scifrey · 20 days
Okay, so remember how I've been Ded Of Editing this last year and just absolutely consumed by bookish stuff?
The bookish stuff is now out in the world.
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Releases November 2024.
Exciting news: the eGalley is up on NetGalley and Edelweiss! This means, with the promise of an honest review, you could potentially read the book right now. However, if you're not interested in an ARC, you can preorder your Copy Here.
Historical fiction with a touch of time travel, for fans of Diana Gabaldon, Alexis Hall, and Olivia Waite’s Feminine Pursuits series, where a modern bisexual woman is thrown into Regency England and must figure out how to survive, while she falls in love with a woman who will become a famous author.
Just a twenty-first century gal with nineteenth-century problems…
When Sam’s plane crashes catastrophically over the Atlantic, it defies all odds for Sam to be the sole survivor. But it seems impossible that she’s rescued by a warship in 1805. With a dashing sea captain as her guide, she begins to find her footing in a world she’d only seen in movies.
Then Sam is betrayed. At the mercy of the men and morals of the time, and without the means to survive on her own, she’s left with no choice but to throw herself on the charity of the captain's sisters. She resigns herself to a quiet life of forever hiding her true self. What she doesn't expect is that her new landlady is Margaret Goodenough—the world-famous author whose yet-to-be-completed novel will contain the first lesbian kiss in the history of British Literature, and a clever woman. Clever enough to know her new companion has a secret.
As the two women grow ever closer, Sam must tread the tenuous line between finding her own happiness in a place where she doesn’t think she’ll ever fit in, and possibly (accidentally) changing the course of history.
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Finished reading the egalley of Painted Devils by @what-eats-owls and it's January 2nd so Idk how any other book I read this year can live up to it. I'm going to need time to process.
(But seriously it was just as amazing as the first. I laughed, I cried, I screamed internally. So much love for these characters.)
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lair-of-books · 2 years
Spoiler Free review: Love In The Time Of Serial Killers by Alicia Thomspon
Spoiler Free review: Love In The Time Of Serial Killers by Alicia Thomspon
Title: Love In The Time Of Serial Killers Author: Alicia Thompson Pub. Date: August 16th 2022 Genre: Contemporary Romance Format: eARC Publisher: Berkley Publishing Group Pages: 336 GOODREADS | BARNES & NOBLE | AMAZON | LIBROFM ☆☆ARC provided by Publisher in exchange for an honest review☆☆╮ Characters: 7/10   Atmosphere: 0/10  Writing Style: 7/10  Plot: 5/10  Intrigue: 5/10  Logic/Relationships:…
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sule-skerry · 1 year
Unfortunately this author writes in exactly the same style she blogged in in 2009, when I also didn't like it.
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rukhsandbooks · 1 year
I haven't picked up a YA novel in quite a while, but when I was offered Emma Lord's most recent YA as an ARC, I couldn't say no. I thought I was no longer at a point in my life where I could enjoy YA, but Lord proved me wrong. Her tale quickly sucked me back into the world of YA. At times I felt like I was back at my small town university and it filled my heart with a warm glow.
I love that I just happened to start reading this book on national bagel day. I also love how food is integrated into all of Lord's stories. She definitely speaks more than one of my love languages.
I enjoyed this almost as much as I enjoyed Tweet Cute and y'all know I loved Tweet Cute. If you've read Lord's work before, I highly encourage you to pick this one up too, and if you haven't I highly recommend her work. Now quick, grab yourself a bagel and some coffee and read this book. Once you're done reading, I want to know, are you team Milo or team Connor?
Thank you Emma Lord, Netgalley, and St. Martin's Press for this eGalley!
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kmbezner · 1 year
Aaaaaand it's time for my top ten favorite reads of the year! In no particular order:
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Notes from the Burning Age by Claire North
I'll start with the first book I read this year, cause WOW what a book to start with. I started reading this as an egalley at the end of 2021, but didn’t finish it before it expired 😭 It’s a truly amazing cocktail of one part dystopian climate fiction, one part political thriller, one part fantastical mythology, garnished with a bit of philosophy. North seamlessly weaves these elements in a way that makes you want to write like that.
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The Carrying by Ada Limón
The Undocumented Americans by Karla Cornejo Villavicencio
I read both of these books during a kind of nonfiction blitz challenge that started when my supervisor in the reference department asked for staff picks for a display and I realized I hadn't read any nonfiction in an embarrassingly long time. Both of these ended up on the staff pick display, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about them since.
The Carrying is a beautiful collection of poetry I had read single poems from before, but the entire collection comes together to paint a picture of loss and love traced across generations.
Short Review | Local Library | Bookshop | Indiebound | Libro
I listened to The Undocumented Americans, which I highly recommend as Villavicencio reads it herself and does a wonderful job. It's in part a collection of interviews that turns to reflect Villacencio's own life and the connections she makes with those she meets.
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On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden
The Honeys by Ryan La Sala
These were both book club reads, one for my local library's graphic novel book club and the other for QUEST RI. The funny thing is that I ended up not being able to attend the actual meeting for either of them, but damn they were good.
I've been a fan of Tillie Walden for a while now, and am kicking myself for not reading this one sooner. They are SO skilled at that kind of faded nostalgia, that bittersweet, melancholic sadness through gorgeous artwork and sparse, emotional storytelling. Also, gays in space.
Local Library | Bookshop | Indiebound
The Honeys is a perfectly tense and taut YA thriller that is so hard to put down. It's got a dark academia vibe despite being set at a summer camp, with plenty of surreal summer feels and guillotine-the-rich vibes.
Local Library | Bookshop | Indiebound | Libro
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How to Do Nothing: Resisting the Attention Economy by Jenny Odell
This book has been on my TBR for a while now, and when the college library I work at started looking for recommendations for next year’s college-wide read on the theme of social media, I figured it was finally time to jump on it. It was much more than I expected, mainly because I was expecting a kind of self-help book plus. But this book isn’t just about putting down your phone every once in a while, it’s an exploration of a cultural shift that’s centuries in the making. Odell discusses art, music, philosophy, psychology, politics, and of course big tech as she traces how our attention has become a commodity to be monetized.
Local Library | Bookshop | Indiebound | Libro
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His Majesty's Dragon by Naomi Novik
The Empress of Salt and Fortune by Nghi Vo
These books are doing the job of carrying their whole series onto this list. No, it's not cheating, it's my list and my rules :)
I actually read His Majesty's Dragon years ago, and despite tearing through it didn't get around to reading the other books. During a months-long reading slump earlier this year I decided to dredge myself out of it by rereading a book I knew I liked, and letting the series carry me from there. And boy howdy it worked! I was hoping to finish the series this year, but due to life things and library holds that won't come in for a couple more weeks that plan has been thwarted :/
Short Review | Local Library | Indiebound | Libro
I was looking for a quick read when I started the Singing Hills Cycle, and was just astonished at how much lore Vo packs into these novellas. There is so much information about this world in such short and deeply satisfying books, each one a snapshot into a different aspect of the world, shared in ways that both celebrate and challenge the nature of storytelling, history, and memory.
Full Review | Local Library | Bookshop | Indiebound | Libro
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Frizzy by Claribel A. Ortega & Rose Bousamra
Received as an ARC from BookishFirst, this was not only one of my favorite books of the year, but is showing up on best of lists all over the place. And rightfully so—this middle grade graphic novel is about so much more than hair, as important as that is. I can’t stress enough that everyone should read this book.
Full Review | Local Library | Bookshop | Indiebound
Mage and the Endless Unknown by SJ Miller
No cover for this one, because it hasn’t been revealed yet! I read this comic as an egalley on Edelweiss and was instantly grabbed by the eerie artwork and because Iron Circus Comics consistently publishes some of my favorite books. Mage is a collected webcomic, and, without spoiling too much, is basically Over the Garden Wall by Junji Ito (so…CW for graphic imagery. yeah, I know the art starts off kinda cutesy, just trust me). Keep an eye out for this one next year, or if you can’t wait you can read the original webcomic online!
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noveltyreads · 2 years
Henry Hamlet's Heart by Rhiannon Wilde Book Review 
ARC kindly provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review
There's something so nice about reading a book set in your country and in the 2000's. 
I have always loved reading #LoveOzYA books. This year though, I've felt like I've barely read any so I was glad to pick this eGalley up a few months ago especially with all the hype I've read about it on Goodreads and from Aussie bookstagrammers. I was excited to get back to my contemporary roots too since this year I've been delving more and more into fantasy rather than emotional/character focused reads. 
Henry Hamlet's Heart follows the main character, Henry as he navigates his final year at school and his growing feelings for his best friend Len who he is starting to see as something more. This book looks specifically at the bond between friends, family and yourself and what it means to grow up, change and evolve. Henry Hamlet's Heart reads emotionally and really packs a punch. 
One of the things I enjoyed in this book was Len. I loved how passionate about photography he was and that last scene with the exhibition? My heart leapt out of my skin! It was so cute and wholesome! I also enjoyed the friend group of "The Boiyss" and how supportive they were of each other. It was really endearing to see and I loved seeing their dynamic shine on the page.
The main criticism for me is with Henry. To me he just seemed kind of bland as a character and I wanted more layers, backstory or personality to make me really fall in love with him. I also wished him and Len would've communicated more with each other about what they wanted. I felt like for so much of the novel, it was unclear what Len really wanted and if he wanted to truly be in a relationship with Henry or not. 
All in all, a must read for people who love wholesome and emotional books. Especially if you enjoy books set in Australia which discuss the highs and lows of high school. 
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bookmark-lit · 2 months
April TBR
My monthly TBR feature here shows my progress based on last month’s TBR, my plans for this month, and anything else I might be thinking about from a reading perspective. Sometimes I feature a little poll at the bottom so you guys can help me figure out a certain title I should read from a group of books. April TBR I had a very successful Netgalley March, where I read 5 total egalleys and got…
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ilikereadingactually · 3 months
The Butcher of the Forest
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The Butcher of the Forest by Premee Mohamed
holy shit this book had me by the throat. absolutely gorgeous prose, plot progression i could not look away from, and an ending that left me weeping and wanting more stories in this universe immediately.
Mohamed takes a pretty tried-and-true dark fairy tale plot, journeying into the otherworldly woods to rescue someone who was lost, and makes it so present and cruel and heartbreaking. there's messy, difficult morality. there are innocents and there's tyranny and there's a deep sense of being trapped, that this is inevitable, not because of the nature of the woods but because of the nature of human beings. Veris (who i ADORED) navigating the quiet horrors of the Elmever is just the surface layer of a story about hatred and love and ownership and responsibility, in a situation where every possible outcome is in some way painful. where there's no satisfying ending to be had and no noble sacrifices to be made, only impossible choices and terrifying mistakes.
and then, to bring just a little bit of light back at the very end, a little bit of kindness..! i cried and cried. this is such a quick read, i assume a novella from the length of it, and it was so satiating from start to finish. stunning.
the deets
how i read it: an egalley from NetGalley, just barely keeping up with what i've got on my shelf there! so glad i requested this, definitely going to buy a physical copy.
try this if you: are into dark and scary journeys and fairy bargains, love a tired and no-nonsense middle-aged protagonist, dig a heartwrenching ending, or love a fantasy with a really clear sense of place and reality.
maybe not for you if: you need to avoid stories with child death or deaths by painful and wasting disease.
some bits i really liked: reasons i loved the prose and reasons i loved Veris
A carriage waited at the end of the path. It had clearly arrived in such haste that in stopping it had slewed into their garden wall; the newly exposed faces of stone frowned and palely glowed.
She drew her threadbare robe around her pajamas, for what little good it would do, and watched the land blossom around them: the fields of wheat, barley, the strict grids of orchards, regiments of trellises heavy with grapes. Best time of the year. Eat everything without guilt.
It was bad to run; things would chase you. Still, she could do no more than slow to a clumsy trot, which already felt worse on her feet and knees than either running or walking. The first time, she had been younger and braver; yes, she thought, but now I am wiser, I hope, and never mind my back. If I survive this, I'll spend a week in a hot bath.
It was because her aunt genuinely believed that life was incomplete without marriage. And she had never questioned it. And she never did, even after Veris had emphatically insisted that she would never marry, never wanted to, and if she wanted a cottage of her own, she would jolly well buy the land and move them out herself...
pub date: TOMORROW! February 27, 2024!
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fortheloveofbooks · 4 years
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Ruthless Gods by Emily A. Duncan
4.25/5 stars
Thank you infinitely to Net Galley for an egalley ARC of this magnificent book!
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Where do I even begin?
First order of business: Beware the cliffhanger(s).
Seriously, though, this book broke my heart, turned it black, and made it beat at the speed of sound. But in a good way. I promise. It is wicked and Duncan is ruthless all throughout it and it’s just perfect. And even when I hated what was happening, even when I worried about the characters, about their paths and their redemptions, about how it would all come together in the end, even when I was about to throw my phone across the room, I loved every second of it. Because a book that can break your heart and make it flutter is infinitely better than a book that does exactly what you expect of it, a book that satisfies your every wish and fantasy to an entirely dull accuracy.
The plot twists begin on page one. The ending is not at all what you would expect. And for a moment I was worried it would end when everything has crumbled to ashes and dust and I didn’t think I’d be able to pull myself together, but Duncan inexplicably saved the day at the very last second... albeit with an enormous cliffhanger. But a cliffhanger that left me desperately needing more.
All of the emotion in this book, all the love and hate and the million shades of grey in between, all the moral ambiguity and crises of conscience, all of the brokenness and the strength, the divinity and the sin, make this book a well of intrigue. Captivating in every quip and kiss and tear shed.
We get more divine meddling, and altogether more insight into the forces at play behind the curtains. We get more of Malachiasz’s quest for divine destruction, more of Nadya’s for divine salvation, and more of Serefin’s struggle with divine debt. And though their paths diverge, they come together again and again as if drawn to one another by magnet.
Though I thought this book would break me, I am deeply ecstatic that this is not the end, that the last chapter left me with so many questions and so much hunger for more. I can’t stop thinking about the fact that there is a third book coming out, and no matter how long I have to wait to read on about these complicated, beautifully twisted characters, I can and will be patient.
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You know a book is good when you keep having to put it down while you catch your breath from laughing too hard.
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lair-of-books · 2 years
Spoiler Free Review: After Hours on Milagro Street by Angelina M. Lopez
Spoiler Free Review: After Hours on Milagro Street by Angelina M. Lopez
Title: After Hours on Milagro Street Author: Angelina M. Lopez Pub. Date: July 26th 2022 Genre: Romance/Latinx Format: eARC Publisher: Carina Trade Pages: 400 GOODREADS | BARNES & NOBLE | AMAZON | LIBRO.FM   ☆☆ARC provided by Publisher in exchange for an honest review☆☆╮ Characters: 10/10   Atmosphere: 10/10  Writing Style: 10/10  Plot: 8/10  Intrigue: 8/10  Logic/Relationships:…
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whatsheread · 2 years
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A female character on par with Mia Corvere? Yes, please! #apictureaday #2022inpictures #iykyk #nevernightchronicles #miacorvere #murderqueen #angryaf #givemealltheangryanddeadlyfemalecharacters #amreading #reader #reads #readersofinstagram #readersofig #nedavenport #harpervoyager #arc #egalley #thankyouharpervoyager #netgalley https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca6OnWbA3WA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Book Review: Madam Love, Actually by Rich Amooi
Book Review: Madam Love, Actually by Rich Amooi
I would like to thank Rachel @ Rachel’s Random Resources and the author for providing me with an opportunity to be part of his awesome blog tour. Unfortunately, I was plagued with technical difficulties that kept me from writing my post. I’m very sorry this happened and am appreciative for the copy. All views expressed are my own.
  Lance Parker is an arrogant know-it-all. As author of…
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tarotattwilight · 6 years
ARC Review: The Good Demon by Jimmy Cajoleas
ARC Review: The Good Demon by Jimmy Cajoleas
The Good Demon by Jimmy Cajoleas Teen ∴ Horror ∴ Urban Fantasy > Possession, Exorcism ∴ TW: Abuse, rape, slut-shaming Expected publication: September 18th 2018 by Amulet Books eGalley ∴ 320 pages
Amazon ∴ Barnes & Noble ∴ B.A.M. ∴ Goodreads
True Detective meets The Exorcist in this gripping YA mystery debut about one girl’s exorcism—and her desperate quest to reunite with her demon
Clare has been…
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bookmark-lit · 3 months
March TBR
My monthly TBR feature here shows my progress based on last month’s TBR, my plans for this month, and anything else I might be thinking about from a reading perspective. Sometimes I feature a little poll at the bottom so you guys can help me figure out a certain title I should read from a group of books. March TBR I was doing great with not requesting a ton of egalleys but I got wild in February.…
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