shadow and bone spoilers yet again
Okay, what i really like about this season is that grisha powers were actually expanded. Not only Summoners, but others too. These fireballs from Inferni/burning the forest in their wake, ice blades from Tidemakers, real squalls and even lightning from Squallers. We had too little of Alkemi (I think they only had this boy Vadim and nothing particular, only him mentioning what he did). We saw Corporeals pretty much in the last season.
But the best part is Durasts. They were very ignored in the books and we saw little of their powers (mostly things they already created). In this season we watched Jesper using his powers many times and thanks to Neyar and some other scenes we witnessed how ACTUALLY dangerous this order is. They can use metals in such big variety of ways. And the battle with Neyar was actually so epic, they all were practically useless in this fight and if not Kaz's performance with bringing in her husband they would clearly have no opportunity to win. And the moment when she mentioned that blood has a lot of metal in it and used it against them is so terrifying, really.
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Do y’all think after everything was said and done Jesper went back to collect his buttons for his coat (the ones he sent flying in 2x07) or did he just say forget it and buy news ones?
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miss-fabrikator · 1 year
Wylan: Since we're in a relationship now, your clothes are my clothes too. Don't ask me why I have your shirt on, this is our shirt.  Jesper: Fine, but when I come strutting in with your fuzzy socks I don't want to hear shit.
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Can we talk about Jesper Fahey unintentionally being one of the most powerful Grisha in the Grishaverse? (Bear with me)
Okay, agreed, Jesper struggles with doing basically anything intentionally. Makes sense - he was never trained.
But if we consider what he can do; controlling the path of bullets. Taking tiny chunks of metal moving at ~120-370 m/s, and directing them. And not just a little bit. He literally managed to make his bullet curve 90° around a right-angle corner. This is a skill we see no other Fabrikator able to do, and you would have thought, if it was a common ability, or even ever seen before, the Darkling or the Triumvirate would have utilised it in the Second Army. They have not. The only people known to use it are Jesper and his mother.
(And let's just give an honourable mention to Aditi Hilli, who could extract poison from the bloodstream of another person. You remember how the tidemakers in the Ice Court needed to be on Parem to mess with a person's blood? But Aditi Hilli? ...I don't want to say no problem, because she did die, but she saved Leoni too, so... half-marks? I'm just saying Jesper has some serious badass genes.)
Actually, talking about the tidemakers on parem, Jesper, with no training and having all the blood in his body sucked out of him, still managed to kill them with dust. A rather dark trick, but one we've never seen David Kostyk, or Leoni Hilli, considered the two most powerful Fabrikators alive during canon, replicate.
But the real reason Jesper is so powerful has very little to do with that, so much as HOW he does it. Every grisha alive used their arms to direct their abilities. After being captured by the Darkling in S&S, Alina has her hands bound, and says something about how she can summon, but not direct light without her hands, so she's basically powerless. It's obviously a common tactic, because the Druskelle do the same thing with Nina and the other Grisha they captured, and only after they get their hands freed on the sharp edge of a broken cup can they use their abilities again.
The only people we see not using their hands for the small science, in fact, are Adrik, who has to relearn his technique after he loses an arm, and, of course, Jesper Fahey, who can direct bullets with his mind - no hand movements required.
If anything, it's probably this ability that makes him so good at directing bullets. After all, at the speed a bullet is going, you don't have time to be waving your hands around to control it. What's especially funny to me is that before Wylan pointed it out, he had no idea he was even doing it. He was using an ability no other Grisha can, and Didn't Know. Can you imagine him mentioning that to Nina... or basically any Second Army Grisha.
("You can control bullets?"
"...you can't?"
"I'm not sure. I mean, my mother sort of taught me, but also I didn't really realise I was doing it until my boyfriend pointed it out, you know?"
This is, of course, all book canon, but somehow the show takes it even further. It hasn't been officially revealed Jesper's Grisha in the show, but there are enough clues - Jesper repairing Kaz's cane, Ivan's cut-off comment after their fight, not to mention the fight itself - that I'm taking it as canon. In this, it is accepted NO ONE can use their grisha abilities, except merzost, without first touching their hands together. Not The Darkling, not Alina, no one. Except, of course, Jesper Fahey, who can shoot his bullets and direct them to the exact same point on a kefta, after deflecting them off random objects first.
Tl;dr: Jesper Fahey is amazing and crazily powerful and should be appreciated.
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zacshian · 3 months
Imagine Jesper Fahey with a machine gun.
RIP the pigeons.
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capinejghafa · 1 year
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anon request | durast + hand gestures / creations
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simplydifficultme · 1 year
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What if Wylan and Jesper were both Grisha in the second army?
Jes probably refuses to wear his Kefta right and Wy probably likes to experiment too much.
Is this just my excuse to have drawn an Alkemi Kefta for Wy and think of how badass a fully trained Jesper would be still gunslinging about? Yes. yes it it.
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iamfear · 17 days
The seven Grishaverse au
Percy: Tidemaker
Annabeth: Durast
Jason: Squaller
Piper: Heartrender
Leo: Inferni
Hazel: Durast
Frank: Tailor
Nico: Durast
Reyna: Heartrender
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angelsodreamy-no2 · 1 year
does netflix have beef with david's actor or smth??? he was supposed to live for a few more years, to represent durasts in the triumvirate, to live happily with genya, to MARRY AND HAVE A FANCY WEDDING WITH GENYA WHERE THEY DANCED TOGETHER. I NEEDED THAT FOR MY MENTAL HEALTH. WHAT THE HELL NETFLIX!!! 😍😍😍
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drieddpetals · 7 months
ok guys so yk how iron is a metal, and there's iron in blood right. HYPOTHETICALLY, can durasts atla level bloodbend?? ALSO. calcium is technically a metal, and calcium is found in bones. like it's really small but it's there. HYPOTHETICALLY, can durasts like control bones or break bones on command?? like what are the technicalities of durasts powers? materials in which metal is the primary component, or is it any metal at all? if you were an advanced enough durast, i feel like the possibility of controlling blood is definitely there. i need to know
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mydarlingdearestdead · 11 months
Kaz, laying out plans: A durast and a heartrender walk into the ice court-
Jesper: Well I don't want to hear the end to that joke.
Kaz whenhaveievermadeajoke Brekker:
Jesper: Great Ghezen-
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taylorscrows · 1 year
Me when jesper was revealed to be a durast:
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u-no-poo · 2 years
Jogs the liver!
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I've always imagined jesper with dimples.
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miss-fabrikator · 1 year
Jesper: ...I'm pretty sure that place is fire-proof, or something.  Wylan, grenade in hand: Alright, but is it explosion-proof?
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justarandomgirly · 1 year
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Shadow and bone season 2 episode 8
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just-1other-nerd · 1 year
Have you ever noticed how the embroidery on the Durast Keftas kinda looks like thorns or antlers? Do you think this was Aleksanders way of recognising his grandfather as the "greatest Fabrikator to have ever lived"? Because I do.
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