p0pcorn-hearts · 3 hours
Ok but I'm begging you to consider Garroth Ro'meave who is so extremely guilty by nature and instead of seeing Laurance and Aphmau 'betray him', Lillian's goes into his subconscious and projects an image of Zane, without the priest regalia, distraught and asking Garroth why he abandoned him with their father, asking if he wants Zane to end up like Vylad, that he was so happy to see his big brother alive after his supposed death and doesn't ever want to part from his side. And Garroth, who so dearly wants any kind of connection and family gives in too easily. Survivor guilt and older sibling guilt Garroth Ro'meave.
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p0pcorn-hearts · 6 hours
You know that like. Perry the platypus meme? Yknow the one. "A platypus? PERRY the platypus?" So. Garroth
MCD Garroth with his helmet on:
Person (idk): Garroth?
Garroth: *takes his helmet off*
Mystery person: PRINCE Garroth!?
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p0pcorn-hearts · 21 hours
The new content Aphmau is making does Aaron so dirty. The Aaron I know isn't a dick to others, he's a broken man who just wants to love and just wants to be free but every time he thinks he's finally gotten away, he's dragged right back to the horrific, traumatic place he started. He's a man who has always wanted to be normal, who found that girl who made him feel like a normal person, only for her to be forced away from him every chance she could be. The Aaron I know isn't an ABSOLUTE ASSHOLE-
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p0pcorn-hearts · 21 hours
are there any mystreet fans left on this app still? if so then hello i come bearing gifts :)
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p0pcorn-hearts · 3 days
Being a trans guy is so interesting. Because like, I want to be feminine and I want to be perceived as a feminine man, but also I don't want to medically transition. I do get dysphoria but only when it comes to other’s perception of me. Like I can look at my chest and be like "damn, I look great today" but when I remember other people will see me and think I'm a girl I'm like "damn I do not look good today at all, actually I want to curl up die"
This also comes with questioning if I'm actually trans, because how can I be a guy if I like to look feminine and I don't kind having tits? And it's weird because I know guys can be feminine and that doesn't make them any less of men, but all of a suddenly, because I'm not biologically a man being feminine *does* make me less of a man. Idk it could be a commentary on how people view trans men and how they perceive them as only being valid when they pass even though they preach that a fem man isnt any less of a man, but I'm too tired for that
Idk I do kinda feel less than sometimes when I think about how I don't want to medically transition. It's not that I'm scared of the procedures or anything, but I'm fine in my own body. All of my friends right now know I prefer he/him and they all see me as a man so right now I'm not that dysphoric at all and if I do stick with this then I don't think I'll ever need to fully transition. Socially transitioning is really all I need and I love being socially a man. But what if it's not enough? What if I'm not actually trans and I just like the aesthetic of it? I'm happy, but what if my happiness is bringing down the community?
Just some thoughts I had to get out
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p0pcorn-hearts · 3 days
Honestly I think of it as a symbol of the Ro'meave family, O'khasis, or the O'khasis monarchy rather than a specific religious symbol. It is basically a simplified version of Irene's sigil, likely adopted during the dark ages as a way to brand themselves as essentially the "light at the end of the tunnel." It's how they got to be the powerhouse they were. Until everything in diaries and the monarchy crumbled. Now the cross is mostly worn by the eldest Ro'Meave men as a sign of their family heritage and history buffs who are a little *too* into ancient O'khasis
what are other minecraft diaries fans’ thoughts on the use of crosses on the ro’meave brothers?
like for a little while i replaced them in my head with irene’s symbol since it’s distinctly not a cross but recently i’ve adopted a new headcanon that it’s a symbol of a different denomination of the religion. i’m curious what everyone else on aphblr thinks
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p0pcorn-hearts · 4 days
I would have loved Leona to be Zane’s biological child.
I would love to see her freak out because she’s lived in a farm her whole life and now she finds out her father is a war criminal and tyrant.
I would have loved to have her be the next lord of O’khasis and everyone scrambling to try and make sure she’s not a Zane Ro’meave 2.
I would have loved to see Leona try to ask anyone and everyone about Zane only to be brushed off.
I would have loved to see Leona cry about having to live up to impossible expectations all because her father was monster.
I would love for Leona to realize she laughs like her father because of the terrified looks she gets when she does laugh.
I would love for Kiki to talk about when she met Zane and how he was a “real charmer.” And for Zianna to talk about when he was younger.
I would love to see Lilith and Alina watch her have her “Lady transformation” and they don’t recognize her at first. Leona still volunteering to babysit because it reminds her of her old life before she started training for lordship.
I would love to see Leona pretend she doesn’t like Yip because she knows it won’t work and she has a enough weight on her shoulders already.
I would love to see Zianna discourage her from learning about Esmund or Irene even though she’s a devout follower.
I would love for Leona to wonder if her father really did plan for her to exist and be an heir or was she just a side effect and a lucky preservation of the Ro’meave line??
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p0pcorn-hearts · 4 days
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p0pcorn-hearts · 4 days
Happy pride month! I will be giving you all my pride headcanons
Aphmau: Pansexual
Travis: Bisexual (prefers women)
Lucinda: Lesbian
Garroth: Demiromantic bisexual (has no idea who he prefers)
Zane: Genderfluid straight (sometimes lesbian)
Laurence: Trans ftm, bisexual (prefers men)
Ein: Pansexual
Sasha: Omnisexual poly (prefers women)
Zenix: Bisexual poly (prefers men)
Gene: Panromantic asexual poly
Dante: Bisexual (prefers women)
Hanami (Kawaii~Chan): Trans mtf
Ivy: Bisexual (prefers men)
Canonically queer
Katelyn: Bisexual (prefers men)
Teony: Lesbian
Melissa: Lesbian
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p0pcorn-hearts · 4 days
made another one
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p0pcorn-hearts · 11 days
I unfortunately don't have creative names for my cats. It's just
hang on I’m trying to see something
don’t tell me the name of your pet, just tell me in the tags the name you call them that’s got nothing to do with their actual name
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p0pcorn-hearts · 12 days
Wait I did say Rylan in my last ask right? My mind is playing tricks on me and now I'm imagining I said the wrong name
Yeah you did, don't worry
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p0pcorn-hearts · 12 days
Rylan seems like the type of guy to be tall and lanky
Honestly yeah. So I could probably draw both him and Daniel, it's just Blaze I doubt I can daw
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p0pcorn-hearts · 13 days
Imagine Aphmau fixes Michi. Like not *actually,* but it was her intervention that made Michi want to better herself. You could even sprinkle in some Sasha x Michi since Sasha and the other Shadow Knights would be going through the same thing, where an event connected to Aphmau convinced them to become better people. Aph just radiates the aura that naturally brings out the best of whoever she's with. People feel comfortable around her, they like her almost immediately, they want to help her as much as she helps them, even if she doesn't realize how much she's helping them. Babies stop crying the second she starts comforting them. The werewolves took to her being Alpha so quickly because they could all feel her overwhelming care. It felt warm and fuzzy, why wouldn't you want it? Even before she gets her relics, before she even knows who Michael is or about the Ultima, Irene's light shined through her, blessing everyone she met
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p0pcorn-hearts · 13 days
I really wanna draw the pup trio + Blaze but I'm not good at drawing men 😭 I think I could totally get away with drawing Daniel like a twink, but Rylan would be a stretch and Blaze is.. nottt a twink. He is big and manly and shit like that idk he's hot. But I can't draw hot men. I don't think I can even draw hot *women* tbh, I think my style can only achieve cute, but I guess that's just what happens when the anatomy you studied was dolls
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p0pcorn-hearts · 13 days
Goddd I love the absolutely fucked up Moonpaw ideas. They're so horrifying in a way I cannot word and that is so awesome
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p0pcorn-hearts · 13 days
Hear me out. Trans Laurence. When he got adopted by Cadenza's family he was like besties with Cadenza. He comes out to her. She gives him the most fucked up, lopsided hair cut ever. She pulls a box out of thin out. It's orange hair dye. They didn't agree on this but Laurence goes a long with it. It comes out such an ugly bright orange. Cadenza knows it sucks. Laurence knows it sucks. But he's never looked so masculine before so he's fine with it
Then he gets older and actually transitions and he thinks back to his lopsided orange hair and cringes
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