#ermm. talk to me about them or smth
lunearobservatory · 11 months
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I can't stop thinking about these four as friends!
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oscconfessions · 2 months
hi buys what are your opinions on objects with last names ?!?!??!!!!!! usually i just translate a word related to the object into like latin or smth cause its cool (like, for example, marker, pen and pencil's last name (i hc them as siblings) would be "scriptor," which is writer in latin i believe)
ermm yeah also i can use this for LORE !! cause in my goiky lore i made it so that all of the og leaders of each province are ancestors of a freesmart member (cause i like freesmart ecks dee) ,,and the like,,,true leader of all of them was mechanical pencil (or just mechanica for short) and her last name is also scriptor....wow !!
- 🥭🍏 anon (this might give me away since i might talk about this lore and stuff on my blog)
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kanatashinkaifr · 11 months
going to talk abt obey me and how they are all extremely neurodivergent!!! gonna go through my thoughts on each characters who stands out to me in one way or another.
Lucifer- he has NPD. dont even try to argue with me about this. from the way he holds himself to an extremely high standard to how hes LITERALLY the avatar of pride, hes just a total narc and I love him dearly. I also consider him to be autistic. half bcuz he shows some signs half bcuz I'm autistic and love projecting onto characters. I think that the way he is so strict and finds being on time so important is extremely autistic of him. he follows a very specific routine, and if said routine is messed with, he is unapproachable for atleast the rest of the day. this is shown in likee late lesson 24 or early lesson 25 I forget. he also has issues with emotions. both showing and I think even identifying them. autistic man. ALSO ptsd. duh.
mammon: adhd. he has adhd. he doesnt have npd, HOWEVER, he totally shows symptoms. he acts like hes on top of the world but the second a minor inconvenience happens he is just. reduced to nothing. I also like the hc of him being dyslexic.
levi: AUTISM AUTISM AUTISM!!! yeah that ones obvious like extremely obvious. stg autism runs into the family or smth cuz it feels like mammon and asmo are the only allistics in that mf house. dont need to explain why Levi is autistic. its obvious. if you really need an explanation just ask. but I also think he has severe social anxiety. like to the point that he gets extremely sick at the thought of social interaction. over the years, and with lots of trial and error medication, he can sort of deal with it now. still freaks him out though.
Satan: I think he takes after his father. like. A LOT. he is so npd and so autistic. I think that he really prides himself on his smarts but like. if he were to fail/get an average mark on a test (especially if lucifer got a high mark) he would disintegrate out of pure self hatred. if lucifer is better than him in any academic topic, you can practically feel the envy and rage coming from him. lucifer understands how he feels, and always tries to help him with his npd issues, but that just upsets him tenfold. "you think that *I* need *YOUR* help??? disgusting!". he has such issues I love him so much. not much to comment on his autism. also quite obvious, especially in nightbringer.
beel: autism. binge eating disorder. ptsd.
belphie: autism. BPD!!!!! B!! P!!! D!!!!!!!! I will scream it from the roof tops THAT MAN HAD BPD IDC WHAT YOU SAY!! impulsivity (especially when angry), unstable relations (mostly hc), uncontrolled anger, chronic emptiness (hc), self destructiveness, fear of abandonment. you look into the DSM-5 and there is a picture of him there. I think that. he might have PTSD too.
diavolo: autism. I dont care what anyone says I think he is an autistic woman who was just forced into masking. c-ptsd due to mainly emotional neglect.
solomon: autism. no canon reason to support this I'm just projecting. c-ptsd. he has very complicated feeling surrounding loneliness and abandonment due to his childhood.
simeon: autism. C-PTSD!!!!!!! I think that. there wasnt nessacarily anything that could generally be considered traumatizing. but a lot of things in his early days were extremely stressful for him. I think that hes always questioned the word of God just a bit. he made sure nobody ever found out, but he always had doubt within him. this has always eaten at him, as he is supposed to be an angel. Angel's do not doubt the word of their father,, so, why does he?
ermm okay I think that's. enough ranting for today...
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ma1dita · 3 months
okok catching up on troubleverse WHEWW and i have the perffff song for them, paired with the lyrics verse-for-verse and me screaming shrilly LMAOOO.
but this song is sosososo perf, like everything abt it from the lyrics to the singer's erratically paced singing to the general unhinged vibes and. IT SHARES A NAME WITH THE ENTIRE SERIES TOO OMG-- 'partner in crime' by madilyn mei!! i haven't listened to my folk indie queen for a hot minute but i had to pull it out from the dusty archive of my skull for u 😗😗
When you're gone I feel alone again / The voices cannot hold my hand / They keep me company at very best / Distract me from my loneliness
insanity mention?? dionysus the god of mania?? HELLOOOO CAN THOU HEAR ME [rattling at the bars of containment]
Maybe I'm just an anomaly / Even my demons have their families / Truly something must be wrong with me / To need you as much as I do
smth must be wrong with trouble to need luke as much as she does and vice versa smth smth okay like. i think the whole thing abt him being trouble's ESA from buddy system is saying enough 😭😭
I was never meant to win / [... maniacal laughing] SHUT UP!
THE LAUGHING AND THE MUTED SHUT UP HERE JUST GETS ME. straight chills, ik it didnt happen but during love like a blister if trouble screamed at the other counselors out of rage and the campers heard it the way it sounded in the song UGH. I WAS NEVER MEANT TO WIN. THEY DON'T EVER WIN BC LUKE HAS BEEN DOOMED BY THE NARRATIVE OMFG.
Here's the reigns / Take ahold of me / Please don't let me go / You do the talking / Sew up my mouth if I can't keep it closed
BUDDY SYSTEM CODED when they're on the road trip bc the image just comes to mind instantly, like if they see questioning adults luke has to do the sweet talking bc trouble is lowkey a pro yapper and can't keep her mouth shut at all. AND 'here's the reigns take ahold of me' NO WORDS no words at all just vibes bc wdym. i just think that luke being vulnerable to trouble and talking abt his mom as if he were giving her the reigns to his personal life ermm.
Run for it / I'll keep em occupied for you / Cause I love you, I love you so
SOMEBODYS ANGEL SAVE ME SOMEBODYS ANGEL SAVE ME. trouble stepping into the battle with ladon to save luke, 'run for it i'll keep [LADON] occupied cause i love you i love so' I AM SICK. SOMEONE MAKE ME SOME CONGEE UGHHH.
I'm 'bout to die / Yet the only thing I find i'm worried about is you / Something tells me you aren't coming / Guess that I'm truly doomed
i saw ur synopsis of asking for trouble like. he's dying and the only thing he can think abt. is trouble??? r u kidding me? and then trouble supposedly pleading his case with the olympians in the as above so below synopsis DONT TELL ME that trouble is gonna be too late for luke and so he dies thinking that she still hates him (based off what im assuming from the when the curtains close synopsis, 'all strings r cut' WDYM??)
I overhear your brain when it's close to mine / Oh, I know that we're not the same / My heart's on the line / I'm just a pawn in your game / Not your partner in crime
JO THEY R SUPPOSED TO BE PARTNERS IN CRIME HELLO. solipsism c'mere i just wanna talk bc drunk!trouble seeing luke from a different timeline and KNOWING HE'S REALLY THERE BUT IT ISNT HIM = 'i overhear your brain when it's close to mine / oh, i know that we're not the same' THEY ARE ON DIFFERENT WAVELENGTHS IN THE MOST LITERAL SENSE POSSIBLE WITH TIME in this essay i will--
You're slowly killing me / Taking your- (I was never meant to win)
luke to kronos, the titan is slowing killing him from the inside out the longer he's possessing luke. HE WAS NEVER MEANT TO WIN UGH. i need to put maddie and u in affectionate jail bc ASDFGHJKL goodbye i am finished. troubleverse is sososoo evil, like this is srsly what everyone else feels when they read jubi bc if it is i am so sorry for everything.
to conclude jo, ily but i also am gobsmacked with my mouth hanging wide open and catching flies bc this whole thing is unbe-fucking-lieveable. the way u built their whole ass relationship from the ground up and swung a baseball bat into it like ok i need to take a business month to process this for reasons known and unknown, my bags r packed up at the airport, who cares abt my chem grade, it is sabbatical time WHEWW
i am so happy that you made the troubleverse part of your day it is an honor to have you connect the dots from your perspective and see how everything is playing out!! you in my brain ill make you congee BAHAH you've been the only one to put some of the dots together for the final arc (or at least voice it, thank you for being brave) and i will neither confirm nor deny but your analysis is pretty spot on for someone who binge read it today thank you so much!!
study for chem no rest for the weak >:( love youu
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taeriilight · 2 years
the 𝐓𝐀𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐈 way┊͙✧˖*°࿐
- things I have manifested + how
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☆ my body was shaped like a rectangle 💀
☆ I didn't have a lot of friends
☆ I was very average looking-
☆ I was really dissatisfied with my life
☆ I used to have a second-hand mobile phone that didn't work well...
☆ I was struggling with my sub channel ( I had like 800 subscribers when I started using loa )
☆ I was a huge introvert
☆ I used to have uneven skin tone and acne all over my face
☆ I have a curvy pear shaped body <3
☆ I'm friends with literally every single person in my school lmao
☆ I love living my life istg
☆ I look ETHEREAL- my eyes have def gotten bigger and my lips got plumper ++ I had a growth spurt making my legs longer than before !!
☆ I have a brand new, *really pretty* phone [ I have a phone reveal in my ig highlights 'me being me' if anyone's interested 😀 ]
☆ my channel is growing rapidly :))
☆ I am the most extroverted person you'll ever come across in your life sksksk
☆ I have clearer skin and I love myself now
[ based on true facts, I'm not scripting here lmao, I'm just telling y'all this because sometimes even I doubt whether ppl on internet are just scripting or they actually manifested smth 💀 ]
( ♡ ) I'd ignore the fact that I have acne all over my face and then I'd pretend I'm a model with perfect skin
( ♡ ) I'd look in the mirror and admire my body like "ermm I'm so pretty damn", and then as usual, daydream of myself having my desired body
( ♡ ) while making my subs, I'd make them as if I'm making them for thousands of people, putting out my best I could
( ♡ ) I'd talk to myself all the time while pretending I'm a celebrity 😩
this is the best tip i can give you ngl-
i manifested so many things with 0 effort and you can too !!
the easiest way to manifest is to decide something is yours and then completely forget about it
( ♡ ) to make people interact with me, I'd make up scenarios and conversations in my head :D
I'd say their lines in my head and think their thoughts for them, p.s. I'd narrativize the whole thing as if it's a fanfiction
( ♡ ) I wrote in my diary that I want a new phone ( this reminds me, you know there is ALWAYS a method that works for you yk? it can be scripting, visualising, subs, 3-6-9 method or simply persisting <3 for me it's DEFINITELY scripting tbh )
tips & tricks ;)
🎀 act 'as if' you already have what you desire, fake it till you make it
🎀 literally be delusional af istg, let people call you crazy or whatever just ignore them
🎀 don't 'wait' for it to arrive, know it's yours
🎀 pinterest vision boards >>>
🎀 just decide it's yours and let it go, if you don't see results in the mirror, persist that it's already there even if you can't see it
🎀 stop watching videos on 'how to manifest xxxx', instead live in the assumption that you already have it
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whydowelove · 3 years
Hi there! Found your blog and I love how you put in so much effort you put in to describe your ships. So... could you ship me with the boyz please?
Few facts about myself:
1) 98 liner, ENFJ-T, currently an undergraduate majoring in Human Resources and minoring in Psychology. Ermm... other than that I'm Cancer sun&moon with a Scorpio rising.
2) Personality-wise: I'm known to be very driven and ambitious. Able to multitask very well. I'm also family-oriented and loyal to a fault. Will stand up for my family and friends. To my friends and family, I'm like their pillar of strength where they go to if they need help or a listening ear. I can come off as aggressive in terms of work as I'm result-oriented. I'm the mom friend of the group, bubbly and can be loud most of the times. Could get moody as well. Lastly... I'm quite enjoy staying at home. Even though I love staying at home, I enjoy going out to arcades, movies, theme parks or cafes.
3) Hobbies: singing, dancing, listening to music, sleeping, watching anime and horror movies, reading, surfing the net, hanging out with friends (eating and chatting), gaming (mobile games), cooking
4)My preference in a guy... I would want someone who supports me in my dreams and ambitions. Someone who is driven and ambitious as well, family-oriented and protective over me (i'll be the same of course). Someone who listens and has my back at all times. Loyal, funny, witty and can hold any types of conversation with me (meaningless banter to deep psychological topics). I would appreciate someone who is affectionate and physically clingy at times. Someone down to earth and loves staying at home as well 🤣
Thank you and love your work!
HiHi!! Thank you sm for ur kind words and also good for u !! (Abt school) and I am a cancer as well 🙃 I hope this is ok !
In The Boyz I ship you with Sangyeon !!
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The vibes y’all give off are so similar
I both give off really parent kind of vibes if that makes sense
You guys are really similar yet so different which is why you guys get along so well
We all know how caring Sangyeon is and he’s also really down to earth
He just fits ur preference so well pls 😭
He supports u all the way omg
I feel like when you have some huge project, he will go even if he’s not allowed he just wants to see u do ur thing
Idek how to do explain this :’)
He’s really funny and y’all laugh a lot bc of it
If ur in a bad mood he will crack a small joke and give you that weird look he makes a lot when he thinks he made a funny joke (pls tell me yk what I’m talking abt)
It’s so heavenly istg
I feel like u guys would have some interesting date ideas and activities to do together
One of them is where u guys pick songs for the other person to learn and sing/make a cover of (?)
Idk, just a cool idea ig
He’s really curious abt ur major and asks a lot of questions, be he’s genuinely curious
Oh and another “date” would be playing games all day together
lololol lemme join
Y’all’s relationship is so healthy bc it both really loyal and too busy trying to achieve ur dreams to focus on anyone else
Ok but he literally fits ur preference perfectly and idk what else to add 😭
Oh when one of u is angry it usually calms down after like 20 minutes bc u guys like to actually communicate or try to understand each other unlike some other people 🙄
U visit the dorm often and the boys love u sm
They literally joke saying ur the mom and sangyeon is the dad 😭
Sangyeon adores u bc of how cool and independent u are !!!!!!
When ur laying in his arms asleep or smth he’ll just stare at u for a bit and just think abt every amazing thing you’ve ever done
He’s just always thing about you !
Also he loves to watch u interact with the boys, he thinks is adorable and sometimes hilarious when ur arguing with the younger boys or the other 98 liners 😭
I can just imagine him laughing his ass off bc ur arguing with Sunwoo and Eric for being dumb
And then u usually argue with Juyeon as a joke bc ur the same age, he’s so aloof and u take advantage of it sometimes which makes it funny 😭
Sangyeon just wants to wife u up so badly 😩😩
Ok sorry this was so bad 😭 my writing has gone downhill lately
- Photo cr to rightful owners
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judas-escariot · 7 years
1. What’s your favourite food?
Don’t have any, there’s too many delicious things
2. What’s your favourite place to eat?
At home, I guess. As simple as that.
3. Someone you hate?
I hate no one.
4. Someone you like? (friends way)
I like all my friends as I don’t have so many.
5. Crush?
I’d have answered Jiyong here but as there is a question regarding celebrity crushs I guess he’s not fitting here, but anyways. Besides him, yea, maybe I got one. Not sure bout that myself.
6. Got a job?
7. Dream place to visit?
8. Any plans for the future?
I wanna live in Japan or Korea or both for some time. Plus I wanna do something with art or writing as a job. And I’m anticipating the Bigbang comeback in 2020 and I’m saving money to see my kings live.
9. Who’s the last person you hugged?
Ma daddy. I’m quite antisocial.
10. Where would you go if you could travel anywhere?
11. Who’s your biggest inspiration?
I’m not sure if I could decide on only one person..? I’d name GD, CL, Suzie Grime, Luna Darko, Ardy, PersiaX, Tommy Blackout and probably more that won’t come to my mind now
12. Who’s been seen your worst and still stuck around?
My family and in a way my ex, I guess.
13. 13 reasons why… I’m staying alive?
1) There’s K-Pop. Especially GD & Bigbang. 2) There’s still so many wonderful things to be yet explored. 3) Video games. 4) Art. 5) Music in general. 6) The blue sky. 7) My friends and family. 8) Parties. 9) All the little things I love. (Quite a lot actually.) 10) My dreams. 11) Cuz someone would be sad if I would no longer be. 12) Poems and stories. 13) I still have a lot I need to experience.
14. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened? Err well I’m quite a clumsy person, so embarrassing things happen to me all the time lol. Whenever asked I cannot point out a particular one, there’s many xD
15. When was the last time you love someone?
More than two years ago. If Jiyong doesn’t count.
16. How did your last relationship end?
I broke up.
17. Do you hate any of your ex/s?
Probably a bit, but it’s gettin better.
18. What’s the biggest lie you ever told? Umm that’s difficult.. I used to lie a lot when I was younger and I’m still very good at it when I try. Cannot name a specifically terrible one tho.
19. Who did you lie to?
Nearly to everyone haha
20. Why did you lie?
Cuz I didn’t want to state the truth? Lol idk, outta various reasons. When I had time but didn’t want to meet someone, when I said I finished work even though I didn’t, when I said I love you or I’m fine even though didn’t mean it and so on, when I stole money and said I never did, when I betrayed the girl I stole the boyfriend from… Quite some shit I did.
21. What’s the biggest achievement so far?
Dunno. My graduation maybe? Completing Zelda Twilight Princess at 100%? Idk haha
22. Who’s your celebrity crush?
23. What makes you happy?
A lot of things actually. Even got a list with those things; I used to look at that when being stuck in depression. Various things. Ma fav music, people I love or feel very affectionate towards, good food, sunshine, drawing, …
24. What annoys the shit out of you?
What’s with this question ㅋㅋㅋ ermm intolerant conservative shit folks, stupid people going on ma nerves with just being a lack of brains, when the train is late or not even comming, unfairness and disrespectful fuckers. Prejudice and biased people.
25. Who makes you smile most?
Probably ma daddy
26. The last time you cried?
Err I think that was yesterday? Dunno I cry a lot
27. The last text/message you sent?
“aish I’m so boreeed I wanna go to reeperbahn festival but I missed it” (this srsly fucks me up)
28. The last person you texted/messaged?
My best friend.
29. The one thing you look for in a person?
Never thought about that. Most likely.. being open-minded? Not prejudiced and conservative? Accept me as who I am without questioning me and trying to change me or make me feel uncomfortable with those u-r-an-alien-stares?
30. What makes someone ugly?
Being not able to apologize and reflect thyself, therefore learning from mistakes.
31. What makes a good first date?
Ahh I had way to less dates to truly answer that, but I’d love it if it is super romantic❤ like going out together to a zoo or to the art gallery or an amusement park would be so wonderful! And afterwards eating something nicely and he/she walks you home after you took fotos and had lots of fun talking<3 and maybe you kiss in the end!
32. What is a good day out to you?
Hanging out with friends or family, laughing lots and doing smth you don’t do all the days.
33. Where do you shop (food)?
Like streetfood or doing shopping? For the first I love McDonald’s (yea shame on me I know) and for the latter, err, most likely Edeka lol.
34. Where do you shop (clothes)?
That differs; sometimes on the internet, even though I like trying on and walking stores physically the best. I buy wherever I find smth matchin my style. Often H&M, surprisingly.
35. SS of your recent call list.
Uff I’ll add that later, it’s not so very interesting tho
36. Biggest ship?
GDYB!!! (Yea sorry Nyongtory-guys I just cannot get that at all😂😂) + Tardy and Ereri. Had to mention them.
37. Ask me any question.
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