#gotta feed the brainrot somehow i guess
mollysails · 1 month
and if i went crazy and started translating and adapting the entirety of the beetlejuice musical to spanish, with changes to the jokes that would make sense within the pop culture…
what then
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eruhatesu · 2 years
eruuuuu I honestly can’t remember when I started following your blog (somewhere around last year?? ig..?) but out of all corners of gjhm fandom your blog’s gotta be my fav one. not only you feed us with your stunning art pieces, but you also create such good vibes here. everyone is welcome here. everyone can just drop by and share their hcs with you and the rest of us. we can all just come here and yell and thirst and cry over gjhm, jjk or other hot fictional characters. your blog honestly feels like everyone’s fav comfort place in this fandom. no antis, no drama just good vibes and horny… best kind of fandom experience if you ask me
Awww bby 🥺 thank you so much!! this means a lot to me.. you all can chill here on my couch and have a glass of lemonade and unlimited biscuits <3
Fandom doesnt really have to be toxic and the first time I went on twt for the gojohime tag I was just warshocked lol so I went here literally just screaming randomly my love for uta and gojo and now here we are so so happy people came screaming to me back <3 it makes me so happy too that we now have plenty of creator ... literally gjhms are always always with new content (not from gege) but the creators in this just keep churning out contents we get to enjoy!! fics, hcs, art!! everything. <3
I guess surrounding yourself with the right people that would support you no matter your brain is brainrotting on is really important...we go here to be unwind from reality so even tho I get hate messages/comments for what I draw, I just tend to ignore them and just focus on you guys :3 no one needs to see it and those antis cannot get what they went for me lmao. I only have a very short time when I go online so I really dont wanna waste it on bad vibes lol (unless Im bored and wanna play with these little craphead lol /j not /j)
I am really happy that after a year in this art/fan blog i created I am just learning I was somehow able to create that safe environment I was hoping we all have 🥰 to more brainrots and crumbs for us!!
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ask game: how I met this bitch
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2small-frog · 2 years
(a/n: uhhmmm mhey!!!!! im sick rn n i gotta close reqs while i work on the ones in my inbox!!! butttt i feel rly bad abt them comin out slow sooooo heres this!!! its a very self indulgent very ooc vega scenerio that i daydream about a lot!!!! um um um @free-boundsoul i figured id tag u bc brainrot buddies :33)
character(s): vega x reader
reader's pronouns: unspecified
cw: none!!
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he's never known a human like you.
you were a perfect source of energy for him, sure. you were filled to the brim with anguish– pain and fear and anger that was absolutely delectable.
but you were different. you could sense him.
not in the way that empowered humans could. you couldn't sense his aura or feel his hold on you, but you could always tell that you weren't alone. you could always sense when you were being watched.
you'd talk to the empty space, not really expecting any answers. you'd tell him about your day, that funny thing your friend said, how you felt about the weather; all without knowing that he really was listening. he found it strange that you weren't afraid. you could clearly sense his form just out of reach, sense his eyes fixed on you in the night. in his experience, most humans take issue with being watched.
"maybe i'm just crazy..." you'd chuckle to yourself, but you never stopped talking to him.
it had been nearly a year since he began feeding on you, a little over eight months since you began talking to him... and about four months since he began to get attached.
attached? attached to a pathetic human like you? it was almost laughable. the fact that he'd come to care for someone so weak- but it was the truth, whether he liked it or not.
it was late. maybe early? it depends on how you look at it, but you were still awake. you usually were at this time, trying in vain to still your mind enough to drift off. just as usual though, you gave up after a while, opting to scroll on your phone as a distraction.
"you're here, aren't you?"
he paused. should he answer? it would be a breach of covert, but he could always just modify your memory if need be. he'd be a liar if he said he had no interest in actually speaking to you. he'd spent so long watching and listening that he knows nearly everything about your life. he knows about your job, that one coworker that never fails to get on your nerves, your favorite foods, your day-to-day schedule- hell, you've even told him about your family.
but he wanted to know you. he wanted to know you firsthand, not just as an outsider.
yes. i am here. i have been for a while now.
they jolted at the sudden voice in their head. it was one that they'd never heard before, yet it was somehow familiar. you should be afraid. you should be running, calling a friend, calling an exorcist or something.
but you were calm. and you were glad.
"so you finally decide to respond, huh? took you long enough."
vega laughed. it was deep and smooth and it echoed in every crevice of your mind. it was strange. but it wasn't unpleasant.
yes, i suppose it did. you'll have to forgive me, darling. i've been idle for too long, it seems.
now it was your turn to laugh. it was softer, quieter than vega's. but he found it captivating all the same.
you seem surprisingly placid, all things considered. i figured you'd be more unnerved? perhaps even scared?
"scared?" another small chuckle escaped your lips. "why on earth would i be scared?"
well, he started, humans aren't usually amenable to... supernatural beings in their homes.
"ah. well, what can i say?" you shrugged, rolling onto your back and gazing up at the ceiling. "i'm just grateful for the company, i guess." vega didn't respond to that, instead opting to sit in a moment of comfortable silence.
"so... are you gonna show yourself?" you teased, sitting up in your bed, "or are you just gonna let me keep talking to thin air?"
vega hesitated a moment before taking a breath. are you sure you want that, human? are you even prepared for the horrors that await you once my physical form is visible?
"ha ha, very funny. if you're so scary, why haven't you tried putting it to good use, hm?"
another laugh filled your senses. if you insist.
little by little, a cloud of black smoke began to appear in front of you, swirling around from every corner of the room. after a moment, it began to materialize into a form; a man. he was tall- way taller than he should be with two dark horns that made him look just that much taller and he had eyes that seemed to burn holes in your very being. he was intimidating and his presence was powerful.
but he wasn't scary.
"hey there, stranger."
stranger? vega asked, mock hurt spreading across his pointed features. i'd hardly call us strangers after all this time.
you moved closer to him, straining your neck to see his face in the dark room. "you forget that i've gone this whole time without even knowing you were real, right?"
vega mirrored your movements, taking a step closer to you. he had no need to strain in order to see you, though; as tall as he is, all he needs is to look down. but you always spoke to me. you told me everything.
"everything," you started, "is a bit of a stretch. plus, i was always the one doing the talking, never the other way around." you poked a finger to his chest. "from my perspective, you're a complete stranger standing in my bedroom who happens to know a suspicious amount of my personal life."
the demon hummed a response, bringing a hand up to trace along your jaw as a sinister smile spread across his face. even in the darkened room, his pearly teeth seemed to shine, definitely sharper than they should be...
would you like me to help you change that?
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@the-phantoms-library @theodorebasmanov @cryptixmoth @sunberrybush @myanettes @sunsable @bug-likes-monsters @dangergays
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