#do not look at her hair that’s not phee yet
lilacjunimo · 2 months
saw someone imply that one kings of queens photo is tech and phee and now we’re here
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nahoney22 · 3 months
Hi ! Congrats on reaching 4000 followers, I'm so proud of you and you totally deserve it ! ❤️
Can I request a Crosshair x fem!reader one-shot with the prompt "every time i see you, i fall in love all over again" with Crosshair saying this to the reader after seeing her do something silly/cute (and they've been married for a few years already) ? I just feel like it'll be so cute 🥰
4000 Prompt List Celebration
Crosshair X Fem!Reader
word count: 1.2k
• “Every time I see you, I fall in love all over again.”
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Warnings: Fluffy goodness, married couple, female reader, kisses, reader is a terrible cook, baking chaos, pet names, soft crosshair.
Authors note: so sorry for the wait my darling! @coraex , hopefully this is fluffy enough for you! Enjoy 💜
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Life on Pabu was a paradise. The weather was always idyllic, the beach pristine, and your husband, well, he was nothing short of perfect. Yet, amidst this perfection, there lingered one imperfection: your baking skills, or rather, lack thereof. However, fate bestowed upon you an opportunity to fix this flaw while your husband ventured off on a supply run for the people.
And so with meticulous precision, you measured each ingredient, ensuring nothing fell short of perfection. You had even ventured to local vendors and handpicked the finest ingredients to craft a savoury delicacy introduced to you by Phee so naturally, you had to make it. Or give it a go, at least.
As the oven worked its magic, you stepped onto the balcony to your home, allowing the warm breeze to tousle your hair and the sun to caress your skin. Your gaze wandered to the sky, where the familiar silhouette of the Havoc Marauder emerged.
Remaining on the balcony, you observed as the men and the lone girl disembarked the ship. Crosshair, as always, locked eyes with your shared home, a smirk adorning his features. With a wave and a beckoning gesture, you invited him to join you inside.
As soon as the door hisses open, you eagerly dash across the threshold and leap into his arms. The man staggers momentarily before finding his footing, wrapping one of his long arms around you. "Missed me, pretty lady?"
"As always," you grin, leaning back to plant a kiss on his lips. "Even if it has only been a few hours."
"At least I got a hug this time," he chuckles, placing your feet back on the ground and bestowing a sweet kiss on your forehead.
Stepping back, you let Crosshair settle his belongings and smile fondly at him. "Well, last time, you went 'what? No hug for me?'" You recall, earning a playful eye roll as he places his helmet on a table next to a framed holophoto of your wedding day. Every time you look at it, nothing but fond and loving memories fill your mind.
"Very well," he declares, launching himself onto the couch, kicking his feet up on an ottoman. He pats the spot beside him, and you gratefully accept, snuggling into his side. "So, what are you trying to bake this time, then?"
"How did you know I was baking something?" you inquire, a hint of surprise in your voice, as you glance towards the kitchen where you were certain you had hidden any sign of evidence of you baking.
Then, he leans forward and as you think he’s about to steal a kiss, a mischievous glint dances in his eyes. His thumb playfully swipes across your cheek and nose, leaving behind traces of flour and sugar on his finger that he holds up that makes your face flush with embarrassment. "Ah," you chuckle, realising the source of the sensation.
He chuckles too, but his amusement is tinged with concern as he sniffs the air with a subtle frown. "How long have you been cooking for?"
Glancing at the chronometer on the wall, then back at him, you reply, "About two hours now. Should be ready in the next hour or so." Your grin conveys eagerness, but his expression remains neutral, a hint of skepticism lurking in his eyes.
“Babe, I think it’s already done.”
Again, you blink at him, momentarily taken aback. "Huh?"
“I smell burning.”
Just as he finishes his sentence, the shrill sound of the smoke alarm fills the air, and you wince at the piercing noise. Cursing above the noise, you rush towards the kitchen, your heart pounding with a mix of frustration and urgency.
“Gloves! GLOVES!” Crosshair's urgent voice rings out, but you're focused on the task at hand and it falls on deaf ears. Ignoring his plea, you yank open the oven door, confronting the billowing clouds of black smoke that engulf the kitchen. Fetching your hand inside the burning oven, you grab a hold of the tray of the baked goods, yanking it out with a small yelp.
Crosshair springs into action, swift and decisive. In a matter of seconds, he's by your side, checking on you with a mixture of concern and determination etched on his features. But after you insist you’re fine, he shifts his focus to the task at hand, pushing open the window to let the smoke out and silencing the alarm with a practiced hand.
“Come here, run your hand under the tap quickly,” he instructs, his voice gentle yet firm as he guides you towards the sink. Switching the water on, he ensures the temperature is just right before gently urging your hand underneath the cool stream.
“Crosshair, I’m fine. Honestly,” you assure him which was not even a lie because you were. It was pretty much a miracle you somehow didn’t burn yourself but as for the savoury treats… burnt to a crisp.
Crosshair moves away from you and inspects the smoking tray, blinking at the almost incinerated food. “Well, maybe they taste better than they look.”
“Oh, stow it,” you retort at his sarcastic comment, though you know he means it playfully. Disappointment paints your features as you glance at the charred remnants of your baking attempt. “Why can’t I cook anything?!”
“You can. Just, badly.”
“If you’re trying to hurt my feelings, you’re succeeding,” you pout, flinging water droplets from your hand at him before switching the tap off and folding your arms over your chest in annoyance.
Crosshair comes back your way and drapes an arm over your shoulder, using his hand to tilt your chin up to look at him. “Don’t worry about it. You can try again?”
“What’s the point? I’ll probably burn our home down.”
“That’s true.”
You playfully slap his hand away and begin to tidy up your mess, Crosshair helping you along the way by washing up the tray before you move back to the sofa and faceplant onto it with a heavy sigh. The soft cushions provide some comfort as you let out a frustrated groan.
You hear the running water switch off, a small clang of him putting the washing away, and then faint steps towards you.
“I don’t know how you do it,” he starts, quickly earning a loud and unwilling-to-listen whine before you ask what about.
“That every time I see you, I fall in love all over again.”
You roll onto your back and stare up at him with narrowed eyes. “Why are you being soft?”
He laughs, warm and soft before he scoots you into his lap, taking a seat and peppering kisses over your cheek. “You know I don’t like it when you call me that.”
“I don’t care,” you giggle as you let him gush over you, “you are.” You grin at him with bright eyes. “But why did you say that?”
“It’s true,” he shrugs casually. “You may try and burn our home down all the time, but I love you all the same for it.”
You playfully squint at his jokey insult, but instead of trying to be smart and think of a retort, you kiss your husband and tell him exactly how you feel too, cherishing these moments of love and laughter.
“Let’s go out for dinner. It’s on me.” Now that’s an opportunity you won’t pass up on.
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More Prompt Works
Crosshair Works
Tags: @photogirl894 @id-rather-be-a-druid @the-bad-batch-baroness @whore4rex @imperialclaw801 @temple-elder @mysticalgalaxysalad @imalovernotahater @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur @seriowan @kaminocasey @marvel-starwars-nerd @ladytano420 @ladyzirkonia @thesith @raevulsix @mssbridgerton @cw80831 @knightprincess @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @theroguesully @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog @chrissywakingup @pb-jellybeans @nunanuggets @sleepycreativewriter @erellenora @zippingstars87 @ezras-left-thumb
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eelfuneral · 29 days
Bedtime Stories
I’m multishipping garbage, so I decided to write a little TechPhee fix-it piece because they deserved so much better. They’ve also got a newborn.
Phee was pulled from the gentle sea of sleep by the precise staccato of a familiar whisper. Before giving birth to Aroha, she had been a heavy sleeper, but having a newborn had somehow made her more prone to waking at the slightest noise, her brain filled with one phrase: “the baby”. Phee rubbed the sleep from her eyes and rolled over towards the source of the sound. A broad, scarred, brown back topped by a head of grey-streaked auburn hair cut through the moonlight flooding through the window, and Phee felt warmth down to the very pit of her stomach.
She sat up and scooted towards the opposite edge of the bed. When she reached her husband’s warmth, she rested her chin on his shoulder. Tech glanced up from the quiet bundle in his arms and turned to Phee, stealing a quick but scorching kiss from her parted lips.
“The baby okay?” asked Phee, reaching down and stroking an old, silvery scar that ran like a ravine across Tech’s left pectoral.
“Yes,” he replied, still whispering, “Aroha was sound asleep. I, however, was not.” It wasn’t uncommon for Tech to pick their daughter up from the bassinet beside their bed in the middle of the night, and it had been like pulling teeth to get him to admit that his dreams were the catalyst.
“Another of your dreams?” asked Phee, reaching down to run a gentle index finger along Aroha’s chubby cheek. The newborn’s eyelids twitched, but she remained lost in slumber.
“The one with the needles and the electricity,” said Tech, his voice cracking. He pulled his daughter closer to his chest and took in a tremulous breath.
“Oh, Brown Eyes,” Phee said before tilting his strong chin towards her and kissing him deeply. She felt a tear escape her eye. When the kiss broke, Phee stroked the side of Tech’s neck. “It’s all over. You’re on Pabu.”
“Sometimes, I am prone to forgetting,” said Tech, his voice colored by guilt for horrible things that he didn’t remember, and yet had been forced to do.
“I know,” replied Phee, only to be interrupted by a shrill cry.
Aroha’s wide, brown eyes opened for a moment before a shrill cry for her mother erupted from her toothless mouth.
“She’s hungry,” said Phee as she plucked the baby from her husband’s arms, lifted her shirt, and allowed Aroha to latch on and feed.
Tech turned around and looked at his wife and daughter with a warm smile, and the motorized components in his prosthetic arm hummed as he adjusted the silk bonnet that sat askew atop Phee’s locs.
“You are beautiful,” he said, “so is little Aroha. She has your smile.”
Phee’s heart lept as though she were a schoolgirl talking to her first crush, “she’s got your pretty eyes, Tech. What were you talking to her about tonight?”
Tech took Phee’s flesh hand in his cybernetic one. It was warm. “I was simply telling young Aroha the tale of the Prince in the Cursed Mask and the Pirate Queen whose kiss broke the spell,” he said.
Phee hummed and gave Aroha a smile, “how’s it end?”
“Just like this,” said Tech.
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lightwise · 29 days
TBB S3 E14 Reaction
Gosh. I really don’t want this all to be over 😭 (at the same time, I kind of need the stress to be over 💀). I was white-knuckled by the end of this episode, I’ll tell you that.
- They really just out here hanging out upside down
- This ship is definitely like the one Cross and Omega escaped on
- Wow my boys look good in black 🖤
- “At least listen to him!!” 🤣
- So Echo is straight up wearing Star Wars jeans now - @ladyzirkonia 😏 - andddd wearing brown leather pouches…remind you of anyone 🥹
- Oh no. Of course Hemlock was going to find out they were coming *sigh*. I guess it makes sense. That lieutenant would have filed a complaint the second he woke up.
- Hunterrrr whipping that ship around like it weighs nothing
- These clouds look perfect
- “Hang on” Hunter you’re starting to sound like your brother
- “Your concern for the specimens is showing” Emerie don’t leave them with *her*!!!
- Crosshair looks really nice in this outlined armor even though I miss the softness of the grey and red
- So Hunter has his own drift and slide move, huh? 👀 🥵
- They are literally plummeting to the surface right now dear lord
- Yeah I don’t think Hunter can call Tech or Phee out for reckless flying ever again 💀
- “You don’t want to know” — Narrator: he did, in fact, very much not want to know 🤣
- The seat folding back like he did for Batcher needing to get out in episode 3–he’s come such a long way
- Rampart
- Screaming
- Like
- A
- Girl coward 😆
- Let’s be honest though I’m terrified of heights in a directly physiological way so I honestly can’t blame the man AT all
- Meanwhile Wrecker having the time of his life lol
- Rampart. Honey. Maybe don’t LET GO of the cable you’re hanging onto for dear life with one hand just to make a talking point
- Oh no. Echo be careful!
- The landscape of Tantiss in this episode and the lighting and the sky and the trees and the river are just 🤩🤩🤩 STUNNING
- Atta boyyy using the storm trooper armor to blend in (his scomp looks so weird poking out of the vambrace though!)
- “I’d rather not do either” my baby boy 😭😭😭 I hate that they’re making him go back!
- They did the Spider-Man standoff 🤣🤣🤣
- “Unfortunately yes” lmaooooo
- “We’ll take our chances” that is giving callbacks to a parallel I do not want to make (Jyn’s speech in Rogue One—“we’ll take our chances until they’re spent.”
- It’s still just wild to me that Rampart is with them for this
- Oooh why did Echo’s scomp get stuck??
- “Thanks for the hand” Echo you and your dry sass 🤣
- You know, I’m just realizing—part of the point of the clone troopers was that they were identical. That included size. At first I thought “oh course Echo would fit best into stormtrooper gear bc he’s a reg” but—stormtroopers are supposed to be all kinds of random people. How are they all the same size?? How are they producing gear en masse to accommodate different people’s body types? Why do they all look the same height and weight on screen? Space opera plot hole I guess
- Jax’s hair sticking up
- These precious babies don’t know what “cover me” and stalling means! Shows how Omega has led such a different life
- Man they are just shoving Rampart all over the place. I meannn he deserves it but also it’s just going to piss him off
- Rampart just said the quiet part out loud. About himself. He doesn’t understand Crosshair in the slightest. He’s only seen a tiny sliver of who Crosshair is and he thinks it was the true version. It was not. And yet Crosshair has gained so much confidence in himself that he doesn’t even need to argue back with Rampart at all. Just a simple “I’ve changed” THAT’S MY BOY
- “Sure you have” what the HELL does that mean?? Why does it sound like foreshadowing 😭👀
- Echo can just take the hand off 💀
- Yep, told ya, Rampsrt is getting mad. Calling him dead weight doesn’t really help matters either
- ….yeah let’s just go lean against the nearest fluffy, warm, GIANT wall of flesh in the nearest vicinity and not realize it’s a creature 🤣
- Rampart’s face here is priceless
- Lovely. Now the scary blind hedgehog hyena bear is looking for lunch
- Okay yeah maybe you guys really should be running
- Wrecker 😭😭😭
- The boys helping him up 😭
- Rampart you clown. Pull yourself together man
- Oh man. He’s totally going to be a problem next episode isn’t he
- Crosshair takes babysitting duty very seriously
- The babes don’t know how to stall very well but 10/10 for effort. Dr. Scalder just keeps living up to her name with the callous burns too
- Omega girlie pop you better get back soon
- 😱😱😱
- I repeat
- My love for Metamorphosis in season 2 is being so validated right now you have no idea 😁
- How dare Hemlock torture that beautiful creature like this I hate it
- Seriously Omega get back down there now
- Phew
- Oh my
- She knows his name?? Emerie recognized Echo?? And from Omega telling her about her (their) brothers you’ve got to be kidding me 😭😭😭
- Ohhh Echo is not happy to see her 🤣👀
- Ohhhh Emerie. Her facial expressions look so much like Omega here. The guilt is just oozing out of her
- Ohhhhh. The helmet came off. The neural brace is gone. Okay, so when Echo first started eyeing that stormtrooper to take his gear, the first thing I thought was “but your head brace won’t fit under that kind of helmet!” And sure enough, they had him leave it behind. I repeat—Echo left his entire kit of armor AND the gear that most likely keeps his modifications running smoothly, helps decrypt and smooth out the sensory jumble of the neural implants put in him by the Techno Union, the one thing we’ve never seen him without since TCW, that most likely is not easily replaced—Echo left it behind, most likely never to retrieve it. For Omega. For his brothers. The lengths these boys will go to I just can’t 😭
- C’mon Emerie, put your loyalty where it belongs—with your family!
- “What children” poor boy almost had a heart attack. That man is never frazzled and he almost dropped his hand in shock 😅
- Atta girl 😱🤗 Emerie Echo rescue duo let’s goooo
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badbatchlover99 · 2 months
What the Bad Batchers kids would be like!!
(a short collection of characters to keep my mind off my current WIP)
Disclaimer!! There is no ‘timeline’ per se, just ages. You be the judge.
the son of Tech and Phee (sorry, I had to!). 
He is 16 years of age and the epitome of the best of both worlds. 
He is very intelligent, and adventurous. He also has a strange love of geology, but we won’t get into that. 
He is generally quite bashful like his father but leans a little more towards extrovert like his mother.
 One of those kids who really prefers to stay out of trouble at all costs, but then surprises you with lock-picking skills or something. (still working on him. Will probably add more later)
Leonié (or as preferred, Leo): 
the daughter of Crosshair (I had too much fun with this one.
 She is 14 years old and was… not meant to happen, but here she is. 
She lived with her mother until she was eight (mainly because Crosshair didn’t know she existed) but now she lives with her father and the rest of the bad batch. 
She is very monotone, yet sassy like her father, and (though she’d never admit it) wants more than anything to be just like him. 
She is an ambivert with the social battery of an Android phone.
She looks just like Crosshair but with some… obvious differences.
She is a troublemaker, but not the normal kind. She’s the kind that will go days acting like an angel, and then one day, there’s Suran wrap on all the toilet seats, which distracts you from her sneaking out to go get piercings and a tattoo. Yeah.
Is, as the writer of Enola Holmes said, prone to melancholy (aka she’s a smidge bipolar).
Buck (shut up, I know it’s a dumb name)
Is Hunter’s son (I ship Fennter, but we’re not getting into that right now)
He is 13 years old, and a scrappy little kiddo.
He definitely inherited Hunter’s shortness and gets into regular arguments with Leo about it.
And yes, he and Leo are the “you're an idiot, said with (platonic) love” duo.
He is an extrovert and very curious. Loves to see all the different cultures of planets.
Also inherited his father’s fabulous hair
Usually stays out of trouble, but… things happen.
Wrecker’s (adopted) son.
8 years old.
Wrecker found him on the planet equivalent to Scotland (don’t ask) as an infant, and was immediately like “This child is mine now.”
He is very high-energy. All.the.time!
Is the kind of kid that is always accidentally getting into trouble, and it’s cute for some reason.
Extrovert. No way around it. 
Want’s to try everything, meet everyone, do everything, eat every food, all at the same time type of energy.
Please leave comments, I'm new to all this and wold love feedback!!!
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A Great Big Phech-niverse Chapter 4
How would Tech and Phee meet if there was no Empire, the Republic had won, the clones got their happy ending, etc.?
“When are you coming back?” 
The slight whine in Omega’s voice pulled at Tech’s heart, making his sigh. “Just a few more days are left on the expedition.”
“How many is a few?” Crosshair asked as he appeared in the frame of the call.
“Five, at maximum,” Tech smiled. “And then I’ll be back on the starship coming back to Coruscant.”
“It’ll fly by before you know it,” the Hunter on the screen looked down at Omega. “Come on, it’s time for you to get to school. We’ll talk again soon, Tech.”
Tech bade his farewells to his family before signing off on the call. He missed them fondly, but he needed to be here. With the Republic’s victory, so many clones like himself had been searching for a new purpose beyond being soldiers. When the ExplorCorps had opened itself up to the clones, Tech saw it as a chance to both simulate and make use of his exceptional mind. He needed to find purpose for himself in the galaxy like the rest of his brothers had, even if it took him far from them. 
Stepping out of the tent, he met with the rest of the exploration unit he’d been dispatched with. The Jedi leading them arrived from her own tent shortly afterwards and began to distribute the assignments for the day. Tech was partnered with another clone, Nemec, to take one of the ships to chart the terrain as well as collect soil samples that would be sent to the AgriCorps. The current objective was documentation and superficial exploration. Further investigation could take place later.
Tech primarily piloted their little ship across the planet’s surface while Nemec mapped the surface. It did get a bit tiresome flying back and forth, but it was essential to be done. He’d missed flying like this, without necessary restrictions. When it was time for Omega to learn, he wanted to take her off Coruscant in order to teach her properly. It wouldn’t be for a while, but it was approaching sooner than he truly wanted it to.
After a few hours, Tech had to bring the ship down after an unfortunate encounter with a flock of birds. Nemec offered to be the one to handle the repairs, explaining he needed to look at something other than a map. Tech took the chance to go and start collecting some of the needed soil samples in the area. When he told Nemec, the other clone grinned and warned him not to get lost, reminding Tech heavily of Hunter.
He made sure to carefully mark his course as he went. Tech trekked into the forest they’d landed beside and found himself entranced with the flora around him. He made sure his goggles were recording as he examined his surroundings. It took longer than he would have liked to remember he needed to collect soil samples. Eventually, he did remember and knelt down to make a collection.
Something brown flashed in the corner of his vision. Tech lifted his head, expecting to see an animal of some kind but instead seeing a woman through the trees about ten yards away. She wore a long brown duster, her dark hair twisted into thick locks held back with a blue bandana. In her hand was a small sphere projecting a hologram that she appeared to study intently.  It struck Tech as odd seeing her as she wasn’t part of the ExplorCorps team, and there were supposedly no documented settlements in the area he and Nemec had been assigned to.
Tech placed a hand to his blaster as he stealthy approached her, a lesson well-learned from his days in the GAR. 
When he had reduced the distance between them by half, the woman whirled towards him, a vibroblade rivaling Wrecker’s drawn out. Tech pulled his blaster on instinct.
“Easy there,” she warned. “Someone send you out here?”
“I am part of the ExplorCorps’ expedition here doing mapping work of the northern terrain,” he stated, not lowering his blaster yet. “Who are you?”
“A liberator of ancient wonders,” she replied, smirking slightly at the end of her sentence. “We’re here for different reasons.”
Tech sighed. It might have sounded like a fancy title, but putting it together made it clear she was a pirate. Still, he glanced at the sphere in her hand, noting that it seemed to be projecting a strange structure. “What is that?”
“Put the blaster down and maybe I’ll tell you.”
“Provided you lower your blade as well.”
She cocked her head at him, another smirk flitting across her face. “Fair deal. On three?”
He nodded. “One. Two. Thr-”
Before he could get to the next number, something rumbled. The ground they were standing on began to shake. The pirate frowned, looking around her. Tech took in his surroundings as well, trying to think of the potential causes. There had been no records of tectonic plates for this world, so an earthquake could not be ruled out.
The noise only grew louder and both looked to the source of it. A herd of large horned animals was running through the trees. They were heading straight for him and the pirate. Worse, they showed no signs of stopping.
“Oh kriff,” the woman swore. “That’s not good.”
“No,” Tech agreed. “Run.”
“Don’t need to tell me twice,” she said as she took off running first in the direction away from the herd.
“No,” Tech ran after her and grabbed her arm, diverting her to a hard left. “This way!”
“Hey!” she shouted, but still followed him. “Do you even know where we’re going?”
“Somewhat.” It wasn’t a total lie, as he had flown over this area a couple of times. The exact specifics of what lay ahead of him left much to be desired.
“Lead the way then, Brown Eyes!”
“Brown Eyes?” Tech glanced back at her.
“What? You’ve got nice eyes.”
“Brown is the standard phenotypic-” he stopped, thinking about how much oxygen he was wasting with the explanation. “I will explain later!”
“Holding you to that!”
They only made it a few more feet before skidding to a stop. There was a short ledge, followed by a steep, rocky hill that led down to a coursing river. The herd was closing in fast.He could make out the creatures a little bit more, some sort of Phillak variant. Tech cursed himself for not thinking of running the other way or just climbing up a tree. Now there was only one way to go.
“Down we go, huh?” the pirate shouted. “Come on!”
She hopped down the ledge, holding her hand out to him. Tech reached, but the herd had finally caught up to him. He jumped at the last second, catching the pirate’s hand but sending them tumbling down the hill. Tech tried to catch himself on his feet, but his leg twisted and failed to support him. His world became a blur of sky and rocks, then flying through the air until hitting the water. He sputtered and tried to kick his legs against the strong current, but his left leg felt like it was on fire. The river was starting to carry him away.
An arm locked around his own, and Tech felt himself being pulled towards the shore. Within moments, he was being set down on wet sand and his helmet being pulled off. The pirate gazed down at him, water dripping from her face and a gash on her forehead oozing blood.
“You okay, Brown Eyes?” she asked, genuine concern in her voice.
The sun broke through the clouds, letting the golden rings on her locs shine and sparkle. With the light against the side of her face, she looked radiant. It almost made him forget the pain in his leg.
“Hey, can you hear me?”
“Did you just pull me out of the river?” he asked, immediately feeling silly for asking such an obvious question. Sure, clones were meant to be expendable, but clearly there had been no one else.
She chuckled. “Yeah. That armor ain’t light, is it?”
“No,” Tech shook his head. “Thank you…”
“Phee,” he repeated. 
“Got a name, or should I just stick to Brown Eyes?”
“Nice to fall for you, Tech,” she chuckled. “So…now what?”
Tech sat up and looked at his helmet, intending to comm Nemec. Unfortunately, the side where his comm was located appeared to have taken the brunt of damage.
“I do not know,” he looked at Phee. “But we must find a way back up that hill.”
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oceansssblue · 4 months
Link for part 1 here:
Omega had the heart of an adventurer. It was the reason why she had bonded with Phee so fast; always looking forward to hear her interesting stories from her trips across the galaxy. The eccentric woman had told her about a few of her close calls as well. That hadn't detered Omega's dream of following her steps, of becoming some sort of explorer; yet she hadn't really visualized herself on a situation like this.
Omega had been dragged through the trees; the strange humanoid natives closing in on both of her sides. When they finally made a stop, she was pushed down to sit on the silvery ground; and even without understanding their language, the blonde girl had perfectly understood she wasn't supposed to move or resist. Scared, she tried to remain calm while the stranger with the orange eyes took a seat in the sand, in front of her. The old man played with it; fingers gently caressing the silver grains in an almost delicate, reverant way.
It was the native woman standing behind him, long arms crossed in front of her bare chest and posture fierce and self-assured, who talked to her first.
"Safe" she told her, inmediately surprising Omega with basic. "Kids true".
Omega took some seconds to try to decypher what she was trying to say. She then realized the humanoid was telling her that she had nothing to fear for now; that they had just taken her apart and away from the Batch because they believed children were more propense to being honest, easier to read.
She felt her own body slightly relaxing; and nodded in understanding. She was inmensely grateful these people spoke basic, even if with weird accents and shortened sentences.
Once the language barrier had been left behind, Omega spent the next couple of minutes answering the man's questions; explaining the circumstances that had taken them there and how the Marauder had been damaged beyond quick repairs. The orange-eyed humanoid smiled brightly with the knowledge that they had just stumbled on their small moon on pure casuality; while the red-haired woman seemed to hold some waryness still, though she accepted her explanation quietly.
The conversation extended over a little less than half an hour; the blonde girl doing her best at answering to their inquiries. The humanoid with the orange eyes had presented himself as Egan, his people's spiritual guide; while he revealed the woman's name as Alinta, the tribe's first warrior. Omega quickly pointed out each of his brother's abilities and roles; both set of burning eyes watching her closely as if trying to memorise their names in their head.
"Stay us" the old man conceeded. "Fly fix".
Omega beamed and nodded. She still felt justifiedly nervous in their presence –was there really a way to get used to their physical appearance?–, but a heavy weight had been lifted of her shoulders. They weren't going to die. They weren't in inmediate danger. These people seemed pacific, at least as long as they followed their requests; and they had not only allowed them to carry on with their lifes, but offered them a place with their tribe until Tech found a way to finish the ship's repairs. Their fate had changed drastically in mere minutes, and she was glad for the new direction of the tide.
Egan and Alinta guided her back to where they had left the rest of the Batch behind. Omega smiled brightly upon seeing them, quickly running towards them and speaking at a hundred miles per second.
"It's okay. I've just answered some questions. They do speak basic. A basic basic" she nervously chuckled, adrenaline dropping and making her feel jittery. "They have offered us to stay with their tribe until we fix the Marauder".
Echo frowned, glancing at his brothers with the corners of his eyes.
"I don't know if that's the best idea. They might say that now, but we don't really know their intentions. They could be fooling us. I don't trust them".
Hunter watched the red-haired woman smirk. While some of the other natives worked on his brother's bindings, she walked straightly towards him; not a word to be said. He tensed, feeling the energy inside of her buzzing, now that she was close to him; his muscles jumping involuntarily at the feeling of her long nails –almost claws– grazing the skin of his wrists.
"I disagree" Tech answered, gently caressing his own rope-marks now that he had been finally freed. "I believe they would have already killed us if they wanted; and considering we know nothing of this bioma, specially in terms of what is edible or not, I think accepting their help would be the most intelligent road to take".
Hunter was finally released as well; he straightened his posture, quickly beckoning Omega to his side. The native woman stepped back from him, the cut out rope still in her hands. He could still feel the lingering warmth of her fingers; smell the fire off her skin. It was a scent she shared with the rest of her tribe; though it was stronger in her, burning brighter. Calling him.
Tech politely greeted the humanoid with the orange eyes, who Omega quickly presented as the tribe's spiritual guide. The mysterious woman in front of her was introduced to them as Alinta, their warrior leader. Hunter's eyes didn't leave her neon red ones the whole time.
Hunter hadn't shut the eye once throughout the whole night. He didn't trust these people; didn't have any reasons why to. They didn't either, so the clone understood the curious, carefull tip-toing around them; and the equally cautious stares of the redhead. Hunter could get why she had been introduced as the tribe's finest warrior. She was always extremely aware of her surroundings; in an intent, silent way that somehow reminded him of Crosshair.
Alinta –and everyone else, by that matter– was a complete mystery to him. Hunter studied the natives; and how they all seemed to move around Egan and her. While the humanoids definitively treated the first one with respect and held them in high regard... It was different with the woman with the red eyes. Hunter could specially identify this differences in the eyes of the children; always widening in her presence, filled with pure admiration, beaming smiles whenever they got the chance to talk to her. As if it were a privilege. Adults tended to gently nod towards her; a discrete bow that left the perceptive clone wondering. Was it just her status as a warrior that justified all that?
On the third day on the small moon –which Egan had revealed it's name to be Aodh–, Alinta spoke to him for the first time. She had been watching him for a few minutes; expression pensive as if in thought. She slowly walked towards him and took a seat besides him on the ground; back coming to rest in the tree behind them and merely leaving an inch between the two.
"You no sleep" she pointed out, firmly.
Not a question; but Hunter answered it anyway.
"I don't" he confirmed. He kept his eyes ahead, on the black-water pond where Omega was playing with other teens like her. "I'm not going to leave my family without protection during the night".
Alinta's lips tugged upwards into a faint smile. The human wasn't scared of throwing the warning straight at her, even if in very obvious numeric disadvantage. He wasn't afraid of offending her. She liked that. She was often treated with so much awe and reverence she sometimes missed someone disagreeing with her, calling her out on her mistakes and even fighting with her.
Hunter didn't need to fight her, though.
"Your family is safe" she answered, her voice as matter-of-fact as Tech's. "Always one of us up. Always us protecting".
Hunter hummed. Yeah, he had studied the rotations between them; someone always keeping watch during the night. He still didn't know what they had to be wary of.
"And who's going to protect me from you?"
Hunter's chocolate eyes turned to her red one's; and he almost shivered unconsciously when a dark, amused smile slowly showed up in the woman's face.
"No people can protect from me" she almost singed, basic sounding foreign in her accent and pronuntiation, tinted with the entonation of her mother tongue. "But I no want hurt you".
Hunter stared. Alinta was straightly telling him that she believed there wasn't a way from him –from anyone– to fight against her. To face her. And she was saying it with a smile on her face. Her small fangs, sharp claws, black markings and bright red eyes only made the comment seem like a threat.
But it wasn't. Maybe a warning, for Hunter to consider it too; that she could destroy them. That she could kill them. She just didn't want to.
Alinta stood up and looked down at him. She was always so confident; always so fierce. She felt powerful.
"If you no sleep the night, sleep now, Hunter" her red eyes flickered over his tired features and smirked teasingly. "You no look so good".
The clone could barely mask his surprise at her remark. A tingling sensation creeped up her spine at her first use of his name. He was too stunned by her cheeky, amicable pun to answer her.
Alinta chuckled and elegantly walked away.
Hunter followed the woman's advice. His brother's were wide awake to protect each other and warn him if things went south during the day; so he nodded off here and there, closing his eyes and resting against a tree, or properly sleeping a few hours in in the wooden cabin Egan had assigned for them. It wasn't the comfiest of beds –barely a layered mix of furs on top of another imperfect squared piece of wood–, but Hunter was used to a soldier's life, where his body needed to find rest wherever he could, under hazard conditions.
He kept studying Alinta; and her people. As days passed by and the Batch got used to their weird new plant-base diet and cleansing themselves on the ponds, the clone sargent slowly grew used to their new situation. The aaodhi people reciprocated; slowly integrating them further in their games and conversations –the minority that spoke basic, at least– and opening to them. They were still secretive and they were still holding back something –Hunter just knew–; but they seemed to be good people, just living their quiet life on their small moon lost in the Unkown Regions.
Hunter started to discover layers on Alinta's character too. She had a strong personality; always cool and collected, a dangerous smirk ready to be shown and a carefull glint shining in her red eyes. But it all seemed to melt in the presence of the kids of her tribe. Under their admiring glances and innocent smiles, Alinta turned unusually soft; and something about such unexpected gentleness tugged at Hunter's heart.
Besides the children, the native woman only seemed to share that same softness with one other person; her father. With him, Alinta didn't stand firmly like the warrior she was; but her whole body relaxed towards him, smile turning warmer and vulnerability showing for once. Hunter didn't need to know their story to see she adored him; though he often wondered what had happened there.
Alinta's father must have had experienced something traumatic. He wasn't invalid; but anyone could see that, even in good days, too much movement was torture to him. On bad days he was barely able to take a step forward without wincing in pain; muscles clenching and teeth grinding against each other, bravely trying to cope silently with it. His grey skin –usually smooth in his species– was dry and shrivelled; old scars travelling up his legs to finish on his abdomen, with the exception of smaller deep lines carved on one elbow and the shoulder of the same side. Even if they weren't new, they still looked angry and painful. Whatever had happened, it had affected his nerves; leaving him with a chronic condition that the man tried to cover up as well as he could –perhaps for the sake of his girl–.
Hunter had more than once catched Alinta's red eyes swimming in guilt and raw heartache. She was always there to help him, offering a hand whenever he needed, insisting until he finally ushered her off with a honest little smile. She often watched his unstable walk off with a opened expresion of resigned distress; face suddenly innocent and younger and eyes looking almost lost as she looked at him.
Hunter hadn't ask their story, no; but he had deduced she was somehow partly responsible of his scars, of his present pain. He knew his father didn't blaim her, as well; it had probaby been some sort of accident, if the clone had to guess. He wondered if it had to do anything with a fire. That would explain the scars; though Hunter was terribly confused as to why everyone still smelled like that.
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As always, reblogs are appreciated! Let me know what you think 🥰💖
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mmelionsblog · 2 years
Can’t Get Over You || Bradley Bradshaw
part 1/ unfinished
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Ever since you laid eyes on Rooster, you just knew your heart needed him. He was everything you ever dreamed of a kind, nice, charming, cute (yet sometimes hot), and he loved to help people who were in need.
Rooster has been your best friend since you both started in the navy. The most- oblivious man you and everyone else seemed to know of.
You’ve gave him hints, even when he was sober. Yet he never thought about it too hard enough due to your two close friendship.
It had been hard, seeing rooster fall in love with another women who he had met months ago at the hard deck. She was beautiful, amazing, sweet.
He always can’t to you for advice and you always told him what to do, as the best friend you’re supposed to be (though it hurt to see him so happy with someone else).
Phoenix, tried helping you get over him but it never worked. “I know what my heart wants, Phee.” You would always tell her, and even though your heart wants him, you can’t take him away from the perfect relationship he was in.
Every single time Amy would invite you over to Rooster’s and her’s shared apartment for a little girl talk or just to drink together you would always say yes because there was no reason to be mad at the girl.
Just like tonight, you, rooster, and Amy were on the back porch. Amy and Rooster drinking beer, while you drank regular red wine that you loved and adored.
Laughing at the story Amy told you about when she was younger, you checked the time and slightly cussed. “I’ve gotta go,” you got up in a hurry.
“Im picking someone up from a bar tonight and I’ve completely forgotten-” rooster cuts you off. “S okay (c/s). Who are you picking up anyways?” He asked.
“You don’t know him, phee is trying to set me up with him tonight so wish me luck!” You smile at the two, heading out of their house.
“I’m gonna go to bed,” Amy muttered kissing rooster’s cheek, as soon as you got out of the house Amy felt a wave of exhaustion. “G’night love. I’m gonna go see if she got to her car safely,” rooster told her. She nodded and the two went separate ways in their house.
As rooster closed the door, he saw you wiping your hands off of your head, groaning in frustration as you lifted up the hood of your car. “You can’t be kidding me,” you mumble. “You’re gonna make me late darlin.” You patted the car, walking to the back of it to open your trunk to get out your gear.
“Need help?” Rooster asked, spooking you. “Jeez rooster, thought you went to bed.” You laughed, walking back to the front of the car. “No i don’t need help, thanks though.” Waving him off, you grab a crow bar and start working on the places where your engine decided to bust.
Rooster hummed, rolling up his sleeves and helping you anyways. “Two people working on a car will make this a lot faster you know,” he pushed you gently and you playfully roll your eyes at him. “Thanks, really but I’ve got it on my own. And plus, I’m not really interested in the guy Phee decided to set me up with. He really isn’t my type,” you shrugged.
Even though you two have been friends for years, Rooster never knew what your type was. “What is your type?” He asked as he leaned on the side of your white 2005 jeep.
“My type, is classified information.” You zipped your lips and stuck your tongue out at him. “Oh come on, I’ve been your friend for what- five or six years? I deserve to know!” He shook you lightly.
Huffing, you look at him as he looked at you with puppy eyes. “You won’t give up, will you?” He nodded. Biting your tongue, you could be bold and go with your gut to tell him exactly how your type looks like and possibly ruin your friendship, or you can make up a lie and not ruin it.
“Well, he has brunette curly hair,” you start off, your heart beating rather loudly than you want it to be. Rooster nodded, telling you to go on. “He’s about ye heigh,” you level your hand with the top of his head.
“Got good taste of style,” you joke. “Man loves Hawaiian T-shirts,” grunting as you plucked something out from your engine, you didn’t notice Rooster furrowing his eyebrows as he pieces it together.
“He loves protecting the one he adores, specially his girlfriend. Can’t blame him, she’s sweet.” You whisper, closing your hood as you see your engine had nothing else wrong with it.
You stay there, leaning onto your hood as your eyes teared up. “Might’ve been my first ever best friend once I left high school,” you ghostly laugh. “Should’ve told him sooner, who knows what would’ve happen.” You never looked back at him, as you felt his eyes onto yours burning holes in your body.
Putting your tools back into your trunk, you hurriedly got into your car and turned it on. “(Y/-” he started off, but you bit your bottom lip to stop your tears from flowing down “m sorry Rooster. Just forget whatever I said, it was all a joke.”
AHHH I can’t wait to start this small series! currently hopping to my ‘on repeat’ playlist on Spotify. Please let me know what y’all think in the comments! If I should continue it or not! Thanks for reading!!!
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stardustloki · 4 months
Regret what you wish for
Omega spent her time at the facility longing for the brief times she wasn't locked up, alone in her cell.
Now she's back with her family, she doesn't understand why the only thing she wants to do is get away from them all.
Gen. Warnings: referenced medical experimentation.
Read it on Ao3 here
Omega sat hunched up in the crawl space, eyes squeezed tight shut, hands pressing over her ears.
It was too much, too much, too much.
In the darkness, with durasteel walls pressing in on either side, and barely enough room to lift her head, she had begun to feel better, her breath becoming more even.
It was stupid, she was stupid. She’d spent months in that facility, days blurring into weeks, most of it spent alone in her small cell. She’d longed for human contact, something, anything to break the boredom. At times she wished that she’d never met her brothers, at least before she’d been used to spending a lot of time by herself, the only time she was touched being when Nala Se wanted another sample.
At the beginning, when Emerie or Hemlock (or one of their people) had come to get her, she’d screamed at them, fought them, using every dirty trick in the book she knew. They’d thrown her back in her cell, alone, without food. She’d preferred that, back then. Told herself she would never ever cooperate with them. That had changed as time went on, the hunger had got worse, and there’d been only so long that she’d been able to talk to herself, holding fake conversations with her brothers and her friends, hugging herself tightly and pretending it was them.
At first, they’d ensured her cooperation by threatening Crosshair. As time went by, they hadn’t needed to. She’d looked forward to their arrival as a break from the nothingness inside her cell, even as she’d hated herself for it (still hated herself for it). She’d felt excited as they’d unlocked her door, despite knowing that they would make her help them experiment on the other clones in the facility. She was good at it, they said, after her experience working with Nala Se. She hated the fact that she was good at it. She’d hated the fact that, even though she’d had nightmares about what she did to her siblings, she'd longed for the labs whenever they left her alone for too long.
The experiments they’d run on Omega herself had left her feeling disorientated and confused. They’d grab her limbs as they strapped her down to the table, she’d wanted to fight them, she’d wanted them to keep holding on. Sometimes, Emerie had stroked a hand through Omega’s hair, and she’d been able to close her eyes and pretend that it was Hunter.
She’d hated the loneliness.
Which is why she doesn’t understand what she’s feeling now.
She should be happy. She was on Pabu, with the Bad Patch. Crosshair was with them. Tech was alive . She had new brothers, like Rex and Wolffe, and her friends, Lyana and Phee, were never far away. 
But they were all. so. loud. They shouted and laughed and talked over each other, and there were so many of them. They pulled her into hugs and clapped her on the back, threw their arms over her shoulders. And as much as Omega had longed for it she hated it.
It was too much, all too much, and she didn’t understand why. It was a dream come true, it was all she ever wanted, and yet sometimes she found herself wishing for the quiet of her cell.
She let out a sob and curled up tighter.
There came a knocking from below her. It took her a moment to realise it was in dadita. C-r-o-s-s-h-a-i-r. Then, she heard the scraping removal of the grate and opened her eyes to see her blanket being pushed in, followed by Lola, and finally Hunter’s noise cancelling headphones.
She found herself smiling weakly, and brushed the tears out of her eyes. At least Crosshair understood.
“Thank you,” she whispered as he put the grate back on, and left her to her silence.
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leahsflwer · 1 year
Tech Imagine - “I told her how I feel..” || Bad Batch 🥽
Tech x reader (no gender)
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Tech shook his head in return to me, his hands were not adjusting his goggles or playing with his tablet, he was holding his head as if he was in a deep thought, i felt worried.
“Tech what do you mean no?” I spoke up
“There is no way Phee can like me! No way I could ever be enough, I’ve never been enough. I may be smart and be able to do many things with technology, but I can’t even express my own feelings to people, I can’t even cry. No way can she like me! Im not a guy for anyone to like ever..” he shook his head sitting beside me on the bench.
Cold air rushing through my hair, moving it back as i looked at him with wide eyes, the stars shining in the reflection of his goggles. He had a frown, all though he was right about not being able to express himself well, everything thing else was wrong to say. He was someone to like.
The night sky gave Tech’s skin a glimmer on his cheeks, his brown eyes were more of a chocolate colour mixed with hazel. I stood up in front of him and cupped his face. I sighed, looking him in the eyes and shaking my head as well.
“Don’t say that Tech. Because you are a likeable person. Your bothers and Omega love you, and listen to me when I say I love you as well. In a romantic way, something about you Tech had my stubborn heart melt at just your presence. So don’t give me anything about Phee not being able to fall for you, i don’t blame her because i did. As well, a long time ago. It never bothered me that you never cried or expressed your feelings the same, you did show them, just in your own way and I adored that about you Tech.” I yelled before letting go of his face and heading towards the ship, taking another glance back.
Seeing him still sitting on the bench, alone this time, he looked down like he was taking everything in, my stare was cold yet sad, his was confused yet he had a small smile forming. His smile was so cute and gave me instant butterflies every time. A small smile hit my lips as well, he looked finally at ease from the weight on his shoulders that he had carried for weeks.
Turning around I felt a sense of relief hit my chest. Something told me to look back and as i did I felt sick to my stomach, Phee was talking to Tech suddenly, my legs felt weak, a strong beat pounced inside me. I immediately went inside the ship and sat on Tech’s chair, tears flooding my face, i was not the one to cry often but when I did it hurt me more than ever. I should be happy that he has her, but why do i need him to be mine so much, why must i be some lovesick puppy. I hate myself for it.
Footsteps clapped the hard flooring of the ship but I ignored them and wiped my tears away. My chair instantly turning around to have me face to face with Tech himself. He wiped my cheeks and smiled at me as if he knew I needed him.
“T-Tech..?” I stuttered out
“I told her. I told Phee how I feel” he smiled and my heart broke
“Y-You told her… how you feel?” I sniffled
“Mm. She didn’t take it well but I couldn’t lie to her” he sighed as he fixed his goggles
“Wait. You r-rejected her?!” I asked
“Well I thought that was obvious. I like you not her.” He chuckled and I felt my heart skip a beat
A smile was glued to my face as I grabbed his soft face and pulled him into a kiss. I needed his kiss more than anything, without even knowing how badly I needed his comfort. He returned the kiss and gently held my face, his right thumb rubbing my cheek, blush covering my cheeks.
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vinxwatches · 8 months
the bad batch season 2
really liked season one, trough probably too much because i headcanon Omega as trans.
Omega is badass now? cool.
Cid is damn manipulative... by having a valid point.
the call for adventure of the season: help people. they are good people, helping when the opportunity arises, seems like they'll be making the step to looking for places to help.
i just realized something i really like in this over clone wars: people can't die. don't get me wrong, it was neat, but it also meant you wouldn't get to know the cast. in this the cast is an actual cast.
oh, that's one fucking cliffhanger, strong opening.
stop being stupid, you can't run on a broken leg... i mean you can, but you shouldn't.
they were hunted by Wilco... the name sound familiar, but my memory for names is ass. also he's dead now, so not that it really matters. i literally caught it on his death grunt.
i do like the message, but i wonder where they'll be going with it.
Crosshair episode? also cody again, probably about to die too.
there's always something neat about a sniper just sniping overly well.
maybe not, maybe cody is able to leave and live. more likely not. the only reasonable way to achieve that is by linking up with Rex or task force 99. and i don't recall him being with Rex in rebels.
well damn, he went awol. hope we'll see him again.
i love a good race, especially layed out well, and it was. good episode
ok i'll admit it my gay hart is losing it over phee, worried she'll turn out to be the villain, or at least not trustworthy.
pre jedi stuff. how will not force users make it trough here. also they're going big with the music.
i was sure it would be a kibar cristal (lightsabre core). oh, it's big.
so i really did recognise him... HOW?!
the message of the show seems to me "people need their people". now this isn't a bad message, but is easily malformed.
ah, so wookies are argonians.
"don't stand where i'm flamethrowing"
i really like where she moved. how she seems to have grown... it's probably going to get her killed isn't it? ep 7 btw.
i love the leitmotifs.
damnit two parter? i need to prepare, not need to watch part two... oh well.
Echo's role is always the most questionable to me, but here they really found a role for him.
fuck he's such a politician. (yes that is obviously an insult)
feels fitting for Echo, the old squad reuniting... yet also we know this isn't where he ends up. after all i watched rebels.
hello purple hair, should i know you already?
and it's given proper weight, nice.
tech is autistic isn't he? because my god can he be almost stereotypically oblivious. damn growth for tech. also yea you'll always lose against water.
oh, this really just is the neurodivergent episode... and i think it's handled pretty well. episode 9. Techs and Omega's conversation around 22 minutes is very good.
nope purple hair is not someone we know, and definitely doesn't have cool feather hair.
ugly and disabled means evil... not a fan.
the workers suffer while and to increase the profit of the company? what a new story, good thing such things never happen in the real world /s. if only the solutions were ever more realistic. revealing the truth never changed anything. but obviously disney doesn't want to tell that.
a broken space dropping out of hyperdrive?
oh shit, they're continuing with what i thought was a dropped plotpoint. but why though? what do they plan to do with this plot now?
Rex? doesn't look like him, but certain talks like him. and i don't just mean same voice. i mean how and what he says. ep 12
oh, is this the deserting episode? they have been building it up.
in case it wasn't obvious enough the empire was evil and a bunch of dicks.
welcome to cold, the cruellest, slowest killer. the cruellest part may be the hope. there's nothing you'll survive better then cold, because while it kills you it also preserves you. you can hope to make it, until the moment you die. and the people who find your body will feel that same hope until your corpse is warmed up. it's a blessing too, for you'll survive it more often then drowning, but the hope is cruel.
damn that ending though.
are they planning to split to group up further? i mean probably the right decision, but not healthy for the series i think. they are making this play too idyllic, like 80% sure it'll either be destroyed or secretly evil. the only reason i'd say maybe not is because they seemed to have put too much afford into the assets to throw it all away. of all the enemies to throw at the it, this is one of the most mundane and with that cool. especially in it's accuracy.
also did they hint at this ship before? i didn't notice it but i'm notoriously bind to this type of ship. or did they introduce it in this episode.
that ship sure looks like the ghost.
"i suggest i you proceed before i come to my senses"
two things i still really like: Wrecker is allowed to be afraid of heights and it's not a flaw. a hinderance and a weakness, sure. but everyone has those. it's not something that's wrong with him that must be changed. Omega is trusted with important tasks and is competent. she's not just a tag along kid, she's an actual member of the team with useful skills like any of them.
there's going to be more then one team working here, that'll be a problem. called it, and called it... fuck. this season won't end in a successful rescue. they better be getting a season 3.
on no. i see the solution, Tech does too. please don't. yet you must. fuck. come on, it's too early in the episode for a mayor character death. right? unless the rest of the episode it to come to terms with the loss. i'm wrong... right? i mean... the start of the episode did set it up, but, like.. no?
this feels like an episode where they all die... but that can't be. they have an unresolved plot. whatsit fuck face needs omege, she needs to be captured and then rescued. that's how those plots go. everyone can't die, not yet at least, the plot demands it... right?
ok... they "salvaged" him. that has to mean he's alive... right? fuck i already know a friend of mine would call out my hopium.
another female clone? the fuck? also how can you be here? do what you do? that just doesn't make sense? trying to improve the system from the inside? that won't work with the empire, and if you were a mole you'd be a shit one. they're really hoping they'll get another season.
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dinsverdika · 1 year
fluffy Hunter/Reader (gn!reader) ficlet below the cut. It may contain spoilers from the latest episode of TBB.
It's late in the afternoon. The sky is turning orange as the sun is lowering towards the horizontal line it will soon disappear under; the bright star will let place to smaller stars which will pepper the dark sky with their soft twinkle.
If you're lucky a shooting star will cross the night sky, filling you with hope as you make a wish. You inhale deeply, hold your breath and let it go in a long exhale. You feel at peace.
Pabu is everything you've ever wished for. Serenity and community. The giggles of Omega and her newest friend, Lyana, reach your ears. A soft smile tugs on your lips as you focus your attention on the two girls. Omega's smile is brighter than the sun and her eyes twinkle brighter than stars. It's been a while since you've last seen her like that. Carefree and happy.
You try to push away the unwanted, unpleasant feeling crawling its way within your chest. Shep has said that Omega and the rest of the Bad Batch would be safe here. You've got no reason to doubt him, he's shown nothing but kindness and understanding since you've arrived with Phee.
A pair of arms wrap around your waist from behind and you immediately feel the anxiety seeping away from you as you lean on the sturdy chest behind you.
"I can hear you thinking from here," says Hunter, the rumble of his voice rolling into your ears.
"I was just..." you tear your eyes away from Omega and Lyana, training them on the sun whose one third has already disappeared below the never-ending ocean in front of you. "It's a strange feeling. Peacefulness. We've been deprived of it for so long that I feel like I'm letting my guards down by allowing myself to relax a bit."
Hunter hums in agreement. "It is a strange feeling."
You stand in silence as you enjoy the scenery Pabu has to offer. "But I do think that Phee is right. Stability could do us some good," says Hunter.
You nod, "yes." You turn around in his arms and wrap your arms around his neck. Your chest is pressed against his, feeling his actual chest rather than his chestpiece is also a rather strange and unusual feeling. "Stability could do us some good," you repeat, gazing into his eyes.
His pupils jump in-between yours as he registers what you've just said. Phee has said that about Omega and you do think that she needs stability. Hunter does, too. Yet, he knows that it is not about Omega.
Instead of using words to express how he feels, Hunter leans down and catches your lips in a gentle kiss. You heart begins to pump blood into your veins at quicker pace as you sigh into the kiss. His arms tighten around you and your fingers thread in his hair.
"I can't help but worry," you say, breaking the kiss. You lean not too far away, your mouths still a few centimeters away from each other. Your lips still slightly parted as you breathe each other's air.
"I do, too," murmur Hunter. "But the galaxy has granted us a few moments of peace and I think we should accept it." His eyes look into yours as he continues, "live in the moment and not worry about tomorrow."
His words help soothing your anxiety. You lock your lips with his, choosing to focus on the man in your arms; pushing away the worries of tomorrow as far away as you could.
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Remind me to never write and update this late at night, this was riddled with grammar mistakes (my bad for writing in the present tense when I usually go for the past one.) Anyways, I fixed them and posted it on AO3: link.
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silverwings22 · 23 days
Song of the Sea: Chapter 43: The Dead Don't Die
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Series Warning: explicit smut, alien anatomy (it's a monsterfucker fic, guys), major character injury, grief, canon typical violence, autistic meltdowns, and my terrible attempts at Mando'a Chapter Warnings: PTSD/trauma, trauma bonding, suicidal ideation, disability, biological weaponry, grief
Previous chapter:
Next chapter:
“Clone Force 99 is dead. It died when Tech did. You should know that better than anyone.”
“If it’s dead, then… then Tech’s not…” 
Shiani couldn’t get the conversation out of her head. She didn’t know what hurt more, the idea that Crosshair believed what they had been was dead… or that it might be true. 
Tech had believed in Clone Force 99. He’d told her a thousand stories about his brothers and the bond that made them what they were. The elite, undefeated, unstoppable team of brothers who’d never failed a mission or lost a solider during the whole war. When Shiani had joined them, she could only watch his rueful expression when he said their sudden string of failure could only be attributed to Crosshair’s loss. 
“He’ll come back one day, Tech. I know he will. He’s a part of the Bad Batch!”
“I do hope you are correct, cyar’ika. Clone Force 99 is… incomplete.” 
Incomplete. Not dead. But Crosshair hadn’t been dead during that discussion. He’d only been missing. Tech was dead. Tech was gone forever. Tech was-
“You okay, Shiani? You’ve been really quiet lately.” Omega startled her, plopping down on the ship steps next to her. 
“Yes, I’m okay.” Shiani sighed, lifting her arm and putting it around the girl. “Just lots of thoughts.” 
“They look like sad thoughts. Your head tentacles get all droopy when you’re sad.” Omega put her head against the siren’s shoulder. “Are you thinking about Tech?”
“I always think about Tech.” Shiani sighed, pressing a kiss to Omega’s hair. “He’d be so proud of you, you know?” She forced a smile, and Omega might have been able to tell it was fake but she knew the siren meant what she’d said. Tech would have been proud. Omega had finished what he’d started, and brought the family together safely again.
Now they just had to keep it that way. 
“Echo hasn’t called yet.” Omega sighed, showing her the screen of her comm. “I’m getting worried…”
“Too much worry will stunt your growth.” Shiani squished her, three times and lightly. “You’re barely hold enough to hunt.”
“The Empire’s hunting me.” The girl grumbled. “I need to find out why. Rex and Echo lost most of their men on Teth, and there’s got to be some way to help them.”
“The best way you can help them is to lay low.” They both looked up to find Crosshair standing in front of them, arms cross and a toothpick in his mouth. “Staring at your comm won’t make him call you any father.” 
“There was nothing in Tech’s files about the M-count thing, so I asked for help.” Shiani patted Omega on the shoulder. 
Crosshair glanced at the siren. The two of them hadn’t spoken much since they’d gotten back from Teth, just going through the motions of the day to day. “You have friends other than us?” He asked, surprised. 
Shaini scrunched her face at him. “Rude.”
He rolled his eyes. “I mean where did you make a friend? You’re always with us.”
Before she could answer, Wrecker poked his head out. “Shiani, Phee is on the comm.” 
“Oh good.” She pushed herself up and limped up the steps.
Crosshair looked at Omega. “Who?”
“She’s a liberator of ancient wonders.” Omega smiled brightly. Crosshair looked wholly unimpressed and cocked an eyebrow until she sighed. “A pirate. She’s a pirate.” 
They both followed Shiani up into the ship, finding the siren already talking to a pretty dark skinned woman. “I looked into that M-count thing you asked about. It wasn’t easy.”
“I still appreciate the effort. Did you find anything?”
“Only that some class-one bounty hunters are picking up high M-count targets for the Empire. That’s all I could find.”
“But what do they even want?” Hunter grumbled. 
“Don’t look at me. Tech’s brain was the vault, not mine.” Phee shrugged. “For anything else, you’ll have to ask a bounty hunter.” 
Shiani’s expression dropped at the mention of her mate’s name. She never wanted to shy away from talking about him, but the cold shock sometimes hit her as the loss hit her all over again. She could never say it was sudden remembrance, the memory never went away.
Hunter and Wrecker exchanged looks. “We’ll need to find a bounty hunter.”
Omega raised an eyebrow. “What about Fennec?”
For the second time today, Crosshair cocked his head to the side. “Who?” 
“Tried to take Omega on Pantora, right after we left Kamino.” Shiani sighed. “She was working for Nala Se to protect Omega… but targets change. Can’t trust her around Omega with so much money at stake.” 
Hunter nodded. “Wrecker and I will go. Crosshair, you stay with Omega and Shiani.” 
Shiani nodded, less than thrilled to be left behind, but her mind was whirring. “Any idea where she is, Phee?”
“I’ll get you the coordinates.” The pirate said kindly. 
“Thank you.” She shoved herself up again. “I’m getting my toolkit. If I’m gonna be stuck outside all day, I’ve got something I want to work on.” 
Crosshair frowned as she grabbed the large, rolling toolbox, and went to help her get it down the ramp. “What the hell are you planning?” 
Once they were out, Hunter knelt in front of Omega. “I know you and Shiani hate this, with us splitting up. But it’s too dangerous right now, especially if a bounty hunter is involved.”
She sighed. “I know…”
“I’ve got a mission for you, while we’re gone. See if you can get Crosshair to get his hand looked at… ignoring the problem won’t make it go away.” 
Omega nodded again and looked out the ramp to see Crosshair leaning over Shiani while she started inventorying her tools while he gave her a suspicious look. 
“I’ll see what I can do.” The girl nodded. “Be careful.”
“We will. Promise.” 
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Shiani had been working, sitting under the big tree at the top of Upper Pabu, for hours. She’d plugged her welding torch into a solar cell and had a disassembled blaster laid out, gutted, with vials and test tubes sitting around her. 
“That better not be my sidearm.” Crosshair’s shadow eclipsed her, and she looked up with her welding goggles still on. It made her look even more googly-eyed, and made him think of Tech when they were cadets. 
“It’s not. It’s a spare we had in the back.” She mumbled around a curved, mouthguard shaped duraplast cup in her mouth that was filling with some kind of yellowish liquid. 
“The fuck are you doing?” He sighed, sitting down next to her.
She took the cup from her mouth and set it beside her. “Making a weapon that can even take down one of those operatives.” She started loading hypodermic needles into a clip she’d modified. 
“You can’t be thinking about fighting them. You saw what happened on Teth. He took out most of the base by himself before Wolffe’s men even got there.”
“I know.” Shiani poured the cup of venom into a test tube and attached it to the back of the blaster stock. “How’d your checkup with AZI go?”
“You’re deflecting.” He huffed, lowering himself to the ground beside her and pulling out a toothpick. 
“So? What did he say about your hand?” 
“The droid doesn’t know a goddamn thing. It says there’s nothing wrong with my hand physically and it’s all in my head.” Crosshair growled. 
“And you find that surprising?” Shiani paused from her work, giving him an incredulous look.
“You think I’m crazy?” He looked positively mutinous.
“I think you’re traumatized.” She pushed the welding goggles up on top of her head with a sigh. “I remember everything Tech ever told me about you. You’re brave. You’re a fighter, you don’t run or hide. But whatever happened to you, you won’t even talk about it to your own family. You only talk to me because I’m just as broken as you are and you know it.” 
He rubbed his right hand with his left, eyes dropping. He’d thought she’d write him off as a coward, with the droid saying the shakes were mental. “It’s not in my head.” He muttered stubbornly after a minutes. 
“Yes it is.” Shiani huffed and lightly swatted him with a tentacle on the knee. “You know how I know?”
“How?” He glared at her. 
“You said Clone Force 99 died with Tech.” She narrowed her eyes when she looked back at him. “Not when you got separated. Not when you didn’t come home. When Tech died.’ 
“I know what I sa-”
“So you think whatever made Clone Force 99 special could still go on without you, for a long time, but couldn’t go on without him.” She swallowed hard. “And you volunteered twice on Teth to stay behind and hold the line until we could get away. Once in the spire and once in the jungle. You want to protect the family, but you’re just like me. If someone has to, you want to be the one that dies.” 
The simple truth slapped him in the face, Shiani’s eyes fixed on him to make sure he couldn’t escape it. “... it’s what I deserve.” He finally said. “Tech didn’t.”
“You deserve peace, Crosshair. Tech didn’t make the choice to go to Eriadu for anyone but you. Plan 99 was a result of that.”
“Then what did you do it for?” He watched her test the weight and calibrate a few more things before removing the grip of the blaster and start fixing it to her vambrace, looking more like traditional Mandalorian Whistling Birds than anything resembling the blaster she’d started with. 
“I went for the same reason I did everything. For Tech.” She unwrapped her still bruised wrist and snapped the vambrace on, flexing as she checked the mechanics of the modified trigger she could now operate with her thumb. 
He sighed. Of course she had done it for Tech… she loved the dead clone more than anything in the galaxy. She’d be loyal to that memory until the day she joined him. It was both heart shattering and a little inspiring… what a love that must have been to see in person. He already knew Tech had looked at her like the siren hung the stars in the sky. How had Shiani looked at his brother? Like he was the warmth of the sun on the water’s surface? 
“So what’s the big idea behind dismantling a perfectly good DC-17?” He couldn’t make himself ask about Tech again, turning his eyes to the weapon. 
“I can’t fight the way I used to. I can’t get close enough to bite and be fast enough to get away… but I can turn venom into darts.” She smiled faintly. “No matter what they do to those operatives, they’re still flesh and blood. Even if they replace every limb with metal, the chest, neck, and head must still be human. And that means I can take them down with this.” 
“That’s batshit fucking crazy chemical warfare. I like it.” Crosshair chuckled. “And Omega thinks I need therapy.”
“You do. This is my therapy.” She started to pack up her tools. “You should try whatever Omega’s suggesting. She’s usually pretty right about stuff.”
He glanced up, spotting Omega making a beeline for them. “I’ll cut you a deal. Whatever she suggests, you do it too. If you do, I won’t tell Hunter you’re violating several articles of the Coruscanti Convention about biological warfare agents.”
She huffed. “You’re such a jerk.”
“Make your choice, squidlett. She’s almost here.”
Omega popped up with a smile. “I’ve got an idea, but you’re going to have to trust me.”
“I’m not going to like this, am I?” Crosshair sighed, looking at Shiani.
“You don’t like anything.” Both Omega and Shiani said at the same time.
“... true.” He sighed. “But squidlett is doing it too.”
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Omega had dragged them down the beach, to a place where sand became stone and the setting sun illuminated everything in golds and purples against the darkening blue. The two clones sat cross legged, though Shiani had slid to the edge and let her feet dangle into the water while she watched the sunset.
Crosshair was skeptical, eying Omega out of the corner of his eye. “And you think this is going to work?”
“Your trouble is in your mind, right? So this will help you heal. Now adjust your position and relax.” 
Shiani put her hands, palm up, on her knees like Omega had shown her. Crosshair still didn’t look convinced. “Where did you even learn this?”
“My friend Gungi, on Kashyyyk.” Omega looked at Shiani. She was less vocal than Crosshair about her lack of faith in meditation, but she just seemed to be staring into space. “You’ve gotta try, Shiani.”
“You’ve been to Kashyyyk?” Crosshair frowned. 
“You missed a lot.” Omega put her hand over his trembling one and turned it palm up, holding it gently. It may have been the gentlest gesture he’d ever received, and he could only stare at her hand on his for a long time before deciding to take this seriously. 
“I know.” He closed his eyes. He had missed so much, and he hated that he had. He could have found a begrudging peace that was currently warming his chest under his armor a long time ago.
Omega turned her attention to Shiani. The siren’s big eyes looked misty, faraway but open, as she seemed to be silently lost in her thoughts. It was as much meditation as Omega could get out of her, and let herself drift off as well. 
Shiani had tried, she really had, to find peace. She had tried to sink into a floating, suspended state and think of the things that had once made her happy. Swimming at the colorful, lively reef with Tech. Laying on the beach or in the bunk, curled up against Tech while she listened to him breathe. Listening to him talk. Building something with him. Just looking at him while he did literally anything at all…
Everything came back to him. How the hell did she find peace when she couldn’t think of anything in the galaxy she’d been happy during that he wasn’t the center of? What did it say about her that she didn’t know how to be without him. 
Tech. It’s always Tech. It’ll always be Tech, no matter how many new memories I make. The best ones will always be the ones he’s in…
There was something icy cold and depressing about the realization she’d never be that happy again. He had his hand inside her ribcage, holding all three hearts in his hand, for the rest of her life. Even she didn’t understand how he’d taken over her life without her putting up a fight. 
When the tears leaked down her cheeks, she didn’t bother trying to stop them. Maybe crying was what she needed, to let all the hurt out like a flood that swallowed Kamino long ago. Pabu might need the water… if it didn’t, it wouldn’t notice a little more.
When she finally looked around, Crosshair and Omega looked content as they leaned slightly against each other and watched the sunset. The sniper was coming to terms with the idea of just… being, whoever he turned out to be when the orders and skills and duty were stripped away. Omega looked happy she was helping the brother she loved so much, who’d been through so much for so long. 
Shiani hadn’t found peace, but she did see a purpose. She’d die without question for Omega and her brothers, if that was what it took.
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subjectsix · 3 years
if i may have Two...raster ⛱ & 😥 for the OC perspective asks
ABSOLUTELY you can <3 I combined them into one :]c
⛱ Write your character describing one of their happiest memories & 😥 Write your character telling a lie.
"You still should've never done that," Raster chides, weaving through the crowd behind Phoenix. "If you-- if you had gotten hurt or caught or something like that I would've-- I don't even know, I would've--"
"That was AGES ago, Raster!" the girl laughs, dipping under a couple holding hands, leaving the TV Head behind her to quickly dodge out of the way and catch back up. "And now we know even more! And you got your jacket back. That must've looked pretty hilarious to you. I just popped up out of nowhere! Bam," she stomps her boot into the ground to emphasize the bam, continuing to hop on one foot through the city.
"Ages ago? It was... I think that was three weeks ago. But I guess it feels like a long time," his screen flickers a loading symbol as he considers it. "And you did come out of nowhere! I feel bad that I fell asleep."
"It was super super late! And you had a long day of running away from cops and bad guys and stuff."
"That. Is a way to put it!" He can't suppress a chuckle at the memory. "You did really change that whole night. All I saw was your hair and your eyes reflecting in the dark like a-- like a raccoon," he emphasizes, knowing it'll make Phee laugh, and she nearly doubles over with giggles. "And unfurled the jacket in front of me like a scroll. I was barely even booted up yet! I just knew some red puffball was offering me my stolen belongings in the early hours of the morning. Red panda raccoon jacket fairy... thing." He takes his time to embellish the story for her sake, but it really was a shining ray of hope on the darkest day of his recent life. But she doesn't need to know that.
Phoenix crumples on the sidewalk at the mental image of a Red-panda-raccoon-jacket-fairy-Phoneix, and the bigger robot scoops her up by the suspenders and sets her upright again.
"Thank you, though. I felt... that... you changed the directory of the night! And the past month."
"Ages," Phoenix corrects him.
"Ages," he agrees.
"I can still go back to your place and get you stuff," Phoenix suggests. "They kinda were just looking for you. And I know they have it left there like... like as a trap, or something, in case you come back. They're not renting it out."
"Wh-- Phee, you just said it was a trap--"
"For you!"
"Please do not go to places you know are traps," the TV stresses, metal fingers clasping together nervously. "We don't even know what-- or who-- or just... why they're looking for me."
"But getting your jacket back was like getting part of you back," she says, ever observant in ways that make Raster equal parts proud and uncomfortable. "There has to be stuff that would cheer you up. I know it would help me if I was feeling really anxious. It helps me at school and stuff if I bring stuff I like with me to cheer me on. Like a stuffed animal or something."
Raster tilts his display back up to scan the skyline, anxiously checking for anyone still looking for him. "I'm not anxious! I'm not even worried. We've been making plenty of progress," he says, realizing his smile is lopsided and tone unconvincing. He tries to pull his expressions back to something more neutral and instead opts to tune into the baseball game being broadcast, displaying it on his screen. Some announcer yells Foul ball! "I'm sure if we just lay low for awhile this will all work itself out! My brother can help us."
Phoenix stares at him long enough to make him feel like she's burnt a hole through his head. But finally she flashes a gap-toothed smile.
"Let's hurry up and talk to him then! Before someone does catch up to us and it doesn't blow over."
Is she trying to make me worry on purpose? he thinks, static buzzing through his mind, but she just grabs his hand and pulls him along the sidewalk.
thank youuuuuu :')
oc perspective asks
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imprvdente · 4 years
@theresastargirl | Cont. from here
“You’d be good as an Auror. Brave and bold and ready to protect others.” She appreciated that there were others that were able to be that, while she knew that she’d be the one staying away from all the danger.
“A Curse Breaker? Me? No, not at all. A Healer, more likely. Someone to help clean up the mess and stay out of trouble. I know that’s what my mum would want for me. Better than taking up a Minsitry job or something at the Prophet.” It wasn’t that Ophelia didn’t want to be a healer, she was skilled in that area, but she did want something with a bit more adventure.
“I think I might be good in the Department of Magical Creatures. Little bit of both really, but being a Healer is more probable.” She gave a shrug, pushing past the idea before returning her focus back to the box.
It didn’t make sense to her, this box. Something invisible and yet most likely dangerous, just up for sale to an unknown owner. Well, it was a bit likely for Borgin & Burkes but still. She glanced back to the book, double checking the runes matched up.
“It could be invisible to us, or maybe it can become invisible? Maybe it’s an object?” Phee carefully shook the box a little, trying to hear if anything would rattle inside.
She looked back up at Fish, biting the inside of her cheek. “What do you think then? Still wanna risk opening it up?”
“Thank you.” Muttered Fish, looking away to hide her bright red cheeks. It always clashed in the oddest way with her blue hair.
“But what do you want? You don’t have to do what your mom wants!” She replied, turning back to face Ophelia. “You know, my parents wanted me to become a lawyer. Or a doctor. Well, nothing linked with magic at least. They had big expectations for me, always had, and when I got my letter, they weren’t super happy about this whole magic school thing. But eventually, they realized I wanted to do it. And they agreed. Now, they don’t really get why I love this school, or why I’d want to be an Auror, but I can’t let them decide for me.”
“What I’m trying to say is...” She muttered, embarrassed. “Your parents want what’s best for you, but no one but yourself can know what your future holds. I think that you’re bright and kind and that whatever you wanna do, you’ll do it amazingly.”
Here it was again, the red blush on her cheeks. She coughed, for good measure.
“Ohh, it could be a piece of an invisible cape. You know, I read about these, they are super rare.”
Or it could be an invisible monster. There was no way to find out, other than opening the box. And Fish’s curiosity was as vast as her recklessness.
“I still want to open the box.” She confirmed with a bold smile.
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A little Tech and Phee (Phech?) fic with a heaping side of Bad Batch family feels
               Tech stared at his reflection in the mirror, razor inches from the shaving foam on the lower portion of his face. Usually, he would have completed the job of shaving without a second thought. Since he’d been able to grow facial hair, Tech habitually remained clean-shaven. Hunter never had anything more than a few days scruff and being the leader and eldest brother, Tech just followed his lead. Vanity served no purpose during a war.
               Yet now, he recollected a holofilm that the community on Pabu had shown primarily for the children down on the beach. Some adults had also attended, including himself and Phee. Tech remembered how her eyes had shown with desire at one protagonist, a long-lost love turned pirate who sported a handsome mustache. He did not recollect most of the movie due to participation in an appropriate public display of affection with his companion, but that look in Phee’s eyes…
What might she think if he adapted a similar look?
               Finally, the clone brought the razor to his face and began the process of shaving the bristles from his cheeks and chin. He could recall the style of the mustache enough to replicate it beneath his nose. Once he washed the remnants of foam from his face, Tech took a moment to examine his handiwork. It would take a while to grow in further and groom, but it was at the very least identifiable. He appreciated the way he looked for a moment before putting the razor away.
               Finishing the final steps to his morning routine, Tech opened the door to the fresher in time to dodge Wrecker’s fist swinging down. His brother managed to look sheepish before frowning at Tech. No doubt he had noticed the alteration made to his features. Tech sidestepped out into the hall, waiting for the reaction of his brother.
Wrecker cleared his throat, pointing to his own face. “You, uh, missed a spot.”
“I did not,” Tech told him. “I’ve decided to try something.”
“Oh,” Wrecker squinted at it. “Not too bad.”
Praise was praise, but it was not Wrecker’s opinion that would be the deciding factor in the retention of facial hair. “Thank you, Wrecker.”
               Hunter was in the kitchen, frowning over a datapad when Tech came down the steps. Following the events of the sea surge, the squad had acquired a house in Lower Pabu during its reconstruction. They’d managed to split sleeping quarters with Omega, Wrecker, and Tech in two rooms upstairs and Hunter down below. After Echo returned and Crosshair soon after, assignments shifted so Tech roomed with his twin upstairs, Wrecker moved down with Hunter, and Echo took over the couch. It was cozy living quarters, yet it sparked the reconnection and conversations necessary to move forward.
“I don’t think it’s supposed to be this thick,” Hunter grumbled as Tech approached the counter where a bowl of batter rested with a spoon sticking upright.
“What are you attempting to make?” Tech questioned, pushing the spoon through the extremely viscous matter.
“Panna cakes,” Hunter mumbled, still focused on the batter. “Shep gave me the recipe.”
Tech reached across to snag the datapad, scanning through the instructions. “Did you pack the flour into the measuring cup?”
Hunter said nothing, a confirmation that he had indeed done so.
“You will need to thin it out in order to scoop it onto the griddle,” Tech instructed, setting the datapad down. “Wrecker is in the fresher. Where are the others?”
“Omega went to go study outside, Crosshair went for a walk, and Echo went to pick up some fruit,” Hunter listed off, finally lifting his head up and doing a double take. “What’s on your face?”
“It is called a mustache.”
“I know what a mustache is, Tech,” Hunter muttered, adding some water and giving the batter some firm stirs. “Why do you have one?”
The question stung somewhat, but Tech knew Hunter meant no harm. “I’m trying something.”
“Huh,” Hunter gave an approving nod. “Suits you.”
“So…why the mustache?”
               Tech closed the cabinet where he’d just stacked the washed plates and looked over at Echo. His older brother was busy packing up some leftover fruit and panna cakes (which had tasted decent after Hunter salvaged the recipe) into a container for Crosshair. Tech’s twin had elected not join them for breakfast to continue his exploration of the island. Hunter was going to take off later to go in search of him with the food. Crosshair did this often since he’d returned, and while it was less frequent than his first days, he still went off on his own without leaving a message until the last minute. Tech wished his brother would let them in, but they would only be allowed when Crosshair was ready.
“Tech,” Echo said a little more loudly.
He adjusted his goggles slightly. “I decided I would like to try something new with my appearance.”
“Uh huh,” his brother nodded, propping his arms on the counter. “And this is a decision you’re making for you?”
“Nothing to do with impressing a certain liberator of ancient wonders?”
Tech reached for the cutlery in the drying rack by the sink. “…no.”
“Tech,” Echo’s big brother voice came out. “You don’t need to change anything about yourself to impress Phee. You shouldn’t have to change yourself for someone’s love.”
“I am well aware.”
Echo wasn’t done yet. “Anyways, she already cares about you, no matter what you look like.”
His face flushed a little. Tech was aware of Phee’s affections for him, but the reminder gave him that lovely little buoyant feeling in his chest. He never tired of the sensation or how the thought of her brought a smile to his face now. She’d left a few days ago on search of another artifact for a family of refuges from Desix. Hopefully, she would be back in the next day or so.
“I am confident in my relationship with her, regardless of my appearance,” Tech told Echo as he sorted the cutlery. “But from an aesthetic perspective, I must ask you a question.”
“You mean you mustache me a question?”
Tech waited for Echo to stop chuckling over his little joke. “Does it appear aesthetically pleasing?”
His brother studied him for a moment. “I’m not one for facial hair personally. Reg manuals were always so strict about what was good to go and what wasn’t. It doesn’t really suit me anyways.”
Tech braced himself.
“But it looks good on you, Tech.”
For all the compliments and support he’d gotten from his brothers, Tech did worry about Omega’s uncharacteristic silence during his tutoring of her. Granted, she usually did listen and rarely interrupted during the lessons he gave. Now, his sister would not look up at his face, remaining more focused on the novel recommended to them by a Twi’lek couple down the street from their home as being appropriate for Omega’s age. It was like she couldn’t bring herself to really look at him.
It had been a long time since insecurities about his appearance truly bothered Tech. As a cadet, all of Clone Force 99 experienced their share of bullying for how they looked from other clones. It fell within typical growing pains all life forms experienced during their growth and development. Tech learned quicker than the rest of his brothers to value his intelligence over his looks. But Omega’s reaction was starting to bring old feelings back.
“Does my mustache make you uncomfortable?” he asked suddenly.
The young clone glanced up halfway and shook her head.
Despite what Echo had told him in the morning about how he shouldn’t change for others, Tech felt a guilty pang. “Omega, you can tell me the truth. I will not be offended.”
She mumbled something indecipherable.
“I beg your pardon?”
“I’m not used to it,” Omega repeated, making the effort to look up at him now. “You look different.”
Tech mulled her words over. “I suppose I do. It was a spur of the moment decision.”
“Like Hunter’s tattoo?”
“Do not tell him I told you about that,” Tech told her, getting a little giggle from her. “It is not my intention to unsettle you, Omega. I am sorry for doing so.”
“It’s okay. We have to adapt to change, right?”
“Yes, but-”
“You like it,” Omega gave him an earnest smile. “You seem happy with it. I’ll learn to like it.”
He relaxed at that. “Thank you, Omega.”
“And I think Phee will like it too,” she added, winking at him.
Oh, little sisters.
               By the afternoon, Tech had meandered down to the docks. Lyanna’s boat had been experiencing engine trouble for a few days, so he had offered his services to the Hazards to fix it. Shep agreed and told him he could take it out for a spin too. Despite growing up on an ocean planet, Tech had never driven a boat before. The opportunity to learn was so appealing that he couldn’t resist.
Finding Crosshair down there was just an added bonus.
“Care to give me a hand with some repairs?” he asked when he approached his twin brother.
Crosshair seemed surprised to see him but gave a silent nod of agreement and followed him to the boat. Tech did the brunt of the work while the sniper passed him the tools he needed without a word. His brother’s enhancement might have been in his eyes, but he was smart enough to know which Tech required next. Wrecker had commented once how creepy it was how they could always work together so quietly and know what the other needed, but it never felt that way to Tech.
Once the engine functioned properly once more, Tech looked over at his brother to see if he would be leaving or staying. Crosshair made no move aside from a simple shrug, so Tech started the boat and steered them out into open water. It reminded him of flying the Marauder, except he had to pay more attention to the waves as they glided away from the island.
When they were far enough out, Tech killed the engine and took a seat near Crosshair, leaving a decent gap between them. He had missed his twin so much since that night on Kamino when they left Crosshair behind. While he still could not agree with Crosshair’s decision to stay with the Empire months ago, Tech pondered often if he would have gone with their brothers had he been the one left behind and none of them returned for him. Fortune favored him to never go through that experience though, whereas Crosshair had not been so lucky.
“I really missed you,” Tech spoke at last, turning his gaze away from Pabu to look at his brother.
Crosshair turned towards him. In the weeks since his brother come back, he already looked better than the emaciated husk they’d rescued from Mount Tantiss. Getting him to eat, sleep, and just be human again had been an uphill battle. Now, the sniper was less bony, and his hair was starting to grow back, save for where he’d been burned. Some life had returned to Crosshair’s eyes, although there were days when they looked even more hollow than Echo’s had been after Skako Minor.
“I missed you too,” Crosshair’s voice was only just audible over the waves slapping the boat. “I missed everyone.”
This wasn’t the first time they’d said those words to each other, and Tech had a feeling it would not be the last.
“I want to be family again, but I don’t know how…”
“Crosshair, you never stopped being family.”
A tear fell from the sniper’s cheek onto his pants. Tech reached over to place a hand on his brother’s shoulder, waiting to see if it would be shrugged off or accepted. When Crosshair didn’t bat it away, Tech slid over and wrapped his arms around his twin brother. The gesture was returned quickly, and Tech pushed his goggles up so his tears wouldn’t get caught in the frames.
Once they finally let go, Crosshair cleared his throat. “The mustache is new.”
“I’m trying something new,” Tech admitted. “And…I think Phee might like it. I want to surprise her.”
A little smirk tugged at Crosshair’s lips. “You’re gone for her.”
“I have…a very strong affection for her.”
His twin chuckled. “I’m happy for you two. And it’s a good look.”
“I appreciate the compliment.”
“And it means I can grow a beard now without Hunter saying anything if you keep the lip hair.”
Tech gave him a light punch. “Thank you, Crosshair.”
In the sky above, a ship emerged from the clouds, heading right for Upper Pabu.
He already knew who it was.
               The sun had begun to set by the time the twins made it back to the docks of Lower Pabu. They paid for a few fish that Crosshair promised to take right home without going for another wander. Tech planned to join him to help with the meal preparation. Unfortunately, Crosshair commed Wrecker so he could get more sway to convince Tech to go show Phee his new look first. Echo and Hunter had then gotten in, urging him to go visit and invite her to dinner.
               Once they finally persuaded him, Tech walked off in the direction of the path along the wall leading to Upper Pabu. He wondered what Phee would think of the mustache. Over the course of the day, hearing the approval from his brothers and the acceptance from Omega made him realize that he liked himself with a mustache. However, Tech now wondered what it was going to feel like on a mission under his helmet. Would he still look like a soldier with this facial hair?
This was why he didn’t do vanity.
               Halfway up the hill, Tech caught sight of someone walking down. The closer he got, the more details he could identify. The blue band tied around her hair. The floral pattern on her shirt. A smile spreading across her face as she picked up the pace to meet him. The buoyant feeling filled him again as he quickened his own steps.
“Hey there, Brown Eyes,” Phee greeted when they reached each other.
“Phee,” Tech held out his elbow to her. “I missed you.”
“You couldn’t wait until I came down to find you?” she teased, linking her arm through his.
Tech shook his head as they started back down to Lower Pabu. “I was planning to comm you later, but my brothers insisted I go and meet you. Echo also said I should invite you to dinner.”
“That’s polite of him.”
               He asked her a few questions about her journey to Desix. It did relieve him to see her in one piece, especially with what Crosshair had told them about the Imperial occupation there. While Tech wasn’t sure that he was a “goner” for Phee, he did want her to be safe in the same way he wanted his brothers and sister to stay safe. She was more than capable of taking care of herself, but Tech still had his worries.
At the base of the mountain, Tech stopped to watch the last moments of sunset with Phee and the lights illuminate in the lower part of the island. It never ceased to be a breathtaking sight, no matter how many times he saw it. While he still considered himself a soldier, Tech felt like an ordinary civilian whenever he took time to enjoy the simple pleasures of the galaxy. To feel normal after growing up in what many considered abnormal always felt so novel. He couldn’t get tired of it.
When he turned to look back at Phee, her hand reached up to cup his cheek, thumb brushing over the hairs of his mustache.
“That’s new,” she murmured thoughtfully.
“Do you like it?” Tech asked quickly.
Phee raised an eyebrow. “Do you like it?”
“My brothers have given their approvals.”
“That wasn’t what I asked, Tech.”
Tech rubbed the back of his neck. “I…noticed you admiring the actor’s mustache in the holofilm the other night. When I needed to shave again, I decided to try and emulate it.”
“And?” Phee prompted.
“I think I like it, although I don’t know how it will feel when I wear my helmet for missions…”
Phee put a finger to his lips. “But you like it?”
“Yes,” Tech nodded. “I do. And not just because I wanted to surprise you.”
A smile bloomed across the pirate’s face as she leaned up to give him a brief peck on the lips. “Good. And it looks great on you.”
“I can always shave it off if you don’t like it.”
“Tech,” Phee lowered her hand to grasp his. “You do whatever you want to do with this ‘stache. There’s no rules. You’re not tied to an army anymore. Pabu is a clean slate. You can grow a mustache, a goatee, scruff or a full beard. Whatever you want.”
He already knew all this, but he loved hearing it again. “I’d like to kiss you again.”
“You can always steal a kiss from me, Brown Eyes.”
               Tech took her up on that, leaning down to give her a proper kiss. Her hand migrated down from his face to his bicep as he intertwined their fingers with the other hand. A laugh escaped Phee midway through the kiss. Confused, Tech pulled back a little.
“It tickles more than I thought it would,” explained Phee. “A good tickle.”
Tech straightened in interest at the new information. “Oh?”
“Oh yeah,” she nodded. “And there’s more places you can tickle when you’re ready.”
Tech was very much a goner for her. “That is something we could test.”
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