#echo's scomp appreciation
Thoughts on Echo as amputee/disability representation
First and foremost, I am not disabled or an amputee and I don’t claim to speak for those communities. What little I do know mostly comes from this youtube channel (@oakwyrm), this post, and other research I’ve done for my writing (and like one amputee I kinda knew in passing). By all means correct me and add to the conversation, I just have some thoughts I want to share because I haven’t really seen this discussed anywhere
So Echo is interesting. He is a triple amputee which is pretty rare in media. His disabilities come from extremely traumatic circumstances: injured in a near-death experience, imprisoned and dehumanized as an experiment with no autonomy over what happened to his body.
There are a few moments in the shows where Echo is treated… questionably. Like this bit where Rex uses him as an example of the Separatists' evils to convince the locals to fight back:
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To be fair, yeah Echo’s treatment does prove that the Techno Union is not neutral like they claim. The modifications that everyone is gasping in horror at here obviously weren’t made with comfort and accessibility in mind, nor with Echo’s consent. But you still just want to be sure that “They took away his freedom, his humanity, they tried to turn him into a machine” is about using him as a living computer, not the fact that he is missing limbs. 
The Batch is also pretty insensitive toward him and his trauma imo, which is weird considering they've supposedly also faced discrimination for their mutations
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Disabled people do have to deal with stuff like this in this day and age so I guess it can speak to those experiences. I think especially him being mistaken as a droid (and Hunter going along with it (bruh)) might resonate with some people. 
Aside from that stuff, Echo isn't really treated any differently as a character/person which is really good (as low of a bar as that is).
We get this moment in CW where Echo contemplates that yeah things are gonna be different now
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While also (imo at least) showing that he is still the same person regardless, evidenced by the fact that he just echoed Rex :,) I also think it's significant that he joins the Bad Batch on his own terms and we're given a really emotional scene to specifically show that he's not just like 'lumped in with the other misfits' but that it is his choice to go where he feels his place is.
A lot of people, myself included, are disappointed that TBB didn't have more time to explore Echo's PTSD, but I think the one panic attack scene we did get is really good. Even thought it's minor it at least is an appropriate reaction from a guy who was medically tortured (which is more than I've come to expect from Star Wars shows lol)
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And it's really sweet to see Omega showing Echo some empathy and consideration.
It would have been nice to see more of his adjustment period, and other side effects like chronic pain and maintenance, but there’s a lot of daily life stuff the show never had time for (i.e. we don’t know if he removed his prosthetics to sleep, but we also never saw him sleep anyway). His disabilities might take on a background role (much like the character himself sadly) but for the most part they aren’t invisible or erased, nor do they define his character and arc.
Physical Appearance
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Okay this one is bit dicey, bc on the one hand, yes complaints that Echo’s paleness (caused by burns from the explosion or chemical burns from the cryo-chamber) is whitewashing are totally valid. But I also think you can draw comparisons to real life conditions that affect pigmentation/complexion (like you know burns). So while I understand why a lot of fanart will depict him with his original skin tone and with hair, consider that there are real people who have to live with temporary or permanent changes to their appearance, and the idea of “fixing" him by making him look more like his old self can be problematic.
It's also interesting to note that Echo could act as a reversal of the 'disabled/disfigured = evil' trope. He's pale and bald and wears black and red, which is so often visually associated with villains, but we all know Echo is the bestest boy™
The Headpiece
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Echo’s headpiece is interesting because within the show we don’t actually ever learn much about it (idk if there is more info in books or whatever bc i don’t have them so?). He didn’t have it in CW so we know it didn’t come from the Techno Union and therefore Echo probably had more choice with it. We don’t know its exact purpose but it’s most likely related to his scomping abilities. When he is hacking with his scomp in CW, before he has his headpiece, it’s clearly very mentally straining:
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We don’t see him struggling like this in TBB once he does have it (though that could be bc he got more used to it over time). There doesn't seem to be much of an impact when he removes his headpiece in s3 ep14-15, except that he gets stuck in the ports every time he uses his scomp which is not something we’ve seen before: 
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There might not be an exact real-world equivalent, but the headpiece is some kind of accessibility aid. It means that someone specifically designed a device to help him adapt to the changes the Techno Union made, as well as a helmet that integrates it. It’s removable and visually very present, much like a cochlear implant would be. (A lot of people actually headcanon it to act partially as a hearing aid, since it makes sense that Echo’s hearing would have been damaged in the explosion, but there isn't really any indication of this in canon.) The headpiece is never really acknowledged in the show, but I think that's a good thing. It's something he needs/wants and it just exists, completely normalized, and that's pretty cool 👍
Sigh... So from the very first episode of TBB I was really disappointed that the animation team or whoever completely visually erased Echo’s prosthetic legs (I think we all were, honestly, if fanart is anything to go by). It’s one thing when he’s in armor because he would probably want to protect his prosthetics, but we literally see him in his blacks and there is no indication whatsoever that he lost his legs even though it was not left up for debate at all in CW:
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Like ??????!?
This is just really strange to me! Idk what went on behind the scenes with this decision but I don’t really see why it would be that much harder to animate or anything since it’s 3D and they've done it before. We do see some pretty sophisticated cybernetic technology in Star Wars canon that mimics real limbs:
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But Luke’s fancy hand is technically 20ish years from now, so Anakin and Maul are more of a representation of what level we could expect here
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So yeah, for no apparent reason, his leg amputation is effectively, visually and narratively nonexistent. Which is not great 👎
The scomp on the other hand (uh lol!) is the complete opposite and I kinda love it!
At first I, like many others, thought it was a bit odd that they didn’t give Echo a prosthetic arm. Losing hands is basically a Star Wars tradition at this point, so robotic arms/hands are well established within the worldbuilding: 
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We aren’t necessarily given a canon reason for why Echo doesn't get a cybernetic arm (again unless it's in some lore book I haven’t read, sorry). General fanon explanations I’ve seen are that he either couldn’t because the Techno Union wired the scomp too far into his nervous system, and/or the resources to give him one were deemed too expensive for a clone (what about his legs tho?), or that he chose not to, usually because he thought the scomping was useful. 
Regardless, I actually really love this choice (and it's the whole reason I made this post), because here's the thing: There’s a lot of problematic tropes out there that either erase/cure disabilities or compensate them with perks (like how pretty much any blind character is actually not blind by some sort of magic power). With amputees that is done with robotic arms. The character is still an amputee or course, and there is still value in that representation, if this story from Mark Hamill that makes me tear up is anything to go by:
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but for the most part these characters function like anyone else, just with a limb that looks a little different. It’s no more than a video game skin, an able-bodied actor with a green screen glove. It “cures” the disability, or it actually makes the character even stronger than usual: 
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It usually makes sense within the world of the story, but the reason it’s not so great in my opinion is that in the real world we just do not have technology anywhere close to that yet. Prosthetics can more or less replace any mobility from lost legs, but not for all the complexities of a hand (and even if they could the average person wouldn’t be able to afford it).
I think it's actually really super cool that Echo’s scomp bypasses the canonically-established amputee erasure and functions much like a stump would irl. He integrates it into his movements and everyday life and it’s (as far as I know) a lot closer to an everyday amputee’s experience. 
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It doesn’t define his character, it doesn’t hold him back, he lives a full life, the other’s don’t treat him any differently, and he’s still a total karking badass 
The only additional thing is that he sometimes uses it as a weapon (which given his story, I think it’s cool to see him taking back autonomy in a way, and we only see that like twice)
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And also the scomping, which could be seen as the 'added/compensating superpower' trope. But narratively it's no different than if he was plugging in with a hacking gadget of some kind (he didn't necessarily "need" to lose his arm for it) and it’s not like Echo is completely defined by this skill. Personally, I think it's well worth the positives of him actually having a visible and realistically impactful amputation. 
I see a lot of posts or comments out there that say stuff like “how come Echo doesn’t get a hand?” or fanworks that do give him one and I just think it’s a bit of a shame. If he did get a robotic hand, it just would have disappeared the same way his legs and Anakin’s arm did (aside from that one time he got yoinked by a magnet). When Echo did “get a hand” in the last two episodes there were comments like “yay he finally got a hand! but it doesn’t even work” but I was actually so relieved that it didn’t! Bc for one thing that wouldn’t make any sense, he grabbed it off a droid, it wasn’t designed to implement with his scomp, that would be really complicated. But more importantly because it again refused to erase/cure his disability! It functioned like a real-world cosmetic prosthetic (useless beyond appearance) which is exactly what he needed it for, so that he could blend in better with his disguise.
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And he continually took it off throughout the episode and ditched it at the end. He only used it for the necessity of a stealth mission, he doesn’t feel the need to visually “fit in” in his daily life. 
And, last but very much not least, he made a dad joke and from my intel that is very accurate representation!
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TLDR: Echo’s scomp is actually really cool from an amputee representation perspective, especially within Star Wars, and I think that deserves some appreciation 
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kiffobaby · 2 months
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Also, I noticed in the most recent episode he's looking more man than machine - no ear cuffs and he SPOILER got a hand finally that allows him to remove so he can still scomp in. It's almost like he's healing and coming to terms with himself as a cyborg. I am so scared his scomp is going to get stuck and he won't be able to escape and they will kill him again.
Please god no he's my favourite. He always has been.
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im-no-jedi · 2 years
had TBB in my dream last night but they were in the Millennium Falcon instead of the Marauder?? and now I’m just pondering what Tech would think of that ship. would he even get into it, much less pilot it LOL
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archivistofnerddom · 3 months
The Batch + Getting forehead kisses from their partners
Hunter carries so much weight that comes with keeping the family safe and together. You giving him this soft gesture is an acknowledgement of and silent thanks for everything he does. It’s a little action between you two.
With his heightened senses, Hunter frequently deals with overstimulation. You gently brushing back some of his hair and cupping his face calms him. His focus is solely on you in this moment. All his senses focus directly on you as you tilt his head back slightly to kiss his forehead. When you press that gentle kiss to his forehead, he glitches a bit and reaches out for you, holding you close to him.
He won’t say it, but he needs to have you so close to keep him from getting so overwhelmed by everything. And you understand. You stay close and lean into him, pressing one another kiss to his forehead as you hear him breathe more steadily.
He doesn’t trust easily, doubly so after what he survived with the Empire. Trusting you is a Big Thing for him. You can tell how much Crosshair needs gentle, soft reassurance that you’re still there, still around to support and love him.
Crosshair is tense when you slide next to him, wrapping a blanket around his shoulders with one arm. He looks at you intently. You shift yourself enough so that you can press a kiss to his forehead. Crosshair’s hand finds yours, squeezing gently, a little act of gratitude from him.
When you draw back a bit, he moves a bit and presses his forehead against yours. This feels safe. This feels like home. You feel warm when he acts like this with you. Crosshair is telling you that you are important to him without having to say anything.
This man always has something going on in his head, and he usually has four projects going on at once. Tech is a man of activity. He doesn’t slow down easily.
When you join him at his work bench, he’s happy. Tech likes having you nearby. He smiles at you when you lean over and sneak in a kiss to his forehead. You feel his hand sneak around your waist when you do, keeping you from stepping away after you finish that kiss.
Tech isn’t always good with his words, but he does show he cares with his actions. Accepting your kiss to his forehead and holding you close is one way he says he cares about you. Holding you close after you press this little kiss to his forehead is an enjoyable way for him to take a break from his work.
Wrecker is a very physically affectionate person. He loves openly and freely, often wearing his heart on his sleeve. When he has someone he loves deeply, Wrecker will let them know so clearly how much they mean to him.
You laugh when he pulls you down into his lap, one of his hands on your hip and the other around your back. Wrecker inhales sharply when you cup his face with both hands and kiss his forehead. His hand on your hip tightens a bit, a sign of how much you doing this means to him.
For Wrecker, this gentle sign of affection from you is also a sign that he is safe and can enjoy peace after war and being on the run. Wrecker likes being able to slow down and put down roots with his family and with you.
Look, Echo has been through a lot. He does so much to get his brothers to safety from their horrible treatment from the Empire. It’s a heavy thing that he’s handle, one that is thrown on top of him still recovering from his trauma at the hands of the Techno Union and his new life with three prosthetic limbs and cybernetic limbs.
You know how much that weighs on him, and it tugs at your heart. In the quiet moments between missions, Echo finds comfort being near you, often taking your hand in his good hand. Adjusting your position, you put your free hand on his scomp gently and press a little kiss onto his forehead.
Echo might be surprised by getting a forehead kiss from you, but he loves receiving it. Your acceptance of him as he is now means so much to him. Echo appreciates having quiet moments like these. He draws strength from having you around, especially as he’s dealing with so much for his brothers.
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alegendoftomorrow · 2 months
We'll Make It Out
Summary: As the new Jedi Commander of the Bad Batch you aren’t exactly well liked by your new team, who view you as a babysitter. Except for Echo, who understands better then most what it’s like to be on the outside. When a mission goes sideways you start to lose faith in yourself, in your squad, in everyone but Echo, who won’t let you give up.
Character: Echo and F!Jedireader (no use of Y/N)
Word Count: 2,782
Warnings: Canon typical violence and peril, minor injury, mention of blood.... I think that's it.
A/N: This is my second entry for the incredible secret gift exchange hosted by @cloneficgiftexchange you are so incredible and thank you so much for doing these amazing events, and giving me a reason to finally write again! I have never gotten to write for any of the Bad Batch boys and I was super excited to do this prompt especially as I got to explore the Batch's earlier days and work in a little about the way they may have originally viewed Echo and a new leader of the squad. It definitely took me out of my comfort zone, but I took a risk and tried something new for the wonderful @orbital-mirror. I hope you enjoy this fun little piece as much as I enjoyed writing it!! As always, any comments or reblogs with your thoughts are appreciated.
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“Echo, look out!” You shouted to be heard about the blaster fire as you raced towards the Arc trooper currently being surrounded and cornered by a legion of Droids.
He spun towards your voice and managed to blast the three shots needed to dismantle the droids that had snuck up behind him, while you ignited your lightsabers and flipped in front of him to slice through the remaining ones there.
“I’ll handle the rest of these you get that door open and try not to trip the alarm this time,” you ordered. Echo grumbled something but it was hard to hear through his helmet modulator as he jogged toward the metal door built against the mountainside you were currently cornered on. Inserting his scomp into the lock and beginning to twist as he typed hurriedly on the pad.
You took a stance in front of him and spun your two lightsabers back and forth as you guarded him and yourself from the relentless blaster fire. Your eyes scanned back and forth as you reached out and connected with the force around you. Feeling the reverberations in the ground and the change in the air pressure as you blocked each blast by near instinct alone.
“I don’t mean to rush you, but there’s more coming,” you said breathlessly. A sheen of sweat coated your forehead as you tossed one of your sabers up high in the air, reaching your hand out and using the force to shove the first few rows of the advancing battalion back into each other. The clink of metal and their high-pitched voices adding to the chaos as you spun and caught your saber again before it hit the ground.
“I’m doing the best I—got it! Go get inside I’ll cover you,” Echo said loudly. You didn’t even hesitate as you felt him stand and move towards you. You blocked one more shot before you took off into the dark maw of the now open tunnel, turning and calling out for Echo as he walked backwards into the tunnel after you.
One press of your fingers has your lightsabers disengaged and back on your belt before you flick your wrist to close the door and spin the lock. Echo blasts the control panel with two shots.
“How long will that buy us?” You ask. Shifting on your feet and doing a poor job of keeping the nerves from your voice. Regretting volunteering for an assignment you clearly weren’t ready for.
“Not long enough,” Echo replied dryly.
“That’s very helpful thank you,” you said with only a hint of sarcasm. Echo just shakes his head and gives you five more seconds to catch your breath before he starts moving deeper into the tunnels. Hugging the wall with his body as he taps the side of his helmet to turn on the light there.
You couldn’t see his face behind his gray and red helmet, the matching colors of the squad you’d been newly appointed, the same squad who were not at all happy to have a Jedi babysitting them. Especially one so young. A newly minted jedi knight. A product of a war that needed more commanders and generals then there were master’s and knights to fill. You hadn’t been ready for the trials, you’d tried to argue against them, but your master said you were ready, and you had passed them easily enough. Yet, the seed of doubt had remained. Growing and festering like a vine around your heart, all the way until you’d been sent to Kamino to work with a highly specialized squad. They’d been on assignments before without a Jedi, but a recent mission had gone sideways and resulted in half the team coming back in various casts and bandages, requiring month long stays in Bacta tanks before they could resume training. Plus, they’d gained a new member, an Arc Trooper and rescued POW. Since then, the Generals had decided the Bad Batch as they were called, could use a Jedi’s supervision. At least temporarily.
No one on the squad had been happy with your appearance. No one that is except for Echo. He always made sure you had a seat and were included in plans, even if the others looked at you suspiciously and had on more than one occasion tried to leave you. He stood up for you when the others got snippy or ignored you entirely. You knew realistically that he was simply doing it because he was used to following a Jedi’s command, but part of you couldn’t help the warm feeling that spread over your chest every time he did something kind for you. A feeling you did your best to mediate away every morning. To little effect.
“Come on, the coordinates Tech gave us show the control room should be down this hall and to the left,” Echo’s voice cut through your wondering thoughts and brought you back to him.
Nodding your head you searched up ahead through the force for any signatures of life but found nothing. You took that to mean the other members of your squad had done their part in causing a diversion leaving you and Echo free to get the stollen plans and leave behind a virus that would wipe out the Separatist’s systems here.
“Hey! You’re not supposed to be here,” a droid called when you unlocked the door to the control room. His metal finger pointed at you while he reached for his blaster. Echo and you were swifter.
“Get the files to Tech and plant the virus I’ll watch the door,” you said. Stepping back into the hallway as Echo inserted his scomp link into the port and began to search for the files.
“On it commander,” he replied. His eyes shifting over the screen far faster then you could keep up with.
You really wished they’d drop it with the commander title and just call you your name but, that seemed a habit you couldn’t break any of them off. Though you got the impression only Echo actually did it out of respect for your authority. An authority you question daily. Especially now as you flicked your gaze to the hallway, a sense of dread building at the base of your spine as you could hear the banging of droids firing against the metal door. You tried to find the peace within yourself that always seemed easier for those around you to find. Imagining you were back at the Temple, sitting underneath the flowering tree in the courtyard as you watched the pink petals float down to the pebbled ground. The image only helped for a moment as you refocused your attention back to Echo. He seemed unfazed by any of it. Working quickly and silently aside from the faint whirring of his scomp every now and then. Somehow, he looked more at peace than you did.
“Are you almost—”
Bang! The sound of the door at the end of the hall being blown to bits made you wince and reignite your saber on instinct. Echo was already beside you when you turned back to get him. His hand on your bicep as if he intended to yank you somewhere. The sounds of droids shouting orders and marching down the hall in time with your rapid heartbeat made you ignore whatever Echo’s hand there had meant and instead trade your sabers out for your comm link as the pair of you raced down the hall.
“Tech please tell me you’re there?”
“Yes, commander we read you,” Tech’s voice was staticky. Probably due to being underground but you hoped he could hear you enough as you sprinted for your life. Opening and closing any doors you came across with the force.
“We’re going to need an immediate pick up!” You shouted a little more frantically then you meant to.
“Sorry commander that’ll have to wait,” Tech said again.
“Wait for what?!” you shouted back.
“It seems your earlier light show display set off a series of silent alarms that alerted the commander of the base that we are here. So, we’re—” There was a pause as the static grew worse and Hunter’s muffled voice could be heard shouting something about Fighter’s on their tail. “Yes, yes, I see them. We’re fine.”
“Tech!” Echo shouted now through his own comm.
“We will have to use the secondary agreed extraction point as the first one is now overrun.”
“We won’t make it to the second extraction point,” Echo says as you force open another door which had dead ended in a hanger bay. There’s no way out.
“See this is why we shouldn’t have agreed to work with a Jedi. Or a reg,” Crosshair’s voice drawled over the comms. You didn’t need the force to sense his aggravated disapproval that he and his brothers were being forced to reassess their plans for the two of you. That they were being thrown back into danger because of you.
“Stow it Crosshair,” Echo snapped. “Just be at the extraction point. We’ll make it there.”
You did not share his hope as you slammed the door on a droid’s face, ducking the incoming blaster shot he’d managed to get off. They were right. This was your fault. Your poor leadership instincts had led you and Echo to be trapped down here while the others were trapped in the sky.
“Copy that,” Tech’s voice said plainly and then the comm cut out.
The second extraction point was several miles away from the command tunnels you were in now, there was no way you were going to make it there. Not trapped like you were with a virus about to short circuit every piece of technology in here and a battalion of droids outside the only blast door you could see.
“Commander over here.”
You didn’t know when Echo had left your side, but you followed his voice until you found him halfway in a small gunship used to protect the supply ships that came in and out of here. It was just big enough for two people. A pilot and a gunner.
“Can you fly this ship?”
“I—” The droids were carving their way through the door. You couldn’t do this. Sure you could fly the ship but what then? The mission had gone wrong because of you. If someone else would have been here they wouldn’t have needed lightsabers, they wouldn’t have tripped the silent alarms. Echo would be safe. The men you were supposed to lead and protect would be safe.
“Commander,” Echo’s voice pulled your attention back to him as he pulled his helmet off and looked at you with a face that was always so stern, yet he had the softest pair of eyes you’d ever seen. “Our only way out of here is this ship. Now I can’t fly it, so I need you to do it. Okay? Can you do that? Please,” he added. His attention still solely dedicated to you despite the banging and shouting coming from behind the pair of you and the racing of your own heart. Right here there was only him. Only Echo.
“Yeah,” you breathe out. Clearing your throat and nodding your head. “Yes, I can fly it.”
“Then get in and get it started, I’ll open the bay doors and we can go.” He’s gone again before you can argue.
Hoping in the cockpit your hands move on their own. Using your memory and placing trust in the force that hums around you louder than before, you flip the engine switches and grip the controls steering it around into position as you wait for Echo to swing himself up onto the wing and then flip into the gunner’s seat behind you.
The canopy doesn’t close fast enough. You’re too focused on the controls. The force tugs and pulls your attention to the back but you ignore it in favor of making sure you don’t crash. It’s only after you hear a muffled scream of agony that’s quickly swallowed up by the sound of the roaring engine that you bother to look back. To see Echo’s shoulder smoking with a brand-new blaster wound through it.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“Echo, we have to stop,” you begged as you marched through the heavy underbrush in search of the clearing that was pinging on your outstretched data pad. “Please, I know I’m no doctor, but I can patch you up.”
“It’s fine commander I’m… fine,” Echo’s voice was weak and even though he’d turned off the sound on their walk so you couldn’t hear the pained breaths and heavy pants, you could feel them there. Feel them in the way his force signature wavered and spiked. Hotter and louder than it usually was, though now it was growing colder.
“No, you’re not fine you—”
“Commander please!” he panted loudly. Resting his scomp against a tree to get some weight off his legs as he looked over at you. You winced at his harsh tone and even if you couldn’t see his face, the way he lowered his voice showed he regretted it. “I’m fine. There are scouts looking for us and if we don’t make it to the extraction point, we could be stuck here.”
“And if you bleed out on the way there then were both dead anyway.”
“No, you’ll be fine. You keep going if I start to—”
“I’m not leaving you Echo! You’re stuck with me out here, so if you pass out from blood loss then I’m going to sit down right next to you and face whatever comes for us. Even if it kills the both of us. It’s my job to protect you, so stop arguing with me and sit down so I can patch you up!”
Echo stood frozen in front of you before finally slowly nodding his head. “Okay.”
“Okay,” you repeated. Walking over to him and helping him sit so you could take off his shoulder piece and helmet to assess the damage. It wasn’t as bad as you expected, but his blacks were quickly filling up with blood and the circular wound was blackened. You pulled a Bacta patch from your kit and carefully applied it to his shoulder. Apologizing at the slight hiss that left his lips as you did so.
“It’s fine Mesh'la,” he whispered. His eyes widening when we realized what he’d said. Apologizing and looking away as you went back to work.
“What does that mean?” you asked after a moment of silence. Your curiosity getting the better of you.
“Mesh’la,” you repeated the word poorly.
He looked away again and flushed a faint pink along his pale cheeks. Pausing for a moment before looking back over at and giving you a gentle smile. One you’d never seen before.
“We make it out of this I’ll tell you,” He promised.
“That’s not fair,” you whined. Leaning down to kiss the bandage you’d put on his shoulder without thinking about it. “How will I know if we don’t make it out?”
“I…” he gaped at you for a moment, and it was only his bewildered expression that made you realize what you’d done. Now it was your turn to blush and duck your head. Handing him back his shoulder piece and helping him attach it without looking anywhere near his eyes.
You force lifted his helmet over to your hands as the pair of you stood. Running your fingers over the edge of it before offering it back to him. His gloved hand brushed yours for the briefest of moments when he took it back.
“Then I guess it will just have to be a mystery,” he said quietly again. His tone almost hinting that he was smiling again, and it was enough to make you meet his eyes. Rewarded for a fraction of second with a smile you could tell used to cross his face more often.
“We’ll make it out,” you said firmly. Wrapping your hands briefly around the hilts of your lightsabers and finding yourself calm again despite it all. Not because you’d imagined the tree at the Temple, or your master’s kind teachings, but because Echo was smiling at you.
“You know I meant if we survive the whole war, right?” he almost teased as he clicked his helmet back into place. Leaving you with only the memory of his smile to reply for the rest of your life.
“No, no, no you can’t change the rules like that,” you argued with no intentional malice. Letting yourself laugh quietly for the first time in…. too long. “You alright enough to walk again?”
He nodded his head. “Wherever you lead commander.”
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multi-fan-dom-madness · 8 months
Midnight Masquerade - Echo
Chapter Summary: Echo is the lucky bastard who gets to fuck you—or maybe you're the lucky one.
Chapter Warnings: siren!Echo x gn!reader; kinks: formal wear + voice kink. unprotected penetrative sex (can be read as PiV or PiA), cum as lube, Echo has hair because I say so, this one's a little more tame on the 'monster'fucker front but I hope it ticks some boxes for y'all regardless; if I missed any warnings please lmk!
Word Count: 2.6k
Read the intro here! | Suggested listening
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A round of wolf-whistles rises from the rest of the table (quite literally, in Hunter’s case). Echo jostles you with his elbow, a good-natured grin gracing his features. Quirking an eyebrow at him, you drink in the sight of him sitting next to you. His perfectly tailored suit hugs his body in all the right places, thighs straining against the fine material; the silken red bowtie at his neck draws your eye appreciatively down the strong column of his throat. His hair has grown back in a fuzzy nest of brown curls that he’s slicked back. In short, he looks positively mouth-watering. That’s exactly what happens as you rake your gaze over him.
“Get a room, you two,” Fives jeers, playfully tossing a balled up napkin at you. 
It bounces harmlessly off your face. You flash him a rude gesture before rising to your feet, offering your hand to Echo.
“Shall we?”
He takes your hand. Against your skin, his satin glove is smooth and warm, the strength of his grip belied by the entrapment. You suppress a shiver as you step away from the table, Echo trailing you, fingers laced through yours. 
As you begin to wind your way through the crowd, you shoot a glance over your shoulder to Echo. He smirks at you, one eyebrow raised as if in question. In the strobing, multicolored lights, he looks near ethereal, a vision stepped straight out of one of those high-end Coruscanti model holos. You bite your lip. 
His smirk deepens. Tugging you back against his chest, he wraps his scomp arm around your middle to hold you against his chest. He carefully presses his cheek to the side of your head, mindful of his headpiece, and inhales your scent.
“Care for a dance, cyare?” he asks.
A delightful, full-body tingle shivers through you at the way his voice rumbles against your ear. “You read my mind.” 
He hums, the sound sending another frisson of exhilaration cascading through all your nerves. Not releasing his hold on you, your hands still entwined where he brings them to rest on your hip, he finds the rhythm of the song, a deep, bassy, sexy beat that vibrates your bones. Gently, giving you enough leeway in case you decide you want to pull away, he guides your hips to the music. 
It’s all the encouragement you need. Circling your hips, you grind your ass against his crotch, earning a low, groaning chuckle. Snaking your hand free up and back, you thread your fingers through his curls. Echo turns his head, pressing a hot, open-mouthed kiss to the pulse point just below your jaw.
A gasp escapes you, lost in the consuming bass of the music. He laves at that spot, nipping playfully. 
Emboldened by the shifting, partial lighting and his lips on your neck, you grind against him again as you draw his hand up your chest. A moan tumbles from you as the half-hard definition of his cock presses against you through layers of clothing. His fingers dance over your chest, tweaking a nipple through your shirt.
“Feel what you do to me, pretty thing?” he murmurs, voice sliding like honey over your ears. “Drive me kriffin’ crazy.”
You’ve never realized it before, but stars, you could listen to Echo talk all day. He could read a damn dictionary and you’d be enthralled. Turning your head, you peer up into his eyes, mere pinpricks of shine in the green-tinted lights flashing around you. Dropping your gaze to his lips, your eyelashes flutter. 
“What d’you want, cyare, hm? Tell me,” he urges, eyes fixated on your parted lips.
“I want,” you begin, voice tremulous, “I want to kiss you.” 
“You wanna kiss me?” he repeats, a dangerous smirk curling over his face.
Gulping, you nod. You don’t trust your voice now to not reveal the intensity of the fire scorching through your veins. 
With a contented sigh, Echo tips his head forward and captures your lips in a heated kiss. His scomp tugs you tighter against his chest as he practically ruts his hardness against your ass, When he tugs again at your nipple, you whimper into his mouth. Electricity sparks where he touches you. But he doesn’t relent, kissing you until you’re dizzy with want. Arousal pools hot and tight in your belly.
“Kriff,” you gasp as you pull away from his mouth, “kriff, Echo, stars.” 
He chuckles. His gaze sweeps over the crowd around you—but no one seems to be paying you any mind. “What’s the matter, sweetness?”
“Want you,” you say, leaning your head back against his shoulder.
“Want me to what?”
His voice has dropped an octave, positively dripping with sex, and you shudder in his grasp. How can one person’s voice be so alluring, so enticing? 
Rather than using your words, you extricate yourself from his embrace and, crooking one finger with a coy smile, urge him to follow you again. A bemused smile graces his features; he slips his hand into his pocket as he steps after you.
You lead him towards the back hallway you’d caught sight of earlier, down a series of blind turns, and pick a door at random. Within, there’s a simple bed with silk sheets; dozens of candles, strewn on every available surface, cast the room in a cheery, cozy glow. Echo moves past you, surveying the room with a curious expression.
“This works,” you say, shutting the door. 
You take another moment to really, fully appreciate the specimen of a man before you. Echo gives you an indulgent smile. Backlit by the flickering candlelight, he looks divine; the crisp lines of his black suit outline his silhouette in exquisite fashion. Up close, you realize that the fabric isn’t solid black, but rather one shade of black embroidered with another, darker hue. Tracing one of the repeating designs, you reach with tentative fingers to unbutton the matching vest.
Only to gasp in surprise when his hand catches your wrist.
“You never answered my question,” he says. His gaze holds your own, deep and soulful and burning. Have his eyes always been that golden?
“Everything,” you say, the answer falling from your lips without a second thought. “I want you to do everything to me.”
His eyes fall to half-lidded, a sultry twist to his mouth. “Everything, cyare? That’s awfully broad. How am I supposed to pick?” 
Another shiver dances up your spine as goosebumps erupt all over your skin at his voice. Echo’s eyebrows twitch at your physiological response. 
“D’you like the sound of my voice, pretty little thing?” he asks, inflecting the words down, deeper, hotter.
Nodding, a more concrete idea of what you want crystallizes in your mind. “Love your voice, Echo. Can you— can you make me cum just by talking to me?”
He catches his bottom lip between his teeth, his cheeks turning a delightful shade of pink. “Kriff, yeah, baby. Whatever you want. Want to get off from me telling you everything I want to do to your gorgeous body?”
You whine, pleasurable heat pulsing through your core.
“Alright, baby.” He gestures toward the bed. “Get undressed and get comfy.” 
“What about you?” you ask. You’re already shucking your clothes, but pause when he fixes you with an inscrutable look.
“Oh no,” he says, “you asked for my voice. The suit stays on. Fitting, that you’d ask me to whisper filth to you, when I’m dressed as a siren.”
Inhaling a short breath in surprise, you merely blink at him. He chucks you under your chin with a wink, then glances down at your state of half-undress. Swallowing, you hurry to strip out of the rest of the now-too tight garments and clamber up onto the silky smooth sheets. You prop yourself up with a number of plush pillows. 
“Good,” Echo murmurs. He perches on the edge of the bed, one thick thigh crossed under the other, his hand supporting the way he leans. “Such a good listener.” 
The praise coils through your ears and settles in your lower belly, simmering with an intense, acute heat. You can only nod, at a loss for words.
“Sit on your hands for me, baby,” he instructs. “Can’t have you cheating, now can we?” 
Your chest heaves with anticipation as you shift, sliding your hands beneath your butt to trap them there. Echo’s eyes flicker a brighter gold. For a moment, he lets you sit there, core aching, skin flushed and sweat beginning to dew. At the apex of your thighs, your arousal throbs, demanding to be touched.
“Bet you feel so soft,” he says. The way he murmurs the words makes you think it’s more a thought that slipped out than an intentional statement, but the effect is the same: your nipples pebble as if inviting him to touch. He clears his throat and continues. “Nearly lost my mind out there when you pushed your ass against my dick. Nearly took you right there on the dancefloor.” 
“F-Fuck,” you grit out. His voice caresses your skin, a physical presence. “W-Why didn’t you?”
“Didn’t want to put my vod’e to shame.” He chuckles. “Wanted you all to myself. Wanted to feel how you fall apart, just for me. Is that what you want, cyare? Gonna squirm for me?” 
As if by his request, you push your hips in his direction, silently begging. 
“Thought so,” he says. “Mm. So needy. I’m gonna make you cum just like this, and then I’m gonna fuck you until you can’t walk after, how’s that sound, gorgeous?”
“Yes, yes please, just keep talking,” you whine. The aching need in your core grows with each word he speaks, a spell weaving in the air around you, drawing your nerves along for the ride. 
“You felt so good against me out there,” he continues. “Warm and pliant and body fucking begging me to take you. Gonna make you feel so good, cyare. I’m gonna suck my mark into your neck, show everyone who makes you feel this good. Make sure they know whose cock was buried in you. Fuck, I bet you’re tight, bet you need a good fucking to loosen you up. That what you need, baby? Need to be fucked out?” 
You’re writhing at this point, hips jerking as if his words are physically touching you. “Y-Yes, stars, please!”
“Yeah, I know you need that.” 
You have enough awareness to catch movement in his lap—he’s fucking palming himself through his pants, and the sight draws a raw, cracking moan from your chest. His eyes bore into yours for a moment, an intense, glowing gold, and a jolt of pleasure rocks through you. 
“First I’d make you suck me off, get my dick all nice and wet. Your lips will look so good wrapped around me, kark. Don’t worry, I’d put my mouth on you, too. Tease you with my tongue until you’re begging for me to fuck you. 
“And then I’d slip into your tight hole—ngh, kriff—” He shudders, palm stilling over his crotch for a moment. “Make you scream for me, make you moan until your voice gives out. Then I’d make you cum again, all over my cock. Fuck, you’ll look so pretty when I fuck you like that, takin’ everything I give you.” 
Pleasure mounts in your body with every new word. The rough, raw edge to his voice only serves to rake tingling ecstasy over your entire body. In your belly, the knot of desire pulls tighter, tighter, tighter—you’re teetering on the precipice, ready to shatter at any moment. 
A sob wracks through your form. “Echo, please, need to cum!”
“I know, baby, I know you do,” he coos. “You wanna cum? Cum for me, pretty thing. Cum and then I’ll fuck you just like you need me to.” 
“Oh fuck—” Your moan chokes off into a strangled gasp as his command washes over you. All at once, the knotted core of need in your center snaps and unravels. Your back arches off the bed, hands scrabbling at the silk sheets for purchase as you cum, shouting incoherent praise to the room. Wave after wave breaks over you, each one drowning you in fresh pleasure.
Through it all, Echo murmurs sweet praise in your ear, his fingers finding purchase at your heated core. “That’s it, baby. Just like that, you’re doing so well. See? Promised you I’d make you cum, and now I’m gonna fuck you, okay, baby?”
Dimly, you register his words. Nodding, you think you beg for it—or maybe you’re just begging for the orgasm to keep going, for your body to keep convulsing and shuddering. Somewhere in the haze that begins to settle over your mind, you feel Echo’s hand grip your hip, holding your lower body still, and then he’s pushing into you, his cock slick with spit and your release.
You groan simultaneously. Walls fluttering around his thick length, you suck in lungfuls of air to steady yourself, the stretch a little painful but nevertheless immaculate. He’s so big; he’s everywhere, stuffed into your tight heat and filling your vision and caressing your flushed skin. 
“Kark,” he bites out. “Not gonna last long, cyare.” 
“S’okay,” you pant. “Please fuck me.” 
You don’t need to tell him twice. Snapping his hips against you, his balls slap your ass with every thrust, the erotic sound echoing in the small room. Gripping one of your thighs to his chest, he squeezes it as he drives his cock into you mercilessly, his jacket discarded and the rest of his clothes disheveled. All you can do is lie there and take it, keening brokenly. His cock grazes against that one spot deep in your heat that makes stars burst across your vision. Whining, you fist the sheets to ground yourself. 
“Paint me,” you gasp. “Want your cum on me.”
He pulls out immediately, his cock throbbing. Ribbons of hot, white cum splatter over your chest and tummy. Eyes locked together, you have to fight to keep your own open to catch the way that his face twists with bliss as he cums. But he makes it difficult, working his hand over your center to draw out your second orgasm.
You spasm under his touch, weakly pushing his hand away in overstimulation. Core locked up with tight pleasure, it takes you several long moments to drift back down. Heart pounding, chest heaving, you glance up at Echo with a tired grin. 
He chuckles. “Holy kriff.” 
“You can say that again,” you say, huffing a laugh.
His cum has begun to dry on your skin; you glance around for a towel. Echo retrieves his jacket where he must have tossed it on the other end of the bed and gently wipes your skin clean.
“Thanks,” you murmur, too blissed out to care that he’s ruining a perfectly good suit. 
He shrugs out of the other garments then collapses on the bed next to you. Tangling your fingers together, you smile lazily at one another. Distantly, the music of the party reaches you, but you’re in no rush. 
“So,” you murmur. 
“So,” he echoes. His voice has returned to its normal gruff timbre—still incredibly sexy, but no longer magically enhanced. 
You study his eyes for a moment, also returned to their normal state. With a teasing hum, you nudge him. “What happened to all the other things you mentioned? Marking me, going down on me?” 
He flushes, rubbing the back of his neck. “I got...impatient.”
You laugh, a genuine, belly laugh that makes him chuckle, too. 
“Maybe...” You trail off, biting your lip. “Maybe we can get dinner sometime, and then we can try those.” 
Humming, he nuzzles your neck. “I’d love that.”
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Ragu list: @the-hexfiles @thorsterstrudle @dystopicjumpsuit @clonemedickix @freesia-writes @littlemissmanga @wolffegirlsunite @anxiouspineapple99 @wings-and-beskar @sinfulsalutations @523rdrebel @sunshinesdaydream @moonlightwarriorqueen @sev-on-kamino @starrylothcat @deejadabbles @starqueensthings @mandos-mind-trick @idontgetanysleep @eyeluvmusic21 @wizardofrozz @mythical-illustrator @sleepycreativewriter @dreamie411 @bobaprint @originalcollectionartistry @imarvelatthestars (if you'd like to be added or removed, click here!)
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coffeeandbatboys · 3 months
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@eclec-tech You say fun but you chose one of the saddest ones...
Prompt: Kissing away their tears
This could work both ways so I did half as 501st Echo and half as TBB Echo, taking a page from this AMAZING fic by @moonlightwarriorqueen
Warnings: angst, Hurt/Comfort, You break down about the war. Echo misses Fives and has self-depreciating thoughts. Crying.
Fall (TCW&TBB!Echo x Reader)
had to use this song
dividers by @saradika
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The night had taken a depressing turn when Echo told you about the fates of the domino squad. He hadn’t expected you to be so sentimental over his fallen brothers, yet lo and behold here you sat crying in his arms.
“How do you handle all of this?” You cried, gasping for little breaths as tears fell uncontrollably from your eyes.
Echo tightened his hold on you and rested his forehead against yours. “Unfortunately we we’re conditioned to withstand a lot of stress.”
This did nothing to quell your sadness.
“I’m so sorry about how the Republic treats you and your Brothers, Echo.”
He gave a humorless laugh, pressing his lips to your temple. “I appreciate the sentiment, cyare, but there is absolutely no need to apologize. You’re genuinely the nicest person I’ve ever met since I was decanted.”
You looked up at him with tears gathering in your lashes. His sad smile fell into a worried expression. So tenderly that you’d never know he was a rambunctious ARC trooper, he pressed a kiss to each tear track on your flushed cheeks. Another sob escaped you at the gesture.
“Now that was supposed to stop the tears.” He teased. “I promise, Cyare, it’ll be alright. After the Lola Sayu mission, we’ll have a long leave. You and I can go somewhere nice and forget about the war for a while, huh?”
You nodded, nuzzling into his warm chest.
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You stepped out of the kitchen with two caf mugs and returned to your bedroom.
Echo sat on the edge of the bed facing the wall. You could tell he was fiddling anxiously with his scomp, causing your smile to fade into a frown.
"Echo, baby." you cooed, setting the mugs down and crawling across the bed to hug him from behind. You kissed one of the studs in his scalp. "What's going on in that beautiful mind of yours."
His eyes met yours, and you saw the tears gathering in them.
"Everything, cyare. Just....with the techno union, I had no idea how many brothers were being killed because I knew the plans, and then I wake up and my best friend, is dead and I couldn't have said goodbye to him, and I made you wait all that time thinking I was dead, and--"
"Hey, Hey." you stopped him. "None of that was your fault; you know you can't keep dwelling on it. Somewhere, Fives is smiling, because in the end, you managed to cheat death and get the girl."
You kissed each tear that fell from his eyes, wiping others away with your thumb while he held you close. Perhaps it wasn't the happiest way to start the morning, but you and your Echo were healing from a lifetime of pain.
That mattered the most.
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Louk's Bad Batch rewatch part fourrrr
Last clone wars ep here we goooo
Clone wars 7x04
Echo testing out his new scomp hand in the intro 🥺
And his new fancy armour with the abs hehe
Sassy af Tech 💀 I'll always love him
Can we take a second to appreciate the pretty skies and the animation glow up
Hunter and Crosshair and their matching 🤨 at Echo's plan, judgemental bros
Echo has stubble !!!
Mace introducing himself to the droids lmaooo please 💀💀 did he really think that was going to work
ughhh I just love Anakin and Rex in these episodes, they trust each other so much
"Come on brother" ~ Rex is so big brother shaped 💕💕
STOPP I love it when Wrecker wears his helmet like a hat
awww when Echo is trying to decrypt the bomb he taps his lil fingers on his head 🥺
Rex pulling Echo out of the system and carrying him out 😭😭😭
Anakin 😠 Skywalker + imperial march !!!
Hunter with his own AND Wrecker's blaster 👀
omg I just realised Wrecker shoots the droids with their own blasters lmaooo
First time seeing Crosshair's lil discs !!!!
"You miss me?" YES ALWAYS
"You'll top him next time" "no he won't" I can see their faces 😂😂
Wrecker gets so excited about blowing things up it's so adorable
Crosshair is so jealous Wrecker gets to blow up the ship oml 💀 his lil head shake
Wrecker really said "yo" 😂😂
IM SO EMOTIONAL OMG the whole scene where they convince Echo to join them !!! the. whole. scene.
aaaaand that's it for the clone wars eps y'all!!
I feel like there was barely any scenes with the batch this episode lol but that's about to change hehe
Join me next time for the first ep of tbb lovelies 💕 lemme know if you're also rewatching !!
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myoongiverse16 · 1 year
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A/N: This is for all our Tech peeps, this is for you if you’re feeling sad about your competition with Phee 🤣
Summary: Tech has been distant lately, constantly working on repairs. You come up with a mischievous way to confront him. 😏
Genre: Flufffff, some angst
Warnings: Tech being an absolute idiot, some kissing
Tech key: 😂 Osculate is just a fancy way of saying kiss (says Google)
Lately, Tech has been busy. Overly, busy. So busy that he doesn’t have time for you. Tech however, is oblivious. He doesn’t realize that he had been neglecting you. He only saw things needing to be fixed and he felt obligated to fix them, because well, he’s Tech. 
The ship needed repairs. Echo needed help fixing his scomp. Omega needed help with her bow. Crosshair’s targeting antenna was broken. Hunter needed help figuring out their next mission. And finally, Wrecker accidentally dropped Gonky when he was doing reps with him and needed to be mended. 
You tried your best to push aside the feelings of loneliness and help your significant other. Well, at least you tried to. Tech would not accept the help. He would say a mix of “it’s my responsibility” and “thank you, but I don’t need your help”. This frustrated you, leaving you to just sit on the side and wait for him to finish. But every time it would look like he was done working, another problem would show up at his doorstep. 
You and Tech weren’t big on physical affection in public or around the other guys. The batch still knew your feelings for Tech and his feelings for you, but sometimes it was hard for them to remember that you guys were together because you two didn’t really show it.
Not that Tech didn’t love you any less. It was hard to understand that he cared for you, because he wouldn’t kiss you very often. He would hug you from time to time. As well as give some compliments about your appearance, oh and never forget the comments before battle to quote on quote, “don’t die”. But that was pretty much it. Of course you wanted more. 
To be able to kiss him before every battle like it would be the last time you would see him, to be able to hug him anytime you wanted to. To openly flirt and hold his hand around anyone. That’s what you wanted, but you weren’t sure if Tech wanted the same. 
Tech was a practical guy, if someone was in love with someone they would just know. They wouldn’t even need to do anything, just their presence in their life should be enough. Right? Well, at least that’s what the articles Tech read on the holonet said. He’d been doing research ever since he started dating you. It said to drown that special someone in affection, but Tech was just not the type of person to do such things. He loved you, kriff, he really loved you. So he did more research and most of the time it said that personal space was still needed in a relationship. 
He could work with that. He needed his space too. He’d thought you would appreciate some space after you’ve been dating for a few months. Plus, he had so much to do and so did you. Giving each other space seemed like the perfect plan.
But, he never told you. So, this whole time you thought you were being ignored.
You desperately needed a way to get Tech’s attention, because it seemed every time you tried to, he wouldn’t notice. 
One time you walked past him casually seeing if he would look up and say a simple, “hello”, but to no avail. You even stood directly in front of him and just stood there, for a solid 5 minutes, nothing. 
You had had enough. So, you came up with a plan. You chuckled to yourself just thinking over your plan. It was perfect.
“What’s so funny?” Omega asked you as you smiled cheekily.
“Oh, nothing,” you replied. Hunter, who was close by, raised a brow. Omega and Hunter looked at each other and shrugged. 
Tech was in the cockpit working on some repairs, as usual. You waited for the perfect time to strike. You waited until Tech was working on a specific part that required a lot of focus. You smirked then stood up and strode over to Tech. Echo furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Hunter and Omega. They both shrugged with a smile. You continued to walk until you were right beside Tech. 
Tech didn’t notice, he was too focused on what he was working on, which is exactly what you wanted and what you had planned. You smirked and tilted your head. You smiled then moved in front of him and tilted your head so you could look Tech in the eyes. Tech however, didn’t move. He continued to work, which you expected. So, you moved back to the side of him and poked him. 
“Tech,” you said after each poke. 
“Techie,” you continued to poke. Tech clenched his jaw, but continued to work. You squinted then poked more aggressively.
"I'm not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention,”you sang. Tech cringed and shut his eyes. You smirked, knowing that your plan was working. He sighed then put his tools down harshly. He turned to you and frowned, annoyed.
“What?” He spat. You only smiled cheekily. Tech raised a brow. “Well come on spit it out-“ 
You shut him up by pressing a chaste kiss on Tech’s lips. His eyes widened, but his eyes soon closed as you gently held his face. You broke the kiss and smiled. Tech’s eyes were wide looking at your mischievous form. You shrugged.
“Well, that’s all I wanted to say,” you stated bluntly then walked away. Tech blinked. What the actual kriff just happened? He shook his head and stood up abruptly following you.
“Hey, wh-what was that?” He stuttered, still dazed from having your lips on his. You turned around and shrugged casually. Tech shook his head in disbelief. “You can’t just kiss me then walk away.” He stood in front of you.
“Every article I read, couples talk about their feelings. Communication.” You glared, then scoffed.
“Oh! Communication!” You placed your hands on your hips. “And what have these past few days been? Have you been ‘communicating’ with me, Tech?” You made quotations and folded your arms. Tech gulped. 
Hunter whistled then looked at Echo, he nodded his head and grabbed Omega gently. 
“Let’s give them some space,” Hunter whispered. Omega looked at you and Tech, then nodded her head. 
As the three left the ship, Tech was still silent. There is a 93.22 percent chance that I totally messed up. You glared, almost as if you had read his mind. He bit his lip. Scratch that, 100 percent. He cleared his throat. You raised a brow and pursed your lips. 
“Tech,” you started. “These past few days I’ve been feeling like you’re ignoring me.” You folded your arms in front of you. Tech bit his cheek. 
“I get it, you have responsibilities and that takes time. I understand that, I have stuff I have to do too.” Tech listened intently. 
“But, I just thought that if you could find time to work on repairs or stuff you like, that you would be able to find time for me.” Tech’s eyes widened. He looked down guiltily. 
“I’m sorry-“.
“No, I don’t want an apology. I just,” You huffed. “Something needs to change.” Tech nodded his head. 
“I understand,” he sighed. “The thing that needs to change,” he paused. “Is that we do in fact, need to communicate more sufficiently.” He stated matter of factly. You nodded your head. 
“And it’s going to take action on both our parts.” Tech adjusted his goggles. You bit your lip and nodded again. 
“Well, then. Let’s do it.” Tech arched a brow. You shrugged. “Let’s try it. Let’s explain why we were acting the way we were these past few rotations.” Tech’s eyes widened. 
“Uh, okay.” Tech rubbed a hand behind his neck. “I’ll go first then.” He cleared his throat.
“I have not in fact been ignoring you. I simply decided that we should give each other space,” he paused and sighed. “I now realize that it was wrong of me not to inform you of that decision.” You looked down and nodded your head. You looked up at him and huffed. 
“I guess it’s my turn then,” You bit her lip. “Well, where do I start?” You breathed a laugh.
“I understand that this is not your forte.” Tech raised a brow. “Dating I mean.” Tech nodded his head. 
“Believe me, it’s not mine either,” you paused. “I just thought that since we’re dating, we’d be more affectionate with each other.” Tech pursed his lips.
“You’re right. I’m just not used to having a significant other. I’m also not the most competent person to be in a relationship with. Like you mentioned previously, I’m not used to this. Especially physical affection. I’m sorry that I couldn’t be more loving towards you as you wanted.” You frowned, feeling guilty.
“You don’t have to apologize. We can take things slow, I’m okay with that.” Tech looked up with hope.
“Really? You’d do that for me?” You nodded your head and smiled.
“Of course,” You rubbed a hand behind your neck. “I love you Tech, and I want to keep being with you. Even if it takes some time for us to open up to each other, I’m willing to do whatever it takes to continue to be with you.” Tech grinned.
“I love you too. And I promise I will try my best to reciprocate your affection and make time for you everyday.” You beamed then wrapped your arms around Tech. Tech stood frozen. Your eyes widened and you immediately retracted. 
“Ah, sorry was I going too fast-“ You were cut off as Tech wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you in for an embrace. Now it was your turn to be frozen. You smiled to yourself and hugged Tech back. You stayed like that for a solid 5 seconds. Tech pulled away and smiled down at you. You grinned back up at him. 
“I’m aware I said we should take things slow, but I genuinely would like to osculate you right now.” You raised a brow.
“Was that your Techie attempt to ask me for a kiss?” Tech cleared his throat and bit his lip. You rolled your eyes. “You’re too cute.” You smiled then craned your neck for your lips to meet his. Tech was struck at first, but managed to compose himself as he turned his head to deepen the kiss. All those holonet research about kissing paid off, he thought. You hummed then pulled away. Tech took a deep breath and touched his lips. 
“Wow. I can see why you wanted to do that more often.” You laughed. 
“Now you get it?” Tech nodded his head. 
“I’ll make sure to do it a lot.” Tech smirked and leaned down. You tensed as you were surprised by Tech’s move. You laughed and kissed Tech back.
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doublesunsets · 9 months
echoes of a blast
Echo + The Bad Batch SFW Word Count: 2.2k
TBBAW 2023 @tbb-appreciation-week
Touching Foreheads
"This wasn't supposed to happen."
Characters: Echo, Tech, feat. Hunter, Wrecker, Crosshair
Tags: Mental Health Issues, Intrusive Thoughts, Mention of death, Friendship, Discussion of insecurities, Feelings
Author's note: Just a little something-something exploring Echo's feelings after joining the team plus bonding with Tech. I wanted to try something, and I hope at least I did justice to Echo. Ah yes, some Fives fell out of my pocket, sorry 💜 -sunset
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His scomp turned and whirred, but the door stayed closed. Echo looked at it, then at his arm, then back at the door, brows furrowed deeper than usual.
“Problem?” Hunter checked.
“This wasn’t supposed to happen,” Echo grumbled. A sharp pain twisted inside his chest, but he discarded it. There wasn’t time now for that, he removed his arm from the slot, and introduced it again with the same result: nothing. “It should open.”
“Try turning it the other way,” Wrecker commented.
“Don’t be absurd, it doesn’t work like that,” came Tech’s clipped tone as he approached the door as well and connected his datapad to it.
“Have you tried turning it on and off again?”
“Crosshair, I swear—“
“Put it in rice?”
“It exists the possibility that your software is not compatible with the interface, maybe it is a more advanced program,” Tech muttered, disconnecting the datapad, apparently not obtaining any results either. “Maybe if I connect—“
“Put down that finger, are you calling me obsolete?”
“I was just suggesting—“
“What I would suggest is finding an alternative route, now. We cannot stay here.”
“You know how much it pains me to say this, but Hunter is right.”
“And why in Kamino name would it pain you to say that?”
“Guys,” Echo put himself between Hunter and Crosshair before they could start. Or continue. “Let’s go back to the last corridor, I saw another door there that should take us outside as well.”
A collective grunt was all the answer he got, which was good enough in his opinion right now. He pushed Tech’s hand away, who was trying to connect his datapad to his scomp, and headed back retracing his steps, hoping that the other exit worked.
It did work. But no plan B is perfect. The moment they went through the door, an alarm started blasting through the whole compound, completed with an extremely annoying fanfare of lights as well. Hunter swore like a commando, and Echo winced under his helmet. They ran faster towards the extraction point, but before they could reach the exterior wall, the stomps of metallic feet started to be heard above the alarm.
“Enemies inside the perimeter. Engage!”
“Roger, roger.”
In a matter of seconds, the whole team was surrounded by battle droids, blasters raised, and pointing at them. They had no other option but to stop their retreat, and find cover around the landing pad they were in.
“We have them! Captain, we have the intruders surrounded, awaiting orders.”
Echo didn’t like hiding, it was preferable to blast some droids, but he was down on firepower since… well. Since. 
Some movement at his right took him out of his thoughts. Crosshair was hiding by himself  behind a turret, and he saw him stuck his rifle out of his hiding spot, and shot. The alarm was disabled, silence falling immediately in the area they were. He noticed Echo watching and saluted him with two fingers smoothly.
“Hey, at least they turned off that kriffing noise!”
Hunter chuckled airily, looking above his crate to evaluate the situation. “Sure, it’s all looking bright right now.”
Echo looked around his crate as well. At least fifty B-1 battle droids stood in formation, cutting all possible retreat on that side. They were in a dead end, but at least the wall offered them a reprise, avoiding them to be surrounded by all sides.
The wall.
Echo looked again at the unmoving droids. They were waiting for orders, he had seen it before plenty of times, they never move until a superior arrives, and for some reason the droid in command had not arrived yet. Which meant they had an opportunity to put a plan in motion.
“Wrecker!” Echo shouted at the man two crates over. Tech, who was crouched next to him, looked up and Echo swore he could see the wheels turning behind his goggles. 
“I have a plan,” Hunter and Crosshair didn’t react, but he knew they were listening as well. He tried not to smile at his own question. “Do you have any explosives?”
“Oh, yes!” Wrecker almost stood out from the excitement. “I thought you'd never ask!”
“Echo, you sure about this?” Hunter asked him. 
Was he? He was always sure about his plans, they were his pride and joy. Then again, he had been sure about being able to open that door when they planned today’s mission. That sharp pain again. He had been sure. In the same way that he had been sure that he was going to die that day. And before that, he had been sure that he would always be a 501st trooper. Or, at least, he had been sure that it would always be him by his side. It wasn’t him who answered.
“Yes, we are.” Tech sounded sure, as always. “We reviewed the schematics of the compound before the mission, and this wall is actually thin enough to open a hole through it with a controlled explosion.”
Tech looked at him, awaiting confirmation. “Ah, yes. They are distracted now, waiting orders. If we put the charges there, and there, it will open a path for us before they can even say roger once.”
The moment Hunter nodded, Wrecker uttered an excited yelp and started to prepare the explosives. When the charges were ready, they moved as one. The droids were expecting an escape attempt, but they simply switched to the other side of their hiding spots, to their utter bafflement. Before any of the clankers could react, the explosion wrought havoc among their formation, pushing most of them backward, towards the side of the building.
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It wasn’t until they were back at the Marauder, and Tech was pushing the coordinates for the hyperspace jump, that they all released a collective breath they didn’t know they were holding. It wasn’t the closest call they had had since Echo joined the team, but it hadn’t been the smoothest either.
“I’m just saying, the hole didn’t need to be big enough for a bantha.” 
“Just because you are a skinny guy doesn’t mean the rest of us are. I think it was the perfect size!”
“It was a good job, Wrecker, don’t listen to him.”
“It was too big for you, as well. Too tall.”
“What does that mean now?”
Hunter left the cockpit grumbling after a snickering Crosshair, and Echo sagged into the copilot chair, exhausted. He was still uneasy, and while usually the banter amused him, it was making him strangely melancholic right now. The view of the blinding lights through the windows wasn’t working this time, either. He used to love it. Now it made him claustrophobic.
He sighed and turned the chair. Wrecker had gone away as well, and Tech was engrossed with his datapad. They had done a good job, the worries of the mission obviously forgotten, falling smoothly into their routine until the next call. He should be content that in the end they managed to get out, he knew that plans didn’t always work how you devised them, and being able to come with a new one was an even more valuable skill. Still.
It should have worked. He should have. He wasn’t supposed to–
“Problem?” Tech’s voice pushed him out of his stupor.
He looked up and saw Tech still crouched over his datapad, his body was slightly turned towards him though, and Echo took that as a sign that he didn’t hallucinate his voice.
“I find it strange, that we don’t do a debriefing session after the mission,” Echo half-lied.
“It would be redundant, there is no need for a debrief when there is no one to inform about the status of your mission.” Tech stopped talking abruptly, and put down his datapad. “Are you worried about what happened? Is this what it is about? Because I’ve explained to you that before, and I know that you are intelligent enough to not need to be explained things twice.”
Echo held back a sarcastic thank you, and decided to answer honestly. “I don’t know.”
“You don't… know?” Tech’s head turned fractionally to one side, which reminded Echo of a massiff.
“Yes, I don’t know. I do, but I don’t. I am upset. That door was supposed to open, so we could carry on with the mission. I am also intelligent enough to know that I shouldn’t be this upset about a detail going wrong.”
“I think that being upset is–”
“But what a detail! We almost die because my stupid arm didn’t want to collaborate. What’s the point of having all this if I can’t do the one thing I’m supposed to do. What’t the point of me here. You have your brain, and Hunter his senses, Wrecker his strength and determination, and I think Crosshair could kill some droids with just a nasty comment. Me? I am different now, sure, I wasn’t average before, but I am not special enough to be special, not normal enough to be normal. Not even–”
Tech’s hand clutched his forearm, and Echo didn’t know what surprised him more, the shout of his name or the physical contact. His breath was laboured, and his hand gripped tightly his own knee. He couldn’t feel it, it was still weird.
He took a deep breath and let it out, slowly. Tech didn’t remove his hand, waiting. “This wasn’t supposed to happen.”
“I know.”
“I’ll be fine.”
“I know that, too.”
Echo chuckled. “Is there something you don’t know?”
“Some. For example, I don’t know why you still think you are not good enough.” Tech removed his hand but kept facing him. “You have proved your skills numerous times.”
He knew that to be true, he really did. Tech was seldom wrong, as he often remarked, and besides that, objectively, he knew he was right as well. But still.
“Not to mention, the value of a man goes beyond their skills set. I am aware that this is a war and our capabilities determine the role we play in it, but I believe you are mixing up your value as a soldier and your value as a person.”
Echo felt his eyes go wide, a tremor through his spine as Tech’s words unlocked a pain inside his chest he didn’t know he had.
“I don’t think I’ve ever known how to differentiate those two things. Now it’s even harder.” He lifted his hand and tried to tousle his hair. Still weird. He focused pointedly on a spot above Tech’s left ear, took another deep breath, and let that sharp pain crawl out of his chest.
“I was prepared to die that day, from the moment I felt that blast I knew I was going to die. Don’t get me wrong, I am glad I am alive, even– Even after what I went through, I am thankful that I am alive, when so many others are not.” He sighed, looked out the window, in search of words that escaped him, but they were not among the stars. “But sometimes, I’m still in that moment. A part of me did die that day. The one that knew which one was his role in this galaxy. The one who knew where was his spot. The one that knew that he deserved it. Sometimes that blast still hits me out of nowhere, and for a moment it leaves me a bit woozy. Like coming out of a hyperspace jump without notice.”
Echo looked back at Tech, confusion painted on his face, and a small smile appeared on his face. “I’m sorry, I don’t make much sense.”
“No, no, you do. I–” Tech pursed his lips, seemingly searching for the right words. “I might not, and never would, know for what you are going through. But I know what it is, searching for your place in this galaxy. You are one of us now, Echo, and I know I don’t speak only for myself when I say that even if tomorrow none of your cybernetics work any more, you would still have a place on this ship.”
Echo smile grew. It wasn’t exactly that, but he couldn’t blame Tech, he could tell he was trying. It was close enough, though, and he appreciated the effort. He grabbed his neck and bumped his forehead against Tech’s, releasing him after it.
“What was that?” Those goggles made his eyes comically huge.
“Ah, yeah. Something I used to do with–” the name got stuck in his throat. Another time, then. “My best friend.”
Tech straighten momentarily, pushing his shoulders back and doing that massiff’s head tilt again, and Echo found himself chuckling this time.
“He saw it somewhere, used to say it was a warrior’s sign of respect. He was full of bantha shit, of course, but it was an easy way of reminding each other we were not alone, even in the middle of a battlefield.”
“He… was not exactly wrong. He wasn’t right either, mind you, but he wasn’t wrong.”
“Huh. Yeah, that sounds like him.” Echo stood up, clapped Tech’s shoulder and turned to leave the cockpit, but stopped. “Thank you, Tech,” he said without turning, and left.
Maybe none of this was supposed to happen, not this ship, not this team, not even himself, but he was here now. 
He wasn’t alone. 
He will be fine. 
They will be fine. 
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Taglist: (I just realised that I should have asked if you want to be tagged in all works, or just smut, or whatever 😅, so taglist applies for ✨everything✨ unless anyone specify, OK? If you want to be added, just let me know.) Drink water.
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echos-girlfriend · 1 year
Comforting you
(The bad batch Head-cannon)
Master list
Similar to my other fic (comforting them) this how each member of the bad batch comforts you
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He’s pays close attention to your feelings and moods. He wasn’t to make sure your comfortable and calm.. if he feels your having a hard time or not feeling too good he will always be right by your side.
He’s a very affectionate person and mostly communicates feelings through touch so expect lots of hugs and cuddles when you’re down in the dumps.
If you’re sick he won’t avoid you, if anything he will become more close to you. He makes sure whatever it is you don’t have to fight it alone. Your forehead will be covered is kissed and you will always feel well taken of
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Echo feels a little nervous at the very beginning of the relationship. He’s worried his scomp link and metal legs will be too uncomfortable to cuddle with you.
He will open up, you may have to take the initiative and sit on his lap or pull him in for hugs but his fears will dwindle. Once he’s comfortable with showing you care and comfort he will do it anytime you ask.
Hugs, kisses, cuddling, and lots of words of affirmation. He wants you to know he loves and appreciates you. He will be there through thick and thin, in sickness or in health. You can always count on echo to make you fe better
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You’ll have to be the one to reach out and ask. He may be too caught in working on the ship or tinkering. However once you have his attention he will only focus on you.
He’s a good listener and takes everything you say seriously. Tell him your trouble and will always take them away. He might invite you to his workbench or let you help him repair the ship.
He’s noticed how you helping him with tasks calms you down a great deal. While at the workbench he’ll let you sit in his lap while you both fix and build things together. He gives you plenty of praise and gentle touches to help comfort you in your dark times.
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Isn’t the greatest at this whole comforting thing but he tries his best. He can tell when you’re not well or not feeling safe. He is a very straightforward person, so you might find his comfort a little rough.
He may roll his eyes a little or say you’re overreacting but he won’t leave you by yourself. He may sit next to you on your bunk for a while.. just so your not alone.
Small touches here and there or a small kiss on the cheek is what you’ll receive. But he’s not heartless.. he’s just nervous. If your completely beside yourself expect a strong hug or cuddle but he will deny he did it to his brothers later.
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The biggest cuddle bug in the galaxy is the best at this sort of thing. Once you let him know or he finds out your down in the dumps, he will do everything he can to make you better.
Hugs, kisses, cuddles, food and attention. He will give you anything you ask for. He will let you borrow Lula whenever you need her.
He will tell plenty of jokes and give you good food. Mantell mix, deep fried gorg or whatever your favorite snack is. Wrecker is the best at comforting and you will always feel better after having some of his loving.
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meme-force-99 · 1 year
Art Repository
In order to best appreciate so many talented creators, we are starting this post to catalogue all the art, edits, and memes created for the blogs.
We will keep updating, but feel free to reply with any other creations you encounter!
Imperial Echo by @shyranno
Imperial Crosshair by @zaana
Gonky and Crosshair crack meme by @tech-deck
"Have a nice day!" by @paperback-rascal
Customer Service Inquiry by @paperback-rascal
Enforced by Sniper by @paperback-rascal
Wrecker's cheeks by @paperback-rascal
Chungus Lula by @paperback-rascal
Weighted Blanket by @lorjukka
@imperial-science-officer's avatar by @skeltrr
Imperial Science Officer Tech by @megakatz
Lt. Blithe by @megakatz
Crosshair in a Suit by @kimageddon
Imperial Wrecker Propaganda by @kimageddon
Echo as Edward Scissorhands by @apocalyp-tech-a
Donut Scomp by @kellygreeny
Gonky with Vader's Lightsaber by @thistechnologicalterror
... more Gonky saber by @meilooruns-a-go-go
... even more Gonky saber by @delicateartisantrash
"Kids" by @delicateartisantrash
“Challenge Accepted” by @delicateartisantrash
"And WHY aren't we running???!" by@xinambercladx
A gift for the Commander by@kimageddon
Hunter, Tech, and Cross blogiversary posters by @lunarninja613
Imperial Echo Poster by @spectors-moon
Crosshair's Flat Ass by @raevulsix
Freakishly Long (Cold) Toes by @ladykagewaki
Leg vs Toes by @ladykagewaki
Toes vs Strength by @ladykagewaki
Echo Simp Caught Scomp-Handed by @ladykagewaki
Echo: Kama Model by @ladykagewaki
Ms Fangirl and the White Bullet Pepper by @ladykagewaki
Baby Batch: Crosshair Hugs by @ladykagewaki
Hunter's 13in1 Shampoo by @melymigo
(Anime?) Hunter Remesisces by @melymigo
Hunter's Kenergy by @nika6q
Meme Force 99 Christmas Card by @nika6q
Hug from a Gremlin by @theartgremlin
Hunter's Bantha Hair by @theartgremlin
Echo as Ned Stark by @cloned-eyes
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Hi! I absolutely love your HC's and I was wondering if you could write one with the batchers having a bad day and their s/o comforting then. The more tears and cuddling, the better. Also angst is appreciated. You're amazing!
Oh these poor guys won't know what hit em (*holding a bat* I did) More "ouch" for the people!
The Bad Batch x Reader Hurt/Comfort HC's - It's Been A Bad Day (Please don't take a picture)
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Warnings; Hurt / Angst / Strong Language / Comfort
It was one of the worst days in his life so far. The mission went wrong. He was shot in the leg, the Marauder was destroyed and unusable for a while, and because they had to land on a city planet, his senses are on overdrive. Hunter is stressed, his head hurts, his leg hurts, his mind is racing. The Marauder must be repaired as soon as possible or they'd get into credit troubles pretty fast.
Hunter sits on his bunk. He looks beat. Dark circles under his eyes, slouched shoulders, and a stressed frown throughout. He sees you come into the room and looks up at you almost pleadingly.
Concerned, you return his gaze.
"What's wrong? The Marauder looks terrible… and so do you, to be honest."
He nods, snorts, and laughs humorlessly.
"Shit hit the fan when we were on the road. The mission was a failure and the Marauder is going to take some time and material before it's usable again."
Startled, you kneel down next to his leg.
"You got hurt?"
"Just a graze. Tech already took care of it."
He sounds so tired, his voice roughened like he's hoarse.
You sit down next to him on the bunk, gently kiss his cheek and stroke his hair.
"It's going to be alright. We always find a solution."
He's taking off his shoes, swinging his legs on the bed and laying his had on your lap. Hunter sighs softly as you keep carressing his head, grazing with your fingers through his hair. As he falls asleep, you let him. Your poor man needs some rest.
(More or less shortly after the citadel)
As he arrives at your apartment, your heart almost stops. He's beaten up, bleeding and bruised, one of his eyes is thickly swollen and darkly rimmed.
"Maker! Echo! What happened?"
You let him in and he avoids your gaze.
"It's okay. It'll heal"
But it's not just the bruises, he seems so down, as if hurt not just physically.
"That's not an answer", you say softly and lead him to the couch in your living room.
You get some cooling packs and Baccta to tend to his bruises. As you do so he finally opens up.
"They called me clanker"
Your eyes widen in anger and shock.
"Who did?!"
"A few of my brothers in the mess hall. They were whispring, gossiping behind my back, then I heard one calling me a clanker. I was so shocked and hurt and... I lost it. Got into a fight with three of them. Crosshair chimed in and broke up the fight otherwise I'd probably look worse. Of all people the one I always thought won't except me, helped me out. That was such a pleasent surprise, so much so it actually hurts somehow"
He finally lifts his gaze. Echo's eyes are watering.
"I feel bad about what I've become as it is... but getting called a clanker... "
He brakes up mid sentence, leans his head on your shoulder as you wrap your arms around him.
"You really don't deserve this", you say and feel hurt yourself "How could they? They know what you've been through"
He looks at his legs and his scomp link arm.
"I didn't choose to be like this. I thought if my brother judge me like this, how long will you stay with me? After all, we met and fell in love when I was... normal"
Your heart breaks for him, his pain and fear.
"Echo you are wonderful and you always will be. I love you so much and that will never change. Nothing will ever change that!"
As you hug him tighter you can hear a silent little sob.
"I'll never leave you my love", you promise him.
He's so quiet. Not at all your happy giant today.
"What's on your mind, Wrecker?"
He turns his head to look at you. In his hands he holds a toy gun. He shows it to you.
"That was Crosshair's when we were cadets"
Surprised you ask, "You kept it?"
Wrecker nods. "Sometimes I look at it and wonder if I should have done more to bring him back. But I don't think he would have listened to me. But still, I should have tried much harder. I miss him"
You softly lay a hand on his strong arm.
"I bet secretly he misses you too"
"You think?"
You nod with a sad little smile.
"I know losing him was a shock. It still is hard to digest. He's your brother"
Wrecker sniffles.
"I want him to come home, back to us"
He's laying his head in your lap.
"Do you think he'll come back one day?"
You softly dry his tears and say, "
"I would not rule it out. You know what I always say?"
Another sniffle.
"Hope dies last?"
It's not easy to get him off balance. But there is one exception. His carefully calculated plan doesn't work and you are almost all killed because of it. It's more than close. No one blames him but Tech himself.
"The calculations were correct. The maneuver should have worked," he says as you get ready for bed later that day.
You look at him in surprise. He had seemed absent to you all day, but that was not unusual with Tech. You just didn't think that the incident was still bothering him so much.
"Well, it didn't work out perfectly, but we're all still alive. There's always one factor or another that you can't calculate, Tech."
Tech frowns and adjusts his goggles.
"I know, I took that into account in my calculations."
As you lay down, he still sits at the edge of the bed, staring into the room, lost in his thoughts.
All at once he says in horror, "I could have killed us all."
You sit back up and grab his shoulders. He is completely tense. Carefully you massage him.
"But you didn't"
"That was pure luck. Luck! No skill or knowledge"
You gently hug him from behind and kiss his neck.
"That wasn't just luck, Tech. I will trust you with my life over and over again without a second thought"
"Really?" he asks softly.
You kiss his neck again.
"Really. Anytime."
He sighs softly and you feel the tension in him ease. He lets you pull him into bed and wraps his arms and legs around you like a spider monkey.
"What about my brothers? Do you think they feel the same way?"
You laugh softly, "Crosshair will pretend otherwise. But you know him. Of course your brothers trust you, that hasn't changed."
Again he sighs, this time more relieved. You kiss his chin and finally see him smile again.
He looks bad. He's beat up, badly injuried, can barely walk as he comes back with his squad.
Your relationship is secret. You work as a medic in one of the infirmaries on the Star Destroyer on which he is stationed. When he is brought to your station, you have to pull yourself together not to panic.
One of the other medics helps you get him into an open baccta bath. You send the other medic home and start tending to his wounds.
When you see him moving, you carefully bend over him. You are very worried. You know he's going to be okay, but the injuries are severe, the battle must have been intense, and as far as you knew, he had gone after his brothers with his squad. If he had been injured like that in the fight against his brothers, it hadn't just been physical scars he took from that fight.
He slowly opens his eyes. A trembling breath escapes his lips. You are more than surprised to see tears running down his cheeks.
"Crosshair?" you ask softly "Are you in pain? Want a stronger painkiller?"
He gently shakes his head. He swallows, has to find his voice first. "No"
You gently wipe tears from his face.
"You'll be fine, don't worry I'll take care of you"
Almost whispering he tells you, "I'm just so glad your face is the first one I see after everything that happened"
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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If you're new, this all starts with Touch Starved - Echo! You can read this little chunk as a standalone, or head back to the beginning for the full experience!
Febuwhump Day 8
Panic – Echo - A quiet discussion between Doc and Hunter is delayed when Echo has a nightmare. Doc tries to ease him through it, resulting in a fun bit of shared taunts with Crosshair the following morning.
Warnings: Nightmare-induced panic attack. Non-intimate bed sharing. Fictional curses (does that need a warning?), sexual innuendo
WC: 2633
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The air was beginning to grow heavy with the staleness of long-distance travel, the chill having long since settled into my joints from diverting power throughout the ship to grant just a fraction more speed to already straining engines. There was no pressing need to push the ship like this, but the Batch had a reputation of reckless efficiency to maintain. Most of the others had settled down, but I couldn’t flip my sleep cycle with the ease Wrecker’s deep snoring flaunted.
Letting out a slow sigh, I slipped from the medbay cot – it was far from comfortable, but the limited sleeping quarters in the transport granted few options. Wrapping the gray blanket snugly around my shoulders, I tread quietly down the center isle, eyes wandering fondly over the sleeping figures: Tech’s ankles were crossed, arm draping over his chest where it had clearly landed when he’d fallen asleep, datapad still glowing from beneath his loose grip. Echo lay slightly on his side in his hammock, scomp draping over his waist, lips just parted in rhythmic breathes. Crosshair was nestled against the very corner of his bed, back flush against the wall, and Wrecker was sprawled out on his stomach, one arm curled beneath his head while the other hung thoughtlessly over the edge, a clear line of drool already glistening at the corner of his mouth and soaking into his pillow.
I wasn’t surprised to see Hunter’s rack untouched, certain I’d find him monitoring the automated systems as an excuse to appreciate the rare, relative quiet of space travel. Snatching his meticulously folded blanket thoughtlessly as I crept past the sleeping soldiers, I made my way unhurried toward the cockpit.
“You should be asleep.” He chided, but there was no heat in his calm voice as I descended the ladder.
“You’re one to talk.” I shot back with a small smile. He was still facing forward, legs stretched leisurely out before him as he leaned back in the blocky pilot’s chair, elbow just visible on the arm rest. Without waiting for him to turn toward me, I snapped his blanket out, practically throwing it over him. He startled only slightly at the sudden movement, but quickly stilled, eyebrow cocking as he shot me a sideways glance.
“Doc… you realize we were created for this, right?” Paying no mine to his gentle mocking, I sat heavily in the copilot’s chair, knees tucking against my chest to wrap my own blanket more snugly around me.
“Mmhmm.” I merely hummed in response, earning a quiet chuckle, but my lips pulled into a small smile as he repositioned the thick fabric slightly if only to humor me.
“Do you ever think about what’s after this?” I felt his gaze turn more pointedly toward me as the quiet words fluttered over my lips, eyes staring blindly at the dancing glow of hyperspace before us. Allowing my question to settle back into the silence, he finally let out a small huff before leaning into the worn padding once more.
“Pretty sure there’ll always be a demand for medics, so I doubt you have much need to worry.” He offered. Only then did I finally turn to face him, brows just hinting at a frown.
“I don’t mean for me, Hunter.” I stated, waiting him out until he finally let his head fall, chin just resting against his chest, and I loathed that troubled worry that settled heavily over the powerful features of his face.
“Don’t know.” He finally answered. “Clones don’t exactly have a place out there that doesn’t involve a battlefield.” My eyes followed the absent motion of his hand as he waved vaguely toward the viewport.
“Yet.” I offered quietly. He didn’t humor me with even the echo of a smirk, jaw shifting stiffly forward. “What if you could choose?” I pressed, question falling lightly from a kind smile. “Say we reach Kamino and find out the war is over and clones have been granted full citizenship in a show of gratitude for your service: true freedom for you and your brothers,” His eyes closed slightly, and I could see his mind beginning to wander; to want, “What then?” He let himself think for just a moment longer before releasing a dismissive breath of laughter that threatened to break my heart.
“Master of small talk tonight.” He teased, some of his usually weariness returning to those umber eyes. I merely waited expectantly as he let his attention return to the swirling blues and blacks of space. “Guess I don’t really care where we wind up,” he started, voice quiet, “so long as I can keep us all together; keep us safe… Maybe somewhere quiet.” Finally, he let himself begin to truly entertain the idea; to dream. “It would be hard to find a life that would keep them all happy, but… maybe we could find some remote planet – become settlers and just… live.” I didn’t notice the smile spreading over my face until he glanced at me with a pointed smirk, but I didn’t withdraw, beaming at him with pure glee.
“The great settlers of Clone Force 99, braving unknown worlds and taming alien wilds.” I murmured brightly, heart soaring at the earnest chuckle that shook almost silently through his chest.
“What about you, Doc?” He asked, tilting his head back towards me, “What’s next for you once you’ve had your fill of all th-” That elation of far-off hopes and desires went cold in an instant as he went still, attention shifting pointedly toward the hallway behind us. “Echo.” He stated simply, sympathy robbing him of that brief moment of weightlessness.
“I’ll go.” I said, already raising to my feet. He started to object, jaw shifting beneath those relentlessly exhausted eyes, but I settled my hand comfortingly over his shoulder, meeting his gaze in a silence that said everything words simply couldn’t. He reluctantly deflated beneath my touch, a deep gratitude stealing over him as he looked up at me. With a final smile, I quickly moved toward the ladder, hopping up the rungs to reach the bunk room that much faster.
Beneath Wrecker’s still oblivious snores, I could just catch the occasional huff of a too-sharp breath, noted the way that red hammock rocked ever so slightly despite the smoothness of our flight. Quickening my pace, I trotted the last few steps, heart twisting at the pinched crease between his brows, the tension balling overtop his jaws.
“Echo.” I barely breathed his name, one hand resting over the top lip of crimson fabric while the other reached tentatively toward him. His head jerked slightly to the side, teeth just flashing in a brief scowl. Fingers brushing tenderly over his shoulder, I called him again. “Echo… Echo, sweetie, you’re dreaming.” His chest quivered with a frantic, broken gasp, body flinching away from me. “Echo.” Voice raising ever so slightly, I reached down to carefully hold his cheeks between my palms, thumb sweeping over taut muscle. Finally, his eyes snapped open, jaw parting amidst a violent gasp as his arm swept out before him in a panic.
“Shh-shh.” The comforting sound shushed quickly from my lips, letting my touch shift against him just enough to try to draw his attention to me. “Look at me, Echo – it’s alright.” Wide eyes darted blindly around us, only resting on mine for a fleeting second before continuing their desperate search for some ancient danger.
“You’re on the Marauder, Echo. You’re okay.” His hand abandoned its defensive flailing and latched sharply around my arm, frantically shifting gaze beginning to fall on me more frequently. “Easy,” I murmured softly, “You’re safe, Echo. Look at me,” I gently pulled his face back toward me, breathing a gentle, “good” when those golden eyes lingered on mine.
“I want you to breathe with me, okay?” His hold resettled almost neurotically around my upper arm, and I didn’t doubt the bruises I’d find later, but I’d let him break the damn thing before pulling away. Lips softening into a gentle smile, I made a show of drawing in a slow, leisure breath, held it for a moment, and then, with that same unrushed ease, let my shoulders sink as I exhaled. His attention remained locked on me, but the wild terror in the dilated pools of his pupils offered no signs of understanding.
“Come on, soldier, I gave you an order.” I teased, thumb again brushing over his cheeks. Brows furrowing further over haunted eyes, he almost belated grasped some fleeting understanding of my words, and, when I began to inhale once more, his teeth ground beneath the strain of fighting to obey me. “Good. You’re doing great, Echo.” Softly spoken words settled quietly in the air between us. The terrible depth of his fear continued to rend him into a trembling mess of tense muscles and shuttered breaths, but the entirety of his focus now seemed locked on me.
“Again.” I whispered, smile growing encouragingly. His hand shifted with his next tense inhale, darting up briefly to my shoulder before clasping around the back of my neck, arm tensing to pull himself closer, and I nearly broke beneath the violent need in those pleading eyes. “Okay.” I murmured quickly, leaning down to rest my forehead against his. “Okay, Echo; I’m right here.” He was still for only a few rushed breaths, trying and failing to match my calm pace before giving into his fear once more, arm jerking up to lock around me, nearly tumbling from the hammock in his fight to hide against me, legs kicking restlessly atop the too pliant fabric.
“Shh; alright-alright.” My gentle attempts to quiet him fell on deaf ears, struggling to keep him from falling as I eagerly returned the desperate embrace. The moment my feet finally slipped off the floor as I tumbled forward on top of him barely registered in the face of his utter surrender, clinging to me even with his scomp, the augmented limb looping tightly around my lower back. Forehead tucked up into my neck, he merely held me as he trembled.
I continued pressing the soothing words and gentle promises into the fleeting breadth of air between us, carefully shifting a hand up his neck to let my fingers card through the short curls of hair just beginning to regrow around the metal nodes. Slowly, that horrid tremble began to still, breath steadying enough to match mine, but his hold never lessened, arms clutching me tightly against him even as he started to fade. Vaguely, I worried over how my weight might feel pressing against the nodes lining his chest and torso, but, if it caused him any discomfort, he seemed not to notice, nor, surprisingly, did they dig painfully into me.
Unlike the others, Echo was almost always cold. He rarely spoke of it, but I’d seen it in the way his mood fell in poor weather, felt it in the chill of his flesh during the occasional shared touch. Now, however, with the two of us nestled together in the snug cocoon of his hammock, the cool air was a distant thought, warmth quickly pooling between us.
I didn’t noticed my own weariness sneak up on me, overcome with my own relief that the man still hidden against my neck was finally free of that terrible panic, and there was no thought to leaving him, balking at even the risk of waking him. Just a short while longer… I’d stay for just a bit longer, just in case the nightmares returned.
The choked sound and sudden tensing of muscle beneath me brought me back to a reluctant awareness, brows drawing wearily together as I glanced toward the noise, frown deepening slightly in confusion to find Echo staring at me mid gasp, horror and embarrassment sending a painfully hot flush blooming over pale cheeks, arms carefully held away from my body.
“Right…” I sighed, rolling my shoulders slightly to test the stability of the hammock. “Sorry – didn’t mean to fall asleep.” I’d shifted onto my side at some point in the night, arms still coiled loosely around his head.
“S-I… um…” I had to quickly bury my teeth into my cheek to silence the giggle at how painfully flustered he was.
“You had a pretty bad nightmare. Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable, but I kinda couldn’t… um… leave.” I tried to explain, pulling my arm from under his head to lean onto, easing at least partially off of him.
“Maker, no-no. Kriff, Doc; I’m sorry…I-” I waved away his words dismissively.
“It’s fine, Echo; really.” I assured him once more, head twisting to glance at the edge of the hammock. “Don’t supposed there’s an easy way out of this thing?” I asked lightly, again trying not to laugh at the lingering panic in those comically wide eyes.
“Oh! Ah, um, not-not really.” He stammered apologetically, jaw opening in silence a moment as his torso started to tense before catching himself and freezing once more. “Your, uh… your legs.” His gaze turned pointedly to lock onto the wall of red fabric beside him, lips stumbling slightly over the words. “Swing your legs over first.”
With a sympathetic smile, I elected against drawing it out any longer, steadying myself with one hand on his chest while the other gripped the hammock itself before slowly craning a leg over the edge, arms tensing against how the bed rocked beneath us from the movement. His fingers flared, torn between reaching out to help me and panicking at the mere thought of initiating further contact, but I managed to touch my foot to the smooth flooring and was able to free the rest of my body with relative ease, shooting him a victorious smile that, even in the frenzy of embarrassment, gleaned a tiny huff of laughter from him.
“Yuh know, I actually haven’t slept that well in a while.” I groaned, arms stretching above my head. Without lingering for a response, I started unhurriedly from the bunk room, lured away by the faint scent of caf.
Hunter was still in his bunk, feigning sleep even as he fought to bite back his own grin, but the others were already dispersed throughout the ship. How we’d slept through Wrecker getting up was beyond me, but I was grateful they’d left us to rest - Echo certainly needed it.
Crosshair was the only one in the tiny kitchenette, lithe body stretching lavishly between two chairs, head absently tilted back with a still steaming mug cradled between his hands. He didn’t open his eyes as I entered, but those thin lips began to curl. I merely readied myself in silence for whatever clever quip he’d surely been waiting all morning to deliver, busying myself with the automated movements of preparing my own cup of caf.
“That a service you’re offering to the whole squad, now, sweetie?” The taunt dripped from that haughty smirk, sharp eyes slitting open to locked onto me in search of a bloom of embarrassment or stutter of shame. Unphased, I merely cocked an eyebrow and, voice sweetly innocent, answered calmly with a question of my own.
“Are you asking me to sleep with you, Crosshair?” The quickness with which that smirk fled his lips, heat seeping up his neck in a flush of red, nearly broke my careful façade of control, jaw tensed against the bark of laughter begging to escape, but I managed to reign it back as I casually walked toward him. Eyes wide, caught, he sat frozen as I approached, but, when I reached down to muse his hair with my hand, that spell broke, head jerking away from me with a deep snarl. Laughing softly, I said nothing more as I continued out of the room.
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crosshairlovebot · 1 year
adjustments / a bad batch story
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characters: crosshair & hunter (NOT CLONEC*ST)
description: in which hunter learns of crosshair’s time on kamino. and they talk about it.
warnings: angst, lots of it. 
inspired by a conversation i had on twitter with some mutuals <3 also posted this on ao3. feedback is welcomed, reblogs are appreciated <3
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The adjustment felt like a constant state of tentativeness. All the members of the Batch knew that Crosshair’s return would not mean that everything would return to the way it was – no matter how much they wished it could be that easy.
Too much had happened, too much had changed and there was no way of going back to as it was before. It was impossible to put it all back in the box and tie a neat bow before placing it on a shelf – out of sight, out of mind.
The atmosphere between them was tense, the room thick with apprehension. There was a perpetual cautiousness in every word, in every step – the memory of Crosshair’s actions heavy between the squad. But they would gladly endure it than be without their brother. They were all determined to make this work; to make this changed relationship work.
But it had not come without its challenges. Crosshair’s inclination to close up had increased tenfold since he had returned to his brothers. Not much of a conversationalist to begin with, Crosshair now only seemed to speak when spoken to. Rarely did he offer much to say, or a joke to deliver, his silence filling every crevice of the ship. They would gladly take a snarky remark at their expense just to see him smirk the way he used to. But now his mouth seemed to be perpetually downturned, the crease in his brow etched even in his sleep.
It’s not that the Batch didn’t understand the impact of being controlled and manipulated by the inhibitor chip, and how serving in the Empire would change you, as it had Crosshair. They all tried their best to accommodate for whatever Crosshair needed. Space? Have the whole ship, we’ll be back later. Time? However long you need, we’ll be here.
Giving Crosshair the freedom of being after the Empire’s hand had closed tightly around his throat for so long was something they hadn’t even had to discuss and agree upon – it was obvious gospel to all of them.
But there was only so much the Batch could do for Crosshair.
Crosshair needed to be willing to adjust too.
Hunter clambered up the Marauder’s gangplank behind his brothers and sister, who jumped up them two at a time. He heard it hiss close behind him once he was inside, and he pulled his helmet off. Tech flicked the ship’s engines on and began to take off as Echo put in the coordinates for the supply drop-off with his scomp. Wrecker plonked heavily down into one of the seats, and Omega did the same, their eyes meeting Hunter’s with concern before flicking to the back of the ship, where Crosshair had situated himself in the gunner’s mount.
Despite it being Omega’s space, Crosshair often retreated to the solitary seat. Omega had assured everyone that she was okay with it, and Crosshair always left without protest if she asked.
Hunter looked at his brother, a frown forming on his brow. To say that Hunter had missed Crosshair would be understating it. Though he’d kept it hidden for the sake of his brothers and Omega, Crosshair’s absence had punched a hole in his chest that he had no idea how to fill.
Though he loved all his brothers equally and had a close relationship with all of them, the bond he had with Crosshair had always been a little different. They had always been a little closer than the others, a little more in tune with each other – sharing looks only they could decipher. Crosshair was the only one who knew it was like to have a sense enhanced. To take in more information constantly, whether it was needed or not. It could get overwhelming, and Crosshair was the only one who truly understood that – even if it wasn’t to Hunter’s extreme. Whenever Crosshair needed to just close his eyes, Hunter always understood. And when Hunter needed to be alone because he was overstimulated, Crosshair seemed to know without saying, and he would just nod at him and then distract Wrecker and Tech with something that would keep them subdued enough for Hunter to re-centre himself.
Hunter never said it aloud, but Crosshair was not only his brother, but his best friend.
Watching Crosshair slowly lose himself with the Empire had felt like losing a part of himself too. Now having him back, it felt good knowing that he was always within reach. Physically. But everything had changed. He could no longer decipher those looks of Crosshair’s, and despite everything that he and his brothers and sister did for him, it never seemed to be enough to bring Crosshair back from that place in his mind he still lived in.
Crosshair was seemingly unreachable. And it made Hunter angry.
What more could Hunter do for his brother? Crosshair was determined to maintain that ten-foot space between him and them. The distinct separation was almost more painful than his absence. To be within reach but unreachable. To be right there and so far away all at once.
He didn’t care how; Hunter just wanted his brother back.
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When the Marauder landed on an uncharted moon, detouring for yet another repair, Hunter walked up the narrow corridor to the gunner’s mount’s ladder. Tech was outside with Echo, fixing the relay system whilst Wrecker had followed closely behind Omega as she wandered off to explore the forests that lined the surface of the moon. He took the opportunity to approach his brother, without the ears of others straining to listen.
“Crosshair,” he said up towards where he sat and saw the marksman’s head turn slightly.
“What is it?” Crosshair answered, in that raspy tone that was normal for him, but now made Hunter feel like he was bothering his brother. And he hated that feeling.
“How do you feel? After that mission?”
Hunter heard his brother turn to look back out the glass. “Why do you care, Hunter?”
Hunter’s gaze hardened as he crossed his arms. “Because it was your first mission back. Because it’s been a while since we were a squad.”
Crosshair scoffed. “And who’s fault is that?”
Hunter took in a breath. “I’m not blaming you, Crosshair.”
“Aren’t you?”
Hunter sighed. His brother’s prickly attitude could be severe at the best of times, but Hunter was growing tired of Crosshair’s inability to see beyond himself. “No. I think you’re blaming yourself.”
Crosshair turned, his head coming around the side of the chair, gaze full of fire. “What do you know, Hunter?”
“I know you were forced to do things—”
“I don’t want your pity,” Crosshair spat.
“I don’t pity you, Crosshair. You were forced to do things until you weren’t. You made your own choices and now you have to live with them.”
“That sounds a lot like pity to me.”
Hunter met his brother’s eye. “I don’t pity someone who chose blind allegiance over his brothers.”
Hunter knew that was the wrong thing to say; the string between them was already so fragile. But his usual calm and collected demeanour was teetering on the edge, and it had tipped over, causing malice to twist into Crosshair’s face at his words. “And what did you choose Hunter? A life as a fugitive, living hand to mouth, running boxes of nuggets for a crook?”
“I chose to survive,” Hunter’s voice raised as he argued, pointing at the ground as if the life he lived was tangibly sitting on the floor between him and Crosshair. “To survive as best I could with the hand I was dealt with. I did what I thought was right for our brothers, for Omega.”
“So did I,” Crosshair edged out with gritted teeth, the fire in his eyes the same colour as Hunter’s burning brightly. His long fingers gripped the edge of the seat hard.
Hunter paused as he flinched. Crosshair didn’t wait for his response, and kept speaking, pushing himself off the seat and jumping down so he was chest-to-chest with Hunter.  
“You think you’re a survivor? I had a chip in my head that made me shoot at my own family. You all turned your backs on me as soon as you could. I make a bad decision, and nothing would gain your trust back – not even saving Omega. You flew away from Kamino, back to whatever hole you were hiding in, everyone happy to have you back…and how quickly they all came for you,” Crosshair sneered as he shook his head, looking down his nose at Hunter’s tattooed face and steely eyes. “Whilst I spent 32 rotations on that fucking platform wishing you all cared about me the way you care about each other.”
Hunter blinked. “What—”
But it was like Crosshair didn’t even hear him, spitting the final sentence of his longest turn of speaking since his return. “The Empire may not have cared about me, but neither did my own brothers.”
Hunter heard the footsteps of the rest of the Batch approach as they returned from their activities but stopped at a distance, listening silently. Though Hunter heard all their heartbeats, as uneasy as his own. All of Crosshair’s words felt like a series of knives stabbing him in succession right in the centre of his chest. But there were two words that made him stop, and his heart crack deeper.
“Crosshair…say that again.”
Crosshair looked away from Hunter and frowned at an invisible mark on the floor. “Say what again?”
“How… how long were you on that platform?”
The gates Crosshair had opened in his anger had now shut tightly. Unreachable once again. “It doesn’t matter.”
“It does,” Hunter urged. When his brother still refused to meet his eye, Hunter said his once more. “Crosshair…”
“Save it, Hunter,” Crosshair reached for a toothpick and pointed it at Hunter as he spoke, gaze hard and unforgiving. “I made my choices, but you certainly made them too.”
Crosshair brushed past Hunter and the rest of the Batch, and Hunter watched him walk down the gangplank, out into the forest of the moon; the ocean between them remaining vast, stormy and uncrossable.
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Night had fallen on the moon, and Tech had just informed Hunter that the repairs were finished and should leave if they were going to meet Rex at the rendezvous before the next rotation. He nodded, but they were still one member short.
And they wouldn’t leave him behind. Ever again.
“Should I come with you?” Omega gazed up at him, concern on her young face.
Hunter shook his head. “No. I need to do this alone.”
Omega nodded in understanding; her nose wrinkled with worry. Hunter smiled at her placing a hand on her shoulder and giving it a reassuring squeeze. Hunter called out to Tech to have the ship ready to leave before setting off down the gangplank and trekking into the forest after Crosshair.
Hunter bent down, observing the trail Crosshair had made, following the invisible marks he’d left behind until the trail stopped, and he found Crosshair high on a stony ridge, overlooking a lake surrounded by tall trees, which reflected the three bright moons in the sky.
Hunter walked up the incline to where Crosshair sat on the edge, one knee pulled up, hands supporting his weight behind him. A toothpick dangled from his mouth as he looked pensively out across the lake. Hunter watched his silhouette from behind. The light from the moons illuminated the silver hair that was beginning to grow back. He looked deep in thought as he sat there in his new armour, shoulder puldron sporting a sniper rest like his original Batch uniform. He looked like the Crosshair Hunter knew.
Crosshair spoke first, surprising Hunter. “Is the ship fixed?”
“Yeah, we’re ready to leave when you are.”
Crosshair turned to look at him, an indecipherable furrow in his brow before he turned back, making no move to leave. Hunter pressed his lips together. “Can I join you?” he asked after a moment of consideration.
Crosshair’s head moved to the side carefully. “I can’t really stop you.”
Hunter walked up, his footsteps crunching on the gravel before he sat down next to his brother. He dangled both of his legs over the edge and followed Crosshair’s gaze. Hunter’s eyesight wasn’t as sharp as Crosshair’s, but he could see the flecks of white shimmering on the lake’s surface. No doubt Crosshair could see below them too. They sat in silence for a little while, breathing together. It had been so long since they did this. Since they sat by one another. Hunter didn’t miss the way Crosshair’s heartbeat seemed to relax a little, the only clue to knowing how he felt.
People were often fooled by Crosshair’s façade. Mistaking his severity and coldness as unfeeling. But Hunter knew Crosshair had always felt more than any of them. He was just a master at hiding those feelings behind a wall only a few dared climb. Though Hunter had never been afraid to.
“I…” Hunter broke the silence softly, turning his head to look at his brother properly. “I don’t want it to be like this with us, Cross.”
Crosshair didn’t say anything, he just looked down.
Hunter shook his head, anguish lining his voice. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“About what?” Crosshair drew patterns into the dirt with a gloved finger, pretending he didn’t know what Hunter was referring to.
“32 rotations…” Hunter rasped out. He’d spent hours sitting with the thought of Crosshair on that platform for so long, alone. Crosshair, so stubborn that he would rather take his chances in the harsh Kaminoan elements for over a month than leave with his brothers. The thought of him slowly getting weaker and weaker, waiting for the Empire to show up. If Hunter had known, he would have forced Crosshair to leave with them, pressed a little harder.
“I didn’t want you to know.” Crosshair continued to avoid Hunter’s gaze.
Hunter frowned. “But we’re brothers.”
“Are we?” Crosshair bit out.
But Hunter didn’t take the bait this time. “Always have been. Always will be. No matter what.”
Crosshair finally met Hunter’s eyes, and he saw the hurt sitting in and around them. He felt Crosshair’s body sag with the burdens he carried. Hunter took in a breath at the expression. He knew Crosshair had been hurting, but to see him wearing plainly on his face after keeping it at bay for so long made Hunter feel like that maybe, just maybe, Crosshair’s wall was almost breached. That unreadable expression was unblurring, becoming clearer. This might be the turning point for them. They’d let each other down, been on two different wavelengths, orbiting each other unable to come together and meet. And this was their chance to make things right between them.
Crosshair averted his gaze. “You’ll never understand, Hunter…”
“Help me try to.”
Silence descended over both of them again. Crosshair looked out over the lake, as if the words he needed were out there and he had to search the treeline for them. Hunter waited patiently for them. He’d take them no matter what they were or how they were arranged.
Crosshair plucked the toothpick from his mouth. “When you try to scream inside a nightmare,” he said slowly, “And it’s barely audible, no matter how much breath or force you put into it. That’s what it felt like, but worse than that.”
When Wrecker succumbed to the chip, he said something similar to Hunter. But Hunter let Crosshair speak to him without any interruptions. He knew he needed to get this out, so he let him.
“I was aware of everything I was doing, and yet I couldn’t stop. I couldn’t say no. And I think part of me resents you for not knowing that. For not sensing it. For knowing me so well and yet not enough to know when I wasn’t me.”
The fissure in Hunter’s heart deepened.
Crosshair shook his head, his voice almost a whisper. “The way you all looked at me on Kamino…guns pointed like everyone thought I would hurt you when I had just saved our sister. When I’d saved you from going in there too. Like I hadn’t just done everything I could to have you with me, even if I was deluded with the Empire at the time. And I was supposed to leave with you?” Crosshair looked at him. “You didn’t trust me anymore, Hunter. None of you did. And nothing would change that.”
Hunter remembered that moment vividly. He recalled the moment of doubt when he looked down the barrel of the sniper, and he remembered the hesitation in Crosshair’s face when he recognised that doubt before he shot the line into the depths of the Kaminoan sea and pulled Omega out. Hunter concluded that that had been the point where he had truly lost Crosshair, where that sliver of hope had burnt away, joining the embers of Tipoca City. He hadn’t been stubborn, as Hunter had originally thought, he’d been hurt.
When Hunter knew that Crosshair’s turn of speaking had finished when he placed the toothpick between his teeth again. He sat in his words for a moment, let them settle between them. It became clear now that neither one of them was completely in the right, that the situation was not as black and white as either of them had thought. That a lack of communication was what had caused this rift between them – something that had not existed prior to the Order coming through.
The Order had changed everything, but most of all, it had altered the connection between Hunter and Crosshair; changed the frequency on which they both operated. But Hunter would do everything he could to readjust the dial and pull them together again.
“We both made mistakes, Crosshair,” Hunter said slowly, and although Crosshair wasn’t looking at him, he knew he was listening when his hand tracing circles in the dirt stopped. “And I’m sorry that what happened, happened. I’ll always regret leaving you behind. Both times. And I’m still angry at myself for it. But I can’t live in that anger. There are more important things than that. I cannot change what happened. But what’s important now is that we move forward. We adjust. Realign. And keep going. As a family.”
Hunter looked at Crosshair and watched as his brow etched in deep creases, his expression aggressively pensive. When Crosshair didn’t respond after several moments, Hunter suddenly second-guessed himself and asked the question that had been playing on the edges of his mind since this afternoon.
“Do you…do you regret coming back to us?”
Crosshair’s head moved towards Hunter, and a shadow of doubt passed over his face before he frowned in a way that made him look like the brother he grew up with and loved. The expression said ‘no, but sometimes I feel like I should’, and Hunter took a deep breath. He didn’t want Crosshair to feel like an outsider anymore. He didn’t want him to believe he wasn’t just as important to their family as anyone else.
“We…we care about you, Cross,” he said, and Crosshair met his eye, seemingly surprised by his words. “We want you here. We’ve always wanted you here. And I’m sorry that we didn’t make it clear enough.” Hunter placed a hand on Crosshair’s shoulder. “We trust you. I trust you.”
Unrestrained emotion bloomed on Crosshair’s face, softening his sharp and angled features. He looked more vulnerable than Hunter had seen in a long time, not since they were kid cadets and he’d found Crosshair curled up in a closet after a reg had said something cruel the way kids often did. Crosshair hadn’t thought anyone would find him, but Hunter always could.
And always would.
“I know it’s going to take time. But we’ve opened the door, Cross. And now it’s up to you to walk through it.”
Hunter held his brother’s gaze a little longer, hoping that their silent communication was repairing and that Crosshair could read in his eyes how much he loved him and how he’d never leave him behind again. He got to his feet and started walking back to the ship.
It took everything in him to not turn around and wait for Crosshair; to see if he was following. He tried to focus his senses on what surrounded him, the whistling trees, the blades of grass, to drown out Crosshair’s energy. But he meant what he said, they wouldn’t leave until he was ready.
Hunter knew that patience was the key to knowing Crosshair. Like a frightened abandoned tooka, Crosshair would inch his way closer to your open hand, jump back if you twitched, then move closer and closer until he could sniff your fingertips before he rubbed his head again your hand, and devoted himself to you once he deemed you worthy of his trust.
Hunter just hoped he was worthy of it again.
Hunter had held out that proverbial hand, and as Hunter reached the Marauder and walked up the steps, he found himself looking back for the first time to see Crosshair emerging from the tree line, walking towards the Marauder. The warm feeling of relief washed over him as he waited for Crosshair to reach the ship, a small smile on his face at his brother’s not only physical return but emotional one.
When Crosshair started climbing the gangplank, Hunter met his eyes. When Crosshair was several steps below, but at eye level with Hunter, Hunter’s closed-mouth smile broadened as he nodded at his brother.
Hunter turned and took a single step, only to be stopped by fingers encircling his wrist. He looked down at his brother’s hand before looking up at his face. The corner of Crosshair’s mouth twitched, the ghost of a smile accompanying a look in his eyes that Hunter knew well. It was a look that he hadn’t seen in so long, but a look that felt like home.
thank you for reading! sorry if this feels ooc in some places; their relationship is complex and i tried to show all the nuances whilst also basing the dynamic on what we’ve seen in the show. let me know what you think <3
tags: @mrs-grumpysniper @32rotations @seriowan​ (let me know if you’d like to be removed/added)
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phantom-of-the-501st · 3 months
Thoughts on TBB 3x6 and 3x7
If anyone is expecting coherent, deep, philosophical thoughts about the episodes, you're not getting that. Clearly the only thing my brain was geared for this morning was incoherent waffle so 99.9% of this is just a mess
3x6: Infiltration
Senator Singh?
Senator Singh!
Poncho Rex has returned ✨
The Senator appears to have blood on his sash 😬
Another Clone X!
There are so many clones in this ep and I am here for it!
I mean, the building is a bit drab but the planet is cool af
We have a 212th clone but where's Cody?!
Ewwwww tooth chip
"Contact Echo and Hunter" the parents must be informed!
Ugh, Echo and Rex working together again is so personal to me
Howler is on a mission this episode and I appreciate the motivation!
"He knows more than he's saying" Yeah, he does. But there's a good chance that if you push him, he'll shut down or bite back. Corsair doesn't open up like that and you need to be careful with being too confrontational. It's why he was so agitated with Hunter.
It's like when she was copying Hunter
Echo's like a mum having to pick up and drop all of his kids off
That scene of them all walking off the ship does feel very reminiscent of the Batch's first introduction
Howler don't be a dick
Although the beef is kinda justified so I won't be mad
Actually, it's a very cool gift tbf and I love that Omega's awesome new crossbow is something that Echo modified himself and then gave to her ❤️
The bond between Echo and Omega is so cute 🥺
"Well, I won't be gone long" BITCH YOU BETTER NOT BE
Well that's not good
I don't care how much of it is delusion, you can't tell me that that assassin isn't Tech
"The few that made it through" *cries*
I'm not saying things always go wrong when Echo isn't there but...
3x7: Extraction
R.I.P purple clone ☹️
Seeing Wolffe like this makes me sad
But I'm surprisingly happy to see that he's still a grumpy bastard
"she only bites half of the time"
How about we don't crash for once? That seems like a better option than the constant near death landings
The assassin limping because of a leg injury caused by fallen debris? Reminds you of a certain someone else, does it not?
"You're as bad as Hunter" "Oh, I'm much worse" OBSESSED WITH THIS DYNAMIC
"I realised how disposable I was" well I'm just gonna go and cry
"The operative's gone rogue" feels like a very... CF99 thing to do
Ngl a little peeved that we have a really awesome double episode following the clone rebellion and Echo just isn't in most of it 🫤
"I don't like that idea" "too bad" I fucking love Cross
Jesus, Cross you stupid lanky bastard
Well now I'm just upset
"I know that's not who you are" *sobs*
Ugh, I love you Wolffe
Wolffe showing remorse towards the fallen clones throughout this episode and then wanting to recover the fallen... I'm gonna cry
So a mixed bag of feelings this episode
As a fan of
Rex, I'm ecstatic
Wolffe, I'm crying
Cross, I'm loving it
Echo, more than a little frustrated
But I did absolutely love these eps. Unfortunately, my brain is not turned on enough for any sort of deep thoughts on anything. It's just waffle but what can you do 🤷‍♀️
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