#dwight dwight dwight dwight dwight dw
disastardly · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag @hereforanepilogue!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 16, with more on my mostly-abandoned FF.net account
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 163,682 (and about ~200k more unpublished in my WIP folder)
3. What fandoms do you write for? Right now the big one is Stranger Things but my forever fandom is Power Rangers/Sentai/Kamen Rider. I've also written for Psych, Doctor Who, and Supernatural. (Most of my SPN and DW stuff is sequestered to my FF account.)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Descent into the Depths of the Earth (Or at Least Milwaukee) (1093)
To Find a King (869)
Dream On (112)
In the Mood (112)
Cold Hard Bitch (104)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I really try to, but sometimes it gets away from me and I worry it's been too long since they left the comment, and it turns into a whole thing (in my head ofc).
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Descent, easily. The post kiss freakout being resolved in another fic? When the fic was originally going to end very differently? Yeaaaaaaah.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Toss up between TFaK (fully resolving's Descent's angsty ending) or California (literally a mini-fic about the OTP getting married).
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not so far?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I have, mainly some pretty straightforward m/m stuff. A few funkier attempts swim around my WIP folder, almost certainly never to see the light of day.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I've written a lot of subtle crossovers, but only two overt ones, and I think the craziest would be the Doctor Who/Office one I wrote back in high school. Dwight is a Dalek!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? If anyone has, they didn't ask or tell me (or it's been long enough that I forgot).
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have not!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? At this point, feels safe to say Maddie/Nick, even if that's at least 75% my own interpretations and projections. Destiel, Shassie, and Steddie are pretty darn close, especially Destiel, even if I haven't been involved in that fandom in over a decade.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? A few of my orphaned fics on FF.net will probably never see the light of day, as well as some of the half-formed works in my current WIP folder. Technically have the finished final chapter of Magical Mysteries but no motivation to edit, so still holding hope for that one.
16. What are your writing strengths? Dialogue, I think. I spend a lot of time trying to imagine the scenes I write and hear the dialogue how I think the actors would deliver it.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Conciseness, clearly. Takes a lot of self-editing to wrangle a story to a manageable, clear narrative.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I've done bits and pieces of it here and there, mainly with the like five languages that I can double-check against my own thin linguistic knowledge.
19. First fandom you wrote for? if you dig back far enough, pretty sure it was Pokemon on the Bulbagarden forums
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Descent, easily. Despite the angsty ending, it was fun to write a slice of life centered on two characters I love, going to an event I love even more.
no pressure tags for @eriquin @serpentinegraphite and whoever else sees this, go wild
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whogirl2011 · 1 year
DISA Broken and Unused DISA... 2?
Ah the DISA broken fic....Ever have one of those days where you are just low and wish others could understand the feeling of the same low that you did? Welp, this is what came out in my writing. This part will be a bit long, but, ugh! The feels!
Dwight grabbed his sword and sheathed it in the scabbard on his belt “Come on, I’ll take you home.” He said, automatically. He was so used to escorting her back home. It wasn’t even just making sure she’d make it home safely, he wanted more time with her. He always wanted more time with her.
Gretta began to walk away from him before he could react. “No Sir Dwight, I will take my leave.”
“But, Gretta-” he argued. She turned towards him for a moment, an open palm out. It was a warning for him not to follow.
“I’ll be fine.” She said, trying to suppress the tears she felt coming on. “We will see each other in the morrow, will we not?”
Dwight could only nod his head a little, not knowing if that would honestly be the case.
“Good e’en Sir Dwight.” She said, turning and walking away quickly, hoping her tears would only betray her once she was out of sight.
Gretta pushed ever forward, not daring to look back. Her emotions spiralling between sadness and anger. She knew how she felt about him, but she knew they couldn’t keep being the way they had been. It would make things too dangerous once the real threats arrived at their doorstep.
As she entered the neighborhood, she looked at Dwight’s house up ahead and stopped. She worried in that moment of leaving him in the woods. She couldn’t stop herself from turning around to face from whence she came. It was getting dark, and he was nowhere to be seen following behind her. The emptiness she felt hit her like a tidal wave. He wasn’t there to hold her hand, intertwining with hers. All the special happy moments they shared since she had returned were more than likely at an end. Why would he bother spending any time with her now after what she'd done? She bent down with her hands on her knees, and breathed deeply as every breath since she left Dwight had been shallow. She turned and headed inside her home.
Baldric, and Hexala were looking over some books. Baldric barely got a word in before Gretta had rushed up the stairs.
“Welcome home yo-” Baldric started, and she was already out of sight, heading up to her chambers. Baldric quickly ran to the bottom of the steps “Princess, are you not well? Where is Sir Dwight?” He didn’t hear an answer, all he heard was her chamber door slam. He wasn’t used to dealing with situations like this with Gretta. He walked back over to the counter where Hexala watched Baldric, hoping he’d have an answer of what just happened. Baldric shrugged and looked at Hexala, wondering if it was best if she talked to Gretta. He was just about to open his mouth to ask when his phone started ringing.
“My beckoning instrument is ringing.” He noticed it was Dwight and flipped it open. “Yes sir Dwight?”
“Hey, uh, did... did Gretta make it home okay?” Dwight asked, not sounding much of his normal self.
“Uh, Yes she made it home safely. I had presumed you would’ve accompanied her?” There was a silence on the other end of the phone for a moment.
“She.. wouldn’t let me.” Dwight said weakly.
“Oh.” Baldric felt a bit helpless in the situation. “Well Sir Dw-”
“Can you just tell her I’ll see her tomorrow?” He asked quickly, hinting not wanting to talk any more.
“I will see to it personally Sir Dwight, good e’en.”
“Goodnight” Dwight said.
Baldric clapped his phone shut and gave out an exasperated sigh, joining Hexala at the counter.
“What happened?” Asked Hexala.
“Madam, all I know is I have now conversed with a very unhappy champion and the princess has flown to her quarters the moment she arrived. I am undone with these two.” Said Baldric, worried. “I thought I would be prepared for everything to help the princess through her life. No one prepared me for this scenario.”
“Maybe they just got into their first quarrel? Just let me whip up a spell for them. I could even do a love spell, it would make it so much easier. It won’t even cost a body part!” Hexala said. Baldric looked at her, slightly annoyed at the notion. He remembered what her enchantment and love spells were capable of.
“No, I can’t let you do that.” Baldric said.
Hexala pouted at him “You’re no fun.”
She noticed the worry in Baldric’s eyes, not knowing if it was for Gretta, Dwight, or both. She put her hand on Baldric’s for comfort as he sat there thinking of anything he could do to help. “Both of them have been through so much together. You and I know even at our age real love can be messy. They are just starting to feel all these different things from being only friends a short time ago. Those two are only just starting to see that, give them time. The most we can do if you don’t want any magic involved is to just help them through this.” Hexala said.
“I do not understand how I ever deserved you.” Said Baldric, holding Hexala’s hand and kissing it. Baldric was back in thoughts, he couldn’t help but worry about them both. Dwight had kept his word and not ever let them down before. He hoped now things would not change. Baldric didn’t want to admit it as much as he wanted to, but they had both changed each other’s lives for the better.
“Sir Dwight is her champion. He’s destined for great things at princess Gretta’s side. The Queen wouldn’t have entrusted me to have him awaken her again if that was not meant to be.” Baldric said.
“We know from returning that not everything may play out the same way it did before.” Hexala said.
“Are you saying fate may not side with them?” Baldric asked “I hope that is not the case.”
“Nor I.” Said Hexala “What shall we do?” Baldric put his hand on Hexala’s and tapped it gently and looked into her worried eyes.
“For now, hope my fair maiden. Hope there is a calm in the midst, or at least a calm for my nerves.”
Dwight was lost in thought as his feet carried him out of the forest. He had made a call to Baldric to be sure Gretta had made it home safely before he even departed from the forest clearing. He didn’t want to upset Gretta any further by catching up with her. He'd gone through so many emotions in their parting conversation. Dwight knew that eventually, he would have to set these feelings aside, he was still her champion. He still had to be there for her, he just didn’t know if that was what Gretta wanted, not anymore.
When he reached his front door, he unbuckled the sword fastened to his waist. He entered, hoping Nana was in her room. He felt a bit of relief hearing her in the kitchen. He put his scabbard down with the belt near the door sitting up. He attempted to sneak upstairs to be left alone. As he ascended the first step of the landing, the scabbard fell over with a clang.
“Dwight is that you?” Nana called out from the kitchen.
“Uh.. yeah Nana.” Said Dwight running upstairs. He was already dreading the next question she was going to ask.
“How was your d-” She said coming out of the kitchen, not seeing Dwight but hearing him quickly shuffle up the steps.
When he entered his room, he realized how much of a mistake he made going in. He was most likely better off anywhere but there. He sat on his bed a moment, surrounded by reminders almost as an onslaught. The scrying pool chart still on the easel, the stuffed tiger, the medal hanging up, a scrapbook Dwight was making of all their dates together.
He looked at the easel and he felt something bubble up to the surface, an emotion he rarely ever felt. As he balled up his fists he realized what it was, it was anger. He was normally good at channelling all the negative energy and using it instead for figuring out a fix for a problem. He couldn’t find a solution, not now, not when he felt completely helpless. The situation that got them to this point was the reset. He cursed Hammond, even though he was already gone. Because of him, Gretta had to go into the scrying pool and both of them had to start again. Everything had changed in that moment. Everything was happening differently and all that chaos did nothing but throw their growing relationship into more of it. The only good to come of it was that he made the choice himself this time to be her champion. Dwight grabbed a hold of one side of the big paper pad on the easel and pulled it down. The chart ripped as the pad and easel came tumbling down with a loud clatter. His anger dissipated quickly as if ripping the paper had vanquished the worst of foes. All that remained was the tears he started blinking away. He slumped and sat on his bed with his head in his hands.
Nana opened his door and saw him sitting there, staring at the floor where the easel was. “Honey, are you okay?” Nana asked walking over and sitting next to him on the bed. She put her hands on his shoulders and he looked at her. His eyes were glossy, as he wiped his face with his sleeve.
“I...don’t.. know.” Dwight said, putting his head on Nana’s shoulder. “I think me and Gretta broke up.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” Nana asked.
“I just don’t get it, what I did wrong.” Dwight said. “How is it that I’m so happy when I’m with her? So happy and relieved I could tell her how I felt, but now a part of me feels so sad, all in the same day?” Dwight asked Nana, with a look that told her he wanted a legitimate answer.
“Oh Dwight honey, I think, that’s just a part of being in love with your best friend.” Nana said. Dwight gave out an exasperated sigh
“Being in love sucks.” said Dwight, letting a few tears fall from his cheek.
Nana wrapped an arm around him and rubbed his arm gently for comfort.
“I know things might seem like it’s at the worst, but it’s not. Just give it time for both of you. It might get better. Not everything has to happen right now.”
“She gave up on us so easily, after everything that’s happened between us. I hoped after all the time we’ve had together since she came back, it would mean something.”
“I’m sure it does Dwight. People deal with love in their own way. Not everyone wants to jump in head first like you have. She might be a princess, but she’s not like ones from the fairy tale books I used to read to you as a kid.”
“No, she really isn’t” Said Dwight sniffling. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
She had found the scrapbook that Dwight had started working on. As she flipped through the pictures, she realized it was to keep all the memories of their past dates originally. Somehow it seemed all wrong. It caused her stomach and heart to twist into knots. The romance was gone. The photo book had their fun at the carnival immortalized by raffle tickets and a picture he had printed out of them together on the Ferris wheel. She fell onto the page including the dance, which was what cut into her possibly the most. He had placed the pictures of them from the photo booth on it, save one, the one where they'd kissed. He was trying his best to hide all the memories of their once fleeting romance just so he could maybe salvage their friendship, and possibly heal some of his heartache. She couldn’t help but picture all the momentos he had in his room, thinking of them all gone and locked away somewhere just so they would be out of sight and out of mind. She flipped through the last pages, which contained movie tickets and dried flowers of the little ones he’d love to pick and place in her hair. At the back of the book there was an envelope in one of the holders with her name on it. A letter? She pulled it out and opened it, secretly hoping this wasn’t some sort of letter saying goodbye.
Gretta, I just want you to know that what happened the other day, it hasn’t changed my mind with anything I’ve said. I’m not going anywhere.
I know it might take a while before things might feel normal again between us. You might still not even want to talk to me anymore after this. I just wanted you to know that whether you feel the same way I do one day or not, I’ll be here. Because if i wasn't, what kind of best friend is that? What kind of champion is that?
Her eyes welled up with tears. After all she had put him through, he still couldn’t give up. He still wanted her in his life. She’d seen other knights flee for less. She dropped the note and before it even hit the floor, Gretta was outside heading to his house. She rang the door bell barely able to stand still. She didn’t know what she would do or say, but she needed to see him. She knocked on the door a few times and no answer. She tried to peer into the window, but it looked like there was no sign of anyone in. She turned around, and tried to calm herself. If she did see Dwight, what would he think of her looking in such a state at his door. She tried her best to wipe her tears away.
“Gretta?” She heard the voice she needed to hear. She looked up and noticed him coming up the sidewalk on his bike. He instantly stopped not far from her house. He dropped his bike not caring about the bike stand. He unfastened his helmet and let it drop to the ground. She ran to him, carrying too many emotions with her. She ran up to him and gave him a slap across the face, possibly harder than she had planned.
“Ow! What was that for?” He asked, rubbing his cheek in shock. He saw the tears well up in her eyes in that moment. He needed to do something. Instead of him moving, she closed the distance between them quicker than he could react and put her head against him.
“You selfless, stupid, poop nutty!” She said beating on his chest calling him all the names she could think of. All of her frustration she had with herself was coming out in that instant. Dwight didn’t stop her, he just took it in stride not caring of the bruises that would likely appear later. He put his arms around her and tightened his embrace.
“It’s okay Gretta. It’s okay.” He said, gently running his hands through her hair. Her hits became weaker and weaker until they stopped and she wept into his shoulder. “I’m here.” He held her tightly as her arms wrapped around him. Neither of them letting go until Gretta’s sobbing had slowed. Dwight held her tightly and slowly swayed her to help soothe her. When everything stopped he held onto her for a few moments more just to make sure everything had eased.
“Are you better now?” He asked her. He felt her head nod yes against him. He put his hands on her shoulders to pull her from the embrace. It wasn’t that he wanted to release her from their hug, he just wanted to see her to make sure she was okay.
“Gretta I’m so sorry.” He said. “I never meant for this to happen.”
“I know.” Gretta said. “You did nothing wrong.”
“Can I have my best friend back? I miss her.” Dwight said, trying his hardest to stop the lump in his throat forming. “So much.”
“As long as it means I can have mine back too.” She said, trying not to start crying again.
Unused DISA 2 is mostly a jumble of different things but this is a part i hope to either rephrase or use in something.
He was someone who had found a way into her heart and was breaking down her walls within. She waited for the warnings, the same ones that used to practically shout at her only a short while ago, that being this close to her knight would be dangerous. But as their kiss deepened, she knew that if they were there at all, they were now only a faint whisper. She had already ignored the warnings for far too long. It was too late for her. If she was meant to perish by his side, then so be it.
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revvywevvy · 2 years
I ended up writing a little smth smth based on a crazy match I had in dbd earlier! Had to get this out of my system, its been on my mind all night ahaha- It'll be under the cut <3
Claire fiddled nervously with her hands as she sat near the survivors’ campsite. She was leaned up against a tree, staring into the depths of the endless woods, eyes squinting as if that’d make what she was looking for appear any sooner. She, Dwight, Kate and Adam had all been taken into a trial together hours ago. Hours ago, she, Kate and Adam were all sacrificed by the Huntress in that same trial. Yet, time had passed since then and the nervous leader was nowhere to be seen. Claire huffed, reaching her hands up and rubbing her eyes before getting back to staring into the dark. She was shaking, heart racing and eyes tearing up from sheer concern. At that point she’d even spaced out and started scratching her arms raw. Claire knew some killers weren’t above prolonging the trials, torturing occupants for the fun of it. Was that what was going on right now? Was Dwight trapped with the Huntress, being forced into god knows what by the bloodthirsty woman?? She could only think of the absolute worst, shaking getting worse, before a hand gently placed itself on her shoulder, snapping her out of her self-harming behavior and spiraling thoughts. Claire yelped in surprise, and the owner of the hand yelped right back.
“Oh, goodness, I’m sorry-! I didn’t mean to startle you…”
Claire looked up, eyes landing on Claudette’s form, a worried expression on her face.
“It’s just… you’ve been sitting over here alone for the past hour. Is everything alright..? Is… Is it about the last trial?”
Claire swallowed heavily at Claudette’s inquiry, nodding.
“Y-Yeah… more-so about Dwight than anything. Besides him, we were all sacrificed so long ago, but Dwight’s still not back. I… I’m scared. What if the Huntress… you know. Has he been trapped? W-What if she’s torturing him.. or worse?!”
She couldn’t stop herself from tearing up this time, Claudette’s expression softening at the other woman. She kneeled down next to her, settling down by Claire and looking into the woods with her.
“Hey, it’s alright, I understand. The others mentioned it as well, they’re also worried. Um. I-I dunno, maybe you’d feel better if you sat with the rest of us at the campfire?”
Claudette offered a small smile with her offer, but the frown returned when Claire shook her head.
“N-No, I… I really wanna stay over here. Wanna be here to see him back. I mean- I know everyone else is still gonna be at the fire, but… if he’s hurt, o-or not doing okay emotionally… I just wanna be a hundred percent certain that he’s okay when he gets back.”
Claudette blinked a few times, the only thought on her mind being the obvious one, that, good heavens, this woman is way too attached to the leader. Though she wouldn’t ever say that aloud, Claudette concerned she’d word it wrong and sound rude. Instead, she nodded, lightly patting Claire on the shoulder.
“Alright. We’ll all be over here if you need anything, okay?”
“Yeah, I know. Thanks, Clauddie.”
Claire smiled lightly, but her expression quickly changed when noises rose up from the brush in the distance. Her head whipped in the direction of the sound, the woman shooting to her feet with an anxious expression. Claudette stood up as well, backing up a few steps. Her hand hovered near Claire, ready to drag her back to the fire in case a killer had breached the survivors’ safe haven. Both women flinched, but were relieved, when instead, Dwight emerged from the fog in a jog, clearly frazzled.
“D-Dwight! Oh thank God you’re back!!”
Claire took no time to run over to the man, with her barely holding back from throwing herself at him. Her hands hovered faintly near him, eyes scanning up and down his body, looking for any wounds.
“Are you alright?! What happened, d-did she hurt you?!-”
Claire paused, mentally facepalming.
“O-Okay, I mean, yeah she definitely did, I mean, uhm?!-”
Dwight raised his hands moving to calm the frantic woman.
“Woah, h-hey, it’s okay, I’m okay. I got out, she didn’t do much.”
He offered her a reassuring smile, trying to stay positive despite him stumbling immediately after. Claire let him lean on her, Claudette jumping at the sudden move and running back to the campfire to grab a medkit.
“Claire, get him over here, please!” 
Claudette called to the other woman. She nodded, cautiously leading Dwight back to the campfire. As they walked, he let out a small breathy laugh.
“Okay, I will say though, I think my chest is this close to exploding. Not fun.”
Claire’s brows furrowed when Dwight put two fingers together, frowning deeply.
“Definitely not fun. C’mere, sit down, we don’t need your little jimmies to explode or something in front of the whole camp.”
Dwight laughed again, wheezing and coughing into his hand as Claire guided him to sit on one of the many logs scattered about the campsite.
“Hehe- i-interesting way to refer to my lungs.”
Most of the survivors stayed put, watching just to make sure Dwight wasn’t going to die on the spot, but otherwise keeping to their own thing. Claudette quickly returned, opening her medkit and getting to work tending to his wounds right away. They were silent for the most part, Claire holding Dwight’s free hand and gently rubbing her thumb over his fingers. The only sound between them was the sound of the fire, and other survivors talking to one another in other areas of the camp. Finally, as Claudette finished up, Claire spoke up.
“So, um… if you’re okay with talking about it, what happened?”
“What happened is that that had to have been the most long-winded trial I’ve ever been in.”
Claire turned her head quizzically, Claudette’s expression curious. Dwight sighed and continued speaking.
“Okay, lemme try and give a rundown of what happened as best I can, because, well. Hff.. t-that trial was a shit-show and a half.”
Dwight’s eyes narrowed in the direction of Kate’s aura. It had been a while of she, him and the Huntress all having a back and forth picking up and downing the songbird, and things were becoming redundant. She’d been persistent enough trying to do the last generators despite getting a hatchet to the back countless times, and he tried his best as well, but it had to stop somewhere. The Huntress was being stubborn today, and frankly, Dwight was on his last nerve. At that point, albeit far too much time had already passed, it seemed Kate had resigned herself to dying on the ground, wanting Dwight to at least escape as she attempted to crawl out of the Huntress’s sight. Though, after determining that the leader wasn’t coming for his fellow survivor, she picked Kate up off the ground, hauling her off to the nearest sacrificial hook to finish the job. Dwight could only frown sadly as Kate’s scream echoed through the trial-grounds, the Entity taking her lifeless body away. 
He silently cursed himself, feeling bad for those who couldn’t escape as he limped towards the nearest exit gate. There was no way he was getting the hatch, he just knew it. So, the door protected just enough by the killer shack was where he’d wait. Wait he did. He waited, and waited… and waited. Doing some back-and-forths between each side of the shack to watch for the Huntress’s approach, Dwight became increasingly confused, scared and agitated. Where was she..? After a pain-staking amount of time passed, Dwight’s confusion got the best of him. Begrudgingly, he left the safety of the little hut, venturing back into the trial-grounds from the outskirts. He silently cursed himself for the action, paranoid he’d walk face first into the killer at any moment. However, everything stayed silent. Passing through the chapel and onto the west outskirts of the trial-grounds, Dwight continued, until, eventually, the Huntress’s lullaby entered earshot. He crouched down as close to the ground as he could, slowly making his way around one of the many jungle gyms littering the map. He peeked from behind the stone wall as the lullaby grew louder, looking at the circus ahead. Finally, his eyes landed upon the woman. He adjusted his glasses, eyes squinting through the fog as he tried to figure out what the hell she was doing. 
After a moment of staring dumbly, his eyes trailed down to her feet, and he finally realized what was going on. He rubbed his face in vexation, Dwight’s previous thoughts about his escape confirmed as the Huntress stood atop the hatch, unmoving and staring ahead. On one hand, he wasn’t one bit surprised. He had faced the Huntress in an earlier trial that day and she had done the same exact thing, ending in Dwight’s sacrifice after a failed attempt at sneaking his way into the hatch from behind her. On the other hand? He was beyond annoyed. He got it, really, gotta sacrifice the survivors to appease the Entity and not be punished in.. whatever way it punished the killers. But, really, did she have to pick the most time-consuming manner to go about it? For a moment, Dwight considered just handing himself over to the killer to save the trouble. Though, instead, his mind trailed over to the other survivors who had entered this trial with him. Kate had basically handed herself over to the killer for his sake as things hit their peak. Adam was relentlessly tunneled out of the trial by the huntress from the beginning, and Claire had suffered the same fate soon after. Did he really want to just make all their efforts for nothing? Besides, Dwight was somewhat afraid of quite a few what-ifs running through his head. The most important of them being, what if the Huntress doesn’t sacrifice him right away? If she found his giving up boring and decided to ‘spice things up’, then, well… it wouldn’t be good. He sighed, thinking up a plan as quick as he could, even if it could go sideways at any moment.
He wouldn’t be trying to sneak his way into the hatch this time, knowing it’d fail for certain. So, his only other option was to try and complete one of the final generators needed to activate the exit gates. He needed two, but how could he get both when one was right under the killer’s nose, and the other was too far away to activate both in a safe and timely manner? Cautiously, he slinked back into the jungle gym, approaching the untouched generator that sat there. Welp, might as well test the waters. He stuck his hands into the broken machine, working on powering it back up. Dwight stopped multiple times mid-way, watching anxiously to see if the Huntress would move from her spot. Alas, she was like stone. Dwight looked at the last switch needed to activate the generator, but decided not to power it. He stepped away from the generator, sighing as the only other one he could safely do was all the way back by the shack, where he’d started. He rubbed his eyes, with them feeling heavy from the exhaustion of such a long trial. Well, it wasn’t over yet, no other choice but to trek onward.
It took a while, but eventually, Dwight found his way back to the other safe generator. He sat there, staring at it for a moment as he pondered his circumstances. God, he couldn’t wait to get back to the campfire. He was so tired, and he prayed this was the last trial for the time being. He went to work fixing up this generator as well, being cautious not to make too much noise and subsequently ruin his plan. Connecting and reconnecting wires, gears, and other parts, the generator soon was back in tip-top shape. He eyed the switch to activate it, looking towards the circus one last time. Dwight took a deep, shaky breath in, before pulling the switch. The generator sprung to life, a loud ‘ding’ resounding through the trial-grounds to signal its completion. At that moment, Dwight’s heart began racing intensely. For a second he was worried it was the terror radius signaling the Huntress’s approach, however he quickly realized he was just terrified as hell. 
That terror grew worse as the ground rumbled and shook, another chime ringing out as the trial entered its collapse phase. The Huntress must have begun to panic, and closed the hatch. This was his chance. Adrenaline coursing through him, Dwight sprinted to the gate tucked behind the shack, practically yelping when a hatchet whizzed past him from the distance and hit a nearby tree. He grabbed the exit lever, pulling it down so hard he thought for a moment that he’d tear it from its hinges. Dwight’s thoughts were racing, spiraling. Was he going to get out of this? He had to make it, right?? He didn’t want to play Russian Roulette with his life, unsure if the killer would make his death quick or not. Kate’s sacrifice couldn’t be for nothing. He had to be the sole survivor, he had to. Dwight hadn’t seemed to realize just how quickly the gate opened, his mind focused too much on his fast-beating heart, and the Huntress’s lullaby as it slowly entered earshot. The gate creaked open, and in one last burst of energy, Dwight ran through the escape faster than he’d ever felt himself run. He didn’t look back as he ran far, far away from the chapel. He could hear the huntress’s axe clank roughly against the Entity’s tendrils that blocked her path after him and into the survivors’ campfire. The last thing he heard as he entered the thick fog was the Huntress’ enraged screaming, her tantrum echoing in his ears as he slipped out of her grasp.
The survivors looked at Dwight with wide eyes as he concluded his account of what occurred. It seemed the occurrences of that trial were wild enough to get the attention of more than just Claire and Claudette, some of the others commemorating Dwight’s escape. Dwight paused, looking at the few who spoke up.
“Oh, i-it wasn’t much, really.”
The other survivors shrugged, going back to their own devices. Claudette smiled at Dwight, congratulating him on the success before closing her medkit and leaving the two in their own zone. He could feel his face begin to burn when Claire’s hand squeezed his tightly and she began to speak excitedly.
“Wasn’t much?! Dwight, that was so cool, though! You were stuck in a rock and a hard place, and yet you still got out despite the odds! That’s not ‘nothing much’, that’s incredible!!”
Claire laughed, not being able to stop herself from wrapping her arms around the leader and smiling brightly at him. He wrapped an arm around her in turn.
“Geez, Dwight, you need to give yourself more credit. You’re so brave!”
Dwight’s glasses fogged up from how hot his face had gotten, and he sputtered a bit. His thoughts about the trial quickly pushed into deep crevices in his mind, to be forgotten soon enough.
“B-Brave..? Really??”
“Hehe, yeah!! You’re such a strong guy, Dwight, you should be proud! I know I’m proud of ya, for sure!”
“I-... O-Oh.”
Claire raised a brow.
“What, don’t believe me?”
“Oh, it’s not that, j-just, um.”
Dwight paused, eyes trailing away.
“I’m… not used to that. Being, uhm… told anything nice, I guess?”
Claire’s expression softened at that.
“Aw, Dwight…”
She leaned in, pausing to check and make sure nobody was watching them, before gently cooing at him.
“You deserve to be praised, though.”
Dwight’s eyes trailed back to Claire, and he flushed once more when she pressed a tender kiss to his cheek.
“W-What if I didn’t do anything, though..?”
He adjusted his glasses before leaning into Claire, expression hopeful but nervous. She kissed him again, this time on the bridge of his nose. He giggled a bit as she left a few pecks trailing across his face, before she pulled back, beaming at him.
“You’d still deserve it. Just being yourself is enough for me.”
Dwight felt so warm and fuzzy inside at that. He still wasn’t used to such praise, he wasn’t sure he’d ever be. He hadn’t realized he’d teared up a bit in joy, only noticing when Claire reached up and gently wiped the tears out of his eyes with a clean part of her sleeve. He stayed silent for a moment, before leaning in and giving Claire a soft kiss. He held her close as he pulled away from the kiss, smiling back at her.
“I love you so much, you know that, Dwight?”
His smile grew at those words.
“Yeah, I know. I love you, too.”
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rebeleden · 7 months
Watch "Dwight Howard Is DONE|Man Doubles Down On S.A.Claims|WILD Leaked Text Messages|Retains TashaK Attrny" on YouTube
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azbantium · 3 years
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#9 - "Heaven Sent" - Doctor Who - S9 E11 with Peter Capaldi as "The Doctor"
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dwhatsup · 2 years
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@ask-the-dweets Happy Birthday!!!!
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wirefoxboys · 3 years
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What if we were in a trial & I kissed you haha just kidding ..unless 😳
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exhaustedjakepark · 4 years
How did the confession go? Did Dwight say yes?
*PART 2 *
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“ Long story short, we’re dating now.”
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prove-thy-spirit · 4 years
has a killer ever caught you two together? who
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dragoonspirit · 5 years
david king strikes me as the type of guy who would bully dwight + be homophobic why do people ship them
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a-deadly-serenade · 5 years
jack, angrily stomping into the tardis. "YOU MADE ME PUNCH MYSLEF IN THE FACE WITH MY PHONE. I DONT KNOW HOW, BUT I KNOW IT WAS YOU." the team look at him like hes fucking insane and the doctor just stands there, giggling. it was absolutely him and he absolutely watched The Office and decided to Do That
the doctor paying everyone in torchwood to call jack Captain Zap Brannigan for a whole day
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dweetwise · 4 years
Hey, can I ask for a request where the reader is a survivor and is basically the mum/dad friend of the group? So they constantly check people are ok and heal them if they are injured, they lure killers away from more vulnerable survivors, check on the others if they are having a shitty day etc. and are just generally absolute cinnamons rolls that the others would commit felonies for? Idk where this was going tbh 😅😅
[dw i got you bby! hope these are ok!]
Survivors & mom/dad friend reader headcanons
Dwight gets flustered by your kindness, he doesn’t think he deserves it. He’ll blush and fumble but still remind you that he’s stronger than he looks. Really wants to prove himself to you and will be ultra focused in your trials together.
Meg will talk your ear off about anything and everything so think carefully if you really want to adopt this girl. “Meg I appreciate that you told me about your entire high school experience but I just wanted to know if you need this med-kit?”
Claudette is super happy to have another healer on board! She knows what it’s like to care too much and is more than happy to mother you when you get overwhelmed by the responsibility.
Jake doesn’t appreciate being coddled, so good luck with this one! Getting a complete sentence out of him is a struggle, not to mention a “thank you” if you save him.
Nea takes a long time to warm up to you, not used to your kindness. When she realizes that yes, you really are just that nice, she’ll make it her mission to bully the killer away from you if you’re ever in trouble.
David will give you shit if you even think about sacrificing yourself for him. He appreciates what you do for the group, but protecting more vulnerable survivors is his job, and yes, that category includes you.
Ace is definitely not used to getting so much genuine concern for his well-being. He’ll always laugh it off but is secretly really grateful to have someone that will always lend an ear.
Bill will be extra grumpy if you try to mother him. “Go pester some of the others, Dwight looks like he’s about to cry again.” That being said, he refuses to leave a trial before he knows you’re safe.
Kate loves your warm demeanor and is always requesting hugs that some of the more reserved survivors refuse to give. She’ll immediately try to become besties with you.
Steve finds you really approachable, so prepare for a lot of questions! “Do you really have handheld arcade machines in the future?” “People are openly gay in your time?” “What if you like both girls and boys? Uhh, asking for a friend!”
Nancy is pretty reserved and finds your openness refreshing. She’ll open up to you and cry on your shoulder about how much she misses Jonathan.
Quentin hates being babied and isn’t a fan of you constantly reminding him to sleep. He pretends to be annoyed by you, but your stash of med-kits mysteriously never seems to run out no matter how many you deplete.
Feng will make any killer’s life hell; if they dare to camp you, they’d better be prepared to be teabagged and “baby killer”d into oblivion. Feng also sneaks items from the other survivors and gives them to you as gifts.
Yui works really well with you in trials, pressuring gens while you’re healing the rest of the team, or taking a chase when she sees you going for a rescue. She’ll defend you to hell and back if someone dares to criticize you for being too altruistic.
Laurie ends up mothering you despite your best efforts to the contrary. She’ll even tell you you’re “allowed” to drop shack pallet to avoid getting hit, which in her book is the greatest honor.
Zarina appreciates your companionship and vents out a lot of her frustrations to you, but is still careful not to overwhelm you. She knows how important it is for the group to have someone like you who looks after them.
Cheryl will immediately adopt you as a parent figure. She’ll snark and sass but also look at you expectantly every time she does something good in a trial, grinning when you praise her.
Jeff vibes with your calm energy and is the cool dad counterpart to your caring mom/dad role. When some of the more rowdy survivors are pulled to a trial, he’ll sometimes flop down next to you with a cheeky “It’s nice to get a break from the kids, huh?”
Adam appreciates your concern for him but is a bit awkward when showing it. One time when you saved him during end game, he gave you The Pebble, and that’s when you knew just how deep his gratitude was.
Ash is like an unruly teenager despite his age. Prepare to use the phrase “Ash NO” a lot. If you’re determined to protect him it usually means throwing the entire trial because he gets up to so much shit, so eventually you just let him do his own thing and it mostly works out.
Tapp is happy to let you be the good cop to his bad cop. He’ll often lecture the younger survivors about reckless behavior and he appreciates that you’re there to offer a more sensitive approach so he doesn’t just end up calling them idiots and leave it at that.
Jane likes to act as a makeshift therapist to the group and will want to psychoanalyze some of the others with you. She’s more of a gossip than you and will often point you in the right direction when she thinks someone could use a shoulder to cry on.
[these just got gradually more cracky i’m sorry i ran out of juice]
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mahizli · 3 years
Lucia, Squid and Dwight (Quin and Obi, 46 BBY)
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Image by stormlanterns.tumblr.com - I hope you allow me to borrow it, it just fitted perfectly, if not please tell me and I’ll remove it.
Part 6 of ‘Sparks of Hope - A Star Wars Advent Calendar’
The speeders kept racing in the skies above them, and Quin watched them buzz around, painted orange and red in the setting sun, eyes squinting slightly, trying to imagine where they were headed.
Beneath him, Obi was sketching in his small flimsibook, sitting cross-legged against a chimney. Nara was watching the sunset, holding a perfect gym-bridge, gazing at the skies between her hands, and Kit was cracking a handful of Koja nuts, levitating the shells around him with the Force.
“What are you drawing, Obi?”, Quin asked, and his friend looked up.
“Just clouds and skyscrapers and speeders.”
It really looked alike, even without colours, and for a while Quin watched Obi draw. But then he got bored and picked up one of Obi’s stylets, removing his glove and closing his fingers around it.
 The light falls this way. Don’t forget to draw some shadows here.
Huh. Quin didn’t know that was important, and he didn’t really care, because there was more to read on the stylet. This was just the first layer of thoughts and expressions – so Quin went deeper, eyes still lost in the skies.
I wonder who lives in those towers. Maybe they are offices? Maybe people just work here – maybe we can ask Master Ti. I think Madame Nu might know, as well, maybe there are maps in the Archives.
Ugh. How boring. There was no way they would go back there, they already spent waaay to much time researching and writing papers, and all along Madame Nu kept shushing them and telling them to be quiet. Quin got antsy just thinking about it and squirmed slightly, inadvertently bumping Obi’s elbow.
His friend looked up once more – and noticed the stylet in Quin’s bare hand.
“Are you reading it, Quin?”
Kit stopped cracking nuts, and Nara righted herself with a silent backflip, because Obi sounded upset, frowning up at Quin. He held out his hand, and Quin placed the stylet back into his palm.
He wasn’t saying anything, he just stared, and after a while Quin squirmed again.
“Sorry, Obi. I was just…
- Why?”
Obi sounded puzzled, and unsure, grey eyes wide as he peered up at Quin.
“I’m right next to you, Quin”, his friend said softly. “Why don’t you just ask me?”
Because you don’t tell. Not really. You just sit here, and I can’t make you out. Your shields are too tight, and you barely ever project. And I want…
Quin was not even sure what he wanted. He just knew that, whenever the Force was swirling in his mind, making him almost sick with too much reading because he had forgotten to put on his gloves, the only one helping beside Master Ti was Obi.
Because Obi knew how to draw his shields as tight as durasteel walls, to keep his feelings deep inside while projecting only calm and that strange, green landscape Quin had never seen but had to be Stewjon.
He would cling to his friend’s hands, and feel soothed – but at the same time, it always felt like Obi was slipping away, like water bubbling between his fingers. And Quin was afraid.
They were eleven now.
The Choosing would begin soon – and Quin knew, deep inside, that he was a handful. That he made Master Ti sigh more than often, that he annoyed the kriff out of Master Windu – which was quite amusing, to be honest – and that Madame Nu had abandoned the thought of keeping him silent in the Archives, simply putting him under a silent Force-bubble whenever he set foot there. Or asking Nara and Obi to do so.
And it felt… it felt like everything was slipping away. Cracking like one of Kit’s nuts. And Quin didn’t want it. Quin wanted to stay just like this. On the Jedi Temple’s roof, watching the sun set with Kit, Nara – and Obi.
He wanted to hold their hands and never let go, he wanted to cuddle against Obi like when they were little and were allowed to hug without anybody asking them not to.
He did not want to be alone in his own head, because his own head was a whirlwind Quin didn’t understand – because the Force was always swirling and pushing him on, and because it was so hard to just stay calm and wonder about light and shadows and people around… as a Jedi should.
But Quin was also brash, and unafraid, and not allowed to say such things aloud – and so he just laughed.
“I know who lives in that building”, he began to fib. “It’s a nest of bounty hunters. They do so on purpose, very close to the Jedi Temple, because no one suspects them to be so daring.
- Only you”, Kit huffed. “Of course, Quin. And Master Yoda’s stick is a secret second lightsaber he uses whenever it’s needed.
- Really?!”
Quin straightened, and Kit burst out laughing.
“No, you oaf!
- Language, Kit”, Nara threw in, gently. “What a vivid imagination you both have, really… Shall we have some nuts?”
They watched the sun set, and the stars rise, eating tangerines and Koja nuts, along with the sweet tea they had manage to cajole from Master Ti. And Quin leant against Obi’s shoulder and tried, really hard, to pretend it would stay like this forever.
They were already in their beds, most of their fellow Initiates already asleep, when Quin felt Obi turn towards him.
“Quin…? Are you asleep?
- No. You…?”
I’m talking to you, Quin – Obi projected, gently, and Quin smiled, in the dark.
“Only… I kept thinking… What if there really was a nest of bounty hunters out there and we didn’t know? Because - I think it’s a very good story…”
Quin’s heart beat a little faster at those words, because Obi was always reading something, sometimes even forgetting the world around him.
“It’s at least three of them”, Quin whispered. “A Twi’lek woman called Lucia, who is so beautiful that everybody falls in love with her before she blasts them to pieces. A fierce Quarren-guy called Squid.
- Squid?”, Obi breathed out, shuffling just a tiny bit closer on his roll, and Quin’s smile widened as he nodded.
“Yeah. And a droid called DW-8, short for Dwight.
- Lucia, Squid and Dwight?”, Obi whispered, projecting excitement, curiosity and something so very Obi in the Force – small and wonderful and precious, reminding Quin that Obi was still a bit younger.
Sometimes it was so easy to forget. But not that night.
“Mhm”, Quin whispered back, turning towards him and lifting his covers. “Hop in, Obi. We don’t want to wake the others.”
Obi crawled in without a noise, small body fitting perfectly under Quin’s covers. He had brought his pillow, though, and snuggled against him, soft hair tickling Quin’s neck.
“So”, Quin whispered. “It all began in a big, big dumpster, where Lucia was salvaging bits of metal to build a new chest plate. She was trying to lift a piece of rebar that was really heavy because she wasn’t a Jedi and couldn’t use the Force, and that’s when she heard a very strange beep.”
Obi shivered in anticipation, hand curling around his pillow, and Quin did not need to read anything of Obi’s to know what he was thinking.
“Yeah, Obi. That’s how she met Dwight.”
Squid did not even appear in Quin’s stories until seven days afterwards – there was so much to tell about Lucia’s past and the way Dwight was built and kept needing replacements for broken pieces. Only a month afterwards, when Squid was finally introduced and was coming to an agreement with Lucia, did Quin realize that Obi’s notebooks were not full of skyscrapers or plants anymore.
They were full of words, carefully written down - and of drawings.
Drawings of a Twi’lek, a Quarren and a fierce-looking droid.
Lucia, Squid and Dwight.
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dwhatsup · 5 years
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ziracona · 4 years
I love the bits you’ve been doing of the DBD crew interacting with the scream cast. You have any other ideas/hcs about them?
Yeah! So, since they dealt with a Ghostface and Jane runs a huge talk show, I feel like it’s only a matter of time before Sidney is asked on to talk about her book, and Gale just to talk—Dewey too, if he’s up for it. Considering her personal experience, even though it’s not with the supernatural, I think Sidney would be inclined to believe them all—epsecially after meeting Jane in person, and they’d get talking about their respective experiences and lives.
Since Quentin, Nancy, and Kate at least are already canonically fans of her book, Out of Darkness, I feel like all three would jump at the chance to meet her for real—especially afte Jane says she’s exactly like she writes, and really nice and kind. This gets a few of them to meet up with Sid and Jane for a lunch. They hit it off really well, and Sidney is (duly) fascinated by the whole tale, and one of them (Kate or Quentin) asks if she’d like to see some of the stuff first hand, and she does.
Which is how Sidney Prescott ends up walking into Dwight, Jake, and Adam’s 6 Hour Pride & Prejudice marathon at the Indiana cabin Adam talked them into they didn’t expect any company for. Net end result is a bunch of survivors meet Sidney Prescott and have a weird but fun luncheon and she figures out about what this group is like right off the back. It goes well though, and the people who have met Sid end up introducing her to the rest. Gale and Dewey both get ripped in too, and they hang out several times kind of “professionally”, to talk, then just kind of go “huh we’re sort of friends now aren’t we?” And hang out again just because.
Considering respective trauma and having someone who really does get it, I think Laurie would get along pretty great with Sidney. Nancy, David, Kate, and Quentin too. Jane clicks wildly with Gale and they become a terror of unimaginable proportions when working stories together. Min also really likes Gale. Tapp is scared of her but not as scared as he is of Jane.Dwight and Adam get along best with Dewey. Ace flirts too much with Gale, which Gale enjoys becuase it’s goofy and not very serious, but Dewey doesn’t clock that and is like 😨😢😠—dw tho they get that sorted tho. Most of them just kind of group mesh, especially Jeff and Claudette. Jake gets on remarkably well with Mark Kincaid, to both their surprise. Mark: “The god damn system.” Jake, doing a shot of whisky: “The god damn system.”
They meet Kirby too, after a little while, and she and Nea click over funny physical therapy rehab stories. It’s also just kinda nice to meet new people you know really are at least close to as fucked up as you are because of life, and it provides for some great closure and solidarity comfort.
Meg is ecstatic about meeting Sidney and tells her she told Ghostface “Let’s see if I’m Sidney Prescott material” as a threat before kicking his ass. Sidney likes their story about doing this a lot, and it’s the only thing that convinces her to give Frank a chance eventually. She likes Susie right away.
Adam and Sidney bond over author stuff (Gale could, but she’s way into chasing stories right now, so she pops in and out of those conversations to throw advice like confetti).
It’s weirder for them meeting the killers. Since that’s not exactly common knowledge, they don’t tell any of them at first who Jeff’s kids or Meg’s girlfriend or Claudette’s brother, Quentin and Min’s mom, Laurie’s Brother were. I think it comes out entirely accidental over a dinner becuase one of them got so comfortable around the Scream friends they completely forgot in the instant it wasn’t common knowledge. It’s uh—it’s kind of a mess. Sort of a shocked silence, then a, “I’m sorry—what?” From Gale, a panicked shit shit shit do we lie? What’s the lie? From around the table, who to their credit were definitely going to lie and try to cover, but I think it’s Philip who gets outed and he’s there, and well, he’s Philip. So he just sets down his utensils and is like “That’s true. Please don’t tell anyone. It’s...hard to explain, and understand, and I don’t want anyone to come under fire for not turning me in when we arrived.”
And like, it’s been a couple months, so they know Philip, and even itching for the hot goss Gale is willing (and dying) to listen and hear this, so they get the real version from him, kind of start to finish, and take it...wildly well. Considering. Susie gives the second part of her story (“Yeah you knew I was a killer, but I didn’t just disobey and turn on the Entity—I killed three of them before I did that, and hurt more. Because I was terrified of getting killed.”). It’s a lot to process, but like, they get why they can’t say. Gale starts pushing that it would be wildly useful to include, maybe anonymously? That one of them was a killer for real in the realm. So people have more in their arsenal if they ever get taken. Susie already kind of supplies that, but an honest to god full version? Complete 360? And if the details were vague and it was published anonymously, no one would know which of them it had been—probably most would assume Anna which—well—technically isn’t wrong either... And the survivors consider that.
Benedict, who had been keeping distance out of a fear Gale tripping him up and revealing more than he was supposed to, finally meets the gang after this, and so does Sally, who they’d been trying to not have mingle too much out of fear of the same thing. It’s uh. It’s super weird. Having not lived it, just knowing what the killers did, and not having lived through the face part of that heel-face turn. Like. Yikes. The Legion are especially hard, becuase they make the least sense. Philip didn’t know, Sally was broken mentally and manipulated, Anna was feral, more or less so was Michael (who is the only one they are not told about. Laurie guards her secrets. Guards them. Eventually tells Sidney, but only Sidney. And talks to Michael first.) Legion on the other hand? They were scared, but that’s the only real excuse. So, that one’s hard. That one takes awhile. But Susie is so miserable about her past and frank about it, and so is Joey, they’re a lot easier—especially Susie, by a mile, considering how many bullets she was ready to take. Frank and Julie are harder, and the Legion’s pasts aren’t actually so much ‘told’ as figured out. Susie is the only one to admit, Gale, who has been reading up, makes a guess like a statement, and her poker face isn’t good enough, and they just kinda know then.
They prove to be trustworthy (thank god—after dinner everyone [once alone] is like “Philip what the fuck man TuT don’t throw yourself under busses I’m begging you.”), so it works out, but it takes a little time to adjust to some of that. Eventually though, things smooth, and all three become semi-regulars to see. Most of their friends and family are dead, so it’s a nice addition to the Scream fam’s social lives too. Gale sometimes pitches in with Tapp and Meg’s work when she can. They meet up when in town. It’s just. It’s really nice, for all of them. They feel just a little more understood, and not like aliens back home. It’s a healing experience for the whole gang.
Sidney gets a lot of the younger survivors following her like ducklings for a while wanting to ask questions and also stealing her style becuase this is just how Meg and Nea and Susie will be sometimes. It’s cute though. She gets so many damn interviews, but for once they’re just motivated by curiosity and excitement at solidarity and inspiration, not a grab for network views or something to boost reputation, and it’s...it’s really nice. To have people that want to know for the reasons you’d want a person to want to know that kind of shit for.
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highdwightofmylife · 4 years
How would the survivor boys fare with a s/I who's decided to go full out and be as hot and seductive as possible to make their scrotum explode? Uwu my fwiend uwu
there weren’t any specifics so,,, have four random surv boys
Seductive S/O
Ace Visconti
I mean, you have your work cut out for you with Ace. He’s flirty. He’s seductive. He’s your match.
You try to be seductive, and he always gives you a flirty side eye. And then he turns to you, winks, and leans niiiice and close. He’s king of flirtation. 
Sometimes you do get a little... Too seductive. Ace is usually excellent and keeping a cap on his horniness. Usually. But sometimes he’s not expecting it. The best way to get him all hot and bothered is to surprise him with it. 
So you do that. And you watch him pause so he can process it. His eyes flit to you. And suddenly there’s a faint shade of pink on his cheeks. Consider it a success.
Dwight Fairfield
Dwight is... Very easily flustered. You barely have to try. For real. 
You can do something so simple. You brush against his leg, you gently blow on his ear... And this man is a flushed mess.
But if you go further... If you really try... Man, it’s delightful. He gets flushed easily anyway, but you’ll watch him very quickly turn into a stuttering mess. Quickly pops a boner I’m sorry. He can’t speak words. Dwight.exe has stopped working. 
If you really go hard, the boy will faint. 
Jake Park
Pretends not to notice you being all seductive. Won’t look at you. Refuses to talk to you. He knows if he looks, then it’ll all go downhill from there.
You finally make him look. His eyes keep twitching away but... They always come back. You run your finger over the underside of his jaw. He gulps. 
He starts going red. He gets to the point where he cannot look away. You see him grinding his teeth and clenching his jaw. He puts his hand over his pants to hide the fact that he’s sporting a boner.
Will drag you away when he can’t take it anymore.
Jeff Johansen
Honestly, when you try to be all seductive, he instinctively laughs. Not at you, though! It’s a smitten little laugh because he just adores you and he can’t help himself. 
Faint pink cheeks, but nothing too bad. He’s a chill guy. 
You can try and flirt all you want, but he’ll just look at you with this dopey, dreamy look. He loves when you try. 
If you keep going for a while, he’ll eventually get a little redder. Maybe take your hand. Maybe give you a half-lidded, chilled out look, silently asking if you wanna go somewhere more private.
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