawn out and in this weak moment the man in front of her killed her with his lightsaber. He turned around to find other remaining padawans and he passed right next to you. He didn’t see you. You ran to Hylia’s body. She was barely alive, wounds from lightsabers do not bleed, but are just as fatal as a blaster shot.
“Hide.” she said. It was when you realized she was using her powers to hide you from Ben. You felt tears on your cheeks. She faded away, hiding your Force signature has weakend her badly wounded body. And you ran, never looking back.”
Hylia died to protect you and her last word was the thing you have been doing ever since. You didn’t want to do anything about what was going on in the galaxy. Let the Resistance and the First Order kill themselves. But now… now things were different. Ben Solo wasn’t a bad person and you knew it, he had saved you once before during training, so long before the massacre happened. Maybe Ben Solo was indeed dead and now all that remained was the devious Kylo Ren, now the Supreme Leader.
It was one of the teachings of a jedi, to never be selfish. You could help to defeat him. You could help to avenge Hylia and all the others that died by his hand. Because now it was just himself, not someone controlling his mind.
You had a feeling. You could do it, you could help somehow. And inside you, you felt the urge to do something, you felt that you couldn’t handle another day of solitude in that goddamn Jedi ruin, another day in this goddamn planet. You had your lightsaber with you, you didn’t need anything else, you could leave everything behind and that was what you did.
You entered that place and it smelt bad, the smell of dust and old durasteel. You saw the man behind the balcony.
“I need a ship” you said straight forward. He looked at you and laughed.
“You have currency?” he replied with a sarcastic smile.
“How much?” and the answer that he gave you made you gasp. “That is an absurd amount of credits!” you protested, you didn’t have nearly enough credits for that.
“No money, no ship.”
“It must have another way to get it.”
“You are that girl, right? That lives in the ancient Temple?”
“You can say that.”
“Are you a Jedi? Hear they could do stuff.” he asked and you bulffed.
“Of course not.” you answered as it was an insult, mostly for him to believe you.
“You know how to fight?” he were asking with a lot of interest
“I do…” you suspicious answered. “Get to the point.”
“Get me this man, and the ship is yours.” He said showing you a hologram of a Dantari.
“What has he done?”
“He owes me credits. Bring him to me and you get a ship. His name is Barak Norurdi and he lives in the Taikana Hills. You have until tomorrow morning.”
“That is ridiculous”.
“Bring me Barak or no ship.”
You went out of that old place thinking about what you were going to do with your life. Going after a dantari? For what? Just for you to try to find Kylo Ren and kill him? Or at least help to destroy his Order? What were you thinking?
You had that feeling again. The Force wanting to talk to you somehow. You had shut yourself to the Force for so long and you couldn’t understand why now it was finding your way back to you. If only master Luke was still around…
You got in your way to the Taikana Hills, the sun was almost setting when you got there. You saw a little house, there was light on, you decided to go there, maybe they would know something about Barak.
You knocked on the door. No answer. You knocked again.  You heard someone speak in Dantarian. The door was open.
“Hi” you said with a simple smile, hoping that he would know your language.
“Hello” he answered in a thick accent, no smile.
“I am looking for Barak Norurdi, have you heard of him?” the man gave you a suspicious look.
“It is I, who asks?” that was incredibly easy, you could barely believe it.
“I came to collect your debt to Caran Spero.” You said more firmly than you felt.
“I owe no currency to Caran Spero. Caran Spero owes me. He stole from me.” He said getting angrier.
“Look, I am sorry, ok? But I am just following what was asked from me.”
“Stupid human.” And he closed the door.
“It’s going to be on the hard way then.” You told yourself. You kicked the door and it opened with a bang. The dantari man looked at you surprised. He came in your way with angriness. You had your staff with you, you wouldn’t use your saber anymore. You fought the dantari man, he was using his bare hands and you were skiving from his punches using your body and staff. Your staff went down to his legs making him fall behind, his head hitting the floor, he had a painful expression on.
“Look man, I’m sorry ok, but I gotta get out of this planet.” And you knocked him unconscious. You thought about how you could bring that heavy dantari back to Garang. You went out the wooden house and tried to find for some short of speeder. What were you expecting? Dantaris aren’t people who use tech… well, but this one apparently was. Maybe that was the reason why he was in debt with Spero.
You put the unconscious man, tied up, on the speeder and started to drive. You felt the wind in your face, it was night already and you had to smile, you haven’t felt that alive for so long, maybe what you were doing was right afterwards. It felt right.
You got to the store after a couple hours.
“Oh, the bounty hunter is back.” Spero said when he saw you entering his shop.
“I am not a bounty hunter” and you dropped Barak on the floor in front of him. He was up now, but all tied up, he couldn’t make a proper move.
“Oh, ho ho ho. It seems like a bounty hunter to me! Well done, well done!” He said, coming around the dantari laying on the floor.
“Can I get the ship now?”
“Sure thing, sure thing. Let me show you, it’s already outside in the back.” you followed him to the back and there was an old ship there.
“That is garbage!” you exclaimed, angry.
“Well, I didn’t say what kind of ship, right? That is what you got. You didn’t seem that had that much work to bring him back to me.”
“You are a worm!”
“Careful with your words, young lady. You know what? Now you got no ship, that’s it, that’s what you get for ingratitude.” In your fury you got your lightsaber from your belt, hidden behind your tunic and threatened him with the saber on his neck, the blue light lightening up both your faces.
“You said you were no Jedi” he roared.
“And I am not, the Jedi are dead. Now give me the ship. A good one.”
“Alright, alright, since you asked nicely” and he escorted you to the other hangar. “It’s a CT-21, good model, you can get to where ever you want fast.” You looked at him and then ran to the ship, getting in. You knew how to pilot from your padawan days.
You started to pilot the ship, and in no time you were leaving Dantooine, the place you thought you’d die in. Now you were heading to the unknown… or better saying, heading to Kylo Ren.
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anotherbeingsworld · 4 years
Always and forever.
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x F!MC (Casey Valentine) 
Book: Open Heart
Word Count: 4211
Warnings: MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH, mentions of death. 
Disclaimer:All the characters belong to Pixelberry. I do not own anything, except the storyline. 
A/N: *hides myself*Hi! This is officially my second Bryce x MC fic that I manage to write! This is a different take on the story, its a storyline that I have wanted to write for a long time. It is a pretty cliche’ trope for me to write, but I am a sucker for those stuff. Its a bit angsty-ish aswell! In this universe, it was years after the incidents from the first book! And, i apologize in advance for any grammar mistakes since english is not my first language!  I want to thank @maria-soederberg for checking for errors, and for all the medical reference in this book! <3  AHH, i am freaking out inside since its my new story, i felt a bit giddy, anxious everything while typing this! So, I hope you all enjoy! Also, missing Bryce Lahela hours :’) 
Tags: @choicessa @annekebbphotography ! 
Always and forever.
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The wind was blowing on Casey’s face, as she stared at the view upon her. She had felt everything that life had thrown at her - love, friendship, happiness, and even loss. As a doctor, she faces something different every day in her life. It's either, a new decease or the death of a patient.
Some people she meets tend to leave a mark on her life. Mrs Martinez who had passed away after getting a medication injected that promised to be a cure for her Rhodes diseases, having the chance of fulfilling her dream. 
She had faced it all - pain and happiness. She didn’t know much about life before she met Bryce Lahela, a surgical resident she met on her first day of her medical residency. He had shown her what life is about – that life has more to offer than work and medicine.
His brown eyes shone every day as he walked through the halls of Edenbrook, his smile made those around feel a bit giddy. He also gave people a wink, especially female co-workers. It became his signature and a way to boost his confidence. No one would know what really goes on his mind, as long as he has this cheerful demeanour.  
Casey recalls the second day of her residency as if it wasn’t long ago. She remembers she had messed up the patients’ charts, and on top of that her boss Dr Ethan Ramsey gave her hell. He was used to her being a good doctor, knowing what to do. But on that day he was disappointed and so was she. Her confidence was shaken, she felt hot tears stung in her eyes. Casey hurried up to arrive in the empty and hollowed hallway of the hospital where nobody ever goes. It was an old wing where the surgery rooms used to be. Now that they had moved into another part of the hospital, no one ever goes through these halls. A perfect place for Casey to calm down.
Her legs gave in and she slowly slides down the wall towards the floor. She felt like she failed in her dream to become a good doctor. She worked so hard to get here and she feels like she had ruined her chance. When that realisation hits her, she feels the tears rolling down her cheeks. She buries her face into her hands and sobs quietly. Casey is so in thoughts that she doesn’t notice the presence next to her.
"Hey, rough day?" He spoke in a comforting tone.
She just nodded as she wiped away the tears that were still forming. At this point, she didn't mind the company anymore. She had become too exhausted to shoo the person next to her away.
"Me too, I became too over-confident and ended up making a mistake. Dr Tanaka already taught me about the surgery and how to proceed. But yet I still made the mistake so he threw me out of the surgery and took over.”
Casey nodded in understanding as they sat in comfortable silence with each other. The silence was therapeutic for both of them. And that moment was the beginning of something special. Something by far greater than birthdays or festive. But, it all went crashing down on the 5th of October.
Bryce Lahela had been diagnosed with lung cancer. He saw it coming because his childhood was a rebellious stage in his life. He had joined all the gangs that someone possible could join, which include illegal activities including a huge amount of cigarettes and other harmful activities that can hurt the lung.
He remembered the day of his diagnosis. How he suddenly felt nausea and difficulty in breathing. It caused him to faint in the middle of the halls of the hospital . The difficulty of breathing caused the brain to not get enough oxygen. The result was him passing out before he even hit the floor. He doesn’t remember how he got into the treatment room, but he remembers after waking up that Dr Ramsey was standing in front of him. A patient chart in his hand – his patient chart. He only explained they have to make a few test before being sure. And of course, Bryce followed through. After he was finished with all the test, he was assigned to a patient room. He heard footsteps echoing outside his patient room. And then Dr Ramsey, Dr Emery and Dr Valentine – Casey came into the room. Casey had red eyes, as if she had cried. Dr Emery and Dr Ramsey look at him as if they had lost a fight. She makes her way first to him, pulling him into a tight hug. He was surprised by the hug but welcomed it. Bryce didn't let go of her He knew something was wrong when Sienna, Elijah and Jackie enter the room as well. One time, he explained that whenever he gets a terrible diagnose, he doesn’t want to be alone when he gets the revelation.
Dr Ramsey makes his way to him with his results.
"Dr. Lahela, how are you feeling now?" He asked. Dr Emery steps forward and stands next to Ethan.
"I feel better but my head hurts a little." He replied gesturing to his head that was wrapped in a bandage.
"We have your results and, we have bad news." Dr Emery said.
Bryce raised an eyebrow and his voice was filled with uncertainty, "What does it say?"
"I'm sorry Bryce but you have been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. We had seen several symptoms that matched. As you might have noticed we brought you into a CT to see what could have caused the symptoms. On the pictures we have seen space-consuming lesion. After a few more test we found out that this space is a malignant tumor. We also have found out that it had unfortunately spread beyond the lungs." Dr Ramsey explained to him.
He nods expectantly, accepting the diagnosis that was given to him. Casey felt her heart stop at the word 'cancer'. She didn't believe what she was hearing, she doesn't want it to be true. She shook her head in disbelief as she glanced at him.
"It can't be, please tell me it's not true." She screamed in disbelief, Bryce immediately placed his arms around her waist pulling her into him.
"It’s gonna be okay Cas." Bryce pulled a crying Casey into his arms.
"We have set up a treatment for you, we will include you for chemo and we are suggesting radiotherapy or ERBT (External beam of radiation therapy), which delivers high doses of radiation to lung cancer cells from outside the body to kill cancer cells. We need you to stay in the hospital for a few weeks to make our examinations easier. We can let you go for a few days, but we need someone to supervise you during those times. Do you have any family Dr. Lahela?" Dr. Ramsey asked him.
He shook his head, his family was never in the picture. He was cut out from his family except for her sister Keiki. They had been in contact with each other but she couldn't look after him. And he doesn’t even know if he should tell her any of this. She just found a place in college and works out a plan for her life. His illness would just get in the way, and he really doesn’t want this.
"I can." Casey said as she stood up from Bryce's hospital bed and make her way towards Dr. Ramsey.
"Rookie, are you sure?" He asked for confirmation and she immediately nods without hesitation.
Bryce was speechless. She would take him under her care, she would be his assistant.
"Cas, are you sure? I don't want to be a burden to you, and with my condition it’s gonna be a hard one." Bryce questioned her decision.
"I want to Bryce, I owe it to you.. You’ve done so much for me. Now it is time that I do something for you. And it isn’t just me, all of us, we are here for you, we are going to help you." Casey gestured towards their friends.
He smiled at her response, and nod in appreciation.
"Can I have a minute alone with Dr. Lahela? Thank you." Dr. Ramsey said as all of his friends leave the room including Dr. Emery too.
"What's the details Dr. Ramsey?"
"I don't want to break this news in front of the others but, based on your condition now. There is a 4.7 percent chance for you to live for the next five years. We don't have the exact calculations but, the tumour inside your lungs had been spread throughout your body, almost hitting some major parts of your body. Even with treatment, we cannot promise you to win the fight against the cancer. We can only help the cancer to not continue to grow. And to give you a bit more time. At the end, we calculated that you might have approximately 6 months to live. Only with the treatment, without the treatment, you might not survive this month. " Dr. Ramsey stated with a sad tone in his voice.
Six months, 183 days.
After his conversation with Ramsey, Bryce unexpectedly pulled him into a sudden hug. Ethan didn't question his intentions instead he gave into the hug. It lasted a few moments before he leaves the room, leaving Bryce with his thoughts. He knew back then, he knew the risk from his actions before but he was stubborn. He let himself get into the wrong group and ended up with a decease that can’t be cured anymore because his cancer is too far.
He glanced around the room, his days were numbered and he decided to make the most of the life he was given. He immediately dialed Keiki's number, to drop the news leaving no details behind. He decided to give her a chance to know what is going on in his life. Maybe she wants to visit him and have at least the last moments with her brother before he leaves them forever.
After the conversation ended, Casey makes her way back to the room. He smiled at her presence, and he took a deep breath.
"Casey, where are the others?" He asked looking around for their friends.
"They went to get some food for you, and I think Elijah is making a stop to the restroom." She replied as she took a seat beside his bed.
Bryce smiled at the thought, he was debating on telling her about the final detail.
He took a deep breath, and said: "6 months." He said quietly, louder than a whisper but quieter than a shout.
Casey didn't understand what he meant, until a few moments later. Her eyes went wide at his words.
"Is it what I think it is?" Her voice breaks as she said it. She is in disbelief, he knew the truth would break her but he didn't want to leave her in the dark.
"I'm still here, Cas, and I'm not going anywhere now." He said softly as he traces circles on her back. She sat on the bed, and felt her tears flowing once more. He is still here, he is going to make it. 6 months, is just a number. And just an assumption. There were many cases where people with stage four cancer lived longer than the number they were told. Maybe Bryce is one of them.
They sat in the position for a long time before she decided to go back home. As soon as she arrived at home, she curled into a ball, as she silently cried in her room. The night was hard, she barely slept. She doesn’t know how life will be like when he is gone.
The next day, she managed to make it through her shift with a smile plastered on her face. It was not easy to get through the shift. Ethan sometimes asked if she is okay, but after she said ‘yes’ all the time, he noticed that she doesn’t want to talk about it.
Back at home, she heard a knock on her door, and Sienna makes her way inside the room. She was in her pajamas, and with a couple of stuff. She brought some ice cream and a few pillows.
"Hey, let's have a sleepover together. I want to cheer you up." Sienna explaines as she sat on her bed. Casey sat on her bed and smiled weakly at her.
"Thank you, Sienna, I just thought that I could be strong. I want to be strong for him, but I can't." She explained which ended up with her crying again. Sienna placed the pillows and ice cream down before she started holding a crying Casey in her arms.
As the next day arrived the truth hit her harder than before. She packed herself an overnight bag to bring to the hospital with her. She decided to look after Bryce after she finishes her shift. After she was done working her shift, she finally was able to go to Bryce’s room. She finds him eating his dinner alone but judging by his face, he doesn’t like the hospital food much.
"I wished I had some ice cream now, Cas. This hospital food is killing me." Bryce says as she laughs at his antics.
"Well, I could bring you a scoop if you promise to finish up your food." She offers which made his eyes light up in joy.
"Thank you, you're a lifesaver." He expresses his gratitude and continues finishing his food.
She smiles at him, and continues to accompany him for the night. She ended up falling asleep as well. The days keep being like that for them, she would be there for him every night until the day arrived where he was released from the hospital. He was released from the hospital by one condition. He had to be monitored at home. Casey has to make sure that his heartrate continues and that his oxygen saturation is constantly above 85%.
The day he was released, Keiki made her presence at his apartment. Casey was introduced to Bryce's little sister, who is not that little anymore. In the mornings, Keiki would be his assistance while Casey was at work. All of the hospital staff had taken the opportunity to help him any way they can including Dr. Ramsey himself.
One day, Keiki and Casey were having lunch together.
"Thank you for looking after Bryce, Casey." Keiki suddenly says.
"It is nothing, I knew he would do this to me as well." She says as she glances at his room.
"He told me the other day, he was grateful for you. Everything you've done for him. I know I didn't have a chance to get to know him properly because of mom and dad but, I get to know him now before it’s too late and it’s everything." Keiki explains, her voice soft.
"I am grateful for him, and I feel like when it comes to him. It is one of my weaknesses. I  care about him a lot, and hearing the news makes me feel sad. I am not ready to lose him yet, he …" She stops, realizing she's been crying.
Keiki rubbed her back and gestures to his room.
"I believe that you should tell him how you feel, life isn't stopping for anybody. Six months for him is all that he got." She suggests before making her way to the living room, leaving Casey alone in the kitchen.
Casey takes a deep breath, and makes her way to his room. She sees him on the bed, he is resting after a long day of treatment. She takes a seat beside his bed, and his head shots up at her presence.
"Hey Lahela, how are you doing?" Casey asks while checking his vitals. So far heart rate looks good, no extra syncopes on the ECG, and his saturation is constantly between 89% and 95%.
"I'm doing good, although I feel like my energy is drained out of me, every day."
"Hey, you're still here. It's all that matters." Casey says to him and he smiles weakly at her.
"So, what's the purpose of your visit to Casa de Lahela." He gestures at his room.
"I wanted to check on you and, I have something to get out of my chest." Casey smiles at him, as she squeezes his hand.
"Consider me checked, did I ever tell you how lucky I am to have you here." He admits quietly as his eyes gaze into hers.
She feels her cheeks burn from the sensation, she decides to lie down beside him. She squeezes herself into the space left on the bed.
"I don't want to lose you." She admits quietly as she lies her head on his chest.
"You will never lose me, Cas, I am always here with you. You can’t get rid of me easily." Bryce explains to her with the same amount of confidence that he always has.
"I know, I just can't bear the thought of knowing that you are sick. I-I love you Bryce. These few months had made me realize  that I am in love with you, and I am not ready to lose you yet." She confesses  while looking him straight into his eyes.
He placed a kiss on her forehead, "I love you too, Cas, being a sick dude made me realize it. You are the one person who wanted to accompany me after a long day of work, the way you bring me ice cream every once in a while make me fell for you, Casey Valentine. I-" He stops suddenly, gasping for air. Casey’s head shots up to the monitor. His heart rate shows ventricular fibrillation and his saturation went down to 65%. Casey stood up and called the hospital to send an ambulance immediately. After that she starts with chest compression, as long as the doctor needs so they can use the defibrillator.
Clueless, Keiki stepped into the room and stop in her tracks. She saw her brother lying on the bed, unconscious, Casey on top of him trying to reanimate him. Keiki doesn’t know what to do, she has never helped before.
“Let the paramedics in!” Casey orders.
After a few moments, the paramedics arrive and instantly build up the defibrillator. After they shocked him two times, Casey decides to intubate him so that he is not having any lack of oxygen. After a successful attempt, they load him into the ambulance and rush him into the ambulance and into some tests to see how much worse his conditions are.
In the hospital they rush him onto the ICU where gets put onto life support. Dr Ethan Ramsey looks over his vitals and looks at Keiki and Casey who stood there shocked.
“Keiki, you’re his sister. I have to give you the decision. Your brother only lives right now, because he is on life support. He will not wake up again, his cancer is too far for him to survive. The cancer made his lungs collapse which means that he will never breathe on his own. So, I ask you, Keiki. Shall I turn of the machines and help him die peacefully.”
Keiki sobs and Casey puts a comforting arm around her. She closes her eyes, not wanting to witness the situation in front of her. 
“I love my brother, but I know he would want to leave the world as soon as he has no chance to live without support.” Keiki starts. “Turn it off, Dr Ramsey.”
Ethan nods and turns off the machines, he injects Bryce an amount of morphia to save him from pain or any other obstacles.
After a while fighting, Bryce finally let himself go. The monitor showing flat lines, no breathing rate, no heart rate and no saturation left. Bryce Lahela has left the world.
Time of death, 8 p.m.
The whole Edenbrook community was shocked at the news of his sudden death. Casey felt her heart break into bits and pieces. She thought about their conversation before and let herself cry a bit longer.
A few weeks later, Bryce's funeral was happening. The rain is pouring as the day went on, she never imagined that this would occur to her. Losing the one you love is the greatest pain that one could ever go through.
Many of his co-workers had come to say their farewell and even his family made an appearance. Casey stood there with her friends close by, she dreaded this day. The sadness, the emptiness she felt at that moment. It was unbearable. There was this emptiness that Bryce had left behind. This funeral made the loss of someone she loved dearly more realistic. At first, she was able to pretend that this was just a nightmare of hers, but seeing he was buried in front of her, she has to accept the fact that he will never come back.
After it ends, Casey lingers at the cemetery for a while along with Keiki by her side.
"He left you this, I found it when we were cleaning up his place before. I think he wants you to have it," Keiki says as she hands her a letter that is sealed.
"Thank you, Keiki."
"No, thank you, Casey for all you've done for him." Keiki pulls her into a hug, and make her way back to the car.
Casey starts to head back leaving the cemetery behind. She decided to live not only for her but also for Bryce. During that time she wasn’t able to read the letter yet. It was too heart-breaking.
It’s been a year since the event that no one ever expected. She makes her way up to a hill. Rocket Hill was one of Bryce's favourite spots to hang, and hike during his days. She holds a polaroid of him standing on top of the exact hill proudly making his mark for the world. 
The wind was blowing on Casey’s face, as she looks at the view in front of her. The view from the hill was spectacular. The city of Boston could be seen from a distance. After a few moments, she takes a seat on a bench facing the city. The letter from Bryce was in her hand. She knew she needed a perfect time, and now that time has come. She took a deep breath and slowly opens the letter
Hey Casey,
It's me or Jackie would call ‘the scalpel jockey’ here, I feel like I'm healing every day but I know that's not the truth. We all gotta end somewhere, and I can feel my end is coming closer. I don't want to make you worry but well, I did make you worry, right? Love, I have no idea what to write or say now but Keiki forced me to write and well, we gotta start somewhere right? So, If I'm writing this... It means my time is uo. I just want to speak some truth here. I was cut off from my family when I finished high school. I have been living on my own for a long time. Keiki was the only family I knew, and med school was hard because they knew to whom the name Lahela belongs. But, being here at Edenbrook made me realize I have a family after all. My family are my friends. We may not be related by blood but we're gonna stick together till the end. My time here also led me to you; Casey Valentine, the future of Edenbrook. You stood by me from the beginning until this very moment and I want to say thank you. Life with this decease had made me realize that time is precious, and it should be spent with those we love and cherish.  Every day was a special one because you were in it and I wouldn't have it any other way. Well, that's enough of cheesy Bryce for one day. If you ever doubt yourself in anything, remember that you are enough as a human, a doctor, and a friend. Okay?
Bryce 'Scalpel Jockey' Lahela.
PS: Don’t be afraid to fall in love again, Casey. I want someone to make you as happy as I made you. I want you to have a family of your own, and please take care of Keiki. <3
Despite the sadness from the letter, she feels herself smile at the letter, holding it tight not wanting it to get away. She looks up at the sky, seeing the sky had changed its colours. She smiles at the scenery upon her and starts to enjoy it. She knows Bryce would have wanted it. And even though she has lost the one person she has loved so much, she will continue to live her life for them. But Bryce Lahela, will always be her first love, and she will never love anyone the same as she loved him. Bryce is her forever, and he will always be.
A/N #2: Hey! I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it, I never had any particular experience from what I wrote but, I have been wanting to write this for a long time! I really hope I get to deliver it, it was hard to share this to you guys, but I wanted too! Don’t forget to like, reblog and even comment anything! It would really mean a lot! Once again, thank you for reading it! <3
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macgyvermedical · 4 years
Soup: a “Tesla + Bell + Edison + Mac” Medical Review
“You have a perfectly functional syringe pump with the PCA in the background, and you’re going to give him an injection with a metal needle? Also, if you’re gonna sedate him you might as well use the IV pump too??? Like, you have a whole ‘nother channel?? Most floor nurses would kill for that setup?” <--- From my notes on this ep.*
Awl - X-Ray + Penny - Duct Tape + Jack - CD + Hoagie Foil - Guts + Fuel + Hope - Wilderness + Training + Survival - Father + Bride + Betrayal - Lidar + Rogues + Duty - Nightmares - Seeds + Permafrost + Feather - Friends + Enemies + Border - Mason + Cable + Choices - Bitter Harvest - Kid + Plane + Cable + Truck -
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In case you didn’t see it, the story went like this: After being knocked unconscious trying to prevent Codex from stealing an encoded map to a Tesla-era WMD, Mac wakes to find he’s lost certain memories of the event that are crucial to interpreting the weapon’s location. In order to recover the memories and stop Codex from getting there first, Matty calls on a friend at DARPA who studies experimental memory-recovery drugs. Drugged, Mac enters a dream state to track down the memories, where he encounters his mother, a man he recently chose to kill to save everyone in LA, his high-school bully, and a darker version of himself who thinks Codex’s directive to kill an eighth of the population to save the world might not be too far off the mark.
So there’s a lot to talk about here medically. For this post, I’ll go into the concussion and its aftermath, the drug and it’s administration, and the medical technology that the Phoenix infirmary seems to have at its disposal.
The Concussion/Amnesia:
Mac is knocked out by a blow to the head. He wakes up “a few hours” later in the Phoenix infirmary. I’ve talked about concussions before (see here, here, and here), so I’m not going to go into too much detail about them in this post, but essentially if someone’s out for that long, they’re in trouble.
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It’s reasonably common to lose consciousness in a concussion, but it’s usually only for seconds to minutes, and if it occurs at all, that person needs prompt medical evaluation in an emergency room. Even if there ends up being no major complications, like bleeding in the brain or an increase in pressure in the skull, the recovery time for concussions with a loss of consciousness can be in the weeks or months range. Someone who’s out for “hours” is looking at a stay in a neuro ICU and probably severe and possibly permanent brain damage. Like, it’s a season-long arc at least.
Since we’re not seeing that level of medical need, I think it would probably be safe to assume that Mac wasn’t actually out for “hours” as stated. He could have been briefly unconscious, as shown in the house attack scene, but then had trouble forming memories after that, which caused him to not remember the ride back to Phoenix very well, if at all. These are still concerning enough symptoms that I would have taken him to an emergency department instead of to the infirmary, but at least with that scenario there’s a possibility what happened to him isn’t actively life threatening outside of a neuro ICU.
Unlike the extended period of unconsciousness, the portrayal of amnesia isn’t far off the mark for once. The amnesia that Mac suffers is actually pretty reasonable- trouble remembering the incident and the events just before it is common in head injuries, as is having trouble forming new memories after. Not only is accurate amnesia something that I didn’t expect out of Rob Pearlstein (writer of the infamous Guts + Fuel + Hope), but it’s something that fiction as a whole (including, I’ll admit, 1985 MacGyver**) tends to struggle with. So kudos for that specific part of this episode, Pearlstein.
The Drug:
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Even if we assume Mac wasn’t unconscious that whole time, the brief unconsciousness and memory problems indicate that he still had a pretty significant concussion that needed medical care and monitoring. I’m guessing that as advanced as the Phoenix Infirmary is, it doesn’t have the capacity to do neurosurgery or intracranial pressure monitoring. That means the Phoenix medical team’s priority in this situation would essentially be to catch any major, life-threatening complication as early as possible, and if one happened, get Mac to a hospital quickly enough to save him.
The best and lowest-tech tool they have to this end is repeated mental status exams. Mental status exams have the patient answer a series of questions like “what’s your name?” “what day is it?” “where are you right now?” “what happened to you/why am I asking you these questions?”  followed up with a series of mental tasks like counting backwards from 100 by 7s or making a logical decision based on a given scenario. If Mac’s answers significantly change, from one assessment to the next, that could mean he’s in trouble. 
Because these assessments rely so heavily on Mac’s ability to answer questions and perform tasks accurately, and they’re really the only thing that’s going to catch a serious problem early enough to save Mac’s life, the last thing you’d want to do is give him a drug cocktail that would alter his perception of where he is and what’s going on around him. I’ll just… leave that there.
But let’s assume that for some reason they have a non-CT way of assessing whether Mac’s about to die from a brain bleed while in a drug-induced dream state (they do appear to have limited EEG capability- can anyone tell me if this would still be helpful in the context of the drugs?). I’m not going to talk too much about the drug cocktail itself, since it was stated as fictional (so, essentially, anything they say it does it can probably do), but since they do reference it as containing DMT, I invite you to check out the erowid experience vault for DMT for stories of other people’s experiences with it.  
I will, however, talk a little about the administration of the drug. In the episode, a syringe with a needle is used to deliver the medication. Though not explicitly shown, I assume Dr. Cheryl inserted the metal needle into one of Mac’s arm veins and injected the drug.
Something that fiction generally doesn’t understand is that inserting a metal needle into a vein in order to administer medication doesn’t happen in a medical setting. Ever. The ONLY way to administer a medication IV in a medical setting is through an IV cannula- a short, flexible plastic tube inserted into a vein, often just colloquially called an “IV”:
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If Mac had one of these ^^^, the syringe could attach to one of the blue and white pieces and the medication could be injected without worrying that the needle could slip out of the vein (many IV medications must be injected slowly over several minutes, and that’s a long time to hold a needle still).
Before Dr. Cheryl gives him the drug, she takes his vitals and asks him some questions, namely whether he has ever had “a psychotic break”, then, without explaining further, asks if he thinks he will become violent.
Now, it does make sense to ask someone about their psych history when administering a drug known to have psych side effects, because those can be a lot worse or more likely for people with certain psych histories. Think about SSRIs and SNRIs- they’re good antidepressants, but when given to someone with bipolar disorder, they can greatly increase the risk of a manic episode, and that possibility has to be evaluated before the drug is prescribed.
The conversation should have started with Dr. Cheryl asking everyone else to leave the room. Asking if someone has ever experienced psychosis in front of their coworkers, is not only a serious breach of patient privacy, but could also be incredibly dangerous. If Mac had experienced psychosis, but didn’t want his coworkers to know, he’d either have to lie and risk side effects without being able to prepare, or feel pressured to release that medical information and possibly risk his job or reputation***.
Then she’d ask something to the effect of “have you ever been diagnosed with a mental illness, been hospitalized for a mental health reason, or do you take any medications for a mental health problem?” And if the answer to that question was anything that would make the drug particularly dangerous to him, she’d probably tell him the risks and her assessment that it was a bad idea to proceed.
If there was no other option for some reason (I’d argue not the case in this situation), she’d tell him what the risks were, and only then would she possibly have to ask if he knew he might become aggressive, at which point they’d come up with how he’d like her to handle that possibility.
I know it’s not quite as snappy, but I would have really liked to see it.
Plus, unless it’s been asked off screen, Dr. Cheryl hasn’t asked him if he has any other health problems, if he takes any medications, or if he has any allergies, all of which could significantly impact how safe this drug could be for Mac.
Phoenix Infirmary Medical Tech
Now let’s look at some of the bits and pieces in the background of the episode. Particularly, I wanna talk about that chair, the IV pump, and the monitor.
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So, chair first- it’s a dentist’s chair. It’s good for dental things and maybe some minor procedures (we have a slightly different chair in a doctor’s office I work at- we use it for things like implanting birth control, removing warts and moles, and providing wound care), but it’s not great for anything else. It’s especially not great if you have to sit there longer than a half hour. Considering we know from previous episodes that they have a full-on hospital bed somewhere at their disposal and possibly a couple of carts (narrower beds you see in the emergency department), I gotta say it makes literally no sense to put the guy who’s unconscious from a head injury in the procedure chair.
Next, the IV pump
We talked above about administering medications “IV push”- a medication “pushed” through an IV by a syringe, one dose at a time. Another way to give IV medication or fluids is via an IV drip or “piggyback”- the medication is diluted in a bag of saline or other IV fluid, and set to continuously run into a person’s IV. These are nice for doses of IV medication that have a lot of volume (like IV antibiotics) medication that wears off quickly and may need constant adjustment (like some kinds of sedation or some types of pain medication or medications that counteract shock), or just straight up IV fluids.
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IV pumps control how fast the medication or fluid goes from the bag into the person. You can vaguely control this without a pump using gravity, a drip chamber, and a roller clamp, but if you need to know precisely how many milliliters of medication/fluid per hour is getting into a person, and you didn’t start your nursing career in the 1970s, you need a pump.
The one pictured above specifically consists of a central computer box (colloquially called a “brain”) where the pump rate can be programmed, flanked by interchangeable modules that each do a slightly different thing. The modules on the pump in the episode include an infusion pump, which essentially just pumps fluid from a bag hanging above it into a person, and a PCA pump. A PCA pump holds a syringe of medication (usually pain medication) and delivers a dose of it when the patient presses a button.
Honestly I think the whole things is just chillin’ in the background making the room look medical-y, but they really could have used it to continuously administer the drug or the sedation if they’d really wanted to incorporate it.
Side note, the modules are actually kind of heavy, so you have to balance them a little or the whole thing kinda tilts (see the screenshot from the episode). Also, for some reason if you stick an infusion module on the same side as a PCA module, the brain won’t recognize it half the time. Not sure if it’s a feature or a bug. Below is how someone who has ever once used one of these things would have set it up:
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The other thing they have in the episode, and the last thing I’ll talk about before I let you get back to your life (I’m sure your cat misses you by now, mine sure does), is the monitor. 
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I read several user manuals for this (real) monitor system in preparation for this post. I’ve concluded that it’s way, way above my med-surg pay grade, and usually used in operating rooms by anesthesiologists to monitor sedation level (so at least in theory they could be using it correctly? I’m as shocked as you are, really). I don’t even know what half those numbers mean (beyond the SpO2, heart rate, and respiratory rate), more than just being able to say they (surprisingly) do actually reflect real monitoring options on this thing. This leads me to believe this may be some kind of weird product placement thing? As if the gratuitous use of the Toyota backup cameras weren’t oddly forced enough.
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Now, beyond the fact that this is a wildly high-tech, completely overkill machine for what is happening in the episode, the thing I would like to impress upon you is that regardless of the high tech-ness, every line on a monitor requires at least some attachment to the patient. Something measuring an EKG requires at least 3 leads on the patient. Something measuring oxygen saturation and pulse requires a clip on an ear or finger. Something measuring blood pressure requires a blood pressure cuff. Something measuring temperature usually means a probe somewhere the sun don’t shine. Mac has two little leads on his forehead. That is actually hilarious. He’d be covered in wires. He would have so much adhesive stuck to him.
In case you’re wondering, the heart/lungs/brain/person outline picture on the monitor just tells you how each part of the body is doing- like, the brain will turn yellow and then red if something starts going weird with the brain-related monitoring, same with the heart and lungs. It took an insane amount of searching to figure that out. I’ve been writing this post for 4 days now.
 *I had a much longer and rant-ier intro to this but I feel like I’ve complained enough on main about how the reboot dumbed down and politically neutralized an extremely opinionated and hardline character. I do really like this show, and the storylines are really interesting, but I need you all to understand how science-based and politically charged the original one was, especially in later seasons. You had such a platform for good here, CBS, and I’m hoping against hope the generic-action-show it’s become was some kind of weird, collective misunderstanding and not a censor problem. My main problem, having finished writing this post, is that he looks really weirdly good for someone who was unconscious with a head injury and then subjected to what was another few hours unconscious and hallucinating. Like, his shirt is still tucked in. Great update to the theme song, though.
**Twice. They played the bourne-style-amnesia storyline twice.
***At this point I can only recommend you watch the 1985 MacGyver Season 7 episode “Obsessed”- it’s a ridiculous-criminal-plot episode but the undertones are all anti-ableist (both criticizing the Phoenix Foundation board of directors’ ableism in assuming Pete is no longer fit to do his (desk) job after he loses his sight, and the pressure Pete himself is under to let MacGyver go because of mental health symptoms).
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whatapunk · 3 years
Endings: Chapter 4
I’m sure everyone has forgotten about this by now but... I finally finished the fourth chapter I’ve been working on for over a month. I think I stressed over this chapter because I brought in some old Legends canon and that just made me overthink all. the. things. Anywho, maybe someone out there will enjoy it because even though I may take forever to update I’m really enjoying writing it! Especially now that I’ve started to explain my OC and get all the things in my head down on paper... 
Title: Endings
Fandom: Star Wars Rebels
Relationship: Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla; Kanan Jarrus/female OC
Rating: m for the profanity, possibly for non-explicit intimacy later
Word Count: 3410
Previous Chapters: Ch. 1 / Ch. 2/ Ch. 3
16 years prior
Aboard CT-900 freighter, Exuberance
Kanan Jarrus hadn’t felt this way since he was on Kaller. He’d been chased by his old clone squadron for years since Order 66, but he’d never been discovered by an outsider before. Now, as he stood in the hallway of a ship in the middle of hyperspace, he pressed his forehead to the cold metal wall beside him. Sweat prickled on his neck and his head felt a little light. Knowing someone else knew he was a jedi hadn’t just scared him- it terrified him. 
Kanan took a deep breath and calmed himself, calling upon his meditation experience from when he was a jedi, funnily enough. He breathed again.
“Alright, lad?” a voice startled him out of his trance. 
Kanan straightened himself and tried hard to pretend he hadn’t just been leaning on the wall. The pilot, Mack, eyed him quizzically. 
At that, Kanan frowned, though he could feel his mind drained of all fight at the moment.
“Don’t call me that,” he said quietly and walked past the ship pilot and into the galley. 
Mack, who had better things to do than talk to one of his non-crew passengers (let alone a teenage one), pulled greasy work gloves from his hands and yelled down a shaft in the floor that led to the cargo bay. 
“Hey Rhia, don’t take too long moving those stacks- we’re starving up here!” Mack was smiling and laughing at his own joke, though Kanan could tell by the tone that Mack generally being obnoxious was his idea of joking. Kanan saw a skinny metal tool of some kind hurl itself up out of the hole in the floor, narrowly missing Mack’s face as he bent over the opening. Kanan smirked.
Mack strolled off down to his quarters and left Kanan alone in the galley. A few seconds later, Kanan heard a very loud crash in the cargo bay below, followed by a woman swearing even louder.
“Dank farrik!” Rhia yelled, exasperated. 
Kanan really wasn’t in the mood to be helpful, especially not toward Rhia. She’d been perfectly nice the entire time Kanan had been aboard Exuberance, but now she knew him. He replayed his last conversation, moments ago, with her over in his mind and felt ice in his gut. No, she’d manage on her own down there. 
Just as Kanan stood up to go to his own quarters, a couple more smaller crashes happened below. He rolled his eyes at himself, knowing he was a sucker for lending a quick hand, even if it was someone he’d hoped to never speak to again. 
Determined (disdainfully) to lend a hand, Kanan climbed down the ladder to the bay. Turning to face the expected mess, he was all but dumbstruck at what he didn’t expect to see. Rhia, nearly turned completely away from Kanan, was in the middle of tying her hair more securely back in place. Kanan was mesmerized. 
He’d noticed Rhia had vibrant, deep red hair the moment he’d seen her- anyone would. But she kept it up, tightly wound in a way that had hidden just how long it was. Not only that, but it didn’t look so, well, alien as it did all hanging loosely, catching the lights. It was long, hiding her entire back, and wavy, especially near the ends. Kanan’s mouth hung open and he couldn’t decide if he was seeing it sparkle or not. He’d been assuming she was just a fellow human, but looking at her now, he wasn’t so sure. She finished wrapping it up and caught a glimpse of him in the corner of her eye. She clearly thought about speaking but then hesitated, wondering how long he’d been standing there.
“Wow,” Kanan heard himself, unfortunately, utter. Rhia rolled her eyes, but revealed a small smile.
“That’s charming,” she said wryly. 
“Your hair, I’ve- I’ve neve seen anything like it,” he said, finally able to string some words together. Rhia’s smile faltered.
“Yeah, it’s genetic,” was all she offered before she went back to organizing the mess around her. When Kanan didn’t move, she started to get a little irritated. 
“What do you want, Kanan?” she asked, a little nastier than she meant to be. It seemed to bring him back to reality.
“I was just uh… I heard the crashes and thought you might need help,” he said feebly. Rhia softened at this. She also noted he refused to meet her eyes, a difference, she noted, that was new. New for the new dynamic that now surrounded and suffocated both of them: Kanan, a jedi outcast, and Rhia, the woman who’d found him out. 
“Oh,” she started, “well then thank you. Can you pick up the stacks over there while I get these?” she pointed and Kanan nodded, turning away silently, and began picking up the scattered cargo. 
Rhia went back to her own mess, but paused to watch him. He’d come all the way down here to help, but clearly not because of her. They’d been getting along so well it was hard for Rhia to remember that she had found him absolutely intolerable when she’d first met him. She’d only outed him for the good of her crew and to make sure that his identity didn’t bring them all down. She had absolutely no intentions of revealing the jedi to anyone and had promised that she would make up something else to tell the crew once they dropped them off at a far more remote location than Kanan and Janus had originally paid them for. But still, here it was, a chasm between the two of them, only instead of them both being on either side, Rhia stood at the top holding a rope from which Kanan dangled in the abyss below. Or at least that’s how it felt to him.
She knew what she had to do, the only thing that would ease the boy’s mind. 
“I’m a Morellian,” she said simply, eyes on her work. Kanan stopped and looked at her.
“My species. We all have the hair.” 
Kanan’s brain finally caught up to what she was saying. Before seeing her hair, he’d never questioned her species and had been assuming, wrongly, that she was a human. Every other facet of her appearance led him to believe she was human, though now as his eyes were drawn again to her hair, he realized it made sense why he’d never encountered such a thing before. 
“Morellian? I’ve... never heard of them.”
“Well, they’re mostly a legend now, not something most people even hear about. I’ve not seen another like me since I was young,” she said, a more solemn edge to her tone. 
“Where are you from?” Kanan asked, interested in both the subject and changing it slightly.
“Morellia,” she started, letting out a little laugh at what sounded so obvious. “It’s a small planet out beyond the outer rim,” she explained. “I haven’t been there since I was young either.” 
“What happened to them?” Kanan asked before he had really thought about it.
“The last full clan of them was killed about 70 years ago,” she said, not looking at him. “There haven’t been Morellians on Morellia since.”
Kanan dropped the subject he now felt bad for asking about. He’d planned not to say another word and just finish helping her in silence when suddenly a thought occurred to him.
“Wait,” he began, “you said you’d been there- that you’d seen other Morellians when you were young. But that’d make you…” he trailed off, realizing the math and scrutinizing her carefully. She smirked. 
“We also live for a long time,” she explained. 
“So when you told me earlier that you were too old for me…” he said, questioning. 
“I’m 136.”
“Oh,” Kanan was suddenly lost for words. She certainly did look older than him, but not that old. He said the only thing he could think of. “Well, you look great.” 
Rhia laughed, genuinely. She was still very unsure of this kid, especially given his past, but he had a natural charm that she could tell he was in the midst of fine tuning. She was a person who generally liked the quiet and she liked being quiet; naturally, she also liked quiet people, or, even better- few to no people. But she already seemed to like being around this kid, even if she hadn’t at first. It was why she had started this conversation in the first place.
“Even before my species became so rare, we were sort of hunted," she began, a little out of nowhere. "I mean, in the right market, to the right buyer, especially now, a Morellian slave, or even just enough of our hair, could set up a person with wealth for life,” she said as casually as if she was telling him what was for dinner. She slid a hoverpad under a stack of crates and activated it, pushing it neatly into a corner. 
Kanan had stopped working and stared at her, brow furrowed and mouth slightly open. He was just about to ask her why she was telling him this when she continued.
“Maybe even more than something as rare as a jedi.”
Kanan felt his shoulders relax, having been more tensed up than he’d even realized. For the first time since Rhia had told him she knew of his identity, his mind stopped racing and he stepped out of fight-or-flight mode. She still didn’t look back at him, and no more words were said while they cleaned up the rest of the crates in the bay. The silence wasn’t awkward or tense though, and Kanan enjoyed it and felt real gratitude, a feeling that was few and far between for him these days. She’d put him back on the same level as herself, or really, put herself on his level. She didn’t have to at all, but she’d given up what he figured was probably her biggest secret to him; she reset the dynamic between them, just to put him at ease. Upon this realization, Kanan felt something else that had eluded him greatly in the last few years: trust.
Present Day
Kanan guided the twi’lek down the hall, battling to keep himself in a straight line so that he could guide her to do the same. Hera was all giggles.
“Kanan, I like her,” she said for the third time since they’d left Rhia in the galley. Kanan chuckled.
“Yes, she’s a very nice person,” he replied again, reaching a hand out to steady himself against the wall as Hera’s balance faltered. 
“I can definitely see why you guys dated,” she said, her voice slightly too loud.
“We didn’t exactly date,” Kanan interjected. He worried he came off as too defensive.
“Sorry,” Hera started, rolling her eyes playfully. “I can tell why you guys slept together frequently,” she said casually. Kanan chuckled but felt himself blush ever so slightly. 
Hera had never met a girl from Kanan’s past before, mostly because none of them lasted long enough for him to really even remember properly. He’d had a steady string of nothing steady for a long time in his late teens and early twenties, and Hera knew that much. She didn’t care, and Kanan could tell she meant that. So now, it felt weird to him for her to know not only who Rhia was, but to actually meet her as well. Kanan had never mentioned her to Hera. 
“And her hair is so red!” Hera announced, shaking Kanan out of his thoughts. “I’ve never seen hair like that, have you?”
“I’ve not-”
“I mean she’s gorgeous anyway,” Hera cut him off, “but she has such a striking… head!” Kanan laughed and Hera frowned at him.
“Don’t you laugh at me, Kanan Jarrus. You know I don’t drink much,” she said, putting a finger in his face. He pulled it gently down and held her hand. 
“I know, I haven’t had this much to drink in years I think.”
“You don’t sound drunk,” she said. They walked through their hangar doors and the Ghost appeared, parked before them. “How do I sound so much drunker than you? I didn’t even drink that much!” Hera’s volume increased again and Kanan softly shushed her, laughing. 
“I don’t know, but I promise you I’m only holding it together to impress you,” Kanan said, only half joking. He did seem to be slightly more sober than Hera, but truthfully he couldn’t feel his face. 
Kanan led Hera up Ghost’s ramp, both of them trying to keep their giggles as quiet as they could, for fear of bothering Zeb, Sabine, or Ezra. Finally, they made it to Hera’s quarters and he guided her to her bunk, laying her down and pulling off her boots. By the time he was finished, Hera’s eyes were drooping so low that for a moment he couldn’t tell if she was still awake. She smiled and curled her legs up closer to her chest, rolling to her side. 
“Kanan… I like her,” she said again, a whisper that faded into the final sigh she released before sleep took hold. Kanan smiled and kissed her forehead before he left, as silently as his stumbling could be. 
For a moment he’d considered going to his own quarters and letting the drunken fog behind his eyes lull him to sleep. But something else pressed on his mind, willing itself and his feet forward. He felt both an intense longing and a swollen mass of guilt inside his chest. The longing brought him back into the bay, back down the hallway, and back to a galley that still had a light on. The guilt had begun wrapping tendrils around his heart, his lungs- whatever was pounding in his chest. But the pounding slowed those tendrils down, shook some of them off, and Kanan’s foggy mind was in no position to follow anything except straight, concentrated feeling.
Nearly running into him, Rhia gasped at Kanan’s sudden appearance in the doorway. 
“Fuck, Kanan, you know it’s late and quiet and no one’s around, right?” Rhia asked, catching her breath. Kanan laughed at her, more than he usually would have. Rhia laughed it off, but readjusted her grip on the shoulder strap of her bag and flipped the light off, clear signs that she was on her way out. 
“I needed to use your fresher,” Kanan said, making an obvious effort to enunciate over his slurs. Rhia raised an eyebrow.
“You don’t have a fresher on your ship?” she asked, skeptical. 
“Zeb’s… showering,” he said, not so smoothly. “You know… fur,” he added, as if it was clarifying. Rhia nodded, but slowly. 
“Ah, well, sure. I’m down here,” she said, pointing and exiting the galley to her right. Her pulse, which had been so pleasantly dropped for the evening, suddenly quickened, and that plus the alcohol started to make her queasy. She walked quickly so it would feel like there was a breeze. Even so, it was a short walk before they’d arrived. 
Rhia punched in her code and the door slid past them almost silently. Inside, there was a dull wall light that glowed a sunset-colored orange that bathed things in just the right amount of light to see where everything was. To save energy and to encourage regular sleeping patterns, the light remained this color until 0500, when it would begin to brighten to a bold white. This was the first time Rhia found herself wishing she could override such things.
Rhia knew why he’d asked to come in. Even if he really did have to use the fresher, the point was still just to be inside, away from anything and anyone. She could now feel her heart rate increasing more every second it seemed, and all it did was make her angry with herself, which made it worse. 
“It’s there,” she said softly and pointed to the door on the left, the other one being a small closet. 
Once he’d closed the door behind him Rhia felt her shoulders fall as she breathed out loudly, unaware that she’d been holding back. She sat down on her bed to untie her boots, thinking desperately about what she was going to say- what she was going to have to say. When she heard the flush she stood up quickly, worried about how it would look to him if he came out and she was sitting on the bed. She turned to her dresser, where she began rifling through her sock drawer when Kanan came out of the fresher. She took a quiet but deep breath.
“I know why you’re here, Kanan,” she said evenly.
“Why I am here- like on this ship? Or like here, here?” he asked, and she could hear the smile in his voice. He was at the part of the night where everything that comes out of his mouth is somehow a joke. Every statement had a natural lift in tone at the end, as if it were a punchline. She wanted to roll her eyes because it both drove her insane and, for some reason, greatly affected the strength of her knees. She had to stay serious though; she did not want to be that kind of person. 
“Kanan,” and she turned to face him. “I know why you’re here. I shouldn’t- we shouldn’t have had so much to drink. I know why you wanted to come in here, but I just can’t,” she said, the last words coming out with more exasperation than she’d meant to show. He was barely listening.
“You don’t know why I’m here, Rhia,” he said calmly, that tranquil smile glued to his face.
“Kanan I know what you want- it just-”
“You really don’t.” “Kanan-” she started, her voice beginning to raise. His voice, unchanging this whole time, cut her off.
“Can I see your hair?” he asked, the drunkenness of the words and the way he said them enveloping her in something that felt so wholesome. Her hands, which she’d begun to raise in an exhausted gesture, fell to her sides, her arms suddenly feeling so heavy.
Kanan looked at her and even in the fogginess of his inebriated brain he knew he’d remember what she looked like when everything about her suddenly softened. Rhia paused. Her mouth fell open just slightly, but instead of speaking she simply offered him a shaky but honest head nod. She gave him the smallest smile before she turned back around to face her dresser and her hands went up into the knot of hair she kept piled on top of her head. 
Kanan watched her remove a few pins first, silently placing them on top of her dresser, and slowly strands and chunks of hair began to fall away. Once she was done with those, she worked her fingers beneath the bun, finding the ends of her hair and unwinding what seemed to be an endless ponytail. This wasn’t the first time Kanan had watched her do this, and it was every bit as mesmerizing as he remembered. Even in the dull orange light, it glimmered, reminding him of the way a grassy hill seems to shimmer in the wind.
Rhia undid the final tie and it all came cascading down her shoulders, throwing a fiery halo around her in every direction as she turned back around to face him. She ran her fingers through it a bit, feeling the relief of the tension off of her scalp. 
Kanan watched as the sunset-colored ceiling lamp made her shine like something that had been detonated. The slightest motion of her head threw ripples of metallic colors from root to tip, and Kanan tried to look at every inch of it at once, not wanting to miss such an amazing opportunity. Rhia was pleasantly attractive to most people and would be with or without hair. But with this hair, long and untamed as it was now, even in this artificial light, she looked positively divine. If she’d claimed now, in this moment, that she was some mythical goddess, there wasn’t a soul in the galaxy who wouldn’t believe her, let alone Kanan. He knew she wasn’t though, and that knowledge just made him like her more. She was just Rhia- beautiful Rhia. 
She met his eyes as they took a break from roaming around her head. He swallowed. 
“Oh, kriff.”
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