#el hopper dynamic
gayofthefae · 3 months
El's friendly stranger-smile when trying to get into facilities to do supernatural things is my favorite thing
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lucassinclaer · 10 months
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You're a very brave girl. You know that, don't you?
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messrsbyler · 1 year
jonathan teaching el to drive and el… she likes speed.
jonathan: watch the cone. the cone, THE CONE!
el: *throws the cone out of the way with a flick of her wrist* done
jonathan: NO-
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flowercrowngods · 1 year
in which steve takes el to see her first meteor shower
Steve is pulling up at the Hopper-Byers house around ten at night, hoping that El remembers their little date. Hoping even more that the Chief will let them do this.
The door opens before Steve so much as closes his car, and a very excited teenager already runs toward him, laughing when she crashes into his chest, the impact of which makes Steve stumble back against the car.
"Good evening to you, too, you little menace." He ruffles her hair, excited to see how long it's gotten again, a mop of wild curls.
"Hi," she says into his chest, hands hooked behind his back, and they just stand there and cuddle for a minute. The night air is refreshing after the day's boiling heat, and it's good to bask for a moment.
After a moment, Hopper appears in the front door, framed by the low light coming from inside, but even in the dark, Steve thinks he can make out the expression on the Chief's face. How he tries for stern, but can't quite manage it. Not when they've all been through so much.
"Hey, kid," he says, approaching the siblings where they are still hugging. "You looking to kidnap my daughter?"
"Yes, actually," Steve grins. "Will you let me?"
Hop gives a long-suffering sigh and places a hand on Steve's shoulder. "If there's one thing I've learned, Steve, it's that I can't stop you from anything you set your mind to. So I don't think I've much of a choice in the matter, let alone a say."
El chuckles and leans up to press a little kiss to Hopper's cheek. "Thanks, dad."
"Yeah, yeah," he grumbles, and Steve snickers. "Get out of my sight, you two, but I expect to see you both at breakfast tomorrow."
"Eleven o'clock," Steve says in lieu of a groan, because he loves Sunday breakfast at the Hopper-Byers' place.
"Nine-thirty, last offer. Take it or leave it, boy."
"Deal," Steve grins, then turns back to El. "You ready to go?"
She nods. "Ready." Then turns back to Hop and gives him another kiss to the cheek and a quick hug. "Goodnight, dad."
"Have a good night, kid." As El bounds around the car to jump in on the other side, Hop turns to Steve, who's already moving in for a hug, too. "You, too. Be careful."
"Always. It's just stars, though."
"I know. Still."
"I know."
It's good. The hug. The worry. The way they care and talk and accept. Makes Steve think that it was all worth it, sometimes. Moments like this, under the stars. He gets to have this.
The Chief lets him to eventually and then they're speeding off. Steve is taking El to the weather top in the middle of the night, snacks and drinks and blankets in the back of his car. Because El has never seen a shooting star, let alone a meteor shower. And Steve is dead set to change that.
The other kids are gonna be so jealous when they hear that Steve and El went to watch the stars fall from the sky (well, not really, but that's what it looks like, and that's what Eddie weaves into his stories sometimes), but Steve doesn't care. This is for El. This is for the little girl, injured and weak and frightened, and for the boy who taught her the meaning of magic.
This is only for them.
They don't trek up to the real weather top, since it would be too exhausting of a trip, and too dangerous in the dark. Instead, Steve parks on the open field of a smaller hill that offers them a perfect, uninterrupted view of the sky. No trees, no houses, no excess light to bother them.
"Yeah, this is perfect," he mutters as he kills the engine.
They spread out the blanket together right beside the car, grabbing snacks and drinks and more blankets in case they get cold at some point. El immediately lies down and reaches for some cookies while Steve goes back to the car, putting on one of their favourite tapes. Kim Wilde's 1982 album. One of El's first ever favourite albums.
It makes Steve smile, especially when he hears the excited squeal when the first notes carry through the air.
He eventually settles beside her on the blanket, the music just loud enough to create a nice atmosphere in the otherwise quiet night, and Steve already feels like there's something incredibly special about this moment.
And then El gasps. "Steve," she whispers, pointing up at the sky above them.
He can see the last remnants of the shooting star that lit up the the night and, most importantly, El's face. She's gripping him now, frantically scanning the sky for more, and Steve chuckles, moving his arm in her grip enough to take her hand if that's what she wants.
"What was that?" she asks.
"A shooting star," Steve explains. "They're not real stars, though. There are rocks floating around in space, and sometimes the Earth will move through, like, a chain of them, and then they burn up when they enter the Earth's atmosphere. That's what makes them look like that. Pretty, right?"
She's nodding, refusing to take her eyes away from the sky, and Steve settles back, too, getting more comfortable on the blanket. It's not long before the next shooting star appears - a larger one this time, cutting through half the night sky before it disappears.
"Wow," El whispers beside him, and Steve wants to burst at that genuine wonderment in her eyes, her voice, the way she's squeezing his hand.
"You get to make a wish when you see a shooting star."
"A wish?"
"Yeah. But don't tell me. It has to be a secret wish, and then maybe it'll come true."
At that, El nods solemnly, always so damn serious, like wishing on a shooting star deserves to be treated with the utmost care and calculation. Maybe it does. Steve won't judge. It's not like El grew up with many serious opportunities to make a wish, let alone make it freely.
"Can I wish something for you?" she interrupts that particular train of thought, and Steve stops short, looking at her.
"You wanna wish something for me?" She nods. "What would you wish for me?"
She meets his eyes with a little frown. "It's secret."
"Oh. Right. Sorry."
"It's okay."
Oh, he wants to burst again. But he only squeezes her hand. "Yeah, I think you can wish something for me."
And then she only smiles, and Steve wants to know, wants to ask, wants to be seen just a bit less, wants to exist only between the stars and the wishes that El could have for him.
He closes his eyes, focusing only on her gasps, her hums, her chuckles, her little wows, and he smiles.
Later, he tells her about the constellations he remembers. Some he made up himself. Some that Eddie made up. His heart jumps a little at the thought of the metalhead he never thought to fall in love with. Eddie who loves the stars, who knows so many seafarer's tales about them, mythology that Steve doesn't know if it's genuine or if Eddie made it up. If he's writing his own mythology. Steve wouldn't put it past him.
It's long after midnight and silence has settled between them, both of them somewhere deep inside their own heads, yet anchored in the moment, together. It's serene.
Maybe it's that serenity that gets Steve talking.
"Hey El?"
"I kissed Eddie."
She gasps again, but not because of a shooting star this time, and turns to face him. "You kissed Eddie?"
"Yeah." The smile is on his lips before he can even try to fight it, and he finds that he doesn't want to. "I was really scared to do it. But it was good. I think..."
Steve exhales slowly, seeking solace in El's hand, who immediately squeezes his again, her other hand coming up to run through his hair. A calming motion that never fails to ground him. El is the only one allowed to do this, the only one who does it right. "I think I might have fallen in love with Eddie."
She nods, smile on her face, and then falls forward, head landing on his chest. They don't really have a sense of personal space around each other and Steve loves it, combing through her hair now -- a motion that is just as calming.
"That was my wish."
"Come again?"
"My wish. My shooting star wish," she says, shuffling so she can look at him without moving from her spot. "I wished that you'd smile like you did when you told me you kissed Eddie. And if he makes you smile, he can stay."
"You'll allow it, huh?" Steve chuckles, but El is dead serious when she nods.
"I'll allow it."
And his chuckle turns a bit more genuine now, his lungs filling with the perfection of this moment. He has people that are fiercely protective of him. He has a pretty boy willing to kiss him that he doesn't have to share with those people yet. He has the stars above, willing to grant wishes despite the horrors they know he's seen. And he has El.
In a way, it's really all he could wish for.
El stays the night at Steve's, though he has to carry her inside from his car and wake her like he used to. They share a bed like they used to, and in the morning she'll wear his clothes like she used to.
It's good. It's perfect. And when they arrive for breakfast at ten, Hopper doesn't even call them out on being late when he sees the happy, content smiles on their faces. He just very discreetly kicks Steve's butt, but he had that coming.
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londondziban · 9 months
byler constantly parallels jancy and jopper and even at times lumax. milevens don't want to talk about the fact that their ship constantly parallels stancy, a canonically failed ship (no season 4 wasn't setting them up to get back together), and the dart and dustin dynamic
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lumism · 2 years
i like elmax for many reasons but the concept of mike saying some out of pocket shit and max replying with "don't care didn't ask plus your ex girlfriend says i'm a better kisser" is at least five of them
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samgelina-jolie · 2 years
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DARK SONNET by Neil Gaiman
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
There’s something I always think about rewatching early season one, which is that Lucas and Dustin seem a little more on the fence about helping some weird girl, which I think was meant to show this awkward age they're at.
S1 felt representative of that experience a lot of (straight) boys go through growing up, where they sort of refuse to be friends with girls. I think the following seasons represent that experience accurately, where in s2 out of nowhere they're now interested in girls and by s3 they're all in relationships and so on.
Mike on the other hand comes off as very kind to El at first.
His behavior here almost reminds me of Will.
Will was known over the years for having various girls with crushes on him. And honestly, I think that was just for the simple fact that he's always been more nice to girls than the average boy, even during this phase when all the other boys his age were mean. And so girls confuse his kindness for him liking them, when really he just wasn't overthinking his interactions with girls, at least not in the way Lucas and Dustin might have for example.
In the same way, I think when Mike first met El, he wasn't overthinking the implications of being nice to her and what it meant, not like Lucas and Dustin, ie. being nice to a girl = liking her.
Not that this lasted for very long -> comphet incoming.
I’m hoping that with s1 dynamics coming back for the final season, we could be getting elmike like how they were in the beginning. Mike just having this kindness that comes naturally to him, without having to force certain interactions bc he thinks it’s what he’s supposed to do. The main difference would obviously be El having more autonomy this time around, which I think will make their relationship come full circle even more.
I know a lot of people are hoping for byler nonstop in s5. And I certainly hope we’re not lacking in that department. But I also hope we’ll get plenty of platonic elmike, which will honestly be necessary for the ga to start to see them as something separate from strictly romantic.
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studyinglavender · 2 years
after much deliberation, i have decided that this is the best moment in the entire show
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harringroveera · 9 months
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Billy is just trying to help Mike out
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gayofthefae · 7 months
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I just realized she isn't trying to see there's nothing she could be struggling to see, she's mocking him for being high 😭😭😭
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karamielo · 2 years
do you think that will and el bond over the fact that they both had an abusive "papa" and had a good dad (hopper and bob) once they escaped that abusive papa but then they lost that good dad. like they both felt like they lost everything during their respective mind flayer encounters.
i can see them both crying during fathers day, not having anyone to do something for, before realizing that they both had something better, a big brother. so they saved up something for johnathan because he was the only older male figure they could look up to.
i also really like the idea of both of them being gay and comforting each other about it. will ends up coming out to el (after she and mike break up because their relationship just isnt that healthy), el realizing that theres nothing wrong with liking someone of the same gender as more than a friend, and admitting that she feels that way with max. bonus if will ends up having powers, because they could help each other through their struggles together. + el being excited about will and mike dating while she goes out with lucas and max. (max has two hands for a reason)
on a light hearted note, i like to think that the three have miss matched shoe laces. like johnathan wears the shoelaces that were originally on will's shoes, will wears the shoe laces that used to be on el's, and el wears the shoe laces that johnathan's shoes used to have.
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ickypuppi3 · 2 years
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svnraez · 1 year
bring back steve and dustin, bring back lucas and mike, we want more mike and will, what happened to el and max blah blah blah. NO. BRING BACK LUCAS AND DUSTIN. I MISS THEIR DYNAMIC. THEYRE THE REALEST EVER I MISS THEM. THEM AND THE PARTY DYNAMIC WHERE DID YOU GO I STILL NEED YOU (i miss all of them)
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samgelina-jolie · 3 months
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