#dont listen to the haters
sula0kim · 6 days
no you do it 😘😘
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surr3al1sm · 5 days
I just realized something: in our fan storylines for JD25 we can have whatever coaches we want accompany Jack on his journey!
That and we can create whatever lore we want for maps that don’t have any! Hell, I did that when I was a kid so why not now?
Dude yeah! That's kind of the cool part about liking Just Dance. Until something is confirmed, anything is on the table. So go wild! Be creative. Think of random lore for your favourite maps (I love doing this). Think of coaches you want to see in the main storymode!
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n0cturna1-m3 · 5 months
i love furries. idc what anyone says, theyre chill as fuck. i wanna be cool enough to dress up as my favourite animal, that sounds dope
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richkidcityfriends · 10 months
the rage that burns in me when i see someone bashing a film because of "cheap cgi" when i know for a fact it was almost all practical effects
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this-is-mearabee · 9 months
Remember that if Beethoven had listend his hates, he might have quit conposeting
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redysetdare · 6 months
I think more characters deserve to hate romance in stories. Let them be little haters as a treat
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cemeterything · 6 months
i really will never forget or forgive the tma fanon consignment of the entire concept of avatars to the hellish fires of the 'perfect victim/irredeemable abuser' dichotomy. i cannot even begin to understand how you could listen to five seasons of the podcast about how living and working within corrupt systems and institutions will lead you to face difficult, sometimes even seemingly impossible, choices where there are no good outcomes, no conclusions where everyone gets a happy ending and nobody has to suffer for it, but nonetheless both those choices and the consequences of those choices still matter, in fact if anything they matter even more in a world like that, and ultimately no one is exempt from having to make decisions that will affect them and the people around them and seriously consider those consequences, and come away from that thinking 'okay so these are the Good Guys Who Did Nothing Wrong Ever and these are the Bad Guys Who Ruined Everything And If We Just Get Rid Of All These Bad People Everything Will Be Okay.'
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fjordline · 11 months
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lastsubstance · 2 years
Look how far we’ve come
I remember a time on FanFiction.net when people would neg you for “being so Mary Sue” in writing and plot or whatever, and now I feel like we’re doing (and admitting) PWP and pure self-serving smut fics but we’re all so much better at writing now that we’re supporting one another, and it’s lovely.
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kelocitta · 6 months
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harvest moon
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mikeyswayy · 2 months
My mom said Mikey looks like one of those bendy pencil thingys
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These thingys.. :(
And she said "tall weird bendable thing" or something..
Why are people so rude to my husband...
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Super quick shigaraki I drew today in celebration of season 7
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pseudopigeons · 8 months
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silly little comic that got created after discussions of which strawhat wouldnt know what the birds and the bees were.
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TF One D-16
#poll#maccadam#transformers#smash or pass#request#d-16#tf one#look. listen to me. i want the movie to be good. i want it to be good so badly.#but i simply do not trust it. its giving marvel movie and that has me Incredibly Fuckin Worried#because i do not want this franchise to turn into generic safe crowd pleaser action comedy allergic to genuine emotion generator no. 6483754#i do not want cliche heavy low effort lowest common denominator movie afraid to do anything even slightly weird beyond surface level#like. look. as much as i dunk on bayverse. as much as i voice my distaste for the designs and everything micheal bay has ever done#i respect the hell out of them for letting those robots be fucked up aliens#with weird nasty unfamiliar biology#and for having intense and serious and deathly somber moments#even if they butcher the characterization of some of the bots#cough cough give me your face ill kill them all optimus#im also not crazy about it looking like optimus and megatron come from the same place in the bottom of society#its so much more compelling for megs to come from the very bottom and be hyperaware of how bad everything is#whole orion has more of an everyman position. a cushy library job. not afforded luxuries but not rotting at the bottom#because then they learn from each other. orion piecing together hiw bad things get while megs picks up how in the dark the mid caste is#also genuinely truly if i have to hear bumblebee say 'well that just happened' im walking through the space bridge into a vacuum#welp. that turned into an essay. dont mind me being a hater 💖
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helioshellion · 9 months
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hermywolf · 1 month
ive never in my life seen any artist be interpreted so literally as taylor swift like its insane how she can seemingly not write a song from someone elses pov, create characters, or just like, USE A METAPHOR, without everyone immediately going well obviously this is about her and 100% real. im talking abt both her haters and fans btw. like have all of you fully forgotten how like. songwriting and also just art in general works
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