#dinosaur hand puppet
stimming-puppet · 7 months
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dinosaur playdate
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antodreamy · 21 days
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a couple fav childhood toys from my dad’s house :)
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I'm just confident enough in my ability to get completely absorbed in a craft project and make it *really quickly* to be convinced I can make a realistic deinonychus puppet in the like 8 days between SVP and halloween
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tyulenin · 1 month
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scrappy anchiornis hand puppet good enough for the first puppet, i don't care
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angel-starr · 1 year
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Man why did the silly puppet dinosaurs make me cry.... embarrassing
[ ID: a stylized drawing of The Professor and his parents from Puppet History smiling while hugging each other tightly. The Professor is a fuzzy blue puppet with a round yellow nose, dark, bushy eyebrows and with big claws on his hands, wearing a beige coat and red bow tie. His dad is a yellow pterodactyl and his mom is a dark pink tyrannosaurus rex. Both are small. The background is beige with darker beige dots. /End ID ]
Edit: Heyyy updated version w the free PSD file if ur into that sort of thing
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total-drama-brainrot · 2 months
TD World Tour Alenoah AU... Where Noah is immune to Alejandro's fake charm... Instead, Noah gets charmed by the true Alejandro's quirks and dorky interests like dinosaurs and puppets... How would Alejandro feel about Noah only liking Alejandro, when Alejandro is being himself?... Especially since Alejandro's family shuns him for being himself? 🦕🦖🦕
Now you're speaking my language.
One of the most common running themes in all/near enough all Alenoah central AUs is having Noah be the first person to see past Alejandro's persona and actually appreciate the person he is, or at the very least prefer the real Alejandro to his mask of perfection. It's one of the draws of the ship itself; the idea that Noah, being the blunt person that he is, can and will wage a war of attrition against the walls Alejandro has built up around himself- not just to keep others out, but also to repress the more authentic aspects of himself to himself- in order to reveal the person beneath.
I touched on this a little bit in a previous post concerning this AU, but Alejandro and Noah both see glimpses of the other that they try so valiantly to hide- in Noah's case, Alejandro sees hints of the scheming mindset he's pretty much supressed under layers of apathy and sloth (as Noah's laziness is one of his biggest character foils, alongside his snarky attitude), and in Alejandro's case he reveals tid bits of information about the Real Alejandro, not the persona he's usually portraying himself as, which is enough to humanise him in Noah's eyes.
They both become People Of Interest in each other's eyes, because they're both puzzles to be solved. Alejandro's curious and competitive to a fault so he'd dedicate himself to unravelling the layers behind Noah's stony exterior, as he'd see Noah's continued distance as a challenge. That's a given. But the topic at hand here is Noah's interest in Alejandro.
Because Noah's not exactly competitive, so why would he be so interested in unveiling the real Alejandro? That's simple; Noah values authenticity. Look at his friendship group, it consists of people who are unapologetically themselves. Noah is also unapologetically himself, in all of his sarcastic glory. So of course he's see flickers of the real, authentic Alejandro and his natural inquisitiveness would be piqued- a novelty for him, as Noah's staunch apathy generally tends to override any semblance of curiosity.
So Noah goes out of his way to make notes of the small interests Alejandro offhandedly mentions at one point or another, like palaeontology or puppetry or even his fifteen-step skincare routine- things that Alejandro shows genuine excitement or passion over that shines through the cracks of his perfect persona. He sees the dorky giddiness Alejandro experiences when Noah lets him ramble on about how Jurassic Park was incredibly inaccurate from a scientific standpoint but monumental for people's interest in palaeontology (or something along those lines, I don't know I'm not a dinosaur nerd) and suddenly the annoyingly flirtatious faker he's spent the better half of his time on the jet is A Whole Ass Person with interests and passions and a sense of depth he's been so bereft of until now. Suddenly Alejandro's more than just the antagonist of the show Noah's working on, he's an interesting person that the bookworm finds himself wanting to know more about. And, perhaps, he finds himself growing genuinely fond of the person behind the mask.
And he uses those notes to prompt Alejandro into sharing more of himself, the real authentic Alejandro, in the privacy of their interactions.
At first, Alejandro's fairly oblivious to what Noah's doing, since he's so caught up in his own enjoyment of Noah's company plans to essentially do the same to Noah that he barely notices his own tricks being used against him.
Of course, he's also just elated at being able to infodump to someone who isn't outright penalising him for doing so; not that I think Alejandro is even aware that what he's doing is infodumping, nor the fact that he's so obviously autistic, because his family is a particular brand of awful that would never let him get a proper diagnoses and in all likelihood forced him to mask/supress his symptoms.
It isn't until Alejandro realises that he's shared a lot of information about himself that he (as a Burromuerto) is expected to keep close to his chest, and he sees the glimmers of satisfaction in Noah's intelligent eyes, that the archvillain catches on to the fact that he's been played. But the thing that really catches him off-guard isn't the trickery, it's the fact that Noah's done nothing with the uncharacteristic displays of vulnerability.
Alejandro can't understand why Noah hasn't taken advantage of his "weakness" yet. Inevitably leading to him confronting the assistant, as Alejandro isn't the type to "let sleeping dogs lie" so to speak, and he's still very much so in the one-track mindset of winning the competition- thus he assumes that any show of vulnerability can and will lead to his untimely elimination. But when he practically demands that Noah reveal what he's been planning, why he's been sneakily collecting information on him, all Noah can do is shrug his shoulders and say;
"I guess I just like seeing the real you. That's all."
And Alejandro doesn't know how to respond to that. No one's ever wanted the real him, he's always had to play the role of the perfect son, the perfect brother. He doesn't understand.
And like most people when they're faced with a foreign concept they have no basis of behaviour for, he lashes out.
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luvvvivii · 8 months
tour guide — c.bc
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pairing - bangchan x mom!reader
genre - fluff, imagine
wc - 1.3k (1,357)
warnings - not proofread (are we surprised), no pronouns used but reader has a kid and is called mommy/mom, mentions reader's ex-husband leaving her/cheating, lmk if more
a/n - late bday post for chan! hope you enjoy
synopsis - taking your five year old out to a museum was supposed to be educational, so why is the tour guide stealing your heart?
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it was saturday, and you were out with your son visiting the museum for the latest dinosaur exhibition. he had always been fascinated by the extinct creatures, and had grown a keen liking to them. that was the reason why almost all his possessions were dinosaur-themed.
"mommy, mommy, look! that man has a dinosaur on his hand!" your 5 year old, hajoon, broke you from your daydream with a tug on your fingers, pointing towards a figure in front of you. the man, indeed, had a dinosaur puppet propped on his hand, playing with the kids that gathered around him. with urgent pulls from your little boy, you were suddenly standing in front of said man, with your hajoon looking up at him in awe.
"hi kids! and guardians," the man started, acknowledging all the adults with a smile. "my name is chan, and I'll be your museum guide for today. if all the little ones could go over there for a second whilst I talk to the adults, and then we can get started shortly!" chan pointed towards the large play area behind him, adorned with bright walls, plenty of equipment and, of course, dinosaur figures everywhere. you urged hajoon to go play, and even make some new friends, whilst you listened to what the tour guide — who you noticed was also quite good looking — had to say.
"so, as I mentioned, my name is chan. I've been working here a while, so trust me, I've got experience. and, I promise to make this a fun and educational experience for your little ones. you guys won't have to do much, basically just follow us around and take care of your kid while I do all the work. pretty laid-back for you guys." chan explained. you tried your hardest listening to what he was saying, but now that you were much closer, you were forced to take in all of his features. they were so defined, and beautiful, you couldn't help but stare. all of a sudden, he turned and made eye contact with you. it stayed like that for a bit, until you realised he was saying something directed towards you.
"erm, I think your kid's calling you?" he pointed to something behind you, and when you turned around you were met with hajoon's impatient whines. it was safe to say, you were completely embarrassed. "r-right…sorry!" you rushed over to your child, and looked after his needs straight away, before immediately entering a mode of shame. you hadn't seen it, but chan chuckled in seeing your embarrassment. "cute." he mumbled to himself impulsively.
soon enough, the museum tour was starting, and the kids were already riled up. they were running around, admiring all the exhibits, chatting amongst each other softly ; it was pretty obvious that they'd finally gotten to know one another. you glanced over at hajoon, and smiled to yourself at seeing him growing a close bond with one other girl, whose name you'd learn later on to be sumin. you had a feeling of guilt over taking you, however. despite coming here to have a great time with your little boy, all you could focus on was chan. your eyes always lingered on him a second longer than they should, and you felt your heart fluttering when your eyes met. despite all the promises you made to yourself when hajoon was born, you couldn't help but slightly fall for the cute tour guide in front of you.
when you were pregnant with your boy, a month before you'd gone into labour, your (ex-)husband had announced that he'd found another woman he was interested in, and therefore no longer wanted to stay with you. it broke your heart into too many pieces to count, but you knew you had to stay strong for hajoon. even if his biological father wouldn't be there to see it, you would look after hajoon as if you had no other care in the world, and you would execute it beautifully. you had also promised yourself that, unless you were 100% sure you were ready, you wouldn't get with another man. the obvious part was that you still felt the struggles of your ex-husband leaving you, and it tore your heart out every single day. the only problem was, were you sure you weren't ready to try to find someone new? someone who could love hajoon as much — if not, more — than you?
it took a while, but you had finally reached halfway through the exhibition. in all honesty, you had no idea what was going on half the time. but seeing hajoon's overjoyed face almost broke you to tears of happiness. you turned from hajoon's direction to behind you, where you were met with soft, loving eyes. chan's glance towards you felt…odd. not in a bad way, but it was still quite odd. it made you feel things you didn't think you'd ever feel in a while, but you weren't complaining anymore. this could be like your own little adventure, just like hajoon's.
but what if you were getting ahead of yourself? what if he always looked so caring to everyone? you were just getting tied up in something which wasn't even true.
"okay everyone! it's time to continue, up on your feet now." his sweet voice rung across the museum. you wondered, should I just give it a chance?
eventually, the museum tour eventually all came to an end. your five year old was dejected to have to leave, but immediately changed his mind when he saw they were giving out free dinosaur related toys. he rushed over, dismissing you with a quick "you can wait with the car mom!" with this, you took it as an opportunity to make small talk with the tour guide. eventually even lead it to a bigger picture.
"hi there, I'm not sure if you noticed, but I was the mom of one of the kids from the tour? hajoon?" you were fidgeting a bit, rethinking the choices that you made.
"yes! I've definitely noticed you, don't worry! is there anything you need?" chan's face contorted into one of concern.
"no no! I'm okay! I just…" you were doing it. you were actually doing it. you would be asking for the cute tour guide's number, but would he actually give it to you? that was when you looked up to finally meet chan's eyes. they were still wearing a hint of concern behind them, and his head was cocked slightly to the side.
"I just wanted to say thank you for making all the children so happy." you sighed, slightly annoyed at yourself for chickening out, although you did really mean what you said.
"of course! this is my job of course~ but in all seriousness, I really try to make them as happy as possible, how else would they enjoy it?" you giggled slightly at his response, before bidding him farewell and turning around to get hajoon.
"wait!" you paused and whipped your head back towards chan. "erm, don't take this in the wrong way but, are you a single mother? I mean, all the other kids had both their parents come, but with hajoon it was just you?" you nodded, to which he responded with a small "ah." and looked down.
"also, if you were cool with it — which if you're not, it's totally fine! I understand — but could I maybe get your number? just to keep in touch sometimes! because I think you're pretty cool, and hajoon's pretty cool! argh, this is totally not right, I'm so sorry. but—" you cut his trail of thought as you pulled out your phone and showed him your number. he looked relieved, running his hands through his dark brown locks. he typed in your number and saved it, sending you a small text so that you could do the same. you said your final goodbyes and promised to stay in contact with one another.
you never thought you'd be able to love another as much as you loved your ex-husband, but maybe when chan came along, fate decided to change that.
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©@luvvvivii all rights reserved | do not repost or translate
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weirdmarioenemies · 2 months
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Name: Dilophosaurus wetherilli
Debut: Real Life, Circa The Early Jurassic (roughly 280 million years ago)
Hi I'm gonna talk about my favorite dinosaur now and you're gonna like it! Or maybe you won't, I don't know you! But y'know what I do know? Dilophosaurus!!! It's my best friend. They named it after the fact that it's got two (di) crests (lopho) on its head and also it's a reptile (saurus). A big reptile at that! In fact, it was the largest known animal of its time to walk the land in North America, and was almost certainly the apex predator of its environment, the Kayenta Formation (located across several of what are now the South-Western United States).
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As you can see, this size chart demonstrates that the largest specimen discovered was about 7 meters (23 feet) long; no Tyrannosaurus rex, mind you, but still far larger than... some popular depictions might lead you to believe.
Also contrary to what some popular depictions might lead you to believe, Dilophosaurus would not have required the use of various biological mechanisms such as, for instance, retractable neck frills or venom-spitting to take down its prey; mechanisms which, mind you, are exclusively seen in animals as methods of self-defense, and would therefore only serve to scare away potential prey items.
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Speaking of prey items, this stunning piece by Chase Stone depicts a pair of Dilophosaurus as having just brought down a prosauropod (a name for early sauropod relatives). Dilophosaurus did in fact live alongside at least one prosauropod, Sarahsaurus, the Holotype specimen of which bears tooth marks very likely left by a certain two-crested culprit! On that note I want to address another prevalent misconception in regards to life reconstructions of this animal...
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On the left we have a (frankly hilariously sock-puppet-like) restoration by a sadly unknown artist, and on the right is another absolutely breathtaking rendering by Chase Stone. As you can pretty clearly see, the way the crests (among other things) are restored is very different between the two! For a long time, the crests were restored as seen on the left: very thin, and with a little protrusion jutting out of the back. This is due to something called shrink-wrapping, a trend in paleoart exemplified by the omission of tissues such as muscle or fat when reconstructing the animal, leading to much of the skeleton being visible through the skin, particularly in the case of the skull.
Stone's restoration, on the other hand, wraps the skull in a much more naturalistic-looking amount of soft tissue, and completely envelops both crests in a keratinous structure, much like the casque of a cassowary or a hornbill (in fact I believe the coloration is actually referenced specifically from a knobbed hornbill's beak).
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This is due to the fact that the crests were likely a kind of bony core which would have supported a larger keratinous structure as is to be expected of... sigh... horny structures such as this. Stop smiling. Don't you know there's no fun allowed when you're learning about things? That's what school taught me, anyway. Ahem. As I was saying, the original shape of the crest was extrapolated from incomplete remains, which you can see a restored illustration of above.
Also worth noting is the inclusion of a thin, fluffy covering of feathers along the head, neck, and back of Stone's restoration. This is entirely plausible, as the current consensus is that dinosaurs and their close relatives, pterosaurs, were descended from a fluffy common ancestor due to the fluffy-feathery coverings seen in both groups being found to be basically the same stuff!
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I could go on about so many things, like how tremendously fucked up and addled with tumors and infections the Holotype specimen was, or how we have a trace fossil which seems to preserve a Dilophosaurus sitting down in the mud like a big dumb bird, complete with an impression of its butt, but I trust that if these things pique your interest enough, you'll seek them out on your own time. Just remember not to have fun, because as we all know, fun is the one thing learning should never be.
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quilt-giving · 4 months
My grandbabies came over for the weekend. I have the best time when they are at my house. My grandson made dinosaur hand puppets with movable jaws
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My granddaughter made roses from crepe paper.
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assistant-of-drama · 1 month
Assistant Noah's World Tour!
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After France...
Alejandro made sure to treat Owen decently this time.
It wasn't enough to make Noah stop giving him the silent treatment, but it was enough to make Noah stop glaring at him.
After the Amazons win the challenge, the plane apparently needs a few hours for repairs before taking off... it was the perfect opportunity to make up with Noah.
"Hey Noah, since we have some time, would you like to get some sweets and see the Eifel Tower with me?" Alejandro asked, his voice smooth as honey.
Noah hesitated for a moment, taken aback by the sudden request. He glanced at Alejandro, noticing the genuine excitement in his green eyes. But Noah only said yes, cause he was hungry and curious to try some fancy desserts.
Noah nods, embarrassed to hear a small growl from his stomach. "Fine, I could use the break from everything. But you're paying."
They find a small, but fancy bakery and eat some cupcakes with icing flowers with coffee.
As they eat, Alejandro can't stop looking at the small, pleased smile on Noah's face. It was working. He was winning Noah over.
When they finished eating, they stayed in their seats for a bit, asking questions and getting to know each other. Alejandro talked about his love of dinosaurs and puppets, while Noah confessed about his secret fondness of planes and rockets and fluffy animals. Alejandro couldn't help, but genuinely laugh at the irony, considering how much Noah hates the giant and unstable plane they were forced to fly in.
Then they walked towards the Eifel Tower. As they approached, Noah couldn't help but feel a surge of awe. The tower loomed over them, impossibly tall and elegant. Even though he'd seen pictures of it before, nothing could prepare him for the sheer scale of it in real life.
When Alejandro wrapped an arm around Noah, the assistant allowed it while gazing at the tower. But then Alejandro wrapped his other arm around Noah, practically giving him a hug. Noah turned around, while still trapped in the taller man's arms.
"Alejandro, what are you doing? I keep telling you that flirting with me isn't gonna give you benefits. What could you possibly hope to gain?" Noah asks with a tired yet firm voice. He feels a blush creeping onto his cheeks, though, as he's pressed so close against the taller man.
Alejandro smirks, despite having a light blush of his own. "Maybe what I want to gain is your attention."
"What?" Noah's eyes widened at this, so many conflicting emotions swirling inside them.
That's when the Eifel Tower lights up, surrounding the area in a beautiful romantic light.
Noah and Alejandro silently gaze into each other's eyes, lost in the haze of the city of love. Not even they are immune to it's great power. Their faces relax as they stare blankly at each other. It feels as if time has slowed down, the world around them fading away into nothing but the two of them. The romantic light making their bodies and minds feel pleasantly warm.
Alejandro then begins to lean in for a kiss. Noah somewhat wakes up from his daze to lean away from the charming spanish man's lips. But the taller man follows his lips, while still holding Noah close. It almost looked like Alejandro was dipping him. The book-loving assistant had to think fast, before their lips make contact.
Noah grabs the charm on Alejandro's necklace and presses it against the charmer's puckered lips.
Alejandro opens his eyes in dazed confusion.
Noah smiles and uses his other hand to playfully rub his captor's cheek. "Did you really think it was gonna be that easy, eel?"
Alejandro removes his lips from the charm and smiles back. "Why no, of course not. But I do love a challenge, my little porpoise.~"
Noah gets a kiss on his nose, before he could stop it.
Alejandro got kicked in the stomach, as a result.
The taller man considers it progress, that it wasn't the kiwis that Noah hit instead.
At least the diablo is talking to him again.
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grailfinders · 21 days
Grailfinders #341: Mary Anning
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hey y’all! would you like-a talk-a dino? no? too bad, here’s Mary Anning anyway. she’s an arcane trickster rogue to sell literal rocks to people at a profit (and get a cool dog), plus a primeval druid to summon a lightning-spitting plesiosaur. and i thought jurassic park was taking liberties…
check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
next up: shouldn’t he be istanbullos by now?
Ancestry & Background
despite having nautiluses for hair, Mary is still a Human, so she gets +1 Dexterity & Intelligence, as well as proficiency in Nature (old nature sure, but still nature) and the Tough feat for an extra 2 HP per level. she also used to be a sickly child before being nursed to health by a literal bolt of lightning yes that’s a thing that happened so she’s definitely being Rewarded by something. that gives her Insight and Persuasion proficiency, as well as the Skilled background for more proficiency in Mason’s Tools, Athletics, and History.
Ability Scores
your Intelligence should be as high as it can go. we don’t actually need it here, but you were the first person to figure out what an Ichthyosaur is (not a dinosaur) and what coprolites are (not something you want to touch bare-handed). second is Wisdom. half the difficulty of paleontology is finding the damn things. the other half is dodging the rockslides, which is why your Dexterity is also pretty high. this does mean your Charisma is lower than I’d like. you’re a fine saleswoman, but you didn’t get a lot of credit for the work you did. this means your Constitution is middling, and your Strength is as low as it gets. thankfully you can just reanimate the fossils now, so carrying them’s a lot easier.
Class Levels
1. Rogue 1: if we want to find fossils, you need to be damn good with a chisel first. also I’m not making the same mistake I made with Galatea, I’m not going to figure out how to have you wield a hammer in one hand and a chisel in the other officially, sorry. on the plus side, no matter how you use that chisel you can still Sneak Attack with it, adding 1d6 to the damage done as long as you have advantage on the attack or another friend next to them. all fossils are restrained (by rock), so you shouldn’t have any issue getting advantage. you also learn Thieves’ Cant, which is really just Cockney. finally, your Expertise in Nature and History will double your proficiency bonus when you make checks about old animals or natural history. suck it, publications!
also as a rogue you get proficiency in Dexterity and Intelligence saves, as well as Deception, Investigation, Perception, and Sleight of Hand, bc god knows you didn’t have enough skills just yet.
2. Rogue 2: second level rogues get a Cunning Action each turn, letting you dash, disengage, or hide as a bonus action. the early paleontologist gets the bone, as the assuredly real saying goes.
3. Rogue 3: we haven’t picked up all your fossil-hunting gear just yet- we still need some explosives, and a dog. thankfully, we can get both of those from being an Arcane Trickster! now you can cast spells using your Intelligence! okay I guess we actually did need that. anyway, your spell list is pretty restrictive, with only one spell that can be freely picked from the wizard spell list. the rest all have to be enchantment or illusion spells.
but before we talk spells, let’s talk Cantrips! Thunderclap will help remove solid rock, while Mold Earth will dig through loose dirt real fast. you also get Mage Hand which comes with its own Legerdemain, and that’s going to be Tray for this build! just have it do the dog shadow puppet thing to really sell the flavor. the original mage hand lasts a minute and is a floating ghost hand/dog that sticks near you, and you can use your action to move it and have it pick up objects, open doors, grab stuff from containers, or pour out liquids. you know, basic dog tricks. the legerdemain makes your dog a little more special, letting it pickpocket people, pick locks, and turn invisible. those are less doglike, but you can do all of those plus the og stuff as a bonus action now too.
as for your spells, Mage Armor will help you not die, Distort Value will help you sell rocks for enough money to live on, and Illusory Script will help you get out of whatever shitty contract super bunyan tried to force on you.
one last thing- you can use Steady Aim to give yourself advantage as a bonus action, so long as you haven’t moved yet and don’t plan on doing so this turn. the rocks are generally stationary, so it should be fine.
okay, okay, the real last thing- your sneak attack deals 2d6 extra damage now. this is what happens when you can afford the good chisels.
4. Rogue 4: fourth level rogues get their first Ability Score Improvement, so improve that Dexterity while you’re here. yes the rocks don’t move much, but you still have to worry about your AC. in the same “not getting hit” vein, you get Color Spray this level. this one’s just pocket sand. blast it in peoples’ faces and they go blind for a round.
5. Rogue 5: fifth level rogues have an Uncanny Dodge. whenever you’d take damage from an attack, you can use your reaction to take half damage instead. ideally you wouldn’t get hit at all, but it’s not like you can afford platemail. speaking of damage though, your sneak attack deals 3d6 damage now.
6. Rogue 6: sixth level rogues get another round of Expertise, so double down on Perception and Persuasion to find and sell fossils.
7. Rogue 7: seventh level rogues learn Evasion, which means every time you have to make a dexterity save you only take half damage on a failure and no damage on a success. your job consisted of going to rockslide mountain during rockslide season but you didn’t die until breast cancer took you out, there’s clearly something going on there.
also you learn Dragon’s Breath. it’s a secret tool that will help us later. for right now, your sneak attack deals 4d6 damage!
8. Druid 1: at level one, druids also learn Spells, which they use their Wisdom to cast. since we’re mixing spellcasters, you’ll have to check the PHB to figure out how many spell slots you have at any one time.
first, cantrips. Shillelagh lets you turn a club into a magical club that uses your wisdom to hit, so I guess if you really want to use a hammer, now you’ll be slightly better at it. you can also use Druidcraft to figure out the weather for today. I don’t know if rockslides count as “weather” exactly, but it doesn’t hurt to try.
as for your spells, druids can prepare spells from their whole list every day, so I highly recommend checking out whatever suits your fancy. the only spell I think is in-character right now though is Faerie Fire. sadly we can’t make it only work for women, but it’ll make it impossible for anyone hit by it to turn invisible, and attacks against them have advantage.
9. Druid 2: second level druids enter a circle, and the Circle of the Primeval was practically made for you! before we get into that we do need to mention your Wild Shape real fast, though you’re not using it if you’re staying in character- I’ll just say for now you could use it twice per short rest. more importantly, you can use those two per rest charges to summon a Primeval Companion instead! with this, you can summon a medium plesiosaurus that you can order around with your bonus action. it can’t swim just yet, but he’s just getting started! (this is where Dragon’s Breath comes back in, now you can have him shooting lightning right out the gate. or yourself, if you want.)
also, as a Keeper of Old, you can add a d4 to your history checks.
(and I will say now that yes, you could use wild shape charges to summon a Wild Companion if you want Tray to be a real dog, but that would mean he’d have an actual HP bar and I’m just not ready to deal with that.)
10. Druid 3: third level druids learn second level spells! Enhance Ability gives you advantage in one kind of ability check of your choice, while Locate Object can help you locate the nearest fossil. it’s kind of like cheating, but fuck it!
11. Druid 4: fourth level druids get a Wild Shape Improvement, so while plesi can’t swim yet, you can. somehow. also your Dexterity goes up again. also also you can cast Guidance now to give yourself or a friend a d4 to their next skill check, for when you really need to sell this next fossil.
12. Druid 5: fifth level druids learn third level spells! Conjure Animals is your go-to for your noble phantasm, letting you summon a bunch of smaller fossils all at one go, but you can also use Elemental Weapon if you want some electrical attacks for yourself too.
13. Druid 6: now that you’re a proper Prehistoric Conduit, you can cast spells as though they came from your plesiosaur. this means you can cast Dragon’s Breath on him without even having to touch him! given that he’s probably in the thick of battle, that’s most likely for the best. also, if he gets caught up in one of your spells, he gets advantage on his save against its damage and evasion for said spell, regardless of what kind of save it is.
14. Druid 7: seventh level druids get fourth level spells, like… actually there isn’t really any I want. maybe Elemental Bane if you can find a non-spell way to deal lightning damage? otherwise just upcast conjure animals.
15. Druid 8: eighth level druids get another WSI, so now you can fly if you want. also you can use your ASI to start improving your Charisma for better sales pitches.
16. Druid 9: ninth level druids get fifth level spells, and while Plessy doesn’t really talk much he’s probably a lot smarter than most dinosaurs, so I still think Awaken is a good pick for him. this’ll make the animal or plant you use it on sentient permanently, and it will be your friend for up to a month. past that point, how it feels about you is up to it.
17. Druid 10: let’s grab Mending real quick before we go into the level, I imagine your clothes probably get torn up pretty often in this line of work. also you now share a Titanic Bond with your living fossil, making it large enough to ride around on and it can finally swim! as a bonus, once per turn you can try and frighten a creature when you hit it with an attack or spell. everyone’s seen jurassic park by this point, they know not to stand near dinosaurs.
18. Druid 11: as we near the end, you can finally grab sixth level spells like Move Earth. for up to two hours after casting, you can reshape dirt, sand, or clay in a 40’ area that can be moved around, with each change taking ten minutes. also worth noting, this doesn’t work on stone or stone structures, so any rock formations might collapse if you use this too much. Make Sure Nothing You Love Is Under the Rocks.
19. Druid 12: use your last ASI to bump up your Charisma again! with a charisma score like that you could even make a 19th century englishman respect… well, literally anyone who isn’t also a 19th century englishman.
20. Druid 13: for our final level you gain access to seventh level spells, but again there aren’t really any I want. sorry to end it on a sour note, but now you can upcast your animal conjuring and lightning breath, so that’s neat!
Pros & Cons
druids have access to some powerful aoe spells, and while we only really use Dragon’s Breath in this build, being able to shoot them out of a large creature means you can make those aoes even bigger, for free, and odds are Plesi’s gonna be just fine on top of all that.
as a rogue, you like having people around you. as a druid, you can make people around you. well, dinosaurs. still, everything goes with sneak attack, so you can pretty much guarantee that extra damage whenever you want.
rogues are always great at skill checks, and you take that to a whole new level. as long as you have anything to sell, your party will never have to worry about their budget. also, while we got a lot of skills for buying and selling, most of them are open-ended enough that they can be used for any skill check you want!
it takes a while for this build to reach something I’d call a finished state. while it works fine for most of the game, riding around on a plesiosaurus is kind of the dream, and you can’t do that until level 17.
a lot of your spell list is spent on utility spells, and while they aren’t necessarily bad, it’s hard to think of when you’d really want the ability to dig for two hours over say, a fireball. they don’t even break rock, so good luck getting to actual fossils with Mold Earth.
both druid and rogue are pretty greedy classes- they both want you to focus on them as much as possible. because of this, we get neither a big sneak attack bonus nor druid’s busted capstone ability, which is rough. it’s not the end of the world since you’d probably never see any capstone ability used in regular D&D anyway, but still.
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fionajames · 3 months
hi! may i request a short fluff fic of the bad batch, with the prompt of "watching movies late at night?"
A/N: HIYA!!!!!!!! Sorry this is so short!!!!! Tysm for the request tho, I'm really happy you sent it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please send requests (there is a new prompt list in my pinned post)!!!!!! Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!
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Every night was holofilm night with the Bad Batch, their little family cuddled up together on the floor with bean bags, blankets and cushions.
Omega and Wrecker managed to get their hands on some treats that would be stocked in the cupboard, distributed over several days.
Tech and Crosshair were bickering over the holofilm yet again, Tech wanting to watch some history documentary and Crosshair who wanted to watch action films. He enjoyed making snarky remarks about bad shots.
And as usual, Echo turned to Omega and asked what she wanted to watch Hunter agreeing with him as always. Wrecker was also on their side, but only cheered when Omega chose something violent or fast-paced - which was most of the time. Tonight, Omega chose a silly film with humans and ‘dinosaurs’, whatever those were.
Everyone got what they wanted.
Omega got her film of choice, Wrecker got his violence, Crosshair got his action, Tech got to look at the strange creatures,  Echo got what Omega wanted, and Hunter didn’t care what film they watched, as long as his family was happy.
The film was extremely confusing and yet exciting at the same time. Embarrassingly, Wrecker got jumpscared by every little thing. Crosshair almost cried at some of the action scenes and the little realisticness they held. Tech was fascinated by every single little thing. Echo, Omega and Hunter spent the whole time laughing at Wrecker’s obnoxious screaming.
They watched another film after that, some kids’ thing with puppets and weird voices. Wrecker laughed too hard and had a coughing fit, in which many tears were shed.
Later that night when they were finally sent to bed, Hunter found himself tucking Omega in. As he did, she tapped his shoulder.
“Yes?” He replied gently, sitting down on the edge of the bed lightly.
“Can we always do this?” She asked. “I don’t want us to ever change.”
Hunter smiled sadly, moving to ruffle her hair. “I’ll try my best to make sure we can.”
She smiled widely, closing her eyes and sighing contently.
“Goodnight, Hunter.”
“Goodnight, Omega.”
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A/N: I hope you enjoyed!!!!!!!!1 Please send requests!!!!!!!!
(taglist: @skellymom, @techs-goggles9902)
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gen-toon · 26 days
Hello. Hope you’re doing well. I’m been meaning to ask you. Do you plan on drawing any of the other abstracted characters again sometime in the future? Especially the purple dinosaur and sock puppet? If so, then I’m looking forward to it, but please take your time as always. Thanks and have a wonderful day. ✨
I've had a lil handful of asks for that yeah, with the two abstracted humans I missed. I didn't actually forget them, I just didn't feel like drawing all of them at the time. I am meaning to though, but not entirely sure if I'll be able to come up with a design I like. If they don't show up, that'll be why. I do have a lot of ideas with the ones I had already done though, just haven't gotten around to finishing the wips yet. The post in question Here but seriously thanks for the interest though~
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arowithanotp · 1 year
Sometimes it’s hard to get yourself to care about climate change. Yeah, you want to preserve this earth and all the wonderful places and animals, but it feels so helpless. There’s nothing you can do. It’s out of our hands and you just shut your brain off to forget about the impending doom. So you put on the silly little puppet show and are smacked in the face by the unrelenting force of death and extinction level events, and even in the face of absolute destruction we have to chose to care. We get to chose to love and cherish the people around us. And oh my god the earth is freaking cool. We are so lucky to be here even at the end. And maybe, just maybe, we can save the day, genie or no, and keep this awesome fucking planet with all the people we love.
“Cause there’s no knowing what’s in store, but I’m not worried anymore. I’m with my favorite dinosaurs
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donutwatches · 10 months
MHA 2.8 - Battle on, Challengers - part 1
This is my first watch of MHA, so no spoilers past this episode.
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This is super relatable, I also see sparkly bubblegum pink bubbles whenever an attractive person walks by me. 
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Pikachu’s silly mode face is so cute. It is even cuter with him wrapped up like a little lettuce wrap. I enjoyed his swift defeat after hitting on his opponent. 
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This petty troll is obnoxious and I love him. 
I wonder if he gets on most people in the fandom’s nerves, or is he liked? I am hesitant of interacting with the fandom since I am scared of spoilers. 
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There is a bird-head kid and a lil’ red dinosaur in this picture and somehow they are not the weird ones here. Deku’s nerd intensity is just that powerful.
Imagine being so out of pocket that a bird is judging you. Kirishima looks low-key concerned for him.
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The gremlin is not amused. To be fair he has probably been hearing Izuku mutter obsessively his entire life. Bakugo has a right to be over it. 
The image of the words bouncing off of his face has to be one of my favorite visual gags this show has ever done. I snort-laughed. 
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This is a sweet small character moment. Where everyone else is weirded out or annoyed by Deku, Uraraka perceives him in such a positive and supportive way. She see’s his detailed note taking and thinks it is an amazing quality. She is right, he has passion and intelligence! 
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Oh no. Iida, you poor sweet summer child. He is such an earnest person it hurts my heart to see him get played like this. His precious dork energy is off the charts. 
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She just turned this tournament into a commercial. This is so dark-sided yet so genius. I could critique how materialistic this is for an aspiring hero, but I have to respect her game. 
Also, why does her hair look like a bushel of uncooked hot dogs? 
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He is like a tiny puppet dancing in the palm of her hand. I love that she came prepared with her own microphone. This brings up a question. Can the audience hear the fighters talking, or are they watching silent fights? None of the other students were shown to have mics. 
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You got got, son, you got got. It was a humiliating win, but still a win. If he had lost from being tricked I would have flipped shit. 
click for part 2
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honey-minded-hivemind · 3 months
Imagine a Reader who makes... plushies!
They hand-make them, have original patterns, and have a variety of fabrics and materials, ranging from puff balls to felt to velvetine to fluffy to smooth, whatever you can imagine! They even have some faux furs and faux feathers for the hyper-realistic models, in various natural shades. Any color or shade or hue, they have it in stock and ready to cut. Threads, they have over twenty colors. When it comes to eyes, do they have them! Buttons, realistic eyes with irises, little black rounds, iron-on and sew-on patches too!
When it comes to designs and creations, Reader is never out of ideas. They have several styles of bears, cats, dogs, wolves, bunnies, deer, sheep, llamas... Other creatures such as snakes, lizards, geckos, chameleons, and turtles... Frogs and salamanders and newts and tadpoles and axolotls... All sorts of fish and sea life, sharks and rays and salmon and starfish and octopi and jellyfish, plus qhales and orcas and seals, too... Even dinosaurs and dragons and unicorns and chimeras... And a special project, little plush versions of the X-Men and Brotherhood...
And Reader's powers even center on their hobby, their art! The ability to bring their creations to life and puppeteer them, even other people and creatures. With only a flick of their hand, their life/will fills them, and so does complete and utter loyalty. Reader could be a hero or a villain, but enjoys making whomever they consider a friend a little companion or pet, something to keep them company so they don't feel alone...
(Fun facts:
• Reader likes to wear sweaters
• Reader sleeps in a pile of plushies
• Reader can have little strings appear when they've brought something to life and/or controlling something/someone
• They can use sewing needles as weapons
• They have a bubbly, happy personality, but they had a dark/traumatizing childhood
• Some of their favorite foods are maple sausage, fried eggs, and sweet tea and lemonade
• They give their friends hugs, lots of them
(They are also gender-neutral, or the gender of the Reader, okay? Like all of my other posts)
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