#dracula? hey come here. no closer. lean in closer. yeah that's good.
smooth-noob · 1 month
"Jonathan Harker's journal, kept in shorthand"
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"Your friend, Dracula"
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schrijverr · 3 years
Vampire Venom Confession
To save an injured Alucard, Trevor lets him drink his blood. When he’s all loopy on the vampire venom in his system after, he lets it slip how much Sypha and Alucard mean to him and gets cuddles.
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: none, but tell me if I missed any!
Alucard was injured.
He was often injured as were they all on their track through Wallachia to wipe out the last of what was left of Dracula’s forces, but he wasn’t healing. And that was cause for concern, because both Trevor and Sypha had seen him heal from much worse, much quicker.
So Trevor was trying to stop the bleeding while Sypha was looking for bandages and anything to clean the wound with.
“We’re out of bandages,” she called out, voice laced with panic. “Do you have clean cloth we could cut up?”
“No!” Trevor yelled back, of course he didn’t. They had just been attacked, their cart was mostly destroyed and all he had was night creature gut soaked clothes. “Come on, Alucard. Stay with me here. Can’t have the only good vampire in history die on me. Open those eyes.”
It was obviously a struggle, but Alucard did as he was told, groaning loudly.
“Yeah, that’s it. Focus on me,” Trevor told him. “You’re gonna be fine, just stay with me now. We’re going to need to burn this closed, okay? We don’t have any other means.”
Alucard’s eyes went wide and he shook his head no, trying to wordlessly protest Trevor’s suggestion.
“What? Why not?” Trevor asked, shaking Alucard when it looked like he wanted to slip into darkness again. Sypha was now sitting next to him, her brown also knitted in concern as she held up her hand, ready to summon fire.
“Don’t- don’t have the energy to fight it,” Alucard wheezed. “I will burn.”
The loud exclamation by Trevor was felt through them all. It was frustrating that after all this Alucard should bleed out here, just because he spend too much of himself. He had fought Dracula and lived, he shouldn’t perish from lack of resources. It was just wrong.
“Is there nothing we can do?” Sypha asked. “Don’t think of morality here.”
Alucard swallowed, guilt in his eyes as he looked away. Another wave of pain washed over him and he made up his mind as he groaned: “Blood. Need – ugh – blood.”
“Okay, then,” Trevor nodded, “that’s settled then,” before pulling off his tunic and hoisting Alucard up to his neck.
“No, I- I can’t,” Alucard protested weakly.
“You can and you will, you fucking dick,” Trevor snapped. “Now bite, asshole. You’re not kneeling over, not on my watch.”
There must have been something in his voice that made Alucard trust his judgment and convinced him that Trevor knew what he was getting into, because Sypha watched how relief flitted through his eyes before he sank his fangs into the tender meat of Trevor’s neck. And the moment blood started to flow, he drank greedily.
The effect was immediate, the flesh stitchingitself together and color returningto his skin, to the extend his skin held color that was of course.
He also got increasingly steady and soon it was him holding up Trevor instead of the other way around, while the hunter hang limply in his arms. The only reaction he gave to having fangs in his neck was softly gasping here and there that let Sypha know he was still conscious.
She wondered if Alucard knew when to stop or if the blood was too tempting now that he was drinking. She bit her lip, before tentatively asking: “Alucard? Alucard, how much do you need? Is he okay?”
Alucard hummed that he had heard her, but stayed attached to Trevor’s neck for a few more seconds, before licking the puncture wounds until they had stopped bleeding. Then he leaned back, sitting upright by himself as if he had not been on deaths door moments ago.
Sypha was incredibly relieved to see him okay, but with the confirmation that Alucard was okay, she moved her attention to Trevor, who had not moved from where he was half sitting in Alucard’s lap, head now leaning on Alucard’s shoulder, his eyes far away.
“Is he okay?” she asked, then snapped her fingers in front of Trevor’s eyes, getting little to no response. “Hey, Trevor. Trevor. Can you hear me? Please say something.”
“He is fine, Sypha. Do not worry,” Alucard assured her. “He is just under the influence of the venom in my fangs, which is meant to relax its victims. He will be tired and he’s probably dizzy right now, but nothing he won’t recover from. The venom should be easing out of his system soon. He should drink and eat something when he gets back to us.”
Not completely convinced, but at least put at ease by Alucard’s words, she opted to quickly grab some water and a bit of bread. Then she kept a close eye on Trevor, while Alucard kept him cradled to his chest. At least the puncture wounds were healing more rapidly than normal.
When Trevor first started to stir again, a few minutes later, she perked up with relief.
Trevor groaned loudly, blinking heavily as the world spun in front of his eyes, before Alucard and Sypha came back into focus. Blearily he looked at Alucard, then he frowned in confusion, before he smiled. “You’re alive. That’s- that’s good.”
He moved to pat Alucard on the chest, against which he was resting with his torso and arms, but the movement seemed too much work and he gave up. “I’m tired,” he told them.
“I can imagine,” Sypha smiled. “Here drink this.”
She offered him the water and he didn’t even protest as she held the watersack for him. It was slightly unnerving to see him try and fail to drink properly, with half of the water spilling over his chin and down his chest.
When he had drank enough she offered him small bites of bread and he seemed okay enough to slowly munch on them, which was a relief. As he ate his last piece of bread he asked: “What happened again?”
“I was injured,” Alucard said. “You saved me by letting me drink your blood. I haven’t taken too much, but you will definitely feel the effects. Can you describe how you’re feeling to us?”
“Me?” Trevor asked surprised, then seemingly delighted that he was even asked. “Me, well, I feel great.”
“Define great,” Alucard deadpanned and Sypha couldn't help but snort at them. It was a strange sight to see Trevor, usually so closed off and guarded, act silly with his emotions just there, yet still managing to annoy Alucard.
“That’s a big ask,” Trevor told him, almost philosophically. “But, I am floating. Are we floating? You can float right?”
“Yes, I can float, but we are not floating,” Alucard said. “Do you mean that you feel dizzy by any chance?”
“Ah, yes, dizzy,” Trevor lit up when the word came to him. “I feel dizzy. But also warm and soft. Am I on a pillow?”
“No, you’re leaning against Alucard,” Sypha told him with a small grin.
“Wow, this is almost a hug,” Trevor said, completely oblivious to what impact his words might have both on himself and the others. “God, I don’t remember the last time anyone hugged me. Must have been my mother before she was killed.”
Immediately the lighthearted mood at Trevor’s antics fell and Alucard couldn't help but clutch the hunter closer to his chest, making him sigh in content. He shared a look with Sypha over that and both nodded, determined to give Trevor affection now that he was susceptible for it.
“Why am I not wearing a shirt?” The moment was broken by Trevor, who had finally discovered he was no longer wearing a shirt.
“You took it off to give Alucard access to your neck, Trevor,” Sypha answered.
“That seems slightly unnecessary,” frowned Trevor, making them both laugh at his commentary on his own actions. He looked confused. “What? What’s so funny.”
“Nothing, Trevor, nothing,” Sypha assured him. “Why don’t we get you back into a shirt, how does that sound?”
“Good,” Trevor smiled, completely okay with letting his earlier question go. “Though, I do feel a bit heavy and- hmm, un- un…movable, yes. Unmovable. Like a baby.” His eyes went wide, “Oh my God, am I a baby?”
“No, Trevor, not in that sense at least,” Alucard laughed.
Both were glad that Trevor had forgotten about his earlier comment about the hug. Even though it hadn’t left their minds yet, it was nice to not see their friend sad anymore. This was ruined when Sypha held up his tunic and Alucard had to rearrange Trevor to help him into it. The moment he had done so, Trevor had whimpered.
“What’s wrong?” Sypha immediatelyasked, jumping to all sorts of horrible conclusions. Yet nothing could have prepared her heart for Trevor softly saying: “Don’t leave me here.”
“We will never leave you, Trevor,” she promised. “We just want to help you back in your shirt.”
“You promise?” Trevor asked.
“We promise,” Alucard answered for them, quickly hugging Trevor close before helping him into his tunic in record speed so that he could pull Trevor back into his arms again.
While Alucard held Trevor tightly, Sypha started a quick fire and spread out Trevor’s cloak for them to lie on. With him in this condition they wouldn’t be traveling anyway. She also got the covering of whatever was left of the cart to use as blanket, before making her way back to the two men.
Alucard had positioned them in such a way that Trevor was now completely in his lap. Their chests were against one another and Trevor’s face was hidden in the crook of Alucard’s neck, while the vampire rubbed his back and whisper soft comforts in his ear.
When their eyes met Sypha gestured to the blankets and raised a questioning brow. Alucard nodded then turned to Trevor. “Hey, I’m going to move you now, is that okay? We’re not going far, just lying down with Sypha.”
“Still dizzy,” Trevor mumbled.
“I’ll be gentle okay?” Alucard waited until Trevor had nodded against his neck, then he slipped his hands under Trevor’s thighs and stood up slowly, using his supernatural strength to keep Trevor still as he did so.
He lowered Trevor into Sypha’s waiting arms, who cradled his head against her chest as Alucard took the blanket to spread out over them all.
Trevor ended up with his head pillowed on Sypha and Alucard curled up against his back protectively, spooning him closely. He seemed content to just lie there, sighing into Sypha as she carded her hand through his hair.
Right when they thought he had fallen asleep, he said: “This is nice. Almost like I have a family again.” Then he truly drifted off, leaving them with both fondness and an innate sadness piercing their chests as they hugged him tighter.
The next morning Trevor woke last, but still warm, pressed tightly between two bodies as they conversed about magic above his head.
“What are you two doing?” he asked. While it wasn’t uncommon for them to share body heat during the colder nights, they usually didn’t keep laying there in the morning and it was usually Sypha in the middle. He also didn’t usually wake up with a massive headache and he was sure that if he had been drinking, they wouldn’t have been sharing a bed with him.
“Keeping you company,” Sypha smiled as if it was all completely normal.
“Huh? Why?” The moment he asked the happenings of yesterday returned to him and he felt himself flush scarlet at how he had just said the most depressingly lonely things to them, before begging them to stay. “Oh God.”
He tried to curl into himself as if that would make him disappear, but that was quite impossible with how close the others were and he hated how nice it was.
“Ahw, there’s no need for that,” Sypha assured him, again carding a hand through his hair like she had done the night before.
“Yes, we really don’t mind,” Alucard assured him, squeezing him tight in that same comforting manner.
“It really does, actually,” he shot back, embarrassed. “I turned into a huge baby. You had to fucking feed me for fucks sake. And I acted like an idiot, that was so unnecessary and massively pathetic. I mean, seriously, you carried me and I nearly cried when you let go for a moment.”
Both sighed sadly.
They had predicted that Trevor in the morning would not be so open to affection and would try to rebuilt the walls he had around his heart, but they couldn't just pretend he hadn’t bared his soul to them and shown them how touch-starved he was.
“Trevor,” Sypha said, coaxing him to look at her, which he did with small pout-y and squint-y, yet unsure eyes. “We both made a promise to you yesterday. We didn’t just do that because you had lost a lot of blood and needed reassurance. We meant that.”
“You- you did?” There was the same vulnerable edge in his voice that had been there yesterday and both Sypha and Alucard could feel this was a big turning point in their lives that could be vastly different if they said something wrong.
“Yes, Trevor,” Alucard spoke up. “You’re our family too.”
The embarrassed flush came back and he hid his face in Sypha’s stomach again, unwilling to look at them just yet. Sypha couldn't help but coo slightly at the action: “Ahw, you’re so cute, Trevor. Why did you hide such a sweet sight from us?”
“‘M not cute,” came the muffled reply.
“No,” Alucard agreed, for a moment letting Trevor think he was on his side, before adding, “you’re adorable.”
Trevor turned to glare at them both, flush still prominent on his face along with a pout that did not help his argument. He sniffed: “I hate you both.”
“No you don’t,” Sypha said, digging her fingers into his sensitive sides and making him squeak, before protesting that it was cheating, but there was a smile on his face and after a brutal team up attack, he admitted: “Okay, okay, I don’t. You two don’t suck.”
Alucard and Sypha grinned, victory.
It wouldn’t solve everything in one night, but both were determined to keep their promise and if Trevor sought out hugs a bit more after and if sleeping in a cuddle pile became common place, then that was only a good thing.
This was actually sillier and less angsty than I had imagined it to be, which is a surprise because so far Trevor always makes my writing needlessly sad, but good for him.
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ivarisms · 3 years
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Summary: You and your work colleague have travelled to Norway to to write a piece for an online article about the history of Vikings, and your travels have led you to a town where the locals talk about an abandoned castle deep in the mountains where Ivar the Boneless still lives as a thousand-year-old vampire. You don’t believe such nonsense, but are curious to see what artifacts this mysterious castle holds within its walls.
Paring: Vampire!Ivar x Female OC
Warnings: Blood, violence, death, non-con aspects, NSFW for sexual content.
                         “Baby, you’re cruel to me but you see I love it when you make me bleed. I want a scar that looks just like you, till then I gotta learn to be a wiser fool. ” ---- Vampire Smile, Kyla La Grange
                                               CHAPTER ONE
The treacherous winding path that spiralled up into the deepest and most isolated parts of the mountains was endless, or so it seemed after hours of non-stop walking. You were exhausted, and to make things worse the first droplets of snow began to trickle down from the sky above. “You said we would reach this castle an hour ago, and yet I still see no sign of it.”
“Patience, sweet cheeks.” Your work partner and terrible tour-guide Lawrence teased, a wrinkled map in his gloved hands as he turned to grin at you. “Always complaining, it’s not always about the destination but about the journey too. I find hiking in these mountains therapeutic…”
You rolled your eyes at that one, there was nothing therapeutic about this and you really wished you would have said no to this adventure. You weren’t even convinced that there was a castle, especially one that harboured a thousand-year-old vampire inside. “That’s bullshit and you know it.” You pressed on, frowning at the feel of wet inside your ‘waterproof’ boots. Great, you thought. All I need when hiking up a goddamn mountain. “I’m starting to think the locals swindled us here, I bet they’re all down in their local pub laughing about how stupid the latest tourists are in falling for this ridiculous ghost story.”
“It’s not a ghost story, it’s a vampire story – like Dracula.” Lawrence countered, a few steps ahead of you on the trail that became much steeper. “And yeah, it’s probably a crock of shit but hey, we’ll have the castle to ourselves and you know what that means.” Turning to waggle his brow at you, he winked and chuckled to himself.
“Yeah, shelter – and hopefully some firewood.” You grumbled, not even entertaining his attempts at flirting with you. He had tried time and time again to get into your pants, but just couldn’t get the hint.
“I don’t think there’s many trees up this high for firewood, but you never know… might be able to find a couple of ‘em and make a stake out of a branch as a weapon.” He joked. “They said this Ivar is terrifying, I hope I get to kill him. Imagine that on the front of the newspaper, I can see it now. ‘Handsome muscly man kills a thousand-year-old vampire Viking with ease… or Viking vampire’ which one sounds better?”
“None of them.” You smirked. “If he’s a vampire and a Viking, you really think you stand a chance?”
“Hey, I got some moves – I can show you them if you like.” He teased.
“No thanks…”
Walking up the steepest part of the isolated trail, you winced and tugged at the hood of your thick yellow coat as harsh icy winds hurtled towards you. They were powerful, nearly knocking you from your feet as you struggled to maintain your balance.
“There it is.” Lawrence pointed in front of him, and you stumbled forward a few steps to join him to see what he was looking at.
“Oh, wow.” You whispered, seeing for the first time the huge black winding castle in the near distance. It was hidden between two mountain peaks, so no wonder it took so long to find. The locals weren’t lying about one thing, but there was no way in hell a vampire lived within its walls. “The snow is getting heavier, let’s go as quick as we can.”
“Yes, lady boss.” Lawrence scoffed, his tone laced with sarcasm as he led the way.
Half an hour of struggling through near enough knee-deep snow led you and your colleague to the castle grounds. The great heaving stone structure was more than impressive to gaze up at, though the many windows that were draped in darkness made you feel uneasy. Its black towers and stone battlements were still very much intact, withstanding the test of time and the test of such harsh elements in the isolated area of Norway. It had clearly been abandoned centuries before now, yet still radiated a millennium of history you would never get to experience. You wondered what it would have been like back then, when Vikings were in their prime of greatness. Terrifying, you assumed.
Ivar the Boneless was known especially to be cruel and inhumane, the history books wrote him to be a tyrant and monster who killed all that apposed him. It was that wicked reputation that kept his memory alive a thousand years later, proven by how scared the local men and women were to even mention his name. You were intelligent enough to know that vampires didn’t exist, but if by chance they did, then you decided that Ivar would be the worst kind of vampire to bump into.
“Wanna go inside?” Lawrence broke through your train of thought and you looked at him as he pulled free his camera from the pocket of his padded blue jacket.
“Absolutely.” You agreed, deciding it was for the best to push fairy-tales aside and explore further.
Following Lawrence through the first set of steel gates, you were now in the courtyard. This area would have been used to make speeches to the people, used as entertainment and no doubt used for training how to fight. You could almost picture the Vikings now, swinging swords and axes at each other without a care in the world. Reaching into your own pocket to pull free your phone, you swiped at the screen.
No signal, low battery. Fantastic.
Your phone wouldn’t have enough power to last the night, but you had enough to snap a few pictures.
“I’m gonna explore the barracks, are you coming with or doing your own thing?” Lawrence asked.
“I’m…” You breathed, your eyes drawn towards the main doors that would no doubt lead into the very heart of the castle. “I’m going inside, I want to get a few photos before this thing dies on me.”
“Alright, I’ll come find you in a bit.”
Please take your time, you thought. “Okay.”
And with that you both went your separate ways.
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 Pushing on the great wooden door that was stiff as a board, you clinched your jaw and rammed your weight into your shoulder with a grunt to try and budge it. One, two, three attempts before the frozen wood gave way. Shoving it open with a deep squeal that echoed loudly throughout the innards of the castle, you peered inside curiously. An icy breeze from within hit your face, and as you swept your gaze around the darkness you realised you were staring down into a great long hall that seemed to travel endlessly into the abyss.
Shrugging your backpack from your shoulders, you delved your hand inside and fiddled around until you grabbed hold of the flashlight you had brought along with you. Flicking the switch, a faint yellow glow lit the way as you moved forward. The old wooden floors creaked beneath the weight of your snow laden boots as you took your first few steps inside, allowing the heavy door to swing back shut with a loud thud. Wincing at the sound, you felt your heart thump nervously and felt a sudden pang of regret wash over you, almost as if you felt like you were trespassing. You can still leave.
“Stop overthinking.” You chastised yourself, knowing you were being irrational now. Ghosts did not exist and neither did vampires, it was all in your head.
Treading carefully, you made your way down the hall that had great long wooden tables lining each side with wax candles sat atop them, the table tops themselves had markings engraved within them and as you dragged your fingers along the symbols, you decided they were probably Old Norse. A language that had been dead for many years. Lifting your had, you rubbed at the thick layer of dust that had settled upon your fingertips. This place definitely hadn’t been touched in a long time, and for a moment you wondered if you and Lawrence were the first tourists to investigate in years. It seemed like it.
Unlocking your phone, you decided to take a few pictures of the beautiful furniture for your records before moving on. This would make for a good article on your blog – frozen in time, a look inside the world of Vikings. You wondered if you could steal something small and tuck it into your bag as a souvenir of sorts. Looking ahead, you noticed a stone fireplace in the centre at the back of the hall and as you strolled over towards it with your phone in hand to take another picture, something else caught your attention from the corner of your eye. Turning, you audibly gasped.
Two beautiful wooden thrones sat untouched at the furthest point of the great hall, sat atop a wooden platform. They looked over the entire hall, above the rest of the tables and you knew then that this was once where the King and Queen probably dined with their people.
“Wow.” You whispered, approaching the rare find. The floorboards creaked with each slow step and as you got closer, your eyes widened and twinkled in the dark as you absorbed the intricate detail of both beautiful chairs.
You walked up onto the platform and reached out to touch the main throne, the one you could only assume belonged to a line of great Kings starting with Ragnar Lothbrok. Dragging your fingers along the twisted branches and steel that bound them together, you smiled and took the opportunity to sit in the throne.
It wasn’t the most comfortable seat, but you definitely felt like royalty as you leaned back and closed your eyes. Just for a moment you pretended it was a different time, that you were a Queen of a Viking army. Breathing in a slow breath, you opened your eyes again and gazed down the hallway you had walked up.
Your eyes took a moment to adjust to the darkness as the flashlight rested in your lap, and as you blinked you were certain there was a shape of a figure standing by the main door you had entered through. Lawrence?
“You took your time, come see what I’ve found.” You called out, crossing one leg over the other casually with a coy smile. “I can’t be sure, but I think this throne once belonged to Ragnar Lothbrok and his sons. It’s beautiful…” You drummed your fingers against the arm rest.
No response. The silence was deafening, and you felt a deep fluttering within your belly as you snatched your flashlight and shone it down where the figure stood. But the light didn’t reach that far, and so you leaped from the throne anxiously.
“Lawrence?” You called nervously this time, your eyes narrowing as you kept them on the figure who stood in the shadows, unmoving. “This is not funny; I’m not playing your stupid games idiot.”
Once again there was nothing and you panicked, the stories that had been told to you from the locals playing in the forefront of your mind.
‘Ivar the Boneless died in battle, yes – but he was revived and cursed with immortality. The stories say his brother Hvitserk accompanied him back to the castle where he lives till this very day, surviving on the blood of those who dare enter his lair.’
‘Hvitserk too?’
‘Perhaps, though there have been no witnesses to survive that could tell us what they have seen. All we know is that those who travel up the mountains don’t travel back down, so in all probability they have been killed.’
“Ivar?” You breathed, the flashlight in your hand trembling.
“Hello, Y/N.”
The voice echoed through the hall and your breath caught in your throat, fear bleeding into every fibre of your being as you jumped from the throne platform and sprinted towards a side-door that led into the bowels of the castle. The last thing you wanted was to travel deeper inside, but you had no other choice. Gasping for breaths in the darkness, you tried to hold the flashlight steady and peered down at your phone in the other hand.
No signal.
1% battery life.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” You hissed, not having a clue what door led to which room or if there was any other exit that you could escape from. You just ran forward with no sense of direction, and eventually came face to face with a staircase. You couldn’t go back now, what if he was right behind you?
The thought alone made you squeal as you scrambled up the stone steps, tripping over your boot at one point and dropping your useless phone that tumbled all the way back down to the bottom. You wouldn’t be going back for it now. Reaching the upper floors of the bitterly cold castle, your flickering flashlight was threatening to give up on you as you desperately searched for a hiding spot. Bolting to the end of the corridor, you ran into one of the rooms and as quietly as you could, closed the door behind you.
Backing up until your thighs hit the wooden frame of a bed in the centre of the room, you felt tears well in your eyes. You were terrified.
“Y/N, it was a joke!” Lawrence shouted out from outside in the corridor. “It’s me, I was only teasing.”
Anger. You saw red and felt humiliated as your colleague shoved the bedroom door open and grinned back at you, holding his camera in your face and your phone in his other hand. You couldn’t believe it.
“HA!” He laughed loudly when he saw the look on your face, pointing at you as he filmed your reaction. “You ran like a shot, Jesus…”
“Get out.” You growled, storming forward to shove his chest. “It’s not fucking funny, stop filming me.”
“Hey, c’mon – it’s hilarious!” He laughed. “Ivar?” Mocking the way you had called out the Viking’s name, he shook his head and bent forward to slap his knee with amusement. “I thought you didn’t believe in vampires!”
“I said get out!” Slapping the camera from his hands, you scowled up at him as it tumbled and crashed to the floor with a thud.
“Hey, what the fuck!” He glared back at you and snatched the front of your jacket, clinching his jaw as if he was debating on whether to hit you or not. But he decided against it, shoving you instead and watching you fall to the bed as he leaned down to pick up his prized possession. “It was a damn joke, get over yourself.”
“No, you’re trying to use me for your stupid videos and it’s not happening. Whatever footage you’ve got of me on there, delete it.” You warned him.
“Hell no, this is going up on my blog first thing when we get back to town. You’ll see how funny it is when you’ve calmed down. Pretty girl gets spooked by Ivar the Boneless, idiots on the internet eat that shit up.”
That was enough. Lunging forward, you snatched the camera from his grasp and turned around, throwing it as hard as you could against the stone wall opposite the bed. You watched as it smashed, bits of plastic bursting out into shards across the floor and instant regret flooded you.
Not about smashing it, because he deserved that to happen – but because you knew the fact he wouldn’t get views online from his snot-nosed followers would infuriate him.
“Y/N!” He shouted, his voice echoing through the halls as he grabbed the back of your hood and yanked you back towards him. “What the fuck is wrong with you, that’s my life’s work you dumb bitch!”
Wincing as he flung you against the wall by the door, you kicked your boot at his shin and threw a punch that connected with his shoulder.
“Let me go!” You growled, struggling against him as he swung his arm back and swung it forward again, slapping you against the face. A sharp sting radiated through your cheek, and you closed your eyes and lifted your hands to defend yourself from the assault you thought was about to come your way.
But nothing happened.
Instead, you heard gargling.
Snapping your eyes open again, you felt your entire body weaken in terror as Lawrence stood in front of you grasping at his throat. Blood spurted from his mouth and nose as he stumbled back, staring back at you with fear and desperation. You were speechless, frozen stiff in place as he collapsed to his knees and bled out at your feet. Behind him had been standing a tall, broad man with the bluest eyes you think you had ever seen. His hand was coated in blood, and he brought his fingers to his mouth, licking them clean as he gazed back at you in the dark.
“I heard a struggle; it seems you needed some help from this boy.” He mumbled in a deep Nordic accent and stepped over Lawrence’s dying body, towering over you in the confined space. “Are you hurt?”
You stood perfectly still and parted your lips, trying to speak but the sounds of Lawrence’s gargled breaths distracted you. Never had you witnessed someone dying before and as much as you hated him, you felt sick and faint.
“You called my name earlier; it woke me from a deep sleep…” He continued, his blood-stained lips curling into a smirk as he reached his clean hand up to stroke your reddened cheek that would soon bruise from the slap.
A breath hitched in your throat at how cold he was, the gentle stroke of his fingers sending a shiver to ripple up the length of your spine.
“You… you are Ivar the Boneless.” You whispered fearfully, glancing down to the floor to see blood pooling around your boots.
“Yes.” He affirmed. “And you are?”
“Mm, and what are you and this…” He peered down at the body that had stopped struggling and sighed. “…moron doing creeping around my home, huh?”
“I’m sorry, we came here to see…”
“Go on.” Ivar pressed you impatiently.
“To see if you were real, to see if this place really existed.” You told him. “I’m sorry, I’ll leave. I didn’t mean to disturb you.” You took a step forward and slid past him, your body grazing against his as you tried to head for the door but he grabbed your hand.
“Ah, ah.” He tutted, shaking his head of dark braids. “That is not how it works, you see – as soon as you stepped through that door you became mine.”
You felt your belly flutter and shrank into yourself as he took a step in towards you again, leaning forward to breathe in your hair.
“Yours?” You whispered in confusion.
“Yes, mine.” He told you. “Everything in this castle is my property, that now includes you and this sack of shit on my floor.” Pointing to Lawrence’s body, Ivar sucked in a breath. “Unfortunately, my anger got the best of me when it came to him, I should have kept him alive for his blood. I haven’t fed in a long time.”
He looked you over when he said that, his blue eyes darkening with a hunger that made you want to run. “Please don’t hurt me.”
“I don’t want to.” He explained and ran his hands up over your shoulders, pulling you against him and holding you tight. “But I am hungry, and your blood sings to me my sweet girl. This won’t hurt for long, I promise.”
“No, no!” You gasped, your struggling useless as he dragged his soft lips down the column of your neck. Licking his tongue out against the beating vein that called to him, a deep growl rose from his throat and he sank his teeth into you with a savage bite that made you scream. “Ivar, please!”
Your legs gave way but it didn’t matter, he was unnaturally strong – clutching you to him like a bear would with its prey. Warmth spilled down your collarbone and you whimpered as he drank you, low groans escaping him. Digging your fingernails into his black armour, your eyes rolled as you became weaker in his arms.
Thump. Thump.
Thump…… Thump.
Your heartbeat slowed and you huffed out a weak breath when he suddenly pulled his head back, snarling out an animalistic growl. His white teeth and long fangs were coated in blood, a trickle of it spilling down his chiselled chin as you sank against his chest.
“Fuck.” He groaned, eyes almost translucent they were that blue as he gazed down at your pretty face. “Good girl. Come, let’s get you settled.”
Lifting you up into his arms with ease, Ivar carried you from the room in what seemed like a blur as your eyes rolled shut.
“Are you going to kill me?” You whispered.
“Not yet.” He told you, his voice a low seductive growl. “I’m going to drink you and I’m going to fuck you and then I’m going to make you like me and the rest of my family who live in the shadows.”
The rest? You thought, slipping into unconsciousness as Ivar the Vampire stole you away deep into the confines of his castle.
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 Starting awake, you sat up in the darkness and reached your hands out to feel soft silk sheets surrounding you. Looking around and down at yourself, you frowned as you noticed your boots, winter trousers and jacket had been removed, replaced with a white cotton dress that barely covered your thighs.
“You are beautiful, y/n.” Ivar mumbled from the shadows, approaching you slowly as you crawled up towards the headboard and away from him.
“What is this place?” You asked, looking around the large room that had been lit with candles. “What did you do to me?”
Turning your gaze back onto him, you felt something flutter deep within you as he stood shirtless. Viking tribal tattoos littered his strong defined chest, and as you dragged your eyes lower you noted his defined abs.
“These are my private quarters, the part of the castle you didn’t get the chance to intrude on.” He raised a brow at you, a dangerous glint within his eye. “But now, here you are with me. I fully intend on creating a bond with you, one where you will be my progeny and I your master.”
You felt your stomach leap as he crawled up onto the bed after you, his piercing eyes never leaving your face as he reached out and grabbed your ankles. Yanking you down the mattress, he smirked sadistically as you yelped in surprise.
“Are you afraid of me?”
“Of course, I am.” You whispered, though it was not only fear that you felt as you looked into his eyes but a strange lust. Something was terribly wrong with you to be attracted to this creature but he was so beautiful, almost god-like that it seemed impossible not to.
“It’s good to be afraid, fear makes you more aware of what’s happening.” He leaned forward and kissed your thigh, his cool lips lingering against your skin. “I want you to know that I have waited for you for a long time, and now that I have you, I cannot let you go.”
He spread your thighs then and nuzzled his nose between them, eliciting a gasp from your throat and forcing you to arch your back. Reaching down to twist your fingers into his dark braids, your legs trembled as he breathed in your scent.
“Oh.” You sank your teeth into your bottom lip when he finally pressed a kiss against your mound, a jolt of pleasure radiating through you at the feeling.
You wondered if this was all a dream, a terrifyingly beautiful dream that you soon would wake from. Using his palms to pin you down, Ivar lapped at your tender wet cunt until he had you crying out his name.
You came.
Then you came again. Hard.
Feeling spasms ripple through your entire body, you moaned and spread your legs further as he dragged himself up and over you. Strong arms settled at either side of your head and he dipped his hips between your thighs, the feeling of his hard cock brushing against your soaked centre making you buck your hips in response.
“Do you want to be mine?” He asked, grabbing your throat and grazing his thumb against the bite mark he had left in your throat. “Will you give yourself to me completely, my love?”
You felt compelled to say “Yes.”
It was if he was inside your head, making you say and feel these things for him and yet you gladly accepted your fate.
“Good girl.” He growled and thrust inside of you in one hard stroke, splitting you open with a delicious burn that forced a cry from your lips.
You snatched your arms around his broad defined shoulders, digging your nails into his smooth skin as he began an unrelenting rhythm. You moaned and screamed and shuddered beneath him as he fucked you deep, his controlled movements driving you insane with lust.
“Ivar!” You cried as his girth stretched you painfully, the feeling of being unbelievably full of him almost too much. But he held you down, you weren’t getting away from him as he possessed you. “Oh my god!”
He grunted, a low growl rumbling deep within his chest as he took what belonged to him. Pressing kisses against your collarbone and then down to your breasts, your eyes rolled as he sucked one nipple into his mouth and then the other, paying them equal attention.
Your grip on his braids tightened and he licked a trail up your chest, kissing up your throat and chin until his lips found yours. The Viking vampire’s mouth was soft as he licked his tongue into your mouth when you gasped from one particularly deep thrust of his hips, and you could taste a mix of him and you that made you moan into him.
Sliding one calloused hand down to grab your knee, he lifted your leg and forced it up to rest over his shoulder. Arching against him, you whined at the change of position that dug deeper still and brushed against that spongey piece of heaven tucked up inside of you.
“Ah!” You whimpered, feeling yourself tighten around him.
“That’s it, y/n.” He growled lowly, smirking against your mouth as he stared into the depths of your eyes. Knocking his forehead against yours gently, he watched you as he fucked you hard. Skin smacked against skin, the wet sounds of him taking you filling the room and you stiffened.
Hissing, Ivar snatched a handful of your hair and tugged your head to one side as you came around him. Your pussy spasmed, clutching onto his cock tightly, milking him for everything he had and as he was on the verge of his own release he knew it was time.
Burying his face into the crook of your neck, he sank his fangs into the artery he had torn open earlier and began to drink. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head with so much arousal that you weren’t aware of his deadly love bite. He continued to fuck you, his pace slowing just a little as he drank your hot blood down in large greedy gulps.
Soon, you realised that something was wrong. You felt it. Whimpering in a mixture of pleasure and pain now, you pushed at his arms to try and get him to stop but he didn’t plan on it. He drank you deeply, the addicting taste of your life blood filling the void within him.
“Ivar…” You moaned, frowning in discomfort.
He used his free hand to stroke your face gently as if he were reassuring you all would be okay. Blood spilled into the sheets of the mattress and into your hair in a pool and your heart began to stutter, its strong beat fading.
You gasped for a breath and just before you fell into a fatal sleep, Ivar pulled back with a sputtered growl and sank his fangs into his wrist, tearing open his own flesh before pressing the bleeding wound to your lips.
“Drink!” He demanded of you, and with weak gulps you did.
As his cold blood spilled down your throat, he howled out and came inside you in a deep thrust. He grunted and growled at the pleasure of you.
“That’s it.” He hissed, blood spilling from the corner of his mouth as you slurped at him until you fell asleep.
Your head rolled back against the mattress and you were dead to the world, the human version of yourself dying with laboured breaths as Ivar’s blood worked its way through your body keeping you from slipping away completely.
Pulling out of you, he slid an arm under your neck and lifted your frail frame up into his embrace. The sheets were stained red, it looked like a murder scene and he supposed it was for he had killed you and birthed you a new life that soon would come to be.
“There we go, my sweet girl.” He whispered, kissing the side of your face as he stood from the bed and carried you from the bedroom. “No more pain.”
Strolling through the castle, he smirked a bloody smile when he caught sight of his brothers Hvitserk and Ubbe exiting a room down the corridor.
“We heard everything, you know.” Hvitserk eyed the girl in his brother’s arms curiously, a hunger darkening in his features at the sight of you.
“She’s beautiful.” Ubbe murmured.
“I wanted you to hear.” Ivar muttered arrogantly, kissing the corner of your lips as he said so. “She will soon be one of us, I still need to bury her and by tomorrow she will rise.”
“I want one.” Hvitserk grumbled.
“Me too.” Ubbe glanced at his brother and then back to Ivar. “I think we need to venture into town and find more girls, take them back here and turn them.”
“I think that would be good.” Ivar nodded. “Now, I need one of you to bury us.”
“I’ll do it.” Hvitserk volunteered.
“I’ll watch.” Ubbe smirked.
Heading down the staircase with you safely tucked into his arms, Ivar moved with a blur that no ordinary human would be able to see and took you out into the snowy courtyard.
Setting you down on the snow, he dug a grave big enough for two and set you down inside before he turned to glare at his brothers who watched on curiously.
“Okay…” He nodded and lowered himself down to join you, spooning you from behind and tucking his face into your hair.
Hvitserk grabbed a shovel and scooped a large amount of snow and piled it inside the grave. It wasn’t long before the both of you were buried six feet below the earth.
Soon you would rise with your master by your side, forever bonded by blood and death.
tag list:  @punkrocknpearls  @youbloodymadgenius @strayrockette @tgrrose @ISTORKYOU @ivarhoegh @adrille88 @jadelynlace @readsalot73​
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zodiyack · 3 years
When The Past Follows
Requested by Anon: Hey I really love your writing and I was wondering if you could do a supernatural x the originals fanfic. Maybe the reader grew up with the Winchesters and both her and Dean have unexpressed feelings for each other so when they go to New Orleans for a case and a secret past relationship with Klaus comes to the surface things get...well...complicated.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader, mentioned previous Niklaus Mikaelson x Female!reader
Warnings: Angst, swearing, cocky Klaus
Words: 2,013
Summary: (See Request)
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Taglist: @matth1w, @redspaceace-writes, @fandom-puff, @darling-i-read-it, @simonsbluee, @jenepleurepasbaby, @dpaccione, @psychkunox, @sebastianstanslefteyebrow, @sparklesmolwarriorprincess​
Masterlist | The Originals Masterlist | Supernatural Masterlist
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Some Years Ago . . .
“I love you.”
“I love you too...but-
“But what.” His words was not a question, but a command. A command to know her reasoning.
“I...I told you...I’m good to mess around, be involved but...” her hand caressed his face gently. The man leaned into her warm, soft skin, closing his eyes as a crestfallen look slid upon his face.
“Don’t say it-” he breathed softly.
As much as she wanted to comply to his request, though it was more of a demand, reality was the giant hurdle she simply couldn’t jump over. Going around would be cheating and running into it would do nothing to affect anything positively. Her only choice was to give up, for she’d tried and tried to jump over it for so damn long, her legs felt as though they were about to give out.
The moment was almost poetic, in a depressed, melancholy way. A single tear slipped from her eye before she sniffled and tore her hand from his face. “I have to leave soon. One of the consequences to that is that I can’t afford to fall in love. Not now, probably not ever. Especially not with someone...like...like...”
“Like me.” His eyes opened and the softness faded from his blue orbs. The feeling of tenderness no longer filled the air around them.
“No- not like that! It’s-”
“Yes, like that. If that’s how it is, if you believe I’m like the ones you hunt...so be it.”
The waterworks did their job and the dam broke, for she was unable to stop herself. “What? I-”
“Leave,” he hesitated, but not for long, turning his back on the woman he once loved, “before I tear your throat out.”
Present Day
“Where are we?” Y/n rubbed the tiredness out of her eyes, just waking up from a long nap that had lasted most of the drive. The last thing she remembered was curling up in the backseat and closing her eyes. Now, the car was somewhere new. It was familiar, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it.
“On our way to New Orleans. We have a mission, remember?”
“Name sounds familiar.” She sighed, still stuck on digging through her memory. “How long until we stop?”
“Not that long, sweetie.” Dean assured her. He met her eyes through the mirror, a chuckle erupting from his throat when she raised her brow to the nickname. “We’ll wake you when we get there. You should rest some more.”
It took one second for her to shut her eyes and drift back into unconsciousness. This time, though, her sleep was not as pleasant. Somewhere, deep inside her, she knew what lied in New Orleans. And that part of her dreaded what was to come.
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They arrived at a mansion of sorts, parking in the closest spot they could, which was hard due to the rowdy street. The Winchester brothers found it amusing, the cheeriness of the natives, the tourists itching to see every bit of what they thought was some normal place. Y/n, however, made the connection the second she laid eyes on the French Quarter.
“C’mon, we’re supposed to go inside this place.” Sam double checked the paper in his hand before nodding up to the gated mansion. Y/n’s eyes doubled in size, it felt like her heart dropped to her stomach.
He nodded slowly but brushed it off as though she was simply making sure. A shudder ran through the three of them when they stepped onto the property. Everything felt off. The energy. The scent. The sight that greeted them;
Sam cringed, perturbed as the grotesque sound of fangs ripping into flesh became the only sound in the room. Noticing both the discomfort on the Winchesters’ faces and the uncomfortably familiar person they were staring at, Y/n took charge.
“Sorry to interrupt your meal, but we have some shit to do, and questions to ask.”
Klaus’ head turned, his body tense like a snake coiling to pounce on the oblivious little mouse. However, the second his eyes met Y/n’s, he relaxed, only for a second. Then his better-than-thou demeanor returned his infamous cheeky grin slipped upon his blood-stained lips.
“I thought I told you to leave, little mouse.” That’s what she was to him. Just another little creature for him to savagely drain.
What he didn’t know, was that over time, she became what was known as a wolf in sheep’s clothing, ironically. Spending most of her life with the Winchesters impacted her a lot, but after cutting Klaus from her life and spending more time with the brothers, she toughened up dramatically. “Yeah but then you hired us to rid ‘your city’ of some supernatural vermin, but the only vermin I see is you.”
“Feistier now, I love it. Pleasure to see you again, Y/n/n.” Rebekah descended from the staircase, a genuine smile on her painted lips as she greeted her old friend. “And you picked up some better friends. I knew I liked you for a reason.”
“Better as in not Klaus?” She asked. Then Y/n met the man in question’s eyes and held a bitter smile. “Couldn’t agree more.”
“Finally, someone sees my point. Anyways, I’ll guide you to my part of the problem while Nik discusses his with the boys.” The blond was quick to pull Y/n away and up to her room, pulling out a drink before she would actually take her to see what was in the Mikaelson cellar.
Without Y/n, the tension had thickened. More specifically, the tension between the two men who had ever loved her. Dean’s unspoken feelings and Klaus’ romantic trauma were unbeknownst to each other, but Klaus was no fool. He could pick up on Dean’s feelings from a mile away, and he was feeling rather petty at the moment.
The mischief in this expression grew a dangerous amount. “You and I are the same, friend.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Dracula.” He held the look of disinterest.
Klaus gave an acknowledging nod to Dean’s jest-like-quip. “Sure you do. While we are of different species,” he paused, the corners of his mouth nearing his eyes with each second the passed by, “we are interested in the same prize.”
Dean began to sweat, informing Klaus that he did indeed know the subject of the matter, but still, he avoided giving into the antagonizing hybrid. “Nice to meet a man who likes his sandwiches, right Sammy?”
“I- ...What?”
“No, no. While it would be nice to get a bite of her, taste her sweet blood, I find it wouldn’t be as appetizing to you as it is to me?”
Sam stepped forward, “Back off, dude. Dean isn’t a vamp, and Y/n isn’t gonna be your next meal.”
“That’s not quite what I meant...” He tilted his head, his eyes narrowing and grin not yet faltering. “Sammy, is it?”
“It’s Sam to you.” Dean grumbled. “Look, Y/n can choose on her own.”
“Agreed.” Niklaus nodded. His lips were forming another word, but Dean interjected at record speed.
“But she has a brain, so don’t expect her to choose your fanged ass.”
“Enough.” Klaus’ playfully sinister expression dissipated into pure agitation. “It may be that she can choose with her own free will, but she has already chosen me once, who’s to say she wouldn’t be opposed to choosing me again?”
The hybrid’s cruel smile returned to his face as Dean visually tensed. Dean’s jaw and fists clenched. Had Sam not grabbed his arm, Dean probably would’ve swung at the cocky man in front of him. “We have some business to do, if you don’t mind showing us?”
“Ah, yes, right this way please.”
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Rebekah’s, really Hayley Marshall and the werewolves of the Bayou’s, problem was solved, leaving Klaus’ to be taken care of before the three could return home. He drove them to some woodsy area, ushered them out of the car, and from then on, they walked. The four of them tried to stay together the best they could, but every now and then the group would drift slightly.
Another drift happened, Sam closer to Klaus who was leading the way. This was it. A free moment to ask. Dean had to take advantage of it. He neared Y/n cautiously before whispering in her ear, “Is it true?”
Y/n furrowed her brows in confusion. “Is what true?”
“That you and the Count,” he nodded his head in Klaus’ direction, “were up close and personal?”
“Ya know... You guys were bangi-”
Y/n’s face scrunched, “No! I know what you meant- I just- Who told you that?”
“Mr. Wolf himself.”
Her expression morphed into one of rage. “What else did he tell you?”
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Y/n grabbed Klaus’ arm, making Dean’s jaw clench and Klaus smile wickedly. She harshened her grip and planted her feat, telling him to stay behind with her. Dean threw a glance over his shoulder to Y/n but continued forward with Sam when she nodded reassuringly. 
“I see, you really aren’t opposed to more-”
She rolled her eyes and let go of his arm to turn and face him. Although Klaus’ grin grew at her actions, it fell when he was shoved backwards. “Why the fuck are you such a dick?!”
“I’ll take that as a compliment, love. The worst of them all is what I’ve always aimed to be.”
“Of course you have.” Another eye-roll. She was tired of his bullshit. It followed her for years, then she finally had other things on her mind, but here it was again. “Just tell me, why on earth you would bring up our relationship out of the blue. You were the one who spat on my heart, were you not?”
“That’s hardly the case! You broke my own when you said ‘but’ after claiming to love me!”
Red clouded her vision. “I did love you! Just...” Y/n tried to calm herself. “Tell me why you did it.”
“Couldn’t help myself. Perhaps I was jealous.”
Y/n scoffed. “Jealous? What’s there to be jealous of?”
“You really don’t see it?” He chuckled.
“See what?”
“I think your friend Dean got the point pretty quickly.”
The gears grinded, a mere moment passing by before- “What?! No- He doesn’t... Does he?... Even if he does...why...” It wasn’t the only thing that clicked. “You fucking asshole! Is this why you hired us? To get a rise out of the man I love?”
“On the contrary, I do have a rather annoying problem with some supernatural being, however, like I said, I couldn’t help but watch the envy in your little crush grow with each story I shared.”
Y/n shifted on her feet, furrowed her brows, and sighed heavily. “Lets catch up then. But once we deal with it, I want out of your life, and you out of mine.”
“I said, we’re doing what you hired us to do, and then we’re gone.”
“Yes! Yes, I’m fucking sure, Klaus! I never wanted to come back here anyways. You hired us, we responded. You wanna know why I’m pissed right now? Well, for one, you threatened me when I said I had to leave, then now, you had the fucking nerve to pick on Dean the second you noticed his feelings towards me when I’m not yours to be jealous over. You riled him up over something I try to forget.”
Her words made him flinch, tears leaving his eyes. “Do you really mean that?”
“Yes.” She took a second for her tone to sink in, then turned back toward the boys, who were becoming smaller and smaller in the distance. “We’re finishing our case. When we’re done, I plan on living a happy life with Dean by my side, doing cases with him and his brother, maybe having a kid or two, and never, I mean never this time, seeing you ever again.”
Then, with one final shake of her head, she ran off to join the Winchesters. To say her words were easy to take in would be bullshit. And, she sighed, Klaus was full of that.
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volturicangetit · 4 years
D.V/A.V/J.V/F.V- soft moments
9 ” Vampires? God no, those fuckers can go back to the ’ Vampire Diaries ’, I’ll have a wolf. “
10 ” Fuck me. “ ” I might. “
12 ” There is blood on my new couch, my phone just broke and I’m already in big debt so, no, I won’t calm down. “.
13 ” Cool cape, mosquito boy. “
A/N: I decided to just use one prompt for every guard so yeah, because I just couldn’t choose between them. <#
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A steady knock on your window pulls your attention away from your book. You look up at your left towards your window. A dark figure with two bright red eyes is staring at you. A normal person would be terrified, but not you. You have gotten to know the person as Demitri. You met him two months back when you had gotten lost in the city that you now call your home, Volterra. He had shown you around and brought you back to your house and you have stayed friends ever since. He comes by almost every night to check up on you and hang out at your place for a bit. You quickly throw the book down onto the couch you are sitting on and jump up, running to the window. You open it and Demitri silently makes his way inside. You quickly close the window behind him to prevent any more cold air from coming into your warm home. Demitri wraps his arms around you and pulls you into a tight hug. His cold skin is concealed by a thick layer of clothes. His normally formal outfit of a robe and blouse is now replaced by a pair of sweatpants and a sweater. You didn't know any better than 'casual Demitri' but if any of his coven members saw him like this, it would be a culture shock. "Demi," you croak out. "Can't breath.". You give him some pats on his back so signal him to let you go. He quickly releases you from his grip and walks over to the couch before letting himself fall onto the soft furniture. His fingers run over the cotton fabric that covers it.
"So, what have you been up to?" he asks. A smile appears onto your face at the sound of his voice. God, you loved his accent. You walk over to him and grab the book that is lying beside him. He looks at the cover. "A vampire novella?" he asks. You shake your head, smacking his head with the book softly before plopping onto the couch next to him and continuing your book.
"Vampires? God no, those fuckers can go back to the ’ Vampire Diaries ’, I’ll have a wolf," you say before pointing at the white wolf printed into the cover of the book. Demitri fake pouts as he holds a hand over his heart. "Oh, how it breaks my old heart to hear that.". You know about Demitri's vampirism. You don't know the in's and out's of it but it also isn't very hard to guess judging by his red eyes and unusual clothing when you first met.
You shrug, putting the book down again. "Yeah, I don't know. At least wolves won't try to kill me," you say. You put your two pointer fingers up to your lips, making 'fangs' with them. "I want to suck yer' blood!" you say in a bad Dracula-like accent. Demitri lets out a laugh as he gives your arm a playful slap. "On a totally different note, want to watch a movie? Maybe 'Dracula'?" you ask. Demitri throws a pillow that is lying beside him at your head.
"Or 'The vampires assistant'?" you giggle as you shield yourself from the pillow. Demitri lets out a groan as lets his head fall back and rest against the couch. "Will you ever stop with those annoying vampire jokes?". You shake your head with a shit-eating grin on your lips. Demitri jumps up and holds a hand softly over your throat as he leans in closer. "I might just have to turn you then,". You swat his hand away from you and give him a small push against his chest before grabbing the remote of your television and turning it on, opening Netflix. "Yeah right, now shut up and watch 'Dracula' with me”
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You and the other higher guards are walking over to the throne room. A trial is to be held in a couple of minutes and you're presence is requested to protect the masters from a possible lash out. You got yourself a place in the Volturi a couple of hundred years ago when Alec and Jane found you on a mission. You felt a strong pull toward Alec the moment you saw him. Marcus confirmed your suspicion when he stated that you two were indeed mates. You and Alec have been inseparable ever since. Which is why it doesn't even faze you when he suddenly runs up beside you, wrapping an arm around your waist as he walks with you to the throne room. "I was wondering where you were," you say as you lean into his touch.
"I am sorry, il mio amore, some new guard had gotten into some trouble," he says. You shrug, before looking in front of you again. "It's alright,". The trip to the throne room isn't very long. From behind the door, you can already hear grunts and screaming. The vampire on trial had arrived earlier and is clearly not agreeing with the masters. Alec turns you towards him to give you a kiss. Your lips connect and you melt into his touch. The moment is short-lived though since you hear the sound of the marble floor breaking. A fight. "Fuck me," you mumble under your breath as you get yourself ready to fight off the vampire. "I might," Alec growls into your ear.
You push him off you with a smile. "Maybe if you walk me with the wanker," you say as you point towards the dark oak doors. Alec nods as he walks out in front of you and throws the doors open. He looks over his shoulder and sends a wink your way before using his speed to run towards the angry vampire. Cheeky fucker.
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You are annoyed. No, angry. Your day had already been shitty. You missed your bus so you had to walk to work through the pouring rain. Your feet have been killing you since you woke up and your boss yelled at you for coming late. Now, when you finally got home, you find your best friend Jane on your now blood-stained couch with your neighbour lying dead beside her. You got so scared from the sight that you let your phone fall on the ground, causing the screen to break. "What the fuck, Jane? What the actual, royal fuck!" you scream at her as you run over to her to check if she's okay. She slaps away your hand tiredly. "I didn't get to drink in some time, I'm sorry," she says as wipes the remainders of blood from the corners of her mouth with the back of her hand. You shake your head as you sprint to your kitchen to get a damp cloth in an effort to safe your ruined couch.
"I got that you have to drink blood and shit, but why the fuck do you need to use my neighbour for that? He's kind, well was, thanks to you," your tone is pointed as you crouch down in front of the couch and to scrub the still fresh blood away. "He was only human," Jane shrugs as she gets up from her position on the floor. She uses her speed to run over to the kitchen and grab herself a cloth as well and starts to help you with the couch.
"Only human? What the fuck is wrong with being human?" you yell. She places a hand on your shoulder which you quickly shrug off. "Jesus, calm down,". You shake your head and throw your cloth at her head. "There is blood on my new couch, my phone just broke and I’m already in big debt so, no, I won’t calm down,". You stand up and starts to walk in circles around your living room. Everything was becoming a bit too much. Jane quickly sees the seriousness of the issues and walks over to you, pulling you into a hug to make you stand still. You break down in her arms, letting the tears that have been building up all day finally fall from your eyes. Jane rubs soft circles on your back with one hand as the others softly pet your head.
"It is going to be alright," she says in a soft voice. " I'll take care of your financials and replace your couch. Vampire money, remember?" she says. You laugh through your tears as you hear her use your term for the insane amount of money the Volturi and its members have build up over time. You nod, wrapping your arms around her small form. "It is going to be alright, I am here for you.”
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You are the newest and youngest member of the Volturi, having only been turned three years ago and joining them only a year into your 'second life'. The Volturi normal didn't have such young members but they changed that when Aro saw you using your gift in one of Alice's visions. The age gap between you and the rest is like an elephant in the room. Not only did you dress very different from them, but your vocabulary is also vastly different. You have been getting along with Felix because of this. You are like a breath of fresh air in his dead lungs. "Hey, beefcake!" Felix hears you call out. You have given him that nickname since the moment you met him, and he would be lying is he said it didn't bring a smile to his face. He turns around, looking down at you. "What cracka-lacking, old man?" you say. He tilts his head to the side in confusion.
"Cracka-lacking?" he asks with a smile on his face. You nod. "Yeah, like, what's up?". He nods, shrugs his shoulder before pointing over his shoulder, notifying you on what direction to go. He continues his walk and you follow him. " Not a lot, I have to bring a message to the secretary,".
You wipe some fake sweat of your forehead. "Pf, glad I showed up. You would have given her a heart attack, homie.". He frowns his forehead as he looks at you. "I can't help how fragile human hearts are," he says in a deep tone. You shake your head and give his arm a soft slap.
"Hearts are not fragile, you're just really fucking scary," you say. "Like a big bear. A big blood-sucking bear,". Felix rolls his eyes at your words as you near the secretary. Panic fills her eyes as she spots Felix but that leaves the moment she sees you. You send her a thumbs-up as you run over to her desk, sitting down into it. "Hi, what's popping?" you ask as you two do your handshake. You created a handshake with her as you spent most of your day with her. Not only was it good to be around her to gain more self-control, but since you are still very new to the vampire world you relate to her the most. "Sto bene, grazie," she says. She doesn't know much English, which is why you are teaching her some and she is teaching you Italian. Felix hands a small note he has been holding to her. She quickly reads through it before sending him a smile. She grabs a package from under her desk and hands it to him. "New clothes," she says in a thick accent.
Felix rips the brown bag of the piece of clothing. A robe. He wraps it around his shoulders to see if it fits. "Cool cape, mosquito boy," you say, earning a laugh from the secretary. "I am as much of a mosquito as you are," he says. You nod your head at him as you jump off the desk, spotting Alec at the end of the hall and walking towards him. "Sounds like something a mosquito would say," you say with a laugh before calling out to Alec.
@scuzmunkie​ @thanossexual​ @prettyinblack231​ @cullens-stuff​ @rexburn12​ @kpopgirlbtssvt​
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tweetracer · 4 years
Hi! I love your writing, and completely understand if you don't feel like writing this. Could you do something where the reader loves Halloween and dresses up as a vampire as a joke to surprise the boys at the boardwalk or at a Halloween party in the cave. You can decide what to do with the story, I just thought that would be cute.
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When you jumped out from behind a display at Max’s video store, fully decked out in a Dracula-esque cape and plastic fangs, David thought it was the cutest thing in the entire world.
Not like he’d ever tell you that, though.
He only rolled his eyes, trying to hide the little pull of a smile on his lips by pinching the bridge of his nose and letting out a long-suffering sigh.
“This is borderline offensive, kitten”
Despite all his fussing he still stuck his arm out to you, pressing a kiss to your temple and letting you lead him around towards the various attractions and food stalls- all decorated for Halloween.
The whole night he was staring at you, expression turning exasperated anytime you made eye contact while he scrambled to cover up the adoration in his gaze.
When you’d finally dragged him up into the ferris wheel (”Kitten I can fly. This is like going paragliding with a pigeon”) he quieted down, opting to lean back into his seat and watch you watch the crowd below.
That stupid cape hung loose off your shoulders, the faux fangs long since abandoned after getting stuck in a candy apple. Your hair was a tangled mess from all the rides and the festival lights cast a halo around you.
God he was whipped.
Just as the little cart you were in came to a rocking halt at the top of the wheel he extended his hand to you, pulling you close and pressing an unusually tender kiss to your lips. His hands held either side of your face, foreheads together as he pulled back to look at you, gaze soft before a mischievous grin pulled at his lips.
“You know, kitten. If you really wanted to be a vampire all ‘ya had to do was ask”
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"Doll you should totally be a vamp for Halloween”
When Paul had suggested it and offered to buy steal a costume for you, you were all too happy to have someone equally willing to have fun on your favorite holiday.
And the fact that you were going as a vampire-  with an actual vampire? So cool- the coolest. It was going to be a hilarious inside joke for just the two of you (and also the other vamps of course.. and also probably the Frog Brothers).
When Paul strolled up ten minutes before you needed to meet the other boys at the boardwalk with something that could only loosely be called clothing, let alone a costume, you were disappointed but not surprised.
The skimpy leather shorts, the straps along the chest and the despicably studded ‘cape’ combined with a set of fake plastic fangs read less as ‘vampire’ and more ‘vampire-themed lingerie’.
You stared, slack-jawed at the revealing outfit, not entirely sure if Paul’s insistence of “Babydoll you’re gonna look so good in this-” was actually encouraging you or not. Short on time and low on shame (after all, it was Halloween- most people are going to be either too wasted to notice or wearing even less than you) you quickly geared up.
Paul was all wolf-whistles and flirty pick-up line, his hand inching just a bit too high remain PG before you’d swat it away.
When you finally arrived at the boardwalk Paul’s mood quickly went downhill.
Like.... he knew people were going to look at you- after all you were totally smokin’ in that vampire getup. But... well he didn’t expect so many people to actually have the balls to come up and flirt with you. Especially when he was right there.
The whole night he was snappy and frustrated, progressing from just wrapping his arm around your waist to practically hanging off of you while the two of you listened to the loud music from the Halloween concert.
Finally he’d had it when some dude in a shitty store-bought wolfman mask groped your ass.
Paul went full vamp, snarling and growling as he decked the guy in the face, picked you up like you weighed nothing, and climbed up and over the crowd- charging till the two of you were alone at the beach.
He was still growling and clung to you like a lifeline while you tried not to laugh, burrowing his still vamped-out face against your neck and mumbling bitterly.
You rolled your eyes and let yourself be held, running your hands through his hair and pressing chaste kisses to his cheek when he finally sat back- giving his face a little squeeze.
“You wanna go home?” you offered gently, letting him run a hand down your back- feeling his calloused palm stop at the hem of those obscenely short shorts.
His gaze went from pouting to mischievous when he glanced up at you, all fangs and yellow eyes. You could see something formulating in his mind when he finally spoke up.
“Hey babe”
“You make a fang-tastic vampire”
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Dwayne stared at you for about twenty seconds, expression impossible to read before he covers his face with his hands, the tiniest hint of redness creeping up on his cheeks behind his fingers.
You laughed as he stood there, having a genuine conniption because oh god this is so adorable, before finally threading your arm through his and dragging him off to wander around the boardwalk.
Your nights were usually a balance of silence and conversation, easily drifting between enjoying each other’s company to chatting about whatever came to mind. Tonight, however, he was almost dead silent- following behind you while he held your hand, giving that tiny little smile that he only shared with you as you bounced from one carnival game to another. 
The two of you wandered around the boardwalk, toting an absurd amount of stuffed toys from the games all the while still squeezing Dwayne’s hand as he followed behind you.
With the concert’s blaring music in the distant background he watched as you hung on the edge of the railing, cape falling around your shoulders as you peered down below at the slowly rising tide.
Gripped with emotion he wrapped his arms around your waist, squeezing you into his chest till you turned and he could press a tender kiss to your lips.
He picked you up, grabbing the back of your thighs to wrap around his hips and holding you as tightly as he could. With a step, Dwayne floated up to stand with impossibly skilled balance on the rickety arm rail. His laugh was low and rumbling where you were pressed against his chest. 
You held on tighter to him as he fell forwards, the two of you dangling upside-down on the bottom of the boardwalk and the ends of your cape getting wet from the gently churning water below.
Despite your slight dizziness you laughed, pressing your face against his chest and holding on for dear life even though you knew he’d never drop you.
Hanging here, wrapped in his arms and feeling the occasional ocean spray on your cheeks was better than any ride.
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Marko was a whirlwind of energy on a normal day- but on Halloween? The coolest holiday of the year? Where he could wander around fully vamped out and not have a single person look at him weird?
He was unstoppable.
The two of you were dressed to the nines in ‘classic vampire’ costumes, Marko’s bright leather jacket and boots exchanged for a truly dashing three-piece suit with a long sleek black cape and his wild mane of curls braided elegantly along his back.
Frankly? He looked hot as hell. And he seemed to share the opinion, the whole night he had an arm around your waist- baring fangs at anyone who got a little too close or stared a little too long. You two were the power couple of the boardwalk.
Brain addled with the adrenaline of walking around vamped-out and an obscene amount of sugary candy, Marko was practically bouncing off the walls.
He dragged you towards every ride and event, hollering at the top of his lungs and swinging you into the air if you were going to slow- laughing how you’d yelp and scream every time.
Things were going great until some guy in a Robin Hood outfit tried to get a little handsy with you- a palm inching up against the bare skin of your back as attempted to corral you away from the contortionist you were watching.
One second Mr. Robin Hood was on his feet attempting to pull you away from the crowd and the next thing you knew he was on the floor, jaw almost certainly broken with Marko standing over him, blonde hair coming loose from its braid to fan out around him dramatically.
The scary music, the sharp fangs, the long cape billowing in that Santa Carla breeze.... Marko looked like a vision of death as he snarled, eyes yellow and fist raising to give another hard blow to the man’s face.
While you would’ve been content to watch your Gorgeous Boyfriend rip this guy a new one, the sound of police sirens getting closer told you it was time to get going.
“Let’s dash, babe” Marko’s voice was a low breathy rumble. He grabbed you by the hand and charged back towards his bike, leaving the chaos behind as you laughed your asses off.
The two of you collapsed on the sands of the beach, laying side by side and laughing at the full moon- tears streaming down your cheeks as the height of the moment began to fade.
Your silly cape was scrunched beneath you and you could feel sand start to slip into your boots and under your shirt.
The moment was perfect.
A gloved hand slipped into yours and you felt Marko scoot closer, flipping onto his stomach to watch you through lidded eyes.
When you turned to look at him a red blush was patched across his face, his lips were open as he watched you, moving slow to lean in and kiss your cheek, hovering there a moment before he began peppering your face in soft kisses.
When he finally kissed you on the lips you swore there were fireworks going off behind your eyes. His lips were chapped and soft, the hand that ran delicately over your cheek was cool to the touch as he pressed himself impossibly closer to you.
He tasted like sugar.
When he pulled back he was still staring at you with that pure, unadulterated adoration that made your face go red and your heart do that silly little flip-flop.
Reveling in your embarrassment, he pressed another series of soft kisses down your chin, giving your collar bone a rough bite that made you gasp in surprise, your hand flying up to rest on his chest.
You could feel his pleased hum vibrate against your neck when he mumbled out a sultry
“Trick or treat...”
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Spooked, But Not In A Good Way
Warnings: panic attacks, meltdowns, sensory overload
Characters: Loki, Tony Stark
Summary: inspired by this post. Loki is always hiding when on the tower, but agrees to be on the Halloween party. Until things go bad.
Notes: Yes, Thor and Loki are autistic in my headcannon. Yes, I use the word autistic, as an autistic person. And, yes, I will bite you if you attack me because of those things. Tagging @consultingcriminalatyourservice.
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Getting along with the new members of the team is not as hard as Tony imagined. Wanda and Sam are pretty okay, and Bucky is somewhat silent but not a problem. Loki's another story…
When Thor brought him here, fresh from a battle and with blood on his chest and back, he promised that Loki's quiet. And, holy shit, no one expected Loki being so introverted. It's a miracle if he appears on the "family tables", as Steve calls them. It's not hard to even forget that he's here, he's either off to a mission or locked in his room.
And even after he was proved to be mind controlled during the attack and declared innocent in every single court he was dragged into, he still didn't feel comfortable enough to be with anyone other than Thor, and maybe Bucky.
But Thor managed to convince him to come over to the Halloween party. And Loki even got dressed up, with a historically accurate costume of Dracula. He was just sitting on the bar, sipping on his wine and fidgeting with his fingers, but being in a room crowded with people and loud music was a huge step.
"Hey, Count," Tony yells as he walks closer, trying to make his voice louder than the music. Loki jerks in his seat, almost spilling his drink, before he smiles at Tony. "Oh sorry, did I scare you?" He asks, lowering his voice since he's closer.
"No… it's just, I was drifting off," Loki mutters, his voice just heard with all the noise. Tony nods and sits beside him, even though the Han Solo suit is quite tight around his waist.
"Again, thank you. Goodnight," He smiles. Tony smiles back and mutters a goodnight before leaving and closing the door. He doesn't even go back to the party, he just drags his feet to his room and crushes on the bed, falling asleep the moment his head touches his pillow.
"You know, it's good you're here…" He hums, letting a small smile. Loki makes a small throaty sound, releasing his left hand to take a sip of his wine.
"You can thank Thor for this… if it were on me, I would be still locked in my room," He scoffs a bit, forming a small smile for a brief moment.
"Still, it's nice seeing you out. You know, it almost feels like you aren't here," Tony admits. Loki does lower his eyes for s moment, the air around him getting cold. Shit, this shouldn't have happened.
"Yes… it's not that I don't like being with you… but…" He clenchs his jaw while taking, his hands holding his ears.
Before Tony can say or do anything, Loki vanishes. But he leaves a path of cold air behind him. Tony follows it to the bathroom, seeing Loki sitting on the floor in a loose fatal position, his hands covering both his ears and eyes.
Tony sits down in front of him, letting plenty of air between them. He can feel the vibrations of the bass on the floor. "Loki, bud, can you hear me?" He asks, his voice carefully low. Loki doesn't react, but he doesn't flinch either.
Tony leans his hand to Loki's knee, squeezing just enough to show that he's here. It's probably the noise. That's why Loki's always hiding, the tower is too damn loud. And being here must be a torture for him. Just the thought of how he let Loki tolerate this in silence makes Tony's stomach twist.
"Too loud…" Loki mutters, his hands pressing his ears harder and harder. Tony can feel the air in his lungs getting thinner. No, he doesn't need a panic attack now. Not while his friends is like this.
"Do…" He tries to bring air in his lungs, but it seems impossible. "How can I help?" He manages to ask. Loki raises his hand and stares at him with watery eyes. Then, he throws himself into a tight hug, breathing heavily for the next moments.
And Tony starts gasping for air.
Loki lets go of the embrace, but still holds Tony's hands. Tony lifts his head, seeing Loki breathing slowly, green smoke making the air visible. He's trying to instruct him to breathe. But why isn't he speaking?
Tony follows the instructions, feeling his lungs slowly filling with air. And Loki's hands start getting colder again as the music from the central room gets louder.
"Hey, hey. It's ok. Do you want to go somewhere quiet?" Tony asks, squeezing Loki's hands. He nods, letting Tony's hands go as they both stand up. Loki leads the way to his room, Tony beside him and still trying to compose himself, watching as Loki's fingers attack each other.
As soon as Loki opens the door to his room, Tony storms in and opens the closest window, poking his head out and trying to breathe in the cold air. Fresh air from outside always helps with his panic attacks.
"Was it that bad?" Loki asks, his voice low. Tony turns to face him and smiles. Speaking after a meltdown is a good thing, right? Loki is sitting on his bed, his makeup fading where tears dripped and still stimming with his hands, but he added lip chewing on the game too.
"No… Not really. Can I ask, is this why you're hiding in here all the time?" Tony's voice gets louder, more like him. Loki nods, looking down at his hands. Tony sits beside him on the bed, careful not to invade his personal space.
"Look, buddy, I'm sorry. We should have asked about this when you came here. It's stupid thinking that humans and Jötnar have the same hearing," He rumbles. This time, Loki lets a small scoff again.
"It's not a Jötnar thing, nor an Æsir one. I guess I'm the only one like this. And, there's nothing to apologize for. You didn't do something wrong and I thought Earth would be more quiet that Asgard," He corrects Tony, a faint smile on his lips. So, aliens can be on the spectrum too?
"Whatever, but making you an outcast is still not good… Hey, do you happen to know what your triggers are? I can make the tower more accessible," Tony suggests. He sees a light appearing in Loki's eyes as he turns his face around and stares right into Tony's eyes.
"Loud noises, mostly. They are painful. Sudden things too. And, intense smells, they make both me and Thor nauseous," He smiles. Maybe he wasn't asked this question before.
"Thor? He's in the spectrum too?"
Loki lets his eyebrows tangle with each other and his smile fade. "What spectrum?"
"I'm really not the man to explain this, but, he is sensitive too?" He corrects the answer. And, to this, Loki makes a nod.
"He likes things louder, but yes. Except for the smells, of course," He shrugs one shoulder.
"Great. I can make you some sound cancelling headphones, you decorate them, obviously, and keep the tower more quiet. How does it sound?" He asks, smiling widely. Loki lets his smile turn to a grin.
"Keep talking dirty," He purrs. Tony would make a move back, if the aroace flag wasn't hanging behind them.
"And, in case you get one of those fits again, what helps, usually?"
"Someone holding me down. Thor used to do it when we were small and it kind of sticked. You can tell the others too, if you like." He relaxes his face again, leaning back on the wall, his eyes still pinned on Tony.
"Good. And, when I get one of mine again, can you just give me space to breathe? They usually fade away after I manage to take a few deep ones,"
Loki hums at Tony's answer, a green light making his boots disappear as he pulls his legs on the bed. "Thanks you a lot, Tony… But, those things tend to be tiring, so, I think I might crash," He breaks eye contact, his hands stimming again.
"Yeah, same with the panic attacks. So, can you be at the lab tomorrow? I'll make sure the machines are quiet and I need your help to make the headphones," Tony gets up, allowing Loki to spread his long feet on the bed.
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sodalitefully · 4 years
Enter freely and of your own will [GNR, Sluff AU]
I know, I know, I've written vampire AUs before… Several times.  But I had to write something about what a nerd Slash is for vampire fiction!  Mostly inspired by interviews Slash gave after gnr covered Sympathy For The Devil for Interview With A Vampire (so any digs at the movie adaptation are based on Slash’s opinion, not mine – I’ve never seen it!).  Occasional mentions of blood and stuff, but not particularly graphic.  This fic is expanding on an AU I originally drew here.
In my mind, it all played out like the plot of a paranormal romance novel.  I’ve gotten familiar with those lately, thanks to the collection hidden in the bottom shelves of Slash’s library, buried below the gothic horror classics, the crime thrillers, and about a mountain of nonfiction.  Hell, I could probably write my own!  “Tall blonde unexpectedly falls for rock and roll bad boy with a dark secret,” yeah, the readers would eat that up.  Of course, our love story didn’t really start when the unsuspecting protagonist moved to a new city, or when the leather-clad love interest showed off his supernatural shredding skills.  No, I’d say it started a couple years later, when I found out Slash’s other deep, dark, embarrassing secret.   
It wasn’t a dark and stormy night… but it was a movie night at my place, a tradition for Slash and I.  Whenever we needed a break from the so-called rockstar lifestyle, we’d get together for a night in, smoke some pot and put on a movie. Slash laid back on my couch while I dug through a cabinet packed with VHS tapes and listed off a few options: 
“Let’s see, we have Jurassic Park, Alien, Interview With a Vampire – Uh, sorry, I guess that would be weird huh?”  Slash made a sour face. 
“Ugh.  I hate that movie, it’s such a bad adaptation. Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt, seriously?” 
“Wait,” I dropped The Empire Strikes Back and Blazing Saddles onto the growing heap of tapes and sat back on my heels to look at Slash in surprise. "You’ve seen it before?” 
“Uh…” Vampires may not be able to blush but I'd known Slash long enough to tell when he’s flustered.   
“And you’ve read the book?” 
“… Yes?”  I laughed, Slash ducked and hid his face, obviously feeling self-conscious, but I didn’t mean to laugh at him.  It was just… 
I’d assumed that a real-life vampire would roll their eyes at the cliche, over-romanticized movie interpretations of their kind.  Instead, I learned of Slash’s (nearly) indiscriminate love for all things vampire, anything from Carmilla to Buffy The Vampire Slayer.  He was a sucker (hah, get it?) for dripping fangs, swishing capes, even those crazy accents, ever since he was a kid.  And I can’t lie, it was pretty endearing.  I wasn’t in love with him yet, but the more he told me about his obsession, the more warm and tingly I felt, charmed by how genuine he was – Hell, I barely even teased him about it!  Somehow, that conversation felt even more personal than finding out he was a damn vampire.  I was really touched that he felt comfortable sharing his interests with me, that he trusted me with his softer, nerdier, more romantic side.   
I resisted the temptation to press for more details that night, but a month or so later, I caught him in the act!  I remember waking up in the afternoon after crashing at his place so late it was early the night before.  I wandered around his big, spooky house until I found Slash curled up in one of his fancy antique armchairs, his legs dangling over the armrest and a paperback book cradled in his lap.  I couldn’t make out the curlicued script on the cover, but from the captivated look on his face it was a favorite – his eyes were bright as they darted across the page, and his lips curled into a warm, gentle smile. 
I couldn’t stand to disturb him, so I snuck off before he noticed me in the doorway, and headed down the hall to the room he’d transformed into a tiny library – The man had a library in his house; between that and the subtly gothic decor it was hard to believe I never noticed that Slash was playing up the vampire aesthetic, consciously or not!  Anyway, I poked around until I found where he hid his collection of vampire lit, and snatched a few that were, shall we say, not quite as acclaimed as Dracula or even The Vampire Chronicles.  I don’t remember the titles, but there were a couple paperback romances and a horror novel with a badass-looking dude on the cover. 
I had to see what all the fuss was about, you know?  Yeah, this kind of thing wasn’t exactly up my alley, but Slash usually had good taste, so I figured it couldn’t hurt to check it out.  Plus, if it was important to Slash, I wanted to know about it!  And not just the well-known classics either; I wanted the guilty pleasures, I wanted to see what it was that could make Slash smile like that when no one was watching. 
I’ll be honest, it wasn’t bad.  I wasn’t a big reader at the time, but I raced through the horror novel in just two days, and trust me, I barely slept the night in between!  The trashy romance was more enjoyable than I would ever admit; even with all the cliches and melodrama there was something compelling about unraveling the tangled web of forbidden love in a world full of the supernatural. 
At this point, I was very cautiously beginning to entertain the idea that I might see Slash as more than just a buddy and a bandmate.  As friends, were were closer than ever, hardly spent a day apart, and I was beginning to notice things that I hadn’t noticed before.  Things like the way he always smiled at my lame jokes, the way he leaned on my shoulder when he was pretending to be drunk, the way he tossed his hair on stage… And I couldn’t help wondering whether Slash identified more with the heroine or the love interest.  Did he want to be the cool, mysterious vampire lover, or the unsuspecting protagonist who gets drawn into an alluring new world? 
I got my answer a couple months later, in town again after a leg on the road. It was a steaming hot summer day back in L.A., and Slash was dozing on his couch. This wasn’t unusual in and of itself, Slash’s sleep schedule had been fucked for as long as I'd known him. No, what made this instance significant was that I was also on the couch, reclined with my feet over the armrest and Slash draped across my chest. Tales From The Crypt played at a murmur on a brand-new TV set, but I wasn’t paying any attention. 
See, at this point I’d recently learned that, when Slash focused hard enough, he could hear a living person’s blood pulsing in their veins and detect changes in body temperature.  And that had me wondering: Could he tell that my heart beat faster when he leaned against me on stage?  Could he tell that my ears got warm every time he turned a smile my way? 
Could he tell how much I was affected by his weight on top of me?   
He was like a huge cat in my lap, relaxed from head to toe.  If you paid attention, you could tell that he was breathing more slowly that an ordinary human should be and his bare skin was slightly cool.  Other than that he looked completely normal… Except for his teeth.  His mouth was slightly open, allowing his pointed, knife-sharp teeth to scrape against his lower lip. 
To Slash’s chagrin, they weren't gleaming white, perfectly straight fangs; instead they more closely resembled a shark’s jaw, crowded with small flesh-tearing blades.  It was rare to see them exposed, Slash was careful to limit himself to tight-lipped smiles and mumbled dialogue whenever his secret was at risk. Even in private he was self-conscious about it, and I considered myself lucky when he grinned openly in my presence. 
“Hey, Slash?”   
“…Hmm?” Languidly, he shifted until he was looking up at me.  Midafternoon sun leaked through the blinds brightly enough for me to make out a hint of red in his eyes, the other (un)dead giveaway that was usually obscured by his sedately lidded gaze.   
"You know how you said the other day that you have really strong senses? Well... I was wondering what other, uh, non-human traits you have. How true are the myths about vampires, really?” 
“Well… Hm.  My eyes are pretty sensitive to daylight.  And technically I’m nocturnal.  But I don’t have fangs, I don’t really look like a vampire and I don’t have superpowers.” I swear to god, he pouted a little.  "All things considered I didn’t really get any of the cool stuff." 
“No super-strength?  Or mind reading? Can you shapeshift into a bat?” 
“Don’t you think I’d tell you if I could turn into a bat?  At least I don’t have any of those stupid weaknesses, I can be in the sun and eat garlic and whatever.” He paused ponderously. “…You know, I might be immortal, I was around a long time before Tony and Ola took me in.  Guess I’ll find out in a few decades.” 
“That would be pretty cool.” 
“Yeah, maybe." 
“So... do you enthrall your victims?” I prodded, in a spooky, menacing voice belied by my goofy grin. 
Slash snorted a laugh and shook his head at my antics. “No, I can’t do that either.  Well, I don’t know, do you feel enthralled?” 
I laughed awkwardly and counted my blessings when Slash didn't notice that my unspoken answer was an empathetic Yes. 
Slash chuckled with me, then sighed.  “Fuck, I wish vampires like that were real, though…” he confessed softly. 
“Like what?” 
“You know, badass, seductive, awesome powers…” He waved a hand toward a pinup poster on the wall with a corset and fangs, then let his head fall back to my chest.  He mumbled into my shirt, “Is it really so much to ask for a sexy vampire to come and sweep me off my feet?” 
“Slash, I hate to tell you this, but…” I couldn’t make it through the sentence with a straight face. 
He swatted my bicep – pretty hard too, was he sure he didn’t have super-strength? “Fuck you, Duff, you know what I mean." 
And, yeah, dreaming of being wooed by a beautiful, badass, intelligent and darkly mysterious vampire?  Who appeared in my life and changed it forever, who blew me away with his capability and his passion?  Who could captivate me with just a look? 
Yeah. Believe me, I could relate.
Happy Halloween! 
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Gold stained hands, red stained teeth - chapter 1
I finally managed to start writing the vampire au i posted literally a year ago, quarantine does that to ya. Enjoy!
(@kyra-plays sorry it took so long for me to start writing this fic!)
“We’re here!”
Kai grunted as he was shaken awake by the car jostling to a halt. He sluggishly sat up in his seat and looked out the window. They were parked in front of a huge iron gate, overgrown with vines and moss. “This is the place?” he slurred, shaking his head to try and wake himself up.
“Yup,” Nya replied. She tossed a crumpled piece of paper onto his lap. “Check it out, I’m gonna go get our tickets.”
She hopped out of the car, and ran over to the ticket booth. Kai yawned, and clicked the light on in the car. The piece of paper had every spot on their haunted building tour written on it, along with a small blurb about each location. He skimmed through the names until he found where they were.
“Castle Garmadon…”
It had been built in the 14th century, allegedly by only two people. A woman and her husband, rumoured by the local townsfolk to both be vampires.
He could believe it when he saw what the castle looked like. It was ginormous, towering over the iron gates surrounding it. The castle sat atop a cliff that overlooked the town below, and it gave the entire countryside a dark and gothic vibe. It looked like something straight out of dracula.
“There you are!”
Kai jumped at the sudden hand on his shoulder, but relaxed when he saw it was only Jay. “Hey, when’d you get here?” Kai asked.
“Just now,” Jay said, gesturing at the blue van that was parked beside Nya’s car. “Zane’s trying to drag Cole out right now, he’s having a bit of a freak out.”
They both turned their heads to see Zane tugging Cole by the arm, trying to pull him off the car door. Cole lost his grip just as Zane gave a hard yank. Kai winced as they both fell backwards onto the concrete ground, that was still wet from the recent shower of rain. “What’s going on with them?”
“Oh, you don’t know?” Jay crossed his arms and leaned back against the iron gate. “I hear Cole’s got like, a really bad fear of vampires.”
Kai couldn’t stop himself from snorting. “Seriously? Why?”
Jay shrugged. “No clue, think he just watched too many horror movies as a little kid,” he raised an eyebrow and scanned the parking lot, “hey, where’s Nya?”
“Hey Jay!” Nya grinned as she ran over to them. “I got our tickets,” she handed a ticket to Jay, and then one to Kai, “apparently we’re the only visitors they’ve had in months, so we’ve got the whole place to ourselves to explore!”
“Awesome!” Jay pumped his fist in the air. “Free reign to touch anything we feel like!”
“I told you in the van Jay, we must respect this castle,” Zane chided, approaching them with a mopey looking Cole in tow. “Look with your eyes, not your hands.”
“Ugh, fine. You brought the go pro right?”
Zane sighed, then reached into his shoulder bag. He pulled out an awkwardly large camera, and strapped it over his forehead. “I don’t know why you insisted on this head mount.”
“Panoramic shots Zane, panoramic shots!” Jay shot back, “now lean down so I can adjust it.”
Kai chuckled to himself watching Jay attempt to jump to Zane’s level. His focus drifted towards Cole, who’s eyes were darting back and forth between the gate and the castle, while his hands clenched the sleeves of his jacket. He was rocking back and forth on the spot and muttering something ineligible to himself.
“You good Cole?” Kai asked him, reaching a hand out to grab his shoulder.
Cole flinched and snapped out of his nervous rambling. “What? Oh, I’m fine,” he waved his hand nonchalantly, “just… the castle is so big, it was making me a little, uh… unsettled, yeah, that’s all it is…”
Kai didn’t really believe that, but he didn’t want to hassle him. He just gave Cole a pat on the shoulder and left it at that. The five of them showed their tickets to the guard at the gate, and walked into the courtyard.
Those piercing red eyes had to be the creepiest thing about the paintings Cole was surrounded by. It was bad enough that the old castle looked like it was going to collapse any moment, or that it reeked of death and mold. Of course, of course it also had to be infested by vampires. Vampires who loved having their portraits painted, apparently.
“I think these ropes kinda ruin it for me,” Kai said while prodding at one of the velvet ropes that formed a barrier around the paintings. “The illusion of walking through a historical castle thing I mean.”
Cole turned around to glare at him. “Are you seriously not creeped out by all… this?”
Kai gave him a quizzical look. “I can’t really see anything creepy about it.” He walked over and slung his arm over Cole's shoulder. “It’s just an old building dude, nothing to be afraid of except like… maybe asbestos.”
“There is no asbestos in this castle Kai, the maintenance staff thoroughly check and upkeep the entire building twice a year,” Zane said. He was taking pictures of everything using the go pro Jay had thoroughly adjusted several times now. Jay himself was admiring the two giant swords affixed to the wall, along with Nya who was taking pictures with her phone.
Cole pushed Kai off him. “I’m not scared, I’m just saying it’s creepy. I mean, why do all these paintings have red eyes?”
“Because their vampires, duh!” Jay yelled over to them. Kai shot him a glare, and he looked away sheepishly. “I mean, that’s the most popular theory…”
Jay yelped as Nya shoved him in the shoulder. “There’s no such thing as vampires, stop trying to scare him Jay,” she said.
Jay winced and shuffled away from her while rubbing his shoulder. “I wasn’t! Just stating the facts!”
“I agree with Nya, there is simply no scientific evidence at all that backs up the existence of vampires, or any supernatural phenomena at all for that matter,” Zane said flatly. “No matter what conspiracy theorists say to try to defend their opinion, nothing can rationalize it,” he looked pointedly at Jay while speaking, who rolled his eyes.
“Yeah yeah, we get it science man,” Jay said, “in other words, Cole needs to stop being a baby.”
Cole sputtered. “Shut up! Can we just get this whole haunted building tour over with?” Cole sighed while shaking his head. “I can’t believe you guys forced me into this…”
“Excuse me? We all agreed to do this together!” Jay scoffed at him. He absentmindedly scratched at the peeling wallpaper, then frantically tried to hide a chunk he pulled off in his pocket before Zane could yell at him.
“That was before I found out one of the spots on the list was a vampire infested hellhole!” Cole spat at him.
Kai gave Cole a gentle pat on the back. “It’ll be alright man, if you get scared I’ll just let you hold my hand okay?”
Cole scowled. “I don’t need to…”
A loud creaking sound suddenly echoed through the building. Cole screamed and grasped onto Kai’s hoodie for dear life.
“Uhh…” Kai glanced over at Cole, who was cowering and hiding his face in Kai’s shoulder. “You good man?”
In a realization that nothing was coming to kill him, Cole pulled away from Kai like he’d been burned. Jay was laughing like a maniac in the background, and he even heard Zane chuckle softly. Nya just shook her head and walked past them.
“C'mon guys, we’ve only got about another hour and there’s still way more castle to see,” she said, pulling Jay by the arm who was still laughing so hard he was gasping for breath.
Cole felt his face heating up. He pulled his shirt over his face so that no one could see how red he was. Or how much he was still sweating. “Uh… Kai, I think I might just take you up on that offer…”
“Y’know, I hear the electric lights in this place have always been here, because the people who lived here were so old they had knowledge from the golden age about electricity that was lost to time,” Jay remarked, as they passed by a marble bust lit up by a light on the ceiling.
“That’s impossible, electric lighting was unheard of during the 15th century, and people barely lived past their thirties, much less thousands of years,” Zane replied.
“Unless they were vampires…” Jay hummed.
Cole shuddered, and squeezed Kai’s hand. As embarrassing as it was to be holding Kai’s hand like he was a little kid going through a haunted house, it was… comforting. Jay was being the absolute opposite of comforting, he was being a pain in the ass.
“Hey Cole, you cold?” Jay asked with a taunting grin. “You're shivering so much, it’s like you just saw a ghost!” He poked Cole on the cheek, and snickered when he let out a frightened squeak.
Cole grit his teeth, and grasped Kai’s hand tighter. Kai took notice of this, and pulled him in closer. “Shut it Jay, give it up already,” he snapped.
Jay stuck his tongue out and ran ahead of them. The castle was like a maze of hallways, staircases, and small rooms filled with nothing but aged looking statues and paintings. They hadn’t found anything like a kitchen or a bedroom yet, but they had walked through a faintly coppery smelling wine cellar.
“This place is less a house, and more an art museum,” Nya mused, gazing up at the idyllic painting of the night sky above her. “Oh hey, there’s a hole in the wall...”
She pulled out a book that was tucked inside the small crevice in the wall, and flipped it open to a random page. “How to grow the finest lavender… the most efficient way to cultivate your vegetables… slugs, snails, and other wretched fiends found in the garden,” she read aloud, being reminded of the decently kept flower patch they passed in the courtyard. “They must’ve really loved gardening…”
The hallway they were in now was long and narrow, with red carpeted floors and black stone walls covered in scratch marks. The carpet was stained and tattered, and the floorboards sounded like they were screaming when they were stepped on. The hole Nya had discovered wasn’t alone, many more littered the wall and even the floor, Jay having discovered one when he tripped and fell on his face.
“Odd…” Zane hummed, “this hallway seems much less cared for than the rest of the castle…”
“No kidding, this floor is gross…” Nya groaned, stepping over a particularly large dark stain. “And where are the windows? I actually haven’t seen a single one anywhere.”
Jay stopped in front of a painting of a raging ocean, and put a finger to his lips as if in thought. “Maybe… the ones who lived here didn’t want any sunlight getting in,” he said.
“Jay!” Nya yelled at him.
Cole shuddered, and hid his face in his hands. “Oh god, it all makes sense… red eyes, no windows, creepy castle… look, there’s even a glass full of blood in that painting!” he said and pointed towards the painting in question.
Most of the paintings of people in the castle were of the same person, and this one was no exception. He was young looking, and had blonde curls that hung over his eyes and just barely touched his shoulders. He had dark brown skin, and freckles that covered his entire face. He wore a black high collared cape that was fastened by a golden flower-shaped brooch. A green ribbon was tied around his neck. The most striking thing about the boy was his bright red eyes, but despite the unnerving colour they had a gentle look to them. He also did indeed have a glass filled with… something red in his grasp.
“It’s likely wine,” Zane said.
“Or blood!” Cole yelled back at him.
“Or… maybe it’s tomato juice?”
Zane and Cole both gave Kai a blank look. “Seriously? Tomato juice? This isn’t bunnicula we’re talking about Kai,” Cole said, “he’s a REAL vampire, not some kids cartoon.”
“Kai, tomato juice had not yet been invented at the time this painting was done, and Cole, I’m telling you vampires are most certainly not real, please calm yourself,” Zane said, irritation seeping into his tone.
“But why the red eyes then huh? Explain that!” Cole slapped a hand onto the painting, eliciting a gasp from Zane.
“Cole!” he yelled, “that painting is centuries old, it’s a priceless piece of history-“
“In my personal opinion,” Jay cut in, stepping in between them and leaning on the rope, “I think the whole legend is legit.”
Zane glared at him. “Jay, don’t start this again-“
“Seriously, this family lives in this huge mysterious spooky castle, no one ever sees them go out during the day, they barely interact with anyone, and then some guy with a silver sword-“
“Wait, why is the fact that it’s silver important?” Kai asked.
“Because vampires are weak to silver Kai, keep up!”
“I thought that was werewolves?”
“Well uh… uh… they're both weak to it alright?!” Jay stuttered, “anyways… he has a silver sword, and he kills the whole family, AND he cuts their heads off and sticks a wooden stake in all their hearts… why?”
“Because he was an asshole?” Nya helpfully supplied.
“Because they were vampires!” Cole yelled, “and they got what was coming to them, thank god…”
“Exactly,” Jay said.
Zane rubbed his temples, and let out a pained sigh. “You two make my brain hurt sometimes.”
“Hey, if you guys are done can we please just keep going?” Kai groaned. They ignored him, and only started arguing louder. He clapped his hands over his ears to block them out, and turned to Nya and nudged her. “Hey, you wanna just go on ahead?” he asked.
Her face scrunched up as she mulled it over. “I’m tempted but…” she glanced over at Zane who was physically restraining Jay from touching the painting, and shook her head. “Someone needs to keep them in check.”
“Fair enough… you mind if I…?”
“Go for it.”
Kai quietly snuck away from the scene of Jay loudly pointing out all the obvious vampire clues in the painting while in the clutches of Zane’s arms, and walked deeper into the mysterious darkness of the castle.
The many twisting and turning narrow hallways eventually led Kai to a small, dusty room. It was completely empty. “Aw man, dead end…”
He walked into the room anyways, his eyes drawn to the swirling flower patterns on the green walls, a contrast to the pure black walls of the hallway he came in from. The ceiling was also unusually low, not low enough that he had to duck, but low enough that he could feel his hair brush against it.
Kai turned around to see Cole running towards him, Jay, Zane and Nya tailing behind him. He came to a screeching halt in front of the door, gasping for breath. “Kai, why the hell did you wander off?!”
“Because you were all held up arguing, I got bored. Wait, were you worried I got like, murdered or something?” Kai asked, raising an eyebrow.
Cole’s cheeks flushed. “No, you just get lost really easily, so I thought-“
“He was totally scared you got murdered, that’s why he was running,” Jay said, “hey, what’s going on in here?”
Jay pushed past a fuming Cole, and walked over to the back wall. “Huh, this is weird… ooh! I bet there’s a switch in here for a secret passage!”
He started pressing his hands into random spots on the wall, musing aloud to himself as he did it. “Not here… not there… guys, come in here and help me look for it!”
“Jay, that sounds dum- ow!” Cole banged his head against the low ceiling. He dropped to the floor, and tried to rub the swelling pain away. “Why is this entire castle built so bad?!” he groaned.
“Ah, the tough life of a mountain sized man,” Kai laughed.
Cole brushed the dust off his pants as he stood back up. “Well, better than being as short as Jay I guess.”
“Let’s just not spend too much time here alright? I’m starting to feel claustrophobic…” Cole said, trying to avoid touching the rotting wood on the doorframe as he shuffled out of the room.
Zane ducked his head as he entered. He gazed around curiously before joining Jay by the back wall. “I doubt there’s a secret passage, but there is something fascinating about this wall.”
“What is it?” Nya asked as she walked in, closing the door behind her. She laid a hand against the wall, but pulled away at the icy cold feeling against her palm. “Yeesh, must have been fun to live here during the winter. Not.”
“Yes, I noticed the temperature as well, but that’s not what I mean,” Zane pointed to a tiny spot on the wall. “Look at this.”
She leaned in to see what he was looking at, but all she could see were squiggly golden lines. “Uh… what exactly I am supposed to be looking at?”
“What’re we looking at?” Kai said as he leaned in over Nya’s shoulder.
“We’re looking at a line of writing in an ancient language, native to Ninjago, spoken by only a handful of people in modern times,” Zane replied, zooming the go pro in to get a better shot. “And lucky for us, I know this language… don’t take that ancient languages class Zane, they said, you’ll never have any use for it, they said-“
“So uh, what does it say?” Jay asked, having given up on searching for a secret passageway.
“Huh? Oh, right…” Zane wiped the dust away from the lettering, and cleared his throat. “It says, ‘reveal my sanctuary’, but then again, I could be-“
Almost as soon as the words had left his mouth, a bright green light began emitting from the wall. All four of them drew back in alarm, Kai tripping over himself and landing on the floor.
“Wha- Zane?! What’d you do?!” Jay yelled, backing up until he bumped against the doorframe.
Zane didn’t answer, his mouth agape as he stumbled back from the light. The door creaked open, and Cole popped his head in. “Hey, what’re you guys yelling about- WHAT THE FUCK?!”
The light suddenly vanished, and in its place was a golden door. The room was silent as they all stared at it. Jay coughed.
“So… who’s gonna go open it?” he asked, still keeping himself as far away from the door as possible.
“None of us!” Cole shouted. “Who knows what’s behind there?” He shakily crept back into the room, and hid behind Zane. “I mean, what if there’s dead bodies that have been rotting in there forever… or worse?”
Zane nodded, and gave Cole a gentle pat on the head. “I agree with Cole, I think it’d be best to ask a facility member about this.”
“And miss the chance to go somewhere we’re not supposed to be without anyone knowing?” said Kai, who without anyone noticing already had his hand on the doorknob.
He ignored Cole, and slammed open the door. He flipped on the light switch, and was greeted with a colourful sight. This new room was very spacious, and anything but empty.
Shelves covered in glass figurines and ornate jewelry boxes lined the walls, and a giant display case bursting with dolls and plush toys stood against the far wall beside a cabinet filled with wine glasses and bottles. There was a half open wooden wardrobe with gold flowers painted on it, with many lacy and sparkling dresses and capes hanging inside. Green flowing drapes hung from the ceiling, framing a large portrait of the blonde haired boy with two others, a dark-haired solemn looking man, and a woman with red hair and a soft smile.
Kai’s mouth dropped as he stared at the beautiful decor in wonder. It was like being in the room of a disney princess. Well, aside from the coffin that was laying in the center of the room.
“Wait, what?” Kai did a double take. A… coffin. It honestly looked more like a bed with the drapes hanging over it, but it was undeniably a coffin the more he stared at it. “Woah…”
“What’s woah?” Jay peeked over his shoulder, then gasped sharply. “I can’t believe it! I was right! Hey Zane, come in here!”
All of them huddled around the coffin, except for Cole who stayed in the doorway. “Oh my god… is… that a-“
“Coffin? Yup,” Nya said, running a hand along the golden patterns on the coffin's lid. “This is so creepy…”
Cole felt like he was going to throw up. “This is so bad… this is so bad you guys- KAI!!”
Kai flinched and dropped the lid of the coffin. “What? I just wanted a peek.”
Zane’s eyes were wide with amazement. “This is incredible… we may be the first ones to discover this historical treasure… although I do agree that we shouldn’t open it,” he added, “not because of vampires, but because there is likely a decomposing body inside.”
“Gross…” Nya gagged, and stepped back to take a photo from a safer distance from the dead body.
“You seriously still don’t believe me?!” Jay shouted, while violently gesturing to the coffin. “This is all the proof you need!”
Zane narrowed his eyes and shook his head. “Hardly. This doesn’t indicate anything other than the fact that this room served as a crypt of some sort, probably for a beloved family member.”
“It’s obviously a vampires bedroom!” Jay retorted. “Probably the blonde guys, since the other two were a married couple so they’d have a two person coffin-“
Nya snorted. “A two person coffin? Those don’t exist.”
“Well I for one think it’s a great product pitch!”
Kai wandered behind the coffin and gazed up at the portrait. The family seemed to really love getting their picture painted. They’d probably lose their minds if they were around when cameras were invented.
He really couldn’t see anything scary about the family though. The blonde kid especially, he just looked like a normal teenager, who just happened to have red eyes. There were plenty of normal human beings who had red eyes.
“I’m just saying there’s no way you can prove that vampires aren’t real.”
“False, I can prove it quite easily with-“
“Guys, give it a rest!” Nya groaned in exasperation. “Look, why don’t we just open the coffin for a minute so we can find out once and for all which one of you is right.”
Zane and Jay looked at each other, then both nodded in agreement. “Sure, why not?” Jay shrugged.
“While I hate disturbing such a beautiful artifact, or any possible remains inside, if it can end this tiresome discussion I agree it is the best course of action,” Zane said.
“Great!” Kai cheered, throwing his arms up, “I’ll open it-“
“NO! NO NO NO ABSOLUTELY NOT!” Cole shrieked as he barreled into the room and blocked Kai’s path. “Do you all wanna have a vampire suck the blood from you like a human juice box? BECAUSE THIS IS HOW THAT HAPPENS!”
“Cole, chill! It’ll be fine! If there was a vampire inside there, don’t you think they would have tried to kill us by now?” Kai asked, gripping onto Cole’s shoulders to try and keep him steady.
Cole glanced down and bit his lip. “Well… it’s daytime, so they might be sleeping-“
“No offense Cole, but you just did a whole lot of screaming,” Nya pointed out. “I think they’d be awake by now.”
“That’s… true… okay, fine,” Cole relented, “you can open it, but before you do…”
He walked over to a small wooden footstool that was laying on its side, and broke a leg off it. Zane let out a strangled cry. “How many times do I have to tell you people, this castle is a piece of history that IS NOT TO BE DISTURBED!”
“This thing is going to protect us,” Cole said while swinging the wooden piece around like it was a sword, “from something far more dangerous if disturbed.”
Zane rolled his eyes and backed away to give Kai room to pry open the coffin. He slid the lid off, and shoved it onto the floor. A choked gasp came from his lips when he saw what lay inside. He stumbled backwards, and was just narrowly caught by Cole before he fell over.
Cole felt his entire body shaking as he looked from the coffin to the also shaking Kai in his arms. “What?! What is it?!”
“It’s… it’s a…”
Jay finished his sentence for him. “HOLY SHIT, it’s a guy!”
Cole dropped Kai ungracefully onto the floor. “WHAT?!” He gripped his makeshift wooden stake tighter as he peered into the coffin.
The boy from the paintings was lying inside the coffin. His hair was a tangled mess, and he had a wooden stake lodged in his chest, but it was definitely him.
The room was dead silent, until Jay loudly cleared his throat. “Well Cole, somebody beat you to it…”
Cole fell to his knees, his stake clattering onto the floor. “Oh god… oh my god… thank god he’s already dead-“ Cole was hyperventilating, “thank god, oh god-“
“Hey, you wanna say sorry for dropping me anytime soon?” Kai asked dryly from where he was still lying on the floor. “No? We too focused on the dead guy?”
“Kai, this is serious!” Nya snapped at him.
Zane also fell to his knees, but for a much different reason. His quivering hands carefully pulled the boy’s shirt up to check his injuries.
“This poor boy died recently…”, he whispered, “several fresh cuts and stab wounds… he’s so cold…”
“Don’t touch him!” Cole yelped.
Zane gave him an icy glare. “Cole, please, put aside your superstition for one moment and grasp the reality of this situation!”
“What’re those stains on his shirt?” Nya asked, pointing to the red and gold splotches on the white blouse he was wearing.
“The red I’m assuming is blood,” Zane replied, “but those gold spots… paint maybe? I’m not sure…” he gently brushed the boy’s hair out of his eyes, his heart aching when he saw the bruises covering his face. “Who could do something like this…”
Cole was about to say something before he received a nasty look from Nya, so he shut his mouth and clenched his fists instead.
Kai cautiously prodded at the stake lodged into the boy's chest. “Yikes, that looks like it hurt… hmm,” without thinking about it very much, Kai grabbed onto the stake and yanked it out of the body. Immediately a river of sparkling golden liquid poured out of the wound.
Cole fainted. Kai dropped the stake and grabbed onto him before he hit the floor. “Dude, snap out of it! Don’t bail on us yet!”
Cole’s eyes fluttered. “Vampire… stake… really bad…” he mumbled, drifting between being awake and being unconscious.
“He’s lost it,” Jay said flatly.
Kai lifted Cole down and laid him onto the floor, then looked down at him with a smirk. “By the way, that’s how you put someone gently onto the floor.”
“Shut up… I’m sorry…” was the last thing Cole said before completely passing out.
“Great, Cole’s blacked out, we just found a dead guy and Kai got his fingerprints on the murder weapon which means he’s totally going to be implicated…” Jay stopped mid rant and hummed thoughtfully to himself, “unless we don’t report this to the police-“
“Jay! How could you even suggest that?!” Zane yelled in shock, “he has a family!”
Jay sputtered, but then bowed his head in shame. “Your right, that was shitty thing to say… but… if he is a-“
“If the word vampire leaves your mouth at any time during the foreseeable future, I’m going to stab YOU with a wooden stake,” Nya said coldly, glaring daggers at Jay whilst already dialing 911 on her phone.
“Wait, just, hold it one minute,” Jay stuttered, “how are we supposed to explain this to the police? Hey we found a body in this old tourist attraction that barely gets any visitors anymore, actually according to the lady at the ticket booth we’re the only ones who have gone in here in like months! But there’s totally nothing suspicious about that guys, no way, haha, we’re just a bunch of innocent college students amiright? Oh god we are fu-“
“What is it now Kai?!”
Kai clutched his hand and hissed in pain. “I tried picking up the stake again, but I got a giant ass splinter! Look!”
He waved his hand in Jay’s face. “See? It’s huge! It’s like a whole twig is stuck in there!”
Jay batted his hand away. “Then pull it out, genius.”
Kai grimaced. “Uhhh… I’d rather not…”
Zane grabbed Kai’s uninjured hand and pulled him over to him. He sat Kai down on the rim of the coffin. “Sit still, I’ll pull it out.”
Sitting still was unfortunately not one of Kai’s strengths. He squirmed as Zane tried to pull the sliver of wood from his palm, accidentally kicking him in the knee when the pain flared up. “Ack! Sorry, it just… stings a lot- OW!”
“It hurts because you're moving around, please try not to kick me again… almost got it… got it!”
Kai quickly pulled his hand away as a drop of blood trickled down his palm. It dripped from his hand onto the boy's lips, slipping through the tiny part in his mouth.
And then the boy’s eyes opened.
Blood. Need blood. Thirsty. Thirsty, I’m so thirsty… need blood, blood, blood…
Lloyd gasped as air flooded back into his lungs, and his cheeks were filled with intense warmth. He breathed in slowly, and almost started crying at how good it felt to finally breathe again. He was alive. He was alive… but he was so thirsty.
Blood. Blood, I need blood now.
His stomach was aching with hunger. He felt like he was about to die again.
No, can’t die again. Blood, blood… I smell blood…
His vision was blurry from his burning hunger. Shadowy figures were leaning over him. He could hear them yelling at each other, he had no idea what they were saying. Their blood smelled delicious. He felt an urge to bite tingling in his jaw, in his fangs.
Blood, delicious blood…
His fangs… they were back. He remembered something from before dying. He could remember them pulling out his fangs… ripping out his treasured fangs, stealing them… as a prize from the hunt. They stuck silver blades into him when he struggled, blades that burned through his flesh and scraped against his bones. And then… and then they…
“Kid, can you hear us-“
He managed to use the little strength he had left to focus his vision, and was met with the sight of four humans looming over him. Lloyd screamed, and frantically tried to push himself away from them. “Leave me alone! Please!”
He tumbled out of his coffin, landing on the floor with a thud. His sharp nails scraped against the floorboards as he tried to get up and run away. It was no use. He fell back onto the floor in exhaustion, and curled up into a tight ball.
“Please, I’ll give you anything you want,” he sobbed, “just please stop hurting me!”
“None of us are going to hurt you kid, we promise,” he heard one of them say.
Lloyd nervously moved his arm aside to see who was speaking to him. The man who had spoken had tall pointed hair, and was dressed in a red… robe of some kind. He didn’t look like a hunter, but he also didn’t look like anyone Lloyd had ever seen. He took a shaky breath. “Who… who are you?”
The man kneeled down in front of him. “I’m Kai. You?”
Lloyd sniffled, and wiped away a tear from the corner of his eye. “Ll… Lloyd…”
“Hey Lloyd, nice to meet you. Here,” the man reached into his robe, and pulled out a small cloth. He handed it to Lloyd, who cautiously accepted it. Holding it in his hand, he realized it was a handkerchief. For him…
At that moment the dam behind his eyes burst, and the tears seemed to endlessly flow out of him. To be treated with such a simple kindness broke him after what he had endured. The overwhelming situation and the aching thirst still inside him was clouding his senses and leaving him vulnerable. Much too vulnerable.
Bite him… drink his blood…
“You poor thing,” another one of the humans, this one taller than all the others, crouched down beside Kai. “My name is Zane, what happened?”
“I… I… It was… they…” Lloyd could barely remember what happened. He didn’t want to remember what happened. All that he could recall was running, and feeling the agonizing sensation in his chest, and then darkness…
“Endless darkness…” he mumbled. It was still inside him. Gnawing away at him.
Blood, blood I need blood I need it NOW-
He hissed, startling the humans who lunged away from him. Lloyd slapped a hand over his mouth. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to-“
“Did you see that?!” the short human in the blue shirt cried out, “he has fangs!”
Oh god, now they knew. They must’ve thought he was human like them, but now they knew he wasn’t. They were going to hurt him, they were going to kill him, no… no, god please…
“Hey, hey hey it’s okay…”
Kai softly shushed him and wiped away a tear that had fallen down his cheek with the handkerchief. “Your safe now Lloyd, no one is going to hurt you anymore,” he soothed.
“You… you mean… you don’t hate me?” Lloyd asked, his voice barely above a whisper. “Even though I’m… a vampire?”
“Dude, I fucking knew it!” the short human shouted. “Take that Zane-“
“Jay, so not the time,” the only human who hadn’t spoken yet said. She had long black hair, and her sleeveless shirt showed off her built arm muscles. She out of all the humans was the most intimidating.
“Of course we don’t hate you dear,” Zane said, “but when you say vampire… do you really mean…?”
Bite someone now, drink their blood. Do it. Do it NOW.
“Stay with us kid, it’s going to be okay,” Kai placed a hand on Lloyd’s shoulder, but jerked away when Lloyd shuddered. “Sorry, I should’ve-“
He could barely even force himself to speak at this point. Kai’s hand was so warm, and his neck was so close…
His thirst was only getting worse with each passing moment. Pushing away his intrusive thoughts was becoming excruciating, and it was showing on his face as sweat dripped down his temples.
“Please don’t come any closer,” Lloyd begged, covering his face with his hands. “I’m not safe to be around right now…”
Kai backed away, but his gentle expression didn’t waver. “We’re not going to leave you like this, your obviously hurt really bad.”
Bad was an understatement. The gouge in Lloyd’s chest had only partially healed, and blood was still oozing out of the wounds left by the silver knife. If he could get even the tiniest bit of blood…
Jay coughed. “Uh, Kai, if the six hundred year old vampire says he’s going to go crazy, then maybe we should-“
“SIX HUNDRED?!” Lloyd gasped, clutching his chest in shock. There was no way he had seriously been dead for that long. “Oh god… I’ve missed so many… oh god…”
“Uh, well… I mean I might’ve miscalculated the exact amo-“ Jay clamped his mouth shut as he shrunk under the glares from every other human in the room.
Six hundred years… but then that meant… that meant… they were dead. The ones who had done this to him were dead. It felt horrible, celebrating that someone was dead. But…
Kai seemed to catch onto what he was thinking. “The people who did this to you are long gone, lucky for them,” Kai clenched his fist into a tight ball, “because I would’ve made them feel ten times more pain…” he growled.
“And then I would’ve made them feel twenty times that, and ground their asses into the dirt,” the black-haired woman added, her eyes lit up with intensity.
“And I would’ve… uh,” Zane stumbled, “defended you the best I could, because no one should ever have to suffer such horrible abuse.”
Despite the pain, Lloyd could feel a warm sensation filling his chest. These people, whom he had only just met, were treating him with kindness he wasn’t accustomed to from those outside of his family. Perhaps… vampires weren’t as hated now, in this new time period. What a lovely time it must be.
Jay, who was still trying to avoid anyone else’s eyes, found himself staring at the glass cabinet behind the coffin. It was filled with bottles of ‘red wine’, a.k.a, probably blood. He pried it open, and took a bottle out. It was cold, and caked in layers of dust. “Hey uh, this isn’t… human blood, right Lloyd?”
Lloyd’s eyes locked onto the bottle in Jay’s hands. His pupils dilated. “Give me that… please.”
Jay gulped. “Uh, sure…” not wanting to get too close, he tentatively rolled the bottle over to Lloyd, who snatched it up faster than he could blink.
The cork was thrown heedlessly aside. The blood inside the bottle was ancient and spoiled, but Lloyd savoured every last drop. He only stopped once to take a gasp of air, chugging the sweet red elixir until the bottle was completely dry.
He sighed with relief as the ravenous voices in his head quieted. Almost immediately, his wounds began healing. The bruises on his skin disappeared, and the gouges and cuts in his flesh vanished without a trace. His full senses returned to him, his eyes grew sharper and his ears twitched as he took in every bit of sound around him.
Kai helped him to his feet. “I’m guessing you're feeling a bit better now?” he asked, taking in Lloyd’s now completely healthy looking appearance.
Lloyd grinned, fangs on full display. “I’m feeling wonderful now, thank you.”
“Woah!” Jay ran over and leaned in close to Lloyd’s face. “Those are so cool!”
“My… fangs? Really?”
Jay bounced up and down on the spot, barely able to contain his excitement. “Totally! Sorry about how I acted earlier, I was just surprised, but this is so awesome! You're a real vampire!”
“O-Oh…” Lloyd blushed, and looked down at his feet. “Thank you-“
“I have so many questions! Okay, one, do you burn in the sun, or is it just like irritating? Oh, and is the garlic thing real? No wait, when you turn into a bat where do your clothes go- hey!” Jay grunted as the dark-haired woman pushed him aside.
“Don’t mind him, he’s always like this about everything,” she said, “I’m Nya by the way, it’s nice to meet you.”
Jay ran over to Zane, and pulled a notebook and pencil out from his shoulder bag. He ducked under Nya’s arm and sat down on the rim of the coffin. “Okay, as I was saying-“
“Sunlight burns us, but we don’t burst into flames or anything, garlic makes my tongue swell up, and…” Lloyd pondered the last question for a moment, “y’know, I’ve never actually thought about that… I assumed they just disappeared… then reappeared.”
Jay paused his furious scribbling of notes. “What? But how does that work?”
Lloyd shrugged. “Don’t ask me! Wait, let me show you something…”
He stretched out his arm, and smiled as a green flicker of light danced across the palm of his hand. For a moment he had feared his powers hadn’t returned yet, but the sparkling flicker growing into an orb of bright light in his hand assured him otherwise.
Jay, as well as Nya, Zane and Kai watched, mesmerized. Lloyd shaped the orb into a diamond, then into a flower, and then in a burst of light dissolved it into a shower of tiny sparkles that floated through the air.
“This… doesn’t make any sense,” Zane said, gazing up at the ceiling that was now lit up with hundreds of star-like lights.
“Does it have to?” Nya replied, smiling as a light landed on her nose. She sneezed, and it drifted until it landed on her finger. “This is so beautiful…”
Lloyd spun around the room, letting out more bursts of sparkles each time the lights dimmed out. He abruptly came to a stop behind the coffin. “Why… is there a sleeping man here?”
They all looked at each other. “Shit, I forgot Cole was still passed out,” Kai said, rushing over to go shake Cole awake. “Cole! Wake up buddy!”
“Hnnngh… huh?” Cole blinked wearily. He sat up, and rubbed his eyes. “Whuhhappened?”
Kai swallowed stiffly. “Don’t freak out, but-“
Lloyd blew a tiny sparkle to Cole. “Greetings sleepy human!” he giggled.
Cole’s face turned pale as he caught sight of Lloyd’s fangs. ”Y… You… your a… vamp-“
“Yes, I am a vampire!”
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ghostsray · 4 years
Ch2: Flowers
(prev - next)
"Danny, your clone is adorable," Sam said.
Danny looked away from the plant he was observing and said, "You mean Niel?"
Sam tapped her chin. "Well, Danielle is adorable too. But yes, im talking about Niel, considering he's the one I saw yesterday."
"Oh yeah, you went to Vlad's mansion, right?" Tucker asked from where he was seated among a group of potted plants. "How was he like?"
Sam shrugged. "Like Danny, except peppier, and with a better appreciation for goth culture."
"You turned my clone goth?"
Sam stopped spraying her venus flytrap to point at Danny and say, "Hey, he's his own person, thank you very much."
Tucker leaned back and stared out the greenhouse walls. "I feel left out. How come both of you get to meet this new clone--er, person? I want to see him too..." He trailed off, staring at something in the distance, then pointed out and asked, "Is that him?"
Considering the timing, Danny almost thought Tucker was joking, but then he followed his finger and saw that Niel was, indeed, walking toward Sam's greenhouse. He didn't look very goth in Danny's opinion, although his hair was shaved on one side--but that was more punk than goth. As he got closer, Danny noticed that he was carrying a bundle of yellow flowers in his hand.
Sam went to the greenhouse's entrance and opened the doors to greet him. "So, did you get my adress from the mayor or from Google Earth?" she said.
Niel rubbed his neck nervously. "Did I do something wrong?"
"'Course not, Dracula. Come in." She made way for him, then eyed the flowers and asked, "Are those for me?"
Niel held them out, blushing slightly. "Danny said you like flowers. Uh, completely platonic flowers, of course."
Sam took the flowers from him. "I do like flowers," she confirmed, "though not so much cutting off flower roots and selling their corpses for money."
Niel blinked. "Oh."
Sam have a half-shrug. "It's fine. I'll just give it to my mom, since she loves decorating our house with flower corpses."
"I'll...be sure to get a potted plant next time."
"You better," Sam said. "Meanwhile, I'll go find somewhere to place these dead flowers so they can provide some decoration while they rot away."
Niel looked mortified as she left the greenhouse and went indoors. As soon as she was gone, Tucker burst into laughter.
"Oh man, you should see your face. Nobody is ever prepared for ultra-recyclo-vegan Sam."
Danny watched Niel with a smile as the younger boy glared at Tucker. He nodded at his hair and said, "Nice hairdo."
Niel ran a hand over the shaved part of his head. "It was Sam's idea. Something to make me look different from you." He looked across the various plants in the greenhouse and said, "She really does like plants, doesn't she?"
"You have no idea," Tucker agreed. He gestured across the room and said, "I promise you, every plant in here, Sam named. Like, those two flowers over there--what did she name them again?"
"Hecate and Nyx," Danny supplied. "Or Nyx and Hecate. I don't remember which one's which."
Niel frowned at the twin flowers. "They look the same."
"Yeah, well, Sam has some way to tell them apart," Tucker said. He cupped his mouth with one hand and whispered conspiringly, "If you ask me, I'd say she still has plant-whisperer powers from Undergrowth."
Niel ignored Tucker. He was still scowling at the plants. "Why bother keeping two of the same kind if they're basically the same thing?"
Danny had a sneaking suspicion Niel wasn't just talking about the flowers. Either Sam really trained him to become dark and brooding, or something was troubling the boy.
"Hey," Danny asked, "things okay with your dad?"
Niel shrugged, not tearing his eyes off the plants. "I think so."
"You think?"
"They're good, I think. I mean, yeah. They are." He smiled and added, "I got him to call me by my name."
"Really? That's great," Danny said, and his tone was sincere. He knew how many times Vlad insisted on calling Niel by Danny's name. Yet, for some reason, Niel didn't look as happy as he should have been regarding the news.
Danny was about to ask him what was wrong, but Tucker chose that moment to lean forward and say, "So, are you crushing or Sam, or...?"
Niel spluttered and shouted, "I am not!"
Danny would have felt irritated at Tucker, but he had to admit seeing Niel's face turn as red as Sam's anthuriums was hilarious. Maybe that was what Tucker was going for: lightening the mood a little.
"You're not what?" Sam asked, and the three boys whipped around to see her reentering the greenhouse.
"Nothing," Niel said quickly. He scratched his cheek and turned his attention back to the flowers. "Just appreciating Nyx and Hecate here."
"Hecate and Nyx," Sam corrected.
"Yeah. That." He glanced at his wrist and said, "Um, I guess I should be leaving now."
Sam raised her eyebrows. "You just got here. Don't you want to hang out a bit?"
Danny could tell Niel wanted to, but he shook his head and said, "Dad's pretty strict about my training schedule."
"Training schedule?"
"Yeah. For my ghost powers." His eyes moved to Danny, almost out of reflex. For a long time, the clone had tried to get Danny to join him as his brother, but that was before he started questioning Vlad's integrity. Now, he just kept quiet and looked away.
Sam's lips thinned. "I dont mean to offend you, Niel, but I gotta be real with you. Your dad is kind of a--"
"A horrible villain who wants to take over the world?" Tucker said.
"--a jerk."
Niel crossed his arms, not meeting any of their eyes. "He's the only parent I have. I don't know. I don't know what to feel about him."
"I thought you said things were cool between you last night."
"I did, but..."
Niel shook his head. "It's nothing. I better go."
The trio's eyes followed him as he left, but no one tried to stop him.
Niel wasn't lying about the training schedule, but the truth was, his training wasn't due for another hour. Rather than return to the mansion, he stopped by an alley on the way.
There was a fast food restaurant nearby, and he bought a takeout burger and brought it with him to a small spot nestled between two buildings. He was disappointed but not surprised when he found it empty. He wasn't sure why he expected otherwise. It would have been dumb of her to stay in one place for long.
"Looking for me?" a familiar voice spoke, and he looked up and saw Danielle Phantom appear in front of him.
"So you did stick around," Niel said.
Dani floated down, stopping before her feet touched the ground so that they were at eye level. "Well, duh. I came to Amity Park because I wanted to see you for myself, and one short conversation this morning wasn't enough for me." Her eyes drifted to the box in his hands, and they sparkled as she pointed and said, "Woah, is that a Nasty Burger?"
Niel handed the burger to her. "I thought travelling around the world homeless might have made you hungry."
"Niel, I know we only just met today, but I think you're starting to become my favorite brother." After accepting the box, she landed on the floor and transformed into human, then she took out the burger and scarfed it down.
Niel watched her with interest. Even though Vlad mentioned her often, he never kept any photo of her. All Niel knew was that she looked like Danny, but younger and female. He guessed that description was true, but it was a bit hard to notice her similarity to Danny from underneath the low wool cap and oversized hoodie she wore--not to mention her incredibly messy long hair.
Niel brought out a small yellow dandelion from his pocket and twirled it in his fingers. Dani paused eating to look at it.
"Didn't you say you were going to give those flowers to Sam?" she asked.
"I did," he replied. "I thought I might keep one to give to you, though, as a sort of welcome gift." He offered her the flower.
Dani eyed it. "I appreciate the gesture, but we're siblings."
"It's a friendship flower! Yellow flowers are for friendship, red flowers are for love."
"I don't know enough about flowers to refute that, so all right." She shrugged and accepted the flower, then after a moment's thought, placed it in her hair. "What do you think?"
"You would have looked cute, if you weren't otherwise so messy."
Dani rolled her eyes. "Pompous rich people," she grumbled, then bit into her burger again, not paying any attention to the grease that ran down her chin.
Niel wrinkled his nose. "Are you sure we're related?"
"Hey, man, ask Vlad."
Niel hesitated. He toyed with his wristwatch and asked, "Was he really that bad to you?"
Dani finished her meal and sucked her fingers. "I thought we established this earlier today. Vlad probably treats you well because you're perfect, but I wasn't so lucky. He just thinks of me as a failed experiment."
"He said your body was unstable, but you seem pretty stable to me."
She chuckled. "I'm not unstable all the time. Trust me, you won't see me looking as pretty as this when I'm emotional."
If her current appearance was pretty, Niel wasn't excited to know how she looked like unstable. Dani observed him for a moment, then said, "I have to say, you really are a nice clone."
"I thought you said I was pompous."
"You are. But you also brought me a burger and a flower instead of taking me to Vlad."
Niel's eyes widened. "Why would I do that?"
"To gain his respect?" She shrugged and said, "That's what I would have done, back when he cared for me. I was almost ready to kill Danny because he told me to. Maybe it's a good thing I turned out to be imperfect and had to leave."
Niel decided to ignore the fact that Dani would have murdered a person and instead said, "You mean you didn't realize it at first?"
"Oh, no. I was stable for like a week before Vlad noticed anything amiss." She saw Niel's troubled expression and quickly added, "It's okay, I'm sure youre safe. You've stayed stable for much longer than I did. You're not a failure."
"I hope not," Niel mumbled, not feeling completely reassured.
Dani gave him a friendly nudge. "Don't worry, you'll be fine. And if you're not, you could always join your super duper awesome sister Dani on her worldly expeditions."
Niel frowned. "By the way, why do you call yourself Danny? Don't you want to go by your own name?"
"Uh-uh," she wagged her finger and said, "I'm Dani, with an I. He's Danny with a Y."
"That has to get confusing sometimes."
"Oh, absolutely. But it's also really funny. Like how there're two Hawkeyes in Marvel comics."
"There's two Hawkeyes?"
Dani gasped dramatically, then placed a hand on his shoulder and said deeply, "Niel, I really need to get you into comics."
Niel slowly moved Dani's hand away. "Okay...but I still find it weird that you want to be called Dani. Why not Elle? or Ellie?"
Dani tapped her chin and said, "You could call me that, if you like. Ellie does sound pretty cute."
"Cool, then. Ellie it is."
Ellie didn't seem to mind his new nickname for her. She wiped her mouth with a sleeve and looked at Niel's watch. "I guess I better leave. If Vlad's treating you like he used to treat me, then you probably have to do some ghost training in a few."
Niel looked down at his wrist. Had time really passed that quickly? "Yeah, you're right. Um...I'd say say you later, but..."
Ellie shrugged. "Why not? No harm in sticking around in Amity Park for a while longer, right?" She jabbed a finger at Niel and added, "Just make sure Vlad doesn't try to capture me or anything. Also, feel free to buy me food whenever we meet."
"I'll keep that in mind," Niel promised.
Niel turned away and began walking home. He glanced over his shoulder to where Ellie had been, but she was gone, probably off to do...whatever it was she did on her own.
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amara-scott · 4 years
Movie: Blackkklansman Characters: Phil Zimmerman x Reader Categories: M’sorry this is long, everything? lil smutty at the end
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So, yes- I may get a little more excited for unimportant holidays than the usual American citizen should. But does that mean others have to be cranky or a grump? No. Why not just go with the flow and enjoy some free candy?
"Okay- I get that you don't like it, but what's your costume going to be?" I ask Zimmerman as I sit on his desk at work, looking through a catalogue of adult costumes. Extremely boring ones, might I add. The ones you see in every store and every commercial.
I hear his sigh and glance over the edge of the current page. He rolls his eyes, not looking up from the paper he's reading. Jimmy laughs behind me, Ron joining in. I give them a grin, like every year, I love teasing poor Phil.
"Not happening this year." He mumbles, taking a sip of his coffee, grimacing afterwords. Probably already cold. I hop off his desk and take the mug.
"I'll give you time to think while I get you a fresh, hot coffee—" I walk out the office, patting his shoulder as I go and make out Ron who can't contain his snickering. He receives a glare from Flip but no further comment. I hurry and greet a couple guys in the kitchen.
"Flip! Hey, I have an idea guys. Since it's my turn to host the dinner, we'll all keep it a secret what we dress up as. What do you say?" I place the steaming mug next to Flip's papers and he groans, leaning back and looking at me.
"Seriously? Why do we have to dress up at all?"
"Flip, why not?" I point at Ron, agreeing with his question.
"You're my favorite officer, you know that, Stallworth?" I walk over to him and place a hand on his shoulder as we share a smile.
"Hey." Jimmy says, I look over and wave him off.
"You know very well you're high up on the rank as well." He sighs relieved and sinks back into his chair with a grin.
"What about Flip?" Ron asks, smirking and we all glance over at Phil. He's obviously listening but trying to ignore us, head down and pen ready to write.
"Officer Zimmerman? Oh, I don't know. He's been quite rude lately. I would say— just below Landers."
"Hey!" His head snaps up and he frowns at me, all of us chuckling at his expression. I skip over and lean my elbows on his desk.
"You know what to do to change that." I wink at him and stand back up straight, walking toward the office door. "I'll see you on Saturday then, no more complaints." I raise an eyebrow at Flip at the end, him sighing deeply but nodding. I grin and wave, turning. My bell pants moving and flowing with my long strides.
I wait for Patrice to come over that Saturday. She helps me with the food and dips, decorations and music. As Bobby Pickett's Monster Mash is playing in the background, we get ready, dressing up in our costumes.
I slip into my rather tight Bat Girl suit and Patrice in her Wonder Woman outfit. I place the crown in the perfect spot in her wild hair and we help each other touch up on our makeup. We giggle as we pose, taking polaroids and skipping through my small house like we were saving the world. I'm about to take some more popcorn to throw at her but we hear a knock, freezing and I grin, walking over to the door. I see Patrice straightening her outfit, making sure everything's in place.
I open the door and peek outside, seeing my three favorite men of the night. I can't help but burst out laughing, Jimmy dressed up as Tin Man from Wizard of Oz. Even his face is painted silver, shining brighter than my glitter eyeshadow. Patrice walks over and giggles, welcoming Ron and I hug him afterwards. With Jimmy I try to keep his face a little further from mine.
Ron honestly couldn't have picked a better costume. His name tag reading Agent Bond. Which he kind of was. A really good undercover detective. And a secretive bag in his hand.
And Flip? Flip wore a flannel, his hair as messy as ever and Jeans and boots as usual. I don't want to frown, not showing him that it disappoints me he didn't put any effort into it. I really do like him, and I know he likes me too. We spent many evenings together, staying longer at diners and bars than the others. Talking and exchanging looks. Maybe I'm just overreacting.
"Good you're here Flip." I give him a smile and hug him, wondering why he is so quiet. I raise an eyebrow as we pull away and lead them all inside, showing them the food filled table and offer them beers.
Patrice and Ron sit together, Jimmy on one end and the seat next to Flip still open. I feel his eyes on me as I walk between kitchen and dining room. I also picked the costume because it honestly just looked really good. It sparkles just like Yvonne Craig's version, purple and tight. I pull up my mask and sit down next to Flip, trying not to be too mad at him. It's just a costume for goodness sake. Or rather the lack of one.
"Hey Flip, what do you think of (Y/N)'s costume?" Jimmy says, biting into a piece of meat, raising his silvery eyebrows. Ron smiles, glancing up at Flip too. He hasn't even eaten anything yet, is he grumpy today?
"Yeah and what about the food, you don't like it? I'm sorry that I invited you- won't happen again-" I let out, growing more angry every second he's just sitting there. He looks like he's trying to suppress a grin, struggling to keep a straight face. I frown, not sure what's going on. Jimmy and Ron join in and Patrice too after Ron whispered something in her ear.
"I think you look bloody good tonight, Bat Girl." Flip says, turning to me and I glance at his mouth, wondering why his words sound muffled. He grins at me and my eyes grow wide. Vampire teeth. Everyone starts laughing and I can't help but giggle, slapping his arm. He's unbelievable.
"Just for you." He says, quickly taking out the teeth and drying his mouth.
"Well I have to admit- that was good." I say, taking my beer and holding it up to the others.
"To a fun night with Bond, Tin Man, Wonder Woman and- a wanna-be-Dracula." We all toast and take a sip, I finally feel relaxed and take another glance at Flip, shaking my head at him as he looks back at me, winking.
We let movies roll in the background and played Pass Out while eating and laughing. Once we finished the game and Flip won, having ten pink elephant cards first, he raises his fists in the air, Ron and Jimmy groaning in annoyance as he gets his last tongue twister right. I feel very tipsy, not used to too much booze. Who could have figured that Ron would bring that game?
I lower one of Flip's arms, shushing him. "Calm down, cowboy. It's just a game." I hear myself slur at the end, frowning. I need water.
"No way, I've never seen you drunk before, Batsy." Flip responds and I click my tongue, trying to stand up. I had to wait a second before actually moving toward the kitchen. "Hey, hey— let me help you." A hand wraps around my waist, holding me to their side. I look up at Flip and nod.
"Thanks." I say quietly, my cheeks warm and eyes glossy. "I want water." I mumble and he helps me sit down at the small kitchen table, leaving me and returning with a glass of what I hope is water.
I take a sip and frown, a weird taste after all the beer, wine and whiskey we had this night. "You doing alright? Feel like you need to throw up?" I groan, not wanting to even think about it. I lean forward on the table, head in my hands and close my eyes for a moment.
"You want me to bring you upstairs?" He suggests, his voice sounding closer than last time he spoke. I glance over my fingers and he sits beside me, rubbing my back now, beneath my costume cape.
"No, I'm good-" I hiccup, holding a hand to my lips and growing even warmer in the face as Flip chuckles, running a hand through his hair and standing up, holding out a hand to me. I sigh taking it and his other hand is back around my waist, holding me up. I can walk myself, I want to pull away but am not strong enough. Maybe it's good he's holding me.
"Hey guys, the host needs to lay down, I'll bring her to bed." I frown at Flip, shaking my head.
"No, I'm fine-" hiccup "-I just need more water." I can't make out anyone's expression before being lead to the stairs. I hear good night and thank you but the next thing I feel is already my bed. Soft blanket against my cheek. I sigh, not wanting to move an inch and sleep for days.
"Let me get Patrice." Flip says and I hear a couple steps. Then my hair is lifted off my face, moved right behind my ear. "Sleep tight." I feel something wet on my forehead and then nothing. Only quiet. And dark.
I roll over, feeling around for my blanket and cover my cold skin. With one eye open I look around, trying to figure out what's going on. My window is open, curtains pulled together, darkening the room. I groan, frowning. The phone rings and I flinch, holding a hand to my warm head. I squeeze my eyes shut and try to ignore the shrill tone but it doesn't stop. In one slow but swift motion I sit up, taking a second to regain my balance and blink my eyes open.
"Hello?" I get out, clearing my throat afterwards, not knowing what's wrong with my voice. So groggy and deep.
"Wow, good morning Bat Girl, had a little too much to drink last night?" I hear Patrice's voice and roll my eyes, sighing.
"Why did you let me drink that much? You know me. At least I thought you did." I grin, shaking my head and closing my eyes again, leaning forward, head in my free hand.
"You should know your limits, sister. Maybe you got a little closer to knowing them last night."
"Sure thing, sister."
"You up for a run later?" I raise an eyebrow, not sure if she even drank anything at all last night. I stand up carefully and draw the curtains aside, squinting my eyes as the first sunlight burns my eyes.
"Wow, how late is it?"
"It's one thirty. I'm glad I finally woke you up."
"I'm glad too, I bet it's a mess downstairs. I'll call you when I'm done cleaning, a run should do me some good though."
"Yes, right on, sister. See you later."
As I put on a robe, scanning my costume at the end of my bed, I walk out and down the stairs. I sigh relieved, the mess not as big as I thought. I hope the boys took some leftovers home to eat. But I see all the food stacked in the fridge. I roll my eyes and pack boxes, to drop them off at the station later.
I get ready, drinking a rare cup of coffee and put on grey leggings and a turquoise long sleeve for my run with Patrice. I'll meet her in about twenty minutes at the station.
As I drive there, I try to remember what all went down last night. The pass out game was maybe a little too much for my fragile stomach. And Flip, his Dracula teeth still make me grin. Such a dork.
I park my car and walk inside the station, having all the food stacked on my arms. As I get to their office I make out Patrice at Ron's table, laughing and sitting down on his desk.
"Hello guys, anyone ordered leftovers?" I place down boxes on their desks and lastly at Flip's, sitting down on his.
"Someone arose from the dead I see." Flip says and Patrice nods.
"She was still asleep two hours ago." I frown at her, mouth agape and cross my arms.
"Why do you have to betray me, Patrice?" They laugh at me, Flip nudging me arm. I glare down at him, not able to hide a smile.
"Especially you, Dracula."
"What? I didn't betray you, I even brought you upstairs." He raises his hands in front of himself, eyebrows doing the same. I roll my eyes and stand up, telling Patrice to wrap it up and go running.
"You're going for a run? You mind grabbing me a good coffee on your way back?" Flip says and continues to scan through papers.
"Who says I will come back after my run?" My hands land on my hips, eyes on him as he slowly looks up, adjusting his holster over his red plaid shirt. Which was my favorite. I loved the color on him and it's the softest out of all of them.
"Well, I know you need those tupperware boxes back so-" He shrugs his shoulders, smiling innocently.
"You're lucky you're cute, Zimmerman." I mumble, hitting his shoulder and the guys laugh, Patrice and I walking out.
"So are you dating now or what?" Patrice huffs, running alongside me as we enter the park and follow the path down to the water.
"Who? Me and Flip?"
"Obviously, he's absolutely into you."
"What makes you say that?" I swallow, trying to take a look at her but struggling to do it while running. I just see her eyes rolling.
"The way he's treating you, looking at you. Last night for example, he helped you go to bed and was such a gentlemen. He came back down, asking me to help you undress."
I frown, hoping not to trip as I try to remember the wet sensation on my forehead last night. The way his finger ran across my forehead. My skin tingles at the thought.
"I don't know, Patrice." I say and she sighs, changing the subject.
The whole way back to the department I have to think of what Patrice said, nearly running into a couple officers. I carry the four big coffee cups from our local Colorado café that usually doesn't do takeaway coffee. But for the department they do. So sweet of them.
"Three orders of hot and delicious coffee?" The guys look up and I give them the cups, Jimmy nearly burning his finger. "Careful!" I say and giggle. I give Flip his cup and he hums, smelling the liquid, eyes closed.
"That's the good stuff." I grin, nodding and take a gentle sip myself, sitting back down on his desk.
"Flip?" He looks over, nodding and drinking the coffee. I push a black strand of hair out of his face, adjusting my seat and face him more. "Can we talk later?" I ask quietly, not wanting to cause a scene or give the boys anything to tease Flip with.
"Uh, sure. After work?" I nod and rub my arm, smiling at him. "You could come by my place, if you want." He adds, seeming hesitant but tries not to show it, drinking more of the coffee. I stop moving for a second, not sure if I heard him right. To his place? I've never been there. Weird, to be honest. I've known him for a while now, nearly a year. Patrice introduced me to them all after an incident with an investigation she told me. That's how she met Ron too.
"I'll be there at around eight?" He nods and smiles at me. After writing down his address for me I leave and decide a hot shower would be the best now.
I'm done cleaning up my house and myself, when it's already 7.20. I curse under my breath and quickly get dressed. It's chilly outside and I settle with a thin white turtle neck and my favorite blue plaid skirt, short but beautiful. At the door I put on my black thigh highs and grab my purse and coat, finally leaving at 7.45. It's about 20 down to 21 Street so I hurry, still staying with the speed limit.
As I pull up to number 1813, I take in the house. It's matching the blue tones of my skirt, the lawn turning dry and a huge oak tree standing to the side. It's a cute one story house. I smile and step out, a cold breeze welcoming me. I pull on the coat and hug myself, walking up to his house. After knocking it only took him about a minute to open the door.
"Hey there." We share a hug and he leads me inside, taking my coat from me. I take off my boots, him clearing his throat and then moving from behind me toward a different room.
"Just follow the smell once you're done." He calls out and I look up to see where he's going. I grin and try to imagine Flip cooking a dinner. I walk toward the kitchen and stop in the doorway. He's stirring something in a pot, then goes over to grab a couple plates from a cabinet.
"Can I help?" I walk in further, smoothing down my skirt. He looks over, up and down my form only briefly and shakes his head.
"No need, I can manage. You can pick a drink and sit down in the dining room, right through that door." He nods ver to a different entry way and I open the fridge, looking through his options.
"Alright, you want a beer too?" He hums in response, tasting the sauce next and I try to peek but he points to the door, looking at me seriously.
"Okay okay, I'll leave." I raise my beer bottle filled hands in defence. Before going out the door I glance over my shoulder, his eyes on my bum, not realizing I caught him. I smirk and sway my hips more, leaving and sitting down at the round table in the room. I bite my lip, crossing my legs, running a hand over my exposed skin.
"Here we go." Flip enters, carrying two plates. Pasta with red sauce. I mean, it's nothing extraordinary but it doesn't have to be. It's a good dish and smells really good.
"Thanks, Flip, looks and smells amazing. Where have you been hiding your cooking talent all this time?" He chuckles, joining me across the table. We clink our bottles and start eating. My thigh high socks warm my feet and legs, it's really gotten cold out now. November is one of my favorite months.
"How was work, everything alright?" I ask, wiping my lips with a napkin and take another sip.
"Yeah, it's gotten more busy lately, though." He sighs, twirling more pasta on his fork. I just watch him for a moment, eating. I want to place another fork full into my mouth but it's too much sauce and splatters onto my white turtleneck. I groan, wiping my mouth and start dabbing at my shirt. But it's only getting worse. I hear him chuckle and watch me.
"Hey, that's not funny. Do you have dish soap?" He frowns, nodding though. "Excuse me for a second." I stand up and walk toward the kitchen. I make sure the door is fully closed and step up to the sink. I pull off my top, running some warm water over the spot. Then I look for the dish soap. Nowhere to be found. I want to groan again but start looking through the cabinets. Where does a man keep his cleaning supplies?
"Flip? Where is the dish soap?" I call out and hear his chair squeaking. I freeze, panicking. He'll see me in my bra- I block my chest with the wet top and shiver, the water cold against my bare skin. He walks inside and stops for a second, looking at my state. He clears his throat, hiding a smile and opens one of the upper cabinets, pulling out the dish soap from a shelf that I clearly could not have reached all by myself. Idiot.
"Here you go." He hands it to me and I smile tightly, trying to avoid eye contact. "Do you Want me to get you a shirt?" He asks, leaning against the kitchen counter, arms crossed. His grin warms my face even more and I only nod.
"Thanks." I mumble and he pushes himself off, walking past me and toward his bedroom, I assume. I let out a breath and use the soap to quickly soak into the fabric, rubbing the spot together and running it under warm water again. I repeat that until there's only a very light shade of sauce, nearly gone. One time in the wash should get rid of the rest.
"Here you go." I flinch, turning around and accept his shirt. A black plaid shirt that I haven't seen on him before.
"Is this new?" I try to act casual, pulling it on and buttoning it up- but wrong. I groan and he pushes my hands down gently, redoing the buttons. His fingers grazing the skin of my stomach and chest. He apologizes quietly, focusing on the buttons. My heart races fast and at hope he doesn't feel it.
"There- and yes. It's a new one." I thank him again, tucking the shirt into my skirt on one side at the front. The sleeves are long and wide, covering my hands as well. "You want to sit on the couch?" I bite my lip, nodding at him. Before we move he steps closer and wraps his hands around my neck, my breath stuck in my throat. His fingers push out my hair that's stuck underneath the flannel. "Better."
He smiles down at me and walks past me, looking back to see if I'm following. I do. And sit down next to him. Right leg tucked underneath me and hands in my lap as I face him. "I like this one." I say, playing with the ends of the sleeves.
"Me too." I look back up, he's already watching me. "So what did you want to talk about?"
I knew this would be coming but I hoped he forgot. He's a detective. He doesn't forget anything. Maybe struggling to remember names sometimes but that's about it.
"I- uh, you know I just wanted to see how you're doing. I care about my- friends." He nods slowly, totally not buying my words.
"Well I'm doing just fine, thanks for asking." I nod, looking down at my lap, hoping he would let it go.
"How long, (Y/N)?" I meet his ganze, a sigh leaving his lips.
"What do you mean?" He shakes his head, chuckling and inching a little closer, his left hand over the back of the couch and right hand taking my left one, holding it and then gazing back up at me.
"How long are we supposed to keep this game going? I mean, it's fun, don't get me wrong. I love flirting with you and showering you with compliments but- you know, I think-"
"-it's time we take it a step further?" I conclude for him as he starts struggling with words. He nods, sighing with a smile. I take his big hand between both of mine, running my thumbs over his skin.
"Exactly." He adds, his voice calm and warm, like always. Another thing I love about him. I don't know what else to say so I lean my head closer, watching his lips and eyes, his own face leaning in. I close my lids and concentrate on his and my breath mixing. Soon our lips meet, gently and slow. My left hand going up around his neck, trying to sit closer to him. His hands hold onto my waist, lifting me up and setting me on his lap. I giggle against his lips and he chuckles, pulling me tightly against him. Our flannels rubbing together. He's still caressing my hips, digging his thumbs into my skin and hands cupping my bum. My skirt riding up with every movement. Soon his thumbs hook under the hem of my skirt and stay there for a moment. Our tongues fighting and tasting each other. My fingers running through his thick dark hair. His beard tickling my neck as his lips move from my mouth down to my neck. I hold his head and lean mine to the side slightly, giving him more space to play with. His breath is heavy and hot against my skin, his lips leaving a wet trail as he tries to move even lower, quickly opening the top two buttons of the flannel I'm wearing.
"Flip~" I whimper, his teeth pulling at my lower lip, hands back by my skirt, lifting it even further until the fabric is around my waist, panties exposed. My core tingles and I can't help and rock back and forth on his lap, glancing down and making out his hard member inside his pants. I unbutton my shirt even further and pull it off completely, his eyes glued to my every movement, cupping my breasts as soon as they are free. I still wear my bra but he's quick to unhook it and throw it to the side. Hands back on my breasts.
"Fuck." He says under his breath, kneading them and playing with my nipples. I inhale sharply as his teeth graze that soft skin. I try to take off my high socks but he grabs my hands, shaking his head at me, going back for a kiss. His hands now running up and down my thighs up to my ass.
I finally get to unbutton his flannel and he pulls it off, shirt following. I already try my best at opening his buckle but struggle, sighing and stopping the kiss to have a better look. He chuckles and helps me, pulling down the zipper too. I feel his fingers move around my bum and push my soaking panties to the side, teasing my lips and bud. I moan, moving my hips and palming him through his boxer briefs before freeing his member fully. I stroke it, his forehead now resting on my shoulder as he breathes deeply, small but low moans leaving his luscious lips every now and then.
And that's how we had sex for the first time.
The next morning I wake up to low snoring, I smile before opening my eyes, glancing over at Flip's peaceful form. The blanket only covering his lower body. His bare chest falling and rising with every breath he takes. I reach out, pushing his hair back gently and watch him, covering myself with more blanket. I move closer to him, resting my head in his chest, fingertips dancing across his stomach. His breath calms down and he's sighing, still sleeping as I glance up to his eyes. I look back down and bite my lip, my fingers moving further down and pushing the blanket as I go. Soon I reach his member, lightly touching it. I lift myself off the sheets and move lower, parting his legs carefully and kneeling between them, I wet my lips and kiss his semi hard cock. I watch his face, twisting and moving. And when I finally take him whole into my mouth his eyes slowly open, hands gripping the sheets as he looks down, smirking and chuckling as he throws his head back against the pillow. I smile as I lick his penis, kissing the tip and running my hands along his abdomen, dragging my nails down. His muscles twitching underneath my touch.
"Good morning to you too." He mumbles, his voice still sounding way too tired. He rubs a hand across his face and the other one tangle ps in my hair, guiding me up and down at a pace he enjoys. His other arm is tucked behind his head and he looks relaxed. His breath is getting heavier, louder, turning into moaning. But suddenly he sits up, me following his movement as his wide eyes search for his alarm clock.
"6.30? Fuck-" He stumbles out the bed and nearly bumps into his dresser on the way to the bathroom. I didn't know he would be working today. Oops. The shower is running and I hear him exhale loudly, soon turning off the water again. I walk to the bathroom as he comes out, pulling out clothes from his drawers. I have to suppress a grin, holding a hand in front of my lips as I still see his hard member. He's trying to tuck it into his pants but I push his hands off, kneeling down.
"If you're late, ten more minutes won't be a problem." I say, his face twisting in frustration and he groans, pulling on his shirt and the black flannel I wore yesterday. I start my job, trying to make him release fast.
"Fuck, okay- this might work." He says, sounding more awake and guiding my head again, his head tilted back. He's pushing my head so far that I'm near tears, struggling to take a breath. The pace quickens and he's holding me down, groaning and twitching in my mouth, now loudly moaning and releasing his load down my throat. I hold onto his legs, hoping he'd let go soon so I could catch my breath. And that he does, I gasp and cough, wiping my mouth and swallowing down his cum. I wipe my eyes and smile up at him. I kiss his tip as he takes a couple deep breaths.
"No more- I need to get going." He tucks his member away, zipping up and buckling his belt. I stand up wiping some spit off my face. He stops and turns to me, pulling me into a hug. "You're incredible." He whispers into my hair, kissing my forehead. He steps around me and I follow him into the living room where he quickly covers me with a blanket from the couch. "Careful love- only I'm allowed to see you like that." He winks and I giggle, pulling it tightly around myself, watching him put on his boots. "I'll bring you lunch later." I say and he smiles, walking over and giving me another kiss, this time on the lips.
"Thanks, see you later." I wave and watch him leave, going to his car and driving off. I go into the kitchen and sigh as I see my stained shirt still laying there. I clean up his house as best as I can, taking a simple black short sleeve shirt from his drawers and get dressed. Before I leave I make sure he has dinner for tonight and write a quick note.
Thanks for last night, I loved it. Dinner is in the fridge, hope you like it. :)
I leave and take all with me that's mine, driving back to my place to make him some early lunch. I make sandwiches, grab an apple and a piece of my homemade chocolate cake that they didn't finish at the Halloween dinner.
Once I'm freshly showered and wearing new clothes, a sweater and my bell pants, I drive back to the station. It's now 11.30 am.
I walk into the office, a big smile on my face. Their conversation dies down as they see me and Flip stands up, taking my bags and pulling me into a hug, kissing my lips. I melt into his touch, stroking his cheek. Other hand holding his strong arm.
Once he lets go, he goes in for a second but brief peck on the lips.
"When did that happen?" We look over at a stunned Ron and smirking Jimmy who looked like he was waiting for it to happen.
"You owe me, Stallworth."
I ignore that our friends were betting on us and only look at Flip. "I made you lunch and brought you some cake as well."
"What about us? Are we getting no food no more?" Ron gasps, holding a hand over his heart.
"I don't know yet. Maybe you should ask Patrice." I raise a brow at him and Flip throws an arm around me, pointing at me.
"She's my personal chef now, none of yours. Get used to it. Comes with having a girlfriend, Stallworth." I look up at him. Slowly smiling.
"Girlfriend, huh?" He shrugs, smiling innocently and I ignore the comment he made about me. Instead I agree with him. Hugging him around his middle.
"He's right." I mumble into his flannel, loving his smell. I could fall asleep just like this. And just like that I won not only a man who I want to spend a lot of time with- no- I also gained a best friend. My Flip.
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oliviastan17 · 4 years
Stuck (1/?)
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Warnings: Language, floofy fluff 
Length: 4.6k
A/n: There was so much in this dream that was so specific to me so I made it x ofc. My job, my best friend, my tattoo, my first kiss, etc. It starts off slow but keep reading because it does pick up. I’m a little nervous about this one, not gonna lie! Please reblog and leave comments because that makes me smile! DO NOT POST TO ANY OTHER WEBSITE! Gifs are not mine.Smut will come in later chapters (most likely next chapter)!
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Remember this dancing for later in the story!
The elevator doors opened on the second floor to reveal a woman wearing navy blue scrubs with long dark brown hair and the greenest eyes Sebastian had ever seen. She gave him a quick smile as she stepped inside. After she saw the ground floor button was already pressed she leaned against the wall and opened the book she was carrying. She doesn’t have her eyes glued on her phone like most people do and he is immediately intrigued. His curiosity intensifies when he sees that he has also read the book in her hands.
The elevator is working fine until it jerks and suddenly comes to a stop. She stumbled back and he reached to place his hand on her back so she wouldn’t fall. She dropped her book to reach out and grab on to his arm out of instinct.
“Are you okay?” he asked her.
“Um…yeah, thanks. We’re not moving anymore, are we?” she said still holding on to his arm.
“I don’t think so,” he said as he pushed a couple of buttons. None of them lit up and the doors stayed closed.
“Shit,” she whispered as she looked at her watch.
“Should I call for help?” he asked pointing to the phone in the elevator.
“Yeah, I think so.”
Sebastian pushed the elevator call button and someone from the hospital’s maintenance staff answered. They informed the two occupants that it could take anywhere from 1-3 hours to be rescued.
“I need to call my charge nurse,” Liv said more to herself than to Sebastian as she took her phone out of her pocket and dialed. “Hey Sam, it’s Liv. I’m stuck in the elevator and they said it could take 1-3 hours for me to get out…No, I’m not kidding…Yeah, I’ll keep you updated…Okay, bye.”
Liv took a deep breath and then sat down.
“Three hours? I really wish I would have brought my lunch today,” Liv said as she smiled and rubbed her stomach. “I’m gonna need you to distract me from my hunger."
"I can do that. I’m Sebastian," he said as he sat down against the opposite wall.
“Liv,” she said as he glanced at her ID badge with her name and RN proudly displayed.
 “So did you always want to be a nurse?”
 “Well, when I was a kid I wanted to be a marine biologist but that was going to be hard to do in Arizona you know, so I let go of that dream. Then in college I was just taking like normal pre req’s for pretty much anything and I saw a group of nursing students all hanging out in their scrubs and I thought, ‘Those look so comfortable. I could wear scrubs every day.’ And it turns out I love it so,” she said shrugging her shoulders.
“Wearing scrubs or being a nurse?”
“Both actually,” she said with a smile.
“They do look comfortable. What’s on your socks?”
She lifted her pant leg so he could read the whole quote which was ‘Carpe the fuck out of this diem.’
“Plain socks are just so boring,” she said eyeing his plain black ankle cut socks peaking out of his shoes.
“Yeah, well all my fun ones are in the laundry so…”
“Sure they are,” she said with a laugh and a smile.
"So you lived in Arizona? When did you move here?"
"I was 16. Are you from New York?"
"No, I was born in Romania, moved to Vienna for a little bit and then came here when I was 12."
“That’s so much more classy than Arizona,” she said with a laugh. “Do you still know Romanian or German?”
“Romanian yes, thanks to my mom.”
“Teach me something in Romanian.”
He thought for a moment and then said, “Zambetul tau este frumos.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means your smile is beautiful.”
“Well, thank you but I was thinking more along the lines of something I could say daily,” she replied with a laugh.
“Just thought I’d put that out there,” he said smiling. “What do you want to know?”
“How do you say fuck?”
 “La dracu.”
“La dracu?”
He nodded his head yes.
“La dracu, la dracu, la dracu. I’m a strong believer you should know how to curse in more than one language. That way most people won’t know what you said.”
“They probably won’t. It’s not the most common language over here.”
"Do you miss Romania?”
“I don’t really remember what it was like to be honest. I was so young when we left, you know. I went back a few years ago for work and nothing looked familiar. ”
“I've never even been out of the US."
"If you could travel anywhere, where would you want to go?"
"Oh, I don’t know…Australia seems fun. Have you been there?"
"No, I have not. If we ever get out of here we should go," he suggested with a charming smile.
"Just let me know when you're free and I'll request time off.”
He jokingly pulled out his phone and started scrolling, then asked, “How is 2 weeks from today?”
“I need little bit more warning than 2 weeks,” she laughed. “What work sent you back to Romania?"
"I’m an actor and I was there for film festival," he said after taking a deep breath.
"Oh, wow! Been in anything I would have seen?"
"I don’t know. I really haven’t done that much. A few movies, a couple plays."
“Come on. If I looked you up, what would it say was your most successful role?”
“Probably Bucky from the Captain America movies,” he said while he rubbed the stubble on his chin.
“Why are you being so modest? That’s a big deal! Those movies are huge.”
 “Yeah, well…..I don’t know,” he said as he shrugged his shoulders and brought his hand up to rub his right eyebrow.
"You know, I took my nephew to see Endgame but I had no idea what was going on. Like people were clapping and cheering and crying. I mean, it was like being at a football game with my family,” she laughed. “Were you in that one?"
He shook his head yes.
"And apparently my performance was memorable," he said as he dramatically wiped away an imaginary tear.
"Oh my god, I'm sorry!” she said bringing her hands up to cover her mouth. “There was so much going on. I barely retained anything!"
"I'm just teasing you. I had a pretty small part. And a wig.”
"Oh, I feel bad now! I’m sure you were great!"
"No, really I'm just kidding. Don't feel bad," he said placing his hand on her outstretched leg for just a second.
"Did you always want to be an actor? Like when you were a kid and stuff?"
"No, I went through an astronaut phase for a while."
“Just a phase?”
“Well, I mean I still think it would be incredible. I think it would be so cool to be up there floating in space and looking down at the earth, you know? Explore places nobody has been before.”
“Serious question,” Liv said and then paused for dramatic effect. “Do you believe in aliens?”
“Absolutely. Do you?”
“There’s no way we are the only living beings in the whole universe, you know?”
“Oh I completely agree,” she said sitting up straighter. “Do you think we are the smartest ones out there or the dumbest ones?”
“Maybe somewhere in the middle. I mean, we’re definitely not the smartest because well, look at the president,” Sebastian said rolling his eyes. “Sorry, didn’t mean to get political. That just came out.”
“You shouldn’t apologize for speaking the truth,” she said giving him a smile that stopped his breathing.
Liv’s phone started buzzing on the floor between them and he noticed the caller ID said Hubby.
“You are not going to believe where I am,” she said into the phone.
“You’re stuck in an elevator. They floated me over to cover for you. You okay?”
“Oh, yeah I’m just sitting here with my new friend Sebastian. Talking about aliens.”
 “Is he cute?”
“Actually, yeah,” Liv said darting her eyes to Sebastian. “And I think he can hear you because he is blushing now,” she said with a laugh.
“Take a picture and send it to me.”
“No, Alex I’m not going to take a picture.”
“Bitch, I said take a picture!”
“Goodbye Alex,” she said and then hung up the phone.
“Does your husband always call you a bitch?” Sebastian asked confused. “Sorry, I saw the caller ID.”
“He’s my gay/work husband and yes he does. Bitch is a term of endearment to him,” she explained while rolling her eyes.
“He’s a nurse too?”
“Yeah, we went to school together. You know what, he is actually a huge Marvel fan. Shit, I’m sorry but I am going to need a picture after all. I may not know who you are but I can guarantee you he does. Do you mind?”
“Not at all,” he said scooting over from the other side of the elevator so their backs were against the same wall. He would take any excuse to get closer to her.
“Okay, ready?” Liv asked shuffling closer and holding her phone up to take a selfie. They took 3 pictures total. One normal, one with funny faces, and one he snapped mid laugh after he picked up her phone when she dropped it. She had accidentally said, “Shit! I mean la dracula! No, wait that doesn’t sound right!”
The last one was his favorite. She had her eyes closed, head tilted slightly down and away from Sebastian with a huge smile while he looked at her with an adoring smile that crinkled his eyes. If someone saw that picture they would assume these two were a couple and hadn’t just met less than 30 minutes ago.
 “Here you go,” he asked as he handed the phone back to her.
“Thank you. I’ll send one to him when you are safely away. If I do it now my patients might get abandoned for the second time today.”
“Do you-“
He was cut off by the elevator making a very strange screeching noise followed by a loud bang.
“That’s not super comforting,” Sebastian said looking up at the now blinking lights.
“No, it’s not.”
“Let’s keep the distractions coming,” he suggested.
“Why are you at the hospital? Oh shit, that’s probably too personal. Skip that one. Um…”
“No, it’s okay. I’m just here visiting a friend. He’s going to be fine.”
“Oh, that’s good.”
“Hey, I’ve always wondered this. How do you take a blood pressure?”
“Well, you put the cuff on and push the button on the machine,” she answered smiling.
He closed his eyes, tilted his head to the side and smiled. “I meant what are you listening for with the thing?” he said referring to her stethoscope.
“I know, I’m just being a smartass,” she laughed. “You pump the cuff up and watch the gauge while you slowly deflate it. You listen for when you hear the heartbeat and that’s the top number and then the bottom number is when the heartbeat disappears.”
While Liv was talking, she made a few hand gestures and he noticed a tattoo on her right wrist.
“What’s that?”
She pulled up the sleeve of her sweatshirt to reveal an angel made up entirely of delicate swirly lines.
“You have any?” she asked him.
“No. I think I would have a hard time deciding what to get, you know. And didn’t it hurt?”
“It’s not that bad after a night of partying in Las Vegas. Barely felt a thing.”
“That’s another place I have never been to.”
“You’ve never been to Las Vegas? Okay, first we go to Australia, then next is Vegas.”
“Can we go to Japan after? Always wanted to go there too.”
“Oh, yeah! Of course!”
Sebastian wondered why his dates never were as much fun as being stuck in an elevator with her. He could listen to Liv talk endlessly no matter the subject. He wasn’t exactly looking forward to getting out of the elevator and was wondering if he was a bad person for secretly hoping it would take longer than 3 hours for help to arrive. He barely knew her but he was already hooked.
“Okay, I have a question. I’ve seen all these interviews of actors like talking about how weird it is to film kissing or sex scenes. Is it really that weird or do you secretly enjoy it?”
He tilts his head back and laughed.
“No, I wouldn’t say I enjoy them but some are less awkward than others. I kind of compare it to a first kiss. I mean, it can be extremely awkward and uncomfortable and you never know if you are doing it right like the director wants.”
 “What was your first kiss like?”
“I’m pretty sure it was bad on my part,” he said with a laugh. “I was maybe 10 or 11. It happened with my neighbor on the way to school and she was a lot older than me.”
“You had game all the way back then? What happened?” Liv asked jokingly.
“I ask myself that all the time,” he said laughing. “What about your first?”
“I was 11 or 12 I think. My crush found a balled up piece of paper my friends and I were playing MASH on and he saw his name in the list of potential spouses. He walked right up to me and asked if I liked him and I said yes and then he kissed me.”
“What’s MASH?”
“You have never played MASH? Mansion, apartment, shack, house?”
“I’ve never even heard of that. What is it?”
“Oh my god, how have you gotten this far in life and never played MASH?” Liv asked as she reached in her pockets and pulled out some paper and her pen. “It’s totally stupid but we’re doing it.”
“It’s not like we don’t have time to kill.”
“Okay, so we need some categories. We need a spouse, occupation, number of kids, pet, where to live,” she said writing the categories down. “And we need 4 for each of these categories. We’ll do mine first so you can see how it’s done. You get to pick two for me for each category but I don’t get to see what you pick so you get to write. That’s how my friends and I did it anyways.”
“Okay,” he said taking the pen from her and ever so lightly brushing his fingers on her skin. “Spouse?”
“I like that guy from The Office. John Krasinski. He seems nice,” she said and then thought for a bit on her second choice while Sebastian wrote in his two picks. “Oh! My girl crush, Kristen Bell.”
“Okay, what about occupation?”
“Professional puppy namer.”
“I think if that were a real job, it would really suit you,” he said smiling.
“And koala wrangler.”
“Practice for when we are in Australia. Good thinking. Number of kids?”
“Eleven and 9.68.”
Sebastian finished writing in his picks and her answers to all the categories. The answers Liv gave him only made her more interesting to him. They were unique and fun, just like her.
“Okay so start drawing a spiral and I’ll tell you when to stop.”
He started to draw and then stopped and counted the amount of lines from the top to the bottom. He went through the all the categories marking out the answer he landed on each time he counted to that number until there was only one left for each category.
“Are you ready?”
“Yaaasss! I’m so ready!”
“Liv, you are a model married to me living in a shack on the moon with our 18 children and our pet alligator.”
“Oh, I love that! I’m a little bummed I’m not a professional puppy namer to be completely honest but I trust the MASH gods.”
“You are too beautiful to not be a model.”
“Look at you,” Liv said as she took the paper and pen he was handing her. “Maybe you didn’t use up all your game on your first kiss after all.”
“Maybe not. Is it working?” he said flashing his charming smile.
“Maybe a little bit. But we need to see who the MASH gods put you with.”
Liv wrote out the same categories for Sebastian and they went through filling each one out.
“Sebastian, are you ready to know your future?”
“I think so.”
“Sebastian you are stripper married to me. We live at the North Pole in a mansion with our 84 children and our pet three-headed lobster.”
“You put down stripper and 84 children?” he asked laughing.
“Yeah, I’m kind of regretting the 84 children. That part really sucks for me. But you must be a really good stripper to provide me and your children a mansion to live in. So thank you.”
“Well, I do what I can, you know?” he said with a little laugh. “It seems like the MASH gods think we should get together.”
“Yeah well they have also thought I should be with Lance Bass and that is obviously not going to happen.”
“You're not going to make this easy for me are you?”
“Where's the fun in making it easy?” she said with a mischievous smile.
He just smiled back at her, licked his lips and nodded his head. He liked a challenge.
The next 2 hours consisted of games and Sebastian’s shameless flirting. Conversation came easy and there were no awkward silences. She thought he was funny, extremely charming and handsome. He loved how confident she was and thought she was witty and sexy, even in scrubs. Well especially in scrubs. Liv had stood up at one point to stretch her legs and as she did his eyes went straight to her lower back where he noticed the top of her black lacy underwear peaking out of her low riding scrub bottoms. He only spent 30 minutes thinking about what kind of cut they were. Thirty minutes isn’t a lot of time right?
“Hobbies? What do you like to do?” Liv asked as she drew her line in connect the dots.
“Uh I read a lot, sometimes I write. Uh…go to the gym? Is that a hobby?” he looked up at Liv after his turn.
“Yeah, I think so.”
“Um…you know, hang out with friends, make little short movies sometimes. You?”
“I do yoga or I go for a run almost every day. I go to Target at least once a week and just walk around. I don’t care what you say. That is a legitimate hobby.”
“You just walk around?”
“Yeah, and I buy shit I don’t need and will never use.”
“Oh, I do that all the time so add that one on to my list. What else?”
“Uh, I used to dance.”
“Really? Show me some moves.”
“No, not gonna happen,” she said with a small laugh. “I didn’t say I was good! Besides there’s barely enough room to slow dance in here.”
“Well then let’s slow dance,” he said standing up and offering his hand to Liv.
“I’m perfectly content playing connect the dots.”
“Please? Tell you what, we’ll play rock paper scissors. If I win, we are dancing. Two out of three,” he said kneeling down and putting his hands in position to play.
Liv took a deep breath and she placed her fist on the palm of her other hand. First round, rock beats scissors. Sebastian won. Second round, paper beats rock. Liv won. Third round, paper beats rock. Sebastian won.
He stood up, threw both of his arms up in victory and then offered his hand to Liv. She playfully rolled her eyes, then placed her hand in his and let him help her up.
“We need music,” he said pulling his phone out of his pocket.
“I can’t believe you’re making me do this.”
“Here we go,” he said as “Baby Got Back” started playing on his phone.
He started doing a dance move that showed just how much of a dork he was and Liv couldn’t stop herself from laughing.
“I’m kidding,” he said as the song turned off and “All My Life” started playing.
“That’s just on your everyday playlist?”
“No, I don’t think I’ve heard it since my prom actually,” he said wrapping an arm around Liv’s waist and the other out to hold her hand.
“Don’t move,” Liv said as she took his face in her hands and starred the stubble on his chin. “Oh, it’s just the new gray hairs you grew because this song is old as fuck.”
Sebastian tried to hold back a laugh but couldn’t. “You know, if I didn’t find you so incredibly fascinating, I would really be hurt by that comment,” he said faking being offended while he wrapped his arm back around her waist and then started leading the dance.
“I’m kidding!” she promised him while still laughing. “I actually like your gray patch. The whole salt and pepper hair look is sexy.”
He smiled and licked his lips. It was a habit he had that Liv found unbelievably attractive.
“So you think I’m sexy?”
“Not you. Just this little gray area,” she joked pointing to his chin.
“You like me and you know it.”
“So, your prom. Good memory?” she asked changing the subject.
He laughed at her changing the subject then said, “No, not really. I’ll be replacing it with this one,” he said as he spun her.
“What happened?”
“My date ditched me so I was standing there all alone watching everyone else dance.”
“What a bitch!”
“Like I said, I’ll be replacing that memory with this one,” he said looking down at Liv with a smile.  “When is the last time you danced with someone?”
“That bad?”
“No, I’m just curious.”
“I think it was probably at my sister’s wedding 2 years ago.”
“Who’d you dance with?”
“One of the groomsmen. I’ll be replacing that memory with this one,” she said looking up at him.
Sebastian smiled and nodded his head. “See? It’s a good thing I’m making you dance then, huh?”
“There may be an upside.”
Sebastian spun Liv again and instead of continuing the dance he decided to dip her. She wasn’t expecting it and the movement made her grip onto him tighter. Their eyes were locked on each other as he brought her back up. He was leading the dance much slower now to the point where they were barely moving. He darted his eyes to her slightly parted lips and back up to her emerald eyes. Sebastian leaned in slowly and very lightly pressed his lips against hers.
The very moment their lips touched was mind-blowing. A blanket of warmth spread over both of them as they melted together. Her hand was gently grazing the back of his neck giving him chills. The rough feeling of his stubble against her face was surprisingly appealing. He was hopelessly addicted now and wasn’t sure how he was going to be able to stop.
Their lips were moving together like they were made for each other. What started off as a soft kiss eventually turned into a hungry kiss. Liv stood up on her tip toes (she was quite a bit shorter than him) desperately wanting to devour all of him. He bent his knees to dip down and tightened his embrace around her waist before lifting her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist immediately, almost as if they had done this exact move before. He took 2 steps forward and that put Liv’s back against the wall.
If it weren’t for the elevator suddenly coming back to life they would probably still be wrapped in each other’s arms. Instead, the kiss came to an end as their lips left each other. With Sebastian still holding Liv up so that she matched his height, they looked at one another and laughed at how their day had taken such a turn when they both stepped into that elevator.
Liv rested her forehead on Sebastian’s shoulder for just a moment before unwrapping her legs around his waist. Moments later the elevator doors opened to a sea of firefighters and maintenance workers.
“Sorry that took so long. You guys okay?”
“Yes, no worries. We’re fine,” Liv said with a smile as she walked past the group.
“All good,” Sebastian offered while following her.
Liv took a few more steps toward the cafeteria and then turned around.
 “We should do that again,” he said with a handsome smile. “Well, maybe not the stuck in the elevator part. Can I call you?”
“Sure,” she said returning the smile and taking his phone to put her number in it. When she looked up to hand his phone back to him she saw Alex walking towards her. “I’m so sorry for what is about to happen.”
“Huh?” he asked.
“Liv! You’re out! That fucking took forever!” Alex said as he finished walking towards her. “Is this the cute guy?” he asked as he turned around to face Sebastian.
“You must be Alex,” Sebastian said.
“OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOD! Do you know who you are?” he asked Sebastian. “Liv, do you know who this is? This is the best day ever! Can I just tell you how amazing you are? Fuck you are so beautiful! You broke the elevator with your hotness didn’t you? Can I get a picture? I need a picture. Let’s take a picture.”
Liv was used to the way Alex spoke so fast when he was excited but she was surprised Sebastian was able to catch any of it.
“Yeah, sure.”
Liv took the phone out of Alex’s hands and took a picture for him.
“Oh my god, I’m touching the Winter Soldier,” Alex said while placing his hand on Sebastian’s chest. “It’s like touching a rock. Jesus Christ!”
“Okay, Alex. Let’s leave the poor guy alone,” Liv said as she removed Alex’s hand. “Thanks for distracting me. Is it weird to say I had fun?”
“No, I had a great time. And not just the last part. I liked the whole 3 hours. I’ll call you,” Sebastian said and then offered a handshake to Alex. “Nice to meet you.”
 “You can call me too. I’m way more fun than Liv! Any day, anytime! Or we can text!” Alex offered.
“Bye,” Liv said as she pulled Alex away.
“What the fuck just happened? He’s going to call you? What ‘last part’ was he talking about? Did you have sex in the elevator?” he asked way too loudly in a public place.
“Oh my god! Shhhh! No!” she said walking into the cafeteria to quickly get something to eat.
Alex followed her around asking question after question as she walked around the cafeteria. He finally left her to be alone when she was going to take the stairs up to her floor.
Liv was relieved to have a moment alone. She sat down on the stairs and couldn’t stop herself from smiling. She felt giddy, like she was in high school again and her crush just asked her out.
He’s so cute. I can’t even, she thought to herself as she stood up and began climbing the stairs to her floor. I hope he doesn't turn out to be an asshole. Oh god, what am I worrying about? He’s probably not even going to call. Movie stars date movie stars, not nurses.
Just before she reached her floor she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. It was a text message.
Are you free tomorrow night? –Seb
She responded with a simple yes and a kiss emoji.
Can’t wait.
Part 2 
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headoverhiddles · 4 years
House On Haunted Hill - Mr. Pink (Steve Buscemi) x Reader
Synopsis: Car troubles? No problem. Especially when you’ve got your boyfriend throwing a fit and a nice, scary looking house that just might have a phone.
Notes: Surprise! Revisiting my Dogs for a bit! Here’s a bit of a fun Pink fic. Hope you enjoy! 
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“Oh, shit. Ah, fuck!” 
You wake up in the passenger’s seat, eyes blinking open. “What…? What is it?”
“God damn fuckin’ piece of shit. Dammit!” 
“You know, if you keep swearing at the poor car like that, it’ll stall out on us.”
“One step ahead of ya, kid.” He throws his arms up. You frown, sitting up fully. 
“The car…?”
“Died. Well, it’s outta something, but… might as well be dead.”
You lean over, trying to check the controls as your top falls lower, and Pink sighs in aggravation. “Hey, babe? I’d appreciate it if you didn’t flash your tits like that, it only reminds me of the mind blowing sex we’re not gonna have tonight because of this stupid car.”
“Whose car was this anyway?” you mutter, crawling into his lap. He puts a steadying hand on your back as you poke around. 
“Of course.” 
“Think he got it from Sam’s Hot Car Lot, let me borrow it for this.”
“Well,” you sit back up, crossing your arms, “Be sure to send him a thank you card.” 
Pink looks around, watching the rain pour down and hit the windows hard. “Where the hell are we gonna go from here?” 
“We could sleep in the car.”
“We are not sleeping in the car, in the middle of this dirt road, waiting for a mud slide to kill us. Fuck, who’s a guy have to kill for a cigarette?” 
“Wait,” you hit his shoulder, “Look! Up there!”
Pink doesn’t look over, instead digs around in his pockets for a light. “Yeah, yeah, I’m sure the moon is full and it’s a lovely night to stargaze, but cut the romantic shit for a minute, will you, babe?” 
“You asshole, look where I’m pointing!” Pink tears himself away, and sees. There’s a big, old house up a hill beside you two. “It’s the only one I’ve seen for miles.” 
“Great,” he mutters. “And I have to get out, cause I’m the man.” 
“You know, Larry wouldn’t blow his lid like this.” 
“I beg to fuckin’ differ, that guy turns into a steam whistle at the slightest fuckin’ inconvenience.” 
“Like you?”
“I keep my cool ‘til it’s reasonable not to, and tonight, I don’t think it’s unreasonable that I would lose it.”
“Hm. Well… Vic would never lose his cool.”
“Vic probably also knows how to fix a car. Maybe we should use the phone in that old dark house to call him up, and invite him out here. While you’re at it, wanna jump into bed with him while I sit there like a tool and hold your purse?” 
“No,” you smile, crossing your legs. “No one can fuck me like you can.” 
Pink smirks, and shakes his head. “Alright. Wait here baby, okay? I’ll be back in a very wet second.” He leans over, gives you a kiss on the cheek. “Before I get murdered up there, I wanted to tell you– you look pretty tonight.” You blow him a kiss as he darts out of the car. You watch his lanky frame dash up the steps, and see him at the door. He rings the doorbell. 
After a few more tries, Pink deflates, and beckons. You groan, and open the glove compartment to find something to hold over your head. A playboy magazine falls out. Classy, Eddie. Holding it over your head, you run up the steps to join your boyfriend. 
As you join him, a bat comes and hangs just above you two. “Special. We found Dracula’s castle.” Rolling your eyes, you try the doorknocker yourself. “See? Assheads won’t open the doo–” Pink begins, but it swings open. A small, bitter looking old woman answers. 
“Yes? What do you want?” 
You raise an eyebrow. “Hello. Have you got a phone we can use? Our car broke down… we need to call someone.” The lady spends a long time glaring between you and Pink, as if you’ve just told her you had a warrant to search her house. Pink sighs, shaking the water off of him. He looks like a drowned rat.
“We’re not tryna sell you anything, lady, we promise! We just need a phone!”
“Very well,” she says, and lets you both in, slamming the door behind you. The house is large, strangely empty, and covered in cobwebs. 
“Great place you got here,” Pink says, managing a smile, “Real nice.” You rush over to the fireplace to warm your hands. 
“The phone is over there.” She points a gnarled finger toward an ancient looking rotary telephone, and Pink rolls his eyes.
“Geez,” he mutters to you, “Someone’s stuck in the dark ages.” 
“Baby, look at this place. Be grateful she even has a phone.” You huddle closer to him as he dials the only safe number he knows. Joe. It rings a couple times as you look around. The house gives you the creeps… just a bad feeling. 
“Who is it?” 
Pink takes your hand. “Joe. It’s me, Pink.”
“Pink? It’s eleven in the goddamn PM.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“Don’t ‘yeah, I know’ me. Didn’t you and your little sweetheart go on a trip somewhere?”
“Yeah, we did.”
“Then what the hell are you talkin’ to me for? If you want pillow talk, turn over. If your girl’s asleep like we all should be, I’ll patch you through to my son.”
“No, wait– it’s a fuckin’ emergency, alright! See, here’s the thing… we got car troubles.”
“Oh. I see.”
“And we need someone out here to come get us. You know… someone inconspicuous. No questions asked. I assume you know a guy.” 
“Don’t tell me you were stupid enough to drive a rust bucket Eddie gave ya.”
“Of course we were, Joe,” Pink sighs. As they’re talking, you wander off a bit. The house reminds you of a gothic mansion… rare to see nowadays in the state of California unless it’s on a movie set, but then again, you have no idea where the two of you had ended up.
You walk up the grand staircase, looking to find the lady and thank her again. The you hear the pounding. 
Pink paces, as far as he can attached to the phone. “So what do you say? Can you get someone out here for us?” 
“Eddie’s off in Cuba, enjoying the spoils of last week’s job like the rest of you. I’ll send Vic, he’s not far away.” 
“Great, he’ll have a great time laughing at us.” 
“Probably, and I can’t blame the man.” 
“Whatever. Tell him fuckin’ hurry up.”
“Don’t push your luck. Take care of that little girl of yours.” Joe hangs up, and Pink looks around. 
You run your hand along the banister, transfixed by the door at the end of the hall. Along with the pounding sound, there’s some kind of blinking light coming from under it, illuminating the shadows, and you shiver. Your wet hair sticks to your neck as you get closer… closer… 
“What do you think you’re doing?!” 
The old lady comes out of nowhere, and sees you reaching for the doorknob. “N-nothing! I was just… curious–”
“Get out!” she screams, “Before–!”
The door slams open, and you both turn to look. What you see inside is the most horrifying thing you’ve ever seen… and you’ve seen a lot, as the girlfriend of a career criminal. 
“(y/n)! What are you…” Pink stops at the end of the hall, buggy eyes wide. “Oh, shit.” He runs over to you, and the two of you make a mad dash for the door. Running as fast as you can, the two of you make it back to the broken down car, leaning against the hood. “Jesus, fuck! What the hell was that?!”
“I don’t know,” you breathe, and Pink holds you close to him, to his chest. You look up, and bury your face into his neck. He holds you like that for a few seconds, before you bring your lips to his. The two of you make out for a minute, you straddling him on the hood of the car, before you pull away, leaving him breathless. “That was the bravest I saw you act since… ever,” you say, forehead resting against his. 
“You know, I’m not a coward,” he scoffs softly, kissing you again, “I just happen to be very good at running.” You giggle, and he laughs too, the both of you drenched from the rain. “Hey, I’ve got a question.” 
Your heart skips a beat. Was he gonna pop the question tonight? You figured it would be sometime during this trip, and this would definitely be one for the books.
“Yeah?” you ask excitedly. 
“Um… first of all, I really love you, kid. A lot. Second… did I leave the car keys with you?” You glare at him, as he squeezes water from your shirt sheepishly. 
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mickmarstookmyheart · 4 years
Life's a Sick Joke pt 9
 Pairing: Mick Mars x Reader  
Would like to start from the beginning? You are great! Here is Part 1!                      
Sidenote: As this story is under construction, I would like to warn you that those chapters which don’t have a proper title are written in the main caharcter’s POV!! Be aware!!! Be awaaare! I hope you will enjoy this storyas I did writing it, have a nice day and feel free to leave marks!     
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 9. Crazy chick
(Sidenote: I know that Halloween party which MTV threw was in 1985 but let's pretend it was two years earlier. Thanks for your cooperation.)
After the concert and that little fun in the changing Doc told you that we could attend the MTV's Halloween party that night.
"So Cooper, what is your costume for tonight? Princess, witch? Or you could dress up like me. I could give some advice, you know." Tommy asked you while searching for the perfect costume in a shop down Sunset Strip. You were just walking through the isles, not searching for anything exact. You weren't in the mood. Usually, you spent Halloween with your brother and sister, playing games, watching movies, and scare the shit out of neighbors.
"Well, I don't know if I could even attend that party, Lee. It is an official party for big and famous people. And they have their official photographers so yeah...I won't dress up. I will watch you guys from the coach of the hotel room and then watch some horror films." He froze and put his hands on his hips while sending you death glares. He just walked away and finally, there was some silence. You walked over to the makeup section when Tommy came back along with Mick and Vinnie. Nikki didn't come with you, saying he has something important to do. He has been acting strangely lately or maybe it was just you always complicating things.
"Are you out of your mind, (Y/N)? Of course, you are coming with us!! There is no chance that my best friend won't be on our side and not having fun. If you won't go then shall not we!" Vinnie crossed his arms in front of his chest.
"That supposed to be a threat?" You asked giving him a fake laugh.
"I'm not saying this often, babe, but he is right. Come and have a little fun. It will be good for you. Some time-off." Mick stepped closer and cupped your face with his hands while looking deep in your eyes. "Or we won't go and I'm sure they will annoy you for the rest of life why you didn't go to that party." He said.
"Sometimes I am wondering whose side you are on." You raised your eyebrows.
"None. I'm Switzerland." He put his hands up as a defense before pecking your lips.
"That's gross." Vince covered his eyes with one of his hands.
"Hey, they are cute. Guys, I have an idea!" Tommy yelled.
"You have ideas? Wow, don't push yourself too hard." Mick muttered. "What, T-Bone?" You asked.
"You could dress up as Romeo and Juliet!!" He bit his lips waiting eagerly for our reaction. You shared a look with Mick with wide eyes.
"You know, what? That's gross. And yuck. I will rather die than dressing up as Juliet." You said.
"I couldn't agree more," Mick added.
"You are such a buzz to kill." Tommy pouted and walked away continuing looking for a costume. Mick held your hand and placed a kiss on it.
"Then I think I need to hurry up." You mumbled against Mick's lips.
"Do you need help?"
"No. I think I already have an idea." You smirked from the idea.
"That's sick. I love it. Buy it. It will the best. You are a crazy and morbid chick you know that, right?" Vinnie told you after he gazed at your choice of costume.
"Hey, but you can't tell anyone this. I want it as a surprise." You pointed at him while watching yourself in the mirror.
"All right. It will be hard but I will try."
"Vince!" You glared at him and hit him in the arm.
"Ouch! By the way, I'm just teasing you. It's too easy." He grinned at you and left the changing booth.
When you walked down the hall still in your casual clothes, the boys had already been there in their costumes.
"Where is your costume?" Nikki asked in his devil costume when he saw you walking down the stairs.
"Go. I will catch up. Don't look at me like that. I'm coming, don't worry." You put up your hands in defense. You took a look at each of their costumes. Your favorite was Nikki's but Mick looked badass in his, too. "Wanna bite my neck, Mr. Mars?" You smiled and pulled your hair away from your neck. He leaned closer and placed a soft kiss on it.
"Just after the party. If I bit you now then I will be able to stop." He whispered in your ears. You just giggled and then stopped when you see THAT thing in Tommy's hand.
"Tommy! Did I teach you wrong? What is that unholy item with you?" You snapped.
"It's not unholy. The opposite." He looked down the Bible and then at you. He had a devilish smile on his face when he stepped closer.
"Don't come any closer with that. Just if you want me to turn into dust." You stepped back and when he started running you did the same. "See you at the party!" You yelled back at the boys when Tommy tripped over one of the steps and fell over. "Haha. Karma!" You laughed at him and continued your way to your room to dress up and surprise them.
Cameras were clicking and your boys were the object of them. They acted goofy as always. Tommy still had his thing with him. You looked at Vince and tried to recognize his character. You didn't really manage. You recognized that your vampire even had fake blood in the corner of his mouth and on his white shirt as well. You made your way to Doc who was on the other side of the room. Damn. The only problem was that you had to walk in front of the boys so in this case, they could easily recognize you. You quickly beetled behind the photographers and almost arrived at Doc when someone touched your shoulder making you jump a bit.
"Sorry, miss. Can I take some photos of you, please?" A guy asked and immediately did some photos not giving a fuck about your permission. You posed, of course, then most of the photographers turned around to take some photos of you. You blushed and looked at Doc for advice but he just laughed and shook his head.
"See, kiddo. You always steal the show. Moreover, you are creepy for dressing up like that." Doc said. Mick, Vince, and the Terror Twins were in the middle of posing when at least half of the photographers left them there.
"Hey, don't you want to take more photos of us?" Tommy yelled.
"Who the fuck they are taking photos of?" Nikki asked and was on his tiptoes to see something. Vince just tried to hide his smile since he exactly knew the answer.
"Okay boys now that's enough. Thank you, really." You tried to make them understand but they just didn't listen. Now you understood why all the celebrities hide in disguise in the streets.
"Holy SHIT! THAT'S, that's Cooper!!!" Tommy pushed on Nikki. Vince burst into laughing and clenched on Mick's shoulder. Mick was staring at you with wide eyes, Nikki's mouth dropped, also Tommy's. Vince gave a thumb up and patted Mick's back.
"Go, get her vampire." He said to him and pushed Mick in your way. He simply pushed the photographers from the way and stopped in front of you. You smiled at him and open your arms while turning around showing him your dress.
"You are...you are beautiful yet you are crazy. You spent too much time with those teenagers." He said while he put his hand on your waist making faces towards the photographers. You waved to the rest of the boys to come there.
"I can't believe you. How could you dress up as THE FUCKING REAPER after all those bad things?" Nikki eyed your costume when Tommy pushed him away.
"You are a Goddess!!! You are my girl. I will worship you and I will be your slave." He bent the knee and bowed his head. You kicked him a bit to make him stand up again. "You are also a weirdo, damn." Well, they were damn right about that. Being dead, even for a little bit, and dressing up as the Reaper himself was the craziest idea you ever had.
You finally gathered together and let the artists take photos of you. After that, you searched for some booze to start the party. You drank. A lot. You were already a bit dizzy when Nikki came up with the idea to play. Also, Ozzy showed up and played with you. You will spend quite a long time with this crazy guy since the Crüe will be the opener for him in North America for his 'Bark at the Moon' tour.
"Happy Day where all the ghosts throw a party in the graveyards!!!" You yelled lifting a beer bottle in your hand.
"Those are drunken teenagers, not ghosts," Mick muttered.
You played Pass it on ghost story, Candy Corn Relay Race, the Corny Game, and your favorite Deadly Wink! You were usually in a team with Vinnie since he insisted and you were too wasted to reject. The Terror Twins stack together and Ozzy annoyed Mick. Poor him. You almost managed to pick that last fucking apple from the bowl when Tommy yelled meaning they won. You spit the apple from your mouth and clapped.
"Congrats, guys!" You laughed and tripped a little due to the costume and the amount of the alcohol you consumed.
"Someone is a bit tipsy?" Mick caught you just in time and pulled you towards the dance floor. Slightly slow music was on played which was a bit too slow for the party.
"Where are we going, Dracula?" You giggled way too hard. All the guests were dancing and you didn't see any empty places to be, but Mick kept pulling you into the crowd. Well, at least that was what you thought. He opened the door and the chilly air hit you in the head. He walked you behind the house where were just a bunch of teenagers kicking into some fake graves. He took your hand and pulled closer.
"Come and have a dance with me."
You blushed and looked around. "Don't care about anything. Just dance with me." You smiled and started dancing. You were a bit shaking from either the cold and the situation. He still managed to take away your breath with his look. He must've noticed it because he took off his suit and put it in on your back.
"Thanks." You said and placed your head on his chest.
"Thank you for everything." He pulled back and kissed you passionately. The kind of kiss which told you everything. You leaned even closer not leaving a single inch between you and Mick. He groaned into the kiss and put his hand on your back to pull you closer if that was even possible. When you separated neither of you couldn't open your eyes for a moment. You were panting from the kiss.
"I should thank you. You are the reason I feel a little less broken every day. You always make my days brighter with your little and annoying things. Whenever I'm on the stage and I am stressed a bit you are always there which makes me feel better." You felt tears in your eyes and could see in his, too. "Hey don't cry. I'm sorry I didn't mean to." He wiped yours away and brushed his thumb over your cheek. "You will ruin your make up." He chuckled cleaning your face with the sleeve of his shirt.
"It's just...I think hardly anyone told me these kinds of things to me. I'm just happy that I'm important to someone. So it's just happy tears. Don't worry." You sniffed.
"I'm sorry." He took your hand again and started to dance to the music. You felt the warmth of his body, the scent of his perfume and the alcohol, and the touch of his skin. The chilly night and the light of the moon made it even better.
Next chapter
Tags: @cmft-jr-winchester @leatherandheels​ @karrotkate​
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trashcanreddiefan · 4 years
The 2nd Annual Losers' Club Christmakkah Celebration
Summary: The Losers gather for their second annual Christmakkah celebration, and there is a special gift under the tree with Richie’s name on it.
Word Count: 2800-ish
Warnings: None whatsoever. This is pure fluff.
Author’s Note: Post-Chapter 2. All of the Losers are alive in this fic, including Stan, because canon can suck it. 2nd in a (at least) 3-part series where the Losers take turns hosting Christmakkah. Part 1 here.
“I checked in for our flight to Atlanta,” Richie said as he walked into the kitchen where his boyfriend, Eddie, was currently leaning down and peeking in on something that was baking in their oven. He wrapped his arms around Eddie. “Mmm. Something smells delicious.”
“I’m making a lasagna,” Eddie replied, straightening up and turning to greet Richie.
Richie planted a kiss on the top of his head before nuzzling his neck. “I meant you, babe.” He gently grazed Eddie’s pulse point with his teeth before soothing the spot with his tongue. “Taste even better.”
Eddie shivered, then leaned back with a smile. He tilted his head up for a proper kiss. “Hi.”
“Mmm. Hey yourself. How was your thesis presentation?”
“Good, really good. Dr. Cubillas seemed really happy with my research and asked me if I’d be interested in a TA position once I start the Master’s program next semester.”
Richie grinned. “Eds, that’s fantastic. I’m so proud of you, babe.”
“Thanks, Rich. I know my savings won’t last forever, so I’m glad I was able to get this 2nd Bachelor’s so quickly and it’d be good if I could make some extra money working for the university while pursuing my Master’s. Plus then I wouldn’t be up to my eyeballs in student loan debt after I graduate since my tuition would be covered.”
“Eds, I told you, if you need money I’ll give it to you, however much you need. I’d have zero problem with being your sugar daddy.”
Before Eddie could even protest, he added, “but I know how much your financial independence means to you, so just know the offer stands. I love you and I’m willing to support you in whatever way you need, be it financial, emotional, physical…” he trailed off as his hands slid down to palm Eddie’s ass, giving both cheeks a hearty squeeze.
Eddie shook his head fondly. “I love you too, Richie. And thank you.” They stood there in silence for a bit, just enjoying being in each other’s arms.
Richie could hardly believe that this was his life. Less than a year ago he had thought that he would be destined to be in lifelong (not counting the 27-year-long asshole clown-induced amnesia) unrequited love with his married, straight childhood best friend. But during the Losers’ first Christmakkah celebration, Eddie had not only announced to the Losers that he had divorced his wife and quit his job, but he had also told Richie privately that he was moving to Los Angeles to go to nursing school, and – the best news of all –  that he was in love with Richie.
So now, a year later, Richie stood in his kitchen with the love of his life in his arms, getting ready to fly out to Stan’s house for their 2nd annual Losers’ Christmakkah Celebration.
Finally, Eddie reluctantly extracted himself from Richie’s embrace. “I need to get the lasagna out.”
“Ok, babe. I’m gonna go shower before dinner.” Richie gave Eddie one last kiss before heading to their bedroom.
He had just stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around himself when Eddie called out, “Hey, Rich?”
“Yeah?” Richie replied, walking into their bedroom from the connecting bathroom.
Eddie stood by their bed. “The teddy bear you ordered for Olivia just came in.”
Olivia was Stan and Patty’s 3-month-old daughter and the first of a new generation of Losers. She had Stan’s curly hair and Patty’s nose, and already had her uncles and aunt wrapped around her finger.
“Ok great, thanks.” Richie walked over to Eddie and wrapped his arms around him.
“I already got it in a bag and put it in the suitcase with the rest of Liv’s gifts.”
“Ok so that should be it, right? I have Bill’s gift in my suitcase and you said you had Mike’s gift shipped directly to Stan’s, right?”
This year, instead of deciding not to exchange gifts (since last year they tried that and everyone wound up bringing presents regardless) the Losers had decided to do a “holiday gift exchange” where each Loser was randomly assigned one of the others’ names and bought that person a gift.
Richie had been assigned Bill, and in true Richie fashion had bought him a copy of Save the Cat Writes a Novel as a gag gift. (He had also bought him a first edition copy of Dracula as his actual gift; Richie was a bit of a prankster, but he wasn’t a complete asshole.)
Eddie glanced over at his suitcase. “Yeah, just so it’s less that we have to carry. You’re all packed then?”
Richie quirked an eyebrow and bit back a grin. “Well no, that’s what I have you for.”
“Wait a minute, you mean our flight leaves in less than 15 hours and you’re not packed yet?” Eddie’s voice went up in pitch with each word.
Richie couldn’t keep a straight face. “Eds, babe, I’m kidding, calm down. I packed a couple of days ago according to the list you gave me. Even folded my shirts and everything.”
“That was so not funny.”  Eddie glowered at him. “You’re lucky I love you.”
“Mmm, true,” Richie said sincerely, pulling Eddie even closer and tucking his head into Eddie’s neck. “I’m the luckiest motherfucker alive.”
He could feel the residual tension leave Eddie’s body. “Now, I take it that dinner’s ready, and not only that but we have an early flight to catch, so let’s eat and get ready for bed.”
“…This is your captain speaking. I’d like to personally welcome you to Atlanta, Georgia.The time is 2:40 pm and the temperature is 61 degrees. On behalf of all of us, thank you for flying Delta.”
Richie pulled out his phone and shot off a text to Stan as soon as he and Eddie deplaned. Eds and I just landed. On our way as soon as we get our luggage.
Stan the Man: Ben & Bev and Mike are already here and I think Bill & Audra’s flight should be arriving in about an hour and a half.
Stan the Man: Eddie has our address. See you guys soon.
Richie put his phone away as he & Eddie made their way to baggage claim to collect their luggage, and soon they were on their way to Stan and Patty’s house.
Upon arriving they hauled their suitcases up Stan’s porch steps and rang the doorbell.
Stan answered the door. “Hey, guys. So glad you could make it.”
“Staniel! How’s it going?” Richie gave Stan a quick hug before turning to Patty, who was holding Olivia. “Patty, looking beautiful, as always. And how’s my favorite niece?” he cooed at Olivia.
“Hey, I take offense to that,” Beverly said jokingly as she entered the room, rubbing her growing stomach. “As I’m sure do Bill and Audra.”
Richie gave her a peck on the cheek. “Well, considering both you and Audra are having boys, Liv will continue to be my favorite niece. But don’t worry, whoever gets named after me will get the title of favorite nephew.”
“Well too bad for you then, huh?” Bev laughed.
“Yeah, yeah. Everyone knows that Uncle Richie will spoil Little Benson and Wilson just as much as I spoil Olivia.”
“I’m sure you will,” Eddie said coming up from behind him and giving Beverly a hug and a peck on the cheek as well. “Bev, how have you been feeling?”
“Just fine,” Beverly answered. “Baby’s doing great.”
“So where’s that gorgeous husband of yours?” Richie asked.
Beverly grinned. “You know how he & Mike are when they get together. They’re looking at pictures from Mike’s trip to New Orleans last month. Appreciating the architecture.”
Richie snorted. “Nerds.”
“Let me show you guys to your room,” Stan said. “I know you both probably want to take a nap and a shower before the festivities tonight.”
“I don’t know about you guys, but a nap does sound wonderful,” Beverly added. “I’m still a bit jet-lagged.”
Stan led them to one of the spare bedrooms with its own private bathroom. “We’re planning on dinner at six, so you guys can come down at any time.”
“Oh, hey, what are we doing with the gifts?” Richie asked. “We have some for Olivia and I have my exchange gift.”
“I think we’re putting them by the Christmakkah tree,” Stan said. “Thanks for the menorah ornaments, by the way.”
Richie grinned. “I couldn’t pass them up.”
Eddie grabbed the suitcase with the gifts before Richie could get to it. “Here, Rich, why don’t you go ahead and rest and I’ll go put the gifts under the tree? I’ll be right back.”
Before Richie could answer Eddie was carefully wheeling the suitcase back downstairs.
Richie shook his head fondly. That’s my Eddie.  
As much as Eddie had changed over the past 27 years, at his core he was still Eddie.  He was still the same neurotic, foul-mouthed, caring little shit that Richie had fallen in love with all those years ago.
I want to spend the rest of my life with him.
The thought shouldn’t have surprised Richie – after all, he had had the same thought once before when they were teenagers – but now, now, he could; that is, if Eddie would have him. Does Eddie even want to get married again?
Although they were 100% committed to each other, marriage wasn’t exactly something they had talked about.
Still, Richie let his mind wander, thinking about going out and buying a ring, planning the perfect proposal (maybe the day Eddie got his Master’s degree? Richie wasn’t sure he could wait any longer than that), sliding the ring onto Eddie’s finger…
He was still thinking when Eddie came back into the room. “Okay, Olivia’s gifts are all set out, and we really should’ve gotten something for Ben & Bev and Bill & Audra’s kids, maybe each like a onesie or something.”
He walked over to Richie and lay down next to him on the bed, noticing the obviously sappy look on Richie’s face. “What’s going on in that head of yours?”
Marry me, Richie thought, but instead said, “God, I love you.”
Eddie’s face instantly softened. “I love you too.”
“I’m so proud of you, you know that?” Richie continued. “I know the past year hasn’t been easy but you’ve kicked ass and managed to get your nursing degree in 3 semesters–”
Eddie snorted. “Yeah, only because all the anatomy and health classes I took the first time I was in college managed to transfer once I tested out of them, not to mention the fact that I took the max number of hours each semester and also took summer classes while you were on tour instead of going with you.”
“And not only that, but you received your degree with a 4.0 and was offered a TA position when you start the graduate program next semester.” Richie scooted closer and rolled his hips into Eddie’s. “Mmm, just thinking about playing nurse with my brilliant boyfriend is getting me all hot. Can’t wait to call you ‘Nurse Kaspbrak’ in bed.”
Eddie’s face contorted in an adorable combination of rage and laughter. “You had to go and ruin it, didn’t you?”
Richie laughed. “No but really, I’m so fucking proud of you, Eds and I’m honored to be along for the ride.”
“Thank you, Rich. I’m glad you’re part of it too.” Eddie gave him a peck on the tip of his nose. “Now rest, we’ve got an exciting night ahead.”
After a few hours’ nap Richie woke up to an empty bed but could hear the shower running.
He contemplated drifting back off to sleep when he heard the shower shut off and the bathroom door open. “Rich? You awake? It’s 5:15.”
Richie stretched and ran a hand through his messy hair, grabbing for his glasses as he sat up. “Yeah, babe, I’m up.”
Eddie gave him a quick kiss. “I’m gonna get dressed and head downstairs to see if Stan and Patty need help with anything while you’re in the shower. Meet you down there?”
Richie nodded, then slid out of bed and padded to the bathroom, where he took a quick shower, brushed his teeth, combed his hair, and got dressed in the outfit Eddie had laid out on the bed for him – a soft lime green cashmere sweater and a pair of jeans – and headed down the stairs, where he rounded the corner to see all the Losers together.
He greeted Ben and Mike, then Bill and Audra, placing a gentle hand on Audra’s stomach when she asked him if he wanted to feel the baby kick.
He turned when he heard the click of a camera and looked up to see Eddie putting his phone away. “Blackmail photos?” he said jokingly. “Come on, Eds, all you have to do is ask in order to get me in more compromising positions.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “Gotta document you being cute since it happens so rarely.”
After dinner, everyone gathered in the living room for their gift exchange. Richie took a sleeping Olivia while Stan and Patty opened her gifts.
The Losers gifted her with various toys, clothes (“I’m thinking about starting a children’s clothing line,” Beverly explained when Patty pulled a beautiful hand-stitched dress out of a gift bag), and other necessities for a baby.
Richie looked down when Olivia stirred and blinked her eyes open. “Well hello, princess,” Richie cooed. “You decided to wake up for Uncle Richie?”
He grinned as Olivia smiled at him. “Aww look, Eds, she’s smiling at me! Yes, you think Uncle Richie is funny, don’t you?”
“She’d be the only one,” Stan said dryly as he took her in order to change her now that she was awake.
“Hey, I will have you know that all of my jokes are now Eddie-approved,” Richie replied.
Eddie shrugged. “What can I say, his stand-up has improved since firing his writer.”
Once Stan had come back and set Olivia in her bassinet, it was time for the adults to exchange gifts.
Once Bill, Audra, Ben, Bev, Mike, and Patty (who had Patty, Ben, Eddie, Audra, Stan, and Bev, respectively) all had gone, Stan stood. “I had Mike,” he announced, before handing Mike his gift.
Richie glanced over at Eddie, who was studying the hem of his sweater as if it was the most fascinating thing he’d ever seen. He opened his mouth to say something to Eddie when Stan interrupted. “Rich, you want to go next?”
Richie glanced to where 7 pairs of eyes were staring at him. “Uh, yeah, ok.”
He stood and handed Bill’s gift to him. “Merry Christmakkah, man.”
Bill laughed at the copy of Save the Cat. “I figure it’ll help you learn how to write an ending,” Richie joked.
“Thanks, Richie. This is so great.”
Richie sat back down on the sofa and Stan turned to Eddie. “Eddie, it’s your turn.”
Eddie went to the tree and grabbed a wrapped present. “I really did have it shipped here so you wouldn’t be nosing in the closets trying to find it.”
Richie ripped open the wrapping paper. “Eds, baby, this is fantastic! Thank you so much.” Eddie had bought him a new Bluetooth-enabled, all-in-one record player.
“There’s um, there’s something else, too,” Eddie said, heading back to the tree.
Richie watched as Stan and Eddie seemed to have a silent conversation before Eddie nodded, picking up a small, light blue gift bag. He silently handed it to Richie.
“Aww, thanks, babe.”
Richie untied the white ribbon that was keeping the bag shut, stuck his hand inside…
… And pulled out a note.
“Uh, Eds, baby, it’s customary to give the gag gift BEFORE giving the real gift,” he said jokingly.
“Just read it,” Eddie replied. He seemed nervous.
Richie unfolded the note. In Eddie’s neat handwriting were 5 words:
Richie, will you marry me?
What. He looked up and froze.
Eddie was down on one knee in front of him, a platinum ring in his hands.
Richie blinked. “Eds?”
Eddie took a deep breath. “Richie, exactly one year ago we took one of the biggest leaps of our lives together.  Will you take another with me tonight and make me the happiest man alive?”
Richie’s eyes filled with tears. “Fuck yes,” he said, then pulled Eddie to him for a kiss.
Cheers and congratulations filled his ears.
Eddie slid the ring onto his finger. “I love you so much,” he whispered against Richie’s lips.
“I love you too.”
In the meantime, Stan and Patty had grabbed a bottle of champagne (sparkling grape juice for Bev and Audra) and had poured everyone a glass. “A toast!” Stan declared. “To Eddie and Richie: May you be friends to each other as only lovers can; and may you love each other as only best friends can. Mazel tov!”
“Mazel tov!” everyone else echoed as they raised their glasses.
Richie looked around at his friends – no, his family – as they all took a sip of their drinks, then down at Eddie, who was looking up at him with the same love and admiration that Richie himself felt for Eddie.
“Merry Christmakkah, Rich,” Eddie said softly.
“Merry Christmakkah, Eds,” he whispered before leaning down and connecting his lips to his fiance’s.
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littlemessyjessi · 4 years
“Carnivore”: A Dracula Story: Plus Size Reader: Chapter 2
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BBC/ Netflix Dracula  Imagine
Warning:  Mentions of cannibalism, violence kink and taxidermy.  Just a warning. Enjoy.
I had never been what I would call a morning person.
Unless by morning you meant 12 a.m.
If you meant being active when everyone else was asleep in bed then yeah, sure- I was a morning person.
But when the birds started to chirp and the people began to busy about... I. Was. Out.
Which was exactly why I was so extremely grateful to my butcher who stayed open to the wonderfully spry hour of eleven at night.
Bless his soul.
Joe was honestly a saint at times and I had no problem giving him my business.
I always peeled some off the top of our kills to bring home to my meat freezers but for my main diet...I needed a butcher and that was just that.
I arrived there at precisely 9 pm and I was greeted with a smile as I came through the door.
"Ah, my favorite creature of the night!" came the rather chipper voice of Joe.
I glanced up at him, "Evening, Joe."
"I have your usual ready." he said.  "It's just in the back."
"Sounds wonderful." I said dragging the large rolling cooler I'd brought with me to the front and wheeling it over to him.
"You're the only woman I know who actually comes in here with an ice chest.  Weekly.  Sometimes twice a week." he teased.
"Yeah, well, I'm a special breed." I said taking out the cash and handing it to him.
It was always the same and I paid him in cash...with a good tip.
Say what you will but tipping well made all the difference with people.
"I have some exotic game for you as well." I said. "It's in there before you fill it up."
"Keep your money then." he said with a smile.  "We'll call it a deal."
"Joe." I said with a pointed look. "I bring you my business because I want to and I bring the exotic meat because  A.) I know you can appreciate such a thing and B.) I adore the service.  So please don't insult me and just accept the gift and keep the money. Besides, last I heard you had a new baby on the way."
"For a vampire, you're awfully nice." he winked.
"What makes you think I'm a vampire?" I asked lifting a brow at him in question.
He just winked, "Oh, that's right it's werewolves that consume human flesh."
I stared at him and for a moment I had a mild panic attack.
Did he know?
How did he know?
He burst into laughter a second laughter, "I'm only joking!  Or was a spot on about your extracurricular activites?"
I narrowed my eyes at him.
"According to Marcus, you seemed to have quite the fondness for biting." he said speaking of a mutual friend that I may or may not have toyed with a few times.
Purely sexual of course.
Although, the man was a fine specimen and should I ever choose to murder him...he would make excellent steaks amongst other things.
"And how would you know such things?" I asked.
"He and Dylan are close." he said with a knowing smirk.
"Yes, well perhaps you and your husband should stay out of my 'extracurriculars' as you call them." I said, half joking, half dead serious.
Though in truth, Joe never took anything I said like that to heart.
I was what he like to call "Dangerously Adorable".
I abhored the term but it was endearing affectionate in a way, I suppose.
"Just fetch my meat, butcher boy." I said. "Before I decided to eat you."
"Ooooh, kinky." he teased. "I could probably convince Dylan to threeway. Neither of us have been with a woman in a long time."
I threw my pen at him to make him move and the sound of his laughter could be heard as he ventured into the back.
Moments later he emerged with my cooler and a basket on top.
"What's this?" I asked lifting a brow at the little brown thing. "Do I look like Little Red Riding Hood to you?"
"Yes sometimes you do give me that vibe." he laughed. "But in that basket are two special things for you.  One is a considerable amount of duck eggs and a jar of duck fat.  They're from my mother.  She really appreciated the package you sent her when she was sick.  I know you like to pretend you a cold heartless-"
"Stop talking, you'll ruin my reputation." I said with an unconvincing glare.
"Anyway, she wanted to say thank you." he said.
I made quick work of bidding him goodbye and got out of there.
He was one of the humans that I could tolerate being around for more than a little while...even if he was insufferable at times.
As I walked the streets with the basket on my arm and the cooler rolling behind me I thought of how conflicted I was with the nightlife of the city.
On the one hand, the convenience of having some establishments staying open all hours of the night was incredibly useful.
On the other, it usually meant conversation and I just had no patience for it sometimes.
Which is why it's so ironically cruel that the universe would put me in the path of someone who loved company.
"Hey, what's up, mami?"
I cut my eyes to the left to glare at the little heathen who looked me up and down.
Probably no older than twenty five.
A little younger than I would've liked and not really my type but attractive enough for me to toy with and end my boredom.
And certainly enough to make a meal out of it.
But was he awful enough to eat?
Was he some punk who just like to catcall?
As disgusting as it was .... did he have other motives?
"Darling, there you are!" entered a new, richly accented voice that I was unaccustomed to. "I've been looking everywhere for you."
I turned in time to see a man who was every BIT my type.
Older and classically handsome.
Like an old Hollywood movie star.
Tall and strong with years of aged muscle.
Not the roid rage muscles that the youth were so fascinated with today.
I likened that to the sensation of chewing tire threads.
No...this man...
This man was nothing short of delectable.
And damn him for being a knight in shining armor.
I so would have enjoyed feasting on his flesh.
"Hello, Darling..." I said slowly as he came closer to me and wrapped me in his embraced.
He unusually cool to the touch, not that I minded since I absolutely detested the sensation of being hot and sweaty.
He offered the young man a 'friendly' smile that seemed to say 'back off' behind the mask of politeness and the kid ran off.
"Thank you..." I said pulling away from the man.  "That was very kind of you."
"No problem." he said. "I fear the boy might not have had the purest plans for you in mind."
"And you would know this how?" I asked curiously.
"Because I have been a young man near a beautiful woman before." he smirked.
"So lust justifies rape to you then?" I countered.
"No." he said. "But it can cloud the mind and produce a level of stupidity. He might not have attempted to force himself upon you but he definitely would've touched without your permission."
"As you did when you took me in your arms?" I asked pointedly.
"That's different." he laughed a bit, seemingly shocked by the cheek of it all.
"How? Because you chose to play the Knight in Shining Armor?" I challenged. "Perhaps I was playing Little Red and I was looking for a Big Bad Wolf to eat me up after all."
"Well you would fit the bill. A tantalizing tart with a basket and all." he said, a slight air of irritation oozing from him beneath the mask of charm. "I'm sorry if I have offended you. I only meant-."
"I'm not offended." I cut him off. "I'm just a massive bitch and not much of a people person."
His handsome face pulled up into a grin and he laughed heartily.
"You are a refreshing creature aren't you?" he said.
"You have no idea." I said.  "Good night, sir."
"Dracula." he said extending his hand.
I lifted an eyebrow at him momentarily before leaning forward and whispering my name into his ear before placing a small kiss to his cheek.
"Good night, Dracula." I said.  "Now I must be off before the Big Bad Wolf comes back."
"Perhaps it's the wolf that chased the young pup away." he challenged.
I smirked, "Well, then, Mr. Wolf. If you're clever and hungry enough, you shouldn't have a problem tracking me down then."
I realized that those words were dangerous.
They were provacative and even luring to a stalker.
He could've easily been a psychopath.
But what did I care?
I could either have some fun with him and if he bid me harm....I'd simply have him for breakfast in the morning.
Hello, darlings!
@pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou
@littledeadrottinghood @blackirisposts
@therealmrshale @woodworthti666 @thegreatirene@fanfictionandjunk
@sullybot @georgiagrl1990 @whenallsaidanddone
@mischiefnevermanaged94 @inumorph
Love, Kenny
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