#don’t know why I’m even doing this tbh
thebearer · 1 day
Annnnnnd how would Lip act in the situation of the devastation fic
i’ve had to think about this tbh. bc he kinda already had his own version with the unexpected pregnancy news of freddy.
but i started thinking in terms of lip’s reader leaving and taking the kids with her, and genuinely, i can’t think of a situation where that would happen and she would come back. like they’d be done.
now, with that being said, i could see lip and you getting into a fight- a huuuuugggeee fight. bigher than the one when you found out you were pregnant with amelia. this is based off of lip with best friend!reader who’s a elementary school teacher. she does pretty well, has a salary and insurance so wayyyy better than anything lip grew up with, but they’re not rich by any means. truly comfortable. lip’s working at the auto shop, still doing odd ball jobs but more full time, got promoted to a shift supervisor and got a raise. you both share a bank account together bc it makes it easier.
debby (bc it’s always debby and i’m a debby hater sorry) does something stupid. stupid enough to need bail money, stupid enough that she might get franny taken away or placed into custody elsewhere. debby calls lip, wailing and frantic for money, and lip, of course, rushes to give in.
comes to you all frantic and manic. “hey, uh, i-i need to move some money alright?”
“move some money? why?” you frown. “lip, are you- is everything alright?”
“debby got arrested.” lip mumbles. he’s known you for a while, a long while, he knows your disdain when it comes to debby and her carelessness. more so, his incessant need to always pull her out of the hole she dug herself in. “she needs money for bail.”
“woah, woah, hold on.” you stop him. “you’re- you’re not- lip, absolutely not.”
“what?” lip snaps. “absolutely not? what-“
“-lip.” you glare at him lightly. “no, we-we don’t have that kind of money right now. jude starts daycare next month, and the daycare fees are going to double-“
“-yeah because you insist on puttin’ them in that fancy ass one by your school.” lip scoffs. “couldn’t leave them with mrs. mcgee. too fuckin’ good for that.”
“yeah, i am too good to leave my babies with a lady who chain smokes and watches the price is right all day.” you glare. “i want my babies to go somewhere safe and- that’s not even the point right now. lip, no. you’re not doing it. we can’t afford it.”
“we can fucking afford it. don’t start this shit with me-“
“-lip, we might have the money for it, but that does not mean we can afford it. that’s our savings, our safety net-“
“-and this is my family. my sister.” lip gritted his teeth. “isn’t that what the safety nets for, huh? for shit like this? unexpected bad shit?”
“not for debby.” you snap, finality in your tone. “not for someone who continues to make bad decisions and not learn from them and then wants you to run and get her out of it every time. i’m sorry, lip. this time i’m not letting you do it.”
that escalates bc one, you told lip he couldn’t do something which just made him turn more stubborn, and two, he’s blinded with irrational rage.
“what about franny, huh? she’s your fuckin’ niece, you’re gonna just let her get put in the system-“
“-franny is more than welcome to stay here. i will gladly take her while debby’s figuring shit out, but you have kids you need to think of. two kid that are yours that you need to think of, lip!”
“don’t you fucking dare.” lip snarls. “don’t you use my kids against me.”
“i’m not using them against you! jesus, lip, you don’t get to just come in here and tell me what we’re doing with our money! that’s my money in there too, ok? i’m telling you right now, if you fuckin’ use my money on this, and not think about our kids, you might as well just not come home.”
lip is furious, leaves without another word, slamming the door hard behind him leaving you in the house with freddy and baby jude. you’re fuming, upset, hurt- he’s feeling the same. lip is furious, furious at you telling him what to do.
he ends up at ian’s house after coming dangerously close to going to the alibi. ian talks him down, tells him you’re right, which was not what lip wanted to hear.
“debby can wait. she’ll get out soon enough and she can figure it out.” ian rolls his eyes. “she shouldn’t have been such a fuckin’ moron.”
“what about franny then, huh? you’re gonna just let her go into the system? let cps get her until then?” lip spat furiously.
ian scoffs. “franny is with carl right now. he’s bringin’ her here tonight.”
lip burns with embarrassment, feeling petulant but still pissed. “hey, word of advice?” ian smirks. “quit bein’ a hard headed jack ass and go home and apologize to your wife before she comes to her senses and leaves your ass for good.”
and lip is still mad but it’s dwindling, a guilt replacing it instead. he just needed to calm down, to think straight. walking back to your house, he had the time to.
lip jammed his key in the door, the ridges not sliding the usual way, not clicking. so he tried again, turning the key with no luck- it didn’t budge. he pulled on the knob, twisting again and again but nothing. “stupid fuckin’ piece of shit door.” lip grumbles, knocking on the door.
he waits, huffing, knocking louder. when there was still no response, lip goes to pull out his phone, only then does he see the pink envelope with his name on it on the welcome mat.
lip opens it up to find a note:
since you insist on doing whatever you want without asking me or considering our family, i decided i would do the same. you can go stay with debby since you chose her over me and my kids.
ps. don’t bother with the lock, i had them changed xoxo”
he found his car keys under the envelope. lip was furious, absolutely fucking furious and sick and upset and just overwhelmed with every emotion possible. you hadn’t even given him his lighter, so he took a walk to the corner store to buy a pack of spirits and a lighter. he called you on his way back, not surprised when you didn’t pick up.
“hey, you know, i know you think you’re bein’ real fuckin’ funny but this shit isn’t funny, ok? i didn’t choose debby, i didn’t do shit, alright? so let me back in the house and let’s be adults about this.”
then another voicemail.
“alright, seriously? you’re not gonna let me in? you’re not gonna let me come say goodnight to freddy or jude? that’s fucked up. really fuckin’ fucked up.”
“you’re bitchin’ me out about not spending money, and-and you get that done? get the locks changed? how much did that cost huh? you can use money to be petty and childish but i don’t get a say in what i want to use it in?”
“ok this is ridiculous. let me in. talk to me. be a fuckin’ adult.”
“seriously? where the fuck am i supposed to sleep tonight? i know you’re fuckin’ seeing’ these- i can fuckin’ see you! just let me in!”
you don’t budge. don’t reply back, don’t answer the calls. he knows better than to bang on the door, wake jude or freddy up, and truthfully… he’s a little terrified at the moment. very scared that you’re truly done with him, that ian was right and you’d come to your senses.
so he slept in his car. in the driveway, thankful it was warm that night and he had a few spare shirts and things in the back. he waited until the next morning, when he knew you’d be up with the boys, to ring the doorbell.
his anger had vanished to fear and guilt, retreating back to you with his tail tucked between his legs, all sad eyes and gentle apologies that you deflected with anger still bubbling.
it definitely took him a while to make it up, a very long while before you actually gave him his new key. he had to make it up to you, work on his communication and his sharing especially with you.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 day
CHAPTER FOUR WAS SO GOOD UGHH literally the only fanfic I have ever loved so much and wait for updates like this. Am so excited for the next one!!!
On the topic of finally opening requests, I was wondering if I could ask for head-canons of what a relationship with Seishiro and a female reader would be like. If we want to be specific, maybe related to the fanfic? Like, how you would imagine their relationship would have been like back when they were still in high school, young and with Nagi’s past soccer career and all. Don’t feel pressured to write this, and good luck with everything!😽😽
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Synopsis: Headcanons about having Seishiro Nagi as your boyfriend.
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Event Masterlist
Pairing: Nagi x Reader
Word Count: 0.9k
Content Warnings: none really, just generally fluffy and silly
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A/N: AHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH ANON i hope you like where i go w the story in the future!! and hehe now that we’re in the past arc of peregrine you will actually get to see all of the nitty gritty details of their relationship in the fic itself so i won’t spoil it 🤫 but i love nagi ofc so i’ve added some general headcanons on what i think he would be like as a bf
Additional: part of my 500 follower event! see the event description and rules to make a request of your own.
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no matter how the two of you get together, reo is somehow involved LMAOAOAO like bro is ALWAYS at the scene of the crime in some way shape or form just because i don’t think nagi would really pick up on the fact that he has a crush on you without outside intervention
it would also definitely be a jump scare when he confesses!! you would have zero idea it’s coming because he literally hasn’t changed how he acts towards you whatsoever
canonically he doesn’t really interact with a lot of people or have a lot of friends and he’s not aggressive with romance so i just don’t think he’d really know what the appropriate method of telling someone you like them is
would probably say some shit like “reo says i have a crush on you” and would be so nonchalant about it meanwhile you’re like “???” because you did not even realize he knew your name and also why is reo being brought up
i honestly think he would not be a bad boyfriend. yes he is lazy and unmotivated but he does what he needs to do and if something is important to him he generally puts in effort for it
that’s another reason why it would take him foreverrr to ask you out — he would have to like you enough that he realizes he does in fact want to have a relationship with you even if it is a hassle
he doesn’t have social media though so don’t expect there to be an official announcement that you guys are together or anything like that HAHA
he would probably forget to tell anyone that the two of you are dating and it’s not because he’s ashamed of you or is trying to hide you or anything he literally just does not care what other people think and would prefer not to talk them if possible so it never comes up
you’ll show up to an event with him and everyone’s like “omg nagi who is this” and he’s like “this is my girlfriend” and someone (probably otoya tbh) is like “since when have you had a girlfriend” and he’s like “it’s been two years 😐”
i think he would be fire at insulting people just because of how many video games he plays…that man has seen some of the worst sides of humanity
the world is lucky he’s a pacifist and avoids conflict because he has some vile stuff stored away (i will never be over him asking barou if he practiced kneeling because he’s about to make him his servant)
this particular quality makes him the BEST person to talk shit with
he’s not a gossipy boyfriend in the sense that he doesn’t have anything juicy of his own to contribute to the conversation but i’m pretty sure he mentioned he watches dramas at one point so you know he’s locked tf in if you need to complain abt someone
he will sit there and be so invested in the tea…def would not give any useful advice but he will make fun of anyone bothering you so you still end up feeling better
i don’t think he would get jealous honestly
the thought of you cheating on him doesn’t cross his mind at all because why would he date someone he didn’t trust fully???
i would say he expects the same from you because he would but at the same time he voluntarily talks to one (1) other person besides you and that’s reo so the opportunity for you to be jealous just wouldn’t even crop up
definitely super clingy and cuddly
loves being babied too
according to epnagi he has this whole automatic system in his apartment to clean and do laundry and i think he’d be fine if you appropriate that so no more cleaning!! but you will have to cook because that man literally only eats fruit jellies
genuinely how is he so built and not dying of malnutrition SKJFDSHKJ
he probably is terrible at coming up with date ideas so it’s up to you to plan things
again it’s not malicious i think for him just spending time with you is his ideal date!! like he doesn’t see the point in getting dressed up and going somewhere fancy when you could just eat at home and be comfortable together
but if it’s an important day or you tell him that you want him to suggest something for once, he WILL go all out (which means calling reo for advice and doing what he tells him to)
overall communication is key with him. he’s not particularly sensitive or in tune with other people’s emotions so being passive aggressive or expecting him to read your mind will honestly just end up making your mood worse because he will not pick up on the fact that something is wrong
but if you tell him what you want him to change he will happily do it!! he just needs to be told very clearly if you’re upset or need him to do something different
honestly it would be very refreshing. there are zero games with nagi and he doesn’t really try to hide anything — what you see is what you get 100% of the time
overall 10/10 would date idc haters dni he’s a sweetheart and he’s doing his best
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bonecarversbestie · 14 hours
My biggest beef with the Inner Circle is how they feel so entitled to information that impacts ALL of Prythian. And they hoard secrets and powerful artefacts like they’re the only ones responsible or trustworthy enough to handle them. For someone who says he doesn’t want to be high king Rhys sure acts like he rules all of prythian. 🙄
Maybe that’s how being high lord works but it’s just the superiority complex of it all.
Azriel spying on literally everyone (I know it’s his job but it just feels like there’s no privacy in this court and they want it that way. If ANY other person outside the IC has information they don’t, they want it. Secrets are for NC only 🙅‍♀️. No one else is allowed to make plans to save the world)
Location of the cauldron(it should be secret but why does it get to be the night courts secret? I think they should have let Tarquin decide tbh)
The whole search for the book of breathings (as if the war that was starting didn’t affect everyone. They considered just asking Tarquin and they should have.)
The existence and location of the trove (again why do they deserve to be the only ones who hold this knowledge)
Keeping Nestas weapons from her (they belong to her and no one else has any right to them. I’ll die on this hill)
Luciens paternity (though I’m pretty sure he already knows. But it’s the fact that feyre wouldn’t tell her friend this life altering information for literally no good reason)
Even Rhys and Feyre keeping their stupid death pact a secret is so selfish. Bc if they both died with no heir who becomes high lord? Kier? Seems like a shitty surprise to leave your mourning court.
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koroart · 1 day
Hi, if it’s okay to ask, what are your thoughts on what’s going on between Lambert and Patricia? Especially considering what’s said in Dimitri and Hapi’s supports
Hm hm hm , this one is definitely a doozy — 🤔
Tbh… I definitely feel their relationship was in some way? Genuine? Not like, true love kinda genuine — it’s more so along the lines of ‘two lost people finding solace in one another’ because I do think at some point, they both cared for one another, especially in the beginning of their relationship. Especially on account with Patricia. But even Rodrigue pointed out in Hopes , that even he wasn’t sure if it was love between them — but it was something. It was enough for them to marry at the very least.
And concerning the things with Hapi and what information Hopes actually gave us— I feel like those small feelings of affection towards one another became gradually one-sided on Lambert’s side. Because Cornelia so often interfered between their relationship and kept Patricia separated from Lambert ( so she could probably be easier to manipulate) and I think Patricia definitely hid things from Lambert too — and wasn’t entirely honest with him, with and without Cornelia’s influence. He probably knew she had been the former consort of Ionius but I don’t think he knew she had a daughter ( after all, Edelgrad didn’t know her mother had fled to the Kingdom either and even when she was there — she was never made aware, otherwise her uncle may have mentioned it and she probably would have too, cuz what child wouldn’t want to see their mother? ) Cornelia probably twisted it in some way later down the line— making seem that Lambert knew and that he was purposefully keeping Anselma away from her daughter, and gradually Anselma began to believe her. ( which also seems to be the conclusion a lot of people in the fandom seem to make too — Intsys did a bad job in keeping the lore together and a lot of misunderstandings happened )
Which is probably why Patricia/Anselma seemed to have no issue in helping arrange Lambert and Dimitri’s assassination later down the line. Do I think she lived long enough to regret it? who can say really — but part of me feels she did regret it at some point but it was too late and she died with those regrets.
I want to take Dimitri’s recounts of their relationship with a grain of salt — in some way it was almost rose tinted because he’s never had a mother in his life, and Anselma being the only female presence in his life and my guess is he wanted to remember his time with her with some fondness despite the reality, and I felt his opinion on it, especially pre-time skip — shouldn’t really be given a lot of credence. Because chances are, he wasn’t privy to a lot of what was going on in the bg, and I’m sure his father wouldn’t want him to worry about such grown up things. What parent doesn’t keep pressing matters away from their children? ( let’s not forget Dimitri only found out Edelgard being his step-sister AFTER she left and AFTER Duscur I believe, so he wouldn’t have been able to get answers from anyone regardless )
Hm hm much to think about methinks
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tatiluvmisha · 2 days
It’s been a couple of days and I still can’t believe these ppl have the nerve to criticize misha when their own fave can’t even open his mouth to alter a word of support to ukraine or Palestine. It’s the hypocrisy for me…. Look at the things that misha has done !! The man set up his charity for the Gaza relief fund. He went to Ukraine twice and has a fundraiser set up that raised almost 700,000 dollars. Instead of being twitter activist why don’t you do something useful like donate or spread awareness.
I’m really baffled because i didn’t know two person taking a photo means their political beliefs is aligned like it’s the stupidity for me. I ran through that man twitter and all I see is the man hates trump and he is an ambassador for u24 same as misha. People have their panties in a bunch because he supposedly send support to Israel the day after the attack but then the man also send his support to Palestine and also called for ceasefire.
As for the misha fans who are also mad I have no hope for you tbh. These next couple months are gonna be rough for you because we all know who that man is gonna support for the upcoming election.
That’s all I’m gonna say on this matter.
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thesunfyre4446 · 3 days
I’m so confused about why TB thinks Daemon is a badass. Like from the beginning he was a loser. We see him almost lose a joust and then go for the horse to win, lose to Criston cause he’s so caught up in himself, and need reassurance from Mysaria that his brother really does care like where is the badass?? And then during the battle of the stepstones he lands his dragon and puts himself in archer range, does his little suicide run where he should have died so many times but plot armor (and the plan wasn’t even his so they can’t claim he’s a good strategist), runs away from Rhaenyra in a brothel to pass out in a stable, kills his wife, runs away with Laena and is a shit husband to her, fucks his niece at his wife’s funeral and marries her—and it looks like he wasn’t even a good husband to her either cause what do u mean her kids aren’t fluent in Valyrian yet? And then he kills Vaemond from behind… like what exactly is cool or badass or smart about him?? Is it something in the books?? I haven’t read them so I don’t know but I feel like it’s a conspiracy. I went into the show expecting him to be capable if nothing else but he’s not? He’s just got a false reputation that makes people fear him and a name that gives him authority that he uses to go around doing whatever the fuck he wants. His claim to strength is literally Caraxes and nothing else. No wonder he puts so much weight on their dragons it’s literally all he has going for him.
And people are talking about how Aemond acts like he’s any match for Daemon in the preview and making fun of him but tbh I think he’s got a shot. While Daemon does have more experience that doesn’t mean he’s any good and we’re shown that Aemond does have some skill with a sword so who’s to say really?
LMAO go off anon!!!
yeah not to spoil anything because you haven't read the book but daemon's a fucking loser.
i mean, vhagar is bigger then caraxes, aemond's not crazy to believe that she'll win.
also that's why i prefer the greens brain power over TB's "i have a dragon" attitude. brain over brawn!! rhaenyra and daemon's concept of politics is "expect that people will just do what you want & proceed to threaten with pet lizard if someone gets in your way \ murder them" and i really don't see the appeal! otto's a shit person, but he used his brain and political skills to kick daemon out of KL.
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faustandfurious · 20 hours
Master and Commander liveblog: Chapters 1-2
Apparently the Locatelli C major quartet that kicks off the entire series isn’t even a real piece of music??? Locatelli exists, but his C major quartet sure doesn’t
I’d honestly forgotten how young they both are at the beginning of the story
I love that the first interaction between these two is Aubrey being excited about music and Maturin being a bit of an asshole. Truly excellent golden retriever/black cat character dynamic
Aubrey’s first impression of Maturin is extremely funny in light of everything that is to come: “The ill-looking son of a bitch, to give himself such airs”
Honestly my only frame of reference for money in this time period is Mr. Darcy with his ten thousand a year, so Jack making 5 pounds 12 shillings per month really puts that amount of money into perspective
Implication that Jack Aubrey slept with Molly Harte?
“I am to be found any morning at Joselito’s coffee-house” Maturin being broke and hanging out in coffee shops is a vibe
“the velvet softness of the April night, and the choir of nightingales in the orange-trees, and the host of stars hanging so low as almost to touch the palms” I’m absolutely in love with these small snippets of atmospheric writing
Teniente (Spanish) = lieutenant
I’ll have to pay more attention to the dates this time around, to keep track of the progression of time and the historical events. Anyway, we have our first time point: 1st April, 1800 - Jack Aubrey is made captain, though he receives the news later the same month
I won’t go into all the naval terminology here, because I don’t actually think that you need to understand every single word in order to get the overall gist of what is happening on the ship, but I’ll try to make some notes every now and then
First-rate = Royal Navy term for the largest warships
“May I propose a cup of chocolate, or coffee?” AUBREY/MATURIN COFFEE SHOP AU
These two being nerds about music gives me so much life
Boccherini (which I’ve actually played on violin at one point)
Upupa epops
Maturin remarking on Aubrey wearing only one epaulette and asking if he has forgotten the other one, and Aubrey saying that he’ll put them both on by and by, because you’re only allowed two epaulettes with at least three years seniority as a captain. Stephen knows jack shit about naval ranks
Well, Captain Harte is a piece of shit
Mr. Baldick really said “there’s too much buggery on board” and Jack is like “I don’t want people to be hanged for being gay”
And here comes the naval terminology
“It’s the price that has to be paid” I don’t know why Jack reflecting on the way his new role as captain sets him apart from the rest of the crew, hits so hard, but it does
Stephen being a language nerd <3
Meanwhile Jack gets putain (whore) and patois (nonstandard language) mixed up
“looking at Stephen Maturin with candid affection”
Stephen does math in Catalan because of course
Phthisis = pulmonary tuberculosis, apparently
“‘Surgeons are excellent fellows,’ said Stephen Maturin with a touch of acerbity” average internist describing surgeons tbh
“and when I told you, some time ago, that I had not eaten so well for a great while, I did not speak figuratively” Stephen Maturin poor little meow-meow confirmed
For the ominous way James Dillon is mentioned by Stephen here, I can’t actually remember from my first readthrough what that was all about
“‘Christ,’ he said at last. ‘Another day.’” Stephen continues to be a mood
The way Stephen thinks Jack sailed without him, as if he would ever do that
First appearance of nickname “Goldilocks”
Jack giving Stephen money in a way which leaves his pride intact is such a sweet moment <3
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To be a bit clearer about my issue with the tweet that I talked about in this post as I was posting in the car on the way home (I was not driving but had to do it fast because I get super motion sick) and have had some time to expand a bit:
If we’re talking about the general concept “Stolas set the parameters of the initial sexual transaction thus rooting their relationship in sex from the start and because Blitz is too self loathing and willfully blind to see the desired parameters have changed it is Stolas who made their relationship all about sex in large part because Blitz was never going to be in a healthy enough space to be the one to change it” then yes I agree with the sentiment.
Stolas could have simply said “I’ll let you use the grimoire in exchange for a date” instead of jumping straight to sexual relationship and they could have gotten to know each other first, maybe one date for each Full Moon*. So yes, he did make it this way, he set the terms. At the start of the show.
(*Side note: This would be a super cute fanfic premise tbh and if the show did something like that, where they need to exchange something and say “Hey, how about we make a deal to go on a date on the Full Moon” it would be a really fucking adorable way to reconcile them *starry eyes*. Just think about how much that would slap. The narrative circle of that would be *chef’s kiss*. )
My problem with the framing of “Stolas started it that way in Murder Family, was super over the top horny for a few episodes, now he must suffer the consequences despite the fact that he has been trying to change their dynamic since Blitz expressed how he felt in Ozzie’s” is that, the events of The Circus completely recontextualize the deal we see made and Stolas’s behavior.
We, the audience, didn’t know in S1 that Blitz initiated the whole thing and that Stolas was just mirroring that energy, so I am extremely understanding of this perception pre-S2. Even up until Western Energy, but by Oops we have enough evidence to show Stolas has been trying, Blitz is just refusing. So Stolas didn’t “make it this way” for where the characters are NOW. Not in a “It is Blitz’s fault” taking sides in the divorce way, but in a “This is about character growth or the deliberate lack of it within the story” way.
My big issue with the tweet now, and didn’t learn until I read the tags of a lovely person is that is apparently from an individual who actually works on the show. And that is….kinda concerning to me. A bit.
The idea that Stolas’s efforts count for nothing because he set the initial deal and behaved badly at the start, that we the audience should still see the current dynamic as “Stolas making everything sexual” is a problem 8 episodes into the 2nd season. We have many examples of him not doing that any longer, he has changed, we the audience have been shown that change. Why is it still being framed this way by the actual creative team?
I don’t know how animation production works, so I’m not sure if the people who work as animators are given the whole picture or not. I don’t even know they are fans necessarily, or if they get their individual parts to work on and that’s it. I have zero background info on how these meetings are conducted. I am not coming from a position of authority in this regard.
Setting aside the dismissal of Stolas’s character growth this season. framing it this way undermines the journey Blitz is on too. At this point in the story he is refusing to acknowledge Stolas’s earnest attempts, his willful ignorance is not a funny gag but a reflection of his character and state of mind. It is implied his own trauma and self loathing make him unable to believe what has being explicitly told to him. This confrontation is the tipping point for further development in one direction or another. His choice now is to continue to ignore it and lose Stolas entirely or to try and work through it in some way. By implying Stolas is the one who created thier current situation way back in S1 implies Blitz’s ignorance of Stolas’s feelings is not because of character’s motivations and his own choices to ignore it but simply because it was that way at the start and it is immutable. Stolas said “sex for book please” and “jelly sandwiches” and Blitz was just “I’m just doing what he said he wanted, now he’s coming out of nowhere with this feelings stuff” when a huge part of showing the audience that it is Blitz’s self loathing driving the conflicts in his life is that he refuses to believe the truth of the situation which is it wasn’t Stolas making it all about sex at all. That Stolas has been trying and Blitz keeps shutting it down because of his issues.
That just seems like a crucial part of what we’re doing here? Yes Stolas creates the situation in S1 but he went out of his way to do the opposite in S2.
Obviously this individual’s qualifications for interpretation, being an actual employee, trump my “I’ve watched it a bunch and obsess over it constantly” credentials by a long shot. But my concern is to have a meeting of people responsible for creating the show reflect this sentiment after what we’ve seen in S2 so far is just a little baffling to me?
Either those attempts by Stolas portrayed on screen and the change in his behavior towards Blitz after he realizes his feelings are meaningless in the face of first impressions being everything to both Blitz and the audience. If that is the case I’m not sure why they would be included if the end result interpretation is still “Stolas horny. Made it all about sex. The end.”
Or, I am misreading something, either the tweet itself or the canon text. This is very possible, tweets being an imperfect communication tool and myself being an imperfect person. But as I stated in the original post, if we’re accounting for what is shown on screen as being how we should interpret the characters, Stolas has been trying for months to shift gears and Blitz is the one who continues to frame it as “just sex”. So I just find the tweet completely out of touch with the narrative we’re consuming.
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I hate the way social media influences young kids these days. I understand each generation has its own thing that older generations don’t understand/like, but it’s not social media itself that is the problem for me. Like, I get it, the world revolves so much around the internet now and it’s inevitable the generations to come will be effected by it more and more, and in many ways I think it’s good. I learn so much stuff from social media every single day. It’s not even the fact that kids are “changing” - that may not be the case at all - it’s the fact that they put so much of themselves on social media and broadcast it to the world, where so many people, people who may not be safe or kind, dwell and lurk.
Why are 12 year old girls pouting and twerking in front of a camera? Like I said, it’s not that these things are new - children grow up and do stupid things, act older then they are e.g - the concept in and of itself is not new, but social media still kinda is and it’s so sad to see how much more influenced they are to grow up. I have a younger sister who is 13, almost 14, she’s got anti aging creams ?? And hates the way she looks without concealer ?? These are not things she needs to worry about, these are not things even I need to worry about yet, because I’m only 21.
It’s just very sad tbh. Not to be all Boomer-like but I kinda wish I could just stick a bicycle in front of them and tell them to go out and play and just be kids and stop worrying so much about wrinkles, or push-up bra’s. I just wanna drill it into there heads to have a childhood!
I know kids will grow up eventually, especially as they enter their teens, but it just seems to be hitting them younger and younger.
Yeah like at this point we don't even know the full consequences of growing up on social media, but there is definitely a lot to worry about. I'm actually quite happy that I was 15 before I got my first smartphone, and that a big part of my childhood was spent playing with Littlest Pet Shops or The Sims, and not on worrying about presenting myself online while being bombarded with advertisements trying to sell a fake idea of perfection no one will ever reach
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disappointingcabbage · 12 hours
TMAGP 19 thoughts, spoilers under the cut
Celia why do you have so much paper, what in the hell are you making that many photocopies of?
She’s looking into alchemical explanations for universe hopping, I think (transference stuff)
Celia why are you looking at incomplete transference stuff??? What was missing when you universe hopped????
Sam found alchemy stuff when looking into the Magnus Institute, which is very much consistent with the ARG
“What’s got you looking into this?” “Just curious” *immediate glitch* yeah Celia we’re all aware that this research is way more than just curiosity bestie
Sam is doing what’s best for his personal safety but not what’s best for narrative flow (ditching the institute stuff). Good for him tbh.
old ass statement this time (1684), I’m surprised it’s Chester reading it instead of Augustus tbh
A regrettable anti Newtonian PROTOCOL????
yooooo this dude is on a first name basis with the gravity man himself sir Issac Newton
Protocol against the entirety of London???? Destruction of knowledge?? DREAD EMISSION????
Did the people of this universe just straight up know about the fears in the 1600s? Was it then covered up???
Looks like this universe’s Newton got into alchemy and letter writer guy Does Not Like That
As an aspiring biologist I’m curious as to how exactly the “vegetative propagation of metals” would even work, seems like a funky little experiment
Awww Issac has a disabled dog!! Hell yeah animal rescue
“Yo what’s that big ass glowing flask?” “Oh that? Yeah it’s no big deal, just the philosopher’s stone in liquid form” bro WHAT
I sincerely hope that that means protocol verse Issac Newton is still alive and that we get to hear his voice in canon. I think that would be Neat.
bro has a tiny tree growing in a flask. That’s awesome. Why is letter guy upset at this? Is my brain refusing to see some horrific implications here? probably lol
I cannot get over the writer of this statement just casually calling Newton “Issac”, actually (might be because my dad is a physicist so Gravity Man is a fucking legend in my household)
ohhhh vegetative propagation of metals. The tree is made of mineral/metal
“I made a metal tree wanna eat its fruit?” “what???? No???” “Too late it’s already in my hand dude you’ve gotta try it”
fullmetal alchemist war flashbacks
dog is now an alchemy plant/dog pokemon what the fuck
The dog now has human intelligence, apparently
Oh it’s reversible. Dog is dog again. That’s so mean to the dog why would you do that to him???? Dogs don’t deserve the burden of human comprehension they are too babey
“Are the computers listening to us?” Daaaaamn Sam caught on fast
Alice, bestie, ignoring the obvious supernatural elephant in the room won’t make it go away I fear
I’m scared Sam is just going to stop confiding in people at this point and then get into danger alone. That ain’t good.
Alice seems to be getting a stupid amount of JMJ errors. Maybe it’s because the Jon, Martin, and Jonah are all arguing over which cases to give her lmao
lmao Lena’s basically just telling Gwen to put her big girl pants on and deal. Iconic.
oooh Lena lore, she used to be the externals liaison.
bros holed up in his house, probably paranoid as shit
Definitely paranoid as shit, he knows the phones are listening and wants to yeet it in a fish tank
Colin’s got alchemy on the brain too, apparently
Poor Alice, she just wants her friends to be okay and they’re all spiraling.
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turtleblogatlast · 1 month
One of the biggest things that makes me see Leo as trans is absolutely the size of his carapace in comparison to his brothers’.
And I’m not talking about height! I’m specifically looking at his shell here, because when you compare him to the others, particularly Donnie who is nearly the same height as Leo, it’s very clear that Leo’s carapace is much longer in proportion to the rest of his body.
Like - standing side by side, even though Donnie is shorter his carapace ends noticeably higher up than Leo’s does. And I like this not only because it really helps push the idea that Leo could very likely be trans (or intersex!), but it’s also just a fun design difference between them.
(It also lends way to future scenarios of Donnie eventually getting taller than Leo, but sitting down still has Leo being the taller one haha.)
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt leo#trans leonardo#rottmnt headcanons#rise leo#trans leo#it’s like 4 am and I’m having trans leo feelings again sorry guys#totally get if other people disagree with me on this! but it’s always gonna be my no.1 headcanon fr#his complexion the vibrancy of his colors staying even in adulthood his general demeanor and this? this hc is LOCKED in my brain#plus the times Leo’s depicted in pink white and blue throughout the series like I KNOW it wasn’t on purpose but damn if it doesn’t help#(his nails are also the exact same as his toe nails/claws but I don’t super count this one tbh)#(even though it is TECHNICALLY another point in favor of trans leo)#(mainly because all the boys’ nails are very much more humanoid than turtle)#(just like how their tails aren’t really a factor either since we see them only in their baby forms and never again)#I really like the idea that he was a female red eared slider pre mutation#and Lou Jitsu’s dna paved how his humanoid features came out (aka a more masculine build and voice)#but his turtle features are all very much more in like with a female res#love the thought of rise bros meeting og comic turtle boys and Leo being like wait you guys are res too?? but…you’re not colorful……#one headcanon I have is that - you know the cute chirping and stuff we have the boys do?#I like to think that Leo’s chirping actually sounds more feminine to himself and his bros (so he tends to not do it)#idk I love thinking about this hc a lot and there’s no time like four am to talk about it huh?#future scenario has future Donnie going up to future Leo all smug like ah Nardo how’s the weather down there#and Leo’s all like good *sits down* why don’t you join me :)#Donnie: …*sits and stretches his neck out to be taller still*#Leo calls him a cheater but Donnie calls it ‘making use of his species’s advantages’#but yeah basically for many turtles the case is - bigger carapace? female. smaller carapace? male.#so it’s very interesting to take that knowledge and apply it here#did you know one of the turtles that this rule of thumb DOESNT apply to is alligator snapping turtles? male ones are the bigger ones there!#by a big difference too so Raph’s size makes a LOT of sense
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mars-ipan · 4 months
danganronpa is so fucking crazy bc it’s like “hi. this is a game series with a fucking amazing premise. unfortunately the writing sucks and is bad and you will spend half the time going ‘eugh why did they write that’ but you will play the whole thing anyways and get attached to your favorite characters and cry when they inevitably die. also it is filled with romance subplots that will stay in your brain forever” HUH??????
#marzi speaks#like. dr sucks but i like it.#but it sucks#but then like. there’s just??? so much in-depth romance and it makes me want to cry???#like. like. thh. asahina + sakura (so sorry lesbians i do not know their ship name). they are so cute and then they are so tragic#and ishimondo. GODDDDD ishimondo. you get to go ‘oh HELL yeah’ for a chapter and then they make you HURT#even like. makoto w/sayaka. start of the betrayal girlfriend trend. love it#and even toko and togami are interesting!!! like they will not date and should not date but they are fascinating#and then sdr2. do not get me STARTED on komahina what sort of psychosexual freudian bullshit are they on i will never know#but there’s also like. hinanami who r SO good. and mahiru and hiyoko who. tbh i wish they were handled better but still#fuyupeko. they make me crazy. and their parallels to akane and nekomaru. aaaa#SONDAM oh my goddd. they’re so#i may not be a v3 fan but they DID give us a lesbian love triangle and i do have to thank them for that#also the best polycule in the world in the form of the workout trio#kokichi i don’t like. but i DO like his little crush on shuichi even if i think it’s one-sided#kiibouruma will forever be real to me tho. world’s worst polycule. for balance#anyways why does dr have so many good romance plots. they’re so. why are those so good#AND WHY ARE LIKE HALF OF THEM QUEER. WHY DOES THE HOMOPHOBIA GAME HAVE SO MUCH QUEER CODING#idk i’m insane. <3 i’m a little crazy. komahina what the hell even are you….
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itspileofgoodthings · 6 months
If Jane Austen could write about my family from the outside and I could read it then maybe I would be healed.
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bpdohwhatajoy · 6 months
Great I’m attached to you. Now I will go from Kinda Normal Appearing Guy to an Eldritch Horror Creature before your very eyes
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mollysails · 1 month
and if i went crazy and started translating and adapting the entirety of the beetlejuice musical to spanish, with changes to the jokes that would make sense within the pop culture…
what then
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coredrill · 2 months
oh also headsup to everyone that i will be TRYING to see if i can’t catch the new bravern ep earlier than i usually do tomorrow so y’know. beware the Posts
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