#player: unknown
acircusfullofdemons · 11 days
Who is your favorite character in the movie If?
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Hard to choose! They all have their own charm to them imo. I think Cosmo, he was pretty funny with what little screen time he had. I was laughing basically every time he was on screen.
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But I also liked the teddy bear/owner of Memory Lane Retirement. Just, the fact that he's a teddy bear, the most stereotypical kids toy ever. And also implied to be based on a toy his kid had, which is something that I and I think most kids did when making imaginary friends. Idk it warms my heart.
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shitpostingkats · 6 months
Brennan Lee Mulligan will spend an entire season setting up a bunch of seemingly unconnected emotional beats, and then, in a single monologue, reveal it was is an elaborate rube goldberg contraption that slams a sledgehammer directly into the viewer’s stomach.
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harboretum · 5 months
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Good morning 🍊
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pinacoladamatata · 1 year
Can't believe we got Astarion standing outside cazador's house like the sickos meme. Just basking in the sunlight. Like what are they gonna do? Open the door?
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Once this sun goes down it's over for you motherfuckers!!
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shanxpennywise · 2 months
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I love The Unknown, and I love his mori. He can finish me off any time!~♡
Thanks for looking! ♡
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jellrp · 3 days
‼️ Spoilers for MOONVALE ‼️
But it's really just a fan art. 🫢‼️🤷‍♀️
Now, now, when are we such a “Protective” figures magnet?
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zxal · 2 years
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Unlikely alliance
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aroaceacacia · 11 months
i have a parasocial relationship with everybody who's ever uploaded an MCC vod to archive.org
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cambriancutie · 1 year
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smile-files · 11 months
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especially now that i've been playing so much animal crossing i've been thinking about my welcome home animal crossing au!! perhaps i'll talk more about it at some point but for now here's a quick doodle of cat wally :)
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sleepysadwriter · 2 months
DBD Killer Tier List bc I'm unhinged
Super fun (S) tier: the shape, ghost face, xenomorph, the onryo, the unknown
Fun (A) tier: cannibal, huntress, the nightmare, wraith, Nemesis, dredge, the good guy, executioner, hillbilly, trapper, blight
eh (B) tier: the spirit, legion, demogorgon, trickster, artist, nurse, knight, singularity
Mildly annoying (C) tier: pig, clown, oni, skull merchant, twins
Insufferable (D) tier: the hag, the plague, deathslinger, mastermind and cenobite
This is purely based on my experiences playing as survivor. I mainly play survivor bc I'm still learning as killer. I main ghostface, which is no surprise to anyone who knows me lol. I'm pretty new to the game in that I only started playing last month.
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acircusfullofdemons · 16 days
Hello, I hope this is okay to ask. Do you have any resources for people who want to start daydreaming, but have trouble staying in the daydream and/or becoming immersed in it?
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Most things I've seen have been geared towards helping people stop daydreaming, simply be MaDD is ... terrible lmao. I'm assuming you're looking to become an immersive daydreamer, though? In that case, I might have a few tips.
My daydream doc has a "daydream inspiration" section, thats meant to help you develop your paras & paracosms. There's various resources on organizing, naming, visualization, etc.
If you are into any media/fandom, then thinking of an AU for it might help you keep more interest in it.
Music helps a ton! Unfortunately I don't have any specific recs as taste can vary so greatly, but try making a playlist for a para or paracosm and daydreaming to those songs.
Set aside some time for daydreaming. Ideally, a time when all or most of your responsibilities have already been taken care of. This can be a day, an hour, just whenever you have free time and can daydream in peace.
Remember to take breaks! Daydreaming on this level can be mentally taxing, especially depending on the scene/context/storyline, so while I know it sounds counterproductive, taking a break every now and then is good for you.
Try not to force anything. If you're not vibing with a daydream, then it's okay to scrap it and try a different one. You don't even need a consistent paracosm or recurring paras! I know thats very common in the community to have at least one consistent paracosm and a few paras that stick around, but starting a new daydream every time is just as valid if that's how your brain works.
I hope this helps, anon! Feel free to ask any more questions if you need too <3
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moe-broey · 4 months
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Alfonse ally moments. To me
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fuckyeahbananafreak · 4 months
realising that maybe I’m not enjoying the traitors US as much as the traitors UK because americans are kinda annoying
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scala-ask-caelum · 8 months
What is it you are so afraid of?
What is the one thing you care about more than anything else?
What do you wish?
Xehanort’s dream started as usual, with the clang of metal against metal ringing in his ears, sparks flying in his vision as unfamiliar faces grimaced in pain. He’d been having this same dream for as long as he could remember, but since coming to Scala ad Caelum, he’d finally learned the context for it. This was the Keyblade War. From where he lay prone, he could see a backlit smiling face haloed with shimmering, ephemeral silver hair, same as always. That’s where it usually ended.
It was when he found himself floating in a pitch-black sea that he realized this dream wasn’t going to be normal. He allowed himself to drift where the downward current would take him. Eventually he reached a glowing platform. Multicolored glass embedded in a gunmetal frame shone bright, forcing him to squint. When his eyes finally adjusted he could see that the approaching platform depicted… Him, in a floating pose. His eyes were half-closed as if about to drift into sleep, and he held his Keyblade limply in one hand. The abstract background looked sort of like the moment just before dawn on the Destiny Islands. Beside his head were three portraits: one of Eraqus, one of his hooded mentor, and one of that silver-haired boy who often approached him near the end of his dream, the only one in this collection he couldn’t put a name to.
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He alighted upon the huge platform. Examining the area, he saw three figures, one to each side and one in front of him, their faces familiar yet at the same time two of them were different somehow. Their white hair contrasted the background, though two wore cloaks almost the same color as the dark sea this weird place was suspended in. The third wore a more complex cloak, a red and black heart-shaped emblem at his throat.
He stared at the trio, and they stared back. After some slight hesitation he decided to approach them, starting with the leftmost figure.
This older doppelgänger of his had his arms crossed. There was something in the set of his face which gave Xehanort pause. It wasn’t his face, he realized, but he could tell it was still him at heart. Before he could say something, the almost-him spoke.
“What is it you are so afraid of?” His voice was deep and menacing and distinctly not his. Xehanort thought for a moment.
The response was delivered in a measured tone. “Being different.” He’d always worried that he stood out among his classmates, especially with his strange ability to sense what was in other’s hearts. Was that what was happening now?
“Being different? Is that really so scary?” The strange man’s reply gave him something to chew on as he walked toward the one on the right.
This other figure had a similar set of his jaw to the one he’d just spoken to, but looked about a decade older, his eyes haunted by time beneath semi-furrowed brows. Once Xehanort was squarely in front of him, the older half-him spoke as well.
“What is the one thing you care about more than anything else?” He’d never thought about that, but felt he had to answer honestly. This was himself he’s talking to, after all. He’d know if he was lying. Probably.
His answer here took longer, but eventually he had it. “Friendship.” He’d always longed for companions of his own. The kids in his dreams looked like they had so much fun together, helped each other out, and stayed friends even when things got tough. Maybe it was a childish answer; he didn’t care.
The man’s response came in a deep and slow voice, the intentional phrasing commanding his attention as much as the vocals performing it, yet the man’s tone was casual as could be. “Is having friends such a big deal?”
Xehanort had to admit he was a bit taken aback by that. Why ask him just to shut down his answer?
Shaking his head in confusion, he approached the final figure. Now this was him, body and all, with a couple major differences. His hair was styled similarly to that of whom he had just spoken to, and his oddly golden eyes shimmered with the same hue as the other two visitors’. When did he gain such a color? He put that thought aside and waited expectantly for the final question.
It took this version of him a little longer to ask that question, as it seemed he was studying his current self’s face right back. Finally, he closed his eyes and placed his right hand on his chest as he spoke, gloved fingers splayed wide to cover the area as if protecting it from something.
“What do you wish?”
That one was simple. Ever since he’d first dreamed that reoccurring dream, he had longed to visit the worlds depicted in them. His childhood home was cozy, sure, but in time it grew suffocatingly small. He wanted, needed, to leave.
“To broaden my horizons.”
This him echoed his words as his response. “To broaden your horizons, huh?”
That seemed to be the last of them. The older versions of him gathered, fading from view in a burst of darkness.
He awoke in a cold sweat, gasping for breath. His head swam, and his heart quivered. Still, he had class soon.
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mylordshesacactus · 1 year
I love when my players bypass a setpiece battle, and that’s not even sarcasm.
I’d prepped a Catoblepas herd for this past week. 
While making their way into the mountains proper, Nim the ranger suddenly slowed the party to a stop at the edge of....a putrid, festering swamp that absolutely should not be there, and absolutely was not here a month ago when they left for Requiem along this exact route.
Use of their interplanar spyglass confirms a strong fae presence. Nim can sense several dozen fae, scattered loosely throughout the surrounding few square miles of suddenly marshy forest. Andromeda, our aarakocra paladin, uses this information to fly a recon mission. There’s three of them along the road they need to follow.
Nim, the one with animal handling, sneaks ahead to see what these weird warthog-cow creatures are, on the logic that if they’re just normal animals (unlikely, because only strong fae are able to get through the barrier for more than an hour or so, and to cause this kind of ecological change they must have been here for weeks) he’s best qualified to correct the situation if they panic or turn aggressive.
This Is A Mistake. The first catoblepas hits him with an attack to which I am forever grateful for the opportunity to say “Okay, it’s going to use its Death Ray ability--” “ITS WHAT?!” and takes out a third of his HP instantly.
The party is beginning to panic, prepping to fight but freaking out, when we get to Audie’s turn in initiative order.
She casts Banishment.
In the following 60 seconds the party heals Nim, gets him to cast Pass Without Trace, and gets themselves past the creature’s position and hidden in the brush. They wait and observe while Audie times it.
The catoblepas reappears. This is a very bad sign. It was sent back to its native plane; it’s supposed to stay there. The veil is getting thin. It’s getting very, very thin. They need to hurry.
And as it turned out, stopping to fight the herd would have cost them time and hitpoints that none of them could afford to spare.
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