#pil eduardo
keikaru · 5 months
Navy Bird - Pirates in Love
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Originally written in 2019. Edited in 2024.
This fandom may be dead, but I’m still here with content! During my FF.net days, lots of readers really wanted my OC from “Pirates in Reminisce Island” to end with Eduardo (and so do I). Dedicating this fic to my old PIL readers if you’re out there. <3
Synopsis: Mina is the daughter of a naval officer. She believes in the law and justice, but soon enough, she discovers corruption is rampant among officers. When she points out their amoral behavior, they turn their weapons on her. She injures one of them out of self-defense but is afraid of their retaliation on the priory. In a strange twist of fate, a member of the Sirius crew saves her, which leads her to reevaluate her beliefs about the pirates.  
(You can read this story without any knowledge of PIL.)
Navy Bird
I was raised to believe that navy officers were moral men driven by justice and chivalry.
So why did my hand grip a blade and turned it against men of virtue and righteousness? Officers who were meant to be defenders of the helpless, men who were meant to be incorruptible and deemed worthy of a medal pinned to their lapel…why was itI who raised a hand in defiance to their cruelty?
“You’ll pay for that you wretched whore!” One of the officers yelled, before turning his attention back to his wounded comrade.
I lowered my gaze to the injured man. His back was against the wall as he hunched over, hand pressed over the injury. A crimson stain flourished from underneath his palm, blotting his ivory uniform into a color that matched the wickedness in his heart.
Before the men reacted, I turned and fled from the dim alley. My boots hit the ground, and I heard my heartbeat thunder in my ears.
Adrenaline coursed through my veins as I ran into the night. Darkness found me, steadied me, and told me I would be safe if I kept moving.
I wanted to cry and spill the contents of my dinner onto the ground but was held back by my fear of being caught. My fate was tied to the morning sun, but I couldn’t abandon the priory. They took me in after my father died. The least I could do was warn them about the officer’s retaliation.
The priory would be set ablaze, that much I knew. At the very least, I could warn them about the officer’s retaliation and give them enough time to leave.
I bit my tongue. I held no love for the bastards that seized my town. I knew violence was wrong, but the pain the officer felt was less compared to my people.
Hot tears blurred my vision as I bolted blindly past a bar. A silhouette flickered ahead, and I narrowly avoided a well-dressed man.
“Lass, you’re—”
I skirted around him and hid myself in the dark.
Paranoia struck a powerful chord within me. Every voice and shadow that passed stirred a deep uneasiness inside my chest. To calm myself, I counted backwards from twenty.
When footsteps passed, I exhaled and set out again.
Up ahead, I saw the priory. All the windows were dark and curtained. I hurried along the abandoned road and prayed that someone heard the commotion and notified them to leave.
With every step I took toward the crumbling building, I realized the gravity of the situation. Where would the elderly and children go if the building burned? How would the prioress react? Will the officers harm them?
No. They only knew my face and my face alone. Everyone else was safe. I had to believe that.
As I approached the doorway, someone seized my arm. In that split second, I wondered if my blade would taste another man’s blood tonight.
I whirled around and without thinking, I brandished my blade.
When I met their eyes, it was a man.
The frown on his face was illuminated by the lantern he held. His pristine uniform signified his status in the navy.
Was he that bargoer?
As he stepped closer to me, he held a musket in his other hand. I blanched. How did he find me? Had he been trailing me? It was futile, but I lunged forward with my blade.
He sidestepped me and jabbed the musket at me. I dodged his attack, but the muzzle caught the frills of my blouse. As I scrambled to get away, he only grinned and threw me against the wooden door of the priory.
I cried out and dropped my blade as pain seared throughout my collarbone. He pressed the muzzle against my clavicle, and I gritted my teeth. My flimsy blouse was a thin layer against his cold, callous weapon.
I struggled, but he only pressed the weapon harder against me.
“If only you’d let us have our fun,” the man mused, bringing the lantern close to my face. I winced at the sudden brightness. “If it weren’t for your pretty face, this damned place would have burned down a long time ago. Funny how you’d sully yourself just to protect this shit hole of a home.”
The officer laughed, setting the lantern on the ground. He moved closer and stepped on the blade, preventing me from reaching it. With the musket still pressed to my body, he leaned forward and grabbed my chin, prying my mouth open with his thumb.
I held my gaze as he observed me, eyes raking down my torn blouse. I bristled with rage and kept quiet.  
He clicked his tongue in amusement and released my chin.
“Your father was an honorable officer. He died while defending his values, you know. A virtuous man until the end.” He reached up and brushed a stray strand of hair from my face. “It’s poetic the daughter will die the same way.”
Immediately, he struck me across the face. I gasped out in pain and cradled a hand to my cheek, blinking back tears.  
“I hate women like you.” He grabbed a fistful of my hair and forced me to look up. A scathing look mingled with disgust crossed his features. It unsettled me. “Educated, perceptive, and beautiful—pah. Women are creatures of obedience and ignorance. Not a single thought should cross that pretty little head of yours. Your father tainted you, spoiled you with the delights only a man should have.”
“My father wasn’t bound by tradition,” I spat out, twisting away from his grip. “He gifted me with knowledge because he knew I could stand as an equal in this world.”
The officer threw his head back and laughed. “Your father was a fool. His ideas of virtue and valor only made others laugh at him. He believed officers were the hand of justice in these unprecedented times.” He curled a hand around my neck but didn’t suffocate me—yet. I clawed at his gloved hand in vain as he pressed against my neck. “If he let us have our way, he wouldn’t have died, you know.”
“What are you trying to get at?” I demanded.
He slowly tightened his grip around my throat.
The officer smiled wickedly at me. “I killed him. The fool had it coming.”
The strength in my arms sapped as I stopped prying at his hands. I could only stare back in horror.
He was lying. I was told that my father died an honorable death—defending the townsfolk from a pirate invasion. This officer had to be lying. I had no reason to believe him. He was a lying, dishonorable cur through and through. He was goading me. Inciting rage.
But why? Why did he stare at me with those hateful eyes, filled with malice and the certainty that he did, in fact, murder my father?
“You—you bastard,” I managed out unevenly. My vision blurred as something warm rolled down my face. Something stirred within me—a rage boiled from the very depths of my heart.
Before I knew it, I ripped the musket from my blouse, string and fabric fluttering in the air. The officer took a step back, bewildered by my forcefulness. I couldn’t think properly, only blinded by pure anger I never knew laid dormant inside me. 
He hastily fired a shot but missed. The bullet lodged itself into the door behind me. I grabbed the blade from the ground and charged at him while tears rolled fresh down my face.
For tonight, I was not a killer. Only an agent of retribution.
He sidestepped my attack and swung the musket. I held up my right arm up and shielded myself from the blow. My arm screamed from pain when the musket collided, but I cared not. The man brought his weapon back and swung again—this time, in a wide arc.
I moved back but found myself cornered at the priory entrance.
He grinned, several feet away, and positioned the weapon over his shoulder, poised to fire.
By the time I threw the blade, he would have pulled the trigger. But if I hit his hand, his aim would falter, and I could escape. It was risky, but I was already a dead woman.
I accepted that I had no fate in the morning.
So I prayed. I prayed wherever I ended up, I hoped my father would forgive me for hurting another person.
The shot fired, and I fully expected to die. But the officer dropped his weapon and knelt.
From what I saw, his white pant leg was dyed crimson. I squinted and saw another figure in the dark, not too far from where we stood, brandishing his own gun.
“You’ve harassed the lass long enough.”
My savior stepped forward, but it was difficult to tell who he was. He donned an eyepatch and was dressed in dark colors.
Under the moonless sky, I sensed that he was familiar. 
Before thanking my savior, I turned to the officer on the ground. I took quick, short steps to the man. He groaned in pain and tried to reach for his weapon as I approached.
I kicked the musket far from his reach and before I knew it, I tackled him to the ground and hit him in the face. He cursed at me and called me derogatory names. No matter how many times he called me a bitch, wretch, or whore I hit him as hard as I could.
“I hope you rot in hell!” I screamed, as tears flowed freely down my face. “You took my father from me. You ruined my town. You smeared the name of navy officers and destroyed the foundation of justice and truth I believed in…! You…you’re nothing but…!”
The man below me continued to swear but stopped resisting. Finally, I dropped my hands. I huffed and glared at him, feeling exhaustion overtaking me. As I glanced at my knuckles, blood coated them.
“Kill me, why don’t you…? If it eases your pain.” He mocked, blood running down his nose. He spat out blood beside him and appeared smug. “Another will take my place even if you kill me. So do it, little lady. Do it because by tomorrow morning, you’ll be killed.”
I suddenly remembered my blade.
Wildly, I grabbed for it. Why did I ever set it down?
My emotions were strung high, scattered between grief, animosity, and rage. It was difficult to think clearly. But this man, this pathetic, rotten excuse of an official—I loathed him. I loathed him with every fiber of my being. I bristled with ferocity when I remembered the other corrupted officials who abandoned their duty and sunk deep into wickedness.   
I held the blade above my head. Time slowed. The officer below me only grinned. He welcomed it. He embraced death by my hands.
I could kill him. Kill him and avenge my father. Kill him, kill him, kill him, the voice echoed in my head. Tomorrow didn’t exist. Only in this moment did I have the chance to end his life like he ended my father’s.
But the hand that held the blade trembled. It wouldn’t budge.
Tears streamed down my face as I gazed at the man. He looked pitiful, bruised and reduced to a bloody pulp. He returned my stare. Do it, his eyes urged. Put me out of my misery.
Just then, a hand closed over my knuckles.
I glanced over my shoulder while his hand still clasped mine.  
“That’s enough, lass.” My savior’s voice was quiet, soothing.
He wore a long, ruddy colored coat lined with gold buttons. It looked luxurious and sturdy, so much more than I could ever afford. Suddenly, I forgot about the officer below me and realized my tattered attire. I held a hand to my chest to preserve what dignity I had left. My savior turned his eye away from mine and glanced at the bloodied officer instead.
“He won’t harm you anymore. Not in that state.”
I lowered my blade and numbly nodded my head.
My savior helped me to my feet and guided me away from the officer. The officer let out another string of curses, but he grew quiet as we left the priory.
I slid the blade back into my boot and secured it in its hidden sheath.
The man with the eyepatch led me somewhere quiet, and to where—I knew not. He spoke in a soothing tone, calming me from my grief-stricken state. Whatever he said, it was lost on me. I was glad that he spoke, speaking about nonsense to distract me from my dark thoughts.
He seemed very kind despite his sharp gaze. The man then offered me a tin flask and I realized it contained alcohol. Seldom did I touch alcohol, but I needed something to assuage my nerves. I drank it eagerly but slowed once the bitter flavor scorched down my throat. I coughed and wiped my mouth before handing back the flask.
He pocketed it and continued.
For a while, we walked in companionable silence. Nobody milled about, as many were fearful of the night patrols by the navy. But knowing the officers, they were most likely at bars or red districts.  
The cool air dried my tears, but my nose was colored red. I held my blouse close to my chest to preserve my modesty, but my right shoulder had a gaping hole. Frills and loose thread dangled everywhere, and if I had the materials, I would mend it later.
My thoughts whirled around as we walked, further from the light of the central district. The navy would hunt me down. Those living at the priory would have to leave. My town was already in shambles. And where was I supposed to go?
I looked ahead, seeing my savior’s back. I didn’t have a good look at his face, but he seemed oddly familiar. We never met in person, but I have seen him somewhere before. Perhaps in passing?
“Sir,” I quivered out. I was unsure if he heard me. He kept walking. “May I know your name? And, um, thank you.” I let out a shaky sigh. “For helping me. I am grateful.”
He paused so abruptly that I collided with his back.
“You’re welcome.”
I didn’t press further for his name, as I realized I haven’t introduced myself either. I found myself staring at his back as he continued walking. He had broad shoulders and moved with a confident stride.
I wonder why he saved me. Did he have his own motive? Or was it out of selflessness?
I halted.
He noticed I was no longer following him due to the absence of footfalls. He partly turned, craning his neck to look at me.
“What’re you doing, lass?” He sounded impatient. “If you don’t come along, they’ll find you.”
“Where are we going?” I asked quietly. My fingers gripped the fabric of my shirt. “At least tell me where we’re going. You have my gratitude, but you don’t fully have my trust.”
“You followed me this far and now you want an explanation?” He ran a hand through his dark hair, exasperated. “Talk about priorities. Fine—I’ll explain along the way. But first, we need to get you out of this town. You know they’ll be looking for you in the morning.”
“I know.” I began to walk again, following him. He moved, but with a sense of urgency this time. “They’ll have a bounty for my head soon. That much I’m aware.”
His strides were longer and faster than mines. I struggled to keep up.
“At the very least, my crew can drop you off at another port. You can start anew there,” he said this with finality, with no room for argument. “It’ll be difficult, but I believe you can manage. You have tenacity from what I’ve seen.”
I grew quiet again. Tears brimmed in my eyes as I thought about the events from earlier. My body ached, especially my right arm and collarbone. While I failed to see tomorrow, he was already planning my next course of action as if he was familiar with this life. Whatever this life meant. Things were moving too fast, but it was impossible to fight the pull of time. But how could he be so levelheaded in this situation? It was too much to handle. Some things sunk in, but other things didn’t.
I tipped my head back and looked up at the sky.
Above us, a few seagulls cawed and glided through the oil slick night. Stars shimmered, as if offering hope. What will tomorrow bring? I thought. What port town awaits me? As the man strode onwards, I spoke again.
“My name is Mina.” I fiddled with the loose threads of my blouse. With my free hand, I brushed the tears away. “My father was a virtuous naval officer, unlike those you just saw. And, um, my mother—she was a dancer. Both my parents died, so the priory took me in. I tried to stop the officers from taxing what little we have.”
He was quiet as he listened to my story. After a respectful pause, he spoke. “Eduardo. Just Eduardo is fine, lass. I don’t care much for formalities.”
“Ah.” I said flatly. “Eduardo. As in…Sirius?”
The name registered, but my reaction was mild. I was emotionally and physically exhausted from the events before and wasn’t as shocked as I thought I would be. Normally, fear would have gripped me, but I felt hollow. Today was already a strange day, only making room for stranger events and stranger people.
“I’ve heard the awful rumors, but I can’t believe them. Not after today because you saved my life.” I shook my head and laughed weakly. Eduardo looked at me as if I lost a few screws. Of course, there was nothing to laugh about. But I found it absurd all the same.
“You’re a member of the Sirius crew,” I mumbled, trying to make sense of everything, “pirates have saved me from the navy. Who would have thought? But isn’t the navy supposed to protect its citizens? So why—” I balled my fists, my voice rising out of confusion and anger— “why were they abusing their authority and burdening the townsfolk? Why do they exploit the weak and tax the church? Aren’t they supposed to protect? To uphold the law? Then why, why did they abandon their duty? To whom am I supposed to turn to when I need justice?”
I was frustrated beyond measure. It didn’t make sense. Officers were supposed to be paragons of goodness. Pirates were supposed to be bad. But reality was never that simple.  
My tears were relentless. Every being of my body shook as I thought of my father—the only good man among the corrupted. There had to be others, but they were so little and few in between.
“All my life, I grew up believing the navy officers were good men. But now I could see that I was blind. I fooled myself, making excuses whenever the officers committed any wrongdoings. I was blind, wasn’t I? So willfully ignorant. I looked away because I didn’t want to believe it. But no,” I spat out bitterly, my vision blurring. “Not anymore. I won’t make up excuses for them any longer. I won’t turn away. And to think…to think that the infamous Sirius pirates would save me instead. I don’t know what to believe anymore.”
“Then don’t,” Eduardo murmured quietly. “Your whole belief system built over the years just shattered in an instant. Anyone would breakdown.”
“So what do I do now?”
My legs gave out and my knees hit the ground. I pounded the ground with my balled-up fist. Desperation overwhelmed me as I tried to search for an answer. Anything to guide me in the right direction. Anything to latch onto, knowing what I believed in, has betrayed me.
I would have to start anew—a new name, new town, a fresh start. But what about everything I’ve known here? This measly port town was the only one I knew. I knew nothing of the world beyond where my feet could take me. I didn’t even say goodbye to the ones I loved and cared for at the priory.
“How am I supposed to forget this?” I sobbed, cradling my injured hand to my chest. “This is the only life I’ve known. I can’t leave it behind so easily.”
He didn’t look at me, only up at the sky. “Some turn to religion for comfort. Some learn to move on. As for you,” he fully turned, his coat billowed in the wind as he faced me. “That’s up to you to figure out, lass. But at the very least—”
With the backdrop of stars and an air of solemnity surrounding him, Eduardo knelt in front of me.
“Come with me, Mina,” he said calmly. I couldn’t help but believe in his words like scripture. “I can guarantee your safety.”
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peachyotome · 1 year
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Happy to be able to share my thoughts on Roy!
Still debating whether I should read more routes...
-Daisy 🌼
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forever screaming at how the vip room stories for shin jump back and forth between sprites like they really said here are your crumbs bitch!
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drilovskyclan · 6 years
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Pirates In Love MC's Ana/Russell Rosalynn/Eduardo Savannah/Nathan Magenta "Maggie"/Christopher Maria "Marnie"/Thomas Antoinetta "Toni"/Alan Serena/Leonardo (Made with Episode limelight creator)
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aqvarius · 4 years
Yes I meant rank as in from your favourite to least favourite and I don't mind if you don't rank all of them. Just the ones you read is okay. I'd like to know who did you like the most.
oooh okay! this took me a day to write bc i have so much to say i couldn’t just rank them without writing extra comments lmao sorry
pirates in love: 
1. eduardo/shin
so my second EVER voltage guy in a single purchase game was eduardo (first was yamato from mfw like 90% of all voltage players lol) - back when he was still eduardo with the short haired sprite. i replayed his route in love 365 last year and he gave me a different impression as shin? but anyway eduardo was the OG kaga and i love and miss him so much. at one point he was my ultimate voltage husband!! also his story was so enthralling. if you love kaga, you will definitely love eduardo. if you look through my eduardo tag/search on my blog, you’ll see i once called him my love, my one true love, my fav voltage guy, my husband, etc. i miss him...
2. nathan/nagi
what a SWEETHEART? he’s a little tsun but damn he falls hard. he’s so awkwardly caring and i love it when he gets angry. also he’s 190cm with a weirdly high bounty on his head for some reason iirc. he was the fandom’s favourite tsundere before we had ever even heard of takuto. 
3. christopher/soshi
it might sound odd because we all know i have a tendency to go for enigmatic characters and/or cold/aloof characters BUT i also love a fair share of sweet guys (haruki from ddiwt, lute aka the love of my life) especially because i love the feeling of not knowing if they’re just being kind or if they’re actually in love with you. they’re also usually ridiculously popular with women but oblivious about it and i love the drama there. it’s been so long since i last played him but i have his routes on PIL:CC on love 365 so i think it’s time for a reread...
i think those are all the PIL routes i’ve played but special shoutout to my girl fuzzy - #1 best friend 
my sweet bodyguard:
1. mizuki fujisaki 
my lovely, gorgeous, airheaded, wonderful bodyguard. he’s so underrated but so lovely. i just adore him. for the last 8 years since meeting him, i have just conveniently chosen to suspend my disbelief at the idea that a pop idol/celebrity could just quit and become a bodyguard. imagine if kyohei just peaced out of revance and became a bodyguard and everyone was chill with it. anyway i’m realising increasingly that i like enigmatic love interests lol and mizuki is just so hard to figure out? which makes it all the more delicious when he gets serious. i also love that he can literally talk to animals. i love how chill he is and how good he is at diffusing tension. i love everything about him. i actually don’t have any of his routes with me (i last played him when i still used an iphone so don’t have him on my love 365 on android ;~;) but i’m genuinely considering repurchasing all his routes lol
2. kyoya hayase
we got off to a rough start but then i fell fast and hard. hayase is someone that i’m afraid to rave about too much because i want to be the only person who knows about him so he can be mine and mine alone. has the cutest smile, the cutest blush and the lowest alcohol tolerance. he’s also totally my Type bc i love cold/serious standoffish characters who only open up to the person they love (i.e. me). the climax of his FLA route had my heart pounding but i was starry-eyed at his calm confidence. i trust him with my life. 
3. daichi katsuragi
ah my beloved dorky captain aka KEVIN. i learned my love for household appliances from him. mature, serious, chivalrous, loyal, but with an easily flustered cute side… basically the modern day gaia from akd. i FREAKED OUT when i saw him in ayumu’s route. voltage WHERE is my msb x hlitf crossover?!?!?! i love katsuragi’s calm yet authoritative leadership skills and the way he just commands respect from everyone. 
4. subaru ichiyanagi
the gap moe is so real with subaru. honestly i love subaru, he was my first ever bodyguard back when i played my sweet bodyguard for GREE. the number of guards i had to complete just to get enough points to pick good options in his route was ridiculous, i spent so much time on it!! also the amount of ender i had to earn to get nice clothes lmao. he only ranks 4th because i actually ship him with kosugi… their chemistry is unreal lol. also with goto, for obvious reasons. i wanna see more subaru in hlitf... subaru route? yes? 
5. toru kurosawa
msb kurosawa is so much sweeter than hlitf kurosawa, even when he fucks off for 2 chapters while you spend days looking for him. msb kurosawa will distance himself from you to sort out his issues so he can be a better man for you. hlitf kurosawa will drag you kicking and screaming into his problems (although this may be because hlitf mc clings on like the snapping turtle she is). msb kurosawa is complex and interesting and won’t guilt you into sleeping with him and then leave you the next day. 
6. kaiji akizuki
i started kaiji’s route in GREE about 8 years ago and don’t think i ever finished it? but as far as i remember, it was really cute. kaiji is so easy to be around and i love osananajimi characters who have loved you since you were kids together. also his sisters are crazy lol.
7. seiji goto
goto ranks 7th because the route started off on a really weird note (like hayase’s) with too much pre-route exposition (i still have no idea where to find the info that helps to ease into his route). also because he made me actually want to be with subaru instead in his route and his way to win me back was to whisk me away from a date with subaru and take me straight to kazuki’s grave. that being said, his GREE route was way better so...
*i haven’t played ishigami, sora, makabe, koda or eiji (but recently bought eiji's set) but sora ranks last because of a long running gag with @hikarunohana about hating on sora
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hotcocosharing · 7 years
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I've decided to re live the experience with the Pirates See, they weren't identical to other voltage males Voltage used to care enough to write good routes and create unique characters
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poppukko · 5 years
If you’re up to it maybe Eduardo from Pirates in Love? 😁❤️
Here you go ^^
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Pirates in Love, Field Day in the Moonlight
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xenetala · 7 years
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starishsky · 7 years
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tfw you bought pretty much everything from the old app and now that pirates in love is getting a reboot you get all nostalgic and buy everything all over again…
russell if you’re out there you’re still the first bae and i’ll always love u
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Pirates In Love - Prologue
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Own adaption of a prologue to PiL because I adore it so much and wanted to do something for the first voltage game I ever played.
The OC (Bella) is loosely based of Elizabeth Swan, because she is just a pure bad-ass and I LOVE HER. Also didn’t want the OC to be like the real one in the game because she’s such just too weak for this.
Smut, head-cannons and one shots to follow based of this prologue hence why I wanted to do it, also the characters names are off the English version, as this is the one I played!
Strong Language, Violence and derogatory terms towards the OC below the cut
“Eduardo I am not a child! Will you stop following me and let me do something by myself!”.
“Yourself? You make a mess wherever you go! You need someone to keep an eye on you”.
“I literally can’t do anything on this ship!” You huffed with laughter.
“Anytime I go to help, you or someone else swoops down to ‘protect me’, all I wanted to do was practice with a sword for five minutes in peace!”.
“Your too weak of a woman to handle a sword,” His words made your blood boiled
“I know how to handle a sword.” You yelled angrily.
“Kid you don’t have to impress me,” He smirked, fucking smug asshole.
“I am not a child! No-one of you knew how I was brought up or what exactly I am capable of! You all see me as this virginal innocent girl, that you don’t see me as the woman I am,” You sighed whilst shaking your head, your hands placed firmly on your waist.
“I see you as a woman,” He mumbles.
“Just shut up Ed, you made it very clear how you see me,” You pushed past him, purposely knocking yourself against his shoulder. You mumbled angrily under your breath as you stepped out on to the deck. Life on the Sirius was great, expect you can’t do anything, it was beyond frustrating. Every-time you did anything, someone was there watching you, these men really didn’t see you as the 22 year old woman you was. In fact as Ed had stated earlier, you was often referred to as ‘kid’, you was older than one of the crew members Thomas for god's sake. They saw you as feeble, weak, woman and it was tiring. You had skills, you knew how to fight, hell you’d been doing it since you was a child. 
Growing up wasn’t easy for you after losing your parents due to a corrupt family burning down your house and stealing you away in order to raise you to be a bride for one of their sons. You was sheltered and cared for by an elderly nanny of the family who took pity on you and taught you how to fend and fight yourself, she had told you stories of what the family was like and how she refused to see them ruin and taint you. The day the Sirius and it’s crew fell into your life was the day you had retaliated against the family. They were forcing you to become engaged to their eldest son, a known womaniser and woman beater, as you had become legal age of marriage. Instead of being the ‘good submissive’ girl they had raised you as, you refuted and attacked, taking one of their priceless pistols and aiming it at them.
“Oh look she think she’s tough,” “Get her son, put that bitch back in her place,”. Their words are still fresh in your ears. As the brute of a son stepped towards you, you fired a warning shot with your trembling fingers, but it wasn’t until he pounced at you, you shot him. You don’t know where, you don’t know what happened after and you never want to find out. You ran and ran and ran, until your feet could run no more and hid in a barrel once you heard the navy sounding waves of alarm. That barrel ended up on the Sirius and long story short that's how you're here. 
You loved the men on board, they were ‘barrels of laughs’ but you were tired of being treated like a weak girl, you were more than that. You pressed yourself against the ships side, letting the soothing ocean air hitting you face. You loved being on the water, it was peaceful, tranquil and safe, safer than you had ever been in your life. 
Your eyes teared up slightly as you thought about what you had left behind, it was horrible life you had suffered. First watching your parents murdered before being ‘saved’ by the people who did it, being forced to grow up in a lifestyle to accommodate them and their wishes to be ‘the perfect bride’. When you was 17 you fell in love with one of the stable boys, very clique, and he loved you back. You both stole sweet moments together, making love under the stars or anywhere that was private, until one day your lover was caught and he was ripped away from your life. Another stable boy had reported the feelings of your lover to a high authority and not wanting the risk of anyone stealing or ruining you they had him removed. You never knew what happened to him, you prayed he was alive and well but that day was when your world went black and all you wanted to do was escape, waiting for the perfect opportunity. 
Your thoughts were interrupted by a high pitched squeal.
“Pearl!” The recognisable voice of the man who was a true representation of a mentalist came running towards you from the side.
“Hello Alan,” You barely even turning to him. He did his usual grand gesture of bowing before taking your hand and kissing it.
“I’ve come to sweep you away from these evil men my pearl,” He grins like a child. You had to give it to him, he was persistent, this was the 5th time in two weeks he had come to rescue you. Even since your first encounter he became infatuated with you, determined to make you his and steal you away.
“Oh Alan, you truly know the way to a woman's heart,” You sigh before turning around, resting your back against the side, you propping your elbows up on to it. 
“So you’ll come!” He yells with excitement.
“Sorry, not this time,” You sigh with a slight laugh as you watched him pout.
“Alan how did you even get on here, the Rika is miles away,” You question as you push yourself up and walk to the other-side of the boat. The deck was empty, hence why Alan had been on the ship for more than 30 seconds without being thrown overboard.
“The Rika is right there pearl,” He says pointing to it, it was docked behind the Sirius.
“Wait so who’s that then?” You ask, pointing to a ship which was gaining speed towards you. 
“Shit, Alan move,” You yell and run to the mast, ringing the bell sharply. Come on lads where are you? No-one was coming and this ship was only a few knotts away from you, a rowdy bunch of men on the deck, with the boat currently anchored you were sitting ducks. Alan was slightly cowering, he lived up to his reputation of being a wuss.
“Give me that,” You yelled, taking the gun out of his holster but strapping it to the compartment on your garter. Since being on the ship you had to create your own clothes, luckily sewing was deemed as ‘quality wife’ material and you’d been forced to learn from an early age. With the odd scraps around the boat you had crafted a off the shoulder white puffed sleeved shirt, with a corset that settled neatly under your breasts, a pair of shorts to match that clung to your waist with a garter belt, somewhere for you to keep a weapon, not that you was given one. What? Who said pirates had to be unstylish? Taking a sword from the rack, you gripped it into your right hand.
“Guys! Anytime!” You yelled down the deck, you didn’t have time to run down the helm and alert everyone, that was the whole point of the bell they were clearly ignoring. 
“Until next time my pearl!” Alan called out to you, somehow he managed to dash onto the Rika and it was already setting sail.
“Alan, you coward!” You screamed but it was no use, the Rika was fleeing, looks like its just you Bella. 
The ship had fulled approached and the men grabbed onto ropes, swinging down onto the deck with a thud, a man in a similar attire to Morgans waltzed towards you, his eyes glistening. 
“Well, well, well, what do we have here,” He asked intriguing, circling you like a shark. 
“You must be the Sirius whore,” He spits and he grabs your chin forcefully.
“I am no ones whore!” You yell back, bashing against him to free yourself.
“Oh, now aren't we feisty, I bet your a delight to fuck,” His grip tightening on you, causing you to whine. 
“Oh look lads, they even gave her a gun to play with, you know little girls shouldn’t play with weapons, unless its a cock,” He adds, howls of laughter coming from his men. You swap the sword in your hand behind your back and without thinking you brought your right hand up into a first and punched him straight in the nose, he feel back against the side, the cracking nose of his being broke rung through your ears.
“I am not a whore, I am no-ones fuck toy, I am not some god-damn damsel in distress who needs rescuing every five minutes,” You furiously yell, your body wracked with anger as you point the sword, pressing it against his bollocks, keeping him pinned against the side.
“Alright lass, calm down it was only some fun,” He pleads but you press the sword forward ever so slightly.
“Chose your next words carefully if you want to keep your cock,” You hiss, your eyes seeing red. 
“Men back on the ship,” He swallows and you raise an eyebrow to him.
“Give me your gun,” You state.
“Give me your god-damn gun, or say goodbye to your pathetic excuse of a dick,” Your eyes widening. His hand shakes slightly as he reached for it, you quickly duck and roll away as he points it to where you once stood, in all honesty you saw that coming from a mile away. Taking the gun from your garter, you cock it before pointing it at him. Both of you standing opposite each other in a standoff. 
“You’d make a brilliant addition to our crew lass,” He smirks.
“Not only would you keep my cock and bed warm, your fight in you would make it exceptional to tie down,” He adds. Not even taking a second, your finger pulled the trigger shooting him in his right shoulder and he curled in pain. Not taking any chance you lean forward and thump your, well Alan’s, pistol over his head, knocking him out stone cold. With a sigh you lean down and take his gun, glancing over it, it was blue with encrusted gems on it and it was yours. As you stand up you see the crew of the Sirius watching you and all that had just happened.
“Feel free to chip in at any time guys!” You yell, men who needs them, sometimes you have to be your own hero. 
“Get him off here before I put a bullet through his head,” You hiss before shoving your way past the crew and down into the kitchen. You needed a drink, a really really stiff drink. 
Is it a clique that the only drink on the boat apart from water is rum, stocks of it everywhere you looked. You propped yourself onto the kitchen counter, a bottle in your hand as you slugged away, you weren't that little girl who used to be. The girl who was too frightened to say a word, who was meek and obeyed every order, she was going to have a terrible life so in a way Sirius saved you and that's what you clung to being on this ship. Unable to sit there anymore and let your wallow away in pity of your former self you head back up the deck, hoping the ship had set course. 
“Did you see how she punched him! I heard his bones break, it was kinda awesome,” Thomas was enthusiastically yelling, he was the definition of innocence. 
“Yeah, I think she’s got a better aim than you Eduardo,” Russell chuckled but Eduardo did his usual scoff of disapproval. 
“Hey there's our tough, mean, fighting machine,” Morgan yelled as he welcomed you onto the deck, the other ship had gone. 
“You have some explaining to do,” Eduardo said with a stern look, this time it was you who scoffed.
“Like I said before I’m not some virgin princess who swoons at any man who rescues her, I know how to handle myself,” You reply before placing the bottle you were holding on the table. 
“Well lass, were having a celebration tonight, like the night you first arrived, to celebrate the full moon so you will have plenty of time to tell us then,” Morgan laughed as he slapped his knee, he had to be the most joyful person you had met, he was the true definition of a pirate. 
You helped set up the deck for the celebrations, barrels of rum being brought out and you found yourself being more chatty and open with the men. You got to learn a lot about them and vise versa, after seeing your reaction earlier no-one of them saw you as helpless child anymore. They respected you.
“Wait so you shot him? What happened next?” Nathan asked you, leaning forward over the table.
“I don’t know, I ran away and ended up on the ship,” You slurred slightly, the alcohol and the gentle sway of the ship hitting you. You began to laugh slightly.
“I shot two people, me,” You couldn’t help but giggle. You never could hold your alcohol, not especially compared to these men who were throwing it back like air. 
“You're tougher than you look kid,” Eduardo smiles and wraps an over your shoulder, clearly he was drunk, the man never smiled. 
“Never underestimate a woman!” You hiccuped with a slight blush. 
“So let’s see the gun you stole,” Chris asks and you look at him slightly clueless.
“I threw it, I didn’t want anything from them, but you can look at this one,” You said handing him the gun from the man earlier. 
“But I want it back! I also have Alan’s so don’t try to keep it,” You pouted watching him hold up the weapon to the light. 
“It’s beautifully jewelled,” Russell exclaimed leaning over to admire it. 
“But it’s miiiine,” You sang and took it back, securing it to your leg garter. 
The night continued with laughter and stories and for the first time since you joined the Sirius, you was apart of the crew.
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Happy Valentines Day
“Happy valentines day, I’m not good with this stuff, but I got you something I hope you like.”
“Happy valentines day, you better got me something for saying that to you, I’ll share some of my chocolate today.”
“You mean so much to me and I only wish that all the presents and everything I say to you should fully show how much I love you, Happy Valentines day”
“Wow, this is the first time I've spent this holiday with someone, I hope you like what I got you, sorry it isn't much, but know that I love you so much and you mean a lot to me regardless of how much stuff I buy you!”
“I made you some cake and chocolate... Y-you better eat it all, only you are allowed to eat that.... Happy Valentine's day...”
“Happy Valentine's day! I know I spoil you and on holidays, I extra spoil you, but I think today is important because it’s meant for love, not saying that I don't show you love every second of the day, but I mean today it's meant to show how much I appreciate you being here for me. Thank you and I love you.”
“Only the best chocolate and the best gifts can truly express my love! Just know that despite how cool I am, this is the first time I’ve spent Valentine’s day with someone, Happy Valentine’s day!”
“I don’t really know what to do for today, I’m trying to think of how I could treat you, what I could give you, what I could say to you, but Everything kind of goes blur, I guess that means that You being with me is showing my love for you, but I still got you something, Happy Valentine's day, I love you.”
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pastelstrawberriess · 5 years
voltage: u know after this date u can’t open the pirates in love app
me, currently: still shocked and upset that I can no longer open the pirates in love app
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It feels like ages since I’ve thought about Pirates in Love!
I’ll be addressing them by their original English (pre-Captains’ Cut) names since that’s what I’m most familiar with.
PIL Characters Reaction to MC Having Ice Powers
The sound of swords clanging together rang throughout the air as you ducked behind a pair of barrels on the deck, narrowly avoiding a haphazard swing from the person looming above you.
The Sirius had been taken by surprise by a new enemy who had boarded the ship with alarming efficiency, and you could feel your heartbeat racing as you watched your boyfriend fighting courageously in the crowd.
Squeezing your hands to stop them from trembling, you focus your breathing as you make your way around the deck, trying to stay out of the way of the fighting.
You could feel your fingers tingling, a thin layer of frost developing over your skin. You bit down on your lip, hard, trying to dampen the magic that was screaming to be let go from your body.
It was why you were banished from your home originally; why you had to leave everything you knew behind. You only knew your magic as something terrible, something to be hidden away.
You couldn’t lose the family you had now, and if it meant hiding this part of you away forever, you were prepared to do that.
What you weren’t prepared for, however, was the sight of a pirate approaching your boyfriend from his back, arm held high as he prepared to swing down his sword.
You could feel your lips opening, your voice forming into a scream as you tried to react, tried to get him to turn, to do anything-
But you were too far away, and you knew that it would be too late for him to react.
It was at that moment that you felt the sparks of magic tingling across your skin, your arm shooting out as you watched your powers fly from your grasp.
Your scream is drowned out by the sound of ice rapidly materializing between him and the pirate approaching from the back.
A sheer wall of ice had shot up between the two, the man’s sword breaking off into two as it slammed into the frozen structure.
It had given Russell the brief respite that he needed as he whirled around, knocking the other swordsman out with a whack to the head.
You could see the question in his eyes as he turned to look at you, but you shook your head-there would be time for that later.
The sudden appearance of ice in the battlefield turned the tides quickly in your favor, and soon the Sirius had reigned triumphant as Eduardo navigated the ship away from the scene.
Russell had walked towards you, taking long strides as he tossed his blades aside, gripping your arms tightly. “_____!”
You squeezed your eyes closed, your entire body trembling. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry-“
“What are you sorry about?!” Russell’s hands moved upwards as he cupped your face in his hands. “I’m asking if you’re alright, _____!”
“I-I’m okay…” You whisper, startled by his question. You were ready for him to scream, to yell, to call you a monster. Instead, his question brought tears to your eyes as your vision blurred.
“That’s all that matters. Obviously, I have questions. But you saved my life, _____. We can worry about the rest later.” Ignoring the stares from the other members, Russell abandons his usual embarrassment as he hugs you close. “Thank you.”
Icicles rain like bullets from above the pirate, knocking him to the ground as Eduardo spins around, shooting the sword out of his hand.
Your hand trembles as you wave your arm back, cutting off the icicles as they fall limply to the ground, trapping the man where he lays, unconscious.
You refuse to meet Eduardo’s eyes as the fighting clears, and you still can’t find any words to say as the crew starts putting things back into their places, preparing to return to your original path.
Eduardo is quiet as he reaches out for your hand, tugging you along with him as he takes his place behind the wheel of the ship.
“_____, was that you?”
“…Yes.” You whisper. Eduardo’s fingers grip your chin gently as he tilts your face upwards, forcing your gaze to meet his.
His eyes are warm, not filled with terror or disgust like you were fearing. You feel your body slacken in relief as he leans in, kissing your forehead.
“You’re always surprising me, _____.” He murmurs. “I’ll be ready to listen whenever you want to talk.”
Your desperate cry along with your powers were enough to freeze the pirate momentarily in time, giving Christopher enough room to step out of the way of danger before he pokes the man in the neck, immediately knocking him unconscious.
The sudden use of your powers after holding back for so long makes you dizzy as you stumble, grasping onto nothing but air as you brace yourself for impact.
Instead, you’re met with strong arms as they support you, and you can immediately tell that it’s Christopher who’s holding onto you tightly, lowering you down to the deck slowly.
“Christopher, I-“
“Shh, _____.” Christopher shushes you, pressing his finger to your lips as his brow furrows with worry. “Are you feeling ok? Does anything look blurry?”
You shake your head. “I’m sorry, I never told you, but-“
“You’re something special, _____.” Christopher’s smile is warm and comforting as he looks down at you as the fighting starts to die down. “Right now, I’m just glad that we’re both okay.”
Tears of relief slip from your eyes as you nod, your fingers gripping onto his shirt tightly. “I promise I’ll tell you everything…I’m so sorry for hiding something like this.”
“I’m sure you have your reasons.” A warm hand rests itself on your head as you sob into Christopher’s shirt. “No matter what, I love you.”
A wave of ice literally topples the man approaching Nathan from behind, knocking him unconscious as he falls onto the deck of the ship.
The feeling of cold is still in the tips of your fingers as you hastily withdraw your hands, a feeling of dread spreading over you as you realized that Nathan had seen exactly what you did.
There was no way you could talk yourself out of that. He knew. He knew.
Your mind was racing as you turned and ran, ignoring Nathan’s shouts of your name as you escaped inside the cabin, curling into a ball as you rocked yourself against the wall, unable to stop the way your breathing was growing faster and faster.
You weren’t sure what had happened afterwards, but it’s Nathan’s arms around your body and his hands rubbing your back that brings you to the present.
“_____. Stay with me.” Nathan is calling your name repeatedly as you numbly nod your head in response. “I’m not quite sure what that was, but it was something.”
“…You don’t think I’m a monster?” You whisper, so soft that you weren’t sure if you had actually spoken the words.
“Why would I think that?” Nathan tsks, pinching your cheeks. “Now I can finally try out some new recipes since I know just who to go to for when I need things cooled down.”
“I-I’m not an ice box!” You retort, your cheeks puffing up in annoyance.
Nathan just laughs in response. “Your face looks too funny, _____.”
Ice crystalizes around the pirate’s wrists, holding him captive as his swords falls uselessly to the ground. With a wave of your arm, it sends him crashing into the side of the deck, and your heart skips a beat in relief as he falls unconscious.
Your heart feels like it’s frozen in your chest as you see Thomas slip, just barely managing to catch himself at the last minute. Oh god, you’d almost hurt him, too.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” You find yourself repeating as you feel the panic rising in your chest. “I didn’t mean it, I swear, please-“
You’re jolted out of your thoughts, caramel-colored eyes flooding your vision as Thomas pushes his forehead against yours. “I’m alright. I’m fine. You didn’t hurt me, I was just surprised!”
“But I could have. I could have hurt you, so easily.” The sight of Thomas falling replays itself in your mind in a never-ending loop. “I don’t want to hurt you…!”
“You’re not going to hurt me! I’m tough!” Wrapping his arms around you, he squeezes you tight and you can feel the strength in his powerful grip. “_____, are you okay?”
“You’re the one who almost got hurt, and you’re asking me if I’m okay?” Squeezing him back, your heart swells at the amount of love you have for the precious being in your arms. “All I need is you…”
“You have me. You’ll always have me, _____.”
Ice erupts at your feet, carrying you forward as you manage to push Morgan out of the way at the last moment. However, you’re not fast enough to avoid the pirate’s sword as it grazes you, leaving behind a thin cut on your arm.
Morgan’s response is quick as he rights himself on his feet, knocking the man out of the way before he sweeps you up in his arms. “_____!”
The cut stings, but you’re too fired up with adrenaline to pay much attention. “I’m okay, I’m-“
“What are you doing, _____!” Morgan’s normally cheerful demeanor is replaced by one of extreme worry as he looks at you, his movements becoming even faster as he knocks anyone who gets close to you out of the way.
He saw it, he saw your powers. And you had no way of taking it back.
“I-I’m sorry for hiding it, I swear I’m not going to hurt you!” You manage to say, trembling in fear as you wait for Morgan’s response. Would he yell? Would he throw you off the boat at the next port?
“The hell are you talking about?!” Morgan grabs you as the others start beating the enemies back, his arms wrapping protectively around your form. “I’m asking if you’re okay!”
“It’s just a cut, I’ll be fine-“
“And I’m supposed to protect you.” Morgan rips off a piece of the sleeve from his shirt before he takes your arm, wrapping the makeshift bandage quickly around your cut. “Don’t go stopping this old man’s heart, ______.”
“I couldn’t see you get hurt.”
“It’s the same for me, _____.” His voice is warm and comforting as he holds you close, lips brushing against your ear. “You don’t even need to be scared. I’ll protect you, no matter what.”
“My dear _____!”
Alan crashes into you, not even waiting for the Rika to stop moving before he leaps from the deck and onto the Sirius. “Are you hurt? I couldn’t bear if anything happened to my darling pearl…!”
“Alan…” You wheeze, as the Captain of the Rika had very literally knocked all the breath from your body. “D-Did you see…”
“I saw it!! You had ice coming out of your fingers, _____!”
You struggle to get out of his grip once you hear his response. “Alan, please, just let me explain…!”
“My _____ is so talented and so awesome!” Alan sings, his eyes bright and mouth wide in an excited smile. “You’ll have to show me more!!”
“You’re not…scared of me?” You ask, not quite believing what you were hearing.
“Huh? Scared?” Alan huffs in annoyance. “Like the great Captain of the Rika would be scared of anything!”
“…Alan…!” You burst out into tears as you hug him, ignoring his yelp of surprise.
“P-Pearl, hold on, everyone’s watching…!”
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drilovskyclan · 7 years
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Awwww ❤️
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cloudy0103 · 5 years
My love for @voltageotome is a lot lol it helped me through tough times and made me happy through the happy times
What I made for my appreciation and love for Voltage in a window like mural of some of my favorite characters. I even got it to stand up which we had to do super slowly lol
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I tried to make one part of the windows from the castle of Nobel Michel from Be My Princess (pictured below) as it was the first Voltage game I ever played
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If you can’t tell because it is a bit bright here are the guys that are there
Blue: Haruka from MFW, Huedhant from SCM, Yuya from FLD
Purple: Chihaya from SITSC, Yuto from FILA, Junya from OS
Red: Eduardo/Shin from PIL, Wilfred from BMP, Lue from AKD
Thank you for all the stories and the love~ I can’t wait for more ^_^
Anyways I had a lot of fun making it and I hope you like it!!!
*sigh* when will my true loves come??
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