hawkflame999 · 10 days
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If the symbols mean the Source Dragons, and one is calling Lloyd, "One of mine" does that mean we finally may have info on the specific Dragon and Oni that had FSM?
I mean, we as a fandom don't look at that very much.........
BUT WHAT IF?!?!?!? Lloyd, Garmadon and Wu are descended from a Source Dragon?!?!?!?! Or is it "one of mine," because Energy means Life?
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h0wdidig3there · 6 months
little bit of Lloyd art for chapter 12 of my fan fic erosion anyway I guess this is my Halloween post…
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ataraxixx · 4 days
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a family tradition
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chiptrillino-art · 5 months
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In the Spirit World, roughly 400 years ago.
When you are just a little blue guy. But the greater gods found a liking in you. And then you ended up as chewtoy for Koh.
Spirit shenanegans at their finest.
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fedelando · 2 years
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DRAGONI (CE) - “Continueremo ad organizzare eventi nel ricordo di Eugenio", lo assicurano mamma Giuseppina, papà Remigio e Francesca, fondatori e attivisti dell'Associazione Onlus Eugenio Ruberto, nata allo scopo di organizzare occasioni e costruire spazi dove lo sport, la cultura e l’amore per il prossimo - grandi passioni di Eugenio, stroncato nel 2020 da due tumori cerebrali a soli 14 anni - diventino il fulcro per una intensa attività di condivisione e di socializzazione. L'annuncio di una programmazione fitta e carica di emozioni è giunto a margine della kermesse organizzata in occasione dell'ormai rituale 'compleanno in Paradiso' dell'adolescente di Dragoni, una festa durata più giorni in cui familiari, amici e conoscenti si sono ritrovati per riavvolgere il nastro dei ricordi e per parlare, quest'anno in particolare, di inclusione, un tema tanto dibattuto e spesso trascurato nei fatti dalle istituzioni e dalla politica. Significativa e toccante la partecipazione dello scrittore e maestro Matteo Grimaldi, il quale nell'atrio della Scuola di Dragoni, alla presenza di esponenti istituzionali e scolastici (la sindaca Antonella D'Aloia, l'assessore all'Istruzione Vincenzo Italiano e la dirigente dell'Istituto Comprensivo di Alvignano Aida Cortese) e del presidente Regionale Fish Campania Daniele Romano, ha raccontato le sue esperienze e presentato due suoi romanzi per ragazzi 'non vietati agli adulti' "La Famiglia X" e "Il Violino di Filo". Un confronto a più voci sulla necessità di favorire occasioni culturali, percorsi di sensibilizzazione e crescita sulla diversità e sulle differenze intese come dono e valore aggiunto, un incontro che ha segnato l'inizio di una collaborazione con altre associazioni. Non è mancata nei festeggiamenti la musica (in particolare il ritmo e le voci degli "Amici di Eugenio e di Paolo"), lo sport (con piccoli tornei di basket e partite di pallavolo) e l'amore per gli altri (quest'anno attenzione particolare ai nostri amici a 4 zampe grazie alla collaborazione con il Centro Cinofilo La Fenice). Sospesi, purtroppo, per condizioni meteo avverse altri momenti di sport giocato e il concerto dei Nova. "Vogliamo fare di più e meglio - conclude la famiglia Ruberto spoilerando che a breve sarà ufficializzato un incontro molto attuale e interessante - l'Associazione Eugenio Ruberto si propone di collaborare con le realtà locali, gli Istituti di Ricerca Scientifica, Case di accoglienza per famiglie, Ospedali, Istituti religiosi, Associazioni sportive e chiunque - privati e non - si prodighi in attività umanitarie".
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ninjautistic · 11 days
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In concept arts Lloyd was gonna have glasses so I wanted to draw him with them :]
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flightdescending · 11 days
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badly frankensteins the thing
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orbitunbreakable · 7 months
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had to make this joke before anyone else could
(reference source under the Read More)
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bigboobyhalo · 10 months
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eggies !!!
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hawkflame999 · 28 days
Ninjago Secrecy AU
So in this AU, it’s basically the same as canon, EXCEPT, the ninja stay secret.
it's not JUST their identities. It’s also their literal existence and history.
FSM didn’t want humans, who often misunderstood and killed Yōkai-kind, to know about the Elementals. So he kept himself secret, his two sons secret, and the people he’d later choose to become the first human-ish Elementals secret. Those people were street orphans and abused kids he’d rescued from other humans.
Elementals have basically been behind the scenes (and doing illegal stuff like underage driving) for several millennia, they’ve managed to keep secret all this time and continue to do so in this AU. 
When something big comes, like the Great Devourer, the ninja fix it but there’s only eyewitnesses and no camera footage and most of the time they somehow aren’t seen by humans.
Or Jay causes a blackout to make things harder for them to be seen.
Oh, yeah. And Elementals aren’t sure if they’re Humans with powers, something between Yōkai and Humans, or just full-blown Yōkai. 
They just don’t know, but they have the senses of Yōkai and they can see very well in the dark- they also have a keen sense of smell, they can follow trails. And their eyes glow, but they can control the glow when they need to. Among other things, like feeling vibrations.
Elementals also have feral instincts, though they can ignore those instincts and act human when the circumstances demand it. Lloyd, his father, and uncle all have Dragoni features like in my Headcanon #1, and they're the most feral.
If you saw my HC about the Elemental Bond, that applies here too.
The Elementals just tell people who ask that they’re a clan. They’re kind of common amongst the Realms, and to help the ninja, their clan is tiny, and sort of IS a clan, just a special one. 
Said clans that do exist either live off the land or live modernly now but they all started back in old times, and they keep touch and all nowadays. 
The Serpentine often receives a similar reception that Yōkai get, just less than that, so they don’t give the game up- they keep silent about the ninja. 
After meeting the ninja, the Formlings, the Geckles and the Munce, and others were asked to and agreed to keep quiet about the Elementals. So does Vania, (idk how that part of Master of the Mountain works but yeah).
In the AU, other Yōkai, (Kitsune, Kappas, Tanukis, Bakenekos, ect.) are more apparent and present in this, and even most of them don’t know about the ninjas, just a few friends know. 
The Elementals frequently attack and ambush Yōkai Hunters, and free the trapped Yōkai. 
There’s also more mountains around the Monastery, it’s a literal mountain range, and many Yōkai live in them. Years ago they all combined their magic to create a barrier, so humans can’t get in (they just get turned around and all,) unless they’re led, and it's really hard for someone to just find their way in, but it happens occasionally. 
Arin knows about the ninja ONLY because he’s from a village near the mountain of the Monastery, and his family is one of the few that the ninja trusted with the knowledge of their existence, because one of Arin’s ancestors, a few generations back, accidentally found a way into the mountains, and got caught in a storm, so the ninja of the time saved him. 
Also all the Elementals speak Yōkai. It’s their second language, and their first language is Japanese, English is their third language.  
Yeah, that’s it really.
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doodlesandbooks · 10 months
I’ve seen a few people do this, and I fancied giving it a go myself!
Link dragon!
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s0ull3ss-p3rs0n · 3 months
Dragoni language but, they don't have gendered pronouns, nor like pronouns at all, they do have something similar like a certain "title" such as "being (Oni)" and "being (Dragon)" and additional "small being" referring to humans and most likely any other humanoid being (only exception being the serpentine referred as "small being (Dragon) because of what they look like) FSM was referred to as something similar to the word hybrid and never had a name I guess.
Garmadon gets referred as either "being (Oni)" or "small being" or sometimes even "small being (Oni)" because yes.
Lloyd is often referred to as "small being" or occasionally even used the same sound what FSM was referred as.
Does anyone understand what the fuck am I even talking about
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delineate-creates · 6 months
Day 29: Massive
Tom is raising his chin, mouth curling into an awed grin as he properly appreciates how brutally massive the Basilisk truly is. It’s hard to determine its length, coils wrapping and twisting and surrounding him as they are, but he’d be willing to bet on it being longer than forty feet. What he can determine is that its head is bigger than Tom’s entire body and it could certainly swallow him whole in a single bite.
Death stares him down and Tom stares right back.
From chapter 12 of @cealesti’s with eyes like these
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I feel like the real dynamic of Phil and forever is forever fails to kidnap him time and again while phil starts to pity him. not in a “I feel bad he isn’t capable of kidnapping me” way in a “I didn’t know people could look this pathetic” way and then they slowly fall in love
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keydekyie · 4 months
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Arsonist's Moon
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maudfs · 11 days
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Dragon 92
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