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“You all in your feelings, baby
All into me
I'm one in a billion, baby
Don't you agree?”
Ring -Selena Gomez
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floralfanboy · 1 year
*Disclaimer: I am not here to berate Greta Thornberg for her zinger against Andrew Tate. I am not here to defend Andrew Tate. I am not here to defend the egos of sexist men. I am solely focused on the efforts of some people who want to do on the hill of problematic terms in the name of fighting sexist men.    I share this TikTok not to condone the argument but to disagree with it vehemently. My problem with such analysis is the conscious treatment of Men ™ as a monlith who are collectively guilty, including inheriting such guilt across the passage of time. This is a cartoonish vision of feminism that unironically treats the strawman that patriarchy = all individual men as valid. But of course you would need to treat men as a monlith and overlook non-male peens and the peens of trans men and trans-masc folks in order to seriously assert the karmic argument about negative terminalogy that affects men and others with a penis.  Near the end, Thordis argues that whether we should associate physical characteristics with vices is a separate argument from the historical context, that is supposedly being ignored by the rest of us opposed to the use of SDE as a phrase.  But reminding us about systematic sexism against women is an argument for the need to end the control of patriarchy over women, not an argument for the survival of SDE as a phrase or continuing to subject men and others with a peen to the patriarchy. That misogyny is a far more widespread issue in the mainstream does not excuse the misandry and penisphobia implicit in the TikTok video nor the explicit misandry and penisphobia present in the comments section of the Instagram post of grrrl_clothing. The problem with excusing misandry as merely venting against systematic misogyny is that defending SDE as a term reinforces patriarchy over men and because misandrists will not just be misandrists online. Any man and person with a peen who is in a weaker social position than such a misandrist will inevitably suffer as a consequence.  
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subliminal-stimuli · 4 years
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Ready for the theatre followed by unlimited prosecco
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synnshine · 5 years
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Feeling very An–American–Girl–in–Venice. I could be yours if you'd like? 💕❤
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cherrylisa · 5 years
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Model MU&H: Myself Photographer: AllyGee Photography
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i need some motivation, i dont even know what to do anymore. i hate looking at my friends's stories cus i know theyre a bunch prettier and thinner than me, no matter how much i love them i just cant. my parents always poke fun at me and enjoy calling me fat. im 62 kgs 5'2 13 years old. i want to lose weight, (like only until idk 50 kgs???) what r ways i can do it or should i do it at all?
-thanks xx
Hello beautiful,
I’m not going to tell you what to do because that’s your decision. But I get it, I have smaller friends and prettier friends too and it sucks. But you’re pretty too and size doesn’t matter. I was about that size your age too and I thought the same things and felt the same way. The thing is, you’re still growing and you’re a kid. You should enjoy your life and not worry about what people think, especially your parents. They’re internalizing their own insecurities and pushing them onto you which is really shitty tbh. My whole family did the same to me and I finally told them to leave me alone and worry about their own problems and they eventually did. I know it’s corny and overdone but you are perfect just the way you are. It’s hard to ignore the negative thoughts and comments but try your hardest to. As long as you’re healthy, you’re doing just fine. Confidence is key, if you have that, you have everything. You can have any person with confidence so hold your head up high and love yourself. This is the only body you’ve got and no one will love you the way you love yourself. There will be days where you absolutely feel like garbage and that’s okay. Feel your feelings and pick yourself up but remember that you’re a bad ass bitch and that you’re beautiful. I hope this helps even a little. You can always message me whenever too ❤️
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Fucking Hater . 😂🖕🏼
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Plus Size Inside The Dressing / Change Room Torrid
new video! 
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subliminal-stimuli · 4 years
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It's been a while since I did a selfie and even longer since I did a workplace selfie.
I'm glad I brought by fluffy pjs for my sleep in tonight.
Nice, cosy chill out times.
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sirquinnvonjenkins · 5 years
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Since my blog is typically full of reblogs, I though I'd change it up and share my progress in photography with my most recent shoots from the past couple of months.
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“Are you sure, did you call, or did we ever really talk?
I don't know, I don't know, I don't know”
- State Lines, Novo Amor
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randombullspit · 6 years
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I feel pretty good about this pic.
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“Can't be too loud, can't be too busy
If I don't answer now, are they still gonna need me?
Can't be too proud, can't think I'm pretty
Do they keep me around, so their flaws just seem silly?”
-Fat Funny Friend, Maddie Zahm ✨
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