#do you think if she walked somewhere really hot. would the outer layer of their skin melt and be less pointy. hmmmm
ramenwithbroccoli · 1 month
Me getting my hands on Giewont (she'd probably snap me in half).
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they would try their hardest not to hurt you!!! after the incidents she'd been through she is weary of physical contact, afraid to injure people around them. when not sure of people's intentions, she freezes in place to minimalise the danger. she's still pretty sharp tho - there may be a bit of blood and a grind of glass shards in your teeth afterwards. and hurting people rather than protecting them feels a bit like faliure. but she does appreciate the gesture - just remember to keep yourself safe!
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bluebellhairpin · 3 years
The Kings Queen
King!Erwin Smith X Queen!Reader
A/N: It came to me in a daydream; I was MC; and certain British actor was he. And now it is no longer dream, but reality - if only because now in ink. - Nemo
Summary: In order to get his politicians off his back, Erwin needs an heir. The problem is, he isn’t even married yet. An arranged marriage is set, and his new queen is surprised at how compliant he is at waiting until she is ready. 
Warnings: Misogyny is a major one here guys. Arranged Marriage. Age gap (he’s in in forties, and mc is in the twenties area). Talk of pregnancy, and children. 
Listening to: ‘Once Upon a December’ from Anastasia (piano version) 
Series Masterlist 
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A month ago it scared you, and scared you now. You stood next to a man you didn’t know, vowing your life to him, and all you could think about was how uncomfortable your corset was, how the headpiece dug in behind your ears, and how much you would rather be anywhere else.
Doing anything else.
Being with anyone else.
You wanted to be curled up on the armchair your grandfather made, your younger sisters at your feet next to the fire, as you read aloud to them from a book they probably didn’t understand. Your mother would be on a couch across from you, needlepoint in hand, and your brother and father would walk in. Your father would kiss your mother’s temple, and your brother would join your sisters on the floor, handing them two small, handcrafted, wooden figures. 
But instead you were here.
Standing under a chapel steeple, holding a bouquet that was too heavy, in a dress that had too much fabric. Almost half the city was crammed into the pews behind you, eyes hot and boring right into the back of your skull. Your almost-husband at your side. Your king at your side. 
You were getting married to Erwin Smith, and he was the monarch of the land you grew up in. 
You knew what was to follow. You knew why you were taken from your content life and thrust into the much higher end of high society. You were to give him a child tonight. An heir. And if it were born a girl, then you were to keep giving until it became a boy, and then some. 
You weren’t sure if it were that which scared you most, or that you never got the chance to have found a love of your own. You weren’t giving anything up aside from your family in marrying your king. There was no farm boy or baker's daughter that you were leaving behind nor betraying by speaking the vows that came from your mouth. 
No others lips had touched yours, and no one else’s fingers had grazed your wrist as Erwin’s did now. You marked off your shivers and incapability to meet his eyes as nerves, and nothing else. 
Before you were taken away by your uncle, your mother told you something. She told you to notice things. Notice the people. Give them what they want, graciously, so that they have want for nothing, and then want of their own to spare. 
So when you turned around to face those people, the crown which now held both allies and enemies, with your new husband’s arm wound around your waist, you noticed the people. You saw their smiles and cheers and decided to take your mothers words to heart. They were your people now, you were their queen. 
So you fought down the nerves, painted on your best smile, and sent greetings and waves to as many as you could as you made your way to your new home.
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You had to admit, like most children, you did gaze upon the castle and it’s stone walls, wondering what life behind them was like. 
You had been once before, a garden party when you were younger and your brother was only a tot. It was one of the few parties the lesser and higher nobles alike were invited to. As equals. It was the first Erwin held after he was crowned king. He hadn’t had one like it since. 
You remember wandering off into the rose maze with your brother's hand in yours. Being only ten years old, your mind made the brush of thorns and baby-pink blooms into a lot more than what they really were. Whether it were to comfort yourself or to keep your brother calm, you made up a little game. 
Somewhere in the maze was a dragon; blood red scales and teeth as long and sharp as kitchen knives, a belly full of flames, and a smell for human flesh. If you stayed stagnant too long, it would find you around the next corner and swallow you up in one gnash of it’s jaws. 
But there was also a Prince in the maze; brave, gallant, and knight-like in every way possible. With hair golden like fresh cut hay, and eyes as clear and strong as ocean waves. He would wield a sword with a blade so sharp that one blow would send that dragon straight to its death.
Of course you didn’t tell such things to your brother. They were a bit intense for a four-year-old, so you dulled it down a number of notches. 
Imagine your surprise when you ran into someone, with hair the colour of fresh-cut hay, and eyes of the clear blue. He offered you his hand, and told you he’d keep you safe from that ‘dragon’ who was chasing you. 
And he did stay true to his word. You did get out of the maze safely, even if there was no dragon he was protecting you and your brother from. 
You remember that boy, a man really, and how he was handsome with his youthful features. Back then you didn’t know who he was. Namely that not only a few months ago he really was a prince, and that now he was the king hiding from most of his own party guests. 
That was around fifteen years ago, naturally things were a little different this time around. 
This time the party was inside, with tables stocked with foods - some you’d never even seen before - and candelabra’s. The room was already filled with guests, chattering and laughing, some even dancing with did bring a smile to your face. There was a group in the corner, playing instruments in all forms available. You had been changed before you joined your husband in a chair slightly smaller than his. Apparently being seen in your wedding dress at your wedding reception wasn’t proper, and that you needed to wear a more dulled-down version to eat. 
The corset was just as tight.
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You’d barely said more than a few words to him, and now here you were. 
You excused yourself early from the celebrations, and no one batted an eyelid. ‘Preparing’ yourself might be proper. 
There was a lady, a bit older than yourself, named Nanaba. She helped you out of the stifling corset and the wads of white fabric. The putting on of the night slip and it’s robe was a lot nicer. It did not require a corset, as nice as it might make you look. She sent in for some tea, and once it arrived she excused herself. 
You wish you’d spoken to her more. She was nice. And it may have calmed your nerves a little. But you didn’t and you couldn’t will yourself to do anything except cling to the bedpost furthest from the door and wait. Luckily you didn’t have to wait long. 
The door opened, and in stepped your king. You found yourself sucking in a breath, nails grazing into the polished wood, and you cast your eyes down to put yourself in check before looking up at him. He looked over at you, smiling lightly and shed his outer layer of clothes before sitting down at one of the chairs near the fire Nanaba lit earlier. 
You wondered what he was waiting for. 
“Come sit, please.” he said, shuffling a little to set up two dainty tea cups. “This is your home too now, the last thing I want is for you to be uncomfortable.” 
You let out a quiet puff of air, playing with the new ring on your finger before making your way over to the chair opposite him. 
“You are quite timid, aren’t you?” he mused, offering you a steaming cup, “I supposed though anyone would be all things considered.” He sat back, and you finally took a moment to notice how much he had to be admired. ‘Handsome’ was barely a word to describe him, but those blue eyes, and his hair looked like it would be soft to touch. It made you think of that ‘prince’ from the game you made up in the rose maze outside. What luck would bring you both to meet a second time. 
He caught your eye again as he took a sip of his drink. 
“You can take comfort in knowing nothing will happen tonight, nor any night in the foreseeable future.” he said, voice hushed and quiet and indeed comforting. “We are barely acquaintances, let alone friends or lovers.�� 
You couldn’t help but gape at him, letting your tea get colder. 
“B-but why? You need a child, I… I-I’m here to give you one -”
“- no, that what all those lords want. The child that they want me to have is going to be yours too. It’s not my body that will be their home for the first nine months of their life. I admit,” he said, setting his cup aside, “I will need an heir eventually, but it’s no matter or urgency to me.” 
“Not until I’m ready?”
“Not until you are ready.” he nodded. 
“That’s very kind of you, your majesty.” 
“Call me Erwin,” he said, taking to his knee as the glow of the fire reflected off his face, “At least when it is just us. Please?” 
You let out a laugh, light with nerves and giddy fluttering in your heart, and brought a hand up to your mouth as you turned to compose yourself. You turned back with a smile to see his face matching yours. 
Who knew you were seemingly fretting for nothing. 
“Only if you also call me by my name.”
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It was a well-known fact to even the ‘commoners’ that there were not many men in the kings court who were good people. 
Within your first week of living in the palace you knew Erwin was one of them. 
Despite his often off and rough ways of getting to and around things, he was a good man. He did have a good heart. 
Another was a much older man named Dot Pixis. He had an odd manner of speaking, and his ways were not always perfect. But he always went out of his way to treat you kindly - something many others viewed as easily brushed aside - and he had a loyalty and trust to Erwin that you sensed not everyone had.
You also took kindly to Levi Ackerman and Miche Zacharias, both head guards set to protect Erwin and yourself, respectively. They both did marvelous jobs, for you nor Erwin had been hurt by someone will ill-intent yet. And despite both their quiet natures they were nice. At least Miche was. But they weren’t really ‘in parliament’. 
Nile Dok was the only other of those men that didn’t send your gut reeling in some way. He had a family on his own, too, and you’d seen how he treated them the morning after your wedding night. He truly loved them, and a man who loved his family like that was one who you trusted. Your own father was like that with you. 
Many other new friends were found in your new home, too. Hange was the head librarian, and with the help of Moblit the rows and rows of books were kept - not organized per say - but everything did have a place. 
There were those in the kitchens, and the gardeners, maids, and military personnel. You made sure to greet them all when you could. You were more than happy when they returned the gesture, even if a little more than some of them didn’t. 
But there were people you didn’t trust at all. They made your skin crawl. You knew you didn’t come from a lot, and didn’t expect the same respect that Erwin had, but what they showed towards you? Even Nanaba commented how you should be treated better. 
However they would never treat you any less than a queen unless you were with Erwin. Unless you were with your husband, the most powerful man in the country. As much as you liked Erwin, and come to even love him in some very small way over such a short amount of time, you didn’t like that. 
You didn’t like how you couldn’t get their respect unless you were standing next to him. 
So you made up your mind.
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Dolls’ Eyes — A Jaws AU
Pairings: established Peggy/Steve, developing Brunnhilde/Carol Rating: T Chapters: 14/14
Summary: Tony Stark snapped his fingers and the vanished half of the universe returned, but Thanos escaped the battlefield, fleeing into space. Now that he’s virtually powerless, most of the Avengers consider chasing him all over the universe a waste of resources, but Peggy Carter—newly deposited in the 21st century—is determined to finish the job. Brunnhilde and Carol Danvers have the same idea.
When scattered rumours of fresh killings escalate to the death of one of their own, the three women team up to defeat Thanos once and for all.
read the prologue
read ch. 1 one / 2 two / 3 three / 4 four / 5 five 6 six / 7 seven / 8 eight / 9 nine / 10 ten 11 eleven / 12 twelve / 13 thirteen / 14 fourteen
After everything, Carol wasn’t surprised that Brunnhilde put up a fight over being told to just rest. Carol reminded her that she was lucky to be alive, to which Brunnhilde responded that it wasn’t anything like luck, and went on to list the incredible, lifesaving properties of her fine armour, explain the enhanced durability provided by her Asgardian biology, and enumerate all of the injuries she’d previously sustained that were apparently worse than being electrocuted half to death, and then nearly drowning while incapacitated. Carol didn’t believe half of it, but it was kinda hot when Brunnhilde bragged.
So, in spite of Carol’s efforts, Brunnhilde kept getting up the second her back was turned in order to haul bodies off of Thanos’s ship. As they started to fix everything Carol had broken (including a patch job of that hole in the roof), a scan of the local environment informed them that almost all of the life on this planet was aquatic. They left the stack of corpses on land. Whatever water critters were around, they didn’t need toxic eyeball goo leeching into their habitat.
Carol caught Brunnhilde shaking out a twitching arm and made her sit to do electronic repairs rather than manual labour. (Carol had that handled anyway, plus, she knew where all the bodies were because she was the one who’d left them there.) Brunnhilde protested that she was the captain. Carol came way too close to saying not of this ship, but stopped herself. Instead, she suggested Brunnhilde do like any other captain would and let her underlings take on the grunt work. That got a smile, if not verbal agreement.
Thankfully, Peggy was a fast learner; Carol explained the basics of what she’d done to wreck something and Peggy quickly understood how to walk back the damage. They worked their way through the ship, staying at neighbouring stations so Carol would be there if Peggy had questions, and Peggy would be there if (when) Carol had messed something up so badly that it needed four hands to fix.
“Maria would’ve been great with this,” she said without thinking, holding up a fistful of wires while Peggy tinkered beneath.
It was easier to talk about her than it had ever been before. Like with the repairs, she could tell that Peggy understood without Carol having to do much more than gush over how good Maria had been at fixing stuff, how thorough she’d been with the plane she’d kept in the hangar on her property, how reliable, how trustworthy, how patient…
“Yes,” Peggy told her with a smile. “She sounds like she was wonderful.”
“She was.”
But when the two of them had finished their circuit of the ship and Carol went to tell Brunnhilde they were good to go, she wasn’t there. Carol panicked, worried that Brunnhilde had overheard all her praise of Maria and somehow missed the tone of a person who was in the late stages of grief, who had accepted the worst and was keen to keep living, maybe even loving.
When she couldn’t find her on the ship, she jogged down the ramp, intending to look for her outside. The second she turned to face the water, she spotted Brunnhilde coming towards her from the escape vessel. Carol ran out to meet her.
“What’s all this?” she asked in a tone of amusement, because Brunnhilde had her arms full.
“Food, Peggy’s jacket, a couple beers that didn’t get smashed when Thanos rammed us, uh…” She tried to examine the rest of the pile she was carrying, but it teetered and slipped; laughing, Carol scooped a few things out of her arms before they could end up in the shallow water.
“I thought you might’ve taken off on us,” she said lightly.
“I didn’t think you thought I’d be capable of that after getting zapped.”
“I was just…”
Brunnhilde walked close, pressing her arm into Carol’s.
“I know. I would’ve been the same way if it’d been you.”
“I don’t even know if I can get electrocuted,” Carol said.
“I’m not gonna recommend trying it for fun,” Brunnhilde told her. “Anyway, I used all my discs on Thanos and I dropped the remote in the water somewhere… You’d have to go to Thor with your request, ask him to bring the lightning down.”
“Straight to Thor?!” Carol laughed. “That seems a little extreme.”
“Or you could just stand around outside in New Asgard during a storm and wait for it to happen naturally.”
“And why would I need to be in New Asgard specifically?” Carol asked in a teasing voice. “I could get struck by lightning anywhere.”
She watched Brunnhilde flounder but couldn’t get an answer out of her, not on the way to the ship, not while she was distracted with Peggy asking her a slew of health questions, and not while they were trying to figure out how to get this humongous spaceship off the ground with a crew of only three people.
As they made their rocky assent, Carol was too busy to wonder whether Brunnhilde had heard her talking about Maria before she’d left the ship to scavenge from the escape craft. They had just broken through the atmosphere, blue sky giving way to black, when Brunnhilde spoke.
“Love’s like war.”
It was so sudden that Carol snorted a laugh.
“Ok, poet,” she said. She was tempted to devote some time to getting Thanos’s ship to play her music, if only to put on ‘Love Is a Battlefield’ for Brunnhilde. To let her know what had been said on the subject already.
She smirked to herself when Brunnhilde continued, clearly not giving a shit about her interruption or joking criticism.
“It is.”
“What do you mean?” Carol asked more seriously.
Brunnhilde shifted in her seat, engaging different protocols for outer space travel. Carol noticed the tremor had gone from her arm.
“You do better in both because of experience,” Brunnhilde said, looking straight out the viewport. “Anybody who can’t appreciate the benefit of falling for someone who’s been in love before is a fucking idiot.”
“And you’re not a fucking idiot.”
“I hope that isn’t a question.”
Carol smiled and shook her head. They flew in silence for a while.
“When we get back,” she said eventually, peering shyly over at her captain, “I owe someone important to me a visit, but then I’m coming to see you. Just a heads-up.”
“Vaguely threatening.”
“No,” Brunnhilde told her, grabbing her forearm to get her full attention, “I liked it.”
Heat raced up Carol’s neck until she was blushing as bright red as her suit, or the dumb acid burn on her arm.
Just then, Peggy’s agitated voice came from the other end of the wide flight deck.
“Someone’s coming right at us!”
Before Carol had the chance to say what the hell? or who? or again?, an incoming message threw a distantly familiar face up in front of them, hovering in the form of a hologram.
“Hey,” Carol greeted. “Small universe.”
Peggy had never thought to imagine what Gamora might be like. She’d had an account of Peter Quill’s affection for her from Rocket, but had recognized that a portrayal of the woman that crew had known—the woman Peter had loved enough to forfeit his life in the quest for reunion—couldn’t be fully accurate. At best, the Gamora they described would be one layer removed from the real person. The Gamora they had known and the one whose hologram had just appeared before Peggy, Carol, and Brunnhilde were a handful of years and a thousand experiences apart.
It seemed absurd to Peggy that this woman may wish to harm them, but she really ought to have considered it.
“Was it your distress signal I picked up?” Gamora asked flatly, eyes locked on Carol in the pilot’s seat.
“Umm… yep.”
“And you still require assistance?”
Carol glanced at Brunnhilde, then over to Peggy, who nodded. They certainly had worked wonders, she felt, in getting this massive spaceship off the planet, but who knew how many things could go wrong between here and Earth? Peggy doubted either of her shipmates had told her the half of it. They were simply short-staffed, too few fingers available to plug any metaphorical leaks they might spring on the journey.
“Yes please,” Carol told her.
With a nod, 2014 Gamora went from unknown quantity to ally. Peggy sighed in relief.
The three of them were transported directly from Thanos’s ship to Gamora’s. The process was quite indescribable, Peggy thought. Tingly, quick, with a bit of a lurch as she rematerialized on an entirely different flight deck from the one she’d just left. Had the transfer been instantaneous? Had she, perhaps, ceased to exist for a moment or two? She was full of questions but unsure to whom she should direct them.
Gamora, while welcoming in deed, was somewhat inscrutable when they met her face-to-face. Standoffish. Unsure of herself, Peggy realized. Immediately, she warmed to the woman. She had been in her place herself once, sort of, if not precisely in her intimidating boots. It hadn’t been so long ago that she’d been ferried through time to find the world completely changed. What Gamora needed was a reason to trust them the way they were trusting her.
“I take it you killed my father?” Gamora asked plainly once they were aboard.
Oh dear. It seemed they weren’t off to a very auspicious start.
Brunnhilde stepped in front of Carol, who’d just been opening her mouth to speak, presumably to claim responsibility.
“I was the captain,” she stated. “Thanos was killed on my orders.”
“Uh, no, not explicitly,” Carol argued.
“Anyway,” Peggy piped up, “I’m the one who shot him in the head.”
“And he was only vulnerable to that because I electrocuted him to within an inch of his despicable life and his helmet fell off,” Brunnhilde countered.
“On a planet I flew us to,” Carol reminded them.
“We’ll be sharing the blame,” Peggy informed Gamora on behalf of her crewmates.
Gamora cocked her head consideringly.
“And if it’s approval?” To their universal silence, she explained, “I know what he was capable of in my time, and I saw enough of Earth to get a general idea of what he was set to accomplish if he wasn’t stopped.”
“Were you out here hunting him too?” Peggy took a step towards her.
Directing her gaze away from them, Gamora blinked rapidly, looking momentarily confused and upset. In the next second, she’d hidden any outward hint of those feelings.
“I should’ve been,” she said, “but I’ve never been able to stand up to him like I should have. After I left your planet… for a while, I wasn’t looking for him. But I began to see signs. And then Peter Quill came.”
“Peter!” Carol said. “You saw him? Did you talk to him? Rocket never said—”
“No. I just watched. I followed him for a while. I knew he was looking for me. He was so… loud.” Gamora made a face. “Leaving word for me everywhere, telling traders and transports that he was my boyfriend. He was an idiot, but an entertaining idiot… I barely noticed that I’d stopped keeping track of Thanos until he just showed up…
“I was a coward,” Gamora went on. “I saw my father intercept Peter’s ship and I knew what would probably happen, but I couldn’t put myself between the two of them. Was I supposed to stand up for this guy when I’d never been able to stand up for myself? I was raised to be cruel, to think of myself, that attachments formed to accomplish anything but the acquisition of power make you weak. I know Thanos killed Peter. It’s my fault he’s dead.”
Peggy stood in front of her, refraining from placing a reassuring hand on Gamora’s shoulder when she gave her cagey eyes.
“It’s not,” Peggy told her firmly.
“I only heard your distress signal because I heard Peter’s first,” Gamora said. “I went onboard after my father had left; it was days before I could force myself to do it, maybe longer. I used his communications system to speak to his crewmates on Earth.”
“You must’ve just missed us leaving,” Brunnhilde said.
“That’s what he told me. He said three more morons had left the planet, on their way to hunt down Thanos.”
“And you’ve helped us,” Peggy said, tone insistent. “If you do feel any responsibility for what happened to Peter, then surely you should also believe that you’ve redeemed yourself by saving our backsides.”
Gamora’s eyes squinted as though she were in pain.
“I owed him more than this and I hate it,” she said, jaw clenched. “He was no one to me. He knew someone I’m never going to become.”
“Shhh. I know,” Peggy said soothingly.
“I don’t see how that’s possible. Have you ever had someone tell you they love you when it feels like it’s impossible that they even know you? That whoever they loved had to be a different person from who you are?”
Peggy’s shoulders fell. She could feel the bittersweet smile on her face.
“Actually, yes.”
Gamora appeared surprised to have been brought up short in such a manner.
“Do you have any advice?” Peggy urged softly.
For a minute, Gamora was quiet, staring hard at the wall. Peggy could feel that the others had backed away, giving them time and space when Gamora’s stream of information had been diverted by the confusing grief she was obviously experiencing.
“Whatever lengths he goes to because he thinks you’re better than you are…” Gamora finally said, turning her head to look Peggy in the eye. “Try to be worth it.”
“Got it.”
Peggy folded her hands together, pressing her right palm to her wedding ring.
They were about to get underway, their new crew of four on a significantly smaller, though sleeker, ship. (Brunnhilde didn’t mourn for the one they’d left in the shallows; it had served them well, first the Asgardians and now the team responsible for the death of Thanos.) However, staring out the viewport from the seat in which she’d been installed as the effective second-in-command, Brunnhilde didn’t feel right. The sight of Thanos’s ship just hanging there in space unnerved her. It would be better if no trace of the Titan remained.
“Let’s blast it,” she suggested to the deck at large.
“Thanos’s spaceship?” Peggy checked.
“Well,” Carol said, “we aren’t near anything. There’s nothing for the debris to hit…”
Brunnhilde smiled slightly and looked to the captain.
“Gamora? Do you have any weapons on this ship that could do the job?”
“There is one thing I’ve been saving for a special occasion,” Gamora said, gaze fixed on Thanos’s ship. “First, we’re going to need to get clear.”
She piloted them away—away from the planet, away from the ship. Part of Brunnhilde wanted to request the honour of launching the torpedo Gamora was setting the coordinates for, locking it onto her late father’s final vessel, but she was already satisfied with the role she’d played. Let Gamora take this final, symbolic step. It was like Thor’s hideous couch; Brunnhilde had helped him lug the thing into the open air, but permitted him to drop the match (once she’d soaked the cushions in lighter fluid, just in case it wasn’t sufficiently saturated in spilled beer). She would content herself with watching it go up in flames.
And it did. It was an impressive explosion, scattering wreckage in a wide perimeter Gamora had kept them outside of. They were briefly silent as jagged hunks of metal twisted in the void.
“That’s one way to get the stink of dead bodies out,” Carol noted, and Brunnhilde turned to her, shoulders shaking with laughter Carol quickly joined in on.
They flew for some time, and it was good just to relax, to stretch in her seat and tilt her head from side to side so that her neck cracked horrendously and Peggy said things like “good lord!” while Carol laughed her ass off. Brunnhilde remained alert though. She couldn’t help it. In the old days, with the Valkyrie, there’d been a certain relief when the battle in which they’d been engaged was done, but they’d only known true rest once they’d returned to Asgard. Home. The last time she’d been on a ship bound for Earth, the atmosphere had been one of intense grief, muffled weeping in the corridors. They’d known Earth as Midgard and had little admiration for its country of Norway, chilly with fog and swathed in the bleak colours that reflected their inner emptiness. Nothing they loved was there—not their people, not their gleaming towers and soaring statues. How could it ever possibly feel like coming home?
Brunnhilde had honestly believed she’d lost her ability to experience that feeling, that, without her sisters-in-arms, the sensation was lost to her. Yet, despite the tension she still carried from the fight, she felt it easing. She felt herself longing for home, her little house at the water’s edge. For the chance to return to her people as their king and announce a great evil defeated. Maybe this tension was only anticipation after all.
In contrast to the fruits of her own contemplation and revelation, Gamora’s private thoughts had left her expression mournful and roving. Brunnhilde exited the deck to relieve herself and find something to eat in Gamora’s stores, and when she returned, she addressed her.
“You’re not taking us all the way to Earth, are you?”
Gamora flicked her gaze sideways to assess her. Brunnhilde knew there was no judgement to be found in her face, so she stared back calmly.
“I’m taking you to Quill’s ship. Thanos, in his infinite arrogance, didn’t damage it. Maybe he thought he might like to return to it some time and claim it as part of his fleet. It’s a tribute to how much I continue to feel my father’s influence that I planned to do the same. Not build a fleet, but go back. There’s something about that ship… I find it comforting.”
Brunnhilde frowned thoughtfully.
“Are you sure you don’t want to take it and leave this one for us?”
“No. What I felt when I was onboard, examining it and… and removing Quill’s body for space burial… that was just a feeling of, I don’t know, another life. There’s a group on Earth for whom that ship means something. And it’s the only thing they have of him. I couldn’t keep it.”
“One of those people is your sister,” Brunnhilde said carefully.
“I tried to talk to her, but she doesn’t like me very much. I don’t blame her,” she added as Gamora gave her a wary look. “She was upset.”
“Nebula is at her most dangerous when upset, and she’s always upset, so she’s always dangerous.”
“She was upset about Peter’s death. But I think also because, without him, no one was out here looking for you.”
Gamora stiffened.
“If she really wants to find me, she can come look for me herself. I’ll be ready.”
“She doesn’t want to fight you,” Brunnhilde said. “She misses you. I think. It’s really none of my business.”
“Why would you wish to get involved in our family affairs?” Gamora’s voice was more curious than accusing. “Besides murdering our father, of course.”
Brunnhilde sighed before answering.
“I’ve lost many people I cared about. I don’t have a family anymore.” She glanced over to see Carol and Peggy bent over a screen together, Carol’s sudden snort infecting Peggy until they were both laughing. “I mean,” Brunnhilde corrected herself, “I didn’t.”
When they arrived at the Benatar and Gamora transported Carol and Peggy off her ship, Brunnhilde motioned for Gamora to hold off a moment on removing her.
“If we don’t meet again,” she said, sticking out her arm for Gamora to grasp.
Gamora gripped her tightly and nodded.
“I think we might though. I thought about it and realized it’s easier for me to find Nebula than for her to find me.”
“I may have left you her coordinates.” Brunnhilde released Gamora’s arm. “Enjoy Missouri.”
She joined Peggy and Carol on the Benatar, pausing to bend over Carol’s seat to surprise her with a deep kiss before she took up her own position. She brushed stray strands of hair back out of Carol’s dancing eyes.
“I’m going to have to redo your braid,” Brunnhilde told her.
“Oh, we’ll have time. We’ve got quite a road trip ahead of us. Luckily… Peter left us his tunes.” Beaming, she started up a song with a bright beat.
Brunnhilde smiled and went to her seat, fastening herself in as Carol readied the vessel for launch.
“You know,” Peggy said thoughtfully, slinging her jacket over the back of her chosen seat, “before all of this, I was actually quite afraid of outer space.”
Carol laughed.
“I can’t imagine why.”
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zarcake-writes · 4 years
The Witch King- Part 2
Hey hey hey! Part two is done and ready! The link to decide what to do next is at the bottom. You have until 8pm on August 21st to vote on what should happen. 
The most popular choice picked by you all is: Snoop around the room? Examine the tables and look out the window?
Catch up: Part 1
Despite the fear of being in the Witch King’s home and fearing the man who brought you here, curiosity gets the better of you. The room looks interesting. There’s the table beside the brazier that is full of pages covered in writing and drawings. Several opened books sit stacked on top of each other. Then there’s that table with the vials and potions. And that window. What’s on the other side? Possibly more mountains, but maybe you’ll see a road or a small village.
The very idea almost has you leaping out of the chair and rushing across the room. A road could lead you out of the mountains and far away from this sickly green place and the man who bought you. If there is a village, that can be your path to freedom. All you need is to get the help from one or two kind souls, and then you would be free. Free to go home. It feels like it’s been decades since you last saw home. Decades since you last saw your mother. Decades since hope blossomed in your heart.
Slowly, you stand up from the chair. A part of you expects the door to burst open and the man to come charging at you. Screaming at you for being a disobedient girl. A shiver passes through you at the thought of the ways he might punish you. The thought nearly has you sitting back down in the chair and forgetting your plan.
But you don’t sit down and the door isn’t thrown open. The door stays closed and the low murmuring conversation continues on the other side. Swallowing your fear, you take a shaky several steps towards the table in the middle of the room.
The brazier casts the table in a strange green light, revealing all the loose papers and broken ink quills. In the center of the table is a stack of open books. Everything is covered in a thick layer of dust.
You pick up a random page and shake off the dust. You cover your face and pray all the dust doesn’t trigger a sneeze attack.
The page is made of a thick parchment that’s yellowed with age. The writing on the page is difficult to read, but you can tell it’s not any language you know. You pick up another dust-covered page. This one contains a large, faded sigil. At one time the sigil was a bright red, but the color has faded to a dusty reddish brown. There’s handwriting next to the symbol, but you can’t make out what it says.
The stack of opened books gets your attention.
The book on top is opened to a detailed drawing of a black and green snake. The snake is coiled on a table and stares intently at you. Beneath the drawing is the snake's name, written in neat legible print, and a quick description.
Sorcerer Snake. This snake is known for seeking out magic users and residing in places of magic. The snake emits a large amount of magic, making it a perfect companion for any magical practitioner. At one time, scholars believed these snakes were created and did not occur naturally in the world. However, in recent years, it has been discovered that these snakes breed like their non-magic counterparts. Sorcerer snakes are found all around the known world, and their appearance changes based on their geographical location. 
Despite the name, the snake is kind of cute. It’s chubby, not something you would expect of a snake. The eyes are soft and gentle, and sparkle with curiosity. It reminds you of the python Lady Argent had as a pet. Except her's was white and yellow, while this one is black and dark green.
You flip through the book and find more detailed drawings of snakes. Beneath each drawing is the snake's name and a quick description.
You move the top book and examine the book below it.
The second book is not covered in as much dust as the snake book and is opened to a page with a potion recipe. You can’t read what it says, it’s written in a strange language. Yet the longer you look at the written words, a strange feeling comes over you. And it looks like the words begin to move! You quickly place the snake book back on top. The green and black python is a better sight than strange moving words.
The table with the potions and vials gets your attention. After seeing that strange book, you are careful not to touch anything.
There’s a small vial filled with a shimmering blue liquid. It sparkles in the green light of the room. The liquid reminds you of the ocean near Lady Argent's home. Sometimes, bright blue specks would appear in the ocean waves at night. The lights reminded you of stars shining and shimmering in the waves. One of the slaves said it was magic, while another said it was a type of creature that lived in the ocean. Whatever it was, it was pretty.
A larger bottle is filled with reddish-orange liquid. This one seems to move in the glass as if someone is swirling it, even though the bottle remains unmoved on the table. Something about the liquid looks alive like it’s trying to escape the glass. That makes you uncomfortable.
With a shiver, you turn your attention to the dried flowers. Despite being dried, you recognize them. Nightmare Lilies. A beautiful and terrible flower. Ingesting any part of the flower itself can cause a terrible sickness. The first symptom is nightmares, followed by vomiting and confusion. You’ve heard that constant usage of the poison will literally rot a person’s brain.
While the flowers are poisonous, the roots are actually beneficial. The roots are the only known way to cure someone that has been poisoned by the lilies. Of course, the cure needs to be administered within the first few days the symptoms appeared.
Lady Argent had a small patch of Nightmare Lilies in her garden. It was known among her slaves that she used these on her political enemies or rivals. Really anyone who stood in the way of what she wanted would end up sick. She used their confusion to gain information about other rivals and would usually leave her victims to die. 
You wonder what this dried bundle of flowers was used for. 
The window is the final part of the room you’ve yet to investigate. You move towards it and pull the tattered curtain aside. The room is flooded with the natural light, and the view nearly takes your breath away.
Beyond the window is the entire mountain range. Tall, snow-peaked mountains and the bright blue sky. It’s beautiful.
Below the fortress is a lake, the water shines in the sunlight. There’s a road that leads to the water and a road that leads away, deeper into the mountains. But there’s nothing else. No other visible roads or trails, not smoke in the sky to show there’s a village or even a small house. Nothing. Just mountains and the blue sky.
While your hope to be free lies on that road near the lake, you have no idea how to get down to the lake. And no idea where the road leads. It could be a month-long trip through the mountains to somewhere safe. Without supplies and proper clothes, you’ll be dead in a few days. But at least the view is beautiful, you think.
There’s a shout from behind you that makes you jump. Turning, you see the wooden door is still shut but there’s now an angry voice. The light behind the door darkens for a moment, then goes back to normal. You close the curtain and run back to the chair, taking your seat like you weren’t just snooping.
The yelling goes on for about a minute. You recognize the voice; it belongs to the man who brought you here. You have no idea what pissed him off, but you’re glad it wasn’t you. When the man finally stops shouting, there’s a second of silence. Then you hear a faint response. A second later, the door opens.
That strange white light pours into the room and a hooded figure steps through the doorway. They’re tall and move with a grace you’ve never seen. You would think this figure was floating, but you can see their legs moving beneath their cloak. Behind the figure is the man, he looks to be both pleased and annoyed, his tattoos spark and glows.
The hooded figure walks pass you without saying anything and approaches the door to the hall. You wonder if that’s the Witch King. The man grabs your arm and pulls you up. His hand is so hot it makes you jump.
The man drags you along as he follows the strange figure through the confusing hallways. Left, left, right, up some stairs, another right, left, until finally, the figure comes to a large door. This one is engraved with snakes, just like the entrance to the fortress.
The figure turns to the man and you, but he speaks to the man. His voice is low and soft. It's soothing. “Are you sure?”
The man growls. “Yes.”
The figure nods and pushes the massive doors open. The man drags you after the figure and into a massive circular room. Like every part of the fortress, the walls are green and the floor is dark. There are pillars along the outer edge of the room and the ceiling is made of glass. Braziers filled with green fire stand in front of all the pillars. Beside each brazier is a suit of armor.
In the center of the circular room is a raised platform with stairs that lead to a large chair that looks like a throne. At the base of these small stairs are two more suits of armor, and beside the thrown itself are another two. It’s almost as if they are standing guard. Leaning against one side of the chair is a scepter, or maybe it’s a staff. On the other side of the chair is a metal stand that holds a green crystal ball. It’s beautiful. 
The whole room is beautiful.
The hooded figure stops at the base of the raised platform. They raise their hand and the green crystal ball flies towards him and settles on their raised hand.
The figure turns to face you and the man, still holding the green crystal ball.
The man lets you go and steps towards the hooded figure.
“That’s it?” the man asks.
The figure nods. “This is it. The green crystal ball you demanded to—”
The figure is cut off when the man throws a bolt of magic at him. The bolt, red and bright, like fire, hit the figure square in the chest and knocks him onto his back. The figure lands at the base of the raised platform. The green crystal ball hits the ground with a loud thunk and rolls towards the man. The man picks up the crystal ball and laughs. It’s a terrible laugh, one that sends chills down your spine and makes you wonder if the man is even human.
You begin to band begin to back away, terrified of being caught in the crossfire, but also scared the man will set his sights on you.
The man steps towards the hooded figure who remains unmoving. You wonder if he’s dead.
“I have it. Your phylactery, lich!” the man cackles. As his tattoos spark and glow, an aura of heat begins to surround the man.
You have no idea what a lich or phylactery is and you don’t care. You only care about getting out of that room.
As you begin to back away, crouched as low as you can, you notice the hooded figure sits up. His hood stays up and he looks up at the man.
“Oh? And what do you want in exchange for my phylactery?”
“I want…” the man takes a slow even breath. The air around him shifts and begins to shimmer, his tattoos glow brighter than you’ve ever seen. “I want your power!”
He slams the green crystal onto the floor. The room echoes with the sound of the crystal breaking, it’s so loud you cover your ears and fall to your knees. The entire room begins to shake and there’s a terrible groaning. It sounds like the entire fortress is being ripped apart.
The crystal breaks into several large pieces and a green mist floats up from the remains. The man laughs and reaches for the mist. His laughter is cut short when his hand goes through the mist and it evaporates into the air.
The hooded figure stands up and adjusts his cloak. He seems taller now. The shaking and terrible groaning slowly come to a stop, and the whole room seems darker.
“That was not my phylactery,” the figure says. He doesn’t sound angry, only slightly exasperated, as if this isn't the first time, he's gone through this. 
The man is stunned for a moment, then he screams in rage and shoots another bolt of red magic at the hooded figure. Before it hits, the hooded figure captures the bolt. The magic hovers in his hands then turns a familiar green. The hooded figure throws the magic back at the man, hitting him in the chest and launching him backward. He hits the stone floor with a sickening thud and does not move. Black smoke rises from the man’s chest.
Tears in your eyes, you crawl behind one of the pillars. You peek around the pillar and see the hooded figure approach the body. He lets out a long and exhausted sigh.
“I’m so tired of these apprentices thinking they can just take my phylactery.” He nudges the body with his foot and scoffs. “Fool. You had such promise.”
The figure turns towards the two nearest suits of armor.
“Can you two, dispose of the body, please?” he asks.
The suits of armor shake and come to life. They stumble for a moment, then get their footing, and approach the lich and dead man. Together, the two suits of armor lift the body and carry it out of the room, leaving an unsettling stain on the dark floor.
You don’t know if you should be relieved or terrified the man is gone. He won’t ever get a chance to hurt you or sell you. But now you’re left alone in the Witch King’s castle, with who is probably the Witch King himself. All you can do it stare at that dark stain and watch as the dead man is carried away.
The hooded figure looks over his shoulder in your direction. You gasp and hide, hoping he didn’t see you. Maybe you can sneak out of here without getting killed.
Your hopes are squashed when you hear footsteps approaching your hiding spot. They stop and there’s the sound of someone clearing their throat. You don’t move, you don’t even breathe.
“I’m not going to hurt you. It’s ok,” says the figure. His voice is so soft and low.
Shaking, with tears running down your face, you look around the corner of the pillar.
The figure stands there. He’s so tall, but you don’t dare try to look at his face. Instead, you look down at the ground. His boots are dark and worn, but you can tell they were made to last. They are simple, at least compared to what Lady Argent wore.
The man clears his throat again. This time, you look up at him. The hood hides most of his face. The cloak hides most of his body, save for his lower legs.
“Now that he’s taken care of,” the hooded figure begins, “who are you?”
What do you say?
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maybankiara · 4 years
summary:  Neither of them says anything for a short while. JJ doesn’t know what’s going on, because she hasn’t really said anything, but he isn’t quite opposed to the situation.
  They’ve been close before. Closer, even. But it has never felt like this – so intimate.
  If either of them moved a few inches, their lips would be touching.
  When she finally says something, it’s so quiet he almost doesn’t hear. ‘I thought you didn’t like me anymore.’
— in which jj finally grows a pair and asks kiara out.
pairing: JJ x Kiara
words: 2.2k
read on archive of our own
No Pogue-on-Pogue macking; that was the rule number one. It was a rule they’d established a long time ago, when they were just kids, and when Kiara had just joined. Crushes or love hadn’t been on any of their minds, but rules had to be set, so they set them.
  Years went by, and somehow they all became entranced by Kiara. It wasn’t just that she was the only girl in their group of boys; it wasn’t just that she was forbidden; it wasn’t just that she didn’t want any of them.
  Or at least for JJ, it wasn’t that.
  She was the first girl he started flirting with. They were barely thirteen, and JJ liked it when she blushed and rolled her eyes at him, so he kept it going. He got better at it, to the point where he was better than most boys their age.
  She was the first girl he kissed, too. It was a dare, and it was a horrible, awkward, flimsy and clumsy first kiss, but it was the one JJ had never forgotten. He got a lot better at kissing since then, but that was the only time he’d ever kissed her.
  Kiara was always there. Kiara was someone he could always like at a safe distance, where lines between flirting and being overly friendly were blurred just enough.
  But now it’s the summer before university, they are almost eighteen, and Kiara is going away sooner rather than later.
  Her father opens the door. His eyes check JJ up and down, and he frowns. ‘Kiara! It’s for you!’
  ‘Thanks, Mr. C.’
  Mike Carrera closes the door and JJ is left standing outside.
  Panic washes over him. What if Kiara doesn’t like it? What if he’s about to screw everything up? Maybe he doesn’t look good enough, maybe she still has feelings for Pope, or John B, has she ever looked at him the way he looks at her?
  He walks in the spot, fingers in his mouth and teeth tugging at the nail bed.
  This was a big mistake.
  The flowers are too much. Kiara doesn’t like people who aren’t environmentally friendly. Is picking flowers environmentally unfriendly? Is she going to get mad at him over this?
  He doesn’t think he could stand her getting mad at him.
  ‘JJ! What’s happening?’
  JJ stops in his tracks, and looks at the porch.
  Kiara is standing there, wearing grey shorts and a plum tank top. Her hair is in a half-up do, and her skin is glistening with a sheer layer of sweat that’s a consequence of one of the hottest days Outer Banks has seen this summer. She’s half leaning out of the door, with one of her hands on the door frame, the other running through her hair.
  It was enough to make him remember why he chose to take this shot.
  ‘JJ,’ she says, softly. ‘What’s wrong?’
  ‘You’re pacing like crazy. Did something happen? Are you okay? What’s with the flowers?’
  It’s only now, standing five feet away from her, that JJ notices the worry in her face. It’s in the slight wrinkles on her forehead and the pout of her lips, and how she tilts her head and looks him up and down, in a way that he knows means she’s looking for any new bruises decorating his body.
  JJ smiles. His shoulders relax and there’s a spring in his step when he comes closer.
  ‘Everything’s good,’ he says. She squints at him, so he adds, ‘I promise.’
  ‘Okay… What’s with the flowers, then?’
  ‘Oh!’ He stretches his arms towards her, the bouquet almost hitting her in the stomach. ‘These are for you.’
  ‘For me?’
  ‘Yeah,’ says JJ. ‘I got them for you.’
  Kiara takes them and he sees the familiar redness across her cheeks, one that he hasn’t managed to achieve in longer than he’d like to admit. She smiles, sheepishly, and leans against the door frame.
  Somewhere in the distance, crickets are chirping.
  She thanks him quietly.
  JJ sighs and takes a step closer, until they’re merely a feet apart. Kiara doesn’t flinch, as she’s used to him being in everyone’s personal space, but she looks a little surprised by the action.
  A strand of her hair falls in front of her face and, without thinking, JJ’s finger tucks it behind her ear.
  When his hand lingers on her neck, right below her ear, he wishes he could do more than just tuck her hair.
  But he doesn’t. He isn’t being any more reckless tonight than he already is.  Instead, he lets his hand fall back into his pocket, and gives Kiara a warm smile.
  His eyes flicker to her lips, but that’s something he can’t control. He spent one too many night wondering if they would taste the same as they did all those years ago.
  ‘I’m sorry,’ he says, ‘if this is too much.’
  ‘No, listen. I know there’s the rule about no Pogue-macking, and I know both you and I have been proud of how independent we are, and I respect that.’ His smile falters, but he looks at Kiara’s face, and lets himself not worry for a hot second. ‘I just wanted to tell you that I see you as more than just a friend, Kie. And obviously, I totally respect your feelings, whatever they are, because you know, bros before hos or whatever. I just wanted you to know. Before you leave. That I’m in love with you.’
  JJ closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, already preparing for the inevitable rejection.
  He wasn’t supposed to do this. He wasn’t supposed to spill his guts to her, because that could only freak her out.
  When he starts shaking, he bits his lip. In his pockets, his fingers are fidgeting, and he starts finding the crickets a comic addition to the situation.
  Well. He knew he’d fuck this up.
  ‘Open your eyes, JJ.’
  He does.
  Kiara is looking at him with a face that he can’t really read, but she’s holding the bouquet close to her chest, so maybe that’s a good sign. Her eyes are gazing into his and he begins to wonder what she’s searching for.
  A soft breeze passes between them, and her hair sways on the wind a little. She looks so soft, so beautiful in that moment – all JJ wants her is to know that. To know how beautiful she is, both on the outside and the inside.
  So he says it.
  ‘It’s not – It’s not just about the way you look, Kie, I hope you know that.’ His fingers tuck the wind-swept strands away, and this time, he lets his hand linger on her neck with no plans of moving it away. ‘You’ve been there for me when I needed you. You banter me like no one else does, and you call me out on my shit when John B and Pope can’t be bothered. I love riling you up because I love when you get protective of the world, when you talk about your ideas to save it. I just… I just wanted you to know that.’
  She smiles, laughs a little, too, and JJ feels her breath hot against his own. He’s not sure if it’s the light, or if there’s a twinkle in her eyes.
  ‘I never took you for such a sap, JJ.’
  He leans his head back and groans, but when he looks back, she’s smiling even wider. His eyes fall to the strap of her top and he plays with it, twirling it around his fingers, trying to keep his mind away from thinking about how easy it would be just to take it off.
  Neither of them says anything for a short while. JJ doesn’t know what’s going on, because she hasn’t really said anything, but he isn’t quite opposed to the situation.
  They’ve been close before. Closer, even. But it has never felt like this – so intimate.
  If either of them moved a few inches, their lips would be touching.
  When she finally says something, it’s so quiet he almost doesn’t hear. ‘I thought you didn’t like me anymore.’
  JJ looks back at her, brows furrowed, head tilted. ‘What?’
  ‘When John B kissed me, and then everything with Pope happened.’ Kiara bites her lip and looks away, and JJ is now certain there’s a twinkle in her eyes. ‘I thought you moved on, and at first I was happy, but then I realised how much I miss you flirting with me and dancing with me and complimenting me and – and –’
   ‘I’m here, now,’ he says. ‘I never stopped liking you. I tried, but I couldn’t.’
  She looks back at him, hopeful, and JJ can barely hold himself from kissing her full on the mouth, like he’s been dreaming of all these years. The realisation of the meaning of her words hits him like a truck and he steps back, almost, gasping.
  Kiara’s hand catches his, the one that’s still on her neck. Her palm is warm and her fingers are tiny compared to his, and seeing them together like that is yet another blow.
  ‘JJ, are you okay?’
  He clenches his teeth, and nods. If he opens his mouth, he’ll kiss her, and he doesn’t know if she wants it.
  That’s when he realised that he didn’t actually believe this would go well, and it did, and he isn’t fucking prepared for this.
  What do you do when you confess your feelings to someone and they love you back?
  He laughs, a little, nervously. ‘I was actually supposed to just ask you out. Not confess my feelings.’
  ‘That’s okay. It’s not too late.’
  ‘For what?’
  ‘Asking me out,’ Kiara says, sheepishly, ‘if that’s what you want.’
  For a brief moment, JJ’s brain just… freezes. He stares at Kie and there’s a lot of things he’s thinking of doing, but formulating a question that he never even gave a thought about (because he never even thought he’d get the chance to) is not one of them.
  Kiara laughs. ‘JJ, are you broken?’
  ‘Maybe,’ he says. ‘A little bit.’
  Taking his hand in hers, she takes it off her neck as she crouches and places the bouquet on the floor. She straightens her back and closes the distance between them and oh no, JJ is definitely thinking all the wrong thoughts and wraps her arms around his neck, the way she never has.
  The way he hasn’t even seen her do to Pope, for those brief three weeks they tried being a thing two years ago.
  No, this is a different, this is for JJ only, it’s intimate and possessive at the same time, and her lips are so close that—
  Kiara brushes her lips against his, so softly he barely feels it.
  ‘Kie,’ he whispers.
  Her voice is just as quiet. ‘Yes?’
  JJ’s hands wrap around her torso and press her against him. He leaves one hand at the small of her back, drawing circles with his thumb, and brings the other one to her ear, to get her hair out of the way for the third time in fifteen minutes. ‘You have hair all over your face.’
  She laughs at that and buries her head in his chest. It’s so soft and natural and earnest that he almost melts into the touch, seen and felt and understood and accepted for the first time.
  He places a finger under her chin and lifts it, gazing into her eyes with a little more adoration he think he should – but he can’t help it. Not anymore. Not when his world is in the palm of his hand.
  So he says, quietly, ‘I love you.’
  And then kisses her, softly. It’s a chaste kiss, and he sets rain to the flames within him, tells them to wait.
  When they part, JJ sees the world in a new light.
  Brighter, for starters, and maybe not out to get him.
  ‘Kiara Carrera,’ he begins, ‘do you want to go on a date with me?’
  ‘I would love to.’
  Kiara leans in for a kiss but he pulls back, letting go of her instead. When she looks at him, puzzled, he walks off the porch backwards, grinning at her wider than he thinks he’s ever grinned.
  ‘That’s all you’re getting for now,’ he tells her. ‘I’m a reserved man.’
  She flips him off and she laughs, and something makes him think that maybe this wasn’t a dumb idea. Maybe they were just the same, only better. Maybe he didn’t fuck everything up.
  Maybe for the first time in his life, he did the right thing.
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starcountesseevee · 3 years
Just another one-shot idea with Cliff x Reader, enjoy!
Rain and Art
You slinked out of Sierra’s office feeling defeated, her shrill berating still ringing in your ears. You had been on Team Rocket for almost a year now and had always done okay. Not great, you thought to yourself, but not this bad. It was just something about the last few weeks that had you off your game. When you had lost to that Trainer earlier you had even contemplated not going back to Headquarters at all. How were you going to explain that you lost because you used a water-type against a grass-type for Mythic’s sake?! That was a rookie move and you knew it and that Sierra was not going to be happy about it.
And it wasn’t just that. Last week you could have sworn Sierra told you to drop those papers off to Giovanni in his office for her but when you did the boss wasn’t there. You had left the door open thinking you were just going to run in and drop them on his desk but somewhere in those few minutes you hadn’t noticed Giovanni’s Persian slink out and well...he wasn’t very happy about that to say the least. You thought for sure you were going to be fired and thankfully you weren’t. You needed this job, at least until you could get your feet on the ground doing what you really wanted to do.
But that was another thing you couldn’t seem to get right either. You had always dreamed of being an artist; of having your work in a gallery, or maybe working for a big time animation company. Even though you had been drawing since you could pick up a pencil it wasn’t until recently you felt confident enough to post some of your work online, but that hadn’t gone well either. Sure a lot of people liked it but for some reason the people that took the time to write mean comments about it stuck in your head. ‘A 3rd grader could do better’, ‘This is awful, why did they even bother to share it’, ‘You suck’. And maybe you did, you thought as the elevator dinged on the ground floor.
You took one look at the weather outside and your mood sunk even more. It was raining, of course it was raining because of course you didn’t have an umbrella. Why would you? Just another thing you’ve gotten wrong today. Fortunately the bus stop was around the corner so it wasn’t too far of a walk to get wet. As you rounded the corner however you were greeted by the backside of said bus pulling away from the stop.
“No, no, no, no!” You ran after it, tucking your backpack to you as best you could to keep it from getting soaked through and ruining your sketchbook within. The bus however did not stop and you were left standing alone in the street, in the rain, and feeling like even more of a failure than you did five minutes ago. You couldn’t tell if it was rain or tears running down your face, but who cared anyway?
“Bad luck, huh?” You turned at the voice and were surprised to see one of the other Team Rocket Leaders, Cliff, standing behind you under a large umbrella.
“Yeah, that’s about it.” Your shoulders sank and you looked down only to be further surprised when Cliff stepped closer so you were under the umbrella as well.
“How long until the next one?”
“Oh, um…” You checked your watch and sighed. “Only another hour.” You tried to sound positive, he was technically one of your bosses and didn't need to listen to your problems. It apparently didn’t come off that way.
“Everything okay?” Cliff frowned at your tone of voice. Were you really that upset over a bus? “An hour isn’t too long, I can wait with you till the next one.”
“Oh, no really, that isn’t necessary!” You began to protest but he stopped you.
“I insist. In fact, there’s a coffee shop around the corner, why don’t we wait there.” There was clearly more going on here than a missed bus and something was tugging at Cliff’s heartstrings saying he needed to find out what. He ignored your objections and placed a firm hand on your back and began steering you up the street while still managing to keep the umbrella over both of you.
A few minutes later and you were inside and out of the rain, which you had to admit was nicer than standing outside alone in it. Cliff insisted on ordering drinks and paying for them, even going as far as to wave you off while he waited for them to be made so you could grab a table. It was rather busy and the only open spot was a small table with no chairs that was pushed in front of the corner of the booth that ran along the wall. You took a seat on one corner of the booth and tried wiping off your outer layers as best you could with the napkins on the table before Cliff walked over with your drinks.
“One hot chocolate.” He smiled, setting the cup down in front of you as he took a seat in the other corner of the booth making you very aware of how small the booth was. Or maybe it was just that he was that big.
“Thanks.” Cliff eyed you as you took a sip. You seemed to have cheered up a bit but there was still a sadness behind your eyes.
“So, everything okay? You seem a bit down if you don’t mind me saying.” You looked up as Cliff’s brows furrowed and he continued. “Is this about boss’s Persian last week?” He, of course, knew all about the incident and the new one you were torn by the boss. And he didn’t want to pry further but your name had also come up quite a few times with Sierra when she was in a bad mood.
“I...guess.” You sighed before muttering. “Just another thing I can’t do right.”
“Hey, it could have happened to anyone…” Cliff began but you interrupted.
“But it didn’t, I made that mistake.” You began as you stared down at your cup still in your hands. “And I keep making mistakes, and using the wrong pokemon, and I’ll never be good at this or anything.” You took a deep breath as the words came flooding out of you as the pent up emotions of the last few weeks pushed their way to the surface and threatened tears in your eyes. “I just...need this job. At least until...oh!” You had been so caught up in getting here you forgot about how wet your bookbag had become and hoped your sketchbook hadn’t been ruined. Diving into your bag you pulled it out and breathed a sigh of relief to find it safe and dry.
“What’s that?” Cliff’s voice brought you back to the moment and you looked up to meet his curious gaze.
“It’s...nothing really. Just a sketchbook. I was worried it might have gotten wet.”
“You draw?”
“Um, a bit.”
“May I see?” You froze, the words ‘3rd grader’ and ‘You suck’ suddenly ringing in your mind again.
“Oh, I don’t know…” While you glanced down at the book in your hands you missed the playful smirk on Cliff’s face but next thing you knew he had reached over and plucked it from your hands. “Hey!” Your eyes went wide in panic as he opened to the first few pages. Most of which were drawings of pokemon.
“Wow, these are really good.”
“Really?” You felt your face flush as he continued flipping through. Cliff was probably the last person in the world you would have ever imagined having any interest in art but here you were. Sharing them with him, your boss. Your tall, muscular, attractive boss.
“Really. Much better than anything I could ever do.”
“Thanks.” You busied yourself by taking another sip of your drink.
“Oh. My. Stars!” Cliff let out a deep, hearty laugh as he turned the book towards you. “It looks just like her when she’s in a mood!”
Your heart pounded in your chest as you saw what he was talking about. You had forgotten those drawings were in there. This one in particular was Sierra towering over a huddled group of Grunts as she wagged a finger at them. You had also purposefully drawn her head three times bigger than her body with an over-exaggerated sneer and her mouth open wide with fangs showing. It was by no means one of your better works and definitely not something you had ever intended to let anyone else see, especially not another Team Rocket Leader!
“No, wait, it’s not…” Cliff ignored you and had already flipped to the next page while still chuckling. This one you actually liked, it was Arlo working over some paperwork at his desk. You were supposed to be filling out reports but had taken a quick moment to pull out your sketchbook and had drawn the whole thing without Arlo even looking up. Which led you to the next page...oh no! You thought and reached for the book but it was too late. The next drawing was of Cliff, you had been on lunch and he was training with some grunts and his smile and laugh…
“Well, well. I think this one is the best.” Cliff smirked. You were very much aware of how flushed your face must be.
“It’s just...I was just...um.” You cast about for an explanation but your mind was blank. Cliff’s expression softened, catching on to how flustered you had become, and he closed the book. He hadn’t meant to cause offense, only to make you smile. You were cute when you smiled, he found himself thinking.
“You’ve got a lot of talent, (Y/N).” He was glad when you looked at him and your eyes were bright, the traces of sadness in them gone. “Seriously, keep it up. You could really go places with this.”
“That’s kind of the idea.” You bit your bottom lip as you slid the sketchbook away.
“And don’t take anything at work too seriously. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. Don’t beat yourself up over it.”
“Yeah sure, everyone. Everyone except you...and Sierra I’m sure.”
“Oh trust me, we’ve made mistakes.” He chuckled, glancing around for a moment before leaning in like he was about to tell you a secret. “This one time when Sierra was just starting out she thought she could battle a Chinchou in a rainstorm. Let me tell you her hair was completely frizzy for at least a week.”
The image of Sierra with anything other than perfect hair sent you into a fit of laughter.
“You can’t ever say that I told you that.” Cliff grinned back at you, placing a finger over his lips and winking. A different kind of flush crept across your face and you looked down at your drink again to avoid eye contact.
“As long as you don’t tell anyone about those drawings.” You said sheepishly, daring a glance up at him through your lashes.
“What drawings?” Cliff faked an oblivious expression which got you both laughing again.
“Thanks.” You said and genuinely meant it. You felt leagues better than you had when you left work, and probably the best you had felt for some weeks. Glancing down at your watch you were dismayed to see the time. “Oh, shoot. Bus should be here any minute. I need to catch that.”
Cliff stood as you gathered your things. He was glad you were leaving in a better mood but a part of him was wishing you didn’t have to leave at all. “Alright, be safe getting home. And, (Y/N), if you ever need anything my door is always open.”
“Thanks again.” You smiled. Suddenly the prospect of going to work tomorrow didn’t seem too bad.
Author's note: I see mean comments about artists work sometimes and just don't get it. If you don't like the picture don't look at it, don't like the pairing in a fanfiction don't read it! It's that simple. Mean comments stick out the most! And if you do like the work let the artist know, we always love hearing from people who enjoy what we've made.
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jaylos · 3 years
descendancts gift exchange 2020
i’m so glad i made it within the deadline hehe (not in my timezone but shh..)
i apologize for the wait but here it is! @moorsgrimhilde i’m your gift giver and i chose to write a oneshot for umaudrey :) i hope you like it as much as i liked writing it and i hope you’re having a good time this winter <3
it has about 3700 words and the plot goes a little something like this: Uma has never skied before and Audrey helps her, but it doesn’t go so well! And then they have to take shelter from the cold, oh no! What will happen?? Probably romance!
here it is on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28439811
and here it is under the cut for those who prefer to read on tumblr:
When Ben invited all his friends on a winter vacation in the mountains of Arendelle, Uma was not that exited, but she was not going to sit around in her dorm room by herself, so she decided to join them.
However, when she was standing on skiis with shaky legs looking down the slope, she really regretted that decision.
She didn't have to get onto the ski lift and come all the way up here, but Mal had insinuated that she was too scared, so she really didn't have a choice, did she?
So, she was standing there, gripping her ski poles tightly, while Mal had stayed behind way further down the mountain on a beginner's slope.
“Do you need help?” asked a voice next to her, and she turned her head to find Audrey looking at her with a reserved smile and her eyebrows drawn together ever so slightly.
Uma's first instinct was to decline. She was, after all, not one to accept help easily.
There was also the fact that Audrey looked so regal in her coordinated soft pink wintersports outfit with faux fur and lots of tiny white pompoms, which was a stark contrast to Uma's borrowed and mismatched clothes.
Admittedly, she was less worried about their clothes and more about not wanting to look like a fool in front of Audrey.
But the clothes didn't help.
Another reason why Uma came along on this trip, though, was Audrey, who had also been invited. She felt drawn to the princess -  of all people – but had never quite found the opportunity to get to know her better.
A situation where Uma felt more in control would have been nice, but this was her chance.
So she tried to be nice.
“You think you can help me?” she asked, although it came out a little more harshly than she intended.
Audrey blinked, picking up on Uma's reluctance, but smiled through it. “My family goes skiing, like, all the time. I'm pretty good at it.”
Uma hesitated. She was still not quite used to people offering help out of the kindness of their hearts, and doubts were always gnawing at the back of her mind.
It seemed she took a second too long to respond.
Audrey's smile took on something that Uma would almost call mischievous. “Don't you want to see Mal's face when you make it to the bottom in one piece?”
Uma cringed inwardly, because Audrey had apparently not only overheard Mal's teasing but also seen right through her.
However, a smirk formed on Uma's face, because Audrey was speaking a language they both understood.
Audrey instructed Uma how to position her feet, how to balance her weight on the skiis and how to slow down so she would make it down the mountain safely.
Uma did fall on her butt a few times and she was embarrassed, but Audrey offered her hand, and her laugh was one of the sweetest sounds of Auradon.
Slowly but steadily they made headway, and Uma was starting to get the hang of it, but they had reached a part of the slope that was much steeper than the rest, and Uma looked down nervously.
Audrey came to a halt next to her. “You're doing really well for your first time!”
A part of Uma wanted to question her sincerity. Did she have hidden motives? What did she have to gain by being so nice?
In Remedial Goodness 101, they had learned about kindness for kindess' sake, but it was all still a bit confusing to Uma. Especially since she had heard some not-so-kind things about Audrey.
Maybe that was one of the reasons why she found Audrey interesting, as opposed to most other Auradonians.
The sky had been clear when they went up the mountain, but in the time it had taken them to get down little by little, grey clouds had started to gather.
Uma knew she had no time to waste and no choice but to keep going right away.
She took a deep breath. “Let's do this.”
She began her descent with all the confidence she could muster, but it vanished again in a split-second, when she lost control and started barrelling down the slope.
In the distance, Audrey called out to her, but her voice was drowned out by the wind in Uma's ears.
In an attempt to brake Uma steered to one side as best as she could. She was not going straight down, at least, but now she was speeding towards the edge of the slope and only managed to dodge a tree by a hair.
The snow was significantly deeper here, so she became a bit slower right before her skiis got stuck and she flew face first into a heap of snow.
She took a moment to recover from the shock and catch her breath. When she got up, relieved that she was still in one piece, she could hear Audrey calling her name as she hurried into the woods after her.
Uma patted down her clothes to rid herself of the snow. “I'm here!” she called.
“Are you okay?” Audrey asked as soon as she reached her. “Are you hurt?”
The worry in Audrey's voice was a small comfort to Uma. At least she was not going to mock her for making a fool out of herself.
“I'm fine,” she reassured her.
“..Do you think you can keep going?” Audrey asked, but seemed reluctant to even suggest it.
Uma sighed. “Do I have a choice?”
To her surprise, Audrey did offer another option. “Well.. I know a place where we could take a break. It's a short walk from here.” She looked around a bit and added, “I think.”
Uma did not have to be asked twice. “Lead the way.” She knew that she had to go down the rest of the way eventually, but she was grateful for any excuse to put it off for the moment.
They slowly trudged through the deep snow for a while, their ski boots making it even harder to move forward. On top of that, the wind picked up considerably, swirling up the snow around them.
As much as Uma hated this troublesome, freezing trek, she probably would have hated skiing the rest of the way in this weather even more.
Uma didn't notice the small building in front of them until she almost bumped into Audrey.
“We're here!” Audrey yelled over the wind and proceeded to take the few wooden steps leading up the the porch, where she dropped her skiis with a huff.
It was a lodge in the middle of the forest, but Uma didn't waste much time looking at it before dumping her skiis with Audrey's and quickly following her inside.
They were both out of breath. and it took Uma a few moments before she could get out words.
“How'd you know about this?”
“It's my family's.” Audrey took off her jacket and shook the snow off of it. “We used to come here all the time when I was little, but nobody's been here ever since my parents bought a new one.”
Uma let her eyes wander around the room. There was a big couch with a matching recliner and a fireplace with a fluffy fur rug in front of it. On one side there was a small kitchen unit, and the floor, walls and high ceiling were all made of wood. Everything seemed quite dusty, but charming nonetheless. How wasteful it was to just abandon a place like this.
“Are you getting service?” Audrey asked, pulling Uma out of her thoughts.
Uma turned to her as she was holding up her phone - to no avail, judging by the disgruntled look on her face.
“I don't even have a phone,” she replied matter-of-factly.
That made Audrey stop and look at her for a moment. “Well,” she began, “if we're lucky, somebody notices that we're missing.”
The sarcastic undertone in her voice did not escape Uma. “You're a princess. They're probably already looking for you.”
“Sure,” Audrey replied, but did not sound convinced.
Uma drew her eyebrows together slightly. There was something up, but she decided not to pry, at least for now. There were more pressing matters at hand.
“Let's just make a fire. We're gonna be here for a while either way,” she said.
“It's an old fireplace. It doesn't have a switch!” Audrey said, visibly distressed, as though she was making sense. “We're probably gonna freeze to death!”
Uma shook her head lightly, albeit with a small smile on her face. “Relax, princess. Making a fire is not that hard. Just see if you can find matches around here somewhere.”
Audrey did as asked while Uma took some firewood from the pile next to the fireplace and put it inside.
They did manage to get a fire going with little difficulty, which seemed to put Audrey at ease, and they waited a bit for it to grow bigger before they peeled of their outer layers.
Audrey dug out blankets from somewhere and they got cozy on the fur rug in front of the fireplace.
This was definitely the most comfortable shelter Uma had ever been in.
The two of them sat in silence for a while, only the fire was crackling and the wind was howling over the roof.
“I've never seen this much snow. Like, at all,” Uma said as she looked out the window. There wasn't much to see except white nothingness. It was not that strange to Uma, though, to feel cut off from the rest of the world.
Audrey followed her gaze, scrunching up her face a bit at the sight. “Was there no snow on the Isle?”
“There wasn't much weather at all,” Uma replied with a shrug. “Honestly, I prefer that over this.”
“You know what would make this a lot more bearable? Hot chocolate,” Audrey said and huffed.
The way her lips were drawn into a pout reminded Uma of the fact that she was still a spoiled princess.
“Is this, like, you worst winter vacation ever?” Uma teased.
Audrey averted her gaze, and for a moment Uma feared that she had upset her, but she looked up again. “Well, I guess it was pretty fun befor-”
“Before I almost died,” Uma finished with a smirk. She sighed. “It's all my fault. I just had to prove Mal wrong.”
“Right, so it's actually her fault! Again! What a shocker,” Audrey said.
Uma snorted. She still had a light smile one her face when she contemplated for a moment. “Nah,” she said, “Harry made chicken noises at me too.”
She really had no-one to blame but herself. Nobody made her do anything.
Uma turned her head to look at Audrey, although their eyes did not quite meet.
“Are you still holding a grudge?”
Still with a sarcastic undertone, Audrey replied, “What, just because she stole my boyfriend and is gonna be queen instead of me and always hogs all the attention?”
They looked at each other for one quiet second before they broke out into laughter.
When they calmed down, Audrey continued, “I'm over it. I mean, being queen would've been nice but honestly I'm kind of relieved that I don't have to spend my life with.. someone I don't really love.”
“Then why did you start dating him?” Uma asked.
Audrey gave a half-hearted shrug. “It just made sense. I was always expected to marry a prince, so why not take the most influential one there is?” She paused. “And Ben and I grew up together, so I already knew he was a good person.”
Uma could only shake her head at the absurdity of it. “I literally grew up on an island prison but I gotta say, that sounds like you didn't have much freedom either.”
Audrey's chuckle was bittersweet, but it helped her let go of a bit of the tension her memories had brought her.
“So,” Uma said with a sigh, “what are we gonna do now that we're both free?” Her choice of words was deliberate. She was up for spending more time with Audrey, whatever they were doing.
“Oh, I'm on top of my schedule,” Audrey replied, faking enthusiasm. “Being a huge disappointment to my family?” She made a check mark in the air with a flick of her wrist. “Check.”
Uma laughed. “Tell me about it.”
With a soft smile, Audrey inclined her head. “What about you?”
Uma pretended to think for a moment. “Absolutely no idea.” She was pondering how much she wanted to open up to Audrey. There was a feeling of mutual understanding between them, even though they could not be more different. “The Isle was awful in many ways, but at least I knew my place there. Here I'm.. a fish out of water.” She lowered her gaze. “And I had my crew, but they're all doing their own thing now. And that's great for them an all... but I'm just not used to it.” She let out a soft chuckle. “I never expected Gil to travel Auradon one day.”
He had always seemed pretty content where he was.
Audrey opened her mouth, but she took a second longer to decide if she wanted to speak or not. “Why don't we do that?”
Uma blinked at her. “What, travel Auradon?”
“Yeah,” Audrey replied and tried to rein in her excitement about her own suggestion. “I mean, nothing's keeping me in Auradon City.”
“Haven't you been everywhere already?”
“Pretty much. But I bet it'd be fun to go there again.. with you,” Audrey said and looked at her with big eyes, nervously awaiting her response.
Uma pressed her lips together to keep her smile from growing too wide.
Their eyes met.
“Sure,” Uma responded, “but let's say Arendelle was our first stop. I think I've seen all I need to see here.”
Audrey chuckled softly and Uma basked in the sweet sound of it.
“You know,” Uma began, “when I came here I didn't think we would get along, but you're cool.” She nodded with approval. When she spoke on her voice was more soft. “I had fun hanging out with you today. Even this,” she gestured into the room, “is not so bad.”
Audrey gave her a bashful smile and was unable to hold eye contact, which Uma took as a good sign. It felt like quite the accomplishment to make the beautiful princess flustered.
Audrey leaned a bit closer as though she was about to tell a secret. In a low voice she said, “I thought you were intimidating.”
“Thanks, I try,” Uma replied with a smirk.
More soflty, Audrey then said, “I had fun with you too.”
For a moment or two, they just looked at each other.
Uma's mind was racing, thinking about how many unexpected turns her life had taken so that she ended up here. Never in a milion years would she have imagined that she would find a companion in an Auradonian, let alone a princess.
She had been curious about Audrey ever since she read her diary – which she would not do again, of course – but she didn't think that there would become more of it than a ridiculous fantasy.
“Oh, but the first thing we're gonna do when we get out of here is get you a phone,” Audrey said, snapping Uma back to reality.
“Do I need one?” she asked.
Audrey tilted her head as though the answer was obvious. “Of course! How else are you supposed to respond to my texts and like my selfies?”
Uma wrinkled her forehead. “..I could just tell you in person?”
Audrey smiled solfty at her. “That's sweet, but it's not the same.”
They were talking about all sorts of things, about their lives growing up, about Auradon, about their friends. Not too much about their parents and their expectations, though. They decided that was too much of a bummer.
Audrey kept thinking of more things she wanted to show Uma, more ways to share her world with her, and Uma had soon forgotten that there was a snow storm raging outside. She wasn't in a hurry to go anywhere else.
There was a lull in the conversation. Not an unpleasant silence, though.
They had moved closer together without even noticing, even though the warmth from the fire had already spread around the room.
“Can I ask you a question?” Audrey's voice was quiet, so as not to disturb the peace.
Uma turned to look at her to find her watching the fire pensively.
“On the Isle... do people believe in true love?”
Uma shrugged. “Some might, but if they do they don't say it. It's pretty frowned upon.”
Audrey finally tore her gaze away from the fire. “Why?”
“It makes you vulnerable. On the Isle you can't – couldn't – afford that,” Uma replied. She herself had believed that too, although she had her doubts ever since she had found her crew. Caring for them was what had made her strong, after all. “Why are you asking?”
“We grew up very differently. I'm just curious about someone else's perspective.” Audrey's eyes were jumping between different spots on Uma's face, as though she would learn more by looking closely.
“Do you believe in true love?” Uma asked with a nonchalance that sounded fake even in her own ears.
“I guess so,” Audrey replied, not trying to hide her uncertainty. “I mean, it's what I grew up to believe in.” She paused, and her expression turned almost apologetic. “I would like it to be true, but I've certainly had no luck finding it.”
“That sounds like way too much pressure,” Uma said.
Audrey let out a chuckle. “Yeah. I probably would've stayed with Ben just so I wouldn't have to deal with it.”
A smirk formed on Uma's face. “Then maybe Mal did you a favor.”
With a soft laugh Audrey shook her head lightly, followed by a sigh. “I think Ben's heart wasn't in it either. It was probably only a matter of time anyway,” she said with a wistful smile.
Uma gave her a sympathetic look. “You people take this true love stuff way too seriously.” Her voice lacked the usual contempt she had for nonsensical Auradonian conventions. It wasn't Audrey's fault that she thought there was only one way to love.
Their eyes met, and Uma wasn't sure if Audrey had come closer again.
“You're probably right.. But what else am I supposed to do?”, Audrey asked in a soft voice, as though she already knew the answer but didn't dare to say it.
“Just have fun,” Uma replied and leaned in a bit. “You don't always have to know where it's going.”
Uma certainly didn't. Everything she did ever since the barrier was opened meant going into uncharted waters.
They were only inches apart now, looking into each other's eyes inently.
“What would people think?”, Audrey asked, her voice not much more than a whisper.
Uma didn't want to burden herself with trying to unpack all that this question entailed, at least not now. This moment was just for them, not for anyone else to scrutinize.
“That's their problem.”
This must have been exactly what Audrey wanted to hear, because a light smile formed on her lips. And to Uma's surprise, Audrey was the one who closed the gap between them.
When Audrey's soft lips touched hers, Uma curled her fingers into her blanket, else she might have floated away.
She stayed still and waited for Audrey to pull away first.
When Audrey did so, she smiled sweetly and cast down her eyes.
Uma almost had to laugh, because of all people, she was the one getting a kiss from a princess, and she liked it too.
“If someone had told me about this, like, two years ago..” Audrey said, but didn't finish her sentence.
They both giggled at the fact that, not long ago neither of them would ever have expected this.
Audrey leaned onto her, not too much, only so their shoulders were touching lightly, and told her more about the places they'd visit and the things they'd see.
Uma suggested a trip to the Isle as well. She wasn't particularly proud of the place she grew up in, but she was proud of her ship and what she made of it. And it was sure to be unlike anything Audrey had ever seen before.
The storm had settled a bit, but they barely noticed. Audrey never even checked her phone to see if a message did get through.
The sun was starting to set, and only then were they disturbed by loud banging on the door, and muffled voices calling their names made them jump to their feet.
They hurried to the door, and in stumbled Mal and Ben and lots of snow.
“There you are!” Mal said and threw her arms around Uma's neck, only to let go again immediately to look Uma up and down. “Are you okay?”
Ben hugged Audrey with a little less vigor but just as much relief. “We've been looking everywhere for you!”
“Until Ben remembered this place,” Mal added.
“We're fine,” Uma reassured them.
Audrey clutched her chest. “You've been running around outside during this terrible storm?”
“We couldn't just wait around not knowing if something happened to you,” Ben said.
Mal ignored the question, still too agitated to have a calm conversation. “I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have egged you on when I knew you've never skied before. It's all my fault.”
Uma and Audrey exchanged a look, both trying to suppress a smile.
“It's fine,” Uma said. “We've been holding out in here.”
Ben had taken off his mittens and was now rubbing his hands together to warm them up. “Could we maybe join you for a bit? I'm not really in a rush to get back out there now that we know you're safe.”
“That depends,” Uma replied and lifted her chin.
This earned her confused looks and Mal asked, “On what?”
Uma smirked. “You think you can conjure up some hot chocolate?”
“That's a great idea,” Audrey said and gave her the sweetest of smiles.
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helpinghanikan · 4 years
Public Enemy
X-men x Reader
Sum:  Powers don’t always obey their masters. Sometimes they have their own minds, making problems and causing destruction that you’re left to deal with. When that happens, you’re going to need some help finding a sanctuary. 
an: It’s not specified what Reader’s power is but I was thinking force-fields. I just think Force-field powers are neat. 
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Charles Xavier:
Charles’s office, specifically the couch, has been your home for some time. Although it has only been a few days, two at most, but it felt like years. Hours spent sitting specifically in the couch’s corner where anyone entering wouldn’t notice you right away. Reading and taking your place as secretary more seriously makes time move in a slower fashion.
“Would you grab that book for me?” Charles asks, slapping you out of whatever deep thought you were currently drowning in.
At first these little tasks he asks you to do seem to come randomly. As if he just remembered you were there and felt bad. In reality he’s probably been in the outer layer of your mind for longer then you’ve been in the office.
Ignoring these facts, you focused on your work. It had spread quickly through the school that you were open and able to grade anyone’s homework or papers. Like the rest of your current life, these were taken care in Charles’s office. A place you’ve been bent over for hours until a phone call held your attention.
Charles is a pretty decent liar. Between his history with authority and with children, he speaks with enough confidence that it’s not worth thinking about. Obviously he still had his tells, even if the person he was lying wasn’t in front of him, he still looked down and go quiet for a second.
“No, I’m afraid we haven’t heard from her.” When he starts his lie, his tells are typically gone. “Yes, we will absolutely contact you if she comes here. And, in the event of that happening, I ask that consider our relationship before deciding anything.”
You don’t say anything when he hangs up. Instead deciding that to grab that book before he asks you to.
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Erik Lehnsherr:
Erik was nice enough not to say or ask anything at first. Your few items in a bag, and all your savings spent on bribing a boat captain to take you here. All this was written on your face, practically screaming that you don’t want to talk about it.
“Is anyone going to be coming?” was the only thing he asked.
Instead of a verbal answer you shrugged with a shake of your head. Maybe…
Erik uses the excuse of an escort to keep a hand on your back, around your shoulders. Even gently on the back of your neck to ask his question in a whisper. Although Genosha was supposedly a sanctuary to all mutants, you were still an outsider. An outsider who had, not only, caused destruction but just might bring down the anger of the world onto them.
“You came here quickly, then.” Erik says, in leadership mode. Sitting across from you, elbows on his knees, looking almost into you.
“You guys aren’t exactly hiding,” It wasn’t a good joke but still you blow air out of your nose, trying to force a tiny laugh.
“Then why come here to hide?” He asks.
When the answer you give is another shrug (I don’t know…) he sighs. Standing and returning with a hot cup of beverage. A kettle had either been set before he stepped out to greet you, or one was constantly kept a little warm. Either way it was somewhere between tea and coffee, but definitely not both.
“What did you do?” he asks.
It took some time to tell the entire story. Skipping too many details about the fear and anger that all came at you at once. Erik has heard it all before in much worse amounts. Only admitting that you were wanted, so many were hurt or completely destroyed by a lapse of control.
He doesn’t interrupt or ask any other questions. He just listens and keeps an ear out for helicopters.
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Raven/ Mystique:
At some point you were taken to the hospital with the other survivors. The journey was hard to remember; being placed on a bed and tossed around in the back of an ambulance. Pretending to be just as out of it as the others, really just avoiding eye contact with the paramedics.
It’s nice to think that you had a plan for when you got to the hospital, and you kinda did. With all the people coming in at once there was the chance you’d be left in the hallway or an open area to wait for a bed. In the event of that happening you could just roll over and walk out. Just walk with confidence and make it out the door.
That you were now restrained in a bed in your own room meant that plan was out the window. Laying back and letting the nurses check you out with shaking hands. Just enough to check you over but not enough to pretend to be doing their job.
“It’s fine,” The nurse says, practically slamming the room door shut behind him. It wasn’t a thick door; you could still hear through it. “Please don’t make me go near it again.” He says to someone in the hallway, probably a doctor or some other superior.
It isn’t until their talking has mostly stopped that you bother trying to escape. Your restraints were soft but also tight, something that you couldn’t slide out of easily. Rocking the bed, trying to tip it over, would just leave you dangling off the side. Still strapped in but with bruises and staring at the floor.
While thinking of another dashing escape plan the door opens again. A nurse steps and gently closes the door behind her. This one was a woman nurse, so far you’ve only been dealing with males. It was likely because of the threat you posed that it had only been men. Specifically, the biggest nurses and orderlies that were available.
Because of this you watch the woman as she walks over. She was a small woman with brown hair in a bob cut, the white uniform and a smile she held while pulling the curtain around. You were smart enough not to say anything until she did. Or until she shifts entirely from white uniform into blue skin, immediately pulling at your restraints.
“Hey, Hi. Babe, I’m sorry…” You have a million things to say at once.
All the words fighting to be the first to be said. All ignored by your girl, who just places a gentle hand over your mouth and whispers a shhh. Going back to the restraints and whispering:
“Don’t say anything,” She says, opening the first and reaching over to get the next. “Let’s just get out of here.”
You quickly pulled the faded green scrubs over your clothes. Raven placing a surgical hat on your head and mask over your face was the best she could do. Raven quickly becoming the bobbed hair nurse again. She nods at you, as if to say, “everything will be fine.”
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Peter Maximoff:
So much energy coming out at once has to take it out form somewhere. What was a splitting headache a second ago became a massive weight. One that dragged you down from the standing position and towards the floor. Only to be caught by arms that were not there a second ago.
It wasn’t that Peter was “harboring a fugitive,” or was “obstructing justice” he was just helping out his girlfriend. Something that he has argued about with several people.
“I don’t believe this was done on purpose, Ser.” Professor Xavier says into the phone, staring at Peter as he did. “No, she still has yet to reach out to us. To any of us. The moment she does we will tell you.”
Peter makes a face and shrugs when the phone is hung up. “I don’t see why they need her. It’s was an accident, she said sorry, I don’t see what else there is.”
Professor Xavier doesn’t seem to bother asking where you are. Peter wouldn’t tell him, and he could easily find you with cerebro.
“Is she safe?” He asks, wanting whatever truth Peter was willing to give.
“I mean, I don’t know where she is, but she safe. I think, yeah, she’s safe.” He says. Smart enough to help you vanish but not enough to know better then to lie to a telepath.
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Hank McCoy:
Like a little kid you’ve chosen the staircase banister to hide behind. Either hand holding onto a separate bar, looking out between them. Your spot was strategically placed far enough away from the door that they wouldn’t see your details through the banister. As far as they were concerned you were just a curious kid. A very big curious kid.
“They” were the people Hank was currently handling at the door. It had been only two days since the incident and it’s amazing it took them this long to reach your door. Three men in suits and a woman in a white coat knocked at your door just after lunch.
Sending the students from the hall Hank took control of the situation. Never outright telling you to leave the main hall but did make a similar “shoo” gesture that he gave the kids while telling them to make their exit.
Although the distance gave you an advantage it also kept you from hearing what was being said. The men on the other side weren’t giving enough body language to tell if they were upset or not. Only one seemed to be talking, the others were moving side to side on their feet. If Hank were to move too far to one side or the other they’d try and make their way inside.
“They don’t have a right to take you, not legally or in anyway.” Hank had reassured you hours earlier.
It started to get tense on the other side of the room. One of the men giving up on waiting for an opening and trying to make one himself.
Hank’s change can happen slow or it can happen so fast you don’t even realize it. The friendly approach of a regular human at the door was abandoned the moment they showed aggression. Blue arms and baring teeth made all three jump, reaching for their hips. The woman in white, the seeming bravest of the group, steps forward. A hand reached out, but the door is slammed in her face.
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Jean Gray:
Life is confusing and everyone is screaming.
At first their screams were sympathetic; they were screams of fear and pain. But after hearing them non-stop for several minutes it’s hard to feel bad. It was almost like they were doing it on purpose. Like, if they just shut up for one second you could figure what was happening.
They didn’t, though, they wouldn’t shut up. Distracting you from the indestructible bubbles creating and growing in the walls, machines and skin. Expanding and tearing everything apart.
There’s two other voices among the screaming that stands out: the first is the loudest. It’s the purest form of anger and fear that could ever be made. It was also the most annoying, if that one person would just shut-the-fuck-up you could probably think. The other voice is the only one not screaming. It wasn’t sweet or kind like it was before, it was harsh and stern. Power behind the voice making it louder then a scream ever could be.  
It was pretty obvious whose voice was yours and who’s belonged to Jean.
Jean’s voice was like that. It was powerful, it was a strict father’s and a commanding mother’s combined. If she wanted to, she could make it impossible to escape her voice. She uses this power of voice now: Where your ears can’t take any information, but your mind was burst open and unprotected.
You never understood what she was saying completely. Only that it was nice, and that it made everything go black.
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Logan/ Wolverine:
More than half the population of earth is smarter than Logan. He’s more than willing to admit that, but what he did know was not to poke an already agitated bear. That’s all you were in that moment. A very pissed off bear sitting in the corner of a glass square.
It honestly wouldn’t have been that bad if Peter hadn’t compared it to the cages Magneto had been in. That was when everything seemed to become real for you.
This was only way that there wouldn’t be an absolute hunt for mutants. Your containment in exchange for a lie told by the Secretary of Defense to the entire world. That, no, there was not “mutant attack”, this was an unexplained, isolated incident. One that was now being held in the basement of a government building until your fate is decided.
“Are you allowed to smoke in here?” You ask, picking at the bottom of your white scrubs.
“I didn’t see the signs.” He says, waiting for someone to dare and yell at him about the cigar.
Instead of asking for the cigar verbally you raise a hand towards one of the small breathing holes. He slides it towards you, butt first. Only giving a little direction on how to puff the thing instead of straight up inhale it.
Smoking anything while stressed was a good way to start a bad habit. Something Logan tried to keep you from. Given the situation, he allowed the nicotine high you were gonna get from working on the thing. It was another test for this place. A test to see just how long or how many little rules he could break before someone yelled at him.
Not that he would ever use this knowledge for selfish means. It was just good to know when things would start to go south. Not that the Professor gave him permission, he just didn’t tell him not to.
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Kurt Wagner:
Any pictures or footage taken of you during the incident were stolen straight from hell. That was the only aspect anyone cared about; the ones where you were wild and there was nothing in your eyes except for uncontrolled power.
No one thought about the few seconds after the incident. That instead of power there was confusion and fear. Staring at your hands and into the world looking for answers.
That scene only lasted a few seconds. Long enough for the blue devil to match your hell appear and disappear with you.
Like a child you went to bed without dinner. Although it was by choice, and this wasn’t your bed. It was a hiding place in the same building that your seekers were searching. But with a protective layer of blankets, and an extra layer of your boy sitting in front of the door, you could enjoy these last few minutes before your life goes to hell.
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lovelylogans · 4 years
are we ever getting dee’s backstory in the wyliwf verse? or actually are we ever getting more dee logan interactions?
“all warfare is based on deception. hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.” —sun tzu, the art of war
dee usually tries to subscribe to some of the life lessons in the art of war. he has no idea why, today, he has flubbed it this badly.
(or: dee accidentally spills a secret, and those sanders’ might not be as bad as he thought.)
part of the wyliwf verse.
ao3 | read my other fics | coffee?
warnings: deceit, snake mentions, mention of a fight, allusions to an unhappy home life, let me know if i’ve missed anything
pairings: logince, moxiety
words: 4,515
notes: thank you, anon! this references this ask i answered a while ago about dee’s backstory; not super necessary to read, since i cover a lot of it in here, but it does give some general background that might be nice going into the story. takes place after the black parade. happy birthday, deceit!
patton’s not usually home when logan gets back from school.
if paton did see logan right after a school day, it was usually because patton went to virgil’s for a mid-afternoon hot cocoa/coffee, or if logan walked from the bus stop to the inn. they don’t meet at home right after school.
today was different, though. because today, logan was bringing home his partner to do a project for the gsa.
logan had been kicking himself for not getting more involved as soon as he’d set foot at chilton. so, in the aftermath of the “I AM NOT DOING ENOUGH TO GET INTO COLLEGE” frantic list-making session of winter break, logan had joined a slew of clubs and activities; the cross-country team, with the intent of joining the track team in the fall, as long as it didn’t interfere with the newspaper, chilton’s book club, chilton’s quiz bowl team, the science club, photographing for the newspaper, when mel needed him to, backstage crew for the spring play, the debate team, and, of course, chilton’s gay/straight alliance.
that hadn’t been around, when patton went to chilton. patton likes to think that means that things are way better now—well, he knows things are a better now, there’s been so much progress since patton was a teenager—but, well. to patton, chilton’s always going to have that memory, to him. of being excised and bullied because he was trans.
but. anyway. logan’s part of the gsa now. logan’s bringing home a designated partner from the gsa, to help make some posters to put up around the school. so patton has some ulterior motives for being home right now. 
because, well, patton knows that logan’s mostly signed up for everything because it looks good on a college admission form, but. patton can’t help but think about logan’s not-super-hidden concern, the night before he’d started chilton—“what could he possibly be scared of? he’s the one staying at sideshire high. he’s always had other friends. he’ll probably make more friends now that i’m not going to be at school taking up all his time.”
and, well. involvement in things he’s interested in. which means other kids who are interested in the things he’s interested in. which means potential friends. 
with roman as the sole exception, logan’s always been slow to warm to people—he’s very particular about who he lets to be close to him. but once he does warm to them, he’s fiercely, intensely loyal, defensive, a good friend. a fantastic friend.
so maybe patton’s hovering a little to make sure that things go well for logan. sue him. but he can be a cool dad, that’ll help, right? he can offer snacks! and supplies for poster-making! and… and more snacks! 
so patton had been a whirlwind of activity, shoving most of the clutter out of sight so that the house looks slightly tidier, stacking outer layers on his coat rack that seems to wheeze under the pressure—patton practically has to tie things to it with his trans pride scarf, just to make sure that things wont fall down—and shoves dirty dishes in the dishwasher, out of sight, out of mind. he’ll wash them later.
he straightens up the bin of markers that he’d dug out of various desk drawers, and ensures that the glitter and glue are all grouped together, and that they’ve got pencils to sketch out a starting idea, because knowing logan, he’ll want to sketch out the idea first. 
he runs through the list of names that he’s heard logan mention as he straightens everything out—maybe it’ll be kai, logan had mentioned him and his interest in video games. or there had been a set of boyfriends the grade above him, corbin and… and sloane, wasn’t it, maybe it’d be one of them! or maybe someone that logan hasn’t mentioned. 
there’s the sound of a key at the door, and patton glances at his phone. right on time. he’d really expect nothing less, from logan, oh goD he should look like he’s being totally natural act natural patton!!!!!
so he quickly pivots and starts rattling around in the cupboards, and starts scooping coffee grounds into the coffee maker as he hears the door open, two thumps of backpacks hitting the ground, a mutter of “you can take your shoes off here” from logan.
“hey, kiddo!” patton calls, and a mumble of “my dad” from logan, and then the sound of two pairs of socked feet approaching.
“i wasn’t sure if you wanted some coffee too, so i figured i could ask you and your—“
he pivots, and the word “guest” dies on his tongue.
because, standing in yellow socks in the midst of his kitchen, with his strange, sneakily altered version of the chilton uniform, looking supremely uncomfortable, is dee slange.
the same dee slange that has been logan’s de-facto rival at chilton. the same dee slange that told logan he’d never catch up to the rest of his class. the same dee slange that goaded someone into hitting his son. that dee slange.
this is the worst outcome for “logan could be bringing home a potential friend!”
patton swallows, setting aside the scoop of coffee, and glances at logan.
“we were randomly assigned people to get to know them better, since it’s the start of the new semester,” logan says, a brusque explanation.
“right,” patton says. “okay. um. hi.”
“hi,” dee says, voice tight, tilting up his chin.
“do you want some coffee?” patton says stiffly.
a long pause. “sure.”
“right then,” patton says, and turns to the coffee machine.
dee slange. dee slange! god, it probably is a good thing that he’d decided to hover, because honestly if logan and dee had had to work alone patton probably would have come home to the house in shambles. 
but he has to be polite, patton tells himself. so patton wracks his brain for his (probably outdated) etiquette lessons, and, once he gets the coffee machine going, he turns, leaning back against the counter. 
“it is dee, right?” he checks. “i’d hate to be calling you something that you don’t particularly want to be called. is it short for something?”
“it’s dee,” he says. he doesn’t answer the other question. he’s busy glancing around the kitchen.
right, patton figures. time to move to the next small-talk topic.
“your grandmother’s friends with my mom,” patton tells dee. “evelyn, right? i always liked her.”
honestly, a lot of his mom’s friends had been a wild gamble, if he told them he was trans, and evelyn had probably taken it best out of all of them. that had been enough to earn his affection, even if evelyn’s general kindness hadn’t done that already.
dee’s dad, on the other hand… well, he’d been a flip side of that coin, but so had a lot of people, back then.
but dee smiles, ever so slightly, at the mention of his grandmother, so patton figures he hasn’t made any major social missteps. 
“yes,” dee says, refocusing from where his eyes had been briefly fixed somewhere beyond patton, back toward the entry hall. “she’s doing well. i’ll tell her you said hello.”
another long pause. patton clears his throat, tapping his fingers on the counter, before he says, “how was school?”
“fine,” logan says, with a slight grimace.
“there was that, um. the thing in latin today, right?” patton says. “the recitation thing? tempora cum causis Latium digesta per annum lapsaque sub terras… i can’t remember any more.” 
frankly, it’s a miracle he can’t. logan’s been reciting the first part of ovid’s fasti for the past week. he was pretty sure “scilicet arma magis quam sidera, Romule, noras, curaque finitimos vincere maior erat” would be running around in his head for a month, since logan had been chanting in his room like he was conducting some arcane ritual.    
logan scowls, a dark look flitting across his face even as he finished patton’s line, “ortaque signa canam. yeah, that was today.”
“and?” patton prompts. 
logan scowls. “he thought my pronunciation was over-rehearsed.”
“over-rehearsed?” patton says. “i mean—it would be, wouldn’t it? it’s not like you walk around and latin just casually tumbles out of your mouth.”
“precisely,” logan says.
“the man is an idiot,” dee says, brusque, turning his focus back again—patton didn’t think he’d done that bad of a job, tidying things up in there.
“i—well, now,” patton says, unsure of exactly how to step but he’s a dad it’s practically an instinct to instill manners, “don’t be mean.”
“no, he’s right,” logan says, looking at dee thoughtfully. “he is an idiot. he forgot to teach us the imperative verb tense and only remembered when all of us got it wrong on the imperative-centric quiz.”
dee rolls his eyes, the yellow one glinting. “i nearly forgot about that. my god, did the man get hired just because he plagiarized some old myths from percy jackson during the job interview?”
“those are greek,” logan says, “unless you’re referring to the later series.”
“my point,” dee says, “you cannot deny that charleston is a simpleton, look at the way he handled the moreno/watts situation.”
patton blinks. “what moreno/watts situation?”
logan also looks confused, but really the only way he can tell is because patton is his dad and knows when he’s covering up an emotion. well. most of the time. some of the time. more than most other people, let’s go with that one.
dee sighs, put-upon, before he says, “janey watts and sarah moreno were both taken to our esteemed headmaster’s office yesterday because mr. medina caught them about to claw each other’s eyes out in the alcove near the hidden rear staircase of the senior’s lounge. when attempting to discover what was wrong, mr. charleston’s first guess on what they were fighting about was that they were fighting over the same boy.”
logan allows his confusion to show. “but janey watts is a lesbian.”
“yes,” dee says, “and now you can see one of the many reasons why charleston is a simpleton.”
patton sighs. “well, charleston’s always been… a product of his time?” he says, and tries to elaborate. “you know, he backed up giving me a month of detention once because i refused to respond to my chosen name and pronouns.”
dee’s eyes darken. “bastard,” he spits out, filled with more venom than patton was expecting.
“hey, now,” patton says, even as startled as he is with… that. it’s not like dee and patton are particularly close, to warrant this level of defensiveness. well, patton guesses he’s in the gsa, so it makes sense that he’d be defensive of trans rights. “i could bust out the swear jar.”
“you’ve never had a swear jar,” logan says.
“i could start,” patton says. 
logan turns to dee. “i didn’t know you were friends with janey watts.”
“oh, i’m not,” dee says, and then, matter-of-fact, “she thinks i’m a slimy jerk with no morals and who would sell out his own grandmother if it meant getting further ahead.”
patton feels a little stab of hurt, the way he usually does whenever he hears someone talk bad about themselves.
“then how did you know what charleston said?” logan says, and hey, good point! but logan’s always been more observant than him.
“oh, please,” dee says. “logan, you’re a journalist, you should know that we all have our own sources.”
“in the headmaster’s office?”
dee shrugs. “to secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but theopportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.”
“sun tzu,” logan says. “art of war. you could do with the seem humble part.”
“but you’re already so filled with conceit,” dee says, and patton’s about to burst in with a hey now, but logan just shrugs.
“i know myself,” logan says.
��so you can win all battles?” dee says. “i didn’t know you read had an interest in ancient chinese literature.”
“mostly just that one,” logan says. “do you have an interest in ancient chinese literature?”
“mostly just that one,” dee parrots. “shall we get started?”
“may as well,” logan says.
“you kids want coffee while you do that?” patton says. “oh, and would you mind if i did my homework, too?”
“for your business degree,” dee surmises, and really, patton probably shouldn’t be surprised that he knows that, but he’s surprised anyway, darn it. “fine. it’s your house.” 
so patton pours everyone some coffee and sets out cream and sugar, since he doesn’t know how dee takes his coffee, before he gathers up his own homework and settles in, listening absentmindedly as the boys sort through various options that’s been offered to them.
dee, it turns out, milks and sweetens his coffee to a frankly absurd degree—patton wouldn’t be surprised if dee would be met with a few mouthfuls of sugar-sludge at the bottom of his mug—and picks his way through snacks, eating them so swiftly and unnoticeably that patton doesn’t realize it until he goes for a pretzel and realizes the bowl is near-empty.
“i don’t suppose you want to do the ‘how i knew i was gay’ one,” dee says briskly. they’ve sorted through most of the list—this is the last suggested poster theme option—and then they’ll narrow down their yeses.
“certainly not,” logan agrees. “there isn’t particularly much to tell, anyway. boys were always just… pretty.”
“one boy,” patton murmurs slyly, grinning down at his homework even as logan half-heartedly stamps on his foot.
“not much for me, either,” dee says. “girls always had cooties, and i always knew i was a boy, so—“
everyone at the table freezes. and then things start to click.
the altered, strange uniform, as if to say look here, look directly here and nowhere else—hadn’t patton practically lived in too-baggy chilton sweaters, to hide his chest and later his binder from anyone who could have possibly seen it?
dee’s continuous glances toward the entry hall—not just at the clutter, but at patton’s trans pride scarf on display.
dee was short, and patton had been too—patton hadn’t even been 5′3″ before he started t on a more consistent basis, after logan was born.
dee for short, and nothing else—an unusual name, but it wasn’t like he could throw any stones with a name like patton, could he?
dee’s face shuttering in too-great anger, at the news that charleston had given patton detention for sticking up for himself—because he’d had experience with that, maybe?
and then:
patton thinks, oh.
as he stares at dee’s yellow-gloved fingers, curling into fists, he thinks: you’re like me.
the lashing out at other people. the isolating himself. the particular taste in clothes. the new name. the upper-class society. the potential clashing with parents.
oh, oh, oh.
if it weren’t for how perfectly, perfectly still dee was, patton could almost believe that he came out on purpose.
“okay,” patton says, when he realizes it’s probably been a too-long pause. “hey, it’s okay. me too, you know? we won’t say anything if you don’t want us to.”
dee dips his head in a nod, tongue darting out to lick his lips. 
“right,” he says hollowly, before he clears his throat and tries for his usual, arrogant tone. “of course.”
“we won’t,” logan agrees, and frowns. “i’m your academic rival, not some asshole that would out you without your consent.”
it’s at that that dee relaxes, fists unclenching. he smooths his hands over the poster.
“right,” he says, and clears his throat. “fine, then.”
patton hesitates, before he says, tentatively, “your grandma was really cool about it, when i came out. back in the day.”
dee’s lip quirk up, and patton knows he’s said the right thing.
“yeah,” dee says. “i mean, i can’t really remember it, it was back when i got adopted—”
“you’re adopted?” patton asks.
dee gives him an almost patronizingly amused look, gesturing to his dark skin, the vitiligo on his cheek. “yes, that’s such a shock, i’m sure, because my parents definitely match my coloring.”
patton flushes. “well, i’ve never met your mom.”
dee mutters something like what a blessing for you, and patton feels a flare of worry that he can’t really expand upon before dee continues, “yes, i’m adopted, from haiti. i was… i don’t know. four, five. i can’t remember it very well. but grandmother’s… yeah. grandmother’s the best.”
it’s the most fond patton’s ever heard him sound, and, from the look on logan’s face, it might be for him, too.
“i might try and get coffee with her soon,” patton says, casual. “and if, you know. if you want advice about, um. this. just let me know. yeah?”
dee’s eyebrow quirks at him, and he gives him a look full of quintessential teenage amusement and, potentially, embarrassment.
patton can relate. he was the same, a lot of the time, whenever people offered advice or help when he first came to sideshire.
well. maybe he was less sassy about it.
“can we focus on the project?” logan says tiredly. 
“what, are you jealous you can’t contribute to the discussion about various nicknames for testosterone?” dee says.
patton grins. “the testoster-zone.”
“the t-party,” dee offers.
“ooh, good one,” patton says. “um—”
“can we please focus on the project?” logan says, more pointedly.
dee rolls his eyes, but turns back to his poster.
patton tries to focus on his homework, but he just can’t help it, and—
“dad,” logan groans, and patton and dee share an amused glance, and—
well. maybe dee wasn’t the worst potential friend that logan could have brought over.
this place might as well be the twilight zone.
dee has his bowler hat on, and logan’s tall enough that they’re probably at a decent angle that he can’t tell that dee is looking around everywhere he can.
if only dee had managed to shake him off—but mr. sanders (”please, it’s patton, mr. sanders is my father!”) had insisted that either logan or patton walk dee back to the bus stop and, well, honestly, logan was the lesser of two evils.
not that mr. sanders is evil. he seems removed from that. too removed, if you get dee’s drift. no one could possibly be that deeply nice. there had to be something going on there. a ploy to get people to trust him, or something. the defenseless little puppy defense, or something. playing sweet and kind until it suits him.
even as he’s thinking this, something in his brain refuses to let it click into place. dee shakes it off. he’ll investigate later—whether it’s an opossum defense or a ploy or something—there’s too much to see here.
it’s like a group of tv set designers got together and thought, right, what are all the clichés of a tiny small town, added some overgrown ivy and picturesque worn red brick, and the entire place reeked of domesticity. he means, really, who even has a town center gazebo? dee’s seen flyers advertising for a twenty-four-hour dance-a-thon. for charity. “costumes and periodwear encouraged.” what kind of periodwear did one wear for a twenty-four-hour dance-a-thon?
the buildings have those twinkly lights all around it. the streetlights are wrought iron instead of the stark poles that are near the streets of his neighborhood. there is a community garden. there is a punnily named cat-themed store. 
seriously. what planet is this?
they get to the bus stop.
(also—the bus? what was this, the middle ages?)
“right, then,” dee says. “you’re bringing the posters tomorrow?”
logan nods his head in assent, hands stuck in his pockets. apparently, that’s not a clear enough hint, but his research shows that logan doesn’t respond very much to subtleties.
“you can go,” he adds, bluntly.
logan shakes his head. “i’m just going to go to the diner for dinner, anyway, and not being there means that my dad can get sappy with virgil without my bearing witness. and besides, my dad would kill me for leaving you here alone.” 
dee stares at him. “you do realize the likelihood of someone attacking me here is approximately on the same level as greedo being the one who shot first?”
logan blinks. “you’re a star wars fan?”
dee shrugs a shoulder, before he says, “more when i was a kid. i’ve got three snakes named—”
“rey, finn, and poe?” logan says, with a twist of his mouth.
“luke, leia, and han,” he corrects. “i said when i was a kid, sanders.”
“kid is an unclear term,” logan says. “for instance, i could argue that your viewpoint on the superior space western is childish, since the clearly superior space western franchise is—”
dee scoffs before he can finish his sentence. “of course you’re a trekkie.”
“so you admit it,” logan says, and dee rolls his eyes.
“i was just narrowing down the number of popular space westerns, spock.”
“i prefer data,” logan says. 
another pause, before:
“snakes?” logan asks.
“garters, all three,” dee says. he hesitates, before he says, “luke and han are trans.”
“i wondered,” logan says. “since snakes can often eat each other, but if all three snakes were, ah—“
“afab?” dee provides.
“right, yes.” logan says. “may i see?”
“i don’t have them on me,” dee says, before he says, “yeah, all right” and digs out his phone, swiping for the latest photo of his snakes.
it turns out to be the one of grandmother, amused, looking just enough off-camera that it’s clear it isn’t candid, wearing leia as a necklace, luke and han in her upraised hands. logan smiles at the photo. well, smiles as much as he’s capable of smiling. dee thinks that the whole i prefer data thing might be a cover-up for the fact that logan might actually be a robot.
“the checkered one is leia, the one with the yellow stripe is luke, and the one with the brown stripe is han.”
“nice,” logan says. “and that’s your grandmother?”
“yes,” dee confirms, tucking his phone away. 
“do you spend much time with her?” logan says.
“frequently,” dee says, and lies, “she lives closest to chilton, it just makes the most sense.”
well, the first part of that sentence isn’t a lie. it’s just that that isn’t the whole truth.
but partial truths are what he works best with, and he notes that logan nods, seeming to accept it as a whole truth, before his eyes turn elsewhere.
dee follows his gaze. 
the window’s lit, gleaming softly, a wide window that allows a view.
there’s a boy in there, alone. he’s shirtless, and wearing red leggings typical of a dancer. even at the distance they’re at, dee can see his muscles straining as he moves, graceful and limbs elongated as he reaches and spins, slowly, achingly slowly, everything so precise down the slightest twitch of his finger, and logan is staring, eyes gone soft and awed and sweet, and—
“didn’t realize i was boring you that much,” dee comments, even if he is a little relieved that logan’s attention is off the question of his home life and on his pretty dancer. “that’s the boytoy, isn’t it?”
logan looks at him, eyes sharpening. “roman’s my boyfriend.”
“right, right,” dee says, waving it off. he’s distracted, good. “so that’s still a thing, then?”
“yes,” logan says. “that’s still a ‘thing.’”
he doesn’t use airquotes, but it’s a near thing. it’s basically implied in his tone of voice.
“do you like him a lot?” dee asks.
“i love him,” logan says simply—as if it’s a fact, indisputable, absolute. 
dee nods, turning his attention back to the bus stop. it should be coming soon.
“are you going to tell him?” dee says abruptly and oh, now he’s done it, losing control of his mouth just once today isn’t enough, he really needs to make himself look like a fool, doesn’t he?
logan turns his attention more fully back to dee. “no.”
dee scoffs. “right.”
“i won’t,” logan says. “really. roman would understand, he’s—well, clearly he’s gay too, he understands the importance of coming out on your own terms.”
dee glowers at the ground, scuffing his shoe over the cement, before—
“my dad and i were effectively homeless until i turned six.”
dee pauses, and turns to look at logan.
logan isn’t looking at him. he’s got his hands clasped behind his back, still staring ahead, as if he’s keeping an eye out for the bus.
“my dad worked at the inn—he’s manager, now, but back then he was a housekeeper. he worked his way up. we could only afford to live in the poolhouse because the manager, maria, gave him a major cut on rent. i was bullied about it, when i was a child. my dad doesn’t know that.” a pause, and then, “my grandparents don’t know about the poolhouse, either. they thought we lived in the inn proper and got an apartment much sooner than we actually did. they’re paying for me to go to chilton. it comes with the condition of going to their house for weekly dinners.”
dee stares at him. “why would you tell me that?”
logan shrugs, and turns just his head to look at dee.
“i know you’re trans, you know where i lived and that i can’t afford schooling,” logan says simply. “if either of us feel tempted to let it slip…”
“then we know the other one has something in hand,” dee finishes slowly, not admiringly. “mutually assured destruction.”
it’s a sound strategy, really. logan takes the assumption that dee won’t listen to promises, and uses a shortcut. it’s a dangerous move, a gamble. not one he’d have expected, from logan. this day’s just full of surprises.
“precisely,” logan says. “for whatever reason, i don’t think you hold very strongly to the sense of the honor of giving someone your word.”
that last part is said in the closest tone to sarcastic that he thinks he’s ever heard logan use. 
“you’re right, i don’t,” dee says, and swallows. “homeless?”
“i didn’t really put the pieces together until i was older,” logan says. “it still doesn’t seem like it, to me. we were happy.”
dee wonders what that’s like.
“well,” logan says, peeking down the way. “i think i hear the bus coming. i’ll bring the posters tomorrow.”
“right,” dee says. “so. are you going to suggest we dissolve the academic rivalry, then?”
logan hums, and tilts his head. “you know, you’ve been my only real competition since i showed up at chilton.”
dee does not preen.
“we’re the only ones who’ve ever challenged each other. without this, we’ll get lazy.”
“i’ll achieve nothing, i’ll become my mother,” dee quips, and logan smiles, just a little.
“right,” logan says. “so.”
dee pauses, before he says, “allies?”
logan smiles. “allies.”
as the bus rolls up, logan offers his hand, and dee shakes it, once. logan knows full well that he doesn’t hold to the honor of giving someone their word, but it still feels like they’re making a deal, anyway.
so dee clambers onto the bus, and settles in a window seat.
and if he smiles and turns details over his head the whole drive back, well. it’s not like anyone will know.
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wittygaypuns · 4 years
#70 & #97 for villaneve
70; Locked in a room
97; Time Travel
BEHOLD. Crack fic prompted through this Fic Mashup list (feel free to send me more, these are fun) Takes place in the same universe as the other Alaska fics I’ve written where VIllaneve have dogs (a male named Carolyn and a female named Konstantin) and got married. Mostly behind a cut because it’s almost 3k words...
“Let's go camping, she says,” Eve half-shouted, “It'll be romantic!”
“Oh my god would you stop, I didn't know there would be a fucking blizzard okay? It's MAY, I didn't think it would happen!” Oksana protested.
“We're in Alaska, Oksana! Check the forecast!” Eve shouted for real, looking back at her as they trudged through whipping winds and biting cold.
“Why did you agree then? Why didn't you say, hey Oksana, you usually make really bad decisions, maybe we go vacation in Hawaii instead? Or book a hotel somewhere and not go out into the wilderness?” She spat back.
“Because every time I tell you you make bad decisions you make it about me and you, you jackass – I can hear it now 'Oh, do you think I made bad decision when we got together?'” Eve mimicked an overly deep Russian accent. She sounded like a villain in a cheesy 90s action flick.
“Yeah, that's probably true.” She conceded, grinning. “Oh! I see something.”
“Is that a cabin?” Eve looked where she was looking, eyes going wide.
“I think so – come on, before it gets any worse. We'll see if they'll be nice to us and let us stay the night because we're stupid and tried to camp...” Oksana began to pick up her pace.
“We're stupid? WE? This was your idea, do not slander me to strangers.” Eve huffed, trying to keep up with her. It was difficult – Oksana was all leg.
“Maybe just a little slander, huh? You love me.” Oksana grinned, taking her arm.
“You're lucky to have me. Anyone else would have let you die in the snow.” Eve muttered, holding on to her; though she was bundled up, Oksana's body was something she naturally gravitated towards. Their dogs, Carolyn and Konstantin, flanked them on either side, on the alert for any wildlife looking for an easy target.
“I wouldn't die. I'd open up a bear and sleep in it until morning.” Oksana said.
“Like in the Revenant?” Eve remarked.
“Wasn't that a horse?”
“Was it? Oh, yeah, he fought a bear and slept in his horse. Man, that movie was fucked.” Eve laughed.
“We should watch it again. So I can remember how not to fight a bear. Just in case.” Oksana nodded.
“You have a gun and I have bear mace.” Eve pointed out.
“We both have bear mace. You insisted. But we could always lose those, and then what? A bear can just fuck us up. Well, I'd have it fuck me up as you ran away.”
“I wouldn't leave you to get mauled by a bear.”
“Yes you would.”
“... Yeah, you're probably right. But only if I didn't have bear mace and the dogs.” Eve grinned as they came to the steps of the cabin.
It was hard to tell if any lights were on, or if it was occupied; it was snowing so hard that it was almost a white-out, rendering visibility next to nothing. As they scaled the steps up to the covered porch it was obvious that it was abandoned and in poor shape. There were two-by-fours blocking the door, and the windows were also boarded off. This did not perturb either of them.
“Can you go in my bag and get the -” Oksana started, but Eve was already leaning up to go through her bag.
“The hammer-pick thing?” She confirmed.
“It's a geological hammer.” Oksana grinned. “See? I told you it would come in handy.”
“Yes, it's handy this one time out of like, the thousands of times you've brought it somewhere. You're brilliant and I love you.” Eve pulled out the tool, and looked to her. “Can I?”
“Please. I love watching you work.” Oksana stepped back, pushing her hood back, shaking off the snow that had layered on top of it. Konstantin shook out her fur, while Carolyn simply sat on the porch, content to be covered. He gave a soft 'boof' at his sister, who moved next to him.
She giggled in delight as Eve started cracking at the boards with the small hammer, jumping a little at the noise of the impacts. Eve yelled as she did it, for some reason; maybe it gave her more power. Oksana did not question her process out loud, always enjoying the destruction that her wife was capable of. She knew Eve wasn't actually upset about the blizzard, or her insistence that camping would be fun; it would have been if the weather had been right, and nothing in the forecast had said the snow would be so bad. A dusting, it had predicted, not the solid curtain they were currently trying to escape. They had been trying to make their way back to the car, but had been turned around at some point – or turned sideways, or upside down. It was impossible to tell. Neither of the dogs were put off by the noises their other mother was making; they just watched with Oksana from a safe distance as she cracked the boards off one by one. Konstantin gave a soft whine, looking up at Oksana.
“It's okay baby. I know mommy is crazy. That's why we love her though, right girl?” She grinned down at the dog, who panted happily at her.
“Mommy needs to get – her – aggression – out! Every now and then.” Eve cracked at the last board, speaking through it as she hammered and throwing her arms up in triumph as it fell to the side, broken.
“Mommy is very sexy holding a geological hammer.” Oksana wiggled her brows at her wife, who rolled her eyes and tried the door... then groaned.
“Boarded and locked. Your turn.” Eve muttered, walking back to her spot.
“I taught you how to do it, though.” She smiled, letting her take the spot between the dogs.
“You're better at it.” Eve smirked, “Besides, I think it's kinda hot, so – get to it.”
“As you wish.” Oksana gave a bow, then moved into position.
As she was wearing what Eve affectionately referred to as 'shit kicker' boots, it was a simple task fireman kicking the door into submission. With one mighty kick, the door cracked and splintered next to the lock enough to be pushed in. It was a chore pushing it in, however – something was behind it. She frowned and put her shoulder into it, trying to push it open. Was someone living in there? Were they about to find a body belonging to some long dead homesteader? How was there something barring the door on one side and boards barring the other? Did someone bar it and leave out a window?
“There's something behind it? What the hell.” Eve muttered, moving to help push the door. “How? Oh fuck, do you think someone's in there?”
“We'll find out, I guess.”
When they pushed it open enough to slip inside, Oksana took the gun from its holster at her hip and kept her head on a swivel. If there was anyone or anything hostile in there, she'd defend her family without hesitation. It was easy enough to make someone disappear in Alaska. The item behind the door was a couch with a heavy oak frame coated in a fine layer of dust. She frowned; judging by how heavy it was, the place was definitely abandoned. Carolyn squeezed in past the two, ears perked. He was a fiercely protective animal, and looked around just as readily as Oksana. Konstantin came in after Eve.
“Eve...” Oksana mumbled, looking back to her.
“What? Did you see something?” Eve looked forward, worried.
“If you're mommy to our babies, doesn't that make me daddy? I thought we agreed that made me daddy.” Oksana asked, grinning cheerily as she moved to check the bathroom and bedroom.
“I never agreed to that. You had that conversation entirely by yourself.” Eve rolled her eyes, untensing her shoulders.
“What do you think, Caro? Am I daddy?” She asked the dog, whose tail wagged at being spoken to. “What about you Konny? Am I daddy?”
“They're just coming to you because you're talking to them, don't take that as confirmation. Now... It looks like the place is empty, right? Let's go lay on that disgusting bed with the dogs and wait out the storm while our stuff dries out.” Eve suggested.
“Okay. It does look pretty gross, but a bed is a bed.” Oksana agreed; the fatigue of walking for an hour in a blizzard was hitting her hard now.
Within a few moments both had stripped out of their outer layers and boots, snow caked items hanging up to dry. Oksana tilted her head as she looked down at the bed. There was no dust on it, or anything else in the room. The quilt was standard cabin fare, heavy and wool, but stained to hell. Making a face, she yanked it off and immediately stepped back. Underneath it there were a number of journals, scattered yellowing papers, and knife that looked vaguely ceremonial. It was stained black with old blood.
“Oh, wow. So the former owner of this place was a crazy person researching something, I guess.” Eve mumbled, looking at them as well.
“Great. Lost in a blizzard and in a crazy person's cabin.” Oksana muttered, a feeling of foreboding gripping her belly. She went to retrieve her gun.
“They're probably long gone, baby. We don't really have an option to go anywhere else right now, not with the storm, so let's just... clear this off and get some rest, right? We checked the whole place, there's no one in here. Leave your gun there, help me clear this. The dogs would be freaking out if something was wrong.” Eve reassured her. She had followed her to where the gun was stashed, a hand placed over hers.
“... Yeah, I guess. Isn't it weird there's no windows in this room, though?” Oksana mumbled, uneasy.
“This room would get sun blaring into it during polar day.” Eve pointed out. “Our bedroom doesn't have them either.”
“Okay okay. I just have a creeping feeling, you know? Maybe I'm just tired.”
“Wanna keep it on the nightstand?” Eve offered, looking to the gun.
“Yes please.” She nodded quickly. Having it nearby would reassure her.
Shoving the strange feelings down, she placed the gun on the nightstand and went to help gather up the detritus on the bed, frowning as she looked at the papers. They were all written on, front to back, or drawn on. The paper was not actual paper, as she had assumed before, feeling more like some sort of fabric. None of the words were written in a language she could understand – and she could read and speak seven different ones, and had been slowly attempting to teach herself Inupiaq since moving to Alaska. Languages had always fascinated her, so to come across one she didn't recognize easily...
“What language do you think this is?” She asked, hoping Eve might have some insight.
“Kinda looks like runes.” Eve was examining a paper of her own.
“Like – viking stuff?” Oksana asked.
“Well, something from that time period, I guess.” She chuckled, shaking her head. “Or aliens wrote it.”
“Don't joke about that. Aliens freak me out.” Oksana stared at her.
“Don't think about it too hard, baby.” Eve smirked, tossing her pile of papers and journals to the floor beside them. Oksana added her own. Both looked at the knife at the same time, then at one another. Eve instantly brought a finger to her nose.
“Not it.”
“Damnit, you always get me with that. If I move it and an alien pops out of somewhere, we're going back outside.” She muttered as she took it and tossed it haphazardly to the floor by a corner, not wanting to look at it anymore.
The door suddenly swung shut. Oksana grabbed her gun and moved to Eve's front; the dogs had the same instinct, standing like proud soldiers in front of her. Their ears were up and alert. Eve gripped the hammer-pick, and then gave a sigh.
“I didn't close the front door off. The wind probably pulled it shut. Calm down, my loves, it was just the wind.” Eve said, moving towards the door – Oksana grabbed her arm and grunted at her.
“I'll check, just in case.”
Eve conceded to her extensively-trained-in-armed-combat wife, frowning softly as she crept towards the door. There was no reason to be paranoid, right? Doors closed by themselves sometimes. Wind and pressure did strange things in cabins. Especially old, creepy ones with notebooks full of runes and daggers in the bed. Oksana swore to herself that if she opened the door and found a zombie, ghoul, draugr, or any other sort of beast out there she would never, ever suggest a trip again. All outing planning would be Eve's from then on and she would do them without complaint because, really, Eve would never allow her to live it down. 'Remember when we got caught in a blizzard and had to fight a ghost? That was bullshit, Oksana' – she could hear so clearly.
With a deep breath, she touched the door handle and turned it.
When it opened and she peeked out, her face drained of what little color she had, looking over her shoulder at Eve.
“What is it? Oksana, is there something out there?”
“I... I...” She stammered, whispering 'мамонт'.
“I don't know what that means baby – what's out holy SHIT IS THAT A MAMMOTH?” Eve screamed as she peeked out – Oksana threw a hand over her mouth to quiet her.
“EVE.” She whisper-yelled, eyes wide and horrified.
Eve screamed behind her hand, dropping immediately into an entirely reasonable panic. Oksana squashed her own freak-out to wrap her arms around her wife, holding her tight to keep her from going completely insane right away. She sank to the floor with her, stroking her hair to try and soothe her. Outside the door there was no longer a cabin. Outside the door, the whole landscape had changed. They were tucked into the single room, a room which was now flanked by glacial drifts. In the distance was a wooly mammoth, enormous and red-furred, walking with its mate and young, paying the pair absolutely no mind.
They had somehow gone back in time.
“This is crazy, right? We're not seeing that. There's no way. Absolutely no way.” Oksana whispered to Eve, who was shaking at the implications, mouth still covered as she whimpered.
“Caro, stay!” She yanked her mouth away from Oksana's hand as the dog attempted to creep out.
He whimpered and sat, ears straight up.
“I just – I – close the door. I can't look at that. This is stupid.” Eve shook her head, looking to her.
“Yeah...” Oksana mumbled, leaning up to get the door.
“So we're in a time traveling room? Like the Tardis but super shitty?” Eve mumbled, eyes just as wide as hers.
“Or we're buried in a snow drift hallucinating while we die.” Oksana suggested lamely.
“Either way this is... pretty awful.” Eve said.
“What are we gonna do?” She asked.
“I... Well, we have each other, our dogs, and some supplies. I guess we're gonna just... have to figure this out, right?” Eve said.
“Can we take a nap first? I think my brain is fried.” She whined in response.
“Okay, okay... Time for another adventure, huh?”
“And, Oksana? You're never choosing our vacations again.”
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29. “Come over here and make me.” please! Thank you so much!
I’m gonna be honest. This one has absolutely no point except for shameless fluff. Plus, I really just wanted to write Zuko and Katara interacting in a more lighthearted and carefree way.
Set in post season 3 at the Ember Island beachhouse. Let’s just say the Gaang took a much needed vacation after the war (and the k@taang kiss/m@iko reunion never happened lol).
It’s an obnoxiously hot day.
The whole group has dispersed across the beach property in an attempt to distract themselves from the beating sun. Katara can hear Toph and Sokka arguing about who gets the last moonpeach somewhere inside the house, and the last time she checked, Aang was sprawled out on the porch with one arm sluggishly bending the air around him to manufacture a breeze.
As for Katara, she’s forgone most of her outer layers of clothing and decides that a swim at the beach is just what she needs.
She crosses paths with Suki on her way down to the shore. The older girl has also stripped to just her bindings, and her fair skin is tinted pink from the sun. Her metal fans, tied together at their handles, are slung over one shoulder.
“Hey, do you know where Sokka is?”
Katara nods and points to the house, too overheated to do anything else. Suki hums in thanks and continues up the hill.
When Katara reaches the beachfront, she can’t help but blink. Zuko’s prone, shirtless body glistens with sweat, his dao swords sprawled on the sand beside him.
“I thought you were taking a nap.”
One golden eye slides open to regard her before shutting again. “I asked Suki to spar. Wanted to see if swords or fans would come out on top.”
Katara grunts as she flops down next to him. She digs her toes into the sand and shields her eyes from the glare of the sun off the ocean waves.
“Which one came out on top?”
“Oh. Neither. It was pretty much a draw.” He exhales and a flickering flame escapes his lips. “Plus, it was too hot to keep it up.”
They sit like that for awhile, the sound of the waves and the parakeet-gulls only serving to emphasize the lazy mood.
But all too soon, Katara begins to feel antsy. Her hair keeps sticking to her sweat-slicked skin, and a thin coat of sand covers most of her body. She looks to her side where Zuko remains spread-eagled on the floor, his sharp features the perfect picture of relaxation.
A strong urge to ruin his peaceful countenance overcomes her.
With a flick of her wrist, a small jet of ocean water hits him on the cheek. She watches him scrunch up his aristocratic nose before he merely turns his face away from her. Another wave of her hand and he can’t help but splutter as a larger jet splashes him again.
He wipes a hand over his face and shoots her a glare.
“Quit it.”
Something playful glints in her eyes and she just splashes him again, this time on his bare chest.
“I’m serious, Katara.” His voice is a low growl, but it lacks his usual bite.
She stands up, a grin beginning to curl her chapped lips.
“Oh, you’re serious. I’m really scared now.”
She starts walking backwards towards the shoreline, flipping her thick hair over her shoulder. He rolls his eyes and lets his head thump back down onto the sand. But Katara can see the tension coiling in his muscles, like they’re preparing to spring, and she knows that she’s got him.
So, she lets a tall wall of water crash over his body.
Finally, he sits up, dark hair plastered to his face and spitting out salt water. By now, she’s already calf-deep in the ocean, her knees bent in anticipation.
Zuko shoots her a dark look. “I said, cut it out.”
“Come over here and make me.”
She won’t lie and say that the way he sizes her up in that moment doesn’t make her stomach flip.
And suddenly, he’s on his feet and charging at her, fists encased in flickering flames.
She’s a little surprised that he immediately goes for a close-combat spar, but mentally shrugs. Less effort this way.
They block and strike and try their damn best to get one over on the other, but the fight remains at a stalemate. Zuko punches out with one fist, but Katara quickly catches it in a block of ice. He swings with his other arm before that too is frozen.
Katara smirks and prepares to deliver the final blow, but Zuko inhales and ducks underwater before she gets the chance.
Her eyes narrow, searching the water for his shadow, but the reflection of the sun off the waves keeps her from locating him. And right as she resolves to go in after him, a strong arm wraps around her stomach and tugs her under.
She yelps and gets a mouthful of seawater before she pushes against the ocean floor and half-kicks, half-bends them both back to the surface.
They burst to the top, Zuko’s arm still caging her back to his front. She coughs and lamely tries to shove her elbow into his head, but she’s laughing too hard and her limbs have all but turned to jello from the exercise.
She hears his chuckle by her ear and twists to catch a glimpse of his rare smile before it disappears.
His bad eye is closed against the water droplets slipping down his forehead, but the other is alight with mirth, and his cheeks are flushed from the exerted effort of their spar.
She laughs again, the tip of her pink tongue pinched between her teeth, and raises her free hand to poke him on the nose.
“Okay, okay, I forfeit.” She almost regrets it when he releases her to float a few feet away. “But you gotta admit that it feels nice to get in the water.”
He scoffs and a little spew of fire carries on his breath until it fizzles out an inch or two away from her face. She sticks her tongue out at him.
“Yeah, whatever. I was already tired from sparring with Suki, and now I’m exhausted.” He relaxes in the water, turning to float on his back.
“Aw, is poor baby Zuko all tuckered out?”
“Yes. Yes, he is. In fact, I think I’m too tired to keep swimming. I’ll just go ahead and blurbaghab—“
A startled laugh escapes her when he lets himself sink underneath the waves, garbling the last of his words. She rolls her eyes and freezes a thick sheet of ice underneath him, effectively lifting his body back up to the surface.
He spreads out on his makeshift raft and rolls his head to the side to look at her, his cheeks puffed out. Zuko purses his lips and water streams out from his mouth, hitting her square on her nose. She ducks under the spray and hoists herself onto the block next to him.
“Gross, you Drama Queen.”
He snorts, and watches her wiggle across the ice into a comfortable position. He has a smug grin on his pale pink lips, a hint of teeth flashing at her. And with his shaggy hair poking out at all angles from the sticky saltwater, and the sun illuminating all the different shades of gold and brown in his irises, it suddenly hits her how boyishly handsome he really is.
Her stomach clenches from more than just the cold ice against her skin. She quickly hides her face in the crook of her elbow, and misses the soft look that he gives her.
Zuko closes his eyes, face turning back towards the still oppressively-hot sun, and let’s himself unwind.
They wake up two hours later when Aang and Sokka sneak under their ice-raft and flip them back into the water.
Needless to say, their evening does not remain peaceful for long.
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yellowcanna · 5 years
Two Sides, Same Coin
Summary: Since the beginning of Quirks, Yokohama has announced independence from Japan and closed itself from the rest of the world.
To this day and age, no one knows what lies within the city of Yokohama—or that was what the public was made to believe. In reality, Yokohama has long fallen into the control of the world’s largest criminal organization known as the Port Mafia.
Follow Class 1-A as their principal organized a field trip to Yokohama! In their short trip there, they must change their perspectives and learn exactly what it means to be justice and what it means to be villains.
Rating: T
Genre: Crossover, shounen-ai (boy love)
Pairing: Contains mild Soukoku (Dazai x Chuuya) and Shin Soukoku (Akutagawa x Atsushi)
Author: Canna / Yellow Canna
Available on AO3!!
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Disappointment didn’t even begin to describe the students’ feelings when they stood within the Armed Detective Agency office.
It wasn’t like they got a problem with the office. It was a lovely office with emerald floor tiles and overall it gave off a nice, relaxed feeling.
It’s just that they had expected a bit…more. As in something that didn’t look like any other regular offices.
“Ah, Kunikida-san!” A boy perked up at the sight of all the people that came in. He jumped out of his seat by a desk and quickly came over to Kunikida.
The boy was young, maybe just two or three years younger than the U.A Students—which meant he must be in middle school. The boy has sun-kissed hair and was dressed in blue overalls with a straw hat tied around his neck and sandals on his feet. His clothing made him looked like a farmer that just came from the countryside. But is there a countryside place in Yokohama?
And more importantly…
The boy was cute!
The soft features on his face that still got some baby fat, those freckles and that pure smile instantly won over all the girls in the group.
“This is Miyazawa Kenji.” Kunikida introduced the boy to their guests. "He is one of our staff at the agency.”
“Hello~!” The boy sang energetically with such sweet smile that it practically melted all the students’ hearts—even the guys! Well, most of the guys. They didn’t know if they were seeing things, but they could have sworn there were pink bubbles floating around the boy beaming at them.
“Nice to meet you all!”
“Nice to meet you!” The class chorused—the tension and disappointment from before were all cured by that gentle smile. The boy was just so adorable that they didn’t even bother thinking over exactly what Kunikida’s introduction actually meant.  
“What the heck are you morons doing?” Bakugou muttered to the sideline. With him were Todoroki and Tokoyami.
Crouched on the ground not too far away was Mineta who was biting his thumb and muttering a string of inaudible words. However, if listened closely, one could make out that most of his words were among the lines of “pretty boys should all die”.
“Kunikida-san, I got a call from Ranpo-san so I’ll be going!” Kenji informed the older blond. Kunikida nodded as he wrote something down onto his notebook.  
"Bye-bye!” The boy waved to the U.A guests, skipping around them as he bounced away like a ball of happy energy.
“Bye-bye~” The students waved back union as they watched the delightful boy go. Really, he was such a precious boy!
“Hm…” Kunikida stared at his notebook, then around the empty office. “Yosano-sensei!” He suddenly called, gaining the students’ attention. “Yosano-sensei!”
They waited for a while, but there was no response.
“Um, could this person have left the office?” Toshinori supplied helpfully when it looked like Kunikida was about to call again.
“No, she’s here," Kunikida said, holding up his notebook proudly. “I have everyone’s schedule written down, there’s no mistake.”
“Okay…?” Toshinori stepped back as he watched the blond opened his mouth, ready to call out again when the sound of the door slamming open echoed from the other side of the room.
“Stopped yelling, Kunikida. I heard you." The tired voice of a woman came, followed by a long yawn.
Everyone turned to see a slender, black-haired woman stepping out of a room. Her red heels clattered against the emerald tiles as she strolled towards them, her black dress swaying to her movement.
“This is Yosano Akiko-sensei.” Kunikida gestured to the woman. Mineta instantly got hearts in his eyes while the other students greeted the older woman politely. "She is our agency's physician. If you have any injuries, you can come to her and she will have you treated.”
“So you’re the ones from U.A High School?” Yosano hummed, hands on her hips as she regarded the crowd.
“Aizawa Shouta.” Aizawa greeted as he held out his hand politely. “Thank you very much for having us.”
“Oh? The one on the news?”
Aizawa was a bit stunned by her response. News? What news?
The Underground Hero didn’t have to think too hard before an answer came to his head. As an underground Hero, he tends to avoid media, so there couldn’t be much news about him. His expression darkened as he remembered that interview he had to do when Bakugou was taken by the League of Villains.
She couldn’t have meant that one, could she?
He heard from Toshinori that these people got access to the outside media…so it was true? It wasn’t that he doubted the former No.1 Hero. If anything he knew that his information was right, but it was just hard to believe until he could confirm it himself.
“If you have any injuries, come see me at any time." The woman said, taking his hand in a firm shake.
“Yes. I appreciate it.” Aizawa thanked, then stepped aside to let Toshinori go next.
“I am Yagi Toshinori, thank you for having us.” Toshinori offered his hand to the woman. Yosano took his hand in a firm grip—but she didn’t shake it. She just held the skeletal man’s hand, showing no sign of releasing as she stared into the ex-Hero's almost hollowed-out eye sockets.
A soft smile lifted her lips, one that was much different than the confident smile she wore when she made her appearance.
“Good to see you doing well.”
Toshinori froze as he regarded the young lady before him.
“…Have we met somewhere before?” Toshinori’s face was filled with uncertainty as he stared at the woman. He didn’t recall ever meeting someone like her, but the way the woman had spoken sounded like they should know each other.
“No.” Yosano let go of his hand and moved towards the students, not giving Toshinori the chance to question anymore. “So you are the Heroes-in-training?”
“Yes! We are!” Iida replied for the class, as it was his duty as the representative.
Yosano looked over each one of them, her gazes lingering longer on some more than the others. Specifically on those with more unique features.
“You there.” Yosano nodded to a certain invisible girl.
“Eh? Me?” Hagakure pointed at herself. Or at least, she appeared to be pointing at herself. Without any gloves, it was hard to tell.
“Is your blood and organs also invisible?”
“I’m asking if your body from inside out is invisible, or is it only the outer layer of your body that has camouflaging capability that makes you invisible.”
“Uh…I’m invisible inside out?” Hagakure answered unsurely. She has no idea why the lady would ask her such a weird question.  
Yosano eyed the invisible girl with mild interest sparkling in her eyes.
“Will her invisibility be an issue?” Kunikida asked as he too eyed the floating clothing that’s a person.
Hagakure was practically sweating under the two adults’ intense gazes. Although no one could tell, her eyes were darting around, seeking her classmates for help.
“No,” After what felt like forever, Yosano finally drew her gaze back. “It won’t be a problem. If anything happens I will just have to get a bit more physical.”
The lady smirked as a weird glint flashed across her eyes. She then looked over to Tokoyami who stiffened under her sharp eyes.
“Well, like Kunikida said, come to me if any of you are injured. I will give you kids a special treatment~”
“Special treatment?!” Mineta was instantly panting out hot breathes at the explosive news.
“Seriously, that’s enough.” Kirishima who was standing behind Mineta frowned in disapproval.
“Since I’m not needed, I’ll be going out shopping," Yosano announced as she looked over to her co-worker.
“We’re low on Ranpo-san’s snacks and tea. If you could get some that would be much appreciated.” The blond man swiftly informed her, as if he knew she would say that.
The woman waved her hand as an indication that she will before walking straight through the students who immediately parted ways for her. Flashing the children a smile, she disappeared behind the door.
The kids stood there, listening until the sharp clattering of her scarlet heels faded into the distance. It was then that they all finally let out breaths of relief.
“Haa…she's finally gone," Hagakure muttered, sounding completely exhausted. 
“Right? I’m sweating just from her looking at me!” Asido whispered.
“Gero, it feels a bit unpleasant...” Asui felt like she should know what that weird look in that woman’s eyes was when she stared at them…but she can’t think of anything.
“What do you mean?” Uraraka blinked in confusion, unable to understand what her classmates were talking about.
“I didn’t feel anything?” Sato looked around, confused as well.
“What was it like?” Midoriya was immediately interviewing Ojirou, trying to get an understanding of what exactly did they experienced.
“She looked at your particularly long, didn’t she?” Shouji looked down at Tokoyami.
Tokoyami didn’t say anything. He just stood there with his arms crossed and brows furrowed, seeming to be thinking over that as well.
“It must be a pain to be so popular!” Sero joked as he nudged his bird-headed classmate with an elbow.
While some were confused and some were concerned…there were two individuals with a completely different reaction than the rest of the class.
“Think she’ll treat me if I get a little cut?” Kaminari wondered hopefully.
Mineta, on the other hand, was already fumbling with a piece of paper, about to slide the sharp edge over his finger when Iida snatched it out of his hand.
The sound of throat-clearing quickly reminded the students where they are. They quieted down, glancing at their homeroom teacher to find the man glaring at them warningly. Remembering how Kunikida was still standing there, they realized how rude they must be just now and hastily gave the blond man their full attention. 
Fortunately, Kunikida didn’t seem to notice their little chatters as he was checking something on his phone.
“It seems like the President is running a little late from his meeting.” Kunikida informed them, closing his phone and slipping it back into his pocket. “For the time being, you can look around the office and make yourselves comfortable. If you have any questions, now's the time to ask."
Jirou wasted no time raising her hand.
“Yes?” Kunikida nodded for her to speak.
“You mentioned before that there’s police here…does that mean you have your own government within Yokohama?”
Of all things Kunikida had expected them to ask, he did not expect them to still be hungover such trivial matter. 
“Of course,” was the simple answer he gave the girl.
“Then why the heck are these criminals running everything?!” Bakugou snapped.
“Because they’re criminals, you can’t expect them to maintain proper laws.”
“…HAH?!” The boy exploded. Obviously, this was not the answer he was looking for. "THAT MAKES NO SENSE!!" 
Kunikida arched a brow at the boy’s rudeness, but it was thanks to this that he finally took a closer look at the other children’s faces. He finally understood their problems now. In their eyes, these kids can only see the good and the bad. They are blind to everything in-between.
No, rather than saying they were blind, perhaps it was due to the environment they grew up in…
“Listen carefully as I will only repeat this once.” Kunikida began. “In Yokohama, there are two main forces that oversee the city. The Port Mafia, and the Government. In your world, those with Quirks are the norm, but in our world, ordinary people are the majorities. The Government governs over those ordinary people while the Port Mafia oversees Ability users. Of course, over time the Government also developed their own Special Ability department to oversee that as well.”
“Gero? But if there is government, why is Yokohama controlled by Port Mafia?” Asui asked in confusion.
“Because Port Mafia is stronger than the government, simple as that.” Kunikida replied. “They were the ones who secured Yokohama and created the barrier that exists to this day, so they gained initial control of this city. But!" The man adjusted his glasses. "Those are just matters of histories! One day they’ll lose their standings!”
“So…why is the government still around again?” Kirishima asked, not feeling as though the man had answered their questions. “If Port Mafia got control over everything, why are they keeping the government?!”
“Were you not listening to what I just said?” Kunikida was beginning to wonder if these kids got memory issues. “They’re criminals, they don’t run laws.”
“Then why didn’t they destroy the government?” Iida pressed on, and that’s when a small vein budged out from beneath the thin layer of skin on Kunikida’s forehead.
“That is what I kept telling you!” Kunikida gritted his teeth with a vein-popping onto his head. “They are Mafias, why would they bother with governing law and ordinary people?!”
“AND THAT’S WHY WE KEEP ASKING YOU!” Bakugou roared, finally having enough of going around in circles and not getting any answers. “WHY THE FUCK DO YOU STILL GOT GOVERNMENT HERE WHEN YOU’RE CONTROLED BY VILLAINS?!”
“THAT’S WHY I SAID—” Kunikida shot back at the kid.
“This is getting nowhere," Tokoyami grumbled as he stared at the screaming match between the grown adult and kid.
“There’s clearly a miscommunication somewhere…” Ojiro laughed weakly as he stated the obvious. As for where that miscommunication is…that's what they wanted to know.
“That’s enough!” Aizawa who had been watching by the sideline with Toshinori finally cut in. His intense glare made the students all withered under his gaze.
Kunikida quickly gathered himself and cleared his throat. He couldn't believe how he had just lost his temper to a brat who—in his opinion—was too old to be acting like one.
These kids were already sixteen! Seriously, how were they even taught in the outside world?!
“I am very sorry about that.” Toshinori hurriedly stepped up to apologize.
“No, I’m at fault too for raising my voice.” Kunikida sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Anyways,” the blond looked back to the kids, “during your stay at our agency, you will accompany some of us to learn how we operate. Since you are Heroes in training, I sure it will provide valuable experiences that you can use in your field of work. Other than that, you’re free to go around Yokohama. There are a few sightseeing locations in Yokohama you can go take a look at.”
“We’re free to go around? Just like that?” Uraraka was bewildered by the fact.
“Of course not.” Kunikida rebuked. The blond adjusted his glasses as his eyes narrowed over the students.
“As you know, Yokohama does not have Quirks. The citizens here retained the same genes as our ancestors before the rise of Quirks. When you go out, be sure to make yourself as normal as possible! Fortunately, it is autumn so no one would find it weird if you wear a bit more clothes.”
“Normal he says…he makes us sound like we’re not normal…” Ashido muttered.
“Like you for example!” Kunikida pointed a finger at the mumbling pinkie, causing her to jump in surprise. "When you leave the office, put on a pair of sunglasses and a hat to hide those horns and eyes! Your skin as well! If you can’t cover them up then put on foundations!”
Kunihiga then turned to Tokoyami. “You there! Wear a hat and scarf to hide your beak!”
“And you!” Kunikida turned to Hagakure who staggered back.
“Me again?!”
“When you leave the office, cover yourself up from head to toe! Put on foundations on any part of your body that might be exposed! You’ll need sunglasses, face mask, and wig!"
And then, the blond began pointing out all the students that didn’t fit into his human criteria.
“Don’t hunch your shoulders! Straighten up! Don’t stick out your tongue either!” That was to Asui.
“We don’t have engines for legs, keep them covered at all times!” That was to Iida.
“Hide those extra limps!” To Shouji.
“Wear a hat!” Koda.
“Get either earmuffs or headphones to cover up your ears!” Jizo.
“Conceal your arms!” Sero.
“Wear a coat to hide your tail!” Ojiro.
“And you!” Finally, Kunikida turned to Mineta.
“Me too?!” Mineta shouted.
“Cover your head!” Kunikida demanded, jabbing his index finger down at the tiny boy. “We don’t have balls growing out of our heads!”
Mineta was petrified by the remark. A woman saying that may be appealing…but hearing that from a man turned into great insult…
Kunikida adjust his glasses as he regarded the students. Half of them looked as if their souls had gotten sucked out of their bodies. Midoriya briefly wondered if this could be considered discrimination.
"B-but…I didn't bring that much stuff.” Hagakure could finally voice out her opinion now that Kunikida stopped. Never did she think she would one day have to cover herself from head to toes like some wanted Villain.
“Same here.” Ojiro agreed. He never wore any long coat or got any clothing big enough to let him tuck in his tail. Why would he need that in the first place?
“Oh, with my Quirk I can—” Yaoyorozu was about to offer a solution when Kunikida held out a hand to stop her.
“I already have everything prepared.” The man told them. “There are boxes of clothing at the dorm you’ll be staying at. Be sure to pick out suitable ones before going outside.”
Then, the man looked over to Yaoyorozu.
“I’m sure that you are already informed, but it looks like I will need to remind you all that you are not allowed to use any of your Quirks inside Yokohama. That is the rule Port Mafia has set for you during your time here. As long as you’re within this city, you are under Port Mafia's watch. Do keep that in mind.”
“But—” Yaoyorozu was about to question why when the door behind the kids suddenly opened.
“Apologies for our lateness.” A female’s voice came as everyone turned to see a woman walking through the door. She has long brown hair and red glasses, dressed in office lady uniform. She stepped aside, revealing a shadow of a person standing behind her. 
“The President has arrived.”
A tall man with silver hair and dressed in traditional Japanese clothing walked through the door. The sight of the man instantly made everyone in the room tensed up. There was a pressuring aura rolling off this man and the scowl on his face only made him that much more intimidating.
“I am Fukuzawa Yukichi.” The man’s voice was deep and stern, just like his appearance. From these short, simple words, the kids could already feel authority coming off the man. “The President of Armed Detective Agency.”
Like what they’ve done with the other agents, Toshinori and Aizawa stepped up to greet the President.
“I am Yagi Toshinori, it is a pleasure to meet you.” Toshinori extended a hand towards the man. “We are really thankful for you taking us in during our stay here.”
“I am simply returning a favour to the Port Mafia boss by letting you stay with us. You have no need to thank me.” The man said stoically, making no move to accept his guest’s outstretched hand. He glanced at the students—his sharp eyes made the kids felt like they were being stared at by a predator.
“For the rest of the week, you will follow my subordinates and learn of how we operate within Yokohama. As future Heroes, I believe this will be a valuable experience for all of you. While you observe, you must listen to my subordinates and follow their instructions at all times. Those who cannot follow the rules will be sent out of the agency immediately, is that clear?”
“Y-YES!" The students all shouted in unison, unable to help but feel a bit excited as they learned that they will be having the opportunity to follow these people to work. This was just like an internship!
“My secretary will brief you in on the rest and show you to the dormitory where you’ll be staying.” With his speech done, Fukuzawa walked away, leaving behind his secretary to do the rest.
“I am Haruno Kirako.” The secretary lady said, drawing everyone's attention to her. "First, let’s go to the dorm and get you all settle down!”
And that was how the Heroes and Heroes-in-training got back onto the bus and drove about fifteen minutes down the street. Much like the Armed Detective Agency, the dorm they will be staying was very…ordinary—and a little bit run down as well.
They gathered at the open space in front of the building where the secretary pulled out the keys to the dorms.
“Unfortunately, we don’t have enough rooms for everyone. There are only ten available rooms, so I’m afraid you’ll have to find a roommate to share. Two of the rooms will need to be a three-person room.” Haruno turned to the two teachers. "I will let the teachers decide on the students’ rooming.”
“…You guys decide on your own.” Aizawa quickly brushed off that responsibility. He didn't care how the kids decided to pair themselves up and neither does Toshinori.
The students looked at one another. It didn’t take them too long to sort themselves out.
For girls, it was:
Asui and Uraraka.
Yaoyorozu and Jirou.
Hagakure and Ashido.
For guys:
Kirishima and Bakugou.
Midoriya and Todoroki.
Tokoyami and Shouji.
Sato and Koda.
Iida, Sero and Aoyama
Kaminari, Mineta and Ojiro.
Naturally, the two teachers also had to share one room. It was in their room that they found the boxes of clothing Kunikida had mentioned.
As they move into their new living place and began to unpack their belongings, a problem soon erupted as horrified screams resonated into the air.
“My phone’s gone!”
“My camera! I’m sure I put it in here!”
“I swear mine was in my pocket!”
“I had mine in my luggage!”
“My watch! Was it dropped on the bus?!”
“Has anyone seen my phone?! It got a pink case!”
“This is…!” Toshinori stared his empty pockets before turning to Aizawa who was glaring at his bag.
It wasn’t just phones and cameras. All of their electronics were gone, including digital watches some students had brought with them...
“Your electronics?” Kunikida looked at the group that has gathered back in the field after somewhat getting over with the initial panics. “They were confiscated by the Port Mafia the moment you entered Yokohama.”
“WHAT?!” Ashido was the first to react to the bomb dropped over their heads. “I just bought that phone! I got a lot of things in there!”
“Same here!” Uraraka joined in, almost breaking into tears at the news. “My parents bought that for me on my birthday!”
“You can’t just take them away without asking!” Kaminari complained.
“Don’t worry!” The secretary hurriedly reassured the kids who looked as if the world had just ended. “I’m sure you’ll get them back once you leave. They didn’t want to risk you taking pictures of Yokohama and bringing it outside.”
“I wish we were informed of that before bringing us in.” Aizawa was seething. Although he could understand the logic, he didn’t approve of the method. Who knew what those criminals might do to their personal devices! This was clearly a violation of their privacy!
“Then you can take it up to the Port Mafia.” Kunikida huffed as if it wasn’t his problem.
Aizawa’s eyes narrowed.
For a second, Toshinori feared the raven-haired man might start an argument with Kunikida, but fortunately, Aizawa held himself back. Toshinori knew how Aizawa felt. He didn’t like this either. If they were told of this beforehand, then they wouldn’t even bring any phones or electronics, to begin with.
As Heroes, their personal information was very sensitive. In this modern age, all these private information can be found in their smartphones. Their contact list, their browser history, their apps...there was no telling what the Mafias might be doing to their devices while holding onto them.
“Please don’t worry.” The young secretary continued to work hard to resolve the tension. “I’m sure all of your devices are safe! The Port Mafia has no reason to tamper any of your belongings. Now that everyone’s here, how about I go through the arrangements for everyone during your stay here?”
While none of them were happy, there was nothing they could do about it. So they just listened as the girl began to go over a list of things for them.
“There is a cafe called Uzumaki on the first floor of the agency’s building. All of your meals will be provided by them. Their opening hours are 8:00 am to 9:00 pm every day. When you go, just tell them that you’re from U.A and they will understand.
As you can see, there are no baths or showers in the dorm, but there is a bathhouse just across the street. We have spoken with the bathhouse owners and they are aware you are students from the outside. Between 6:00 pm to 11:30 pm, the bathhouse will close and only open to you guys. So for those with special body structures, there will be no need to worry about exposing your identities. When you go to the bathhouse, just show them this tag and they will let you in."
And then, each student and teacher received a small wooden tag with the bath house’s mark on it.
“Lastly, if you need of Yokohama’s money, you can exchange them with anyone in the agency or any banks in general.”
“Currency?” Midoriya’s eyes widened in surprise.
“Yokohama’s currency different than ours?” The moment Sero asked that question, he already knew how stupid he must have sounded. Yokohama has been isolated for centuries. It would be weird if their money were the same as the rest of Japan’s!
“Yes. The exchange rate between Yokohama’s currency and Japan’s are 1:1.” The secretary replied. She pulled out Yokohama’s paper bills and coins, presenting it to the kids. Since Yokohama’s currency was also yen, it wasn't all that different than Japan's except appearance.
“Um, Haruno-san?” The green-haired boy hesitantly called out the woman’s name, unsure if he had got it right.
“Yes?” The secretary smiled at him. Okay, he got it right.
“Isn’t Yokohama is closed off? Why does the bank offer currency exchange?” Midoriya asked.
“Yokohama is only closed off from the outside.” The secretary explained. “The citizens living within Yokohama can leave and come anytime they want as long as their passport gets approved. Many large companies and even Port Mafias themselves have foreign business dealings with the outside world under the guise of a company in the outside world. That’s why our banks have currency exchange.”
The students were all stunned by the news. Never would they have thought that the people of Yokohama can leave the city. They had assumed it was a completely sealed off city where no one can come in or out.
But…that didn’t make any sense!
With a criminal organization controlling this place, why would they allow people to come and go as they pleased?
The secretary, oblivious to the confusion on their faces, reached into her bag and pulled out a phone. It was one of those extremely old flip phones that they don’t see anywhere else in the world nowadays. There wasn’t even a camera on that plain old device!
“These are rental phones for you during your stay. These will only work within Yokohama, so you won’t be able to make any calls to the outside world. It only has texting and calling systems. I have taped your phone’s number and the agency’s address at the back. My phone number has been set as your very first contact. If you have any questions or if anything happens, call me immediately.” The secretary instructed them seriously. “Even if you are lost, call me and I will immediately find help for you. If you got into any troubles and requires the police or ambulance, all emergency numbers in Yokohama are the exact same as Japan. Although do call us first as we might be able to assist you faster. Now then, please line up and I will hand out your phone. Unfortunately, we have limited phones, so I will give out one phone per dorm.”
Very quickly, the students lined up and soon received the phone which will be their only communication device during their stay in Yokohama.
“I didn’t think I’ll ever see one let alone use it," Jirou said as she examined the simplistic device with mild interest.
“I feel like we just went back to the Stone Age.” Sero heaved out a heavy sigh. Who in the world still use these things?! But then again, judging by how old this entire city seemed, they probably should have seen it coming.
“Here are your phones, Aizawa-san, Toshinori-san.” The secretary handed over two phones to the teachers. “Both of your phones’ contact lists got the complete contact numbers of all our employees, including the President’s. Please call anytime you need assistance."
“Thank you.” Toshinori examined the phone in his hand. Aizawa was doing very much the same.
The students may not know, but the two adults fully understood that Yokohama's technologies were way ahead of theirs. So why in the world do these things still exist here? Was there some sort of trick?
“Now then,” Kunikida who had been silent the entire time spoke. He glanced down at his watch. It was 3:00 pm already. This took more time than he liked, but fortunately, he had predicted this when making his schedule.
“I need to talk to the teachers back in the agency. There is nothing planned for today so you kids can go take a look around the city. Just remember to meet up in the office at 9:00 am sharp tomorrow. And remember,” he pointed towards some specific students, “cover yourself properly before you leave!”
The kids sweatdropped at the reminder of how some of them don't exactly fit the normal criteria. But they soon threw that behind them and started talking about where to begin their exploration of this mysterious city.
“Wait.” Aizawa quickly cut in as the class's chatter died down. The students all looked to their teacher with pleading looks on their faces. Aizawa ignored the stares directed at him and focused on Kunikida. “Is it safe for them to be wandering outside?”
“There is no need to worry. Arrangements have already been made.” Kunikida replied. Aizawa and Toshinori immediately understood what arrangement the man meant. “So long as these kids don’t use their Quirks, nothing will happen.”
Aizawa stared at the blond for a long time.
The raven-haired man weighted the danger…only to quickly toss that out of his head.
Who was he kidding? They were in the danger zone the moment they all took this field trip and thrown right under the eyes of the world’s largest criminal organization. There was no way he could keep the children lock up for an entire week. They will have to go out and see Yokohama at some point whether he like it or not.
On top of that, Nezu had given him a long talk of not restricting the students before setting off...
“I won’t stop you kids from going outside,” Aizawa turned to the kids with an intimidating look on his face. That instantly made all of them shut up and give their homeroom teacher their undivided attention. “But you must all go together, or not at all. And I don’t care what your reasons are, no one is allowed to leave the group. If one person needs to use the bathroom, three others have to follow, understand?”
“YES!" They cheered.
“Aizawa-san, Toshinori-san, this way please.” The secretary called.
Giving the kids one last look, Aizawa and Toshinori followed the two agency members back to the bus. Toshinori spared a glance back as they left. He looked over the excitement on those children’s faces as they ran for their rooms to get ready.
Arriving back at the Armed Detective Agency, the two teachers were showed to a meeting room.
“Please, have a seat.” Kunikida said as the secretary set down a pile of documents in front of the blond before leaving to let them talk in privacy. “Most of our jobs come from client requests and cases that may pop up from the police. As the President had said, your students will accompany us to observe our work. But before that, I need to get an understanding of them so that should anything happen, we can act accordingly.”
“And what do you expect to happen?” Aizawa questioned suspiciously. Something just wasn’t sitting right with him. His instinct was telling him there was more going on in this city than what it seemed on the surface.
“It is just precaution.” Kunikida replied, but the raven-haired man wasn’t convinced. “I have your students’ reports, but I would like to hear your input as their teachers.”
Aizawa and Toshinori looked over the papers in front of them. They were all detailed documents with the students’ photos attached to each one. There were descriptions of their strengths, weaknesses, Quirks, and personalities. 
“Where did you get these?” Toshinori’s brows furrowed as he looked through them, feeling uneasy that this agency got such sensitive information of their students.
“Relax, these were given to us by your principal.” Kunikida replied. “I need to make sure that these kids of yours won’t cause us any additional trouble. Especially these two.”
Kunikida gestured to two specific files with Bakugou’s and Mineta’s pictures stapled on top.
Aizawa was already feeling a headache coming. He wasn’t surprised by the man's concern about Bakugou. A lot of people were. Mineta, on the other hand, was one he didn’t expect yet probably should have.
“From what I gathered, this boy is very dangerous.” Kunikida said as he tapped his finger over Bakugou’s picture. “Just from our short interactions, I don’t need to read these reports to know that he has short temper and acts impulsively. As for the other one…”
His finger hovered over Mineta. There was a long pause before the blond man continued.
“…I frankly don’t understand the meaning behind his existence.”
The two teachers were unable to say anything back to that.
“If this Bakugou was a citizen of Yokohama, he would be put under heavy surveillance just for his personality alone never mind his powers.”
“I understand your concern.” Aizawa couldn’t remember how many times he had to repeat this line. “I can assure you that Bakugou has a high sense of justice—”
“That is not the issue.” Kunikida cut the Hero off. “Before you came, I looked over that interview you had after he,” he tapped at Bakugou, “was kidnapped by your world’s Villains.”
So they did saw that interview…
“Even those Villains believed he is better suited with them than as a Hero. Why do you think that is? This is not about whether or not they have a sense of justice; this is a matter of self-control. This is Yokohama, not your world. Your values of justices mean little here. This boy’s behaviour may not present an issue in your world, but here nothing will go his way. His rashness will only put the other kids at risk.”
“We understand. We’ll keep an eye on him to make sure he stays out of trouble.” Toshinori promised.
“I do hope so.” The way Kunikida looked at them clearly stated that he didn’t believe a word. “From what I can see, he doesn’t seem to be the type to listen to teachers either.”
“You don’t need to worry about that.” Aizawa gritted. Although he was a bit irritated by this interrogation—or that’s what it felt like—he nonetheless dipped his head politely.
“And give that other boy a stern talking about basic respect towards women.” Kunikida sighed, as if tired by just talking about this kind of subject. “I don’t want to get a call to go bail him out of jail for sexual harassment. Yokohama is very strict on that.”
“We’ll do that.” Toshinori sighed as well.
Mineta’s behavior was troubling indeed.
The group of students stared at the empty spot that Mineta was just at.
What happened?
What just happened?
One moment, Mineta was there and the next, he disappeared…
“Hey, bitch! What did you do?!” Bakugou demanded, glaring daggers at the girl standing right next to where Mineta was a split second ago.
“Ah?!” The girl snarled, turquoise eyes fearlessly meeting the explosive boy’s. She patted her dress as if there was some sort of germ on there and flicked one of her thick, auburn braids over her shoulder. “That disgusting pervert was looking up my dress and you got the nerve to question me?!”
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jungshookz · 6 years
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→ pairing: min yoongi x reader
→ genre: android!au becauSe for some reason android aus are popping up everywhere, the usual heaping serving of fluff and comedy, N S F W like reALLY nsfw i poPPED OFF this time i don’t know even know what happened,,, forgive me god for i have sinned, a n g s t, i definitely teared up a little writing this because i was listening to kim bum soo’s i miss you and it made me 100x more emo
→ trigger warnings: this does get a little intense! beware!! 
→ wordcount: 24k like that bruno mars song
→ note: um,,,,, this is literally 24k+ words i don’t even know what to say,,, how did i write so much without realising???? but ya a lot of android aus have been popping up on my dashboard and i’m seeing a lot of android!jungkook but i feLt like android!yoongi was more fitting?? aLso thank u so much for the love n support for ceo!yoongi i 100% was not expecting it to get as many likes and reblogs as it did so you guys are truly the best!!!!!!!! anyways i had a loT of fun writing this and i hope u guys like android!yoongi as much as i do :-))) 
pst if u wanna talk to android yoongs u know what to do ;-) 
(gif isn’t mine!) ((i had such a hard time choosing a gif because he looks so boyfriend-y in all of them but i ended up going with this one because at one point in the fic he feeds u with chopsticks)) 
(((and the read more function iS there but most of the time it doesn’t work on mobile :// i am sorry don’t attack me by sending passive-aggressive anon messages)))
“oh, absolutely fucking not.”
“y/n, please.”
“namjoon, no!!!!” you slam your fork down on the table and clear your throat when you get a couple glances from other customers near you
“c’mon, why not???”
“i have a life!! i’m not going to babysit a robot-“
“it’s a humanoid android. actually the professional term for it is a human mind model adaptive super android.”
“right, i’m not going to babysit a roBOT for you because you wanna see if you can make a profit selling weird robot slaves.”
“they’re not weird! and i’ve been working on them for a long time - since the beginning of freshmen year! we finally have a prototype and i thought you’d be the perfect human for Y00NGI.”
“don’t give it a name, you’re humanising it. and what kind of a name is Y00NGI, anyways??”
“it’s supposed to be a take on you and i. get it??”
“that’s terrible and i hate that with my entire soul. i just don’t get why i have to take care of it. can’t you get jin to take care of it? he’s like 100x more responsible than i am.”
“y/n, the purpose of this robot is to be like… a helper. jin doesn’t need any help with anything. you on the other hand….. i know you hate it when i say this but you’ve kind of…. you’ve been a mess since your breakup with kihyun and i just thought it’d be good for you to have Y00NGI around to help out!! someone to pick up your takeaway boxes and someone to wake you up so you get to work on damn time for once and aLso someone to force you out of the house because of how socially awkward you-“
“i’m not socially awk- why didn’t you name it Y00NI instead? that’s more like you and i than Y00NGI.”
you’re like hiGHKEY offended that namjoon thinks you’re unable to take care of yourself and that you’re socially awkward like you can make a REALLY good grilled cheese sandwich and you’re like okay-ish at interacting with other people your age
sure one time you accidentally threw in a red sock into the whites and all your sheets turned pink but that doesn’t mean you can’t freaking take care of yourself
and pink sheets are totally trendy right now
okay about kihyun
first things first you’ve been a single lady for a couple months now
yes you admit that you kind of turned into a liTTle bit of a hot mess after kihyun broke up with you
to be fair he was the one who always cooked and cleaned and made you interact with his friends
but you always tried your best to make meals for him and you always had a smile on your face whenever the two of you hung out with hIS friends - he ended the relationship because he felt like you were holding him back
you don’t like to get into it
but you’re better now!!!!!!
you sort of know the basics of the washing machine and you can also make pretty good spaghetti so sUCK on that kihyun
plus you just liked staying home rather than going out to party but that didn’t make u socially awkward
“look, it was a creative decision on my part, alright? i don’t see what the big deal is.”
“you know how i feel about technology, joon. i got freaked out when you asked your alexa thing to tell you a joke and she not only told you a horrible joke but also had a very demon-y laugh.”  
“you know... jungkook thinks Y00NGI is pretty cool.”
you perk up at the mere mention of jungkook
long story short you have the FATTEST crush on jungkook and you would honestly probably kill someone for him
after your nasty breakup with kihyun he always found ways to cheer you up
you work at the library at bangtan laboratories and jungkook always brought you lunch and snacks and came up to tell you stories and keep you company
so it wasn’t a huge surprise when one day you felt your heart flutter when he smiled at you in his adorable bunny way
namjoon’s the only one who knows considering he’s ur best friend but now he’s just using it against you
“so jungkook should take care of it.”
“he lives with jimin - he doesn’t need a helper. i’m sure he’d visit your place a LOT if you took Y00NGI in.” namjoon smirks to himself and takes a sip of his coffee when he notices your change in expression
okay well
taking care of an android-humanoid-thing wouldn’t be too bad
it’s only for a couple of months so that namjoon can see if his creation actually works
you won’t have to cook for yourself or clean for yourself
and jungkook might pop over more often as namjoon said
“well- fine. only because i’m… a good person and a good friend. that’s the only reason why i’m helping you out.”
namjoon’s like loL okay ya sure
the rest of lunch goes by and namjoon’s just excited that he’ll finally be able to see if his android will actually work
a week goes by and you get daily texts from namjoon telling you Y00NGI is almost ready for you and you hATE that because it sounds like he’s sending Y00NGI to assassinate you
like literally one of the texts you got was just
and you wanted to murder namjoon because it freaked you out so much
it’s sunday morning and you’re enjoying a nice bowl of cinnamon toast crunch while watching cartoons when you hear your doorbell
you wipe the sprinkles of sugar off your mouth as you rush to the door and
holy shit
“i’ve got a package here for miss y/l/n?”
you’re tempted to tell the mailman that miss y/l/n lives somewhere else because jeSUS this is a HUGE box
“that’s, uh, that’s me i guess”
he hands you a clipboard and you sign off on it and he wheels the damn thing into the middle of your living room and then is just like peace out
so now you’re standing in the middle of your living room with this big ass cardboard box
the first thing you do is call namjoon
“hello?” his voice is groggy which indicates he was still asleep
“why didn’t you tell me this box was so big!! how big is this thing!!!”
“he’s not a thing, don’t be rude. he’s a little taller than you and a little shorter than me. the box is big because i put like a bunch of packaging peanuts and styrofoam in so he wouldn’t be damaged when he arrived!!! he’s not cheap you know!!!!!!!”
“i thought he was made out of like metal”
“he’s not a tin man, y/n. his outer layer is made out of this synthetic silicon so he feels exacTLY like a human and i wanted to get him to you without a single scratch”
you don’t really want to open this package
what if it tries to kill you
“anyways you’ll have to charge him up for a little while because i didn’t recharge him before i packaged him up.”
“do i plug him in like a phone??? where do i even- omg do i plug the thing up his butt or somethi-“
“he’s in a charging pod right now. that’s another reason why the package is so big. you just have to plug the pod into the wall it’s not that hard.”
“namjoon i can’t moVE this thing alone-“
“omg you’re so whiney okay fine i’m coming over” namjoon hangs up on you and ur like the auDAcity of this man
while you wait for namjoon you get a box cutter and slice the sides of the box open
the sides of the box plop down onto the ground and your whole floor is littered in package peanuts and you see-
well it kinda looks like a fridge
but like a ~futuristic~ fridge
and on the front of the door you see Y 0 0 N G I
you see a little symbol blinking underneath his name
it’s an empty battery symbol and it’s bright red telling u that he’s out of juice
that means he won’t be able to murder you anytime soon
you kind of want to open the door and see what this Y00NGI thing looks like but you’re scared
god why did you agree to do this
so now instead of watching cartoons you’re shovelling cereal into your mouth and keeping an eye on the charging booth to make sure nothing suspicious happens
about 15 minutes go by and you’re so relieved when namjoon walks in and the other boys are trailing behind him and he’s like ur lucky i love u i would rather be asleep
and you’re like yOU’re lucky i love yOU otherwise i would never have agreed to this
namjoon: i’m also lucky you love jung-
you: ….juST help me move this stupid thing hHAAHhaa
you greet the other boys good morning
and you’re especially sweet to jungkook
he’s like :) hi y/n!!! i hope u slept well
he’s so cuTE you want to RIP OUT YOUR HEART and give it to him
namjoon wants to leave Y00NGI in your living room but there’s no way in hell you’re going to leave it here
what if you wanna get water in the middle of the night but then you have this pill-shaped fridge just blocking your path
“move it into the spare bedroom - if it freaks me out i’ll just lock it in.”
“it’s a HE y/n respect him!!!!” taehyung smacks your arm and nudges you aside so that he can help namjoon move the pod “jin-hyung and i spent a long time designing his face and his body so you better not do anything to fuck it up”
you kinda feel bad that you’re not helping the boys move the pod because it looks pretty heavy and all their faces are going red
but they think you’re a klutz and you’ll drop it on the way to the bedroom and chip something so they were all like nO you can’t help us please just sit down and don’t move
it takes the six of them ten minutes to move it into the guest bedroom down the hall and you’re sweating on their behalf and you’re like wOO that was tough good job guys while you’re just lounging on the couch and they’re all glaring at you lmao
“i plugged the pod into the wall for you - i’ll pay your electricity bills, so don’t worry about that. he takes up a lot of power.” namjoon mentions and gives you a sheepish smile when you’re like excuse mE whaT
“how long does he take to charge?”
“depends on how much battery he has. he’ll be ready by tonight since he’s completely outta battery” namjoon shrugs and plops down next to you
“i programmed him especially for you he knows like everYthing there is to know about you”
“…how much does he know”
“which hospital you were born at what your favourite food is what time you wake up what time you go to sleep what your favourite shampoo is what your mother’s maiden name is what your-“
“okAY i get it”
it’s safe to say that you are very much freaked out
as much as you like jungkook you’re not sure if this is even worth it anymore
this hunk of metal charging up in your room knows you better than you know yourself
it’s just eery because it…. well it’s a robot
you could peel its face back and you’d just see a freaky metal skeleton
you shudder to yourself but you’re like u know what we already went over the benefits of having this helper robot here so it’ll be fine
“you have to bring him to the lab every two weeks so i can check on his diagnostics and see if anything needs tweaking”
“…do i need to carry him and his pod there”
“nah the two of you can just walk over”
it’s still weird that they’re referring to the robot as if it was an actual human being rather than a machine but whatever you’ll get used to it
the lab is like a ten minute walk away from your place so it’s fine
you live in this pretty nice neighbourhood anD your apartment is pretty big anD you’re close to the lab so you can see why namjoon chose your place
“also you’ll have to wear this 24/7.” jungkook appears out of nowhere and takes your hand and you’re like omG his hands are so soft but then he’s clipping this bracelet around your wrist and you’re like wat
it looks like it’s made out of glass and you can see all the different coloured wires inside
and there’s a little Y00NGI etched on it
your eyes widen in surprise when the Y00NGI suddenly lights up and the bracelet gives you a little zap
“ah, there we go”
“ow! what the-“ you try to shake it off but you can’t
it’s like
attached to you somehow
it’s snug around your wrist
not snug enough to be considered uncomfortable but snug enough to make you aware of its presence
“it’s so Y00NGI can keep track of where you are and also if you’re ever sick he’ll be able to know your temperature and nurse you back to health”
“can i not take this thing off??”
“well… you can,,, with this key” he holds up a key and puts it back into his pocket “buT you lose things really easily and this bracelet is very very very expensive so nO you are not allowed to take this thing off”
“it’s waterproof and sweatproof and everything in between so you’ll be fine!!” jungkook flashes you a sweet smile and you’re like okAy i’ll keep it on because u said so
“okay let me tell you a little bit about Y00NGI before we head off”
“aren’t you going to stay here until he wakes up??”
“that’ll take too long and we’re working on some more prototypes at the lab”
namjoon and the boys plop down on your couch and you sit opposite to them on your sofa chair
“as i mentioned before, Y00NGI is a human mind model adaptive super android”
“i know what each of those words mean but i don’t know what they mean when you put them all together like that”
“basically he’s programmed to learn things and grow smarter - so i don’t want you being a bad influence on- well, actually, he has more common sense than you do so i guess i don’t have to worry about that”
namjoon is so lucky you adore him otherwise he wouldn’t be getting away with all these snarky dIGS
“he knows the basic emotions like happy and sad and angry or whatever but the more time he spends with you the more emotions he’ll pick up-“
“i just hope he doesn’t become as dramatic as you”
“oh says yoU” you scowl at jin but now you’re wondering how the heck a robot can even feEL things in the first place
“so if i pinched him would he feel it?”
“of course he’d feel it”
“so he hurts too?”
“….why does this sound mildly threatening”
“nO i’m just curious i’m not going to hurt your robot friend”
namjoon wants to scream Y00NGI IS NOT JUST A ROBOT HE’S A HUMAN MIND MODEL-
“looK we’ve been working on Y00NGI for a long time and even though he’s built to withstand pretty much anything i still want you to be careful with him”
obviously you’ll be careful with him you’re not a monster
“you don’t have to feed him. of course he’s designed to ingest human food but like,, it won’t do anything for him lol he also doesn’t need to use the washroom either!!” while namjoon’s talking to you he unlocks your phone and plugs it into his laptop
“hey!!!!! what do you think you’re doing” you reach forward and namjoon smacks your hand away
“i’m installing Y00NGI’s app on your phone. i’m sorry it’s not available on the app store for you to download” he snorts and his fingers fly over the keyboard before he hits enter and you see a brand new app pop up on your home screen
“what’s the purpose of this app? it better not be like that app you downloaded on my phone last time that gave you full access to my texts-“
“i already told you i only did it because you were mad at me and i diDN’T know why and you weren’t talking to me so i really didn’t have a choice loOK the point is this isn’t another hacking app you’re fine”
“okay so tell me what it does”
“it monitors Y00NGI’s battery levels, Y00NGI can even send you a message on here if he wants!! also if there’s like a loose wire somewhere the app will show you where it is on his body and where you’re supposed to plug it back in”
namjoon spends a little more time telling you about Y00NGI and you’re still kind of freaked out but at the end of the day you’re proud of joon and the boys for inventing this human computer… android adaptor charger… robot.. man (is that what it’s called?? u already forgot)
“well we’ll be on our way now!! text me when Y00NGI wakes up” namjoon gives you a quick hug and the other boys are saying goodbye before you know it
you spend the rest of the day tidying up a little and doing some chores
for some reason you feel like you need to impress this hunk of metal that’s going to be living with you for the next eight months
you’re intimidated to go into his room and check if he’s fully charged so you can finally turn him on
so you promise yourself you’ll turn him on after dinner (which is pizza!!!!!!!)
you’re nibbling on your fourth slice of pizza and you pop the rest of the crust into your mouth and c r o n c h  thoughtfully
and then your phone buzzes next to you
ok cool
no need to be nervous
after all yoU are the one in control here
you are de captain of this ship
yoongi’s YOUR helper
you dust your hands off and stand up and head towards yoongi’s room
the door opens with a creak and you quickly turn the lights on
you end up staring at the yoongi refrigerator for like one whole minute but you shake your nerves off
it’s now or neVer
you don’t know why but you glance over your shoulder for some reason before you open up the pod door and
holy moly
taehyung and jin really put a lot of effort into designing Y00NGI’s face because he is literally the prettiest boy you think you’ve ever seen and you’re friends with jin and jimin and jungkook etc
a phrase to describe this face: boyfriend material
you’re kind of squatting down because his head is bent over since he’s standing upright and then your thighs start to burn from standing like this just staring up at Y00NGI so you cup his face and hold it up
you’re close enough to see each individual pore on his face
he has soft black tousled hair and it kind of shines in the light of the guest bedroom
his lashes cast a shadow over his cheeks
his lips are so cute
he even has a couple ear piercings
namjoon was right he does feel exactly like a human
you’re kind of having fun just squishing his face and washing his lips purse and unpurse because ??? he’s very VERY lifelike it’s almost concerning
they really went all out when they were designing Y00NGI
you can already tell that these BTS2500 androids are going to be popular when namjoon releases them if they’re as pretty as Y00NGI
“alright yoongi let’s see how to turn you on… oh yEs” you remember namjoon showing you where Y00NGI’s power button is
you wrap a hand around the back of his neck and blindly feel around for the button that should be on the nape of his-
you jump when Y00NGI powers up immediately as you hit the button
you take a step back and you see that he’s definitely awake but it looks like he’s still warming up a little because you can see his pupils dilating and constricting rapidly
and then he blinks once and his eyes settle on you
“Hello. I am Y00NGI. M1N Y00NGI.”
his eyes scan over your entire figure
“You are Y/N Y/L/N.”
“…ya that’s me” you’re still kind of shook because you don’t… really know what to DO “do you… do you wanna stay in your pod or should i…”
how do you even talk to a robot???
you gesture to the wire that’s plugged into the nape of his neck underneath his power button which you’re assuming is his charging cord
“you got enough juice in you?? my app tells me you’re at 99.9% but i can let you chill here until it-”
“I would like to inspect my surroundings.” you nod and reach forward and gently yank the cord out and you’re like :00000 when you see a flap of skin suddenly cover up the charging port and now it looks like a normal neck
yoongi steps out and then his pupils suddenly light up and there’s like a hologram of a blueprint that beams out of his eyes
“Scan complete. Location secure.” and then he’s walking out of the room and you’re not sure if you should turn the pod off to save battery or
“waiT yoongi where are you goi-“ you can’t even finish your question because he’s already going down your hallway to the living room
he’s standing there just staring at the TV so you move past him to sit on the couch
you don’t know where to go from here so you decide to continue eating your dinner
“Pizza is unhealthy.”
“but it’s good.”
you’re about to offer him a slice when he speaks up again
“One pepperoni pizza is approximately 2269 calories. Total fat: 83 grams. Total saturated fat: 38 grams. Cholesterol: 145 mg. Sodium: 5100.9 mg. Sugars: 31g.” yoongi starts naming off all the nutritional value facts of pizza while staring right at you and you’re like omg sTOP I GET IT
“Are you still hungry?”
“not really i mean i already had four slices so”
yoongi bends down and picks up the pizza box and proceeds to throw it into the bin
he looks over his shoulder at tilts his head slightly
“I am sensing that you are upset. Why are you upset?”
“you threw away my dinner!!!!!!”
even though you’re pretty full like you had four slices so you’re fine but stILL you liked eating cold leftover pizza for breakfast the next day
“Oh.” he looks down at the bin. “I suppose that is something you will have to deal with, then.”
and you’re like
why is this android so,,,, sassy
namjoon did mention that jin was the one who programmed his personality so
like father like son
“You must sleep soon. The time now is 10:41PM.” he pauses and his eyes do that weird glitchy thing again “My database tells me that you have a very unhealthy sleeping schedule.”
you’re getting roasted by a damn hunk of metal and you don’t even have a witty comeback
“i’m an adult, yoongi. i’ll go to bed whenever i want.” you snort and snuggle back into the couch and you hit play on the- “oH MY GOD PUT ME DOWN” suddenly everything’s spinning and you realise yoongi just threw you over his shoulder and is marching you down the hallway
you’re still flailing over his shoulder as he enters the washroom and picks up your toothbrush and squeezes some toothpaste on it for you
finally he lets you down but before you can say anything he shoves the toothbrush into your mouth and turns you over so that you’re facing the mirror
“i wuz goinf to eat some icfe cream after the pizza, you know”
“What kind of ice cream?”
you’re pleasantly surprised that he seems curious about your ice cream
“strawberry cheesecake flavoured ice cream it’s my fAvourite and-“
“One cup of strawberry cheesecake flavoured ice cream contains approximately-“ you roll your eyes and drown him out by turning on the tap as you brush your teeth and rinse your mouth out
once you’re done he follows you to your bedroom and then he nudges you in and immediately shuts the door without saying a word
“oh so you’re nOT going to tuck me in????” you feel obligated to ask him that considering he’s been treating you like a child
yoongi opens the door and pokes his head in a little as you’re about to get into bed
“You are an adult. Tuck yourself in.” and then he shuts the lights off and slams the door again and oOH you are so tempted to just hit that power-off button on the back of his neck so you won’t have to deal with him anymore
how did namjoon rope you into doing this
8 damn months
“Time to wake up.”
you’re still half asleep even when yoongi pulls the blanket off of you causing you to whine and kick and blindly reach for your blanket
“You have to be at the lab in one hour.”
“what time is it??”
“It is 7:00AM.”
you rub the sleep out of your eyes and wince at the early morning sunlight
yoongi already opened up your curtains and you hATE being woken up by blinding sunlight
“i only need like half an hour to get ready let me sleep for another fifteen minutes” you drop your head back onto your pillow and shut your eyes again and- “oH jESUS is this going to become a regular thing because i am noT a fan of this” yoongi has you over his shoulder again and when he plops you down you’re staring at your crusty morning face in the bathroom mirror
“You don’t have ingredients in your fridge required for a nutritional breakfast. However, I made a cup of coffee for you. Please come to the kitchen in 20 minutes.” yoongi shuts the washroom door and you see that he’s hung your work uniform up behind it
usually you’re reaching into your hamper and digging through it for your wrinkly blouse and trousers but
you’ve never seen your uniform look so neat and crisp before
and that coffee stain on the sleeve is gone
“alright, robot. you win this time.” you mumble to yourself and then you’re washing up and getting ready for the day
“It is now 7:35. According to my maps, we are ten minutes away from Bangtan Laboratories. I suggest you leave within the next five minutes to avoid tardiness.”
“i’m usually five or ten minutes late and no sane person would want to come check out books at eight in the morning so i’m not in a rush” you plop down on the couch and turn on your cartoons and then you take a sip of the coffee that- “oH good god what the hell is this????” you look down at the sludge in your cup and wince before setting it down on the coffee table
so you definitely need to teach yoongi how to make a cup of coffee if he’s going to be making your coffee for the next 8 months
“Is something the matter?”
“how did you make my coffee??”
“I ground up coffee beans and mixed some water into it. According to my database, coffee is essentially a mixture of C. arabica and water.”
“C. arabi- what is C. ara- okay you know what i’ll teach you how to make coffee when i get back from work today” hopefully you can get jimin to give you a cup of coffee free of charge
you’re trying to enjoy your morning cartoons but it’s hard when yoongi’s kind of just standing there staring at you blankly
“…wanna watch some cartoons with me?” you scoot over a little and pat the seat next to you
“It is now 7:38. I recommend that you leave in two minutes to avoid-.”
“this episode is nearly done just come and sit” yoongi blinks twice but then he nods and comes and sits next to you
“Do not slouch. It is bad for your posture.”
you let out a sigh and roll your eyes and stand up
“you knoW what you’re right i should leave now thanks for the coffee yoongs” you offer him a smile while you’re lacing your shoes up “uh, i guess you can watch TV all day if you want?? there are a couple books in your room that you can read as well. namjoon picked them out for you so expect some classic literature and poetry and all that jazz”
“My name is Y00NGI. Not ‘Yoongs’.” yoongi blinks at you and you groan internally he’s just so ???????? he’s the complete opposite of you he’s so stiff and orderly and boring but of course you suck it up because you’re doing this for the boys and maybe you can ask jin to tweak his personality a little bit heeehee
“byE yOOnGS” you slam the door behind you before he can respond and you start your walk to work
yoongi stares at the door after you leave and then the corner of his lips twitch up in a small smile
he’s trying to replicate your bright smile but the most he can muster is a teeny little smile
“Yoongs.” he mutters to himself and then he returns his attention to the TV
when you come home that night you are surprised to see that your dinky apartment is,,, spotless
and now that it’s clean it makes it seem like your place is a loT bigger
and wow your coffee table is supposed to be thAt colour?? crazy
“uh, hello? i’m home…” you’re about to kick your shoes off and dump your jacket on the ground and yoongi suddenly appears in front of you and stops you before you can do so
“You have a coat rack for a reason. You also have a shoe rack. Please use them.” you sigh and place your shoes on the rack and hang your jacket up before turning to yoongi and going like r u happy now u neat freak android
“do you eat human food?”
“I don’t. I could. But I prefer not to, otherwise I’ll have to open up my stomach compartment and empty it. Which is not ideal.” you cringe and ur like yuck okay fair enough
“okay, well… i’m going to order dinner for myself, so i guess you can just sit here”
yoongi grabs your wrist before you can scurry off to the drawers where you usually stash all the takeout menus
“I threw out all of your takeout menus. You cannot live off Chinese food and pizza every day.”
“you whA-“ you press your lips together to keep yourself from screaming at yoongi but your preCIOUS MENUS ARE GONE
okay look
he cleaned your apartment for you which was actually pretty nice of him
“I ordered groceries while you were gone. Your fridge is now stocked with fruits, vegetables, almond milk - everything’s natural and organic, and most importantly - good for you.”
“almond milk- yOongi look that was really nice of you and stuff but i’m not- i don’t drink nUT milk i drink cow milk and also??? i hate fruits and i hate vegetables”
“I can see that, considering the state of your skin.” Yoongi hums and his eyes light up before he scans over your face slowly “Mild acne. Very common. The lack of pizza will hopefully clear up your skin soon. You’re looking a little swollen in the face, too. Must be all the sodium. Come - I’ve steamed some vegetables for you.”
yoongi disappears into the kitchen and you’re standing there like
you turn and look into the mirror hanging by the door and u know what he’s right you’re looking a lil more bloated than usual and your skin is kind of splotchy and woW that pimple wasn’t there this morning
your period’s coming!!! so that’s your excuse to pig out a little because you always need junk food for your cramps    
you know what you’re going to give that robot a piece of your mind and show him who’s boss here because it certainly isn’t hiM
“okay, listen here-“ you swing open the kitchen door and storm over to yoongi who’s standing by the stove with your steamed vegetables “i know you’re supposed to be taking care of me and everything but i refuse to eat these damn vegetables because- mmph!”
yoongi shoves a floret of broccoli into your mouth and you automatically chew
this isn’t half bad
there’s some minced garlic in here
“Sit. Eat.” yoongi nudges you to sit down on the stool and sets the plate of veggies in front of you “Finish it all.”
your stomach grumbles and you frown a little
you were really craving some juicy fried chicken tonight
maybe some yam fries with that really good chipotle mayo
as soon as you finish your dinner (which was a lot better than u thought it’d be) you dial namjoon’s number into your phone and look over your shoulder to make sure yoongi isn’t there
“your robot just made me eat a plate of vegetables”
“he did? wow! he’s better than i thought he’d be because you never eat vegetables”
“wha- namjoon, the point here is that he’s being a control freak!! i want pizza!!”
“it’s all part of the test, y/n. if there’s a flaw in his system we’ll fix it up when you bring him in at the end of the month.”
“oh, there are pLenty of flaws in his system. i’d like to take a pair of scissors and just snIP-“
“Ahem. Put your plate into the dishwasher when you’re done. And I’m cutting off your phone usage. According to my database, you’re on your phone most hours of the day.”
“you’re not my dad so-“ all of a sudden yoongi grabs your phone from you and shuts it off and then he’s pointing to the dishwasher
he’s literally acting like your dad and it’s infuriating
“give me my phone!” you ignore him and hold your hand out for your phone “who do you think you are??”
“Y00NGI. Who are you?”
“i-“ okay you should’ve seen that coming “just gimme my phone!!”
this little argument ends with you not getting your phone and you being sent into your room early
you feel like a child and it’s ridiculous
and you can’t even complain to namjoon about his stupid android because said android hAS your phone
“It is 7:00AM. You have work in an hour.”
it feels like deja vu when you wake up to the sound of that monotonous voice and the feeling of someone ripping a blanket off of you and also your blinds are up so the sun is bLINDING you
“it’s 7am you have work in an hour” you mock grumpily and yelp when yoongi smacks you with a pillow
and so
you and yoongi fall into this routine
he wakes you up
you grumble curses at him
you go to work
you come back home
yoongi’s there with your dinner
yoongi scolds you for watching cartoons
yoongi scolds you for sneaking some chips onto your dinner plate
yoongi catches you with a pint of ice cream in your grubby little hands  
how??? did he not catch that??
maybe if he was more observant he would’ve noticed that one of your boobs was significantly bigger than the other
yoongi clicks the TV off and sends you to wash up
you go to bed
yoongi cleans up the living room and puts the ice cream away
yoongi heads to his charging pod for the night and powers off
two weeks go by and you have to admit that you’ve gotten pretty used to having yoongi there 24/7
finally the day comes where you have to bring yoongi into the lab so namjoon can see if everything’s running smoothly
“aren’t you excited?? this is your first time out!!”
“There are more productive things that I could be doing right now. You interrupted me while I was uploading the entire Oxford dictionary into my hard drive.” even though you have your fingers wrapped around yoongi’s wrist and you’re tugging pretty hard to get him to move faster he’s still moving as slow as a snail so that’s gr8 for u
“you can upload it to your brain when we head back to my place. namjoon needs to see you so it’s not really my fault” you push him into the lift and he turns around and scowls at you
“Why do you manhandle me like that? Just because I’m a robot doesn’t mean you can treat me like this. Didn’t you notice the ‘fragile’ sticker on my box?” you’re tempted to roll your eyes because you’ve come to realise that yoongi can be very dramatic sometimes but like
he makes a fair point
you haven’t really been the nicest person to him in the last two weeks
he just
gets on your nerves!!!!!!!
“fair enough. i’m sorry. i think i… i was just kind of offended that namjoon wanted you to take care of me because i’m like… a grown woman and it’s embarrassing.”
yoongi blinks at you and then turns to face the doors as the elevator goes up “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I’m just here to help you. Plus, you need someone to take care of you. You can’t just eat pizza every night for dinner. And you can’t just wash your face with water and hand soap every night.”
……he makes a fair point once again
“Y00NGI, if you could just lie down here that would be great” namjoon points to the silver bed and you’re like low-key scared because it looks like an operating table
yoongi lies down and makes himself comfortable and rests his hands on his stomach
“i’m just going to be performing a basic electroencephalogram on you. i’m putting you to sleep now.”
a basic electroelephant-what-gram
you want to ask namjoon what the hell an electroscopicphahalalagram is but he looks pretty focused right now
yoongi’s eyes flutter shut and hoseok and jin work to place the small metal discs on his scalp and they’re all hooked up to some machines
suddenly a bunch of what you’re assuming to be yoongi’s statistics appear on namjoon’s monitor screen
all the information on there would be normal for a human except for the B A T T E R Y : 8 7 % part
“what’s that? and that? and that?”
namjoon’s been friends with you for a loNg long time so he’s learned to just drown you out whenever you get…. annoying
“is that his heartbeat? it’s pretty slow. what’s his heart made of? does he even have a heart? also - i have a question” you raise your hand and look around at the other boys expecting them to ask you what your question is but they never do
“i have a qUES-“
“wHAT y/n what is your question??” namjoon spins around and glares at you and you smile at him sheepishly
“if i cut yoongi open would he bleed??”
slightly concerning
“i’m sorry what”
“what i’m asking is does yoongi have.. like… human.. bodily fluids too…”
“i mean, like, yes? and no? his pee isn’t actually pee like if you gave him water to drink then he would just pee out water and maybe some motor oil if he has a loose screw but ya that’s it”
“oH you know what though i actually, uh,” taehyung stifles a laugh “okAy look i wanted to make him more realistic so like i bought a bottle of… fake semen and so there’s a little tank of semen inside of yoongi”
namjoon groans and turns to look at the younger boy “i told you not to!!!”
“i’m sorry!!!! i couldn’t help myself!!!! i promise it’s the good stuff tho like you can swallow it and it wouldn’t even-”
“oH my god i’m not talking about this. y/n, yoongi bleeds and kind of pees. and apparently he can ejaculate now.”
“so if you ever wanna hop on that diCK feel free to-“
“sHUT UP what if he can hear you!!!!” you slap your hands over yoongi’s ears “and yoongi isn’t even my type so i would never hoP on that dick”
that’s a blatant lie if yoongi hit on you at a club u would immediately drop to your knees
“stop talking about my android’s dick!!!!! whY did we even give him a dick in the first place!!!!”
“i had sO much fun moulding his dick out like lemme tell ya it’s just 7 inches of puRe girth-“
eventually everyone gets back to work and you’re entertaining yourself by spinning yourself around and around on a stool and also jimin gave you a pair of stethoscopes to play with and jin gave you a lollipop to suck on
(ur a literal child)
namjoon nods to himself because everything’s going according to plan
in fact yoongi is picking things up much faster than he thought
“emotional development is good.. heY look at that he’s already learned a couple new emotions!!!”
and you’re like ! dang he’s a fast learner what did he learn
you wheel over so that you’re right next to yoongi
“one of his new emotions are... irritation”
you reach over and smack his cheek gently and ur like >:-) because he’s sleeping and he can’t feel you poking and prodding at him you can do whatever you want to take your frustrations out
“Could you be so kind as to release my face?” you jump when yoongi powers up out of nowhere and you’re just sitting there squishing his cheeks together
“why is your new emotion irritation?”
“Because i’ve been feeling it a lot as of late.”
“I just have.”
“…Because of a particular individual.”
yoongi’s eye twitches and namjoon’s like lol because he can see the negative emotion bar rising higher and higher on the screen
“aLright alright cut it out y/n” jin scowls and pulls you away from yoongi before you have the opportunity to pull all the metal discs off his scalp
yoongi finds you absolutely infuriating
out of ALL the humans in the world he could’ve been assigned to
why did you have to be HIS human
you’re messy
irresponsible (he’s pretty sure you only have your job because you’re good friends w namjoon)
when he feels his hard drive overheating he tells himself to calm down
only a couple more months to go and then he can actually go and do something worth his time
like helping out at a hospital
working at a bank
maybe become like a teacher’s assistant or something
somEthing that helps society
helping a twenty something year old pick up her animal crackers off the floor is not a way to help society
“yoongi have you seen my reading glasses” yoongi’s in the middle of drying off the dishes when you pop into the kitchen “because i swear i left them in here but they’re not in here so then i thought they were in my bedroom but they’re not in my bedroom sO theN-“
“They’re on your head.”
“oh!!! ur right teehee”
yoongi grips onto the dish so hard it cracks a little
seven and a half more months
seven and a half
a month goes by and guess what
it’s that time again folks
you have to be an Adult and actually Socialize with your Adult Friends
you’re heading out with a couple of gal friends from your school days tonight
you know what though you’re just glad that you get a couple of hours away from yoongi
you’re kind of in a like-hate relationship with him
like you appreciate that he’s always there for you and he does a great job taking care of you and making sure you don’t spend too much time with your face in front a screen or overdose on animal crackers
but like
he’s alwAys hovering over you
like just now you were getting ready to do your makeup and yoongi was kind of just hanging out in the hallway pretending to dust the floors but you know it’s just because he doesn’t want you to accidentally stab your eyeball with your mascara wand again
it was pretty nasty cleaning black ink out of your eyeball  
side note
knowing that yoongi knows your exact location at any given moment is kind of creepy
and you kind of just wanna have a goOd time tonight okay
you look down at the bracelet around your wrist and watch the Y00NGI blink back at you
you consider smashing the damn thing to pieces because it is just made out of glass
you give it a test tap on the edge of the counter
your eyes widen when you see a teeny weeny little crack
you raise your arm about to literally smash your wrist into the counter when suddenly
“Make sure to stay hydrated. Drink water after you consume alcohol of any kind.” yoongi appears behind you in the mirror and you quickly pull your arm back down and pretend like you’re just stretching out your limbs
“i know, yoongs. i’ve gone out partying before.”
“Who are you going out with?”
“a couple of girls i went to school with - you don’t know them” you purse your lips and apply a layer of lip gloss and yoongi watches you in the mirror
“I don’t know them?”
“of course you don’t know them you’ve never met them” you scoff
yoongi’s eyes turn into a shade of blue and if you look close enough you can see digits whizzing around in there
and suddenly
“Emma, Lauren, Hailey, Anna, and… Faith.”
your eyebrows furrow and you turn to face him
“how the hell did you-“
“Hailey seems to be a fan of partying. Be careful. Out of all of these girls the only one that is acceptable is Faith. I trust her. I have faith in her.”
jin must’ve snuck some kind of dad joke implant into yoongi because that was awful
yoongi turns and leaves the washroom and you’re like ????? how?????wat???? how did?????
about twenty minutes later you’re all dolled up and ready to go and you see yoongi rifling through your purse as you enter the living room
“i’ll take that, thank u very much” you snatch your purse from him and swing it over your shoulder before going to get your heels
“I was just making sure you have everything you need.”
“what do i need?”
“Tissues. Chapstick. A bottle of water. Your wallet. Your identification card. Your house keys.” he pauses for a second and then looks back at the tv “A pack of that godawful fruity, sugary gum you like so much.”
your heart warms a little that he packed your things for you anD he’s actually letting you have your juicy fruit gum
maybe you shouldn’t smash your bracelet into pieces
also jungkook did say it was expensive so there’s that
you slip into your heels and check to make sure you don’t have any lip gloss in your teeth in the mirror  
“What time should I expect your return?”
“when i come back” you respond simply and shut the door behind you and scurry over to the elevator as quickly as possible to avoid more of yoongi’s nagging
“Pushing the button aggressively like that will not make the elevator move any faster.” you groan quietly and turn around to see yoongi poking his head out of the front door at the end of the hall
the doors open and you shoot him a quick thumbs up before getting in
“Always carry your belongings with you. Do not accept drinks from strangers. Be aware of-“
when the doors close you’re like thANK god because your head could’ve exploded from yoongi’s irritating tips
he’s acting like you’ve never gone out a day in your life
sometimes you forget how rambunctious your girl-friends are
“i’m sorry you bought a whAt” you tilt your head in curiosity and hailey leans in a little more
you’ve been at the bar for like ten minutes and the conversation topic has already swerved into the ~sexual zone~
“i said i bouGHT A SEX BOT” everyone bursts into giggles and you’re like ohHH gotcha “i honestly don’t even need to hook up with anyone anymore because my bot totally does the job - thank god for technology. he’s better than all the boyfriends i’ve ever had - and he makes reALLY good pancakes in the morning”
“cheers for technology!!” emma raises her glass and everyone follows suit and clinks glasses
you didn’t even know sex bots were a thing
all the prostitutes in town must be fuming
“sex bot…” you trail off and now u can’t help but wonder if namjoon’s ever made a sex bot
…is yoongi supposed to be yOUR sex bot
“but like… u don’t think that’s kinda weird?? being in a relationship with a robot and all that” you purse your lips and everyone looks at you weirdly
“y/n - what’s wrong with you, girl? this is the 21st century! a robot-human relationship nowadays is totally normal” anna snorts and takes a sip of her drink
“ya but the relationship you’re talking about is purely a sexual relationship…. what about like,,, a real relationship” you purse your lips before reaching for the small bowl of peanuts in the middle
“i mean i don’t really see the problem with that tbh like date who you wanna date even if your significant other is made out of metal”
“hey, y/n! maybe if your little crush on jungkook doesn’t work out we can get a sex bot for you”
“i doN’t- i don’t want a sex bot, thanks” you laugh awkwardly and scratch the back of your neck
“why not!!!! it’s been like a trillion years since u got laid”
“i,,, i know but i’m not like actively seeKing to get laid i just… i been busy u know how it be”
it’s true!! you’ve been super busy
sex hasn’t really been a priority
plus one night stands really aren’t ur thing
you can’t see yourself having sex with a stranger
it’s just so
“you have to get yourself out there!!!! otherwise your pussy’s going to dry up and shrivel up into nothing” you wince at the crude language spilling out of emma’s mouth and ur like u know what i think my… i think my pee-pee is doing just fine
“seriously tho!!! c’mon you should live a little~! let’s find a cutie for you tonight to take home” lauren grins and looks over at the bar “how about the bartender?? he was totally checking out ur boobs when we were over there”
“you guys i- no, i’m really not…”
it’s pretty obvious you’re kind of uncomfortable by the way you’ve shrunken into yourself and started gnawing on your bottom lip
“hey hey hEy okay maybe not!” faith slaps lauren’s arm and she scowls in pain “let’s just have a girls night, hm? let’s just get wASted and not think about stupid boys for once!!! the guys here aren’t even thAT hot - second round of drinks are on me!” she waves a server over and hailey automatically orders a round of shots for the table
“thanks for that” you murmur quietly and nudge faith’s side after the conversation changes from you getting laid to lauren and hER desire for a sex bot too
“don’t mention it” she hums and reaches over to pinch your cheek
turns out these drinks are actually preTty strong and everyone’s tolerance for alcohol is preTty low
an hour later
everyone is a hot fuckign mess
“lizten listen listen n to me faithy honey taehyUng is totally into you but hshhshhhh dont’ tell him don’t tell him he’ll kill me if i tell you” you slur and slap a hand over faith’s mouth when you see her face light up with excitement
“omg reALLy because i’m super into him too he’s sO attractive” she squeals excitedly “but like did he teLL you that he was into me because it totally doesn’t count if it’s just a rumour”
“oh NO it’s like it’s like for sure real like i went into his office and he was fully jacking off to your instagram pictures” you hiccup and in the back of ur mind u know you’ve exposed a little too much but it’s too late now
and faith doesn’t exactly seem to mind learning that tidbit of information
“nO” you snatch faith’s phone and put it on the other side of the table
“how do you make such hot friends?? i want hot boy-friends!!!!” nicole whines and downs the rest of her drink
“maybe weEEEE should all apply for jobs at bangtan laboratories”
“dibs on jin and his broad shoulders!!!!!”
“well if you take jin i’m taking jiMIN”
“i wANT JIMIN,, anD junGKOOK”
“i want jungkook’s kOOk”  
“i wanna get all up in namjoon’s dimplez he’s so cute ”
“well i want namjoon to get all up in MY GUTS”
“i’m taking hoseok!!!!!!”
another hour goes by…
[jeopardy theme song plays in the background]
“lOOK look it’s like fused to me and jungkook is the only one with the key” you raise your wrist so everyone can see your Y00NGI bracelet
“so like…….. you got a robot helper at home”
“and he knows where u are all the time and ur temperature and ur heart rate and all that”
“yoU shouldn’t- youshoulnd’t let these MEN control you like thiz” faith hiccups and you nod quickly in agreement
she grabs your wrist and flails it around “this bracelet don’t even gO with any outfits it’s so stupid”
“i don’t even- i should just smash it into smithereens” you slur and rest your head on her shoulder
all of you exchange looks and then everyone’s looking at the glass bracelet on your wrist
there is that little crack in it from when you tried smashing it earlier
“smash it” anna whispers
and then it starts
the satanic chanting
“smash it, smash it, smash it, smASH IT SMASH IT SMACHI T SMASHCIT SMASCHITSMACIHT” everyone’s slamming their glasses down on the table rhythmically
with all the energy in the atmosphere and the mojitos coursing through your veins you find yourself raising your arm and suddenly
huLK smASH
you grin when you raise your wrist and shake off the shattered shards of glass and everyone whoops and clinks glasses again
yoongi perks up immediately and blinks twice
it feels like a wire short-circuited inside of him somewhere
it’s about 2:57 now
it’s very very late
now would be a good time to check up on you
he checked on you about an hour ago
you seemed fine but he could sense a loT of alcohol flowing through your veins
hopefully you’re hydrating yourself with water and not just mojitos
okay time to check up on u
no need to panic
maybe the bracelet glitched or something
he can track you via your phone
there’s no signal
your phone must be out of fuckign battery agAIN
you never charge it!!!! why!!!!
okay great
what’s the plan
he jumps when his phone suddenly starts ringing and he notices it’s FaceTime call request from an unknown number
he lets out a sigh of relief when your pixelated face suddenly appears on the screen
“Y/N? Whose phone are you-“
“my phone is outta battery and also i broke my bracelet because you mEN can’t control me”
he hears a lot of giggling in the background
“What? Control you? The purpose of your bracelet is so that I can check up on- Oh my god.” you raise your wrist in triumph to reveal a couple loose wires wrapped around it and yoongi’s like o…..o no “Namjoon is going to kill you.”
you hiccup and lean against anna’s shoulder
“i gotta pee”
“Are you on your way back now?”
“are you on your way back now?”
“I’m serious, Y/N. It’s almost 3 in the morning.”
“i’m seriouz y/n i’s almost threeeee in the morning”
yoongi lets out a sigh and pinches the bridge of his nose
you’re a mess and you’re in no state to come home by yourself so late into the night
“I’m coming to pick you up.”
“u don’t know where i AM”
“I always know where you are. Stay put. And go pee.”
yoongi fishes your car keys out of the side drawer and tucks his phone into his back pocket
okay cool now he knows how to drive
“you’re right he IS cute” anna gasps after yoongi hangs up on you
“right??? if hE hit on me tonight i would totally go home with him” you grin and hand hailey back her phone
“his lips are real pretty”
“his hair looks so soft”
“and that voice??? sO sexy are you kidding me???”
“i wish someone would take care of me like yoongi takes care of y/n :’((”
“you guys stop talking about y/n’s manz like that!!!”
“he is not- he is most definitely noT my mans” you laugh and shake your head
okay well like
he kinda is your mans
but he’s not at the same time
you felt a twinge of jealousy after all ur friends started gushing about how cute yoongi is
“how about one last round of shOTs before yoongi the party pooper comes n gets me!!!!” you change the subject and everyone bursts into cheers
one last round of shots turn into three last rounds of shots so
everyone’s stumbling in their heels when you guys finally leave the bar
lauren has an arm wrapped around your waist keeping you stable because your alcohol tolerance is the lowest out of everyone’s
and then you see a familiar looking bot heading towards you
“yOONGs my prince in scarily realistic silicone skin!!!!!!!!” you practically throw yourself at yoongi when you see him and immediately press wet kisses to his cheek
he’s not surprised that you’re an affectionate drunk
“Alright, alright. Where’s your purse?” you’re like aLL over yoongi and his eyes are going crazy trying to keep track of you
“i dunNo i want a piggyback ride” thank god yoongi was programmed to have superhuman reflexes because if he didn’t then you definitely would have fallen flat on your butt
yoongi sighs before reaching back to clasp under your knees and he accidentally gropes your butt before his hands quickly slip back under your knees and you can’t help but giggle
“buy me dinner before u touch me there u naughty boy”
“Where’s your p-“
“y/n, don’t forget your- oh!!! oh!!! you must be yoOngi!!!!” yoongi’s suddenly overwhelmed when a group of tipsy girls approach him
he does a quick scan of each of their faces and recognises them as your friends
“Yes, I’m Y00NGI. M1N Y00NGI, Y/N’s personal human mind model adaptive super android.” he likes to keep it professional when meeting new people
“well, min yoongi. here’s y/n’s purse.” yoongi expects you to reach out and take it yourself under he realises you’ve fallen asleep and you’re definitely drooling on his shoulder “sorry about y/n - we let her get a little crazy tonight.”
“yoU’re just as hot as y/n said you were!!!!” yoongi blushes immediately and diverts his gaze before letting out a small chuckle
he’s definitely going to use that against you when you sober up tho lmao
he turns his head and his nose nudges into your cheek making you stir before you’re nuzzling your nose into his neck obviously seeking warmth
“Should I call you ladies a cab?”
“oh, and he’s a gentleman too. i need me one of these yoongi’s.”
“we’re fine, thank you. we already called for an uber. thank you for taking care of y/n for us. we were kind of worried about her after her breakup with kihyun, but it’s nice to see that she’s in good hands.” lauren smiles and places a hand on yoongi’s shoulder
yoongi nods and offers her a smile
“It was nice meeting all of you. Have a safe trip home.”  
“Y/N, wake up…” yoongi gently grasps your arm and shakes you a little
you let out a soft sigh and your nose wrinkles and yoongi’s like o,,,,oh my….. how cute,,,… wait waT is wrong w mE omg
“C’mon, we gotta get you out of your dress and brush your teeth and all that.”
you whine and shake your head before settling even further into the front seat
yoongi sighs and shoves the car keys into his back pocket before bending down and scooping you up in his arms
you immediately melt against his chest as he wraps one of your arms around his neck
yoongi winces when he accidentally knocks your head against the frame of your bedroom door
“You better not have a random leg spasm otherwise you’ll take out one of my eyes.” yoongi mutters and takes your heels off before setting them aside
somehow he manages to change (peel) you out of your dress and he wipes your makeup off aND he brushes your teeth anD he puts on your moisturiser without you waking up
you truly are a deep sleeper
he tucks you into bed and he’s about to leave the room when suddenly you’re reaching out and gripping onto his wrist
“Out of all the moments to wake up, you wake up now?” yoongi teases and bends down next to you
“stay with me” you pout and tug on his wrist and yoongi feels his fake heart go boom boom
he brushes some of your hair out of your face and lets out a sigh “I have to charge up.”
“my app told me u were at 76% when i last checked” you pat the empty side of the bed “stay with me”
somehow yoongi finds himself settling into bed next to you and he kinda just lies there like a statue
“u have to get under the blankets fool” yoongi sighs and tucks himself under the blankets
and he’s 110% sure you’re still a little tipsy because the next thing he knows you’re snuggling up to him
“you’re warm”
“Thanks. It’s my generator.” he clears his throat and shifts to get a little more comfortable  
you don’t respond and he assumes you’ve already fallen asleep
“thanks for taking care of me all the time”
yoongi lies awake the entire night feeling a little warmer than usual
“okay, we re-modified your bracelet. now, instead of glass, we used a basically indestructible metal. we should’ve gone with the metal in the first place because this particular type is a pretty good conductor which means faster connections and-“
“but this one’s ugly the glass one was prettier” you interrupt namjoon and scrunch your nose at the chunky metal bracelet around your wrist
“…well you should’ve thought about that before smashing it into pieces”
“my friends are very convincing” you mutter sheepishly and twist the bracelet around your wrist before tracing your fingers over the engraved Y00NGI
jungkook comes over and takes your wrist to look at the bracelet and you can’t help but feel your heart go boom boom a littLe because he’s standing so close to you right now omg
you’re swinging your legs back and forth and you have your bottom lip tucked in between your teeth as you watch jungkook fiddle with the bracelet
yoongi glances at you and furrows his brows a little
he’s already synced up to your bracelet so he should be able to…
your endorphins are shooting through the roof right now
yoongi feels an unfamiliar emotion bubbling inside of him
it’s jealousy
“The bracelet’s already synced up to me. I don’t think you need to look at it anymore.” yoongi steps in between you and kook and he tilts his head at jungkook and jungkook’s like ohHO okay well i’m just doing my job
“kook get over here and help me with these damn triplex wires” jin calls jungkook over and he excuses himself but looks at yoongi a little weirdly
“what was that?? we were totally vibing”
“If by ‘vibing’, you mean you drooling over Jungkook while he fiddled with your bracelet - then yes, you were totally vibing.”
you scoff and look at yoongi before leaning back a little and crossing your arms
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“are you jealous of jungkook?”
yoongi trips over his words and he refuses to look you in the eye
“That’s ridiculous. Why would I ever be jealous of Jungkook? What is there to be jealous of?”
“you know… you’re the only human mind model adaptive super android for me, right?” you coo and reach up to pinch yoongi’s cheek and then he’s growling and swatting your hand away
you find yourself finally warming up to yoongi as time passes
you start enjoying his company instead of dreading it
and he feels the same way
maybe the next couple of months won’t be too bad after all
you’re in the middle of cataloguing some new books that just came in when suddenly you feel someone hovering over you
“hi can i help you find som-“ you look up and stop talking when you see /??? yoongi?? behind the counter
“what the- how did you- how are you here right now??” you furrow your brows in confusion and yoongi plops a little bento box on the countertop
“Public transportation. Eat. You’re hungry.”
“i’m not-“ your stomach growls right on cue and yoongi gives you a pointed look before opening up the bento box
“Pork and vegetable dumplings, and pan-fried chive pancakes. The dipping sauce is here. I added some sesame oil, soy sauce, and sriracha to the vinegar because you seem to like that combination. Animal crackers for later. Later. And a juice box. The flavour is organic apple and grape.” your stomach growls again at the sight of this goOD food and you swear you almost start drooling
“aw yoongs you didn’t have to make all of this for me…” yoongi hands you a pair of chopsticks
“Yes, I did. Otherwise, you’d be having a chocolate bar and a can of coke for lunch. I’ll go home now.” yoongi turns to leave and before you know it you quickly lean over the countertop and grab his arm
yoongi stops and looks down at your hand gripping his arm before looking back up at you
“wAit maybe you,,, you can stay here? with me? i’m all alone here and i’m sure there’s not a lot to do at home besides cook and clean and all that.” you clear your throat when yoongi tilts his head and blinks owlishly at you “or,,, not…”
“No. I’ll stay. And then we can go home together.”
usually he says ‘your place’ or something like that like from that night you broke your bracelet
but he just said ‘home’
“C’mon, eat up. I didn’t slave over the stove for nothing.” yoongi joins you behind the desk and immediately picks up the thickEst book from the pile that you were reorganising before he got there “History of Korea…”
you shove a dumpling into your mouth and your eyes roll to the back of your head because goddAmn this is good
you are fully having a foodgasm right now
just when you’re about to shove a second dumpling into your mouth you jump when you hear the sound of a book slapping shut
“Well, that was interesting. What other books can I read?”
you turn to look at yoongi and he’s rifling through the other books on your desk
“wait- you- did you finish reading that already???” there are question marks floating above your head because you aRE conFuSIoN
yoongi responds with a hum and picks up a second book
this one’s the history of russia
“I think I’ll read all the history books today.”
“all of- yoongi there are like 1000 or moRe history books in this library i doubt you’ll be able to read them all” you snort and dip your dumpling in some sauce
about twenty minutes later your stomach is full of dumplings and chive pancakes and you couldn’t be happier
you’re leaning back against your chair and patting your stomach happily and yoongi’s having a good time sitting next to you with his nose in a book
“So how many books have you read in the last twenty minutes? 500?” you snort while packing up the box and putting everything back into the lunch bag
“Nah, I’m still on book 496.” yoongi sighs and shuts the book “I’m not fully charged and it’s messing with my speed.”
“I believe that’s 10 points to me, and 0 to you.” yoongi smirks when another paper ball lands right into the bin and you groan in frustration
you finished cataloguing the books faster than you thought and that’s how you ended up having a paper ball throwing competition with yoongi
it was his suggestion surprisingly
but now you know he only suggested it because he would win the competition
you probably should’ve taken into account that he can calculate the perfect angle and the perfect speed at which to throw the ball at
“this is a dumb game”
“No, it’s not. Throw your ball into the waste bin.”
yoongi scowls when you throw your ball at his head and in retaliation he leaps over and immediately begins to dig his fingers into your sides
“yOONGI stop!!!!!” there are tears in your eyes from how hard you’re laughing and you crumple to the floor in defeat bringing yoongi down with you
yoongi laughs but eventually shows some mercy and stops tickling you
and now the two of you are realising that he is very much on top of you
you’re both kind of panting and your cheeks flush a little when he tilts his head and smirks
“you’re mean”
“I’ve been told.”
“Give me the keys, I’ll drive.”
“it’s my car i’m driving”
“You drive like a maniac. Keys.” arguing with yoongi never ends well for you so you grumble before plopping your keys into his open palm
you hear the beep beep of your car unlocking and yoongi opens your door for you
“ah, thank you, kind sir” you get in and toss your purse into the back before reaching down to take your shoes off
“Seatbelt… m’lady.” yoongi slams his door shut and you buckle your seatbelt and lean against the window
“Where are we going now?”
“We’re heading back home, obviously.”
there it is again
his eyes flicker up to where you’re flipping and unflipping the sun-visors
“Stop doing that.” he reaches up and slams it shut and you pout then lean back against the seat again
yoongi thinks you might actually have the mentality of a six year old child
“Wha- What is this?” after putting your shoes away and hanging your coat up yoongi walks into the living room and sees you sprawled out on the couch with your eyes glued to the screen watching some duMb brain-melting cartoon show
“spongebob squarepants reruns.” you answer simply and shift your position until you’re upside down lying flat on your back with your legs hanging off the top of the couch
your face is turning red from all the blood going right to your head
ur an idiot
“You are not watching this. You should watch something more educational.”
“i’ve been out of school for like two years i don’t- hEeeeEy” you start whining immediately when yoongi grabs the remote and switches it to the national geographic channel
omG all these documentaries are so boring
“Here, this one. It’s called… Beneath the Water.” he pauses and you recognise his thinking face
his thinking face is when he blanks out and like downloads a shit ton of information into his database  
“Beneath the Water is a mini documentary-series focusing on the history of mythological, underwater creatures. Tonight’s episode is about mermai-“
“mermaids??? jesus yoongi how old do u think i am”
“You were just watching Spongebob Squarepants.”
you grumble out a ‘touché’ and switch positions so you’re actually sitting on the couch
“I’ll go and make dinner.” you watch yoongi disappear into the kitchen and you immediately reach for the remote
“Don’t even try!”
oh my GoD
yoongi’s like a babysitter from hell
“…i hate documentaries” you mutter to yourself but you don’t seem to have a choice so you lean back and make yourself comfortable
spongebob squarepants scene transition ~wun hour latier~
yoongi has to remind you to chew your food because your attention is fully on the documentary right now
he has his elbow propped up on the arm of the couch and he’s just watching you sitting cross-legged behind the coffee table with your stir-fried vegetables and fried (brown) rice ((because it’s healthier and has less sugar))
he smiles to himself when he sees you try to feed yourself while keeping your eyes on the screen
a carrot chunk falls off your chopsticks but you stick the chopsticks in your mouth anyway and you??? start chewing??? yoongi’s staring at you and he’s like there’s nothing in your moUTH
“Maybe you can continue watching the documentary after you finish your dinner.” you literally growl at yoongi when he reaches for the remote and he raises his hands in defence immediately
“Your rice is getting cold. Eat up.” yoongi sighs when you shove like three grains of rice into your mouth and the rest of it spills onto the table 
“Okay, I didn’t think it would have to come to this.”
yoongi gets off the couch and squeezes in next to you and pulls your plate and your bowl towards him
“what are you doing??” you whine because your food is being snaTCHED
“I’m feeding you because you’re incapable of feeding yourself. The sun’s going to come up by the time you finish your meal and you need to be in bed in an hour and a half. You haven’t showered yet, either. Open.” yoongi holds up a hearty spoonful of rice and you’re hesitant at first because now you really feel like a baby and you feel kinda silly but then he’s nudging it against your lips and you open your mouth automatically
and of course your head turns right back to the screen while you eat happily
…actually you could probably get used to this lol
you are now realising how lazy you are
one month later
it’s a lazy friday night and you and yoongi are in the middle of a documentary marathon but of course you got distracted and started talking about something else
you two were actually supposed to go out tonight (there’s this adorable ice cream parlour you’ve been begging yoongi to go to) but then yoongi predicted that it was going to rain because apparently ‘Humidity levels are at 75% right now.’
“so the vine goes ‘road work ahead? yeah, i sure hope it does’!” you burst into laughter and when you calm down yoongi’s staring at you like you’re crazy “don’t you get it? because the sign said that the road works ahead and-“
“Yep. I get it. I just don’t get it, you know? Is this what humans find humorous?”
“well ya i guess so”
“Oh. What a sad, sad world we live in.”
okay so yoongi obviously isn’t a fan of vine humour
maybe you can find something else to talk about
“did namjoon make like a girl version of you?? maybe he’s making a lil girlfriend for you back at the lab” you wink and nudge his side playfully
“I did overhear a conversation between Namjoon and Seokjin about creating a female version of me. M1N Y00NJI will be her name, I believe.”
“oh. so she’s not a girlfriend, she’s like… she’s like your sister”
“Yes. And incest is highly inappropriate.”
“and super gross.”
“And super gross.” yoongi nods in agreement
there’s a moment of silence and the two of you stare at the documentary playing on the screen until yoongi breaks the silence
“Do you have a significant other?”
“me? oh god, no. i mean, like, i used to, but then-“
“It’s okay. I know all about him. You don’t have to explain.” yoongi hands you the bowl of popcorn when you reach out and make grabby hands at it
another moment of silence goes by
“Do you have feelings for Jungkook?”
now thAt gets your attention
you clear your throat and turn to face yoongi before pursing your lips
you were pretty sure you still had a teeny weeny crush on jungkook but you’re 100% confident that it’s not as intense as it used to be
like sure sometimes you still fantasise about kissing jungkook and holding his hand and all that gooey stuff but like
most of the time you’re with yoongi and in the couple of months that you’ve gotten to know him you realise how thoughtful and sweet and caring he is underneath his cold demeanour
and you had a fleeting thought that maybe your romantic feelings for jungkook had transferred over to yoongi but
well that would be silly
after all
yoongi’s not even human
“i… i mean, kind of? but i know he’d never go for someone like me, so I-“
“Why not?” yoongi keeps staring ahead “You’re very nice. You’re funny. You’re thoughtful. You’re kind. And you always share your snacks with other people even though I know you would much rather hog your crackers and juice to yourself.”
you laugh a little at that and then shrug your shoulders
“i dunno. if he was interested in me then he would’ve made a move but…” you continue rambling and yoongi drowns you out a little
yoongi is in a little bit of a sticky situation
last week he kind of developed a new emotion and he’s not exactly sure what it is
it’s a positive emotion for sure
and for some reason he only feels it when he’s around you
but he knows that it isn’t right
he shouldn’t be feeling like this with you
it’s not appropriate and it’s not fair to you if he suddenly told you that he felt a certain way about you
as disappointing as it is at the end of the day he is just… an android
“You should tell him that you like him. You only live once, you know.” yoongi suddenly cuts you off and he swallows thickly
he already regrets telling you that
“He’s working late at the lab tonight. Maybe you can bring him a drink. You still have the 6-pack of banana milk that you were saving for when he comes over.”
he’s definitely regretting this
he turns to look at you and he can see the gears clicking in your head
he’s not just doing this for you
he’s doing this for himself
seeing you with someone else will help him control this new emotion
so this is a good plan
“i don’t… i don’t know, yoongs. i don’t think it’s a good idea.” you scratch the back of your neck and jump when yoongi turns off the tv suddenly
“Y/N, you have to do this. You like him.”
yoongi is right
you do… like jungkook
…don’t you?
when yoongi shuts the door after you leave he lets out a small breath and ignores the new feeling growing in his chest
he feels a pang of pain within him
but this is good
he can’t be with you and that’s just the way things are
you don’t think you’ve ever run so quickly in your entire life but there you are practically sprinting to the labs in the middle of a fuckign thunderstorm (it was fine the first two minutes and then suddenly there was a rumble and it starting raining cats and dogs) because you’re about to confess your feelings of ~romance~ to jungkook
your heart tingles a little at the thought of jungkook’s smile
and the sound of his laugh
it’s kind of hard to see with the rain pouring down on you and your hair in your eyes but you manage to find your employee card in your wallet
“c’mon, don’t let me down now” you swipe your employee card in the access bar and it blinks from red to green and you hear the kachunk of the front doors unlocking
your shoes squeak down the hallway as you run towards the direction of the genius lab
you slow down as you approach the two white doors and you let out a shaky breath
you can hear jungkook talking to someone and you automatically assume he’s on the phone with taehyung or someone else
this is going to be great
you’re gonna be fine
you have high hopes!!!!
you give yourself a mini pep-talk before nodding confidently and striding towards the white doors
there are little circle-shaped windows on the door and as you walk closer you start to see the top of jungkook’s cute lil head
and just as you’re about to push open the doors
you see it
jungkook and ji-eun
they’re laughing at something but you don’t know what
the smile slowly fades from your face and you feel your heart drop to your stomach
all you notice is her hand on his thigh and the way they’re leaning into each other as they giggle
jungkook’s cheeks are flushed and so are ji-eun’s and he stares at her like…
like he loves her
he’s never looked at you like that before
and suddenly ji-eun’s leaning in and planting her lips against jungkook’s
and for some reason
you feel nothing
that’s a lie
you feel a little twinge of heartbreak because you’ve been crushing on jungkook for so long and he’s woW they are definitely making out right now
as you head back the only boy on your mind is yoongi
because yoongi’s always there for you at the end of the day no matter what
on the trek back home you’re suddenly hit with the depressing thought of ‘well, it happened again. you thought someone liked you and it turns out that they liked someone else aka you got rejected for the millionth time in your life’
that kind of dampens your mood and suddenly
you’re just… really, really sad
why does this always happen to you?
you get your hopes up only to have them shot down at the end
and each time you think something different will happen but you always get the same result
“Hey! How did it g- Woah.” yoongi shoots up from the couch when he hears the front door open and the familiar sound of you kicking your shoes off and tossing your keys on the table
you’re soaking wet from the rain and you’re still clutching the six pack of banana milk to your chest
and usually you greet yoongi when you get home but you’re just silently peeling your jacket off and running a hand through your tangled hair
that can only mean
yoongi knows you more than anything else in the world so he knows that the last thing you want is to talk about what just happened
so he acts natural
“You’re going to catch a cold if you keep standing around like that. Come - I’ll draw a bath for you.” he picks up your wet jacket before grasping your wrist and leading you towards the bathroom
“with bubbles?” you murmur quietly and if yoongi had a heart it would clench right now because he’s never seen you look so defeated before
“With all the bubbles in the entire world.”
yoongi dips his hand into the water to test the temperature before pulling it out and shaking some bubbles off
“Alright, I think we’re good to go.” he gets up off his knees before wiping his hands off on his shirt
you toss the dirty makeup wipe in the bin before reaching down to undo the knot of your robe and yoongi’s like okAy i guess that’s my cue to leave
“I’ll be in the living room. We… we can have ice cream after your bath if you want.”
“strawberry cheesecake?”
“Mhm. Don’t stay in for too long or you’ll become wrinkly.” yoongi shuts the door behind him and heads towards the living room
his goal tonight is to cheer you up from this damn jungkook fiasco
he hates to see you upset
you don’t deserve to have your heart broken
you’re a sweet girl and you’re funny and kind and adorable and yoongi… yoongi really, really has taken a liking to you
he doesn’t know when it happened
but one day when you were telling him about your day he kinda just had a weird feeling
he noticed that he was paying more attention to the way your lips would curl around certain words and the way your nose would crinkle slightly whenever you laugh
it’s been almost six months since he first met you
you with your (still) mismatched socks and your greasy pizza
he shakes his head and hurries to get the living room ready and comfortable for you for after your bath
things are different now.
“you forgot to get my PJs for me so i just grabbed your hoodie out of the hamper” yoongi jumps when he hears your voice from behind him
he turns around and it takes everything within him not to explode from all the uwus right now
your cheeks are rosy and your hair is a lil damp but you look so cute wearing his hoodie and a pair of mismatched fuzzy socks
“Come sit. I have ice cream and a whole line-up of your favourite romantic comedies we can watch.”
“you really know the way to my heart” you sigh happily and plop down next to yoongi and he’s fully aware that he’s overheating a little bit right now
his face is sO hot
about half an hour passes and yoongi figures he’d give it a go
it is good to get your feelings out after all
“So… you gonna tell me what happened?”
“in the movie? haven’t you been paying attention?”
“Not in the movie, dummy. With… Jungkook?”
there’s a moment of silence and you slowly set the tub of ice cream down before clearing your throat
yoongi lowers the volume of the tv
“yeah, i don’t know.. it was stupid of me to think that jungkook would be interested in me so…i dunno i’m not that bummed out about it for some reason??” you scratch the back of your neck and lean back against the couch
there’s another moment of silence before yoongi speaks up
“You should be with someone more compatible with you.” you don’t know if it’s just the light playing tricks on your eyes but you swear you see yoongi’s cheeks heat up a little “According to your common interests, personality type, and even astrological signs - you and Jungkook are a mere 36% romantically compatible.”
“that makes sense….. out of all the boys who’s the most compatible with me? just curious” you lean back against the couch and you can’t help but smile when you see yoongi and his concentration face
he definitely picked it up from you because your eyebrows scrunch together and your lips purse slightly and he’s doing exactly that
“You and Namjoon: 62%. You and Seokjin: 51%. You and Hoseok: 28%. You and Jimin: 72%. You and Taehyung: 69%.” yoongi pauses and he looks like he wants to say something “…Youandme:98%.”
“you know i really thought that joon and i would be more compatible considering we’ve known each other since- wait what”
did he just
you and him??????? are 98% compatible???????/?
the two of you are kind of just staring at each other and for the first time yoongi’s the one who averts his gaze and he reaches up to scratch the back of his neck
woW he really did pick up your habits no wonder you guys are compatible
you like yoongi but he’s a robot and you’re a human and sure in today’s society it’s pretty normal for humans to seek comfort and companionship in an android but you never thought you’d be one of them
like you always saw yourself being with another human that was why you pined after jungkook so much but
what you needed was right in front of you this whole time
and yes you have to admit that at some point in time your feelings for yoongi shifted from platonic to romantic but you thought you were just getting attached because of the lack of romance in your life
and yes you’ve gotten used to yoongi waking you up every morning and sending you off with a cup of coffee and then when you get home he’s always there with dinner and he’s always down to cuddle
and you remember how roboT-y and coldhearted he was eight months ago but he’s a completely different android now
he’s a big softie and he’s sweet and kind and funny and charming
oh god
you like yoongi
he’s not even
he’s not even a person he’s a robot
“I’m sorry. That was inappropriate of me. I’m sensing discomfort from you. Please forget I said anything. I must head back and recharge. My battery is low.” yoongi quickly gets up from the couch and before you can say anything he’s dashing off to his room and you can hear him shut the door quietly
you check his app on your phone
his battery is at 72% only
that night you find yourself standing outside of yoongi’s room with your fist raised to the door
you can’t bring yourself to knock because what the heck are you going to say????
you decide that the best thing to do for now is just leave yoongi alone
it’ll be good for the both of you to have a little alone time
let you think things out and all that
you nod to yourself and head to your bedroom before shutting the door behind you
you’ll see yoongi tomorrow
you wake up by yourself the next morning
your body’s used to waking up early now which is good but a part of you wanted to wake up to see yoongi pushing open your curtains or even getting your clothes ready for you
you make a cup of coffee for yourself and spend about twenty minutes watching some tv and sipping quietly on your coffee
you’re hoping the fact that you’re watching cartoons will lure yoongi out of his room but
“yoongi? i’m leaving for work now. i’ll see you later?” you’re standing in front of yoongi’s room with your hand on the door handle
you get silence in response
“yoongs?” you push down the door handle and your brows furrow in confusion when you realise the door’s been locked
your heart clenches a little
he’s never locked the door before
he doesn’t even want to talk to you
and you don’t want to bother him and make it worse
your phone buzzes and you pull it out to see that you have to leave now if you want to be on time
maybe you’ll see him when you come back??
“morning, y/n!” you nearly drop the stack of books in your arms when jungkook appears out of nowhere
“oh, hey kook” you muster a smile and set the books down carefully
“i brought you a coffee and a muffin” he puts it down on the countertop before shooting you a signature smile
and for some reason your heart doesn’t flutter in the same way it usually does because all you can think about it yoongi
“thanks, kook.” you sigh and plop down on your chair “what’s up?”
“you’re a girl, right?”
you look down at your boobs
“last time i checked, yes”
he blushes and immediately chuckles before scratching the back of his neck
“i-i mean, like, you’re a girl, so you would know what girls like”
“since you’re a girl-“
“as you’ve established multiple times”
“where would you want to go? on like, a first date kinda scenario”
this must be for ji-eun
“i’m pretty basic, so a dinner and a movie would suffice! even like a netflix binge at home would make me happy. yoongi and i have been binge watching these nature documentaries and he doesn’t usually want me eating on the couch because one time i accidentally got spaghetti all over the pillows and-“ you immediately cut yourself off and the smile kinda fades from your face
you miss yoongi so much
“um, yeah - dinner and a movie.” you clear your throat and shrug
“you okay?” jungkook furrows his brows and looks at you in a concerned manner
“ya! yeah, i’m fine. sorry, i just… went off on a tangent there.” you laugh nervously
maybe you should tell jungkook about yoongi
but then he’d ask you what happened and you don’t want to have to explain the whole thing to him
it’ll be fine you’ll figure something out
“you should probably head back. thank you for the coffee and the muffin!!”
the rest of the day kind of drags on slowly
you find yourself looking at the clock very frequently waiting for it to hit 5:30 so you can leave and go home and hopefully see yoongi
but you don’t see him when you get back
and you don’t see him the next day
or the next day
or the next day
your concern grows as the days go by
yoongi literally hasn’t come out of his room in days
you decided you’d leave him alone mainly because you didn’t know how to approach the situation yourself
you knocked on his door a couple times to remind him to charge up but each time you were just met with silence
another three days go by and yoongi still hasn’t come out of his room
you’ve been doing everything to try and get him to come out
you turned on all the stoves
you left all the lights on
you even left the door unlocked one night which was terrifying because anyone could just walk in
you also accidentally sliced your finger when you were making a sandwich one afternoon and you were bleeding all over the place but yoongi didn’t rush out with a first aid kit like he usually does
you check your Y00NGI app on your phone everyday and everyday it says he’s 100% charged so at least you don’t have to worry about that
but tonight
something just doesn’t feel right
you’re not exactly sure what it is
you can barely focus on the nature documentary playing on the TV
you twist your bracelet around your wrist and you’re like okay that’s it i gotta check on yoongi
you open all the kitchen drawers and finALLy find the key to yoongi’s room
“yoongi? i’m coming in,” you sigh and shove the key into the hole before twisting and-
holy shit
“yoongi!” you gasp and immediately scramble over and fall to your knees
yoongi’s on the ground and he’s completely pale
you can see all the lines and wires and digits lighting up under his skin
you grasp his face and see that his iris’ and pupils are milky  
“oh god oh god oh god oh god” you manage to yank the power chord down from his pod and you shove it into the nape of his neck and your phone automatically syncs up with the pod
N O   S I G N A L
“what?? no signal??” you unplug it and shove it into yoongi’s neck again and still you’re met with the blinking red  N O   S I G N A L
“no no nonononono yoongi please c’mon” you grab his shoulders and shake him hard but he remains… lifeless “oh god, fuCk”
quickly, you dial namjoon’s number and the next thing you know you feel a lump growing in your throat and your eyes are starting to well up with tears
“namjoon, help, i- i don’t know what happened- yoongi, he- i just came in and-“ you’re stuttering all over the place and namjoon has no idea what’s happening
“y/n, slow down - what’s wrong?”
“i-i don’t know! i don’t know what’s wrong with him, i should’ve checked on him earlier but - oh god, namjoon, something’s wrong with yoongi h-his eyes are all milky and-”
“what? y/n - bring him to the lab, okay? we’ll meet you there and see what we can do”
“it’s going to be fine, yoongi’s going to be fine. hurry, okay?”
“yeah, okay” you hang up and tuck your phone into your pocket and you give yourself a second to calm down
it’ll be fine
yoongi’s going to be fine
“c’mon, yoongi” you grunt and you end up basically dragging yoongi down the hallway and out the door
how the hell did this even happen?
how did he make it seem like he was 100% charged and his vitals were good???
this is literally all your fault
you should’ve said something the night he told you that you two were the most romantically compatible
you should’ve told him you felt the same way but nO you were too scared of what other people might think of you being in a relationship with a damn robot
being in a relationship with an android is sO normal nowadays
what were you thinking?? you should’ve said something to him instead of letting him lock himself up in his room
you look at the front mirror and see yoongi just slouching over in the back and his head his bobbing up and down
you quickly wipe your tears as you speed down the highway
the last thing you need is to get into a car crash so you can’t be sobbing and driving at the same time
when you get to the lab you’re relieved to see all of the boys waiting outside with a gurney
you practically stumble out of the car and the boys are quick to get yoongi out
“on the count of three - one, two, three-!” jungkook and jin lift yoongi’s limp body onto the gurney and goD knowing that yoongi’s in this state makes you want to cry even more
hoseok immediately plugs a power line into yoongi’s neck
yoongi’s veins all light up momentarily before disappearing and he seizes up
“what happened??” namjoon gives you a quick hug before pulling away to look at you with worry
“i.. i don’t know - it’s my fault, he said something to me and i- i should’ve said something back but i didn’t and-“
namjoon rushes over and shines a flashlight into yoongi’s eyes
“his pupils aren’t responding�� hoseok mutters and namjoon nods in acknowledgement “what the hell happened?”
“he overcharged himself. his wires are fried.” namjoon murmurs in response and turns yoongi’s head to inspect his charging port “y/n, how long did he lock himself up for?”
“i don’t know, it must’ve been like… like 10 days?” namjoon curses to himself
an android overcharging itself almost never happens
unless yoongi did it on purpose
“okay. let’s get him into the lab and see what we can do.”
you grip onto yoongi’s hand as everyone heads into the building
“i…i think we might have to reboot his system because i honestly have no idea what other option we have”
“wait hyung but if we reboot his system won’t that wipe his database clean-“
“it’s going to be fine.” namjoon gives jimin a warning look and jimin’s like eughghhhh okayyyYy aND looks at you worryingly
once they wipe yoongi’s database there’s a high chance he’ll forget everything
including you
they’re about to bring yoongi into the lab but then namjoon notices you’re still holding his hand and he’s like okay you have to wait outside y/n i’m sorry
“but i wanna go inside too” you whimper and step even closer to the gurney
“i know you do but we can’t have anyone besides us in the lab when we’re rebooting a bot”
“why not??”
“y/n we just can’t it’s the rule-“
“no. i’m going inside too because-“
“y/n we love you but we seriously can’t let you in, okay? you can see yoongi afterwards.” jin cuts in and looks at you seriously and reaches down to pull your hand away from yoongi
your grip on him only tightens and with each passing moment you get more and more distraught and the boys have no idea what to do
“y/n, we don’t have time-”
“no please i wanna go inside i wanna be with yoongi” you’re sobbing at this point and namjoon’s heart clenches at the sight of how distraught you are
they all give each other looks of acknowledgement
the plan is to make you let go and then they’ll all move quickly into the lab
namjoon reaches down quickly and yanks your hand off and jungkook and hoseok work to push the gurney into the lab with jimin and jin holding the doors open
the moment you feel yoongi’s hand slip from your grasp you immediately go into a panic mode and you chase after joon and the others but suddenly taehyung’s grabbing you from behind keeping you in the waiting area
“c’mon, jagi, it’s okay,” you feel taehyung wrap an arm around you from behind but that only serves to make you struggle and freak out even more
“nO NO NO PLEASE PLEASE NAMJOON LET ME GO IN DON’T TAKE YOONGI AWAY FROM ME-“ namjoon shakes his head and drowns you out as he shuts and bolts the door behind him
he can still hear you sobbing and he hears poor taehyung trying to console you  
“i’m sorry, i’m sorry,” both you and tae are on the floor and he’s wrapped you up in a hug and is stroking your hair
his own eyes are welling up with tears because he hates seeing his friends in pain like this
“it’s all my fault,” you hiccup and taehyung shakes his head quickly
“it’s not. nothing is your fault. you didn’t know.”
“but what if they can’t reboot him and he doesn’t make-“
“y/n, your friends are all geniuses, okay? yoongi’s going to be fine.”
you spend the next two hours cuddled up to taehyung in the waiting room
you’re going in and out of sleep because it’s nearly 3AM and still no word from namjoon
“i think i should take you home, jagi” taehyung whispers and you shake your head quickly
“i can’t leave him again” you sniffle and rub at your eyes because god damnit you feel yourself crying again
“you need to sleep”
“i’ll sleep here”
“tae?” you perk up when you see hoseok poke his head out of the lab doors “we need you in here”
taehyung turns to look at you and you’re like it’s okay you can go i’ll be fine
“if you need anything just page one of us” taehyung hands you his pager before quickly going into the lab  
about twenty minutes pass and suddenly you feel your phone buzz
Notification: Y00NGI APP - (6) MESSAGES
you furrow your brows because how are you getting a message from yoongi right now
turns out there was a glitch in the app and you aren’t getting these messages until now
your eyes start watering again when you read the messages
“I’m sorry. I should not have said those things to you. It was entirely inappropriate of me. I just wanted you to know that you deserve to be with someone who loves you just as much as I do.”
“I have never felt this way before. I did not even know I was capable of feeling such emotions. You make me feel overwhelmingly happy all the time. I have thoroughly enjoyed being your caretaker and more importantly, your companion.”
“I know that you feel the same way about me as I feel about you. But I also know how you feel about android-human relationships. I’m going to do something that I think will be for the best.”
“Y/N. I’m sorry. Don’t forget about me. I won’t forget about you.”
“Live a long and happy life.”
“Yours forever, Yoongi.”  
you bite down on the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from sobbing
you’re just so emotionally and physically drained right now
you hate yourself
you just want yoongi back
you sniffle and rub furiously at your eyes because you feel them welling up again
okay you need a distraction
the wifi isn’t working for some reason so you end up flipping through your camera roll
and oh
there are so many pictures of yoongi on your roll
you can’t help but laugh quietly to yourself
he sure does love his selfies
your pretty boy-bot
a yawn escapes you and you stretch your aching limbs out a little before turning to lie down on the hard bench
the boys really need to invest in like a sofa or something
soon enough you fall asleep on the bench clutching your phone to your chest
“y/n?” your eyes pop wide open when you hear namjoon open the lab doors
“how is he?? is he okay??” you scramble off the seat and run up to namjoon
“well, we managed to replace some of the wires in his neck. we replaced his eyes, too. can’t have a blind android. luckily not everything was destroyed when he overcharged himself. we didn’t have to completely reboot him but…”
“but?” namjoon’s eyes flicker down to his clipboard
“he actually developed a new emotion.”
why is he telling you this right now
“that’s great joonie but i just wanna know if he’s alive or not”
“he’s fine - don’t worry, he’s fine. i just… why don’t you come in and see for yourself?” namjoon lets you in and you’re shocked to see yoongi hooked up to a bunch of different computers and machines
you immediately walk over to look at him and
he still looks the same
he’s still your yoongi
“okay, you ready?”
namjoon hits a button on one of the machines
you jump when yoongi’s eyes open and light up and suddenly a bunch of videos appear around the room like holograms
and all of the videos are of you
like when yoongi patched up your knee and your hands and pressed a kiss to your knuckles - that was the first time he learned to give affection
or when he scolded you for coming home late and taking your bracelet off - his first time displaying emotions of frustration and worry
the two of you watching beneath the water for the tenth time in a row because you pulled out your puppy dog eyes and yoongi can’t resist them
there are just multiple videos hovering around the room and all of the videos are just of you
“i think… i think Y00NGI loves you” namjoon is genuinely shocked because he wasn’t expecting thIS as a result of him building yoongi in the first place
“but that’s- that’s not possible, right??? i mean he’s a robot and robots don’t…. they don’t love”
“not usually - obviously there are robots out there for companionship or for sex or whatever but i’ve never heard of a case where the android was capable of loving someone… i don’t know if i should label yoongi as faulty because i seriously was noT expecting this…”
you’re half listening to namjoon and half just watching all the videos that are playing around you
“of course - Y00NGI isn’t like other androids… i built him so that he learns from people and adapts to his environment…. he’s around you most of the time and… i suppose it is possible for an android to love??? he’s just so lifelike now i can’t tell if this is a failure or a success”
“he’s not a failure!!! isn’t it better for him to be more lifelike? then the companionship and the romantic aspect of it becomes more realistic”
“i don’t know y/n… i don’t know if i want mY bots like… falling in love with their clients… the purpose of the androids are to help people not fall in love with people”
“why can’t they do both??”
now that has namjoon thinking
maybe you’re right
maybe he can start a line of ..,, relationship robots??
namjoon hits the button again and yoongi’s eyes immediately shut
“how come he’s not… is he in a coma or something?”
“i don’t know, y/n. i think we should give him a couple days - he probably needs to get used to the new hard drive.”
you sit down on the stool and you grip yoongi’s hand and bring it up to your mouth to plant a tiny kiss on his knuckles
yoongi might be in love with you
according to namjoon yoongi is definitely in love with you
and you love him
more than anything in the entire world
you scoot up a little so that you’re closer to his face and you reach over to brush a strand of hair out of his eyes
you purse your lips in frustration and boop yoongi’s nose
you miss his voice
you miss his laugh
you miss his touch
you miss those pretty brown eyes
“yoongs,” you whisper so sO quietly and lean in to press a tiny kiss to his cheek “i love you”
for now it’s just the sound of machines whirring and beeping
and then it happens
yoongi’s finger twitches ever so slightly
“yoongi??” you stand up quickly and the others rush over
you’re all hovering over yoongi when he opens his eyes and a breath of relief leaves everyone and the boys are all high-fiving and fist-bumping each other
oh thank god
thank GOD
you immediately scramble on top of yoongi so you can hug him and it’s kind of an awkward position but you’re making it work
he sits up from the table while you’re still cruSHing him in a hug
“oh my god yoongi i-i thought i lost you forever i’m so sorry i should’ve done something sooner-“
“Hello. I am M1N Y00NGI.”
you pull away immediately and look at his face in confusion
“wha… what?”
his eyes scan your face momentarily
“You are Y/N Y/L/N. I am your personal human mind model adaptive super android.”  
you turn to look at namjoon and your eyes begin welling up with tears
“joon he doesn’t- he doesn’t remember who i am? i thought you said you didn’t reboot his system” you whimper and namjoon’s frantically flipping through the papers on his clipboard
“h-hold on y/n we’ll be back we need to check what wires we used on yoongi” taehyung squeezes your arm and you nod and then they’re all leaving the lab whispering things to each other
you turn to look at yoongi again and his eyes are just…
looking into his eyes is like looking into a void
he doesn’t remember you
“no… no, please, you know me, you know who i am” you sniffle and reach up to cup his cheeks
“You are Y/N Y/L/N. I am M1N Y00NGI. I am your personal human-“ 
“yeah yeah you’re my personal human mind model adaptive super android but you’re moRe than M1N Y00NGI you’re my best friend a-and you take care of me and every morning you wake me up at seven every morning and you bring me lunch everyday and we read together and we watch nature documentaries together because you hate it when i watch cartoons and- don’t you remember???” you’re frantic at this point and you’re grasping at his shirt tightly 
“I am sorry. I am afraid I do not understand.” 
“you’re more than just Y00NGI you’re mY yoongi” 
“I am sorry. I am afraid I do not understand. I am your Y00NGI?” you nod desperately as a tear rolls down your cheek
“yes, yes, you’re my yoongi, and i’m your y/n, a-and you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me and i love you more than anything in this entire world but please pLease you have to try and remember me” you sob and yoongi remains stone still even as you’re pushing and smacking at his chest 
“You love me?” 
“i love you, i love you,” you whimper and rest your head on his shoulder in defeat
you’ve lost him
he’s gone forever and it’s all your damn fault
“Took you long enough to say it, you dolt.”
wait what
you pull away from yoongi’s shoulder and look at his face and his eyes have returned to their warm shade of caramel brown
your yoongi
this is your yoongi
“I thought it’d be funny to play a prank on you but I think I might’ve taken it a step too far.”
yoongi’s still trying to adjust himself to this new hard drive but it’s hard to do that with you kissing his face everywhere
he chuckles places his hands on your hips as you cup his face and just look at him
“you’re a dick” you sniffle and rub at your swollen eyes
yoongi smiles and wipes a tear away before pinching your cheek playfully
“I’ve been told. Hi.”
“hi” you mumble
yoongi takes his bottom lip in between his teeth and his eyes flicker down to your mouth
you’re about to ask him how he’s feeling and ambush him with questions but he holds a finger up to your lips
“Say it.”
“say what?”
“You know what.”
“you’re going to have to be more specific” you tease and yoongi gives you a look
you press your lips together and wrap your arms around yoongi’s neck
“well what”
“I literally almost died and you’re still going to put me through-“
yoongi’s eyes go wide and his computer-brain basically short circuits when you suddenly lean in and plant your lips on his
god your lips are soft
and yoongi’s like
so this is a human kiss
totally worth it
yoongi’s eyes flutter shut when he feels you tug at his wrist to get him to respond and then he’s kissing you back with such love and affection and tenderness that it makes both of your guys heads spin
you pull away and yoongi feels himself overheating when you nudge your nose against his
“i love you.”
yoongi doesn’t even hesitate to respond
“I love you too.”
“give the man some space y/n we just resurrected him” jungkook walks in and the other boys are behind him
you immediately blush and move to get off of yoongi but his arm slithers around your waist and he pulls you in closer
“were you people in on this sick prank????” you scowl and squish your cheek against yoongi’s as you wrap your arms around his neck
“we’re sorry!!! it was all yoongi’s idea okAY” jimin raises his hands in defence
how are you holding up, champ?” namjoon walks over and gives yoongi a pat on the back “feeling okay?”
“mm, i’m feeling good. you really tightened my wires, didn’t you?” yoongi tilts his head and cracks his neck before wincing
“yeah - they’re extra durable so you can’t fucking overcharge yourself like an idiot again” yoongi gets a smack across the head from each of the boys and you whine and swat their hands away before cradling his head and bringing him down to rest against your chest
and yoongi’s like teehee because his face in between your boobs
“leave him alone! he’s gone through an exhausting 48 hours. …but i agree, you fuckign idiot” you swat yoongi’s head and he groans out in pain before reaching up and rubbing at the back of his head
“y/n, i gotta talk to you about something c’mere for a sec” namjoon calls for you and you nod before carefully crawling off of yoongi
before you get a chance to walk over yoongi grabs your wrist and pulls you in for a teeny kiss
“omg u have plenty of time to kiss each other later go to namjoon so we can double check yoongi’s wiring” jin smacks your arm and you scowl before hopping over to joon
“what’s up?”
“okay, you have to promise not to get mad.”
“…what did you do”
namjoon presses his lips together and tucks a pen behind his ear before leaning back against the table
“about a month after you took yoongi in, i actually got a request from… a really, really wealthy girl - she… well… next month will be your seventh month with yoongi.. and technically your- our - contract terminates automatically after eight months…”
you furrow your brows in confusion
namjoon’s never brought this up before
this day just keeps getting better
“YOU DID WHAT- OOF I’M GONNA FUCKGIN KILL YOU GET OVER HERE” the next thing namjoon sees is you lunging at him and suddenly you’re chasing him around the lab and yoongi and the boys are all like um wtf is happening
namjoon has string bean legs so obviously he’s getting away from you pretty easily but you still run as fast as you goddamn can
“y/N WAIT JUST LET ME EXPLAIN” somehow you and namjoon end up standing at opposite ends of a table with vERY SHArp tools
“YOU’VE DONE PLENTY OF EXPLAINING GET OVER HERE” when you round the table to get to namjoon he moves quickly and ends up where you were just standing
“listen liSTEN i can laBEL HIM AS FAULTY and tell her i have to make anoTHER model for her!!” you don’t even register what namjoon’s saying because you are positively fumING
if you were in a cartoon smoke would be coming out of your ears
you pick up what’s closest to you which happens to be a pair of long tweezers
“i’m going to pluck your eyES OUT NAMJOON”
“you can keEP YOONGI FOR CHRIST’S SAKES” jungkook grabs you before you can hop over the table to strangle namjoon and you’re like wait what
“you can keep yoongi” he breathes out and presses a hand over his chest “people are willing to pay miLLions of dollars for yoongi but i’m going to label him as faulty so you can keep him - for frEE.”
good god you’re terrifying when you’re angry  
“then why even bring it up in the first place?”
“you… yoongi’s going to be your permanent responsibility and i need to know that you can handle it. he is my first creation after all. yoongi’s my baby! even though he’s technically older than me. you know… i… you won’t have to bring him in for check ups every two weeks anymore but i need to know that you’ll be able to handle any given situation” namjoon scratches the back of his neck
your heart warms a little because namjoOn cares thAT much about yoongi
“like what if he has a loose wire somewhere and-“
“joon, i promise you i will take care of yoongi” you hold a hand to your chest and you’re about to reassure him even more but yoongi butts in
“Um, is everyone forgetting that I’m like, a genius android? I could perform brain surgery if I really wanted to. I’m sure I’ll be able to take care of a loose wire.”
“…fair enough” namjoon’s like :’) i’m so proud of my android baby :’) but here y/n take this basic manuscript on how to rewire wires :’)
“i can’t believe you made me cry like that” after namjoon and the others triple-check that yoongi’s good to go they give you the green light to head home
“I’m sorry, baby. It won’t happen again. I love you.” yoongi squeezes your hand and your heart flutters in your chest
you swing your arms back and forth before stopping and standing in front of yoongi and yanking him down to kiss you
“i love me too” yoongi scowls and digs his fingers into your side making you giggle “i love u too”
“should we get pizza to celebrate?”  
“…In your dreams.”
the two of you head over to the car and once you’re buckled in you turn to face yoongi with your hands on the steering wheel
“so where are we heading now?”
home :)
you don’t like to admit it but sometimes you like to take advantage of the fact that yoongi is an android
especially when he’s in the middle of his charging time
“we shouldn’t have had a harry potter marathon because it drained all the battery out of me” yoongi winces as you plug his cord into his neck a little too roughly
you apologize and give him a lil kiss before moving to sit on the bed
the two of you decided it’d be a good idea to move yoongi’s fridge (“Stop calling it a fridge, Y/N. It’s my charging pod.” “...issa fridge”) into the bedroom now that you two are,,, together
“...i’m going to go eat some lucky charms now”
“Okay, but- wait, what? Lucky charms? I threw them out last week. Nice try, hiding the box under the bed.”
“uh-huh, under the bed.” you smirk and stand up before heading over to the bedside drawer
“I don’t like that look on your face. What are you up to?” yoongi furrows his brows when he sees you pull out a tampon box out of the drawers “Are you ovulating? My calendar tells me that you’re not supposed to-“ he immediately stops talking when you open up the box to reveal noT tampons but just straight up lucky charms
and it’s not even lucky charms it’s just lucky charm MARSHMALLOWS
“Oh my god.”
“oh my god indeed” you grin and shovel a handful of marshmallows into your mouth and yoongi winces when he senses your blood sugar shOOt up
“Y/N, no.” he gives you a stern look and you shrug innocently before popping another marshmallow into your mouth and crunching down on it
“y/n, yes. i’m going to eat ALL OF THESE RIGHT NOW” you zip out of the room and yoongi groans loudly and reaches up to pull the plug out of his neck  
but he’s stuck there because the cord won’t unplug until he’s up to at least 30% charged
he really needs to do a more thorough check of the bedroom next time
of course karma’s a bitch so you end up drinking the blandest chicken soup for dinner that night to ‘flush out the toxins and chemicals’
sometimes you have … depressing thoughts
like you know that it’s impossible for you and yoongi to grow old together and that you’re going to turn into a sack of wrinkly prunes one day and he’s still going to look like he’s 25
somewhere down the line you’ll have to end things with yoongi and find an actual human being because you want to have a family and yoongi’s fake semen isn’t going to get you anywhere
or maybe you can ask namjoon to make robot-human babies if that’s even possible
that sounds terrifying actually
but you know what
you’re just living your best life right now
you’re young and you don’t have a care in the world
the world of android-human relationships is a completely normal concept in this century
you’re having fun with your android-boyfriend!!! enjoy the present :-))))
speaking of your android-boyfriend
dating yoongi includes ((but is not limited to!!)) lazy make-out sessions because that’s just who he is
like you’ll be watching some documentary and you’ll be cuddled up to yoongi’s chest
these nature documentaries have become your favourite thing to watch but whenever yoongi’s busy with something you sneak away to watch your cartoons because you could never give up adventure time
yoongi gets pretty bored quickly with these documentaries mainly because everything the narrator’s saying,,, he already knows
you have your head on his chest and he likes to hook a finger under your chin and bring your face up to his before pressing his lips against yours
and usually you entertain him for a second and kiss him back but your eyes are still glued on the screen while you’re kissing him
and thaT’s when he gets pouty
“Baby, pay attention to me.” yoongi sighs and taps your cheek gently and you turn to glance at him quickly
“i paid attention to you already” you give him a chaste kiss and he leans in to chase after your mouth but you’re already pulling away and settling back against his chest
“I’m bored.”
“yoU chose this documentary”
“I know, but I’m bored. And there are better ways to pass the time, you know.”
“like wha-yOongi!” the next thing you know yoongi’s pulling you onto his lap and you have your legs on either side of him and he already has his face in between your boobs “well this isn’t convenient for me because now i have to twist my back to look at the screen”
yoongi rolls his eyes and pauses the documentary before tossing the remote to the opposite end of the couch
“and you say i’m the one with the out of control hormones” yoongi hums and you squeak when you feel him grope your butt
what a gentleman
yoongi tells you make-out sessions are actually good for him because it allows him to learn more and stuff but ur like what kind of skills do u gain from making out with someone
it’s just because he’s a horn-dog
“my salmon’s going to burn in the oven, yoongi” you giggle against his lips and yoongi literally whines when you pull away which is sO adorable
“The salmon won’t burn. According to my timer, it’ll be cooked perfectly in 10 minutes.”
“oOH yeah baby keep talking technology to me mMm”
yoongi snorts and rolls his eyes but pulls you back in for another kiss
sometimes you forget yoongi is a super-intelligent robot and can pick up things like really reALLy quickly
“yoongi, oh goD yoongi” yoongi’s hands slide down to grip your ass as he continues helping you to push your hips down against his thigh
“Is that good, baby? Gonna cum all over my thigh? Greedy little thing…” hearing his low, raspy voice murmur that right into your ear would be enough to make you cum but also
where the HELL did he learn to talk like this  
“where’d you- yoongi, ah - where the hell’d you learn how to talk like that?”
yoongi pauses and pulls away before looking at you and blinking
“I downloaded an archive off of Pornhub.com so that I would be fully equipped with the skills required for you to have an orgasm. Is it not working?”
“no, it’s working, i just wasn’t expecting it” you’re still kind of breathless because you were literally riding his thigh for the last two minutes
and now you’re just perched on his lap casually having a conversation
“Oh. But you like it, right?”
“Then why’d you stop me, dummy?” yoongi shifts under you and your eyes widen when you feel him press himself right against your core “Now be quiet and let me make you cum on my thigh.”
your sweet yoongi
ever the romantic
tongue technology
“Jagi - if you keep squirming like that, I’m gonna have to hold you down harder and I might cause bruising which isn’t ideal.”
“i can’t help it” you whine and your hips automatically raise up from the bed
yoongi rolls his eyes and digs his fingers into your plush hips before forcing you down and woW you underestimated his strength because u literally can’t even move
“Well, help it.” he shrugs and proceeds to bury his face in between your legs again
he groans against you when you cry out in pleasure
something that you’ve learned about yoongi is the fact that he loves to tease
like seriously he teases so much it’s kind of concerning
“You have to tell me what you want, baby.”
“but i-“ you pout and whine underneath yoongi because he’s not giving you what you wANT
“Nuh-uh, don’t start whining now.”
and what he says next has your insides melting
“Tell daddy what you want.”
“daddy, please…i…”
“Hm? Couldn’t hear you, doll.” yoongi sighs and leans down to press a kiss against your inner thigh before blowing gently on your core and you instantly twitch
“i said i…”
“ᶦ ʷᵃⁿᵗ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵗᵒⁿᵍᵘᵉ”
“That wasn’t so hard, was it?” yoongi has to admit he himself is getting a little impatient so he bends down and proceeds to eat you out as if he were starving
one of your hands slithers down to his hair while the other reaches back to grip at the headboards
god bLESS taehyung and his talent for designing yoongi    
the first time u and yoongi have sex
noW you see the hype with sex bots (even tho yoongi technically isn’t a sex bot but daMn he’d be a hit if he was marketed as one)
of course it starts off sweet and romantic because it is your first time with him after all
yoongi showers you with sweet n soft kisses and is so sO gentle with you
he’s positioned in between your legs snugly and has his fingers intertwined with yours with one hand while the other is propping him up a little
his forehead is pressed against yours and all of your senses are just flooded with yoongi yoongi yoongi
“yOongi, ah-“ you whimper and arch your back when he thrusts and hits that spot
“Mm, there?” yoongi’s nipping at your collarbone before he trails kisses up your neck and along your jaw and you nod desperately
“there, right thEre” a gasp slips past your lips and yoongi can’t help but smirk to himself proudly when he hits it again
“Does that feel good?” his voice is all low and raspy and good goD you could die right then and there
“yEaH yeah that f-feels good, feels really good, yoOngi- oh, god, i love y-yoU” your sharp nails bite into his back and yoongi bites down on your shoulder as payback  
yoongi thanks the android gods above because he’s able to capture the image of you having an orgasm and he can play it over and over and over again
your sweet little cries and moans and pants of pleasure
all for him
“Nngh- you okay?” yoongi shudders when you squeeze around him from the overstimulation
you nod bashfully and look away and yoongi think it’s sO adorable how shy you get post-sex
“Don’t get shy on me now, jagi.” yoongi coos and presses his lips against yours
you kiss back obediently but then you’re pushing at his chest gently “i wanna make you feel good too”
“It’s okay baby, you really don’t have to -“ it’s too late because you’re already pushing yoongi onto his back and crawling on top of him
“but i want to”
“…Only because you said so.” yoongi sits up eagerly and you can’t help but giggle at how quickly he changed his mind
so remember how sweet and romantic u guys were like twenty minutes ago
“Oh, fuck- you’re doing so good, baby, so good for me,” yoongi groans and his grip tightens on your hips and you cry out when he bucks up into you
“Yeah? Gonna cum again? Cum all over daddy’s cock?” yoongi has a hand in between your legs and is rubbing quick circles on your already sensitive clit
you nod quickly and furrow your brows before arching your back against him
“w-want you to cum i-inside” you breathe out and yoongi growls when you squeeze around him
oh god
yoongi’s gonna exploDE
yoongi delivers a slap to your backside making you arch your back and cry out
“Beg for it, pretty girl.”
you get all bashful again and nuzzle into the crook of his neck and yoongi barely hears your little ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ᶜᵘᵐ ᶦⁿˢᶦᵈᵉ ᶦ ʷᵃⁿᵗ ᶦᵗ  
“You weren’t this shy a second ago, baby…” you let out a pathetic whine in response and yoongi figures he’ll let you get away with it just oncE
he grips a handful of your ass and hooks a finger under your chin then pulls you closer so he can kiss you  
you kiss him back enthusiastically and your thighs are on fiRE but u know dis shit is gon be worth it so you power through
it’s a pretty messy and uncoordinated kiss and yoongi’s tongue is fully in your mouth
y’all are FREAKS
“Y/N, fuck, fuck, it’s happening, h-happening…” yoongi’s fingers dig into the flesh of your hip and he tosses his head back
the next thing you know both you and yoongi are seeing stars
yoongi feELs like he’s short circuiting that’S how good this orgasm is
“what’s wrong” you wheel over to namjoon and the two of you look at an unconscious yoongi
namjoon has his neck flap opened so you can see all the wires running through yoongi
“this wire’s been burnt to a crisp”
“how?” you look at in in concern and ya namjoon’s right one single wire is split and completely fried
“it’s weird because this wire is the wire connected to, uh,, u know…”
“to the what”
“you and yoongi have.. sex, right?”
you blush instantly and clear your throat before pretending that you got a notification on your phone
“oH don’t worry there’s nothing wrong with that that’s totally fine” joon reassures you before picking up a pair of tweezers “this particular wire being all burnt up and crispy makes more sense now”
“what do u mean” you raise an eyebrow and pick up your bottle of water
“hand me the scissors” namjoon pauses and holds his hand out and you grab the scissors for him “…you made him nut so hard he busted a wire” he shrugs casually and you choke on your water
omg LOL
“i’m sorry whAt”
namjoon’s brows furrow as he ties the two loose ends together hoPefully that will fix it til the wires come “jimin - can you bring three single-strand wires? i have to replace yoongi’s triplex wire-“ he turns and raises an accusing brow at you and you huff “yeah, that one. the blue one. this should do the trick for now… i think”  
“here ya go”
“thank you- anyways yoongi wasn’t made to be a sex bot-“
“he’s noT A sex bot u know what sometimes he’S the one with the out of control hormones i like to think that he wants it more than i do-“
“so i guess i better pick up some more durable wires seeing that your guys’ relationship probably isn’t ending anytime soon” namjoon clicks yoongi’s neck flap shut and you have no idea how this silicone shit works but now it looks like a normal neck again “the wires will probably take two weeks to get here so,,, i’m sorry u sex fiend but no sex with yoongi for two weeks otherwise he might actually burst into flames”
taehyung comes over wearing a monocle looking thing and proceeds to do his part to yoongi which is just the ~outer appearance~
he doesn’t have to do much considering yoongi is pretty much perfect
“i’m on joon’s side - as much as i love and support this relationship i’m gonna need you to slow down a little” taehyung pauses to tweeze one of yoongi’s eyebrow hairs “because i’ve gone to the sex shop to buy fake semen so many times they asked me if i wanted an industrial sized juG of it”
yoongi’s learned to be very affectionate because of you but he has his limits
“Y/N, it’s time to wake up…” yoongi’s stroking some hair out of your face before he pokes your cheek gently
you grumble something under your breath and swat at his hand
“C’mon, jagi. You’re going to be late for work.” he sighs and reaches down to pull your (his) shirt down because it always rides up
you groan and flip over on your stomach
“Baby…” yoongi sighs and leans down to press a kiss against your shoulder
another grunt
okay that’s it
yoongi sighs and gets off the bed before grabbing the blanket and literally riPPINg it out from under you causing you to roll off and flop right onto the floor
“oW WHY DID U-“ you sit up and rub your forehead before glaring at your dumb boyfriend
“It is 7AM. You have work in an hour.”
some things never change
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nightquills · 5 years
For @fxvixen for the @aftgexchange! One of the things you asked for was Nicky seeing Andrew and Neil in an intimate moment but deciding to not bother them—and I hope I provided something along those lines. Happy holidays!
Nicky feels high as a kite right now, pumped off the night’s win even as his muscles ache and his clothes stick to him with sweat. He jumps his way to the shower, exchanging grins with Neil, nods with Aaron and Kevin, and celebratory whoops with Matt and some of the freshmen as he goes.
He spends a minute luxuriating under the hot spray of the shower before he starts to wash himself off in earnest, trying to get himself clean so he can hitch a ride with Aaron and Katelyn to grab a bite with some of the Vixens before heading back to party at Fox Tower.
He really does rush through getting ready, so it probably shouldn’t come as a surprise when he realizes, as Katelyn is pulling out of the parking lot, that he left his phone in the jacket inside his locker.
Aaron gives a petulant groan when Nicky voices this, only upping the volume when Nicky protests, “But what if Erik calls me?! I need my phone!”
Katelyn, sweetheart that she is, tries to turn the car around, but the number of people and vehicles flowing out from around the stadium soon show that that’s pretty much impossible.
Nicky sighs and says as much to Katelyn and Aaron. He steps out of the car into the snowy air, shivering as the breeze tousles his wet hair, and tells Katelyn to try and find somewhere to pull over outside to wait for him as he goes back on foot.
Nicky works his way back through the lot to the stadium with his hands buried in the pocket of his hoodie, only taking them out to flip off the cars that honk at him in complaint when he cuts across the rows. Honestly, people act like they’ve never seen a pedestrian before when they’re trying to hurry somewhere. Ridiculous.
By the time Nicky navigates his way back to the locker rooms, he’s sure that enough time has passed for them to have emptied out completely.
It comes as a surprise, then, when he walks in and is greeted by the sight of Andrew sitting on one of the benches, a freshly showered Neil standing in front of him and seemingly… Helping him out of his gear?
Andrew immediately turns to look at him as the door closes, betraying Nicky’s presence with a squeak of protest. Andrew raises an unimpressed eyebrow in Nicky’s direction, raising a hand to grab Neil’s wrist and stop him from the way he begins to pull away and step back.
Nicky opens his mouth, teasing comments at the ready, and then he takes in the tired slope of Andrew’s shoulders, the defensive hunch of Neil’s posture.
He remembers, then, the fact that Andrew had been in the goal for most of the night’s game—Renee was still recovering from an ankle injury a couple games back, and the new goalies still weren’t quite up to par. Andrew had pretty much shut down the goal every moment he was in it to make up for the balls the others had let in.
He must be exhausted. Instead of letting loose any of the comments he had readied, Nicky just says, “Left my phone behind! Just came back to grab it real quick.” He’s met with a nod from Neil and a dismissive turn of the head from Andrew.
Nicky walks over to his locker, pointedly telling himself not to stare as Neil continues to strip the outer layers of Andrew’s padding. He can’t help that his ears are focused on every sound from the pair as he puts in his combination, though—he’s not a saint.
“I thought I was supposed to be the junkie always over-doing it, huh?” he hears Neil murmur. “What’s your excuse, then? Early Christmas present?”
“How about the pitiful look on your face when Thomas let in three goals in a row? It was pretty fucking sad. I knew I’d have to deal with you later if we lost.”
“Ahhh, I see.” Even though he’s turned away, Nicky can hear the smile in Neil’s voice. “How entirely selfish of you, then. Only stepping up to avoid having to deal with some pouting.” “When have I even claimed to have a single non-selfish bone in my body? You’re mistaken to think otherwise.”
“Am I, though? You want me to make a list of all the times that prove otherwise?”
“...123%, moron. Just hurry up. You owe me ice cream.”
“Andrew, it is literally almost snowing outside. How can you want ice cream right now?” “124%—you heard me, Neil.”
“Fine, but don’t think you can try to blame it on me when you’re cold again later. And I’m not carrying the pint you try to bring home.” “Bold of you to assume there’ll be any left by that point.”
“I know there’ll be some left, if only so you can stick the carton in the freezer to taunt Kevin.”
“...Perhaps,” Andrew concedes.
At this point, Nicky is definitely stalling—his phone is in his hands, and he knows that he’s definitely keeping Aaron and Katelyn waiting.
It’s just that he never really gets to see Andrew and Neil like this, showing their care for one another, teasing with no heat behind their barbs. Nicky sees them like this and finds it hard to believe he ever thought the relationship between them was ever just physical.
And Andrew actually seems to feel now—or maybe that’s not fair of Nicky to say to say. Andrew shows it now, at least sometimes, and it’s not the drug-induced mania of before with its fake smiles and empty laughs.
Seeing them like they are now is a comfort; when Andrew and Neil are like this together, it’s almost like they’re just another couple, happy together with none of the baggage, none of the past traumas underlying every interaction.
(And Nicky knows as terrible as it is, that’s part of what’s drawn them together—like recognizing like. But he just wishes that they never would have experienced it in the first place, that Andrew’s childhood had no shadows haunting it and that Neil had no scars marking him. It’s a futile wish, but damn if he doesn’t hope for it still.)
Nicky shuts his locker, making sure to shut the door just loud enough to give warning that he’s turning around. He gives the boys a wave over his shoulder as he turns to leave, saying his “See you later” and “Drive safe” as he goes. It’s better not to show them how broadly he’s smiling—maybe if he doesn’t comment on how cute they are, they’ll act like this more often in front of him.
That would be enough of a present for him.
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laurelsofhighever · 5 years
The Falcon and the Rose Ch. 35 - In The Lady’s Hands
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Chapter 1 on AO3 This chapter on AO3 Masterpost here
Rosslyn did not go to dinner. The shock and hurt in Alistair’s expression instead drove her into the hills with Cuno behind her, following the steep, narrow tracks made by the shepherds as she marched to try and leave her problems behind. The rain cleared into low, blustery clouds by late afternoon, the grasses bent under the wind, but though the cold cut through her damp outer layers and seeped into her skin, her anger at the Storm Giant’s ruling wrapped around her heart and kept her limbs from settling. Now, hours later with darkness fallen and hunger gnawing at her stomach, she sat on a sheltered ledge above the hold with the rush of a nearby waterfall in her ears to drown out the wind, her eyes glazed on the warm pricks of light that revealed a doorway, a window below her. Cuno curled up mournfully on her feet, but everyone else had long since returned to the comfort of peat fires and hot food. If she followed, there was too much chance that she would scorn the law entirely and confess everything she knew about the challenge Alistair would face in the morning, or worse – try to persuade him not to go through it at all.
Her fist clenched in her lap as her mind drifted once more into the terror of losing him to the sea, of watching him walk down into darkness and never seeing him again. Cowardice kept her out on the heath, nothing more, the idea that if she faced him it might be the last time she ever saw him at all. They might go to Orlais, and eat cake and forget everything, but she laughed bitterly at herself for even entertaining the idea. Honour would not permit it, for either of them.
The rock she had chosen as a perch marked the entrance to a shallow basin enclosed by a circle of weathered rocks. The waterfall poured off the cliff above and tumbled into a clear pool at the bottom, in such a way that ripples never touched the face of the water. Because it was so sheltered, it was rarely troubled by the wind either, and on clear nights it made a perfect mirror of the stars. A place to find the gods.
Lady, help me. The words echoed with the same hollowness they had possessed at Deerswall, when grief and shock for what she had seen at Highever had twined through her limbs until she was left shaking, on her knees in the mud in an ancient grove swearing a curse on her mother’s gods and her father’s sword. She had grown since then. She was a general; she had won battles and loyalty and fame beyond the shadow of her parents’ names, despite those who thought her too young, too inexperienced for war. To give up now and assume nothing could be done would be to throw all of that away, when really saving Alistair was just another battle, a problem requiring a strategy.
There must be a way.
The calm of the night around her pulled her thoughts to fireside stories on winter nights, when howling storms raged outside and Bryce Cousland would recount glorious tales to distract his young children from their own imaginations.
“And there your mother was, at the wheel of the Mistral with her hair flying wild and her gaze staring down the oncoming storm like it had insulted her aim,” he had told them. The fire had painted his shadow huge on the opposite wall of the parlour. “The Orlesian galley we were chasing had already made it to safe harbour out of the squall, and if we followed it, we knew we wouldn’t have enough room to escape their ballistas. I told your mother to give the ship up, that surely it was better to let one ship escape than to risk the lives of our own crew.”
“What did you do, Mama?” Fergus had asked, his eyes round, hooked on every word.
“I certainly did not give up,” their mother had sniffed.
“She levelled such a glare at me, if she’d been a mage I would have been frozen on the spot,” their father chuckled. “She still hated me at that point, you see.”
“I did not, I just didn’t want you throwing up all over my boots. They were Antivan.”
“Does that mean you were already falling for me even then, my Lady Seawolf?”
Their mother had lifted an indulgent eyebrow. “The story, dearest. Your children are waiting to hear.”
“Ah – of course.”
He had always been good at telling stories, getting all the voices right and spinning his tales with just enough suspense to keep his children rapt, but not scared. The one that night ended with the Orlesian ship creeping out of the bay after the storm like a mongrel out of the larder, only to be boarded by the Mistral’s crew, who had sail around the storm and used the following wind to come up on their flank unexpected.
Rosslyn considered the memory. Her mother had been an expert seamaster, had read the currents and the weather and used it to dodge around the problem and claim her prey, when a direct approach might have ruined everything.
Cuno lifted his head as she groaned.
“It’s not the same,” she told him. “This isn’t just some storm. The Clayne won’t help for fear of angering the sea, and I can’t help, or order my people to help, because that will anger the Clayne. Who else is there?”
Cuno grumbled and shifted so his head was in her lap, a subtle plea to go and find somewhere more comfortable, preferably with food. She patted absently at his ears, but her mind ran in distracted circles now, probing at the truth of her problem to find an angle from which she could exploit it, or break it. Alistair was better at such lateral thinking, but she couldn’t ask him, and there was no time, and –
Below in the harbour, a ship’s bell rang as the watch was changed, and the echo of it was answered with a screech from above, the call of a gwyrling as it wheeled overhead, towards the sheerer cliffs at the hub of the island where the colony made its eyrie. She followed its imagined path then looked back, down the hill towards the sea where the Siren’s Call still bobbed at its moorings, sails furled and sleeping like everything else. A plan began to form in her mind.
“Are you the gull, the gwyrling, or the fish…”
At such a late hour, the broch was mostly empty, and Alistair was very conscious of the need to not get drunk, and stared into his tankard, trying to work out if it was his third or fourth refill. A headache was already building behind his eyes, made worse by the fact that every time movement flickered in the corner of his vision, he looked up only to find that Rosslyn still hadn’t come. The people around him laughed and joked in the brittle manner of those fending off darker subjects, and he didn’t miss the nervous glances they kept shooting him from behind their mugs.
“Ach, mebbe ye should go tae bed, lad,” Eoin said to him eventually, with a jovial nudge to his shoulder. “Ye’ll need yer strength fae tomorrow. Ye cannae face the Swallow wi’ a mashed heid.”
“Do you think she’s alright?” Alistair asked. Even now, with the huge, dark blank of the morning’s trial looming over his head, all his mind could focus on was the crease of pain between Rosslyn’s eyes, the way she had stood in front of him, half defiance and half terror as she offered to take his place. He thought about the kisses they had shared, the way she had wrapped herself into his embrace and then, only hours ago, closed herself off and shied away as if she couldn’t bear his touch. He should have known such happiness couldn’t last.
“She’s jest steering clear o’ Big Yin.” Eoin clapped him on the back. “No need tae give her reason to worry, eh? Off tae bed.”
“If she stays away from you, nobody can accuse her of interfering,” one of the other cousins added kindly. Vestra was the tall, brawny captain of a fishing schooner who shared Eoin’s brilliant hair, though Alistair couldn’t quite work out the relation. “That was quite a tongue-lashing she got this morning. Ye could hear it half way down to the harbour.”
Yet another captain, Collum, brought his ale over to where they were sitting. “Or,” he pondered, “mebbe she just wants to keep ye fro’ wastin’ all your energy on other pursuits when ye’ve got the trial in the mornin’.”
“Don’t be crude.”
Alistair glanced between the three captains. “What do you –? No, that’s not – we’re not –”
“Would ye also say ye’re no’ blushin’ now?” Collum probed. “Because that is some quality colour in yer cheeks otherwise. Ye left tegether last night, did ye  no’?”
“Nothing happened!” Alistair insisted. “At least not what you’re implying. I would never compromise…” His voice trailed off, squeezed to a choke, because after she disappeared up the stairs and he into his room, he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about more, about kissing not just her mouth but everywhere else as well.
“The lad’s adorable!” Vestra turned to the others and said something in Clayne.
“Ye’d risk it, would ye?” Collum asked.
Eoin huffed. “It’s no’ a fair test, no’ for what’s bein’ asked. Vints shouldnae be crossin’ our water like they own it. We should be out there huntin’ the bloody bastards doan – no offence, Ye Highness.”
Alistair shrugged. “None taken.”
“It’s what’s been decided.”
“It’s still no’ fair.”
“Don’ ye dare blab, Eoin,” Collum warned. “Ye’ll lose yer captaincy.”
Eoin blanched at that. “Fair point. I’m no’ going back tae keeping the Lady’s Hearth, blessed though She may be.”
“The Lady’s Hearth?” Alistair repeated. Brantis had mentioned it once when talking about the Clayne’s core beliefs. Some of the clan’s children, usually the eldest of a brood, were promised to the Lady’s Hearth and expected to serve there, tending the fire and the sacred grove around it, and if they turned out to be mages, they were taken to be augurs. But it didn’t fit. “I thought only girls were promised to the priestesses there?” he asked.
“Aye,” Eoin replied, throwing him a significant look. “And I’m no’ a girl.”
“I see…”
Vestra cleared her throat to halt the brewing discussion and laid a hand on Alistair’s arm. “Ye should go to bed, lad. A decent night’s sleep is yer best friend now.”
Dully, he nodded, doing his best not to stagger as he rose from the table. “If you see Rosslyn –”
“We’ll tell her she’s an idjit fer makin’ ye flap so,” Eoin assured him.
“Riiiight.” He sighed. “Thanks for the drink, anyway.”
The hold was mostly silent by the time Rosslyn made her way down from the mountainside. Her hair had long since pulled out of the neat braids her maid had woven that morning, hanging damp and dishevelled over her shoulders, and her coat had picked up stains from her rambling. The dark made her pick her way slowly to avoid a twisted ankle, but her mind burned with the urgency of her plan, the knowledge that she had only a few hours of darkness left before she ran out of time for what she had to do. The oil lights at the entrance of the guesthouse beckoned, but she marched past them, pausing only to sneak food from the kitchens for Cuno before she headed for the barracks where Morrence and the other guards were billeted. Her captain’s room was at the far end of the upper floor, overlooking the yard above the smithy, and while her dog tucked into the mutton joint she’d seized for him, she swept up the stairs, heart hammering behind her ribs.
“Captain?” she called as she knocked on the door. There was a groaned yes from within – understandable given the late hour – but Rosslyn took it as permission and turned the latch. “Morrence? I’m sorry to wake you but I need your help with – oh.”
She stared.
“Leliana’s here.”
She tried for something more coherent, but her tongue wouldn’t work. Her thoughts jumbled together, half-formed, until her early training in propriety reasserted itself at Morrence’s first scramble off the bed and realised that her hand was still on the latch, the door still ajar on what should have been a very private moment.
“I’mverysorrypleaseexcuseme,” she rushed, and swung back out into the corridor with her face flaming. Now she understood the response when she knocked; caught up in her own thoughts, the tone of the word hadn’t registered, nor the fact that it probably wasn’t Morrence who uttered it. The image seared in her mind, the two of them sprawled on the bed, clothes half scattered, Leliana’s hands fisted in Morrence’s hair…
As she leaned on the rail separating the corridor from the open common area below, the image shifted. Her blood pulsed heavy through her chest, swooping low in her stomach as her mind substituted herself, and Alistair – rough palms, soft lips, the slight scrape of stubble she had felt the night before as she kissed him, roaming her skin, eager and exploring in ways she had barely contemplated before, at least not so vividly, and certainly not with anyone specific in mind. The clatter of the latch sounded behind her and she straightened, swallowing her thoughts with as much grace as she could muster before turning to find Morrence in the doorway in a loose undershirt, with Leliana behind her wrapped in the blanket that had previously gone discarded on the floor.
“Your Ladyship.” Morrence bowed, finding small relief in formality. “I didn’t realise you were still awake.”
“Of course,” Rosslyn said. “Forgive me for… well. I should have been more considerate, given the hour. Please accept my apologies.”
“It’s quite alright, Your Ladyship.” Leliana’s mouth pulled up in a dimpled smile, though whether it was more for reassurance or amusement at Morrence’s reaction, Rosslyn couldn’t say. As the silence grew more weighted, her mind swung back to why she had come so far in the first place.
“I’m sorry to intrude,” she told her captain, “but I was wondering if you would take a walk with me. There’s something I’d like to discuss with you. As a friend.”
Morrence caught the significance in the words, and the frantic note buried beneath them. “Of course. Just let me get, ah…” she glanced down and pulled her shirt tighter across her body. “I’ll be right with you.”
She turned back into her room, her hand gentle as it brushed an apology over Leliana’s arm. A look passed between them, one that contained understanding and a promise to return later, and Rosslyn felt even more like an interloper than she had before. She turned away and waited at a polite distance while her captain found the rest of her clothes and pulled on her boots, trying to ignore Leliana’s soft scrutiny and her own returning sense of urgency, which made her foot twitch in agitation.
“I’ll be keeping the sheets warm,” Leliana purred as she accepted her lover’s kiss. “Don’t be gone too long.”
“I’ll… uh… try?”
Giggling, she shooed Morrence away and retreated, closing the door behind her. Morrence cleared her throat and offered a hopeless sort of shrug, her cheeks darkening as she tried to contain the grin determined to stretch across her face.
“Shall we?”
They stepped out in silence at first, each wrapped in their own thoughts. Morrence took Rosslyn’s lead, her curiosity contained for the time being by the purse of her friend’s mouth and the way her hand wound into the loose fur at her dog’s neck. As they headed down through the narrow, cobbled paths of the hold, only a stray cat crossed their path, on some midnight errand of its own.
“I’m sorry again for interrupting you and Leliana,” Rosslyn said eventually. “I didn’t know you were… together.”
Morrence sighed. “It’s new. That was the first time we, uh… We thought we’d keep it quiet, at least for now, until we know where it’s going.”
“Are you happy?”
“Yes.” Her whole face lit up, a smile that reached right up to the corners of her eyes. “I am.”
“I’m glad.” Rosslyn turned a teasing smirk on her captain. “Though I’m curious about how she managed to change your mind. You were so very suspicious of her not that long ago.”
A groan. “She delights in reminding me. I don’t know how it happened, really, she just got under my skin, and now whenever she’s in a room it makes everything so much brighter, you know?” She caught Rosslyn’s nod, noticing the wistful edge to it, and cleared her throat. “The prince came looking for you earlier, you know. He shouted at me when I told him I didn’t know where you were, even when I said you left orders not to follow you. I’ve never seen him like that.”
“That wasn’t fair, I’m sorry.”
“Can I ask –” Morrence huffed. “I know it’s not my place, but all of this – why aren’t you talking to him instead of me?”
Rosslyn shook her head. “Because I can’t. Clayne law forbids me from interfering. If I did – if I persuaded Alistair to not go through with it, or helped him to cheat the trial, then everything we came here to do would be forfeit.”
“So you have to choose,” her captain replied, distantly, “between helping the elves, and –”
“I have no intention of choosing.”
By now they had reached the quayside. The tide was out, the ships all hunched beneath the lip of the retaining wall or else scattered on the bared sand like forgotten toys, with light from the lamps gleaming slickly on the stray lumps of seaweed that had drifted in and been left behind. Further out, the wind slapped sailropes against their masts and drove sullen waves against the cliffs. Cuno ducked out from under his mistress’ hand and trotted off into the darkness.
“So… why are you talking to me?” Morrence asked. “And why here?”
Rosslyn flashed her a grin. “Because I needed to clear my head, and I thought I would look considerably less insane if I had someone to share the conversation. Oh, I think Cuno went this way.” She gestured towards the gangplank on the Siren’s Call and led the way onto the deck, listening for the scrabble of claws or the telltale whuff of a satisfied mabari.
“He’s probably after the cat again,” Morrence offered, still not entirely certain what was happening.
The hand on watch nodded to them and pointed to the aft hatch, his gaze drowsy, having decided that it was more fuss to chase after the animal himself than to let two armed soldiers do it. Rosslyn watched him for any signs of curiosity, but when he spat over the side and turned to pace his way back along the deck, she relaxed and followed her captain below deck, where the only light came from a few guttering storm lanterns. Snores echoed from deeper in the ship. In a commercial port like Denerim, the sailors might have sought out company ashore, but Dunedyn was a small community that didn’t see much direct trade from outsiders.
“Cuno,” Morrence hissed.
They heard him before they saw him. A canine sneeze, then a staggered grunt as he shook dust out of his coat, and he padded out to meet them, stubby tail wagging and tongue lolling in the same self-satisfied manner he always got when catching rats in Nan’s kitchen. Behind him, Rosslyn noticed a flash of movement as she kneeled to scrub his ears.
“Do you know what An Sgòrnan Aigeinn is?” she asked Morrence.
“Nobody does, except the lords. Not really. The name means ‘the throat of the abyss’, and all I know is that it’s a cave open to the water, and that it’s mostly used as a trial for murderers – if they make it back alive, they’re pardoned, but most choose a straight execution, it’s that dangerous. If His Highness is claimed by it tomorrow, no help will come for the elves, and it’s likely that Loghain’s madness will consume the whole of Ferelden.”
She didn’t look at her captain while she spoke, instead fixed her gaze on the far corner of the hold where Cuno had been. When Morrence looked, her superior night vision made out the shape of a figure listening, with two pale discs where a pair of eyes reflected the light, and a suspicion took root in her mind. Rosslyn nodded when she glanced back, confirmation and encouragement.
She steadied her breath. “Is there any way to help the prince?”
“There are precautions he could take. If he rubbed goose fat on his skin it would insulate him from the cold, and he would be better off in fewer clothes, otherwise he’d get dragged down. And whatever happens, he needs to keep an eye on the tide. If it rises too far, he’ll be stuck, and even if he finds somewhere out of the current, the water will freeze him to death before it lowers enough for him to go on.”
“Why can’t you tell him yourself?” Morrence asked a little louder, when Rosslyn’s frown deepened and grew distant.
“Because the challenge tests the favour of the gods. If I interfere, then it dishonours them, and the Clayne won’t risk their anger and Ferelden won’t get any ships even if he does come back. The same would be true if I ordered anyone under my command to do it.”
“If only there was someone here who didn’t owe fealty to you or the Clayne.”
“Indeed.” Rosslyn straightened at last and unbuckled her dagger from her belt. “It’s said that the gods help those who help themselves, though. So perhaps all is not lost. It’s just a shame that I’ve lost my dagger,” she added as she placed it deliberately on top of a barrel by the gangway. “I might have given it to him otherwise. It would have been a useful addition to all that advice I can’t give him.”
She sent one final look into the dark, directly at the catlike reflection of eyes, then clucked to the dog and followed Morrence back up to the deck, leaving her hopes in the hold below.
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I know what you’re doing
Written for @doodlingleluke for @sapphicstartrek‘s fanwork exchange!
She's in uniform.
There are birds chirping, sunlight beating warm across her shoulders, and Deanna's mellow, floral perfume drifting through the air from where she walks, just half a step to the right and a step forward from Tasha. Her hair is pulled up in a messy bun with some kind of ornate clip that screams "gift from Lwaxana", and her blouse leaves her olive shoulders bare, falling loosely over the curves of her hips to layer over skirts that swirl around her ankles. It could be--any spring day on Earth, back on the beautiful grounds of the Academy, except that Tasha's still in uniform.
She really, really shouldn't take off the outer jacket so that she's just in a tank top and trousers and can more easily pretend this is a date. She really, really shouldn't.
"Warm, isn't it?" she asks, tugging at the zipper, and Deanna tosses a smile back over her shoulder.
"Sorry, I programmed it that way. I could always--"
"No need," Tasha blurts, too fast and too loud and too--
Deanna's eyes crinkle at the corners as her smile broadens, and she ignores the embarrassment that she must be able to practically taste in the air. She's so kind and as warm- warmer, even- as this not-spring day in the holodeck.
"I needed this," she says instead, a longing sort of sigh in her voice as she tips back her face to the sun, long throat exposed.
A sign of trust--that Tasha won't tear it out. Or that she won't... Do something else. It's obviously not an invitation, that's for certain.
Tasha tears her eyes away to busy herself with folding her jacket over her forearm. She could drop it somewhere and it would just be there, waiting in a corner of the deck whenever they turned off the program, but that just feels wrong.
"It can be draining, being the sole counsel for an entire ship," Deanna continues. "I needed a day off, and thankfully the captain was willing to give me one." Her eyes sparkle as she adds, "And willing to give me my friends one at a time for an hour or two, here and there, to keep it from being a lonely day off."
Tasha huffs back at her, shoving her hands into her pockets. "See, but I know what you're doing," she teases. "We've all been refusing your kindly worded memos recommending we take a vacation day or two, so you're trying to rub this in our workaholic faces so we're just oh-so-tempted to take our own."
Deanna shrugs, clasping her hands behind her back and spinning off into the field of wildflowers. "I can neither confirm nor deny," she insists, but the smile in her eyes is full of mischief.
"You know what they say," Tasha calls after her, "'All work and no play makes Jean Luc a dull boy.'" Deanna's answering cackle sparks through the air, and Tasha ducks her chin as she grins.
It's a lovely, lovely day; there are fake birds chirping somewhere in the holographic distance, and a sun that can't burn her skin beats warm across her bare shoulders. She's allowed to enjoy this, for the twenty minutes she has left before a meeting with Worf and her other Lieutenants. She just can't enjoy it too much.
(She fails; it's over too soon.)
"Thank you for coming with me, darling. It would've been no fun to wander through the holodeck like that alone." Deanna's fingertips brush over Tasha's elbow, her red lips curling into a smile, and there's something that hurts about how pretty she is. A sharp knife of want with a thin edge of jealousy, stuck deep in Tasha's stomach.
"Any time," she agrees.
Maybe she can't stop that smitten look from reaching her eyes, but she does keep her voice calm and smile warm-but-not-too-warm. It's a tightrope that she walks everyday; she can't help but be grateful that Deanna hasn't called her out on the inappropriate crush that she can undoubtedly sense rolling off of Tasha in waves.
("Crush", like Tasha's any of the thousands of people who took one glance at that waterfall of curls or the graceful arc of her hands and thought Deanna was beautiful enough to crave. She'd be over it by now, if that's all that this was.)
(But she doesn't even really want to think about the other thing, so.)
The silence has dragged on a moment too long, Tasha shamelessly drinking in the quiet intensity of being the center of Deanna's focus, and it needs to end.
"Well, I'll see you around," she says, starting to walk away--or at least she means to say it. It comes out with slight uptick, a question, a hopeful curl of the air through her vocal cords--less neutral, and more... desperate.
("Well, I'll see you around?")
Deanna's smile broadens, her dark eyes lighting up once more with mischief. "Is that a promise?"
"Because," Deanna continues, and she falls into step and threads her arm through Tasha's rather than let her walk away red cheeked with embarrassment, "it wouldn't do for the Enterprise's Chief Security Officer to renege on a promise, would it?"
"Obviously," Tasha says, uneasily. She wants to play along- she would, usually, because she tries so hard to not let herself revert to the stone-faced, paranoid ensign she was when she first entered Starfleet- but there's a canary-eating tilt to Deanna's grin. It's putting her off-balance.
"Good." Deanna lets go, folding her hands neatly behind her back and coming to a stop. "Then I'll see you around."
Tasha stands there for a moment, broadcasting confusion on every frequency, but Deanna doesn't say anything else. Slowly, rolling the words across her tongue like the taste of them will help her understand what just happened, Tasha repeats, "I'll... see you around."
She backs away hesitatingly, a little furrow between her brow, and then- with a smart heel-turn- Tasha's walking away as quickly as she can without breaking out into a run.
Sometimes, she feels like she doesn't understand any more about people than Data does.
Tasha can feel Beverly's scrutiny between her shoulder blades, and it's making her tense. The sly smile, the smug twinkle in those blue eyes--ever since Tasha finished telling the story of the previous day's post-holodeck scene. She'd glanced back, once, and she's regretted it ever since.
"Stop looking at me like that," she says, her voice like steel, and Beverly has the audacity to hum in response. Tasha holds herself straight and unflinching through sheer force of will, when her instincts are telling her to hunch and glare and snarl.
"Like what?" Beverly asks in return; her voice is doing that neutral, motherly thing that she normally saves for Wesley or a frustrating patient.
"Like you know something I don't," Tasha sneers, turning on her heel to walk backwards and fixing Beverly with the glare she's been keeping in reserve for the better part of the last ten minutes. Knowing things is her job, just as much as jumping in front of phaser fire is. She doesn't like to be out of the loop, or off balance, or--
"Oh, honey; I do."
"Bye," Tasha says, pointedly, and veers sideways.
"Shit!" Beverly's curse follows her down the hallway.
She rushes to catch up, muttering a few more things under her breath that she'd probably ground her son for repeating as she does it. Her fingers brush against Tasha's elbow, a request for her to slow down and an apology all at once, and- with a disgruntled wrinkle of her nose- Tasha obliges.
They stop in the middle of the hall--the Enterprise's engines whirr somewhere below their feet, and a passing ensign swerves around them, the ear canals of her species politely closed and her six eyes trained on the floor. If only the very human, very nosy majority of the ship were so deferential to the personal lives of their commanding officers.
"Look," Beverly says, and her voice has gone from motherly to exasperated, "Deanna? Her little 'promise to see me later' bit? A very non-subtle invitation for you to ask her out."
"So just--" Beverly rears back, an affronted look on her face, and she snatches her hand in to her chest. "What do you mean, 'no'?" she demands, and Tasha shakes her head pityingly.
"Deanna... knows how I feel," she explains, as patiently as she can. "She knows it would be a sure thing if she ever made a move, but she hasn't, so--"
"So she doesn't want to take advantage of things she hasn't been able to avoid sensing and rush you into a relationship she doesn't know you're actually ready for." Beverly gives her a kind smile and a gentle slap upside the head; Tasha almost hears it more than feels it. "She respects your privacy, you idiot."
"No, she--"
Beverly's eyebrows shoot up. "She doesn't respect your privacy?"
"No!" Tasha scowls, crossing her arms over her chest. "Of course she does." Deanna knew more about her than anyone else on the ship, but it was all information freely given, to thoughtful eyes and expectant silences. The mere thought that she--it was absurd. "That's not what I was protesting, and you know it!"
"I don't know anything." Beverly holds her hands wide, a challenging light in her eyes. "I thought I knew that you were too oblivious to your own emotions to even realize that you wanted to ask her out; frankly, I should've realized that you'd just figured out a noble reason to chicken out of doing it."
Tasha's blunt fingernails dig into the skin of her palms as she steps forward--she's shorter than Beverly, but she leverages every molecule of the white hot rage pounding in her veins to make it seem like she's not. "I know what you're doing," she snarls. "You're a bad actress, and you can't double-dog-dare-me into doing something I don't want--"
"You do want," Beverly snaps.
"No, I don't--"
"You do."
"Fine!" Tasha shouts.
She immediately takes a step back, forcing herself to relax her hands, forcing herself to modulate her voice. Beverly is uncowed- she knows Tasha's temper burns bright but short, even if she were the type to ever give ground- but that doesn't change the science blues peering curiously down the hallway to see what the commotion's all about.
"Fine," she repeats, carefully, and a brief glare sends the nosy geologists running. "Fine, I have... a crush, but Deanna doesn't want me to act on it. That's abundantly obvious. Not to mention how inappropriate it would be for two bridge officers to date--"
This, out of everything, throws Beverly off-balance. "Why?!?"
"Conflict of interest during a crisis," Tasha answers immediately.
"Oh, honey."
"Stop saying that!"
"I'll stop saying it when you stop deserving it." Beverly catches Tasha's arm before she can do more than roll her eyes--she knows she's about to walk away again. "Hey, no, look at me. No matter your intentions, there's going to be an unhealthy power dynamic at play if you date someone of a lower rank. So if you can't date another bridge officer, Tasha, then you can't date anyone. And I'm no counselor, but when you're up in space with no particular end of mission in sight? I'm pretty sure it's unhealthy to refuse yourself any romantic or sexual contact if those are things you're at all interested in."
Tasha grinds her teeth, breathing the recycled air of her ship deep into her lungs as she refuses to look at Beverly. "I'm really not interested in continuing this conversation."
After a moment of hesitation, her elbow is released. "Thank you," she says, terse, and strides away.
She smells the chocolate, first.
It's how she knows for sure that it's Deanna at her door, fifteen minutes after a shift that found Tasha snappish and rude for its entire length; it's why she only hesitates for a moment before calling, defeatedly, "Come in."
Deanna has a brownie in each hand, and a wry smile on her lips. "Breaking your promise already?" she says. She sounds hopeful, like she wants Tasha to laugh; when she doesn't, Deanna sighs.
She settles next to Tasha on the bed, her legs tucked up to the side, and carefully transfers one of the brownies and its protective napkin onto Tasha's stomach. "Beverly told me the gist of your argument," she admits, as Tasha pinches off the corner between her thumb and her index and ring fingers.
Brownies aren't her favorite food. Honestly, she doesn't have much of a sweet tooth at all--but Deanna believes, firmly, in the healing powers of chocolate, and this bad mood has clung too stubbornly to go away on its own. Tasha figures she might as well give the brownie a try.
She glances up at Deanna--dark eyes full of understanding, curls cascading freely down over one shoulder. Her shoes are carefully hanging off the edge of the bed, keeping dirt away from the sheets. She’s so thoughtful it hurts, as much as yesterday’s smile had.
"I'm surprised you aren't off in the holodeck." Deanna waves a hand- the one not cradling her own brownie to her chest- and a wry smile twists at the corners of her mouth. "Punching things."
Breath in, breath out. Begrudingly, "I figured Bev would tell you," Tasha mutters. "And that you'd want to talk."
"I'd also be fine with listening," Deanna offers, with a grin and a teasing little nudge of her elbow.
"Maybe next time." Tasha lifts her brownie towards Deanna as if in a toast, and then ever-so-elegantly shoves half of it in her mouth. (Deanna snorts, in a way that sounds almost painful, and it most certainly does not elicit a smile from Tasha, thank you very much.)
They sit in companionable silence for a few minutes as they eat their brownies and Deanna thinks. Tasha knows she's thinking, because there's a little frown at the corners of her lips that even the chocolate is failing to smooth away. She doesn't bother to try and guess where this is going before Deanna speaks--except when it comes to dealing with her mother, Deanna knows how to say what she means in the way that she means it.
"Beverly wasn't wrong, you know," she finally admits, a thread of embarrassment hidden under her nonchalant tone. (Tasha makes a noise to encourage her to continue, because she doesn't know how else to respond.)
"I wanted to be cautious about assigning meaning to what I sensed,” Deanna explains, gesturing loosely with her free hand. “And when you never said anything, I assumed that I was... sensing what I wanted to sense.” She trails off for a moment, then adds, rushed, “I did. Want to. That’s what the teasing was about yesterday.”
“God.” Tasha lays her hand over her eyes, a hysterical laugh threatening to bubble up. “We’re useless.”
Deanna does laugh, a sharp bark of mirth as she slouches down on the bed as well. “To think, we advise the captain on matters of--”
She breaks off into a gasp as Tasha rolls, abruptly, onto her side and kisses her. It’s messy--she misses, mostly, catches the corner of Deanna’s mouth more than anything else, and her cheeks flood with heat.
“I, um, sorry--”
A fist clenches in Tasha’s t-shirt, catching her before she can pull more than a few inches away. “Don’t be,” she promises, ducking in for another kiss--a proper one, that tastes like chocolate and lipstick and mint toothpaste. Her lips are so soft; it’s a good distraction from the brownie crumbs being ground into her sheets.
When they pull apart, Deanna asks, “Changed your mind about conflict of interest?” with a hint of nervousness in her dark eyes. As if Tasha could possibly walk away from this- from her- now.
Tasha shrugs, flopping back down onto her back next to Deanna. “I have the CMO’s medical opinion that not dating you would be bad for my mental health,” she points out.
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