#dreams and goals. even if those consequences hurt really bad :(
insolentgod · 18 days
reminder extremely tough and maybe a little harsh.
a lot of folks gotta work themselves to death just to have a halfway comfortable life, some don't even have the basics. many will have to do crazy stuff for money and others dream of giving their loved ones a good life but can't. some will only be able to see luxurious lifestyles on phone screens or in other people's TikTok accounts. and others don't even have the money to pay for internet to see that.
lots of people will spend years hating themselves, hating their appearance, personality, social life, social status, skills, everything about themselves. many live with insecurities, feeling like a supporting character in their own story, some have things that bother them but it's "impossible" to change them so they'll just have to live with it. others spend a fortune on surgeries or treatments to change something about themselves, and many die because of it.
many people will have to live trying to recover from traumas and bad things that hit them, without knowing how to simply erase them from their lives, and unfortunately, some prefer to end their own lives so they don't have to live with those burdens.
many people will have to face horrible diseases, some they simply can't get rid of and others that are incurable. suffering, waiting for a miracle to free them from this torture.
some folks may never achieve their personal goals and dreams, out of fear, lack of opportunity, lack of means, or because they think it's impossible for them. so consequently they will have to surrender to a mediocre life that they hate.
many people will have to spend years in shitty relationships without knowing how to get out, others will see the love of their life being happy with someone else, others will think that love only serves to deeply hurt them, and others will accept horrible things from their partners because they think they don't deserve anything better.
a lot of folks unfortunately live out there lonely, without love, without a good social circle, without friends, with an abusive family, with people who don't want the best for them, with people who only hurt them and make them think that's what they deserve.
you might think I'm a jerk for talking about such harsh examples and I'm sorry if I hurt anyone, but damn..
all these examples I mentioned are really sad and they leave us with a heavy heart thinking that a lot of people go through this. I think everyone deserves a dignified and happy life, you deserve a dignified and happy life. you don't deserve to be like those people in the examples I mentioned, and you're not. because you have a key in your hands. it's like life is a damn game and you have all the hacks and cheats to simply WIN and do whatever you want, while other people don't even dream of that or are too skeptical to try.
but you know what's funniest about this? it's that this shit ain't just any game, it's your life. it's literally your damn life and you're there playing with the law? saying "oh I can't" "oh persisting is too hard" "I think I'll never have my desires".
girl, I'll kill you if you keep thinking like that.
there are folks who just don't take the loa seriously, and that's why they never fulfill their desires!!!!!!!!!!!! and they won't have anyone to blame for their failure but themselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the LOA community is very small, discovering about it was extremely lucky. so tell me a good reason why you know about it and simply can't manifest? exactly. there isn't one! you can and you should.
I'm not here to judge your difficulties in manifesting (even if I judge everything and everyone), because having difficulties and keep trying is one thing and simply giving up and saying "I can't manifest" is another.
it was a blessing from the universe, God, higher power, whatever you believe in. you discovering LOA was the damn greatest blessing of your life, don't you see that? don't you really see how blessed you are? maybe in the past you've been through hell, but now, my love, the sun is shining for you, you just have to want to shine. unfortunately a lot of people will never have that luck, there are people who would kill to be blessed like this. so please, I beg you... use this tool and have the damn happiest life you can, enjoy it and stop playing with the law.
tell me what do you really want? a true and light love? have a look that would never make you feel insecure again? being the pride of mommy and daddy and having their love? having that beautiful house and a happy family? finally healing from depression or other mental disorders and finally being able to live to the fullest? friends who really care about you? want to meet that idol you've been a fan of for a long time and that everyone thinks your passion for him is silly? want to live in that country far away from everyone? want to stop feeling that guilt or any other bad feeling that has been tormenting you for a long time? want to be truly happy for the first time in your life? want to be rich, a millionaire, billionaire, trillionaire? or just have enough money to lead a comfortable life and never have to work again? go ahead, tell me what you want. you can have it.
stop suffering, you don't deserve to suffer. enough torture. take what's yours and move on. you're strong enough for that. the game ain't over for you, you can't just give up like that. the game is yours, it obeys you, and it ends when you decide. take freaking control.
i suffered a lot in life, i hope one day i have the courage to tell you about my success here. and I simply don't know what I would do without finding out about LOA, just thinking about it fills my heart with gratitude. I feel like a winner. you deserve to feel this peace of having won too.
God bless you. take care of yourselves and put your head to work.
i ain't that selfish. if you need some backup, im here for you, babe. I wanna see you win. 🌟
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aceghosts · 3 months
2 in 1 Quizzes
Just cleaning out the drafts and posting these uquiz results.
Rooney Shepard
healer's burden
most of what i can say here is sheeesh….yikes…..ouch…. so you don't have a savior complex, because you understand that's toxic. you're not here to save anyone: you're here to heal them, with or without them knowing, because you love so much and care so deeply and you're very stubborn about it. there's no one on this earth that you wouldn't give a helping hand to--but it's called a burden for a reason, because this isn't a one-person job. as a protagonist, you're determined and selfless, but as a person, you probably need a break. heal yourself for a little, okay?
the steadfast
your soul is filled with the strength of one who has watched too many break before them. you set high standards for yourself and those around you, sometimes impossible marks. you know how the world should be and you're determined to make it so. was tough love what you needed? or was it the only thing you were ever offered. there are some things you cannot bend to your will and your bones will break before you turn back the tide. let go a little and breathe in the air. have you even stopped to look at the empire you built? have you noticed how far you've come?
Hunter Delaney
the spiteful wonder
ooooh, you're underestimated--and pissed about it. are you a middle child? hm. these are protagonists who get told to do one thing and do exactly the opposite. life is on your terms, not anyone else's. your failures and successes are on the same level of consequence, but you do feel as if something about the world is inherently unfair--and you're just reckless enough to think you can change that.
the strong-willed
your soul has touched darkness and so you learned to wrap yourself within it. you felt fear and decided you would never let it control you again. you're not always all sharp edges and cool stares, but you refuse to be prey again. you turned your teeth into fangs so you would be the one to bite. you learned to growl louder than all the predators who stole your innocence. it may seem like you don't care, sometimes you try to pretend you don't, but i see the way you sharpen your knives when the ones you care about are hurting.
Riley Callahan
universe's accident
you don't think you're special, but you really, really are. and yeah okay, maybe you weren't supposed to be here, but damn, we're glad you are. whatever prank the universe pulled, it was backfired beautifully. you're the type of protagonist whose flaws become their greatest assets. your boughts of bad luck eventually come back around as bonuses to you and what you protect as miraculous coincidences of earned convenience. always remember--there are no accidents.
the wonderlust heart
your soul longs for your adventure. sometimes you're filled with so many ambitions and dreams you think you might burst. you rush about in a frenzy, afraid to miss out on all the opportunities life has to offer. you see the world with all it's light and all its darkness and can't help but see something beautiful in every part. every star and every shadow. you say you're running towards your goals, but sometimes i think you're trying to escape the ugly things you couldn't paint over.
Emerson Wright
along for the ride
now this isn't so much a protagonist as it is someone with a lack of boundaries. but hey. who am i to judge. you're here because you just are. things happen to you, you don't happen to things. there's no "fateful day", there's simply "ah, shit. here we go.". and to be fair--it truly can be so enriching, and a lot others around you might've missed out on some of these life-altering adventures you got to be a part of. but consider--you can't be a side character to your own life. whether you feel it or not, you do matter. so stop the car, or drive yourself for a little. it'll be worth it.
the analyzing heart
you have the soul of an intellect. you like to figure out how things work, you want to take them apart and put them back together again. you strive for answers and you're not afraid to ask the difficult questions. one day you'll have to learn to accept not everything can be explained away. it's okay to let your heart bleed. it's okay to let your soul long for impossible things. the most incredible mysteries are the ones that are never solved, but merely felt.
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am-euno · 2 years
I do kind wanna know how Estelle and Caeneus interact though, what are your thoughts on their dynamic?
Oh! I can answer this! It may be a bit long though, I’m sorry in advance! I like to ramble a lot.
Firstly, I’d like to say that Estelle is deeply involved with Kirschtaria in that they were really close childhood friends, so Caeneus, who has seen Kirschtaria’s memories (according to From Lostbelt Cae chapter at least) - would know Estelle from that. But he’d know her from Kirschtaria’s perspective. He thinks his loser (affectionate) Master is stupid in an almost-admirable way for being able to turn his back on those fond memories but in a “if you even dare consider going back to that woman, I’ll kill you” type of way. Cae knew that Kirschtaria wouldn’t be able to hurt his dearest friend like that, but they had a goal and Cae needed Kirsch to remain steadfast. It was for his revenge too, after all. Your love or your dream? He made sure his Master knew the consequences of the wrong choice. 
Up until Atlantis, Caeneus taunted Estelle to no end, laughing in her face and almost relishing in her misery, because it was absolute repulsive how Estelle was so obsessed. Especially when he realized she would do anything to get what she wants, and is just as pathetic and cruel as the gods who lorded over humanity, the gods of Olympus themselves. For many reasons. Caeneus can’t believe the one he sees in Kirsch’s memories/the woman he spoke about. Because if so, how blind was Kirschtaria Wodime to not see how inhuman she is? 
And then Olympus happens, and Estelle disregards him because she’s so single-minded that she just blasts through enemies and allies alike. This is basically where Caeneus’s annoyance with her peaks, but at the same time he is thrilled at the destruction she’s leaving behind in pursuit of her so-called beloved. They did team up in many fights but also clashed a lot because they got in each other’s way, but never outright harming each other. At this point, Estelle wasn’t thinking straight because uhhhh Kirschtaria confrontation in Atlantis went very bad for her. Simply put, she arrives to the conclusion Kirsch is being brainwashed so Olympus was a speedrun for her to save him. Oof. 
The final battle between both, after Kirschtaria dies, however, was the most violent. Estelle was absolutely livid because she thought: why was it not me who was by his side and vented that frustration in that fight. Her rage, her despair, her anguish, and her belief that a world without Kirschtaria should cease to exist - Caeneus met her head on because he has his own beliefs to stand for, he has Kirschtaria’s beliefs to fight for. What better than to fight to the death with the one Kirschtaria adored the most, the only other person who understood him? So they put everything in that fight and Caeneus disappears, but not after hearing Estelle’s final words:
“Thank you for being there for him.” 
Caeneus only laughed at that. He lost, yeah, but the one left to pick up the pieces is the woman drenched in tears and blood. She’s stupid. Just like his Master. But this is fine, a suitable (albeit frustrating) conclusion. Meanwhile, Estelle was grateful that Caeneus was there for Kirschtaria and took comfort in knowing he never bore his burdens alone. She wouldn’t know what he’d gone through, but she’s somewhat relieved knowing he trusted someone enough to rely on them, no matter how hurt she is it that it wasn’t her. 
When Cae gets resummoned in Chaldea, I like to think they have this unspoken bond that stemmed from being connected to Kirschtaria. Estelle wouldn’t be ready to ask Caeneus what happened but Cae also wouldn’t tell her a single thing. She doesn’t need to know that he saw Kirschtaria’s withered body falling apart on itself, or the fact he planned to die as the last human, or the way Kirschtaria yearned to save the world with his friends until the very end. Caeneus has too much respect for his Master for that, and it’s the least he can do. But Estelle does fall apart after Olympus and that’s a whole other mess so... ;w; 
TLDR: They fight and get mad at each other but they become really good friends in the end :’) 
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abyssmalice · 2 years
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(thinking again about tonitoni and how she sees herself in moral terms bc this is a thing i v much think abt and keep meaning to make a proper hc post on - and i WILL, a PROPER post, but my god i need to RAMBLE for a hot sec - 
tl;dr, tonitoni sees herself as a bad person and tbh prefers that over being a good person.
shes a harbinger and shes done some Very unsavory stuff in this position, some of which she genuinely doesnt really regret, some of it even being near enjoyable even tho she factually understands and believes it’s also v cruel. as such, she has no notions of the idea that she’s a “good” person, or a person doing things “for the greater good” - that’s just excuses at best and garbage at worst.
she views herself as the typical villain of a typical, perhaps boring story - someone who needs to be defeated by the heroes, someone on a generally losing and thus by association the bad side of things. an affiliation that no one would normally like nor want if they truly understood the situation and could have a choice in the matter.
of course, reality isn’t so brainlessly black and white, and the tsaritsa’s crusade and those affiliated aren’t either. there are some good points to be made here - tonia knows this, understands it, hates it all nonetheless.
again. she is v much against the idea of “the ends justifies the means” - cruelty is cruelty, bad things are bad things. even if good things do truly come out of all this, even if the people involved truly do have good intentions in mind, none of this as any weight with her as it doesn’t erase the ultimate consequences of the acts.
in that way, tho - tonia still is a young girl, isn’t she? to be so idealistic. to believe that the best way to live is one without hard choices or difficult situations.
she knows that such a life is a pure fantasy. and yet, perhaps, all the more that she wants to and does quietly believe in it - that in an impossible, dream-like world, everyone should live a happy life without hurting anyone....................
—which is a funny contrast with the other fact that she despises heroes and heroic figures.
to her, heroes can be just the same as villains - brainless, “ends justifies the means”, nonsense-spewing idiots who are utterly blind to the consequences of their actions. to the things they accidentally stomp on and burn as they pursue their beautiful dreams and wonderful ambitions, to how likely they are to martyr themselves and leave all they love and care about in the dust, hurting and mourning
if she had to pick between being a hero or a villain, a good person or a bad person, she’d gladly be a bad person. at least a villain is likelier to face repercussions - heroes are fabled and lauded for their stupidity, without a word spoken about the suffering their beautiful sacrifice causes.
—this also ties into how tonia dislikes the idea of dreams and ambitions - at least the very big ones, on a grand scale. the bigger your hopes, the greater the fall and the sacrifices and the suffering to come, as she sees it.
you can nurse a small, quiet goal - but nothing that will greatly and permanently overthrow the peace and lives of others. one person has no right to decide that for anyone and everyone else. your autonomy will not supercede the autonomy of others. your happiness, no matter how beautiful, is worth less than ash and dirt if it tarnishes the happiness of others.)
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anthonybialy · 2 years
Ideology Minus Ideas
Enjoying spending your money is a secret Joe Biden's worse at keeping than his inability to button his shirt. How does a circle that wide fit into such a slim hole? Your self-appointed boss wishes we'd forget what happens when his ideology gets put into action like he does his staff's names.
Biden’s wises were granted. He got his dream policies made real along with a slot car track. A sheet pizza and claw machine win should technically count as two. But nobody wants to let down such a special elder. Watch for what you want coming into fruition, as you might phrase the wish to the genie as poorly as your president.
Getting everything desired is a curse for pompous morons. Not realizing consequences are pending and unpredictably predictable is natural for those who think they've accounted for all of them. A busy government illustrates the difference between getting things done and doing useful things.
Using elections to take away choices would almost be clever if the results didn't contain so much agony. Alleged leaders aren't plotting that deeply even if ultimate domination is their obvious goal. Grabbing every bit of power in little fits is the life work of big schemers who can't scheme big. Stagnation in every sense would be a fitting punishment if it weren't also inflicted on everyone else.
It's tough to finally relax and spend regular payments for not working when it takes multiple handouts of cash to buy salad dressing. Unlimited free money has a downside. Next, you'll tell me ice cream stops tasting so delicious if served as every meal.
Too much to spend was supposed to be a good thing. But there aren't enough filled burlap sacks with dollar signs to afford shoelaces. Prices stubbornly refused stay stationary, which means we need a law making everything affordable. Sure, ordering a price freeze wouldn't be as good as the government making them free, but heroic legislators can only pass so many bills. At least there are no products to buy.
We couldn't get to stores with empty shelves thanks to empty fuel tanks. Consistency is a blessing that saves us from further disappointment. Limiting fuel saves the Earth, unless you're one of the sad and hungry people on it. The country is going nowhere a bit more literally than even Biden could've guessed.
Your neck isn't supposed to hurt, claims the goon who has you in the sleeper. It's tough to pretend pain isn't the result when infliction was their goal all along. Democrats have to pretend they're upset about a gallon of gasoline costing even more than milk that's suddenly unaffordable. Regular inflation is so boring.
Political scientists encourage you to use lethargic energy. Operating cars that need plugs is coming by force in case you don't get the message that you're supposed to love the Earth. You should ignore the methods of powering civilization it provides while switching to unreliable ones like strong gusts and particularly sunny days. Similarly, organic mice repellants don't work like reassuring traps. It only seems cruel if you fail to grasp how nature works.
It's too bad Russia isn't run by successful American businesspeople, as Biden would've stopped it. If we really wanted to halt ghastly stampeders, let our president run their economy.
International pusillanimous is supposed to get troubled countries to start being cool. But it turns out rampaging chaos is the result. You may be starting to suspect that our arrogant decadent imperialistic capitalism wasn't the problem. Bullies grasp perverse incentives instead of good grades.
At least the examples are clear. Liberals can’t claim constant agony results from anything but liberalism in action. Elizabeth Warren-style whining about record profits negates to mention why prices are up and how little said leftover cash is worth.
There's no ideological deviation as is regrettably seen during Republican times, like pretending isolationist tariff fan Donald Trump was a Randian zero-government enthusiast. He didn't even read his own books. Meddling was the only vigorous thing about the last ostensible conservative.
Letting politicians decide for us works as long as you don't try it. Our betters planned for everything except how things would happen next. Upsetting them by actually attempting to cope with their elaborate designs for perfecting existence means failure is our fault. Increasing prices while making items scarce is sort of a way to understand economics.
It's bad enough politicians keep falling for the theory. The problem is voters who keep falling for the politicians. Keen political observers struggle to determine whether the faction actually believes the risible ideology is helping or if they're just seeking breakdowns to exploit. Which inspires more?
Our world at least enjoys a bad example from which to learn. I think we have enough if we'd like to stop inflicting valuable lessons upon ourselves. We can't afford anything with all our free money, which at least means rampaging thieves can only steal so much. The dearth of personal inventory doesn't apply to global supervillains who will always find another country to shoplift.
Bringing to mind past agonies might seem like a way to make the present ache, too. But thinking about what hurt could help us avoid it. The afflicted may as well find something useful in suffering, namely how to not pretend government is good at anything any more than the politicians who fill its voids are. We can either remember how silly it is to bribe reality into letting us get rich or keep trying to gain without earning. If you believe in the latter, you can find someone who wants you to run for office.
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daydreamlng · 2 years
#so its been a min since i updated my diary#guess who got into graduate school!!!! its ME#I'm going to grad school to become a licensed special education teacher with a master's in teaching 🥰#I'm going to be an ACTUAL teacher are you joking me#but all is not bright and happy unfortunately. today I'm bummed out#i really want to be someone that people can rely on. i try so hard to be open minded and give comforting thoughtful advice#but there are just some things that throw me off so bad that i can't help people and i freak out#and that happened last night and now I'm fucked up and I'm worried that i really hurt someone who i love#because i couldn't be there for them in the way they need :(#but i can't help those automatic responses i have! it's painful :( I'm only human :(#but if i ruined a relationship that's really important to me because of my own personal trauma that has nothing to do with this situation..#idk what i would do :(#ultimately what's done is done. i have to reconcile with my actions and the effect they have on others. and the consequences#i have to remember that i have good things going in my life too. I'm on a good trajectory. and i can't let consequences derail me from my#dreams and goals. even if those consequences hurt really bad :(#idk. how am i supposed to enjoy my accomplishments when other things are really hard and painful? and who can i even#talk to about any of this? probably my therapist..#it's just hard. I'm happy and sad and this summer is starting off on a really weird note#anyways#diary
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we are all love treasure planet, of course, but one of my favorite divergences from the original text is that the majority of flint's hoard is lost forever when the planet self-destructs.
that shot of silver grasping at this river of gold and jewels slipping through his fingers - both flesh and metal - underscores the themes of loss and sacrifice in the movie so beautifully.
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and the thing is, both treasure planet and rls' book are meant to be fun, coming-of-age adventure stories for kids, but while the on-screen deaths in treasure planet pale in comparison to those in the book, it's treasure planet that ends up feeling more mature, and that's due in part to how it addresses loss, sacrifice, and grief.
in the book, jim's father, whom he says he loves deeply, dies in the first act, followed shortly by billy bones. jim finds himself grieving for both men, but little of that emotion is effectively passed to the reader. we're not invested in these characters, and their deaths feel like tools to move the plot and little more.
treasure planet, conversely, in a similarly short amount of time within the scope of the narrative, shows us baby jim's great admiration for his father and the betrayal and hurt he feels at his father's rejection and abandonment. jim becomes a broody delinquent who, because he couldn't be good enough for his father, decides he's not going to bother trying to be good enough for anybody. he wants to be completely independent emotionally, because when he relied on external approval before, when he tried to show his father his toy ship, he was ignored and abandoned. aside from a few lines about how grief-stricken he is, jim's father's death in the book is of little consequence, whereas in treasure planet, jim's father's abandonment shapes jim's character.
jim's impetus for finding treasure planet is that he might "redeem" himself. despite his bad boy front, he's still seeking external approval - in this case, the praise and acceptance that would come from others were he successful. then on the voyage, we get silver stepping in as a father figure to jim, defending him, comforting him, offering him the love that he so desperately needs, and we want to see a resolution of jim's pain; we hope that jim could have the kind of relationship with silver that he had wanted with his father when he was a child.
silver, of course, is after the treasure, too. to rls' credit, i do appreciate that he elaborates more on silver's motivation. the whole former walrus crew feel entitled to a share of flint's hoarded wealth, but silver specifically criticizes the others for their short-sightedness and habit of feverishly spending any money they get and finding themselves penniless again after a short while. silver prides himself on his forethought and saving, and has shored up a handsome little fortune for a man his age, while still indulging in good food and other niceties while ashore. his goal, then, is not just money for its own sake, but security and respect. he was not born a gentleman, but with flint's hoard he could become a wealthy and respected member of society. i would have liked to see a bit of that in treasure planet to really cinch that jim and silver are seeking the same thing, both materially in the form of treasure and socially/psychologically as acceptance, admiration, and respect.
in any case, the movie still establishes silver as a shrewd man of intense determination, particularly with his line to jim about "giving up a few things" in pursuit of a dream in the conversation about how he became a cyborg. @humanityinahandbag has a great analysis of this scene with regard to jim and silver's goals here, and the implication of the line is that there is nothing silver wouldn't sacrifice for his objective - he's given up a great deal, even lost parts of his body, and he's still trying to claim flint's treasure.
then we get to the apple (or purp) barrel scene, where the question is put to silver which he values more - the treasure or jim. jim's father's betrayal at the beginning of the movie is repeated as silver asserts to the other mutineers that he only cares about the treasure. the notion that jim and silver might find what they seek in each other, rather than in the acquisition of wealth, is dashed, and both parties are again focused solely on securing the treasure as a means of fulfilling their psychological needs.
at the climax of the film, as the planet begins to self-destruct and the loot of a thousand worlds is pouring down into fiery oblivion, we see silver grasping at it in vain with both hands. he's given up years of his life and even parts of his body in pursuit of this treasure - he's even given up jim, whom he loved as a son and who cared about him if no one else did* - and now it's slipping through his fingers.
of course, when it comes down to it and silver has to choose between escaping on flint's ship, laden with treasure, and saving jim's life, he chooses the latter, sacrificing wealth for love. the crew of the rls legacy make it to safety by the skin of their teeth, but nearly all of the treasure is lost as the planet explodes.
there is enough money, sure, to rebuild the benbow and for silver to keep a little, but the thesis is clear: the real treasure is the friends we made along the way. the love and respect between silver and jim are more important to both of them than the material wealth they originally pursued. what they sought to gain through fortune, they gained through vulnerability and trust in one another.
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the book ends differently. silver's early relationship with jim is not explored in depth, and his betrayal doesn't hit as hard, especially because it lacks the parallel with jim's father. silver still makes off with a bit of treasure, but the faithful crew of the hispaniola get as much gold as they can carry. when silver escapes, jim and the others are glad to be rid of him, though jim hopes that he is comfortable. it's not a bad ending, but it lacks the emotional depth, in my opinion, of treasure planet, and doesn't resolve the themes of loss and sacrifice as effectively.
*treasure planet makes silver a bachelor, but in the book he is married
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naynay5155 · 3 years
C!Tommy’s Storyline With C!Dream Is A Very Concerning Depiction Of Abuse
Wild Title 
Okay, I’m sure that this probably isn’t too new information for anyone paying attention to the overall story of the DreamSMP, especially C!Tommy’s storyline, but I figured I’d give my two cents for this anyways. 
C!Tommy is an Abuse Victim who has gone through horrific stuff at the hands of C!Dream. This is not an arguable fact. regardless of if C!Dream had reasons for doing what he did, if C!Dream also later gets abused, or if ultimately the abuse portrayal could be considered in some ways flawed or unrealistic, that stuff doesn’t ultimately matter. Because we’ve seen what happened to C!Tommy during Exile, have seen the physical, emotional, and mental abuse he was put through. Just because they won’t call it Abuse doesn’t mean it isn’t Abuse.
Now, C!Tommy being an abuse victim is an interesting idea from a storytelling perspective. It has a lot of potential to lead to genuine character development, or to affect relationships and story beats in interesting ways. And it could be an interesting way to really say something about abuse and coping with it. 
And to an extent, an argument could be made that it has, though I’d argue the exact way those are handled in canon, but not the point. The point is, abuse is not just something that you get to gloss over. If you want to include themes of abuse in the story, a story you are making available to the public for millions to see, then there needs to be a clear and obvious message being portrayed with including abuse in the story. Preferably, that abuse is bad, and can have majorly negative effects on anyone, especially children. We don’t always get that lucky, but whatever. 
But, from my months of watching the story of the DreamSMP, and trust me I’ve been here a long while, I haven’t seen C!Tommy’s abuse being handled very... well. I could, of course, be wrong in some aspects, and maybe be misremembering stuff since this dumpster fire has been happening for a year now, and feel free to correct me or bring up more points if you know something I don’t. But, I still think that overall, I have a point of view that should be considered. 
So basically, C!Tommy is an abuse victim, right? this is easy to see, very obvious in the way he acts and behaves. Or... is it? 
Abuse is a complex topic and one that, in real life, presents itself in all sorts of forms. Many abuse victims were raised in unloving homes and ended up becoming more vulnerable to abuse later on in life as a result of that. Others never properly learned how to express emotions or turn people down and got taken advantage of. Others were abused from the start, and develop various ways of coping and dealing with that, even ways that they might not be fully conscious of themselves. Abuse is not a one-way street, it could hardly be considered a street at all given how diverse and differing the people who experience it end up developing into are. 
So I’m not saying that, if C!Tommy were a real person, that he isn’t “Being traumatized enough” or that “Why isn’t he more like what I expect him to be like?”. That is not what I’m saying at all.
What I am saying, is that C!Tommy is a fictional character who exists within a narrative, a story. And in a good story, consistency is half the battle. I, as the audience consuming the story, need to be able to look at C!Tommy and pick up on and understand the effects abuse has had on him. And these effects need to be consistent, otherwise, as an audience member, I’m going to get confused and start having questions about why he acts one way here but doesn’t somewhere else.
I also need to be able to clearly see and understand, by being given narrative stepping stones, if something is changing for his character.
As the saying goes, “Show don’t tell”. C!Tommy can’t just say he “Goes to Puffy for Therapy” offhandedly one time, as a means of handwaving away why he doesn’t really consistently act as traumatized as he used to even though it’s literally only been a few weeks, or months at most. To explain how he can jump back between being really sad and depressed about something, to joking about Women and Twitter. It seems weird if he’s able to just so seamlessly, so effortlessly, go back and forth. Almost as if he’s bouncing between OOC and IC, but that’s a whole other discussion. 
Sure, C!Tommy is representing real mental health issues, but he is, ultimately a Fictional Character existing in a story. I need to be given signs, proof, foreshadowing, to explain when he has certain reactions and behaviours in order to understand his character. And these need to be consistent, otherwise we get plotholes and general confusion.
I criticize the inconsistency and the offscreen handwaving because it’s generally not very good writing. It’s the same reason I disliked Eret’s basically off-screen-sort-of-redemption-arc. It’s the same reason people dislike it when Villains of previous seasons suddenly come back as fully reformed good guys for seemingly no reason. There is no arc, no development, no progress is shown to us. 
Because when you’re telling a story about a character having some major change or developing in some way, or having an important character trait, if I don’t see it on screen, then it didn’t happen. How am I supposed to root for C!Tommy’s progress, or understand what he’s doing to progress, if a never see his coping mechanisms? His therapy appointments? 
You can’t just say something, or inconsistently portray something, and expect me to jump through hoops to connect these nearly transparent dots that keep getting thrown around. 
Show don’t tell. Show me Tommy getting better, because otherwise you’re just telling me he made character development, and showing me this completely different character as proof. No, last I remembered C!Tommy was having panic attacks and yelling when C!Dream was even mentioned. You can’t tell me that a day later he can interact normally after days of being in the prison and a month of being dead.
Or, if you are gonna have him flip flop back and forth, don’t have it be so sudden and jarring, give an explanation. Is he faking being fine? Does he have memory issues? C!Tommy doesn’t read to me as the type who’s good at suppressing his emotions, he wears his heart on his sleeve. So you’re going to have to explain, clearly, in a way that isn’t ambiguous, what’s happening with C!Tommy here.
You’re not really saying anything about the abuse C!Tommy goes through, if all of that trauma is automatically wiped from the story when the writers get too lazy or too scared to keep it in. At best, you are showing abuse and trauma for the sole purpose of showing it, with no intention of properly dealing with and addressing it in the story. At worst, you are basically just doing torture porn. 
Pain, Hurt, Trauma for the sake of it. Not with any goal in mind. Just for the drama of it, or to hurt the audience. 
And then your audience is just supposed to take that content in uncritically, and they gain no true understanding of how abuse victims survive and cope after their traumatic treatment.
Exile Arc sure did a good job at making C!Tommy suffer. But as soon as that arc ended, a lot of the stuff that happened in it went completely glossed over and unaddressed for a long while. That might have been fine in the lead-up to Doomsday, since a lot of plot stuff had been going on and stopping to handle C!Tommy’s issues might (Might is heavily doubted cause it certainly isn’t impossible) mess with the pacing a bit. But then after Doomsday, there isn’t really any excuse to put it off. Because nothing was really happening for a good while, and nobody had anything to do plotwise. 
And this became even more true with C!Dream being locked in Prison. Nothing was really happening, so what was stopping the story from taking the time to properly discuss and deal with this stuff?
Well, nothing really. So, the Hotel Arc happened. And oh boy, was it a mess. 
So, C!Tommy being angry at C!Dream for the abuse and trauma he has suffered at Dream’s hand isn’t an issue. It’s an incredibly common thing for victims to feel angry at their abusers, and to even go so far as to wish for vengeance against them in some way. And that’s a totally valid and fine feeling. 
You’re hurting, you’re scared, you’re in pain. I get that. When we’re hurting, we don’t always act rationally or healthily.
But, ultimately, that rage, and hurt, and want for vengeance is not a healthy thing to hold onto. In many circumstances with an abuse victim wanting to inflict pain back on their abuser, we run into various problems. 
For one, getting vengeance on your abuser is quite frequently going to give you more emotional pain than it will fulfilment. Especially if you are young, or are letting this want for vengeance take over your entire livelihood. It does you no good ultimately, to attempt to bring pain to the person who hurt you, because not only will you often be unsuccessful, you frequently won’t find emotional healing and stability in that. 
(The only exception to this rule being if ignoring them or moving on from them isn’t an option for you right now.)
Actions have consequences, and if you invest more time in that person who hurt you, then you have no time to work on yourself or the relationships around you. You have no time to heal, and this can become self-destructive.
Spending time around an abuser, as a victim, is in all likelihood just going to upset you more. You’re retraumatizing yourself by spending time around them, and as you make attempts to give them their comeuppance, you could possibly end up internalizing the methods they used on you, and just end up perpetuating the cycle of abuse again. 
And even if you have no problem with doing that to this particular person, consider how fully internalizing these abusive behaviours could affect your friends or family. Frequently, even when they don’t mean to, abuse victims can internalize the things that they went through and then use those same behaviours against people in their life later on. Being shitty to your support system because of what you went through isn’t a good move, for you or them.
Basically just, an Abuse Victim has more to gain from working on themselves while finding ways to heal and overcome their trauma and abuse, than they do spending their time and energy on the abuser. Its frequently unhealthy, distressing, and self-destructive to indulge in that too much.
(Of course, I don’t speak for everyone, but from what iIve looked into and seen, this is the healthiest method of actually healing from your abuse. That doesn’t mean you just... leave your abuser alone and never address or talk about what they did, you don’t let them get away with it, of course not. It just means you don’t waste your mental well being and time obsessing over someone, especially someone who has hurt you so much.
You deserve better than that. You deserve to heal.)
Now, let’s get back to C!Tommy. 
C!Tommy, instead of finding a proper means of coping with his issues (proper therapy, diagnosis for his issues, forming and maintaining healthy support systems, focusing on things he loves, etc) is shown to repeatedly focus back on C!Dream. When he was making Big Innit Hotel, it did seem like he was to an extent finding ways to cope with his shit. He was still kinda shitty and his hotel was not exactly made and run by the most morally great standards, though I suppose I can’t expect too much when he is a very traumatized teen and doesn’t really know what he’s doing. 
But, ultimately, this all fell apart when he got locked in Pandora’s Vault with C!Dream. Arguably, it was already falling apart the moment he decided to keep pursuing C!Dream even when he was locked up.
See, the thing is, C!Tommy can never just… have trauma. Having trauma that he can healthily and methodically work through is something that for him as a Character, is basically impossible. His character is an angry one, one built on spite and childishness, and who holds the mantle, unfortunately, of “Spunky Male Protagonist In A YA Novel”. So, his mental health issues can never just be a struggle he has to cope with, especially not when the DreamSMP can never seem to have anything between “A lot is happening right now omg” or “Literally nothing is happening and nobody is playing on the server at all omg”.
Instead, his issues have to be seen as a battle, and they fuel the narrative of the story. Him having been abused by C!Dream cannot just exist as a thing that he as a person has to work through slowly with the help of others around him. It has to be seen as this Epic Triumph Against Evil, another battle of Tommyinnit VS Dream on the DreamSMP, a classic Villain versus Hero fight.
This, of course, isn’t too great. By C!Tommy’s abuse plotline being framed in this manner, it makes it so that C!Tommy is constantly obsessing over his abuser and recklessly throwing himself into dangerous and triggering situations is some attempt at an “Epic Battle With Evil”, rather than this being treated like the self-harm it actually is. And yes, it is self-harm, a form of it. 
C!Tommy uses his trauma and issues as fuel for the story, making it so that its impossible for him to truly progress and a character, and the moment he does start growing, he has to get retraumatized again so he goes right back to where he was.
C!Tommy does not become a better person when he’s around C!Dream, nor does he find any form of fulfilment in being around him. He gets shaky and panicky at just the sight of him. He regularly has violent and explosive outbursts at just the mention of him. When C!Dream talks to him, he gets nervous and basically can’t help but listen due to conditioning he still listens to. 
When C!Tommy went to go visit C!Dream the first time in Pandora’s Vault, he brought with him stacks of TnT. He did it because he wanted to mimic what C!Dream had done to him in Exile, where he would take all of C!Tommy’s newly gained items and blow them up underground for dramatic effect. 
C!Dream did this for control over C!Tommy, to manipulate him, for his suffering.
And C!Tommy wanted to do this to C!Dream, because he was feeling vindictive. 
When C!Tommy got into the prison, he mocked C!Dream, hit him repeatedly, and tried to boss him around. He made him write ridiculous books and verbally berated the man. He did this in a feeble attempt to gain some feeling of control over C!Dream. This, evidently, did not work. At best his success was momentary. And this sense of achievement he gained was gained through projecting his abuse trauma onto someone else.
He repeated the cycle. 
After he got brought back from the dead and let out of the prison, he was much much worse. C!Tommy was now paranoid, anxious, constantly thinking about C!Dream, and had his mindset solely on getting revenge on him, by killing him. 
It got so bad, he ended up doing lacklustre “Exposure Therapy” to help himself not panic when he went into Pandora’s Vault to kill C!Dream. It got so bad he dragged C!Tubbo and C!Ranboo into this, putting them in danger and putting more pressure on another two teenagers’ shoulders. 
It got so bad, that Ghostbur died, C!Sam closed off even more, and C!Wilbur came back. 
Objectively, C!Tommy leaving C!Dream alone would be the better thing for everyone. And yet he keeps repeating the cycle. Because C!Tommy is not meant to grow, learn and heal. He is made to suffer.��
The problem is not so much showing an unhealthy depiction of a mentally ill or traumatized person. Because trauma and mental illness and the effects of abuse are not always pretty, and they shouldn’t always have to be portrayed and pretty or sympathetic to be accurate. 
It becomes a problem when you get this depiction of C!Tommy’s coping being presented uncritically to an audience of a lot of underaged and young people. 
Nobody in canon, whether they be adults or fellow teens, has ever tried to question C!Tommy’s methods for coping. C!Ranboo and C!Tubbo just limply went along with his plans for Exposure Therapy with no consideration of if this was a good idea. No adults really offer to genuinely step in and help C!Tommy deal with his shit, and the ones that do leave him or get corrupted in some way, often leaving him with more trauma as they do. 
C!Puffy’s therapy methods are dubious at best, and the most we ever see of her actually helping C!Tommy is her humouring his toxic behaviours, and C!Tommy making offhanded mentions to vague therapists appointments we never see. 
C!Technoblade stopped giving a shit as soon as C!Tommy walked off the screen. C!Wilbur was dead, and now that he isn’t he certainly isn’t helping C!Tommy. C!Phil isn’t C!Tommy’s dad and has no obligation to do anything for him as a result. C!Ranboo has the backbone of a chocolate eclair. C!Tubbo is too busy repressing his own trauma to help C!Tommy with his. C!Sam is being ruled by the prison and C!Quackity. C!Quackity has become an Ancap. 
Nobody in this story is a reliable or trusted person to C!Tommy, who could properly tell him his methods are unhealthy and give him better alternatives. And as a result, nobody is able to tell the audience that C!Tommy is wrong 
Unreliable Narrators are only effective when the narrative in some way has their unreliableness pointed out or proven to the audience. If you go into a story with the assumption that everybody watching will be able to see past C!Tommy’s POV and not take him at face value, then you are naive. Especially when this fandom is made up of many teens and children. 
I only know C!Tommy’s methods are unhealthy because I care way too much and do my research. A vast majority of the world doesn’t have the same understanding and education on these topics, especially not children and teenagers. A good chunk of people, especially neurodivergent and mentally ill people, could very well take the story at face value and automatically assume that what Tommy’s doing is actually a good coping mechanism because they don’t know any better.
There is no clarification or safety net for preventing misinterpretation. And being of the opinion that “Well, they should know better than to trust a bunch of Minecraft Youtubers for this stuff” or “We can’t expect them to be psychologists! You expect too much” is just… not helping. 
Because I shouldn’t have to explain why children and teenagers, especially those that are using these people to cope, are not always going to make level-headed and common-sense decisions. They will be influenced by these Content Creators, whether we think it’s “Stupid” or not. 
And I can say with certainty that, while yes, this might be a bit much to expect from a bunch of British/American white guys who play Minecraft to handle, may I also point out that nobody fucking made them put this stuff in the story. There are ways to write a story without stepping outside of your realm of true understanding. Nobody begged these MCYTs to go and make torture porn for a 16 year old, nobody asked them to touch on topics they have no fucking clue about. 
They put that in themselves. And we have the right to point out the problems and flaws in it, and criticize them for not handling this stuff better. 
You don’t start applying for a job you don’t meet the requirements for. You don’t start an expensive project you can’t finish. 
You don’t include elements in a story you aren’t willing to fully go through with and address in a proper and sensitive way. 
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frank-a-mori-son · 3 years
“Extremely detailed character sheet template”
Character Chart
Character’s full name: Frank Daniel Morrison Reason or meaning of name: The name Frank is after his Grandmother, Francesca and Daniel is his Fathers name. Character’s nickname: Killer, Frankie, “Hey asshole!”  Reason for nickname: First for obvious reasons, second also, last one is just heard enough for it to be. Birth date: February 14th 1977
Physical appearance
Age: 19 years old How old does he/she appear: he could be confused for someone down to the age of 16. Weight: 65 kg/ 130 pounds Height: 173 cm/ 5′8′’ Body build: Lithe but athletic Shape of face: Heart Shaped Eye color: Brown Glasses or contacts: None, but he’ll need it once older Skin tone: White with neutral undertone Distinguishing marks:  2 visible facial scars, beautymark under right eye Predominant features: Large neck tattoo Hair color: Brown Type of hair: Straight Hairstyle: Currently an undercut Voice: Tenor voice Overall attractiveness: He’s got rouge-ish charms, so pretty attractive Physical disabilities:  Hypermobility in his joints, unknown condition. Usual fashion of dress: Pretty casual, borderlining grunge and punk rock Favorite outfit: band tshirt, faux leather jacket and jeans Jewelry or accessories: He’d love piercings but has none, always wears some type of gloves.
Good personality traits: Resillient, loyal, brave and charismatic Bad personality traits: Bad temper, snarky, self critical Mood character is most often in: Agitated Sense of humor: Dick jokes and slap stick Character’s greatest joy in life: Making decisions for himself Character’s greatest fear: Becoming his parents Why? Due to how they ruined not only their lives, but that of an innocent child too. What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? At this point that has already happened, making a grave mistake with unthinkable consequences...  Character is most at ease when: With people he trusts/cares about or if completely unnoticed Most ill at ease when: Overwhelmed by attention from strangers, feeling judged by peers. Enraged when: Made fun of, harrassed, hit or when someone he cares about is hurt. Depressed or sad when: Thinking of past mistakes, regrets and worrying about present/future. Priorities: Himself and those closest to him Life philosophy: Enjoy while it lasts, they or you won’t be around forever. If granted one wish, it would be: Freedom for those he cares for. Why? They do not deserve to be trapped in this realm, but he feels he does. Character’s soft spot: Quentin, Susie and dogs. Is this soft spot obvious to others? Quentin is very obvious to most Greatest strength: His will to keep fighting Greatest vulnerability or weakness: His own mental health and trauma Biggest regret: Dragging his Legion down with him Minor regret: Failing at ending himself Biggest accomplishment: Accepting his own sexuality Minor accomplishment: When he made it onto the basket ball team Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: The one time he got himself roofied on accident Why? he was trying to impress some older kids and failed badly. Character’s darkest secret: The fact he killed someone. Does anyone else know? His Legion and Quentin knows
Drives and motivations: Motivated to keep himself and those he cares for safe in the Entity realm. Immediate goals: Spend as much time with his boyfriend as possible, get many smooches Long term goals: Somehow, find a way out of the Entity realm. How the character plans to accomplish these goals: He has no idea, but he knows he can count on Quen to help How other characters will be affected: Hopefully, it’ll be a positive effect
Hometown: Calgary, Canada Type of childhood: Rough and unstable Pets: None First memory: Being locked in his bedroom, the stench of sweetened smoke coming through the door crack and loud angry shouting from below. Most important childhood memory: His Grandma coming by on Christmas morning with a gift for him Why: because it was the first time he got a gift for xmas, it was sadly also the last time he saw his Grandma. Childhood hero: He really looked up to one specific foster dad, a good man. Dream job: Veterinarian  Education: High School Dropout Religion: Christian but not practising Finances: Shaky at best, below poverty line.
Current location: Ormond, Canada Currently living with: Foster dad, Clive Anderson Pets: None unless you count house flies Religion: Agnostic Occupation: Unemployed Finances: None existing. 
Mother: Lorraine Beatrice Morrison Relationship with her: Strained, disconnected Father: Daniel Patrick Montgomery Relationship with him: Tense and disconnected Siblings: Step-sister, Step-brother (both Fathers side) Relationship with them: None, he doesn’t know about them. Spouse: Quentin is his boyfriend Relationship with him/her: Good! very good, they’re very much in love. Children: None Relationship with them: Nothing Other important family members: Grandparents (Mothers side) who are still alive and miss their grandson.
Color: Red, black and green Least favorite color: Pink and yellow Music: Death metal, Rock, Punk, retro Food: He’ll eat pretty much anything, has a huge sweet tooth Literature: He’s not a fast reader, so he doesn’t read. Form of entertainment: out with friends, listening to music, exploring and sports. Expressions: “Well, fuck” and “heck!”  Mode of transportation: Other people’s cars, otherwise, his own two feet. Most prized possession: His faux leather jacket, as it’s bought with money he earned honestly. 
Hobbies: Basket ball, art and climbing Plays a musical instrument? No, but he would’ve loved to learn Plays a sport? Basket ball! How he/she would spend a rainy day: Probably at a friends house or at their usual hangouts. Spending habits: he spends very little money as he rarely has some, but he does shop lift often. Smokes: Yes Drinks: Oh yes Other drugs: Usually just weed, though he has tried a few other things once or twice. What does he/she do too much of? Getting in trouble, drinking and smoking What does he/she do too little of? Eating, sleeping, bathing, just generally taking care of himself. Extremely skilled at: Most physical activities Extremely unskilled at: Reading, writing, maths....  Nervous tics: Foot bouncing, pacing, lip biting Usual body posture: Looks relaxed, but shoulders tensed. Mannerisms: Talks with his hands a lot Peculiarities: He’s a basic bitch in secret, he likes the big ass, sugary, cllorful and extra frappes but he’ll get them in secret like they’re illegal. 
Optimist or pessimist? Pessimist, or realist as he would say. Introvert or extrovert?  Ambivert! He can go both ways, depends on situation. Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil!  Logical or emotional? A little bit of both, though most often ruled by emotion. Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? More like Disorderly neat, he doesn’t have enough stuff to make a mess and though he doesn’t enjoy it, he’s often the one to do dishes and laundry at home. Prefers working or relaxing? He really likes relaxing, but if he’d like working if he got a job he enjoyed Confident or unsure of himself/herself? He’s faux confidence most of the time. Animal lover? Yes. Very, very much so. Especially dogs.
How he/she feels about himself/herself: he considers himself damaged, unworthy and incabable of love. One word the character would use to describe self: Survivor One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: Out loud he’d call himself “a badass free spirit”  What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? His ability to get up even when knocked down. What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? His insecurity What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? He thinks he’s got a pretty nice bod, all things considered. What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? His scarred hand, his big ears and his slight buck teeth. How does the character think others perceive him/her: As a bad boy, rebel, problem child and misfit. What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: Many things, though he really like to be taller 
Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: They just want something from him and they’ll leave once they’ve gotten what they wanted. Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Often until he trusts them, then he’ll start opening up. Person character most hates: Clive, his parents, Ghostface Best friend(s): Julie, Joey and Susie Love interest(s): Quentin Smith, but Steve is handsome too. Person character goes to for advice: Depending on what it is, Quentin or Susie Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Susie is like a little sister to him Person character feels shy or awkward around: Jeff, it’s all very complicated Person character openly admires: Jeff, again, complicated Person character secretly admires: David. He’ll never say why. Most important person in character’s life before story starts: Nobody. After story starts: His Legion and, the light of his life, Quentin.
Snatched from here
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Dream SMP Recap (June 2/2021) - Self-Care and Reconciliation
Fundy tries some speedy self-care to follow Quackity’s directions of “finding himself.”
Foolish finds out about the supreme fridge and isn’t pleased. 
Antfrost seeks out Foolish, Bad and Puffy to find peace and make amends after what happened with the Egg. 
Captain Puffy
- Phil works on the basement some more
- Tubbo works on his outpost
- Tubbo comes over to the Arctic and visits Phil in his basement to “spy” on him 
- They go to Tubbo’s outpost and Tubbo asks if Phil would like to make a TNT canon with him. Phil sees Las Nevadas 
- Tubbo’s a changed person since he tried to kill Phil’s friend, and now he and Phil are on good terms!
- Tubbo and Phil start attempting to wrangle a Ghast together for the outpost
- A few days ago, Quackity told Fundy that he could have a plot of land in Las Nevadas under certain circumstances, and Fundy has a choice to join the nation or not
- When he and Quackity spoke, Quackity said that this plot of land can be his if Fundy can find himself. Fundy needs to fix what’s broken
- Living in the middle of nowhere away from other people isn’t good, so today, Fundy wants to take care of himself and become a better person
- Fundy’s snow fox is outside, but Fundy decides to let him roam for the time being
- Fundy goes outside and creates a board with signs: 
Healthy diet! fish, steak, vegetables, fruit, dary, grains
Take care of himself. be able to cut down tree fast
mine diamonds
be able to accept therapy say “im okay with therapy”
good friends, get 3 people to say im a friend
take care of pet :)
learn to count
- He sets up a timer to do these eight things, and once it starts, he immediately runs off to fix his diet
- Fundy fetches some cod from the sea and spots Tubbo’s outpost in the distance. Curious, he goes over -- if someone lives there, that can go towards his friend goal
- Seeing that Tubbo isn’t online, Fundy messages Phil instead. He asks if they are friends, and Phil just asks what he wants. After a lot more pressing, Phil says they are friends! Fundy is his grandson, after all
- Phil asks if Fundy is safe. Fundy is overjoyed that he cares about his safety, and counts that as two friends! Fundy says he should come by to play cards sometimes, and Phil likes the idea
- To himself, Fundy whispers: “You are a friend and you are appreciated and worth something. You are cool. You are special. You are loved.” 
He counts this as the final friend, and has now completed one goal!
- He creates a small patch of dirt and plants wheat, then goes mining for diamonds
- Fundy chops some trees and returns to his house
- On his bed, he psyches himself up and musters up the courage to say something
Fundy: “I...accept...and am okay...with...”
(he struggles to say the last word)
Fundy: “I accept and am okay with...therapy. I accept and am okay with THERAPY!”
- He then goes outside and learns to count by killing zombies
- After that, he has to go find his pet snow fox. He asks a nearby Enderman where he is
- Fundy and the Enderman go searching together
- Fundy can’t find the fox. He keeps searching around the forest, until he comes back towards his house and finally finds the fox sleeping on a nearby hill
- With all his other goals done, there is only one remaining: sleep.
- He goes to his bed, hesitates...
...and sleeps.
(This is a set up for next stream)
- Foolish returns to his summer home from Las Nevadas and finds the WAR sign, confused. He then notices the disappearance of the supreme fridge
- He reads the war note left in the chest for Ponk and is outraged. That fridge was his gift! Of all the buildings that have been built here, the fridge was the one thing he allowed
- There will be consequences, but as Foolish will be gone for a bit, he can’t do anything now. 
- Foolish begins to go through the stages of grief, mourning the fridge, before leaving a note:
You destroyed my fridge. It was my gift from Ponk. The one structure that was built for me on this server was destroyed. Once I go through the 5 stages of grief...I will then add on a bonus stage.......REVENGE
- He kills one of the L’Sandburg citizen llamas to send a message
- Foolish goes to the main area and visits Eret’s fortress, noticing the totem statue Eret made in mourning. He changes the sign to simply say “in honor of Foolish” instead
- While working on his pyramid some more at the summer home, Foolish notices Antfrost just over the hill. Ant comes over, seeking to apologize for killing Foolish
Foolish: Listen Ant. From the very start I blamed the egg. And I don’t believe the REAL Antfrost killed me. Nice to see some blue eyes as well
Ant: but we didn’t listen to your warnings, we had our chances and we betrayed you and our friends. I wouldn’t blame you if you killed me right here
- Foolish doesn’t. He tells Ant that he’s moving on. 
- Ant asks if there’s any way to make it up to him, and Foolish says he could use some help gathering sand (Antfrost finds sand tasty, but Foolish doesn’t eat sand. It has too many calories)
- The two gather sand together
Foolish: I hold nothing against you
Ant: thank you
Foolish: Honestly I think the banquet has changed me for the better
Ant: how so
Foolish: It has given me new found strength. Basically from here on out...I’ll be less timid to take action
Ant: well at least something good came out of it
Foolish: So how about you Antfrost, what’s next for the old sly cat
Ant: I need to talk to Puffy and Bad and Sam and everyone I’ve wronged
- Ant asks if Foolish has seen Puffy anywhere, whether there’s something he can give her as a peace offering. She likes llamas
- Foolish thanks Ant for his help. Ant says if Foolish needs anything, to let him know. Foolish looks forward to happier times
- Puffy comes on later and finds the book Foolish left in the chest. She reads it, but she still thinks getting rid of the fridge was better for the aesthetic, and she had to get back at Ponk
- She writes another letter, this time to Foolish, titled “To my sharkyson”:
Dear Foolish!
It was not my intention to make you sad or angry! I didn’t know you cared so much for the fridge as well. it was kinda ugly and it stood out so much from the rest of the builds! But I assure you I’m not allied with Bad, my whole goal behind L’llamaburg was to keep an eye on Bad so he didn’t build any further on your land or cause you more problems.
Once Bad was gone I fully intended to disband l’llamaburg and tear it down!
Sorry for any sadness I may of caused.. you don’t need a fridge though to be reminded of how Supreme you are!
- Ant is at the animal sanctuary. Everything’s been destroyed, but at least Floof is still alive
- He saves Asshole the fish from suffocating out of the water and puts the fish back in the aquarium
- Ant goes looking for Bad. They need to talk
- They meet at the Community House. Bad hasn’t seen Ant in a while, he hasn’t been around. Bad asks if Ant is okay, and Ant doesn’t know. He died
- Ant asks what happened. Bad says things didn’t work out according to plan. Ant remembers Quackity coming in at the Banquet...
Ant: “Bad, what did we do? I killed Foolish...”
- Bad says stuff happens and he doesn’t think anyone would blame Ant
Ant: “Bad, I killed him! What do you mean you don’t think anyone blames -- Bad, we’re monsters! Do you know what we did?”
Bad: “W-well, I try not to think about it!”
Ant: “Well you can’t just ignore -- you can’t act like we didn’t do -- Bad, I killed Foolish, we were gonna kill E-- oh my god, Eret’s on the server too.”
- Bad thinks it’s fine, Foolish will recover and Puffy killed Ant but it was one for one. Ant remembers all the horrible things he said to Puffy before he killed Foolish and asks where Bad went afterwards
- Bad had no choice but to run. He couldn’t save Ant, they were outnumbered
Ant: “...Do you not feel bad about anything? Bad, we’re...we’re mon-- we did horrible things!”
Bad: “Well I mean, yeah, you did do some horrible stuff...”
Ant: “No, YOU! You did some horrible stuff! Who pushed Skeppy into lava, Bad? Who betrayed their friends? We betrayed Sam, Bad!”
Bad: “Okay, we did some horrible stuff -- hey, no! Okay, but -- there were good reasons at the time, or we felt like there was!”
Ant: “No! No no, Bad, we let the Egg control us! No! Did the Egg give you what it promised?”
Bad: “No, ‘cause...we never completed the plan...whatever it was. Ant, I can’t remember exactly...it’s not -- look, it’s -- I don’t know...”
- Ant asks if he’s talked to Sam and Puffy yet. Bad’s trying not to think about it, but Ant says they can’t ignore this. They’re friends, they should make amends
- Ant asks if Bad’s been back down there, but Bad’s steered clear. Ant is feeling normal again
Ant: “I...Bad, do you not...We’re fucked up! We did horrible things! Our friends tried to stop us, and we didn’t listen! We didn’t do anything!”
Bad: “There’s a lot of ‘we’ going on here...”
- Bad points out Ant didn’t really say anything. Ant accuses him of blaming him
Bad: “No, I’m just saying that...if the collar fits!”
- Ant says they both did horrible things, they dragged Hannah in, Punz too and Ponk. Bad hasn’t checked up on those three since. It doesn’t seem like Bad feels bad. Ant’s been gone because he felt ashamed
- If there’s anybody that they’ve hurt the most, it’s Sam. They were the Badlands
- Bad says they were brainwashed. He knows it’s not an excuse, that they should still own up to it even if they weren’t fully to blame
- They both killed one person each. Ant accuses Bad of putting the blame on him again and says that Bad killing Skeppy was worse because they’re platonic soulmates
- Ant wants an apology for letting him die and leaving him. Bad didn’t do anything, he just watched Ant die. Bad was caught off guard. On the other hand, maybe it was a good thing that Ant died, since otherwise they would’ve killed more people
- Ant says they should own up. Bad apologizes for letting Puffy kill Ant. He should have protected Ant, not just from Puffy but from the Egg too. Ant forgives Bad and says sorry for not protecting Bad from the Egg either
- Seeing as Puffy’s online, Ant suggests they go look for her. Bad says he’ll talk to Puffy later. Ant asks about Skeppy -- Bad talked to Skeppy right after what happened, but he hasn’t seen Skeppy since. They had a bit of a confrontation
- Ant wonders if Sam will forgive them. The Badlands wouldn’t be the same without him. He leaves Bad
- Puffy comes down the Prime Path and meets Antfrost face-to-face. The two have a bit of an awkward greeting
- Puffy reminds him of what happened. He doesn’t know how to apologize, but he says sorry. For saying awful things, for killing Foolish. He doesn’t expect her to forgive him, but he apologizes for what he did
- Puffy says it wasn’t right that she killed him, even though she was acting defensively, and she apologizes as well. Ant didn’t deserve to die either, he was blinded by the Egg. She holds Bad more to blame -- Antfrost talked to him recently
- Puffy forgives Ant. She asks how Bad handled it, and Antfrost says Bad is full of guilt and is hoping he can just forget about it
- Bad hasn’t apologized to Puffy, but Ant says he’ll get around to talking to everyone. Puffy made a burner Twitter account to hate on Badboyhalo and if she doesn’t get an apology, she might have to use it
- About L’Sandburg, Ant says he was there for like five minutes, but he doesn’t know what’s been happening since
Puffy: “Ant, you have to be your own person, Ant. He always uses you as his little pet to do things for you, and you murdered a man now because of it, because of Bad.”
Bad uses Antfrost to do things. Why didn’t Bad kill Foolish himself? Why was Antfrost thrown under the bus?
- She tells Ant that he needs to stand up for himself. She had to watch so many “RIP that pussy” and “Why’d you have to kill my cat” edits, it was the worst timing
- Puffy messages Bad asking if he’s apologized to Ant. They spot Bad nearby and walk over to confront him. He’s selling arrows
- Bad says he said sorry for letting Ant die, but Ant wants an apology for Bad making him do everything. Bad says they were both just following the Egg’s orders, that Ant had a grudge against Foolish -- but Ant says he didn’t, that Bad said he had to kill people
- Bad says sorry, but the Egg just wanted it that way. They accuse him of making excuses. Bad apologizes to Antfrost for making him kill Foolish, and the two hug
- Bad and Skeppy had a disagreement after the Red Banquet, and he has to check up with him to make sure he’s okay
- Bad says sorry to Puffy for what they did while under the Egg’s influence. Puffy was told that they were turning a new leaf, letting bygones be bygones so many times that if she took a shot every time she was told that, she would get alcohol poisoning
- Bad says sorry for everything to both of them, from the bottom of his heart. Puffy accepts to be the bigger person. They’ve always been a trio, always been friends, and now that the Egg’s no longer here, she’ll let it slide
- They do a group hug
- After some chatting, Puffy accuses Bad of having a Wattpad account to write Skephalo fanfiction and they continue talking about Skeppy’s merch boxes
- Michael joins the call! They all hang out together
- Later on, Eret and Foolish join in as well! 
- A while after, they all go over to Ponk’s stairway to heaven to finally destroy it
(The build dates back to at least early July, possibly June, of 2020)
Upcoming events remain the same.
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something fascinating about c!dream that isn’t really talked about much is that, in his own head, I do think he’s working towards what he’d see as “the greater good”, but not out of any sense of morality and kindness. it's because he Wants to be a saviour, he wants to be a messiah and a god. he wants people to praise and adore him for “helping” them. he wants a world where he can do whatever he wants without consequences because, well, he made the server peaceful, right? he wants to have complete control because he’s Adored and Feared.
and if he’s all but a god, shouldn’t it fall on him to fix all the servers problems? anyone who fights against him is at best ignorant fighting against their own self interest and at worst trying to make the world worse, and every hurt caused is one done for the Greated Good. it means he can think of himself as Justified in everything, and that’s out of a sense of pride of always being right and not Genuinely Caring if he hurts people, because he enjoys doing that. everything he does has Reasons, so that means even if he’s done bad, even if he Is Bad, he’s better than everyone else who Doesn't.
it also allows him to deflect blame off of himself easier. everything he did was for research, for the good of the server, just a silly game, whereas every single slight against him is an Attack on the Server Itself. he can frame anything he doesn’t like as Bad and Immoral (and even things he does, if he gets a benefit out of it- cough cough, exile arc)
he sees those around him as sheep, who need to be under protection, kept alive and well but not allowed any sort of autonomy. and it’s no sacrifice to be their shepherd, to keep them in line, because it gives him Control. control and the adoring eyes of those too stupid to know any better.
this is why c!tommy is Special. he’s the one person who Won't fall in line even against suicidal odds, which places him above the sheep, and that's fascinating. c!dream doesn’t see c!tommy as a human being with proper autonomy, and certainly not an equal, but he sees him as much closer to that than anyone else on the server. that makes him different to everyone around him, completely unique, and c!dream's a curious person.
but this also means c!tommy is A Threat. because anyone against him is an enemy to the Peace of the server. so c!tommy also grows to represent the Concept of Chaos, of adversity, so control over c!tommy means the Achievement of c!Dream’s goals. c!tommy is the server, in every meaningful way, and the server is c!tommy. because c!tommy has to be Something, to explain why he won’t just give up and listen even if he’s putting himself at risk of death.
and the prison has only Solidified that mindset, i think, because it proves other people will only Attack when he’s at his most vulnerable. it Proves he needs to be the Moral and Literal Authority because when he isn’t that’s when everything starts to go Wrong. and it proves he needs Control over c!tommy because him slipping from his grasp is what Signalled everything going to hell.
or, at least, that’s how I like writing him lol.
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skzflix · 3 years
passstt can you do your best to explain the ‘universe’ in depth or at least so it’s understandable bc my ass is clueless 🙃
so, this is my dumb brain linking stuff so please please take this all as what it is — my stupid brain's stupid thinking. this is also the first time i've linked it all out in order. so bear with me. this is loooong. in this universe, we have like three parts: mixtape: on track — b me — mixtape: oh. and it deals with tangled romance and the consequences it has on friendships.
so in mixtape: on track, the universe sets off with the boys in high school, final year, i think. minho and hyunjin are the leads in our whole universe. jeongin is like hyunjin's best friend in this au. they are film and art majors (?) and have this project i presume to make a short film (?). chan deals with the sound, jisung with the lights, changbin with the props, hyunjin with the videography, felix is directing and seungmin is the writer. minho is the main lead in this film and jeongin is a side character in this film.
insert female lead. female lead is close friends with both hyunjin and minho. it's pretty evident that minho and hyunjin likes her and hyunjin constantly does feel bad over minho and her getting closer, because well, he likes her. this feeling turns into a distaste soon enough (as seen in how hyunjin feels pathetic after the girl takes both the drinks from them + how minho shoots the goal while playing soccer and like hyunjin and minho have this weird cold gaze exchange. in both these situations, jeongin is around to help hyunjin. i'll get to this soon.) so like our boy minho and her clearly have sparks and hyunjin dislikes it. high school jealousy, if anything.
that's when hyunjin decides to take action and while shooting, when minho has to grab the female lead's hand, he butts in and holds her hand. all because he likes her and he's done being the second lead in this story. the mv ends here.
now, about jeongin, he did mention in one of his vlive that he was like a guardian angel and i do think he's like a friend that really really cares for hyunjin and doesn't ever want him to get hurt. so the whole mv wraps up in this plot of how hyunjin takes action right when minho and the female lead are slowly getting things going for them.
and then we get the unveil track of b me, (how i wish they dropped the mv for this rather!). i'll make a list of stuff that happens in b me first and then tell you how my brain linked it up.
felix with the video camera + tape
jeongin distressed with bruised face
the members reminiscing what they once had before chaos struck.
a script that has even a fool knows (alternative title to on track) written (this was my cue to link them both?)
seungmin, chan and technically the whole cast looking distressed
jisung burning the film competition form (?)
changbin in the court sad and playing alone
biker!minho + biker!hyunjin (THIS ISN'T A POINT BUT THEY ARE SO HOT IN THIS AU SHUT UP RUE!!!)
minho meets with an accident + jisung rushes to his side
angry giving up skz moments
ot8 basketball happy memories
i'm going to sit here and draft this out so again, bear with me, soooo,
i presume the hyunjin grabbing the girl's hand, ofc, did not sit right with minho because technically, minho and her were a thing almost. and that ruined the friendship. this also caused the whole film shooting to turn chaotic, i presume because hyunjin's gaze in the on track mv seemed determined so i think he wasn't ready to back off either. the filming team clearly breaks apart because of this. the tension between minho and hyunjin is still very high. the team is frustrated. jisung burns the film competition form because what's the use of joining when there's no team? changbin is sad and angry and has emotions he is frustrated over (just like the other members!!) because they aren't together as a friend circle distinctly because of the feud between hyunjin and minho. they used to play basketball together (the whole of the ending part!) but not anymore.
now, we see how minho meets with an accident. i'm a bit confused with this part (this is why we need the mv for b me, jyp!!!!) but i'll state out everything i think.
a) jisung is to minho as to what jeongin is to hyunjin.
b) the accident could be solely accidental? maybe minho ran off in a fit after an argument with jeongin and hence why jeongin has the bruises and maybe in that heat, minho could have had the accident.
c) i presume jisung rushes to help him because human guardian angel of sorts of a friendship.
anyhow, i think the small clip of video tape that felix pulls out in the beginning is what they watch together. i do not think this has any correlation to the intense story besides adding the fact that they were reaaaaaaally close because they all look super happy in that shot, omg!!
and now here we are, mixtape: oh. (watching and pausing the mv to go as detailed as i can with my storytelling.) this, since it was a mv, we get a story as solid as the first one (thank you, jyp. i hate you generally but thank you for this.)
so we have all the members in the drama club room. the same room we saw in the first mv i think. everyone's gathered back there, picking up their stuff because they have graduated, except for changbin and hyunjin who haven't come. jeongin searches and hopes expectantly for hyunjin to come. the blue certificate kinda thingy (I have no idea what it is. i don't read korean either and my google translate couldn't pick that up :((() is something of hyunjin's and i think minho did want hyunjin to come to this sort of reunion because he gets angry and picks up the blue thingy. he's either mad at that, or he is still mad at what happened in the past. i'm not sure. either ways, jisung is worried too as to what minho is going to do and over what he is feeling. oh, also, minho is in a cast, which means it does go exactly in the order i mentioned !!!
we then see hyunjin (shit, i cried again!) and he's painting an eye (is this a relation with some other skz song i will never know) and i think he took up art after dropping from film club so like he could distance himself from the rest of them, because well, he was 1/2 of the reason why this all happened.
we have the members reminiscing again, thinking about the good times and bad ones too. jeongin is in a tunnel (the boy is always in a tunnel. is this again a link to other mvs i do not know) and changbin goes to the drama club room all alone after everyone leaves and like i think he removed the sign of the drama club room and in my head, it's a symbolism for how everything has finally ended. all the memories they have had had finally ended with their graduation, of sorts, in that moment for him. jeongin, who is in the tunnel calls for hyunjin, like a last thread of hope he clings on to, expecting for him to finally meet them and come back to them. hyunjin doesn't pick up the call.
minho is still packing things up and as he looks through stuff he sees a calender with their anniversary date marked and he remembers of the team together once again. everyone really badly misses the old days. we see jeongin who goes to buy that drink again that he stole from hyunjin in the on track mv and he remembers felix in that moment.
felix who is in the library is with a cake. so i presume it is his birthday because he lights the candle on the cake up eventually. i think he did want to celebrate it with the team as a whole but because of the fall he can't. he opens a book and see the quote, "dreams come true to those who really want them," (we see this on the jisung bus stand shot too btw!!) and he goes on to make a wish on his cake and ie think he wished for them all to be together once again, living the happy memories again. hence the beautiful shots in the end I AM IN LOVE.
so i had this sorta ex lmao who told me this beautiful metaphor once when we broke up about how i left him on the bus of our memories and it was only i who got down and that our timings didn't match. and i think my brain instantly correlated those two, oops. so like the bus is a train of thoughts, a passageway for them to remember the happy memories. changbin remembers the happy memories he had as he looks through hsi phone with the basketball in his hand. jisung also enters the bus and remembers the moments they shared. oh, also changbin leaves when jisung enters. the timings don't match.
TIMESKIP. because this is based off kdramas for sure and what are kdramas without timeskips lmao.
minho's arm is healed. (he's also wearing such a pretty fit i want to steal!) minho goes and tried to meet hyunjin at his art studio because he wants to give it a try, this whole friendship again, i think, but hyunjin isn't there. so he leaves him a note and the certificate (??) blue thingy (?? what is it someone help me!) hyunjin comes back to see them both. this is what happens in the mv, in correlation with the other mvs.
they could clearly make another part of them actually getting together. but personally, i think they do and like felix's wish comes true because the directing is such that they end it with felix opening his eyes. (i also don't want to think of a sad alternative where felix opens his eyes only to remember reality is still the same and the feud still exists. i refuse. in my head, the next part has them coming together just like that in the snow!)
but yes, if you've reached till here, thank you for reading my incoherent mess of thoughts. ily and i hope you have a good day! 💕
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jjkyaoi · 3 years
okay. so. i’m going to be mostly going back to the scene where he broke a piece of the egg/the monologue before that because that scene is so good it’s just. chefs kiss. immaculate.
he was speaking about the wars before, right? everything that’s happened before, all the wars and the fights and the conflicts, and he said that basically of ‘em had started because he’d done something reckless—he referenced the revolution. he seems to be caught in a state of thinking where he thinks everything up to this point has been his fault, and i wouldn’t blame him, because he was in exile with dream. dream, who convinced him that everyone didn’t like him—who convinced him he was a danger and he causes problems and basically, that he needed to be put away. and that goes back to him being referred to as the “hero” of the story by multiple people: being called the hero really puts things in perspective to him, makes him think even more that everything is his fault, because hero’s are supposed to save the day, aren’t they? but all he does is cause misery. so, i wouldn’t be surprise if he’s shielding himself off from everyone/focusing on the hotel because he believes that he’s the constant source for hurt—that he’s the problem for everything, and he probably thinks that the hotel would be a good way to gain everyone’s forgiveness, because he’s said before that this hotel is for the people of the smp.
it’s been pretty obvious recently that c!tommy doesn’t think very well of himself. he’s made little self deprecating comments that wouldn’t matter, usually, but considering the exile arc/everything that’s happened it matters a whole lot. so, i really wouldn’t be surprised if he considers himself a plague/thinks he’s some kind of monster, especially considering what he’d became during his time with techno. tldr; c!tommy has a bad self esteem and i’m sad about it.
of topic, but i also wanted to speak about his loyalty, because that’s also something i’m thinking about about him rn. c!tommy has always shown unyielding loyalty to the things he holds close to his heart; the disks, l’manberg, people, his friends—he’s always been willing to walk to the ends of the earth for them, basically, and give up everything he has for them. maybe that’s selfish, but c!tommy’s always been a lover; he’s always been a person who’s loved with everything he has him, and he’s gotten attached to the little things very easily. that, unfortunately, makes him very easy to manipulate/betray. c!tommy in general is a very emotional personal. he lashes out in his anger, he makes impulsive decisions when he’s happy, he doesn’t seem to consider what consequences his emotion-fueled actions could have, but that’s 1. because he hadn’t been taught any better, & 2. because he’s a child. he’s in the middle of a wars; his emotional growth has been very stunted because he’s grown up in wars and he’s never ever had a proper way to cope/deal with his emotions properly, so of course he’s going to make bad decisions, because that’s all he’s ever known. he’s guided by his emotions because he doesn’t know any better, and he clings onto loyalty/the loyalty of others because it’s all he’s known.
his relationship with the word “hero”/being referred to as one. you can make the arguement that because of his vibrant personality he’s put himself in the position of hero, but that’s just unfair. since day one, i don’t think c!tommy’s been doing any of the things he’s done to be the hero—i don’t think he’s ever actually wanted to be one. the things he’s done, believe it or not, have always been out of the kindness of his heart; the decisions he’s made that could be considered “heroic” has just been guided by what he’s believed, not because he wants to be a hero, and he clearly doesn’t. all c!tommy has ever wanted was the safety of the people he’s loved/the wars to be stopped. all he’s ever wanted, really, is l’manberg. not the structures, but the time before it all; the time where they were all happy, the time where they were a community, the time where they didn’t have to worry about all this—that’s always what tommys wanted, because that’s when he was the happiest. it’s clear that the word “hero”/being called as one puts a lot of pressure onto him to be the best, and i’ve already spoken about him looking at the references for hero’s, and seeing everything he’s done, and hating that he’s been called one when all he’s done is called others pain.
his relationship with his disks. c!tommy’s always had a very big attachment to them, and it’s always been prominent. he’s always fought for them, his goal this entire time was to get his disks, and even if that’s annoying i’m going to explain why i think that’s so. even if it’s just a couple music disks to some, to c!tommy, when he turned down the position of presidency and instead decision to challenge dream for his disks, that was the last thing he needed in mind for him to be happy—his disks. back then, l’manberg was back, so his home was back, and all he needed was the last missing piece; his disks. in the exile arc they were something he held onto like a lifeline; his disks were the last thing that gave him permission—a mission he had to accomplish, a goal to keep him going, a reason to get out of bed at night and keep going despite not wanting to so badly. in his time with techno, his view on l’manberg was skewed; he view them all as traitors (with techno fueling the fire unknowingly but that’s another topic entirely), and held a lot of anamoisty towards them, and the only thing he wanted was his disks, because back then his disks were the only thing that mattered to him. the people that did—l’manberg, the thing that’d made him happy once had turned his back on him, so he was desperate for something, at least, when he felt like he didn’t have anything else. and he would do anything to get them, which we saw, and in the end he ended up giving them when he found out how unhealthily attached he’d gotten to them, and when he’d found that his last piece to happiness was tubbo.
his time with techno was probably one of his lowest points, as well as the exile arc. he’d come out of exile sore and raw and hurt, everything that’d happened to him like an open wound, and he’d been angry. he was angry, because once again, to him everyone in l’manberg had left him behind; he’d left him behind, so he didn’t have any attachment to anything but the disks anymore, and so he teamed up with techno in a vengeance fueled scheme to get his disks back. of course, he was still a lot hesitant about the destruction of l’manberg, and didn’t really want that to happen, but he was pushing down those feelings because, once again, he was hurt and thought he was betrayed. he went down this hole of being angry and unhealthily clinging to the disks even more, blind to anything else around him because the disks were the only thing that mattered, until he snapped out of it. he snapped out of it when he told tubbo “the disks were more than you ever were”, and seeing the raw hurt on his friends face really put it into perspective—he said so himself. he was becoming like everyone he hated. and honestly, you can have your arguments about how he chose to leave c!techno, but it’s honestly the best decision he could’ve made for himself and i’ll stand by that. he recognized the path he was going down and he stopped himself—it was really, really mature in my eyes.
the exile arc. probably one of his lowest points. ever. he was all alone there: there wasn’t anyone else there for him in that fucking place beyond dream, and he had to pick himself up and survive all on his own. the hurt from tubbo’s betrayal still stung like an open wound on him, and he was distrusting of everyone who visited; determined that he would prove that he didn’t need them, because he felt like they didn’t need him—because he didn’t want to lean to heavily on them because he knew what would happen. he didn’t have anyone else but dream, and dream took his insecurities and fed on him, telling him lies that he believed because they were things he already thought about. his character would wake up every night under water, presumably trying to go back to l’manberg in his sleep. the lava scene exists. and let’s not even talk about the way he kept repeatedly apologizing to dream when he exploded logstedshire, desperate to anything to fix his mistake because dream was all he had. he hid the things he had from dream because dream was his only friend, and sure, even if dream was scary him leaving and tommy being alone again was a lot scarier. he was going to jump off that pillar, but he came to the realization that saved his own fucking life and got out of there. tommy has said so himself, even if he falls he’s always going to get back up, and he did. dude i just wish he didn’t have to do it on his fucking own
i could speak about how he’s clearly got abandonment issues—constantly telling techno to not leave him when he was staying with him, etc—but like. this is long enough and i’d literally go on a tangent for hours and hours 😳
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caffernnn · 3 years
One last thought before free final stroke releases. Everyone has said that if Haru has to choose between his bonds and a race or “swimming on a larger scale” he would choose his bonds and I think that too, but what if he doesn’t? 🤔 I would hate for KA to do that, but I can’t help thinking about it. Would love to hear you thoughts about it if you have any.
Buckle up, buttercup! I have perhaps too many thoughts on this one 😅
Okay so here’s the thing: I’ve definitely been sipping on the free!verse “friendship is magic and those special bonds can conquer anything” juice, but I can see Haru or one of the other main pro swimmers we’ll be following (Rin, Ikuya, etc) putting swimming first��� at least in the first movie. Out of everyone to take on that possible arc, it feels like Haru is the main one left to isolate, break, and have to be reminded of who he swims for.
(This one got lengthy; read more under the cut) 🏊✨
This is a pattern in Free! that has been explored over and over. Haru has a teammate, rival, or friend that gets so lost in their own head that they refuse to let anyone reach them and try to put swimming and solitude first. Then, Haru and company step in with a race, a relay, pool time in general to show them that they’re so much stronger when they realize they’re not alone. They hug it out, the audience cries; rinse, repeat.
From the promos, it sets the stage for a specific emphasis on these six. Going through the characters like a checklist for this Free!verse rite of passage, it feels clear who is most likely going to be the next one to take on the cycle.
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(Note: I’m going to refer to the pattern described earlier as “the cycle” moving forward)
Painting it with a broad stroke, most of the characters on this list have taken their respective turns moving through the cycle.
- (Season One) Rin is, like, the king of this lesson. The whole first season was more or less dedicated to showing how he got so fixated on being a viable competitor that he forgot one of the main things that drew both him and his dad towards swimming in the first place: communicating and connecting with people in the water. That’s something Rin knows not to take for granted, and that’s shown through his immense character growth since season one. I think I stated in a past FS theory post how I’m curious about how Rin will handle the pressures and demands of finally reaching the world stage. With that said, he’s also not the main one I’m worried about taking on the main cycle.
- (Season Two) Sousuke paid his dues when he wrecked his shoulder overworking himself. He put success above everything to his own detriment, and he’s lucky that ignoring his own hurt while embracing his Samezuka team didn’t cause irreparable damage. We should watch him closely while he prepares to make his return to swimming because he’s at risk of overextending himself, but he’s had a good amount of time to sit with the firsthand consequences of trying to “do it all on his own,” so he’s not the one I’m primarily worried about.
- (Season Three) Ikuya’s whole journey in DttF was about him coming into his own and realizing his worth. The Iwatobi guys play a big part in this, their efforts in reconciliation starting to help him break out of his stubbornness and inferiority complex. He’s learning by the end of the season how to open up again (and actually appreciate Hiyori, but that’s another conversation) and see himself as an equal counterpart to the people he’s put on pedestals (Haru, Natsuya). His growth is still new, and I’d argue he’s the one who most recently completed his trek through the cycle. I’m sure he’ll inevitably have his own hardships highlighted in the movie, but he’s still riding off the high of freshly finding his inspiration/motivation again that I don’t see his narrative being the focal point.
- (High Speed/Starting Days) Makoto had his own primary trek through the cycle way back in junior high. This is probably one of the points where the dichotomy of the proposed choice (swimming vs. bonds) is most explicitly highlighted. Nao’s question of “do you enjoy swimming or are you here for Haru” is one of the earliest instances where the idea of choosing between success and relationships is explored. Makoto distances himself so much because the question feels loaded and leading - Is it a bad thing to swim because his friend is there? Shouldn’t he want to “grow up” and have merit-driven goals? Even if he doesn’t want to, would he be okay letting Haru go in the pursuit of maturing? Is that really a choice he has to make? Makoto’s eventual conclusion that he loves both swimming and Haru, that both are intertwined into driving him forward, sets the stage for the rest of the series, honestly. I can’t deny the foreshadowing putting Makoto in a potential position of influence in FS, but it’s because of how tied he is to the pro swimmers that’ll inevitably take narrative priority.
- Asahi is a wild card in this framework, but still fits in as a guiding light and a possible outside perspective that could be vital in the story (if he doesn’t get overlooked). He’s someone who hasn’t necessarily been put through the cycle, but he’s a good example of someone who’s a shining light, rowdy and driven and arguably secure in his determination that he’ll make the most out any opportunity by finding his place on any team and taking on the world at his own pace. I’d love to see a side story exploring Asahi’s journey in more detail, because he’s such a unique position as someone who worked on channeling his own self-esteem early on and built new teams every time he had to move. Just from how they’re likely to prioritize characters, especially now that we’re in the endgame, I wouldn’t put my money on Asahi taking center stage.
And then there’s Haru. The unwilling protagonist. The one who played a part in everyone else’s turns through the cycle, his status as a teammate/rival/prodigy/friend launching them into the pitfalls before inspiring them to come back towards the light. He’s grown throughout every season bolstered by the question of why he swims, but I’d argue that now is his time to face the cycle head-on. This is when the idea of improving his times, of winning, hold more value to him than they ever have before. That’s why I think when Ryuuji and other competitors (Kaede, Albert) start telling him that he has to make a choice between loneliness and mediocrity, pushing him towards the path of isolation, it’s going to hit hard. His declaration to have everything he wants, to hold his friends close while taking on the world, is going to be seriously put to the test.
That’s what makes the most sense to me at this point. The story started with Haru, and now it ends with Haru. Will he have to make an unthinkable choice and have to sacrifice one of the vital parts of his dreams? Will he find a way to prove everyone wrong and have it all? I’m excited to find out.
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unlocktxt · 3 years
Only at Night | c.sb
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choi soobin x reader
genre: fluff
word count: 1.7k
description: you and soobin live two separate lives, and need an escape. a silent agreement to live separate lives as soon as the sun rises.
warnings: none
note: something somewhat short, but sweet!
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the clock never seems to stop ticking. the constant rhythm of each second from the clock was ringing through your head. it was never ending.
“just ignore it,” you mumble as your leg starts to bounce from underneath the table.
it was aggravating. you couldn’t focus and it was such a simple essay. you don’t get these easy topics anymore. at this point, you were convinced the question was mocking you.
where do you see yourself in the future?
this question had haunted you ever since highschool. through elementary and junior high... it was all fun and games. things weren’t so fun anymore. there was a constant pressure that you couldn’t ignore anymore. with your good grades, your parents expected that you’d be great as a doctor, but you knew it wasn’t all about the grades.
truth is... you are lost. you spent so long pretending to be someone else, trying to portray your family's ideals... that you lost track of what you enjoyed. so now... now you were stuck. you could only watch in envy as your classmates went on and on about their dream jobs... that were pretty realistic goals. some had known what they’ve wanted to be for their whole life, so why couldn’t you just decide?
without realizing it your shaking legs had become intense, the only thing snapping you out of your mind was the sound of the pencil breaking. your body relaxed after seeing how tense you were. with a deep sigh, you figured the only way to get this off of your chest was to go outside.
pushing yourself away from the desk you grabbed your jacket before rushing out of your room.
straight to the front door. no stopping.
you ignored your parents' attempts to ask where you were going. it didn’t matter anyway... you didn’t have an answer to give. as soon as the door closed you made a run for it. although the reason for this was because you wanted to go to your secret spot in peace, the thrill of running away and defying your parents was thrilling. you couldn’t help but think that this was what it’s like to live.
you heard so many stories about how your parents were basically delinquents. always partying, racing in the night, wrecking things, you name it. yet... because of this, it seems they never let you do anything thrilling. you understood how dangerous it could be and they didn’t want you to learn the lessons that they could just warn you about. as much as you tried to understand their reasoning... it just hurt even more. the point in life is to learn from your own mistakes.
pushing your thoughts away, you had let the wind overwhelm your senses. the chilling air felt amazing with the night sky above you. a smile crept up on your face as your shouting parents could no longer be heard. adrenaline was pumping through your veins and it felt so...exhilarating.
honestly, maybe you should run away from all your problems, it does a load of help. by the time you reached the hill behind a few closed buildings, you were out of breath. the adrenaline had probably worn off because you weren’t feeling as invincible.
your heavy breathing as you headed up the hill didn’t go unnoticed by the boy sitting at the top. he barely had to turn his head to figure that you weren’t a threat.
unlike the boy, you were pretty startled to see him laying there. you’ve never run into him before, so why now? then again you usually didn’t visit this place at night.
hesitated before turning around with your shoulders slouched. ‘i guess i could just go to the park.’
“you don’t have to leave, i was gonna head off soon anyways.” you heard his body shuffle against the grass, indicating his leave. you felt bad for making him leave early.
“no, it’s okay. you can stay... i shouldn’t be out anyway.” you turned to look at the boy just to make sure he wasn’t about to stab you or something along those lines.
when you met his eyes you swore your heart stopped. handsome was an understatement. he chuckled as he pulled his hood over his head and waved goodbye.
“w-wait!” you don’t know what enticed your body to stop him, but you didn’t mind it because it got him to stop walking.
he didn’t respond, allowing his stillness to answer for him. you could practically hear him say “what?”
“i don’t see why we both can’t just sit there. no need for either of us to leave right?” it was still silent causing your face to heat up from the embarrassment. “only if you want to of course.” you shouted... a little too loudly.
he finally turned around to look at you with his hands in his pockets.
“okay... sounds good to me.” he walked back up to the top of the hill to meet you. when he got closer you got a better look at him. his dark hair was covered by his hood, but you could see his soft features. his height didn’t go unnoticed.
after the two of you sat down, you tried minding your own business. the stars in the sky looked amazing and they reminded you of just how small your problems were... even so, they didn’t hurt any less.
“can i ask you something?” you turned your head to look at him, only to realize he was staring at the stars.
“go ahead.” you encouraged before looking back at the bright stars, trying to pick out which one was your favorite.
“why are you out here?” his question brought the silence back.
you debated whether or not to tell him. it’s not like it’s something all that bad, but you didn’t really know him... perhaps that’s the exact reason you should tell him. a stranger can’t spread the news to everyone you know.
“well... i had to get away. i just needed someplace to think without all the expectations...” you looked at him to see if you should continue, from his silence you assumed so, “i feel like i can be myself when i’m alone away from the world i know... away from the people i know. it’s impossible to feel free in a house that feels like a prison, so i thought the best way to think freely was to escape from the things holding me hostage.”
“that’s reason enough...” he finally looked at you instead of the stars. it was as if he was telling you that he acknowledged you as a whole, which was all you needed recently.
“how about you huh?” this time it was your turn to ask the question. it was only fair that he told you his reasoning.
he chuckled once more before looking at the grass, “it looks like we came here for the same reason. it’s an escape. my life tends to be a little upbeat... there’s never really a time to rest. i keep trying to live my life to its fullest at the cost of my future. it’s about time that i get my life on track and the only way i can think about this is when i’m here.”
you watched as he pulled at the grass. what he said... was kind of the life you wished you were living. maybe you could learn from each other... find the balance in the middle.
“fair enough.” you smiled as he met your eyes. at this moment there was a mutual understanding... mutual trust in some random stranger you just met.
the moment shattered right in front of you as soon as you heard your ringtone. you didn’t have to check to know that your parents were calling you.
“you should probably answer that.” he saw your hesitation and figured that it was indeed your parents. you felt as though this perfect moment was slowly deflating... and you were determined to keep it from doing so.
throwing away your hesitation, you committed to ignoring your parents. for once you didn’t think about the consequences and turned off your phone.
“not at all. this is me time right?” you shrugged as you put your phone back, letting your racing heart settle.
“i guess so...” he was silent. stuck in his thoughts. “maybe we could make this a ‘we’ thing. make it our time.” he suggested.
‘a, we thing’ your heart picked up its pace at his words. you wanted to seem confident. you wanted to get to know him better.
“should i know your name before this becomes a we thing?” you asked while attempting to smirk at him. the smirk didn’t seem to work because he fell over in laughter.
“...is it obvious i don’t flirt much?” you ask as you try to laugh it off as well.
he sat back up after taking a deep breath to calm himself. when he looked back at you his eyes were shining in the moonlight while he wore such a beautiful and true smile. “so very obvious, although at least you have the courage.”
“the courage?” you questioned. you’ve never considered yourself to be someone with courage.
“well...” he dragged on, “you did just admit to trying to flirt with me.”
your cheeks flushed immediately. his sly smirk caused you to look away because unlike you, he could, in fact, pull a smirk off.
“it’s soobin. my name’s soobin.”
soobin eh? easygoing and good-natured. fitting. you were just glad he changed the subject.
“well soobin it’s nice to meet you.” you made sure not to look at him again. perhaps you were trying to tease him by playing hard to get... or you were just admiring the beautiful stars.
“what’s your name?” he asked as he tried to subtly scoot closer to you.
“wouldn’t you like to know?” you laughed, “i’ll tell you when this becomes our thing.”
soobin groaned as he fell onto his back to stare at the sky.
“so what exactly is our thing?” you laid beside him trying to pick out the brightest stars to choose from. the stars always seem to act as a distraction.
“two strangers relying on each other in the peaceful night. only during the night, so that we know there’s someone that knows us solely on the absence of everyday life.”
it sounded like a miracle, a fantasy if you will. he’d be the one person that could get to know the real you... the free you, the one without all the expectations.
“that sounds perfect.”
and that’s how it started. never sharing a second glance at each other as soon as the sun would rise. from then on the friendship that blossomed would soon turn into something more.
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stellocchia · 3 years
So, I’ve been thinking: where do the characters of the smp actually fit in the morality spectrum?
We’re all always pointing out how everyone is “morally gray” in the smp, but it’s not too hard to see that the level is different in different characters, for example: Puffy’s light griefing when she first arrived on the smp is in no way comparable to Dream blowing up a country 3 times... so how about we take an objective look through this characters actions?
First let’s establish what are the categories we’ll be talking about:
Morally gray characters: they are the intermediate between a villain and a hero. They are neither wholly bad nor good. 
Anti-Hero: someone who may perform moral actions but always for selfish reasons. Basically morally gray but with bad intentions.
Anti-villain: someone whose desired ends are mostly good, but their means of getting there range from evil to undesirable. Basically they think they have good intentions, but they’re actually villains. 
Sympathetic villain: an immoral character who’s backstory/character arc makes them sympathetic to the viewers. We can’t agree with their actions, but we can understand how they got there.
This is more or less the spectrum we will be moving in, as it would actually be rather hard to define anyone in the smp as a classic black and white hero or villain (with 1 exception). Also I believe we all kind of understand what the definitions for those terms are.
In this I will be only going over the characters I know the most about as there are way too many people and, I’m afraid, it’s impossible for me to cover everyone properly as I would need to watch their povs. Anyone though feel free to add on to this! 
Also I won’t be going in any precise order because that would take more effort then I’m willing to put in, so here we go: 
Tommyinnit: He is a bit of a trouble-maker. He has been involved in the most conflicts out of everyone in the server (although he didn’t start the big majority of them). He has griefed, stolen and caused a whopping total of 3 canon deaths (1 to Jack Manifold and 2 to Dream). He has however sacrified himself multiple times for his friends (both literally and by giving up his possessions) and he apologized and tried to make amends for his worse actions. He is mischevious but he also often proved that he can be very selfless. No doubt he earns a morally gray stamp.
Willbur: He is a difficult one because of the big split between his character pre and post election. That said, while Willbur was rather power-hungry before the election he also was very caring for those under him (sometimes slipping into being downright demeaning towards Fundy). He upheald his principle of “words over violence” and mostly wanted to build a peaceful nation. After the election however (because of his declining mental health) he did turn to violence and manipulation and ended up blowing up his own country. So I’d say he went from a morally gray character to a very sympathetic villain
Ghostbur: This one is being considered separatedly from Willbur, as it has been said multiple times that they are separate entities. Ghostbur, you would think, has never done anything bad in his life, he has however hurt some people. He refused to have an actual talk with Fundy or with anyone really when it comes to what Alivebur did, hurting them as a consequence and while they are separate entities, they’re still very much connected. His intentions in general though are good, he just wants everyone to be happy, he just doesn’t realize his incapacity to fully understand other people’s struggles can hurt them at times. He has however never intentionally caused harm to anyone and tried to help whenever he did so unintentionally. He lacks the qualities that would make him a “hero” but he’s morally good 
Tubbo: While people in this fandom have a tendency to portray him as a poor innocent bean he’s not entirely squeacky clean himself. He steals regularly, he has partook in Techno’s scuffed execution attempt and organized a festival with the clear intention of killing Dream. He has however, more often then not, done what he thought was right and what he felt he needed to do in order to protect his people. Even now he’s built a safe heaven away from everyone because he wanted a safe place for anyone wh needed it. So there you go, morally gray stamp of approval.
Techno: And here I already know there will be some contentione... oh boy... anyway! Techno undoubtedly thinks he’s always doing the right thing. He thinks that destroying the governament was the only way to get rid of corruption. He thinks he’s doing something good. He has however released weapons of mass destruction (aka withers) in L’Manburg 3 time, caused the most canon deaths in the server (yep, more then Dream) and he’s been manipulative (wether intentionally or not doesn’t really matter here). In general he’s caused so much pain to so many people that it cannot go ignored. For this reasons he gets an anti-villain stamp
Phil: He’s also one of the characters deserving of a split, in his case it’s pre and post Techno’s attempted execution. Pre execution he was a mostly uninvolved member of L’Manburg, he did however help greatly with the rebuilding and tried to give a family to Fundy when he realised he needed one. He did also kill Willbur. ater the execution however he joined Techno in committing atrocities for what he percieved to be something good (”teaching how bad governament is” was his perceived goal). So I’d say he went from morally gray to joining Techno in the anti-villain gang
Quackity: He is a very complex character and I’m sure opinions about him are rather split. He joined the election to insure it’s fairness. He stayed by Shlatt’s side to try and make the governament fair until he realised that he would never be litened to and then he joined Pogtopia to take down a tyrant. He tried to protect L’Manburg in every way he could, but did get carried away with the attemted execution and the festival, even arriving to suggesting executing Ranboo. Now he wants to build capitalism and is trying to fight the Egg in his own way. He is the definition of a morally gray character
Ranboo: Another split opinion incoming here! Ranboo does mostly have good intentions (at least in his non-enderwalk state, which we won’t talk about here, because there still isn’t enough lore about it to understand it). He would like to have a united server with no conflicts. In trying to achieve this however, as he noticed himself, he actually went against every single one of the people he cares about: not sticking up for Tommy at the trial, assisting with Phil’s arrest and Techno’s execution, giving back Techno’s weapons and armour with no fight and, in general, giving him resources, helping to plan the Green Festival and so on so forth. That said all this things are “bad” from one side but “good” from the other. He has also kept company to Tommy in exile more then anyone else and he was there in the final fight against Dream. In conclusion he gets a morally gray stamp as well
Punz: Punz fights for money and his own self interest. He showed before that his alliance was with those who paid him, even though he actually seemed to care and consider Dream his friend until a certain point. He fought in a few wars but was never overly involved in the petty conflicts. He did however end up being the reason Dream was defeated (athough that was also for money). This was also before the Egg’s corruption as we won’t be considering that as part of the character since, you know, the Egg literally mind-controls people... anyway he gets to be in the anti-hero club
Sam: The warden of the prison is someone with a great work ethic (though he doesn’t seem to care much were the money are coming from once a project gets commissioned to him) and a very kind individual, always ready to offer pumpkin pie or his help to anyone who seems to need it. He’s also building a bank with the express purpouse of building an economy to take control over the server... he is morally gray as well is what I’m trying to say here
And, our final one:
Dream: This man also actually needs a split to better understand him, and that split is before and after he received the necromancy book from Shlatt. Before that he started a few conflicts (Declaring war on L’manburg and the whole railway skirmish thing) nut in general he had mostly sound objectives. Toward the start he didn’t want trouble in his server and he went to extreme leghts to ensure there wouldn’t be any (stealing Tommy’s disks, the whole declaring war etc). He did try and help Pogtopia at the start for this very same reson, because he was hoping that the two indipendent factions would cancel out each other. At one point however the objective in his actions seems to have shifted between wanting to obtain unity for the server to wanting to obtain control for himself. It’s after this shift happened that he committed his most heinous crimes (blowing up L’manburg other 2 times and all the manipulation that went on). After the shift there is not a single redeeming thing he did. He went from an almost anti-villain to a straight up villain, he is, in fact, the only one aside from the Egg that I’m willing to deine as a true villain.
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