#dw all will be revealed shortly
cyncerity · 1 year
have fun with this with absolutely no context, i’ll explain it once i post all the parts but you’re all free to guess until then!! I’ve been having a lot of fun with this au and i wanna talk about it hsksksjshj
anyway, here’s part 1!
tw: vore
“We have to cut our losses here. We don’t have enough to fund this any longer, and there’s no one we can reach out to for more money. We can’t risk this getting out.”
“Fine, I- I know, it’s just…this is a breakthrough. We can’t afford to give up now.”
“We won’t. We just need some time to get back on our feet is all. Besides, he knows what to do now…” the scientists turned their heads to the one way mirror they stood behind. A little boy, barely a teenager, sat behind it on his bed, his eyes glassy and unblinking, turned a glossy pearlescent white. Their project, practically their life’s work. Well, the container for it, anyway.
Wilbur heard the three scientists come into the room, and somehow registered one of them motion vaguely with their hand despite his eyes being effectively turned off, which meant they wanted him back in their world. Ugh. Still, he cut off his thoughts with his other half practically (given that it’d been almost a decade since they’d been separated), eyes beginning to function again and the scientists approaching him as they saw his eyes shift back to the colors they were supposed to be.
“Wilbur, what we’re going to tell you is very, very important, so you have to listen carefully. It’s your life at stake if this goes wrong. And his.” The one in blue said, gesturing to Wilbur’s torso. Well, that was certainly a way to get his attention. Wilbur didn’t say a word, though; the green one didn’t like it when he ‘sassed them,’ so he instead scooted back and placed both arms protectively around himself and his…what did they call him once, ‘cargo’? He was sure he heard Green call him a ‘parasite’ once, which was rude. Still, they must have noticed his panic, cause the orange one responded immediately. “It’ll all be ok, things will just have to change for a minute. You’re…youre not going to be able to stay here for a while.” “What?!” Wilbur said, unable to restrain himself. The green one went to speak up but was silenced by Blue, who just whispered something about him being ‘scared’ and how this was ‘probably a lot to handle.’ Yeah, no shit it was!
“I get this is a huge change, I do, but it’s necessary for now. We don’t have the necessary resources to keep taking care of you here. We need to find a way to keep you safe and healthy, both of you. You’ll be staying somewhere secure while we find somewhere more reclusive to hide you. We don’t want anyone finding out anything and putting the two of you in danger.” Orange said, sitting next to Wilbur and rubbing a thumb across his knuckles. Right. Right, he had a purpose. And if part of his purpose was to survive without his caretakers for a short while, he could do it. If it meant safety for his stowaway, he could do it.
“You doin ok, bud?” Orange asked, and Wilbur nodded slightly. Orange was his favorite of the main three. He was always nice, and even gave him extra treats and toys when he was behaving! “When do you think you can be ready to leave, Wil?” Green asked, crouching to be at level with where he sat. “Whenever you need me to be, sir.” Green smiled and ruffled his hair. Wil always tried to be extra good for Green. It’s not like he didn’t like him, it’s just that Green was more likely to yell at him if he messed up. “Good kid. We’ll leave tomorrow morning and introduce you to who you’ll be staying with. Try to get some rest.” He said, smiling before leaving and leading the other two out with him.
He pressed into his core, feeling cold scales slither against his insides. He pressed in harder a few times and they pressed back, signaling that they’d heard everything. Wilbur pat down a few times and released the pressure, lying back onto his bed carefully to not jostle the weight inside of him.
This was going to be interesting.
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tachimichishrine · 5 months
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<im so fucking ashamed that im writing for the common manwhore on a blog dedicated to the underappreciated. forgive me for i have made a perilous trip down main character lane i will post more tachi to atone for my wrongdoings>
"broken and fixed again"
dazai osamu x fem! reader {hospital AU}
warnings: nsfw ; literally 1 fingering scene the rest is fluff ; mentions of suicide; not an actual au just a scenario ; fluff but it's just complaining abt your joints ; reader teases the living sh out of him bc flustered and soft dazai needs to be more mainstream ; makes him wear a nurse outfit with the power of words ; slight tw blood and pain i love seeing the silly in agony ; intended lowercase ; cursing ; so so so self indulgent i just got my second surgery in the span of 5 months dw im fine just dramatic as hell and my hospital neighbors are all gilfs
dazai wasn't on any pain medications, so there was no way he was imagining that sound.
the day after being shot by fyodor, he wound up in the hospital due to his inability to be cured by yosano. it wasn't a big deal; he'd dealt with worse before, obviously. you don't spend as much time in the port mafia as he does and come out fully unscathed, after all.
then a slumping noise as if a body collapsed onto the ground. he was still on bed arrest, but he was growing restless being locked in the room all day with himself. the nurse who was tending to him seemed to be rather cold, but he knew that she'd turn to puddy for him shortly if he actually tried.
he groaned a little bit while getting up, fingertips grazing the paper thin clothing they were given at the spot where the bullet had pierced him. softly footsteps fell on the squeaky clean floor, and his head peaked outside his doorframe to look around for the source of the sound.
you were on the ground with a walker collapsed next to you.
pleasantly intrigued, he shot a quick glance at your facial expressions to check whether or not you were truly in agony, which you weren't. in fact, you seemed just as bored as he did. your arms spread out your sides like wings and your legs were tussled awkwardly as he guessed you were trying to keep the cheap clothing from revealing your butt-naked figure.
"oiii, psst psst," he called out, hand flattened next to his mouth as if he were whispering to you intimately in the empty hallway.
you tilted your head backwards, looking at him upside-down with what was an inarguably listless expression.
"heyyyyy," you seemed to be almost slurring your words, and he guessed you were hooked on enough meds to make a small fortune if sold on the streets. "wh-whooo... who are youuuu?"
a few steps forward and dazai was standing over you. he carefully lowered himself, his eyes scanned you again and a smirk played on his lips.
"that's quite the act," he snickered, which caused you to let out a groan.
truth is, you weren't on enough pain medication to get to that high. however, it had been a week since you were admitted, and you were losing your mind doing nothing all day. the operation went well, but there was always a high risk of infection or post-op complications and they'd insisted you stayed 10 days for observation. you tried chatting with the nurses, tried exploring the place, tried sleeping to recover faster but every solution tired out after a while.
they gave you a few tools to navigate your surroundings, one of which was the damn walker. you'd done crutches and mobility aids before, casts, splints and braces, but no one liked the walkers. they made you feel like you were a hundred years old, and your body might as well be.
so, you decided you'd collapse and see what happens, how long it takes someone to come find you, rescue you and make your day just a little less boring. you settled yourself onto the ground, threw the walker and got comfy on the floor.
the man who approached you seemed a bit concerned at first, but he appeared to see through your games annoyingly quickly and called you out on it without even pausing to indulge. you let out a puffy pout and crossed your arms. "mannn, no one here is any fun."
you caught a glimpse of bandages wrapped around nearly every one of his extremities, almost like a decoration more than anything else. you slowly turned yourself and shuffled your body so you were sitting down facing upwards to look at him.
"what're you in for?" you asked with a snicker, getting over the fact your plan hadn't worked because he seemed to be relatively normal and you sure could use a conversation right now. "armed robbery? assault and battery? tax evasion?"
"you wouldn't believe me if I told you," he mimicked your expression, piquing your intrigue with a sly grin. you couldn't help but notice he was incredibly pretty, and you quickly developed another hospital crush; you roamed the hallways enough to identify the regulars but not enough to actually speak to any of them, and having stupid crushes on just about everyone kept your mind mildly active.
"what, you got jumped by an elite ninja squadron or something?"
before he could retort, clicking of heels resonated from the end of the hallway. the pace picked up when the nurse saw two patients laying down on the floor with a toppled walker, calling for some kind of a code. you giggled mischievously even when she realized you were fine and helped you up. the man who's been with you for a few seconds also received a verbal beating while responding just like you did.
your hands went to the metal of the walker, and you rolled your eyes while deciding you'd try to come back this way and speak to him again at night when they were understaffed and no one was going to pester you. you were barely beginning your plans to escape yet again when something deep within your body that had been altered recently felt like it burst. it didn't, but the pain and the sight of the blood you were coughing violently onto the floor made you rack your brain over the long list of possible complications.
you fell onto the ground again, but this time it was painfully real. wafting in and out of consciousness until you couldn't tell if you were fainting, having a seizure or if something else had happened. the nurse turned around too late to catch you, but quickly yelled out that code from before and instructed the man go and get help immediately.
your body felt so broken.
you were never more pissed off to see the damn white drapes, walls and the same old view out the window accompanying that damn beeping.
your finger was clamped in some device reading your heartbeat, and a bunch of sensors were hooked up all over your skin. your head was groggy, a stiff pulsation throbbing at the back like you'd given yourself a concussion.
"mmmmn..." a languid groan was all you could manage; your throat was dry and you felt like you could eat the ekg right now. you wavering in and out of a daze for a few minutes while you tried both to fight off the sleep and fight off the day.
a knock at your door roused your attention once more. your neck hurt too much to crane over and take a look, but you could definitely hear the door closing.
"oh, it's you," you said, the bandaged man making another appearance. "sorry about today. I didn't mean to fake it 'til I made it."
the laugh at your own joke hurt your chest and you tried not to cough.
"it's actually been a bit longer than you think," he mused while sitting at the foot of your bed.
you hastily cut off any word that he was thinking of saying. "don't tell me! I have 3 days left before getting discharged, and I'd rather it come earlier as a surprise than right on time."
you did not ask him why he was here, assuming he must be in the same exasperated position. instead, you asked him your question again from the other day.
"or at least your name," you added. "I gotta know to whom I owe the honour of a visit. the nurses must really like you to let you pull a stunt like this."
he chuckled, mostly to himself. "oh, you've got no idea."
despite his weird way of talking like everything was a riddle and he was a spy of some sorts, the man - whose name you learnt was dazai osamu - was not so bad. he lent you his phone (you had no idea how he had managed to get away with this kind of thing) for you to call some close friends, and listened patiently while you told him how you'd ended up in this hospital bed. he however did not explain what happened to him, nor why he had all those bandages all over himself.
he didn't say much at all, to be completely honest. you blabbered long enough for the daylight to cease seeping in from your curtains, and it was dark when you were both laying down side by side in the tiny bed looking up at the ceiling in silence.
"thanks for stopping by," you hummed, eyes closed but a slow smile on your lips. "didn't think I charmed you that much with my hospital charisma. you should see what I'm like at full power."
you didn't need to open your eyes to know he was smiling back. "anytime, darling."
another chuckle at his words and another long pause. you didn't like the soft humming of the machines around you, but it was different when you weren't alone. heavy eyelids combined with steady beeping led you to start slipping asleep when he spoke up again.
"you wanna know what landed me here?"
damn him for choosing now to tell you. you stirred uncomfortably, body smushed against his while you tried to lay down on your side to face him, but it was incredibly uncomfortable and you quickly retreated back to the hellish laying on your back. you actions spurred him to continue.
"I was shot," he admitted nonchalantly. he seemed to be examining his nails and yawning like he wanted to emphasize just how much he didn't care much for the words he said.
"so my ninja theory wasn't so far off, then," you chuckled for a lack of a better response. "what'd the bullet pierce?"
dazai would never admit that he was mildly impressed that you didn't ask about who had shot him, or why. "the doctor said I'm a 'lucky bastard', because it missed all my vitals."
you have taken note of where the wound was, and confirmed again when he said that because he must really be lucky to miss out on death and major complications if he got shot in the abdomen and it missed all the important things in there.
"your doc sounds like they wanted you to have some damage," you remarked, gaze back on his face. maybe you were particularly tired, but his eyes felt so dreamy when he smiled. you decided you'd ask him out once you got out of the hospital.
"oh, she definitely did," he agreed, "but she's an old friend and I think all my coworkers were hoping for something more serious."
"kinda sounds like you did too."
he considered what to say; his double-suicide jokes felt incredibly out of place in this environment full of people desperately trying to cling on to life. even if you seemed to pick up on the general direction of what he was implying, he shook his head and turned it towards you.
"are you implying that I'm a masochist?" said with a sly smirk.
"are you denying it?" you mimicked his tone.
he did not, in fact, deny it. you fell asleep shortly afterwards teasing him about it, and he just took it with a stupid grin on his face. your head fell limp onto the pillow, and he only began to be convinced you weren't just pretending again when your jaw slowly dropped down to slightly open your mouth ungracefully and let out a soft snore.
he could've gotten away with falling asleep beside you, but he didn't know how his nurse would feel about seeing him in bed with another woman.
two knocks at his open door signaled your presence.
"no walker," he said, showing you that he was impressed with an exaggerated nod of approval. "next thing I know, you'll be running marathons around the entire wing."
you huffed proudly, thinking about flopping onto his bed but your body wasn't quite ready to be thrown around just yet. "ahh, I wish. I've been told I need to stay an extra week because of my little incident. how's your timeline looking?"
he put up a four, indicating how many days until he abandoned you. faking a sorrowful sob, you wrapped your hands around his leg and hugged it like a child trying to get their parents to stay. "nuh uh, you're not! what happened to 'til death do us part'? was I the only one who said those vows?"
"apologies, my dear wife," he bowed apologetically, snickering. "I guess I'll just have to injure myself to come back to you~"
your frown was instantaneous and serious as you scooched up on the bed. "hey, don't joke about that kind of stuff. my old roommate was recovering from an attempt and she had it rough. I hate it when people joke about suicide just to sound funny."
dazai was lucky that all the members of the ada were too busy to come and visit him, because judging by your reaction, you would genuinely hate him if they heard kunikida call him a suicidal bastard or ranpo ask him why he's in the hospital if he wants to die. you may have been faking a crisis playfully the first time you met, but he felt a little ashamed lying in your presence with how truthful you were about your emotions. he admired it, but didn't know if he envied it too.
"anyways, I have something for you," you winked at him, then reached into the sleeve of your hospital gown and pulled out a simple flower. it was disheveled and barely alive, but some of the colour was still there and your smile was bright enough to compensate. "ta da!!"
"I thought flowers were not allowed in this hospital?" he raised a brow, a subtle pink dusting his cheeks at the action despite his typical unaffected demeanor and the fact that this gift was incredibly insignificant. his fingers held the stem delicately as you seemed proud that he liked it.
"they aren't!" you beamed with a giggle. "kai - the boy a few doors down from me - his girlfriend brought him some and that one really mean nurse threw them out. I was walking by the garbage and picked the best one for you."
he watched you shift closer when you finished speaking and laughed. "trash flowers."
"reminds me of you."
"ouch! I think I'm gonna need more pain meds from that sting!"
you called him a goof and continued to tell him about the rest of the hospital lore. he had been holding the flower for quite some time, and you asked what he was planning on doing with it. he asked you to fetch him one of those ridiculously tiny plastic cups at the drinking water stations and fill it up. the dying flower sunk into the water delicately while positioned on his bedside table.
responding to your remark that the nurses will have to throw it out if he let it out in the open, he reassured you that that won't be a problem. he still refused to reveal to you his methods, though.
day came and went; you finally asked him if he'd be interested in going out with you once you were both recovered; he did you one better and kissed you under the moonlight.
you didn't care that the walls of the hospital rooms were thin; it was good when you were collapsed and the dull thud could mean the difference between life and death.
however, it made what you were doing even riskier.
"fuck... fuuuck, osamu take... mmn take it easy," you murmured against his lips, thighs parted as his fingers reached deep enough to get you shaking.
he was laying on his side, supporting his weight on his forearm while he buried his other hand into you with slow, calculated movements. neither of you were fully recovered and as much as you wanted to slam him against something and grind on him until he was a babbling mess, you weren't in a state to try just yet.
instead, dazai was spending his last night in the hospital making your thighs twitch and chest heave. things progressed fast after the first kiss, especially since the two of you had nothing to do all day but speak to the other. he occasionally got calls on his phone where he had to excuse himself to take it, but other than that you didn't have much else on your minds except each other.
he took you on a date to the cafeteria and offered you a fine dining experience (junk food he beat out of the vending machines) complete with the most exquisite wine pairing (a pack of juice boxes).
you took him on the next, sneaking into rooms where you most definitely weren't supposed to be wandering and broke into the nurse's lounge. you both stole uniforms and changed, although you had to admit he pulled off the dress rather well. you got him to throw on the tightest size he could fit into, and he did a little catwalk in his formfitting outfit. none of the staff caught you making out in the supply closet.
and the third day was simply another moment of lounging in each other's rooms and talking about nothing. he accidentally dozed off and woke up an hour later to your fingers tenderly running through his hair. he gave you the side eye, receiving a kiss on his temple as a response. dazai retaliated with a kiss of his own, and suddenly you were carefully trying to lay down on him to kiss him deeper, better, but your groans were of pain and not pleasure and he offered to swap positions.
and fuck, was this man talented. you were happy just looking at him and muttering about how pretty you thought he was, but he was a lot more sensitive to your little teases and fingers exploring the outline of his body than he let on, and he had pushed up the bottom of your gown to get in between your thighs.
"nnng... ahh, do that again," you rasped out as his thumb rubbed your clit with slowly, languid motions. "is this your... mmmnnn... your way of feeling guilty for leaving me haaah... here all by myself?"
"sorry," he quipped, albeit not looking sorry at all with that lazy grin as he looked at you through low lashes. "I haven't even left yet and you miss me."
your hips buckled painfully as a jolt surged through your body and made you muffle a moan into the side of his neck. "hey, I said take it easy. can't have me extending my stay just 'cause you fucked me good."
he promised he'd do his best, but only thrust into you with harsher movements once he saw you purse your lips to keep from whimpering. you called him a little shit, but that just seemed to make him even more smug.
a nurse heard you cry out, rushing to check up on you; they didn't see dazai hidden on the other side of your hospital bed while you explained that you just had a nightmare and woke up suddenly, promising to keep it down. they just sighed, walking out with a frustrated shake of their head as dazai popped back up and giggled along with you. you leaned your head over the edge of the bed, holding his face in your hands so you could kiss him again.
"miss, please wake up. it's time for your medication, and you have a visitor."
you weren't sleeping. how could you, when it was your first night not crawling into dazai's bed to talk yourself to sleep? he was finally recovered enough to leave, and all you could do was ask him for his number so you could call him once you were out. 3 more days wasn't quite bad, but it was already piled on top of the countless ones that had passed. boredom was even more bitter once you'd tasted the sweetness of a friend.
reluctantly, pills dropped into your hand were thrown into your mouth and swallowed dry under the watchful gaze of the nurse. he didn't seem to particularly like you, but you supposed he had a right to when you kept breaking all the rules they had.
"what do I have to do to be next?" a smug voice resonated from the doorframe, lanky frame leaning against the wood as he watched you swallow.
you felt well enough to get up and give him a hug, but he beat you to it and leaned down to kiss your forehead. he sat on the edge of the bed and stroked your hair out of your face with the kind of shallow loving nature he seemed to have on by default. it took a few hours together for that to wear off and for his actions to begin feeling genuine again, but you never commented about it. you supposed everyone did that to a certain extent and you were just a little hyperaware of his giveaways.
"I didn't think you'd come back this soon," you admitted, trying to scooch on the bed so he could sit next to you as you used to. he seemed however to shake his head a little.
"I can't stay long, dear, duty calls," he said, but the look you gave him showed that you didn't believe that one bit. it didn't take much for him to give in and curl up by your side, clinging onto your body with a childish expression on his features. "this persuasive with nothing but your eyes, did I ever tell you how incredibly talented you are?"
"you did not, in fact. please do it more often," you chuckled, ruffling his hair and kissing him on the crown of his head twice before pulling him into your chest, his nose nuzzling in your neck right under your ear. you swept your hand across your body to hold him, but your iv was still in and it nearly got tangled in your limbs as well. "if you've gotta go, then why are you here, osamu?"
he gasped dramatically, turning towards the entrance. "nurse, nurse please get me something to fix my broken heart! my sweetheart doesn't want me here! on my surprise visit!"
the nurse seemed like he really was about to come in, but much more likely to be in order to remove your problematic visitor than hand him a first aid kit and fix his "broken heart". you shushed him, laughing hysterically as he got all of his melodramatic needs out of the way, asking you if you've considered giving him your house in your will, asking how long you wanted him to mourn you. refreshing, he was refreshing. a breath of fresh air after all these stuffy hours spent in the hospital.
"do you really need to go?" you asked, cradling his cheek with your palm and rubbing slow circles with your thumb. "have you just come to remind me what I can't have, osamu? how cruel of you. you may have been the one shot but I'm pretty sure you just twisted the knife in my back."
he enjoyed your playful banter, but this time a more serious look was on his face. you tilted your head to the side, watching him curiously, trying to analyze his movements and figure out why he was acting weird when suddenly, he grabbed the trashcan from next to him and coughed into it.
"oh my god— osamu, hey, oh fuck, that's blood..." you swore to yourself, calling out loudly for the nurse as well as pressing the emergency button you had on your bedside while you got to his side and held him softly, unsure what to do. he always seemed so above all of this, the treatment, the pain, the entire hospital even, that it felt shocking to watch him cough up more and more blood into the can, rasping without a single witty comment in between.
you combed your fingers through his hair, pulling all of it out of his face as if you'd both been hungover college girls waking from a rough night. the blood seemed to be easing up, but he was wincing and holding his hand to the spot where he said that he'd gotten shot.
"osamu, baby, try to breathe for me. in through your nose, as slow as you can manage. help is on its way, they're going to find out what happened and you're going to be okay, alright? you can't die, we spent all this time discussing my funeral plans and not yours, so I'm not ready," you joked, partly out of habit but mostly because you wanted him feeling reassured as you held him and waited for someone to come in and fix everything.
he seemed to try to say something, but you clicked your tongue and wiped the mixture of saliva and blood from the corner of his lips with your finger. "don't try to say anything. store every asshole remark you want to make in your head and tell it to me later, once everything has passed. 'cause it's going to pass, osamu, it always does. you're going to be fine."
you glanced down at his shirt, noticing the widening pool of crimson in his chest, and hoped that you were right.
you were discharged, but feeling more sick than ever. pacing back and forth in the waiting room, you resisted the urge to go to the receptionist and ask her about his condition again, only to be told that a, you aren't immediate family and therefore can't be informed, and b, she didn't have any information about his anyways.
dazai had been taken into surgery to fix what sounded like ruptured stitches (he was pushing himself too much and they burst, according to what you understood) and you refused to leave without knowing how he was doing.
the wait was long, agonizing and you contemplated faking a relapse of your illness just to get inside and see for yourself, but quickly convinced yourself that you're not that desperate. yet. a doctor walked out, spoke briefly to the receptionist who pointed at you with a look full of attitude. you sighed out of relief, figuring this meant you were finally getting an update.
"so, the doctor told me that your surgery went well and you'd be alright in a few days if you actually followed their words this time," you finished recounting, holding dazai's hand and pressing soft kisses to his knuckles in between sentences. "then you, my sleeping beauty, took two lovely hours just to wake up. I slept a little while waiting, so if you find some drool on your sheets... technically, that's your fault."
drowsy, half-conscious but still able to weakly chuckle at your words. his fingers twitched a little in your grasp, so you just continued to hold him tenderly while he let out drawn-out gasps as he adjusted to being awake.
"try to focus on my voice," you offered, knowing all too well the experience of waking up and wanting to slither out of your body. "don't think about the pain, don't try to convince yourself that you're stronger than it. just listen to me, okay?"
he whispered a soft "okay" to let you know that he was going to try, and you smiled against the back of his hand.
"tonight, I'm going to stay here with you," you begun reciting, almost like a fairy tale that should've started with once upon a time. "I'll sneak into the cafeteria, talk to my guy to get you the good stuff, y'know the green jell-o that everyone is jealous of? tomorrow, I'll put you on a wheelchair and we can go terrorize the nurses again. the day after, we can just stay in bed and I'll kiss you all better so that the following day, I can give you a ride home and we can finally get the hell out of this boring place."
his grip on your hand slightly tightened, and you watched his face flush a soft pink. you checked his temperature, wondering if he was spiking a fever already, but realized it was the rosiness of a blush. you giggled at him and his flusteredness, holding him near and continuing with more tales of ridiculously detailed date plans.
he fell asleep again once you'd gotten to your plans on day 43, but you kept going until you got told visiting hours were over and you had to leave. you kissed his sweaty forehead and swore you saw him smile faintly as you walked out.
you did everything you told him you'd do.
you got him the treats he wanted, noticing how he was especially shy around you when you started bringing him the little trinkets. you bought him real flowers, too, making sure you hid them as well as possible from the hospital staff, but you were already professionals at this point.
after his incident, you learned about a softer side to dazai, one that led him to blushing and losing his words when you complimented him instead of responding with his own. you would surprise him with a spontaneous fashion show featuring the hospital's limited assortment of clothing options, or wearing the nurse's uniform again as you pretended to be helping him take his meds and reminding him to take it easy.
and he did. dazai finally listened, allowing you to pamper him and actually voicing when his pain was getting bad. he mentioned briefly, on a single occasion, that his past job involved a lot of physical pain, but you sensed that you shouldn't bring it up any further. you just let him fall asleep, over and over again, in your arms and never rushed him. the best thing was that you could pretend at work that you were still gone on medical leave, so no one bothered you while you stayed with him.
"does it bother you that I'm always around?" you asked softly on one occasion, helping him to and from the bathroom after spending nearly 30 straight minutes joking about piss kinks. "I don't mean to be too much, constantly by your side. I know some people get kinda annoyed when you care too much, too soon."
dazai, walking with his arm over your shoulder so you could support some of his weight as he made his way back to the bed, seemed to have his legs give out suddenly. your reflexes were fast, and you swooped down to catch him, his body arched backwards as you looked down at him like you had been dancing the tango.
the sneaky bastard smiled at you.
"you're cute when you worry," he said simply, and you briefly considered dropping him out of spite. instead, you kissed him and slowly brought him onto the bed. even more cautiously, you sat down on his lap, little to no weight actually being placed on him as you supported yourself on your parted knees. "hm? what's this? what happened to being worried about being too much?"
you ignored his taunt and sat there for a few minutes, just holding him, kissing him and whispering everything that went through your mind. "surely you aren't complaining, are you, sweetheart? yeah, I didn't think so."
it was harder for him to sit still than it was to endure the pain; he slowly got weaned off the medication, but at the same time he was strictly forbidden from going out, using his phone or seeing many people.
on the day of his discharge, you begged him to let you drive him home. he said that it wasn't your responsibility, that he would manage, but the man he was calling sounded like he wanted dazai to rot away in the hospital for the rest of his life.
"all of that because you don't do your paperwork?" you asked with a chuckle, sitting by his side with his belonging in a bag on your lap, waiting for him to finish his call with his friend from work, if you could call that friendship. "really, I told you that I don't mind. let me drive you home, I'm sure this kuni... kunikida guy will appreciate it. what exactly is your problem with that?"
"I like to maximize my time spent annoying kunikida," he explained sensibly with a grin, groaning slightly as he got up and sat back down on the wheelchair. you placed the bag on his lap and began wheeling him towards the exit while he continued. "it's been too long since I've been a pain in his ass, sooooo..."
"is that an excuse 'cause you don't want me seeing your place?"
he gasped loudly, gathering the attention of all that you passed by. "dear, I swear that I'm a good liar. how do you see through me so quickly?!"
"the same way you see through me, I suppose," you laughed softly. "and if you don't feel ready to have me so much as see your home, I don't mind, I'm a patient woman. get it? patient. it's a hospital joke."
your understanding of nearly every curveball he threw at you was too much, and quite frankly he couldn't handle it. every time he tried to push you away, gain some distance because you were getting too comfortable with him emotionally, too close to the parts of him that he didn't keep guarded, you somehow managed to take a step back without hating him or demanding more. he'd always been the type to let women fall for him, that's true, but you weren't asking for anything in return and he just didn't get it.
that was the reason dazai couldn't let you take him home, not because he was ashamed of where he lived but because your relationship was confined within the walls of this hospital and he was afraid of what would happen if you continued outside of them.
it was also the reason he found himself crying once you finally brought him to the front entrance of the hospital, about to check one more time with him that he refused to get a ride with you when you noticed his tears. panicked, you looked at his chest for signs of blood, his face for signs of fever or pain, anything physical.
"osamu, is everythi— nmmf!"
he'd never kissed you like that before, grabbing your face while you crouched down to look at him and just feel you, all of you, on his tongue. desperate and needy, like he'd never touched you before or like you were some kind of lifesaving drug (which you must've been: he hadn't thought about suicide in weeks, hadn't joked about it, hadn't asked someone to a double-suicide. the prospect felt so foreign, ridiculous when he thought about never seeing you again). in the middle of the lobby, you were practically making out all of a sudden which was why you had to pull away temporarily and look at him, confused.
you didn't ask him why he did that. you just laughed (he loved the sound of your laugh) and called him impatient. yet somehow, both of your gazes met and there seemed to be some kind of mutual understanding of the feelings involved. you were so genuine about your emotions that he both psychologically and physically broke.
he was silent as you wheeled him to your car, helped him in and told him to wait as you returned the wheelchair. he sat down, looking at the mess, the faint chaotic smell that somehow matched you perfectly and relaxed into the passenger seat. when you came back, asking him for his address, he opened his mouth meekly to ask if he could stay with you for a few days since he knew he would slack off on the meds and eat junk food if he was living alone again. he almost looked embarrassed as he asked it, looking down at his hands instead of at you.
he wasn't wearing his bandages. in truth, they'd been cut off since he had that emergency surgery, but he never put them back on. dazai told himself that it was because he liked to feel your skin on his, but deep down he knew that it was much more than that.
too quickly. dazai osamu fell in love too quickly and he didn't know how to make it slow down.
"osaaaaaaamuuuuuu!" you called out, trying to wake him up at 6 in the morning. "time for your medicationnnnnn!"
he pretended to snore, and you pretended not to notice his tricks.
you stood there, hand on your hip, sweaty as you were just back from your morning exercise. trying to keep your health in the kind of shape that you wouldn't have to go back to the hospital was nice, but the early mornings took a while to get used to. luckily, it helped that you had your snoring boyfriend as a natural alarm clock.
"oh, he's sleeping? that sure is a shame," you dramatically pouted, setting the small cup with the pills down on the bedside in fake dejection and loudly walking over to your bathroom. "I guess I'll just have to shower all alone..."
on command, the covers were thrown in the air, osamu yelling "I'm awake!" and swallowing the pills dry in a panicked frenzy.
it works every time.
he giggled, holding your hand once he got up in order to make sure you weren't joking and truly drag you to the bathroom. you barely managed to murmur a "good morning" before he was all over you, slowing down only when you told him to take it easy with a laugh.
you'd both met each other when you were broken, but right now you've never felt so whole.
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so let me get this straight, so in AU-05 etto and hyou's roles are swaped(and ofc a new agent 8 named "eros") so it means that etto cloud be a normal octoling with his friend(since they were two people before they became *the* etto) so that means for hyou-
Oh NO you didn't-
(But ofc im really curious about this au)
*evil laugh*
Some quick sketches then a ramble:
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Although “Etto” would never come to be, their “core brain donors” (made up of like, thirty different people’s body parts… some alive some dead) would probably meet at some point. And maybe both still date Cora because hey she’s got two hands man-
Otherwise everything else would be the same for them: form Natur-Freak, befriend Three, yada yada
Three though…
One thing you’ll learn about me is that I love to take characters I have no strong feelings towards and make them incredibly evil for no real reason.
So for Cuttlefish, when he couldn’t find Three in the metro, he pretty much just gave up and assumed he died. Shortly after OE four was hired as his replacement. He was going to be called Agent Three but Callie and Marie were strongly against it, so Four it is.
Then, five or so years later, and Eros/Eight finds Three. Three, despite being in a bad bad situation, is perfectly calm, even apologetic for making noise and startling Eros, then apologetic again for talking. Eros, not wanting to scare Three, tries to stay as calm as possible despite freaking out that Three, the squid that helped him escape and was his hero, was transformed into this by whoever “they” were. (Also malnourished hence why he’s so small here)
Somehow, Three stayed optimistic all those years that Squidbeak would come and find him eventually, and thought that he was only down there for two or three months.
However Liam/Four quickly reveals the truth upon being told who Three was because lad can’t keep his mouth shut to save his life
Dw tho, after cuttlefish gets thoroughly chewed out, Three is able to get into some therapy and return to living in Inkopolis. Lil squid will never be alone again :]
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sith-obikin · 1 year
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• A song to keep us warm by nakintups (sputnikan)
Dyad AU.
Obi-Wan Kenobi was renounced by Qui-Gon Jinn after the battle on Naboo and had chosen to leave the Order.
Anakin gets to be Qui-Gon's new padawan instead.
Years later, Obi-Wan resurfaces again, on the battle of Geonosis, as a Sith Lord.
Shortly after that Anakin begins to have visions of him, the Force somehow connecting them and Anakin is forced to confront the man who might have been his older brother his friend but now turned his enemy.
DW: Sort of Reylo Force connection vibes, with Anakin being angry and guarded, while Obi-Wan is curious and calm. Maybe they slowly learning about each other.
DNW: Major Character Death, Unhappy Ending, Anidala (could be in passing but ultimately obikin is the soulmate endgame)
• 'eat your young' by DeanSWade
Sith Lord Kenobi and his acolyte Skywalker have a grueling training session.
DW: sexual tension, sweaty bodies, bloody sparring relationship might be established or not.
DNW: go crazy! no limits
• i'll help you fall down with me by zombiekatherine
Rako Hardeen Arc (or a similar style mission), but rather than faking his death, Obi-Wan fakes a fall to the Dark Side for the mission. In his distress, Anakin falls (for real) and follows after his Master to find and rejoin with him.
DWs: Angst, Established relationship for obikin, Dubcon or noncon when Vaderkin finds out Obi-Wan was faking his fall
DNWs: piss, scat, vomit, mpreg, heavy pet play, major character death
• I would burn the stars to protect you by Himilce
Whump with sith Obi-Wan + jedi anakin.
They haven't known each other for long but actually long enough for them both to develop feelings to each other despite their differences. The context on how they meet is up to you. It can be because of a mission the council assigned to Anakin, but yeah you decide.
One day Anakin gets seriously injured by one of Lord Kenobi's inquisitors. Obi-Wan goes feral and fully in protective boyfriend mode (The guilty inquisitor is immediately killed of course).
DW: The more angsty and whumpie the better!, Blood loss injury
DNW: major character's death (it can be temporary tho), smut
• Disintegration by CourtesyTrefflin
ROTS AU where Obi-Wan Falls instead of Anakin
• flesh amnesiac by innominatta (acrylicsalt)
Reverse AU + AU where (suitless) Vader and Anakin are twins
Master Anakin and Padawan Obi-Wan are on a mission when they get separated (either by accident or evil plans, your choice) and Vader finds Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan thinks that Vader is Anakin and Vader has no issues with playing along with it when Obi-Wan starts to come on to him.
Bonus points if Anakin finds out that Vader fucked Obi-Wan somehow and gets really jealous/possessive.
Your choice if Obi-Wan ever finds out.
DW: Established relationship between Anakin & Obi-Wan, dub/non con due to identity issues, "thank god you're alive" sex, Vader being rougher in sex than Obi-Wan is used to, jealous/possessive!Anakin
• i've done dark things (in these shadows) by apagetorn
Obi-Wan as a Sith apprentice of Dooku and is Dooku's chosen heir but seeing as Dooku is just from a part from an external branch from the Bane line of Sith, his line of Sith Lordship isn't well liked or favored by either the wide known Sith Empire or Sidious himself (the current Sith emperor).
Because of this, Dooku cautions his apprentice to hide his talent so others will not know their plan to overthrow Palpatine, so they can usurp the throne and establish Obi-Wan as the new Emperor.
Palpatine's chosen is Anakin and the moment Anakin and Obi-Wan meet, Anakin knew he wanted Obi-Wan for himself, cue dangerous flirting game and Obi-Wan trying to navigate having both Anakin and Palpatine's attention on his back.
DW: Bottom Obi-Wan Kenobi, Top Anakin Skywalker, Kinks of all kinds, Gore, dead Dove, it doesn't matter, anything goes.
DNW: Top Obi-Wan Kenobi, Bottom Anakin Skywalker, Major Character Death (Only Anakin and Obi-Wan, if others, it's fine idc)
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wizardfrog69 · 1 year
A lot of nsfw things bro
How Abt this
Sigma w a pregnant so or could be a follow up to that one nsfw thing where they find out they’re pregnant or some sbit
Don’t know why I like things like that but I do 💯
A lot of nsfw cuz a lot of people request for nsfw but dw there's more on the way along with an unequal amount of sfw stuff. Thanks for the request!
'•.¸♡ pregnancy ♡¸.•'
Sigma x gn!reader (afab)
The nsfw thing
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You were feeling ill in the mornings lately and you were more tired, you didn't really think about it until you missed your period. A strange feeling of excitement and anxiety filled your mind as you thought of the possibilities which could have caused your late period.
After looking at all the reasons why you were late you realised there was only one reason why would be late, pregnancy. With that thought in mind you left for a pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test. You and Sigma always wanted to start a family and maybe this was your chance.
You bought two pregnancy tests just to make sure. At home you used them and while you awaited the results you started thinking of how you were going to tell Sigma. When you got the results a squeal of happiness left your lips as the you held the positive tests in your hands. You could help yourself but celebrate by doing a little dance.
You decided to bake some cookies for the occasion and that was how you were going to tell him. You went shopping once again with a little pep in your step as you planed the surprise further.
You baked some cookies and wrote you're going to be a father on one of them, the one you were going to give to Sigma.
You were both really excited and slightly nervous about telling Sigma the news but nonetheless you really wanted to tell him as soon as possible so you waited and waited until he got home.
You heard the front door knob moving and the door opening. Sigma was greeted by a very excited and energetic smile and a tight hug as you playfully pulled him by his hand to the living room coffee table. 'I made you cookies!' Your excitement only burst through your words.
You held up the plate with cookies and Sigma looked down on the plate reading the words presented in front of him. 'You're going to be...' His voice trailed off and shortly after a big smile took over his face as he looked up at you with stars in his eyes. 'Really?' As soon as you nodded Sigma ran to you giving you the biggest hug imaginable. You felt your shoulder dampening, Sigma pulled his face away from your shoulder to reveal the tears in his eyes, he was beyond excited.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
Sorry this is kinda shit but idk what else to write.
Have a wonderful day/night and don't forget to hydrate.
-with love, Az
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silver-queen · 5 months
v off topic but what is up with project moon lately ive been vaguely aware of workplace stuff happened but dunno much
id ask u if ur ok w/ explaining it to me but if u cant dw bout it
hope u have a nice day btw
I don't mind but be aware I'm not fluent In korean nor abut the social climate there 😔 and thank you!
I'm gonna recall what I know so it's going to be long, but long story short, Kim Jihoon (Project Moon's CEO) fired the CG artist vellmori immediately after some guys from korea's equivalent of 4chan (DCInside) accused her of being a feminist.
This isn't the first time something like this happened in the korean gaming industry, but this particular event kind of uncovered a whole lot of issues in other things, from Project Moon's shortcomings to as far as the korean gaming industry itself.
I don't know where to start, but the whole thing happened because a beach mini-event featured one of the female character in a full wetsuit and not in a bikini, nevermind that Project Moon is known for rarely, if ever feature fanservice. A group of people from DCInside directed their outrage to the main art director and artist of said character's skin, but once they found out that the artist is a man, they pivoted to the CG artist, despite the fact she's not responsible any character design in the game.
DCInside started to give Limbus Company a negative review on all platforms it was on for it's "feminist agenda" demanding for vellmori to be fired, and when PM took too long with complying with their demand, ten people took it to themselves and stormed Project Moon's office. The situation seemed dire, we tried supporting Project Moon because we thought they weren't the type of company who would side with people like them.
PM responded by posting an announcement (only in korean at the time to try to keep the international fanbase in the dark) that vellmori was to be dismissed from her position for "causing controversy"
Said controversy is that DCinside dug a deleted post vellmori retweeted when she was a teen speaking out against a spycam epidemic in women's bathroom. That was five years ago and long deleted, but apparently it was still a valid reason to dismiss her from the company.
Vellmori mentioned in a korean newspaper that Kim Jihoon fired her over the phone at midnight when he was still in Japan in preparation for a game expo. This was before Project Moon released any follow-up statement after the first one.
Project Moon then released another statement that vellmori was merely dismissed, but not fired, and that they aren't disclosing anything more to protect her. They also threatened to sue everyone who spread misinformation, which is hard to define since PM wasn't clearing up anything.
During this many former employees came forward about the poor management they experienced and the lack of employee protection in PM. The visual artist of Leviathan, the prologue comic/novel for Limbus Company mentioned that she was forced within a tight schedule (a chapter every week) without room to make buffer pages in her schedule. When she tried to negotiate for a scheduling change, Kim Jihoon instead cut her contract short.
The english translator for both Limbus Company and it's twitter announcements, in a separate incident, was harassed and cyberstalked on social media, yet Project Moon did nothing to defend him. Kim Jihoon has proven before that he could stand up for his employees, like he did with PM's cafe when customers harassed the staffs. Granted, the translator said that he doesn't want anyone to criticize Project Moon for not defending him, but his letter is still depressing to read, especially when he revealed he had to work on chapter 3.5 overnight while his family member was diagnosed with cancer.
MIMI, the artist for Lobotomy Corporation's spinoff comic Wonderlab, shortly took down the comic due to dissatisfaction with the company.
A youth union was created in response to the controversy, demanding a clear announcement over vellmori's employment status and to compensate her.
PM responded that yes, vellmori has been fired, and claims that she wishes her privacy to be protected to avoid revealing anything further about her dismissal, even though she had already talked to a newspaper about it.
And until this day Project Moon went on a crusade against everyone who directly speak against their decision, from suing peaceful truck protestors and unions, and yet they barely addressed the incels from DCInside who started this all in the first place. The infamy of this incident also brought attention to the rampant misogyny in South Korea, especially in the gaming industry.
Honestly this isn't the first time they folded from the slightest bit of pressure, but the first time it was because a review bomb on Library of Ruina because some blokes didn't like the original ending. I don't know. I feel like they're going to foster a fanbase that thinks they can get whatever they want if they cause a big enough ruckus when things don't go their way. I don't want to be part of that so I've been steering away from the fanbase even if I'm still fond of PM's stories.
Sorry this got long and I don't have complete sources, most of this is what I recall from witnessing it firsthand and I really don't feel like looking for Xitter posts 😭 this post is more complete if you'd like to read more.
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helpful-hardware · 2 years
forces au time wheeeee
ill add onto this with more details as i think it out but ANYWAY
Gadget's backstory:
gadget is trans girl (hey now custom hero is perfect for some self projection)
she had transphobic parents (i didnt), and seeks out someone online that might be supportive
unlucky for her that someone is Zer0 (infinite before the ruby), an edgy pricc who seems nice enough at first
but soon enough revealed himself to be a canine supremacist fascist
shortly after that her parents somehow found out about gadget's online life and, well, ill spare the details there.
the war starts soon after and gadget is on the run, and feeling isolated
sega are fuckin cowards.. when yall say he were tortured for 6 months actually DO SOMETHIN WITH IT
anyway infinite psychologically tortured sonic with illusions. being drowned, crushed, you name it, he did it the bastard
worst part were seeing his friends die in gruesome ways, and developing massive guilt over being caught in the first place and letting them all down.
after being busted out he sees "oh shit, its actually a hellscape out there like in that teaser trailer"
determination to fight and to keep his emotions from being seen.
eventually we arrive at a final battle of sorts, sonic panics over the idea of friends dying for real.. combine that with chaos energy from the emeralds and
dark sonic emerges, no mercy for infinite or eggman
in fact he beats the latter to DEATH, shocking everyone including himself when the power dissipates
everyone gets a glimpse of how sonic really felt all this time and it aint pretty
after being looked over by the med team sonic isolates himself in a resistance dorm room
a few days after, shadow visits to check in on the poor boi
sonic spills it all out.. HE SAW THEM DIE-- HE LET THEM DOWN
shadow is understandably shaken, but does not hesitate to be there to comfort
oh and tails prolly distressed that his bro will never be the same again.. a fate worse than death? he aint sure but he isnt doin well either. no one is
After the war, with Gadget:
gadget found companionship in tails during the last few weeks of the war, but hasnt really opened up much
an offhand mention of having known infinite leads shadow to question gadget about it
that is all covered in this audio drama i made:
but tl;dw its war trauma on top of childhood abuse and betrayal and she cant really cope that well
shadow does his best (we love him for it) but its not an easy road to recovery for the wolf
oh and gadgets also sensitive to everyone else being ✨TRAUMATIZED✨ gahh she needs a hug..
surprise robo angst!:
okay this may just be inspired heavily by @wonderinc-sonic and their cyber virus au but anyway
eggman during the war sends out a virus to disable all eggtech, since he got word of some civilians hacking it
this means that omega, metal, etc will fuckin DIE unless they are out of those bodies
using pieces of some stolen scrapped tech relating to a "roboticizer" and a chaos emerald, the resistance is able to give our robo friends new organic bodies!
this is something none of them take well
omega takes a massive hit to her self esteem as her greatest trait, firepower, is forever gone
and metal... poor thing has been bottling up some feelings that let loose with the whole being a mobian thing
oh yeah both omega and metal are trans, and we got some metamy yuri as well
now back to shadow and sonic
shadow has ended up taking after sonic a bit in trying to be there for absolutely everyone even when there isnt much he can do
it takes such a heavy toll and team dark encourage him to reconnect with his old therapist because of it...
speaking of therapy! sonic.
his mental health has been absolutely shattered.. unfortunately to the point where he's been hurting himself
so his friends and shadow make frequent check ins while making sure that he is seeing a therapist for well, everything.....
it will be difficult as hecc but eventually everyone will (somewhat) adjust to this new era of mobius
after some time sonic actually starts feeling okay enough to move back into tails workshop
shadow comes by to check in and thats this other audio drama
the mental issues wont ever fully go away, but everyone is there for each other, and theyll find new ways to live
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acircusfullofdemons · 2 years
!! (for the oc ask you reblogged)
[ send me "!!" & I'll introduce you to an oc ]
Oh thank you!! So. Harlow. My fucked up horror girl. My scream queen, final girl, etc. (this got. SO LONG, I'm so sorry)
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Her full name is Harlow Spade (she/they) & they work for Lannie Crowley/Lantern as his henchperson. His right hand, more specifically! She started working for him when she was 15 after having a mental breakdown/existential crisis about being a magical girl.
You see, in the city Harlow lives in (Prism Pulse), there are 7 deities that have control over 7 emotions (Anger, Greed, Fear, Determination, Hope, Love, Compassion). These 7 used to be hidden from humanity but Ares, Hermes, and Phobos (they're named after Greek gods but not THE Greek gods, if that makes sense?) wanted themselves to be known/have more recognition, so now we're here!
Anyway the 7 can now choose Prism Citizens to give their power to, but only of they 1) were born in PP & 2) born after The Calamity (aka when they revealed themselves). These people are called "Witches" and Harlow is one such Witch! The deity that claimed her was Pandora, aka the deity of Hope. Harlow did NOT have a fun time being a Hope Witch, though. I don't want to, like, give a bunch of worldbuilding so to sum up: her mother, Faith, had a Hope Shard (aka an object that lets non witches/humans use the deities power) and was a superhero/magical girl for Prism Pulse until she got pregnant with Harlow. Faith was beloved by everyone and is kind of...martyred? romanticized?? Everyone always talks about how great she was and. its a lot to put on an 8 year old!!
Yes, that's right. Poor little baby started fighting crime at 8. Nobody cared that she was a literal child, just that she had to stop Lannie/Lantern (who has a Fear Shard, Fear & Hope are opposites which is why Harlow was expected to fight him). Now. This isn't about Lannie, but he IS important to Harlow.....because he's also her dad! *gasp* yes I know how fucking wild.
See, its fun, because Faith & Lannie were enemies, then had this weird coworker dymanic, then they sort of accidentally started sleeping with each other (oh did I also mention that Faith has a husband, Harlan?? well get to him dw but yeah she definitely cheating on him). This is supposed to be about Harlow. Sorry. Anyway, nobody knows Harlow is Lannie’s kid (except for possibly Faith, and tbh Lannie lowkey suspects it but what's he gonna do?? get a dna test done?? he's a fucking criminal yall). Also Faith kills herself shortly after Harlow is born bc of post partum depression/psychosis, leaving Harlow in the care of Harlan, her "father".
Harlan was NOT a good dad lmao. He constantly blamed Harlow for her mothers death and put most of the pressure for her to fight Lannie (i stg when you really look at Canon!Harlow's life, Lannie is the ONLY person that genuinely cares about her). Ssoo yeah he sucks, very emotionally & verbally abusive.
So you're probably wondering. What happened when Harlow was 15 that made her work for Lannie instead? Well, to put simply: she died! Yes, you read that right. Harlow is technically a ghost. There was this giant fight involving, Harlow, Lannie, Agent Owl (Prism's main hero), and some other villains idk the details yet, which resulted in Harlow getting severely injured and dying. Lannie was the one to notice her dying first bc Owl was too busy fighting the other villains, and BOY did he blow up at Owl for not caring about Harlow enough. Anyway she became a ghost bc Pandora was like "nnoooo 😭 you were my favorite!!! go back rn". Pandora said "everyone lives au, hurt/comfort, 35k" blame her for all of Harlow's problems.
ANYWAY. I THINK THAT'S ENOUGH BACKSTORY??? if you're still reading this, uh...personality time?? My girl is FERAL. she eats bugs. She bites people, police especially. They're an absolute menace to society and will one day take over Lannie’s job as being a general nuisance. She's also constantly insulting Lannie and making fun of him (affectionately of course. though sometimes it does get a lil personal oops). Uhmmm she's also very smart, extremely good at Alchemy (which is basically magic chemistry in this universe).
Now it's time for the Faith Lives!AU bc. I like it a lot more lol.
Its basically what is says on the tin, Faith doesn't kill herself. She also divorces Harlan & gets with Lannie! Nobody is happy about them being together but me (and them ofc). Under their parenting, Harlow has a MUCH happier childhood and even a little brother, Jack! (named after Jack Skellington. Lannie thought it would be funny. he was right.)
ALSO!!! bc of some worldbuilding reasons I don't have time to explain, Phobos (deity of Fear) is now her patron/the deity to give her powers!! And while it still kinda sucks bc those claimed by Ares/Hermes/Phobos are SEVERELY hated (those 3 don't have....the best reputation in Prism Pulse) and she's a lot more powerful bc thats her...."true calling", I suppose is how you'd put it? Like she can use both Hope & Fear, but she's got an easier time with Fear lol. (She might also just be possessed by phobos. just a lil, idk)
Your "reward" for reading all that is Harlows playlist & the FL!AU playlist. Oh and. Bragging rights, I guess.
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Temporary Roombuddies
❤️Part 1❤️Zuko x F!reader❤️modern au❤️slight angst❤️
A/N: Hello! This is my first smau! Sorry if I have lots of typos and some of the times don't make sense. I've been reading a few of these and thought it'd be super cool to make one of my own! Later I'll post what their accounts look like. I'm open to suggestions and constructive criticism, if you think I can write one of the characters better then please don't hesitate to let me know! Enjoy♥️
✨Part 2✨
🌹If you'd like to be on a tag list then ask me!🌹
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Word count: 1,067
It’d been at least five minutes since Sokka texted y/n and she had yet to start cleaning up. She didn't have the energy too or do anything for that matter. But guilt struck her once she realized she'd already blown him off once before. Sokka is one of her closest friends, no way could she disappoint him again. With that said y/n swung her legs off the bed and began cleaning up.
While picking up some trash in the living room y/n's reflection had caught her eye. A small gasp escaped from her chapped lips for seeing her eyes. They were puffy and red from last night’s crying session.
“Shit!” She cursed under her breath as she tossed the trash in the disposal bin and dashed for the bathroom. Anxiously she applied foundation as a base and sloppily put concealer under her eyes to hide away her eye bags.
It looks awful but it’s Sokka, he’s an idiot with makeup he won't notice. Y/N thought quickly, forgetting Sokka’s girlfriend is a makeup expert.
As if on cue there was a knock on the door. Just to be cautious: y/n took an extra minute to even out her makeup and even go as far as to apply mascara to take away from her exhausted look.
She tried clearing her throat of nervousness and plastered a smile across her lips. Then, she forced herself to open the door. Nearly immediately was she greeted with a tight bear hug.
“Been too long y/n! Tooooo long!” Sokka bubbled after setting y/n down from his unexpected embrace.
“Yeah,” she agreed “it’s good to see you too, Sokka-brah.”
Sokka’s face lit up like a child entering a toy shop at the revival of his old nickname. “You rightfully deserve this- VUALA!” He revealed an iHop bag that brought a smile upon y/n.
“Chocolate chip?” She cocked an eyebrow up, looking at him with a smirk.
“Chocolate chiiiiiip” Sokka confirmed by taking out the plastic container from the paper bag that held four chocolate chip pancakes.
Y/N grinned and nudged his arm “S’why you're my favorite.” She joked, knowing she doesn't really have favorites in her friend group.
So much time had passed and y/n didn't even realize it. Sokka was a good distraction from the anxiety that had overtaken her the past week. Together they ate, chatted, and even screamed answers at Family Feud like they used to. Before that y/n was convinced to “play tag” around her small apartment. She definitely worked up a sweat since she didn't really like being chased.
Once the game show cut to commercials their laughing slowly thinned out.
“Well, that was a good game-sesh.” Y/n huffed and leaned back. She looked over and caught Sokka staring at her “what?” She questioned.
“How much sleep did you get last night?” He asked skeptically.
Immediately y/n reached up and touched under her eyes. Unfortunately on y/n’s part she was an awful lair and sputtered her words “Uhm- enough..”
“Mhm,” Sokka crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes “how much really?”
In defeat, y/n lowered her head. “None..” For that, she got a flick to the forehead “Ow!”
Sokka stood from the couch and headed somewhere down the hall. Shortly after he came back with a small pack of makeup wipes and sat back down next to y/n, handing the small blue package to her.
“Now take it off and please be yourself around me, y/n.” There wasn't the slightest hint of disappointment in his voice, no, it was desperation. All he wanted was his friend to be honest with him, to tell the truth about what's wrong, to share her feelings.
Shame had overflown y/n’s senses; she hardly heard Sokka speak when he did. Carefully she took the makeup wipes and pulled one out, beginning to take her makeup off.
“How’d you know? About my sleeping- er, well, not sleeping.” She asked while rubbing the moist wipe in circular motions on her cheek.
“When I woke up today for work at 5 a.m. I checked my socials and saw you were online on Instagram. I knew it was unlikely of you to be up so early and you always fail at all-nighters.”
Y/N sighed “You know me too well.” By now she was done taking off the foundation and concealer and started on removing the mascara.
“Aaaand to go further on with my gloating I also knew you’d try to cover up your tiredness with makeup, therefore, I thought of ways to make you work up a sweat to ruin your makeup and THEN confront you about it.” He smirked.
Y/N narrowed her eyes at him but couldn't help but smile. “Y’know I might just remove your position of being the favorite.” She finished taking off all of her makeup and tossed the used makeup wipe and packaging on the coffee table, leaning back to wait for Sokka’s interrogation.
“It’s my job to do this, I'm the plan guy! Also the boomerangs guy, the sarcastic guy, the hungry guy- you know what we’re getting sidetracked.” Sokka shifts so he’s facing y/n entirely.
Y/N avoids his gaze and finds her pancake scraps more interesting for that moment. She flinched a bit when she felt Sokka’s hand on her shoulder, causing her to look up.
“I want my y/n back.” His smile broke through to her enough to bring up threatening tears. The comforting friend noticed his friends’ eyes become glossy. Sokka went to wrap an arm around y/n but before he could she jumped into his arms.
“I’m sorry,” she whimpered into his shoulder, “these past few weeks have just been so awful I just want to give up.” The little tears that she blinked from her eyes grew into full sobs. “I’m sorry I pushed you and the others away I never wanted that I thought if I closed off until it was over it’d all be fine but no it’s not-” her voice cracked while trying to shove all her feelings in one sentence “it’s not fine I'm worse than ever Sokka!”
Sokka rubbed y/n’s back and let her emotions fly high, he would ask questions later.
Right now, all she needs is to let go of the tension. He thought.
♥️I hope you enjoyed reading so far! I ready have parts 1-4 finished but I'll be waiting to see how well received this is before posting further on. Also this was just a tiny bit of sokka x reader ;P DW I promise nothing happens! Reblog and like if you enjoyed!♥️
🔥Zuko will be arriving in the next part~🔥
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inyuji · 4 years
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Don’t know how much more ducks I wanna draw. For now, I wanted to get this out of the way. This is dubbed the “Stranger Things” AU, where Miyu Moreno met Drake as young teens, but under bad circumstances. Basically Drake and his classmate Elmo Sputterspark befriend Miyu and dub themselves the “Weirdo Club.” And they just enjoy an entire autumn doing fun shenanigans while trying to find leads to Miyu’s possible relatives. WARNING: LONG story description. Read at your own peril
Miyu’s adoptive mother, Lucia Moreno, did not survive the risky operation to cure her illness. This left Miyu an orphan, and unable to look after herself. What’s worse was being secretly watched by strange people who claimed “child services.” The spirits and yokai warned her of the shady government agents. Out of desperation and fear, Miyu snuck out of Japan to America when she was thirteen, hoping to find any relatives who could take her in. Unfortunately she was still being tracked by the shady agents, so she ran and hid as far as she could. She stayed hidden, barely surviving in a rumored “haunted house,” in the homely town of St. Canard.
Young teen Drake Mallard would brave his way into the haunted house to retrieve his classmate’s bag, which was maliciously disposed by some schoolyard bullies. That’s how he stumbles into a half-starved Miyu, and a bunch local ghosts and a few yokai. Drake barely understood Miyu’s plight, but decided to visit her and help. While trying to teach Miyu with English, Drake discovered some untranslated and translated manga at his local bookstore, and used these as a teaching aid for Miyu and himself. Drake has been introduced to Anime much earlier and now has even more things to nerd over. Our boi is dorkier than ever and I don’t regret a thing.
Over a month, his classmate noticed something was up with Drake. They are not friends, but they are friendly to each other. Drake decided to trust Elmo on his secret, and soon Elmo became part of the “weirdo” club. Miyu would mostly stay hidden, but she occasionally pops out in public when she’s dragged to movies or possible school events. They did share a very awesome Halloween. Drake and Elmo would research possible leads to Lucia Moreno’s relatives or any past work acquaintances. Miyu would try to dreg up clues or help from the local spirits also. At some point, Drake’s mother found out about Miyu when she came home early from shopping and caught Drake trying to smuggle in Miyu to his house. After getting an explanation, she decided to let Miyu stay, though she really wants to alert authorities about the “runaway child.” She does see how Miyu is deadly scared of any “bad men” finding out, since a few had posed as government workers.
The shady agents from Japan have tracked Miyu down, and it’s revealed that they are Onmyoji hunting down Miyu for her magic. Drake and Miyu hastily embark on a road trip to flee from the Onmyojis and seek out the past Darkwing actors. With Elmo occasionally guiding them via radio and Miyu’s helpful spirits, they are able to visit the main Darkwing villain actors and ask about Lucia. While they have good things to say about her brief time on the show, they do not know much about Lucia’s family or if she even had family here. During their biking trip, they befriend a stray Grim, who has kept stealthy vigil over Drake and Miyu. When they finally meet Jim Starling, they are given even more disappointing news. Jim was really shocked that Lucia had adopted a kid during her time recovering and feels guilty about Miyu being an orphan. Jim lies about not knowing Lucia much, not wanting to reveal that his dangerous stunts were the cause of Lucia being injured during set, resulting in her damaging her voice and falling ill. Rather than risk the show being cancelled, Jim had suggested to the writers and producers to drop Lucia from the show. Drake is a bit hesitant to believe that this acting hero is lying, when all the other actors remember Lucia. Miyu has practically given up when their final lead knows nothing.
The Darkwing actors had actually met up shortly at Jim’s signing to ask if he had met Drake and Miyu. They are concerned that two kids are trekking a long way, and hope to rectify their poor judgment of letting the kids go on their merry way. They are disappointed that Jim had practically lied to a bunch of kids, knowing that he too knew Lucia during the short time on set. At that moment, the 2 Onmyojis start interrogating the crew, claiming they are investigators looking for 2 runaway children. One of them however, is pissed and hates dealing with the “normies.” The actors deny knowing where the kids went, and Jim lies though his teeth that the kids probably hit the bus to the next town. When the Onmyojis leave, everyone is officially freaking out. All of the actors are calling the cops and contacting old colleagues who had worked on the Darkwing production. Jim is too freaked out to do anything and doesn’t want to get involved.
When the Onmyojis finally catch up to Miyu and Drake, Drake was almost killed. Witnessing this caused Miyu to awaken her Kitsune blood. Miyu’s real mother was a kitsune, which has given her a sixth sense for the supernatural and magic. Jim Starling had stumbled on this fight while on his way home, and attempted to help. He was easily subdued and injured in the process. After Miyu maliciously subdued all yokai shikigamis (onmyoji summons) and the 2 Onmyojis, the police and paramedics were able to come in time. Drake is diagnosed to be in coma, with low chances of waking up, and this breaks Miyu. Jim feels terrible that he was practically useless and that he was the reason that Lucia was ill and had to seek treatment, which ultimately killed her. Drake’s mother is wracked with grief, but she doesn’t blame Miyu, seeing how much Miyu blames herself. During the fight with the Onmyojis, they reveal that they had sabotaged the operation that would supposedly cure Lucia’s illness. They wanted Miyu easily vulnerable to induct her into their ranks as an Onmyoji in their organization. Miyu blames her existence and her magic for hurting people around her. Out of desperation, Miyu consulted whatever yokai friends for a solution, and prays for Inari, the Kami closely related to Kitsune and possibly the Kami her kitsune mother had served. Inari appears as a spectral apparition and warns Miyu that she will weaken in magic, even with Inari’s help. Miyu doesn’t care for magic anymore. Drake finds himself in a spectral limbo and told about the plight happening in the living realm. Drake doesn’t want Miyu to sacrifice her magic for him, and stubbornly makes his way towards a gateway back to the living, but with great difficulty.
Drake still has to stay hospitalized, but he only needs to heal from a broken arm, and surprisingly, his skull has recovered nicely. Miyu’s magic has been sapped near dry, so all proficiency she had gained is back to level 0. However, Miyu would still have to be processed into Foster Care. There is no guarantee that Miyu will find a stable place to keep in contact with Drake through long-distance letters. Jim had talked a bit with Miyu, asking about her life with Lucia. Wanting to appease his guilt and truly being sorry for Miyu, he manages to take in Miyu as his foster child. He wants to give Miyu a stable home so she can keep consistent correspondence with Drake and Elmo.
Miyu and Jim are able to visit St. Canard every month, especially during school vacation breaks. This gives the kiddies a chance to continue on their Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Jim has started to get the hang of being their Dungeon Master. Now that Jim is a foster father, slowly becoming an adoptive father, he bites down his pride and takes any small gigs to pay bills. But this has been good for him. He’s slowly gaining momentum as an actor, though nothing too noteworthy. Miyu is quite proud of Jim doing his best, and always makes it a routine to pack a bento for him. She finds every chance to personally bring it to him. Over time, Miyu has regained her proficiency in magic in her late teenage years. Jim has been getting good support and contact with his old DW crew, and some parenting advice from Mss. Mallard. Drake has been taking good care of the Grim, who is now lovingly named “Kage.” When Miyu is in her teenage years, Jim is actually nailing a lot more Duckflix gigs who have taken some note of Jim’s improving repertoire. It also helps that he’s become less of a jerk.
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cap-ironman · 4 years
A Happy 2020 to the Cap-IM Community!
We would like to wish all members and followers of the Cap-IM community across platforms a Happy Gregorian New Year! The community has been busy as always, and we want to extend a warm THANK YOU to everyone who helped us make 2019 another fantastic Steve/Tony year.
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There are always things happening in the comm, not least of which are our annual fests and events. We're always amazed at the number of fanworks our participants bring about and the enthusiasm all of you bring to the table — active creators and participants, our active community of readers, commenters, reccers and supporters! Please give all of them a shout out of appreciation, because we wouldn't be here without them and, of course, we hope to see all of you around again for an exciting 2020!
2019 saw our follower count rise to 9000 on Tumblr - thanks for joining us, new people! 
We hope that you find the community welcoming, that you enjoy all the amazing content that creators share with us, and that you feel comfortable reaching out if you have any ideas or suggestions to implement. We did have a small thank you party to celebrate it and hope we'll see more parties and mini-events when the time comes!
In April, we celebrated the roller coaster of feelings that's Avengers: Endgame with a 10-day countdown to the world premiere! It was a fantastic way to reminisce about favourite Steve/Tony moments in the MCU, share hopes for the then-upcoming end of Phase 4, and create new content celebrating the cinematic iterations of Steve and Tony. This may have been the end of an era — but never truly the end for them!
In honour of one of our community mods, @laireshi​ stepping down, we did a special STONY Bingo edition — the 616 Bingo, which ended on December 31st. Congratulations to all the participants who reached a bingo — the prizes will soon be out to you! Full of tropey goodness, the prompts used in the 616 Bingo will be incorporated into our regular Bingo from here on out, so you will have a chance to create for them again. 
At the end of June, we launched a brand new challenge! Our first Captain America & Iron Man Midyear Exchange paired artists up with writers: Each artist was assigned to a writer to create art based on an existing story, and each writer was assigned to an artist to write a story based on existing artwork. We are so pleased with the turnout, and the gorgeous new fanworks that were created! What a lovely way to pay tribute to someone's transformative work.
Because of popular demand we ran our comment bingo again and hope you're looking forward to more rounds to come!
Navaan generously gifted us with another year of paid Dreamwidth account, allowing us to continue expanding our tags for creators and events. If any of you feel inclined to give the community some paid time/DW points to help us keep things neatly organized, that'd be very appreciated — we went over the 1000 tag limit for free accounts back in 2018 and with our events, new participants and new fans joining in, the tag list keeps growing ♥
We'd like to remind you about our Pillowfort, which for now we're only using to post major announcements. But if you're active on Pillowfort and would like us to use it more, give us a shout out.
We're also sharing all announcements on Twitter and we'll shortly start posting announcements regularly on Discord. More information will follow in our event announcement posts. What will 2020 bring? 2020 is starting as busy as every year here. Holiday Exchange reveals are in progress, Community Gifts continue to be created, and sign-ups for the Remix Exchange and the Remix Relay assignments went out today (with Remix Madness, the no-commitment free-for-all part of the challenge, opening on Jan 11 for sign-ups). Additionally, the 2020 Reverse Big Bang is open for artist submissions already! We'll soon start a round of support chats, so keep an eye out for more information. And of course new round of our popular Steve/Tony Bingo will start soon, and Round 3 of Stony Comment Bingo is still ongoing.
We hope you're looking forward to our annual events! We have a small surprise planned for you this summer and you can expect the Big Bang and Holiday Exchange to return later this year! And this summer our Tiny Reverse Bang will return after it took a break in 2019. (See our List of Cap-Iron Man Events post for what to expect).
We have more ideas to keep you thinking about Steve/Tony across the multiverse in 2020. Keep an eye on the announcements! 
The Dreamwidth comm is open to anyone who wants to highlight or showcase their own creations outside of events, too! Our Fanwork Highlight newsletters will return later this year in a slightly changed format. We would like to remind you that you are welcome and encouraged to post content to the cap-ironman Dreamwidth, Livejournal and Pillowfort communities in any language that you like. We just ask that the title, creator, rating, warnings and universe be listed in English in addition to your chosen language. We have updated our posting guidelines to more clearly reflect this. We encourage everyone to post in the communities — this is your space to talk about Steve/Tony and what you love about it, as well as promote your works or run mini-events in comment threads.
If you run your own Steve/Tony events don't hesitate to contact the mods about advertising in any of our community channels.
A happy 2020 to all Steve/Tony shippers! We hope to have another amazing Steve/Tony year with the help of all of you. We will endeavour to provide many fun opportunities for you to challenge yourself, create more Steve/Tony content and meet new fellow shippers! 
Let's make it the best possible Steve/Tony year!
Your Cap-IM Community Mods,
dapperanachronism, faite, lore & navaan
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Queen’s Thief Exchange - 2018 Schedule
Hi, all! The third annual fanfiction and fanart exchange will be kicking off shortly. Here’s my proposed schedule:
Character and relationship nominations: June 19th through the 28th at 10 PM EDT
Signups: June 29th through July 8th, closing at 10 PM EDT
Assignments sent out: July 10th at the latest
Fanworks due: August 18th at 10 PM EDT
Fanworks revealed: August 25th at 10 PM EDT
Artists/authors revealed: September 1st at 10 PM EDT
I'm not planning to make any changes to the process this year. You can review how everything works at the FAQ. If you have any questions, please leave them in responses at the Dreamwidth account, or you can email me at hamiathesmod at gmail. Links of interest: Exchange on AO3 | Exchange on DW | Exchange on LJ
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freenewstoday · 3 years
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New Post has been published on https://freenews.today/2021/01/18/angola-could-isabel-dos-santos-make-a-comeback-dw-19-01-2021/
Angola: Could Isabel dos Santos make a comeback? | DW | 19.01.2021
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More than 700,000 leaked documents were made public a year ago by Rui Pinto, a Portuguese hacker and whistleblower who is currently under house arrest in his home country. They included emails, contracts and memos proving how, for years, the eldest daughter of Angola’s longtime President Jose Eduardo dos Santos enriched herself with illegal business practices, corruption and nepotism. Her fortune was at times estimated at more than $3 billion (€2.5 billion).
People in Angola had known for a while that things were not as they should be, said Alexandre Neto Solombe. “Then, all of a sudden, shocking things came to light: real documents, evidence. That really shook us up,” the Angolan journalist and political analyst added.
Surprisingly to Angolans, the government and the country’s state media did not keep the scandal under wraps. “Angolan state television took up the issue and even attached great importance to the matter — that was new for many Angolans,” Solombe said.
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Rui Pinto revealed details of corruption and business malpractice
Kleptocracy with international backing
The leaked documents, made available to the International Network of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) in January 2020, showed that Isabel dos Santos’ international billion-dollar business had been conducted through a network of more than 400 companies and front companies in 41 countries, many based in tax havens like Malta, Cyprus, Mauritius and Hong Kong.
The dos Santos clan apparently wanted to move money from Angola’s lucrative oil, diamond and mobile phone businesses out of the country on a grand scale. Isabel dos Santos could always count on the help of banks, consultants and law firms in Europe, especially in Portugal, once Angola’s colonial master, where she held stakes in countless companies and corporations — including in the banking, energy and telecommunications sectors.
 German banks were involved, too: A subsidiary of the German KfW development bank, for instance, granted the Sodiba beverage company a €50 million loan. It was clear even then that Sodiba was part of the empire run by the president’s daughter and that the intermediary Angolan bank, a partly state-owned company, answered to the president.
“Luanda Leaks is an example of how elites in countries of the Global South enrich themselves and how they can count on foreign help to divert this money, hide it in tax havens, launder it and reinvest it,” said Daniel Düster, a journalist and co-author of the Paradise Watch — Luanda Leaks report published by the Bonn-based Information Center on Southern Africa (ISSA).
Witchhunt against the dos Santos clan?
Isabel dos Santos had already fallen out of favor in Angola before the Luanda Leaks scandal broke — back in 2017 when her father handed over power to Joao Lourenco after almost 40 years in office. Lourenco pledged that he would fight nepotism and corruption, and that same year he dismissed Isabel dos Santos as head of the Sonangol state oil company, a post her father had installed her in just a year earlier.
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President Lourenco’s government is now also being accused of corruption in its ranks
The Luanda Leaks papers proved Lourenco was on the right track, as they showed how Isabel dos Santos transferred $58 million from Sonangol to a consulting firm in Dubai the morning after her dismissal — reason enough for the Angolan judiciary to freeze Isabel dos Santos’ assets and accounts in Angola. Courts in Portugal and the Netherlands also ordered the freezing of accounts of the former president’s daughter.
Isabel dos Santos adamantly rejects any accusations made against her in connection with Luanda Leaks, saying they are groundless and presenting herself as the victim of an orchestrated attack by the current president.
Angola under Lourenco
Shortly after the Luanda Leaks documents were published, DW spoke to President Lourenco about the fact that he was once part of the very government that for decades covered up the machinations of the dos Santos clan.
“I was actually involved in power for many years under my predecessor Jose Eduardo dos Santos, among other things as a minister,” Lourenco conceded in the exclusive interview. “I was also part of the system.” He argued that was precisely why he was the right person to bring about change — because he knew the system from the inside.
Angolans, meanwhile, have begun to doubt the president’s integrity in the face of a series of corruption scandals involving his government. The head of the presidential office and several ministers are facing allegations of corruption. Cristina Dias Lourenco, the president’s daughter, was also under pressure for being instated in lucrative state positions. So far, none of these cases has been consistently prosecuted.
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People in Angola are becoming dissatisfied with the government, and protests are growing
Is Isabel dos Santos on her way back?
In social media, Isabel dos Santos has repeatedly described the Luanda Leaks allegations as “politically motivated.” She has made it clear she does not rule out returning to Angola from London to run as a presidential candidate in the elections scheduled for 2022.
She might even stand a chance, according to observers. People’s anger at Isabel dos Santos has faded, said Solombe. “It has given way to anger at the current rulers.” Most people in Angola have one main problem and that is hunger, the journalist said. “Hunger has wiped out whatever enthusiasm there was a year ago.”
It doesn’t seem Europe has learned a lesson from the leaks, either, said Düster. Without regulation, “there will always be people like Isabel dos Santos who will find the loopholes in the system to launder money and evade taxes.” 
This article was adapted from German.
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fantasyinvader · 3 years
So, since I’ve talked about fanfiction I’ve decided to lay out a plot bunny I’ve had for the last couple of weeks. It’s a crossover between Konosuba and Rising of the Shield Hero.
After her party defeated the Devil King, Darkness is taking a break and unwinding while doing a quest with Chris. While in a dungeon, Darkness is summoned to Melromarc to serve as the Shield Hero over Naofumi. Chris, wondering what happened used some of her goddess powers to follow Darkness to the other world. Except she finds she’s stuck. Unable to access her powers as Eris, Chris acts as Darkness’s companion in this new world as the POV character.
Some bulletpoints
* When the heroes discuss their various worlds, they are a bit quicker to clue into them being from different Earths because of Darkness. Her armor is not cosplay and her sword is real.
* When Darkness talks about how her party defeated the Devil King, she mentions Kazuma by his full name. Motoyasu recognizes it as a classmate in high school who died in a truly bizarre accident. This causes Chris to freak out since that shouldn’t be possible. Due to how time flows differently between worlds, only a couple of months have passed on Earth since Kazuma’s death and Motoyasu is way too old to have been a classmate (though, she does admit it is possible he flunked a couple of years and is lying about being a university student).
* Eris, because she picked up a gaming habit from Aqua, also knows Emerald Online. It launched relatively recently and is notoriously broken. It is insanely easy for someone to abuse it’s mechanics and the game is held in pretty low regard because of that. It’s treated as a kids game.
* Over time, it’s revealed that Motoyasu dated Kazuma’s childhood friend after Kazuma’s death. However, Motoyasu did not take her grief seriously (as he views the troubles he helped other girls with as minor issues), and ended up taking advantage of her though he refutes this. There’s the implication she committed suicide shortly after they graduated, and Motoyasu is doing everything he can not to push it out of his mind. At one point, he makes himself look to be the good guy trying to comfort her but her guilt over what happened to Kazuma (as he says she was still in love with him but could never find the courage to apologize over the bicycle incident) was too much.
* Itsuki recognizes Aqua’s name as the Goddess in Dimension Wave. DW Aqua guides the player through character customization, and is said to have ventured with an adventurer in the past to save a world. As such, he takes Darkness to be part of Dimension Wave’s backstory and wants to meet Aqua.
* Itsuki also develops some complicated feelings towards Darkness. He takes her masochism as pure heroism, putting herself in harm’s way and suffering unfairness without complaint. However, his desire to be the best hero comes into conflict with this, and part of him wants to see Darkness fall.
* Eris is also mentioned in Dimension Wave as another goddess who is mischievous...and pads her chest.
* Ren doesn’t have anything that relates to the Konosuba-verse. He does, however, overhear Chris complaining about being mortal and how the “pads her chest“ line has spread to another world. He puts 2 and 2 together and realizes Chris is Eris, but agrees to keep it a secret.
* He may develop a crush on Chris, but is definitely weirded out by Darkness.
* Malty joins Darkness and Chris during the first day, but mistakes Chris for being a boy. To try and get rid of the Shield Hero’s companion, she accuses Chris of rape. This, coupled by the fact that Darkness uses the name Darkness and serves a goddess named Eris (who Motoyasu says is a goddess of strife and dischord in Earth’s mythology), is used against her. They get out of it by Chris explaining that she is a girl and that Darkness is just a pseudonym she uses to distance herself from her family. She then gives them Darkness’s real name, much to the Crusader’s humiliation.
* Motoyasu did not realize Chris was a girl, but the damage is done and they don’t get along at all no matter how much Motoyasu tries. Ren was too nervous to speak up, this probably leads to him revealing to her what he heard in private.
* Since thieves aren’t meant to be attackers, and Darkness is blocked from even attempting to use her sword (she tries though, loving the shock she gets from the shield), they try to attract a new party member but the faith of the Three Heroes is strong. Cue the Queen guiding the Slaver Trader to them. They take Raphtalia because she’s a child.
* Chris tries to hide Darkness’s kinks from Raphtalia, Raphtalia ends up being something of a voice of reason to the group.
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clarabosswald · 7 years
You keep mentioning spoilers... Where are they???
on gallifreybase, i’ll sum up everything of importance i can remember:
1. the pilot got positive reviews so far (one neutral, but not really negative)2. pearl as bill is getting tons of praise3. the doctor’s apparently been stuck on earth for several decades and works as a lecturer at the university where bill works as a chips serverer4. bill sneaks into his lectures and attracts his interest5. she’s bi racial (as pearl is) and a foster child; her foster mom is played by the actress who played the kitten mom in s3′s gridlock6. bill has a crush on heather, the girl who gets turned (?) into the water monster thingy, and apparently that crush helps her save the day eventually7. the doctor’s got something locked up in the university’s basement (that’s a spoiler that’s been going around as a rumor for a very long time now)8. the doctor’s got photos of susan and river on his desk9. nardole is part machine (which makes sense after all)10. there were some lovely quotes from the first 3 episodes getting thrown around, including a long and UTTERLY beautiful one from ep 1, i honestly cant wait to gif it11. apparently at the end of the ep1 screening there was a trailer for the rest of the seriesat the very end of it there was a spoiler so big moffat literally told people to “close their eyes at the cliffhanger sound”at the beginning people speculated that it was susan (following her photo on the doctor’s desk)that was “confirmed” by a spoiler hound on twitter who’s been very accurate before (called the appearance of the war doctor etc.)the same guy also claimed shortly after that that the actor who got cast as 13 is a guy named richard rankinpeople were taking that as truth bc of that hound’s pastBUT then the sun published an article claiming that the simm master returns and that that was the major trailer spoilerand an editor of radio times then tweeted that people who don’t want to get spoiled about dw should avoid the sun website (a tweet he deleted shortly after)then richard rankin got hurt at someone tweeting that they don’t want to see him as 13 on twitter, something you wouldn’t expect the actual actor/actress to do bc it should be such a huge secret (to clarify, multiple spoiler hounds have claimed 13 has been cast a while ago)all of that - along with that reliable hound behaving kind of odd on twitter - leads to conclude that a) susan isn’t the major reveal and b) rankin isn’t the new doctorthen hounds on gb started supporting the multiple masters story so that’s getting a lot of that kind of supportdoesn’t mean susan won’t be appearing at all bc the david bradley appearing as the first doctor rumor is still going around and susan accompanying him is possible; also capaldi’s been wanting her to return for a while, and he also wanted the mondassian cybermen and he ended up getting them, so maybe he’ll be getting susan toookay so this is pretty much all i can remember right now but yeah
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themeresthobby · 7 years
Fanfic recs
...or, more accurately, “I didn’t want to clog my bookmarks, so I made this”. Contains some LJ stuff not reposted anywhere else (to my knowledge), and things fished out from AO3. Mostly ACD canon and Ritchie-verse, no BBC-verse except a small mention in one.
Authors’ original summaries are italicised. Personal favourites are marked with asterisks. Updated sporadically.
[14 Jan 2018: There are even more fics I haven’t gotten around to listing here.]
ACD canon/non-specific Victorian
The Adventure of the Bridegroom’s Photograph by spacemutineer @ AO3 Gen, casefic Summary: There is more than one secret to be revealed when a young man comes to Holmes and Watson with a keepsake and a question.
A Careless Life by ingridmatthews @ LJ/DW/AO3 Holmes->Watson, angst, time-travel Summary: 3GAR didn’t happen right the first time.
The Case of the Rose by Another Name by HiddenLacuna @ AO3 Gen, humour, casefic, Shaggy Dog story Summary: Dr. Watson is called to attend to Holmes, who has a terrible cold after a case. Holmes recounts the case that led him to become ill.
A Casual Reflection on the Probability of Coincidence by mainecoon76 @ AO3 Holmes->Watson, mention of Holmes/Victor Trevor, friendship, agnosticism (what are these tags I use...) Summary: Mycroft Holmes ponders his own relationship with his sibling, the wonder that is John Watson, and the fact that, in spite of evidence that points to the contrary, the universe may not be unkind after all.
Distillery by HisMightyShield @ AO3 Gen, turbulent Mycroft-Sherlock relationship, humour, E.W. Hornung’s Raffles series crossover Summary: Holmes and Watson investigate a crime at the Diogenes Club.
* Dust and Ashes by SCFrankles @ AO3 Gen, humour, casefic Summary: Holmes and Watson investigate three cases which appear to have some similarities. Could there be something bigger going on in the background?
England is England Yet by lynndyre @ AO3 Gen, hope, friendship Summary: After Reichenbach, life goes on for Dr Watson.
Haunted by You by T.J. Lauren @ FF.net Gen, angst Summary: Hidden just off the path to Reichenbach, near the top, there is a small, nameless memorial. (Professor Moriartyyyyyy...)
* Howl by HisMightyShield @ AO3 Gen, werebeast AU Summary: A retelling of The Empty House. With Werewolves. Because awesome.
A Less Than Final Stop by JaneTurenne @  AO3/LJ Holmes/Watson, humour Summary: Shortly after The Waterfall, John Watson begins sending telegrams.
Letters by ingridmatthews Holmes/Watson, humour Summary: Watson has to take a business trip away from Baker Street. Holmes writes ... and writes ... and writes ... (This author writes both non-specific Victorian and specifically Ritchie-verse fic, but the former also works well read as the latter.)
Never by JaneTurenne Watson/Mary Morstan, angst Summary: An excerpt from the journal of Mrs. Mary Watson, from May 5, 1894
Nowhere Far Enough by ingridmatthews Mention of Holmes/Victor Trevor, angst Summary: For the prompt Five Times Sherlock Ran Away From Home, One Time He Ran Back to It
On Mount Golgotha by L-aviateur @ AO3 Watson/Mary Morstan, horror, SCP Foundation crossover Summary: "I can call to mind one case in particular that I will never forgive myself for missing." When Holmes gets in over his head, can Watson find a way to save him from something that none of them even understand?
Read All About It by SCFrankies Watson/Mary Morstan, humour Summary: “I have not seen a paper for some days." Dr. Watson in The Boscombe Valley Mystery. There was a reason for that.
* Right Ho, Moran by Anonymous @ LJ Gen, humour, Jeeves and Wooster crossover/fusion Summary: Moriarty, in the style of Bertie Wooster. (I would read a whole book of this.)
The Songs of Spring by w_a_i_d @ LJ / Waid @ AO3 Holmes/Watson Summary: Holmes sends the manuscript of The Lion's Mane to the absent Watson -- though  maybe his absence isn't as long-term as all that. (Almost angsty enough to go in the "misery" section, but ultimately fluffy as a feather bed.)
* Sub Rosa by prof_pangaea @ LJ/AO3 Gen, art Summary: A record of Sherlock Holmes’ correspondence with Mycroft during the hiatus.
Truth by JaneTurenne @ AO3 Gen, angst Warnings: Attempted suicide Summary: After Holmes's return, Lestrade pulls the Great Detective aside to discuss a certain incident during his years away.
Untitled (Chuck Testa meme) by por_queeee @ LJ Gen, crack Summary: Moriarty is back. (I liked how appropriate the meme was, ok.)
Multiple verses
London Dreaming by f_m_r_l @ LJ Gen, fluff Summary: London dreams of Sherlock Holmes. 
Ritchie Holmes
The Baker Street Record by featherfish @ LJ Holmes/Watson, horror/psychological, apocrypha, meta, House of Leaves crossover Warnings: Sexual content Summary: If I tried to write a summary, I’d just repeat the tags. I haven’t read HoL, but I still found this impressive.
Der Freischütz by indigostohelit @ AO3 Moriarty/Moran (tagged as that, but can still be read as ambiguous), Moran character study Summary: When they first meet he’s fresh out of the army, dishonorable discharge and all, and the rage behind his eyes is barely checked. He’s a ticking time bomb, and Moriarty has a use for bombs.
A Fine Mess by ingridmatthews Gen, fluff Summary: Holmes meets puppy!Gladstone.
Loyalty by ingridmatthews Gen, fluff Summary (prompt): [...] I want a fic where someone (Holmes?) says something incredibly stupid/insulting about Gladstone and Watson flips his shit. He then proceeds to demonstrate how awesome the dog still is. [...]
* Misericordia by cyanocorax @ AO3 Gen/ambiguous relationship, Sebastian Moran character study Summary: “What does he say?’ he asked. ‘He’s very sad,’ Úrsula answered, ‘because he thinks that you’re going to die.’ ‘Tell him,’ the colonel said, smiling, ‘that a person doesn’t die when he should but when he can.” - 100 Years of Solitude (This really stuck with me. There’s something about the exactness of the language.)
Untitled by Anonymous @ LJ Gen, fluff Summary: Everybody loves Holmes.
A Study In Emerald
I’ve never read anything by Lovecraft, and only know a few basic things about the Cthulhu mythos. Somehow, I still enjoyed A Study In Emerald. The fics below are ones I found interesting despite my lack of background knowledge.
Black Shuck by Aquila @ AO3 Gen, horror/supernatural, casefic Summary: There are things lurking on the moors that man was not meant to know -- but Sherlock Holmes is not most men. (A retelling of The Hound of the Baskervilles, Cthulhu-style.)
The Incident of the Opera House by Wasuremono @ AO3 Gen, horror/supernatural, casefic Summary: Another case for Albion's consulting detective: high culture, grave danger... and Irene Adler.
The Terror from Bohemia: Being the Reminiscences of John H. Watson, M.D., in the Year of the Old Ones 745 by Satchelfoot @ AO3 Gen, horror/supernatural Summary: Holmes and Watson, having escaped to the rookery of St. Giles, meet a mysterious woman who also has a talent for killing royalty.
* Under by Nonesane @ AO3 Watson/Mary Morstan, implied Holmes/Watson, slice of life Summary: A look into the life of Mary Morstan, in the year of Her Majesty 1883.
The Whitechapel Case by Merlin Missy @ AO3 Gen, drabble Summary: Holmes and Watson meet the Ripper.
Also see: The Case of Death and Honey, Neil Gaiman’s other pastiche, not set in a Cthulhu mythos universe.
Without a Clue
The AO3 tag for this had a manageable 15 works when I last checked, and I think it’s a case of quality over quantity.
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