#eduardo pirates in love
keikaru · 5 months
Navy Bird - Pirates in Love
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Originally written in 2019. Edited in 2024.
This fandom may be dead, but I’m still here with content! During my FF.net days, lots of readers really wanted my OC from “Pirates in Reminisce Island” to end with Eduardo (and so do I). Dedicating this fic to my old PIL readers if you’re out there. <3
Synopsis: Mina is the daughter of a naval officer. She believes in the law and justice, but soon enough, she discovers corruption is rampant among officers. When she points out their amoral behavior, they turn their weapons on her. She injures one of them out of self-defense but is afraid of their retaliation on the priory. In a strange twist of fate, a member of the Sirius crew saves her, which leads her to reevaluate her beliefs about the pirates.  
(You can read this story without any knowledge of PIL.)
Navy Bird
I was raised to believe that navy officers were moral men driven by justice and chivalry.
So why did my hand grip a blade and turned it against men of virtue and righteousness? Officers who were meant to be defenders of the helpless, men who were meant to be incorruptible and deemed worthy of a medal pinned to their lapel…why was itI who raised a hand in defiance to their cruelty?
“You’ll pay for that you wretched whore!” One of the officers yelled, before turning his attention back to his wounded comrade.
I lowered my gaze to the injured man. His back was against the wall as he hunched over, hand pressed over the injury. A crimson stain flourished from underneath his palm, blotting his ivory uniform into a color that matched the wickedness in his heart.
Before the men reacted, I turned and fled from the dim alley. My boots hit the ground, and I heard my heartbeat thunder in my ears.
Adrenaline coursed through my veins as I ran into the night. Darkness found me, steadied me, and told me I would be safe if I kept moving.
I wanted to cry and spill the contents of my dinner onto the ground but was held back by my fear of being caught. My fate was tied to the morning sun, but I couldn’t abandon the priory. They took me in after my father died. The least I could do was warn them about the officer’s retaliation.
The priory would be set ablaze, that much I knew. At the very least, I could warn them about the officer’s retaliation and give them enough time to leave.
I bit my tongue. I held no love for the bastards that seized my town. I knew violence was wrong, but the pain the officer felt was less compared to my people.
Hot tears blurred my vision as I bolted blindly past a bar. A silhouette flickered ahead, and I narrowly avoided a well-dressed man.
“Lass, you’re—”
I skirted around him and hid myself in the dark.
Paranoia struck a powerful chord within me. Every voice and shadow that passed stirred a deep uneasiness inside my chest. To calm myself, I counted backwards from twenty.
When footsteps passed, I exhaled and set out again.
Up ahead, I saw the priory. All the windows were dark and curtained. I hurried along the abandoned road and prayed that someone heard the commotion and notified them to leave.
With every step I took toward the crumbling building, I realized the gravity of the situation. Where would the elderly and children go if the building burned? How would the prioress react? Will the officers harm them?
No. They only knew my face and my face alone. Everyone else was safe. I had to believe that.
As I approached the doorway, someone seized my arm. In that split second, I wondered if my blade would taste another man’s blood tonight.
I whirled around and without thinking, I brandished my blade.
When I met their eyes, it was a man.
The frown on his face was illuminated by the lantern he held. His pristine uniform signified his status in the navy.
Was he that bargoer?
As he stepped closer to me, he held a musket in his other hand. I blanched. How did he find me? Had he been trailing me? It was futile, but I lunged forward with my blade.
He sidestepped me and jabbed the musket at me. I dodged his attack, but the muzzle caught the frills of my blouse. As I scrambled to get away, he only grinned and threw me against the wooden door of the priory.
I cried out and dropped my blade as pain seared throughout my collarbone. He pressed the muzzle against my clavicle, and I gritted my teeth. My flimsy blouse was a thin layer against his cold, callous weapon.
I struggled, but he only pressed the weapon harder against me.
“If only you’d let us have our fun,” the man mused, bringing the lantern close to my face. I winced at the sudden brightness. “If it weren’t for your pretty face, this damned place would have burned down a long time ago. Funny how you’d sully yourself just to protect this shit hole of a home.”
The officer laughed, setting the lantern on the ground. He moved closer and stepped on the blade, preventing me from reaching it. With the musket still pressed to my body, he leaned forward and grabbed my chin, prying my mouth open with his thumb.
I held my gaze as he observed me, eyes raking down my torn blouse. I bristled with rage and kept quiet.  
He clicked his tongue in amusement and released my chin.
“Your father was an honorable officer. He died while defending his values, you know. A virtuous man until the end.” He reached up and brushed a stray strand of hair from my face. “It’s poetic the daughter will die the same way.”
Immediately, he struck me across the face. I gasped out in pain and cradled a hand to my cheek, blinking back tears.  
“I hate women like you.” He grabbed a fistful of my hair and forced me to look up. A scathing look mingled with disgust crossed his features. It unsettled me. “Educated, perceptive, and beautiful—pah. Women are creatures of obedience and ignorance. Not a single thought should cross that pretty little head of yours. Your father tainted you, spoiled you with the delights only a man should have.”
“My father wasn’t bound by tradition,” I spat out, twisting away from his grip. “He gifted me with knowledge because he knew I could stand as an equal in this world.”
The officer threw his head back and laughed. “Your father was a fool. His ideas of virtue and valor only made others laugh at him. He believed officers were the hand of justice in these unprecedented times.” He curled a hand around my neck but didn’t suffocate me—yet. I clawed at his gloved hand in vain as he pressed against my neck. “If he let us have our way, he wouldn’t have died, you know.”
“What are you trying to get at?” I demanded.
He slowly tightened his grip around my throat.
The officer smiled wickedly at me. “I killed him. The fool had it coming.”
The strength in my arms sapped as I stopped prying at his hands. I could only stare back in horror.
He was lying. I was told that my father died an honorable death—defending the townsfolk from a pirate invasion. This officer had to be lying. I had no reason to believe him. He was a lying, dishonorable cur through and through. He was goading me. Inciting rage.
But why? Why did he stare at me with those hateful eyes, filled with malice and the certainty that he did, in fact, murder my father?
“You—you bastard,” I managed out unevenly. My vision blurred as something warm rolled down my face. Something stirred within me—a rage boiled from the very depths of my heart.
Before I knew it, I ripped the musket from my blouse, string and fabric fluttering in the air. The officer took a step back, bewildered by my forcefulness. I couldn’t think properly, only blinded by pure anger I never knew laid dormant inside me. 
He hastily fired a shot but missed. The bullet lodged itself into the door behind me. I grabbed the blade from the ground and charged at him while tears rolled fresh down my face.
For tonight, I was not a killer. Only an agent of retribution.
He sidestepped my attack and swung the musket. I held up my right arm up and shielded myself from the blow. My arm screamed from pain when the musket collided, but I cared not. The man brought his weapon back and swung again—this time, in a wide arc.
I moved back but found myself cornered at the priory entrance.
He grinned, several feet away, and positioned the weapon over his shoulder, poised to fire.
By the time I threw the blade, he would have pulled the trigger. But if I hit his hand, his aim would falter, and I could escape. It was risky, but I was already a dead woman.
I accepted that I had no fate in the morning.
So I prayed. I prayed wherever I ended up, I hoped my father would forgive me for hurting another person.
The shot fired, and I fully expected to die. But the officer dropped his weapon and knelt.
From what I saw, his white pant leg was dyed crimson. I squinted and saw another figure in the dark, not too far from where we stood, brandishing his own gun.
“You’ve harassed the lass long enough.”
My savior stepped forward, but it was difficult to tell who he was. He donned an eyepatch and was dressed in dark colors.
Under the moonless sky, I sensed that he was familiar. 
Before thanking my savior, I turned to the officer on the ground. I took quick, short steps to the man. He groaned in pain and tried to reach for his weapon as I approached.
I kicked the musket far from his reach and before I knew it, I tackled him to the ground and hit him in the face. He cursed at me and called me derogatory names. No matter how many times he called me a bitch, wretch, or whore I hit him as hard as I could.
“I hope you rot in hell!” I screamed, as tears flowed freely down my face. “You took my father from me. You ruined my town. You smeared the name of navy officers and destroyed the foundation of justice and truth I believed in…! You…you’re nothing but…!”
The man below me continued to swear but stopped resisting. Finally, I dropped my hands. I huffed and glared at him, feeling exhaustion overtaking me. As I glanced at my knuckles, blood coated them.
“Kill me, why don’t you…? If it eases your pain.” He mocked, blood running down his nose. He spat out blood beside him and appeared smug. “Another will take my place even if you kill me. So do it, little lady. Do it because by tomorrow morning, you’ll be killed.”
I suddenly remembered my blade.
Wildly, I grabbed for it. Why did I ever set it down?
My emotions were strung high, scattered between grief, animosity, and rage. It was difficult to think clearly. But this man, this pathetic, rotten excuse of an official—I loathed him. I loathed him with every fiber of my being. I bristled with ferocity when I remembered the other corrupted officials who abandoned their duty and sunk deep into wickedness.   
I held the blade above my head. Time slowed. The officer below me only grinned. He welcomed it. He embraced death by my hands.
I could kill him. Kill him and avenge my father. Kill him, kill him, kill him, the voice echoed in my head. Tomorrow didn’t exist. Only in this moment did I have the chance to end his life like he ended my father’s.
But the hand that held the blade trembled. It wouldn’t budge.
Tears streamed down my face as I gazed at the man. He looked pitiful, bruised and reduced to a bloody pulp. He returned my stare. Do it, his eyes urged. Put me out of my misery.
Just then, a hand closed over my knuckles.
I glanced over my shoulder while his hand still clasped mine.  
“That’s enough, lass.” My savior’s voice was quiet, soothing.
He wore a long, ruddy colored coat lined with gold buttons. It looked luxurious and sturdy, so much more than I could ever afford. Suddenly, I forgot about the officer below me and realized my tattered attire. I held a hand to my chest to preserve what dignity I had left. My savior turned his eye away from mine and glanced at the bloodied officer instead.
“He won’t harm you anymore. Not in that state.”
I lowered my blade and numbly nodded my head.
My savior helped me to my feet and guided me away from the officer. The officer let out another string of curses, but he grew quiet as we left the priory.
I slid the blade back into my boot and secured it in its hidden sheath.
The man with the eyepatch led me somewhere quiet, and to where—I knew not. He spoke in a soothing tone, calming me from my grief-stricken state. Whatever he said, it was lost on me. I was glad that he spoke, speaking about nonsense to distract me from my dark thoughts.
He seemed very kind despite his sharp gaze. The man then offered me a tin flask and I realized it contained alcohol. Seldom did I touch alcohol, but I needed something to assuage my nerves. I drank it eagerly but slowed once the bitter flavor scorched down my throat. I coughed and wiped my mouth before handing back the flask.
He pocketed it and continued.
For a while, we walked in companionable silence. Nobody milled about, as many were fearful of the night patrols by the navy. But knowing the officers, they were most likely at bars or red districts.  
The cool air dried my tears, but my nose was colored red. I held my blouse close to my chest to preserve my modesty, but my right shoulder had a gaping hole. Frills and loose thread dangled everywhere, and if I had the materials, I would mend it later.
My thoughts whirled around as we walked, further from the light of the central district. The navy would hunt me down. Those living at the priory would have to leave. My town was already in shambles. And where was I supposed to go?
I looked ahead, seeing my savior’s back. I didn’t have a good look at his face, but he seemed oddly familiar. We never met in person, but I have seen him somewhere before. Perhaps in passing?
“Sir,” I quivered out. I was unsure if he heard me. He kept walking. “May I know your name? And, um, thank you.” I let out a shaky sigh. “For helping me. I am grateful.”
He paused so abruptly that I collided with his back.
“You’re welcome.”
I didn’t press further for his name, as I realized I haven’t introduced myself either. I found myself staring at his back as he continued walking. He had broad shoulders and moved with a confident stride.
I wonder why he saved me. Did he have his own motive? Or was it out of selflessness?
I halted.
He noticed I was no longer following him due to the absence of footfalls. He partly turned, craning his neck to look at me.
“What’re you doing, lass?” He sounded impatient. “If you don’t come along, they’ll find you.”
“Where are we going?” I asked quietly. My fingers gripped the fabric of my shirt. “At least tell me where we’re going. You have my gratitude, but you don’t fully have my trust.”
“You followed me this far and now you want an explanation?” He ran a hand through his dark hair, exasperated. “Talk about priorities. Fine—I’ll explain along the way. But first, we need to get you out of this town. You know they’ll be looking for you in the morning.”
“I know.” I began to walk again, following him. He moved, but with a sense of urgency this time. “They’ll have a bounty for my head soon. That much I’m aware.”
His strides were longer and faster than mines. I struggled to keep up.
“At the very least, my crew can drop you off at another port. You can start anew there,” he said this with finality, with no room for argument. “It’ll be difficult, but I believe you can manage. You have tenacity from what I’ve seen.”
I grew quiet again. Tears brimmed in my eyes as I thought about the events from earlier. My body ached, especially my right arm and collarbone. While I failed to see tomorrow, he was already planning my next course of action as if he was familiar with this life. Whatever this life meant. Things were moving too fast, but it was impossible to fight the pull of time. But how could he be so levelheaded in this situation? It was too much to handle. Some things sunk in, but other things didn’t.
I tipped my head back and looked up at the sky.
Above us, a few seagulls cawed and glided through the oil slick night. Stars shimmered, as if offering hope. What will tomorrow bring? I thought. What port town awaits me? As the man strode onwards, I spoke again.
“My name is Mina.” I fiddled with the loose threads of my blouse. With my free hand, I brushed the tears away. “My father was a virtuous naval officer, unlike those you just saw. And, um, my mother—she was a dancer. Both my parents died, so the priory took me in. I tried to stop the officers from taxing what little we have.”
He was quiet as he listened to my story. After a respectful pause, he spoke. “Eduardo. Just Eduardo is fine, lass. I don’t care much for formalities.”
“Ah.” I said flatly. “Eduardo. As in…Sirius?”
The name registered, but my reaction was mild. I was emotionally and physically exhausted from the events before and wasn’t as shocked as I thought I would be. Normally, fear would have gripped me, but I felt hollow. Today was already a strange day, only making room for stranger events and stranger people.
“I’ve heard the awful rumors, but I can’t believe them. Not after today because you saved my life.” I shook my head and laughed weakly. Eduardo looked at me as if I lost a few screws. Of course, there was nothing to laugh about. But I found it absurd all the same.
“You’re a member of the Sirius crew,” I mumbled, trying to make sense of everything, “pirates have saved me from the navy. Who would have thought? But isn’t the navy supposed to protect its citizens? So why—” I balled my fists, my voice rising out of confusion and anger— “why were they abusing their authority and burdening the townsfolk? Why do they exploit the weak and tax the church? Aren’t they supposed to protect? To uphold the law? Then why, why did they abandon their duty? To whom am I supposed to turn to when I need justice?”
I was frustrated beyond measure. It didn’t make sense. Officers were supposed to be paragons of goodness. Pirates were supposed to be bad. But reality was never that simple.  
My tears were relentless. Every being of my body shook as I thought of my father—the only good man among the corrupted. There had to be others, but they were so little and few in between.
“All my life, I grew up believing the navy officers were good men. But now I could see that I was blind. I fooled myself, making excuses whenever the officers committed any wrongdoings. I was blind, wasn’t I? So willfully ignorant. I looked away because I didn’t want to believe it. But no,” I spat out bitterly, my vision blurring. “Not anymore. I won’t make up excuses for them any longer. I won’t turn away. And to think…to think that the infamous Sirius pirates would save me instead. I don’t know what to believe anymore.”
“Then don’t,” Eduardo murmured quietly. “Your whole belief system built over the years just shattered in an instant. Anyone would breakdown.”
“So what do I do now?”
My legs gave out and my knees hit the ground. I pounded the ground with my balled-up fist. Desperation overwhelmed me as I tried to search for an answer. Anything to guide me in the right direction. Anything to latch onto, knowing what I believed in, has betrayed me.
I would have to start anew—a new name, new town, a fresh start. But what about everything I’ve known here? This measly port town was the only one I knew. I knew nothing of the world beyond where my feet could take me. I didn’t even say goodbye to the ones I loved and cared for at the priory.
“How am I supposed to forget this?” I sobbed, cradling my injured hand to my chest. “This is the only life I’ve known. I can’t leave it behind so easily.”
He didn’t look at me, only up at the sky. “Some turn to religion for comfort. Some learn to move on. As for you,” he fully turned, his coat billowed in the wind as he faced me. “That’s up to you to figure out, lass. But at the very least—”
With the backdrop of stars and an air of solemnity surrounding him, Eduardo knelt in front of me.
“Come with me, Mina,” he said calmly. I couldn’t help but believe in his words like scripture. “I can guarantee your safety.”
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peachyotome · 1 year
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Happy to be able to share my thoughts on Roy!
Still debating whether I should read more routes...
-Daisy 🌼
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milkymagg0t · 1 year
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Redesigns of Sebastián and Eduardo!! Sooo much more happier with them now!! Seb has more traditional Guatemalan details to his clothing!!
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forever screaming at how the vip room stories for shin jump back and forth between sprites like they really said here are your crumbs bitch!
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cascadedkiwi · 8 months
Just Take the No
Pirates in Love - Eduardo
Scene: MC dealing with a guy she turned down in the past.
Author's Note: This is a raw from February 2020, years upon years after I wrote and posted the first three scenarios (Nathan, Thomas, Christopher). My head hurts but I HAVE to keep up this personal streak. I'll fix/format this post later (on mobile the stuff is covered up when I highlight).
Jill bit the inside of her lip as she thought over what her friend said to her during her last visit to her hometown. 
“You really should just shut him down if you’re not interested. Sure, you may not feel like you’re leading him on but some guys take even the slightest thing as hope for a chance. Besides, you have a whole boyfriend!”
She was right, of course. The guy wasn’t a bad guy but even if she didn’t have Eduardo, she still wouldn’t go for him. She couldn’t see it happening. Now it was time for her to woman up and be straight with him so they could both move on with their lives.
Jill took a deep breath before she approached the dock. He would be getting off from his shift soon and she needed to get this over with.
His face lit up when he caught sight of her. It made her chest hurt.
“Hey there!” He called out with a smile and a wave. “I would hug you but I don’t want to get this dirt on you.”
She half-smiled back. “That’s ok. I just needed to talk to you really quick. About what you’d mentioned to me before.”
The curve of his lips slowly straightened as he pulled off his gloves. “Sure, of course.” He showed out a hand towards some boxes a bit out of the way. “We can sit over there.”
I’d rather not sit but okay… Jill went over to the boxes after making sure they were still in sight of the Sirius. 
“I have to be honest with you,” she began quickly. “I don’t feel the same way about you. I don’t see any hope of us becoming a couple now or in the future. I just don’t see you that way.”
The guy blinked, drawing back as if she’d swung a blow at him. “What do you mean? We get along great. How do you know we wouldn’t work out?”
“Because I’m not interested in you that way,” Jill answered, standing from the crate. “I just needed to tell you that so that you wouldn’t waste any time thinking there’s a chance when I honestly don’t see one happening. It wouldn’t be fair to you.”
The guy tilted his head, blinking sporadically. For a long while, he didn’t speak.
“That’s all I needed to say,” Jill offered as parting words. “I didn’t mean to lead you on or give you false hope. I’m sorry about that. I should have been more straightforward about my feelings and how I saw things.”
He wasn’t looking at her. “Hold on.” He flexed his fingers thoughtfully, face screwed in thought. “I'm baffled that you can decide you're not interested without even bothering to try.”
“I'm not interested in trying,” Jill said flatly. “I'm not interested in you. There is no specific why, I’m just not.”
The guy took a breath and reached out a hand before drawing it back. “These things take time,” he began in a placating voice. “You have to think about important decisions like this. You never know what-”
Jill held back an aggravated sigh. “There is nothing to figure out. I gave you my decision already and I’d appreciate if you’d accept it and move on.”
“I’d rather you say you;re dating someone already,” the guy said in disbelief. 
Jill’s parted her lips in exasperation. “I-”
A familiar voice interrupted her from a ways down the dock. “Jill, come on!”
“Coming, Eduardo!” She called over her shoulder.
The guy gave her a look. “Are you seeing him?”
“That’s none of your business and no additional justification for my lack of romantic interest in you.” Jill said flatly. 
Steady footsteps encroached upon the two as Eduardo’s voice interjected. “What’s the hold up? We’re about ready to leave.”
Jill tossed him a glance. “I was just finishing this conversation.”
The guy looked between Jill and the imposing man with the eyepatch. “Jill, are you interested in him?”
Educardo scowled. “The heck kind of question is that? Who is this-” He paused when he felt Jill’s hand tap his arm. He watched her turn to the guy once more.
“Like I said, none of your business. I said what I had to say. Goodbye.” She turned around and walked towards the ship.
Eduardo glanced between Jill and the stunned man before catching up to the short woman with a few easy strides. “What was that about?” He asked as he adjusted his pace to match hers. “Why didn’t you just tell him you’re mine?”
“Because,” Jill sighed, “it would have justified his subjectivist perspective that I have to have interests elsewhere to not like him and I didn’t want to give him that.”
“Subjectivist perspective,” Educado repeated with a smirk. “Listen to you sounding like you went to school.”
“I can read, you know.” She swatted at him playfully. “Christopher took me to a really interesting section of the library in the last town we visited. I remember reading about it there and it described that guy perfectly.”
“What was with him, anyway? I’ve never seen you talk to anyone that flatly before.”
Jill shook her head. “Guys just need to accept that we have the right to not be interested just because. My interest cannot be bought. Looking back now, I realize my mom and friends were right in how they made such a fuss over how he would do so many nice things for me without asking for anything in return. All trying to make himself attractive to me. And I just brushed it all off like the oblivious ditz I was.” She let out a self-deprecating laugh before looking up at the Sirius as they came upon the loading plank. “It never would’ve worked. My interest simply cannot be bought. I didn't fall for you because you did stuff for me. I felt a connection with you, something that couldn't be manufactured, planned, or explained.” Jill grinned at her intimidating boyfriend. “I was genuinely terrified of you at first, for crying out loud.
“I mean, I guess I could understand why the guy would want you so bad he needs to feel justified for your rejection after all that hard work.” Eduardo returned her smile with a wicked one of his own. “For sure it was your heart that drew me to you, little shrimp. Nothing physical at all.”
“I like your face now and you're all I want.” He tugged lightly at her cheek as she pouted. “I’m glad you told that guy to back off, even if I didn’t get to show off that you chose me. I still don’t know what exactly I did for you to connect with me. That wasn’t manufactured and definitely not planned or cultivated. It was a click. I felt it, too.”
0 notes
voltageapps · 7 months
November 11 is the birthday of Shin (Eduardo in the old version) from Pirates in Love: Captain's Cut 🏴‍☠️
Happy birthday Shin!
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third-thepeacock · 1 year
Because its a festive date I want to talk about one of my favorite AUs that I have just ended
I think I'm done with the AU planning and it's ready for the public!
Thanks to @primulatea and @shayden64 as they really helped me in the au
So now I show to you
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They all live in a single room full of wonders every kid would love, living as toys of every kind, from a piece of paper to the most fancy doll
Where is the kid? Who plays with them? Why are they alive? No one seems to know or care…
The Toys:
The Room:
They all live in a room made specially for kids. ABCs posters, planes and birds hanging from the ceiling, a bright lamp shining all over the room, a giant closet, a fancy desk,bright but calming wallpapers, colorful floor with a city carpet, a big fluffy bed, and a sofa bed with drawers below to look at the window, and so much more every kid wants!
If you look outside the window, natural provider of light, and indicator for night and day, you can observe a giant field of cotton and sunflowers, but is not the only thing visible, the sky and clouds, birds and bugs are visible too!
Some things have been modified for the toys accessibility because they are toy sized, but the furniture isn't. They have extra lego stairs, a big train track and car track for all over the room so they can travel fast, you name it
The room is divided depending on who or what is in there , so nothing is out of limits to no one. Some exampples, cotton valley or the creative plains
This toys are the one within the room, living at their fullest with every day.
Jack in the box
Can get in n out of the box
Lives in the box
Calico critter cat
Edd's royal cat
Rag Doll,1700 clothing style 
Long cat pillow
Ell’s mischievous cat
Ken doll,prince version.
Barbie doll, princess version
Anime figure
Has his own army but its more to protect the room
Anime figure
Yeah works in the army too
Porcelain doll in a sailor outfit
Has Tomme all around
Tomee is a tiny teddy bear
One girl band toy
Can put the instruments on and off
Kind of toxic.
Monster High Doll (Lizard type of monster)
Disco/Superstar Doll
Bright colors in a lot of ways
80s Style of clothing
80’s style of clothing, sometimes more of a pastel vibe
Playmobile small prince
He isn't a prince, he just has a crown. 
Polly Pocket Doll
Lives in her own small house and travels in it because going out normally could get her totally lost
Nesting doll
Precious Memories doll
Peace giver in the land
Plastic soldier
Works for Tord
Grumpy man
Bubbles blower
She uses the bubble wand as a cigarette and blows out bubbles instead of smoke
Works for Tord
Wind up toy
Works for Tord 
Likes coffee, its like extra winding up
Ballet Girl/Spinning top
Works for Tord
She can kick yo ass while twirling
Astronaut figure
Has a lot of tales about space almost no one believes
Parachute toy
Fearless of everything
His leg has been replaced by sticks many times.
Wooden skeleton figure.
Race Car racer
Hot Wheels cars and remote control cars
Has all of her cars decorated
 Likes making movies with his abilities
Robot toy
She knows how to upgrade herself
Action figure
Gives Bing Ideas
She only steals things Beth tell her to
Don't ask her to say “yo ho ho” or “arrr”
Kim n Katya:
They are physically attached, one hand to another
This is no inconvenience for them
They love each other dearly
Sun inspired doll
Only comes out at day
Loves Kate but can almost never see him
Moon inspired doll
Only comes out at night
Loves Ken but can almost never see him
Superhero figure
Fun dead kid:
Candy dispenser
The candy is suitable for humans somehow
Can't talk because of it
No one knows where he gets the candy
Zanta Claws
Old santa toy
It was destroyed mysteriously and it stays like that
Scribble Tom
Paper doll
Drawing in crayon, every movement looks like a frame in crayon
Realistic Matt
Has a cartoony body and a realistic head
NFT(Not funny Tom)
Funko Pop
It is still in the box
…What else do you want, its nft
Face changing toy
Has a face for Tom, one for Tord and one for Torm
Can manage to use a yoyo but they keep fighting frequently so its hard to
Mix n’ Match toy
Every part changes everyday
That means there's days where they are mixed perfectly or 99% percent someone and 1% other
And for now thats it! I actually love this AU, I had it since forever but now I can actually show it. Maybe someone did this already? I dont know, but I really like my au(or my version of it unless). I will make designs soon! I just wanted to show the list first
Note:There are genderbends, and the non-official names are just my headcannons of names. You can refer to thm however you want. How to know what ellsworld character is each one? The direct genderbend is below the eddsworld character, Ell below Edd, Matilda below Matt, etc. I know this should be up the list but eh
There is no ships because , well, they are toys. No, my point is not that they dont need to be shipped, is, everyone plays differently with their toys, so why not with this ones? Everyone can ship whatever they want(.....Just. Don't include the fun dead kid or something. That not. Im going with whatever that isnt problematic). Will there be "official" ships? Maybe. But its up to the viewer to ship in their way.They are toys, not books, they have nothing assigned except for whatever one wants
A part I love too its that because there are hundreds of types of toys, and they can obviously be more than one of each type of toy, theres a lot of space for more toys! New characters, Ew OCs, old characters to bring again, so many things! It's a whole new world to expand, and I really love it
So yeah...I love this AU. Thank you to the people who helped me, Tea and SHayden
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laresearchette · 2 years
Sunday, September 18, 2022 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
WHERE CAN I FIND THOSE PREMIERES?: BIG SKY KITCHEN WITH EDUARDO GARCIA (discovery +) SEAL TEAM (Paramount +) LOVE’S SWEET RECIPE (City TV) 4:00pm 60 MINUTES (Global) 7:30pm HALLOWEEN WARS (Food Network Canada) 8:00pm/9:00pm/10:00pm MODEL AMERICA (MSNBC) 10:00pm
NFL FOOTBALL (TSN/TSN3/TSN4) 1:00pm: Buccaneers vs. Saints (TSN/TSN3/TSN4) 4:00pm: Falcons vs. Rams (TSN/TSN3/TSN4/TSN5) 8:15pm: Bears vs. Packers
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 1:30pm: Orioles vs. Jays (SN Now) 2:00pm: Reds vs. Cardinals (SN360) 4:00pm: Mariners vs. Angels (TSN2/TSN5) 7:00pm: Dodgers vs. Giants
WNBA BASKETBALL (SN1) 4:00pm: Finals: Aces vs. Sun - Game 4
THE BIG BAKE (Food Network Canada) 7:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE):  Brad Smith takes the helm as the teams set a course for scary sweetness and present judges Danni Rose, Eddie Jackson and Ron Ben-Israel with cakes that capture the afterlife on a haunted pirate ship.
BEARS' LAIR (APTN) 7:00pm: Three women entrepreneurs who share their traditions of healing through medicine, counselling and dance pitch their ideas to the Bears in hopes of bringing home a prize!
FRIDAY NIGHT THUNDER (APTN) 7:30pm: A new driver named Allan shares his struggles going into the new racing season after a monumental loss. Dan has a hard time getting his car to start and Aaron narrowly avoids a pace truck in a scary start to the first race of the season.
GIRL IN ROOM 13 (Lifetime Canada) 8:00pm: A drug dealer holds young Grace captive in a hotel room so he can abuse her and sell her into human trafficking. Meanwhile, Grace's mother uncovers the shocking truth about trafficking as she stops at nothing to find her beloved daughter.
AUSSIE GOLD HUNTERS (Discovery Canada) 9:00pm
VAMPIRE ACADEMY (W Network) 9:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): After tragedy upends Rose and Lissa's plans for the future, a new Guardian puts Rose's job at risk; Lissa comes to terms with her new role in court as danger lurks beyond the wards.
OUTBACK OPAL HUNTERS (Discovery Canada) 10:00pm:  A violent summer storm sees The Young Guns race to save their only claim from a flood; meanwhile The McFarlanes must build a drill from spare parts.
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aqvarius · 4 years
Yes I meant rank as in from your favourite to least favourite and I don't mind if you don't rank all of them. Just the ones you read is okay. I'd like to know who did you like the most.
oooh okay! this took me a day to write bc i have so much to say i couldn’t just rank them without writing extra comments lmao sorry
pirates in love: 
1. eduardo/shin
so my second EVER voltage guy in a single purchase game was eduardo (first was yamato from mfw like 90% of all voltage players lol) - back when he was still eduardo with the short haired sprite. i replayed his route in love 365 last year and he gave me a different impression as shin? but anyway eduardo was the OG kaga and i love and miss him so much. at one point he was my ultimate voltage husband!! also his story was so enthralling. if you love kaga, you will definitely love eduardo. if you look through my eduardo tag/search on my blog, you’ll see i once called him my love, my one true love, my fav voltage guy, my husband, etc. i miss him...
2. nathan/nagi
what a SWEETHEART? he’s a little tsun but damn he falls hard. he’s so awkwardly caring and i love it when he gets angry. also he’s 190cm with a weirdly high bounty on his head for some reason iirc. he was the fandom’s favourite tsundere before we had ever even heard of takuto. 
3. christopher/soshi
it might sound odd because we all know i have a tendency to go for enigmatic characters and/or cold/aloof characters BUT i also love a fair share of sweet guys (haruki from ddiwt, lute aka the love of my life) especially because i love the feeling of not knowing if they’re just being kind or if they’re actually in love with you. they’re also usually ridiculously popular with women but oblivious about it and i love the drama there. it’s been so long since i last played him but i have his routes on PIL:CC on love 365 so i think it’s time for a reread...
i think those are all the PIL routes i’ve played but special shoutout to my girl fuzzy - #1 best friend 
my sweet bodyguard:
1. mizuki fujisaki 
my lovely, gorgeous, airheaded, wonderful bodyguard. he’s so underrated but so lovely. i just adore him. for the last 8 years since meeting him, i have just conveniently chosen to suspend my disbelief at the idea that a pop idol/celebrity could just quit and become a bodyguard. imagine if kyohei just peaced out of revance and became a bodyguard and everyone was chill with it. anyway i’m realising increasingly that i like enigmatic love interests lol and mizuki is just so hard to figure out? which makes it all the more delicious when he gets serious. i also love that he can literally talk to animals. i love how chill he is and how good he is at diffusing tension. i love everything about him. i actually don’t have any of his routes with me (i last played him when i still used an iphone so don’t have him on my love 365 on android ;~;) but i’m genuinely considering repurchasing all his routes lol
2. kyoya hayase
we got off to a rough start but then i fell fast and hard. hayase is someone that i’m afraid to rave about too much because i want to be the only person who knows about him so he can be mine and mine alone. has the cutest smile, the cutest blush and the lowest alcohol tolerance. he’s also totally my Type bc i love cold/serious standoffish characters who only open up to the person they love (i.e. me). the climax of his FLA route had my heart pounding but i was starry-eyed at his calm confidence. i trust him with my life. 
3. daichi katsuragi
ah my beloved dorky captain aka KEVIN. i learned my love for household appliances from him. mature, serious, chivalrous, loyal, but with an easily flustered cute side… basically the modern day gaia from akd. i FREAKED OUT when i saw him in ayumu’s route. voltage WHERE is my msb x hlitf crossover?!?!?! i love katsuragi’s calm yet authoritative leadership skills and the way he just commands respect from everyone. 
4. subaru ichiyanagi
the gap moe is so real with subaru. honestly i love subaru, he was my first ever bodyguard back when i played my sweet bodyguard for GREE. the number of guards i had to complete just to get enough points to pick good options in his route was ridiculous, i spent so much time on it!! also the amount of ender i had to earn to get nice clothes lmao. he only ranks 4th because i actually ship him with kosugi… their chemistry is unreal lol. also with goto, for obvious reasons. i wanna see more subaru in hlitf... subaru route? yes? 
5. toru kurosawa
msb kurosawa is so much sweeter than hlitf kurosawa, even when he fucks off for 2 chapters while you spend days looking for him. msb kurosawa will distance himself from you to sort out his issues so he can be a better man for you. hlitf kurosawa will drag you kicking and screaming into his problems (although this may be because hlitf mc clings on like the snapping turtle she is). msb kurosawa is complex and interesting and won’t guilt you into sleeping with him and then leave you the next day. 
6. kaiji akizuki
i started kaiji’s route in GREE about 8 years ago and don’t think i ever finished it? but as far as i remember, it was really cute. kaiji is so easy to be around and i love osananajimi characters who have loved you since you were kids together. also his sisters are crazy lol.
7. seiji goto
goto ranks 7th because the route started off on a really weird note (like hayase’s) with too much pre-route exposition (i still have no idea where to find the info that helps to ease into his route). also because he made me actually want to be with subaru instead in his route and his way to win me back was to whisk me away from a date with subaru and take me straight to kazuki’s grave. that being said, his GREE route was way better so...
*i haven’t played ishigami, sora, makabe, koda or eiji (but recently bought eiji's set) but sora ranks last because of a long running gag with @hikarunohana about hating on sora
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samuraispirit365 · 5 years
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Soushi (Christopher), Hayate (Russel), Shin (Eduardo), Nagi (Nathan), Roy (Alan) and Towa (Thomas) from “Pirates in Love” Otome.
**Game CGs re-illustrated by 浅見相変わらずシンが好き on Pixiv. ;)
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poppukko · 5 years
If you’re up to it maybe Eduardo from Pirates in Love? 😁❤️
Here you go ^^
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milkymagg0t · 2 years
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Also happyj hallowene 🔮🎃🍬✨🍭
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pastelstrawberriess · 2 years
I'm about to take up arms with the lovestruck girlies because I was so close to running pirates in love on an emulator and it got stuck on loading and now I've resorted to begging on my hands and knees on twitter dot com for voltage to give my husband back they can't keep getting away with this I am in shambles
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Pirates in Love, Field Day in the Moonlight
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drilovskyclan · 6 years
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Pirates In Love MC's Ana/Russell Rosalynn/Eduardo Savannah/Nathan Magenta "Maggie"/Christopher Maria "Marnie"/Thomas Antoinetta "Toni"/Alan Serena/Leonardo (Made with Episode limelight creator)
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xenetala · 7 years
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