#disabled Zane
echonvoid · 1 year
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I saw someone ( @paprikko-lol ) do an au where morro and nya were like halves of wojira or some shit. Anyway have some storm cousins. Essentially Nya goes to benthomar for help and they’re able to use wojira’s sea amulet to give her a merlopian body(plus part dragon cuz I headcanon that Kai and Nya are descendants of dragons). And because morro’s soul dissolved into the sea, he ended up merging with the storm amulet and was given a keeper (aka Kojira,(not so) fun fact: they’re literally just called Keepers in canon) form.
Oh and I definitely revel in the fact that technically Nya is a topless transfem demi girl. And it can’t be considered nudity cuz she has no nipples HA! But yeah, gills on the ribs is my favorite thing.
Everything else is just a drawing of everyone coping with different forms of disassociation, from being a ghost, the full fucking ocean, and an evil dictator. Oh and there’s CJ “baby wu” taking a nap on his previous life’s sons reanimated form, turned his young uncle (Morro is essentially 17 here)
I’ll eventually get around to translating my handwriting, but my elbow is fucking killing me. Carpal tunnel fucking sucks
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mothmoonle · 3 months
Mystreet Zane Headcanon:
Garroth threw a rock in at his eye.The eye is a delicate organ, something like a rock being thrown at it would permanently damage it. Especially when the kid throwing it has SUPERSTRENGTH. He probably couldn't go to school for weeks after that.
His eye got badly damaged, so much it had to be removed. Not only that, but they rock also broke his nose, and fractured some of his skull around the eye area. He has scars on his right side from surgery, and his nose is slightly crooked. Because of that, Zane covers that side with his hair and wears the mask. Children aren't the best at caring for themselves, so the scars healed terribly.
So Zane doesn't have an eye anymore, he just has an empty socket, which isn't that comfortable. So I imagine he got a fake eye, in a colour that matches the other. It doesn't move as well as his real eye, so its more for comfort than looking 'normal'.
Apparently you're supposed to go to eye doctors or whatever every 6 months to clean it, and get revisions and whatever necessary, so that's in his schedule.
Sometimes for halloween, or to fuck with his brothers he'll wear different eye or just take it out mid conversation
Sometimes he will use concealer, just for fun.
In the beginning he found it hard to judge distances, and bumped into things or knocked things off, ball sports were off the table for him. By PDH he got used to seeing like that, but he still didn't participate in sports (didn't like it, and asthma ect.)
He's insecure of his face and eye, so comments like "cyborg" or "one-eye" even though they refer to him just covering it, hurt a fuck ton. He considers himself disabled, would strongly advocate for the community and anyone in real life, without referencing himself though. Zane would pretend to be fine with it as a teen, but getting it was pretty traumatic. Once he got older he started accepting himself.
I can't decide between 2 things: Zane hiding the fact, or being really open about it and making jokes.
If he never told anyone and only his family knew, then people would talk about things about him, exactly like in cannon. And he would just have to deal with it, probably making snarky comments in his head.
Aphmau: "Did you see that?"
Zane: "No?"
Aphmau: "How?? It was right there! you were looking at it!"
Zane: grumbles
He purposefully stands to the left of people he doesn't want to see, and always stands to the right of people he does. Imagine your ships yourself.
If people knew, well, they'd probably not be as much of a prick about it, it would be interesting to see people who made fun of him (jokingly or maliciously) realise they bullied a disabled guy. (Gene. I'm talking about Gene, but of course there's others.)
Regardless, I think Garroth (and possibly the rest of the family) for the longest time after the incident, wouldn't speak about it at all. So regardless, the only way people would know is for Zane to tell them, or see for themselves. But I feel like if Garroth was present when someone mocked Zane about his sight, whether they knew or not, would be going to the hospital. He won't stand for that shit.
Garroth: "You don't talk to my brother like that!"
Zane: "I couldn't care less if-- Well that wasn't necessary."
Essentially, Zane should be fully blind and scarred, and it shall be explored in literature.
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Do You Know This Disabled Character?
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Zane Obispo has a limb length discrepancy and uses a mobility aid
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ty-isnt-there · 2 months
split it up into 2 parts bc i can't add more than 12 options :') here's part 2!
reblog for a larger sample size!!
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p0pcorn-hearts · 28 days
Happy early disability pride month my beautiful baby boy
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what if my projection vessel (Zane) became more and more disabled the more i work on my au, because i have a lot of strong feelings about becoming chronically ill, and working them out in my art is as good of a coping mechanism as any ?
mh ? what if ????
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opalsiren · 1 year
fellow h2o girlies (gender neutral): who would you like to be besties with irl? i feel like cleo would be cute to have as a friend although i think emma is canonically the best friend of the three so personally she is my choice. i think me and rikki are too similiar and would probably end up ghosting each other since we need a cleo/emma/bella to balance us out. honorary mentions go to bella and charlotte since i think they'd be good friends to have too but i would like some thoughts/opinions from fans of the hydrogen oxygen show
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Today’s disabled character of the day is Zane from Ninjago, who has post traumatic stress disorder
Requested by @mintytrifecta​
[Image Description: 3D figure of a silver Lego robot man. He has short silver hair and blue eyes. He is wearing silver thin armor and a shoulder pads on his right shoulder. His skin is made of metal and has a large ling the dips under his chin.]
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bakerinator · 1 year
Mermaid Au
In a world of magic and mystery, there lived a kingdom of merpeople. The king, Garte, and queen, Zianna rule over the merpeople with their sons, Prince Garroth, Zane, and Vylad.
Vylad looked out the window of the castle. He was thinking what life was like on the surface. He had heard humans were dangerous, but he still longed for the surface. He really wanted to see all the human houses. He really wanted to see what the sky felt like. Ever since he was young he was told of young mermaids being rescued by princes. He really wanted a prince or even just a strong man to save him from his kingdom. He had a dopey grin on his face when Garroth swam in.
"Vylad it's-" He stopped when he saw Vylad's face.
Vylad snapped out of his fantasies. "Huh? What?"
"What were thinking about?" Garroth said with a questioning glare.
"Oh just stuff. Also I told you to knock before barging into my room."
Garroth looked over to the non-existent door. "Uh huh."
"Dinner ready? I'll go see-"
"Actually no, father has requested you."
Vylad gulped. Garte never liked him. Zianna had been pregnant with him but when he was born it was obvious he wasn't Garte's. Garte was furious and never acknowledged Vylad as his kid. He treated Vylad like he didn't exist. Vylad didn't really mind that too much. He had Zianna and his brothers who loved him. However being called by Garte was never good. Because he was invisible to him, that only meant he called him when he did something wrong.
He approached the door to the throne room. He inhaled then exhaled. He swam in.
"Hey dad... you needed me?"
Garte turned around. He did not look happy. Uh oh, he was in trouble.
"Yes, as you may know it's almost Zane's pearl ceromony. I'm asking you to be on your best behavior. Do not make us look bad."
Vylad figured that the 'asking' wasn't asking but demanding and that 'us' meant Garte himself.
"Yes father I promise."
Garte looked like he didn't believe him. Before Vylad turned away Garte spoke again. "You will never be my son."
Vylad swam away. He didn't care about Garte. In his eyes he was fatherless. Just like it should be. But why did that hurt so much? All he ever wanted was a father's love. Vylad clenched his fists. He was sick of it. He was sick of all the pampering Garroth and Zane got, and him treated like an outsider. He was queen Zianna's kid! But it really didn't feel like his mother had much power at all. Vylad swam off to his room.
"Yeah but don't tell dad okay?"
Vylad leaned in. Garroth was talking to someone. Vylad grinned micheviously. Perfect Garroth with a dirty secret?
However all those thoughts stopped when Garroth continued.
"Yeah I met him on the surface. It was a little weird getting used to legs. However I am grateful for the pearl. It's just that well-"
Suddenly Vylad fell off his bed. He apparently leaned too far. He thought a bit. The pearl gives the option of the surface? How? And what are legs?
Zane was receiving his pearl. Vylad kept his face blank. Inside he was screaming.
Vylad looked at Zane sleeping in his room. He swam in slowly. On Zane's desk was what he wanted, the pearl. He snuck past Zane and grabbed it-
And nothing.
Vylad looked at it. Why was there no transformation? Where were his legs?
Maybe there was a button or something? He went to click the pearl but suddenly Zane shifted. Vylad scurried out of the room almost dropping the pearl. Whew. That was close. He needed to leave fast before Zane noticed the pearl was gone.
Swimming up to the surface of the water, he never looked back. This was his time for freedom. Away from his broken family, his royal duties, his old life.
He got out of the water. Suddenly his tail started to change. It turned into two arms? Or at least that's what he thought they looked like. Apparently these were legs. He didn't know how to use them though. He tried to swim but he wasn't moving. He was getting frustrated. How the fuck do you use these?!
"Need help there bud?"
Vylad looked up. There was a merman- wait no, human in front of him.
Vylad was mesmerized. First off the guy was very attractive. Second, it was his first time ever seeing a human.
Vylad realized he hasn't spoken yet. "I'm Vylad!" He shouted.
"Hi. Um do you need help?"
Vylad blushed looking at his legs. He couldn't figure out how to walk. "Yeah I do."
"Can you not walk?"
"No I can't."
Vylad was expecting something but certainly not what happened next. Suddenly the man picked him up. His legs dangled uselessly. However Vylad didn't even notice. All he was thinking about was how nice it felt. Is this what those mermaids felt?
The man carried Vylad to a building. Once inside he placed Vylad on a bed.
Vylad looked up at him.
"Wait here one of my friends has a wheelchair still."
Vylad definitely wasn't planning on going anywhere, he can't even if he wanted to anyway.
After some time the man came back with a strange device. Vylad assumed this was a wheelchair.
He picked Vylad up and put him in the wheelchair.
"There. Sorry it took so long. Do you need help moving it?"
Vylad looked down at the 'wheelchair'. "Yes."
Suddenly the man was pushing him out the door. Vylad looked around in amazement. Everything looked so much better than when he was on the ground!
"Wooaah." He accidently said out loud.
The man looked at him. "Not from around here?" Then he stilled. He looked around. Suddenly he was pushing Vylad closer to the water.
Vylad liked this wheelchair it was-
Suddenly Vylad was pushed into the water. He panicked as his tail started to appear. He looked up at the man.
"Damn I owe Gene 20 bucks."
Vylad was confused. Why was he not screaming? Vylad was a merman in front of him. Also what are bucks? Who is Gene?
The man extended his hand to Vylad.
"I'm Dante." He said with a smile.
Vylad, blushing, grabbed his hand and smiled. He didn't want to go back.
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cattailtales · 8 months
4 years after it’s release and this game still finds new ways to let me down
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starhvney · 22 days
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: mystreet garroth x fem!reader
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: your boyfriend finally pursues a career that he chose for himself, so to show him your support you surprise him at his training.
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: fluff, firefighter garroth guys firefighter garroth this is in fact not a drill, established relationship
𝐂𝐖: none!
𝐀/𝐍: this fic is based off of @artists-who-rarely-draws hc that garroth would be a firefighter in the mys universe! aren’t firefighters just sooo >>>
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you were so happy for garroth, nothing but overwhelming support for him in your heart as he finally was able to pursue something he truly wanted to do for a career. after zane had officially taken the reins of the ro’meave corporation, your boyfriend had immediately enrolled into a firefighting training academy.
he had mentioned his interest in the career path before, but you didn’t realize how passionate about it he was until he excitedly came home from the first day of the academy, rambling about how well he did.
it warmed your heart, the childlike excitement in his eyes when he detailed the training he went through every day. it was so different from his time in college, when he told you he was majoring in business with a disinterested shrug and a dull look in his eyes.
last week, as you and garroth sat on your couch for your movie night date, you saw that the pd fire academy was asking for volunteers for their upcoming rescue drill. from the corner of your eye, you glanced at him, debating about bringing it up to him. he had been particularly focused on the rom-com that played, the reflection of the brightly colored screen lighting up his eyes. on a whim, you applied to volunteer without saying a peep, turning your phone off and snuggling up to him with a smirk on your face.
this morning as he asked you what your plans were for the day as usual, you briefly shrugged off the question with an excuse of running a few errands. he gave you a small look but shrugged it off, leaning down to give you a kiss and leaving in his cargos, boots, and the pd fire department shirt that hugged onto his muscles that seemingly continued to grow by the day.
yes, you were very supportive of his career choice.
now, a few hours later, you find yourself in a dim building, the room illuminated by the orange lights shining into the “smoke” that the fog machines dispersed. not only did it look like the building was on fire, but the lack of ac in the summer heat added to the ambiance, and had you slightly regretting your decision. you looked down at the tag that they had given you before escorting you to your spot, telling you to lay limp until you were successfully “rescued”.
legs disabled from fallen debris, half-conscious. critical condition.
you lay there for quite a while, wondering if garroth would even be the one to get you. your doubts are thankfully squandered when you hear him, calling out a code call to presumably another fireman. his familiar footsteps turn into the room you’re in, and you hear his breath satisfyingly hitch in his throat before a disbelieving huff follows. 
quickly, you clamp your eyes all the way shut, ignoring your urge to smile as your plan sets in place.
“victim, victim, victim!” his deep voice calls, before the noise of the thick material of his uniform meets your ears as he slides on his knees next to you. 
“she’s light,” he calls to the other pair of heavy footfalls that enter the room. “find an exit, i got her.”
you crack open your eyes, turning your head and looking up at him as a cheeky smile threatens to break on your lips. for just a split moment he narrows his eyes as they meet yours, tongue rolling against the inside of his cheek as he fights off his own urge to smile.
“…errands, huh,” he mutters under his breath, shaking his head as he leans forward to read the tag on your shirt. he snaps back into his profession, one of his hands reaching to grab your shoulder in a reassuring gloved grip. “you’re going to be okay. i’m gonna get you out here safe.”
a part of you wants to laugh at how serious he suddenly became, but through your want to tease him you instead found yourself repressing a giddy giggle. the summer heat was most definitely affecting him through the heavy layers of his gear, as a sheen of sweat covered his face and stuck the small bit of his golden hair coming out of his helmet to his forehead. 
you only get to admire him for a moment, before he quickly shifts his knee to part your legs, one of his hands grabbing onto your thigh and hitching it up. at the same time, he easily gathers both of your wrists into his other hand, using it to lift your torso off of the ground. he smoothly ducks his head under your shoulder, lifting you up and using his own shoulder to hold you on his back.
you don’t hear even a grunt from his lips, but his heavy breaths brush against your arm as he uses one hand to pin your hand across his chest and to your leg, freeing his other hand. he has always been strong, but the extra training he has put in lately gave him an insane boost. through the material that covered him, you could still feel the bulk of his muscles from underneath you as he toted you through the building.
it was amazing, how easy he made it look. you found yourself back outside in seconds, having to close your eyes again from the sudden bright sun reflecting into your eyes. he held you so firmly on top of him that you barely moved as he jogged you out to one of the stretchers set up outside, sliding you down onto the material. 
he pauses for a second, his lips twitching as he pats your legs twice. “i’ll talk to you about this when i’m done,” is what he says without words, begrudgingly turning to run back into the building with another huff.
one of the supervisors lets you get up, thanking you for volunteering and giving you a water to rehydrate from the stuffy room you were stuck in. it’s only about fifteen more minutes of waiting before the rest of the volunteers are retrieved and the drill is over. garroth quickly walks your way, pulling off his helmet and shaking out his pressed-down hair. his jacket has been shrugged off now, red suspenders hanging down on his cargos and his black shirt damp from sweat.
“and… why did you not think to mention this to me?” he asks, raising an accusatory brow and pulling you into his embrace.
“i wanted to see you in action. besides, if i told you, you might’ve chosen favorites.”
“hmm,” he hums lowly, rolling his eyes as he leans down to press a kiss against your forehead. “i would argue against that, but even for a drill i’d save you first.”
“ro’meave! quit flirting with your girl over there and get your ass over here! we still have to debrief.”
“yes, sir!” he calls back, turning to you with a sheepish smile as he tucks his chin down, looking at you through his lashes.
“i’ll see you in a sec, sweetheart. and don’t leave, you still have some explaining to do.”
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©starhvney, 2024. please do not steal or repost my works as your own.
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bread-squid-uwu · 7 months
Aphblr give the characters better disabled representation please challenge.
Start making Laurance blind, either fully or partially, his eyes are blue because he was blinded. "but he was cured" who cares? that trope sucks ass, yall.
Start actually taking Zanes blindness into consideration, he is blind in one eye, that is why he covers that eye.
Give Travis struggles due to the forever potions, his eyes are green from failed potions, give those some physical effects. Maybe his vision is bad because his eyes are constantly clouded with green.
Give Garroth and Katelyn issues from their childhood forever potions, maybe they have motor skill issues from it. Maybe that's why Garroth breaks things so often, on top of being super strong.
Take WAF into consideration,
Aaron was blinded and he had struggles walking alone, he was shown in a wheelchair. He had memory struggles, severely, while that can go away with time - it doesn't always go away.
Travis was also shown in a wheelchair, he was stabbed many times - through the spine, that can paralyze people from the wound down.
Aphmau was on bed rest from being very weak after the events, maybe she has some lasting physical struggles from the fight and strain on her body from relics. ALSO SHE LITERALLY DIED....... that is gonna mess with her body.
Zane also had memory loss, he is shown to do a little better with it, but again - it can either go away, or not. Also, he was kinda stabbed through the shoulder, that arm is gonna be weaker.
You headcanon characters as autistic or adhd?? SHOW THE STRUGGLES, show the less talked about traits. Be realistic. Give actual representation for everyone.
Give characters other disabilities, give them personality disorders or psychosis, dont be afraid to actually deepdive into a character and give them some good rep.
Give the characters complex dissociative disorders, make the characters realistically dyslexic or something. idk.
Give characters like Ein OSDD-2, aka a case of identity disturbance due to prolonged coercion or - basically 'brainwashing'.
Give them arthritis, and any other physical disabilities, research and get creative.
I repeat,
Get creative.
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not-a-mimic · 5 months
why is it an important point that alan is very light sensitive and prone to migranes? other than being a disability rep for those of us who cannot function in broad daylight without sunglasses and explaining why the bright lights in aw1 are such a pain to look at (from alan's point of view) but like. it's important.
we see it in the flashback with alice where alan is hangover and seemingly has his sunglasses next to his bed already - a little weird right? and alice mentions them as well - because this is common. because he often needs them. frankly speaking from experience you don't get to the point where the sunglasses become a mandatory bedside fixture unless it's a really bad day often - which must be the case here. we also see then in 'herald of darkness' where "Dark shades could never save the day" and we see alan in shades. it's common for him. he does it often. mood! anyway mr champion of light being sensitive to light is just a funny coincidence right? wrong.
I also suspect that alan's tendency towards full outfits is also a part of this. no sane human wears that many layers in september, and alan specifically covers pretty much all the skin possible without looking weird.  also a lot of his article shots in rose'.... shrine have sunglasses and thick layers as well. this man is SENSITIVE sensitive to light and that's a coincidence I can't ignore in the remedy!verse.
alan was born (as stated in aw2) in 1977 - we don't know when, or where as he moved to new york later. his mother spent most of his childhood in psychiatric facilities, and his father is not only non existent but highly suspiously fictional (the only object we are told alan has of him is the clicker. the fucking clicker. tom zane's clicker that was definitely written into alan's life before he was born and was not a gift from his father proper. frankly we know the least about alan's childhood compared to all other remedy!verse protags - not knowing where or truly when he was born is important because it leaves options.
Light sensitive could be a coincidence - but we thought that about the nightmares too, and they turned out to be important clues. and hell-  *Scratch* is less sensitive to light than Alan is - only flashbangs and the super steong hand flares make him flinch, direct light seems fine unless super powered and normal flares are nothing. alan actively gets headaches from these things and obviously it hurts him. wtf is up with that? when the protection of the dark presence patches up your weakness you have a issue.
theory time:
we know alan is tied to this god damn lake. zane wrote it so - at very least alan was destined to fall in it at the end of aw1. but what if there is more? we also know that alan's darkness became at least the aw2 dark presence which. fine? an endless cycle of destroying yourself while under the impression that that's not yourself. we don't know if the dark presence in aw1 is also this same one, and if it isn't we now know there can be multiple dark entites (implied by Mr Scratch also). if it is then damn alan has issues.
I don't know if its just me but the fact that the small darkness within someone can be escalated out to being the whole larger dark presence at full power feels... off. that feels like it doesn't work with what we know of the entities- unless there was more darkness in alan then originally suspected fueling this presence. the strength of the dark presence born from him combined with the strength of his light sensitivity makes me very suspicious to how human he was originally, and how much of alan is just lake bullshit. if he was a creature or creation of the darkness forced into a human body (perhaps the 1976 awe the andersons fought back in brightfalls wasn't all it seemed. maybe the dark presence or something else was looking for a crack to escape through. maybe it succeeded, but was reborn as a human who was already showing signs at a young age of being light sensitive and also being a parautiltiarian, and a strong one at that.
maybe there was never a father because there was never a mother - linda wake may have found a child on the lake shore and adopted it as her own, not knowing the truth behind its origins. maybe the torchbearers who operated in brightfalls around that time were involved. maybe the reason alan and tom look identical is the dark entity needed human dna when being reborn as a human and zane was there at the right time. could be why other traits are shared, and zane foresaw and influenced the creation of the dark place to get what he wanted (after all it was borrowing from him his face and personality - at very least it could give him wiggle room to escape?)
alan always had... issues. darkness. a lot for a man. so what if its all supernatural bullshit? no one is looking too closely because there is supernatural stuff going on. I'm not sure this man is human, or at least his soul isn't and never was. some darkness wearing a human skin maybe, sensitive to the light but forced to manage it. I don't know, maybe I'm looking too much into this.
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carpenoctem-if · 3 months
Carpe Noctem - Intro Post
DEMO - tba
You are a nobody. A supposedly ordinary human in a world full of powerful beings. Your life is all in all pretty average if not bordering on mind-numbing, like watching paint dry... That is until you were kidnapped and tossed into one especially small carriage to be delivered somewhere only the ancients knew of.
From now on nothing will ever be the same and you need to adapt to the ever-changing outside world as fast as possible. All the while trying to decipher your past and with that your part in an every-growing political conflict that borders to develop into an all out war the world has yet to see.
General content warnings: Bigotry & prejudice, horror elements, interspecies awkwardness, explicit language, depictions of violence, injuries, blood and death, explicit sexual content (if selected), flashbacks of a dark past to unveil, sprinkled with some homophobia here and there & general an unfair treatment of people with disabilities.
-> customizable MC (name, pronouns, appearance, identity)
-> semi-set personality due to evolve (MCs reclusive upbringing forces you to start as someone that's not entirely comfortable with other people and as such you'll be able to choose coping mechanisms your MC will use to compensate such a deficit)
-> 5 characters to romance (3 in book 1, not sure if the other two will follow, they'll probably be fully romanceable in book 2)
-> POVs of the ROs included
-> an open-minded author that is inclined to change some NPCs to fully fledged ROs depending on the general opinion/wishes of readers
-> an emotional roller coaster, all in all nothing for ppl that want a light-hearted theme
-> later on you'll be able to choose part of your race (vampyres, merpeople, demons, shapeshifters, phoenixes -and many more) & with that you can determine and further develop your special skillset. Your heritage will reward you with quite different flavour texts for every possible race there is, so yes. It will matter greatly what you chose. And each of the available races will have disadvantages that could prove quite...fatal in certain situations.
romanceable characters:
the master [Alois|Alice|Alix] (m|f|n) 24 winters
An aloof demeanor at the first glance, A has a cold, strangely shrouded gaze. They're reclusive as fuck, so there isn't much the general population knows about them. Oh. And A is your esteemed master -as if any of you actually want this dynamic... A seems to hate you and your position even more, especially the hidden context it supplies to everyone they meet...
A has almond-shaped silver eyes that always seem distant and unfocused. They have defined cheek bones with mostly soft facial features and quite long, silver hair that is often tied to a simple ponytail. A wears fine dark clothing without other prominent features to despict their wealth.
Content warnings for A's route: denial of feelings aka one of the slowest burns imaginable, domestic violence, implied/referenced rape/non-con, anxiety attacks, self-harm, angst & hurt/comfort
the protector [Leto] (m|f|n) too many to count
Leto is a raven-like creature most would describe as monstrous-looking. They are rarely seen and the few moments they are, death is certain. For many commoners it's enough to see one of Leto's black feathers to warrant a swift escape.
Their past eludes them and you have to wonder - why does some antics of them seem kinda...familiar?
Content warnings for Leto's route: survivor-guilt, body dysphoria, angst, captivity & enslavement, torture, ptsd
the assassin [Zane|Zoey] (m|f) 28 winters
Z is everything their mother wanted them to be. Her own personal weapon. One she is now inclined to use for her vendetta against you.
They have dark brown hair with intelligent hazel green eyes that seem to observe their surroundings constantly. Z was raised with stories about you, stories you know nothing about. How can it be that they seem to know more of you and your family than you yourself?
Should it worry you that they sound extremely resolute in stating their sole purpose is to rid the world of your existance?
Content warnings for Z's route: enemies to frenemies to lovers, eating disorder, alcohol-addiction, a tendency of morbid jealousy, past emotional abuse & manipulation
??? [redacted]
??? [also redacted]
more info tba
Small note of the author:
Everything is slow burn in this - even the character customization, cause I want to add those moments seamlessly into the story.
I tend to take my time. You can expect me to heavily focus on the characters and their feelings, with a slight disregard to describing the environment and such. I work with minimalistic efforts to still give a sense of what I imagine everything to be but with the intention to leave fine details to the reader's own imagination.
I'll try to be considerate of everyone's preferences, especially in the more kinky parts of the story. There'll be versions for more assertive characters as well as more passive one's. Though I should add that the ROs all have their own set of bias that they prefer. However there will be growth throughout the story, including that.
The gravity of your choices will intensify throughout book 1, especially as you get to know the Circle and the Court and every other political hive of intrigue.
And yes. You can die. The ROs can die. Almost everyone will be able to at some point, I guess. Though I don't like the idea of writing a total distopia, don't expect me to change my mind regarding that one that easily.
More infos will be added over time. I'll post lore snippets of my sketchbook soon, like the worldmap, the general outlines of the Circle & the Court, the different races and such.
Asks are welcomed.
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xerith-42 · 3 months
People often are stuck between killing Garroth off after mcd season 1 or not doing that.
What if, instead of a death, a permanent injury he got in the irene dimension. I'm not talking a cool scar. I genuinely mean something making him incapable of being a guard anymore due to the pain it causes. A severe physical disability caused by injury.
I've never seen someone kill him off, but I absolutely love this idea. He gets out of the Irene Dimension, but it's almost too little too late because Zane just ripped his arm off or something.
Oh man now I'm gonna be thinking about amputee Garroth... The way that he doesn't want to hate himself because he truly doesn't believe anyone is lesser for their disabilities but... But he's lesser. He's a guard who can't even use his sword because he lost the hand that carries it. His left hand bears the weight of his shield and his right his sword. What can he do when he loses the ability to bear one? How can he be a guard with just a shield? How can he be one with just a sword in the wrong hand?
You've given me much to think about, anon. Thank you for the angst.
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pack-coven-thing · 7 months
Some of the physical disability rep in me and @romeave-wives-club's rewrite because lets face it the lack of disability rep in MCD is unrealistic and even in MYS it was still "how do you know so many people and not one of them has a physical disability??"
[this isn't all of it, but it's some of it]
So, excluding the two entirely new OC characters because look they may be self inserts but Aph herself was one
Zane in both MCD and MYS has troubles with his balance, so, walking stick. In MCD he has this fancy and sleek one, while in MYS it's covered in stickers and paint and no that's not a pinkie cake sticker what do you mean. He's blind in one eye, in MCD it was from a relic incident and in MYS it's the infamous snowball incident. He finds it too much of a hassle to have it uncovered, that fucks with his perception of things more than it helps. He's also immunocompromised in MYS, which I thought was canon but now that I'm thinking about it it was never said in canon that he still gets sick a lot.
Laurance was partially blinded upon his return to the overworld, while Ungrth took the blunt of the void burns- he got a nasty one covering his entire left eye. It healed, slowly, but it left his vision severely blurry and hazed over with a dark-tinted film. He pulled a Zane, covering it with his hair or an eyepatch, for a while. But eventually that stops, and he adjusts to it the best he can.
Aaron was fully blinded when his village was wiped out, he was also very soon after turned into a werewolf. He can make out levels of light if the change is extreme enough, but that's about it- lets his hair cover his eyes, or a blindfold, just because the light tricking him into seeing movement was more of a hinderance in battle than a help. (Post S6 in MYS he's also blind, and either has a white cane or a service dog (or both) to help him around)
Post MYS S6, Travis is an ambulatory wheelchair user! He switches between his wheelchair and crutches, but if he's out and about he's probably in the wheelchair.
MYS!Aph has a walker, when she first got it she went over to Zane's house arms filled with stickers and "dragging" my OC along and the three of them had a hangout of just decorating their mobility aids
They're both background/more minor characters unfortunately, but both Nana's sister Shi and Blaze's sister Adira are deaf!
Some additions
Aaron has died 10 times over and will not stay in the ground, he has some form of chronic pain and will probably join the mobility aid crew at some point
Hayden uses a walking stick because yes
also there's a plethora of mental disabilities ranging from learning disabilities with Blaze's dyspraxia, all the meif'wa being autistic (this comes from the theory of cats not being able to be diagnosed with autism because they're all autistic, and you can pry this out of my cold dead autistic hands), dissociative disorders like MYS!Gene with chronic dissociative amnesia and Travis with DID
and more!
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