#egg tommy kin
citizenoftmrrwlnd · 7 months
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a recipe kit for : egg!tommy (qsmp) with no-cook recipes that are simple and contain no egg, avocado, or nuts
1. frozen yogurt bites 2. microwave cinnamon apples 3. pizza crackers 4. dirt cups (can be made with premade chocolate pudding!) 5. microwave rice krispie treat 6. fruit sando (if you want you can make this with premade whipped cream like cool whip or other whipped toppings!)
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theclaravoyant · 10 days
teach me how to make tiramisu ~ Buck & Bobby - 7x9/10 fic
"Your work is not done." Buck gets a call in the middle of the night. A reflection through food.
AN ~ yall I am sooooo not ready (but also, bring it on <3)
MAJOR 7x09 SPOILERS and some 7x10 promo used for inspiration. Canon Compliant up to the end of 7x09 including references to Bobby's implied suicidality. Angst, hurt/comfort.
Relationships: Buck & Bobby, background bathena, bucktommy, 118
Read on AO3 (3200wd)
teach me how to make tiramisu
It's too-early-to-read-the-time o'clock when Buck's phone starts ringing. Or rather, buzzing: it's on silent because it always is, but even just the vibration breaking through his Do Not Disturb never fails to set his heart racing. Buck reaches for it on instinct before he's even really opened his eyes, and when his hand knocks it off the unfamiliar nightstand he flops out of bed after it, frantic.
“Evan Buckley?”
“Speaking.” He scowls. Rubs the sleep from his eyes. He knows that voice. “Teresa?”
“Buck-” she says, because he's on a first name basis with half the staff at First Presbyterian at this point. She sounds choked up.
“Who is it? Is Christopher okay?” He doesn't wait for her to answer. Something inside him just knows that isn't right. “Is it Eddie?”
“I'm afraid it's Captain Nash.”
Buck's pretty sure he stops breathing.
Teresa tells him what's happened, as much as she can. Something about a fire. Fully involved. She explains that the reason she's not calling Sergeant Grant right now as next of kin is that Athena was right there with him – she's still in and out of consciousness. Severe smoke inhalation. And Bobby... Bobby is...
Buck's distantly aware that the phone is slipping from his fingers. He's already bee-lining for the door like the station alarms are ringing and nothing else matters.
Tommy runs after him down the driveway without question. Bundled into his arms are Buck's phone, two jackets and a set of car keys.
Oh yeah, Buck thinks numbly. Gonna need those.
The first time it happens, Buck is still in his early days. He's been un-fired, and he appreciates it – really he does – but old habits die hard. So if he's maybe a little too lost in his phone while it's … uh, peaceful, and if he's giggling away at some potentially inappropriate jokes, and even more inappropriate pictures he may or may not have taken in a most definitely inappropriate bathroom, who's to blame him?
Bobby, apparently. He slaps a chopping board, a knife and a red bell pepper onto the island so close to Buck it makes him jump.
“Dice it.”
“Chop it up into little squares,” Bobby says, and if he thinks he's being funny there's not the slightest hint about it on his face. “Like dice. I'm cooking for twenty people, Buckley. I need an extra pair of hands.
“Last time I helped in the kitchen you about took my hand off.”
Bobby huffs, but he decides not to argue about what constitutes 'helping' as opposed to 'stealing cheese', and busies himself with several dozen eggs and a mixing bowl instead.
Buck's not satisfied with that as an answer – which, in fairness, is a quality Bobby is trying to encourage in the kid, irritating as it can be. So he sighs.
“Just keeping you out of trouble. You've got that 'about to steal City property' look about you again, and I don't like it. You wanna be part of this house, stop kicking your heels like a twelve year old and pitch in, Firefighter.”
Buck picks up the knife, and starts dicing.
Buck's brain is starting to catch up with itself by the time they pull into the parking lot. Tommy hovers around him nonetheless, ready to swoop in if his panic-stricken brain decides to walk into traffic or something, which it probably would have done if that was the fastest way to get inside. It's just gone 2am and it's freezing. Good call on the jackets. Buck shoves his hands deeper into the pockets as Teresa approaches him with a solemn expression.
“The good news is; Sergeant Grant is stable,” she assures him. “She's in recovery, and we expect she'll be waking soon.”
Buck nods, but he still can't quite get oxygen into his lungs. The gaping, silent, and the bad news... almost swallows him whole. He knows what wing they're in. The hallway she nods toward. He knows it so well his knees don't even collapse on him. He's had more than one nightmare about this hallway, in which the distance from the ICU to Recovery seems to stretch and stretch and stretch the more he tries to get there.
Walking the other way, Buck finds the distance isn't nearly long enough. He's barely registered taking a step before he finds Bobby, trapped on the other side of the glass in a room of his own. Lifeless. Literally. He's a shadow of himself; pale and gaunt and imploding. Looking at him, Buck is struck by a memory of the man from years ago, looking pathetically up at him and Hen from the bottom of his shower.
“Eddie: Engines. Hen: Laundry. Chim: Inventory,” Bobby commands. “Buck, you're riding the bucket. Lunch is upstairs when you're done.”
There's grumbling stomachs and smiling faces all around as they dissipate off to their house tasks. Buck doesn't mind the sweeping and mopping as much as the others: call him crazy but he actually kind of enjoys cleaning. He likes to sing to himself and bop around as he watches all the dust gather and the floor begin to shine. Or he lets his mind wander. Like, how is there always so much hair in here? It's not like any of them have any to speak of. He imagines there is a dog here after all. The spirit of a dog, maybe, living in the walls. He's a Dalmatian, naturally, and he's probably called something obvious like Spot, but Buck likes Fiver. He chuckles to himself as he imagines Bobby full-naming Five Alarm Fire to let him know he's serious about getting out of the damned bin. The man seems to laugh a lot more these days. He'd probably be up for it.
In defence of his mucking around, time passes quickly like this, and Buck finds he's beaten almost everybody back upstairs. Only Eddie's there, doing a crossword, and Bobby, who is of course manning the kitchen.
“Can I help?”
“Sure, kid.” Bobby smiles, and gestures toward a deliciously seasoned roast chicken with his own cilantro-speckled knife. “Wanna shred the bird? Here, use this.”
Bobby passes over a glass bowl and pair of forks. He makes a gesture suggesting how to use them which Buck mimics effortlessly and of course, it's brilliantly effective. Strips of succulent meat fall away and not for the first time, Buck notices something in the way the repetitive movement seems to calm his perpetually overstimulated nerves. It's not unlike cleaning in that way. He sighs. He can't help it. Something primordially anxious inside him is just... relaxed.
Damn, Bobby's good.
“Is this...” he wonders, and trails off because it sounds silly in his head, but Bobby is watching. He's paying attention, with that same quietly invested expression he had when Buck asked about the difference between mesclun and spring mix, or why they prep the hoses with the little loop in them at the end.
“Is this some kind of Mr Miyagi thing?”
Bobby laughs. “Wax on, wax off?”
He's being serious.
Bobby looks down at the tray of neatly arranged part-burgers before him. A dozen buns; all lightly toasted and sporting a tiny heap of grated cabbage, carrot, and cilantro; a couple bearing tofu and the others just awaiting their chicken topper. He methodically adds a near-matching drizzle of sweet chilli sauce to each one.
“You know what,' he muses, “maybe it is.”
Tommy's hand trails gentle circles around his back. It feels like he's been sobbing for hours.
Buck leans over his knees in the seat, slowly turning the plastic cup of water in his hands. He tries listen to Tommy's heart or his breathing or something to make the world feel steady again, but the rhythmic beeping of the monitor is the only thing he can hear. And the quiet shhk, shhk, as the ventilator pushes Bobby's chest up and down. At least there's that. For now.
Is this how it felt, for Bobby? For all of them, rotating through at his bedside with nothing to do but count every pseudo-breath and wait?
“Bobby -”
A familiar voice, devastated, snaps both of them to attention as Athena bursts into the room. She runs straight for his bedside like she hasn't even noticed they're there. Maybe she hasn't, as she clutches at his chest with shaking hands and presses her face as close to Bobby's as she can get and Buck's pretty sure she's crying. She never cries, not in front of people. But then she asks, without turning to look -
“What happened?”
“There was a fire,” Buck says, at the same time Tommy supplies -
“He had a heart attack.”
She turns away from Bobby then, her whole expression racked with desperation and pain.
“He didn't do this?”
“Wh- no.” Buck frowns. “Athena. He had a heart attack after he pulled you out.”
“A heart-? Okay.” She nods, then nods some more, and glances back at Bobby like she doesn't really believe it. She's at war with her own arms, refusing to let them cross over her chest and betray the fact that she's losing the battle against the screaming pain inside. Frazzled is not a word often used to describe Athena Grant, but maybe this is it. She pushes through it nonetheless. “You said there was a fire? How did it start? Who started it?”
“I don't know, I- I was going to ask you.” Honestly, he hadn't even thought about it.
Tommy stands up. “Please, Sergeant- Athena, I think you should sit down.”
Athena makes a bristling, flicking gesture that says in no uncertain terms: don't come near me, don't touch me, don't tell me what to do. There's a steely glint in her eye in spite of the tears and Buck is once again struck by her tenacity. She may be breaking down, but that woman never stops moving. She paces like a caged tiger.
“I'll call Lou,” she decides, and begins to pat herself down and then she realises – her phone is in the house. Buck watches the horror seep into her face and grind her gears to a halt as that thought leads to another and another and it starts to catch up with her; what's happened to the house, where she's probably lived since he was in diapers. Where she'd met them all, made two marriages, raised her kids... He can't even imagine.
“Hen will be here soon,” he offers quietly. “Athena. Maybe just...”
They're interrupted by a knock at the door. “Excuse me,” Nurse Simon interrupts, as gently as he can. “Sergeant, there's some detectives at the desk for you. Hollis and Barnes, they said... from Arson.”
Athena nods, manages a shaky thank you and promises to be right out. Simon leaves, at least enough to let the door close for a moment and before Buck can even open his mouth to suggest that maybe she shouldn't go out there right now, Athena's mind is made up. She takes a deep, deliberate breath, and it's like the emotion just folds back up inside her. The tears, the shaking, it quiets down to a dull roar emanating from her that only somebody who knows her might detect. Before him stands Sergeant Grant again. Mostly.
“You look after him,” she commands. Then she's off to fight dragons, and Buck is feeling awestruck and if possible even more pathetic, because he's pretty sure he couldn't even stand up right now if he tried.
The smell hits his nostrils, and Buck throws his head back and moans with delight.
“Lasagne!! Fuck yeah!!” he cheers. His mouth is already watering as he leans over the loft railing and shouts down to the others - “Hey guys!! It's a six cheese day!”
There's a round of drowsy cheering. They're into day two of an aggressively medium, surprisingly dull forty eight. Bobby must have figured they could use the pickup. He doesn't even argue when, on his way to the coffee machine, Buck pinches a couple fingers of cheese and sprinkles them into his mouth. Bobby likes to say he's given up trying to stop him but honestly, it's gone further than that now. It's become a familiar little ritual and dare he say it, the man is fond. He even grates a little extra these days, for just that purpose.
“I figured it out, by the way,” Buck says.
“Figured what out?”
“The sixth cheese. It's Romano. The real stuff, with sheep's milk.” He shrugs, with a smug smile, and pinches just a little of that one too. “Nice touch.”
“You figured that out just by taste?” Bobby blinks, trying not to show his incredulity, and Buck basks in it for a moment before shrugging it off.
“Nah. Grocery store receipt.”
Bobby laughs and shakes his head. Ingenuity; that's one way to do it.
“Alright,” he says. “I think you're ready. Come here, Grasshopper.”
Bobby shuffles out of the way of the largest bowl, where ground beef and tomato and onion and herbs are coming together into something magical. Buck moves into the open place with a slightly hesitant sense of awe. Bobby just smiles gently, and if he notices Buck maybe getting a bit choked up when he takes the tea towel from his own shoulders and slings it over his, he doesn't say anything. Just pats him on the back, and leans over to instruct;
“So, next is the garlic.”
It's hard to believe it's been almost a week now.
He's at least managed to go home, get some sleep albeit terrible, and change his clothes. They've all been taking turns sitting with Bobby – even Hen and Eddie, with their own life catastrophes, can't bear to leave him entirely alone. Athena virtually camps out in his room, splitting her time between the hospital and the station. Nobody wants to put too fine of a point on how she doesn't have anywhere else to go. (Even though she does. Of course she does. But she won't – not yet. She's fighting dragons).
Buck's arrival at least lets her settle enough that she allows Hen to take her down to the corner for breakfast. He's happy to help, even if happy is the wrong word to describe anything about this. Touched, maybe, and grateful to be of service. Then she hugs him, and a hollow sort of dread washes through him like a haunted wind.
Hen sends a message after they leave.
Still no improvement. The docs came by last night for first official talk about a Decision.
If you have any deaths door secrets, Buckaroo,now's the time.
Love you.
He pulls up a chair to Bobby's bedside, and collapses into it with a heavy sigh. His eyes full of tears, he looks around and it's equal parts comforting and terrifying: Bobby's room is slowly filling up with well wishes and trinkets, flowers and children's drawings. Like a grave site. Like a shrine.
His bedside table has been kept mostly clear except for a lamp and some water, a worn old prayer book, his own brown glass rosary, and a familiar St Christopher medallion. The patron saint of travellers, or so says the internet, and protection against sudden death. To Eddie, the man himself had once explained, it means Christopher, of course, and the rest is just a story. But Buck wonders if those aren't actually the same thing. If coming back for your child, against time and distance and death and all odds, is not the most powerful thing in this world. He's seen it happen.
Then again, he's seen it fail too.
He's seen people give up, he's seen them surrender. He's seen them fight to the last bloody breath and it still not be enough.
Please, he begs silently, please be enough.
And then: please be fighting.
And he's not sure why it's taken this long to hit him. Why it hasn't occurred to him earlier that Bobby could be anywhere else but inside his own mind somewhere, lost and trying, finding Athena and Michael and shenaniganising his way through life lessons. Running down that mind-bending hallway like his life depends on it and smashing into that locked room because it does.
But maybe he's not.
Maybe he'd come to find Buck in the locker room that day to try and tell him something. Maybe he'd given away his prayer book and his apron and his firehouse for some other reason. Maybe Athena knows, and he can hear it in her voice as he replays it in his head, and he can feel it in her arms that gave him that tight, brief, heartbroken embrace.
“He didn't do this?”
Well. Maybe he's ready to let go, but Buck isn't ready to let him.
He leans over and squeezes one of Bobby's hands. It's still warm, which is kind of eerie, but it gives him hope that maybe the man can hear him. After all, he could when he was down there. Sort of. He closes his eyes and digs deep.
“Come on, Cap,” he whispers. “Come home. Seven more years, remember? You promised.”
Did he promise? Or did he look him forlornly in the eyes and vaguely agree when he'd actually already resigned and hadn't told anyone?
Tears splash down Buck's cheeks, and he squeezes tighter until he can feel it in his own chest.
“I want to talk to you about Tommy,” he says. “Even if I don't need to. I want to. I'm- I'm so happy, Bobby you don't even know. It's like you said. I'm at ease. I finally feel- and I couldn't have done it without you. I can't do it without you. I can't -”
Sobs threaten to choke him and he tries to swallow them down. He's not sure he has it left in him, to cry so much again.
“If you don't want to be Captain anymore, that's fine, but can you just – can you just come back and be Bobby? Please? 'Cause if I ever have a kid I want them to call you grandpa and if I ever get married I want you to walk me down the isle and if I ever get my own station I want to knock on your door in the middle of the night to bug you for advice -” He laughs a strangled laugh - “'cause you know I would. I will. I swear.”
Bobby's face remains impassive. The machines tick and beep and whirr steadily on. Buck tries to find the promise in that. To centre himself. It would be nice if the man could wake up jolting and screaming right about now. Make him feel like he's having some sort of effect. But even if he isn't, the reality is, he might not get another chance.
“I had a dream the other night,” he continues, “that you were teaching me how to make tiramisu. I don't even like tiramisu, but I'd learn it from you. And your peach cobbler - you have to show me that. And I bet you do a killer apple pie. And are you really going to leave it to Eddie to show me dulche du leche? Come on.”
He covers Bobby's hands with both of his this time, and leans so far forward his forehead rests on the scratchy teal hospital blanket.
“Your work is not done, Bobby. Please.”
He holds his breath -
- and he could swear, something moves.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 month
I'm never quite sure how to open these. The weather is getting warmer and I remember that's when we always said goodbye. You couldn't stay in the weird village with the towering church during summer. That's ok. I always looked forward to winter anyways. If it meant I could sneak away from my dads side and run threw the fields with you for a day or so, well my little ram it was more then worth it. I find myself asking if you exist in this life too? Maybe the sins of our last life mean this is our damnation. To never again know the feeling of you holding me. To know not your horns and tail or my wings and talons.
My dad recently split. He's trying to get better. Trying being a keyword. But I mean not to alarm you. I'm more safe then I've ever been I think, so many new people. Tommy is here too. His father however isn't. He's still throwing eggs at people. I remember before we had the idea of the war. Durning one of your speeches, he threw an egg at you and you complained later that you could still smell it. I have to admit it was very cute my ram.
I guess the things I'm trying to say is that I miss you so much it's felt in my bones. I am happy in this life but I miss you so much it makes me ache. Even if I never see you again I need you to know you are someone I will never forget. I love you. I miss you.
The final thing I would like to say. To anyone reading this, I hope you have a good day. Especially to any Jschlatt kins/fictives. Please never forget you have someone in your corner.
Sincerely, Bernard. Please tag as fictive. (Wilbur Soot) Also tag with #🐀🐾 please.
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oodlyenough · 1 year
the last of us 1x06: kin
surprisingly don't think i have a ton to say about this ep of the last of us but i feel like i should continue posting for posterity at this point lol. (eta: i said that, then started writing my thoughts, and wrote a gazillion words anyway.)
side note: any canadians watching on crave? isn't it fucking terrible. trash service
anyway: 1x06!
continuing to enjoy joel and ellie a lot. the further we get into the show i think the more they've come into the roles and evolved into their own versions of the characters, which is fine. good even. i think bella ramsey and pedro pascal have very fun chemistry together, and i think bella carries the comedy beats really well, which means i've been enjoying seeing more and more of those. i also really like those scenes because they feel familiar without being complete retreads of the game dialogue (which inherently invites me to make comparisons on delivery, etc)
so this joel is much more openly vulnerable. i think this change works to go with what we've seen in the show so far and places where the show is presumably going. and, i'll be honest, i find show joel a much more likable character. 🤷🏼‍♀️
the "not my daughter" scene hit differently... tbh i think it hit less, but not really through any fault of the show's, if that makes sense. it's just one where beat by beat i know the words as delivered by troy and ashley and my brain is super imposing them
loved the opening with the Indigenous couple, they were so funny, and the idea of florence seeing joel puffed up like an angry bird and identifying zero threat and making him soup lmfaoooooo hkghlkg. honestly w game joel i don't think that would work, lol, but w show joel it did. such a funny way to use the map easter egg, and the "there are firefly people?" followed by the couple laughing at their own joke killed me lol
also loved ellie's indignation about how they probably don't know anything because they're "a thousand" and they don't even know the fireflies, who are probably a total nonentity outside select QZs. extreme kid energy. they haven't even HEARD of paw patrol can you believe it. what do they know. also, congrats to them escaping joel and ellie mostly unscathed... minus a rabbit. (rude, ellie.)
show maria was great idc. imo game maria is not much of a character, so the show had plenty of room to expand, and i liked how they did it. i see some people reacting badly to her skepticism of joel and forgiveness of tommy, but we also don't really know what exactly she's been told by tommy. maria being pregnant is also a more solid reason for why tommy can't take ellie than we got in the game.
i can't really evaluate tommy or maria as characters without factoring in part 2 and at this point there's enough difference that who knows where the show will go with tommy and maria in s2, so, it's all kinda fair game imo
the university scene felt a bit rushed but i guess there really isn't that much to do there when you're not rearranging dumpsters and killing infected. it was the first time the show felt notably rushed to me, and i suspect that feeling will get worse in the back third of the show. ah well.
joel's injury and the fight felt anticlimatic compared to the big action set piece of the game, BUT i think it worked much better in context (joel's explicit fears in this ep becoming manifest), and also, game joel's injury is sooooooooooo ludicrous and video game it just wouldn't work on tv lmao. i kind of wish we'd seen ellie land any of her shots on those guys, but i have my theories as to why we didn't. tbd
misc other thoughts:
diva cup scene... excellent. was worried about those musty tampons.
SALLY FUCKIN' RIDE lmaoooooo ellie. u lesbian. ilu
like everyone i was beyonce.gif DINA?!?!?!? in the cafeteria scene. 100% that was dina, there's no way it wasn't. it might not be the final cast actress (i can see them not wanting to cast a major role so far in advance for a cameo, and they have a time skip to justify any appearance changes), but as a character that was surely meant to be dina. ellie that's ur WOMAN
we're 10000% getting some other cameos in the finale. i'm ready 👀👀👀👀👀
lastly: can't wait for this weekend's episode. the one i've most anticipated. left behind DLC my beloved...
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AYYYY NEW KIN BLOG SPOTTED!! >:D /pos Uh- couuuuuuld we get a recipe kit for a qsmp!tommy fictive? with simple to make snakcs, preferably no cooking (microwaving crap is fine). Uh, please avoid really mushy and also grainy+soft(like yogurt with granola or somn) textures, and nothing with eggs, avocados, spiciness, or sourness. :D thank YOUUUUU
~ field collective
Awww, this request was really cozy for me to do, it was fun finding easy to make snacks! I went for a lot of sweets, I hope those are alright! And I tried to do really safe textures, because I know how icky a lot of textures can be. I really do hope you enjoy, Tommy!
You can find your recipe kit here!
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angelxxreaper · 1 year
Sonboy Wilbur helped throw eggs at your roof with now Tommy
D:< He allied with him?
Well, I’m not above killing my own kin if it’s necessary.
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motoroil-recs · 6 months
hello hello there!! always nice to find a new kin help blog :]
may i please have a simple doodle for a qsmp!tommy? i was technically one of the eggs , though we were all just dragon hybrids. i had small red horns, the left one was kind of cracked, red wings, and a red tail with pale yellow underside scales. uhh, i had lots of freckles, tan skin, and blue eyes!! also curly blonde hair with a streak of brown. :]
i mainly wore a red puffy jacket, a white shirt, and a blue bandana. i also had a torn piece of wilbur's yellow sweater tied around my right arm.
thank you, mate!
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Here you go, Tommy ! Thank you for all the detail you gave, I appreciate it greatly! I hope I did you and your description justice, my friend.
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tavs-kin-korner · 7 months
Hullo!! SURPRISE ME >x3
Uh- Hi!! I'ma qsmp!Tommy kin. I was a lil dragon (aka the eggs, lol). Masc & Neu preference, realllly liked chaos, fire, and music (I played Violin :D ). Uh- also hated avocados with a burning passion so-
~ @allium-kins (just for tagging purposes!!)
[Sure thing!]
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trenchcoatsbi · 7 months
hi tommy!!!!! the qsmp people are on fire (as usual) and people who kin from the life series are getting new content!- q!pac anon (grian kinshift)
this is so much to read back on did we get a new egg?????
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enderwoah · 3 years
dude ranboo is literally so talented at this rp streamer thing
playing “snowy” when he’s generally in the arctic, playing “home” when he’s at home, playing “ruins” around most of the greater dsmp and l’manburg area, playing “waterfall,” a background song that sounds soft during certain parts but gets super intense towards the middle (it’s literally a slowed down battle theme!) while fighting back against the egg (all from undertale to match his fallen down theme!) -- it’s genius.
and can we appreciate that mans NEVER BREAKS CHARACTER?? even when he’s hit with shit like this
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he laughs for a bit but then IMMEDIATELY GETS IN CHARACTER AGAIN AND HITS US WITH “and that’s why im doing this. for people like tubbo.” DUDE WE WERE USING THAT TO LAUGH, A BREAK FROM THE ANGST, CAN YOU GIVE US A MINUTE??
not to mention his general roleplaying skills
he basically has three separate modes that he can switch between at ease when it comes to roleplaying on the dsmp -- ooc (out of character, cc!ranboo, just chilling), dubious canon (half ic, half ooc, you know that he’ll still be affected by certain things if they happened, but he isn’t too concerned w/ being perfectly ic all the time), and canon (lore mode, smiling? laughing? what’s that? i only know sigh, shaky breath, hear voice and kin dream).
the subtle parallels he makes between his and dream’s characters are so tasty like mmm rubs hands together ‘big happy family’ you say???
if it was some other people they’d smash the f3 key to make themselves look at the camera and mash c to zoom in and be like. “a big. happy. family. (do you get it) (it’s dream) (heehee)” like he knows how to keep it subtle, keep things vague enough for people to have to find out on their own.
like how he didn’t make it clear what the egg was saying to him so that we would have to translate ourselves! giving us stuff to theorize about! ccs, we dont actually need everything spelled out for us, as much as we scream “WJAT DOE STHAT MEEEAN” in your chats! we love theorizing! be like ranboo please /lh
the shaky voice that he uses after scary shit happens to him is also [chef’s kiss] it’s like tommy’s but made for his character...trying to keep calm whilst still recovering from what just happened...he and tommy use it literally so much wjkfdjdsf
anyways there’s probably more but whatever, ill probably edit later but yeah!!
that’s my streamer!!!! :D
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peearrdee · 3 years
c!Dream SMP character neopronouns
Shoutout to @pronoun-man and the Pronoun Dressing Room. I thought this would be a fun post to make since there’s so many pronouns beyond he/she/they that can fit a character’s aesthetic!
DreamXD: He/Him (with capitalization);  xe/xem/xis/xemself; god/god/gods/gods/godself;  end/ender/enderself
Eret: (canonically uses any pronouns) roy/royal/royals/royalself; re/regent/regents/regents/rulerself;  ki/kin/kins/kins/kingself
Ranboo: (genderman) ran/boo;  end/ender/enderself
Ghostbur: (vibes like a pronoun hoarder) blu/blue/blues/blues/blueself;  boo/boo/boo's/boo's/booself;  haun/haunt/haunts/haunts/hauntself;  spiri/spir/spir/spirs/spiritself
The Egg: (canonically uses it/its/itself) egg/egg/eggs/eggs/eggself
Antfrost: paw/paws; purr/purrs
Punz: hunt/hunter; ass/assassin (/J)
Ponk: lemon/lemons
Awesamdude: he/hiss/his/his/hiss-self;  mos/moss/mosses/moss-self
Sapnap: fie/fire/fires/fires/fireself;  py/pyro/pyros/pyros/blazeself
Quackity: quack/duck/quacks/ducks/duckself
Karl Jacobs: nya/nyan/nyans;  meow/meows
Callahan: stag/stags/stagself;  fae/faer/faer/faers/faerself
Philza: caw/crow/corvids/corvids/crowself;  sen/sei (/hj)
Foolish: fin/fins;  gold/golds
Tommy Innit: pog/poggers/pogs/pogs/pogchamp
[Note: These aren’t canon, and don’t apply to the content creators themselves. Please respect content creators’ preferred pronouns!]
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Neon, tell us more about the Ghost!Ranbutler story please.
Billiam treated Matthew the same way he treated them in the masquerade c!Karl attended. There was no ruse, no act, that’s how Billiam treated them. He never resorted to violence, but Matthew was still scared he’d hurt them if they didn’t listen
Matthew was forcibly brought to the egg, and learned to just push it back in their mind
Ghost!Matthew mainly follows Sapnap or Quackity around, and doesn’t speak to Karl anymore
Tommy tried to bring them to Church Prime once, but the parts of Matthew that still have bloodvines in them burned badly cause of the prime water
Billiam was an alcoholic, so Matthew despises any kind of alcohol
Dream is Hubert. That’s it
Matthew has the mindset of when they were 14, but with all their memories
Matthew kins Orel from Moral Orel
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dsmpkinfessions · 2 years
no real world equivalent now, but i know i ate endermen already in my canon so i doubt id mind now??? but i know tommy has really big issues with eating deer or seeing dead deer, (hes a deer hybrid). Phil eats bird and eggs without minding much. One of technos favorite foods is bacon. Do with all that as you will i guess,but we're introjects so it may be a bit different then kins/kinshifts.-Ranboo (📗🔫)
No also makes sense tbh - Mod Tubbo
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cal-eidoscope-eyes · 3 years
Hey you should analyze me based on my kin list actually
Highest -
Tommy(DreamSMP), Martin Blackwood(TMA), Nepeta Leijon(Homestuck), Pinkie Pie(MLP), Rose Lalonde(Homestuck), Rika(Wonder Egg Priority), Steven Universe(-_-), Wilbur Soot(DreamSMP)
Middle -
The Mayor(Homestuck), Asriel Dreemurr(Undertale), Ghostbur(DreamSMP), Moomin(Moomin), Fundy(DreamSMP), Gon(HunterXHunter), Achilles(Greek Mythology)
Just kinda -
Funtime Foxy(FNAF), Apollo(PJO)
Michael(The Good Place)
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dsmpkincalls · 2 years
Uh, hello? Hello hello? Uh, so I'm a fictive, body is 13 but I'm at least 22 (not exactly sure [I think I might not age]) so no bodys (fictive age don't matter)/kins over 16 please. And uh, I'm non-canon? My name was Ava, fully Ava Minecraft Idk if I'll find any sourcemates so I'm mostly just looking for canonmates, especially members of SBI + T, but almost anyone is fine. I don't rlly want to meet Dream, XD is cool tho glow is chill (yeah my XD used glow/glows/glowself if that sounds familiar PLEASE DM ME!!). Welp, mem time ig!
-Phil was my dad!!! Adoptive, still!! Will and Phil weren't related for me idk why. I had wings tho! Like, Dove wings but they were as big as an angels kinda. Tommy also had wings but he wasn't related either. We flew together a lot!
-I actually wasn't born with wings. Early on in life I sold one of my lives to XD in exchange for the power of flight. (Side note I'm pretty sure he used it to create the revive book)
-I was a large supporter of L'manburg. I spied on Dream actually. Like, reverse Eret haha. Betrayed them in battle. That's right folks I pulled the og "You Should Have Paid Me More"
-Was exiled with Tommy and Wilbur during Pogtopia era. Tried to convince Will not to... Y'know. Had to watch my dad kill one of my best friends 🥲 Lost my 2nd life.
-Lived Laughed Loved in New L'manburg. Not much to explain.
-I vaguely remember something that seems like it would have been a tales from the SMP episode? Not gonna get into it.
-Doomsday happens. I took one of Technoblade's lives and then died myself.
-I somehow actually have memories from when I was a ghost? Idk. My name was Skelava. I gave out red sometimes. I actually ran a L'manburg museum. I had absolutely no memories at all and ran the museum somehow never knowing that I once lived there.
-I was revived under mysterious circumstances.
-Met the Egg. Joined the Eggpire.
-Tommy dies. This manages to shock me hard enough that it snaps me out of the Egg's control. I leave the Eggpire. I came back at the red banquet to vanquish the Egg.
-Tommy comes back.
-Lived in Snowchester for a while. People were mad at me for the egg thing. Tubbo and Ranboo were fine with me though. Eventually things boiled over and some people burned down my house. I managed to get my cat Lilith out in time but all my stuff was burned. I left for good.
-Went to Las Nevadas, shot Quackity, killing him for good, and took over the city. Stole all his things to get mine back. He never returned as a ghost.
-Techno, who I have since reconciled with after Doomsday (I was never on the side of the butcher army I thought it was a stupid idea), decides to break Dream out of prison and Ranboo dies.
That's pretty much it. If anything seems familiar (or you just wanna chat) please DM me at @liz-means-lizard. Thank youuuuu! (PS: hiii mods it's me 😈💥🃏💚)
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violexides · 3 years
The DreamSMP Explained (By Someone Who Has Never Watched Any DreamSMP Stream)
cracks knuckles. okay, fucking FINALLY doing this. ahem. 
Couple things to preface with, will keep this brief. 
This isn’t entirely blind. One of my best friends has helped out in places, just because I wanted to hit on everything (accurate or not), and I know mutuals/friends who post and write about DreamSMP (though how much of that is AU or canon-typical, I can’t say. I can’t tell). I’ve never seen a single stream, but I’ve seen a few clips. So, my understanding is a bit more than the title may imply, but still not a lot. Sorry.
Also, this will be very, very long (near 2k words). All under the cut, will TW this with themes of abuse, death, manipulation, unreality, hallucinations, and me having an abrasive sense of humor where I revel in the glee of calling these guys European twinks. Though, speaking of. This is ALL about the actual characters, not the people. I don’t know anything about most of these actual streamers, so, no hate to them. In fact, I think they’re pretty cool for having come up with a… somewhat coherent… narrative, all through using Minecraft as a medium. Anyway.
Sigh. Without further ado, 
So. There’s this place. Made by Philza, AKA God, AKA one of like six different gods. Philza, born from the womb acting like someone’s 43 year old uncle, has three kids. Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo. There are other people here, with some scattered ancestry that raises some questions, but I don’t really care who fucked an Enderman and had an 8’0 tall kid (Ranboo DNI).
There are also places! Sometimes! On a good day, there are actual, intact locations. We’ve got hits like “The Badlands”, which I think was taken from about three different dystopian novels I read in third grade, “El Rapids” (Quackity, Subpoena (autocorrect wins this round), and Karl made this one), “Pogtopia”, no comment on this one, and “L’Manberg”, which Wilbur made. 
Only one of these is going to be important.
So, might be a good time to say this: I don’t know what the inciting incident of DreamSMP is? I don’t know what was the catalyst for all this shit, but I’m going to take a guess and say Wilbur blowing up L’Manberg had something to do with it.
… That’s going to be a pattern, by the way. Just. Stick with me here. 
So, Wilbur is an older child who read the Hamlet parts in literature class and can only cope by ripping down the very creations he has and taking the entire world down with him to hell. Which is to say, he throws a pity party after Jschlatt (some bitch who abused Quackity, that’s another trend, yippee) wins an election and decides to blow up the fucking kingdom and kill Jschlatt.
Little does Wilbur know, the devil may work fast, but Jschlatt getting a fucking stroke and dying out of nowhere works faster. 
I’m not kidding. He gets a stroke, he dies, and Tubbo takes over. I’ve tried to puzzle out the government structure of DreamSMP for a while and have drawn zero conclusions. In any case, Wilbur also tells Philza, his… father…, to kill him. And Philza fucking does? For some reason, like, holy shit.
Anyway. Wilbur is now a ghost. So is Jschlatt. The… life system, on this server, is really strange and I don’t know how to fully explain it. Just know that nothing has permanence here. 
I’m going to throw this out here because I don’t know when it’s relevant, but I wrote down something about Karl being in a place called the In Between. I don’t know how the hell he got there or what the hell he’s doing. This might be where the discs are? I can’t explain the discs. I… think they are fighting over the discs? Don’t know why, Wilbur makes music himself, I feel like you have enough to go around.
(Stream Saline Solution it reminds me of my best friend only if you want okay thx)
L’Manberg gets blown up again. This time, Techno did it. He did it just after giving this speech about Theseus, which, jokes aside-- the writing of DreamSMP is actually really good. That was all done on improv, and I did watch an animatic with some of the audio from it, and damn. I’m a whore for metaphor and I love this for him.
This happens, and Ranboo and Tommy decide to do a little hehe and burn down George’s house. Who is George? Good question: a king. Of what? Good question: call me the antithesis of a Ranboo kinnie and get me some discs because I hear no answers.
Dream gets pissed off by this (who gave him authority, I don’t know) and builds a wall. He for some reason decides that if Tommy, and only Tommy, breaks some rules, the wall will stay up forever. So, naturally, Tommy immediately yells at him, and Tubbo gets pissed (what happened to the whole, who are you without me, yourself, thing?). Dream exiles him, which is bad enough, but then Dream burns down his house, so now he’s double exiled.
Dream kins Julius Caesar but Julius Caesar does not kin Dream and I think that’s important. 
(It had to be important enough for me to literally go back and edit this in, for no reason, because I think I’m really fucking hilarious.) 
Techno takes in Tommy and shows him his super secret cave of evil, which Tommy promptly screams at. Philza and Ranboo visit sometimes, but mostly Tommy just sits there. Dream says “fuck you” to Techno, but Techno decides to wage war on L’Manberg, so Quackity and co. come over to try and kill Techno, but Techno kills Quackity with a pickaxe, but Quackity has three lives for some reason, and then Dream blames Ranboo for blowing something up for literally zero reason, and can you tell how tired I am.
Ranboo sees a smiley face in his notebook and zones the fuck out while Dream tries to kill… Tommy? No, Tubbo. No, fuck, no it was Tommy. I don’t know why people suddenly care about it n- NO, NO IT WAS TUBBO, he is TRYING to kill TUBBO. 
I hate Europeans. 
Ahem. Dream goes to jail, but he has books in jail, which is a horrible idea. Everyone knows that if you give a war criminal some novels he’ll accidentally haunt someone else’s dreams and launch psychological warfare with the prison guard, Sam, who has zero idea what he’s doing because he probably didn’t sign up for this.
Also, I’m gonna say this here because I don’t know when it will fit in. There’s this place. Called… the Egg. Now, I don’t know what goes on in the Egg. I don’t know what the Egg is. I don’t know who decided to name all these fucking things, because I think the Egg is just a box made of bedrock. I think Ranboo hallucinates about it, but Ranboo hallucinates about everything so I’m not really sure. I’m going to call it here and say that this is probably a bad sign.
People are trying to talk to Dream. First BadBoyHalo, who gives Ranboo this little note from Dream with a smiley face. Or maybe that was SapNap. Either way, Ranboo hallucinates seeing Dream, and then actually sees Dream but he thinks he’s hallucinating? I don’t know. 
Then we get Tommy. Basically he kind of comes in here and Sam, being a good prison guard, allows Dream to beat Tommy to death and then revive him (don’t ask about the revivals just pretend it makes sense please). He tells Tommy he’s also going to revive Wilbur which Tommy isn’t a big fan of, considering that Wilbur, uh. Vague hand gestures. You get the schtick. Hopefully. I don’t know.
Anyway. Uh. Quackity loses his shit, also.
As in he talks to Jschlatt, the ghost of his abusive husband. Makes a deal-- if Quackity here loses, he revives Jschlatt. I don’t know what the winning conditions are, but, thankfully, they don’t matter because Quackity loses damn near instantly.��
So he goes to Dream and Sam gives him really powerful gear for no reason. Dream is a bit terrified by this situation, and Quackity is like “give me the fucking book”, and then we never find out what happens because Quackity ends up covered in blood about to blow up El Rapids. I hadn’t expected to mark Quackity off on the demolitionist bingo, but hey, all’s fair I guess. My next bets are on Tubbo or whichever bitch became god of the sea. 
(I also made a joke to my friend about me kinning Quackity (the character not the streamer could you fucking imagine), to which they said “you’d torture someone for information”? So. I guess Dream, uh. Hm. That explains why Quackity was bloodied. Uh. Oops. Don’t know why he’s playing Poker, though.)
So, for my sanity, as we come to a close, I’m going to start listing lore details that I don’t know nearly enough about but are probably important. Just… bullet point them. Might be a bit tacky of me but I have shit to do, dammit. By that I mean, I don’t have shit to do, but I’ve had this doc open for literally 1-2 weeks and I just want to be freed.
List Of Other Shit That Happened:
Ranboo started an arg, so there’s a character named Z now. Can’t believe the kid I knew in middle school who didn’t know where the Middle East  was made it into the dreamSMP omg! 
Tubbo did something immoral, and we still don’t know who his dad is. By we, I mean me. 
Eret exists. That’s all I’ve got for this one. They’re important. Probably.
Karl hallucinated six versions of himself and left the In Between to go to hell. (Lil Nas X girlboss gaslight gatekeep in this motherfucker!!!)
Ranboo and Tubbo got married because taxes exist </3
More on this last point: they opened a hotel, despite Tubbo being a king, and Tommy got mad at them for getting engaged without his permission. But Tommy was literally dead when they had the wedding so I’m not exactly sure what he was expecting. Either way, he’s fine with it now.
Kids getting adopted oh shit oh fuck. Also, mpreg is canotical. Make this what you will. 
DreamXD is a god now. I don’t know who DreamXD is. I don’t think anybody else does either.
I’m like 60% sure George is dead. 
I’m like 60% sure Philza is immortal.
Going through my ‘notes’ to make sure I didn’t miss anything and I’m just getting more confused, so I think I’m going to call it here. Props to everyone in the dreamSMP for creating kickass lore, I would not summarize any of it ever again if you held me at fucking gunpoint, and thanks to my mutuals/friends for letting me ask a lot of really stupid questions as I try to puzzle this out. And also, another thanks to you all for reading this. I hope to God this was funny. 
I really, really, really fucking hope that Tumblr doesn’t cut this off for a long character count. This is longer than some of my fucking oneshots. My God. This was so fun, don’t get me wrong, but I also want a hit of a candy cigarette. Make it two, actually. Or three. All at once. 
Anyway. Drink some water, stay safe, and remember that statistically speaking, 100% of people with a name starting with “T” need to put down the Greek mythology books and learn about the ethics behind pyromania. Goodbye, Theseus. 
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