#elliot windroe
windroe-pony-au · 2 years
Elspeth wandered through her personal library. There were books upon books upon books. Her eyes scanned every spine, when she saw one that stood out to her like a sore thumb. 
It was one that she hadn't seen in years, and one that she had tried to lock away in her memory.
Yet, feeling drawn to the album, she stepped closer. Her horn lit up with silvery magic and levitated it off of the shelf. It then sat down on the table, and was open to a page that she remembered well - the day that she started to lose her mother.
In an instant, the mare's eyes fluttered open, and she was sat beside a rather frail looking unicorn colt in a hospital. His tired eyes switched from her to the floor and back again constantly.
She was reliving one of her worst memories and going through it all over again. 
"You okay there, Elsy?" He asked timidly.
"Of course," she sat herself up straight. "Why wouldn't I be, Elliot?"
-beginning of the album arc-
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"Did you hear about the Windroe Twins?
One died to escape his grief, while the other lives to move herself beyond it."
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Elliot angst bc you deserve it (and Ciero, if consider brief mentions as a main tag)
Elliot, before he died, struggled quite a bit with depression and anxiety. He always liked relying on his twin sister to cheer him up, if only a little bit—and he always enjoyed and made sure to keep the memories he made with her whenever they’d go to the library or the town together close to his heart.
When Steven was disowned; dead to the entire family, everything with Elliot got so much worse. <u>(1)</u>Not even his sister could cheer him up, everything lost it’s meaning; not even the dearest memories he had with his sister made any difference to anything.
He was so caught up in work, his fathers legacy bruising his shoulders and bending his spine—the memories of what he once enjoyed, his hobbies, food, activities, everything were distant, unable to be reached.
<u>(2)</u>Elliot was slowly becoming a husk; he didn’t know who he was, he didn’t know who Elliot Windroe truly was. He had no taste, if he had a favourite food, it tasted of nothing, which led him down a dark hole of not doing anything but work.
Maybe, if he lived up to his fathers standards; his legacy, he’d know who he was. But instead, it got worse. <u>(3)</u>With constant flares of his illnesses, he was quickly becoming overwhelmed, and one day, it was simply too much.
Too, too much.
And so, with a shotgun, loss of self identity, and free will, he decided to die in his own way.
<u>(1)</u>This is also the same idea I have for Ciero, especially in his breakdown arc. (2)Just the idea of being so broken by everything that’s happened to him, most brought on by his own selfish need to help people (the idea of making other people happy for his own gain of potential/temporary happiness) and selfless way of going about it (sacrificing himself for others happiness) (this would also include Rom!Alice), that he has no idea who he is anymore, and nothing means anything.
<u>(2)</u>Also, I feel like Ciero would also suffer with losing taste due to depression. I think he’d lose it quite quickly, possibly after a few cases as a social worker or after everything with Alice. Which could possibly cause him to stop eating, but I don’t know.
A lot of his personality before the breakdown is fake and he only ever stopped using the fake personality after he knew that everyone knew.
<u>(3) Elliot’s illnesses:</u> - Anaemia - Gastroparesis - Anxiety - Depression - Asthma - Unilateral renal hypoplasia - Ehlers-danlos syndrome - PoTS - Autism (and an array of allergies (garlic, peanuts, citrus, feathers, pollen, dust))
<u>Ciero’s Illnesses:</u> - Autism, - PTSD&Agoraphobia - CRPS - Ehlers-danlos syndrome - Gastroparesis
This really hit me.
Yall are trying to murder me with the big sad before 10 o'clock at night. (/j)
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If you ever do post that fantastical Windroe family AU, please make them vampires. I’ve been plagued with the thought of rebellious! vampire! Octavian ripping open a blood bag with him sharp teeth
(Nah, he'd drink it like a Capri sun)
See, here's the thing: the idea I have for the fantasy au is something that is so far removed from Creepypasta/Eldritch Hall that it could be its own original project.
I actually have plans for it to become something, if I can get the motivation to so so.
...anyway, the idea is basically that their family (more specifically, Elspeth's side) has a blood blessing/curse that gives everyone born into the family magical powers.
But, these powers come at a cost:
In every generation, at least one member of the family is assured to die incredibly young.
It is a sacrifice made unintentionally in order to keep the magic flowing.
And in how I have written the Windroe Family so far, you can definitely see how this comes into play.
Anyway, with how many in Elspeth's generation died, that definitely led to an increase in the powers of her children.
What are these powers? Well, starting from the youngest, I'll go back.
Starting with the babies ❤❤❤❤
Ollie: can talk to animals; can make plants grow.
Bentley: metaokinesis (control of metals).
Christopher (Kit): night vision; shadow manipulation.
Jack K, Jane: none. :(
Then, the Parental Gen 💙❤💛💚
Favio: Crystal manipulation; precious metal manipulation; shape-shifting.
Ciero: super speed; can increase frequency of molecules in other objects as well; increased flexibility.
Patrick: none. :(
Lydia: she never got to know.
Octavian: super strength; enhanced reflexes; super healing.
Jack G: none. :(
Jill: none. :(
Zephyr: telekinesis; telepathy; super agility.
Next, the elder gen! Elspeth and her brothers (and Frankie)! 🤍💜💖❤💙
Frankie: none. :(
Elliot: emotional detection (aura sensing); hypnotic singing voice.
Richard: none! >:)
Elspeth: hypnotic singing voice; telepathy.
Steven: increased strength.
Ezekiel: can make people believe his every word (charisma?)
And then, their parents (Hartwig, Linore) and Elspeth's aunt, Casseia. 🖤💖❤
Hartwig: none! >:)
Linore: hypnotic voice; shape-shifting.
Casseia: can talk to animals.
And the start of this family magic: Linore's parents.
Elderia: magic/witchcraft.
Damon: none. :(
...anyway, yeah. That's all I've got.
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Alright! So, a while ago, I had an Idea for the Windroes being involved in a documentary about Linore Windroe.
...this is the result of that idea, wherein they were interviewed about her.
Question 1: How Would You Describe Linore Windroe?
Zephyr: quite sweet, really… she'd let us lie on her bed and sing to us in Greek.
Octavian: Well, she was my grandma. You know, she loved us. She loved us all. She was a very loving person.
Ciero: she gave me the wrappers for some hard candies once. That was confusing.
Favio: I remember one time - she called me her "Elliot"… mom really couldn't handle that.
Elspeth: my mother was… beyond words. She was an actress. She was a model, a pro-immigration and anti-segregation activist, a mother… She was so many things. It's hard to find just one that defines her.
Question Two: Favourite Linore Windroe Film?
Elspeth: Oh, definitely "A Crisp Leaf in Winter". The scene with the train? Gorgeous. She used to sing the songs from it as a lullaby for Mr and my brothers.
Zephyr: I'd have to say… "London's Letter". The moment where her character realises what is in the envelope… Well, it changed me as a child.
Octavian: I didn't really watch any of Grandma's movies… Like, there were some that I saw, but none that… oh, God. I'm gonna sound really cruel, but… there were none that really held a place in my heart.  
Ciero: I remember seeing… She was Ophelia in a production of Hamlet once. It was recorded, and mom showed me it. It really spoke to me.
Favio: Oh, anything grandma was in, she turned to gold. You can't really pick when it comes to her. But, "Seamstress's Delight" was my… revival, I shall say, in my darkest time.
Question Three: Do You Have a Favourite Memory of Linore?
Elspeth: Yes, actually… I was nineteen - Zephyr was only a baby at the time, and I was staying with my mom for some support. I went for a little nap when he was asleep, and when I woke up… right in the corner of my room, my mother was sitting, holding my baby… saying "sweet little Ezzy, my baby boy."
Elspeth: you never think about how much it affected her - my brother's deaths - but it did. To her dying day. 
Zephyr: I had brought my son to see her for the first time - me and my husband had - and we sat him with her. She looked at him for a moment, and then… she sang. For the first time in nearly a decade, she sang.
Octavian: Yeah, my daughter came with me to visit her once, and grandma just began to softly style her hair. Brushing it and combing it, as if it were able to fall out with a single touch. Olly loved showing her her comics, and she recognised Batman right away. 
Ciero: I was about twelve, and we went to see her. I brought my dog with me - a beagle, Marty, my… first best friend - and he lay on her lap the entire time. And in that time, she was the most coherent I ever remember her being. 
Favio: well, I was sixteen - I had been out for about… two years. And Mom took us to visit her. Well, of course, I expected the worst. You know, deadnaming, calling me mom's name, but instead, she just looked at me and asked who the handsome gentleman was. 
Question Four: What Impact Did Her Death Have On You?
Elspeth: I was… lost without her. She was my mom, you know?
Zephyr: it was heartbreaking, truly. 
Octavian: I think I entered my worst depressive episode in years…
Ciero: I… it came at possibly the worst time for me. It just… added a lot of grief onto the pile. And… I broke down. 
Favio: …I miss my grandmother, every single day.
Question Five: Are There Any Last Words You Wish You Could Tell Her?
Zephyr: Thank you, for… everything. 
Octavian: I'm still hanging on, Grandma. For you and for the little girl you met.
Ciero: I am finally alive again. Happy. I'm now myself.
Favio: I made it, Grandma. I'm a designer now.
Elspeth: I forgive you.
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eldritch-hall-asylum · 11 months
There's a couple lyrics in this song that reminds me of Elspeth so much. And I'm gonna ramble about it here for a second:
Under the cut for mentions of death, arranged marriage, and general mental health stuff.
"(Number one!)//I'm a girl in a world in which//My only job is to marry rich//My father has no sons so I'm the one who has to social climb for one//So I'm the oldest and the wittiest and the gossip in New York City is insidious//And Alexander is penniless//Ha, that doesn't mean I want him any less"
Right, so off the bat, this gives me the vibes of Elspeth on her wedding day, worrying about of she's making the right choice with Richard.
She doesn't love him - her heart belonged to River. But, she has to ensure that her family is kept successful. Both of her parents are only children. And she is the only one left carrying their name.
Elspeth and Richard are a pair of high class young people - both considered attractive in their time - and while they aesthetically would be a good couple, they are incompatible emotionally.
As, Elspeth is a free spirit - she doesn't like someone pulling on her reigns, so to speak. She needs to be free. And Richard doesn't offer her that.
River, however, does. He offers her freedom and fun; joy and energy. A wildness that her life has sorely lacked.
Richard would provide stability and a positive social standing. River would offer her freedom and an electric life.
Ultimately, she went with what was the best for her family, putting herself last.
"I remember that night, I just might//regret that night for the rest of my days"
This lyric also speaks to me. In its essence, it reminds me of the night that Elliot died. It basically secured Elspeth's fate.
Had he not died, had Elspeth stayed with her brother, he might not have made the choice that he did, which would have given Elspeth so much more freedom ultimately.
"He's after me because I'm a Schuyler sister//That elevates his status//I'd have to be naive to set that aside"
This lyric applies to both of Elspeth's youthful lovers. Both went after her for her status - although their intentions were entirely different.
See, Richard went after her to plant his family as one of higher social standing (because they were new money at the time). This class divide has always been prevalent in America, and shows itself in the Windroe Family in a multitude of ways.
River, however, decided to pursue Elspeth as a way to ensure his own survival. Marrying her would have been a way for him to have a sense of monetary stability that he sorely lacked as a child.
Both had their reasons for pursuing Elspeth and while neither were entirely from love, you can kind of see why they would do it.
"He will never be satisfied//I will never be satisfied"
Ultimately, Elspeth sides with her father. She marries Richard because it is the more logical choice for her family. And that is who she is always loyal to.
And the "he" holds two meanings here.
If "he" applies to Richard, then it means that no matter how much Elspeth tries, she will never conform to the incredibly outdated standards that Richard holds for her.
And she will never be happy with him. Because he isn't who she loves.
Whereas, if the lyric apied to River, then he would never be satisfied with her choice. He would never be satisfied, waiting for the happily ever after that never came.
And Elspeth would never be satisfied with herself for not taking the man she truly loved in her heart.
But hey, I'm just taking a song and applying it to my blorbos.
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Tell me how the lore of the Linore and Hedwig(?) Windroe family lines up with the Elspeth and Richard Windroe family. I remember a post comparing the similarities between Elspeth’s brothers and Zephyr’s brothers, so I’m curious
Right, okay.
Under the cut for mentions of abuse, suicide, and drugs.
So, basically:
Linore and Elspeth are meant to be foils of each other. Women with power/status that are trapped in a marriage that is unhealthy/leaves them unfulfilled.
Richard and Hartwig are another pair of foils, as both men from rich families who don't acknowledge the privilege they hold.
The difference between them is that Elspeth went through what Richard wanted to put the kids through, and she fought back.
Zephyr is a comparison to Ezekiel in most ways. The eldest child, expected to follow in their father's footsteps. However, the key difference also aligns him with Steven.
Steven was kicked out of the family for being gay (bi). Elspeth went through all of this and she wasn't willing to have it happen to her son, so she fought back against her husband.
Now, Octavian has the clearest comparison: Steven. A rebellious older brother that wanted to fight back against his father. This child also doubled as their father's primary punching bag...
Ciero is a parallel to the baby of Elspeth's siblings, Elliot. Both are very ill, and struggled quite heavily with their mental health.
The main difference between them is that Ciero chose to keep fighting, while Elliot felt he had nothing left to live for.
Now, while I will say that Favio, as the only one left, is meant to be Elspeth's foil, he also lines up with Steven quite nicely, mainly due to prior drug habits. Steven died of an overdose in his thirties, and when Favio was 19, he nearly did the same.
So yeh. Here are my thoughts.
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Alright. Wrote the trauma for the Windroe fam, and whoo, is it a doozy?
Trigger warnings for abuse, cancer, death, drug use, alcohol, grooming, abandonment, lobotomies, forced/arranged marriage, and other traumas.
Youngest Gen (Olly, Bentley, Jack, Jane, and Kit)
Jack: mother murdered, father gouged out eyes. Abused.
Jane: parents murdered.
Kit: adopted at birth.
Bentley: grew up not knowing biological father. Abused by mother and her partner.
Olly: mother died of cancer in youth.
Parent Gen (Zephyr, Jack G, Octavian, Ciero, Patrick, Favio)
Zephyr: Abused by father, nearly had an arranged marriage,
Jack G: given up for adoption, boyfriend cheated on him, caused a rift between his husband and his father.
Octavian: Abused by father, groomed by an older woman, contracted an std.
Ciero: Abused by father, sexually assaulted by a friend, attacked multiple times, nearly had husband/friend die in front of them.
Patrick: Abandoned by father, Abused by mother, bullied at school, nearly overdosed on alcohol and painkillers,
Favio: used drugs, nearly overdosed. Struggled with self esteem issues and a severe eating disorder. Went through rehab. Struggling with nicotine addiction. Had a health scare.
Older Gen (Ezekiel, Steven, Elspeth, Elliot)
Ezekiel: Abused by father, died of scarlet fever.
Steven: Abused by father, contracted scarlet fever, disowned because of sexuality, overdosed by age 30.
Elspeth: Abused by father, contracted scarlet fever, lost all of her brothers, forced into a marriage, Abused by husband, nearly had two of her children die, had a stillbirth/miscarriage, several complications in pregnancies, lost husband at an early age, had to witness her mother lose her personhood.
Elliot: Abused by father, contracted scarlet fever, lost brothers, had to witness his mother lose her personhood.
Original Gen (Linore, Hartwig)
Linore: Abused by husband, never learned to read, had a forced lobotomy, lost three of her children, had her husband die twenty years before she did, was cut off from her entire family, had her career taken away from her by her husband's control.
Hartwig: Abuser.
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windroe-pony-au · 2 years
Elspeth and Elliot sat nervously in the hospital waiting room. They didn't quite know how to settle; their nerves grew more tense with every passing doctor, every announcement over the speakers, every nurse on their break.
A ring of pearls hung around the filly's neck. She lifted each bead nervously and looked it over before going onto the next. This little ritual kept her sane as she tried to pass the time in the hallway.
Finally, the silence was cut by their father walking out of a bedroom. Hartwig looked between his two children. Elspeth's gaze averted to the floor, whilst Elliot cast his eyes to a poster on health and diet.
"Your mother is up, if you want to see her," he said coolly, ignoring the fear in his children's eyes.
The two got up from their seats and followed him into their mother's hospital room. It was small and cramped and reminded her too much of the closets back home.
In bed, with bandages wrapped around her skull, sat Linore Windroe - the most gorgeous pegasus in the world.
Usually, Elspeth loved to see her mother, but on such a day, it felt like being at a funeral.
"Hello, love," she stretched a hoof out to Hartwig. "Where are we?"
"The hospital, Linny," he reminded her. "You needed that… operation."
"I did?" She asked shakily. "Did it go well?"
Elspeth and Elliot quickly exchanged nervous glances. 
Linore's wings flapped absentmindedly. Hartwig shot her a glare and she immediately stopped the action.
"Remember, my love, the doctor says that you can't fly again."
"I can't?" Linore asked. "Why?"
"The surgery to help your brain be happy again messed with your motor skills," Hartwig said, condescendingly. "You could hurt yourself."
Linore nodded and mumbled an "I remember" under her breath. Then, she turned to Elliot and Elspeth.
"Who've you brought with you?"
"You remember our darling children, don't you?"
"Of course, our little Elsa, and my darling Ezra. My eldest, my pride and joy."
Elliot froze. 
"It's Elliot, my dear," Hartwig chided. "You remember what happened a few years back… Ezekiel passed away. He was very ill."
"Oh, he did?" She asked shakily. "Well, at least I have my dearest little Elsa here, don't I?"
Elspeth tensed and swung her tail nervously.
"Her name is Elspeth, Linny," Hartwig explained. "Not Elsa."
"Oh my, simple mistake to make."
"Indeed." Elspeth fidgeted with her pearls.
"What remarkable jewels," Linore stared blankly at her daughter. "You'll wear them a lot, I imagine."
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wasn’t Elliot quite ill, too? what illnesses did he have? was his father controlling in what treatments he received or didn’t receive in relation to his illnesses?
and doesn’t Cicero take after Elliot (in the health department)? what illnesses does he have? was Richard ever controlling with the treatments he received or didn’t receive?
were their fathers ever worried about their health? or was it more that they were happy to have an heir to the business?
Elliot had anaemia, gastroparesis, anxiety, asthma, and one kidney smaller than the other (same). He also suffered with kidney stones regularly. Alongside his garlic allergy. He also suffered quite severely from the after affects of his scarlet fever in his youth.
His father had some treatments performed - removal of kidney stones, medicine and supplements for iron - but not others.
As for Ciero, she had a bunch of things (listed in a post by @sanriosratz). Luckily, Elspeth always vouched for Ciero's treatment at every turn.
She would never allow Richard to deny Ciero any medical treatment.
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"For the Departed" gives me serious Elliot Windroe vibes. He would defo vibe to that and dance with his sister.
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can i order some headcannons for the Windroe fam™️ hanging out? uh.. err.. extra fluff, some angst if fluff is out-if-stock oh! and also wanna order “drink-some-water-have-a-snack/break-and-have-a-good-day”, please!
thank you (っω⊂)
Aight, so I'm gonna take the creative liberties with this ask, and do it for the Windroe TWINS, so many years back.
Fluff machine broken rn.
Elspeth and Elliot were practically joined at the hip for their entire lives. Even when they caught Scarlet Fever, they were in beds beside each other.
The two usually played put by the trees and ponds, or went into town with their mother, or even sat in the library and read horror stories together.
Even as the two got older, they were this close.
That was, until Steven was disowned.
Then, Elliot sort of became...distant. he had his father's legacy placed upon his shoulder and it became too much.
Elliot constantly locked himself away, and refused to admit there was any problem. He was fine, just tired; just busy; just needing to finish something off.
And so, Elspeth felt herself being torn away from her twin for the first time in her life.
But she didn't let that stop her fun.
Instead, she decided to go all out; enjoy life to the fullest; flirt with and find a few cute beaus.
Then came the night that she felt her soul break in two; and then came her wedding a few years later, with pale purple hydrangeas and orange lillies as decorations.
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