#doctor z
golden-golem · 2 months
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Inventor Xam had a life before the catastrophic event which damaged his face and his mind. He had another name which he had given himself. He was an eccentric genius with an unusual last name. It was shortened to Doctor Z. He specialized in bionics and was working on a council funded project to develop an asura who would not need a golem to overcome what untold dangers waited for them in the world. Such was his hubris that he conducted his work on his own son with the blessing of the child's mother. Both firmly believed in their project. However, once the Council began working on their relations with the other races in earnest, and abolished conducting experiments on sentient beings Doctor Z's project could not be allowed to continue. The Arcane Eye was sent out to erase evidence that the Council had once approved such an endeavor, as well any vestiges of the project itself. They disguised the deed as something so routine no one would question it; a lab accident. The explosions should have been powerful enough to end the Doctor Z, his family, his krewe and his life's work. Indeed the lab was completely leveled. While some data had been saved for the Council's own use, there was nothing left in the laboratory itself. But they could not account for Doctor Z's determination and inventiveness. His first priority had been his family. He searched the scalding rubble and discovered his wife who was partially crushed under it; their son was being shielded by her body. Badly burning his hands he saved him, managing to evacuate the infant in a self piloting golem suit before trying to rescue any krewe... But it would be too late for them, and time had run out for himself as well. He was caught in a final explosion , causing a traumatic head injury and burns which would leave scars over much of his body and mind for the rest of his life. The Doctor was allowed to live simply because the accident had left him less than a shadow of his former self. He could barely walk, or talk; he could not feed or dress himself. He could not even remember his own name, only ...the last sound he heard as the explosion took everything he knew away.
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dozing-composing · 6 months
OMG OMG HI, I love ur stuff sm!! Ur feeding my venture bros fixation again :] I was wondering if you can do platonic head canons for Dr. Z and a adopted teen reader :,)
EEEE! Thank You! I'm So Glad To Help Feed Your Fixation! We Need More Venture Bros Content In General.
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ᴅᴇꜰɪɴᴇᴅ ʙʏ ʟᴏᴠᴇ, ɴᴏᴛ ʙʏ ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ...
✦ His life was full of exploits and danger. But being a supervillain for as long as he has takes a lot out of you. He's been through plenty of adventures, however, there was something he felt was missing. ✦ He's been rivaling against Johnny for so long that he started to feel a kind of a paternal fondness for him. And then he realizes what he was wanting: to be a father. ✦ Adopting you was the best decision of his life. You were older, but that doesn't stop him from taking you under his wing. Many questions were asked upon meeting him. Some he answers, others will be answered in due time. But for now, you bond with your new family. ✦ He's not a strict parent, but there are boundaries and expectations you have to follow. The greatest one being to not ask about his job. He doesn't want you finding out about the Council in fear of you getting into trouble he somehow can't get you out of. ✦ He analyzes the ingredients in everything before giving it to you. Not only does he not want you to have an allergic reaction to something, but he's seen how drugs affect people. Certain chemicals are bad for the body and he wants you to be as clean as possible. ✦ You'll roast him and crack jokes with him that he will not understand. Give him time to look stuff up and he'll learn to cut up with you. ✦ Sending you to school was a tough choice for him to make. He could have homeschooled you and taught you everything you need to know. But you need those social skills and life experiences. He researches and finds the best school for you to attend. He'll always be there to help with projects and homework. You win at every science fair you participate in. ✦ He doesn't care how old you are. Before you go to bed, he'll hand you a cup of tea or cocoa and tell you stories about the adventures he went on. ✦ You changed his life for the better. You make him feel complete, whole. He hopes you feel the same way.
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donutdrawsthings · 3 months
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needless to say, the hype was rather short-lived for me... dkalfjdkslaf
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thefiresofpompeii · 3 months
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the big finish social media admin is actually my secret undercover identity
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i-like-media · 3 months
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Pokémon Legends Z-A Wishlist
Collecting Zygarde cells again like unknown in Legends Arceus
Please give pyroar and litleo a new form their designs are dookie...
Throwback to the photo mode introduced in X and Y but improved
Old style bicycles. like maybe even those with the large front wheel.
An elaboration on the ghost girl in Lumiose City
Spritzee but more sinister/plague doctor like >:o)
Beautiful locations with location specific vivillon to match
More megas, maybe for pokémon who used to live in old Kalos but aren't found there today (like in Legends Arceus)
Alpha Trevenant (I beg, they're so tiny in game...)
Return of fossil pokémon in some way (I am BEGGING)
The return of Volo would be fun
A Vincent van Gogh smeargle variant (I am begging on my KNEES)
A redesign or new model for Delphox that makes it look more fun
maybe some kind of elaboration for that mysterious power plant that's in Kalos in the future, which we never got answers for
an ancestor for Looker for literally no reason at all
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 months
Goodbye Akira Toriyama
I have heard the news of the tragic passing.
He was a great Mangaka, some say the best.
His works touched so many that went to create Manga, and other fiction.
I can not even properly explain how much his work touched me.
Thank you, Toriyama.
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crystalromana · 1 month
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Doctor Who am I
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paigesplatforms · 2 years
btw skipping triggering scenes in your favourite shows/movies doesn’t make you less of a fan. there are still scenes in multiple of my favourite shows that i cannot/have never watched, but i still love those shows with all of my heart.
whether it triggers past experiences and trauma, your fears, your sensory issues, your migraines, or it just gives you really bad second hand embarrassment. YOU ARE ALLOWED TO SKIPS SCENES IN YOUR FAVOURITE MEDIA
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rickardt · 3 months
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Rest in Peace, Akira Toriyama. While your works live on, your light and creativity will be missed.
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wolfofcelestia · 2 months
MC hiding little notes in Zayne's pockets and work bag that say things like
You're cute :3
I like your smile („• ᴗ •„)
Your hugs are so warm (//ω//)
And MC finding an elaborately decorated envelope on her desk, her name in beautiful calligraphy on the front, and inside is a whole essay about how much she means to him
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sometipsygnostalgic · 3 months
Day of international mourning: Akira Toriyama, the creator of DRAGON BALL and Doctor Slump has passed away.
He actually passed one week ago and it was announced today.
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Toriyama was also a character designer for Chrono Trigger and the Dragon Quest series, alongside Dragonball Z designer Tadoyoshi Yamamuro.
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He was about to launch a bizarre new dragonball super anime. Daima is now going to be the last major work of Toriyama's. He said he was a lot more involved with the short series than he was with Super itself, so i wasn't surprised to see it's very silly and lighthearted. As much as fans reject it - That's his style. It's what he loves doing.
To the world, Toriyama was the father of shonen manga. The unique tone of Dragonball and its intense fighting invented a whole new genre. Toriyama's panelling and art style is in many ways still unmatched, simple and chunky while also allowing for great detail, perfect to show off the best impact.
Read right to left:
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To me, Dragonball was the entire reason I picked up pens and started drawing at the age of 4.
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ourtubahero-blog · 1 year
If this is true, season 4 of Staged is going to be lit. Michael is going to be so upset.
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thecruellestmonth · 1 year
Jason's feelings about Sheila Haywood
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Batman #427 (1988)
"God, it must have been hard for you."
"...I'll save you... Mom..."
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Batman: Gotham Knights #44 (2003)
"...I love..."
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Batman #428 (1988)
"He threw... himself... in front... of me... in front of me... He took... the main brunt... of the blast... Such a... good boy... Must have... really... loved his... mother..."
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Deadman: Dead Again #2 (2001)
JASON: "It's weird--she betrayed me to the Joker. Got us both blown up--but I'm not mad at her. It wasn't really her fault--her whole life was screwed up. Things just... happened. [...] You gotta tell me--is she going to make it?"
DEADMAN: "She's fading pretty fast, kid--"
JASON: "No, I mean-- her soul. What's going to happen to her... afterward?"
DEADMAN: "That's not for me to decide."
SHEILA: "Jason tried to rescue me... We almost... made it... So close... He turned out to be such a good kid..."
JASON: "Thanks, Mom..."
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Batman Annual 25 (2006)
He remembered most of what happened. The search for his mother. Her betrayal. Joker. And his own murder.
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Task Force Z #8 (2022)
"I died trying to save someone I cared about."
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razs-archetype · 3 months
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formerlyz · 1 year
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I decided to make a little comic based on one of my Buddy Daddies Oneshots ❤️💙
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thefiresofpompeii · 18 days
if we’re going as meta as mr cowan is clearly asking us to go while engaging with his text… what does a ‘dictionary contributor’ actually do? they ‘add to the lore’ and, by doing so, seem to make tweaks and amendments to the history of the universe itself. they alter the fabric, a stitch unraveled here and there.
take a fictional universe, one very particular fictional universe even. a ‘head dictionary contributor’, then, becomes a showrunner/head writer. ‘assistant dictionary contributors’ can be read as being the authors of individual episodes or EU content
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remember the law? the current showrunner is always the worst, always the most hated.
during moffat’s era you would hear endless tirades about how he can’t write nuanced character dynamics (a shameless lie) or his writing’s too convoluted (not untrue, but not a negative either). then chibbers came along and he was treated like the spawn of the devil who ruined the show (somewhat fairly, that aside). everybody expected rtd2 to be the cure-all end-all be-all, but now, according to most of the fandom that populates twitter, the star beast was the worst of the worst and “chibnall wasn’t that bad actually”. and now most people think moffat was the best writer to ever grace the new era of the show with his presence…
the cycle goes on. the old Head Dictionary Contributor gets metaphorically torn to shreds and replaced, the new Head Dictionary Contributor builds upon the old lore and redacts and rewrites and erases and constructs a new mythology. his contributions get added to the ever-changing, ever-growing annals of history — known to some as TARDIS.wiki . a brand new starry-eyed Caretaker knocks on the door of the Internal Reference Room, starts scribbling in the book. it’s been laying on that wooden desk for sixty years, or six billion.
the Assistant Dictionary Contributors keep assembling our Tower of Babel. it’ll never crumble if we’re not constructing it with the intention of toppling the Gods themselves, right? and what’s a little hubris between friends?
peak postmodernism. this is what happens when a media universe becomes so large and expansive that it gains a will of its own. Borges would love Doctor Who. Mark Z. Danielewski too, maybe. don’t tell them. well, one of them’s dead. not like that matters in the grand scheme of things :)
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