#does he get feisty with them sometimes? yes.
I see peoples belief that Aguefort "loves The Seven, couldn't care less about most other parties (including The Rat Grinders), and actively dislikes The Bad Kids" and raise you:
He loves and respects The Seven in the closest way Arthur Aguefort is physically capable of approaching towards a sensible mentor figure (which is still not very much)
He is neutral towards most other parties
AND he loves The Bad Kids except he is doing so in the way that an absolutely unhinged friend of your parents who calls himself your uncle cares for you (he is sleeping off a hangover on your couch, eating all your snacks, and engaging you in psychological warfare but also he has some wild stories to tell you while taking you into the woods and teaching you how to throw knives (if you promise not to narc on him to your parents))
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dante-mightdie · 6 months
Happy to fill your inbox with pup!141 requests!! <3 <3
Favorite pup gaz is absolutely a thing, Soap may show it humping prices foot practically in tears but gaz 100% is begging in his owners ear to pretty please just touch him he'll be such a good boy!!
Alpha dog Simon drools when he sleeps and talk to the wall other wise.
Soap is down horrendously for getting to herd around his pack, he may not be the leader by a long shot, but when they entertain him, even just for a minute is tail is wagging a mile a minute to be doing his job like a good pup
Simon always gets the first turn with you on your heat when price isn't around, leaving you drooling from the thick knot he give, whispering how he'll give you the best pups and make you nice and round with em (at LEAST three is a must <3)
Soap takes a similar approach, telling you he'd be such a good take to his pups if you just please let them take, please he'd do anything with those puppy eyes stares and low whines
Gaz is quieter about wanting to get you round with his litter, but it shows in the way he always takes you last and leaves his softend cock deep in you for the night, praying his seed I'll take
Price doesn't care what his whiny pack of mutts get up too, when he does however walk in on you all stuffed with cum in a sleepy pile, he makes soap and gaz clean you out from the inside with their butting tongues, Johnny still licks at the capt's balls when he finally gets his turn with the silly worn out reader :((
Maybe if Simons good, price I'll let him lick at his cock while he does paperwork, just a pretty pup under his desk with no thoughts other than his owners cock (does Simon have tongue piercing that makes for the most devilish feelings, I like to think yes)
Fighting dog Simon who while always willing to bow for price, can leash around the rest of you pups with know trouble even a feisty soap who acts like he's on too much caffeine, pinning him down until he finally stops wriggling
Gaz like a cat sometimes will lick at you fur until you have cowlicks going in every direction and then laugh at you untill you tattle to Simon, he's just being so mean to you :((
I gotta know did poor baby gaz get his ears and tail cropped coming from some snooty family, or does he have natural ears/tail, gotta know to get a background on the pretty street dog price found,
-Anyways much love
Sins (⁠´⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠)
more more more more bark bark
content warning: talks of tail and ear cropping, minor smut, hybrids
I did think about giving simon the cropped ears and tail but there is something about gaz being a guard dog for some snobby family who tossed him away on the streets :( poor baby gaz who whined and yowled all night after waking up from the surgery :(
soap is a very friendly pup, always wagging his tail at strangers and yanking at his leash when he sees a new potential friend! only time he gets snappy is when it's dinner time, gnashed his teeth at simon when he got too close to his food and was very quickly put in his place by his alpha
alpha pup simon who grabs at your tail when you're being too rowdy, yanking on it and making you yelp loudly
speaking of simon. prized breeding stock tell me i'm wrong. he's so big and strong and such a good pack leader that you can't do anything but beg him to give you a litter during your heat :(
gaz who gets seperation anxiety when he's away from his owner for too long! gets so antsy when price isn't back by the time he usually is. gets very startled and jumpy around the rest of the pack :(
grooming day is a nightmare for john :( especially when it comes to soap and simon. simon hates bath day, big body cramped in the tub whilst price scrubs him clean and clips his nails
soap just makes a huge mess, tail wagging excitedly and splashing water everywhere. immediately goes out and gets messy again
you and gaz are price's pretty prized pups after you're all clean and collared, both laying at his feet and snoozing soundly after such a stressful day!
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gabessquishytum · 5 months
Dream is a sub, but he’s given up on dom/sub relationships because in his experience “dom” is just a synonym for “mean”. In his past relationships, he felt like his partners would punish him for… being himself, sometimes even outside of scenes. It never felt like any of them actually liked him, they just liked the challenge of “taming” him, which didn’t exactly make him feel safe enough to submit. His last relationship felt like a constant, months long sub drop.
So yeah, when he meets Hob he is skittish and reluctant to enter a dom/sub relationship again, but of course his stupid heart is already smitten so he gives it a shot.
Dream’s never even heard of a “gentle dom” before but Hob is the epitome. He’s a caretaker, he likes being in control because he likes taking care of his partners and serving them, allowing them to let go etc. And yeah, Dream is a brat sometimes, but Hob clocks in two seconds that it’s coming from a place of fear and insecurity. And he knows exactly how to handle it.
No matter what Dream does, Hob never punishes him. But he does reward him when he’s good. The first time he praises Dream he’s all narrowed eyes and suspicion, like it’s a trap. But Hop keeps doing it, keeps telling him how good he is for setting a boundary or telling Hob what he needs. He even compliments the parts of Dream his other partners tried to beat down- Hob tells him how sexy he is when he gets snarky, how he loves his confidence because Dream should always know his worth, how he loves how feisty he is because it makes Hob feel like they’re having fun together.
Dream absolutely melts.
It’s a lot easier to let Hob take control when Dream knows he doesn’t have to be afraid of disdain or retribution if he does something wrong (or if he’s in a mood). He knows Hob loves him exactly as he is, including when he’s bratty, so he’s able to let go and allow himself to do as he’s told in order to earn Hob’s sweet hands and mouth and cock and praises.
I absolutely love this - of course there are many many ways to be a dom, and being "mean" can definitely be part of that! But being loving, supportive, warm, protective... those things all have to go along with the meanness. And yes, some brats want and need to be tamed with a physical or verbal reaction from their doms. But some brats just need to know that they're safe.
Hob’s style of dominance is all about positive reinforcement. Bad behaviour is ignored or treated as though it simply doesn't matter. Meanwhile good behaviour is absolutely lavished with rewards and praise. At first Dream may try to misbehave, just to get some kind of reaction out of Hob. Pushing his buttons is a way of testing out whether Hob is really a safe space, or if he's just like all the others. But Hob just laughs, or ruffles Dream’s hair, or ignores him. It's impossible to rile him up! Dream is defeated, and finally, finally begins to trust.
Submitting to Hob is easy, because he looks at Dream like he's been given the greatest gift. He never takes Dream for granted, and he always makes every moment of vulnerability so worth it. He enjoys the "boring" bits, the bits that no one ever did for Dream before. Aftercare, filling out questionnaires about preferences, writing down his reflections from a session. He takes it all so seriously, sometimes Dream tears up. It's just... a lot. Knowing that Hob cares so much about him.
This is the kind of sub Dream has always wanted to be. To be served and protected and loved was what he needed all along. Somehow Hob has made him believe that he deserves it, too. Don't tell anyone, because it's a secret - but he's going to be Hob’s good boy forever and ever. With the exception of bratty moment or two... and Hob wouldn't have him any other way.
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jazzyblusnowflake · 1 month
I know you've said before that N likes watching his girlfriends smooch, but does Uzi like watching N and V smooch? Idk, she's got that kinda vibe to me but at the same time I can see it getting her worked up and then wanting to join in
(also I guess I should ask whether V likes watching N and Uzi smooch just to complete the trio, though if I had to guess her reaction to that it would be teasing both of them relentlessly while they're trying to enjoy themselves)
Might be back with more questions later but I can't think of anything else rn
Oh definitely yes XD
mini snippet below
N and V got closer to one another BECAUSE of Uzi and the general teasing and challanging they threw at eachother to get the upper hand lmao- Ns irritation with V turned into once again being flustered by her and Vs initial intrest of N came back slowly while seeing him actually put up a fight for something for once- literally the way to Vs heart would be being feisty back at her- thats how Uzi got into her head in the first place- shes just a bitey lil toaster that wouldnt go down without a fight.
for Uzi the first time it basically went down like this:
[a mini snippet me and @keebokuun wrote a long time back lol ]
N: are you sure you guys actually like eachother
V: you focus on giving her security, ill focus on giving her a thrill-
N: thats not- hEY i can give thrills too >:(
V: //smiles mock sympathetically at N// as much as a puppy N. as much as a sweet little tall himbo puppy~
N: //blushing// heyyyy >:(
V: walking towards him suspiciously sweetly with her arms behind her back// well? seduce me then. give me a thrill big boy~
N: caught off gaurd and blushing more with X visor-// IM- i UHHH-
V putting her claws on both sides of N against the wall while he squeeks nervously-
V: aw puppy has no bite does he? //smirking
N: getting a little pissy now and getting into Vs face// for your information i CAN-!
before he can finish his sentence Uzi comes in the pod and sees the display while they all look back at her and shes looking at them deadpan like "Uh yeah, need me to come back another time then?"
after this it kinda turned into:
"Dont mind me, keep going~ :)"
but usually Uzi is the excitable type and couldnt keep herself from trying to join in- either being the middle or showering one of the others by putting them in the middle-
for V though its a different story- i think she prefers seeing the two the most lmao- sometimes its from lack of feeling physically affectionate and wants to just tag out of it for now, and sometimes its just cuz she likes the view- either way she probably sits the most on the sidelines to watch the other two- in some cases she also sits back to support Uzi as a bit of a guide for N to not overwhelm or accidentally pressure her- she loves being a little rough but she knows she needs to control herself a bit so she sits out- though this usually doesnt work as she is either dragged in or she just cant resist being left out on the fun~<3
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Yandere Port Mafia Osamu Dazai Alphabet
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Author's Note: I decided since I'm writing for BSD I'll do a yandere alphabet for all the characters I'm writing for. Feel free to send request in like one shots and stuff, but please check in my Masterlist what BSD characters I write for. Even if I haven't done an Alphabet for them yet I'll still do your request once it's done or until I can't wait any longer. In Dazai's case I'm doing him in his time in the Port Mafia and then him at ADA.
Warnings: Violence, Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse Implies, Rape Implied, Emotional Abuse, Manipulation, Murder Mentioned, Torture, Being Stabbed, Possessiveness, Suicide Mentioned, Clinginess, Lonliness, Sadism, Dehumanization, Kidnapping, Branding, and Just Pure Roxicity.
Links: {Masterlist} {Alphabet Used}
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
We all know Dazai. I can see him being as clingy as ever even while he was still in the Port Mafia.
I can see his reasons on being so affectionate is him being lonely and losing you, and his possessive nature.
He loves to have you sit on his lap while he gives his subordinates orders. And he'll also sit on you lap and not let you go, if you try he'll whine your name and make you feel bad.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
PM! Dazai most likely got carried away when it came to killing people. Remember that gun scene when he first met Chuuya, yeah.
I can see him doing the same thing to people who try to take you away from him or people for even talk to you. Everyone in the PM knows not to mess with you unless they want to face Dazai's wrath.
I don't know why but PM! Dazai would probably take a photo of his killings and show them to you, escpicially if it was a family member or a friend of yours. One of things he loves most about you is your tears and terrified expression.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
He'd tease you about easy it was. How weak you were compared to him.
He'll try to make you comfortable and he'd want all you attention. He's like a puppy.
He'll never let you be alone in the first stage of your abduction. If you try he'll pin you against the wall and whisper in your ear why you hated him so much, when he knows exactly why.
Your anger, your fear and your despair all put a smile on his face. What can he say? He's a sadist after all.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
There's a lot of things he'll do against your will. PM Dazai is a lot more heartless, forceful and cold compared to ADA Dazai.
He'll chose what clothes you wear, he'll force to sleep in the same bed as him and if you really were misbehaving he'll have you execute a traitor.
He'll have you kill people and he'll just stand there with a blank face. When you finally snap and have a break down he'll be there hugging you, saying that you belonged to him. You are his dog and you obeyed him, which made you a good girl/boy. He'll reward you with various things because there are times where you tears don't make him happy, sometimes they make him upset, and he hates it.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Dazai is rarely vulnerable with anybody. He won't ever show his heart or true intentions to you. But he won't say it, but you're is only weakness. Yes he may hurt you but if anyone dared to touch you they'll suffer and slow and painful death. Those deaths are ones he'll never show you, because you may figure out you're his weakness.
If you actually wanted him to be vulnerable to you you'll have to be completely in love with him, probably just as obsessed with him as he is with you.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
He likes feisty, strong and independent darlings. He doesn't want a weak darling, someone who can't even defend themselves. Or a submissive darling who does what he wants without a fight. He'll see you as boring and will probably fall out of love with you and have you killed.
When you punched him in the face he was a little caught off guard. When he felt blood come from his nose he'd smile and call you a bad girl/boy.
He'll pin you down and the more you fight him the more he realizes how much he truly loves you. And boy will he have fun with you.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Watching you try to escape makes him laugh. You really think you'll escape the Port Mafia, and more importantly him? The moments you open the door he'll be standing there and a grin on his face. He put a gun to your head and tell you to turn around and go to your room.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
There's a lot of things that Dazai has done to you that can go in this one, but the by far worse one of when you made him genuinely mad.
It was probably a very stressful day and Dazai just wanted your affection and attention. But when he saw you laughing and talking to Chuuya he felt rage fill up inside him. But it was fine. He wouldn't let his other dog ruin his day. Dazai would grab your shoulder and tell Chuuya to go be useful for once in his life. They'd argue for a bit before Dazai drags you away.
But the moment you got to his room you were distant, and you looked disgusted.
"What's the matter, Belladonna?"
"Don't call me that."
Dazai would sigh before sitting in front of you. He asked you what made you so upset and you just snapped.
"I fucking hate you. I mean it this time. You murdered your own subordinates just because they looked at me. What the fuck is wrong with you?! You don't love me. You're just obsessed with the fact of having me. You treat me as your fucking dog! And... I'm sick of it. You've hurt me so many times... I can't even leave... After everything you've done, everything you made me do... You deserve to have that emptiness in your heart and be lonely until you fucking die a slow and painful death. I won't be your savior..."
You stood up and kicked Dazai aside. He sat the there quietly, not even moving as he looked at the ground. When you tried to open the door it was locked, from the outside. You heard Dazai's chuckle, before it turned into insane manic laughter. Dazai stood up and walked towards you, taking out his gun as you backed up.
"Savior... When did I ever say you were my savior?" Dazai asked, putting the gun your head and held his hand around your throat.
You stared at him with rage. All fear you had towards Dazai was gone, the only thing you felt was rage.
"You're what dog is to it's master. A dear comfort. And just like a dog, I can put down..."
Dazai stopped, before pulling out his knife and stabbing it into your stomach. Right before you can scream in agony he covered your mouth and looked you in the eye with his dead eyes and his emotionless smile.
"Just like that..."
Dazai would let you go as you fell to the floor. Tears rolling down your face as Dazai stared at you. He threw his gun into the closet and kneeling down so the two of you were at eye level.
"You're not gonna die... But,"
He pulled the knife out, you screamed pain as he smirked. He grabbed your wrist and pulled them above your hand, before he stabbed the knife into your hands in order to keep them in place.
"You're gonna learn your place.."
Your screams of agony and pleasure echoed through the halls of the Port Mafia that night.
The next day though, he felt so much guilt when he woke up and remembered what he had done. He would never, ever forgive himself.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He barely sees a future for himself. Maybe the two of you doing a double suicide together. Or maybe even him running the Port Mafia with you by his side. He'll see where the two of you will end up.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Dazai claims he'll never get jealous by some dog or a Port Mafia member, but he's lying.
He gets jealous extremely easily. If you really want to calm him down kiss him and hug him, telling him to calm down and that no one will take you away.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
It depends on his mood and your behavior.
If you're well behaved he'll be spoiling you by buying you all kinds of things. He'll blow his entire paycheck on you just to see you smile. He'll be very affectionate and tease you and act so childish. It would be like a normal relationship if he didn't do all those awful things to you.
If you're misbehaving though, he'll isolate you from everyone. You'll be chained to his bed and all you could do is stare at the ceiling or sleep.
He would definitely brand you, so expect a lot of hickeys and cuts during this time.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
He'll go about it the same why he does with everyone else. He'll call you a beauty, flirt with you, ask you out on dates. He won't even act or show any yandere tendencies until you move in with him and start dating.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Yes. It's canon Dazai is kinda two faced, he puts on a mask pretty much. Dazai isn't just a monster under that mask, he's too complex to just be simplified as just a monster.
In front of people he'll still be possessive but only to the point of it looking like he's just worried about you.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Port Mafia Dazai is much more willing to hurt you than ADA Dazai.
It really depends on his mood and what you did. Hell, you could've done nothing wrong and he'll make up some bullshit just to punish you.
If you tried to escape he'll torture you before leaving you there in isolation for a week.
If you talked to someone else when he wasn't around that he didn't trust or like (Chuuya), he'll fuck you the entire night just to claim you. When they see your bruises and bite marks and hickeys they'll know your his.
If you insulted him he'd slap you across the face and tell you to watch your mouth if you didn't want him to stitch it closed. It's an empty threat, he wants to hear your voice and your screams some more.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
The more you misbehave the more rights you'll lose. You better pick this up quickly because even is you behave, the chances of you getting them back are extremely low.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Dazai is pretty patient, even if he may come off as a brat. But his patience won't last forever. PM Dazai is less patient than ADA Dazai and sooner or later he won't wait for his darling to love him back. Even though it'll hurt him dearly knowing his Darling doesn't love him, but at least they're with him, right?
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
If you die his entire world will fall apart. Why did he have to lose one of the few things that made him happy. He'll become a lot more cold an sadistic. He'd visit your grave often, even after he left th PM.
If you successfully escaped he'd be extremely impressed. It won't be hard for him to find you. When he does he'll tell you how impressed he was, but that it was time to come home.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Dazai isn't delusional. Yes he may seem like it but he isn't. He knows exactly what he's doing is wrong, but he doesn't care. There are times though when he feels guilty. When you're quiet and not fighting him. Letting him do what he wants to you makes him feel awful.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Most likely the lonely and emptiness he feels. He wants a reason to live, something that'll make his life a little bit better, a little bit brighter.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Your screaming and crying can either make Dazai extremely happy since he's a sadist, or extremely upset because it reminds him of how much he's really hurting you.
Dazai craves your love and affection, when you try and isolate yourself from him he's already tackling you and holding you close to while hides in your shirt.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
His intelligence, his skill, his strategies, his sadism. All those hit different.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
There's nothing you can exploit about him without him knowing, so give up.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Yes, but sometimes he'll regret it and try to earn your forgiveness.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He'll worship the ground hou walk on. He'll do almost anything to gain your love!
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
He'll wait until he knows the time is just right, and that's when he'll strike.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
It's very likely, and the guilt he'll feel is impossible to put into words. He'll do anything to fix you, and I mean anything.
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fieldofdaisiies · 1 year
Some bedroom activities of Azzy 🙈
bedroom activities you are saying, anon? here we go
Azriel Bedroom Headcanons
soft and passionate love making (and I know you all want this man to be kinky and all sorts of things and we will get to that later but for now we start soft)
this man is gentle, leaving soft touches all over your body, pampering your skin with kisses, placing them all over your beautiful body
licking over your skin – he just loves the taste of you, your soft skin
the shadowsinger worships you for hours until the actual act of love making starts and speaking of licking,
he devours you, letting his tongue dive into you, savouring every little drop of your arousal, your release
Azriel loves it when your legs are thrown over his shoulder and he feasts on you like starved male, thighs squeezing his head, drowning out all the noises
also this male loves missionary
having you pinned underneath him, his large body covering you, wings flared, his always takes you gentle at first, getting rougher with every round, until he is pounding into you senselessly, moving you up on the mattress, shielding your head with a pillow to stop you from hitting the headboard
he often holds onto the headboard while he is trusting into you
and yes, what they say about wingspan is true
man is big, and stretches you out so blissfully good
and talking about wings
man loves it when you touch his wings, play with them a little, fingers softly touching and teasing the leathery skin, taunting him
also he loves a little choking, never too much but just enough to have your eyes glaze
his scarred fingers will curl around your neck, adding just a slight bit of pressure, making you gasp and moan
hearing you moan? his favourite melody in the whole entire world
but moving on to activities – he loves having control but that does not mean you can't be on top
you riding him? a close to divine experience for our beloved bat boy
seeing your boobies bounce while he ruts into you nearly makes him go dumb, well it makes him dumb
also turning you around and doing a little reverse thingy? uhm, yes please, the male things
oh and making you hold onto the headboard or even better pressing your head into the pillow when he is taking you from behind, that is then truly a divine experience
another one of these experience is you sucking him off
boy, he really needs every restraint in himself to not already come at the sight of you on your knees
oh and speaking of restraints, didn't we say a little more kinky later on?
restraints: Azriel loves only a few things more than tying you to the bed, either with ropes, chains, or his shadows
and speaking of shadows, the perfectly serve as a blindfold sometimes, and other times he will just use an actual blindfold
spitting: I firmly believe this male likes to spit into your mouth when he is pounding into you
spanking: when is feisty little mate misbehave, she has to take some punishment for it and Azriel is more than delighted to deliver it (sometimes maybe he uses a little whip on you, if you have been extra bad)
edging: letting you come immediately or quickly? no way, you can suffer a little and he obviously wants to control when you come, so no coming without him allowing you to do so
angry/jealous sex: yes, because this male gets jealous quickly when you then tease him, he will be angry and you get the punishment for it, by fucking you senselessly and mercilessly throughout the whole night
and although Az is calm male normally, when you two entangled in the sheets he will talk and growl and groan
he will also praise you all throughout the night when you have been a good girl and you make love
he will use slight degradation (of course only if you consent) when you have been naughty
Azriel loves to come in you, on you, all over you, yeah, seeing his hot release drip down your thighs is perfection for him
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starlos-hat · 4 months
good morning! it’s Ceroba headcanons time. this contains spoilers for true pacifist!
i HC that after the during true pacifist ending when they’re sending off clover’s belongings in the raft, ceroba puts a little bell in there, to make sure they’re guided peacefully into whatever afterlife awaits them
ceroba makes clothes for the main cast! she’s definitely not the only one who does this but she probably collaborates with Martlet to make warm clothes for Snowdin, so Star can more comfortably visit over there!
ceroba is definitely the best cook of the main cast. her corn chowder is delicious, and everyone always looks forward to dinner at her place.
ceroba LOVES spicy food, and ends up adding unholy amounts of sauces/spices/seasonings to said food, so much so her corn chowder tends to be more red in color than yellow by the time she’s done! (that’s how everyone knows the bowl is hers, and they don’t dare touch it.)
after the true paci ending, star and the rest of the feisty five invite themselves over to her house and help her clean it. she makes them all lunch when they’re done :)
ceroba has had a tough time processing her grief, and tends to hole up in her house. however, after enough pleading visits from her friends, she gets out more and more and eventually *she* becomes the one visiting everyone else a few times a week
she returns to the steamworks to befriend axis and now that he’s not actually trying to kill her, they really hit it off. sometimes, she’ll tell him stories about chujin.
always helps out on star’s farm in her free time, wanting to support him for everything he’s done for her
when she gets drunk, which isn’t very often now- usually only after celebrating star- she tends to want to party. she’s asked star to dance with her several times, but she doesn’t quite remember this clearly… or if he said yes…
ceroba has a tail! + there are some lighter streaks in her hair and tail
she spends a lot of time on her hair each morning. it gets frizzy from the hot air of the dunes very easily
she paints masks in her free time to unwind because it reminds her of kanako
that’s it for now!
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
Love the ‘fucking the fussy out of you’ concept when readers just so pent up, she is accidentally snappy, but she wants to be good. Hormones are not on her side.
Mafia!Eddie would be confused because she never has an attitude unwarranted. He has a keen eye and ear, so he figures out what she needs pretty quickly. “That’s it, kitten? Needed it so bad?”
Older!Eddie is even more confused because Ness is so understanding and patient. It takes a few big hints until he realizes what’s got her riled up. Instead of the typical where she’s on top, he fucks her doggystyle and definitely plays with her ass. “Fucking hell, bunny, drippin’ onto the sheets. Might just have to fuck your ass with it.”
Rockstar!Eddie is used to this with Nepo Baby’s feistiness, but usually he’s a bit mean. When she’s like this, it means he keeps himself in check, but still rough enough until she falls apart. “There’s my sweet girl, gonna listen to me now? I’ll make you feel good, baby.”
Cowboy!Eddie is aggravated at first because the snapping usually ends you over his knee, but he is good with body language. (He deals with animals and has a good sense of emotion through it) He gives you a few smacks, but takes care of you, “Firin’ me up, girlie, know better than that. Ask when ya need somethin’, especially when it involves this cute little cunt.”
Dom!Eddie is well versed in this, but is similar to Rockstar and Cowboy where he has to reign it in because you’re feeling a bit more emotional than normal. He’ll bend you over all over his apartment until he’s carrying you, “Give me so much lip until my cocks inside you, hm?”
I'm drooling non holy shit. you guys are about to make me start another writing challenge bc yes!!! this!!!!
mafia!eddie is the ultimate gentle daddy dom so once he realizes that you're just needing a good, kinda mean fucking, he's gonna give you that gladly. probably has you pulled up and fucking your kinda mean and nasty, but saying sweet things in your ear that gets you swimming with excitement. "you're just needed daddy to give you extra attention today didn't you? not your fault you've been so mean, daddy wasn't doing a good job taking care of you."
older!eddie is like ???? bc he's so used to gina being horrible like this and usually it meant she was about to tear him apart... not wanting him to fuck her lol. not that it's ever on that level but ya know. he'd fuck her for hours, pulling as many orgasms as he could outta her. def toy with her ass, rotate between eating her pussy and ass, then fucking them until she's a mess.
rockstar!eddie is soooo used to this, but when she gets huffy and whiny instead of actually mean, he knows that means she needs the attitude fucked right out of her. usually means she wants him to be sorta sweet but mostly nasty. he fucks her in her fave position (tho she would never ever ever admit it was) which is her laying on her tummy, pillows under her hips, and he's on top. she loves the intimacy of it, and how he can fuck her so deep and rough but also kiss her and coddle her, pull her hair and then suck hickies into her neck. she just needs the intimacy and a little meanness lol.
cowboy!eddie would be confused because when his sweet girl is actually mad at him, she'll avoid him, but when she needs a good, mean, "get that attitude right outta ya" fucking, she follows him around like a little lost puppy, griping and snapping the whole way. "you got somethin' to say to me, girlie?" he'd throw down the hay, and on his hips glaring at her. she'd clench and huff, and he'd catch it knowing exactlyyyy what she needs. he'd only spank her a little (enough to make her feel good and warm up more than anything) then he's fucking her nasty, bent over gripping the fence while she's flooding the ground beneath them.
dom!eddie is so used to his little brat and that's usually what she does. she's so mean so that he'll fuck her mean (even though she just has to ask). sometimes he'll take it as a challenge to punish her and break her, but on days when she's needy and mean, he knows she just needs the attitude fucked out of her. spanks her over his knee, lets her grind away on his thigh and doesn't get mad when she cums on him. fucks her filthy, pounds her pussy doggy style and has a plug in her ass that he toys with while she's ass up, drooling mindlessly into the mattress.
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eluxcastar · 11 months
Alright, I gotta ask-
Arlecchino with a sassy/Fiesty s.o? I MUST KNOW
Arlecchino with a feisty s/o
── ୨୧:arlecchino x reader
୨୧﹑synopsis :: it’s exactly what’s written on the tin as usual with these things but also wtf am I doing send help
୨୧﹑content :: gn reader, reader is honestly kind of a gremlin
୨୧﹑words :: 487
MORE ARLECCHINO omg so I saw this and like immediately knew I would love it and yes it was sent in april but I'm slow and now burning through my requests. simps this is not the food I promised, but is it food I am delivering hot and fresh because yes
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Arlecchino would thoroughly enjoy your sass as he sees it as complementary to her, and you never really stray too far stance-wise. It's kind of funny to watch you berate other people for their incompetence to the point she borderline encourages it, often asking if you'd like to explain instead just to see how you'll put it.
You're not meek and impressionable either, which she likes. You would never just go along with something for the sake of others if you disagree, and your attitude toward defending your ideals rather than becoming a flatter doormat is attractive to her.
You are bold, you are unabashed, and by god, maybe you need a bit of shame because why do you do like half of the things you do but also, oh god, please never stop.
It's like idolising someone and also thinking, "Oh my god that's so stupid, I love it". You can be as clever as you want, but if you can't hold your tongue, she simultaneously loves it and wishes you would be a little more tactful about when to make some bark because what if you can't back it up with a helping of bite. Half of the time, you're like so funny to her, and she respects the work put into always giving your best quips and demanding the respect you want.
Arlecchino may be kinda worried tho, but she's there to back you up most of the time. She wouldn't be surprised if you pissed someone off and ended up in a ditch somewhere, but it's ok because she's not gonna let that slide. They're gonna get their comeuppance for that. Getting away with it? Absolutely not. It doesn't matter if you probably were doing the equivalent of poking a sleeping bear with a stick and probably deserved it a little bit.
On that note, if you ask someone if they deserve something that happened to them just because you don't like them, she might have to make a tally because it's like the #1 way she identifies that someone made you slightly annoyed. It's your tell, in a way.
Also, you two are like, not that dissimilar because she has her own sassy side and absolutely uses it you're just absolutely abhorrent by comparison because you don't even bother hiding it you just do it. She does love that for you tho so it's fine if it suits you, you should keep doing that.
She's right by your side bullying the fuck out of Childe just because you can, and he's there, but just a little around others, she's like that one picture of the two people with one holding the leash and the other like >:) You are the metaphorical leash kid of the dynamic. She's gotta reign you in a little sometimes because even though she would 100% avenge your death, she'd rather you not die in the first place yk.
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crplpunkklavier · 1 year
thoughts on vongole, and kristoph as a dog owner
DISCLAIMER: i am not a professional in dog care nor training. i have had and trained a dog for many years now, but he is not a retriever. i've studied up on other breeds out of curiosity (and due diligence tbh). if anything i say here is factually wrong and you know more, feel free to reach out!
Kristoph: Ah, yes, she's surprisingly delicate, you know. Requires careful tending. But, she is my "best friend", as they say. Phoenix: "Best"...? Come on, now I'm starting to feel bad for you. Kristoph: Oh? Of course, she's known to bite if handled roughly. Phoenix: Y-Your rose bites? Kristoph: ...... I was speaking of the photo next to the rose. My retriever, Vongole. Cute, but feisty.
this is all we ever learn about vongole. am i going crazy about it? maybe. (also, after this line, phoenix thinks to himself, "every dog has its thorn..." as if that means literally anything. i love him so)
vongole is one of my favorite mysteries about kristoph. she is not at all relevant in aa4, and if she was only ever going to be in this tiny bit of flavor text (so easily missable too!) why put her in at all? was she going to play a bigger role in a later game that shu takumi never got to bless us with? i guess it's possible. that would lift vongole on the same level as those pesky black psyche locks. but either way, we have her here, and that means i get to overanalyze her :)
or more accurately, i get to overanalyze kristoph gavin on the basis that he has a dog who
is a retriever
is "surprisingly delicate"
requires careful tending
is his best friend, as they say
bites if handled roughly
hey. what the fuck does any of that mean, kris?
lets start with the breed. i've mentioned in a post before that many of us seem to have collectively decided that vongole is a golden retriever, which seems fitting, since those are famous blondes, just like the other gavins. however, "retriever" doesn't automatically mean golden retriever! there are a few other retriever breeds. you're probably familiar with labrador retrievers, for instance. i have a curly-coated retriever in my neighborhood who, you guessed it, has a charming curly coat, pitch black, and is a trained service dog!
we often see retrievers as service dogs, because they're pretty fit for the job. the name retriever comes from hunting though. while my own dog is more engaged in actually running ahead and killing prey himself (no i don't let him do that.), retrievers have been bred to go and, well, retrieve prey for the hunters. this of course means that you can also teach them to retrieve other stuff for you fairly easily. like meds, socks, blankets -- stuff a service dog would be helpful for.
apart from that, retrievers are also known to be good family dogs, because they're friendly, affectionate, loyal, and quick to trust. they're also very active, and pretty smart! there are minor differences between the various retriever breeds, but this much goes for all of them to some extent.
why in the world does kristoph have a dog?
i... just..... does he seem like a dog person to you?? i just.... i mean, he doesn't seem like a cat person to me either. or a plant person. maybe he doesn't seem like a person to me. i just really stumble over this sometimes, because it seems wild to me to think that kristoph gavin got himself a retriever just because he.... wanted a retriever?
the guy works what's pretty much an office job. his salary shouldn't be very high, as a defense attorney? but, well, he's implied to like high-profile cases, and he had the money to employ an assistant, so i don't think he's poor. he needs time and space for a retriever, though. vongole isn't a little shih tzu who's happy to just hang out on your lap all day. again, REALLY active. this is a dog who wants AT LEAST an hour of outside time a day. kristoph gavin doesn't even look like he's ever seen the sun. but ok.
one frankly hilarious route i've considered is that he wanted a dog for protection. klavier says he's been "living in fear" ever since zak gramarye disappeared on him, and then he panicked enough to straight up beat him to death the minute he saw him again seven years later. he's paranoid, he's spying on everyone involved. i think kristoph really was very scared. so maybe at some point he figured he'd get himself a dog that would protect him from assailants.
i say this is hilarious because..... a retriever is not the dog you want, man. like, yeah, she'll be loyal to you if she likes you. the problem is she is also really quick to like you, or the intruder in your house, or the guy coming to your office to kill you. if kris got a retriever because he wanted a guard dog, that was a fantastic bit of stupidity, and i personally love it for him.
another angle i like, one that makes him a little less stupid and a little more horrifying, is appearances.
But, she is my "best friend", as they say.
this line really does something to my brain. kristoph gavin talks like a law text book at the best of times, so the somewhat awkward wording of it isn't really what's bothering me. it's the fact that he said it at all. it's that very last part. the "as they say." because, yeah, sure, people say that. yeah yeah, man's best friend, we've all seen it.
and it just... seems so very kristoph to latch onto a truism about human beings, to make himself look like one. look at him! he's got a suit, he's got a job. he's totally on speaking terms with his brother. when the bar association voted to disbar phoenix, he was the only one who voted against that (one more thing i'd love to make a big post about one day lol), he has regular dinner with his good friend phoenix wright, he has an assitant, he has a law office. he probably has a car, because it's LA. he has a savings account. that's not, like, canon, but he does. of course he also has a dog. he's just a regular human guy! he likes poetry and the arts. his best friend is a dog, and more than that, a breed which is known for its gentleness, and for how great they are with..... children :)
let's all sit back and let that chill go down our spine for a sec.
kristoph got a retriever to prove something. kristoph got a retriever for the same reason that he made friends with vera misham before he tried to kill her.
remember what his prison cell looks like? with the books, the arm chair, the violin? he keeps up appearances, even after his arrest. of course he'd put up a framed picture of his beloved dog. like any normal human person would.
but did he treat her well?
well...... well.
here's the thing.
i don't think kristoph gavin is an animal abuser. i don't think he treated her badly. but that's a sliding scale, with dogs, and with most pets, isn't it? if i'm never outright mean or violent to my dog, that's great, but if i never give him enrichment, if i never learn to read his body language, if i never give him what he fundamentally needs as a certain animal of a certain breed, i'm still not treating him well. i'm not treating him right, i'm just not overtly torturing him.
back to kristoph. in this vein, i often think about what we hear of his interactions with young vera. one thing that particularly sticks out to me is how drew misham says that kristoph was one of the very few people who ever made her smile.
kristoph clearly has a way with children, to an extent. he knows to get her that stamp -- he actually understands her childish fascination with magic a little too well and gets her a present that she likes so much it thwarts his whole plan. keep in mind that vera was 12 -- when kristoph's younger brother was 12, kristoph was 19 already, old enough to consciously learn things about the 12-year-old in his household. he knows kids, and he gets through to them.
but never fully, does he? klavier figured out something was off about the way his brother came to his office. and even vera, despite smiling at kristoph so earnestly, despite really loving that stamp, despite being only 12, even vera was so horrified by that little twitch of the devil's hand. there was always something uncanny about kristoph.
why am i bringing that up? i'm not saying everyone who's good with children will be good with dogs, or the other way around. but there is common ground. you're dealing with a living thing that's smaller than you, dependent on you, and you're building a relationship that'll take a lot of calmness, understanding, and reassurance. kids often can't express themselves in ways adults would immediately understand, and neither can dogs.
and i think kristoph got about as far with vongole as he did with vera. i think vongole liked him fine. again, retrievers are quick to like people. he was there, he fed her, he probably gave up trying not to let her up on the couch. sure she liked him. but did she listen to him?
before i ever had a dog, my mom used to tell me that she thought the concept of dog training (the german word is Hundeschule, so literally "dog school") was stupid, that she'd had a dog as a kid, and that dog didn't have to know any tricks, it wasn't a circus animal! well, my mom was also bad with every pet we've ever had, and with all three of her kids. so.
look, it's important that your dog listens to you. i'm just saying. no, it doesn't have to know "circus tricks," although depending on the breed, it might have fun learning them! and it definitely just. it needs the basics. your dog needs to understand what "no" means, and your dog should come when called -- i know we're all tired of alpha terminology and it's constantly used wrong, but, genuinely, your dog needs to know that you're the leader of the pack. your dog needs that, it's good for the dog. turns out i was also using it wrong! this reblog explains what i meant to say better than i could. my point was that you have got to give your dog something, some form of structure. for the dog's own cognitive development, for you to work as a union, and last but not least to make sure you don't bring harm to the outside world!
and, yeah, this is absolutely the part where i think kristoph failed. because no, i don't think he was ever violent with her or anything, but i also don't think he would ever have the patience it takes for solid dog training.
why else does he, unprompted, bring up that she is "surprisingly" delicate, and requires "careful" tending? kris, did you not know? why are you surprised by how delicate a literal living thing is? did you accidentally step on her paw and she acted like it's the end of the world? yeah, they do that. did you come home late from the office one night and there was a pile of poop on your overturned laundry basket? hmm. if only something could be done about that.
the "bite if handled roughly" part is the last one i wanna talk about, because that also gave me a lot of trouble.
i mean... dogs bite. they do! mine bites. especially puppies are happy to play-bite, often into hands, and it's important to get that under control while they're young. this also loops us all the way back around to vongole being a retriever. remember, they're bred to carry stuff in their mouths. it is in this dog's dna to use her mouth for stuff.
this means she might be bite-happy in a very specific way. i've actually read multiple times that retriever bites are "soft", because again, they're just supposed to retrieve game when hunting, not kill it themselves. it's already dead, and a dog actually biting into it would make it yucky for humans to eat. retrievers are good at moderating bite strength for that.
but.... it doesn't sound like that's what kristoph is talking about, is it? she's known to bite if handled roughly. that sounds like she really bites. and of course she does. if handled roughly. hey, what the fuck does that mean, handled roughly? who's handling her roughly?
again, this doesn't necessarily scream animal abuse. as @mlmschemes, out of professional experience, has brought up, there are certain things that need to be done during a vet visit that dogs don't always love, especially if they aren't used to it, like nail trims, to state the easiest one. you might have to hold a dog down for that. and if that dog is trained and socialized like ass, yeah, she'll bite if handled roughly.
but, hey, don't worry. she's just feisty. :) cute but feisty, he says.
just like every fucking dog owner i've ever met in the neighborhood who has a half-rabid untrained menace that would probably tear my face from my skull if not for its stupid retractable leash.
kristoph wants to be a dog owner because it's a fun normal human thing to do and makes him look non-threatening, well-adjusted, and generally likeable. but he sucks at dog training. nobody has ever fully believed the guy--fucking, even apollo IMMEDIATELY deserts him in court. kristoph lives a superficial life and vongole probably has zero trouble becoming the best friend of whoever gets her next.
just to bring this already embarrassingly long post to a point and an end, here's some quick tips from me for portraying vongole, and by extension kristoph dealing with her:
retrievers are affectionate, so vongole is probably a cuddler
kristoph probably has fur fucking everywhere. he comes into the office with a briefcase thats just filled with lint rollers
vongole knows exactly zero commands. if you have food in your hand, she will sit down, because sometimes that gets her things, and she will try to use it at every possible opportunity
if sitting down doesn't work, she will become more and more annoying. if my dog felt like i wasn't giving him enough attention, he used to walk up to my desk and nudge my forearm with his nose so strongly that my grip on my computer mouse would slip and i would fuck up whatever i was working on.
kristoph loses patience with her. it'd be interesting to write, because he'd want to save face if it happens in public, too. he can't yell at his dog there, that'd look bad. i imagine a lot of insistent leash tugging, a lot of ill-advised grabbing/holding her (here's where he probably gets bitten too), and a lot of smiling and laughing and being like "ohh, haha, she's just so feisty today, what's going on ooo she's so nice normally haha"
i doubt he played much with her? she probably had toys, but for kristoph to interact with them a lot.... you can play fetch with retrievers pretty well, because, once again, they're retrievers. and that's a pretty classic "look at me i'm a normal dog owner" thing to do, so he probably has some like, tennis balls and stuff that he'd throw for her. but that's probably it.
if you write vongole changing owners to klavier and/or apollo, please please please let her do a full 180. if you're going by what i've theorized here vis à vis kristoph, that dog is DESPERATE to learn. dogs want jobs and she would be SOOO happy to be trained.
forget that thing about old dogs and new tricks. my dog is 8 years old and i'm currently teaching him a new command, for funsies. it's working and he loves it. you can write vongole becoming a model citizen at any age. i implore you to.
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riddles-n-games · 8 months
So we all know the Hawthorne brothers are all fine as heck Texan born-and-raised gentlemen which means other than the fancy schmancy stuff they do throughout the series, they probably know how to ride. And I don’t mean English riding, I mean down and dirty in the dusty sand, bucking bronco Western riding. Given that ole Tobias Hawthorne was loaded, not only did he make riding lessons an essential for his grandsons but he also owned a big-ass stable on his property. I know it’s never mentioned in the books, only that Vincent Blake owns a ranch, but you can’t convince me otherwise that this Texan billionaire didn’t have his own stable on the property. No chance, no way; I think he’d be considered a fraud if he didn’t. Anyways, when the boys were comfortable in the saddle and more skilled with controlling their horses and riding, only then did their grandfather start making them choose specialties. As they got older, they took part in rodeos and competitions, producing another bout of trophies for the old man to put up in his office. Like always, the boys proved Hawthornes came and conquered, being the best of the best.
Nash-Of course, this man’s the best of the bunch. He is the most experienced and rather well rounded in all disciplines. It’s part of what lets him live his cowboy fantasies but he does have practical use for what he learned. His grandfather has many prized cattle breeds, mostly the famous Texas Longhorns along with Ankole-Watusi, American  Brahman, and even water buffalo (Hawthorne cheese is where it’s at) so he often leads the cattle roundups and if he ain’t a sight to see when he’s  roping up stray calves (those muscles though; I see you Nash). As said earlier, he’s pretty good at everything in this style of riding but competitively, he’s mostly into western pleasure yet also enjoys reining just about as much. His Appaloosa-Quarter Horse mare, Chili Pepper (yes, named by the one and only Xander and no, it’s not because of Horseland; if you know,  you know) excels at these and is a bit of a showoff (Nash is pretty sure the feisty thing is self-aware whenever she prances sassily around the ring after a win). But, for them, that’s easy stuff, light work, and Nash likes a bit of an adrenaline rush now and then so on the more energetic side of things, his favorite event is  cowboy mounted shooting. In practice, he’d sometimes sneak out one of his grandfather’s Winchester rifles to get a kick out of it (lowkey this boy always tried finding small ways of rebelling against his grandfather’s wishes). However, when he was 19, he quit the rodeo shows and big competitions in another effort to show the old man he didn’t have control over him and that actions spoke louder than words. Nowadays, Nash does mostly local events for the fun of it but has attended some major ones  in the last few years, twice at the State Fair and once at the Calgary Stampede; Xander and Jameson even went with him in a show of support.
Grayson-Though he prefers English riding and excels in classic dressage, his Western specialty is cutting and his Arabian stallion, Onyx (known as Bandit Noir in the show ring) is a nightmare for the calves when he starts switching sides at lightning speed with his front legs. Sometimes he gets so excited after Gray has singled out a calf that he starts zipping towards it in a zigzag motion that Grayson has to restrain him a bit so that he doesn’t go overboard. When he was younger, he trained him to do this move after he watched  a documentary showing gazelles use this technique as an evasive maneuver to escape cheetahs and thought it was a cool trick. He perfected it in two months flat. His Shagya Arabian mare, Moonlight, is more calm but  her focus is unmatched when she’s cutting and she’s also his chosen horse for working equitation. Grayson was the one who inspired  Xander to also  learn this discipline and they would do training sessions together; he also let his youngest brother ride Moonlight in competition at times. Surprisingly, he also did barrel racing alongside Jameson and of course, these two got very competitive over this sport. They set several records at competitions and even a few national records at rodeo events but Jameson had more in the end.
Jameson-Barrel racing, need I say more? It’s his favorite event and discipline of choice. The faster his horse goes, the better the thrill and the dizziness to go along with it. His Nokota stallion, Rhubarb, is the speediest barrel racer of the Hawthorne horses and proudly bred by his grandfather. For fun,  he would get more barrels and see how fast he could go bareback and one time the crazy boy decided it would be a good idea to ride backwards while his steed ran the course. Of all the brothers, Jamie’s the one who loves the riskier events (because of course, not that that’s surprising) including saddle and  bareback bronc riding, calf-roping, steer wrestling, even bull riding (steer riding until he was 14). But he’s also the one who has the most bruises and scars from Western events. He was banned from doing bull riding after Nan attended two of his competitions and both times the rider before him had a nasty fall, ending up in hospital. Jameson may have never fallen in the most major competitions but he did have some close calls with being almost run over and even suffered a bad kick to the ribs during one of his practice runs. Although the old woman is weathered from her rough years and is still a badass, she still cares for her great grandsons very much and hates to see them get hurt. So as reluctant as he was to leave the sport, for his Nan, he did. Occasionally he also participated in team roping with Nash, always taking up the heeler position while his brother handled the horns because Nash didn’t want him to get hurt until he got older and insisted on trying the header part for himself. He got used to it quickly from all the times he watched Nash during practice seshes but his oldest brother always watched off to the side with pursed lips knowing his risky behavior. They were three time champions in a row from 2016-2018 with one time him being header. Being the adrenaline junkie he is, it’s no shock that he loves doing stuff at breakneck speeds and other than barrel racing, he is amazing at pole bending. Jameson enjoys a good test of agility and has a great Mustang-American Paint mixed mare named Misty who whizzes by the poles so quickly that everyone in the stands is always quoted saying they blinked and missed the entire round.
Xander-He was a bit more reluctant to even start out any events but Nash and Grayson coaxed him into them and eventually he got settled quite quickly into trail class, working cow horse, mounted drill with Jameson and Grayson, and versatility ranch riding. He dabbled in western dressage but got annoyed with it because he never felt synchronized enough with his horse and his trainer got frustrated with him many times. Trail class ended up being his major and he trained with two Quarter Horses that were bred by his grandfather, Rona and Rolo (nicknamed Roly Poly). He would switch between the two and both were extremely good at delivering but Rona, his mare was ultimately better equipped and motivated while his gelding, the mare’s full blooded younger brother served better in mounted drill. Xander conducted experiments to see as to why but it seemed like the gelding thought the routines were simpler to learn and always finished with a happy buck when they finished. But as he got older and hit his growth spurt, Xan felt like his height was becoming a negative factor to riding anymore of his horses in competitions so he stopped. His grandfather offered to buy him a ready, trained horse better suited to his stature so he could continue but Xander declined since he didn’t want to restart with training and he was awfully attached to Rona and Rolo. Instead, he continued competing but in halter and western showmanship classes where his horses shined just as brightly with shiny ribbons often being pinned to his horses’ halters as a prize.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed this! This has been sitting in my drafts way too long but @hathorneheiress has given me the push I needed to get it out here for you guys to read. It's only part one of my horse headcanons. There will be more about the Hawthorne family's current horses and their equine history in the next one.
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stxrmylxve · 1 year
Hi, are your requests open? Can I request for Tokyo Revengers with some of my favorites boys? A headcannon with Mikey, Takemichi, Smiley, Ran, Inui, Baji, Chifuyu and Hanma with a s/o who’s like Wednesday Adams? It can be a GN or she/her, bonus if you include “the thing”
Hi! Yes, they are open! They are normally open, I don't recall them ever actually being closed, but check my pinned post if you ever need to check!
something about you being so mysterious lured him in
don't get me wrong, he has whack interests, so this wasn't too far off
but you were the person everyone kinda... feared?
thing didn't like him; hated the smoke that came around him when hanma walked in
thing definitely hit hanma once or twice
liked how quiet you were, so it was a win-win
hinting at the fact that he had depression, you were basically the perfect match for this emo boy
you were powerful with your words, he was powerful with his feet
thing wasn't too fond of his behaviors, but didn't hate him per say
thing was just happy you found someone like you that would make you happy
worried wayyyyy too much he had done something wrong
you would scrunch up your nose and he would immediately jump to conclusions
had to adjust to the environment and decor
it was different for someone as upbeat as him to buy darker things, but if it was for you, he would do anything
you were the first relationship he had kept alive, so anything to keep you close would make you his world
scary with you
nothing more, nothing less
y'all were "the couple with an attitude"
everyone liked you, but they still aired away from you
smiley would beat anyone up that tried to do you harm
like... anyone
thing likes his feistiness
would follow you around in the hallways like a lost puppy to the point you would shoo him off, making his walk away with his feelings hurt
it was fine though, you would make it up somehow...right?
with the whole vibe
actually, he loves it
he loves thing too, and thing loves him back
whenever Ran comes in the room, thing always jumps up onto his shoulder
Ran plays with thing... does his nails... AHHH perfect
sometimes you wonder if thing is in your relationship too
ran will go out of his way to come to your school, something a satire outsider would never dare to do
was well-known around the school for someone who didn't go there
the best by far if i do say so myself lol
right off the bad, thing hates all of the cussing
but..... baji has long hair, something you don't see often
so he tolerates it, hitting him a few times if he overdoes it
braids baji's hair, it's amazing
baji doesn't like thing, but holy shit does someone's hands running through your hair feel good
has a bromance going on, it's great
is completely fine when you're cold, tired, annoyed, or whatever
you have your own shit, he has his
likes how dark it is; it's a nice change from chifuyu's bright room
it's hard to adjust to the different colors, but he adjusts quite nicely
he used to get called "freak show" at his old school due to his shoe choice, so your relationship was a keeper
he was glad that you, and thing, appreciated him for who he was, even if you had a hard time expressing it
he loves dancing with you, don't lie
he even made your dress AND made it match his suit?!
Koko is a bit jealous.....oops
thing likes his shoes though, what can he say?
a very bright person
yellows, a few pastels, just liked to air away from plain black
but for some reason, the one person everyone was weirded out by (you) was someone he also liked who wore black
peke j likes you, so you're a keeper
he enjoys when you play music, it's just so dramatic
and he dances with thing and peke j
can't dance to save his life, but hey, he's laughing and having a good time, something most people didn't do with your vibe
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aikoiya · 7 months
LoZ Prompt - The Heart of the Heroine (Yan!GanonxFem!Half-Sheikah Link Reader)
TW: Noncon, Stockholm, Lima, brainwashing, death, panic attacks, & madness. Possible tragic end.
Where Ganon has won, both Zelda & Link are dead, but Link took his Triforce piece with him in death, so Ganon has to search for it. He uses Black Magic to stay alive, young, & strong.
The Reader was born with the Triforce of Courage bound to her more tightly than any before.
When he finds her, he senses the Triforce in her & kidnaps her, but no matter what he does, he can't remove it from her & it isn't responding to him.
Ganondorf learns from his sorcerers that the Hero placed a seal upon the piece with his dying breath that would make it so it can't be retrieved from a corpse, so if he ever plans to get it, it must be with her alive or he'll have to go looking for it again.
So, Ganon decides that if he cannot have the Triforce of Courage, then he will simply have to settle for possessing the Heroine as his slave.
Which is what Reader becomes.
I see this becoming something of a Beauty & the Beast meets Stardust situation, but much darker.
Reader is spunky, determined, & defiant with eyes sharp like a predator. Sometimes even downright feral & is likely to try & bite & claw at Ganon for his troubles. (I can definitely see them bickering like an old married couple in the end.) A real spitfire that bears the unnatural talent for fighting & the understanding of weapons that all past Heroes were known for. Though, while she is strong like past Heroes, she is not quite as much so as previous ones due to her sex. However, she makes up for it with an unnatural agileness, flexibility, & stealth that makes her difficult to keep a hold of & fight back against.
Perceptive & observant, Ganon often feels like she's dissecting him from a distance & it makes him uneasy.
She's also quite intelligent, logical, & a master debator.
A year or so later, his sorcerers discover that the only way he can obtain control of the Triforce of Courage is by possessing her heart.
As a sick fuck, he naturally assumes that it means he needs to cut out her heart & eat it while still somehow managing to keep her alive, but by that point, he'll have developed an obsession with her & taken her into his bed, making her his favored concubine. (Yes, I do mean rape. It's gross-nasty, but in this situation, I see Ganondorf being the sort who would get a sick satisfaction out of dominating the Heroine who was meant to kill him.)
He sort of waffles about it before deciding that he can simply wait for her to grow old & lose her beauty & usefulness as a bitch before doing the deed.
Eventually, more will be learned & it'll be revealed that the requirement wasn't literal, in so much that he needs her to fall in love with him. At which point, she'll freely give her heart to him in a figurative sense, thus giving him ownership of the Triforce piece bound to it, which will let him make the wish he wanted. However, making said wish will kill her.
Asshole doesn't even hesitate.
Initially, he uses a love potion on her, but all it does is make her adoring, submissive, & obedient. Turns out, the love must be genuine & such potions are, by their very nature, false & effectively halt the development of actual emotional attachments, so he's forced to have an antidote made. (Which takes at least a month, during which he finds that he has mixed feelings about the enchanted infatuation. On the one hand, he likes how affectionate, agreeable, & downright eager she's become to please him. On the other hand, he'd liked her feistiness, biting wit, & how she used to challenge him.) Which, once Reader realizes what the asshole did, she'll be pissed!
Either way, Ganon really switches gears upon learning how he can get his wish. Still abusive & dominant, but he's at least trying to make an effort to be... agreeable? He also makes an effort to be flirty & charming. Dude even takes advice from the few subservient to him that are in successful relationships to try & exploit how such love works. Which include several Gerudo & the entirety of the Yiga.
Who have basically replaced the Hylians as the majority while the Hylians & Sheikah have been made into slaves. Their males tend to only have 3 options in life: serve Ganondorf as part of his army, menial labor, or breeding studs for the next generation of Gerudo. This typically results in them becoming sex slaves, prostitutes, & concubinusi (male concubines).
And those men who join the army & catch too much attention as warriors are still liable to be made into a concubinus in the harem of a high-ranking Gerudo in an effort to make strong Vai for the next generation. In many ways, if you are born a male Hylian or Sheikah, you're effed.
Most men upon being selected for a Gerudo's personal harem, can only hope to woo her so that she may choose him as her husband.
Interesting thing, the conquering of Hyrule wasn't just bad for Hyruleans, but also the Gerudo culturally. As it has resulted in them losing sight of one of their most sacred beliefs: monogamy & partner exclusivity. Though many of the lower & middle class Gerudo still practice these things, the Gerudo elite have become swollen with arrogance & pride, thus resulting in them forsaking their race's beliefs in pursuit of their own pleasures. As such, more & more Gerudo have begun to take multiple husbands. Beforehand, even just 2 spouses were enough to get side-eye & whispers, while 3+ was considered folly. Now-a-days, it isn't unheard of for most elite Vaien to have 3 husbands.
One thing that is still sacred is the dismissing of one's harem upon engagement. Though there have been 1 or 2 who have tried to keep theirs even after marriage which, in the past, would've been unheard of & the sign of an addled mind. They would literally be condemned for insanity.
See, the Gerudo have always been sex positive, but culturally-speaking, there was a big difference between having fun & being lose with your body. And concubinusi & harems were considered perfectly fine so long as you weren't married, as marriage is considered a sacred commitment not to be trifled with.
The reason for this is due to infidelity being seen as a huge taboo amongst the Gerudo. To the point of death being considered an appropriate punishment. Which led to them accepting the Hyrulean goddess of love, passion, & pudicity, Karina (called Vah Kàvtrïna by the Gerudo), a long time ago.
Though, some good things have also come of it. Such as the Vaen of Talthïrï now being allowed to marry. (To learn about Vaen & their effects on the Gerudo culture, go to Vae & the Spring of Talthïrï. Be warned, it's kinda weird.)
Which, the sex industry is, unfortunately, flourishing. And the ancient Gerudo practice of Feminizing the Enemy is still alive & thriving.
Not to mention how Ganondorf has gone full colonialism. As in, he's burned Hyrulean churches & all their books. He's basically destroyed all Hyrulean religion & replaced them with Gerudo theology & books & temples. Though, he didn't even try to rewrite history. In fact, he makes it very abundantly clear that Hyrule was conquered & rather arrogantly dares anyone to even try to rebel against him.
Ganondorf very publicly revels in the fact that the Hylians know that they were once something more than what they are now & have since been reduced to slaves.
This was a full-scale hostile takeover where Ganondorf now rules as the God-Emperor of Hyland (the continent on which Hyrule can be found).
Anyway, in the course of making the Reader fall for him, Ganondorf will slowly grow to become more attached to her, enjoying her company & conversation, to the point where he's actively contemplating not making the wish. At times, he even feels slightly guilty for what he plans to do to her.
And it isn't even as though his plans are a secret. I mean, he never kept it hidden from her & neither did the Gerudo or Yiga under him. So, Reader is very aware what his goals are. And even though he hasn't said that he plans on killing her once her usefulness has ended, it's pretty damn obvious & Reader ain't naive or stupid.
Besides, Ganon's loyal minions often boast about how she'll be made an example of.
Moving on, this can either result in Lima Syndrome (for the good end) or full-on Stockholm (very bad angsty yandere, slightly psychological horror end). Or possibly starting off with Reader's ardent defiance, before going Stockholm, then slowly Lima works itself over on Ganon, but Reader becomes a broken shell of her former vibrancy & spiritedness due to his abuse & obsession. However, Ganon finds that he doesn't like this new, sad & emotionless, obedient version of the Vai & that he misses her lethal bards & fiery witicisms. Part of what initially sparks this dislike for her obedience & submissivness being that he can't get a good fight out of her anymore. She no longer even tries & essentially let's him win.
Same with whenever he has her play strategy games with him & even when he breeds her. She's just become a doll in his hold, one that keeps her eyes shut tight & bares with it until it's over even when he makes her look at him, it's evident that her vigor is gone. Keeping herself silent all throughout. Which, if he's being honest, actually freaking stings his pride as he comes across as the type who takes a lot of pride in being a spectacular lover who can drag the most wanton of sounds from his partner. He'd especially taken joy in hers.
As such, Ganondorf finds himself beginning to try & put her broken pieces back together & through that, he begins to legitimately fall in love. But this might become a double-edged sword as, by beginning to actually care about her, he could become all the more possessive of her & begin to become extremely protective of her, to the point where he might become a different kind of abusive. The more subversive & devious kind. In such a situation, he turns from an unrepentant & sadistic yandere to what is termed a "soft" yandere, meaning he begins to feel guilty for the things he does to her. (Though, that doesn't mean that he stops.)
Either way, he claims her as his property outright.
Or, if we wanna go super-duper angsty, maybe he still decides to go through with his plan, but if the writer goes that direction, I'd kinda like to see Ganon regret it to his dying day. (Not for abusing her, mind, just for killing her. That'd be way too much of a heel-face turn for this specific Ganon.) Like, make it a Pyrrhic victory. Whether because him being in charge eventually leaves him as the king of a barren wasteland or because Reader's memory haunts him. Or possibly both. Like, make him legit mourn for her & feel deeply guilty, but perhaps too proud to acknowledge it or even understand that he does feel guilty. Maybe he goes more than a little cray-cray & sees her everywhere like how Jinx from Arcane sees Mylo & Claggor. Then, when the next Link appears, all he can do is compare the Hero or Heroine to Reader (mentally & verbally) & it really makes him look off his rocker. Hell, maybe he goes looking for the other Triforce pieces again specifically to bring her back to life so he can keep her for himself? Which, let's be honest, would just be salt in the wound.
It'd basically cement how she'd be unable to escape & her only hope was that she'd grow old or sick & die. She may even go insane.
Whatever the writer prefers.
Either way, I'd like to see him take her as his queen at some point. Whether or not it's of her own free will & if it's become a semi-healthy relationship by that point is entirely up to whoever's writing.
I imagine it taking between a decade & several hundred years to get to the end if you go the extra mile.
In the case that Ganon goes through with it, the moment he obtains the final piece of the Triforce, he feels a surge of triumph. Of accomplishment & adrenaline.
Ganondorf's time was at hand. There was only one last obstacle between him & his destiny.
And in that moment, he sees the expression on the would-be Heroine's face. Though oddly stoic in the same way her predecessor had been where she normally wasn't.
Even still. He'd known her so long that he could read the minute signs of what she was feeling.
Sad acceptance. Pained defeat. Expectancy. Heartache.
Coming doom…
He'd placed that look upon her face & it caused his heart to clench strangely.
*He loved her… He loved her so much… but that hunger gnashed its teeth for more power from within his mind.*
Irrationally irritated, Ganon turned away from her. “You knew this was coming. It's your own fault for falling for the enemy…” He said dismissively.
“... I know…” The tiny sound of her voice was paradoxically emotionless & broken. It caused an odd stutter in his chest.
With that, Ganondorf makes his wish & the moment after the words left his lips he could feel the power sweep over all around him & with it came elation. Instinctively, he prepared to turn to his little Heroine in a gilded cage to boast to her as he always did when he was successful at something, but then a heavy thud sounded behind him, causing his mind to pause & catch up with him. There was suddenly a strange feeling of loss & absence.
The giant of a man almost couldn't look at her, but when he did, he found her crumpled on the ground & unbearably still as he knew she would be.
And like chips appearing in a column that bears too much weight, fissures began to appear in the normally cold & stalwart structure of his heart. It seemed that her face was frozen in a position of crestfallen resignation in preparation of a foreseen & dreaded, yet inevitable occurrence.
He swallowed thickly, shaking slightly from some heretofore unfelt distress before turning away & leaving her body there in the dark.
In the end, Ganon had one of his Yiga assassins deal with her. But then he'd caught sight of where he was headed with a bundled white sheet.
The furnace…
And an odd, primal panic & fury came over the now king of all.
G: “Did I tell you to burn her?!”
Y: “N-no, my lord.”
G: “Then, what did you think you were doing?!”
Y: “I… my apologies, Sire. I just assumed… She was the Hero destined to kill you, so I was following the procedure for disposing of enemy corpses.”
Dark power exploded around him like fire. A living shadow.
And he slaughtered the assassin before gently taking the sheet-covered body into his bloodstained arms.
As he lifted her up, the sheet fell off her head & he saw that she was beginning to show signs of degradation.
It was like an icicle shot through his chest as he looked down at his dead concubine. She was so cold now where she'd once been warm & so very alive & vibrant.
And she appeared so much smaller than she'd ever seemed before…
She'd always felt so much larger than life.
It was… disquieting to see her so still & quiet.
Ganondorf trembled silently as he stared at her.
He shook himself.
She'd been a means to an end.
Always had been. From the very beginning, thus was what he'd planned to do.
And it'd been worth it.
He was King of Hyrule.
Not just king, but the Emperor of Hyland. Practically a God! The whole continent bowed before him or ran in fear.
It was worth it.
Ganondorf began to wash his hand frequently.
He buried her in the garden. In her favorite spot. Where he'd often found her sitting beneath the Satori Tree, just listening to the birds.
He held no funeral, but his heart seemed to mourn all the same.
Ganon almost immediately noticed how different the castle seemed without his little prize.
Had it always been so quiet before her?
And his bed seemed so much bigger & emptier &... colder now…
Had she really become such an enormous part of his life?
He suddenly didn't know what to do with himself without her there. He could always conquer another kingdom but... It was just more of the same...
It was like he'd lost something vital. Something that had become an integral part of his life was now glaringly absent.
He struggled with sleeping. Whenever he closed his eyes, he saw her crumpled form & face in death engraved on the inside of his eyelids.
Holding the pillow she used to use helped somewhat…
Until her scent faded from it. Then he went searching for anything that she'd come into contact with.
All the clothes she'd worn, her scented oils, her jewelry. All of it.
And he placed a spell upon them all to extend the length of time that they'd retain her smell.
Before long, he began using the bathing products that she once used in an effort to keep some semblance of her scent with him.
Even wearing some of her jewelry.
Ganon had his minions diligently keep the garden well taken care of. Especially the area around her grave.
At some point, it struck him.
Why was it that he was more miserable after achieving his life-long goal than he was before?
Why could he never be happy??
She was the closest he ever really got.
Slowly, over the coming years, her scent began to fade, though the time it took was supernaturally extended.
And Ganondorf found himself falling into a sort of fog where he refused to think about her.
Yet, at the same time, desperately clung to items that she'd been fond of or that reminded him of her.
To the point of hoarding them in her old room from before he had her relocated to his.
Almost turning it into a sort of very sad, twisted little shrine.
Then… her scent faded altogether… That's when it struck the Gerudo square in the chest with the force of a Lynel's kick.
She was gone…
And he'd killed her…
A Gloom fell upon him.
He suddenly couldn't breathe.
Sound began to get fuzzy.
Then he remembered that hers was the soul of the Hero. To whom he was eternally bound as enemies. It was her destiny to find him again to try & take from him his kingdom.
Maybe. Perhaps.
He could see her again?
From that moment on, he anxiously awaited the coming of the next Hero.
Only for when the time came, to find a Hero, not a Heroine.
One so completely unlike his caged bird that Ganon had to push down his disappointment.
Then… for some reason. All he felt was rage.
He didn't even wait for a sporting fight, Ganon just executed the boy & began to wait for the next Hero & hoped for something that he knew deep inside would not happen.
Lifetimes passed with multiple Heroes & Heroines, some like her in some ways, others in other ways, & others not at all. But not a single one had that same spark that Ganon had so admired.
There was always something just… not quite right about them.
And he always made such abundantly clear to the new “Heroes.”
He honestly sounded quite mad in his ramblings.
He became obsessed.
And with every lifetime that passed, the once verdant & green landscape of Hyrule began to wither into a barren wasteland not unlike the desert home he'd come from.
For he'd never stopped his minions from raiding or pillaging. Never stopped them from killing the farmers & other civilians for it was now “a place where only the strong could survive.” So, the people began to leave when they could or else die off. And with no one left to kill besides roaming, warring tribes of jaded vaggabonds & scarred survivors, the monsters moved on to destroying all else around them.
Not to mention how the birth rate had plummeted along with the survival rate for children. Meanwhile, the rate of miscarriages as well as the infant mortality rate had both soared. After all, what is weaker than an infant?
With every subsequent generation, there were fewer & fewer. So, the few who had stayed in Hyrule struggled with even starting a family & many died childless.
Not to mention the fact that constant conflict really isn't the most ideal situation for a society to progress or even civilization in-general. Because anything you build is liable to be destroyed.
It wasn't until 800 years later that Ganon realized; what was the point?
The desert had followed him. This was no longer the Golden Land he once sought so ardently. More so an extension of the no man's land from which he came.
What even was "Hyrule" without it's people or it's lush greenery?
A pile of dirt with a fancy name. Utterly worthless...
Once more, he had ruined something beautiful in his pursuit of power. And his desire for a world where only the strong survived, had been what salted the earth.
At some point, Ganondorf snaps.
He wanted her back!
He needed her back!
Why wasn't she coming back???
Didn't she love him?!?!
She gave him her heart! So she must've!
Eventually, the panic began to creep in again.
Once more he couldn't breathe.
The emptiness. The absence. The loneliness. The unbearable guilt & regret.
Everything was so…
He felt both exposed & suffocated.
Darkness seemed to creep around his vision as his fingertips went numb, then slowly moved up his arms, & the same words from before repeated brokenly in his head.
She's gone… She's gone. She's gone. She'sgOnEsHe'sGoneShe'SgonEshE'sgoNe!
She. Is. GONE.
Then the final blow struck.
He would never see her again as she was before he KilLeD her.
It was the first time he could ever remember crying.
He would get her back!
If he got his caged bird back, everything would fix itself.
He… the Triforce!
A deranged grin spread across his face.
He would wish her back!
He just had to find the pieces again!
He could… He could wish her her own soul, one separate from the Hero of Legend!
I'm going for a feeling of creeping regret & despair. Where it doesn't immediately hit him how monumental of a mistake he made. Like, not just by killing Reader, but his wish & even his entire ideology.
Then, suddenly, the fact that he'll never, ever see Reader again or hear her voice or hold her in his arms as she had been before death touched her… That even if he manages to wish her back, she'll forever be touched by what he'd done.
And it's too much. Something inside him breaks irreparably.
When he wishes her back, I want Ganon to immediately place an unbreakable curse upon their souls. She would be the Heroine & she would always be born alongside the Hero as his sister. Whether twin or elder mattered little. That way, one way or another, Ganondorf would always be able to find her just by locating her brother.
And they would always be drawn together as not even death would keep them apart!
In the end, he eventually comes to really love her. But it's a broken, twisted kind of love.
I'm really going for deranged madman here.
LoZ My Fanfic Masterlist
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The Daughter of Poseidon: Chapter Seven
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Waves swooshed back and forth. Seagulls sang in the distance.
Della opens her eyes to see an island. Not just any island, Circe’s Island. She hasn’t been here…since she was thirteen.
Three figures stand off in the distance. Young Della, Percy, and Annabeth.
Della moves closer to them.
“Well, I suppose…” Past Annabeth and Della said.
“Right this way dears!” Hylla said. She leads them away from Percy.
Della follows them.
It skipped forward a bit to young Della in a chair.
Annabeth seated behind her. Her hair combed into an old Greecian hairstyle. She looked like Helen of Troy. Her curly brown hair was wrapped in gold with a few stray curls framing her face.
Young Della wore a light blue lagoon gown and two gold armbands. Two girls combed and braided her wavy blonde hair.
“Ah..there we go,” Hylla said. “A look just as perfect as a goddess. Are you sure you’re a daughter of Poseidon? I think Aphrodite would envy your beauty if she doesn’t already.”
Time sped up again.
This time Young Della and Annabeth stood in a room facing a cage of guinea pigs. They tried to figure out which one was Percy.
“Well,” Circe sighed, “How fast a minute passes. Have you made your decision yet?”
“This!” Annabeth held out her dagger.
Della pointed Leda at her.
Circe stepped back, but the surprise passed quickly.
“Really girls, a knife and a blade against my magic?”
The scene paused.
Circe angles her head towards me. “Ah, look at you, my dear! Just as beautiful as the day you fled my island.”
Della glances uncertainly at Circe. “What do–”
“Oh, I want nothing from you dear. You are Hera’s gamble now.”
“Yes, how I wished you and the Athena girl stayed. Would have made beautiful sorceresses indeed. But your fate is set in stone.” The sorceress places something in Della’s hand.
Della opened her hand to see a very old Greek coin with Poseidon on it. Circe had fashioned it into a necklace.
“We don’t have much time,” Circe mumbles, “Remember Adella Jackson you are a daughter of Poseidon, much different than Perseus. You are not his shadow young one. I have seen your future…you are more powerful than you know. Now Wake up!”
Della wakes up to Jason shaking her. She opens her hand to find Circe’s necklace. She quickly fastens it around her neck. 
Below them, a city sat on a clifftop overlooking a river. The plains around it were dusted with snow, but the city itself glowed warmly in the winter sunset. Buildings crowded together inside high walls like medieval town. In the center was an actual castle, with massive red brick walls and a square tower with a peaked green roof.
“Tell me that’s Quebec and not Santa’s workshop,” Leo says.
“Yeah Quebec City,” Piper confirms. “One of the oldest cities in North America. Founded around sixteen hundred or so.”
Leo raises an eyebrow, “Your dad do a movie on that too?”
She makes a sour face at him. “I read sometimes, okay? Just cause Aphrodite claimed me doesn’t mean I’m a complete airhead!”
“Feisty,” Leo laughs. “So if you know so much, what’s that castle?”
“A hotel, I think.”
“No way,” Leo laughs.
The closer they got Della notices doormen, vallets, and porters taking bags. Sleek luxury cars idle in the drive. People in elegant suits and winter cloaks hurry to get out of the cold.
“The North Wind is staying at a hotel?” Leo asks, “That can’t be–”
“Heads up guys we got company!” Jason interrupts.
Down below two winged figures–angry angels, with nasty-looking swords launch themselves from the top of the tower.
Festus does not like the looks of the angel guys. He swoops to a halt in midair, wings beating and talons bared, and he makes a rumbling noise in his throat.
“Steady, boy,” Leo says.
“I don’t like this they look like storm spirits,” says Jason.
“Ummm,” Della says, “They look too solid to be storm spirits.”
They look like regular teenagers, except for their icy white hair and purple wings. Their bronze swords appear like jagged icicles. The two could pass for brothers, they were similar enough, but there was no way they were twins.
One was the size of an ox, with a bright red hockey jersey, baggy sweatpants, and black cleats. This guy is definitely a fighter both his eyes were black as though he’d just been in a fight. It didn’t help when he bared his teeth some of them were missing.
The other one looks like an eighties rock album cover. His white hair styled into a curly mullet. He wore pointy-toed shoes, designer pants, and a gods-awful silk shirt with three buttons open.
The angels pull up and hover in front of the dragon.
“No clearance,” grunts the hockey ox.
“Scuse me?” asks Leo.
“You have no flight plan on file,” explains the groovy love god. His French accent is horrible it has to be fake. “This is restricted airspace.”
Festus begins to hiss steam, ready to defend the demigods. Jason flips his coin to reveal his sword. Della taps Leda’s beak twice to reveal a spear.
“Hold on!” Leo cries. He spreads his arms out. “Let’s have some manners here. Can I at least find out who has the honor of destroying me?”
“I am Cal!” the ox grunts. He has a look of pride like he’d said his lines correctly.
“That’s short for Calais,” the love god sighs, “Sadly, my brother cannot say words more than two syllables–”
“Pizza! Hockey! Destroy!” Cal offers.
“–which includes his own name.”
“I am Cal,” Cal repeats, “And this is Zethes! My Brother!”
“Wow,” Leo says, “That was almost three sentences! Way to go my man!” Cal grunts obviously pleased with himself.
“Stuupid Buffon,” Zethes grumbles, “They make fun of you. But no matter. I am Zethes, which is short for Zethes. And the ladies there–”
He winks but it appears more like a facial seizure.
“They can call me anything they like. Perhaps they would like to have dinner with a famous demigod before we destroy you?”
Piper makes a sound like gagging on a cough drop, “That’s truly…a horrifying offer.”
“I think I’ll pass,” Della coughs.
“It is no problem,” Zethes wiggles his eyebrows, “We are very romantic people, we Boreads.”
“Boreads?” Jason cuts in, “Like the sons of Boreas?”
“Ah! So, you have heard of us!” Zethes smiles. “We are our father’s gatekeepers. So, you understand we cannot have unauthorized people flying in his airspace on creaky dragons, scaring the silly mortal people.”
Della glances down to see mortals pointing up at them. Though they weren’t scared, no, they seemed annoyed, like the dragon was a traffic helicopter flying too low.
“Which is sadly why, unless this is an emergency landing,” Zethes says, brushing his hair out of his acne-covered face, “We will have to destroy you painfully.”
“Destroy!” Cal agrees way too enthused by the idea.
Della clutches Leda a little more.
“Wait!” Piper says, “This is an emergency landing.”
“Awww,” Cal says.
Zethes studies Piper, which he already had been doing. “How does the pretty girl decide this is an emergency then?”
“We have to see Boreas. It’s totally urgent! Please?” She puts a smile on her beautiful face. Her voice sounds smooth and rich like chocolate. Damn, Aphrodite kids. Piper nudges Della to follow her example.
Della lowers Leda just a bit and smiles just a bit.
Zethes picks at his shirt, probably to make sure it is opened wide enough. “Hate to disappoint ladies, but you see, my sister would totally have an avalanche if we allowed you–”
“Our dragon is malfunctioning!” Piper says, “It could crash at any minute!”
Festus shudders trying to help. Then turned to spill gunk out of his ear, splattering on a black Mercedes down below.
“No, destroy?” Cal whimpers.
Zethes ponders this for a moment then glances up at Della and Piper. He winks again. “Well, you are both very pretty. I mean–you’re right. A malfunctioning dragon, this could qualify as an emergency.”
“Destroy them later?” Cal offers.
“It will take some explaining,” Zethes says, “Father has not been kind to visitors lately. But, yes. Come, follow us, faulty dragon people. Follow us.”
Leo turns to the rest of his party, “I love these guys! Follow them?”
Della, Jason, and Piper exchange looks of dread.
“I guess,” Jason decides, “We’re here now. But I wonder why Boreas hasn’t been kind ot visitors.”
Della taps Ledas beak. “You’ll find that’s a recurring theme on quests.”
“Pfft, he just hasn’t met us yet. Festus follow those flashlights,” Leo says.
Leo manuvers Festus to follow the Boreads. After a few close turns, they descend after them into the tower through a hatch wide enough for Festus. The top and bottom were lined with icicles that resembled jagged teeth.
“That can’t be good,” Jason mutters.
The land in what must be the penthouse suite. The penthouse suite frozen in ice. The entry hall’s vaulted ceiling was forty feet high. Huge draped windows and lush orientals lined the room. A staircase at the back of the room leads to another massive hall, and multiple corridors venture left and right. The ice made it feel just a tad frightening.
“Guys,” Leo says, “Fix the thermostat in here, and I would totally move in.”
“Somethings–” Della starts.
“...Wrong,” says Jason, “Something up there.”
Festus shudders and snorts flames. Frost begins forming on his scales.
“No. No. No. We can’t have flames in here!” Zethes says. He marches over to them. “The Dragon must be deactivated. We cannot have heat in here. I truins my hair.”
“Like that’ll make a difference,” Della whispers to Piper.
She stifles a giggle in her hand.
Festus growls and spins his teeth.
“S’okay boy,” Leo says, “The dragon’s a little touchy about being deactivated. But I’ve got a better solution.”
“Destroy?” Cal asks.
“No man. You gotta stop with the destroy talk. Just wait–”
“Leo,” Della says nervously, “What’re you–”
“Relax, Katara,” Leo says, “When I was repairing Festus last night, I found all sorts of buttons. Some, you do not want to know what they do. But other…ah, here we go.”
Leo hooks his fingers behind the dragon’s left foreleg. He pulls a switch, and the dragon shudders from head to toe. Everyone backs away as Festus folds like origami. His bronze plating stacks together. His tail and neck contract into his body. His wings collapse and his trunk compacts until he is the size of a suitcase.
“Ta-da! The world’s heaviest carry-on bag!” Leo says.
“That’s impossible something that big–” Jason says.
“Enough! Zethes says. He and Cal drew their swords and pointed them at Leo.
Della reaches for Leda and taps her beak unleashing the sword.
Leo raises his hand in surrender. “Okay…what’d I do? Stay calm, guys. If it bothers you that much, I don’t have to take the dragon as a carry-on–”
“Who are you?” Zethes points the tip of his blade at Leo’s chest. “A child of the South Wind spying on us?”
“What? No! I’m a son of Hephaestus, a friendly blacksmith, no harm to anyone!”
Cal growls. He puts his face up to Leo’s. “Smell fire. Fire bad.”
“Oh,” Leo says. The poor boy has sweat dripping down his forehead. “Yeah well…my clothes are singed, I’ve been working with oil, and–”
“No!” Zethes pushes Leo back at sword point. “We can smell fire, demigod. We assumed it was from the creaky dragon, but now the dragon is a suitcase. And I smell fire…on you.”
Della glances at Leo who looks ready to melt like the Wicked Witch of the West.
“Look…I don’t know…” He glances at the rest of the group. “Guys, little help?”
Jason already had his gold coin in hand. He glances at Della who holds her sword in hand. Jason moves forward, eyes on Zethes.
“Look there’s been a mistake. Leo isn‘t a fire guy. Tell them, Leo. Tell them you’re not a fire guy.”
“Zehtes?” Piper tries her dazzling smile again. However, she looks too nervous to pull it off. “We’re all friends here. Put down your swords and let’s talk.”
“This girl is pretty,” Zethes admits, “and of course, she cannot help being attracted to my amazingness. Sadly, I cannot romance her at this time.” He pokes his sword into Leo’s chest and frost begins to spread across his shirt.
“Destroy him now?” Cal asks.
“Sadly, I think–”
“No,” Jason insists. He sounds calm, but Della knew this tone. It’s a tone she’s heard Percy, Annabeth, and even herself use. A tone that means ‘one wrong move and I will destroy you.’
“Leo is not a threat. He is a son of Hephaestus. Piper here is a daughter of Aphrodite. Della’s the daughter of Poseidon. And I’m a son of Zeus. We are here on a peaceful–”
“What did you say?” Zethes demands. You’re a son of Zeus?”
Della points Leda at Zethes. “What about it.”
“Ummm…yeah, that’s a good thing, right? My name is Jason.” Jason holds an arm out to keep Della from advancing on the pair of idiots.
Cal appears so startled he almost drops his sword. “Can’t be Jason,” he says. “Doesn’t look the same.”
Zethes steps forward and examines Jason’s face. “No, he is not our Jason. Our Jason was more stylish. Not as much as me–but stylish. Besides, our Jason died a milienna ago.”
“Wait,” Jason says. “Your Jason…you mean the original Jason? The Golden Fleece guy?”
“Of course,” says Zethes. “We were his crewmates abroad the Argo, in the old times when were mortal demigods. The we accepted immortality to serve our father, so I could look goo for all eternity, and my brother could enjoy pizza and hockey.”
“Hockey!” Cal agrees.
“But Jason, our Jason–he died a mortal death,” Zethes says, “You can’t be him.”
“I’m not,” Jason confirms.
“So, destroy?” Cal asks.
Della steps next to Jason her sword at the ready.
Jason gives her a look of not yet.
“No,” Zethes sighs. “If he is a son of Zeus, he could be the one we’ve been watching for.”
“Watching for?” Leo asks. “You mean like in a good way like you’ll shower him with fabulous prizes? Or watching for in a bad way like he’s in trouble?”
“That depends on my father’s will,” says a feminine voice.
Della glances up the stairs to see a girl about her age in a long silk gown. The girl is so pale she resembles snow. Her hair was a lush mane of black, and her eyes were coffee brown. The girl focuses on Leo analyzing him. The air she gave was cold and it wasn’t just because of the apartment’s frigid temperatures.
“Father will want to see the one called Jason,” she says. 
“Then it is him?” Zethes says.
Leo grabs the handle of Festus the suitcase. Before he can make it two steps, the girl freezes him in his steps. Not with ice but with the intensity of her gaze.
“Not you Leo Valdez.”
“Why not?” Leo whines like he actually whines.
“You cannot be in the presence of my father. Fire and ice it would not be wise.”
“We’re going together,” Jason says. He places his hand on Leo’s shoulder. “Or not at all.”
Della gives Jason a look. This wasn’t an ideal situation, but it was the best offer they would get. “Don’t test our luck Wonder Boy.”
“Listen to your friend, he will not be harmed Jason Grace, unless you make trouble. Calais, keep Leo Valdez here, Guard him, but do not kill him.”
“Just a little?” Cal pouts.
“No,” the girl says, “And take care of that interesting suitcase until Father passes judgment.”
Jason and Piper look at Leo asking the silent question: How do you want to play this?
“It’s fine guys,” Leo says, “Della’s right, this is the best way not to cause trouble. Go ahead.”
Della taps Leda’s beak returning the sword to pendant form. She pats Leo on the shoulder. “Be careful, don’t let him push you around,” she whispers.
“Leo Valdez will be safe. I wish I could say the same about you, Jason Grace. Now come, King Boreas is waiting.”
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watanabes-cum-dump · 11 months
Random HCs abt command but specifically Hassen and Nikola
Note: “Command” just sort of refers to the people who hand out missions. So Celica, Asimov, Nikola and Hassen
Okay okay so Nikola very obviously Slavic coded, I think Russian bc he’s immune to the cold lol like in Luna’s interlude he’s watching Lucia train in the snow in nothing but a SUIT. That out of the way
A friend suggested that Hassen is Pakistani American and honestly? I can get behind that. I do think he’s only half tho bc this guy is a white man 💀 I’m sorry but being raised in an orphanage did not help him.
Nobody in command can cook. Absolutely nobody. Except for Celica. Bc that girl can do everything
I also think that Celica can speak like five different languages. She’s just built like that
I think it’d be funny if Celica is trying to explain something and she just blanks and forgets how to explain it in all five languages.
Nikola gains an accent when he’s really angry. It’s like a scale the angrier he gets the more Russian he gets. (idk but personally I gain a weird Filipino accent when I’m frustrated does this happen to anyone else?) If anyone hears him yelling in Russian they better hide because Nikola does not yell
Oh yeah and on that, I don’t think Nikola yells. Yes he’s very menacing and scary and you know when he’s mad, but he never yells. And it’s because he has a nice, tight lid and control over his emotions. Basically you REALLY have to screw up in order for him to yell at you.
Hassen is scary for a different reason and that is that he’s super patient. When he’s mad he’s twice as a scary because once again, you have to really fuck up. He can tolerate A LOT but the scariest thing in the world is an angry Hassen because it’s probably very justifiable
I think this is somewhat in part to him actually being rather cunning. I think he can be quite manipulative as well and that’s where he gets the patience from
Asimov canonically having an attitude is kinda funny to me. Everyone else is stepping on eggshells around the president and commander but Asimov’s unhinged ass is out here like “Uh yeah, so here’s the thing; you’re fucking wrong”
I think the little nerd is feisty and he’s a a little smug about it because he knows that he’s usually right
I genuinely think Hassen and Nikola are friends. You can pry this from my cold dead hands but they’ve known each other forever and they are both the leaders of the Kurono hate club. They trust each other so much I just know it
Nikola has siblings and they’re all high ranking Kurono members
Nikola strikes me as a rich boy that was funnelled into politics and shady business by his parents. Idk he gives that vibe
Asimov has a sweet tooth. Maybe because it helps him stay awake idk.
Hassen keeps alcohol in his office. It’s not even like a nice wine or anything it’s just cheap beer
Asimov has a dark sense of humour. I just feel like he cracks some very out of pocket jokes sometimes
I know Hassen is good with kids it is written all over him
I like to think that surprisingly, Asimov is too. Hey, kids LOVE cool science he would be a neat baby sitter and they’d make one of those little baking sofa volcanoes or smth
Celica is not. She has no idea how to deal with the little suckers but they all like her anyways bc funny lady say funny words
I’m sorry but Nikola is last place here I don’t think he can deal with kids at all 💀 I feel like it could mostly be rooted in his guilt from helping Kurono get actual children to experiment on. Yeah he just cannot with children. He doesn’t hate them though
Anyways that was it for today’s episode of Kou’s Delusions hope you enjoyed it!
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pieroulette · 2 years
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🎬genre: reverse harem, romance, supernatural! au, modern au, orphans! enha
📜word count: 2.3k
🥀pairing: enha x fem! reader
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Few months had passed, with you staying in this mansion along with the kids who had now grown into the physical age of 12-13. You've done quite a good job in looking after them, and especially strictly following the rules. They also seem to have caught on that you weren't their mother, and the fact that they don't have names but they didn’t seem to care much about it which surprises you alot. Even though they look younger, they actually act more ‘mature’ than they look starting from the physical age of 7.
But still you have to address yourself as their ‘mother’ since it was basically the rule, and so the only way you could get around with that was simply calling them 'kid' or 'my child'.
Which sometimes makes you cringe.
And with the money that came along with the letter from the mailbox, you were able to support yourself by keeping some of the money since the kids don’t really crave solid or human foods most of the time and up until now though, you don’t know how they were feeding on energy or where they are getting it from because the letter didn’t specify what kind of energy it was however you often find some of them sitting against the wall with their eyes closed, and it often goes for hours and hours if not for you waking them up, so you were speculating that maybe, it was their way of ‘feeding’ on energy.
But oh well, at least you don’t have to spend so much money on them or even the basic stuff you had to teach a child like speaking or walking, since after all they weren’t humans and that never fails to surprise you whenever you see them do that. Which sometimes made you wonder why were you even here in the first place, do they really need a mother to look after them?
You also took note that the seven boys were highly different from each other, some of them were far too quiet than usual — which really reminds you that they weren’t human after all. But then some of them were far too noisy, almost acting like a normal human child. But even with their weirdness and non-human-like qualities, you found yourself caring for them and a bit protective over them.
Like when you saw baby 101501 who had been sleeping for months, as a toddler for the first time. The eyes he kept closed has finally opened, revealing his adorable doe eyes fixated on you. You felt your heart was about to explode when he immediately hid behind the curtains because you caught him eating sweets, and his adorable eyes still trying to peek at your tall figure, and the way his cheeks blushed with embarrassment when your eyes met with his. You immediately caught on that he was shy, but you really found it adorable and he was a bit clingy around you which you also got to admit, that made you grow to love him more.
But did they actually love you?
Well that, you weren’t quite sure. Just as they had different personalities, the way they act around you or to you were different as well. And you weren’t entirely sure if ‘love’ was part of their behaviour towards you, like 101501 or 062403. You also found that some of them weren’t entirely fond of you like 042402 and 111502, like you’ve also always tried your best to refer to yourself as ‘mother’ when talking to them because the rules strictly tell you to do so, but those two never called you ‘mother’. The two were also distant from you, often answering your questions with simple ‘yes’ and ‘no' which irks you sometimes.
And then the other two, 120802 and 120905; this duo are the loudest of them all, really acting like a human child. These two are feisty and hyperactive, often making a huge mess in the mansion. You thought you were free from ‘real children’ but turns out these two prove it to you otherwise. They never miss the chance to ask you if you could bring them with you outside which was a very big no.
Do not expose them to the outer world unless stated.
And your answer was met with tantrums. They’re also the pranksters as you call it, especially the blonde kid 120905 who pinched your sides the first time you got to know him, that kid isn't good news. The two actually sometimes call you ‘mother’ but then they proceed to throw random names at you like “woman” or “nanny”.
You feel like you wanna kick them on their butt for calling you that, you’ve taken care of them for a few months and they should at least call you ‘mother’. Ungrateful menace, and sometimes even the kid 111502 joins in with them and throws you an even more insulting name like ‘whore’.
Seriously what's up with that kid’s head, why can’t he just stay silent? His personality completely contradicts his innocent puppy looks, you swore you would rip off the number on his neck if he does it again.
But really why were you even thinking about it? And even more so, was it really something important to think about? The rules only instructed you to refer to yourself as ‘mother’, not that they really have to address you as their mother.
“Pfft, why am I thinking too much about this?” you let out a dry chuckle, “It’s not like they’re really my child.”
“Mother?” a soft voice called out for you making you turn immediately to see who it was, you looked down only to see the brown-haired child with appearances resembling a cat. Ah, you almost forgot about him; 020904, the very last of them to grow into a toddler. If the others was noisy and loud, or soft and shy or cold and distant — this boy was what you would call a perfect balance of all of them; mature and reliable, you were quite surprised of how he had such a high awareness towards himself and to his brothers, and how observant and caring he was when you accidentally got a paper cut and he immediately took your finger and tried his best to blow it off — wanting to ease the pain, or when he randomly told you to be careful around knives.
And the only one who seems to call you 'mother' with sincerity in his eyes.
“Oh, what is it? Is there something you want?" You bend down to level his small height, trying as best as you can to soften your voice.
“The bird is dead." He then shows you a bird on his palms, "Is it okay if we can bury it in our garden?"
You examined the dead bird for a minute and noticed that its wings were broken, which was probably the reason for its death. Poor bird.
"O-oh, of course." You smiled, putting your hands on his shoulder as you guided him to the garden. The sunlight peeping through the clouds and onto the both of you, making you feel the heat.
You then helped the boy in burying the bird, observing as he softly strokes the bird before gently placing it on the soil. The small gesture made you a bit happy, that even though he wasn't a human, at least he had a heart and compassion for those who weren't like him.
"Where did you find it, by the way?"
"When I was walking across the field, I saw it on the ground. It must've hit the tree, and so I was trying to save it by bringing it to our home but it was too late." He answered, eyes still fixated on the dead bird. His expression was gloomy than usual, which made you wanna do something to comfort him.
"I see.." but you have to admit you were bad at comforting people, and you were afraid you might make things worse than it was now if you said something. "It's okay, it's okay." was what you can only say as you gently pat him on the back, trying whatever you can to lighten up the mood.
"I'm sure it's in a better place right now, like in heavens y'know? At least it can fly freely and higher than he used to in this world.."
"Heavens? What is that, mother?" He looked at you with curiosity in his eyes. Ah shit. Wasn't there any book about heavens or hell in this mansion? You were sure there are some, or maybe you just didn't bother to check if there was. Great, now you have to explain to him about something you don't believe much either.
"Aaaah.." sighing through your nose, "It's a place where kind and good people and um.. animals lives after they die." you smiled awkwardly at the boy.
"Where is that place then, mother? Can we meet them?" tilting his head as his cat-like eyes fixated on you.
Shit, how are you gonna explain it to him?
You gave him a small smile, "We can't, once people die.. we can no longer meet them, speak to them nor touch them. And the place where they stay isn't anywhere around this world either."
His face falls, looking down to his hands upon hearing what you said, which makes you feel guilty for even telling him about it. Great, you did a great job in comforting him (Name), great job!
"Then, mother?"
"Then what do the heavens look like then? Is it beautiful?" He asked, seemingly hoping for something good to come out from you.
You give him a wide smile, "Yes of course, it's beautiful! Of course it does, kind people definitely deserve to be in a beautiful and cozy place.. Just like.. like-"
"Just like this garden?" he gestures at the flowers around you, in which you take your eyes off of him and around the garden. The sunlight reflecting on the pond in which the water in it sparkled like diamonds, and then on the brightly colored flowers that were dancing along with the soft breeze, giving the sweet smell of honey lingering in the air as the birds on the tree sang in their own language. The cool breeze passing through your hair along with the sunlight, making you feel a slight heat on the palm of your hand but just warm enough — giving you a peaceful and serene feeling.
You raise your eyes to look at the boy, and there the sunlight softly kisses his hair and down to his face, making him look so ethereal and angel-like, the colourful flowers on the greeny grass around him blends so perfectly around his figure that it almost make it seem like he was in a painting. No, he was the painting, he was the garden.
“Yeah, just like a garden..” the sight was so breathtaking, that you can’t take your eyes off of him.
Then the boy brings his attention back to you and for a split second, your breath hitched as your vision glitches into something odd and dreamlike view, it was like everything before you was bathed in some type of soft and hazy camera filter and then there was him. A taller and older image of him presented in front of you; brown wavy hair, cat-like eyes brimming with fondness and the light blush kissing the apples of his cheeks as his sweet pink lips curved into an angelic smile which was entirely for you, and only for you.
“Hm?” the younger image glitching with the older image of him tilted his head in curiosity, upon hearing the word. “Jungwon?”
Your eyes widened in fractions when you saw it, and then you were suddenly snapped back to the ‘real world’ as the dreamlike scenery in front of you slowly disappeared, ripping the older image of the boy in ashes as it slowly revealed the younger image of him back.
What was that?
“Is that my name, mother?”
Your mouth hangs low, trying to think of what to say as you were still astounded by what you had just seen. Then you look at the younger boy again. At that moment, the older image of him was so beautiful you forgot to breathe, the garden perfectly pieces with his own being making it seems like he was part of the garden, that he was the garden. A beautiful garden.
It perfectly suits him, the very image of what he’s going to become in the future. You’ve always wanted to give them a name, but the rules tolds you otherwise. Or was it?
They don't have names, only call them by their respective numbers
Only call them by their respective numbers, the rules say. But you’ve always wondered about this very rule ever since you read it, why would you only call them that? Why? Would there be any consequences for giving them a name? It’s just a name, a name that will perfectly describe their being. There surely won’t be something wrong with it, right? Right? It’s just one rule, right?
“Mother?” the boy calls for you again but with concern now painted on his face.
It’s just a name.
“Yes,” you genuinely smiled as there can’t be anything bad could happen just because you gave him a name, “Jungwon."
"That’s your name. It means garden.”
His cat-like eyes soon lit up in happiness the moment those words came out from your mouth, and his expression was replaced with a wide smile, something he rarely shows. The wind softly flowed past his hair as he took in his new name, “Jungwon, Jungwon.”
The sight made you giggle in happiness.
And unbeknownst to you, a pair of eyes were watching over you both through the window. Tilting his head in curiosity with his eyebrows knitted together, as he scratched his neck in annoyance, seemingly not happy with what he’s seeing right now.
“Jungwon, huh?”
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© sweetpieceofnightmarez, Oct 11th. 2022
-> secondary blog: @llyzblog
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