#dsmp ambiance
starscatteredsky · 9 months
Hey can you give me some tips for a alternatekin (from the Mandela catalogue) if you want to, I’d really appreciate it :3
tips for alternates
do makeup in ways that looks slightly uncanny
collect technology from the “analogue” era- be that cameras, radios, phones, etc!
practice unsettling and uncanny smiles/expressions!
practice voice acting and mimicking!
practice understanding and using body language
practice mimicking different writing styles
watch your source/kintype!
learn more about archangel gabriel and other biblical figures mentioned in your source/kintype!
do things that are slightly uncanny! (examples: not turning around in an elevator, turning sharply instead of slowly while walking, turning your whole head instead of moving your eyes, etc)
keep your room or living space dark, and use ambiance like old radio music or static!
white eye contacts!
make an alternate name like The Preacher, The Observer, The Façade, The Thief, etc!
hope these are helpful! good luck!!
Requests open!!!
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[image description:
a DNI banner with the background being the promotional image for Little Nightmares 2. The writing reads:
"DNI: radqueers, proshippers, radfems/TERFs, antikin/antitherian, homophobic/ ableist/ anti ACAB/ transphobic/ rasist/ antisemitic/ xenophobic/ antitheist/ anti athiest/ bigoted in any fashion, NSFW/sh/ed/cringe centered blog, fakeclaimer
Before you interact: We are pro mspec gays/lesbians, anti endo/tulpa "systems", enjoy MCYT/DSMP, pro self diagnoses with extensive research, multiple alters are punks/ anarchists"
end description]
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mysticalsoot · 9 months
Hey uhh...
I sawed that you answered my question with shifting and I'm gonna shift Tommorow or maybe in another day when I wanna escape reality
So...can you give some shifting methods that you tried? And explain them because I slightly know them
From: Danielle
To: you❤️
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And give me an opinion on this photo my friend made with me...
i want to cry. i had half the response written and I fucking clicked discard.
anyways as I was saying;
for starters a method is by no means required. it's simply a tool you can pick up and use as you wish but if you don't want to? don't. all you need is a clear, strong intent, which you can have by simply affirming 'i will wake up in (insert Dr here) in the morning/night/etc'. when and where are good guidelines to follow with intention if it confuses you since no one really says wtf intention is or how to use it. so there!
another good rule of thumb to utilize is law of assumption. as long as you assume and believe you'll wake up there, you're set. believe it as if it's true, as if it's something guaranteed to happen now, or when you intend it to.
last general tip; let yourself doubt, let yourself feel the anger and frustration and accept it. don't avoid it or push it away until it's too much. just let the doubtful and angry thoughts happen if the frustration just gets too much. it happens, even to those who've shifted before (I am not one of those but my sister is and she often gets frustrated and upset when she's in a slump).
so moving along!
I've tried almost every method I've seen but personally I favor the estella, the julia and the hug methods! (I'll explain more about them in a minute). i tend to use guided meditations since they tell me when and what to do and they always start it off with a quick meditation to help clear your mind and body of any tension! alunir is a good resource for guided meditations, but I have a few specific ones by other creators I could happily send links to!
if I don't feel like a guided meditation or a full method like that (or if my headphones are dead), I'll put on a playlist that reminds me of my dr and repeat affirmations. you could do this with the ADHD method where you listen to music that reminds you of your dr, but in 8D. most songs have an 8D version on YouTube. most meditations include some sort of ambient noise as well as subliminals.
if I don't do the playlist option, I'll put on an ambiance video specific to my dr where I'm waking up. if it's my dsmp dr, I'd do a snowy cabin. if it's chaos dr (I live in Brighton there !!), I'd do a beach or a city ambiance. my partner and I live in the heart of Brighton right by the beach. or if it's utopia, I'd do some sort of scifi/futuristic ambiance.
if I'm really lazy, I'll just throw on some subliminals, say a few affirmations, and set my intention.
your key is meditation and intention, if you relax your mind and body, set a clear intent and affirm, you're set.
on to explaining the methods;
estella; i use a very loose version of this method but what I do is I play music and visualize dancing with someone from my Dr and then when the music stops, tell them that I'll see them in the morning and then leave out a door which usually leads to a black void. then I repeat some affirmations and use my 5 senses to affirm that I'm in my Dr.
Julia; from what I remember, you meditate for a minute, relax your body and then you start by visualizing a few things fading away. after that you use I am affirmations. ie. I am shifting, I am pure consciousness, I am more than my physical body.
Hug; the hug method works by visualizing hugging your s/o or whoever you decide you'll wake up beside. usually whilst hugging a pillow. you'll affirm in whatever way you wish along with noting things you notice, their scent, your surroundings, how their shirt feels, etc. meditation prior is also a good idea!!
if you have any questions, let me know!! i wish you the best of luck on your shifting journey!!
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zannolin · 2 years
13,19,20? <- ask game?
13. Do you listen to music while you write? If yes, what have you been listening to recently?
almost always yes because my default state is listening to music. i generally turn on my instrumental playlist or "santa monica dream" by agnus & julia stone which is one of the Only songs with lyrics i can listen to while writing (the other is "Sweet Caroline" which i loop when i hate my life) but lately i've been on a mice on venus (part one) loop and "out of the skies, under the earth" by chris zabriskie. if it's a specific au i'll sometimes listen to one specific song or ambiance playlists; for the narnia au i had on narnia ost/ambiance, for left of the dial i was listening to "it's just a burning memory" and so on.
19. Do you enjoy creating OCs or do you prefer to stick solely to canon characters?
i have a lot of OCs built up from over the years but i don't ever put them into my fanfictions and i'm the type of person to explode reading fanfic with original characters with big roles (usually) so i generally stick to the canon characters.
20. Do you prefer writing AUs or canon fics?
to be honest?? canon fics. or rather, canonverse fics. i do a lot of canon divergent, for those of you who don't know, and god i love it. i feel like the dsmp is so untapped in the canon divergent area like! god. i don't know how to explain it but canonverse compels me so much. something about the setting and just the events because often people write aus to write same characters different plot and you lose a lot of the events in canon that are so interesting to me. like fuck man i wanna write about l'manberg and about pogtopia and exile and ctommy's dirt house! i wanna write bedrock bros in canon! i wanna write cwilbur wandering the server and feeling lost because of how things have changed! i adore AUs but they can't quite hit the same way for me.
fic asks!
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becauseplot · 5 months
for ask meme, 27!
2. for fic recs, Double Down by Ontuli. it’s an Alice in Borderlands DSMP au, incomplete but very close to done. death games, really cool worldbuilding and a mystery unraveling with non-chronological storytelling.
#27 - what do you listen to while writing?
ohhh man, i hate to break it to you but im one of those crazies that RARELY listens to anything while writing. yeah. yeah i know. i really wish i could listen to songs with lyrics while i write but i just can't. words are trying to get in while i'm trying to get words to come out, and my brain is a one way street. it just doesn't work.
when i do need to listen to something---to set the mood for myself, or to block out a background conversation---i just look up different ambiance tracks on youtube. however, a lot of my writing *is* inspired by songs in some way, even if they're not explicitly stated to be songifcs. i can and will loop songs days on end thinking about my silly little guys.
and thanks for the rec!! i've never watched a full episode of Alice in Borderlands (the show is too stressful for me lmaooooo) but i love the premise!! sounds like a fun time :)
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netheritenugget · 3 years
POV: You're working the late shift at Paradise Burger and Quackity is blasting ABBA in Las Nevadas (with distant thunder)
A preview of audio for a possible upcoming project, I guess?
Edit: source of rain/thunder/cricket noises, because I do not own it:
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pathetic-dumpling · 3 years
Sounds of The Nether
My never-ending journey to give the Nether as much lore as possible has lead me to write short experts about the ambiance in each biome. Each drabble is equipped with a 3-hour ambiance video that I recommend you listen to while reading. Please enjoy!
(if you are interested in the notebook version, fully handwritten with additional landscape sketches, please let me know! it's got a lot of errors but it looks nice lol)
Nether Wastes
The droon is loud. Deep. Ever present. Unlike others, the noises of the Waste are front and center. Someone breathes in, but there are no souls. Lava pops, but it goes on for too long. Deep, deep rumbling, crashing, fills the air. Something crumbles. It falls. Something skitters across the land. The Waste is everything.
Soul Sand Valley
Wind. There's lots of wind. It almost sounds like leaves rustling, but soul sand valleys are big and empty and expansive. Wither-like gasps rip through the valley sometimes, distant moans and calls of lost souls followed by almost inaudible whispers. There is deep rocking coming from somewhere. The valley breathes. It's almost beautiful. Almost.
Basalt Delta
A deep, droaning noise fills the delta. Occasional static like that of a radio flitters through. Sometimes there are deep, rumbling booms. The delta groans and creaks, almost as if it's shifting below your feet. There is wind. Not as much as the valleys, light, brief. It carries the static and the craking and the knocking. The droon of the delta is unsettling. There is fire. There is static. Rumbling. The droon continues.
Crimson Forest
The stems creak. They twist together like leather. The massive fungi sway, and chimes flitter through the air. A distant, high-pitched roar calls out. A low, omnipresent rumble replies. There are chimes. There is wind. The fungi sway, some chitter, deep and slow. The chimes ring, echo, stay longer than they should. The forest is never quiet. The rustling never stops.
Warped Forests
There is a deep rumble. There are chimes in the air, but wrong. Backwards. Something unnatural screeches. The forest surges, deep and dark. The vines sway. Something high rings out. Also wrong. Chimes. An Enderman, but wrong. Raw. Visceral. Backwards. The forest rumbles. Has it always sounded like a beast? Static. Where from? Shuffling, rustling in the trees. Chimes, backwards, and wrong. The forest hisses. The wrong, twisted, warped forest.
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dsmpkinnies · 3 years
AMBIENCE??????? AMBIENCE???????????? VOULD I GET SOME POGTOPIA AMBIENCE FOR WILBUR?? I'm just. Vibrating oh my god /pos
A man of quality! This was super fun to make.
If there is anything I can change let me know! (Or you can edit it yourself too!) Hope you have a nice day/night.
You can find it here! (Or here if the link is wonky lmao https://videogames.ambient-mixer.com/pogtopia-ambiance)
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lunelicmoone · 2 years
(dsmp, rp, NOT THE CC'S!!)
During his first few days in Pogtopia, Quackity often couldn't sleep. The temperature was often either too hot and suffocating or too cold and freezing, the whole ambiance of the ravine was just creepy, and it was always too quiet. So his solution was to sleep outside of somebodies door.
He chose Wilbur's on the first day, and planned to do a different person every day. But as he drifted to sleep on the first night, he found the sound of slowly pacing back and forth comforting, but also a bit concerning. He could deal with it, though. It was better than no noise at all. Besides, he'll ask Wilbur about it tomorrow.
Wilbur found Quackity outside his door one night, arms folded on his knees and resting his head on the wall next to his door. Wilbur, knowing he probably wasn't going to sleep at all that night, picked up Quackity and placed him on his bed. But before Wilbur could leave, Quackity reached out and tugged at his sleeve. The words "Please stay. I don't want to be alone." were replaced by the furrow of his eyebrows and his fingers digging into the fabric. Wilbur looked at the door, wondering if he should just leave him in here. They weren't.. friends, just allies for the time being. He sighed, pulled away from Quackity's grasp, and shut the door. Thinking that Wilbur had left based off of sound alone, Quackity had proceeded to curl in on himself with a disgruntled look on his face. Wilbur frowned at this— his chest stinging at the fact that Quackity thought Wilbur would just leave him there after he clearly didn't want to be alone.
Wilbur sighed again and kneeled down at the side of the bed. He gently took hold of Quackity's wrist (not his hand. too much vulnerability. his mind already betrayed him once with that horrid.. persistent.. hazy.. (dare he say) passionate dream it had played for him for those past few nights that quackity's been in pogtopia. he didn't need his hands betraying him, too. especially not tonight.) and started tracing patterns on the back of his hand with his thumb.
Wilbur was originally going to let go of Quackity's wrist once his body started untensing, but he's been fine for the past 10 minutes, Wilbur's eyelids had been getting heavier, and it was definitely past midnight at this point. "So much for 'no vulnerability'," he thought to himself. "A little nap won't hurt."
Tommy found Wilbur sleeping with his head resting on the edge of the bed, holding Q's wrist the morning after. It was shocking, really. Wilbur's only got a solid 3 hours of sleep in total since they arrived in this hole in the ground. It was the most relaxed Tommy had seen him be in ages.
He gently closed the door. Wilbur deserved a few more hours of sleep.
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dystopiandilfs · 3 years
I love dsmp Tommy and his storyline but recently he's been pissing me off a bit. This is purely my opinion nobodies forcing you to agree or disagree. Please for the love of everything don't use him being a minor as an excuse unless you're going to also use it for Tubbo, Ranboo and Purpled (Also Sapnap, Niki and Jack who are still young as well).
DISCLAIMER: This is negative towards Tommy's DSMP character not Tommy as a person. It's all my opinion and you don't have to agree. This is just my thoughts that I decided to share after having multiple asks for a Tommy character analysis and my opinion on his character. (I put them together) If you disagree that's fine. If you want to debate some opinions that's fine (I know people are going to argue about the character growth) There's a TLDR at the end for those who want it
He's dismissive of everyone else's issues, he gets mad at people not asking if he's okay but the ones who do ask he gets mad at them for asking, he's started to act like he's the only one with the tramua and issues.
For example he's gone on rants about how nobody knows what it's like to die like Wilbur, Schlatt, Mexican Dream and Jack Manifold are right there. Also he literally dismissed Jack who was trying to sympathize with him as he'd also lost his canon lives and come back to life. But then later got mad that Jack was acting like Tommy hadn't died and nothing had changed even after he said he was sick of being treated differently.
He's always treated Tubbo like shit and when Tubbo exiled him to protect L'manberg he got mad saying he'd never do the same thing to Tubbo and he'd fight Dream over complying with him. Even after everyone told Tommy why he was being exiled he still said they were doing it because they're scared of Dream. Like that's not the one person he fears the most.
Tommy's disagreements and fights have always been him projecting his own issues onto other people then getting mad at said issues because they don't help him.
For example Tommy and Techno betrayed eachother but the only reason Tommy was mad was because he thought Techno used him even though he was the one who moved into Techno's, used his supplies and used his strength to get his confiscated items back from Tubbo and Fundy even though he had previously said he knows he can just ask Tubbo. From the start Techno made it clear his plan was to destroy L'manberg and said Tommy could leave when he wanted to. Yes Techno was also at fault especially with his whole "I'm a person" speech he said to the other people.
He got mad when Ranboo and Tubbo told him that he couldn't live in their mansion with them saying he couldn't be part of it because he was locked in prison. He basically said it was Tubbos fault that Tommy wasn't involved in the mansion because he didn't get Tommy out of prison.
In my honest opinion Tommy's lore and storyline dropped drastically in quality after the disc saga ended which is why I think it was such a long story purely because without the storyline Tommy has nothing to go off of. Nothing against Tommy but I don't think he could have his own storyline without having a big part being Dream, Techno or Wilbur. None of his arcs have ever been just him and he's the only character to not have a solo arc. If you watch anyone elses perspective at least once they've had this thing of Tommy being a "villain". He's not really had a character growth. He went from being obsessed with discs, to being obsessed with killing Dream. His biggest character trait is stealing and starting fights and it always has been. Where's the growth?
That's why in my opinion his storyline lack flavour compared to a lot of others. I'm not wanting him to have prerecorded bits or fancy overlays that's got nothing to do with it. I like Tommy's scuffed camera and soundboard music ambiance changer. But he's just not changed at much if at all as a character like we don't see Dream's perspective but you can still see a huge character shift and growth.
If I was to change anything for Tommy's character what would I change? First off Therapy to talk out his feelings, secondly I'd have him stop stealing everything but to ask instead or at least steal and replace or exchange (he's got 40+ diamond blocks he can use to exchange). Third I'd have him talk to Jack Manifold and Punz. Jack for the similarly of Death and because they're similar characters in terms of tramua and Punz because he "betrayed" Dream and was the one who was closest and knew him the best. Punz would know Dream's secrets which would be better ammo against Dream compared to running in swinging.
Like I said I like cc Tommy and I used to love dsmp Tommy but recently dsmp Tommy has done nothing but annoyed me.
Also to add on after the Ghostbur/Wilbur stream.
He blames Sam for Ghostbur being killed and Wilbur being revived even though he's the one that broke the rules, tried to sneak into the prison and used Ghostbur as a way to do it. Sam should have killed Tommy as that's literally what he's supposed to do but he let Tommy run free. Ghostbur died because Tommy tunnelvisioned Dream and prioritised his death over everything else including Sam's trust and everyone's safety.
Dream told Tommy that Wilbur was getting revived but for some reason still thought it was a good idea to bring a part of Wilbur within Dream's range. Like how do you think you got revived? He used your ghost that was trapped in prison to revive you he's going to obviously use Ghostbur to revive Wilbur.
Not forgetting that Tommy drank next to Sam and was messing with things making Sam suspicious then proceeded to pull out the axe where Sam could still very clearly see him. Like don't blame Sam for your stupid idea. You used Ghostbur and he died because of your actions and already your throwing the blame onto Sam who already feels like shit for your death, feels bad for Ranboo even though he doesn't know the whole story, probably feels a lot emotions about letting Quackity torture Dream. All Sam was doing is following prison rules. His only goal is to keep Dream alive and in prison and to stop anything or kill anyone that gets in his way.
TLDR: Dsmp Tommy is a bland character who has experienced little to no growth. He also struggles to have a good storyline on his own which I do think cc Tommy can do he just hasn't. I think his character is very hypocritical and often projects onto others. Give him some therapy please
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enderwalk · 2 years
:O!! I didn’t know dsmp ambiance videos were a thing that’s so fun!! i might listen to some tonight when I go to sleep are there any u recommend?
the snowchester one is definitely my favorite, but technos cabin, ghostburs library, and meeting ranboo in the nether are really well made!! ranboos panic room is also strangely calming (lots of underwater sounds, dolphins, cats purring)
but keep in mind ive only heard like the first few minutes of all of these except the nether one bc i fall asleep so soon ;w;
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What about other ppl in the smp, like Eret, Niki, Jack? Do they go to Las Nevadas? Are Eret and Fundy still friends?
tw: gambling, drinking, self-neglect, slight eating disorder, mentions of past violence
/dsmp /rp
i'd like to this this au is set in a period after wilbur's resurrection and dream's prison escape where the entire smp is like. well, we're fucked— time to get wasted now!
quackity would originally look down upon eret, puffy, h, and punz because of the entire monarchy fiasco, but after knowing how rich eret was, quackity would let them slide. they don't seem to be a threat of power anyway, so why should he care? i also think eret might've helped supplied las nevadas too, maybe just simple materials here and there thanks to fundy's requests.
fundy has talked to eret multiple times whenever he visits. eret is good at stopping themselves from getting too addicted to alcohol or gambling, so they would be sober or healthy enough for fundy to have conversations with. eret has even probably had sleepovers with fundy because eret is still genuinely concerned about his wellbeing, you know? because to eret, it feels odd that fundy doesn't seem as lively as he used to be, even if he is still quite enthusiastic when he works, it still isn't the same.
eret often asks fundy about family. i think that's the main thing they always talk about— family, and found family. eret has found a family with the knights he's hired and giving shelter to all of the ex-members of the eggpire. eret's main concern is fundy, and if he could ever forgive them for missing the adoption. and fundy doesn't really know actually, because he is still quite hurt about it, but he's definitely moved on. he still values eret as a good friend, and eret reciprocates, and i guess that's what matters to him.
but in terms of family, fundy doesn't really know if he wants to label anything as family due to his trust issues. he often vents to eret about these problems, especially in the earlier stages of las nevadas. he's scared that if he ever labels something as family, they'd just leave him anyway, so he prefers not having a family. but eret still insists its important for fundy to have some type of support system, but this is where fundy tends to change the topic, and eret can't do anything but hopelessly nod along.
but there's a time that definitely changed! there's a time eret did hangout with fundy, do a simple sleepover like old times, and they woke up once to quackity and schlatt entering fundy's room with a tray of food. eret asked them what the food was for, especially since this didn't happen last time eret was here, but quackity replies that he kind of got used to it out of habit, especially since fundy doesn't really notice that he skips meals every now and then.
and eret is kind of surprised they care?? in a good way of course, because they're all. oh, fundy HAS found a better family to care for him. quackity and schlatt bids eret a good day before leaving, and eret approaches the tray of food quietly. there's a note placed atop. on the note, there's a to-do list for fundy with simple things like “remember to eat” or “remember to take breaks” or “lessen your cigarette intake”, and on the back, there seems to be a long note left by quackity. eret didn't want to invade fundy's privacy too much, but they did remember glancing at a small note that said “you are loved. take care of yourself, and never forget that” written somewhere on the paper.
NOW FOR NIKI! niki does visit, she visits a LOT, and she loves the upbeat vibes of las nevadas, anything with popping colors and enthusiastic moods are such a turn on for her, and she just loves to stay there for multiple days on end. the syndicate would be often concerned about her wellbeing, but niki ensures she doesn't really get too drunk or gamble too much.
(the drinking statement is debatable because, surprisingly, niki has a high tolerance for alcohol, so she drinks a LOT. where was this when she was having her villain arc?)
she's honestly just happy to be there, and she just likes to dance and groove! there's a thrill in las nevadas she never really experienced much in her life, and she's happy she can basically vibe here without worrying about betrayal or death every five seconds.
on the dance floor, she has danced with a couple of people. the first one she does dance with accidentally is schlatt, who seems to be Very Awkward when it comes to dancing. he honestly wasn't even supposed to be there— niki thinks he might've lost a bet or something? but niki still tried to make do with what she was given.
the most interesting conversations niki has had in her life has got to be the ones she has on the dance floor. when it came to schlatt, he was mumbling a lot, very awkward and tense knowing the state of their relationship during the manberg era, but niki puts that aside. because there's no point on lingering on the past for too long— she's talked to puffy and the syndicate about this far too many times— so she grabs schlatt and twirls him around like nothing has happened. he never really got to apologize, but he did give niki a fun dance, and you know what? it was fun! so that's all that matters.
quackity was the second one she's danced with, and quackity is the opposite of schlatt. he was charming, enthusiastic, extremely extroverted, and niki definitely enjoyed it! but to niki, she knows quackity isn't always this upbeat, or this loud and obnoxiously in your face, so when a slower song plays, she asks quackity if he can just shuffle alongside her slowly and follow her mellow footsteps. he calms, and she calms, and the conversations had dwindled into something more familiar. after a certain while, quackity admits that he's missed this, he's missed being vulnerable, he's missed being genuine, he's missed being soft and laidback, so niki tells him thst he's allowed to be that way for the rest of the dance.
and last person she's danced with was fundy. and fundy, she's definitely talked with before the dance, but she also calls in eret to join them. they boogie to an upbeat rhythm, dancing as if this feeling of euphoria and happiness was something they've experienced all their lives. niki knows that, often, whenever they meet up, there's always something that reminds them of their past faults, so they never got to be the way they were before the wars. so now, niki tries her best to make it different. that fun they had when they pranked tommy in the past, or find foxes together, or build weird statues— she will try her best reincarnate those feelings of pure happiness through stupid dance moves and stupid jokes because she misses it, and she will try her best to fix the friendship so that it'll be same, perfect thing it once was.
jack is pretty complicated, because i don't know much about jack, but i'd say he is one of quackity's... less responsible business partners. knowing jack, fundy and schlatt try their best to not get quackity to jump on his ass because quackity often gets mad at the ridiculous deals and offers jack gives.
i'd say that jack is just... having a pretty rough time. fundy and schlatt denote that he's kind of lonely, and his demeanor is very similar to quackity's wherein he uses irritation and/charm to mask the hurt they experience. and quackity... does soften up to that. he knows what it's like to feel alone and be left alone by people out of nowhere, so quackity decides to give jack another kind of offer: jack transfers ownership of their hotel back to tommy, and quackity will give jack a job offer to work at las nevadas' hotel. in that way, quackity doesn't need to make multiple exchanges with jack's business; he just needs jack to work for him lmao
so yeah, it's kind of a lax job. the hotel isn't the most booked all the time, but jack does enjoy managing the front desk since quackity actually allows him to get mad at shitty customers lmao. jack doesn't stay there 24/7 of course—if he wants to leave, he can just depend on fundy's redstone to do the work—but he does like working there because nobody looks down upon him. he feels like he has something he can do that he can do well, and nobody is looking at him as if he was inferior. sure, quackity and him are still not on the best terms, but jack doesn't feel like he's being belittled at all.
i'd say jack and sam kind of are friends too? because while schlatt, quackity, and fundy have their own thing, sam and jack manage las nevadas more on the sidelines, but they relate at the fact that they just casually do their own thing in las nevadas. it doesn't feel too awful or violent or belittling— it just feels normal.
sometimes, jack would visit the bar right after it closes to just. drink and talk to sam about... well, anything, really. these talks would typically last through the day, and they're kinda just glad they have found someone to talk to about, well, anything. it's hard to find a feeling of normalcy in the dream smp, let alone a feeling of peace and serenity, so even if they find this chill ambiance in a bar or a casino, they both still revel in the feeling of peace. they're happy with it, so they'll do whatever they can to maintain it.
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crimsonbluemoon · 2 years
Inbox Hug for having to deal with DSMP Drama!
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Sorry you have to deal with real drama. I don’t know the situation and won’t ask but hope you feel better.
Oh that was really sweet, thank you!
I wasn't forced to tackle this drama as much as I just kind of needed a space to process and express myself. Back when I was more involved in the BBS fandom, I feel like all I did was answer questions about fights between the boys and the drama and stuff they went through. And maybe that was because back then I had a popular story going on so people thought I had some insight I really didn't or something XD.
This one affected me a little differently because I think the DSMP fandom is very young. Not to say BBS wasn't, but DSMP's games and ambiance is very much aimed for like, 12-20 year olds. BBS was deff way more R rated and I knew a lot of older people (even some in their 50s) who watched them.
Why this matters is because these kiddos watching their streams are going to be the future. That means that if we don't try to help them learn de-escalation techniques and healthy ways of dealing with stress other than pulling a Salem Witch trials and just believing anything anyone says, it could really affect the future for everyone. The DSMP boys are also very young in comparison, so they're not the level headed leaders maybe they present themselves to be. Actually pretty sure Tommy like low-key doxxed himself last night because he was excited about his first apartment, but this just highlights my point; they're still learning how to share their lives with their fans while also trying to maintain the expectations of said fans. That's hard to do at like, 23 or whatever.
I'm not saying age automatically means maturity or wisdom, as Im not exactly Gandalf in age. However, I think they also have some pretty young youtube careers and were kind of thrust into the spotlight in a year or so?
Other ones, like Jack or Markiplier or even the BBS boys, they methodically built their careers over years and years which allowed them time to create their voices, learn through trial and errors. If they made rookie mistakes, it wasn't to the tune of 20 million people. I think, if what one of the articles Ive read about Dream during my research for stories said, he was the fastest growing channel to hit 1mill? So he's still finding his footing, and he's in his early twenties; his brain isn't even fully done developing yet.
Gosh I feel I've preached a lot today but long story short; there's some growing pains going on here, and while we can recognize the mistakes and all of our feelings are valid about those mistakes, people need to compromise that a twenty-something year old guy should not be your end-all-be-all moral compass for life.
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netheritenugget · 3 years
Woof, this one took a while, even though Ranboo is pretty good at staying on beat (he initially sounded slightly behind due to stream delay!).  But I had a lot of fun making it!
Now, onto the next project! \o/ Probably Phil’s basement thing!
Where I got the audio from:
Ranboo’s secret tumblr, if you’re reading this, you’re very talented and it was very fun making this!  Proud of you, Dude!
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netheritenugget · 3 years
Nugget, holy shit. I know you’re a fellow enjoyer of dsmp ambience based storytelling and Michael Mcchill just dropped this and ran
This is so cool??? I love it!!! I feel like I'm listening to a radio broadcast recorded on a cassette tape. Mr. Mcchill my hat is off to you, sir!
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netheritenugget · 3 years
This blog is not being updated, and it never will be.
Due to the impermanence of the internet as a whole, I am of the opinion that this is a collection of pieces of fandom history, and that history is worth saving. It is not important history in my eyes, and is likely extremely unimportant in the eyes of others, but it is history nonetheless.
I do not wish to condone the actions of certain content creators. Their reprehensible actions have poisoned the well. But they did not build the contents of this blog; the community did.
The Covid Lockdowns were an extremely lonely time for me. I'd gone fully remote for my remaining classes, and lost an in-person connection with friends and loved ones I saw every day at school. I needed something to do to, and the frenzy of the DSMP fandom swept me off my feet. I'm certain that many people found themselves in similar situations. This was what we turned to, in that horrible time. This is a small piece of what we built. Even in the midst of a pandemic, it made me a little less lonely.
We did not know that people we'd trusted to entertain and inspire us did horrible things. We loved and created and shared with our whole hearts, and while heartbreak was always inevitable, I think that love amounts to something worthwhile.
Maybe there will be a day when enjoying this fandom will no longer be such a hot-button issue, when we can fully avoid giving Wilbur Soot or Dream (or any other streamer who has since done unforgivable things) any benefit from our fun. When we can say "death to the author" and have it mean something. But that day is not today, nor do I think it will be within the next decade. This blog may have to wait a long time, before I can stand to look at it again.
But until then, until this site dies and maybe even after, I will keep these posts, a record of a labor of love.
(Old FAQ below)
Hi, welcome to Eretblr! :D
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Hello! I am Roxy, she/her! I like Minecraft and I draw (usually fanart).
“Hey are you the blog who wrote those funny fake achievements for Dream SMP characters?”
Yep!  Feel free to browse through the tag "fake dream smp advancements" on my blog. :3  I also recommend the character fanart tags, and the “dsmp ambiance” tag.
"I went through your fanart tags and accidentally blasted your notifications, I'm so sorry-"
My dude, that's what my entire blog is for. Go ham with liking and reblogging whatever you want.
“Can I make art based off of your advancements? Can I make advancements?”
Yes! I’d be extremely flattered if you made something, go for it.  You can write the advancement on your art, quote it in your description, whatever. If you @ me on the post it’ll show up in my notifications, I’ll be more than happy to reblog it and get your art some more attention. :) And you can make advancements too! I do not mind! It's a very easily replicated concept, and fun to do!
“Favorite things to reblog?”
This blog is mostly fanart.  I love fanart.  Show me your fanart.  Tag me in your fanart.  I wanna reblog it so people see it.  Think of it as me putting your stuff on my fridge. :)
“Do you draw fanart too?”
I do!  Search my blog for “nugget’s art tag” to see my fanart.
“How old are you?”
“I don’t want to be a bother, but I have X tr1gger/Y ph0bia, can you please tag it as x/y so I can filter it out of my feed?”
Due to the recent tag ban, I may have to rethink how I tag things, but I will definitely not stop adding warnings to the things I've been tagging previously.
If you have anything you want me to tag for you, shoot me an anon or DM me directly.  It is never too much of a bother. Currently tagged: #tw blood, #tw gore, #tw body horror, #tw unreality, #tw spiders.  I tag triggers as needed, so when looking through my post archive, please be aware not everything will be tagged.
“What’s your gender/sexuality?”
Wouldn’t you like to know, weatherboy? 🤨
Pronouns are she/her.  Calling me “dude” and “guy” are fine, the words are pretty much gender neutral as far as I'm concerned.
"Can I DM you?"
Ye. :)
"Can I DM you/send you asks about fundraising posts?"
Respectfully, no. I am broke and so are my followers.
“Who’s your favorite Minecraft Youtuber?/Minecraft Streamer?”
Eret (obviously) but I'm also extremely fond of Wilbur Soot, and basically the entirety of Hermitcraft. I love the Hermits, season six of Hermitcraft was how I got into present-day Minecraft Youtube. :3 So if you're sick of seeing me on your dashboard, blame Beacon-Lamp.
“Fun fact about you?”
I have ADHD, just like Eret and Technoblade :) but it didn't make me any smarter :)
"Trans rights?"
Trans rights. Herobrine told me so himself.
"Wait, don't go, I have more questions!"
Search my "about" tag to see if someone has asked before, or send it to me in an ask. :3
"Mobile sucks, how do I search for these mythical 'tags' you speak of?"
I added the tags I referenced here to the bottom of this post, for your convenience.
Happy blogging! o/
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dsmpkinnies · 3 years
Could I get an ambience and a care kit for c!Eret please? Been feeling down n need some kingly kin time, thank you! 👑⚜️
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x x x x x x
And the ambiance can be found here!
Hope you have a good day/night. Sorry for the long wait.
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