#dm it or post it or send as an ask; i don't really mind which. i really really wanna see
WIBTA if I told a very poor person to stop asking me for money?
(🧍‍♂️💸 for ez finding, names are fake for obv reasons)
I (21, any prns) met Pink (21, she/they) in a fandom-specific RP server about a year ago. Everyone was (and still is) very nice, including Pink, the server owner. Pink and her family are very poor, barely even making rent, and she often plugged her donation posts in the server announcements channel (this happened a lot. at one point there was even a donations channel just for her). I didn't really mind because desperate times call for desperate measures, ya gotta do what ya gotta do, y'know?
About nine months ago (mid september) I decided to pay something for her (it was either the remains of her rent or her meds, I forgot which). I did it because I felt like it, and it wasn't much. I figured if I could make someone's life a little easier, I might as well. Then about a month later (last week of October) she DM'd me, also about meds. She seemed apologetic and honestly kinda desperate. I figured if she was going this far it was probably by necessity, so I sent money again. She asked about paying me back, but I declined the offer since when I give people money I pretty much expect it to be Gone lol. She asked me again for money twice within that week for some Emergency Essentials. I obliged the first time but gently refused the second. I work retail, I'm not made of money...
She didn't contact me again about this until early December, due to an overdraft. I declined because of a vet appointment and also Xmas shopping. Plus, I was in kind of a tight spot myself at the time (from around Nov-March I had to be really careful with my spending). She asked again in mid-December for rent money, to which I obliged. It was the last time I gave her anything. She then had *another* rent emergency at the very end of December, which I refused because I Have Bills. I should mention that some of these emergencies were not posted publicly (i.e. in the server) - she was asking me, personally, for help. Nobody else, at least as far as I know. Maybe she DMs everyone who sends money her way. I have no way of knowing.
In mid-January she asked me again for rent money, to which I politely declined due to my own financial struggles, and stated that I probably wouldn't be in a better position to donate until April. She seemed to understand and wished me well.
...until recently. She's made a habit of asking me for money again. Not as frequently as before (about once every 2-3 months. she did this in late May and again around march), but it does happen. I thought about telling her off the first time, but I wanted to compose myself lest I say something really mean, but by the time I felt like responding, she deleted it. Maybe she realized it was embarrassing? I don't know. This also happened with the May message. I was super inactive in the server by then due to being busy with Life Stuff. I've wanted to chat in it again lately because everyone else (including Pink, at least in overall demeanor) but it's kind of awkward when I have the literal owner DMing me for cash every few months.
At this point, I'm at the end of my rope. I want her to stop. It makes me seriously uncomfortable how she only ever contacts me to ask for money. Not even my closest friends of almost a decade - who also have financial struggles of their own - would ask me personally for money, and Pink is barely more than a friendly acquaintance. But at the same time I know she's only doing any of that *because* her situation is so desperate. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and it feels rather two-faced to turn my back on her now.
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technologyvoid · 2 months
but it looks weird :(
It was supposed to be a portrait/sketch thing but I somehow messed up
But. I can dm it? If you still want it?
And????? Who cares if it looks weird??? It's a thing!! That you made!!! For me???? I'm excited either way!!!!
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forjongseong · 9 months
pine-fresh // jay (ENHYPEN)
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pairing: slytherin!jay x gryffindor!fem!reader
genre: hogwarts!au, somewhat rivals to lovers, smut (minors dni)
warning: profanity, a lot of making out, fingering // word count: ~4k
summary: a dash of bickering and a whole lot of miscommunication in Potions class landed you and Slytherin's Park Jongseong in detention. did you ask for it? no. did you regret it? also, no.
author's note: at last, the Slytherin!Jay of my imagination has now, sort of, come to life...
ever since I came across that edit you see on the header, I've thought about him A LOT. now that his hair is actually silver, I have thought about him MORE. especially when @jaylaxies made this, which I thought about ALSO a lot... let's just say that Slytherin!Jay has been occupying my mind a lot more than I expected.
my knowledge on the HP universe is quite limited, so please excuse if some scenes don't seem too believable (like Snape somewhat being less strict here, or detention being scrubbing the bathroom). the title of this fic refers to the password that is needed to enter the Prefects' bathroom.
now, I know I say when I post oneshots I intend for them to be standalone fics, meaning that I most likely won't write a part two. but for this one??? if a lot of you like it, and a lot of you ask for it, I might be open to writing a sequel (once I conduct a lengthy research on Hogwarts grounds)
anyway, I hope you enjoy this little treat! I'm trying to shake off my writer's block, so please expect secretary!Jay to return soon.
taglist: @jaylaxies @excusememissiloveyou @thots4hee @end-hyphen @nyanggk @maggstar @bucketofhiros @shinkenprincess-oh @mydarlingjay @mochimchimo @jongseonglogy @strawberrification12 @xiaoderrrr
permanent taglist is open! send an ask or DM if you want to be tagged.
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As your House’s Prefect and one of the smartest students at school, you thought it would be impossible to dislike a class. Getting good grades in almost every subject seemed to prove that you liked learning everything, but by God, you hated Potions. Other than the fact that the lessons took place in a literal dungeon, which made it colder than any of the classrooms above, you always had to deal with the unpleasant smell of whatever was brewing in the room. Add the inconvenient detail that half of the class consisted of Slytherin students, which was more than you could tolerate.
You did not know when it started, maybe since the Sorting Hat placed you in Gryffindor or when you witnessed one of your classmates getting teased by a Slytherin, but you had a strong aversion to anything related to that house. It became so bad to the point that whenever you got paired with a Slytherin for an assignment, all you wanted to do was to get the job done quickly for the both of you so you could leave the class as soon as possible.
“Miss L/N,” called Professor Snape. Your head snapped up and you locked eyes with him, somehow convincing him that you had been listening to all his instructions despite staring into the empty vials on your table. “Today you’ll be working with Park Jongseong.”
You nodded softly and once Snape turned his head towards another student, you made an audible groan and leaned back on your chair.
“You don’t sound so happy to be paired with me.”
Jay took the now unoccupied seat beside you and sat with a force that made his robe flutter. The flash of green caught your eye, and you hesitantly pulled your books to your side, making room for his on the table.
“I’ll handle the mixing,” you replied, completely unrelated to his remark.
Jay frowned before letting out a soft chuckle. “Wow, I guess you really aren’t in the mood today.”
You turned your head only slightly enough to shoot daggers at him with your eyes, and his response was just a huff to his face, messing up the silver bangs on his forehead. The sound of Professor Snape’s voice caught your attention, so you straightened up and listened intently, but also noticed how Jay was mimicking you. Once you were all instructed to begin, Jay grabbed his quill and started making notes for the recipe.
For the first couple of minutes, the process went well. You were mixing and adding stuff according to Jay’s dictation. However, after he misread the measurements for a certain ingredient, causing your brew to bubble uncontrollably, you began scolding him and blaming him for everything.
“What’s distracting you? How could you have misread that?” You half-shouted, a handkerchief in your hand as you attempted to clean up your surroundings.
“Maybe if you weren’t shaking so much when you’re holding the vials then I could have paid more attention,” Jay retorted, snatching a vial from your other hand to prevent more spills. “We should switch. You tell me what to do and I’ll redo everything.”
“That will take us even longer, and everyone else is already halfway done,” you complained as you looked around the class. You saw Professor Snape eyeing your table.
“Do you have another solution?” Jay asked, staring back at you.
You reluctantly agreed to switch tasks, but it turned out that Jay was worse than you. He kept spilling liquid, pouring more than needed, and overall causing more chaos than when he was just giving you instructions. Your grunts and groans were starting to gain the attention of the whole classroom, and by the time you were almost done, the bell rang.
The sound of your quill hitting your book was silenced by the footsteps of the other students exiting the classroom. They had finished their potions, and your table was literally the only one in the room that was still messy, with a mixture that looked too suspicious to be called a potion.
“I have been patient enough to let you two bicker the whole time, but for you to not finish making your potions,” Professor Snape said as he walked back to his desk, his cape almost floating behind him.
“Great, he’s gonna put us in detention,” you muttered to yourself.
“That is correct, Miss L/N,” Professor Snape continued. “Once you’re both done cleaning up your table, meet me in my office.”
The frown you wore on your face was so bad that anybody who saw you could easily tell that you were pissed, but between gathering the books and papers and wiping off spills with a cloth, you could have sworn you saw Jay smirking to himself.
As you placed a bucket of water in the middle of the Prefects’ bathroom, you sighed at the exhaustion that you felt despite not having even started your detention. You and Jay were both assigned to clean up the bathroom, which, despite only being restricted to use by the school Prefects, Head Boys, Head Girls, and Quidditch captains, was in an alarmingly grimy state.
You purposefully steered away from the side of the room with the toilet stalls and stood by the large, swimming pool-like tub sunken into the ground with bath taps surrounding it. The tub was drained, and you much preferred scrubbing it to cleaning all the toilets.
Jay was standing by the bath supplies on one side of the pool, staring at the different kinds of soap, bath oils, bath salts, shampoo, and conditioner. It took a while for him to realize you were glaring at him, basically waiting for him to start working already.
“Damn, it would be worth becoming a Prefect just to be able to use this bathroom,” Jay muttered, placing a small bottle of bath oil back in its place. “You must take baths all the time.”
You snorted, audible enough to make it echo throughout the whole room. “I don’t have time for baths.”
“Really? What a shame,” Jay sighed, rolling up his sleeves. “How long do you think it would take for us to finish?”
“If you keep using your mouth instead of your hands, probably a lot longer than I expect,” you replied without a pause, sounding annoyed.
Your snarky remarks did not bother Jay at all. In fact, it amused him, and the way he was laughing softly was not helping at all. He walked over to the stalls and finally began to work only minutes after you started.
“Today is really not your day, huh?” Jay’s voice echoed behind the stalls.
“Thanks to you, it’s not,” you answered, polishing one of the hundred golden bath taps that surrounded the tub.
“You know,” Jay started, only to pause to flush the toilet so he wouldn’t have to compete with the sound. “I have a feeling that you don’t like me.”
You rolled your eyes and moved your bucket to polish the other bath taps. Jay cleared his throat as he waited for your reply.
“Is it because I’m a Slytherin?” He asked. “I mean, it’s kinda unfair that just because I’m in this House, you automatically hate me—”
“I don’t hate you,” you finally responded. “Hate is a strong word.”
“Alright then,” Jay walked out of one stall and looked in your direction before entering the next stall. “So, what’s the story?”
You let out a heavy sigh and wrung out the cloth you were holding. It was a long story, you thought to yourself. You came from a family of Slytherins—both your parents and your older brother were—but since you were old enough to understand and remember things, you had always been the odd one out in your family. They would excel academically and go on to achieve things you never even dreamed of. Your interests were always different, and what got you far at school was thanks to your personality and smart work.
It was still a vivid memory to you, the moment you sat down and let the Sorting Hat analyze you. You thought you would hear a confident ‘Slytherin!’ from the Hat, but after a couple of seconds of deciding, it placed you in Gryffindor. Switching houses was never a thing, so you did what you could and made good friends, studied hard enough to make the professors notice you, and eventually, you earned the title of Prefect as you entered the fifth year.
Despite that, throughout the years in Hogwarts, you kept hearing and witnessing stories about Slytherins, how they always happen to achieve so much but at the same time are notoriously problematic. The house you once dreamed of being a part of quickly became one that you were relieved to be excluded from, but somehow, the longing remains.
Around your third year in Hogwarts, you began hearing chatter about Park Jongseong. He became popular, it seemed, after he was assigned to be the Keeper of Slytherin’s Quidditch team, and also after he had an insane glow-up. You then noticed that he was the quiet nerd who used to bury his nose in whatever book he was reading in a dark corner in the library, but since then, he had ditched his glasses and styled his luscious silver locks in a way that—
“Y/N, are you okay?”
Jay’s voice woke you up from your extensive daydreaming, and it made you realize you were polishing one bath tap for way too long.
“How long were you polishing that tap?” Jay asked, tilting his chin towards your hand.
His question spooked you, and you were beginning to think he might have heard your thoughts. You cleared your throat before moving to the next tap. “Not long, why?”
“Because I’m done with all the toilet stalls, and I noticed you haven’t moved an inch.”
Well, that’s embarrassing, you thought. How long exactly did you zone out for?
“Should I start cleaning the pool’s floor then?” He asked, fixing his folded sleeves before squatting down and then jumping into the empty pool.
“Sure,” you said, immediately picking up your pace and trying your best not to steal any more glances in his direction.
“Listen,” Jay began, both his hands firmly holding a mop. “You got really silent after I asked a question, so I’m sorry that I made you uncomfortable. We can continue to work in silence if that’s what you prefer.”
You smiled as you moved on to the next tap. “It’s fine. I was just tired.”
You refocused on your own task, determined to leave the bathroom spotless, but after a moment, you noticed Jay moving oddly around the pool floor, dragging his mop in a way that was not normal. When you lifted your head to look at him, you saw that he was singing, no, lip-syncing a song and using the mop as a mic stand, completely immersed in his imagination but being considerate not to bother you with noise.
At this sight, you burst out laughing. Jay stood up straight and turned his heel to face you, looking surprised.
“Please,” you said after you contained yourself, “do continue.”
“Miss Prefect,” Jay sighed, “this bathroom is way too huge for only two of us to clean. Do you think we can sneak out and get our wands from Snape’s office?”
You shook your head. “The door is locked with a password.”
“But you’re Miss Prefect,” Jay said, matter-of-factly. “Don’t you know the password?”
“He literally changed it after leaving us here with these cleaning supplies, Jay. I don’t know the new password.”
Jay paused and for a moment you thought he was figuring out a way to escape, when in reality, his stomach just did a backflip from the way his name rolled off your tongue.
“So, what you’re saying is there is literally no way to get out of this bathroom unless we finish cleaning it?” Jay asked.
“That is the point of detention, yes,” you replied, shrugging.
Jay groaned and turned around, pushing his mop and reluctantly continuing to clean the pool floor. You were almost halfway done with polishing all the bath taps, and you sighed as you looked at all the mirrors waiting to be scrubbed clean too.
After a while, Jay finished scrubbing the floors, and you began to wonder if you should have taken his work instead since the bath taps seemed like a never-ending task to complete. He loosened the tie around his neck and undid the first few buttons on his shirt, making you quickly look away.
“Should I help you with the bath taps or start doing the mirrors?” Jay walked over to your side before pushing himself up the edge and then standing up, towering over you.
“Mirrors, please,” you answered, this time tilting your chin to point at the direction of the sinks.
“Really? Because you seem like you’re taking your sweet time polishing all those taps,” Jay said, tilting his head to one side.
You looked up at him and he had this teasing, lop-sided smirk. Meanwhile, the unintentional doe eyes you were giving him made him almost choke on his own saliva.
“Just do the mirrors, Jay.”
You saw him smile the second you finished your sentence, and when he turned his back to you, it somehow looked like his shoulders were happy. He stood in front of the sink and did a quick count on the number of mirrors he had to clean. You saw him start from the far left, where one of the mirrors was cracked on the edge.
“Be careful with that one. Ravenclaw’s Head Girl almost—”
You heard Jay groan as he stumbled a few steps back, wincing in pain and shaking his left hand.
“Jay,” you sighed, standing up and throwing the cloth you were holding to the floor. “I didn’t even finish my sentence.”
You walked up to him and stood before him with your hand out. He looked at you questionably before lifting his left hand for you to take a look.
“Is it bad?” He asked, slightly looking away. “I don’t like the sight of blood.”
“That explains a lot,” you muttered, placing your hand carefully over his. “Oh, my God.”
“What? What is it?” Jay asked, his right hand shaking in panic.
“Your fingers are so thick and stubby, like cocktail sausages.”
Jay snorted before pulling his hand away and you giggled.
“It’s just a scratch,” you said in an attempt to calm him down. “You can carry on.”
“Well, do you have something I can use to treat it?” Jay asked.
You were already sitting by the edge of the pool to continue with your polishing. “Do I look like a walking first aid kit to you? Just spit on it and move on.”
Jay looked at you, unsure of your advice. He then turned around and decided to wash his hands with soap. The suds obviously stung, so he was flinching and wincing quietly, but he could see you giggling silently from your reflection in the mirror in front of him.
“Do you really mean it?” Jay spoke, looking at you through the mirror.
“Mean what?”
“That I have stubby fingers,” Jay clarified.
You were unsure what to make of his tone. He sounded curious but also hurt, or maybe…
“So what if you do?” You asked back, not paying attention to him.
The strands of your hair were becoming loose and covering your eyes, and you were dying to fix the scrunchie on your ponytail, but both your hands were wet and occupied with polishing. You kept huffing and puffing and even attempting to move your hair using the movements of your shoulders until Jay sneaked up behind you and tapped you on your arm.
“Here, allow me,” Jay said calmly, tugging on your scrunchie.
You sat up straight and let him pull your scrunchie off, letting your hair cascade to your back. He began brushing your hair with his fingers before gently bunching it into a ponytail. He skillfully tied your hair up into a bun that was less messy than before. You were about to thank him, but he moved from behind you and jumped back into the empty pool, standing in front of you and tucking the loose strands of hair behind both your ears.
His fingers brushed against your ear, and for a moment, you were lost in his eyes. The next thing you felt was his hand behind your neck, pulling you closer as he stood in between your legs, his lips crashing against yours. You sighed as you let yourself be enveloped in his warmth—his tongue tugging yours, his lips devouring yours, his palms pushing against your back, and his breath mixing up with yours.
You felt his hand travel lower down your back, settling on your ass before he pushed you closer to him, earning a soft yelp from between your lips. His mouth detached from yours only to give you a sly smirk before he dove back into you. Your hands rested comfortably on his shoulders as you gave into his every move, and when you felt one of his hands grazing the exposed skin of your thigh from the gap between your skirt and your knee-high socks, you gasped.
“Wanna see what these fingers can do?” Jay asked, speaking right against your lips.
Your eyes searched for his before you nodded a little too eagerly. He chuckled before sliding his hand between your legs and under your skirt. His fingers easily found their place on your clothed cunt, and despite his gentle moves, you could not hold in your moans.
“Jay,” you whimpered, hands bunching up his shirt.
“Oh, I like it when you say my name like that,” he teased, leaving a wet peck on your chin. “Can you say it again?”
He pressed his thumb on your clit before sliding it down your folds, and he could already tell that you were soaked. You were biting your lip, and he chuckled, bringing the same hand that was caressing you up and towards your chin.
“Come on, now,” Jay cooed. “Prefects are usually good students. You’re a good girl, aren’t you?”
His thumb slid upon your bottom lip, and you could almost sniff the scent of your own arousal. You were trembling at this point, desperate to feel more of him, so all you could give as a response was a nod.
“Say my name.”
Your voice was muffled as he slid in a finger when you opened your mouth. You instinctively sucked on it before he entered another one, and then he hurriedly placed his hand back between your legs, pushing your panties to the side before easily sliding those two fingers inside of you.
“Jay!” You moaned loudly, spreading your legs wider so he could do whatever he wanted to do to you comfortably. Your fingers reached for the back of his head, pulling on his silver locks before you pushed his head to your neck. He began licking the soft skin under your chin before placing wet kisses down your neck. With one hand, you unbuttoned your top and pulled your collar open, giving him more access to your skin. He sucked on your collarbone softly and, at the same time, curled his fingers inside of you.
You repeatedly moaned into his ear, and at some point, you thought you sounded way too pathetic, but the way Jay was thrusting his fingers in and out of you and the way the squelching sound was echoing throughout the whole bathroom made you believe that the sounds you were making were actually quite tame.
“Jay,” you sighed. “Oh, my God.”
Jay lifted his head from your neck and flashed you a proud smirk before leaning in to kiss you again. You whined at the contact, and as your hands found his face, you began to caress him, pull him, and do whatever was necessary to send the message that you wanted him bad.
You felt the increasing pace of his fingers between your legs, and you began to feel the ache in your ass for sitting on the edge of the pool for too long. Jay pressed his thumb on your clit, and you threw your head back in pleasure, grabbing onto his biceps for support. When your moans started to sound higher and more in sync with the movements of his fingers, Jay leaned in and pressed his cheek onto yours before speaking right into your ear.
“Cum for me, will you?”
The deep tone and gentle vibration of his voice sent shivers down your spine, and with that, you finally reached your high. Your legs were shaking, and to soothe you, Jay began kissing your cheek softly. He kept kissing you and moving towards your lips, giving you a long peck before moving down to your chin and neck. He kissed the parts of your skin that were beginning to turn purple, and once he heard your leveled breathing, he pulled away to take a good look at you.
“Good girl,” he said right to your face.
You playfully, and very gently, slapped his face. He let out a wholehearted chuckle before pulling his hand from between your legs. Just seconds later, you heard the sound of footsteps approaching the bathroom door. Your eyes widened, and Jay quickly registered the situation. He fixed your collar for you to button up before he sprinted back to the mirror he was supposed to be polishing while you frantically searched for the abandoned cloth that you had been using the whole time.
“Why am I not surprised that you haven’t finished cleaning the bathroom?” Professor Snape stated after scanning the area. “It’s almost curfew, so wrap up and continue cleaning tomorrow. I’ll consider your detention done once this place is spotless.”
You stood up and observed as Professor Snape reached into the pocket in his robe and took out your wands. After he handed them over to you and Jay, he turned around without further question and left the bathroom. Jay looked at you, and you sighed in relief, almost collapsing to the floor because of your weak knees, if not for Jay holding you up by your elbows.
“That was too damn close,” you commented, standing uncomfortably since your panties were not fixed the right way.
“I’d say it was exciting,” Jay said, leaning into you and sniffing your neck.
“Jay, stop it,” you said, placing your palm firmly on his chest.
“That’s not what you wanted me to do when I had these stubby fingers inside you,” he teased, raising his hand and wriggling his fingers in front of your face.
You smacked his hand away, and he cackled, almost making the room shake from the echo.
“We still need to come back tomorrow and whose fault is that?” You asked, your back turned to him as you were tidying up the supplies.
“Fault?” Jay tilted his head. “No, favor. You’re missing the point. We get to come back here tomorrow.”
You stood up straight before turning to face Jay. He boldly took a couple of steps towards you, closing the distance and pulling you by your waist to press your body against his.
“Are you honestly telling me you’re not looking forward to it?”
With Jay’s arm firmly around your waist, the heat of his body against yours, his eyes boring into yours, and his silver hair messy from the way you were pulling on it earlier, there was no way you could lie to his face.
“Okay, I am looking forward to it,” you said after gaining enough courage. “Maybe instead of your stubby fingers, you can show me something else.”
Jay’s eyes twinkled at your daring tone, and you both chuckled before letting each other go, nagging at him as he collected your supplies while shamelessly ogling your body.
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© forjongseong 2023, all rights reserved dividers by @cafekitsune
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A Personal Post
Hi guys, I'm finally making the post I kept telling myself and my best friends I'd make but wanted to put it off until I felt better. That hasn't happened and with how things are going I thought it was best to just post it now.
So for a while, since probably late 2023, I've felt less like my blog is for me, and more like it's some kind of fandom archive. Which, if you use it this way as-is, great! I'm glad my blog could make you happy like that! But that's not what I set out for it to be.
I'm the sort of neurodivergent person who likes to categorize things, including my interests. All my tumblr blogs are specific to one thing, and this one was no exception.
I began tagging things soon after I made the blog because I saw a lot of people were sad about the twins, and I thought "well since I love both sad and happy stuff, and I'm really good about categorizing things, maybe I can try and help!" And according to many, it did help!
But I think that also gave off the impression that I was making this blog for other folks, and that isn't the case. I'm sorry I never clarified. It's not an archive; I do not reblog shipping posts, posts from people I've blocked, AUs I don't click with, and sometimes just not everything I see.
I've gotten popular in the fandom, and for the most part I do, from the bottom of my heart, enjoy it. I have people who care about my hyperfixation! That's amazing! I have people who love my cosplay and want to meet up with me. I've made so many friends of all shapes and sizes and it's probably the most incredible thing I've ever experienced, truth be told.
But yeah my blog being mine has gotten away from me a bit, I think.
I want to keep tagging my submas tags, that isn't going to change. I will tag triggers when asked, unless it's kind of impossible due to the blog's subject (trains, for instance) or a name or really common word (like the word 'head' or something). Other than that please reach out and I'll do my best to remember. But other tags? Those will be up to me. I don't want to tag when OCs show up. I love OCs and like seeing them, and don't want to have to remember that one person who visits my blog doesn't.
I had anon off for a while because honestly ever since making this blog, there have been anons who really made me unhappy. (Also yes, non-anons but that's been fewer and far between). I've gotten misinformation, accusations, horrible and disgusting explicit asks, and criticisms and complaints, and I'm just... Not here for that. Keep the explicit things and misinfo out of my inbox, I am no arbiter of morality or personal decisions, and I am not here for you to share your negative opinions of submas or the fandom.
Anon is on for people who are too self conscious to chat face to face, for people to send fun headcanon ideas (remember when people did that back in 2022 when this blog started? I miss that, it was sweet and wholesome), to share song recommendations... That kind of stuff. If you have an actual problem, please, PLEASE talk to me off anon, whether that be DMs or a non-anon ask that I can answer privately. Especially if we're friends; please, please just talk to me about stuff. I don't bite! I swear!
But yeah the bottom line is I'm here to participate in fun (and sometimes heartbreaking!) fandom stuff. I'm here for FUN, not as my job. I know that we're all a bunch of neurodivergent folks and sometimes interactions can be a swing and a miss, but please try to be mindful. Please treat me like a person and not just like a museum curator for this blog.
Truth is, I haven't been okay for a while now. It's gotten worse this year for sure, and due to life stuff I cannot see things feeling better for me for some time. I need to go day by day for a lot of things, and I am trying to get better about needing to set boundaries and all that sort of thing. I suffer from intense paranoia too, and having so many eyes on me is genuinely terrifying at times. I'm trying to manage that as best I can, but I do ask that folks be kind.
NO I am not going anywhere, my blog is staying and will continue on as normal, but I really, really needed to get this posted.
Please continue to interact with me and chat and everything like that! But also please remember to treat this space, my blog, as my space. Thanks for reading!
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miralure · 5 months
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New Simblr Introduction ♡
Although I've had this account for about a month now, I guess I can still be considered a "new simblr" because I'm relatively small, and when I did this the first time Tumblr didn't show me in tags so I didn't get any reach... So here we go again!
Basic Information:
Name: Lauren Age: Young adult (18) Aspiration: Computer Whiz Traits: Family Oriented, Overachiever, Loyal, Music Lover, Childish Job: Tech Guru Simself: Pictured above
I've been playing Sims since 2016 and was inspired by simtubers and simblrs like @farfallasims, @pixelglam, @marilynjeansims @largetaytertots and @oshinsimblr to create my own Simblr and share my work.
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jokeroutsubs · 4 months
[ENG sub/translation] Bojan Cvjetićanin: "Slovenia is too small for Tinder" (podcast)
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Bojan Cvjetićanin on Cosmopolitan podcast, originally published on the 15th of September 2020 here. Podcast host: Anamarija Lukovec. Translation by @varianestoroff, native English proofreading by TWT @/klámstrákur.
This is an audio-only podcast, but you can listen and read the subtitles along with it here:
or you can read the full transcript in this post!
Bojan: I don't want to be available... available with a click. I want to be available in that if I am sitting in a bar, anyone can come up to me, that any girl can come up to me and ask me, I don't know, “Would you like to have a drink with me?”, “Can I have your number?”, whatever. Which doesn't happen anymore anyway, but...
Full transcript under the cut!
Host: Hi, believe it or not, the Cosmo Podcast is back. And it's back for a new, changed second season. Some things will stay the same, some things will change a little. And the very first thing that remains the same is that ... it remains the same that I will still be in front of the microphone. My name is Anamarija Lukovec and I'm the executive editor of Cosmopolitan.
In fact, I was thinking that we don't even know each other. We don't even know each other, actually. Even if you've heard all the episodes from last season, you probably don't know anything about me. I don't know anything about you. So I will introduce myself with one piece of information, which has somehow defined the new season. I notice in myself that I have many opinions that are not widely held. And also that, [while we] as a society are promoting ourselves as increasingly open-minded, free-thinking, accepting, we often act very hypocritically and are even Hostile to opinions that are not in line with ours, or with some opinions that are accepted by the majority.
So I want every guest of mine who comes to the new season of the podcast to present their unpopular opinion as a starting point for our discussion. To break taboos, to talk about things that may often go unheard to educate ourselves, and perhaps to anger or soothe our souls. Okay. Yes, and I'd really like to get to know you too, I'd like to know who you are, who's basically a Cosmo Podcast listener, so I'm inviting you, to send me your ideas, your secrets, your compliments, your complaints. Or you can just write, "Hi". I suggest Instagram for that. You can DM me at lunaticpoetry. It's L-U-N-A-T-I-C-P-O-E-T-R-Y. And yes, I don't use my real name, more on that another time.
So yeah, if you're up for it, we can get started and kick off a new season of the podcast. My first guest, yes, it's a male guest, not a female guest, I can't believe it, a round of applause... he's a musician, singer, frontman of the band Joker Out, Bojan Cvjetićanin. I'm sure you know him. I am sure you have a very good reason for knowing him. Bojan came to talk to me about relationships, dating, girls...
Before that, before we did the podcast, he also made a video. We invited him for a blind date in front of the camera because Bojan is single, wink wink. So yeah, I invite you, after you're done listening to the podcast, to click over to youtube.com/cosmopolitanslovenija where you can watch the blind date with Bojan¹.
And yes, let's start, right. Hi Bojan.
Bojan: Hi.
Host: How was your first blind date on camera?
Bojan: I was a bit nervous because I hadn't been on any blind dates before, and then the first time it was in front of the camera, oh my gosh. The camera catches everything, you can't hide anything. But I think I did a great job. The girl was great too.
Host: Do you think maybe you two have a future together?
Bojan: I don't know. I don't know. I must take a look at the crystal ball at home.
Host: Ah ok. In fact, our topic for today, your unpopular opinion, is also a little bit about love, dating, and so on. Can you just reveal your thoughts?
Bojan: My unpopular opinion, I don't know how unpopular it really is, but it is that Slovenia is too small for Tinder.
Host: Okay. And why do you think so?
Bojan: I feel that way because it seems to me that we all know someone who knows someone, and in Slovenia, this kind of social network very quickly turns into something where in the end everybody knows everybody and Tinder, at least in my experience, is quite, how should I say... funny, because you very quickly come across people you know.
Host: But maybe Slovenia is too small for dating in general? Because sooner or later you find, meet, date someone who someone you know has dated or been in contact with.
Bojan: I think it is. In fact, it is... We have this concept of dating, which I think is very different from the American one. In America, it's normal to go out with someone a couple of times a week and then, if you like them, you go to another one and maybe something develops. I don't think that exists here. Here, if you like someone a lot, you write to them on Instagram and then, if you're lucky, they say you can go out and two days later everyone knows.
Host: Yes, pretty much.
Bojan: Then you are off the list for all her friends.
Host: You close the door.
Bojan: Yes
Host: Do you think that makes us slower to go public with our relationships?
Bojan: Shoot, I don't know. Maybe we are a bit more secretive about it then, because of that, because we want to keep that certain feeling that the whole city doesn't know exactly who you're with but then all your friends are thinking about whether they know someone who was with your girlfriend or for girls if one of them was with her boyfriend.
Host: But perhaps the biggest problem here is that we are somehow closing our options, when we decide too quickly whether to be with someone
Bojan: To close our options with others?
Host: Yeah, let's say, because you know that if you're with a girl, then you probably won't go out with her friends or acquaintances. Well...
Bojan: In fact, that's probably pretty true, yes. Because I already feel that since we tend to introduce our friends to our online followers, and you're usually with them on stories and in photos, it would be a bit strange if one of your acquaintances dated the same person two months later, when you [and that person] were previously in the same pictures.
Host: And everyone would know. And suddenly you have a soap opera in front of the whole world.
Bojan: Right.
Host: Since you said Tinder is too small for Slovenia, you probably have your own experience with Tinder. You mentioned something earlier when we were filming. Would you tell us a little bit about your encounter with this app?
Bojan: I have a rather funny experience with Tinder. I was very interested to see what it was like. And of course I had to download it. And I made a profile, I put like three photos up and so on. And then I started getting screenshots of my Tinder profile in Instagram messages from some followers, “Oh my god, is that you?”, “Hey, is that you?”, and so I was like, “No, it's not me, no. It's a fake profile. It's a fake profile.” And it felt really awkward so I deleted it immediately.
Host: But why did you feel awkward?
Bojan: I actually made one because I was curious...
Host: In what it is like?
Bojan: In what it is like. This user experience. You actually see people and you just swipe them and there are no consequences. Nothing happens if you swipe someone left or if you swipe someone right. And I found that very interesting. But then I realised, yes, okay, but now it can be public opinion that I need to look for a girlfriend through an online service.
Host: Girlfriend. Or a one night stand.
Bojan: Right.
Host: Do you think public opinion is generally negative towards online dating? Because it seems to me there it is a kind of stigma, or something people are hesitant about when going online to look for love or a partner, because it's, I don't know...
Bojan: I think that this ‘Frendi in Flirt’ (‘Friends and Flirting’)² started when I was little and then the whole story was that these are services for people who are desperate. Both Tinder and these apps have normalised things a lot, I think, because it's virtually at everyone's fingertips. You sign in with that one click to connect with Facebook or you make a password and that's it. It used to be a process of making a profile and a photo and put the age and blah blah blah. And it was a bit more official, I think, when you decided to take that step. Now it's not a step anymore, now it's just, I download it in my room at home and in three minutes I have Tinder. So I don't think there is that much stigma about online dating anymore, I also know a lot of people who are in some kind of relationship through this, so I'd say there's still a bit of that, okay, LOL, you met on Tinder, there is no stigma of being a sad loner, someone desperate.
Host: By going on Tinder, you are basically admitting to the whole world or to all people who will see you there, that you are looking for something. And that's a bit awkward for us to admit. Yes, I am looking for something.
Bojan: Yes, in fact it is. I also... that was one of the reasons I deleted it. I mean, what is there for me to find now, you know?
Host: I'm cool on my own.
Bojan: Yeah, I mean, no, I'm cool on my own, but that, well, not everyone needs to know, that I am now looking for something, and that I am very available. Do you know what the cool thing is? That... I don't want to be available... available with a click. I want to be available in that if I am sitting in a bar, anyone can come up to me, that any girl can come up to me and ask me, I don't know, “Would you like to have a drink with me?”, “Can I have your number?”, whatever. Which doesn't happen anymore anyway, but... I would like to be available like that. But I don't want to be available for someone who can just swipe on me.
Host: Yes, yes, okay. Now, you said that a couple of girls screenshotted your Tinder and then sent it to you on Instagram. Did those same girls, for example, message you directly on Instagram?
Bojan: You mean directly on Tinder?
Host: Yes. No. Yes. Or directly on Instagram. Let's say, okay, on Tinder, if you didn't swipe them, they couldn't get to you...
Bojan: Yeah, probably then they wouldn't be able to.
Host: But then they wrote to you on Instagram, probably in some, I don't know, wishful thinking to get in touch with you. Why do you think they don't go directly to Instagram? Why... Seeing you on Tinder gave them a green light: "Oh, in fact, he is free, I can write to him."
Bojan: Maybe. But I also think it is a much easier way to just communicate something that already exists, than to start a conversation yourself. That's the same as, I don't know, I think most of the time, if we're sliding into someone's DMs, we're sliding through some story first or something you can reply to. It's much easier to reply back to something they've posted, than starting a conversation from scratch, where you let the person know you've come with the purpose that you want to get to know them and initiate a relationship. Like that looks so innocent: I'm just replying to what you posted.
Host: Can you explain to me this game of sliding in the DMs, because I'm a bit out of the loop?
Bojan: Okay. Honestly, I don't know what can I tell you, because I don't practice it at such a level either. I have two ways to slide into the DMs, I think. One is that if I see something on a story that I actually find interesting or funny, I slide into the DMs and I don't really mean to initiate anything else. And I just comment on what went on there, and sometimes a really interesting conversation starts afterwards. But sometimes you really do just reply, because why not?
Host: Okay. You've camouflaged it so well now that no girl will be able to tell exactly what you want the next time you slide.
Bojan: Yes.
Host: Good. But what do you think happened to the actual old school approach towards a girl or towards a guy in person?
Bojan: I mean, it has changed completely, but now, basically, now that I think about it, I wouldn't dare say which way. I definitely think it is much easier if you see someone outside and you like them, wait until you get home and text them on Instagram, "Hey, saw you in town." Or whatever. "Would you like to go for a coffee with me?" Asking someone out for coffee rather than actually approaching them.
On the other hand, it seems to me that since we are all so exposed on these social networks, giving our followers the impression that they are somehow present in our lives, letting them into all kinds of situations, so that I could say that people feel as if they're already your friends somehow, before they even know you. So maybe in a way... basically, I will say, I think it's much easier for people to get to you at parties now, because they feel that they are somehow already connected, or that they already know something about you and can initiate a conversation based on something you do or post and share on your social networks. In the city, when you see someone, it's easier to wait until you get home and then write to them on Instagram.
But the last time I went out for ice cream with a friend, a dude actually came along and he was like, "Hi, can I just grab you for a second?" and I thought that some Jehovah's Witness was going to start selling some books there. And the guy actually came and told my friend that he couldn't resist, because he liked her so much that he just came to ask for her contact, to take her out for a drink and I was like "Wow, what a gentleman."
Host: Plus you were there.
Bojan: I was there. The first thing he asked, he was very polite, the first thing he asked was if we were a couple. I said no, go ahead. And he was, indeed, extremely kind. A very polite guy.
Host: And did she give it to him?
Bojan: Hey, she gave him her Facebook, I think. I don't know if they went out after that, I have no idea. But it was pretty impressive for me, he got respect points from me.
Host: Cool. How do you act if you see one girl somewhere and you like her?
Bojan: I usually try to find out who the girl is as quickly as possible, then sneak into some of the places where she's hanging around, you know?
Host: Aha, oh, but that's...
Bojan: I mean, ok, that sounded a little bit creepy now.
Host: No, no, it's fine.
Bojan: I watched two episodes of that show, 'She'...
Host: ‘She'?
Bojan: Isn't 'She' the series?
Host: ‘You'?
Bojan: ‘You'. That, yes, sorry. Yeah, I've just realised that I've been that dude, very creepy.
Host: They're probably people you have something in common with, you don't just...
Bojan: Yes, I didn't mean like sneaking in, just going out somewhere, but I meant more along the lines of, ok, now I see she's going to Kino Šiška for an event and then I will go there on purpose, even if I wasn't planning to otherwise. For example, you just invite a friend for a beer and watch out for where she is.
Host: How would you describe your love life or the current situation?
Bojan: I am extremely single. I don't know what you call it. Single and ready to mingle.
Host: To mingle.
Bojan: But actually, I don't know, I'm not looking for anything. I'm in a period now in which I'm like, trying to devote myself as much as possible to music and all that. So I try to be as creative as possible and not let any unnecessary thoughts distract me from being creative. But if anything ever happens, I'm always open to socialising.
Host: Since we were just talking about Tinder earlier. Tinder is also often associated with certain modern relationships, which often have some negative connotations. Undefined relationships and indecisiveness. Blablabla. Fuckboys, etc. But do you think this is really a new culture?
Bojan: From what I hear from acquaintances who live in slightly bigger countries, Tinder is actually just there as a means to get to non-committal sex very quickly. In Slovenia... given that I've never actually used it properly, I don't know exactly. But I suppose, knowing people who are in serious relationships, that people here take it a bit more as... actually seeing someone, they might like each other and go out and get to know each other. But there are almost certainly a lot of people who are only there for the sex. I mean...
Host: Which is not necessarily a bad thing.
Bojan: No, I mean, I don't think it's bad at all, really, because if two people are physically attracted to each other and if they are actually safe in their physical relationship, which is to say, approaching the matter safely, I see absolutely no problem with that, honestly.
Host: Do you have any personal objections, like what you wouldn't do in a relationship or romance? Given that so many things are so okay and acceptable nowadays and things are...
Bojan: What do you mean?
Host: I don't know.
Bojan: Be more specific.
Host: Let's say open relationships, cheating...
Bojan: Aha. Okay, I've practically only been in a serious relationship once and when I was in the serious relationship I would never have thought of an open relationship and I never cheated. It honestly seems to me that if two people date in an open relationship and it works for them or rather, it suits them, then I have no problem. But if two people are in a monogamous relationship, cheating is one thing that's very, very wrong to me, I do not support it at all. So, I have nothing against open unions, I would not practice them myself. At least not for now. I have a very negative attitude towards cheating.
Host: Personally, I think Slovenia is totally too small for cheating in general, we don't approve of it.
Bojan: Absolutely.
Host: But how do you think this even works? People still do it.
Bojan: Hey, in fact, people do it full on. I mean, I have a big circle of people around me and I hear many stories and I, personally, with this anxiety that I have inside, I couldn't even manage these master plans and combine multiple hidden lives. I don't know. But some people actually enjoy it very much.
Host: You really have to have a lot of time to do that. It must be a hobby for you.
Bojan: It must be, I guess, a hobby for you, but you must really not feel sorry for your partner. Because you always find out in the end, undoubtedly always. Never...
Host: I think you find out before you even cheat. For example, when we were looking for a girl to go on a blind date with you the other day, a colleague contacted a girl. Before she even heard back from her, that girl's brother told her that he already knew she'd been looking for his sister. So within fifteen minutes it got around. So, let's say, one example of how quickly information gets around Slovenia.
Bojan: Well, here we go. Pretty awkward.
Host: Considering you're a young musician and I kind of feel like you musicians have a reputation for certain qualities when it comes to women and relationships. Would you say that you are the usual, stereotypical womaniser, someone who breaks women's hearts? Because I'm sure someone would believe that you are.
Bojan: Yes, I know that too, they are convinced that I am. I think, that at least here, some Casanova style Mick Jagger rock'n'roll version is impossible, because it's one thing to be in Los Angeles one day and New York the next. I would absolutely not call myself a womaniser. I choose the relationships I have very carefully. But I am very flirtatious. I do very much enjoy flirting, actually, not at all because I would have expected any starting point from this, we know what I mean by that. But just for that, because it's actually a lot of fun to give someone some playful signals and receive them back. I think it's a bit like, it gets your adrenaline flowing a bit, it's not harmful at all, I'm sure it releases hormones of happiness and joy along with it, so I think that it's only healthy and that people should be more flirtatious in general.
Host: How do you make yourself more flirtatious? Let's say, it seems to me that it really depends on someone's nature.
Bojan: It's in our natures, but I think people just need to relax and open up a bit. I think most people have feelings inside them, but they don't dare to express them. I mean, if I like... if I like a girl, I have no problem with that, if we look at each other, catch each other's eyes, I'll smile nicely, I don't know, if it's appropriate at the moment, I don't know, I'll wink. Or something. You know what I mean? Not winking like this, "What's up babygirl?", but in a way that is playfully flirtatious. Whatever. I think people need to realise that these things are not a crime and that someone won't hold a grudge against you if you smile at them beautifully, [or] if you initiate a small conversation, because that is just a small part of our lives and [we are just] creating some bonds, so I think showing emotion is a very important thing.
Host: But what if I linked it to, let's say, cheating? How would you feel if your partner or you flirted with others while you were in a relationship? Would you consider that cheating?
Bojan: I wouldn't consider it cheating, but it would probably bother me, so I'd want to talk about it.
Host: How would you defend your generation, to which perhaps the older generations ascribe many prejudices, looking at the way we... what kind of relationships we have, how we socialise?
Bojan: I think it is very easy for each generation to look at the younger generation and... to look down on the younger generation and judge them, because maybe things were a little different in their time. All these things are very much linked to the whole lifestyle we have. It's not just the way young people are in relationships today, or the kind of life as a couple they have, because it's all connected to our whole lifestyle and living on the internet, travelling the world at every moment and blablabla. I find that very hypocritical of them, given that they are a generation, or okay, maybe they're a bit younger than this generation, but they were nevertheless this certain generation of this free love, psychedelia, who used sex and drugs to push back on the war. So it seems to me that this particular delinquency was far from being invented by us but it dates back to ancient times. So I think for all people, who think that young people today have invented some perversions, open relationships, gayness, and so on should read a book from ancient Greece or Rome and see, that Caligula³ lived all this two thousand years ago.
Host: Just a little less hidden, I guess.
Bojan: Yes, maybe.
Host: Would you be up for a challenge? Since you said you're not a womaniser.
Bojan: Yes.
Host: I have a BuzzFeed test here.
Bojan: BuzzFeed test?
Host: Are you a fuckboy? Do you want to take it?
Bojan: Okay, let's go.
Host: Have you ever sent a "You up?" text? "Are you sleeping?"
Yes, once. I promise.
No, never.
Yeah, that's my go-to move.
Bojan: No. I don't think so, really.
Host: Have you ever cheated on someone?
Bojan: No.
Host: You said it. "Have you ever sent an unwanted picture of your "little friend"?
Bojan: No.
Host: Have you ever sexted more than one person at the same time?
Bojan: Yes.
Host: Have you slept with two people in the same week?
Bojan: No.
Host: Have you ever made up an excuse to leave immediately after sex?
Bojan: I think, yes.
Host: Have you ever convinced someone that you didn't need to use a condom?
Bojan: No.
Host: I would never. Okay. Have you ever posted a picture without your shirt on?
Bojan: Yes, indeed. In fact, I must have been shirtless a couple of times in the stories now, but I posted one shirtless photo two years ago.
Host: Ok.
Bojan: At sea.
Host: Yes, yes. Do you think all of your exes are "crazy bitches"?
Bojan: No.
Host: Have you ever asked a girl to send nudes?
Bojan: Yes.
Host: Have you ever bragged about girls you've been with?
Bojan: Like openly?
Host: Yes.
Bojan: No.
Host: Have you complained about being "friendzoned"?
Bojan: Almost certainly.
Host: Ok. Have you ever sent that emoji of a monkey covering its eyes?
Bojan: No.
Host: Do you have any...
Bojan: What is this monkey's thing?
Host: I don't know, maybe... it's some fuckboy hallmark, I don't know.
Do you have any V-neck tees?
Bojan: Mhm.
Host: Do you wear them?
Bojan: My mum bought them for me, so I guess it's not really fuckboyish.
Host: Yes. Do you have any tattoos that are only visible while wearing a V-neck?
Bojan: No.
Host: Do you have any tattoos?
Bojan: No, I don't.
Host: Have you ever slid into a girl's Twitter DMs?
Bojan: I don't have Twitter.
Host: What about Instagram? We said yes.
Bojan: Yes.
Host: Are you in a band? Yees.
Bojan: Yes.
Host: You see, the hallmark of fuckboys. Are you a DJ?
Bojan: No. I mean, if she wants, I can be a DJ.
Host: Could be: "No, but my friend is this like super poppin' DJ".
Bojan: Yes, it could, it's true.
Host: Oh, it doesn't work.
Bojan: Can't fix it anymore?
Host: No. What are Top-Sider⁴?
Bojan: I don't know.
Host: We'll put... oh, it's some shoes.
Bojan: Then I'm sure not, because I only wear one pair of trainers, and that's these.
Host: I don't think that's it. Have you ever introduced a girl you've been dating as your "friend"?
Bojan: No.
Host: Have you ever randomly texted a girl you booty called more than a year ago?
Bojan: Booty called? Wait, what if I what?
Host: If you've been with a girl then, after a long time, you write her a random message.
Bojan: Almost certainly, yes.
Host: But were you genuinely interested in how her life was going or just a little bit because you saw her on Instagram?
Bojan: I think only because I saw her on Instagram.
Host: Have you ever travelled to Southeast Asia?
Bojan: No.
Host: Have you ever explained craft beer to a woman?
Bojan: Let's say yes, I think, but...
Host: Yes, but she was genuinely interested.
Bojan: Let's put down "She was genuinely interested", yes.
Host: Ok.
Bojan: Because I don't really know what craft beer is myself. But I mean... I think one of them asked me once why I was drinking it, because she found it very disgusting.
Host: Have you ever based an outfit on one of Kanye West's outfits?
Bojan: Oh, no, unfortunately.
Host: Do you own a hoodie that costs more than some people's rent?
Bojan: No. If you add up all the hoodies, they don't cost like a tenth of the rent.
Host: Have you ever ghosted someone?
Bojan: This means...
Host: That you suddenly stopped replying to them. The girls. Did you have a legitimate reason or did your phone die?
Bojan: Sure... yeah I did, but not like that, ghosting is probably for a very long time, no? To disappear completely?
Host: I don't know.
Bojan: Or just that, I don't know. To disappear completely?
Host: You disappear completely.
Bojan: No, this not.
Host: No.
Bojan: Just for a day or so, I took a creative break.
Host: Oh, good. It's not ghosting. Have you ever gone to a party with one girl and left with another?
Bojan: No. I go practically alone to parties almost always.
Host: And then home.
Bojan: Yes.
Host: Have you ever hit on a girlfriend's... one of your girlfriend's friends?
Bojan: No. Maybe after, when she was already... Not when we were together.
Host: Ok. What about one of your close friend's exes?
Bojan: That... no, homeboys, no, no, a homeboy is a true friend, I'd never do that in my life.
Host: Did you ever say you didn't have an STD and you did?
Bojan: God, no.
Host: And... You are probably a decent human being. Here's the proof. Live. Now no one can accuse you of being one... if anyone says anything to you.
Bojan: It's official! I'm not a fuckboy.
Host: Alright, that's it. Now, to finish, we have a couple of other unpopular opinions which I have chosen, and you will comment whether you agree or disagree, if you find it very stupid, or if there is any truth in it. First: people drink gin because it is fashionable.
Bojan: I think some people do enjoy gin. [But] I think it's disgusting, honestly. But I think some people find gin good.
Host: Ok, I agree too, because I find it good myself.
Bojan: Aha, ok.
Host: Star Wars is not really good.
Bojan: I'm not the right one to answer that, because I actually never watched it. I watched the old one a hundred years ago, they were pretty good.
Host: For those times. I mean, I'm not really interested, but maybe I'm...
Bojan: I've honestly never been drawn to Star Wars at all.
Host: Yes, I can understand why someone would think that. Pineapple on pizza?
Bojan: I haven't tried. But it looks and sounds disgusting to me.
Host: I've tried it, but it's not so bad. Although it's true that I ate it in America, where everything else was so bad that it wasn't so disgusting in comparison.
Bojan: Okay, fair. I think, if so many people eat it, it probably doesn't.
Host: Yes. Give it a try.
Bojan: I mean, there must be something to it.
Host: It's a bit sweet. Like in a Chinese restaurant, that sweet and sour...
Bojan: Yeah, I'm not exactly very... yeah, I don't think it would be good for me, but look, maybe, I mean, I'll give it a try sometime. I'll tell you.
Host: Please do. Here. Tinder themed. LinkedIn is a better choice for dating than Tinder.
Bojan: LinkedIn? Isn't that for business?
Host: Yes. Here someone thinks it's a better way to do things.
Bojan: I have no idea. No, I don't think so.
Host: Maybe you can find someone in your...
Bojan: Business. Yes, maybe.
Host: And the Foo Fighters are better than Nirvana.
Bojan: Never in life. They are sick, but not...
Host: They are not better.
Bojan: No.
Host: Ok. Do you have any more shoutouts to say?
Bojan: Shoutout?
Host: What would you like to highlight at the end of the podcast?
Bojan: Well, let people be aware. Maybe now really isn't the time to be very flirtatious and go into close spaces with strangers. Nothing, be healthy, love each other, and be flirtatious but with a mask, and listen to Joker Out.
Host: Smile with your eyes.
Bojan: Yes. Smile with your eyes.
Host: Bye.
Bojan: Bye bye.
¹You can watch the 'Bojan Cvjetićanin Cosmopolitan blind date' video with subtitles in English, as well as in several other languages, on our YouTube channel here.
²'Frendi in Flirt' ('Friends and Flirting') is a Slovenian website dedicated to people looking for dating and adventure who are over 18 years old, who want to meet new people to socialize and chat or find the love of their life.
³Caligula was the third Roman emperor. Known ancient historical sources have handed down an image of Caligula as a despot, emphasising his extravagance, eccentricity and depravity.
⁴Sperry or Sperry Top-Sider is an American boat shoe company.
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edgeray · 3 months
Arlecchino Oneshot Poll
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Wassup gaymers Some of the concepts in the poll I already have something in mind (explanations will be down below.) If you have other ideas feel free to ask, dm, or reply to me!! I'm free to all ideas (but only if they're AUs. I don't know genshin lore, sorry). I'm looking at what people may want the most though order will vary *not* on the popularity. If an idea interests me especially, I'll write it regardless of the poll results. Currently I have 1 wip arlecchino oneshot, and hopefully it should be done and posted this Wednesday. Again, the winning concept may not necessarily be written first so select which one sounds the most interesting to you!!
Alright, explanation time. This is gonna be really long, some concepts are fully fleshed out, plot and all, and some only have the barest idea I'll accept NSFW ideas too, but they won't be written for a while if they are explicit smut. I can write suggestive. Mafia AU:
Mafia! Arlecchino x Exotic Dancer! Reader - A Part 2 to my published Arlecchino Oneshot "Late Night Devil, Put Your Hands on Me." Link is here if you want to read it.
Either a separate Mafia AU! oneshot. I don't have any ideas, but I'm honestly open with any ideas. Rival mafia leaders Arlecchino and Reader? I'm looking for more ideas of this potential AU.
Demon AU/ Angel AU:
Demon! Arlecchino / Demon! Reader - This idea is heavily based off of the plot of the manga Black Butler. In summary, a human summons a demon to help them achieve their goal in exchange for selling their soul for the demon to eat after their goal is accomplished. In the case for Black Butler, the main character of the series summons a demon for revenge, and the demon has to serve as his butler, following all of his orders like what a butler does. This oneshot idea would follow the same premise of the demon being a butler(buttress) to the human that summons them, and the demon would do whatever it is that the human wants. I can see either character for this role, hence why either Arlecchino or Reader could be the demon. (So either you boss around Arlecchino or Arlecchino bosses you around 🤭).
Demon! Arlecchino x Angel! Reader - Demon! Arlecchino becomes obsessed with Angel! Reader during a war between the two races. Centuries after the war's conclusion, she researches and learns how humans are able to fall in love and form a bond. Wanting to replicate this with you (to make you hers) despite how forbidden and impossible it is. Demons and angels can't feel love (romantic, familial, or platonic) nor feel human empathy. She lures you in to a trap to force a bond, and the bond is successful, making the two of you the first of either species to fall in love. You're not so happy about this as Arlecchino is.
Fallen Angel! Arlecchino x Human! Reader - Arlecchino becomes the first angel to fall from grace and lose one of her wings, and unfortunately (or fortunately) for you, you're the first human she comes across. You introduce her to the human realm, all while running from power hungry demons that want a taste of Arlecchino's powers and revenge thirsty angels who wants to make her pay for her treason.
Succubus! Arlecchino x Human! Reader - A succubus is basically a sex demon. Take that as you will.
Vampire AU:
Vampire! Arlecchino - You literally can never go wrong with Vampire! Arlecchino. She's perfect for this, and there's so many ways it can go. Either you're her mortal lover, or you're her newest victim, or she's your vampiric partner in crime when it comes to terrorizing humans. Need I say more? There's just too many good ideas for this.
Vampire Hunter! Arlecchino x Vampire! Reader - Hear me out. (While I won't describe it here, there's probably going to be some Dead Dove: Do Not Eat vibes in here.) I have like an entire plot for this. You can ask @servalisms to confirm (ty for letting me rant to you about this, sev, love you 😊). This idea could be a fucking book. Moving onto the actual explanation, you're a young and inexperienced vampire that's caught the eye of vampire hunter! Arlecchino. Never having seen a more beautiful human, you become obsessed in the moment you spot her, wanting nothing more but to experience the taste of her. When she has you pinned down and incapacitated effortlessly, she notices how... compliant you are. Finding some amusement and some potential benefits from this, she spares you. From this point on, you become a pet of Arlecchino: her obedient lap dog and her protective guard dog. You are her weapon as much as you are her toy (but never a lover, unless...?) and even though you're a vampire, you've dedicated your being to her. I'm really excited about this one as it's been cooking for a while.
Modern AU:
This isn't one that I've planned out as much as the other ones, but there's a lot of different ideas that I can just spitfire into a bullet-point list:
CEO! Arlecchino x Employee! Reader (I recommend not hooking up with your boss irl)
Professor! Arlecchino x College Student! Reader (Guys, please don't hook up with your professors irl, that is a bad idea)
Police Officer!/ Dectective! Arlecchino x Criminal! Reader(I don't know, this was just random lmfao) -
Barista! Arlecchino (Also random) -
Domestic! Arlecchino - just some domestic fluff with Arlecchino :)
Highschool / College AU? - self-explanatory
Gentleman Thief! Arlecchino x Detective! Reader - Wouldn't consider this apart of a Modern AU, but I didn't know where else to put it. The only reasoning I have for this is because I want Arlecchino to leave roses at each crime scene for you to find and flirt shamelessly with you.
Soul Mate AU - Because when has a Soul Mate AU ever gone wrong. (This might be angsty :))
(Please give me ideas for Modern AU! because I'm seriously lacking some ideas for it!)
Hybrid AU:
Quite literally if I stuck animal/creatures features onto either you or Arlecchino. Honestly, let your ideas go free with that-- there's just a lot I could write about. Reader could be a million different animals. However, for Arlecchino, here's the ideas I have. I also haven't thought much of these beyond wanting to pet Arlecchino's fluffy ears or see her have cute animalistic quirks/behaviors.
Snow Leopard! Arlecchino / White Panther! Arlecchino / White Tiger! Arlecchino / Artic Fox! Arlecchino (this idea was courtesy of @megistusdiary, hope you don't mind the tag?) who would have the softest ears and the cutest purrs! I'd imagine she can also transform into different forms of her animal as well, so imagine just snuggling up with Arlecchino as a baby kit! Dragon! Arlecchino x Human! Reader - I found this idea from pigeonpeach's blog (don't wanna tag). Instead of restating what's already said, I'll just link to one of her posts here. If I were to write this, it'll probably be based off of this. Dragon Rider! Arlecchino x Dragon Transformer! Reader - Look. I want Arlecchino to ride me in more ways than 1, but I'll settle for this way.
Anyways, that should be all of it. Phew, that was a lot. Are you still even here? Reminder that none of these will have explicit smut if it's going to be posted soon! I do plan on posting NSFW oneshots in the future, but not now! So again, if you do have NSFW ideas, feel free to send :).
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just an update?
Hello my maggots, Asmi here. I'm really sorry that I haven't replied to a lot of the stuff I've been tagged in/reblogs/DMs, it has been a... chaotic two days. I promise I'll get to them soon, as soon as my mind calms down a bit (to its ordinary level of chaos, I mean).
In an update on the 10khaos, for those who haven't heard, my hair is indeed now Crowley red, the Discord server is made (and currently broiling in utter madness, the Youtube channel has also been made and I have an idea for the first video, and I will soon set forth and adopt the Crowley, Aziraphale and Adam plants.
So as for the irl mind stuff, it's basically that the red hair brought up the question of whether or not I'd be able to go through with college, design school starts in May-ish.
(um mild tw for bullying and a mention of transphobia, skip the next two paragraphs if that is a trigger for you)
I've been in college before, that was design too, for three months. And I had to drop out because I was being isolated and bullied by everyone there including the dean, as well as a lot of transphobia and discrimination on the basis of mental health issues.
Soooo... yeah. There's also the fact that the new college will be far more conservative and I live in India and it's all really a shit of a mess. So my mum asked me to think about whether I wanted to do distance learning instead, since I already am a designer and have done projects.
It's a lot to think about. And my head is being all messy, ya know how it is. If any of you have advice or experience with distance learning, that would be amazing, actually.
(Also my family were kind of really mean about my Crowley hair)
(Oh well)
(I love it and I have you amazing maggots so)
Anyway yes I just wanted to say what was going on so that you know why if I don't respond immediately to things going on :") And if you want to interact with the other maggots, the Discord server is always there, links get messed up on posts but I'm sure @arkytiorlecter or @howmanyholesinswisscheese will send you the invite link if you need it. It's in one of my posts, but things do tend to get lost on my blog, don't they?
No matter what I want you all to know that you are so, so loved, you are more than enough just by existing and being your beautiful selves, and you have made my life immeasurably better. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
I love you I love you I love you maggots. I promise I'll go through the notes soon and cause chaos :") So beware. It just might take a day or two for me to get back to my usual frequency of chronical onlineness (which is my happy place muehuehue).
Have a wonderful day, and remember to eat and sleep and hydrate and take meds if you need to.
All my maggoty princely love for you, Asmi
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elvenbeard · 7 months
Exposing myself here a little and sharing the current rule-set for my CP2077 Discord I'm the process of setting up below the cut! Below the cut, cause this post it's a lot of text as is.
I think I got all channels set up how I want them for starters, but there will always be room for improvement :D First and foremost I want this to become a place of encouragement and sharing and fun... I really just want it to be an extension of my fandom corner on tumblr here and have a room to chat with everyone I love in one spacereally, that's the whole point XD
Still though, I think some basic rules are good, especially if I decide to open this up to more people down the line - but also, some might find a strict ruleset (or my specific ruleset) not to their taste, hence, before sending out invites, I wanted to put this here.
If we're mutuals, or if you're following me and like what I post, original content and reblogs alike, AND if you wanna be part of this server under the prerequisite of accepting the rules below the cut... Like this post or DM me or leave a reply etc. And I might send you an invite.
(I want to open this up specifically also to people I'm not mutuals with, since I don't always follow back for a variety of reasons. But I have a good memory for user-handles and will recognize you if you interact with my posts on a regular basis!) Important: If I don't send you an invite, please don't take it personally. I might not know you or your vibe well enough yet. Especially if we're new mutuals, or if I'm not following you. But I will check out everyone I don't recognize or don't follow who reacts to this post. I want to keep the server somewhat small in general and especially to begin with, but if all goes well, I might come back to this post here somewhere later down the line and send some more invites! I love you all lots, and especially with my semi-forced hiatus recently I missed interacting with everyone. Being welcomed back so warmly repeatedly by so many people in your tags and replies and all really meant so much <3
So yeah! Server-rules below, react to this post or get in touch with me if you're interested to join based on these prerequesites, invites will go out during the weekend most likely! :D
1. Don't be a dick and use common sense. Be kind to each other. Assume ignorance over ill intentions first and foremost, and when in doubt, stay civil and ask a mod or admin for help via DM.
2. Homophobia, Transphobia, Queerphobia in general, Racism and Hatespeech towards other server members will not be tolerated. Report any talk of this sort to a mod or admin asap if you notice it.
3. This is an adult/NSFW server. You need to be at least 18 years of age to participate and can expect respective content. This is not to exclude anyone younger than 18, but for legal reasons.
4. No 18+ content needs to be spoilered ||like this|| by default. If you choose to spoiler something, which you are always free to do especially in general channels, use a label/indicator describing the content you're spoilering (e.g. [explicit sexual content], [nsfw], [blood/gore], [xyz kink], [tmi]). No kinkshaming please, but also, note rule 5.
5. If someone asks you to spoiler a specific type of niche/extreme content (e.g. extreme kinks, dark and disturbing topics, (mental) health themes like self-harm or terminal illnesses, or any content that could fall under 4) please do so. Be mindful of each other's comfort levels with being exposed to certain darker topics. Being asked to spoiler content does not equal being kinkshamed.
6. Everyone's boundaries are valid and you are free to set them. Simultaneously, nobody should have to censor themselves or their creations either. Spoilering (extreme) content on someone else's request does not equal censorship but is part of being a community.
7. If someone forgets to spoiler a topic that has been previously asked to be spoilered, do not assume the worst and kindly remind the op to spoiler. If the same person keeps forgetting the same things though and you feel like it is on purpose or targeted, let a mod/admin know.
8. If a topic that makes you personally uncomfortable is being discussed in a group setting, stepping away from the conversation temporarily is an alternative to asking to spoiler something (also applies to rule 6). Simultaneously though, due to no blacklisting options on Discord, be mindful of what you post especially if others whose comfort levels you don't know are there with you.
9. Please keep discussions on the server civil. If you've messed up, apologize. If discussions get personal or touch upon server-external issues, please resort to DMs to resolve them. If you need a neutral party to listen, @elvenbeard is always happy to.
10. Do not post content that isn't yours without the explicit permission of the original creator (be it mods, VP, art, writing, etc.). This includes posting links to external works that aren't yours.
11. Start no arguments or spread negativity by discussing non-server-members and their activities.
12. Keep shippy content to the respective channels. Respect each other's ships and headcanons (exceptions: see 13), but also respect the source material(s).
13. If you notice headcanons that are queer-phobic, transphobic, racist, hateful or something similar, especially if they are being framed or discussed as positive, inform a mod or admin asap. Everyone is entitled to their own headcanons, but any falling under these categories will not be tolerated.
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cozylittleartblog · 2 years
ok i can't find any of the posts but hi if you're here from twitter here's a crash course of tumblr etiquette
reblog! reblog reblog reblog. if your post count is lower than your likes count you're doing it wrong. this is the website of having interests so reblog shit u like, we even have a tag system so you can organize things and find them again later! post limit is 250 posts daily, go nuts. edit - also, there is no algorithm here. we spread things ourselves or they don't get spread. Reblog!
change your icon from the default and have SOME kind of bio. there are bots around here. empty blogs get blocked by most people.
it is 400% ok to reblog old posts. yes even posts that are years old. we can turn off reblogs here, if someone didn't want you reblogging a post they wouldn't let you. you can reblog things multiple times in a row, even. if you want to put Cursed Pikachu Man (you'll likely get acquainted with him) on your follower's dashboards 12 times in a row nobody and nothing is stopping you.
post tags are for talking and rambling as much as they are organizing things, but keep in mind that tumblr only tracks the first 20 tags. so whether you are making an Original Post or Reblogging Something For Later, put your important tags first AND THEN ramble. the tags are also very long, 139 characters i believe. Per Tag. cough cough and creatives Really like it when you say stuff in your reblog tags cough cough
settings > dashboard > preferences. best stuff first? turn that shit off. your dashboard is now chronological and you can easily scroll to wherever you left off last. unless you follow like 500 people in which case lmao rip
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6. you can send people both direct messages AND asks - DMs work like they do on any website. Asks are like sending somebody a piece of fan mail they can respond to publicly, or privately if you don't send it anonymously. Do not use the anonymous feature to be mean.
7. you do not need to censor words here. say kill. it's ok.
8. there is a blacklist feature. you can blacklist both entire tags, and words from posts. settings > account, it's under "content you see". if you don't want to see something you can get rid of it forever instead of complaining. enjoy.
9. if you make things: tag fandom, characters, and ships if applicable. add any medium or blog organizational tags after that. add spoiler tags if relevant. this all goes in the Tags bar at the bottom of the post, NOT in the text content of the post itself. ez pattern to remember.
feel free to add on fellow tumblr elders we need to get the newbies acquainted
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quokki · 1 year
Full giffing process - tutorial (*≧ω≦*)
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Due to little demand, i will be going thru my complete process for making gifs. so this will cover all the basics i hope! keep in mind this is just the way I personally do things! please feel free to send me asks or dms if you have any doubts or questions!
☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ DISCLAIMER: Everything I know about giffing, I've learned from other tutorials, including the VapourSynth Resources I'll be using in this tutorial so I'll leave links to those tutorials I've used here as well!
In Depth Giffing Tutorial (link here) How to use VapourSynth (link here) ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
(o´▽`o) I'm a windows user so idk if this works exactly the same on mac!
First things first, you will need:
☆ 4k video downloader (download it here!) ☆ Vapoursynth (download it here!) ☆ Photoshop (download it here! -64bit version only)
Okay! The first thing you need to do is make sure you're working with the highest quality material possible to ensure a decent looking gif!
I'd say the minimum quality needed for decent gifs is 1080px. But if you really want to gif that low quality 2 frame milisecond of your fave, i respect that
☆ lives / streams and tiktoks are typically not very high quality ☆ for stage performances such as music shows, ts/tp files are preferred but those can be really hard to get a hold of (this is a whole deeper level of giffing hell and more of an advanced class topic so nevermind this for now!) ☆ those occasional 4k facecams on youtube work fine tho! ☆ for mvs, variety shows etc, you can download the video with good quality from youtube using 4k video downloader
_(:3 」∠)_
Now let's talk about tumblr and it's pre-requisites for a good looking gif post :D
Tumblr can be sooooo annoying about gifs okay.... I find it's best to plan my whole set before I actually start doing anything but hey that's just me. Some things to keep in mind are: dimensions, file size, number of frames and post layout!
☆ Dimensions
You have 3 main options here and it's all about the width!
☆ 1 collumn: single gifs! these should be 540px wide ☆ 2 collumns: split that in half! 268px wide so there's a lil breathing space between the gifs! ☆ 3 collumns: 3's a party! 177px for each gif please
You can go crazy on the height but the width should mostly stick to one of those 3 unless you want tumblr to pull and squeeze your gif around like a piece of gum.
☆ File Size
This is really important because tumblr has a single image size limit of 10mb. Which means that every single gif you make has to be under that size or you won't be able to post it. The other thing about this is that the dimensions, number of frames and ammount of varying colors throughtout your gif will greatly impact on the final file size. Basically, the larger the dimensions and the more frames it has, the bigger the final file will be. Later on I will show you how to check your gif's final size before exporting it!
☆ Number of frames
This has more to do with the length of your gif, the longer it is, the bigger the final file will be. Typically gifs should be under 3 seconds long. So if you are making a set, try to break the moments you want to include in your set by increments of up to 2 - 3 seconds each, otherwise it might not fit all into one single gif. The number of frames is also extremely important when making combined gifs but that's for another tutorial.
☆ Post layout
If you want to make a cool looking gifset (where some gifs are larger in dimension than others, or when you want to have a single gif followed by a line of 2 gifs next to each other), then it might be worth it to plan out the layout before you start making the gifs. This way you ensure you won't have to remake gifs down the line because they don't fit together the way you wanted to.
For this step, you will go through the video you want to gif from and you will just write down all the sections you want to use, down to the exact seconds. Example: 02:30 - 02:32.
VapourSynth (VS) - Clipping the video
I know VS can look pretty intimidating with it's bare coding and all but I promise it can be your friend. You just have to set it up correctly and pay close attention whenever you're using it. This software is a must for giffing, it will do all your cropping, resizing, sharpening and denoising for you, making sure your gifs look good. It is also indispensable when giffing ts/tp files because it deinterlaces those files so you can clip them.
First, let's set it up. This is the most annoying and difficult part of this tutorial so make sure you pay full attention to every single step!
☆ step 1) download a version of VS here (link).
☆ step 2) unzip the file on your desktop area.
☆ step 3) open the folder and find the file named "vapourscript (drop video file on me)" - make a shortcut of that file and move it to the desktop.
☆ step 4) find the folder named "gifs" - make a shortcut of that file and move it to the desktop.
☆ step 5) drag your video file you want to gif from and drop it on top of the "vapourscript (drop video file on me)" shortcut on your desktop.
☆ step 6) enter the timestamp input, in the first line it will be the starting of your timestamp, in hours format, then hit enter. in the second line enter how long your timestamps lasts, in seconds, also in hours format. then hit enter and let the code run.
☆ step 7) the resizer tab should now load on a web browser, then you will set the dimensions of your gif on the top left corner. you can also adjust the position of your gif within the video screen and zoom in if wanted.
☆ step 8) choose the preprocessor, denoise and sharpening options on the left and tick the boxes on. I usually just stick to the settings i'm using in my video down below.
☆ step 9) now in the VS box, go to file > load, choose the script saved in the gifs folder.
☆ step 10) copy the code from the resizer into the code in the vs screen, under the designated line.
☆ step 11) alter the code exactly like I did in my video down below. save it. this is now your default vs script for clipping your gifs. what you are doing by adding the hastag and the quotation marks is you're disabling those sections of the code. the reason you do that is in case you want to run the preview before exporting. this is because those lines involve some heavy graphic processing which can make the computer slow. I will talk about the script in more detail later on.
☆ step 12) i don't usually use this option but you can also preview your gif and set specific frames to start and end your gif. This is around the 4:30 mark in the video.
☆ step 13) time to export your clip! now you will temporarily remove the marks you added to disable the code and then go to script > encode video. in the popup box, you will select the option "export to MOV", then start so that you can use that video file in photoshop later.
☆ step 14) after you are done exporting, close the encoding box and then close vapoursynth, never agree to save the script when closing it, or that will override your default script.
☆ step 15) now you need to rename the encoded file for your gif. go to the gifs shortcut folder you created on your desktop, then go to output. this is the folder where VS will save all your encoded files. but everytime it saves the file with the same name so you need to come to this folder and change the name for every gif file you encode before you clip a new one, otherwise VS will just replace the previous clip with the new one you just finished.
Here's a detailed walk through of each step in this video tutorial:
After you are done processing your first clipped file, now you have your default script already built in VS, so whenever you run it to clip more videos, this script will already be in your VS screen. So now all you need to do whenever you want to clip more files (to make more gifs) is to adjust the dimensions, positioning and zoom of the video in the resizer screen and then change a few numbers in your script! then run encode to save the clipped file.
☆ To make new clips: go thru steps 5- 7, also do 8 if you want to mess with the denoise and sharpening filters again, but I don't really know much about how those work so I can't help you with this.
Now what you need to alter in the code, each time you are making a new gif: after you run VS and change the settings in the resizer to what you want, you need to change the zoom numbers and the video positioning in the code.
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you need to replace the numbers in the VS script on the left so they match the numbers in the resizer on the right.
Do step 12 if you want to set specific frames to clip. Then steps 13 - 15 and you are done! You need to do all this every single time you want to make a new gif.
Now let me talk a bit more about some of the lines in this script:
☆ line 14: #video = core.std.Trim(video, a, b) this line is to set specific frames to trim your video section, your final encoded file will be only the frames inbetween the numbers you input here. a = first frame, b = last frame. you will need to run the preview option in VS in order to see every single frame of your clip and select your first and last frame. I usually do this in photoshop later instead so I don't bother with it on VS unless i'm making combined gifs, in which you need all the clips to have the exact same number of frames. the hashtag at the beginning of this line means that the script won't follow this command when executed. so if you want to include it, you need to remove the hashtag before encoding your file.
☆ line 18: #video = haf.QTGMC(video, Preset="Slower", TFF=True) this line is for the preprocessor option in VS, that tool is mainly only used when giffing ts/tp files because you need to deinterlace them before you can use them on photoshop. so you will only need to remove the hashtag and enable it when giffing those types of files. when im giffing those files, i usually always keep it with this setting:
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I don't really understand much about this so I never mess with it. If you want to know more, I believe there's more info about it in the tutuorials I linked at the beginning of my post.
☆ line 22: video = descale.Debilinear(video, 786,442) this line is for the zoom of the video screen. you just need to match what you have in your VS script to what you end up with in your resizer.
☆ line 25: video = core.knlm.KNLMeansCL(video, 1, 2, 4, 2.5, channels="YUV") this line is for the denoising filters, in my case I always use KNLM and this is what it's line looks like. I know you can change those numbers to change the filtering settings but I never messed with it so I'd usually just have it like that.
☆ line 27: video = fun.FineSharp(video, sstr=2.5) this line is for the sharpening, in my case I always use FineSharp and this is what it's line looks like. I know you can change the number to change it's settings but I never messed with it so I'd usually just have it like that.
note: lines 25 and 27 (which have to do with denoise and sharpening) are the ones within quotation marks in your default script. I believe the quotations work in a similar way as the hashtag, in which the script only executes the lines when the quotations are removed. Which is what you do everytime you are about to encode your clip, otherwise they stay on. I think you should also remove them if you want to test how they affect your gif in the preview screen but i think these filters also require heavier graphic processing which my computer can't handle well so I never do that.
☆ line 30: video = core.std.CropRel(video, left=303, top=16, right=215, bottom=26) this line is for the positioning of your video screen within the gif dimensions. you just need to match what you have in your VS script to what you end up with in your resizer.
ʕ •̀ o •́ ʔ
Photoshop (PS) - let's make a gif!
Now that we have clipped and preprocessed our video file, it's ready to go to photoshop!
☆ step 1) after you have opened PS, go to File > Import > Video Frames to Layers. Then choose the clipped file you created through VS.
PS should open a box like this:
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Keep those options ticked and hit OK
☆ step 2) now you need to go to Window > Timeline to bring up the timeline tool box. This window will always be necessary when making gifs. Let's take a look at it, I've marked down all the important buttons you will need:
timeline menu: there are several commands in here, you will need to use some of them later on.
convert to video / frame timeline
play controls to watch your gif
trash can to delete selected frames. (when deleting frames, first delete them here and then delete it's matching layers which are still there after deleting the frames)
frame delay time: this is where you set the time for how long that frame will be visible in your gif
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☆ step 3) remember how I mentioned the preview option in VS and how i don't usually use it to trim the frames of my clip? That's because I usually do that at this step of the process, in PS. Notice how each frame is also a layer, and when a frame is selected, the matching layer has the eye symbol next to it turned on. So now you should play your gif and see if there are any frames you don't want to keep, then delete the frames and it's matching layers.
Since we applied sharpening filters back when we were clipping the video on VS, your clip should probably already look pretty decent even before the next steps, so steps 4 - 9 are optional. The coloring part of my video has been sped up.
☆ step 4) click on the timeline menu and select "Select all frames", then go to the select menu at the top of the PS screen and select "All layers". Now click on button 2 of the timeline at the bottom left, switching from the frame timeline to the video timeline.
☆ step 5) before you do anything else, make sure the blue holder is at the beginning of the track before you do anything else. Then go to Filter (at the top of PS) and select "Convert for smart filters". This will convert all the layers into one single layer.
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☆ step 6) now make sure the layer is selected, then go to Filter > Sharpen > Smart Sharpen. A box will open with several options:
I usually keep the amount to around 30, I don't touch on radius and you can also mess with reduce noise if you think your gif is looking too sharp. Hit OK when you're done.
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Since this is a filter applied to a smart object (the converted layer that contains all our layer - frames), this means you can turn this filter on or off as long as the layers are in the form of a smart object. You can also go back to it and alter it's settings (like I've done in my video down below)
☆ step 7) now while making sure the blue holder is still at the beginning of the track and the layer is selected, click on the timeline menu that i mentioned above. Then go to Convert Frames, then select Flatten frames into clips.
☆ step 8) again go to the timeline menu, Convert Frames, but now select Make Frames from Clips. Now click on the button at the bottom left of the timeline box, to convert the video timeline back into a frame animation. Then hit continue in the pop up box.
☆ step 9) now you are back to the frame timeline screen from before, but now the first frame is empty. You need to delete that first frame and then check the final frame because sometimes PS also creates another empty frame at the end at this point.
☆ step 10) PS also created a new layer under the layer 0, where the filter is still applied, you can delete this new layer as well. Now for organizational purposes, select all remaining layers (that contain your frames) and group them (you can see how in the video).
☆ step 11) This step is also optional, now I like to add the coloring to the gif. I have a separate tutorial exclusively on this topic. You can check it here:
☆ step 12) This is the time when I also add my signature. This is optional. You need to have the signature layer(s) on top of all the other layers. I usually have it in all black or all white, with lowered opacity of around 40%.
When adding elements (such as a signature) to a gif, it's important to always make sure you have the first frame selected, otherwise PS can move your newly added elements around the canvas on different and random frames. This also applies to anything in the layers pannel that has specific opacities. It's best to already add the elements with the final wanted opacity with the first frame selected.
Exporting + Delay time
☆ step 13) To export: go to File > Export > Save for web (Legacy). PS will open this box:
First I just use the exporting screen to test the delay time of my gif, and to check the gif's final size.
About the size: The final size is displayed at the bottom left. Remember it needs to be under 10mb. If it's above that, then you will have to go back and delete frames and test again until the size is within the limit.
About the delay time: To test the delay time, hit that play button and the gif will play at it's default delay time. If it's too fast or too slow, you will hit cancel and change the delay time (at the next step).
For actual exporting: The highlighted box at the top right of the screen is very relevant now. Make sure the first box has the GIF option selected. At the next box, you can select either perceptual, selective or adaptive. I usually like to use adaptive. At the next box you need to choose either diffusion or pattern. I like to use pattern. Tick the transparency box and then select either pattern or diffusion transparency dither.
Once you are satisfied with all aspects of your gif, hit save to export your final gif.
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To fix the delay time: After you have exited the export box, go back to your timeline, click on the menu button at the top right and select "Select all frames". Then, on any random frame, click at the small arrow next to the numbers under the frame. Select the option "Other". That will open a pop up box to alter the delay time. To test it again, use the export box explained above. Once you are satisfied, save your gif! I've also altered the delay time in my video to show you the process.
☆ step 14) After your gif is done and saved, I'd suggest to save your psd file if you added any coloring to it. This is so you can reuse the coloring later in other gifs without having to redo it all. This is useful if mking a set of gifs from the same moment / video.
Here's a detailed walk through of each PS step in this video tutorial:
I hope this tutorial is helpful! Feel free to send me any asks if you have doubts or need extra help! (つ≧▽≦)つ
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rosesocietyy · 9 months
Brilliant people have said everything that needs to be said about this much much better and I don't got anything substantial to add but I just have to get this off my chest cause y'all I'm still in disbelief
like this is a grown ass person btw oh I simply have to laugh😭
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this perfectly exemplifies literally everything cringe af and wrong with these "assigned welcomers". this is just my scapegoat but there are way worse I've seen
First of all, get a job. how, at your fossil age, do you have time to spend all day scrolling through every single iwtv related post and arguing with people who say anything even slightly damning about lestat (which mind you, is literally just objective facts about things he did). I'll dm you a McDonald's application hell I'll even put in a referral for you out of the goodness of my heart.
Second, Lestat is not a real person. he's fake, a made up character, the figment of someone's imagine, non-existent, people hating him will not affect your life in anyway shape or form. He didn't assign you as his PR agent I promise you'll live. "They'll never accept him" ok and?!?
Question, and I'm genuinely asking, is this their first time in a fandom? why is someone having a different opinion about a character they love enough to send them into hysterics like?? 13 year olds on anime twitter have a better grasp on reality that y'all do get a grip!
And like the above posts have talked extensively about, I most definitely noticed whose posts a specific bunch of them love to go under to share their dog shit "explanation" that nobody asked for. When a black person sees Louis being brutalized by his white lover what do you expect their reaction to be? oaur wow this white french slut is so pussy cunt slay period queen? "but louis is flawed too" do you hear yourself? do you listen to yourself when you speak? can you activate the barest hint of brain activity to understand why we would react differently to what we're watching than you would and that knowledge of the source material has nothing to do with it? Just because you read those shitty books and posses no empathy for black people in media doesn't mean you gain some higher understanding of "gothic romance ".
"No but the thing is you don't understand this is a gothic romance and they're supposed to be monsters and lestat has suffered saur much and he's also the real main character so you must love him" so now how exactly does that negate their point about him being an abuser? quickly! sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up when black people are sharing their thoughts on the show cause who the fuck are you fr and what convinced you that you have the right to argue with them about THEIR experiences. that tweet that said white people act like God left them in charge, yeah.
Funny enough, half the people that are so gung ho about him now didn't even fw him at all when they only read the first book. wow it's almost like you were allowed to sort out your feelings about him on your own without insects disguised as people in your mentions calling you slow for not licking his feet.
I despise so much in this fandom. From the bottom of my heart I really truly do. I don't know what I was expecting, I guess more common sense and maturity because the average age in the fandom is quite high compared to other fandoms I've been in but nah, just mfs screaming and crying bc ppl don't jump up and down and scream yipee! everytime their white fav commits abhorrent, disgusting crimes.
I was so caught up in the euphoria of an anne rice property finally being given to skilled creators who'll pick it apart and say something poignant with it that for a moment, I forgot I lived in a world where majority of its audience would sadly be the anne rice crowd.
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Everyone seems to be having a pinned post these days, therefore here's mine.
🪻I'm Ele, (almost) 20 years old, lesbian, born somewhere in Italy.
🪻 Pronouns she/her (really any pronouns will do, but these are the ones i prefer)
🪻 My main interests are writing both prose and poetry, history, reading and practising my beloved martial arts (i luv lavender). ➡️ You can find some of my poetry and haunted thoughts at @sappho-favorite-pupil-poetry.
🪻 This is not just a lesbian nsft/smut blog, i do post about everything that comes to my mind, but anyway it's no place for minors
🪻 MeN DO NOT, and i repeat, DO NOT interact. Specially with my pictures, but like, in general, with this whole blog. Go away.
🪻 Do not interact if you are not feminist/do not support feminism, fascist, racist, ableist, homophobic, terf, animal abuser, supporter of hunting for fun (or if you think it's okay to put ketchup on your pasta).
🪻Asks and DMs are open [open for my fellow sapphics] <<< if you are interested in becoming an anon, you may also want to claim an emoji (the rules are below).
🪻 I'm a switch (i don't really have a preference, it depends from my mood and from what the other person needs/wants/is willing to do).
🪻 I'm a futch ✨lesbian✨, if you are interested, and i'm 1,70 cm (about 5'6' feet).
🪻 My dear fellow lesbians and sapphics, don't send me nudes, okay? I'm sure you are beautiful, handsome or whatever you'd prefer to call yourselves, but i didn't ask for it and therefore don't want to see it ☺️
🪻Stuff i'm okay with ⬇️
["G" for giving and "R" for receiving].
• Giving and receiving strap
• Being called most pet names [R]
• Being called "mommy/daddy/ma'am/sir" [R]
• Light power dynamic [G,R]
• Light objectification [R and G sometimes].
• Knife play (or any pointy object) [G]
• Marking [R,G]
• Light degradation [G but almost never R].
• Breeding [R, G]
• Scissoring
• Overstimulation [R, G]
• Orgasm denial [G and sometimes R].
• Praise [R, G].
• Vanilla sex [R, G].
• Impact play [R, G].
• Light pain play [G].
• Fingering ofc (if properly done)
• Aftercare ✨[G, R].
🪻Stuff i'm not okay with ⬇️
• Men (or any mention of men)
• rope play/ specific scenarios in which i'm being tied up with something and/or i can't move
• Receiving intense degradation (i will cry lol)
• Scat, piss, blood
• Rape, SA, incest, paedophilia
• Somno
• Race/slave play
• Patriarchy play or whatever that thing is called
• Body fluids (except for female cum)
🪻Rules to claim an emoji
• You must be 18+, specify your age and pronouns
• Pick the emoji you prefer
• I'd rather interact with lesbians/sapphic folks
• ABSOLUTELY NO STRAIGHT-CIS MEN. I will block you and report you to Sappho's justice, if any of you tries to interact.
🪻My emoji anons
• 🤟🏻 anon - 19, he/they, genderqueer butch, lesbian.
• 🌸 anon - 21, she/her, femme, lesbian.
• 💐 anon -
• 👤 anon - 21, she/they, queer, lesbian.
• 🌻anon - 19, she/her, lesbian.
• 🤙🏼 anon - 23, he/they, butch (lesbian).
• 💜 anon - 23, she/her, lesbian.
• 🎩 anon - 23, she/her
• 🐚 anon - 18, she/her, femme
• ✨ anon - 25, she/her, lesbian
• 🌋
• 🪐 anon - 23, she/her
• 🎀 anon - 20, she/her, femme lesbian
• 🌱 anon - all pronouns, non-binary lesbian
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chevvy-yates · 6 months
WIP Wednesday Whenever
Got tagged by @elvenbeard! ich danke mal wieder! <3
Thought a lot this week and I set myself a goal for 2024: to be more structured with content for CP77 so I do not loose my passion for it. First I made a decision to only boot my laptop when:
I have an actual idea in mind I desperately want to vp. This used to be the case at the start of the year but along the way it seems I've lost it and instead only piled up my ideas …
in order of finishing a chapter for the 2078 story as some vp is to be added to support the written text (my friend and I share the vp work here too).
if I get asked directly by a modder to take shots for mods.
I just want to play the game ffs (which is rare in itself).
Don't want to force myself anymore to boot up the game each weekend, so that I have some content to post and keep up with this fast living fandom, as it produces vp and mods it feels like close to mass production.
I want to share quality in my content and not end up in just doing quantity. Which means I have to learn to stay more focused on what I want to create in the first place and one after another. This includes get less distracted which includs less browsing my dash and also be less on discord (servers).
So if you really want me to see your content:
a. tag me directly in your post (I do not mind being tagged!) b. send me a link via dm/discord c. use the tag: #chevvy-yates as I will follow this tag from now on.
Hope you understand my own problem and respect my decision, but I have to change something. The least I want is having you think I do not like your content anymore or I do ignore you. If you feel like I do, feel free to tell me about it! Sometimes I do not notice it myself.
Enough of that — now back to a bit content:
I'll post this boy again tomorrow 🤍
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and once I am able to push the button he will be back with lightning:
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I reworked these two spotify covers for my two hc radio stations:
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they look like this now:
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Decided to place Ry's face into them bc they are made for him anyways. At first my intention was to stay more casual but didn't like the simplicity of pic + station icon/logo. Even tho I liked the concept with the chain boots a lot I've felt it doesn't have a reference to 'hell' and 'tech' as soon as I went to make the cover for my chrome chamber Rave playlist. Which lets me come to the next thing I sat down for a few days. I made a cover and moodboards for Hell Bunker/Chrome Chamber Rave:
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a part of the Ryder oneshot I'm also still on:
His thumb keeps browsing his phone like it has its own life and a long moment later Ry catches himself now browsing his contact list. He didn’t want to call anyone specifically, also not around this time. He just keeps randomly scrolling the alphabet until he arrives at ‘T’. A smile steals onto his lips as he reads the same name, he spoke aloud prior, on his screen and pictures rush through his slightly tipsy mind. Long gone memories of his first clubbing experiences in Berlin. Back then he always had to be home around midnight. Both his legs still have some post-response to the last song he was raving to in the underground, making it impossible for him to sit quiet at all so he jumps up into a standing position and yells “I rave as fucking long as I want to—” There’s a long pause until he continues low “—like you always wished for me, Tommy …” Saying his first love’s name aloud for a second time now makes his smile on his dark contoured lips fade quickly. It’s the moment where Ryder senses that, after nearly 10 years, he still misses him. His thumb has already pressed the contact number and his hand moves up to hold the phone onto his ear. Ryder doesn’t think about his movements at all, his mind just froze in the moment as he moves mechanically. Only when hears the ‘Connection unavailable,’ it pulls him back from wherever he has been to. His right arm falls back into a hanging position, leaving him just standing there in the street. Deine Nummer ist seit jeher noch gleich, doch unter dieser scheiß Nummer werd’ ich dich nie wieder erreichen, wanders through Ry’s mind. Denn da wo du bist, geht keiner ran. Da ist kein Empfang. Ry’s phone is not the phone he used to have back then but he never cared about deleting any numbers at all and so they moved to the next phone and the next one after that and so on.
I tag all that recently reblogged me and those who come to my mind rn: @wraithsoutlaws, @therealnightcity, @dreamskug, @caer-oswin, @ @alphanight-vp, @kdval, @kittenchrissy, @gloryride, @rosapexa, @wanderingaldecaldo, @aggravateddurian, @streetkid-named-desire @imaginarycyberpunk2023, @pinkyjulien, @medtech-mara, @heywoodvirgin, @genocidalfetus, @ouroboros-hideout, @aggravateddurian, @ne0n-rust, @a-pirate, @breezypunk @peaches-n-screem, @jaymber, @lokiina, @shivsghost, @miss--river, @t0tentanz, @cyberpunkaddict, @cinnamon-mey, @spicyraeman, @fereldanwench @86maylin and @morganlefaye79 – also everyone who likes to do a WIP Wesdnesday/Whenever and as always and no pressure! I tagged more this time just to make sure u got notice of my decision in 'general' and that I intend to use my name as a tag now
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panelshowsource · 10 months
masterpost update... 🥹
hi guys it's been a minute 🥹 as i mentioned, i was working on updating the masterpost this past week, moving a large bulk of content onto my panelshowsource googledrive account, because i think everything stored there will be easily accessible and safe long term :)
the masterpost is the same original link it's been since it was established over 5 years ago! always bookmark the original post, not a reblog and not this post, so you have access to the most updated version & its links!
i had to do some reorganising of the post because of tumblr's latest round of post restrictions:
i'm not able to provide many alternative links because i'm nearly at the link limit as it is, but i think what's provided is reliable and you can always send an ask if a link needs updating!
since i can no longer give every series its own photo header, everything is organised by bolded text and bullet points, which will look and read best on desktop opposed to mobile (mobile seems to despise indentation)
a few notes regarding specific titles:
i did add all of taskmaster to my drive due to overwhelming requests, but only s1–4+15 are in 1080p, so i will begin updating the 720p files to 1080p over the next couple of weeks. thanks for your patience! in the meantime, you can watch them in hd on youtube ofc! i'll also update hypothetical as i get those locked down
i...i wanna say something so honest... i really don't care about a league of their own and most of you don't seem to either. it's a huge hassle organising the episodes because — not to say this for the third time in two sentences — but most people don't care much about it and haven't made the effort to keep it archived. we haven't seen a source for a complete series 6 in, like, 8 years. i'm not going to be making an effort to log that title for the time being. sorry if that's an inconvenience, but feel free to use the resources linked in my faq for your own research!
i added all of travel man (720p) and bridget christie's the change (1080p) to the misc watch links post (link below). i'll work on finishing upstart crow and then adding the rest of as yet untitled, game face, man down, and the cleaner!
i will continue uploading as-hd-as-possible versions of cats does countdown to my youtube channel and will eventually get them all on drive, but that's a slow process; i don't spend much time on youtube because half the commenters are tossers and deleting their negativity to keep it a fun space doesn't always leave me in a good mood 😡😡😡
i know a ton of celeb juice is on youtube but i haven't gotten around to organising it into a playlist (at least), but it's on my to-do list!
if you want to contribute to the post, i'm currently seeking these!
ask rhod gilbert
breaking the news (mostly looking for the tv version)
the news quiz (s97–current...i might have a source but it's a slow wip...)
there's something about movies
mel giedroyc unforgivable s03
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more wooooooooo
i'm going to tentatively open my requests (for watch links & gifs) so feel free to send a polite ask for something you may be seeking. it's much easier for me to keep track of asks than dms, if you don't mind sending there :)
okay friends enjoy! ヽ(゜∇゜)ノ
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rxttenfish · 1 month
Hi hello I just wanted to say that I really really like your worldbuilding and art and merfolk and things like that. Where can I read more things you’ve written?
thank you!!!
realistically the majority of my writing is on my main blog, @royalreef, but this is not really ideal for reading, tbh. first of all, because royalreef is a roleplay blog, so what's on there is not only more unpolished and less put-together, but also what's on there is semi-dependent on other roleplay blogs interacting with me (i'm in a dry spell lately, so very little is actually being posted). it also pretty solidly shows my development cycle, so if you go too far back you start seeing things that aren't necessarily accurate anymore or which i've changed over time. most of it is a lot of scrolling and digging through stuff, and while i recommend finding my headcanon tag on there, it's still going to be a lot to dig through.
the much more favorable avenues are by using the #all the care guide says is 'biomass', #miravi.txt, #monster prom, #Monster Prom: Reanimated and #art tags on this blog, but not only is less here, but some of these tags are more or less organized than the others. biomass is my all-purposes posting tag, so you'll see a lot of random conversations too, and my miravi tag is solely focused on the ship, with worldbuilding being included but not the whole focus. in the case of monster prom: reanimated, its a defunct tag that i don't use anymore, but still has enough worldbuilding posts on there for me to point out.
the most focused avenue is my AO3, particularly my newest fic Caecilian, which focuses on the merkingdom and merfolk and that worldbuilding! the problem is that, by far, this has the least content of all methods thus far, and while i'm working on the second chapter as we speak, it's still going to be a wait between chapters (they're pretty long, as you can imagine from the subject!)
i have been considering setting up a patreon for more inclusive worldbuilding posts and being able to share sketches and concepts without worrying about them being polished, but as of posting this, i don't have a patreon up yet. it's in the future plans, but not right now!
and, of course, the easiest method is just sending me an ask of any questions you have! there's certain things i can't answer/won't answer publicly, because i'd like some things to remain a mystery until i can properly reveal them, but if you dm me privately and don't mind spoilers, i have no problem talking about them there!
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