justwriteyoudummy · 11 months
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The Fragments of Magic Ebook is On Sale!
You can get the Ebook Copy of Fragments of Magic for $0.99 over on Amazon! .
Perfect for fans of Avatar the Last Airbender and Deltora Quest! 
'Amber's dull life tucked away in the woods is upended when her mentor, Sage, is captured by the King's men for crimes against the crown. Armed with an elemental magic she can only half wield, Amber must set off to journey across the realm to seek help in rescuing Sage from the palace dungeons. Quickly realizing she's in over her head, she turns to a thief named Brentan to help her. With elemental magic of his own, he's more than happy to help in exchange for a mysterious favor. Seeing no other options, Amber must place her trust in the untrustworthy stranger and hope he's not like the roguish thieves from her fairy tale books.' .
Some of my favorite tropes can be found within including: +Forced Proximity! +Bound By Fate! +An Evil King! +A Greek Inspired Fantasy Pantheon! +And best of all: AN EXPANDED ELEMENTAL MAGIC SYSTEM! (When I say expanded I mean it ;) )
This Ebook only sale continues until Saturday June 3rd so be sure to snag yourself a copy!
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eulinoslivros · 6 months
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Matthew Perry na sua autobiografia, "Amigos, amores e aquela coisa terrível" (2023)
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glasratz · 9 months
On "Sacred and Terrbile Air" by Robert Kurvitz
I just finished rading Kurvitz' "Sacred and Terrible Air" and I just want to give some thoughts on it.
Summary of the important point: Don't read it now. Wait for a better translation.
Four girls on summer vacation go missing without a trace. Three boys who befriended them make it their quest to find out about their fate. Twenty years later, whit the world on the brink of nuclear war, they meet again at a class reunion to finally figure out the mystery.
The book takes place in the same world as Disco Elysium, so people who played the game will be familiar with several concept like the Pale, the Innocents and the political structures of the Isolas. For everyone else, these things are well enough explained in the text itself, the glossary at the end is a bit superfluous - especially since there is no index to make you know about it being there at all. It's an e-book. I don't know about you, but I usually don't just flip through the pages of an e-book like I would do with a regular book.
Even though the translation seems rough (more on that below) the writing style is very good. It has several characteristics of Soviet-style sci-fi stories. However, I think Kurvitz took some of those characteristics to the extreme, especially with the ending. Sure, the ending is fits the overall plot and is not unlike something you'd read in a story by the Strugatsky brothers - but it still looks like there's a sequel missing.
However, the presentation of the plot is also modern to the extreme. It's told in a non-linear manner with constant leaps back in time - and even forward later in the story. This is very common in modern storytelling and definitely necessary to build up some tension. But... I think it was overdone here. Many of the chapters are very short, the point of view constantly changes. Sometimes rather unimportant scenes are held back for later for not apparent reason. I really think a bit more of consistency and longer scenes would have done the plot good. Often I felt like the author was holding information back from me just to rise the tension and then those facts turned out not to be important at all. There's a long story arch that turns out to be just a red herring for example.
The character presentation is rather good for the most part. The three men on their quest are nicely described, even though we only really learn about Khan's motivation. I wish they would be allowed to shine a bit more, I felt like they were given too little room to act.
The world Kurvitz creates is phantastic. Mysteries and stories are hinted on, political systems are created with just a few words. I would have loved to read more on that - but that is actually what you get from Disco Elysium instead. The game will teach you much more about the world than the book does.
The edition I read was the supposedly "better" translation, allegedly done by a professional translator. If that is true, I assume it was an Estonian native with English as his or her second language. That may work sometimes, but it's not the ideal way to do it.
English is not my first language either, but I read English books on a regular basis (just startet Peake's "Titus Groan" which was never translated into German). Well, I had a really hard time with "Sacred and Terrible Air". Many of the sentences just aren't right. It's very hard to make out who is talking in a dialogue. Sometimes one character referred to in an action when the context makes is clear that another one should actually be referred to. I also felt that there were many parts that were supposed to be humorous, but the joke is missing. That is why I would really recommend not reading this book at this point in time.
Unfortunately, the book is not "more Disco Elysium" as many people expect it to be. DE is probably much closer to Kruvitz' tabletop RPG sessions than it is to the book: Countless different characters, and abundance of facts about a weird world and clever dialogues. You don't get this in Sacred and Terrible air. It's a work on its own, and I felt that it had a vastly different tone.
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enchantzz · 1 month
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The Easter Bunny aka LJ Ross dropped a new DCI Ryan book. I'm a very happy (Easter) Bunny and already half way through the book. I love it so far. Happy to read about new adventures of the criminal investigation department and Ryan's team in famous Northumberland settings. Also, reading this, I hear it in my head in Jonathan Keeble's voice, who narrates the audiobooks. I'll have to wait for the audiobook a while longer, but its great to have a new story already 😊
And of course imagining Ryan looking like this (my manip)
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overgrown-ruins · 7 months
Free e-book from Verso Books
Ten Myths About Israel
by Ilan Pappe
In this groundbreaking book, published on the fiftieth anniversary of the Occupation, the outspoken and radical Israeli historian Ilan Pappe examines the most contested ideas concerning the origins and identity of the contemporary state of Israel. The “ten myths” that Pappe explores—repeated endlessly in the media, enforced by the military, accepted without question by the world’s governments—reinforce the regional status quo. He explores the claim that Palestine was an empty land at the time of the Balfour Declaration, as well as the formation of Zionism and its role in the early decades of nation building. He asks whether the Palestinians voluntarily left their homeland in 1948, and whether June 1967 was a war of “no choice.” Turning to the myths surrounding the failures of the Camp David Accords and the official reasons for the attacks on Gaza, Pappe explains why the two-state solution is no longer viable.
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meninoapaixonado-o · 2 months
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CAP 2 - Cada vez mais perto (não é sobre distância).
Acordaram e foram trabalhar juntos, parecendo um casal já. Escovaram os dentes, se vestiram, se beijaram e entraram no Uber.
Alguns dias depois Dizaster se mudou para o centro e ficou cada vez mais perto do Andrew (Dizaster viu a necessidade de se mudar para um lugar mais perto do trabalho, onde ele conseguiria ir sem ter muitos gastos, pegar ônibus e etc).
Não vou colocar aqui que a mudança também foi por causa do Andrew porque ele não acredita nisso, mas o lema do Dizaster sempre foi “Só fico com alguém que o Uber custe até 10 reais” e pra ver o Andrew custava 6 reais. Uhul dentro do valor.
Com a mudança para mais perto, ficou muito mais fácil de sempre se ver, sair, ir pra qualquer lugar junto. Todos os finais de semana estavam juntos na casa do Dizaster, era saída pro cinema, era ir comer pizza, pedir ifood ou só uma transa mesmo e depois dormir agarrados, no calor ou no frio parece que sempre estavam no cio.
Se ver de relance no trabalho ou só no final de semana já não era mais o suficiente, Dizaster trocou o turno do trabalho pra ficar mais perto do Andrew e sairem no mesmo horário, isso foi um dos maiores acertos. Ficavam próximos no trabalho, trocavam olhares e se devoraram de longe.
Sempre tinha algum rolê pra fazer, ir pagar conta na C&A, comprar coisinhas na rua, jogar videogame na casa de Dizaster (mesmo ele não tendo muita paciência e só ficar rindo vendo o Andrew perder todas as partidas) e ir passar a tarde sentado e conversando em uma pracinha (que virou a pracinha deles) já que várias pessoas passavam e sempre os viam lá e achavam fofo, e realmente era.
As conversas na praça era sempre um afago pra ambos pós trabalho, mais um momento pra eles estarem junto além do trabalho, e foram várias idas e vindas nessa pracinha, mas nunca cansaram.
O que é um circuito barra-ondina quando se tem o circuito pracinha-sua casa-seu coração pra Andrew e Dizaster percorrerem?
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blossomingtrip · 11 months
Boas Vindas...
A Blossoming Trip, começa hoje para te ajudar a entender e a por em palavras aquilo que alma grita, e que o coração fala. Hoje iniciaremos uma viagem imersiva, complexa e profunda que te proporcionará, diversos tipos de emoções.
Com poemas e poesias que te tocarão ...
Blossoming Trip.
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techniktagebuch · 6 months
Oktober 2023
Große Sprachmodelle helfen mir
Weil die GeoGuessr-Begeisterung von Wolfseule an diesem Abend im Juli auf mich übergesprungen ist, habe ich seitdem einige Zeit mit dem Spiel verbracht und auch die Worldcup-Qualifikationsspiele und den Worldcup selbst komplett im Livestream verfolgt. Irgendwann in dieser Zeit habe ich im Chat zum Spaß Zitate aus der "Schachnovelle" von Stefan Zweig fürs Thema GeoGuessr umgebaut, was nicht viel Arbeit war, weil es wirklich alles schon sehr genau passt. Daraus soll jetzt ein richtiges Buch werden, das Original hat nur 80 Seiten, es ist also auch weiterhin wenig Arbeit.
Weil uns beiden nicht sofort ein guter Spielername für eine der Figuren – im Original: der Schachweltmeister Mirko Czentovic – einfällt, lasse ich mir von ChatGPT Vorschläge machen.
Zuerst beschreibe ich, dass ich einen Namen für jemanden brauche, der Mirko Czentovic heißt und GeoGuessr spielt, aber sehr dumm ist.
ChatGPT macht 20 Vorschläge, die alle so ähnlich sind wie "GeoGoofster" "DirectionDilemma" und "CluelessCzar".
Schon ganz gut, sage ich ermutigend, versuch es noch mal, aber mit Namen, die nicht explizit sagen, dass er dumm ist. Er ist nur geschmacklos und eitel.
"FlashyTraveler", sagt ChatGPT, "GeoGlamour", "MapMogul" (und weitere 17 Namen).
Ich versuche es noch mal: "Bitte schlag Namen vor, die Teile des echten Namens Mirko Czentovic enthalten, aber auch Namen sind, die einem jungen und eitlen Menschen gefallen könnten."
ChatGPT: "MirkoGlamovic", "KoolCzent", "MCKingExplorer", "GeoGlamko".
Aus zwei von diesen Vorschlägen fertige ich den Namen "GeoGlamovic" an, mit dem auch Wolfseule zufrieden ist.
Den Rest des Buchs produzieren wir in Handarbeit, zuerst bei reedsy.com, wo man gemeinsam am Text arbeiten und ein schon fast brauchbares EPUB exportieren kann, und dann mache ich alleine weiter, das E-Book mit Calibre und das PDF/Papierbuch mit LaTeX. Ich lade die Ergebnisse als PDF und EPUB beim Internet Archive und als PDF zur Herstellung eines Papierbuchs bei lulu.com hoch*.
Weil es so einfach war, beschließen wir, auch noch eine englische Version zu machen. Anders als der deutsche Originaltext der Schachnovelle sind die beiden existierenden Übersetzungen ins Englische noch nicht gemeinfrei, deshalb können wir sie nicht dafür verwenden.
Ich kopiere den Anfang des Textes zu DeepL, und als das schon bald verlangt, dass ich mich anmelde, den Rest in 5000-Zeichen-Abschnitten zu Google Translate. Die so entstehende Übersetzung ins Englische lese ich auf den ersten Seiten sehr gründlich durch und mache hier und da etwas schöner. Aber bald lässt mein Tatendrang nach und ich sehe ein, dass die Übersetzung eigentlich gut genug ist. Als englischer Muttersprachlerin würde mir sicher mehr auffallen, aber da ich keine bin, kommt mir fast alles okay vor. Die gute Qualität der automatischen Übersetzung kann auch damit zu tun haben, dass die beiden menschlichen Übersetzungen in Schattenbibliotheken digital existieren und daher wahrscheinlich zum Trainingsmaterial von Google Translate gehört haben.
* Falls sich außer Wolfseule und mir noch jemand im Überschneidungsbereich des Venn-Diagramms "Interesse an altmodischer Literatur" und "Interesse an GeoGuessr" befindet, alle Links sind hier: kathrin.passig.de/buecher.html. Der Download ist gratis, nur die Papierversion kostet Geld, geht nicht anders.
(Kathrin Passig)
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theloonamoon · 2 years
Biblioteca de e-books do Loonamoon (versão 2022)
O Loonamoon completou 4 anos de existência na segunda-feira passada e como presente, alguns escritores receberam um e-book para as fanfics que escreveram durante os ciclos. Há um critério de mínimo de palavras para ter um próprio, mas aos poucos estamos diminuindo os cortes!
Veja a versão 2022 da biblioteca Loonamoon:
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Para ter acesso ao PDF dos e-books, clique no link abaixo:
Os e-books de "Loira Lunar" e de "O minuto que antecede o fim" são de escritores que não estão mais no Loonamoon, por isso, será entregue no privado e o link não será divulgado.
Agradecemos a todos que estão nos acompanhando mesmo depois de 4 anos.
DISCLAIMER: O Loonamoon é um projeto feito de fã para fã, tal como os designs, edições e a escrita relacionada ao grupo. É gratuito e apenas para enaltecer quem nós mais admiramos.
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susbazeichenblock · 1 year
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Bobble, the little tomcat
English version of Kleiner Kater Bommel
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asnowperson · 1 year
When you want to buy Orumado, but you can't decide...
I figured I can't afford to ship print version of Orumado from Japan, and I was looking to buy the e-books to finish reading this masterpiece. But I noticed something: Orumado had two different versions by two different publishers, Fairbell and CoMax. Fairbell is the Ikeda publisher, but I had never heard of CoMax. Their edition is cheaper than Fairbell's, and has colored pages, which I kind of like. When I was comparing the two editions, I noticed that Fairbell's books had the usual "e-book blurriness", while CoMax' looked sharper. This is important, because especially while reading manga on a phone, crisp characters are much easier on the eyes. So, I was adding the "semi-color" CoMax version to my cart when I saw this (left is CoMax, right is Fairbell):
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They leveled the image so hard that they were sacrificing the art quality! You can really tell by the flowers and Julius's hair. Some more comparisons I made with the sample pages:
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I like blacker, sharper images too, but gray tones are part of the art... So my brain tells me to get CoMax for ease of reading, and Fairbell for art appreciation, while my fangirl heart keeps reading what low quality raws I could find online... I hate this struggle, and wanted to get it out of my chest.
tl;dr: Orpheus no Mado has two digital editions, and pay attention to which one you're getting because the image quality differs between them.
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eulinoslivros · 5 months
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Do livro "Tudo o que você precisou desaprender para virar um idiota" do Meteoro Brasil.
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geekpopnews · 5 months
"Um Conto Gay de Natal | Felipe Fagundes publica releitura de conto
Em "Um conto gay de Natal" Diego nega um favor de natal para o irmão e recebe a visita de três espíritos natalinos para então fazer as pazes com a data. Saiba mais sobre o livro aqui: #felipefagundes #umcontogaydenatal
Em “Um conto gay de natal” Felipe Fagundes faz uma releitura do livro “Um conto de Natal” de Charles Dickens. Nele o autor traz de volta Diego, seu personagem de “Gay de Família” e conta como ele se envolveu em mais um problema, desta vez um natalino. Tudo começa quando o irmão de Diego pede para que ele faça um favor de Natal e que seja o Papai Noel na festa de escola dos sobrinhos. No entanto,…
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feyheart5 · 6 months
Books read in April 2023
Torith by SunriseCV, second in the System Universe series. Five stars, finished April 2, 2023. A favorite series.Bunny Silvi is becoming my favorite.I have to say, I really enjoy this series. There’s some murder-hobo, a lethal and ruthless bunny who is becoming quite the cook, and corrupt officials to depose. The series has a little bit of everything. Derek is amusing, and I am hoping this series…
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gerryandersontv · 1 year
Space:1999 fans rejoice! If you missed your chance to pick up the bestselling book release Maybe There – the Lost Stories from Space:1999 when it was released in hardback in 2022 (and quickly sold out) the book is now available in paperback and Kindle e-book editions from Amazon! In Maybe There, authors Robert E. Wood and David Hirsch have gathered and novelised the original stories written in…
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supert3d · 10 months
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A book cover i drew for a e-book. 😃 You can buy it here: https://www.amazon.com.br/MAN-BLACK-English-Palloma-Teixeira-ebook/dp/B0C7293D7J/
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