#disney is classist
Did any one else have the experience of frowinf up in the late 90s/early 00's where Disney had the vault.
Not only where you only able to get Disney movies on VCR when out the vault they also charged crazy prices for them. As a child who grew up in a family without a lot of money. Getting to own any of the Disney orginals was like winning the jackpot. I was lucky enough to have Aladdin and Little Mermaid as I was obsessed with mermaids. (My grandmother did accidently buy me an animated Hans Christian Anderson original version first by accident. Let me tell you 8 year old me was horrified)
BUT while Disney orginals where crazy expensive when you could get them out of the vault, the direct to VCR sequels WAY cheaper and actually really good in their own right. So that's what I had as a Disney obsessed child.
I actually prefer the Little Mermaid 2 to the original (I never understood why Ariel wanted to go to the human world, but 100% got Melody wanting to live in the sea. I love the Lion King 2 just as much as the first, the music in it just hits. I saw Lady and the Tramp 2, Cinderella 2 and Beauty and the Beast: A Christmas special years before I saw the orginals. (I actually did not know the beauty and the beast xmas edition wasn't the original, and that was embarrassing to learnbwhen talking about the movie).
When I try to explain to people why the sequels to these movies are so important to me and while I will fight people over them saying their bad peo0le don't get it.
But this was my escape as a kid. The sequel made my childhood, and I am so grateful. Maybe the animation isn't as marvellous ans ground breaking as the uber expensive orginals. But they were WAY more accessible.
I am currently watching the little mermaid with my niece (2.5yrs) and she is also way more entranced with the sequel as well.
It just wild to me to think about how easy access to all Disney movies is these days and how much Disney really made there master works inaccessible to certain social groups back in the 90s/00s. Disney has always been about money, not childhood magic. If it was, they would not have vaulted thier movies to be able to jack the prices and make them almost inaccessible to a whole social group.
Long live Disney straight to VCR/DVD sequels.
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doctornolonger · 1 year
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It seems that Britbox is losing Doctor Who outside the UK. With it now nearly certain that Disney+ will be snatching up the Who back catalog – not just future releases, as has been officially confirmed – it’s time to start thinking about how they’ll be splitting up NuWho into separate tiles! After all, surely Disney doesn’t want viewers to think they have to watch all of it before starting the Tennant specials and Gatwa series.
Ways they might do this, ranked from least to most cursed:
They restart the numbering so Gatwa’s first series is 1. “NuNuWho”?
One tile per Doctor, so series 5 is rebranded as “The Eleventh Doctor: Series 1”. This would extend nicely to Classic Who as well, but it’s a bit misleading, since starting with the Tenth or Twelfth Doctors wouldn’t make any sense.
One tile per showrunner era: RTD 1.0, Moffat, Chibnall, and RTD 2.0. Given that handovers have coincided with soft reboots in the past, this would make perfect sense; my main worry would be what names they’d come up with for each era…
One tile per showrunner, so RTD 1.0 and 2.0 go on a single tile. Viewers are encouraged to go straight from The End of Time to the 2023 specials. (If this happens, expect the first Fourteenth Doctor special to begin with a Twice Upon a Time-style long-range “Previously on…” flashback to series 4 (this might happen anyway tbh).)
One tile for series 1–4 and 14+ called “Doctor Who”, and one tile for series 5–13 called “Doctor Who: Legends”.
BIG FINISH ON DISNEY+ B  I  G  F  I  N  I  S  H  O N  D  I  S  N  E  Y +
Have I missed any? Which is most likely?
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
I LOVE when I'm reading a fic about the Three Caballeros and they make Zé be from Bahia. It's just too funny. His surname is lit "from Rio de Janeiro" but for some reason some american writers make him be from Bahia and it amuses me soo much.
That being said a tip for pleople who want to integrate the Bahia onto Zé: there was a lot of migrations of people from brazilian northwest (for a long time mostly rural) to brazilian southwest (full of industrialized cities), people looking for better condicions that mostly were not met.
Bahia is the biggest northwest state and Rio is the second biggest southwest state. It wouldn't be a shock if Zé grandparents (or even his parents) were from Bahia. It would actually fit well with him having such a connection with the place while saying he never visited it.
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princesssarisa · 2 months
This post about employer/servant relationships that @bethanydelleman and @thatscarletflycatcher have both reblogged has gotten me thinking about all the employer/servant relationships that are close and familial in period fiction I know. From Nelly Dean in Wuthering Heights (although she's a complex example), to the Nurse in Romeo and Juliet, to Suzuki in Madame Butterfly, to the Enchanted Objects in Disney's Beauty and the Beast, and others. Are they all classist nonsense, glorifying loyalty, affection, and emotional labor that no real-life employee owes their employers? Or not?
I'm especially wondering about this because in one of the fantasy stories I'm working on, as I've envisioned it until now, a neglected child from a well-off family ends up forming a found family with several servants from her household. After years of trying to maintain a formal distance, they finally can't deny their affection for her, and end up following her when she runs away from home and starting a new life elsewhere as her parental figures. I suppose I can try to find ways to justify these specific relationships in this story – especially because once this girl and these adults are living on their own, they no longer have a mistress/servant relationship. But can I do this, or would it just be perpetuating the oppressive sentimental cliché that servants should be their employers' friends/surrogate family and be willing to sacrifice everything for them?
At any rate, though, I agree with @thatscarletflycatcher that this way of thinking is probably why some people are so eager to hate Nelly Dean, and why her relationship with the elder Cathy tends to be rewritten as more loving in adaptations. Subconsciously they probably think "How dare a maid dislike her mistress? The heroine's female servant confidante is supposed to love her!" Even though Nelly fulfills that "duty" by loving the younger Cathy in the second half, and the elder Cathy's status as a "heroine" is questionable. There's probably also an element of this when people criticize Jane Eyre for at least initially being too cold toward Adéle. Jane is hired to teach Adéle, yet people criticize her for acting like a teacher instead of a mother; they seem to expect every governess to be like Maria in The Sound of Music and become a doting mother figure to her students, when there's no rational reason to expect that of a paid employee.
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opinated-user · 22 hours
I feel like most people don’t address the offputting way LO talks about poor people. She calls rural people “hicks” and “inbred”. She makes them out to be stupid and subhuman (I REALLY noticed this with her dunmeshi video). For anyone who claims to be anti-capitalist, this is a wild way to talk about the working class.
I think in one of her videos she mentioned growing up rural? Maybe she feels some level of shame and internalized classism that many of us rural kids feel, but I might just be trying to be charitable.
LO is very much not an anticapitalist in the slightest. not only does she lick companie's boots like they were ice cream, especially if it's disney or they made another product that she likes. i remember one time she also even said that capitalism wasn't bad or good, that it was just "a tool" that could be used, completely showing that she didn't know what even was in the first place.
she was also not a rural kid. iirc Courtney mentioned that she and LO grew up in a trailer park, which is still not rich, but still a different environment. no, she's classist because probably she picked it up from her parents and never bothered to unlearn any of her biases.
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hermithomebase · 7 months
I can't access paramount but this is a good basis on what to send. Obviously paraphrase but this is what I sent to Disney ^_^
I have been following Nicolas Cantu, who voices Leonard on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on Twitter (X) and he has been admitting to physically assaulting someone while belligerently drunk and then joking about it publicly. I think this behavior is frankly very inappropriate for someone engaged in voicing a children's media character. He has also called women 'hoes' which is very degrading and is not appropriate at all. There have been allegations of him being racist and saying the n word as well as the r word (r*tarded) which is bigoted and not the values I'd expect from your company. He was also very rude and degrading to his Uber driver, making classist comments to someone who was only trying to help.
I hope some action is taken at the soonest against him. I am enclosing a screenshot of him calling women hoes and making light of him physically assaulting someone as well as the uber driver thing, in case of him deleting them.
this is really good 😁👍
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infinitestalia · 2 years
"As to the girl Nettles, “She is a common thing, with the stink of sorcery upon her,” the queen declared. “My prince would ne’er lay with such a low creature. You need only look at her to know she has no drop of dragon’s blood in her.... Therefore, let a command be sent at once to Maidenpool, but only for the eyes of Lord Mooton. “Let him take her at table or abed and strike her head off. Only then shall my prince be freed"
I'm thinking zero chance they include the racist, classist overtones of R's distain for Nettles in the show. Would be great if they did but it seems obvious Saint Rhaenyra is too untouchable a character for ugly, human motivations, her fanbase needs her to be the liberal-minded Disney princess contrasted against Aegon otherwise their support of her makes no sense
Oh, less than zero. Her entire show character hinges on the idea that the only problem in this world is misogyny, which must be the only reason everyone doesn't fall at her feet, and not any of her many, many deficiencies- including her own misogyny. Same character who doesn't attempt to make a difference for any woman bar herself, who steals Driftmark from a female heir for her bastard son, who only cares about misogynistic laws of succession when they affect her:
Rhaenyra’s own claim to the Iron Throne was a special case, the Sea Snake insisted; her father had named her as his heir. Lords Rosby and Stokeworth had done no such thing. Disinheriting their sons in favor of their daughters would overturn centuries of law and precedent, and call into question the rights of scores of other lords throughout Westeros whose own claims might be seen as inferior to those of elder sisters. It was fear of losing the support of such lords, Munkun asserts in True Telling, that led the queen to decide in favor of Lord Corlys rather than Prince Daemon. The lands, castles, and coin of Houses Rosby and Stokeworth were awarded to the sons of the two executed lords.
At Rosby, she found the castle gates barred at her approach, by the command of the young woman whose claim she had passed over in favor of a younger brother.
She orders the murder of a teenage peasant girl- who is on her side- because she's jealous her noncey whore of a husband/uncle loved her more. Even if they won't show the language used towards Nettles (they refuse to really acknowledge the nasty Targ racial superiority & blood purity angle, I suppose the Velaryon casting makes it harder), her actions should damn her for anyone with eyes.
Her fight is only for herself, she does not want change and betterment for women, be they noble or common. She does not want women to rule after her, she just wants herself to live equal to a man without consequences and does not care for the brave smallfolk she calls "vermin". And I have no issue with that- if they just accepted it and portrayed her for what she is. That aspect made someone like Cersei even more interesting because she made no pretence; she was both victim and vicious perpetrator. Idk who decided that these Targaryen women- who enact the same violence and patriarchal tyranny on other women as the men around them- are righteous feminist queens, made to suffer the greatest injustice in history because they don't get to sit on a throne "owed" to them. They are no better than their male counterparts. They are spokes on the same damn wheel.
For all the hand wringing, she was the freest, most privileged woman in the realm, with a life and choices that almost every other woman would kill for, and she did fuck all with it for anyone but herself. (That too, poorly.) That would make for a fascinating, maddening character but instead we have to see a boring, even less compelling version of show!Daenerys, with none of the qualities that initially made her so great.
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decadentbutterflies · 1 month
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It's rather "Sansa stans antis". It's these (very often misogynistic too) Sansa "stans" that people have a problem with and with how they're diminishing if not straight up erasing her canon faults, you know. Like you. They also love to make fanons where they take from other female characters and even erase and re-write what's in the books or even steal people's art and put Sansa into it instead of the female character that was there before.
There are people that also dislike Sansa, but let's be honest, they have valid reasons why. Just because a character isn't Tywin Lannister horrible, doesn't mean they're not dislikeable lol. What kind of argument even is that? There are also people who started to dislike Sansa BECAUSE of these stans.
But of course this person hates that, because they're one of them lmao so of course they're going to twist it and any points and arguments that Sansa is not perfect and has done messed up stuff as well is just "Sansa antis" No, we have a problem with you.
And we also have a girl that basically slowly poisons a little boy, her cousin (she was warned about it hurting him, it's not that she didn't know either) pretty sure she showed no regret or guilt either. Also throws feasts while the common folk is starving etc. Extremely classist. She has faults. People dislike those faults because there's horrible people like that irl too, doesn't make it better or erases it just because there's murderers and r*pists irl too.
She's not a kind Disney princess who's only thing is being a helpless victim and people are allowed to dislike people even if they're not as bad as the other people who are clear antagonists 🤦🏾‍♀️.
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And one of the siblings then proceeded to torment the other about the state of the body of their dead friend. Not abnormal behavior at all.
Also ofc slapping the "same blood flows through you" to make it all better! That's the ultimate argument of these people lol.
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audhdnight · 8 months
Btw, if a disabled or mentally ill person (or honestly just anyone who’s really burnt out and exhausted with life, such as caregivers) tells you that they have to use disposables to clean and function in their day to day life, and your response is anything remotely like “well you’re a horrible person because that plastic you just used is killing the planet” I need you to know that you are ableist, classist, and just a shitty person, and I hate you.
Yes, I know that using paper towels and Clorox wipes is not as sustainable or healthy for the ecosystem as just using regular towels and rags. However, I am fucking exhausted all the time, and if I use regular rags, I will not have the energy to clean them. They will sit in my kitchen and get moldy and have to be thrown away anyway. And then my family is living in unsafe conditions because we’re breathing mold spores.
Additionally, we are fucking poor. We don’t have a washer and dryer. If I want to do laundry I have to load it all up in my car, drive across town to the only laundromat, spend most of my day switching things over and waiting for machines to open up, spend about thirty bucks (probably more, because the dryers are shit and never actually dry things on the first cycle), load everything back into the car, drive back home, and then sort and fold and put away everything I just washed.
That is not feasible most of the time, because I am disabled, I don’t have that money to spend, and I am the primary caregiver for our baby who has extreme sensitivities to changes in our routine. I can’t just take him to the laundromat with me, and I don’t have anyone to watch him while I go. Most days I’m not physically capable of carrying baskets of laundry to and from my vehicle. And again, we can not afford the laundromat. Anything that I can do to reduce the amount of laundry we need to wash in a month, I’m going to do.
All of this to say, please for the love of god consider that there are literally thousands of reasons someone might not be doing “clean living” or choosing the most eco-friendly option all the time. We can’t all cut out disposables. I already feel guilty enough that I can’t just function like a normal person, you do not need to butt in and make it worse.
If your activism for the environment and the earth goes so far as to make you apathetic to the struggles and needs of the real actual people around you, you need to reconsider where your morals lie.
(It’s also worth noting that every regular person on the planet together does not generate ANYWHERE NEAR the amount of plastic and toxic waste in a year that mega corporations do in a matter of weeks or months. I’m not saying that the average man doesn’t need to make as many good and healthy choices as they are able, but seriously, most of us are not the real issue here. Go fight the logging and fracking companies killing the ecosystem. Go attack the capitalist mega-corps like Walmart and Amazon and Disney and Apple that discard so much plastic they are almost single-handedly killing the oceans themselves.)
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numba1hateer · 3 months
If anyone finds anything, just reblog, and I'll post it when I can.
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Last post?
My honest reaction to all this mess:
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Shit was as painful as translation all those nasty ass pathetic excuse of "fanfics" that's nasty a grown ass women accuses ppl of slandering her when she literally dug her own grave by stealing,plagiarizing,tracing and photoshopping being a fucking pedo with the minor characters saying racist, classist shit and her pedo fantasies why doesn't anyone say shit about her literally trying to be disney princess who are literally minors and shipping herself with Malleus who is a ancient ass asf she ain't the only 🤮 why did she think it was okay to kiss Azul who is 17!? She's 25-27!? Rollo and the Leech Twins, why did she think it was okay to make a disgusting pedophilic reenactment of Rollo and Julia!? And the other poor boys 🤮
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Huh? What kind of racist clasist outdated ass mindset is??? 🤮 typical ugigiugi behavior 🤮
Maybe it's just me, but it feels very gross how she shits on Leona and then makes a stupid ass love triangle with him and Malleus like?? Leave Leona tf alone??.
As education ☝🏻🤡
My ass bruh how can ugigiugi call herself an educator while digging her own grave by being a theif and plagiarizing and all this pedo shit makes 0 sense bruh no shame bruh still had the audacity to keep stolen art and never apologized bruh that's not at all like an educator 🤮.
The delusion I'm gonna clean my gallery out of this cancerous shit. 🤮
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jackoshadows · 1 year
I think most Jonsas looked around and were displeased with the guys GRRM wrote as potential partners for their fave so they landed on Jon because he is one of the few young, completely able-bodied and possibly attractive male characters around and he is not a jerk like Harrold or cruel like Joff. That's it.
Details like whether they give a sh*t about each other or if they are each other type's were completely ignored.
Fanfiction and AUs exist for a reason. If Sansa fans don't like her canonical story and relationships they can dabble in fanfiction. That's the purpose of fanfiction. Some of the most popular relationships in fandom are not canon. Not being canon has never stopped anyone. Personally, I find Jonsa to be bland and boring but go for it. People like what they like. Write all the fanfiction and draw all the fanart between the stereotypical disney princess and hot secret prince. That's never been the problem.
The problem is their insistence that Jonsa is canon, work backwards from there, mutilate and mangle the book characters, themes and relationships to shove Jonsa in there. And when this is pointed out, gaslight and attack book readers for being sexist haters of Sansa. It's tiresome.
Hence why we get utter idiocy about how Sansa was traumatized and bitter about Ned's favoritism towards Arya and yet Jon loves Sansa so much it's simply too painful for him to even think of her 😂
Jon Snow needs an entirely new personality and completely different story for Jonsa to happen and so we are stuck with a shallow, Littlefinger type who has a crush on the bully who mocks Arya for being ugly and horsefaced 🙄.
The issue with Jonsa shippers are their sexist, classist tirades on the tags against Dany, Arya, Jon etc. for daring to be tier one main characters with well defined central plots and complex themes that revolve around them, where the author has painstakingly written in relationships and leadership arcs for them, given them conflict and critical thinking skills and build this world of secondary characters to support these main characters.
Sansa fans read Jon's political intelligence and diplomacy, Arya's arc of being unable to fit, discovering her place in the world, her relationship with her father, the North and her siblings, the Lyanna parallels, Dany's revolutionary Queen getting the love of the people and want all that for Sansa. Hence the essays about how Jon and Dany are terrible rulers, how it's Sansa who was the outsider and outcast (Ned's so called favoritism is all about this).
The popular Sansa in fandom now is a self insert, a mish-mash of other characters and made up headcanons. Her most popular ship is a crackship, her relationships with Jon, Arya, Ned etc. has been rewritten. She is perennially a victim, has no agency. Right from Jon I AGoT, Sansa is an abuse victim. (All the while blaming Dany for not stopping the Khalasar's rape under Drogo!).
The fandom dichotomy when it comes to Sansa Stark is the insistence that only she be read like a realistic 11/12 year old and treated like a little child with respect to all her actions and yet she is also the most shipped character of the series!
As per fandom, Sansa is a little child who cannot understand when adults tell her a situation is dangerous or a drug is dangerous and yet she is also shipped romantically with a 27 year old adult who falls for this child. A child when it comes to her thoughts and actions, an adult when it comes to romance, love, marriage and babies.
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Often someone will mention how much they love Sansa because she’s just so realistic, implying all the other characters are not realistic for their age.
And yet while we get called ‘pedophiles’ and perverts for shipping fictional children, fictional incest with age gaps etc. these same folks who appreciate realistic child Sansa will be shipping her with with Sandor Clegane, Jon Snow, Gendry, Willas, Jaime, Tyrion, Young Griff, Stannis, Littlefinger, Daenerys, Arondir, Rand, Harry Hardyng, Tom, Dick, reader etc.  
If Sansa is truly this naive and childlike, unable to understand when the physician is straight up telling her a drug is harmful and dangerous for a sick little boy suffering from epileptic seizures, why are the same readers treating her as being old enough to fall in love and have a romance arc?
Many of these Sansa stans have not read the books. They are fixated on a made up version, confront others based on this made up version. When we then ask for the book quotes they throw a hissy fit, block us, delete/change their blog name and then write essays about the evil Arya/Dany fans lol.
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koheletgirl · 21 days
it's so great that i've never had like Extremely popular posts on here. like that one time i made the disney channel/nickelodeon teen shows poll and people were calling me a classist american. that was enough of that experience for me thank you
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in-a-castle · 6 days
A List of Disney Characters I Will Always Defend
Anna: The way a lot of you come after her and nitpick her behavior pisses me off, especially because so many of you refuse to acknowledge she’s traumatized. Because through the perspective that she was traumatized, a lot of her behavior makes a lot of sense.
The Madrigals: All of them. Every single one. Even Abuela. This isn’t to say I will defend all of their behavior, because they all caused each other trauma- that’s the whole point of the movie. However, acknowledging that it was trauma that caused the pain, and that none of them are actually “villains” is something I wished more people did.
Aladdin: Well, against some criticisms. Not all. Again, I am not going to sit here and defend everything he did. The lying and trying to trick a princess into marrying him is fucked up, but alot of critiques of him are just… classist? “I can’t believe Jasmine married a low-life thief!” He was literally stealing to survive, which was explicitly stated in the film, in the same way Jasmine stole an apple to feed starving children.
Cinderella: Well all of the classic princesses, but mostly Cinderella, because the amount of victim blaming I have seen towards her is disgusting. She wasn’t “too weak” to defend herself. She was in an abusive situation, had no money to leave or anywhere to go.
Asha: Asha was right, you guys are just too attracted to Magnifico to realize what he was doing was bad. Every ounce of hatred of this character has completely misrepresented the events of the film or have just been extremely nitpicky.
Ariel: For the last time, she never exchanged her voice for a man, she exchanged her voice to explore land- something she always wanted to do.
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randomshenaniganery · 2 years
Twitter Rollo drama is so fucking painful to read
Twitter is so annoying 
especially with Rollo Flamm rolling up
Like why can’t you just accept that some people are not comfortable with a character that’s going to end up having parallels with a character like Frollo? 
They’re all just like who cares Yana toboso will shotafy anyone
I’m like bitch its not about him being a shota its about how wildly different a villain like Frollo is compared to every other disney villain in twst. 
The Queen of hearts isn’t even a villain she’s just an antagonist for the last end of the movie and in the book. She’s also very possible just the result of Alice’s over active imagination warping her history lessons 
Maleficent is just a fairy who got pissy about not being invited 
The evil queen was insecure ??? 
Scar is a prince who staged a coup and killed his brother that’s like half of history
Ursula (in disney) is similar to scar wanting to stage a coup and take over the ocean but with magic and contracts in the original Hans Christian Andersen she’s more like a plot device than an antagonist she helps the mermaids on their thing but never does it out of purposeful malice
Hades IS ANOTHER CHARACTer about killing your brother and taking over (in disney) in the mythology he just does his job and stops people from trying to take his wife (albeit he did kidnap her)
Jafar is the classical right hand man secretly rules over everything because the current leader is super exploitable and super dumb this also happens in history
You can’t fucking compare that to someone who emotionally abuses a disfigured person to be dependent on them, tries to force a girl from a minority to get with him or die. He’s an ableist, racist, classist, and sexist all things that are super present today affects so many people. Frollo is someone who exists back then and now so making a character that will have parallels to him in a game like Twisted Wonderland is very iffy to many people. 
And I don’t hate Rollo because I think that if they handle his character well they can turn this into a great example with a complex character.
I have mentioned before that its possible that Rollo is the way he is because he might have a super conservative and abusive household that will force him into the same person as Frollo and he might have a redemption where he realizes his world isn’t so small and he doesn’t have to be an ass
however considering how svanaclaw was written and the rep of Yana (looks hard at black butler) I’m not sure she can do that and its possible that Rollo will just end up being an antagonist for this event unless people like him so much that she’ll be compelled to insert him more ig. 
the point is its fine to like him and its fine to be weary of him. 
just be mindful that other people can be affected by this shit 
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magz · 3 months
Yes, Karla Ortiz and other big popular artists in her group in the anti-ai art scene are basically pro-capitalist grifters.
They helped with + promoted nightshade n glaze (made by UCLA and Chicago Uni), and established part of the narrative surrounding these tools as "solutions" while barely understanding it; so this groups' influence on these discussions can't be understated too.
(Am going to focus mainly on Karla Ortiz tho) The popular artist groups in question established:
The "Concept Artist Association" as a non-profit org in september 2022, with little transparency. This does not trustworthy. It used to also be a private LLC.
Made gofundme of $270k us dollar for part of class action lawsuit and lobbying, "protecting artists from AI technologies", while hiring and become part of Copyright Alliance (with notorious members such as Adobe, Disney, UMG). These tactics are known for making the lives of artists and creators hell (example: the many comic artists, writers, illsutrators, musicians that don't own their stuff n can't make anything of their creations IP because it's owned by Disney, or Marvel, or Nintendo now.)
Has supported and followed other "pro-artists" that try to extend this crusade of being against "art stealing" and "copyright stealing", to the Internet Archive being a menace. And gave support to others' efforts to shut down Internet Archive's library book lending, using same rhetoric. Synonymizing "book publishers" and big companies with "creators". (Though atm, only have 1 foto abt it on hand bc it's been a while)
Those professional popular artists have been criticized by smaller artists as copyright expansion benefits bigger rich artists while harming small ones n those that don't have resources to go against giants like Disney.
In the case of Karla Ortiz, she is known to do whatever benefits her as a big creator n barely listens to smaller artists. Support of NFTs, pro-capitalism pro-copyright, anti-archival, being generally reactionary about art. Whatever.
Obviously, with nightshade and glaze specifically, there are other criticisms to be made. like the apps' high requirements to run thus inaccessible to many, the technology and premise being outdated, this barely affecting the "big companies" people are worried about, the users' not understanding how any of this works, the doomscroll spiraling n fearmongering that many of its users do (inducing panic attacks in some artists about their "art is going to be stolen" bc they can't glaze their work).
Honestly, it gets very repetitive and it is very easy for people to start being anti-piracy classists (example: "don't pirate banned books even when it's by definition not accessible to you bc it's stealing from authors" is a common one) + anti-archival and pro-copyright when someone frames things a certain way, even when basically grifting and harming. Its a whole overarching cycle.
Tweet threads of related old discussions:
About concept art alliance.
When searching "karla ortiz nft".
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I think it's really rich how the Loki series showrunners like to talk about Loki's problems and emotions as if he were some moody, hormonal teenager, while currently in the show Sylvie is acting like some sullen, edgy, emo bitch-brat, hating everything and everyone, sticking safety pins in her armor and working at frickin' McDonalds. And this is supposed to be seen as cooler than Loki because her "trauma was worse and her scars are deeper", yadda yadda yadda. Like??? Do they not see their own double standard??? Do they not smell their own bullshit???
I know you aren't watching the show, and the Loki series is your least favorite subject right now, it is mine too, but every time I see something related to it I just. Want to put my fist through a wall. Everything these people have said about Loki is so wrong it's like my brain can't comprehend it. Anyway thank you for being so incredibly patient with all the Loki-related anons, including mine!
And on the subject of Sylvie's armor, I can't stand seeing her wear that design. If she is so special, being "her own person" and all, then she really should stop co-opting Loki's costume and find something else. Something that's just as, um...."original" as she is. 😒
Hey, I love the anons so keep 'em coming! (I know I'm super slow with them though, so sorry about that)
I couldn't agree more about the double standard. It genuinely baffles me that they're so uninterested in one of the most complex characters the MCU has ever had. They clearly understand he's like a magnet for the fanbase, hence all the promo centring him, but they seem so keen to grab that complexity and turn it to shreds in order to make him more palatable, and it's like... he already has a lot of fans kissing his ass. You want more? Don't change him, just make a good series! Get the same freaking character acting the same way he's always been, put him in situations and we'll watch the damn thing even if it's not that good just to see him. What's not clicking?! 🤦‍♀️
It doesn't make sense to me. Disney+ needed the Marvel series to be profitable, and they want a bigger audience and more money. Okay, cool. But why, why do the execs think the only way to get people interested is by nerfing the characters and making them simpler? It's such a classist belief that ""people"" will only understand something if it's on its most superficial state.
It reminds me of this idiot minister in the UK who said he was worried people wouldn't be able to understand The Crown is fiction and not a documentary on the actual events in real life. At the time so many news headlines read "The citizens are so stupid, they think TV series are an accurate depiction of reality!" instead of "This minister is so stupid he thinks everyone is as dumb as him".
Sorry about that, I needed to rant too lol I don't know what Sylvie is wearing now but I suppose she will be wearing the Loki armour still. It is funny, she's not a Loki but she has to wear the suit otherwise no one would remember she's supposed to be a Loki since she doesn't act like one at all. See how Loki is wearing stupid TVA clothes and we all know who he is? But she has to wear the Loki suit.
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