#eppy i miss you
Brian Epstein dressed for the races, 1963
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patsault · 20 days
i’m sorry that i overthink i’m sorry i’m hard to love i’m just a scared of loosing you.
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starsweepers · 11 months
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....so 👉👈
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juaneloriginal · 24 days
The Narrys :3
@bookshopsandtea The nar! i like him, kinda reminds me of my own nar
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@owlfromthemeadow He looks so cool- i love that its inspired by the beginner's guide too aka: my favourite game of all time
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@lilydoesdrawsometimes MOSS MOSS MOSS MOSS MOSS MOSS MOSS MOSS MOSS MOSS MOSS *crying emoji*
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@thechaotichorselord B A S T A R D, here you go pookie :3 made him look extra annoyed just for u
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@galacticatzzart i LOVED her design, its just so nice, i had fun drawing her :3
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@finnleywiththesillys G U Y, gosh i missed drawing him so much, he so silly
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@rick-ety ghuhg, your guy- omg, i love him/p he was SO FUN to draw jsjjsjsjs
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@employee052 OLD MAN, he so iconic i love his design a ton tehehe
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@ihazmunchies91 THIS GUY -S E R I O U S L Y- DOES NEED MORE ATTENTION 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ I LOVE HIM/p SO MUCH, OMG
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@marionette-j2x I LOVE YOU GUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUYYYYYYYYYYY, i struggled doodling him a lil, i will probably draw him again, teeheheh
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@altyem b i r d, he is so handsome! tried to draw his design as best as i could!
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@felonius-glitch he so pretty like- he is just to pretty, had a ton of fun drawing him
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@thestanleyparablenctks m a n- i tried my best- again with his design, im not sure if i pulled it off but like- i like it! and i like him too :3
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@asksleepymclean CLAWS, im a big fan of big nails, bro looks so smugy i love it
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@bucketfullofstrawberries webo Egar Edgar silly guy jsjsjsjjs i love his design so much, i struggled with his hair a ton, seen him multiple times bfore too, i like his design a ton
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@tspstuff ESCORPION NO WAY, i struggled a lil with him too, it was really fun drawing tho!
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aaand thats it!
me knows i left some Narrys, i will draw them tomorrow, now im eppy
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onionninjasstuff · 5 months
EPPY NEW YEAR (also belated happy birthday sorry I missed it lol🎂)
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Enjoy your dynamite free pastry 👍
AAAA HI TASEN!!!! eepy belated new year!!! missed interacting with you dude <3
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thoughts on ren and stimpy eppy one
- first part is so blatantly triumph bait the concept is the most deviantart shit ever i LOVE it
- but the execution was subpar
- idk why this couldnt be a follow-up of The Last Temptation, it would have been such a power move to do that but beggars cant be chosers
- ending was confusing
- first i saw this without my hearing aid so i thought i was missing context like okay Jan is a relative of Mr and Mrs Pipe and this is like, to slowly introduce them to new audiences or something but no
- i dont understand the aversion of using the Pipes again what the fvck was that…its like if you ordered them off shein what a strange soulless decision
- would have been objectively better and more comedic if we got both of them there would be no drawbacks…come on dude
- sega please hire this man
- i want this to be a 3d platformer this is so awesome
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i-live-for-lennon · 4 months
I Want You
my first take at mclennon smut
nsfw, smut, fluff, paul x john, cussing
**the boys are on holiday in miami in 1964. they are left in the vacation house house alone while brian is out on the town. george, ringo, and paul are having a blast in the pool as john is fully clothed on a reclined chair reading a melancholy novel. paul takes note of john’s absence and decides to say something.**
“mates, i’m going to check on john. you lot stay here.” ordered paul as he climbed out of the pool.
“alright macca. guess i’m just gonna have to dunk ringo under then!” george exclaimed excitedly and he lurched to ringo in the water
“what? GEO NO- BRLURPBRULP…” ringo was drowned out by the splashes from george
paul shook his head as he grabbed a towel and strutted to john, muttering under his breath “i swear i’m the only normal one here, and that says something”
even under the darkly tinted sunglasses, paul could feel john’s piercing gaze and hesitantly took the seat next to the man who was in full pants and a black sweater despite it being 90 degrees. unsure what to say, paul took an accidental sharp inhale and john’s head turned to face the nervous kid.
“why you missing out on all the fun love?” john smirked as he slowly pulled down his shades to expose his eyes. the same eyes that made paul both nervous and safe, warm yet fresh, old but new.
“oh well yknow, i just wanted to check on you since you are being more antisocial than unusua l…” paul stumbled out these words and his eyes, almost instinctively, flashed to john’s hands. “not sure if the others noticed but i saw that you keep tugging at your suit a whole lot yesterday”
“eppy got my suit too tight. i swear it’s only cause he wants to see what he’s missing” john sneered and his face turned into a more menacing stare.
paul knew it was more than the whole brian thing. paul knew john better than that. paul knew something was up. ‘i mean i have to know’ paul reasoned in his mind while his thoughts were racing ‘i have know this bloke forever and i know something is off… right??’
as paul quietly ruminated in his frantic inner monologue, john turned, confused by the silence, “you there princess? geez one time i don’t talk about music or you and you’ll just clam right up” he scoffed “yknow paul i was really hoping america wouldn’t change you. but i guess i was wrong. guess i was wrong about you…” john trailed off as he raised his sunglasses back up to cover his eyes that were welling with tears.
“john what is up?? this is coming out of the blue and YOU have been weird since we got to america. you have been isolating yourself and blame me for what you are doing? absolutely not. i know you are struggling but you need to take some accountability mate!” paul was exasperated when he said this.
“paulie, i can’t do it. i’m not pretty like you. i’m not handsome like george. and i’m not cute like ringo.” john said, defeated
“oh come off it! you know you are smart and charming and you have a wife for christs sake!”
“but cyn only married me cause i knocked her up. she doesn’t truly love me. no one does and at this rate no one ever will.”
“john that’s not the truth and you know that. cyn loves ya. and you know you should be glad. and even if she’s not the one forever, there is someone that will love you, i know it. you’re too beautiful to be ignored.”
“but paul look at me! i’m huge and my nose is terrible and my belly bulges and my voice cracks and you and i can never really love each other and-“
john’s rant was suddenly stopped by a kiss from paul. both of them pulled out of it and stared in utter shock.
paul nervously said “john god i’m so sorry. i don’t know what came over me. i just, just wanted to help-“
“oh won’t you please please help me. come on let’s talk inside. away from the children” john grabbed paul’s hand and walked him into the vacation home.
paul turned back to look at the ‘children’. george and ringo hadn’t noticed what just happened and were still splashing around. paul shook his head for two reasons: 1) he could always count on george and ringo for laugh and 2) he couldn’t wait for what was in store for him inside with john…
as the duo walked inside they went into john’s room and paul sat on his bed. john took off his sunglasses and set them on the dresser next to portable turntable he brought for the trip. while near it, john picked an old jazz record and placed it on. with the scratch of the record, the soft music was on.
paul chuckled and john smiled when the familiar tune came on. this was a record that would constantly play at paul’s house when they were kids. john would come over for guitar lessons, trying to drown the vinyl out with their rock n roll strumming.
still rubbing the water out of his hair he noticed john take off his sweater and immediately cross his arms over stomach.
“john. yknow i think you’re perfect. yknow that.” paul said while trying to console the other man.
“no i’m really not, half of what i say is meaningless but thank you” john say next to him on the bed, blushing.
paul’s hand inched over to john’s and grabbed it. “i love you johnny. i love you so so much. every part of you. i love your snide remarks and rhythm guitar and cheeky smile. even your flaws i love. even you i love” paul confessed while looking at john’s hands, too afraid to look him in the eye.
john took his free hand, grabbed paul’s face, and held it. “macca, i don’t deserve you. but since i got you, i’ll never let you go” johns other hand tightened its grip on paul’s hand as he kissed paul.
that funny feeling was back again.
slowly, but with growing confidence, their hands ran across each other’s chests. the gentle kissing had escalated and the two were tugging at each others lips, slowly forgetting the space around them.
john laid on his back and paul climbed on top, lips never separating. paul reached to unbutton john’s shirt, but john pulled away, hands over his chest.
“john,” paul said while firmly grabbing john’s chin in his hand “don’t you trust me?”
john turned back to paul, moved his hands to paul’s waist, and nodded. with john’s approval, paul unbuttoned john’s shirt. now both were shirtless and moans and gulps of air came between the two making out.
“hey paulie?”
“mhmm?” paul hummed, not moving his mouth
“can you take off your trunks? the pool water is gonna ruin my trousers” john said, a chuckle escaping him
paul giggled and slid them off. he then helped john unbuckle his belt and open his trousers. paul stayed down there and pulled out john’s member.
paul gulped at the size and took it in. john inhaled sharply and his back arched slightly at the new sensation. paul picked up the pace and john was unsure of what to do with his hands. with a sudden surge of confidence, john ran his fingers through paul’s hair and held on tightly. john slowly pulled up and pushed down to help paul out.
“fucking hell macca” john said, breathless. both were letting moans slip, almost in rhythm with the slow jazz playing.
after a few minutes of this, paul order john to flip over. john smiled and happily obliged. john laid on his stomach and paul climbed on top again. pauls hands slithered up the johns neck and tugged.
“shit...” john breathed out
“damn. and i haven’t even done anything yet”
at this exact moment a new song came on. this one was fast and started with a bang. when the first trumpet blared paul put it in john and john lost his breath and his cool.
“for fucks sake paul! how do you-hmm- oh my god how do you do that!?” john yelped as paul picked up the pace. paul pants, circling his hips and slamming back into john.
paul’s head drops to john’s shoulder and softly bites at his neck. paul is on the verge of finishing and john can sense it. in a quick motion, john turns paul over and enters him.
“oh darling!” paul yelps but john quickly shushes him
“shhh! they might hear us dear!” john giggles while moving slowly. john goes back to running his hands through his hair.
john speeds up and paul pleads “johnny please don’t stop please…” his words lost all meaning and became loud moans
john grunted and swore under his breath. sweat dripped from his forehead and on paul’s shoulder. in a heat of the moment decision, he licked it off and paul lost all control at this point and his supporting arms gave out and he collapsed on the bed.
terrible noises were coming from the two of them as john finished in paul. john followed suit and collapsed on paul.
they breathed heavily and paul turned under john to face him. they both smiled
“god i missed your face paulie.”
“i love you too johnny boy”
**moonlight serenade by glenn miller and his orchestra swells as the two fall asleep in each others arms**
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ashipiko · 1 year
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SUMMON: Waaah! This is so hypesies! Teehee, this birthdays gonna be a blast! Lets party, y’all!
HOME IDLE 1: My bday fedora…! It’s back! One of the biggest things I missed from back home…! Acey really knows me well, doesn’t he?!
HOME IDLE 2: Leona gifted me a floatie! IG he knows my love for the tropical vibes, huh? This means I’ve gotta pester him at Savanaclaw more often~!
HOME IDLE 3: Eppy gave me SO MUCH CIDER. This is enough for an entire lifetime… I’m gonna have the time of my life with all of this!
HOME IDLE LOGIN: See, I told you today was gonna be hype! My bdays always the best day of the year~
HOME TAP 1: So much food! It’s like a banquet over here! Not that I’m complaining… Food is at the top of my list for faves!
HOME TAP 2: NGL, I never thought hosting a bday party at my workplace could be so cool. Like, who knew Monstro Lounge could be such a sick place for a party?!
HOME TAP 3: You guys brought all my favorite fruits?! Mangoes of all kinds, lychees, jackfruits— MANGOSTEENS?! I’m gonna start crying…!
HOME TAP 4: Apparently there’s gonna be a giant show happening, hosted by Acey! Kinda looking forward to it, though I feel like it’s gonna be so goofy…
HOME TAP 5: My rizz really is unmatched, huh? So many prezzies and so many people! Hehe, it’s the Ashi charm, I’m telling you~
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danjaley · 1 year
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Matthew: Ish Shonathan here? Ah called at hish a’’artment, but Sharah ‘old me he’sh no’ a’ home.
Rosalie: No, I haven’t seen him. Probably you just missed him. Didn’t Sarah say where he went or when he might return?
Matthew: No.
Eppie: Perhaps he’s “not at home to anyone”.
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Rosalie: Not when it’s Matt! Although – perhaps Sarah didn’t realize this applies to some people more than to others. I do wonder why Jonathan took her in, if he’s not little Mary’s father.
Eppie: He's being charitable, as more people should be! It’s not Sarah’s fault, and certainly not Mary’s that Mr Warren had his way with her.
Rosalie: Eppie!
Eppie: What? I’m dealing with this sort of case every other week!
Matthew: Ah’ll go an’ try a’ain then…
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hard-core-super-star · 8 months
its 11:36pm and i feel eppy so i’ll just leave it here
old friend from school whos kate used to have a crush on but after years they met again and it’s up to how it’s gonna end anget or fluff
iended up being busy all day yesterday so forgive me for taking so long and for how messy this will be. i keep forgetting what tags i use for these rip anyways, i love this idea, here you go:
you run into kate on your way out of an old coffee shop you’ve frequented since high school. she barely manages to stop herself from slamming into you and your drink somehow manages to come out unscathed. [unlike her pride]
there's a second of confusion, and annoyance, before you both recognize each other.
it's been years since you've spoken to each other, and even longer since you've been face-to-face, but your eyes soften instantly when they meet hers.
she sputters out an apology, pale cheeks turning rosy in the span of a few seconds, and you can't help but chuckle, muttering out a teasing comment about how little she's changed. [the comment makes her blush more which only makes her more adorable in your book]
she nervously asks you if you have time to sit and talk, her bottom lip caught between her teeth while she waits for your answer. you agree despite the small bits of awkwardness that linger in the air between you.
she orders herself a coffee with way too much sugar while you find a quiet table for the both of you. you're unable to stop yourself from admiring her from afar and wondering why she stopped talking to you all those years ago. you always thought you did something to upset her but you were clearly wrong considering the size of the smile on her face.
she joins you after a few minutes and you wait for the horrible small talk that never comes. instead, kate dives right into a story about this new bow she bought and how ridiculously overpriced it is.
you're not expecting her to treat you with so much familiarity but it's suddenly like no time has passed and you're back in high school, playfully arguing with her while she walks you to class.
you don't know how much time you spend at that table, exchanging inside jokes and stupid stories with the archer, you just know it's the best day you've had in a while.
it gets infinitely better when kate offers to walk you home and she not-so-subtly makes a comment about how much she's missed you.
you don't fully understand the weight of her words yet but you know there's no way you're letting her walk out of your life again. [and she has absolutely no problem with that]
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redraven3093 · 11 months
Catching Up with Phil's QSMP VOD
3rd July
Oh Chat makin Cookies?- HI PHIL!-E-eppy Phil
Oh maybe to Vidcon,- I mean French is in fire rn.
YEAH-yo wtf??? The qusest today?
Ah Super Hero theme today eh?-ah it cant fly now eh?
A GIANT SQUID??- nah fam they are not doin that- a leo Themed?-stream o plaine
Safety first- oh wait its broken?-oh it did?-ugh got bad felling about it
Yeah its fixed-hopefully
LET HIM COOK-omg god look at that bag
Rare food?- oh shit the end fruit!!-Bone Soup
YEH ADVENTURE-wait why is fit with Dapper?
Lol the poison Spider- Phil pls- I mean BBH is expensive- OMG BBH DON’T HAVE THAT
Lol dragon magic- OMG THAT’S HOW THE GOT EM???-that’s bs Phil
Oh hi Tubbo
RIGBY 2.0 LETS GOO- a whale?- oh its Dapper
Kitties! :D- oh? The Cat that survived the Big blow ystrday r8??- OH???
Oh yeah 4th of Jully-YAH FUQ THE MONARCHY
Omg the Island is Fukin with them
Shinny!-Lol fake- SPIDERSS-omg the fancy Twins –
Yeah mission are BS rn-oh tempting the gods are we?- lol summoning Cucurucho phil ur son right there
Lol dapper-Lol Chayanne
Ah yes the Parents Gossip time- Yeah VID CON!-
PFft- FIT PLS- o mg
Welp they done I guess-Rare fruit time!- 1 done and many bs along the way to go
Ohh cool sword- HOLY SHIT –
Yeah that would be Crazy~-I MEAN-
WHAT??!!OMG- Phil and Fit  have so many Illegal shit omg
Lol- YEAH NEW MISSIONS- lol it crashed- Black Mail POG
Omg its still there- break the ruleee
Of course u did phil
Opp there goes Ramon and Chayanne-  boys wil be boys- they all lost it- RAMON NO
Phil is so Scared to be left with others egg
Hi Dapper- WTH? Where do you get that thing??- holly shit?- yeah 2009-2013 Vidio game rumours are crazy
Lol Chayanne is clearly alt tabbing
Guys pls it’s a place of holly matrimony – what is that?
NO more Marriges- lol
Time to pay I guess- oh god they did miss a few
Lol Chayanne- Yeah Dapper join in!
Lol yeah cmone chayanne why so stiff?- good lord Chayanne is living that admin life rn
Oh kitty- CAT CAT- catcucurucho- holy the cat is immortal
Kil the cat Chayanne- CIA CAT
Oh god Philza and Fit is just a menace
Oh? Chayanne u invited someone?- Dapper pls
OPP WE GOT EM BOIS!- Walter Bob??-Come on dude we just wanna talk
Omg fit pls- YEAH if BBH cant do it then no one can do it
Bad hair btw- oh yeah that ankle thingy-opp rainbow
Best bob
Omg Chayanne is Alt tab- he’s in emergency meeting
Ah! They’ve gone to Ramon’s Barber shop nice
Still waiting- Okk at least we get reconsiderations- Waltuh
Thank yu for yur service WALTUH
It wont break the emergences- break the holly mellon
Yeah they all alt tabbing- “in my scientific reason-
Wat if he Forgo-opp wher did they go?
Do you get paid bob?- is it good pay
Lol Hot tub stream- YEAH NEW MISSION
Thanks Bob!- thanks KIDS- ah yes a loop hole
WAT??- new moshrom island
Omg the kids was fightin for their life for that thing
Omg- Yey island- ahh brings back memories
Lol Sussy baka Phil- Oh they found one- oh not that one
Oh? An Illegal Villager Farm- BY AYEPIERR?!
Where are the going?
Omg dapper pls- HOT NEWBLACK MAIL LETS GOOO- good god this place is confusing
 Oh the found it YEY
Oh no-FIT PLS-Trauma in coming
Fit is a charmer-oh Hey Baghera
Omg that thing is ugly
Opp Bye Fit bye Ramon
Im really dozing off finishing this Drawings
Hi BBH- oh wait Crimson Forest?
Yeah give Bad the scoop
Yeah its weird-welp time to chill I guess- oh shiny Fish- NOO it died rip
Still waiting
Weird bunny is so hard to find ugh
Wat is happening with Baghera rn?
Rescue mission?- Yeah get the kids to safety first- opp crashing
Server Close??- are we chill today?- oh hey Tommy
Yeah we back- opp cant see Dapper- uhh not sure coming with them is a good idea kids
Oh noo-welp guess we alone now-shit trauma~-
Yeah Rabbit sound fine-opp BBH? Ah so he did needs help-oh shit where is Dapper?
Dapper pls buddy don’t just jump where is danger kid- wait? Dapper isn’t there?-
oh there is Pomme too?- we cant see her-okk bye
ok following you king- yeah the train is soo awesome
opp guess we still searching
Cucurucho??-yey bunny- is the bunny normal?
Yeah safety first kiddo
Etoiles???- u okay sir???
Yeah Do your Magic King- oh shit it attacks!- oh no king
Thanks, Dapper-oh shit that wikked
Oh shit- fuq off!- yu won’t fight today?
No- Don’t go ANYWHERE near Tallulah you Bastard
Oh they are fuking with us at this point- Fuk
Oh hey baghera
Yeah Those binary bastards are so cruel- they cant attack while election?- opp bye Baghera
Oh hey Dapper wat are yu doing bud?- Omg lol
That’s not how fair trades work Phil
Yeah  the cats are clearly sus like random animals cant just appeared tamed out of no where
And only admins can killem
Opp Red Vine???- of course YOU would find them nice Bad-LOL
OHHH- prteey- okay chayanne stay safe
   Yay it work- BIG LAD-cant put him in a cage- YEAH LET EM ROAM AROUND!
YEAHHHH The Wither Skeleton Head is Cooler
Hah~ it remind us of him
Opp? Oh Yeah no u right Pomme is in way to many danger rn
Aww- yeah you go Rest King-
PHIL no Spoilers for the Spider kid movie
?? he breaks the rule of frame break?-  omg ANIMATION POG
Hobbie is so cool- yes Brtish Anarchist Spider
Wait who’s Signs is that? OH LEO’S
Kay get some rest Kiddo
Big stress- Lol Chayanne is gone FAST-
Go eat yur cake Phil
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granhairdo · 1 year
A Comprehensive Review of A Little in Love by Susan Fletcher
Disclaimer: Everyone can interpret the original book however they want, this is just me comparing how I viewed the original book to this. You and the author of this novel might have interpreted Éponine quite differently than I did :)
Ever since I heard there was a novel from Éponine’s perspective, I’ve been very curious to read it. It took me a few months, but I eventually bought myself an eBook copy and read it. But to be quite honest, I didn’t really like it.
My problem with this novel isn’t necessarily an issue with the content, and more of an issue about what was promised from it, which led me to have issues with the content.
The Amazon description states that it stays true to Victor Hugo’s novel, which I find a lie. This could have just been the author’s interpretation of the character, but to me if feels more like fanfiction of the musical with some added novel characters than a full fledged published book based off the original novel.
Now, I can see why bits of the content was toned down a little bit. This was a novel intended for a young teenage audience (12-15) so some of the more adult themes needed to be cut, which is understandable as it’s for a younger age group. But it seemed like cutting wasn’t a problem with this, it really just got rid of mentions of sex or suicide, and that was about it. It even elaborated on the harsh realities of street life, which I did find enjoyable. 
I didn’t completely hate this novel, I did enjoy a bit of it. I really enjoyed the writing style, it felt as if Susan Fletcher was really experienced in writing these sorts of period novels (I’m not familiar with her so maybe she does focus on period pieces like this). I also really enjoyed how she took scenes that weren’t really shown in the novel and made them big moments in Éponine’s life. 
Now onto my issues. My biggest issue with this novel is how Éponine is portrayed. To me, in this she feels far too innocent and righteous. Don’t get me wrong, Éponine in the original book has a righteous and protective side to her, but it isn’t her entire personality.
At first, as this is in first person POV, I thought that that her righteous way of describing herself was just an act she was putting on in her own head, portraying herself as the hero in her own mind. Which that is a very interesting thought on its own, but that’s not what the deal was in this. She carries her righteous thoughts into her actions as well, not doing anything wrong, which to me turns her into more of a Mary Sue than a corrupt street girl.
They cut out the whole “Éponine leading Marius to the barricade” thing from the book, and turned it more into a “Im gonna follow Marius to the barricade to protect him” which is basically how it went in the musical, but the musical doesn’t promise to be brick-accurate.
I also just find the whole puberty side plot at the beginning of it kind of annoying. It just feels like super forced relatability. I mean maybe if I had this book as an angsty hormonal 13 year old, I might have found that nice and relatable. 
If you want to write a book about relatable teenhood��� please write about Cosette. (It might be my ‘I love Cosette’ brain telling me this, though). But in the original novel, Cosette had such a relatable teenhood that can be applied in the modern era. Just give her her first period and some new boobs and throw that into a 300+ page book, now I’d read that.
This book feels like it’s targeted at a strangely specific audience. But the problem is that audience is 14 year old ‘Eppi-boppers’ from 2013, and honestly as a former Eppi-bopper, I would have loved this book. But the problem is that this was published far after the “Eppi-bopper era” from like 2012-2015, so it kind of missed its time. If this book were published like 4 years earlier it would have been a HUGE success.
Also, I nearly peed my pants in laughter at the end because the last line was “love never dies” and all my stupid brain could think of was the shitty phantom sequel.
But long story short, I wasn’t a big fan of this book, and I don’t really recommend it for someone who has a less romanticized view of Éponine. But, if you’ve never cared for the book and only like the musical, I think you may enjoy it! Go for it! 
If you’ve read this novel before, I’m curious to see if you liked it or not.
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navysealt4t · 1 year
hihi i'm listening to the anastasia musical soundtrack and you're the resident musicals enjoyer so i thought i'd tell you! also i feel like i haven't spoken to you in ages so hi! how's your day going?
OMG YAY <3333 anastasia is like my favorite musical ever (well it’s a contest between anastaisa and hunchback of notre dame) excited to hear ur thoughts >:)))
and yeah!!!! we haven’t talked much recently school has been kicking my ASS lol. all my missing work is due tomorrow so i’m like grinding bc i have 2 Fs lol. and finals week is next week 😭😭 fuck it we ball but i’m VERY EXCITED for school to be out :] today has been pretty good besides being eppy. i’m actually confident for the test i’m taking in like an hour lol. how are you !!!!
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opla thots through eppie 5 so my brain don't explode:
i'm actually very pleasantly surprised. largely the stuff that is bad is stuff i expected and a lot of things are much better than i expected so like helleth yes we win
kobyyyyyyy perfect 100% i get why they're tying the marines in more for story purposes and idc honestly bc i get to see koby
helmeppo also good tho i could have done without seeing his full cheeks
as a fan there are a lot of small moments that really don't impact the overall story much but i did miss. like toppling the morgan statue. or sanji being present for the mihawk fight to see that devotion to a dream that motivates him to get on the sea. or the catboy being changed to a catgirl that one made me mad. but again does not affect the overall thing so w/e.
casting is so stupid spot on perfect and i've been saying that the whole time but good lord every new character is so insanely good
that said. they really desexied benn beckman. rip king.
why are luffy and usopp the only characters allowed to be fun. where is weird fun hardass grandpa garp. where is any major zoro dumbass moment. he's had a few but we can do better. oh my god i just realized jango wasn't here WHERE IS HE FUCK YOU. THE MENTION OF MIRRORBALL ISLAND IS NOT ENOUGH.
they did largely forget one piece is a comedy which i literally voiced as a worry out loud with my human mouth like an hour before i started watching. pain.
the design is largely extremely good. the costumes fuck every single time. cgi looks better than expected so i'm pretty pleased.
that said. the fishmen look like fucking dogshit i cannot take them seriously. i appreciate that they're using practical effects but my god they're so so so bad just for the fishmen.
on the other hand. enamored with the dendenmushi. they're real and they're vile and i want one soooooo bad
impressed that luffy's fx don't look way worse the only one i think looks bad is balloon and that's. tough.
kuro was very good what a little freak
buggy was. fine. i didn't love him like everyone else seems too i just think they took him in the wrong direction a touch
mihawk looks so good but i hate his accent he sounds bizarre to me
lotta brits in here i was not expecting. not the worst but like. huh.
i keep seeing folks in the tag praising the colors and how it's not dark and muddy and i don't think we were watching the same show. the clothes pop and sometimes they'll light a scene but any scene in the dark even a little bit is so washed out and bad looking it's got that netflix stank all over it like most of the circus tent and garp's ship and the final syrup village fight are dark jumbles
also why did we need two goddamn episodes for syrup village. that seems excessive. i feel like they could have cut things differently and ended up with more time for like. actual adaptation stuff.
zoro crying on the dock was so perfect no notes iconic moment
i did tear up when sanji first appeared so. there is that.
also when zoro one handed lifts that big safe. okay king!
zoro is too smart also in ways that he shouldn't be it's bothering me so much. like when he translates usopp's big wordy bullshit he does not know what those words meannnnn
that said. which way is port. it's to the left. ah okay. stands there and does nothing because he doesn't know which way left is either. also gets lost on his way to a house that's ten feet away and visible. more of this we need more of this so bad.
easter eggs so good so fun. cavendish wanted poster. island of weird animals in the end credits. certainly more i didn't catch. mwah we love it.
dialogue sucks shit also the worst element of the show is by far the writing where like the plot is fine the way they rearranged things doesn't bother me if i wanted the exact story in order i'd read it again but the actual lines they write are mostly so stupid bad and generic. every so often they hit on a good one but it's generally lifted straight from the manga.
they didn't even get gold roger's speech right. he didn't say he left it all in one piece. that's the fucking. it's the whole thing of it innit.
oh i need to mention cabaji specifically weird they gave him so much focus and backstory but he looked PERFECT i was hollering
i miss reggie tho
usopp asking a gay man and an aroace man if they think a girl likes him. they do not know bro.
also i love every shipper being like WE WON listen man i'm a shipper too and the only folks who won were the usokaya hets out there everything else is just as canon as it's always been (read: not even a little bit lmao)
now that said. opla usolu is Something which is wild bc i have never once been on this train but it hits different. not enough to make me abandon aroace luffy but still.
okay one more thing. zoro being in the stocks for 0.5 seconds to keep his job that he abandons immediately anyway instead of being there for weeks in exchange for the safety of a little girl sucks. it takes away so much of his character and feels like such a critical misstep to me but i'm also the zoro guy so idk.
anyway. overall very excited to finish the season and hoping we get more. it's surpassed my (admittedly low) expectations despite my issues with it and it's worth sticking with for sure.
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doomednarrative · 10 months
hi! as a fellow hell bros-obsessed person i am delighted to inform you that if you don't mind only half-understanding what's going on (which is already pretty par for the course with zi-o), there's some EXTREMELY GOOD (read: psychologically damaging) hell bros content in the kabuto eppies which don't require that much context of zi-o itself :)
Hello!! I Have heard about the zi o episodes! I was gonna wait til I get to zi o to watch them but like. Considering that will take me fuckin forever since I'm fairly new to rider and I've only finished three of the heisei seasons, I might just go for it honestly. I want to see them again I miss them already
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