#don’t be a dickhead
voidcataro · 5 months
femininity is not “pure” or better than masculinity.
masculinity is not violent or predatory, it’s a neutral way of being.
women are not less capable of violence or cruelty than men.
victimhood doesn’t justify cruelty, ever, in any direction. neither does power.
male and female are not opposites, they are siblings.
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scarletjedi · 11 months
I’m not emotionally equipped to post this to Twitter right now, but I honestly think one of the most dangerous biological myths people believe is that humans are sexually dymorphoc. We absolutely are not. You know what are? Angler fish.
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catdoingblep · 8 months
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feralcringeman · 28 days
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Non-black people fr love being stupid on purpose sometimes
(No offense non black moots)
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sapphiretanto · 9 months
Try Harder
“‘Try harder?!’ I always have to find the solution! You’re leader, Leo. You find the answer!”
Two Quick PSAs:
Because I feel people will think I’m taking Leo’s side, or justifying his actions. I’m not. I don’t think he was in the right for saying that.
This will be very Leo focused— not because he’s my favorite or anything— but because Donnie’s side has already been understood by a majority of people.
Whenever I come across this conversation— whether tiktoks, fanfiction, or fanart— Leo’s personality that’s presented always rubs me the wrong way. He usually gets written or drawn as some haughty asshole that doesn’t give a shit about Donnie’s feelings… ever. That is simply not true. Or that Donnie is the only one to get them out of problems. That isn’t true either. There are plenty of times that Donnie turns to Leo to have the answer or plan when his go awry. He also depends on his older brother’s outward bravery and confidence.
Leo and Donnie’s argument in “The Fourfold Trap” can be built on two things Donnie and Leo are at constant odds with:
Both Donnie and Leo have the same kind of pressure where they are multitasking and are having to switch tactics in battle almost always.
Donnie is a genius. He’s knowledgeable in mechanics, technology, math, science, biology, history, etc etc. and has also mastered learning some technology of the Kraang as well as creating a way to translate their language. He often lacks the resources to accomplish projects or time to calmly dismantle weaponry and machines and get him and his brothers to safety during battles.
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Leo is intuitive and strategically intelligent as well as very disciplined and focused. However, his pressure lies within his leading abilities. Not only must he plan battle strategies with his brothers, he also has to keep an eye on them in battle, be ready to change tactics should something go awry, figure out an exit strategy and this is usually done all while fighting with the enemy. Leo also has to keep a level head and keep his emotions in check. While in the beginning, he often wasn’t respected, his collectedness kept the team together and functional (Raph leading the team in “New Girl in Town” and struggling as well as Leo panicking in “Panic in the Sewers” are good examples of when the leader isn’t collected)
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The burden placed on both of their shoulders is very heavy, draining, and a lot to take on as a teenager and they do their best to keep it together, but the built up pressure will sometimes put them at odds when planning during larger battle (i.e. “The Invasion”).
Now, as with anything and everything, there are always limits. Leo and Donnie both struggle with accepting that they have their limits, though, Donnie tends to accept his more than Leo.
Growing up and being the way they are unfortunately puts limits on what they can have or use. Donnie uses a lot of scrap metal and junk to piece things together for the brothers and himself to use and has to be careful with what he does have, since he doesn’t have the access to go into a store and get what he needs.
All of this frustrates Donnie as it limits his abilities, but it has helped him accept it and understand that he can’t push himself to do everything he would like to for himself and to help his brothers. It has also taught him to be resourceful and he has put together amazing mechanical machines. And despite being outcasts in society, he and his brothers do get accepted by some humans. He grows into it becoming enough for him, becoming at least physically confident in who he is.
I don’t think I have to explain just how much Leo ignores his limits. Just woke up out of a coma and his leg is fucked? This idiot goes off in the woods to fight a mutant made of vomit, tree bark, and nightmares. He doesn’t rest it as much as he should be— both because a conflict is happening and when nothing is going on, he’s training on it. Because of some of the lessons Splinter taught him—
“We choose what holds us back and what moves us forward”
“It doesn’t matter that the burden is heavy. It matters that you carry it!”
“With the world at stake, the only thing of importance is that you complete your mission, no matter what you have to sacrifice. Or whom.”
— Leo develops a complex to keep the world and his family safe no matter what happens to him, as well as to suck it up and keep going. Him complaining or ranting about his frustrations doesn’t get him sympathy.
“I just think you guys should be a little better at following my orders.” (Leo)
“Aww, it’s too bad I can’t play my violin while I drive.” (Raph)
“They have no idea what kind of pressure I’m under, and all they do is complain! Is it too much to ask for a simple ‘thank you’?” (Leo)
“Of course it is! Leadership is not about being appreciated, it’s about responsibility.” (Splinter)
Unfortunately, either out of resentment or something else, he holds this same principle for Donnie and pressures him until Donnie snaps at him.
“Donnie! You said you could do this! … They’re aliens from another dimension, what did you expect: a big round ball with a lit fuse that said ‘bomb’?!”
“You gotta fix the Shellraiser fast. Like, yesterday fast!”
“Donnie, you’re gonna have to speed this up.”
There is one other factor that drives Leo to pressure Donnie, and that is his guilt for Karai’s mutation and his lack of skill and knowledge to get her back to herself. Even though there was nothing he could have really done— after trying to stop her or even go with her as back up in “Vengeance is Mine” and coming very close to freeing her before Shredder attacked— he more than likely plays scenarios over in his head where he saved his sister or even took the fall into the mutagen instead of her.
“You should be celebrating your victory. You did a brave thing tonight, Leonardo. You saved everyone.” (Splinter)
“Not everyone. I tried to get Karai out of Shredder’s control. …I failed, Sensei.”
He becomes rebellious and risks his safety—his brothers’ safety also is toyed with if they choose to go along with him— to rescue her and reunite Master Splinter with his daughter and have her be with her family.
The building of his guilt towards Karai’s mutation, the pressure he’s feeling to rescue her from Shredder’s control, and the fact that he is at a limit that he cannot go past altogether drives him to snap at Donnie the way he does.
Was it right and justifiable? Absolutely not. But do I understand that it was a build up things from within and that he didn’t say it just to be an asshole? Abso-fucking-lutely.
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listen as much as I didn’t really like the whole timeless children thing I do respect rtd not just ignoring it and rolling with the drama instead
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bardsandbees · 1 year
there’s a lot of things i love about fandom but in the case of the witcher fandom they took a named but dead character from a lambert side quest in the 3rd video game where lambert has a vague emotional attachment to said character and turned him into a fully fledged, three dimensional and beloved love interest for lambert. i think lambert says his name no more than twice during the whole quest. and yet the fandom consensus on not only aiden’s personality but also general physical appearance is incredible
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thenighttrain · 8 months
where are my fellow swifties who don’t care about travis and have 0 opinion of him and just hope taylor is happy but don’t pay attention beyond that 👊
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fuckyeah-bears · 9 months
I may not always succeed but I really do try my best to be a kind, compassionate person and put more kindness and positivity into the world than negativity
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misstwisted · 8 months
since catalyst was two days before Adam’s 21st birthday, i crackheadly predict if volume 5 comes out after presto, thatcher is gonna do something for him for his birthday. I mean if I was Adam all I’d want is to be put out of my fuckin misery bout now but that’s just me
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your-mums-nuts · 9 months
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criminalskies · 19 days
I am here to confess that a) I have resorted to using tiktok manifestation sounds to hopefully get the things I need rn in life and b) I have put off such an insurmountable sized assignment I will probably crawl into another depressive episode until the 31st (when it’s due) so like… here we go again. ffs.
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lucienarcheron · 3 months
this fandom is so funny sometimes lol. looking a lot like two sides of the same coin there.
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hk33b · 12 days
headcanons of kuruk with his failed team avatar in the early years (no angst, no suffering, only peace and imagination …) (i forgot many canon wise things.. forgive and forget)
• He’s Jianzhu’s first true friend, though he’d never admit that. Jianzhu understands Kuruk in a way others fail to. He sees the incredible things Kuruk does and the corrections he’s made upon teacher’s who are meant to be teaching him. It makes Jianzhu think that the Avatar’s greatness is inevitable. He wants to stay around and be a witness to it.
• One of the first things Kuruk came to learn about the young earthbender was that besides them being a year apart in age— he was very afraid of losing everything he worked for. In one of their many talks to pass the time after training, he admitted this. Kuruk tried to understand, using his status as the Avatar— ‘I’m scared to mess up. I don’t want to lose people’s faith in me,’ but Jianzhu shook his head, it wasn’t the same.
“You’re the Avatar. You have something to fall back on. The entire world opens their hand for you.”
And it’s such an intimate thing to learn about him. That he’s scared to lose who he is, what he owns, what his family built. [This ties into evil-old-man-Jianzhu who used his companionship with the late Avatar to his advantage. He’d do anything to maintain control and power; the fear of losing something that’s his stunts him]
• smart on their own, idiots when paired together.
•Kuruk was fired as a wingman for Jianzhu, he’d only been one once or twice, but both times were a shitshow. Jianzhu would try all the moves Kuruk taught him, even said a handful of cheesy lines that made his ears red to a person who caught his sights. And it was a bust, because they barely past a glance at him. No, because they were too busy staring at Kuruk.
“Maybe you aren’t doing it right, friend…”
“Oh, is that what it is.” Jianzhu barely hid the sarcasm dripping in his voice. Either Kuruk’s being polite, or he didn’t realize the problem in question was him! He’s handsome (DOWN).
• Jianzhu lost 10 times over while playing against Kuruk in Pai Sho. On the 11th rematch Kuruk pretends to make a faulty move for his friend’s sanity. Jianzhu knows its a pity win but takes it. He’s mostly amazed about the reckless moves Kuruk uses because it still aides him into victory!!?
“There’s just no way.” Jianzhu gasps, astonished. “Teach me how you did that,”
Kuruk laughs, “Ah. The student becomes the teacher.”
“On second thought...”
• They’re most likely to butt heads over trivial matters like similar folklores that their own nation has renditions of, but they think the other is ruining the story.
They’re all camped out, Kelsang fast asleep, and Jianzhu decides to tell Hei Ran a haunting tale she’s never heard of. Kuruk cuts him off once he’s halfway through the story.
Kuruk groans, “That is so not how it goes.”
Jianzhu snaps his head to the Avatar. “Yes it is?! She back talked to her mom six different times and turned into a lizard-snail for six weeks!”
“Uh. No! She didn’t accept her mother’s arranged marriage for her, so her mom cursed her into a lizard-snail until she did for six weeks! That’s why it’s called Mother’s Curse. Idiot.”
“That’s not—! What—! You…! Okay, let’s say that’s how it went. What would be the lesson? The whole point of Mother’s Curse is that the child shouldn’t have backed talk.”
“The whole point of Mother’s Curse is that the mother was evil, and didn’t care about what her daughter wanted?(???!) It’s to make kids appreciate how their parents wouldn’t do something sinister like that to them!”
“That… is the stupidest thing I ever heard.”
Safe to say that Hei Ran doesn’t stick around and goes to her tent, away from the idiots who continue to argue about who is more stupider.
•oh and during Kuruk’s hoe era Jianzhu turned a blind eye and said ‘well shit, he gotta do whatever he can to go about his day. Not my business.’
•silly silly silllllllly vibes. Silly. Ridiculous. One piece level of comedy.
•In conclusion … Jianzhu feels a deep connection with Kuruk. He’s amazed with him!! He believes this guy is the real deal, and its a honor to see what Kuruk could do or will be in the near future. Kuruk isn’t nervous by the blind faith Jianzhu has in him, it actually keeps him going. Friendship Is Magic…….
Song that remind me of their dynamic: It Wasn’t Me
• started off at a rocky start since Kuruk did try to steal his sky bison, but being around someone as silly as Kuruk became contagious. I imagine Kelsang laughing before Kuruk even got to the punchline, and this kinda drew the two together. There’s so much seriousness and rules and customs, it becomes tedious after a point, yet Kuruk makes it all so laughable …? Unserious? A sort of ‘what was I so worried about’ feeling. Childlike almost. FREE.
• Kuruk instantly got air bending in his first lessons from the air nomads, which fits due to his laid back go with the flow personality. He tries showing Kelsang random moves and ideas that keep popping off in his mind like rapid fire. Kelsang thinks it's... pretty impressive.
“This feels so much more different than the other elements. Everything is so… weightless. Are there any personal moves of yours that you’ve created?” Kuruk asked while balancing himself on an airball.
Kelsang shook his head no, confused. At this, Kuruk immediately got up and starting flailing his hands around, creating motion. “Oo! I wanna show you this idea that I haven't shown anyone besides like-- Jianzhu. I think it could really be helpful!
As he demonstrates a peculiar airbending maneuver with ease, Kelsang stands up straight, in awe. Maybe he had judged him too quickly.
• because of his height and rather serious resting face, Kelsang can come across as intimidating, but that is all destroyed by seeing him with Kuruk, he looks his age and more approachable. Kuruk calls him baldy as a nickname, to tease. Kelsang occasionally answers back with ‘pretty boy’, because, *drops hands* well, that’s what #they keep telling us about him.
• It is my personal belief that out of all of them, Kelsang is who Kuruk would’ve confessed to about the spirits. Not that he would ask him for help or go into the exact details of what its doing to his body, but in a complete what-if scenario,,,, the air nomad would have the words that could reassure Kuruk of this enormous responsibility he feels on the daily. [Remember, Kuruk ran into Kelsang with his poem he had written for Hei Ran. It’s less humiliating and less shameful seeking the air nomad out for matters that he can’t hold inside anymore. There’s never judgement. Maybe a shared fear? A frantic voice that could tell Kuruk right from wrong, in his best way. Never judgement.]
• okay i lied a little angst just this once DAMN… So as we know. Everyone who mattered in Kuruk’s life felt this enormous guilt that they failed him somehow. I like to believe that finding Kuruk in his next life, being a parental figure for Kyoshi, loving her like a father would love their own— while believing Yun was the next Avatar. Not realizing until she read Kuruk's poem word for word. To learn that he had still managed to bridge this connection with his old friend again. Without even intentionally doing so? Without even KNOWING. I think the weight of his failures as a companion left right then. Because he made up for it. Whatever it is he believed he lacked in, he pulled through for his final moments with Kyoshi. Not that Kuruk's spirit ever held blame for Kelsang. It’s just so interesting because we know the whole: do you really think friendships could last more than one lifetime? but they usually know who their deceased friend is in their next life. (((Kelsang you reallll as hell. Idc about the typhoon shit, YOU ARE REALLLLLL.))))
song that reminds me of them : Lean On Me
• Kuruk doesn’t know when to shut up around Hei Ran, he’s kind of … obsessed. Loser-lover-boy.
• Hei Ran thought of him slightly childish, but overtime, similarly to Kelsang, the atmosphere around Kuruk was drawing her in. There was something contagious about the northern water tribe boy.
While teaching him how to firebend, she wasn’t really surprised that he’d have such difficulty with it. His personality didn’t really mesh with what it would take to punch and kick out bursts of flames. Kuruk’s kind of frustrated with himself because he was getting the hang of all the elements with little to no effort, and here he was in front of the beautiful Hei Ran of all people, huffing and puffing because small smoke was all that emits from his inner flame.
Hei Ran does one last command, tells him to let the fire in him erupt, to let the flame in him out, (don’t you want to go ape shit ? essentially) and finally something clicks within Kuruk and he’s firebending in front of the best firebender he knows.
“I did it! I really did it!”
“Good job, though there’s gonna be many more lessons for you to learn, so don’t get too ahead of— And he’s burning down a tree.”
“Hei Ran! Help!”
• Kuruk likes to stay behind during their group walks to other villages because Hei Ran is usually there walking gracefully behind Kelsang and Jianzhu. She eyes Kuruk suspiciously, wondering what he’s up to. Its a game they play, where he says something to see if he can get that overly serious no-funny-business wall of hers to crack, get her to smile or laugh or even tell him off. All three works most times, and for the other, she holds a set stare ahead and Kuruk grumbles, giving up his charade and walking besides her in silence. Missing the slight tilted ends of pink lips. She likes seeing him try so hard, the dude never knew what it was like to try to win someone over. Is this what Jianzhu feels?
• He’s a great listener. Hei Ran can talk and talk and talk, and he’d retain it all. It makes her feel good. That someone cares, that Kuruk is genuine and (corny alert) wears his heart on his sleeves. She wants to protect him. She wants to know everything about him, and so he tells her everything. There’s this earnest about Kuruk. He doesn’t hide from her. He doesn’t deceive her. She can read him so well, and in turn, so does he.
•Hei Ran never imagined she’d be friends with someone like Kuruk, recalling her bit harsh judgement, but now she can’t imagine knowing anyone else. A part of her yearns to stay by his side. And Kuruk feels like he’s on cloud nine whenever Hei Ran so much as scoffs at his lame mannerisms. His heart thuds, hands clammy, lips forever smiling.
•They’re laying down on a field of grass, watching the sky in an array of pretty colors as the sun sets over the horizon; Kuruk insisted they catch a break after all the firebending training.
“My folks really want to meet you.” Kuruk says.
“You talk about me to them?” Hei Ran tries to keep her tone leveled, but her heartbeat picks up, fiddling around a strand of Kuruk’s hair on her finger.
“Yeah. Maybe too much. Not enough if you ask me.”
“I’d love to meet them. When should we?”
“Hopefully soon, it’s not freezing cold around this time of year. Heh, I can’t imagine you near snow. You’d look so out of place,” he laughs, eyes crinkling. Hei Ran fought off laughing along for dignity sake.
“Please. You make it sound like I’m gonna freeze and die.”
“Don’t you worry, I’ll hug you the entire way there. I won’t let you catch a cold or anything, just stick beside me and—” Kuruk reached for her, face ridiculously close, lips puckered up and leaning. Hei Ran rolled her eyes at this lame show, shoving him away. He burst into a fit of laughter.
Hei Ran turned her attention back to the endless sky while his laughter faded in the background. Going to the Northern Water Tribe. Meeting Kuruk’s family. It’ll be an honor to meet the people who shaped him and made him what he is.
song that reminds me of them : >\\\< You Don’t Know My Name
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ickypuppi3 · 2 years
heather’s parents wanting her to get a boyfriend but (for obvious reasons) she doesn’t want to
cue the dinner scene with her ‘boyfriend’ billy and they’re both just trying not to lose it the whole time because billy’s acting like that
heathers dad: so, how did you two meet?
billy: well it’s a fu- a beautiful story actually-
heather *kicking him under the table*: we met at work
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findafight · 1 month
Steddie should be endgame.
Eddie is dead, my friend. He ain’t coming back.
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