#elyana lozier
faofinn · 1 year
DAY 10: difficulty breathing
When Fao’s phone rang in the middle of the night, he startled awake, fumbling for it in the dark. He’d been out for dinner that night, definitely wasn’t sober, but the adrenaline was already doing a pretty good job of fixing that. They didn’t give him much information over the phone, just that they’d got a GSW and their rough location, in code so they’d be safe if anyone else happened to be listening. They were too far out to get back to the basement, and Fao would need to meet them halfway to treat. 
He woke Ely, gave her a quick update, and pulled on some clothes, the first thing he found on the floor, his shirt and trousers from the evening. He didn’t have time to go looking for anything else, and bolted out of the house. There was kit in his car, and he knew there was kit in the van. He wasn’t sure what he’d need, but between both he’d probably have everything he needed. He sped through the streets to the meet location he’d been given, ditched his car somewhere safe, and scrambled into the van. 
“What am I doing? Talk to me.” He asked breathlessly. 
Harrison had become combative as he deteriorated, struggling between conscious and not. It scared the men, and they'd all taken a step back, too uncomfortable to help.
Fao was a welcome sight, his reputation preceding him. 
"Uh, Harrison got shot. He won't let us near him, so we haven't."
Fao’s heart sank. Of course it was Harrison. “Oh, good. Just him bleed out all over the van, then.” He snapped, quickly throwing his hair up into a bun. “I need proper light, one of you sort that.” His voice was cold, commanding, rolling his sleeves up and quickly looking Harrison over. It wasn’t hard to see where the blood was coming from, and he shifted his weight to brace himself as he grabbed gauze and put as much pressure on it as he dared. “You. Come here, take over the pressure.”
“I, uh, I…” 
“Shut up, I don’t want to hear it. Cover my hands with yours and hold the pressure until I say otherwise. Unless you want to start an IV? No? Didn’t think so.” He snapped, as the other man took over. He wiped his bloody hands off on his shirt, and shifted over slightly to Harrison’s arm, eyes looking critically for a vein as he rifled through the kit. 
The pain somehow got worse. Harrison wasn't sure how, but it did. He cried out through gritted teeth, trying to arch away. It took a moment to coordinate, but he started swinging, trying to get away. 
Fao ducked out of the way, catching Harrison’s fist and gently forcing his arm back down. “Harrison? It’s okay, you’re okay. It’s Fao, I’ve got you. Try and relax, you’re safe now. I’m helping, alright? Let me help.”
"He's going to hit me!"
“He’s half unconscious, try harder to dodge him.” Fao shot back. “I’m working as fast as I can.” He gritted his teeth as he tried desperately to get a vein, struggling with poor light and Harrison’s struggling. He got one eventually, shouting triumphantly. It wasn’t enough, and he wanted more access, but he could at least get some pain relief in, hopefully settle him. 
Harrison twisted as Fao shouted, whining as he tried to get away. His chest heaved as he struggled to get his breath, the feeling he was drowning all too much. 
“Sorry, sorry.” Fao soothed. “You’re okay, I’ve got you. It’s gonna be okay, Hars. Just focus on doing that breathing, let me to do the rest. Giving you something for the pain, now, gonna make it easier.” He told him, quickly checking the drug before he gave it. 
His shouts died down into cries, quiet whimpering softly to himself. The pain had started to ease slightly, making it easier to focus. It made breathing more difficult, though, and he couldn't stop the panic coursing through him. 
“You’re okay, that’s it. Well done, keep breathing for me.”
He turned his head, looking towards Fao's voice. "Help."
“I’m helping, I promise.”
"It hurts." He managed, finally managing to focus on him. 
“I know, I know. I’ve given you some painkillers, they’ll work soon.” 
"'m dying."
“No you’re not. Just focus on your breathing for me, let me sort the rest.”
"I am." 
“That’s it, good.” Fao reassured. There was so much blood, and he was really struggling to properly control it. The van went over a bump and jolted, and Fao tried to brace himself on his knees. “Fucking hell.”
Harrison whined, trying to pull away from the pain. It was everywhere, though, and there was nothing he could do.
“Well done, that’s it.” He soothed. “I’ve got you.” He stretched for his kit, rifling through to try and find what he needed. He needed a trained someone, anyone who he could trust. Not Harrison’s little team. 
Frustrated and tired, he started fighting against the other man. He got a solid elbow in their ribs, the relief of pressure against his side just bliss. 
“I know, I know.” Fao murmured, moving to try and pack the wound. 
He twisted again, curling away from Fao. His scream died on his tongue, his hands pushing against Fao's. 
“I’m sorry, I know it hurts.” Fao muttered. He was happy enough with the packing, and moved to try and get a listen to Harrison’s chest. It was loud on the van, and he struggled to keep his balance as he listened, swearing to himself. 
Harrison could feel himself slipping, the ceiling of the van swimming in and out of focus. Even the pain couldn't keep him conscious, his head lolling.
Fao’s stomach twisted as Hars lost consciousness, but he was relieved in a way. At least he wasn’t in pain. He didn’t like what he was hearing at all from his chest, and dug in his kit to find what he needed for a chest drain. It certainly wouldn’t be perfect, but it would do. He didn’t even bother talking to the other men as he grabbed a scalpel, found his landmark, and made the cut. 
He definitely felt that, and he cried out again, but he wasn't with it any more. The men beside Fao retched, especially as blood quickly poured from the drain.
Fao rolled his eyes as the men retched. What he wouldn’t give for Steve or Finn or someone. Trying to manage this completely on his own wasn’t working. He took a set of obs as best he could, blood soaking his trousers and making them cling to him. The numbers he got back were more than a bit concerning, despite his interventions, and they weren’t getting any better. Fuck. 
Harrison coughed and choked, spots of blood on his lips. His resps were through the roof, his heart rate doing its best to compensate for his blood pressure circling, for his blood volume pooling on the floor. He managed to catch Fao's eye, and he met his gaze with panic and fear in his eyes. 
Fao locked eyes with Harrison. “I’ve got you, Tomcat. You’re gonna be okay.” He told him firmly. Things were just consistently getting worse, though, and Fao felt considerably out of control. He gave as much TXA as he felt he could, but it wasn’t close to enough to help the bleeding. 
“How far out are we?” He snapped, asking whoever cared to listen. 
"We've still got at least fifteen minutes."
“Fuck’s sake.” 
Hars could feel himself slipping again, missing parts of the conversation. He grabbed for Fao's top, his hand leaving more bloodied streaks across it. 
"I want Steve."
“We’re gonna be with him really soon, Hars.” Fao murmured. “He’s gonna be waiting for us at home.”
He shook his head. "I'm not gonna make it."
“As if I’m giving up on you. I’m gonna make sure you’re okay, alright? Hold on for me.”
He knew Fao was trying his best, and he’d continue to do nothing but. He trusted Fao with his life, and they unfortunately kept ending up in situations where it was tested. It didn’t take a genius to know he wasn’t okay, and the small bit or working brain he had left had worked out it probably wasn't going to end well. 
He forced his eyes open again, though he didn't remember closing them. "It's okay."
Fao’s repeat set of obs were no better. In fact, they were worse. He swallowed thickly, digging around in his pocket for his phone. He needed to talk to Steve, needed someone medical he could talk to, to reassure him he wasn’t completely out of his mind. 
He chucked it on the floor of the van on speaker as it rang, and he prayed he’d answer. 
"Fao, talk to me. I heard the call for medical."
“It’s Hars, and it’s bad. We’re still miles out, in the back of a shitty van, and all I have is my kit.”
Hars stirred again. "Steve?"
"Hey, Hars. You causing problems for Fao, eh?" He tried to sound light for him, but even he could hear the waver in his tone. He cleared his throat. "What's happened with him? Head to toe, obs, and what kit do you have?"
“GSW, it’s gone just under his vest, entry is the abdo but exit is further up into the chest. Haemothorax on the right. I’ve got a drain in but it’s putting out so much fucking blood. Pulse 138, BP 76/50, SpO2 94 on high flow, Resps sitting at 36, he's still not getting chest rise on the right. He's with it enough, but he's starting to pass out and stay out. I've given the TXA but it's just not stopping. The floor is covered, I'm covered. It’s my kit, it’s decent. Airway kit, ket, paralytics, TXA. I’m just out of my fucking depth here, nobody else knows a fucking thing and I feel like I’m going insane.”
Steve took a moment. Well, fuck. "Right. Take a breath. Reassess, keep going ABCs. You need to get on top of that bleeding. He's not going to be able to compensate forever. Have you got anything to give? Will they follow instructions?"
“I know he won’t compensate forever.” Fao snapped. “I’ve got saline but no blood. They’re fucking useless, hadn’t touched him at all when I showed up. Not even put pressure on.”
"Fucking hell. Okay. Fluid bolus, see if that helps his pressure at all. He's not going to hold his airway by himself if he goes, so just be careful."
Fao quickly set up the fluids, wiping his hands on his trousers as he struggled with the connectors. Fluids running, he forced himself to breathe. “Alright. Fluids in. I want to sort his airway before it becomes a problem.”
"If you're thinking RSI, you need to trust they can help." 
"Steve." Harrison interrupted again, apparently unaware of the conversation. 
“I don’t think I’m going to have a choice, Steve. I’m watching him deteriorate in front of me, and we’re still miles out.”
"You can see him, not me. Do what you think is best."
Unimpressed by Steve's lack of response, he shoved at Fao with a frustrated grunt. "Steve."
Fao huffed. “Thank you, Hars.” He muttered under his breath. “He’s very insistent that he wants you, Steve.”
"Hars, we're just trying to help you."
"No." He shook his head, though Steve couldn't see, and Fao wasn't sure he didn't realise that. 
“We are, I’m doing my best right now Hars. Focus on breathing like I said.” 
He sniffed, setting himself off coughing again. The pain exploded again, despite the morphine, and, once more, slipped under. 
God, it was just getting worse. He hated watching Harrison slip into unconsciousness again, powerless to stop it. 
"Fao, talk to me." Steve's tone was tense, and Fao could hear him pacing. 
“Unconscious again, I’m repeating obs.” Fao replied, his own tone similarly tense. 
"Come on, Hars. Don't do this." Steve murmured, wishing he was there with them. 
The blood pressure cycled, protesting at the numbers. It continued tightening, way into the two hundreds, and Harrison gave a whine. He tried to pull away from it, panicked. 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. Just give it a minute, I know it’s uncomfy.” Fao murmured, but it wasn’t a good sign. He knew full well it wasn’t high enough to need that kind of pressure - it was just struggling for a read full stop. 
Harrison, of course, didn't listen. He twisted away, an unintelligible shout in both pain and frustration. 
"Hars, listen to Fao. He's looking after you."
“It’s alright, it’s okay.” Fao tried vainly to soothe. But sure enough the blood pressure gave up, failing to get a read, and Fao’s stomach dropped. “Fluids haven’t done shit. It won’t even read, just cycles until it gives up.”
"You're going to have to give more, you can't RSI that low. Has he got a radial?"
It took Fao a moment. “No. Nothing.” 
"Give him fluids."
“I might as well just pour them on the fucking floor.” Fao muttered, but swapped the bag over to give more. 
"Just try."
“Yeah, they’re running.”
Harrison screwed his face up, managing to squint at Fao. He was sure he'd heard Steve too, but the huddle of men behind Fao were too small to be him. 
“That’s it Hars, you’re alright.” Fao said softly, half as reassurance for himself. 
"Where's Steve?" He slurred, more of a mumble than anything. 
“On the phone with me.” Fao replied. 
"Right here, Hars."
“Both of us are looking after you.”
“Don’t apologise.” Fao said firmly. 
Harrison lapsed back into silence, somewhere between conscious and not. As the blood pressure started again, he whined once more, but didn't pull away. 
Harrison’s blood was drying on his hands, as Fao waited for the machine to read, praying it would give him something. Just a number would be better than the endless cycling. 
Harrison's breath caught in his throat again, and his frown deepened. He knew Fao was looking after him, and Steve was there too, somewhere. He could see Fao leaning over him, doing things in slow motion. Which left Steve..
Fao’s stomach twisted, and the noise Steve made over the crackled phone line was less than dignified. 
“I’m right here, Hars. I’m right here, I’ve got you.” He replied, his voice wavering. “You’re going to be okay.”
He seemed to have a sudden rush of energy, though his observations were still terrible, and his prognosis even worse. 
"Thank you." He muttered softly.
Fao sucked in another deep breath, forcing himself to re-focus. He had to keep doing this. “Blood pressure is a little less shit. I’ve at least got a number.”
"That's good." Steve managed. 
Harrison reached for Fao’s hand, for a moment of comfort in his desperation. 
Fao squeezed his fingers. “I’ve got you.” He murmured. He laid out his airway kit with the other hand, leaving smears of blood all over it, though he didn’t notice. He needed the blood pressure up a bit more before he could fully RSI, but it never hurt to prepare. 
The squeeze managed to help, a tiny hint of a smile gracing Harrison's blood-splattered lips. He tried his best, his fingers twitching in Fao's before his eyes rolled. It didn’t take long for things to go south, as Hars took a breath and then stopped. 
“Fuck.” Fao muttered, snatching up his kit. He couldn’t put this off any longer now, he needed control of his airway. Unsure just how conscious he was, having watched him flick in and out, Fao chatted away to him as he sorted it, half to keep himself from losing it. “Alright Hars. That’s you finding your limit, hmm? It’s okay, I’ll take over from here. Got some meds to get you off to sleep now, so you can have a nap whilst I do the hard work.” He quickly pushed the ket, watching him carefully. There were men clustered around Harrison’s head, and Fao snapped at them to move, which they did. Happy with his sedation, he pushed his roc, bagged until he was happy with it, and snatched up his tube and laryngoscope. He was rusty with his intubations, of course, so what better time to practice than in a dark, moving van covered in blood? But Harrison, for all he made Fao’s life difficult, apparently wasn’t a difficult airway, and Fao got it first time. He shouted triumphantly, checked his placement, and then secured it. 
“Tube’s in, airway’s secure.”
Steve let out a shaky breath. "Good. Well done."
Fao couldn’t breathe for Harrison forever, not if he was going to continue to manage the bleeding. “Which one of you lot is the most competent here? Who’s not a complete idiot?” He asked. 
They were all quiet, slightly afraid of Harrison and definitely afraid of Fao. After a moment, one of them stepped forward.
"I can help. What do you need?"
Fao looked up. “Are you capable of breathing?” 
"For him?"
Fao huffed. “Essentially, yes. Every time you take a breath, I want you to squeeze this to breathe for him, too. Can you do that?” He asked, demonstrating. “I can’t sit here and do it, I’ve got other stuff to do.”
Panic flashed across his face. "Okay. Yeah." He swallowed, taking a moment. It was Harrison. He'd got him out of shit so many times before, it was only fair to return the favour. "I can do that."
“Just whenever you breathe, breathe for him too. Just got to think about breathing. Okay?”
"Okay." He moved to take Fao's place. "I can do that."
“Shout if you get stuck.” Fao murmured, and moved away, to carefully take yet another set of obs, praying they were better than before. 
Steve hated being so far away, so unable to do anything. "Fao, talk to me."
“I’m taking obs.” Fao shot back. “I’ll tell you stuff when I know it.”
"You just went silent. I need to know what's happening."
“I’m trying to concentrate!”
"Fine, hurry up."
“Going as fast as I can.” He muttered. For once, Harrison’s obs had trended slightly upwards, and Fao was glad of it. “A bit better. SpO2 has come up, as has his BP.”
"Good. The tube will be helping with his sats."
“Yeah, that’s why I did it.” Fao said flatly. 
"I just mean that he's not going to be resping at fifty or some shite."
"How's the bleeding doing?"
“Still fucking bleeding.”
"I've put a call out for more blood, you just need to get back."
“I’ll need the whole trauma setup.” Fao muttered, doing his best to manage the bleeding. “Can you go up and wake Ely? I’m going to need her.”
"Everyone's up. They're just sorting the basement out."
“Good.” Fao was relieved he had a team waiting for him. 
"If the second lot of fluids helped, you can give him another 500 bolus."
“It’s helped, but I don’t know for how much longer. I’ve got no pressors, and limited fluids.”
"You just need to get him back. If he's still got pressure, give it."
“Giving it now.” He muttered, trying to push his hair out of his face. 
"Give me a run down of his obs once you've done that."
He finally got it connected and running, discarding the spent bag. His ‘assistant’ was doing well ventilating, surprisingly, and so he quickly started on obs. He hated having to do this in such an old fashioned manner, he missed his hospital conveniences and continuous monitoring. 
But as he started, he just knew it was wrong, and when he didn’t find a pulse, his stomach twisted. “Oh, fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
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faofinn · 1 year
Day 14 - Loss of Consciousness
Part 1 | Part 2
It took a few minutes, pressed against Jess' side, but slowly and surely, things returned to normal. Asde, of course, from the pain in his wrist. He finally answered Harrison, or at least tried to before he interrupted. 
"It's just dislocated, right? You can just ket and manipulate, yeah? Just that?"
Harrison gently took Finn’s wirst in his fingers, and hissed quietly. "Shit, Finn. I'm not sure it's going to be as simple as that."
"Oh. More sedation?"
He shook his head, reaching for Finn’s other hand. "Here, feel this. It's fucked, mate. You've broken it."
"Let me check here,too." He murmured, skimming down his arm. "Ah, I think you've got a break here too, just on the ulnar. I can feel it under my fingers, Finn. You’re gonna need casting, minimum."
Finn groaned, frustrated. First Fao had seen him, fucked all his hard work up, and now this. He followed Harrison’s hands with his own and winced.
"That's definitely a break."
"Yeah, I told you." Harrison rocked back. "What do you want to do? We're gonna have to take you to somewhere."
"Fao’s already caught me tonight. I can't show up there, not like this." He groaned. "Have I got a…a bump? I guess, on the back of my head? I don’t feel great."
Jess gently ran her fingers through his hair. "No, nothing there. No blood either. Not just the shock?"
He shot her a look. "I just don't feel right."
Harrison hummed. "Let me call Steve, see what we want to do. Why don't you go sit on the sofa for a bit?"
"Seizure weird?" Jess asked, leading him through. "Fuzzy?"
He shook his head and stumbled, gripping onto Jess. "Fuck. No, I don’t know. I've not felt this before."
"That's okay. We'll keep you okay."
Harrison frowned as the pair walked away, dialling Steve. He knew his dad was at Fred’s, but he needed help. 
"Hey, Hars. Everything alright?" Steve answered relatively quickly, just pottering around the basement.
"Uh, not quite. Fao got involved. Finn’s broken his arm and wrist, and I don't know what to do."
"Ah. Well, that’s an inconvenience." He muttered. "You're not going to be able to come over either."
"No. Think we're going to have to go to George's."
"I don't know who's working tonight, so as long as you know what you're doing, you'll be fine."
"Finn’s not going to be impressed. He's already pissed."
"Yeah, not surprised. What's he going to do about the others?"
"God knows. Depends what Fao comes out with."
"Did he definitely see him?"
"Without a doubt. He - "
"Harrison!" Jess' shout interrupted the conversation. "I need your help!"
"Shit, think Finn’s seizing." Harrison rushed through, Steve still on speaker.
It wasn’t as Harrison expected, Finn stood up and trying to push Jess out of the way, not seizing on the floor. He frowned, watching him completely forget about the pain in his wrist.
"Talk to me, Jess."
"He went blank, thought he was going to go, but this isn't normal."
"No, doesn't look it. Finn? Finn, stop pushing jess and look at me, eh? Talk to me and use your words."
There was no response, or attempt to follow the instructions, and Harrison’s heart sank. "Steve?"
"Still here, what's happening?"
"Last week, Finn nearly went into the street, yeah? No recollection of it either."
"Yeah, possibly a focal onset impaired, but had hoped it was a one off. Can you video it? Send it in the chat?"
"I'll have to put the phone down."
"Not a problem. Call me after."
Harrison put the phone down, quickly turning to video it. Finn was still completely unaware, still fighting against Jess. There was a moment of recognition in his eyes, a slight frown to his expression, but that was gone faster than it had started. 
He gave a guttural groan, arms posturing as his back arched. His eyes rolled and Jess struggled to lower him before he started convulsing properly. 
He knew he needed the recording flr Steve, especially since he was still Finn’s neurologist, but the pair needed his help. He propped the phone up and moved to their side, helping to try keep him safe.
"Do you want to grab the midaz? Just in case?" Harrison asked, looking up to Jess. 
She nodded; it was easier for her to get up from the floor. "Sure thing."
He gave her a smile as she did so, returning his attention to Finn. Finn spasmed and twisted, smacking his arm against the floor. Harrison winced; he'd definitely heard something crack. As Finn’s arm jerked again, he managed to catch it, stopping it from hitting the hardwood floor.
"Think you’ve dislocated that wrist, eh? Let's just leave it at that, no more injuries." He murmured to Finn, chatting away to the unconscious man.
Jess reappeared quickly, motioning to the camera before she passed it. With a slight nod from Harrison, she knocked it off, returning to her boyfriend’s side. 
"He's fucked his wrist even more." Harrison said with a roll or his eyes. "At least we got it in video so we csn just say the break was from that."
Jess managed a tense laugh. "Small victories, eh?"
Thankfully for everyone, his seizure was short lived. He gave another groan as everything relaxed.
Once Fao had spoken to Fred (and kept from mostly throwing Finn under the bus) he was able to shower and speak with Ely. They spent some time together, Fao unwinding from the job and the stress. She always knew how to settle him, how to set his mind at rest. He’d not long gotten into bed when his phone pinged. 
He reached for it with a frown, and saw that it was in Finn’s chat. They kept it now, as a record of his seizures and how they changed. It was a video from Harrison, and his frown deepened. He swiped to open it, and carefully watched the video. He flinched as Finn’s arm smacked off of the wood, and something in his gut told him that the injury Harrison spoke about hadn’t been just from the seizure. The wrist hadn’t looked good before. His teeth sunk into his lip, and he quickly typed a reply, his anger at Harrison somewhat pushed aside out of concern for his brother. 
Fao [01:04]: Looks nasty. Are you coming in? I’ll set up a bay for him.
Steve [01:05]: That's a new one for him. He's going to have to go to the ED. He needs records for clinic. 
Fao sighed, worry twisting his stomach. 
Fao [01:05]: Are you sure? I can fudge the records if need be.
Steve [01:10]: It's a new seizure, you know the rules. He's got to go in. 
Fao [01:11]: Alright. Just trying to keep him happy, I know he’ll be pissed about having to go in. His wrist looks bad, should I see if Ollie’s in?
Hars [01:14]: Finn’s fine about going in. Think he's in that much pain with this arm. If you can see if Ollie's in, that would be great. Jess is going to come in with me.
Fao [01:14]: I’ll see what I can do. Unlucky to hurt his wrist from that seizure.
Hars [01:14]: That's seizures for you.
It took Fao a little while to get a reply from Ollie, but eventually his friend responded to say he’d be in in the morning, and that he hoped Finn was okay. Exhausted, and feeling pushed out yet again, Fao typed a quick reply to the group. 
Fao [01:43]: Ollie will be in in the morning, says he’ll happily r/v Finn then. You should tell Fred if Finn’s being admitted, he can have men on alert. I’m going to bed, update me when you can.
Jess [01:50]: Finn says he's fine. Thought you might have come over but he'll catch you in the morning. We're just waiting for x-ray results now. He's settled though. 
Fao hesitated as Jess’ message pinged through, guilt flaring. 
Fao [01:50]: Does he want me to come in?
Jess [01:55]: I'm sure he'll be fine. Get your rest.
She was too polite to say an outright no, Fao knew that. He set his phone down on the side with a heavy sigh, and rolled over, his arm over Ely’s waist. He breathed in the soft smell of her shampoo, the rose of her perfume that still clung to her despite the day. It hurt, being kicked out like that, when he knew people weren’t telling him the whole truth. And now he was worried about his brother, too. New seizures weren’t exactly reassuring. 
The little white lie of Finn being happy to attend ED wasn't the only one they'd spun. He did want Fao too, but not the one he'd seen at the job, not the one that didn't trust him any more. Jess was calm and stable, exactly what he needed. He'd been taken through rather fast, concerned about the seizures and the break in his arm. 
The x-ray hadn't been great; a wrist fracture and the break in his ulnar Hars had felt. On top of that, he'd managed to dislocate his elbow, which had definitely not happened at work. He was far from impressed, but the manipulation meant ket, and he wasn't going to complain at a forced nap. 
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faofinn · 1 year
Day 10 - Short of Breath
Arthur liked school. It’d been overwhelming to start with, but having his sister there helped, and he soon settled in. The shyer one of the pair, he let Beth do all the talking and stuck around her, essentially acquiring friends by association. As he got older, and moved up into year 3 he was chattier and more confident, talking to others by himself and not needing his sister so much. They still did most things together, of course, especially PE. They were both sporty kids, having inherited Fao’s active genes, but Arthur had to admit he wasn’t feeling excited for it today. It was cold out, and he hadn’t been feeling great for a while. Tired, but his parents had told him he was probably getting poorly, that he could rest during the Christmas Holidays soon. 
They were playing football, which wasn’t his favourite but was usually fun enough. However, today it was just rubbish. After running around after the ball a bit, he really didn’t feel good at all. His chest felt all weird and tight, and breathing was hard, but not like normal when he’d been running. It was all fast and uncomfortable, and he wobbled standing up. His sister spotted there was a problem before everyone else did, abandoning her game to go over to her brother. 
“Arthur?” She asked, frowning at him. 
“Don’t… don’t… feel well.” He whimpered, trying to catch his breath. He couldn’t breathe, and it was scary. What would happen? He needed to breathe, and he couldn’t. He was clutching at his chest, the fear rising and making it even harder to breathe. 
Once the PE teacher realised there was a problem they came rushing over, calmly helping Arthur to the side of the field and getting him sat down. Beth sat with her brother, concern written on her face. The nurse came down quickly, and the decision was made to call an ambulance. 
They called his parents, of course, to let them know what was going on, but both of them were stuck in a complex surgery and as much as they wanted to drop everything and go, they couldn’t. Fao asked them to call Harrison, knowing that although he was at work he might be able to get away enough to help, and if not then he could at least make sure Arthur was okay when he got to hospital. 
Harrison was typing notes when his watch buzzed. It was the school calling, but not for his lot. He frowned as he answered. "Harrison speaking."
“Hi, Dr Cunningham. It’s the school, we’re calling about Arthur Blackwood?”
"Is he alright? Have you tried Fao or Ely?"
“Yeah, I’ve spoken to Fao, he asked me to call you. We’ve had to call an ambulance for him, I’m afraid. He’s had an incident during PE.”
"What's happened?" He moved the phone. "I need to go, one of the kids is sick."
It had to be bad for Harrison to even think about leaving. "The manager was in the ambo bay, they were going back for lunch. I'm sure they'd drop you off."
“Uh, I don’t know the details exactly, I’ve been told he became very breathless. He’s been seen by the nurse and they’re just waiting for an ambulance now. Obviously his sister is very upset…”
"I'll be over as soon as I can. Tell them I'm coming?"
“Of course. Thank you.”
"See you soon." He replied, standing up. "Tell Sam I'm going on my break. I'll be back with Arthur in a bit." 
He made his way to the ambulance bay, finding the car quickly. Knocking on the door, he gave a sheepish smile, well aware he was pushing his luck. 
"My godson has taken ill at school and a crew is already on their way to him…" He pulled a face. "Would it be possible at all if you were maybe heading that way?"
"Get in." He sighed. "Where are we off to?"
Harrison grinned. "Thanks. I'll buy you a coffee when you're next in."
He laughed as he pulled away. "I'll hold you to it. Let me radio control."
It wasn’t long before the ambulance turned up at school, with a worried looking Arthur and an even more worried looking Beth with him. The rest of the class had been moved away, to go and do something in the hall, to give the twins some space. They’d tried to get Beth to go with them, but she’d been having none of it, and refused to be anywhere other than at her brother’s side. 
They'd not long started to assess Arthur when Harrison arrived, the manager having driven on blues to join them. Harrison was already out of the car before the ignition was off, sprinting across the carpark and swearing at his prosthesis. He was quickly shown to the field, and spotted the twins surrounded by teachers and medics. Arthur looked shocking, pale and worried, an oxygen mask on his face. Beth didn't look any better, worried beyond belief and almost breaking her brother's hand. Arthur had a neb up and running which, while not great, was good. It meant they'd started treating, had started helping, so he just had tohope it made the difference. 
"Hey kids. Mum and dad couldn't get out of work, so I stole an ambulance and came to see you." Harrison winked, exaggerating the truth. "How you doing, squirt?" 
Beth launched herself at him, relieved to e see a familiar face. She’d wanted her parents, her dad, but Harrison was family and he’d do just as well. “Uncle Tomcat!” She exclaimed. “Arthur’s really poorly.”
He pulled her in for a hug, holding her close. "He's gonna be okay, though. He's had you looking after him."
“He couldn’t breathe.”
"He's looking better now, the paramedics here have done a really good job too. Want me to talk you through every squiggle here?" He asked, moving to ruffle Arthur's hair as he sat next to him. 
Arthur too, was relieved to see his uncle, leaning into him. He still felt bad, but the breathing wasn’t so bad as it had been. He could breathe, it was just really really hard. The paramedics had been nice and explained everything, and it hadn’t been so scary. “Am I dyin?” He managed to get out, looking up at his godfather with big, wide eyes.
"No, no. It probably felt like that, though, didn't it? You've been so, so brave." He said gently, running his fingers through his hair. "You've had an asthma attack, by the looks of things. Your dad has had a few, and I did when I wasn't very well when I went to live with grandad Steve. You've been so much braver than we were. I was crying the whole time."
He looked  at him. He’d been crying, but had stopped now. He didn’t quite believe his godfather. “Braver than you an’ Dad?”
"A thousand percent! You can even ask grandad Steve, he'll tell you the same. I think we'll all have to go back to my work though." He pulled a face. "Especially me, I escaped to come see you guys."
“Will Mum and Dad be at your work?” 
"They might not be there straight away, because they're dealing with someone else who's really poorly, but they're in the same building and they'll get there as soon as we can. We can ring them again together, if you’d like?"
“In s-surgery?” He asked, stumbling over his words. 
"They are, yeah." 
He nodded to himself. He wanted his parents, but Harrison was nice and he’d keep him safe. “Don’t mind going to your work.”
"Don't tell anyone I told you, but Jamie brought in cupcakes this morning. I think you both might deserve one, don't you?"
His eyes widened and he nodded, though he didn’t speak, focusing on his breathing again. 
Harrison couldn't help glancing over the machine, watching everything carefully. "Has he just had the salbutamol?"
The paramedic next to him nodded. “Yeah, that’s right.”
"Do you mind if I have a listen?" He knew it was unorthodox, but he couldn’t help himself.
It was a crew that knew Harrison well, had worked with him a lot, and after a minute they nodded. “Go on then, if Arthur says it’s okay. We can bend the rules.”
"Can I? You know how nosey I am." He winked at Arthur. "You can even tell dad how much of a pain in your bottom I've been."
He nodded. “Yeah.”
"Thanks, kiddo." He pulled his steth out of his scrubs pocket and listened to his godson's chest. "Oh, that sounds so much better! You've done an amazing job, Arthur! Do you wanna have a listen?" 
He shook his head. “Can I have a hug instead?” He asked.
Harrison had already pulled him in for one, squeezing him gently without making it harder for him to breathe. His hand was still in Arthur's hair, and he stoked it gently,  his other rubbing his back. "You've been so, so brave, Arthur. I'm so proud of you, mum and dad are gonna be super, super proud of you.
“I was scared.” He admitted. 
"It's okay to be scared."
“Is it?”
"Of course it is! More than okay." He sighed. "Can I let you into a secret?"
He nodded. “Yeah?”
"When school called me to say you weren't very well, I was scared. And I'm a big adult and do this every day."
"And when I got hurt, just after dad did, I cried the whole time. Last time I had an ambulance, I was really really scared then too. I made Tai go back inside to get my tomcat and then come back to hold my hand the whole way." He lowered his voice to a stage whisper. "When I had my scans then, I got upset that Tai couldn’t be in the room, so I made him sing daft songs to me to make me feel better. The whole department heard about it, too."
Arthur nodded sagely. “Dad sings when we’re scared, like after a bad dream.” 
"I would sing for you guys, but I'm a really bad singer."
“So’s mum.” Beth chipped in, less worried now that Arthur seemed better and Harrison was looking after him. 
"I think uncle Finn might be the worst. Or Scout."
That made both of them laugh. “He’s a dog!”
"That's no way to talk about uncle Finn!" He teased.
There were more laughs, more giggles from both of them, Harrison having put them at ease, despite the situation. The paramedic spoke after a minute, interrupting their moment. 
“Sorry, it’s good to hear you giggling away. We wanted to get moving into the ambulance now, if that’s okay? Then we can get to hospital and find mum and dad.” 
Arthur agreed, wanting his parents more than the ambulance ride worried him. He was feeling better now, the stuff they’d given him had helped and breathing was much easier. Once they were inside, everyone settled, and Beth gravitated towards Harrison again. She was trying to be brave, like she always was, but it was hard to be brave all the time. She was worried about her brother. He was her other half, and he was never sick.
As Arthur was wheeled through to paeds, Harrison turned to Beth. He could see the worry on her face, as much as she tried to hide it behind her immense bravery, and he sighed.
"Come here." He grinned, picking her up and resting on his hip. "Only fair you get a free ride too, eh?"
She wrapped her arms around him, glad of the attention. Usually she’d protest being picked up, especially now. She was a big girl, she didn’t need to be carried. But right now, she didn’t feel much like a big girl. She felt small, and the hospital was loud and intimidating. 
He pressed a kiss to her hair, making sure she was safe. "Do you wanna go with Arthur and get him settled on one of our beds, or do you want to come steal some cupcakes?"
“Stay with Arthur.” She said softly. “I have to look after him, I’m his big sister.”
"That's super brave of you." He said with a smile. "Do you want to come pick out a stuffed animal for the pair of you?"
“Do you have a bear? Or a wolf?”
"I'm not sure." He admitted. "Shall we go have a look?"
She hesitated. “Will I have to leave him?”
"Just for a second. The cupboard is just here, and they're just going down there."
Deep in thought, Beth finally agreed to pick out a friend, still bundled in Harrison’s arms. She found a little wolf and was quite pleased with herself, but the fear crept back in when they went back to see Arthur. 
Fao and Ely appeared not long after, having managed to get free. They’d both rushed down from theatres, Fao’s hair a mess and Ely looking pale and worried. It wasn’t hard to find Harrison and their kids, and they slipped into the bay. 
Harrison still had Beth on his lap, leaning over to stroke through his godson's hair as he spun stories and tall tales to keep them distracted. Arthur was doing so much better than when he'd first seen him, but they were still worried about him. He looked exhausted too, which wasn't surprising in the slightest. As awful as it sounded, he knew he was just a placeholder for their parents, that the kids wouldn't feel completely okay until they came down. He was just glad he'd been able to be there for them, though he knew he'd do it a thousand times over. 
Ely gravitated straight to her son, at his side immediately and fussing, asking a million questions to make sure he was okay. He was thrilled to see her, a big smile on his face, as he tiredly reached out for a hug, which Ely gave him immediately.
“Oh, baby. You had me so worried.”
Fao, on the other hand, focused on Harrison and his daughter. He didn’t want to completely smother Arthur, his wife was doing s good enough job of that, he’d be able to fuss over him in a moment. Despite looking comfortable enough in Harrison’s lap, Beth had a look to her that was pure fear, and it broke Fao’s heart. He gathered her up in his arms, murmuring to her in Gaelic before he looked at Hars. 
“God, Tomcat. What would we do without you?”
Harrison gave him a smile. "You'd have done the same for me."
“A thousand times over.” He agreed, kissing Beth’s cheek. “Did Uncle Tomcat look after you?”
Beth nodded. “Yeah. He looked after us lots.”
"They've been no bother." He ducked his head, feeling like a spare part. "I need to get back to the ED. I don't want to be too much here."
“Thank you so much, yeah? I knew when I told them to call you that you’d be the best person to be there.” Fao told him. “I can always count on you.” 
Ely pulled away from her son for a moment to speak to Hars, and pulled him in for a hug. “Thank you, Hars.”
"You guys are welcome." He muttered, uncomfortable with the attention. "I'll catch you guys later, yeah?"
Arthur piped up, still very tired. “Will you come back?” He asked his godfather. 
"Course I will." He promised. "But you've got mum and dad now, so I need to get back to work. You’ve been so, so brave. You should be super proud of yourself."
He nodded sleepily. “So long as you come back.” He mumbled. “Was brave cause of you.”
Harrison made a quiet noise. "Nah, you were so brave before I'd even got there! You've been super brave all day."
Fao reached out to squeeze his shoulder with the arm not holding Beth up. “Don’t want to take up anymore of your time when you’re supposed to be working, but I’ll text you, give you updates. You can always sneak back in, too.”
"Thanks, Fao. I'll catch you later."
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faofinn · 1 year
Day 3 - Seizure
Ely is owned by @epochandeons and we love her
Ely had been feeling weird and off all day. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but she just felt odd and unsettled. She’d felt spaced, and unco-ordinated, and especially forgetful. She’d been having a lazy day at Fao’s which had helped, convinced she was coming down with something. 
Whilst Fao had gone to the gym that afternoon, she’d settled on the sofa with the dog. He’d been fussing over her all day, but she figured that he’d just missed her. She’d not been round in a while, work had been busy and her and Fao’s rota had been different. 
The TV was on, some show or other that Ely had been watching earlier that she’d stopped following. She wasn’t sure if the plot was moving quickly or she’d dozed off, because she could have sworn she’d missed some of it. 
The nausea that had been on and off all day got so much worse, the tv much too loud all of a sudden. She couldn’t work out where she was, or why she was there, or why the dog next to her kept barking and nudging her arm. She tried to push him away, though it was hard, and looking around made her dizzy. Her fingers twitched, there was a strange taste coating her tongue, and she realised far, far too late that this was an aura. She tried to call out, but couldn’t as everything went black and she slipped into a seizure.  
Finn had been pottering around all day, feeling sorry for himself since Fao had Ely and he had to "give them space". Ely had seemed to be coming down with something, one of the thousands going round the hospital, and as much as Finn liked her, he didn't want her to cause a seizure. 
He'd ended up actually studying, much to his annoyance, though he knew it needed doing. His bit of peace and quiet was shattered by the dog barking, and he wouldn't stop. His own stomach lurched as he realised it was an alert, just not for him. 
Finn scrambled up his feet, skidding on carpet as he rushed to the living room. "Ely!"
She didn’t hear him, too far gone into the seizure. It had been a while since she’d had a grand mal, never around Finn, and the dog was still frantically barking, nudging at her. 
"Shit, shit, shit." He swore as he tried to somewhat keep her on her side. "Arrow, back. Good boy, yeah, you've done your job, go pester something else."
He fumbled for his phone, starting a timer. He'd heard Arrow's alert, and he'd not been that far behind, so mentally added that on too. Finn felt sick. He wasn't used to dealing with this side of things, Ely didn't have seizures. They could tell him off later, but he wasn’t comfortable with leaving her and waiting, this wasn’t normal for her. His fingers shook as he dialled for an ambulance, hating how his voice cracked as he answered the questions.
Ely’s phone had ended up on the sofa too, and with a spare hand, he did his best to call Fao. He wasn’t sure if he'd called for Ely’s sake, or his own, but his brother deserved to know. 
Fao was in the middle of a set when his phone rang, ditching his weights with a clatter when he saw it was Ely who was calling. “Ely?” He asked breathlessly. “You okay, love? I’m nearly finished, I should be home soon.”
"Ely’s having a seizure. I'm on the phone with the ambulance. You need to come home." His voice wavered. "Please."
“Shit.” Fao felt sick to his stomach. “I’m headed home right now, I’ll be like ten minutes, max. How far away are the ambulance?”
"Nearly here? I don't know." He couldn't help the rising panic, absently rubbing Ely’s arm. "I don't know."
Fao hummed. “I’ll be there as quick as I can. Look after her for me, yeah? Do you know enough history? I can speak to the paras on the phone if they’re there before me.” He said, hurrying to put his weights back and grab his bag. 
"Probably not. She shouldn't be having one. "
“She shouldn’t. I’m just leaving the gym now.” He said. “I won’t be long.”
"Okay. Drive safe." 
Fao basically ran to his car, fumbling with his keys to get the car unlocked. Luckily the gym was close to home, and he drove there quickly, pulling onto the drive just moments before the ambulance pulled up alongside. He directed them in, opening the door and swallowing thickly at the sight of his brother with his girlfriend. 
Ely’s seizure had slowed and eventually stopped, leaving her woozy and confused on the sofa. 
As Ely’s seizure finally stopped, Finn finally managed a breath. He pulled the sofa cushions down properly to keep her safely on her side, murmuring softly to her. He rubbed her arm, anxiously waiting for her to come round. 
When everyone else arrived, he was quick to step back, curling on the other sofa out of the way. Arrow joined him, and Finn gratefully wrapped his arms around the dog, watching the chaos in the living room.
It was odd to be on the other side of things, Fao so used to being so involved with Finn’s seizures, then being normal, even when they were severe. With Ely, it was so out of the ordinary that it was terrifying. She’d told him about her history, that she was epileptic but well managed, that she’d not had a breakthrough seizure in years. 
Now there were paramedics in his living room, and his brother was sat on the sofa with his arms around the dog. It was all wrong. Ely had started to come round a little more, confusedly answering the paramedics’ questions. However, when she spotted Fao, she smiled. 
“Fao.” She whined, reaching out an uncoordinated hand. “Missed you.”
“I’m right here, love.” Fao said, pressing a kiss to the top of her head as he moved closer. 
“Everyone’s fussin’.” She grumbled. 
“You had a seizure, sweetie.”
“No.” She said, frowning. “Can’t ‘ave. On meds.”
“You had one, I know it’s odd. We’re all looking after you, it’s okay.” He reassured. 
Ely scrubbed at her face, whining pathetically. She was aware she was being a baby, but she felt rubbish. It was overwhelming, there were people everywhere. At least Fao was with her, and that helped, but she was still anxious and upset as they took her to hospital. She didn’t want to be there, she wanted to be at home and sleeping. She was sure people had told her things, but she couldn’t remember it, and it frustrated her. 
She couldn’t help the tears, after being sat waiting to be seen in A&E, pressed against Fao’s solid chest. It broke his heart, hearing her cry, and he just wished he could fix things for her. He rubbed her back, murmuring softly to her to try and reassure her.
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faofinn · 11 months
Day 25 - Shaking
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Soon enough, his pressure began to stabilise as the bleeding stopped, and Fao could close, though decided on putting a drain in, just to keep everything the way he wanted it. It could come out in a couple of days, once things were settled. He left Tai in the very capable hands of his girlfriend, murmured reassurance to Hars, and headed out to sort paperwork. 
It was reassuring for Fao to sit and do the paperwork, documenting everything and making sure everything was as it should be. He was just glad the case had gone well, that Tai had stabilised and was going to come out the other side. They’d agreed he’d stay in their ITU/HDU bay for a while, just to make sure he stayed stable, where they had more advanced monitoring. Ely was more than happy for that, as she began to bring him round and extubate him. He was tolerating everything well, as well as could be expected, and she fussed with pain relief and antiemetics to keep him comfortable. 
He was groggy, though had worked out Ely was fussing over him, and that he was safe. Hars was there too, the rough hand in his, the gentle brushing through his hair. It wasn’t that he was uncomfortable, but he'd grown bored of lying on his back, and so he shifted himself across, barely on his side, but happier than he'd been.
Ely shook her head fondly as Tai struggled onto his side, and gently tucked a pillow behind him to make him more comfortable. 
“Tai, sweetie?” She asked gently, a hand on his shoulder. “How are you feeling?”
He blinked at her, giving a quiet groan. "Shit."
“Surgery’s all done now, you did really well.” She told him. “Are you in pain?”
“Feeling sick?”
He thought about it. "Yeah."
“I’ll get you something.” She said, squeezing his shoulder. She topped up his antiemetics and pain relief, hoping to keep him comfortable, and then adjusted his blanket. 
As much as Tai (and everyone else) hoped to just fall back asleep, life wasn't fair. There was an itch to his bones he couldn’t settle with, and he kept shaking, despite his attempts to stop it.
Ely watched him carefully, sat next to his bed. She of course noticed his fidgeting, the way he couldn’t stop shaking, and draped another blanket over him, hoping that would help. 
"Ely." He whined. "Fix it."
“What’s wrong, are you cold?” She asked softly. 
“Try and take some deep breaths?” She soothed. “In and out.”
Harrison squeezed his hand, trying to reassure him. "You're alright."
"I'm not." He grumbled,rubbing his face in frustration. "It's wrong."
“It’s okay.” Ely murmured. “Take a nice deep breath for me, you’re alright.”
"I can breathe." He whined. "It's just wrong."
“I know. Do you want a sip of water?”
"No, I want you to fix it." His lip wobbled. "Can Hars lie wit' me?"
Ely hummed. “So long as he’s careful.” 
"Are you sure?" Harrison asked. "I don't want to hurt you. Maybe it's best I stay here?"
“Go on, he’ll be asleep in a minute.” She encouraged. “Hop up behind him, move that pillow.”
"Alright, okay." He carefully shuffled Taidgh around, slipping in behind him. He pressed a kiss to the top of his head, his fingers running through his hair. He was so grateful that Tai was still there, that he could hold him in his arms. Of course there was the recovery to come, they all knew that, but he was still alive. 
"Mm? Thought you were gonna nap?"
"I love you."
"I love you too, Tai. C'mon, try shut your eyes, get some rest. It'll help stop the shaking, make you feel better when you wake up."
Ely belongs to @epochandeons
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faofinn · 11 months
Day 23 - Bleeding Out
Part 1 | Part 2 | ??
“Great.” Fao murmured. “Sorry Tai, this is going to suck.” He lifted him up again, doing his best not to jostle him as he did so. 
Tai barely whimpered, but Harrison could see the look in his eyes, a brief moment of agony before they rolled. It wasn't good, Harrison knew that, even Fred knew that. At least he would have the best of teams to work on him, to get him sorted. Harrison felt so out of his depth, his mind reeling with the possibilities he didn’t want. 
Fao was just as worried, knowing full well this was bad. He apologised to Tai as they moved him, and before long they were in the van. At least they’d been able to stabilise him relatively well, and could get into the basement quickly. 
He was glad to see the team down there, not just Finn and Steve but Ely too. Tai was going to be in good hands. They got him transferred into their resus bay, where things felt infinitely more in control.
“Okay, obviously this is Tai, assaulted by some cunt in the caf this morning. Took a pretty substantial sized knife to the upper left quadrant, maybe 10 inches. Wound is deep, he’s got a haemostatic dressing on and he’s had TXA but nothing else, we had nothing else in the field. Need some pain relief and fluids and bloods in please, a set of obs and we’ll go from there.” Fao quickly summarised, his voice more confident than he felt. 
He was glad to be in the basement, to be in his comfort zone. This is where he was safe, where he had ultimate control. This was his domain, and he’d worked hard to make it his. He could get everything set up the way he wanted it, flicking on the lights and pulling it down to get a better look at the wound itself, leaving a smudge of blood on the white plastic. 
Ely had quickly gotten more access, Tai too distracted to notice the needle, and was able to push painkillers, reassuring him as she did. Her hands were gentle as she soothed him, getting bloods hung and getting him set up on their monitoring. Their numbers weren’t great, but stable enough for now. 
The painkillers were enough to make him woozy, but Ely’s hands were soft and he knew she was looking after him. Harrison was still there too, his hands softly running through Tai's hair, a gentle kiss to his cheek. Everything was strangely calm, and he found himself drifting, his eyes closing against his will. 
“Tai?” Fao’s voice was soft but firm. “Gonna get you sorted, yeah?” 
There wasn’t much he could do without theatre. It was deep, and bleeding stubbornly, and every blood pressure just looked worse than the one before. 
“We’re gonna need to go to theatre.” He said to the others. 
"No." Tai grumbled, reaching for Harrison. "I'm not."
"Hey, hey. We need to. Just for a bit. You'll be out and sorted for teatime."
“I’ll look after you, yeah? I know it sucks, but you’ll sleep through it all and when you’re back it’ll be so much better.”
"'m scared."
It was Ely who spoke. “It’s okay to be scared, it’s scary. I’ll be right with you.”
"I don't wanna lose Levi."
“Don’t be daft, you’re not going to. Just a nap, and when you wake up it’ll all be over.”
Harrison leaned in, moving the mask from Tai's face for a moment. With a gentle hand on his cheek, he kissed him, slightly rough and desperate.
"You're gonna be just fine, yeah? I'll be right here the whole time, I promise." He told him, stroking through his hair. "We've got you, and you're gonna be just fine."
“Trust me, Tai, you’re not going to like me very much if I try and fix this when you’re awake.” Fao said, squeezing his shoulder. “Let Ely look after you, yeah? I’d trust her with my life.”
He managed a small grin at Fao's comment. "I'd rather not have you stabbing me while 'm awake."
“Exactly, and I want to stay your friend.” Fao said, mirroring his grin. “I’m gonna leave you in Ely and Steve’s capable hands now, alright? And I’ll see you in a minute.”
"Thanks, Fao."
He slipped out of their little resus bay to go and prep the theatre. Tai would be alright whilst he sorted it out, he had Steve and Ely, and Hars was there too. It was easy enough to set up, already prepared for situations like this. He washed his hands quickly and changed into a set of scrubs. 
Meanwhile, Ely with Tai had topped up his pain relief and sorted out her kit. With all of her drugs set out, her airway kit where she needed it, she was happy to get sorted. 
“Tai? How are we feeling? Ready?”
"No." He admitted. "'m scared."
Harrison gripped his hand. "We've got you."
He nodded. "I know. Love you."
Harrison stole a kiss. "Love you too. Enjoy the nap, yeah? I'll see you soon."
“Hold Harrison’s hand, yeah? That’s okay. He’ll be right with you, I promise. Can you take some deep breaths for me? I know it’s sore, do the best you can.”
Tai set his jaw, his eyes locked on Harrison's. He allowed himself a small smile as Harrison kissed his knuckles, and reluctantly followed Ely’s instructions.
“That’s it, perfect. You’re going to start getting sleepy now, I want you to keep taking those nice deep breaths, and think of something nice for me.”
He hated how quickly he felt it, and he screwed his face. 
"Of 'ars." He told the room, fighting the anaesthesia. "He's nice."
“He’s very nice.” She agreed with a gentle smile. “Well done. Nice and sleepy, and you’ll wake up and everything will be sorted.”
Harrison leaned close, his lips by Tai's ear. "Love you, yeah? You have this nap, but you better be awake for tea, okay? I love you."
Happy with her drugs, Ely adjusted things carefully, then glanced at Hars. “Are you staying ?”
He set his own jaw. "I promised him I would."
She nodded. “That’s fine, I just need a bit of space.” She said gently, taking over ventilation. 
"Thank you."
She hummed distractedly, focusing on getting Tai intubated and all set up. When she was happy with everything, triple checking her placement, it was just a waiting game until Fao was ready. His obs weren’t fantastic, his blood pressure low despite the meds. 
Harrison looked up at Ely. "Fao’s gonna be able to fix him, right?"
“Yeah. We just need to get the bleeding under control.” She said. “You know he’s good.”
"But it's Tai."
“We’ll look after him.”
They got him into theatre, quickly transferring him across to a waiting Fao. There was some chat before he started, but they soon got going. Things weren’t exactly leisurely. The wound was deep, but Fao was hoping to be able to control the bleeding without having to make it much bigger, keen to avoid any additional trauma. Ely pulled a stool up for Harrison so he could sit with her, and kept him up to date where she could with what was going on. 
Tai definitely wasn’t making their life easy. Despite numerous units of blood, his pressure just kept falling away from them, and Ely had to work hard to keep him stable, pushing drugs and everything the best she could. It was fighting an uphill battle - his pressure wouldn’t truly improve until Fao had fixed the source of the bleeding. There was certainly a lot of bleeding, and Fao grumbled to himself as he fought to fix it, Steve and Finn working with him. 
Tai’s obs were flirting the line between just worrying and fear-inducing, threatening to do something stupid. They managed to avoid it, however, and whilst the bleeding was profuse, it wasn’t a complex repair and didn’t take Fao too long once he’d gotten to the source of it. 
Soon enough, his pressure began to stabilise as the bleeding stopped, and Fao could close, though decided on putting a drain in, just to keep everything the way he wanted it. It could come out in a couple of days, once things were settled. He left Tai in the very capable hands of his girlfriend, murmured reassurance to Hars, and headed out to sort paperwork. 
Ely as always belongs to @epochandeons
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faofinn · 2 years
17. Syncope/Fainting
Fao wasn’t sure how long he’d been awake. Too long, probably. He’d done a full shift at work with overtime, , gotten home, and then gotten caught up in some stupid emergency from a job gone wrong. He’d worked through the night patching people up, even taken one of the lads into their small operating theatre. In truth they’d all been up, all hands on deck to keep the basement well enough staffed to look after everyone. After that, he’d spent hours typing up notes and taking regular obs. Their beds were totally full, which was actually quite unusual for them. 
He’d tried to get some sleep when he could, but had managed probably less than half an hour before the nightmares started. So he gave up, dragging himself out of bed and back downstairs. He smoked a cigarette (or two) and then headed back into the kitchen. He was running on empty. Less than empty, really. He had nothing left, and yet he still couldn’t sleep. He’d been on and off dizzy for hours, too, and the cigarettes hadn’t made it any better. Maybe coffee would help. He knew he should eat, too, but the tiredness made him nauseous, and he couldn’t face it. He leaned against the counter as he waited for the coffee machine, closing his eyes against the slightly spinning room. 
Harrison had had a slightly better night, but only just. He'd managed to get a few hours sleep more than Fao, but still not enough.
He glanced over at him as he made his coffee, frowning at the state of him. "You look like shit."
“Cheers, Hars.” He muttered. 
"Just telling you the truth." He shrugged. "Steve chewed me out for not doing it the other day. Turning over a new leaf and all that bullshit."
“Steve told you off for being nice?”
"For lying, I'm not going to go against his wishes." Harrison smirked. "He'll soon see it's a bad decision of his."
“Have you slept at all?” Fao asked tiredly. 
"Had an hour or two. Kept hearing you wander around."
“Think I got twenty minutes before the nightmares woke me. Kept nudging Ely in the ribs so I gave up and got up so she could sleep.”
"You need something yourself too, though. We need your skills."
“My skills got me into this mess.”
"Yeah, I know."
“It's all well and good you guys need me. But I'm the only fucking useful surgeon you have.”
"Steve's not too bad."
“He’s good, but how many neuro cases do we actually have?” He grumbled.
"Finn." He laughed. "He's always in. He's good enough as a general."
"He doesn't kill people."
“He kills people all the fucking time.” Fao said tiredly. He really did feel like shit.
"But on purpose."
“Yeah.” He murmured, turning to pick up his coffee.
"He's more careful than that." Harrison continued. "If he wanted you dead, you'd be dead."
“I know that.”
"And he's smart enough to operate too."
“An’ I’m not?”
"You said you were the only one."
“Well, he's not gensurg, so…”
"No, but he can operate." He said, waving his toast around.
Fao sipped his coffee, feeling unsteady. “So could you.”
"Fuck that."
“Would help.”
"I'm not doing that shit. I can do the anaesthetic side, that's more than enough."
“How are you so… So alive?”
"The six energy drinks I've downed helped.'
He wrinkled his nose. “Fuck that.”
"I'm not sure what's real, not gonna lie."
Fao hummed, suddenly feeling much worse. He'd been standing for too long, maybe, because he went from a bit dizzy and unsteady to very dizzy and unsteady. The nausea was rising, too, not helped by the bitter taste of coffee on his tongue. He was hot then cold then hot again, and he groaned, trying to grip the counter, suddenly aware he was going to faint. 
Harrison glanced up. "Are you okay?"
Fao shook his head, as his legs went out from under him and everything went black. 
Harrison didn't move for a second, swallowing his toast. "So, no."
He rolled his eyes as he stood, moving over to Fao. He gave him a quick check over, rolling him onto his side to wait.
Fao stirred after a moment or two, groaning. “Ow.” He grumbled. 
"You hurting anywhere?"
Fao thought for a moment. Everywhere ached, but what was worse? “Knees? An’ my head, I think.”
"Safe to move? Or do I need to get someone to help?"
“‘M okay.”
"Oh, so that's why you're lying on the floor covered in coffee and shards of ceramic."
“My mug.” He whined. “I can move.”
"We can get you a new one." He murmured, rubbing his shoulder. "It'll be okay."
“Help me sit?”
"Alright, slowly, okay?" He told him, shuffling so he could sit against his chest.
Fao moved, pushing himself up to sit, careful of the shattered mug all over the floor. The movement made him groan, the room spinning, and he leaned heavily against Harrison. 
"That's it. Deep breaths, yeah? Just relax." He murmured, rubbing his arm. 
"You don't need to apologise." 
“Fainted.” He said. “An’ now you're on the floor wit’ me.”
"You could have just asked if you wanted me on the floor." He tried to joke. "Though I'm not sure the kitchen is the right place for it."
Fao sighed, resting his head back against Harrison’s shoulder. “God, I’m tired.” 
Harrison pressed a gentle kiss to his hair. "I'm not surprised. Do you feel ready to stand? We can go to bed."
“Mm, can try.”
They stood, Fao gripping tightly onto Harrison. He swayed a little, but stayed upright. Slowly and carefully, the pair of them headed upstairs. Harrison shepherded Fao into bed, and muttered something to Ely once he got him settled. She just tutted, and rolled over to fuss over her boyfriend, thanking Harrison for looking after him. Fao was out like a light, the exhaustion finally catching up with him.
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faofinn · 1 year
DAY 28: "you're safe now"
Ely is owned by the fab @epochandeons
It was hot, stiflingly so. Fao felt as if he couldn’t breathe as he ran through the desert. The sand sprayed up into his eyes, burning them and making him cough. He wasn’t sure what he was running to, or running from, but he knew he had to keep running. HIs lungs burned but he kept going, stumbling in the sand. He fell once or twice, but pushed himself up and staggered on. 
But once he fell and he couldn’t get up. Suddenly he couldn’t breathe and the sand under him was red, redder than before. He reached out, struggling for breath, and the sand was wet under his hand. It was wet with blood, and suddenly, looking around, there was blood everywhere. He couldn’t move, gasping for breath in the sand. It was his blood, his head was spinning as he bled out into the sand, staring up at the burning sun. Suddenly the blood began to choke him, trickling down his throat. Even as he coughed, he couldn’t stop it, couldn’t move to get rid of it. This was how he died, choking in the hot sun, bleeding to death completely alone. He couldn’t even call out for help, the words dying before they got to his tongue. 
He woke with a start, gasping for breath. His chest heaved and he was drenched in sweat, his heart pounding. He clawed at the duvet, pushing it off of him, and sat up, desperately trying to catch his breath. He could taste blood, but he was unsure if it was a hangover from the dream or if it was real. The panic still consumed him, the feeling of dread as he could feel his life slipping away. Despite the sweat that clung to him, he was shaking, trembling from head to toe. 
“Fao?” A soft voice broke through the dark silence of the room. Ely. 
He didn’t answer, he didn’t have the words to answer. He made a noise, trying desperately to catch his breath. 
“I’m going to put the light on, okay?” She said softly, flicking her bedside lamp on. The room was bathed in a soft yellow light, and Fao flinched. He’d not been expecting it to be so bright. 
Ely moved closer to her husband, resting a gentle hand on his bicep. He looked at her, his eyes wide with fear, and her heart broke. She hated seeing him like this, it never got easier. 
It took him a while, his head still firmly stuck in the past, but eventually he recognised her. Overwhelmed, he threw himself at her, wrapping his arms around her. 
“It’s alright.” She soothed gently, running a hand through his hair. “It was just a dream.”
He whimpered, but forced himself to focus on her. The solid warmth of her body against him, her gentle hands, the smell of her soap and shampoo. Home. 
“It’s okay. You’re safe now. I’ve got you.” She said. “At home, in our bedroom, nothing can hurt you. You’re safe.” 
It took some time, but he began to believe her. The trembling stopped, his breathing slowed, matching every breath of hers. Her hand running through his hair grounded him, as did the hum of her voice in her chest.  He was safe, he was home. Ely was home. She’d always be his home. 
“Safe.” He murmured, drowsiness beginning to overtake him. “Home.”
“You’re safe.” She repeated, settling back against the pillows with him still held close. “You’re home.” 
Fao relaxed into her, exhausted and glad of the comfort. She flicked the light off, but kept him close to her, still soothing him and reassuring him he was safe. Eventually, he began to drift, his breathing evening out, safe in her arms.
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faofinn · 2 years
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
It felt almost counterintuitive to make another incision, but it had to be done, to see just how bad things were and repair any damage he could. He was tired, he’d had a long day and certainly didn’t expect to be doing this with his evening, but he didn’t have a choice. He just had to forget it was Sheila, and just focus on the job, just on the blood and the repair he needed to do. That was it. There was nobody connected to it. Just the job. 
There was a lot of blood as Fao opened his incision, and he swore to himself. Where was it coming from? He couldn’t tell, there was too much everywhere. He did his best to clear it, trying to track it back and find what was responsible. He adjusted his light with one hand, his teeth worrying his bottom lip as he concentrated.
Finn had to bite back tears as he watched Fao work, trying his best to just focus on what he'd been asked to do. The last thing they needed was him fucking it up because he had a seizure. As stupid as he thought they were, he tried his relaxation techniques, breathing through the stress and all that crap.
It was quiet and tense in their little theatre, far from the jovial atmosphere he’d had that day at work, with music and conversation. Now it was just instructions, obs and soft thank yous. Fao kept his head down, grateful for Harrison’s second pair of  hands. As much as the other man complained that he didn’t like surgery and he wouldn’t be a surgeon, he was good. He certainly made life easier for him. Tai was with Ely, assisting her where she needed it. It wasn’t a lot, but it meant if she needed to step out, he at least knew roughly where she was at. 
They were all worried about Finn, of course, this was a prime trigger for a seizure for him. They couldn’t baby him, though. He was an adult and he knew how to look after himself. They had to trust that he’d try his techniques, and take himself away if he felt like he was going to seize. Fao didn’t mind if he ended up with his myos, but he did worry about absences. If he needed equipment, he needed it then and there, and if Finn wasn’t able to hear him, he wouldn’t get it quickly. But he couldn’t overthink it, he had a job to do and he needed his brain capacity to do it.  
“Ely.” Tai pointed to the observations, well aware Ely would be on it but unable to just sit back.
Ely hummed. “Yeah, thanks.” She murmured. “BP is dropping, Fao.”
Finn glanced over, fumbling with the equipment. “Fao.” 
“I know. There’s not a lot I can do about it right now, Finn.”
“You have to do something.”
“Yeah, it’s called fixing this bleeding. Which, surprisingly enough, I was already doing.” He snapped. 
“I’m hanging more blood now.” Ely murmured.
Finn couldn’t help but flinch, lowering his head. He had nothing else to say, so didn’t, curling in on himself.
Fao sighed. “I think she’s going to lose this kidney.”
“Just do your best.” Harrison said quietly.
“I am.”
“She’s starting to brady down, Fao.”
“Fuck’s sake.”
Finn looked between them, blood rushing in his ears. This wasn’t happening, it wasn’t real. It couldn’t be, it just couldn’t.
“Yeah, alright, hang on. Let me just… Yeah, Hars, can you- perfect, yeah.”
“Are you nearly there?” He asked, moving to help Fao without needing to be asked.
“Wish I was.” He muttered. 
“Pulse is 51.” Ely called. 
Taidgh stepped back, grabbing the resus meds. He could see where it was going and he didn’t like it one bit.
“48. I’m not getting a proper BP read.” Ely said, and out of the corner of his eye, Fao saw her stand up. He pressed his lips together, trying not to swear. Sheila hated it when he swore. 
“Finn, can you get the arrest kit out?” Harrison prompted, though he wasnt sure Finn would listen or be able to take it in.
Finn didn’t move, and Fao cleared his throat. “Finn.”
He jumped, knocking the tray to the floor. Thankfully, it wasn’t one they needed, but it was now in the way. He moved quickly, though didn’t trust his voice to say anything.
Fao flinched. “Finn!”
Tears sprung to his eyes, but again, he said nothing. He laid the kit out, placing the pads on numbly. 
“Thanks, Finn.” Ely said gently.
He nodded silently, stepping back again. He’d only be in the way, after all. It’s all he had been for the entire operation.
“Finn?” Fao asked. “I need another clamp.”
“Here.” his voice wavered, but he passed fao a clamp.
He hummed in thanks, trying desperately to control the bleed. He knew it was fruitless, but he had to try. Ely hung another unit of blood, and swore. “I’ve lost her pulse.”
“I’m on it.” Tai said quickly, moving round to start compressions.
Fao knew he just needed to get on top of the bleeding, and this would resolve. It was odd, knowing he’d nearly bled out in this very same basement, and he owed his life to Finn. A lot had changed since then. “If I can just remedy this bleeding…”
“Let me know where you want me.” Harrison murmured, trying to keep an eye on everything.
It took two cycles of CPR for Fao to finally control the bleed, meds in and bloods running to try and manage it. The kidney was too badly damaged, and his only option was to remove it, which he hated. It was their only option, though, and with it gone he could more easily control the bleed. It took another round for her body to catch up, everyone aware that this wasn’t sustainable forever. 
But clearly something was working somewhere, the blood they were putting in doing it’s job rather than perfusing the floor, and at the next rhythm check Ely’s head shot up. 
“I’ve got a pulse. Fucking hell, I’ve got a pulse.”
Everyone froze, Ely's outburst unexpected but so, so welcome. ROSC protocols were followed, Finn and Harrison rushing around to make sure everything was sorted. They'd got her back, they sure as hell weren't going to lose her again.
The most difficult part of the surgery was done now, and Fao could almost breathe a sigh of relief. The ROSC protocols were reassuringly structured, giving them some reprieve from having to think too much. Tai looked shattered, unsurprisingly, and Fao was impressed at just how well everyone had managed. 
He carried on, fixing the rest of the damage and making sure everything was as it should be. After that he could close the main incision, stitch by painstaking stitch, and then after that he was able to close the stab wound itself after a thorough washout. He’d done his work, now Sheila would need to do hers and heal.
Y'all know what I'm gonna say... Ely is owned by @epochandeons, thanks for letting me write her :)
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faofinn · 2 years
Blood Loss | Running Out of Air | Hyperthermia
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Fao swore as she slumped against him, and gathered her up in his arms. “It’s okay, i’ve got you.” He murmured, glancing around the kitchen, at his girlfriend and brother. “Can you guys run down ahead of me, start getting the resus bay set up? I’ll be right behind you.”
Finn was stuck for a moment, caught like a deer in headlights. He swallowed thickly, but nodded as Fao gave them instructions, darting out.
Fao adjusted his grip on Sheila, keeping her close to him, and frowned at the sticky warmth over his forearms. He pulled back slightly, and caught sight of the flash of red over the ink of his tattoos. Blood. What the fuck had happened?   
"Ely? Can you set up airways?" He hated himself for asking, but hated the shake in his voice more. "I need an alert out to everyone, and I needed them here yesterday."
Ely nodded quickly. “I’m grabbing my trauma kit now, and I’ll call out, see who I can find. Is Steve working?” She asked, finding her kit.
"I think so. Hars should be around."
“I’ll call him.” She said, one hand sorting through her kit whilst she flicked through her phone with the other. 
"Have you got enough to RSI?" 
“Yeah, I’ve got everything.” She replied, hitting speaker on her phone as it rang, praying Harrison picked up.
He did, though there was the sound of chaos in the background. "Ely. Go ahead."
Ely frowned. “Where are you?”
"Out with Taidgh and Levi. What's wrong?"
“It’s Sheila, she’s… she’s collapsed.” She said, her voice wavering. At that same moment, Fao pushed the main doors open, so hard they smacked off the wall.
"Collapsed how? What's happened?"
"She was attacked, Hars. We need everyone here."
“She’s bleeding!” Fao called. “I don’t know exactly where from.”
"Fuck." Harrison repeated. "We'll be ten minutes."
“Make it five.” Ely said, her voice more commanding than she expected. 
Finn fussed over Fao and Sheila, helping him get her onto their bed. "Bleeding?"
“Somewhere on her back, I don’t know. I’m covered.” Fao said, pulling back.
He glanced up at his brother. "Shit, you are. This isn't good."
“I was hoping this was going to be straightforward. Blanket, gown, anything? We’ll need to get all this off of her.”
"Blanket is on the side. Watch your hand, I need to cut it."
Fao turned away, moving his hand to grab the blanket, as Ely set up to cannulate. 
"Oh, God." Finn murmured. 
“How bad?” Fao asked, wiping his hands off on his jeans and throwing his hair up into a bun
"She's been stabbed. Pass me the gauze."
“Fuck.” Fao muttered, grabbing up the gauze. “Here, pack what you can. How deep?”
"Deep enough you'll probably want to scrub in. What are your obs like, Ely?"
“Shit. BP 85/40, pulse 120.”
Fao winced. “Can you guys manage if I go and sort the theatre?”
"We'll manage."
“Alright. I won’t be long.” Fao said, glancing over at them.
"Ely, you wanna RSI?"
“On it. Ketamine going in now.” She murmured, rubbing Sheila’s arm out of habit as she gave the drug.
Finn hesitated a moment, before quickly leaning down to kiss his mum's forehead. "We're gonna look after you now, okay? Just hold on."
“We’ve got you, Sheila. Got the family’s finest.” Said Ely gently, discarding the spent syringe as she checked her observations. 
Finn swallowed thickly. He couldn’t look at Ely, his eyes kept low as he kept treating, his hands just muscle memory.
Happy enough with the numbers she was getting, Ely picked up her next drug. “Roc going in now.”
He wanted nothing else than to run, to stop treating and pretend that none of it was happening. It was one thing to treat Fao, or Hars, in fact, it had become the norm. But to see his mum like this, it was bordering on too much. His eyes kept flicking to the machines, double, then triple checking over everything, searching for something he'd missed. 
Ely didn’t have time to check on Finn, as she took a moment to bag and make sure everything was as she wanted it before she reached for her tube. She had to take control, and so she did, confidently passing the tube in. At least Sheila had an easy airway, and she didn’t have to work too hard. Happy with it, she checked air entry, and hummed to herself, connecting the vent.
“There. Perfect.” She could focus on her other drugs now, managing the haemorrhage the best she could. 
Fao emerged then, swallowing thickly at the state of his Mum. He’d changed, Ely noticed, his jeans and sweatshirt gone and scrubs in their place. Not his usual, fancy scrubs either. Not the ones he wore for their little clinics. These were their shitty, theatre scrubs, crumbled and rucked up in places where Fao had thrown them on. 
“Talk to me.” Fao said. “Theatre’s set up. Where is Hars? He should be here by now.”
"Ely's just intubated, that's all sorted. I've packed as much as I can, TXA and that seems to be holding her blood pressure. Think she's got some internal injuries going on, but I'm not sure how much of this bruising is from her ribs. Her abdomen is pretty solid. We've just got the one entry wound. I heard a car pull up before, I'm hoping it's him."
Fao nodded. “Alright. Can I have a look at this wound? We can’t CT, obviously, but we’ve got ultrasound. I might be able to see what’s internal and what’s ribs, or at least get some idea.”
"Go for it. I'll grab some more blood."
“Great.” Fao murmured, and moved to examine the stab wound. It was neat, not too big, but certainly deep. Obviously they had no idea how big the knife had been, but it was realistic to assume she’d been bleeding since she’d gotten home. Fuck. 
The doors flung open again, Harrison and Tai rushing through. "What's happening? Where do you need us?"
“Hars, with me.” Fao said sharply. “Grab the ultrasound. It’s a significant stab wound to the back, deeper than I can guess just from here. Has just been RSI’d, TXA given, Finn’s just about to hang more blood. Abdomen is solid. She’s been bleeding since she got in at around two. She’s lost so much blood. Fuck.”
"Do you need me to scrub in?" He asked, moving to Fao's side.
“I’m not going to say no to the assist.” He said. “The theatre is all set up, just waiting for everything to stabilise enough.”
"I'll scrub." He said, glancing at Finn. "Tai, can you sort the ultrasound with Fao?"
“Yeah, on it now.” Tai said, grabbing the kit. 
"Where's dad?" Finn asked, finishing the blood. "Is he okay?"
“He’s probably already looking for the cunt that did this.”
"He doesn't know who it was?"
“I don’t even think she knows who it was.” Ely commented quietly. “I’m sure he’ll find them, though.”
"I'll kill them." Finn said simply. "When we find them, I'll kill them."
“Yeah? Join the queue.” Fao said, looking at the ultrasound. “Clear haemoperitoneum, there’s free fluid everywhere. Hard to tell where it’s coming from, though.”
"Is it bad?"
“I want to get to theatre now, really.” Fao admitted. “Are you all happy to move?”
“Yeah, go for it.” Ely said. “I’ll need to change and things, though. But if Hars is waiting he can monitor whilst I get sorted. Or Tai, you know your way around the vent.”
"I've got the vent." Tai murmured. "Gives you three a chance to plan."
Ely went to change and get ready for the transfer, whilst Fao did the best he could to manage the damage so far. Harrison would be back soon, and they could get going. He looked around for his brother. 
“Finn?” He asked gently. “How are you holding up?”
"I'm fine." He said firmly, not sure who he was trying to convince. 
“Do you reckon you’d be able to help in theatre?”
"Would you even want me?"
“If I’ve got Hars as an assist I could do with you to act as a scrub nurse. Only if you can.”
"I'm fine." He repeated. "I can help."
“Just saves me time.” Fao murmured. “Thank you. Do you want to go and get sorted?”
"Are you two okay here?"
“Yeah, just be quick. Hars will be back in a minute.”
"I can wait until he's back?"
“It’s fine, the sooner the better.”
"Alright. I'll be quick." He nodded, disappearing to get sorted. 
It took a few minutes for everyone to get sorted, but soon enough Sheila was in their theatre and Fao was scrubbed and ready to go, with Hars alongside him. It was less than ideal, Fao knew his surgical team were reluctant at best, but it would have to do. 
It felt almost counterintuitive to make another incision, but it had to be done, to see just how bad things were and repair any damage he could. He was tired, he’d had a long day and certainly didn’t expect to be doing this with his evening, but he didn’t have a choice. He just had to forget it was Sheila, and just focus on the job, just on the blood and the repair he needed to do. That was it. There was nobody connected to it. Just the job.
Ely, as usual, belongs to @epochandeons
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faofinn · 2 years
Hidden Injury | Waking Up Disoriented | Can’t Pass Out
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Sheila had just been out shopping for food, nothing out of the ordinary. Fao was at work, and she didn't fancy torturing herself dragging Finn around. It was easier struggling with the bags herself than fighting with Finn over every decision, just like when he was a kid. 
She had her music in as she shopped, mooching through the aisles. It was an easy enough Wednesday, no other responsibilities to deal with. Getting out the house and having some fresh air was always nice, and she planned to grab a coffee before she headed back home. 
The men who caught her on the way back to the car knew exactly who she was. She had her own reputation, but they knew nothing would get Fred’s attention quite like hurting his wife. 
They grabbed her from behind, careful she couldn’t see their faces. One covered her mouth, the other laughed. “We’ve got a message for your husband.”
She couldn’t move, couldn't scream for help, though not that she would. Her gun was tucked in her waistband, but there was no way she could get to it without alerting them. The knife was no use either, they were too close for her to get to it and use it without them overpowering her and using it against her.
“Your husband needs to know we’re going to tear him apart.” They growled, and sharply jerked a knife into her back. 
The punch winded her, letting out a small whine. She shook her head, they didn't have a chance against her husband. 
They took their opportunity whilst she was winded to push her to the floor, aiming a hard kick to her ribs. Laughing, they kicked her around a little more, and then left her on the floor. 
She took a moment, trying to catch her breath. As she sat up, dizziness overwhelmed her and she leaned against her car to stop her tipping over. She knew she had to move, had to get away, but the blood dripping into her eye pulled her attention. She was more than likely a little concussed, she reasoned, and probably not too safe to drive. It explained the fogginess to her thoughts, only the dull ache to her ribs cutting through it. 
She finally managed to get in the car, locking the doors behind her. The first aid kit from the glove box came in handy, gauze pressed to her forehead as she downed some paracetamol to take the edge off. Unfortunately she knew better than to call Fred, to draw him to the scene, so she had no option but to drive. It took her two attempts to start the car; moving to dip the clutch sent an awful sharp pain through her abdomen, winding her once again. 
The house was busy by the time Sheila got home. With Fao at work, Ely was busy in the basement store cupboard, sorting through the meds and supplies that needed reordering, checking over the equipment. She liked to do it regularly, given they never knew when they might end up needing it. Fred was busy doing business, the door to his office tightly shut, and Finn had made himself at home on the couch, Arrow one side of him and Apollo the other, enjoying the warmth of the blanket nest he’d made. 
By the time she got home, her head was pounding, the paracetamol having done nothing for her ribs. She called out when she opened the door, hoping someone was around.
Finn called back from the sofa, though jumped up as he heard the shake in his mum's voice. The dog followed too, though Apollo stalked off elsewhere. 
"Mum? Fuck, mum. What happened?"
"I'm okay, Finn. I just got jumped. Think they've broken my ribs, but my head is killing me." She said, propping herself up on the wall. "Let me get changed first, but can you check my head out? I think it might need a steri."
"No, come downstairs. Ely can give you a hand getting changed. I'll call Fao from work."
"Don't be silly. You're making a fuss out of nothing."
"What would you say to us? Please?"
"Finn, I'm fine. I'm letting you check my head, aren't I? You can even come and stand outside while I get changed."
He wasn't impressed, but finally agreed. "I'll grab some wraps for your ribs, I'll let you put them on, but I'll check them over?"
"You can get them, but I'm more than capable, Finn. I'll see you upstairs."
“Fine. Be careful on the way upstairs.”
"I'm always careful." She brushed him off, ignoring the wave of dizziness and nausea as she headed upstairs. 
Finn frowned but let her go, heading down to get the wraps for her ribs. He was worried about her - his mum was always alright, she never got hurt - and quickly texted Fao to see if he could at least get home on time. There’d be no chance of him finishing early, unless it was a huge emergency, and Finn had to admit that whilst he was worried, he wasn’t that worried.��
Sheila cleaned her head up as best she could, gripping tight on the sink to stop herself passing out. She gave up as Finn knocked, choosing to spend her energy wrapping the ice around her chest. The dizziness started to overwhelm her again, so she quickly threw her top in the laundry basket, pulled on a clean hoodie and then called out to Finn.
Finn frowned at the state of her, but chose not to say anything. He passed her the wraps, and then set his stuff down on the side. “That’s deep on your head.” 
"I tried to clean it a bit.'”
“Let me.” Finn said, reaching for his stuff. 
"Be careful, won't you?"
“Of course.” Finn grumbled. Gently, he cleaned it and steried the cut, happy it wasn’t too deep to need glue or stitches. “Did they hurt you anywhere else? Let me have a look.”
"Just there." She leaned into him. "Thank you for doing this."
“Like I wouldn’t.”
"You didn't expect to do this."
Finn rolled his eyes. “I’ll still do it. Are you going to come down or do you want to rest up here?”
"I'll come lie on the sofa for a bit."
Finn helped her downstairs, worry churning his stomach. He hated seeing his mum vulnerable, especially with nobody else around. Fao would be home soon, and Ely would emerge from the basement. She always kept herself to herself when Fao was away, and Finn couldn’t blame her. 
He let her rest, and couldn’t help but keep an eye on her from the other sofa. He really was worried about her, but he couldn’t do anything unless she let him. 
Fao came home later that evening, tired from work, and worried about Sheila. Finn’s message hadn’t been super urgent, but it had been worrying enough. She didn’t look well when he greeted her with a kiss when he got in, but chose not to push it. They’d eat, and after they’d eaten, he’d bring it up. 
He greeted Ely too, pulling her in for a hug. He’d missed her, he always did when he was working, and he knew she didn’t like being left alone in the house with his family. They’d been together a while now, but it was still unsettling without him. 
Sheila was the last one through to dinner, taking several attempts to fully wake up. She stumbled through to the kitchen, feeling infinitely worse than she had when she'd gone for the nap. She gratefully sunk into the chair, struggling to focus. The room spun sickeningly, and she shivered despite the heat.  
Fao glanced at her across the table, not missing the look on her face as she sat. She looked awful, pale and shaky, and he saw her shiver. The kitchen was hot, the oven having been on for them to cook. But he was starved after work, and he soon got distracted by his food. They were quiet when they ate - they always were, but eventually they’d finished, and Fao stood to clear the table. He noticed Sheila had barely eaten, and rested a hand on her shoulder gently.
“Are you alright?”
She raised her head. "Mm?"
“You’ve barely touched your food.”
"Yeah, I'm fine. I think I'm going to go to bed."
“You look like shit.” Fao pointed out. “Are you sure you’re alright?”
"Just a busy day." She said, not focused or listening to Fao. "I'll see you later."
“At least let me help you upstairs?”
"No, no." 
Fao sighed. “Please?”
She didn't listen, pushing her chair back to stand. She hadn't thought she could feel much worse, but she'd been so, so wrong. Pain lanced through her abdomen and she cried out, reaching for the table to steady herself. 
“Mum!” Fao exclaimed. “Come on, you’re not well. Let me have a look at you.”
She knew Fao was talking to her, she could see his lips moving, the look of concern on his face, but it was just so distant. The room wouldn't stay in focus either, her mind too slow to actually realise what was going on. 
Fao swore as she slumped against him, and gathered her up in his arms. “It’s okay, i’ve got you.” He murmured, glancing around the kitchen, at his girlfriend and brother. “Can you guys run down ahead of me, start getting the resus bay set up? I’ll be right behind you.”
Finn was stuck for a moment, caught like a deer in headlights. He swallowed thickly, but nodded as Fao gave them instructions, darting out. Fao adjusted his grip on Sheila, keeping her close to him, and frowned at the sticky warmth over his forearms. He pulled back slightly, and caught sight of the flash of red over the ink of his tattoos. Blood. What the fuck had happened?
Ely belongs to @epochandeons :)
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faofinn · 2 years
No. 18 MADE TO WATCH (Alt. Prompt 8)
@epochandeons guest wrote this one with shiv, as well as giving us the prompt idea! Isn't she awesome? Enjoy :)
It had gone so, so badly wrong. It was supposed to be a nice day out, just Fao and Ely, enjoying their time together. They rarely got any, with work and all of their other commitments, and so their time together was precious. Rather than spend it in the house, where they’d likely be disturbed by Finn and god knows what else, they’d decided to go out, get away from it all. A nice day in London. Meandering around Hyde Park before heading to Oxford Street to shop. Fao could really spoil Ely, get her all sorts of things she wanted (even though she protested it most of the time). Then they had a nice meal, talking and drinking an enjoying themselves. 
It wasn’t until the evening, when they were ready to head home, that things went sideways. They grabbed Ely first, knowing full well that Fao would fight to help her, and fight he did. He didn’t have a lot on him, given they’d been in town. He didn’t need to bring a whole armoury with him for a nice day out. Or, maybe he did. He had his gun with him, of course, but he was in a busy area, and a gun would just attract attention to them, and not the kind of attention he wanted. 
They were quick to grab him too, despite how he fought back, and they were bundled into the back of a van. Ely looked terrified and he had to admit he couldn’t blame her. He hated this, just as much as she did. At least he was used to it, it wasn’t exactly the first time he’d been taken. At least they hadn’t knocked him out this time, he wasn’t keen on the repeated head trauma. 
He sat with his knees drawn up to his chest, glowering at their captors. 
They soon dumped them in a cell, hands bound and ignored. Fao was glad of it, he didn’t want them up in their faces. He knew he’d lose his temper, and that wasn’t going to help. 
Ely looked scared, and he hated it. He tried to comfort her as best he could, but he knew it wasn’t much. They were still stuck, after all, with no explanation of what their captors wanted or why. He didn’t even know who they were. Tomas’ men? Someone Fred had pissed off with a deal gone wrong? He had no idea. It took everything in him not to shout, and eventually someone came for them. 
“Well, isn’t this a pleasant surprise? The pair of you, enjoying my hospitality.”
“Fuck off, Henri!” Fao snapped, yanking against his bindings. “You’ve no business with us, let us go!”
“Oh, but quite the opposite.  I have plenty of business with you. Unfinished business.” He crossed the room to Ely, crouching in front of her. 
“How are you, pumpkin?” His voice was sickly sweet, and he reached out to stroke her face. 
“Don’t touch me!” She snapped, jerking away from him. 
“Now, now. I taught you better than that, didn’t I?”
“Fuck off.” She spat. 
“Leave her out of this.” Fao said, his voice cold. 
“Why? She’s the whole root of this problem.”
“She’s not! She’s an innocent party, you don’t need to involve her in this. She’s not done anything to hurt you.”
“And yet without her, I wouldn’t have anything to get to you, would I? I had a lot of fun with your boyfriend a while ago.”
“He was never my boyfriend.” 
“No? You sent him to do your dirty work, didn’t you?”
“He does what he wants to do, I don’t control him.”
“That’s what they all say. No matter, I’ve got you now. That’s all I need.”
“Leave Ely out of this, and you can do whatever you like to me.”
“I wouldn’t speak too soon. I need her. It’s no fun just to fuck with you.”
“What do you want, Henri?” Ely asked. 
“Information, pumpkin. This man of yours that you’re so besotted with is quite powerful.”
“She doesn’t know anything! Leave her out of this.” Fao shouted. 
“She might not.” Henri agreed. “But you do.”
Her blood went cold and she shook her head. “He won’t tell you anything.”
“Maybe not at first, but I can get creative.” He gestured to the men waiting behind him, and they moved forwards to grab Ely. They dragged her forwards to the middle of the room, and bound her to a chair. 
“Leave her alone!” Fao shouted. 
She tried her best to struggle, to slip her arms free as they were tied to the arms of the chair. It didn’t work. She was stuck. So she spat in one of the men’s face. 
She hit one of the men square on the cheek, a fat glob of spit trickling down his face. “Little bitch!” He exclaimed, smacking her. 
“Get your hands off of her!”
Grimacing, Ely squeezed her eyes shut for a second. “He won’t say a thing.”
“He will. I just need to find the right way to ask.” Henri said, moving close to her again now she was tied to the chair. “How should I play with you, pumpkin?”
“Fuck off.” She told him. 
“That’s not very kind, is it?”
“You don’t care about kindness.”
“I’ll be kind and I won’t hurt that pretty face of yours.” Henri said, eyes dragging over her. 
“Like hell.” She replied, choosing to be angry over showing fear. There was no point in showing fear. 
“That bastard of yours is a bad influence on you.” Henri scoffed. 
“He’s a good man!”
“I don’t think you understand what it is he does, Pumpkin.” 
“I know what he does.” She replied. “But he’s a good man. A better man than you’ll ever be.”
“I knew you were stupid, but I didn’t realise you were that stupid. Nothing but a stupid whore.” 
“Shut the fuck up!” Fao shouted. 
“I’ve not even touched you, and look at him. All upset already. What is it they call you? The Direwolf? Yappy little shit more like.”
“Fred will kill you.” Ely hissed.
“Fuck it, I’ll kill you!” Fao growled. 
Though it was pointless, Ely still tried her luck. “Let us go.”
“And why would I do that?”
“Because you loved me once.”
Henri scoffed again. “Not anymore.”
“No? You’re jealous. You’re still upset that I left you.”
“I need you for information.” 
She steeled herself. “Then what are you waiting for?”
Henri smiled at her. “I was just thinking of what I could do to you. I’m sure I’ll think of something better, soon enough.” He withdrew a knife from his belt, and then lifted one of Ely’s legs, slipping off her shoe. 
She stared at him, daring him to do whatever it was he was planning. The knife glinted in the low light, but she couldn’t show her fear, so she pushed it down. 
He scored the knife over the sole of her foot, watching the blood bead in the mark he’d made. 
Ely cried out, trying to get her foot out of his grip. “Fuck you!”
“Ah, ah!” Henri warned, gripping tighter as he dragged the knife across her foot again. 
She cried out again. “Get off!”
“Where’s the fun in that?”
“Leave her alone! Hurt me if you want to hurt someone!”
Henri laughed. “No, I don’t think I will.” He said, and once more dug the knife into her foot. 
“Leave her alone, you cunt!”
Ely watched in horror as he dropped her foot and then lifted the other, sliding her shoe off. 
“You know how to stop this,” he said casually as he did so, “you just have to tell me what I want to hear. There’s no need for any of this.”
“Stop it!” Fao exclaimed, straining at his bindings. “Let her go!”
“Well, that isn’t the right answer. Maybe I should remove a toe.”
“Don’t you fucking dare!”
“No?” Henri asked, dragging the blade up the sole of her foot. The edge found the side of her big toe. 
“Leave her alone.” Fao’s voice was cold. 
The knife bit deeper and Ely shouted, trying to pull her foot away once more.
“Stop it!” Fao shouted, his voice hoarse. 
Henri grinned, and dropped the knife with a clatter. He had other ideas, he’d done enough to stop Ely from getting to her feet. He turned away to pick up a pair of pliers, turning them over in his hand. Then, he delicately took one of Ely’s hands. “There’s plenty of other things I can do.” He tightly grasped a nail, and pulled, hard. 
She screamed as her nail was ripped from the nail bed. “Get off! Stop it!”
Henri laughed, moving onto the next nail, which he ripped out cleanly. “Oh, bless.” He said, voice sickly sweet. 
“Stop! Let her go! Please!” Fao begged.
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faofinn · 8 months
Hi! Kind of new to your blog and I got a little lost with the characters 😅 Would you mind explaining the main plot or the characters’ background a bit so I can understand the stories a little better? Thank you and sorry for the trouble!
Don't apologise at all! It is quite confusing - especially as we have different AUs for our characters!
We're going to do a full intro post for each of our characters, so keep an eye out for that. In the meantime, a quick rundown of the mains.
Fred and Sheila Daniels, adoptive parents to both Fao and Finn. Fostered Harrison on respite. Sheila works as a nurse when Finn and Fao are old enough (in her eyes) to fend for themselves. Fred, on the other hand, stays the furthest away from medicine as he can get, and works as a history professor, writing books in his spare time.
Fao Daniels, the eldest Daniels son, and very independent. Served in the army until an accident ended his career and he returned to the UK as a surgeon. Family: Amelia and James Blackwood (parents), Friend and Sheila Daniels (Adopted Parents), Tomas (Uncle and former 'guardian'), Finn (brother), Luke, Beth, Arthur (kids). Partners: Alex, Ollie, Harrison, Elyana Lozier.
Finn Daniels, the youngest son. Fred's nephew, suffered a TBI when he was ten thanks to #apollothecat. The accident caused his epilepsy and added to his chronic pain. Followed in Fao's footsteps and went to medschool, though he found his place in the ED. Family: Fred and Sheila (adopted parents), Partners: Jessica Weston.
Steve Cunningham. Neurosurgeon by trade, now Harrison's adoptive father. Needs to be protected at all costs, would do anything for Harrison. Mentored Fao while Finn was recovering from his TBI. Family: Bella (wife), Jonathan (son), Amy (daughter), Harrison (adopted son).
Harrison Cunningham-Cole, Steve's son and the reputation of troublemaker. Bounced around the care system after his parents (the Tanners) were arrested for abuse. Has his fair share of crappy partners, but finally found the love of his life in Tai. Works as an ED cons. Family: Steve (adoptive father), Kieran, Alfie, and Levi (adopted sons). Partners: Marcus, Conor, Taidgh Cole.
Taidgh Cunningham-Cole. Harrison's husband and dad to the three kids. Works as a physio, and has a diagnosis of late onset T1DM. Originally from Ireland, he moved to London to train, and met Harrison when he broke his ankle and was hopped up on pain meds.
Elyana Lozier - owned by @epochandeons , Shiv and Ev's best friend IRL! Ely works as an anaesthetist, and somehow fell in love with the idiot that is Fao. Also has seizures from a car crash. Adoptive mother to Luke, and bio to Beth and Arthur
Jessica Weston, another long-suffering partner. Has been Finn's girlfriend since they were nine, much to everyone's amusement (and Finn's denial). Works as a lawyer and has way too many brains to be with Finn, but family game nights prove why the pair are together. They have a daughter, Amelia, who was bit of a surprise to the pair.
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faofinn · 3 years
No. 22 - REGRET (Alt. 12)
Ely is stolen from @epochandeons as per usual :)
“I don’t understand why you’re in such a mood with me!” Fao exclaimed, exasperated. Ely had been off with him since he’d come in late the night before, and he’d finally lost it with her.
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe it’s because you’ve done close to an 80 hour week this week! I hardly see you, and you’re supposed to be taking things easy! You’re not long after major surgery, or had you forgotten that bit?”
“I’m recovered, I’m fine! I got the all clear to come back to work.”
“You got the all clear to take it easy at work! You’re so bullheaded!”
“It’s not my fault the department is down two surgeons. I have to work otherwise we’d have no trauma cover! You know what it’s like.”
“Not to the point of working yourself to death. They can get locums in, you’re going to end up hurting yourself Fao!”
“I’m not going to hurt myself.” He snapped. “I’m fine. You can’t wrap me in cotton wool forever, let me life my fucking life!” He turned away from his girlfriend, grabbing his boots. “I’m taking the dog for a walk, I’m not having this conversation anymore.”
“Oh, so we’re just going to ignore it, then. Sounds about right, you ignore everything else.” Ely retorted sarcastically.
“Oh, charming.” He muttered, resting his leg on the edge of the bed to tie his laces.
Finn had been standing outside his brother's door for most of the argument. He'd been about to knock before the raised voices, and he'd hesitated. His stomach was still flipping though, and he knew he couldn't leave it. He couldn't risk being alone.
He knocked gently. "Fao? Ely?"
Ely frowned. “Finn? What’s wrong?” She called.
"Can I come in?"
Ignoring Fao, Ely crossed the room to open the door. “Are you alright?”
He shook his head. "Feel all wrong. Didn't want to be alone."
Leg still up on the bed, Fao twisted to look at his brother, concerned. “Finn?”
"I need help."
“Why don’t you sit down?” Ely said gently.
“Sit on the bed.” Ely told him.
She didn't get it. "Can't."
Fao twisted further, trying to work out what the hell was going on. Really, he should have known better, but he wasn’t thinking. Finn was always his priority. That was, until pain overwhelmed him, and he struggled to stay upright. “Fuck.’
Finn was too distracted to pay attention to Fao, grabbing at Ely to stop himself falling.
“Oh, you have got to be kidding me.” Ely muttered, struggling to help Finn. “Fao, what’s going on?”
“Uh, I, fuck. Think I’ve done my hip.”
“The fuck do you mean done?!”
“Well, uh, it hurts.” He said weakly. “I think it’s dislocated. I’ll live. How’s Finn?”
"Ely." Finn managed between absences and myos. "'s Fao?"
Desperately trying not to keel over, Fao grabbed at the bed and tried to sit. “Ely, there’s midaz in my bedside drawer.”
“Why can’t the two of you just take it in turns?” She grumbled, grabbing Finn’s meds. “Fao, are you going to be alright?”
“I need help getting on the bed.” He whimpered.
Finn finally lost his fight against the seizure, slipping under and convulsing.
Keeping an eye on the time, Ely swore as Finn started to seize. But there wasn't a lot she could do, and so rushed to help Fao.
“You've got to be kidding me.” Fao groaned. The pain was immense, but he was more worried about Finn. He couldn't help manage the seizure, couldn't do much of anything. He was settled enough, and then pushed his girlfriend's hands off of him. “Sort Finn, not me.” He snapped.
Ely knew better than to argue with him, and wordlessly crouched next to Finn. They at least had pillows to protect him a little, but really it was a waiting game until they could give Midaz. She just hoped he resolved before then.
It did, thankfully. It still left him unconscious and out of breath, his tongue bleeding and running down his cheek. Finn didn't move, taking his time to come round.
Worried, Ely took a quick set of obs (as many as she could, anyway, and then left Finn to come round in his own time, propped up on his side. She turned her attention to her boyfriend, but one look told her all she needed to know.
“Well, that's dislocated.”
“I can't fucking believe this.”
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