#divine symbols
fierysword · 2 years
The night sky, sprinkled with stars, is actually a perfect symbol of how God always shines light in the darkness.
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renardsruses · 4 months
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In the shadow of your wings
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yukipri · 4 months
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Jaster Mereel, having just decided that this brave, grubby orphan is going to be his Foundling. His name is Jango Fett.
PLEASE DO NOT REUPLOAD, EDIT, TRANSLATE, OR OTHERWISE USE MY ART. To share, please reblog! Reblogs and comments greatly appreciated!!!
❀ You can see the rest of my art through the Masterpost pinned to the top of my blog!
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fleshwizard · 5 months
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dirtytransmasc · 8 months
ok but like, Modest!Alicent Hightower au (more modest than she already is) cause I feel like it, it adds ✨layers✨
Alicent who veils her hair during her day to day life, elegant laces and silks adorning her long ginger-brown hair, covering it completely at the Sept.
Alicent who wears dresses with long heavy skirts and always covers her elbows with billowing sleeves.
Alicent who conceals her silhouette with thick shaping garments. they also just helped her back during her pregnancies and taking care of kids (her servants recommended them so she'd have full range of motion and support)
Alicent who was stripped of her modesty, her dignity and sense of security whenever Viserys wanted her. stripped of it by her own father when he sent her to Viserys's chambers in a dress that didn't cover as much as she would have liked, especially when she visited a man with those (silent) instructions.
Alicent who lets her hair down around people she trusts. covering it around Rhaenyra after she abandoned her, a blow to Rhaenyra, a blatant "you hurt me and broke my trust". letting Criston see her hair after he becomes her sworn sword. covering in front of Viserys until he demands she stops. Alicent putting a little makeshift veil on her daughter, who wanted to look like her mum, promising it would protect her from how loud the world was.
Alicent who only trusts her closest servants to dress her, and even then insists on being in a full shift before they can come in.
Alicent who felt stripped bare while giving birth to her children.
little Alicent looking up to her mum who was also very modest, and spending her childhood playing in long skirts.
Alicent who wears shawls and scarves out in public or at events. Criston watches to make sure she remains properly covered. her hands fiddling with the patterns or tassels while she talks to others.
Alicent doing this with her kids:
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Criston offering her his cloak when she's put in bad situations like sudden crowds or outings.
wearing flowy but opaque fabrics during the summers, looking ethereal and goddess-like with her layers skirts and sleeves.
the whole Larys situation being even more sickening.
all 3 of her sons being protective of her modesty alongside Criston, always offering their cloaks to her or standing to block her from the wind or wandering eyes. Aegon holding her veil in place when it's windy, Aemond placing a cloak over her in public, Daeron fiercely defending his mum from lusting glances or lingering stares.
Helaena continuing to veil with her mum when they go out, they love matching veils and trying ornate styles.
Alicent fixing her daughters veil in attempts to get it to stay in on dragon back. it doesn't. but they don't mind the extra bonding time none the less.
gold veils that literally make her look like she's dripping in gold.
tucking her babes in her shawls or holding them against her skirts that are practically swallowing them whole.
Alicent collecting layers. Ornate undergarments that cover her arms in gold and embroidered patterns, some almost like tapestries others more simple. undershirts that cover her neck, with "choker" patterns and sewn in jewels. modest nightgowns and robes made of the softest, most breathable fabrics in existence.
covering her face on holy days/days of importance.
I just have so many thoughts.
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Symbols of Demeter: cranes, wheat ears, winged serpent, cornucopia, torches, crocus, myrtle, bees, the bull, the pig, honey.
Demeter arrives to her sacred Eleusis with her winged chariot carried by flying dragons, she will later on give this chariot as a present to the hero Triptolemus. This flying serpentine power seems wondrous; can we talk about a forgotten advanced ancient technology involved, or is it a symbol for the serpentine power also known as Shakti or Kundalini... From her realm that is earth the goddess seems to rise.
Art from the tarot deck: Ancient Feminine Wisdom of Goddesses and Heroines by Brian Clark and Kay Steventon.
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rosieandthemoon · 10 months
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by Simon Quaglio in 1818
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elliart7 · 2 years
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*growling and gnashing my teeth every time I remember Ed probably carried Stede off that ship
Based on this post by @meanmisscharles 🕺🏻
Instagram/ YouTube/ Ao3
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m1d-45 · 1 year
any chance of a part 2 of opportunities arisen? perhaps tighnari finds out who we are? or someone else comes after us? 👉👈 i love him sm and ur characterization of him is perfect, that fic is 100% canon in my mind for every imposter au now
prime fortune
a/n: hope this one didn’t absolutely destroy your expectations anon. it took a hard left turn halfway through and i couldn’t bring it back—
word count: 3.1k oh wow-
-> warnings: minor spoilers for sumeru archon quest (3.0-3.2), dubious medical facts that you should not follow, likely ooc cyno, excessive use of the word ‘something’ with little reasoning to show for it, cyno’s excellent humor
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3 || @shizunxie
<< part 1 || < masterlist >
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adapting to life in the forest was easier said than done.
you’re often paired with collei, who’s in the middle of a bad eleazar flare that keeps her confined to the village, and though she teaches you the different salves and plants, a lot of it goes over your head.
you’re interested, you are! the liveliness with which she speaks, and the animated gestures from tighnari as he explains proper safety when preparing medicine easily capture your attention, but when she hands you two mushrooms and asks her to tell you which one is morchella….
by some strange luck, you often guess correctly, your intuition knowing more than you do, but when she nods with a smile and asks you to repeat the differences…
your mind falls blank.
something about the density of the fibers inside the mushroom floats through your mind, but you can’t remember whether the true or false mushroom is heavier.
collei’s smile falters, and yours turns sheepish. when she takes you out on walks, slowly walking up the paths so you don’t strain your ankle, you can point at the differences between portobello and death caps, you can pick out holly and honeysuckle and marigold, but here…
you pass the field practice with flying colors, but your basic by-the-books forest ranger tests always end in failure.
tighnari picks out two plants from a small case, holding them up in front of you.
“you come across amir sitting just off the side of a path, clutching his stomach. after some questioning, you determine he has a stomach cramp from dehydration, and spot these two plants nearby. you’re about a 15 minute walk from the village; what do you do?”
one of the plants has many flat white flowers blooming from the top, with yellow centers, while the other has orange petals that form a ball shape on top. you know one of them is yarrow, but not which one…
you pick the latter on a whim, spinning it between two fingers as you think. “pick the petals and crush them into a paste, taking care not to overwork them. give him about a spoonful, which should be most of it, then help him up. report to shirin once we return.”
the blank mask on his face falls into confusion. “how do you even mix up marigold and yarrow?” he asks, picking the flower—marigold, you now recognize—from your hand. “you got the procedure correct, at least, but marigold is bitter and will only worsen his aches. oh, and additionally, the leaves of yarrow—however small they-“
the door to the cottage slams open, jars rattling on their shelves, and tighnari whips around to face whoever it is, one hand steadying a stack of reports.
“and just what do you think you’re- w- collei? is everything alright?”
collei’s violet eyes were wide, her shoulders heaving with breath, when she spoke, exhaustion was evident. “m-master tighnari! the matra are here on behalf of the akademiya! i tried to tell them to wait so i could get you but they just-..”
emotions flashed over tighnari’s face faster than you could catch, eventually setting on a sharp determination. “alright collei, calm down. go find amir and do your best to delay them, but don’t seem too suspiscious, okay? just remember what we planned, i’ll take care of things here.”
her eyes flicked to you, worry evident, but she quickly turned away.
the moment the door closed, you and tighnari sprung into action. he collected the plants from your test and tucked them into their proper places, you standing to help return a mint plant back to its place.
he caught your wrist, taking the pot. “don’t. take your bag and go, don’t worry about this.”
you hesitate for longer than you should, then nod. he lets you go and returns to his case, and you move to crouch by the bed. feeling under it, your hand eventually brushes against a cloth handle, which you grab. you take a step to unlatch the window with one hand and sling the pack over your shoulder with the other, leaving with your good leg first. as you carefully close the window behind you, you can see tighnari moving to hide all the notes you’d taken, the only sign of his worry being his tail lashing behind him and the slightest flick of his ears.
with a soft smile, you turn away.
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tighnari checked over his room once more, ensuring that every trace of your presence was scrubbed clean. your laundry was out and mixed with the rest of the rangers’, but your notes and records were carefully hidden under patrol logs and his own personal binders. he knew everything was tucked away, he had explanations lined up and answers to every conceivable question the akademiya could have, but his heart still beat frantically against his ribs. even as he pulled apart and neatened up a stack of patrol logs, repeating the action to look like he was doing something whenever the matra came to his hut, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he missed something crucial.
he had to fight to keep his tail from betraying his emotions, the energy not going into mussing up and then fixing the papers spent on hiding the symptoms of his distress. he knew he didn’t miss anything. the moment you told them the sages were on active lookout for you and he knew you weren’t a threat, he had memorized the plan. he was foolish to worry.
he hasn’t known you for long, barely over half a year, yet his mind is clouded with the same worry as when collei collapses out on patrol. the same numbing sort of adrenaline, the icy feeling in his bones even as his skin starts to burn up, the apprehension in every movement, as if at any moment-
somebody knocks on the door.
tighnari takes a steadying breath and fusses with the papers a final time. “come in!”
the door creaks open and he taps the papers on the table, turning slightly to speak over his shoulder. “sorry, you caught me in the middle of something.”
“no matter,” a familiar voice says, and he can’t stop the way his body freezes at the speaker.
he carefully tucked the papers into a folder, finally turning around. “general mahamatra. to what do i owe the honor?”
cyno crossed his arms, red eyes surveying the room. “oh, nothing at all. just somebody from vimara village reporting somebody that looked suspiciously like the primo fortuna walking around with collei when they’re supposed to be in liyue.”
tighnari stares. the primo fortuna…? he thought they were after you, but you couldn’t be…
“are… are you suggesting somebody is attempting to imitate the creator?”
sure, he wouldn’t deny you shared some features—you had the same shape of nose, you were around the same height and build—but for you to be the creator? no, it wasn’t possible. your eyes were much kinder, you stopped and helped nasrin when she couldn’t find the proper forms, you directed shirin to the area of the forest where you and collei found nilotpala lotuses, you were nothing like the creator he saw at pardis dhyai. you didn’t stare with glazed eyes as padisarahs and sumeru roses were brought forth, you listened in earnest when he spoke about the differences between the various kinds of ferns.
if anybody were to meet you, they’d know in an instant you were not the creator.
his heart itched within his chest. he ignored it as worry.
“that’s exactly what i’m implying. as i’m certain you know, their identity is hallowed, and anybody attempting to infringe upon it needs to meet justice.” the golden eye on his headpiece flashed, the sides beginning to narrow into eyes before he shook his head and it passed. “but in truth, that is not why i am here.”
tighnari stared. despite having a fondness for jokes, cyno was never one to laugh about his duties. “what do you mean? collei told me you were here on behalf of the akademiya.”
“the matra are here on behalf of the sages,” he clarified. “i… i am here for other reasons. personal ones.”
his eyes flicked around the room again, and tighnari’s narrowed. “well, don’t hide behind double meanings, then. what is it?”
cyno’s jaw flexed as he chewed at nothing, his arms uncrossing. his eyes focused somewhere around the bed, and he seemed lost in thought. whatever it was, it had to be a big deal, but for him to hijack the matra’s arrival instead of coming on his own time…
“the one on the throne is not our god.”
he said it with such conviction that tighnari found himself agreeing, waiting for whatever had gotten him worked up, and it was only when cyno’s eyes closed as he braced himself that it registered what he said.
“i have gathered evidence across many sources, both academic and religious, common and exclusive, and i can’t bring myself to kneel at their feet any longer. i have been ignoring my own mind for too long for the sake of my conscience, and i am confiding in you now what has been brewing in my mind for months.”
in the silence that stretched, tighnari almost wished he hadn’t spoken.
the way he spoke, from his words to his tone, reminded tighnari of when he reported to the sages, like he wasn’t tighnari to him and was instead an authority.
“cyno, i don’t.. is this why you didn’t go when they were at pardis dhyai or sumeru city?”
he nodded. “i can’t be in a place where they’re being worshipped when i’m so conflicted. i thought about pulling you aside in the city, but…”
tighnari didn’t think he’d ever seen cyno so meek in his words, none of his normal power behind it. he’s… tired, a quality he knows he’s felt but has never seen on him, the almost nervous way he keeps glancing around the room edging on alarming.
“alright.. uh, moving past that for a moment, what does that have to do with why you’re in gandharva ville? wouldn’t you want to not be involved?”
cyno’s eyes dragged from where they were locked behind him with uncharacteristic slowness. “the person you’re hiding may be the real creator.”
the simplicity to his words had tighnari believing it, even as it didn’t fully register in his mind. he knew cyno attached a religious aspect to his work, to the point the people in sumeru city sometimes calling him an extension of their judgement—even as it was more like the akademiya’s, most time—so he knew that whatever he said on the topic was both well thought out and reliable.
which is why he was silent even after it clicked.
“what are you saying, cyno?”
“they’ve been staying here, haven’t they? in this room?”
“this is my and collei’s-“
“don’t tell me you haven’t been able to feel the difference in the air? the way it seems to flow slowly, lingering, like it has something to wait for? there’s no heavy blankets on the bed, and yet everybody else is talking of how cold the weather’s been lately.”
“that’s because this is an insulated room, and we’re right up against a cliff.”
the quick pace to his heart was back, this time less of worry and more of confusion. you couldn’t be the creator, not when you bore so little resemblance to the one on the throne. you were good at what you did, plants thriving under your care even if you forget to water them. call him selfish, but tighnari almost wished the creator could go back to wherever they’d been, since they’d been much kinder there, both to their vessels and the world.
you weren’t them. they weren’t even close to being you.
“you’re considering it.”
he crossed his arms, forcing himself to still. “i’ll admit—not that you didn’t already know it—that we have taken a refugee into the village, one the sages might call a criminal-“
“that’s not what i mean, tighnari, and you know it.”
“can you give me a minute? you can’t just drop a massive load of information on me like that and expect me to continue like it didn’t happen!”
“you’re reacting oddly.”
“well of course i am, you’re telling me the same person i took in and sheltered from your bosses is somebody you want to take away back to them, and that’s not even covering their injuries- they’ve barely been able to walk outside of the village, and you want to take them to the city?”
“when did i say anything about the sages?”
tighnari stopped, his chest heaving. his hands froze mid-air, his tail still flicking in a mix of irritation and stress, thoughts moving quicker than he could understand them.
“i never said anything about the sages. i never said i would take them.”
“w- well it’s implied, if not in your words then-“
“i don’t deal in implications. you know this.”
he did.
he knew cyno. he knew how he spoke and acted, he knew that the small emotion in his eyes was indicative of empathy and not ruthless justice. he knew he held reasoning in high standards, he knew that if he stopped and thought about the words coming from his mouth then he would agree.
but he couldn’t think.
all of his usual composure had faltered and faded, leaving him grasping for a hold as his thoughts swam like a raging river around him, even standing a struggle amidst the tide. all he could do was watch, his head racing and hands shaking, as cyno stood on the bank of rationality, with his crossed arms and cool eyes that dared him to step forward and sink beneath the waves.
he had no real reason to fear so much for you. by now you were gone, by now you were safe and far past the statue of the seven by the chasm, hidden in a place where even cyno would struggle to find you. you were crafty, clever, and you had more than enough supplies to last until he could go to find you.
he had no reason to be afraid.
yet his heart still raced a rhythm he couldn’t follow, his mind tripping and skipping with worry.
his tail wrapped around his side and he picked out a cluster of petals from it, mostly just to give his hands something to do.
as he did, he noticed it was a full flower, likely knocked off one of the samples on the desk. it was small, blue, with smooth petals, and he recognized it after a moment’s pause.
“this is a hydrangea. what is it used for?”
the flower quivered in your shaking hands. “root and stem are for… for medicine. petals are tea.”
collei nodded, smiling brightly. “exactly! you’re a quick learner, aren’t you?”
you smiled sheepishly, trying to hand her back the flower, but collei held up a hand, closing her pack with her other hand.
“no, you keep it. take it as a congratulations for all your progress!”
you were hesitant to accept it, that much was clear, and tighnari tied off the small parcel in his hands before speaking.
“you really have done well. you’ve only been here for a few weeks, but you’ve learned a lot.” he set down the packed herbs beside where he was leaning on the table, directing all of his attention to you. “i know it’s mostly for safety, and you’re not going to be a ranger-“ too much paperwork was required, he couldn’t risk it “-but still. i’m proud of you.”
you smiled.
it likely wasn’t the same flower—that ‘class’ was months ago, now—but it dragged a realization to the surface of his mind.
in the short, fleeting time he’d known you, he had come to care for you as he did collei.
even then, only after a week or two of you being there, a certain fondness had taken root in his chest. something bright, something that bloomed like a rose yet without any of the thorns. something that he watered every time you winced when you walked, something you fostered when you helped treat collei’s eleazar when he was out clearing a withering zone.
something that grew as he realized the poultice you had made had helped clear the pain faster than anything he’d made, even as you both used the same recipe, something that lashed out when kamran questioned your place in the village. something that spurred him to action when he thought you were in trouble, even if it was only cyno.
something that burned bright, something hot that blurred his reasoning even when he knew it was wrong, something that made him want to bare his teeth and keep you safe by his side.
something that should be impossible for him to feel towards you, as it was a golden and warm feeling that did not exist in teyvat, only ever glimpsed at altars.
tighnari looked up from the flower and into cyno’s knowing eyes.
relief washed onto his face, a small nod the only other sign that he’d heard.
“i’ll report nothing to the team—i trust you’ve gone over this, given your reaction?”
he let the comment slide. “yes, everybody here knows what to do in the case of the akademiya or the millelith coming here. it was collei’s idea, actually, and she took care to make sure that everybody had it memorized.”
cyno nodded, taking a step towards the door. “good. and if you ever need to collei matra, just get me instead.”
“do you get-?”
“i got it, cyno.”
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casualwitchbitch · 1 year
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itgirlmaddie · 5 months
⠀ ⠀ pack ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ de ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ divisores ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ !
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cometrose · 1 month
Op I read your old post about "the blind dragon who wants to see the sun" and I realized wait Zhongli is most symbolized by the sun
zhongli has soooo much sun symbolism here is a list
Gold everywhere!!! Lots of yellow and gold in his color palette. His eyes are described as golden or amber -the golden glow of his hands, the gold in his suits or archon outfits. Gold, the color of the sun is his signature color.
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In his splash art his meteorite looks distinctly like the sun (plus his character demo is full of sun symbolism)
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In depictions of Rex Lapis he always symbolizes the sun
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Zhongli's namecard description: stars fall, light fades
His burst/ultimate is translated to "Planet Befall" in english but in chinese it is "Heavenly Star"
During one of the melusine quests in fontaine one them says "gold are the tears of the sun" if you gift them cor lapis. She also says cor lapis is warm to the touch "truly as gentle as the sun itself"
Deus Auri which translates to “god of gold” is one of Rex Lapis' titles
Mora (which is often referred synonymously with gold) is minted from Zhongli’s own flesh and blood
As you mentioned Azhdaha was a blind dragon who yearned to see the sun. As Morax was the one who granted him eyes -meaning he was the first person Azhdaha saw- Morax is in part the "sun" he yearned to see
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In Zhongli's TCG card the story says "a hidden gemstone can illuminate the whole earth, bright and unrivaled as a star"
One of the distinct features of the adepti is the "illumination" that Rex Lapis granted them that gave them the ability to create subspaces and other powers (what does the sun do? illuminate)
In Azhdaha's story he recites a poem to Jiu (his eroded self) "A star appears within the wild a sun ascends as bright as jade”. Other than gold Zhongli's signature item is jade! Fun fact the weapons of the Primordial Jade series were created by him.
In the description of the Geo Hypostasis it states maybe the reason it creates pillar is not to combat enemies but to get closer to the sky
In one of Albedo's voicelines he says "without human manipulation you would need to harness the power of a sun eight times the size of our own in order to naturally create gold”
Interestingly the Solar Chariot crashed into Liyue forming The Chasm about 6000 years ago, coincidentally Rex Lapis descended upon the region at the same time.
Lastly, while Zhongli symbolizes the sun a lot of the people around him symbolize the moon. Guizhong has a dark blue and white color palette with stars in her sleeves. Azhdaha often depicted with the moon and night. Ganyu and Xiao both have moon symbolism. The 'yue' in Liyue means moon. All the other archons -Venti, Nahida, and Ei especially- have a lot of moon symbolism. So not only is he very "sun-like" but the people around him are very "moon-like"
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eyebaus · 1 year
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lulled in the storm
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So… are we gunna talk about this or…?
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fireforember · 5 months
I just peeled a pomegranate and watched it bleed as I tore its flesh away and consumed what's inside.
I wonder if this is love.
I wonder if this is how God feels when he tears into me.
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dwaintydoll · 2 months
꒰ 𝓂𝘪𝘭𝘬 , 𝘷𝑎𝑛𝘪𝘭𝘭𝑎 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑎𝑛 𝑎𝑛ℊ𝑒𝑙𝘴 𝘬𝘪𝘴𝘴 ݂ ദ
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