#domino squad my beloveds
tending-the-hearth · 1 year
if you can, could you write a short about echo talking to the batch about the rest of domino? could be pre-show or post-show, maybe when crosshair's joined back up with the batch
they are very important to me, thank you anon 😌
*insert the obligatory "echo finds hevy's medal on the marauder" fic*
Kashyyyk had been a welcome respite after the recovery of Cody and Crosshair from the Empire.
Gungi had been more than excited to welcome his friends back, greeting Omega with a joyful hug that had the blonde giggling brightly as she returned the embrace. The rest of the Batch watched the interaction warmly, glad to see their youngest member being so happy upon reuniting with the young Jedi.
Rex had joined the Batch after Cody and Crosshair’s rescue, unable to part himself from his brother’s side.
After a day of quiet recovery on the forest planet, Echo set himself to organizing the crates that had been languishing in the Marauder’s storage hold, completely untouched over the past months of racing around the galaxy.
Distantly, he could hear Omega begging Crosshair to help her with her bow. He chuckled to himself, knowing that his little sister had been waiting for the day when she could get tutelage from their marksman brother. Digging through one of the messy crates, Echo flinched as his hand was poked by something cool, and he frowned. Grasping the object, he pulled it out into the light, and immediately froze as he recognized it.
The gold sunburst glinted in the afternoon light that streamed through the Marauder’s open hatch, the green and blue ribbon faded, but still holding together.
Echo knew 99 still had the medal, but he hadn’t known what happened to it after his older brother’s death. Thinking it back over, it made sense for 99 to have given it to his own batch.
“Echo! Find anything interesting?”
The ARC was startled out of his musings by the sound of Wrecker’s shout, and he stood, holding the medal tightly in his hands as he exited the Havoc Marauder.
Rex looked up from where he was speaking with Cody, immediately noting a difference in Echo’s mannerisms.
Echo simply held up the medal, a small, sad smile on his face. “I haven’t seen one of these in a long time.”
Hunter’s face was bittersweet. “It was 99’s.” He approached Echo, reaching out to brush his fingers across the medal. “He gave it to us when we went off on our first mission.”
“That looks like your medal, Ey’ika.” Rex prodded gently, making Echo huff out a laugh. Of course his older brother knew something else was going on. “From when you passed the test.”
“You’ve got a medal?” Omega asked excitedly, moving around Hunter to get a peek at the object.
Echo nodded, walking to where Crosshair and Tech were seated, quietly enjoying each other’s company. He sat himself beside his grey-haired brother, taking comfort from how Crosshair didn’t tense up like he did when Hunter or Wrecker sat beside him. Rex sat on Echo’s other side, a quiet pillar of comfort.
“99 and I got our medals at the same time.” Echo began to explain, voice quiet. “His was given to him by a clone named Hevy.”
Tech cocked his head. “99 did mention it was a gift from a friend.”
“You knew the guy who gave this to 99?” Wrecker asked.
It was only Rex’s presence and Cody’s silent support from where he was sitting opposite them that kept Echo from falling apart then and there, the pain of thinking about his Domino squad often too much to bear.
“Hevy was my brother.” He said after letting out a breath. “He was the oldest of our batch, and a kriffing asshole half the time, and an overprotective mother tooka the other half of the time. He was selfless, and stupid, and everything 99 wanted him to be.” Rex shifted, wrapping an arm around Echo’s shoulders as he spoke. “Then there was Cutup. He was almost as bad as Hevy when it came to smothering us after training. He was always worried we weren’t eating enough, and when he wasn’t smothering us, he was trying to prank anyone who looked at our squad wrong.”
“Sounds like we’d get along with them.” Hunter said with a small grin.
Cody’s eyes suddenly widened with horror. “Can you imagine.”
Echo let out a loud laugh. “Oh, Hev and Cut would have loved you guys.” His face grew a touch sadder, and he leaned more into Rex, who tightened the arm he had around his shoulders. “Then there was Fives and I. Fives was older by literal seconds, but he still held it over me every chance he got.” He couldn’t bring himself to talk more about his twin, and instead pushed on, fighting to keep himself from crying. “Finally… there was Droidbait. He was the baby of the squad, and never did anything wrong in his life.”
“Didn’t you and Fives tell the story of how Droidbait started a food fight during your last day on Kamino?” Rex asked, suspicion in his voice.
Echo raised an eyebrow at his former captain. “Again, ‘Bait never did anything wrong in his life. Ever.”
Beside him, as he had been speaking, Crosshair’s posture had grown more and more relaxed until he was leaning into Echo, arms pressed together as he listened.
“I remember that.” The marksman said, voice quiet and hesitant. Echo immediately glanced at Hunter, who was obviously holding back a small grin at the sound of their brother’s voice.
“I believe Wrecker was enthusiastically involved in widening the range of that chaos.” Tech supplied helpfully.
Echo snorted. “I wouldn’t be surprised. ‘Bait was especially excited at how extreme it went so quickly.” The rest of the clones laughed, and Wrecker’s face was gleeful as he remembered that specific day, tucked at a corner table with his own batch, watching as a group of newly graduated clones cackled and teased one another.
Echo was surprised to find how easily the stories of his brothers fell from his mouth. Instead of the pang of heartbreak over his lost, there was nothing but warmth that filled him, as though Domino was sitting around him, laughing along with the stories.
Omega scooted closer, eyes bright as she asked for more stories, and Echo was only happy to oblige, grinning as Crosshair’s snarky comments interrupted him ever now and again.
It wasn’t the same, but Echo was content in knowing that he could pass on his brothers’ stories and memories.
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squidsponge · 11 months
Clone Dances: Domino Twins Edition
I don't know who needs this in their life, but here's some Echo and Fives serotonin to clear your pores and brighten your dash.
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"I just said my piece and then pretended to explode"
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zealfruity · 8 months
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Some older stuff for yall as I clean through my files. Info below.
From the original rendition of ahsoka's outfit for the Bones In The Stars Au. I still like it, I'll probably keep it as an alternative look for her (May 17th)
Echo the second he sees Fives after he made everyone think he was dead before showing up as a force sensitive bounty hunter with a lightsaber. Bones In The Stars AU
Jesse and Hardcase. Jesse's quick temper and captain obvious tendencies make him a smartass idiot no matter how capable he may be.
idk long haired clones. Kix and Nax (first two from the left) are drawn the way they look by the end of the Domino Squad Lives AU, followed by Cutup's original design from the same AU. Then, of course, Hunter and Tup, the OG long haired clones (May 9th)
The Trio Ever. just-out-of-shinyness Fives and Echo enjoy overenthusiastically following Rex around (June 10th)
TUKK MY BELOVED (Captain Tukk created by @highgroundanimations)
Older Ahsoka drawing (March 12th) back when I drew her closer to canon
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vodika-vibes · 4 months
I have a request, it’s a bit of a long gif so if ya don’t get to it or don’t wanna do it, it’s fine lol.
Anyways, my idea / request / prompt / Echo x Fem!Reader goes like this, kinda, feel free to take liberties
Echo, now I feel like he would be a nervous kinda guy when it comes to having a crush. Like, he just doesn’t know what to say and overthinks absolutely everything, and can’t rly take a hint. Before he got blown up, there was a girl, who he has a liiiitle crush on n such, (idk you can make her a mechanic, doctor, bartender, whatever idm)
And they were rly good “friends” n such r something, aaaand some time after he joins TBB he visits the old place where he used to reside with the other guys in the domino squad (I forget where *sob*) And she’s is surprisingly still there. Heartfelt angsty ?kinda? Maybe reunion yadayadaydada and a bit after that and after catching up, probably a day or two later they pick up hints that they like each other and eventually confess n StUfF, aaand ya, then he has to go back with TBB and they be sad, he invites her to join but she is hesitant, and bc the other squad members don’t even know her she ends up saying no- aaaaand ya-
( 💀 omg i don’t even know anymore )
Idk it’s a very weird prompt, I’m making this up as I go, so feel free to pick and choose, take or add, whatever u wanna do
Again if u don’t wanna do it that is perfectly fine, just a thought. Love your work! <33
I Dream Of Forever
Summary: Summary: You’ve been a bartender on Rishi since you were old enough to take orders correctly. Echo was a Clone Trooper turned ARC Trooper stationed on Rishi who was a little more than friends with you. You legitimately believe he’s dead. But when a group of clones land on Rishi, you come face to face with the man you hoped would be your forever.
Pairing: TBB Echo x F!Reader
Word Count: 2201
Warnings: Some suggestive moments, but nothing detailed
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: I thing I got the general vibe you want, but if I didn't please let me know and I'll do something else.
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You’ve been a bartender at the same bar on Rishi since you were ten years old. Your parents had debts to the bar owner, and they sold you to make up for it. Well, you and your siblings.
You’re the lucky one.
Your…owner? Guardian? Whatever he is, he treats you like a beloved granddaughter. He buys you clothes and food and allows you to go to school…and until you reached the age of majority at 18, you only had to work four hours a night four days a week. 
He even paid for you to go to college, and he pays you well enough that you have your own home here on Rishi.
You’re lucky.
Your older brother, you know, ended up becoming a gladiator in the Outer Rim, and last you heard he’s an enforcer for the Hutt Cartel. Your older sister, however, became a drug runner for a Spice Cartel and last you heard she’s moving from rehab center to rehab center.
You’re lucky.
Maybe if you repeat it often enough, you’ll believe it.
All things considered, Rishi isn’t the worst place to spend your life. The area you live in is warm and bright and right on the water. Not to mention you’ve got several friends here that you would miss if you left…or if the Empire decides to actually deal with the pirate problem.
You’re not worried though.
The Republic’s war with the Separatists barely touched Rishi afterall, aside from having a single watch station that has been abandoned for years now.
And you don’t expect that the Empire will push too much.
Your gaze drifts from the food stall that you’re visiting, lingering on the small, almost overgrown, old Republic comm station. Once upon there had been five men stationed there. Hevy, Droidbait, Cutup, Fives, and Echo.
While you had some concerns as to how the pirates of Rishi would react to obvious soldiers spending time in their bars…people were surprisingly okay with them. More than one of them getting an offer to join different crews.
A small smile lifts your lips at the memory of your boys laughingly turning down offers of pirate crew memberships.
The Dominos had been Rishi’s, more so than the Republics, and people raged when they heard that they died.
First when Droidbait and Cutup died, and then later when they heard that Hevy was killed on Kamino. And then even later when Echo was blown up, and then Fives was killed-
Fives’ death was kind of the final straw for Rishi. 
Even now, the Pirates of Rishi are more than happy to raid imperial vessels, in honor of their Dominos.
You step around a group of Mercs, all of whom have dominoes tattooed on their hands, and start to meander your way back to your home. You miss them. All of them.
But, if you’re going to be honest, you probably miss Echo the most.
He was a lot like his brothers, loud and boisterous, and always ready with a joke or a quip, or to finish a joke that his twin set up. He was always the first to greet you with a grin, and the last to say goodbye at the end of the night.
But, unlike his brothers, he flirted with you a little shyly, as though he wasn’t sure what he was doing.
It was charming and sweet, and you found yourself smitten with him. 
He didn’t, quite, get over his shyness with you even after the first time you invited him into your home with tempting kisses. He was still a little shy even after the tenth time you invited him into your home, and your bed, with teasing touches and adoring kisses.
You wanted forever with him, and you thought, hoped, that he wanted the same.
And then he left, and you never heard from him again.
You suppose, in a way, it makes sense. Why would a soldier want to slum it with a bartender who’s technically a slave.
Doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt.
After all, you still dream of forever with Echo. Only now, your dreams are definitely castles in the air.
After all, dead men don’t get happily ever afters.
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“We need to land somewhere,” Tech says to his brothers, a frown on his face, “The damage to the ship is…far too severe for me to repair without landing.”
“Where can we land, though?” Wrecker asks, “It’s not like there are a large number of places that will accept us.”
Echo eyes the star map speculatively, “I…may have an idea.” He offers, as his gaze lands on a specific planet. A bright smile dances across your memory, and a loving laugh echoes in his ears.
He’s a kriffing fool.
Hopefully she won’t turn him away.
“Well?” Hunter prompts when Echo doesn’t continue right away.
“I think we should go to Rishi.” Echo says slowly.
“Rishi!” Tech sputters.
“That’s a pirate planet, Echo.” Hunter says, “They won’t react well-”
“Do you have a better idea?” Echo asks.
The room falls silent for a moment, and then Tech sighs, “It is up to you, Hunter. Rishi is the closest planet we can land on.”
Hunter pushes his hand through his hair, “Fine. Do it.”
An hour later, the Marauder lands on an open pad, and no one comes to the ship to speak to them. “Is this…normal?” Tech asks.
“Yeah, pretty much.” Echo replies with a shrug, “We should probably not wear our armor here,” He adds. He’s already changed into civilian attire, and he’s somewhat anxiously rubbing his arm just over where his scomp is attached. 
“Because our armor screams ‘clones’ and I’m not sure how the pirates will react to seeing clones now.” Echo replies dryly, “I’ve heard rumors of Rishi based Pirates raiding Republic and Imperial transports lately.”
Hunter agrees that it’s a reasonable precaution, and they all hurriedly change into civilian attire, before they get off the ship, with Omega clinging to Wrecker’s hand. And then, almost as one, they turn to Echo.
Echo sighs and rubs the back of his head, and then he turns and heads deeper into the city.
Some things have changed, new people, new stalls, but most everything else is the same. He pauses in front of a specific bar, and peers in, his dark eyes scanning the faces of the bartenders for a moment, before he motions for his brothers to follow him some more.
“Are you lookin’ for someone?” Wrecker asks.
“Yeah. Someone who, hopefully, won’t be too angry at me and will be willing to help.” Echo says.
“A friend?” Omega asks.
“Yeah, something like that.”
Echo leads them away from the shops and docks, and over to a row of apartments. He scans the buildings for a moment, before he turns and heads to one of the smaller buildings, and he stops in front of a plain door, with flower boxes in the windows.
His lips curl up in a small smile, Fives made those flower boxes early one morning when he was hyped up on Caf. They were crooked and lopsided, but it looks like she kept them. Though it looks like she painted them. “Wait here.” Echo says to his siblings, before he walks over to the door, and he knocks twice.
“Just a moment!” Her voice comes from the other side of the door, and Echo doesn’t fight his smile.
She sounds exactly the same. 
Stars, please don’t let her be too mad.
The door slides open, “Yes? Can I help yo-” She stops mid-sentence when she sees who’s standing there, “...Echo?”
“You grew your hair out,” Echo replies, a small smile lifting his lips, “It looks good. You look amazing. I’m sure you have a question or twenty, cyar’ika-”
Echo’s not able to finish his sentence as she flings her arms around him and crashes her lips against his. His arms fold tightly around her and he immediately kisses her back, and it’s almost as if no time has passed at all. 
If he focuses, he can almost hear Fives wolf-whistling and hear Cutup making lewd comments.
And then reality snaps back into place when he hears Tech’s dry voice, “Ah. That kind of friend.”
Echo carefully pulls back, and reaches up to gently cup her cheek, using his thumb to brush a tear away, “I’m sorry for not comming you, cyar’ika.”
She shakes her head, “We were told that you died.” She whispers, “Fives said…” She trailed off, “And then Fives died, and, kriff, the death of the last Domino started a war between the pirates of Rishi and the Republic/Empire, why would you bring them here?”
“Our ship is damaged-” Echo started.
“Get in. In. All of you!” She drags Echo into her home, and she doesn’t shut the door until Hunter is in the apartment as well. “Honestly Echo,” She rounds on him, “If you commed I would have told you to go literally anywhere else.”
“I wasn’t sure you’d answer.” Echo replies.
There are pictures of her with Echo, and with the rest of the dominoes on the walls. There are also pictures of her with a large, scarred man. And of her with a too slender woman.
“What do you need? I can probably get most of the materials sent to your ship.” She says.
“I have a list.” Tech offers as he hands her his datapad.
She copies it and sends the list to several of her friends, “Alright, you should have most, if not all, of what you need by the morning.”
“Are we in danger here?”
“On Rishi specifically? No. Not so long as you don’t draw attention to yourself.” She replies, “I’d offer to let you spend the night, but I don’t have much room.”
“We can stay on the ship,” Tech replies.
“Echo, are you going to stay here?” Omega asks.
Echo doesn’t take his gaze off of his cyar’ika, “If I’m allowed?”
“I’ve never turned you away before.” She counters.
Echo smiles at her, “Do you remember the way back to the docks?”
“I remember.” Tech says, “Come on.”
The door opens, and then closes again, leaving Echo alone with his cyar’ika.
She smiles at him, soft and warm and slow, “You used to be shyer about public displays of affection.”
“I used to have legs and two hands too,” Echo replies, it's a weak joke, but a joke all the same. “I’m so sorry I never commed you.” He says after a moment, “I thought…it felt cruel, reaching out to you when I couldn’t actually touch you.”
“It’s okay.”
“It’s not.”
“Echo. I forgive you.” She walks over to him and she kisses him as if no time has passed at all, all loving and soft and sweet.
She’s always been unfairly tempting. Her lips and her touch encourage him to stay and enjoy what she’s offering. And Echo has always been helpless to deny her. 
He’s not surprised when he falls into her bed, her lips needy against his.
Later, much later, they’re lounging in her bed, and Echo is trailing his lips across her bare shoulder.
“Cyar’ika,” He murmurs against her shoulder, “Come with me.”
“Come with you where?” She asks, her voice light and dreamy.
“On the Marauder. Away from Rishi. I’ll protect you-”
She turns and looks at him, her smile so sad, “You know I can’t.”
“You deserve so much better than being a slave for your parents' debts,” Echo whispers.
She rolls so that she’s facing him properly, “Echo, your brothers don’t know me. And if I had to guess, your ship is pretty small. Me going with you isn’t fair to them.”
“You deserve more.” Echo repeats.
“I don’t like life is about what we deserve,” She replies, as she reaches up to cup his face, “So, in the morning, you’re going to return to your ship, to your brothers…and you’re going to leave Rishi. And you’re going to go back to not comming me, and it’s just how it’s going to be.”
“Echo.” She sighs his name, and he shifts so he’s looking right in her eyes.
“No.” He repeats, “I’ve given up so much. My body, my batchmates, my twin. I’m not giving you up. Let me be greedy. Just about this one thing.”
She sighs again, but she looks touched. “How about…a deal?”
“What kind of deal?”
“My contract with my…owner is coming to an end. At the end of the year, I’ll have made enough to pay off my parents' tab with him.” She says softly, “On that day, I will comm you and come to where you are. No matter where you might be.”
“Do you promise?”
She laughs softly, “Echo, I’ve been dreaming of forever with you since the first day we met. Now that I have the chance to have it, it would take an act of god to stop me.”
Echo crashes his lips against hers, “I want forever too,” He breathes against her lips, “So we have a deal.”
She smiles at him, “I love you, Echo.”
He blinks at her, momentarily surprised, and then he laughs and kisses her deeply, “I love you too.”
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saggitary · 1 year
Bad Batch E14 spoilers
However this episode has affirmed our suspicions that Echo is a little shit. “Race you back to the landing zone?” He says to the 13 year old just learning how to fly. We love our chaotic ARC domino
I definitely think that chick is a clone especially with how she was trying to warn cross, her accent, and her slight discomfort at cross’s torture
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blackkatmagic · 1 year
Kat, I hope you realize Echo yanked MY heart out of my chest and step-danced on it. Poor Granta 😭 he just wants them to be safe, and the difference between his idea of fatherhood and Xanatos' is just 😫😫😫😫😫 (... murderous tendencies aside).
J A X, MY BELOVED 😭 I adore Jax. 12/10 would die for him (just like Granta 👀). The dominoes have COMPETITION for Best BoyTM and they don’t even realize it yet 😂 can't wait to see them realize they have a Little Brother.
Excellent chapter, as always, and I'm So Hype for the next one. Thank you for sharing!
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“Fives,” Echo says, and Fives feels a flicker of alarm rise at that tone, even if the battle is well over and they're almost done with the main bits of the mop-up. Dread settling in, he glances up, and—
Echo with that kind of look on his face is never a good sign. Last time it happened, he’d picked a fight with an older cadet, told him his name was Fives, and gotten Fives beaten up, too.
This time, it’s not just guilt or regret in Echo’s face, though. There's a distinct edge of helplessness, almost dismay, and Fives puts down the blaster he was cleaning, entirely sure that this is going to need his full attention.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, and Echo huffs, but—all for show, Fives thinks. That’s a bad sign.
“It’s not—wrong,” he says after a second. “Do you know if Granta's ship was moved to another hangar?”
Fives blinks, turning to look. He’d noticed the absence, too, marked it in his brain for later contemplation, and then promptly forgotten to look into it. It’s weird having a dad, and Fives isn't entirely sure what to do with that thought, doesn’t know why Granta's so willing to accept them as his sons, and—it’s a lot to mull over. ARC training and the fact that they're a squad of four now instead of five is easier to think about.
“Probably,” he says after a second. “Granta's probably still in medical, right? And the bay was packed earlier, since a lot of the pilots stationed on Kamino landed here too. They probably moved it somewhere quieter.”
That doesn’t make the disquiet leave Echo’s expression, though. “Come help me find it,” he says, and Fives groans quietly but gets to his feet.
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tending-the-hearth · 1 year
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nonhumanhottie · 1 year
Clone Wars season 1 rewatch
Ahsoka is small and I love her
Domino squad my beloved
That's all I have to say about season 1
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ladyanidala · 9 months
2) Fives, my beloved
3) Echo, my beloved
4) Droidbait strikes me as having anxiety, anyone else??
5) I don't like Bric. This is an anti-Bric blog >:(
6) Yay, Domino squad passed!!
7) 99!! WE GOT 99!!
8) I see the Bad Batch foreshadowing there (even if it wasn't planned, lol). Speaking of which, what do y'all think our fav commando squad is doing while on Kamino? Do they already have their enhancements?
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thatgreyjedi · 1 year
Alright, I feel like I need to do this rant now before we know anything that happens in the season finale of the Bad Batch.
So, we all know that deep down inside, we love each character of the beloved Clone Force 99. However, I have a gut feeling that in order for this season to somewhat end is that someone who is either close to the batch or is a member of the batch is going to die. Now over the course of season 2, I have had many differing theories as to who that might be, but I have a feeling that if they are to kill off anyone, it will probably be Echo.
Now my reasoning behind this is mainly looking into what Echo has gone through. First off, he was believed to be KIA during the rescue at the Citadel, which everyone believed that Echo died as a result of an explosion. However, he wasn’t dead, but captured by the Separatists and exploited to benefit their side against his own will. He had to endure the pain of consistently being used for his knowledge that he developed with his brothers in arms, all while he is too weak to fight back. When Echo was finally rescued by Rex, the Bad Batch, and the rest of the rescue party, he had to readjust himself to life without his private thoughts being infiltrated every living breathing second. However, the biggest curveball was learning of each brother from the remaining Domino Squad’s that he wasn’t aware of before being MIA. This also means that he had to deal with the death of one of the brothers he seem to be closest to (and what the fans say) was Fives, who sadly died such a tragic death all in the name of doing what he thought was right by informing everyone about the inhibitor chip conspiracy in the Fives Arc in season six. With all this mind, this proves how much Echo had to deal with in the aftermath of returning to his old life after being held against his will by the Separatists.
Now don’t get me wrong, Echo joining the Bad Batch was a great way to reincorporate Echo back into the Clone Wars Era show from both a writer’s standpoint along with an audience’s perspective. This got to show how Echo was able to adapt to being more of a cyborg than 100% flesh clone, as we have seen him in all sorts of adventures where his upgrades have proven to get the Clone Force 99 out of sticky situations. On the contrary to this, Echo didn’t grow up with the members of the Bad Batch, so his connection with them isn’t as deeply rooted as the connections between Hunter, Crosshair, Tech, and Wrecker are. This also can be used to support Echo and Omega’s unique bond with one another. Unlike the other members of the batch, both Echo and Omega grew up separately from the other four members; Echo growing up with the members of the Domino Squad and Omega basically being raised by Nala Se. Since both joined the batch later in each of their lives, they aren’t as rooted with the other brothers who had grown up with one another since they were created. This allowed for Omega and Echo to bond over the fact that they were outsiders in their own sort of way, which makes their connection so special in my opinion. That is why I believe that his death would hit Omega real hard because she could connect with him on such a level that maybe other members of the Bad Batch wouldn’t entirely understand.
To conclude my thoughts here, I believe that Echo would be the most likely choice if Dave Filoni does decide to kill off anyone in the conclusion of this season of the Bad Batch, mainly because of all the trauma he has had to endure. Him dying would finally allow for Echo to make peace with himself as he wouldn’t be in anyone physical pain, but also he would finally get to be reunited with the Domino Squad. If there was a specific reason he would die, it would be protecting Omega because of how he wants the best for her and to get that chance to grow up as a normal child.
That’s all I have for you tonight! Thank you for listening to my rant and hopefully this season will end on a good note, but if it doesn’t… I will also be depressed from a fictional sci-fi show like the rest of y’all
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kill-the-feels · 1 year
I absolutely adore your Fives fic!
But I have to be honest, after reading your other stories, I'm a little nervous for the end lol!
If the unbearable still happens in the story (I still refuse to accept it and hold onto Dominoes in an iron grip 😅), I request that the Reader becomes an absolute thorn in the Empire's side.
Like, Reader doesn't have to do anything absolutely game changing, just inconvenience the Empire enough for Imperial Command to be pulling their hair out and shouting "who keeps doing this?!?!"
All the while Reader is sitting back with the most smug grin in galactic history 🤣
Thank you so much!!💜
In the spirit of full disclosure, I actually have two endings written (I never write chronologically) — the bad place™️ and a slight au. I also hold onto the Domino squad (my beloveds) with an iron grip and have let my youngest brother half-convince me Fives will be back in TBB (unlikely but I can dream)
So if we have to say goodbye to Fives, best believe Reader will get subtly devious and the Empire will regret life more than if they’d left Fives alive (you think she’s friends with Fives and didn’t learn anything about casually making life a living hell for your CO??)
hOWEVER being that I am in charge of this little story, if there were to be a miraculous escaping of Fives and Commander which then leads to them becoming a joint thorn in the Empire’s side, well, then I certainly wouldn’t be surprised…..
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jedi-lothwolf · 1 year
Febuwhump Day 4: Knife to the throat
Fandom: Star wars
Timeline: The Bad Batch
Warning violence
Crosshair perched in the tree. He waited and waited for one of his brothers to arrive, maybe even for his little sister. Today he righted the wrong of letting the rogue clones live in the first place, today he picked them off one by one.
    Hunter walked carefully through the woods. He listened for his family and for any unfriendlies. The clone kept he's eyes peeled, every hair was on its end. Something wasn't right but no matter what he did, he simply couldn't put his finger on it. No matter what he could have done nothing prepared Hunter for what was next.
    Crosshair eyed his target. After fighting alongside Hunter his whole life he knew exactly how his brother would act. The soldier grabbed a puck and threw it to a nearby tree.
    Hunter spotted the shine of the puck. He swiftly moved from his spot out in the open, well as open as the woods could be to a spot behind a tree. Hunter was exactly where Crosshair wanted him. He pulled his gun and tried to find Cross. He wasn't sure how the sniper had managed to get past him. Unless... Crosshair had planned this.
    Crosshair shot the puck . He watched the surprise on the others face as the bullet hit his gun. Slightly angling his rifle differently he proceeded to almost immediately shoot his beloved brother in the left kneecap.
     Hunter cried out as the bullet hit his knee. He leaned against the tree then slid down to sit. Hunter reached for one of his vibro-knifes but quickly remembered they had been left of the ship. He had been cleaning them previously and simply forgot to put them back. Echo had even reminded him. Hunter knew Crosshair hadn't missed, he never misses so what did he want?
    Crosshair climbed down from his hide out and walked towards Hunter.
    Pulling his arm up, Hunter touched his comm.
    "I wouldn't" Crosshair spat.
    Hunter moved his arm to his knee "so, what do you want?"
    "Smart." As soon as Crosshair got close enough Hunter attempted to kick him with his uninjured leg. Crosshair took one step closer and kicked in Hunter's other knee. He screeched with pain, tears welling in his eyes. Hunter  wondering what in the hell Crosshair wanted from him. Could he?  No. Hunter hoped Crosshair wouldn't do that to him. If Crosshair was going to kill him he'd at least let it be quick right?
    Crosshair kneeled down to Hunter's level, pushing his vibro-knife to the others throat. Hunter flinched thinking Crosshair was going in for the kill. "Listen here Hunter" Crossing hissed "I'm here to fix my mistakes. He pushed the knife into Hunter's skin. "I'll start with you."
    "Crosshair please." Hunter's voice was shaky and faint. Crosshair looked his brother in the eyes. He hadn't seen Hunter so scared in quite some time.
    Hunter was shaking. The agony in his legs made him wish he were Echo. If the knife went any further he would die. He grabbed Crosshair's arm and pulled the knife away from his throat. Curling his hand into a fist he hit Crosshair.
    Crosshair pulled his arm out of the others grip and slowly stood. Hunter attempted to stand only to be met with stabbing pain. Unable to do much else to protect himself Hunter defensively set his arms in front of him.
    "Good soldiers follow orders." Snarled Crosshair.
    "Then I'm not a good soldier."
    Crosshair moved his arm back ready to throw the knife to take his brother's life. Hunter drew into himself, preparing himself to meet the Domino squad.
    Suddenly Crosshair fell to the ground. Hunter lifted his head to see Echo. "Are you okay?" Echo walked over to his brother.
    Hunter shook his head yes before once more making the decision to try to stand. He yelped as he put the slightest amount of pressure on his legs
    "Stop Hunter, sit down." Echo spoke calmly. "Let me look."
    Before Echo got the chance Hunter explained what had happened.
    "Let's get you back to the ship okay?"
    "Alright. What are we going to do about Crosshair?" Despite everything Hunter still cared for his brother. He grew up beside him, how could he not.
    "He'll be fine." Echo gently picked Hunter up. Together the two headed to the Marauder where the rest of the batch would meet soon.
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Hi bby🩵 for the writing asks 10, 15, 23, 69, 74
Thank you so much for the ask, sweetie 💚💚💚
#10: Do you work on multiple WIPs or stick to one fic at a time?
Kinda sort of both. I'll have multiple WIPs going, but I'll only write one story/chapter at a time. For example, my Infectious series is ongoing, but I'm not currently writing the third chapter because I'm writing the first chapter of the Beloved series. Once I finish the first chapter of the Beloved series, then I'll move on to either the next chapter of Infectious or a completely different WIP.
#15: What's your favorite time to write?
The afternoon on a warm sunny day. I'll pull out my camp chair and sit on my balcony and type away while sipping some iced tea. It's fabulous, especially when there's a breeze.
#23: Is writing the beginning, middle, or end of the story the easiest? Hardest?
The beginning is the hardest, and I never write it first, or if I do, it's some little blurb that later gets expanded into 3-5 paragraphs. The setup is the hardest part, but it's the key to hooking the reader and setting the story's tone. The ending is probably the easiest and the middle is just utter chaos.
#69: What are your favorite fics at the moment?
I don't really have a lot of favorite fics at the moment 😅 Everyone is cranking out a lot of smut, and I don't read smut (but I'm sure they're fabulous). However, I'm in the middle of reading this series called Dominoes. It's so good, but it is taking me a while to get through. I love anything that involves Domino Squad.
#74: Do you have a fic you wish got a bit more love?
Yes, I do. Sadly, Grief Stricken is the only fic that has zero comments. It has notes, but I'm not sure if anyone has actually read it. And I get that it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I slaved over that fic for an entire week, nonstop, in hotels, in airports, and every spare moment. I poured my heart and soul into it, and I have no idea if it's actually any good.
Fanfiction Writing Asks
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Echo: I swear to god I'm the only one here with a braincell.
Fives, Cutup , Hevy , and Droidbait : ALL HAIL the keeper of the sacred braincell!
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