#dezzy land
kartoonkane · 9 months
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Will be posting Dezzy comics starting here as well!
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wpdariacutnes · 3 months
Me: okey so bit dizz but knows dreamcore work and knows game like home safety Hotline but dys more megamancomunity because code expleing more like enifing woring here and ditals like onesly it type robot and after been dys more line like on page a dys new redsinging so enifing cofuze a onesly is dys a more dill hit it
Kere: * toking but enifing frud get wirts ice a self but not full but canda more litim self a been dead dust self as cold like after is 25°C so enifing been nromal or again get bit dezzis ( sund like me canda point a dill dys megamancomunity a someone points but i not crow it )
Me: * look dys but not so much do only 5 unplay it knows like wideo after say what a do and good and negative* not a rotsun. . emm * bit look it going on (yes I riding self but in mean not open lips because knows a sund bruken bit)
Canda selina because enifing stupid ice a after dust a been entert after been deficult a dust hunting because only been self code drinks blood a self but more organing sowing * das gif kere a dys full name what is and take same wideo a care self now*
Me: and now canda tuseday is done now but why so hot enifing here like is 21°C like been normal but yeah canda not working bit * yeah toking self but smole staws a table make cold bit*
Note a miss.tvfreed: thx a enifing keep going enifing care a cosedit plase and enifing and hope a take on silisly stage and get more unkey after more unplay staws and more leter gif a element cake but dys brake
Me: okey is radom door demecia das new * looking dys as riding self a mean going on after coll*
Kety: sorry a beder you a whatever head make now enifing dys but whatever say i get a wery shiti wird aqua samstens and like a dont knows what a do like normal been green pikue shit but. . . Is violet and smell nofing so dys say go a coll you and gead hend going on so yeah
Me: ? * look a dys and radom "withe water blitch zone"* okey is enifing like vivi because radom wery rot a detative in dys a make pigments like been violet but after more a code yellow omost dark green orange more samstens same after a brake ertchical sismet handel battle gas after in aqua efetic * look dys more and is haly toxic so gif enifing fast a dys wideo a care now and das corekt a is dys so she save and say note thx a help out hell good boy's*
Jezz whatever heppend dys days like enifing can normal cake a vegan ploblem a enifing more worse self * look a red plants* like dys one but flowers is hely more same a genderest ugh. . . Finks a but care it after can woking a self
Sesam: I sorry a been. . . Shy a toking but chraing hide up a dys a can been i finks a dys finka make givenrt land a cat like i not crazy ploblem a See self a dys tree stap a self a longs on a cat and like frow self a radom under hole away and like enifing levan das start wirts say but nose like rot cat like. . .bit bobbling as rot animal like pet get paint and chraing do a water but canda look like woshing me you-you knows a mean like canda been like closer get self is like hole a tree but look a shadow persen but in only tree a make dead bobbling rot cat nose so what a do canda cut axe or get a fire like dys barke me sevolt and knows it a door lets nitche but chraing sleep so hand up? A do sowing?
And here a bit enifing going more grass robot because a dont have enifing dys das more oshenic's or enifing normal staws like iscents
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Offical epic note: 17.01.2024.r
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chandlerxfitzgerald · 9 months
Inimitable // self para
Fourteen year old Chandler stood on the small platform with his arms spread out on either side, the sleeves of the suit jacket he was being fitted for extending past his hands. Despite instructions from the tailor who moved around him with a measuring tape and a clipboard of notes to jot down required lengths telling him to remain perfectly still, the boy could not help flinching whenever the small needles the old man used to pin the fabric at various places unceremoniously jabbed him. His eyes flickered in the direction of the three-sided mirror whenever this happened, waiting for the moment if Douglas himself would reprimand. A shock if he didn't find the interest passing comment.
It had been about a month since Desmond convinced the Urie patriarch a pleading case inviting Chandler into the family, and at first, he was left to his devices. Douglas ignored him as he settled his belongings into a new environment, likely turning more of his focus on Hedgestone than the newest member of the family. Not that Chandler minded, it provided the excellent chance acquainting himself with Morrigan who was beginning to burrow a soft spot on his heart. They were kindred spirits, sharing their secrets, and most evenings he spent keeping her company within the confines of her bedroom. A similar relationship budded between him and Desmond, the latter all but taking Chandy under his wing when such a kind vouching wasn't warranted but much appreciated. Being the only child, Chandler never knew the true meaning of siblings and now he possessed two who cherished him as much as life itself.
"Stop fidgeting, boy." Douglas stood at the edge of the room, watching his personal tailor and the young male his eldest son supported as worthy to land a place in the family at his very first suit fitting. He wasn't initially for the arrangement, paranoia and Chandler's eccentricities gave him extreme pause, but Desmond's persistence won out. In the end, gaining a rejected child born from a prestigious bloodline as the Fitzgerald's became a better replacement for the walking disease that was the daughter he never wanted.
"I can't help it." Chandy straightened his posture, forcing himself to relax under both the prodding pins and the scrutinizing gaze of the faction leader. He learned quickly you should watch what you say and do around Douglas as he carried an opinion about everything. Sometimes, it felt as if even breathing incorrectly resulted in chastising. Though, he already learned various valuable lessons from his new siblings. Where he was taught proper manners at the dinner table or the instances their father entered the room from Dezzie, Morrigan presented advice on how to stay in the shadows where you would not be seen. Become a ghost. "Why do I need a suit fitted anyway?"
He heard Douglas breathe an agitated sigh and wave a hand dismissing the tailor from the room as the teenager watched. Most conversations, Chandler noticed, were oftentimes discussed alone with the concerning party and nobody else lest the man foolishly believe even a mundane chat about clothing could be used against the faction's well-being. "You are about to become a man soon, Chandler, and every man must own a proper suit for business." Douglas folded his hands behind him and stepped forward, regarding Chandler with a stare lacking fatherly warmth. "You're flying the Urie banner now. Any action you take down to what you wear reflects back on us, so any son of mine will wear a suit." He tilted his head slightly back, "That means both of my sons."
Chandler slowly lowered his arms and sought the chance to revert his gaze by picking at a stray thread on one of the sleeve cuffs. Orphans customarily were thrilled by the notion that they found a family who accepted them, overjoyed at new parents, but he knew better. Douglas crowning him as a son was a prison sentence. His life, his choices, governed by an emotionless father figure. "I understand the importance of stiff fashion and yes, the spotlight I'm now sharing, but business, sir?" Eyes landing on the older man, his features conveyed confusion. When the appointment was listed on his itinerary, Chandler assumed formalwear automatically set a perquisite as a Urie family member. Fancy dinners, public appearances, and the such. "I thought that was Desmond's duty."
"Now, it's yours." The snap of impatience tensed Chandy's muscles involuntarily, however, he was quick to conceal just how uncomfortable the air around the two expanded. To show fear is the first sign of weakness and one couldn't bare the thought of offering the bastard all satisfaction. "I know you have a brain in your head, boy, do use it." Douglas tightened his jaw and began the explanation, "I personally found your father's choice to shun a son who would have brought disgrace on any respectable name the right decision, your kind is...unconventional." The distasteful expression wasn't hidden. "Then Desmond brought you to my office, an adolescent boy looking like a deer in headlights, and he vowed you should be shown mercy. I honored his word and now I'm collecting on the potential I know you have somewhere. You see," He moved to fix a cuff link absentmindedly, almost appearing uninterested with the conversational flow, "You're not just a guest in my home, like all things in life, you earn your place if you wish to stay."
"You're inviting me into the family business as an heir." Chandler vocalized what the other male more or less implied. Yet somehow, nothing prevented the flash of anger from forming inside him. It isn't news that Douglas held the same old-fashioned morals as his former father, anyone who still believed in arranged marriages couldn't fathom a relationship that was between the same gender. The Urie men both past and present, aside from Desmond, saw women as nothing but ornamental decoration whose only useful trait was child-bearing. Imagine the chaos should he share his free-thinking opinions. "I'm all for praising my intellect and celebrating your mercifulness, yay mercy, but I don't share your blood. What about Morrigan?"
The minute Morrigan's name reached his ears, Chandler knew it was the foulest mistake he couldn't backpedal. Rule number one straight from Dezzie, never under any circumstances mention even a small reminder of Morri's existence. Douglas halted in the middle of adjusting his other cuff, the fury in his eyes not surpassed by the rigid expression enveloping the patriarch's sharp facial characteristics. "That relentless cockroach is nothing more than a profit I can turn. The sooner she's old enough for marriage, the better. Her husband will do with her what he pleases for all I care." Douglas waved away the matter irritatingly, "You are heir apparent, Chandler. If Desmond isn't able to fulfill his duties as a leader, you're the one who will step into the role and run Hedgestone's affairs."
He saw the worst in others just as well as seeing the good through a young child's eyes. Chandler wondered before living with the Urie's if Douglas encapsulated the ruthless heart-of-stone leader whispered behind closed doors or if the rumors were a methodical ploy to drum fear-mongering. The indifference for Morrigan and her unhappy future hammered the final nail in that coffin, the truth was clear when it remained on Douglas' tongue. He did not care whether she lived or died. She deserves better, Chandler wanted to shout. "But," He stammered out, knowing he was about to cross a threshold Desmond taught him better to evade, "I don't want to run Hedgestone if it means I'm forced to watch Morrigan treated like a toy that's abused under a man's thumb."
"Oh?" Douglas rounded the square step and leaned forward until their faces were inches apart. An effective practice eliminating any opportunity Chandler sought to avoid his gaze as his younger counterpart swallowed his fear. Pathetic, bravery breeds stupidity sometimes. "I will offer a formidable solution if her welfare rests on your troubled mind, you can marry her. Then perhaps, engaging with the inferior gender will fix the immoral infection you suffer. Or maybe there is no fixing you, Chandler." The elder man released a disappointed sigh and straightened, "The point is, my boy, I've shown you generosity offering the roof over your head and the food on my table when no one else would. Attending these lessons is a payment of my kindness."
Chandler scrubbed his expression free of faltering weakness as Douglas invaded his personal space, no routes of escaping clearly marked. Don't crack under the pressure, whatever you do, do not give him what he wants and crack, the statement replayed over and over again through the male's mind. He wouldn't have hesitated marrying Morrigan if he knew the husband buying her planned on treating her poorly, that wasn't the issue. It's the implication Chandler needed somebody to confess a proclamation over how broken he was. However, this is the innate fact about Chandler Fitzgerald, he didn't need anyone to fix him.
"You won't achieve what you wish to gain by betrothing me with Morri." He breathed out once Douglas widened the space between them again, "If I may be blunt, which I always am...charity isn't about expecting something in return, but I know you only seized the opportunity you saw for your son. So, it seems appropriate that it's for Desmond I'd want to become his right hand man. Become the son you wished had been born instead of the child you actually received and also can't seem to resist reminding us all, by the way. Besides," Chandler squared his shoulders with defiance disguised as obedient confidence, "You've made it obvious my duty isn't a choice. I owe you, after all." I owe you absolutely nothing, old man.
"No, Chandler, you don't have the choice. It's your new birthright." Douglas replied with a hum, eyes inspecting the unfinished project of the suit hanging from the teenager's somewhat lanky body in unfurling dismay. "Trusting no one but your brother. The first lesson second only to none from learning how to hold your tongue in my presence. Let it happen again and suffer consequences." He sneered after a moment, "A gentleman's agreement then."
Okay, Chandler will play along for the time being. Partake in the meetings sitting side-by-side with Desmond while imagining all the creative methods of Douglas' demise entertaining his boredom. Allow the man to spend the money on suits and sprouting gray hair from the stress as long as his adopted father never misplaced from memory that Chandler refuses to change who he is at heart. Slowly, quite slowly, the rebellion will emerge as he puts together his broken pieces. If Douglas thinks him too flamboyant, he'll develop a newfound hunger for fashion that battles social norms. Chandy would date and kiss whoever he desired, push the boundaries of what it means rising from the ashes as a former disgrace, and shatter the centuries old status quo written by the Urie ancestors. He would be louder than the crack of a bell, loud enough that not even Douglas can drown him out.
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jaelixs · 3 years
guess who decided to rewatch iland at 4 am
i am gonna be posting abt it a lot so if you don’t wanna see that, i’m tagging said posts with #🎥 — dezzy rewatches iland !
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asphyxiateher · 3 years
Only Monsters Come Out at Night
A/N: Debating on whether or not I should put this on AO3. Thoughts? Do I need to edit what I have before posting on my favorite website? Anyways, I’m really into horror and I’d like to try my hand at focusing on MC’s descent into madness while falling for her captors. Dimitrescu Sisters x OFC (Desdemona) Summary: Desdemona, her twin brother and best friend are on vacation in Romania when things go horribly wrong the moment they run out of gas. Desdemona has the misfortune of enchanting the monsters that decided to terrorize her group. 
        It was a cold, pitch black night in the northeastern mountainous region of Romania, a heavy fog enveloping the roads which made it nearly impossible for any source of light to pierce through the gloom. This did not bode well for Desdemona and her friends as they dared to venture through the treacherous weather in order to reach their destination. The humble village of Bran should have been a welcome sight by now although from where the unlucky travelers were currently stranded, Desdemona had her doubts. To make matters worse, her best friend, Veronica, shoved a crumpled map of Brasov, Romania into her boyfriend’s hands and demanded answers. Her hot-headed friend was teetering on the edge of a nervous breakdown.
“Desmond, are you sure we’re headed in the right direction? None of this seems to make sense!”, Veronica exclaimed as she nervously rummaged through her shoulder bag for yet another cigarette. She struggled to light her cigarette this time, the harsh winter’s wind blowing hard against her bare hands caused them to shake violently.
 Desmond sighed in exasperation and ran his fingers through his messy chestnut brown hair, pushing wild dark curls away from his eyes.
“You think the shopkeeper gave us the wrong directions to fuck with us because we’re tourists? I knew we were gonna get shit signal out here in the bum fuck middle of nowhere but come on, the old guy looked knowledgeable. Can’t blame me for trustin’ him.” Desmond casually replied with a shrug. He then took a moment to straighten the map again before folding it neatly and tucking it into his pocket.
Desdemona was of the same mind as her twin. It seemed likely that the locals would be completely burnt out from the flocks of American tourists invading their hometown just to squawk about the castle that inspired Bram Stoker’s Dracula. How exhausting it must be to constantly point out where to go to book a tour or who to call to arrange such things when the internet exists. In hindsight, Desdemona should have known better than to bug the polite yet obviously impatient shopkeeper about their vacation plans.
“Think about it, V, Desmond has a point. The guy probably gave us the run around for shits and giggles. You know, it would have been fine taking a wrong turn and then having to backtrack all the way back into town, but we should have just stayed the night at the Inn. Now we’re outta gas and it’s fucking freezing out here.” Desdemona added, now hugging herself tightly and occasionally rubbing her arms to keep warm for as much as possible.
Veronica growled but relented as she took a long drag of her cigarette, her foot resting against their rented vehicle. She took a deep breath and looked up at the sky. Snowflakes began to drift downwards, and it only fueled Veronica’s anxiety about being stranded in the middle of nowhere in the dark. “Alright, alright, we can either freeze to death in this piece of shit,” Veronica began as she kicks the van for good measure, “or we can freeze to death out there looking for shelter. I think I see a path over there that we can take to find what we need. It might lead us to people who can help us, or it might lead us to certain death. All I know is that we need to make a decision now, it’s starting to snow.” Desmond grins and wraps his arm around Veronica’s waist, pulling her close and pecking her on the cheek. “To certain death it is! Des, grab the essentials and let’s head out. According to the map, there are a few small villages in the surrounding area. Chances are we’ll stumble into one of them eventually and find shelter. We’ll get this mess sorted out.” Desmond eagerly stepped away from Veronica’s embrace and stepped towards the beaten van.
After a few moments of scrounging around for what they deemed important, Desdemona ended up with a backpack full of snacks, water, spare clothes, and the first aid kid. Veronica settled for an entire carton of cigarettes and a few spare lighters because you know, it was “absolutely essential” to her survival in a foreign land. Desmond found a flashlight and decided that going light would be preferable to him in case they ran into any trouble. They paved the way forward, following the path that strayed away from the lonely sliver of road. Turning back to get a final look at the abandoned van, Desdemona swallowed the surge of fear that was beginning to creep up on her. She had seen enough horror movies in her lifetime knowing that this probably wasn’t going to end up well for her little group. The logical side of her brain, what little rational thoughts she had left, gnawed their way through her brain begging to be voiced out and heard.
‘Turn back around, it’s safer to stay put and wait until morning! This is dangerous and you know it!’
Desdemona reluctantly glanced back at her brother walking ahead with Veronica hand in hand and the younger twin suddenly stopped in her tracks. Maybe she should stay behind just in case while her gregarious brother searched for help in these mountains; after all, he was far more easygoing and could easily charm the most stubborn of fools into helping him.
“Des, what’s wrong? I thought we all agreed that we should stick together.” Veronica called out to her, uncertainty lacing her tone as her eyes flicked back and forth between the van and a terrified looking Desdemona.
Nervously fidgeting in place, Desdemona struggles to settle the conflicted thoughts warring in her mind. She knows that staying behind and waiting for help would be the wisest course of action, but there was safety in numbers. There’s danger lurking beyond the vast expanse of mountains that surrounded them and she would be utterly defenseless if left alone. Desdemona’s instincts were begging her to go back to the van but the connection she shared with her twin demanded that she follow him through the sketchy path that would most likely lead to their demise. She couldn’t let anything happen to Desmond, she would never forgive herself if something happened to him out here.
With a shaky resolve, Desdemona straightened up and gazed back at Veronica with a small smile on her face. “I’m just nervous, you know. Desmond and I binge watched all the Wrong Turn movies last Saturday so being out here alone in the dark is uh, freaking me out a little. I’ll be fine, though, let’s just keep going.” Desdemona lied as she rushed over to her best friend who rolled her eyes at the revelation.
“No wonder you’re acting all sketch, Des. First of all, binge watching horror movies the weekend before your vacation was stupid as hell so now you’re all hyped up over nothing. Secondly, Wrong Turn sucks. Y’all should have binged Hatchet, Danielle Harris is so hot!” Veronica declared, eager to get conversation going as the three of them trekked through a rocky and narrow trail that led to who knows where.
Desmond was quick to reply in defense of his favorite horror movie franchise and Desdemona was thankful to hear them bicker back and forth. The conversation drowned out the sound of cold whispers tickling naked branches in the distance, the loud crunching of their footsteps on the snow-covered ground, and ravens crying out above them. It was so eerie and something about it all didn’t sit right with Desdemona. She hooked an arm around Veronica’s free arm and together they discussed their favorite horror movies. Veronica could tell her best friend was still a little spooked, so she pulled her closer until she was pressed against her side to provide as much comfort as she could give.
The trail continued to narrow the further they moved along but nothing they observed thus far gave the impression that that anything was out of the ordinary. When they reached a clearing, Desmond sighed with relief. His breath steaming the frigid air was nearly the only thing they could see ahead if it weren’t for the flashlight providing what little comforting light source they had. The snow fall began to pick up the pace but it wasn’t blinding, thankfully. Desmond brushed aside large shrubs and stepped further into the winding path, coming to a full stop when he realized what lay ahead of the weary travelers.
The trio stared in awe at the overpowering sight of a 15th century castle looming over a quiet village sheltering underneath a blanket of darkness, or what Desdemona assumed was its shadow. No amount of fog could hide the monstrosity that was the architectural brilliance of this castle that Desdemona saw before her very eyes.
“Desmond, honey, where the hell do you think you’re going? Don’t leave Dezzy and I behind!” Veronica suddenly shrieked as she sprinted after her overly excited boyfriend down the hill that led into the village. Desmond turned around and could only offer a sheepish smile with a shrug before eagerly running into the unknown. Desdemona tore her gaze away from the castle and spurred into action, jumping and running as fast as she could in order to catch up with her twin.
Desmond was energized by both the cool crisp air and the promising sight of civilization, but that energy was quickly drained out of him when he encountered something wholly unexpected. Veronica reached the eldest Hawthorne sibling and was about to admonish him for leaving the two frightened girls behind, but she was quickly shushed by Desmond. Desdemona quietly approached the scene, her eyes widening when she realized that this was not the village of Bran at all.
They had indeed reached a small village but it looked completely obliterated. The houses looked shattered and broken, as if something gigantic and menacing had come through and picked away at the people that once inhabited this community one by one. Desmond cautiously led the group forward, calling out for any signs of survivors. This wasn’t on the itinerary…
Veronica was on the verge of tears, her hands covering her mouth as she observed the tragic scene before her. Every now and then, she would step into a broken home and call out to somebody – anybody- only to step back out with a grim look on her face. She pulled out her cell phone and attempted to dial emergency services only to be met with disappointment.
“There’s blood.” Desmond says quietly. His eyes peer over the trail of fresh blood and fear grips him the moment the flashlight scans over the corpse of a rotting horse. “Fuck, that stench – we need to get the fuck out of here now!” Veronica cries, gagging and turning away from the horrific view.
Desdemona would have expressed an equally strong reaction had she not felt a sense of…wrongness abruptly assaulting the atmosphere. The moment they stepped foot into the village, the environment reacted to their presence and that did not sit right with Desdemona at all.
“Desmond, do you hear that?” Desdemona asked, her voice laced with terror. Desmond Hawthorne heard the fear in his sister’s quivering voice and it made him feel uneasy. “I don’t hear anything, Des.” He replies as he reaches for Veronica’s hand and squeezes it tight. The couple began to frantically look around them as they slowly backed into Desdemona. As soon as they grouped up again, both Veronica and Desmond wrapped themselves around the youngest sister. The oppressive silence sent a whole new wave of fear over the group before something insidious could be heard approaching them in the distance. Desdemona gasped when she heard maniacal giggling and it was getting louder. A fluttering of what sounds like wings -bats, ravens, perhaps- advancing towards the group sent chills down Desdemona’s spine. What the hell was coming after them?
Desmond flashed his light from side to side before it settled on the massive black ball of insects that instantly appeared before him. The insects dissipated and somehow revealed the shape of a human being wearing a dark robe and hood. The only thing he could truly make out was the color of a red pendant wrapped around dainty, pale skin and a blood smeared smirk. Desmond’s heart dropped in absolute horror and panic immediately set in.
“RUN!” He screamed, taking off with a terrified Veronica in tow. Neither of them looked back to make sure Desdemona was following. The flashlight dropped, and it briefly circled the ground. The flickering light revealed two other black masses of insects approaching the younger Hawthorne sibling who was paralyzed with fear. All she could hear in that moment was delirious laughter coming from the women that revealed themselves two seconds later, the insects dissolving into thin air right before her very eyes.
The crazed woman standing directly in front of Desdemona leaned forward and took her time sniffing her pretty prey who stared at her with petrified gray eyes. Desdemona found it alarming that despite the lunatic’s appearance, dried blood caked on her lips and unruly red hair and a wild, untamed look in her eyes, she found her quite…striking. Perhaps she was going mad. None of this made sense, how could this be happening right now?
“Mmm, sisters, look at what I found. Such a pretty young thing all for me and she smells oh so delicious.” The woman with the green pendant spoke, giggling madly at the profound effect she had on Desdemona.
 “Daniela, you’re delusional, she’s mine; I’m the one who picked up on her tasty scent!” The one with the red pendant spoke after she turned her attention to the only human who didn’t run from them.
The brunette with the yellow pendant reached over and yanked on Desdemona’s hair so hard back, Desdemona thought her life was over. She bared her teeth as she skimmed her nose across the young woman’s neck. Her tongue darted out between blood smeared lips and left a wet trail, causing the smaller woman’s breath to hitch at the unwelcome contact.
“Mmm, she smells so utterly divine. Bela, by the way, it wasn’t you who found MY new pet, it was me! You ungrateful wretches always want to touch what’s mine!” The hooded figure’s grip on her hair tightened and Desdemona whined, causing all three women to delight in her torment.
What Desdemona couldn’t figure out was what they wanted to do with her exactly and why they were fighting over her like three starved wild dogs fighting over a piece of meat. She needed to get out of there fast. “LET GO OF MY SISTER, YOU UGLY CUNTS!” Desmond’s angry voice broke through in the distance and all three creatures turned their attention on the young man who dared interrupt dinner time.
Desdemona decided this was the time to take advantage of their distraction and she quickly slipped away, sprinting as fast as she could to the nearest unoccupied house. Desmond, relieved that his sister broke free from whatever those things were, spun on his heel and ran the opposite direction. He could only hope that all three of them would make it out of this godforsaken village alive.
All three women threw their heads back and laughed wildly into the air as they knew catching their prey would be much more satisfying when they caught them alone in isolated surroundings. It added to their fear and it made the blood taste that much sweeter.
“The hunt is on, sisters. Leave the pretty plaything alive, but the others, we will present to our dear mother as gifts. We’ll make the new pet watch mother undo their very lives; it’ll only make her that much more delicious when we have our fill.” The one with the yellow pendant stated as she sniffed at the air, shuddering when Desdemona’s irresistible scent filled her nostrils once more.
Desdemona found refuge in a large house a few yards away and slammed the front door shut when she ran inside. She quickly assessed what she assumed was the living room, she found a bookcase and summoned whatever strength she had and brought it down in front of the door. She heard something clawing at the door the instant she blocked the entrance, the door shaking violently and mad laughter filling her ears once more.
Desdemona shakily reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone, turning on the flashlight and began to look for another way out.
‘Jesus fucking Christ, Jesus Christ! What the fuck are those things!? Where’s Desmond? Is Veronica alright? How the hell do I get out of here? I just want to go home!’ Desdemona’s mind was running through a million thoughts per second but she couldn’t for the life of her settle on anything that would give her a moment’s peace. She was sobbing uncontrollably as she explored the dark home, her hands stretched out in front of her as she searched for anything that would provide answers to her problems. When she found a door near the kitchen, she cautiously opened it and cursed the eerie creaking sound that followed. It was discovered that the door led to a cellar of some kind and Desdemona rushed down the stairs without closing the door behind her. She slowly scanned the large open space and saw that this home had been recently ransacked or rummaged through. Clothes were scattered across the floor, furniture had been broken in half and tossed carelessly to the side but Desdemona found a hallway beyond the room she was in. ‘That must be the way out. Hurry up and grab something to protect yourself with!’
Desdemona carefully tip toed around the clutter, her phone flashing from side to side but to no avail, she couldn’t find anything that would prove harmful to whatever those monsters were outside. The woman nearly tripped over and fell when her foot stepped in something thick and wet, causing her foot to slip forward. Desdemona quickly steadied herself on a cabinet but it didn’t make her feel any better when she realized her fingers were covered in a thick, red substance.
Her breathing growing heavier, Desdemona flashed her phone light over to the cabinet only to find that it was covered in blood – a lot of it, to be exact and it was still dripping on the floor as though it were fresh.
All color drained from Desdemona’s face when she heard pained howling coming from the village; it was Desmond and he was screaming for help. Her twin was in danger and here she was selfishly trying to find a way to preserve her own life.
She quickly twisted around to run towards the howling but she stopped dead in her tracks when a black mass of insects appeared before her. The cloaked figure could only be identified by the color of her green pendant and a delirious smile plastered on her face. Fresh blood dripped down her chin and Desdemona’s eyes reluctantly followed the pool of blood forming at their feet. There was a sickle in her right hand and it was covered in blood, much to Desdemona’s dismay.
Desdemona began to tremble, overpowered by the frightening sight and the implications that followed a bloodied sickle carried by a madwoman. “The sound of your heart hammering against your chest is like music to my ears, pretty thing. Do not fret, my beauty, the moment we met I knew you were special. You’re meant to be mine, we’re meant to be!” She whispers madly, her tongue wetting her lips as her eyes rake over Desdemona’s body slowly and deliberately.
Desdemona doesn’t know what she’s talking about and she doesn’t want to know. Before she could form any kind of response, she’s pinned against the bloody cabinet behind her. She gasps in surprise and that seems to trigger the creature into action.
Desdemona screams as the hooded woman lunges at her collarbone and pierces through her skin with her razor sharp teeth. Desdemona weakly clutches at the woman’s shoulders, growing lightheaded from the sudden blood loss that was occurring. Feeling the woman about to collapse in her arms, Daniela pulls back and savors the taste of her blood. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she sloppily licks the blood off her mouth and regains what little self-control she had left to preserve her pretty plaything for a little while longer.
When dazed gray eyes meet hers, Daniela’s cold, black heart skips a beat. She had never seen anything more beautiful. So she raises her sickle, causing Desdemona’s eyes to widen in panic and Daniela can’t help but giggle a little.
“Don’t worry, my beauty, I’ll be gentle with you. The hideous man-thing and his bitch aren’t going to be as lucky as you, I hope. You deserve special treatment.” Daniela whispers, her fingers caressing her prey’s tear-stained cheek before swinging the sickle with full forced into the back of Desdemona’s thigh.
Desdemona remembers a high-pitched shriek escaping her but nothing else seems to come to mind after that. She remembers her vision blurring and a creeping darkness soothing her to sleep but what happened after, nothing. She enters the haunting abyss that welcomes her with black tendrils pulling her from reality, sleep coming to her easily. With better luck, she’ll never have to wake up again.
Only fools believe in luck as the nightmare has only just begun.
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playbucky · 4 years
Requested by @all-time-fanatic – can you write an imagine where the reader was in the army rangers and she has seen some stuff, just like mac. and then they get paired together for an undercover op and they don’t really like each other but then they like “bond” over their time in the army and confess their feelings (in their hotel room). thank you so much!!! A/N – claustrophobia, bombings. Characters – Mac x Reader. Word Count – 826.
‘Mac, you and Y/N will be going under together.’ Maddie told him. ‘Can’t Riley or Dezzie come?’ He asked, you rolled your eyes as Riley sent you and apologetic smile. ‘No, unfortunately for you the case requires both your skills.’ Maddie told him. ‘What skills? She refuses to fire a gun.’ He asked, motioning in front of him. ‘Yet, I’m here just like you.’ You spoke up as you left the cockpit, he turned and looked at you before sighing knowing that you were right. ‘We’re landing in five minutes.’ You told them before you walked past them and sat down in the seat, fastening your seat belt as you looked out the window.
‘What are you doing?’ Mac asked, you looked at him before you started walking back and forth, constantly clicking your fingers together as you focussed on the noise. You continued it before you started forcing your self to take deep breaths. ‘Y/N?’ He called out, you tilted your head but ignored him. ‘Speak to me?’ He commanded, his reached out and you reluctantly turned to him. ‘I don’t like confined places.’ You gritted out, clicking your fingers again as you looked at him. ‘It’s not that bad.’ He said, looking around the maybe three by two space. ‘Mac, please just stop.’ You begged him, your voice cracking. He looked at you before nodding and leaning his head against the wall, you focussed back on your hands allowing you to calm down slightly as you closed your eyes talking yourself through your exercises. ‘Can I ask why you don’t like spaces?’ He asked. ‘You really want to ask after I had a panic attack?’ You questioned half cracking an eye open, he looked annoyed before shaking his head. ‘My bad.’ He held up his hands, you opened your eyes and started walking back and forth again. ‘It’s okay.’ You said slowly, still walking back and forth. ‘You disabled bombs didn’t you in the rangers?’ You asked him, he nodded. ‘Yeah, well I was trapped in an explosion once.’ You said, he looked shocked. ‘I don’t know why but I survived, was trapped under concrete and what was a building seconds before.’ You told him, he sat up straight listening to you. ‘My partner was so lucky and died on impact.’ You said, laughing at how horrible that must have sounded, you hand subconsciously found the base of your neck in between your collarbones and you pinched the skin there. ‘I was what the doctors called a breathing corpse when they managed to get to me.’ You said, he lowered his head. ‘I came to accept that I was dying, that I wouldn’t see daylight again but then I did, and well.’ You shrugged your shoulders. ‘Why don’t you shot a gun?’ You asked him, he looked at you. ‘I don’t shot mine because well there was one just out of my reach and I- I tried to grab it and…’ you trailed off, but he understood what you meant. ‘It’s too violent for me.’ He replied, you raised an eyebrow before nodding.
‘What are you doing here?’ You asked, you had just changed into your pyjamas and were about to watch some action movie that has Mark Wahlberg in it. ‘I thought after today, we could maybe start over.’ He said, you looked at him confused. ‘With what?’ ‘Our relationship.’ He said, you raised an eyebrow. ‘Look we don’t exactly have the best work relationship, I guess I must have thought that you were trying to replace Jack.’ He explained, you nodded slowly finally understanding it. ‘So you feel sorry for me and you want to be my friend?’ You asked teasingly, placing your hands on your hips. ‘Of course.’ He replied, you both smiled before he cleared is throat. ‘But I noticed that we worked well together, and I don’t want anything stupid things to come between us.’ He said, you nodded at him. ‘Okay, well I’m about to watch some Mark Wahlberg movie so if you like them come in, and ill put some popcorn on for you.’ You said taking a step back allowing him to step into your apartment. You left him to venture further as you quickly walked into the joined kitchen and reached into the cupboards and grabbed more popcorn before doing as the introductions placed it in, before setting the timer. ‘Please don’t tell me you’re a Mark fan.’ Mac said, looking at the movie title. ‘You say that like it’s a bad thing.’ You said, looking over your shoulder. ‘Well Jack was all about Die Hard.’ He stated, you shut the microwave door and turned to him. ‘They are good movies, but I prefer Mark.’ You informed him, he chuckled before he sat down on the edge of the couch, looking around the living room that was filled with trinkets.
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mpxleon · 3 years
for @mp-chanmi at the summer gala ball
ever since the kiss with dezzy, leon’s mind was kinda ...kinda fuzzy with all the feelings that he was feeling for both mimi and dezzy. should he tell mimi that his first kiss got taken by the other girl staying in her body? he tilted his head slightly, the fringes of his newly dyed pink hair falling over his eyes slightly with mild concern, brows furrowed as he slid a little closer to mimi tentatively. 
a hand slowly slid across her waist, almost shy, his eyes searching her reaction for any discomfort to his actions.
“hi!” the bubbly tone to his voice was a stark contrast to his caring actions, as was the excited smile that widely spread across his lips. “ did you wait long for me?”  he wanted to kinda surprise mimi since the last she saw him with a new hair colour--which had led him to dying his hair a light, fluffy pink. 
“ look, look!” he raised a hand, patting his hair, not forgetting to puff up his chest proudly to show her his new hair, as well as the new clothes upon himself with a light spin of his lanky body. “do you like it?” his eyes finally landed upon the sleek green dress that wrapped mimi’s svelte body beautifully, the slit at her thigh that revealed her slender legs nearly making his mouth drop open even further than it had already done. 
he gaps, opening and closing his mouth nervously as he swallowed. 
“wow, you look..you look really really pretty.” his eyes glittered with genuine adoration, delicate delight written all over his features as he rocked upon his feet happily, before leaning in close. “ i think you look the prettiest here tonight.” 
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olympicn · 3 years
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✱ ╱ bradley cooper + cis male + he/him ━ if you happen to find yourself stuck in tartarus, make sure you don’t run into DONNY TITAN there. the FORTY-FIVE year old has made quite the reputation for themselves under their alias as POSEIDON, a BOSS for THE STALLIONS. while their enemies often describe them as impulsive and mercurial, their syndicate would say that they’re generous and playful. they DO think that zane was murdered, but they’ll be keeping that to themselves for now. ( endless champagne toasts, middle child syndrome that never went away, a hurricane hovering over the horizon ) rose + 25 + she/they + est.
donny boy !!! always the bridesmaid, never the bride - that’s how he’s felt his entire life. second best to zane, not sophisticated like dezzy (his nickname for desmond shhhh). he’s always fought to make himself known and carve out a space in the titan empire. for a time, he was fine being one of three, but the gnawing for freedom was ceaseless, and donny boy was ready to stop taking orders from his brothers and finally be the only one calling the shots, reporting to no man, living the life he’d always dreamed
he’s impetuous like the waves he rules (we know he’s not the actual god of the seas but it’s his territory so shhhh again), and his unpredictability is both his biggest strength and weakness
he considers the stallions to be in a good position - the ability to control what comes in and out of tartarus is invaluable, and it won’t be long before they’ve built up their force and supplies enough to expand their land and take over the newly vulnerable titan territory (lmao donny thinkin its vulnerable with sara in the lead lmaoooooo)
if you’re one of his own, donny treats you like family. whatever you need, you got it, within reason
donny married amphitrite when they were both young - monogamy wasn’t his deal, and they ended up divorcing soon after their second child was born
he loves his children and will legit kill you if you do anything to hurt them : )
his appearance surprises people once they realize who he is. donny tends to opt for business casual, emphasis on casual. usually has a pair of sunglasses on his head (that he slides down whenever he’s displeased/annoyed/wanting to annoy someone or the sun is too bright)
don’t get me wrong tho, just because he likes a good henley doesn’t mean he’s not business when he needs to be. it took too damn long to get something of his own, and he’s not gonna let anything or anyone take it away from him
i am so v much all about plotting individually with characters so if u wanna plot with him just hmu and we’ll come up with something tailored for our babes !!
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dczzic · 3 years
dezzie had just gotten off work at aj’s and she was longboarding home. she had her headphones in and was enjoying the golden hour of the night. the girl was tired after the double she had gotten through and was ready to go home and smoke, a way of enjoying the rest of her night. her mind was in the music and the promise of a joint pre-rolled before her shift even started that she didn’t see the pebble that was in her path, hitting it right on. the girl stumbled from her board, landing on her back and she stared at the sky in shock. “fuck’s sake.” she mumbled under her breath, not ready to get up just yet in fear of the pain. 
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thornbolts · 3 years
The Shadehelm
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(The following is written for our guild campaign in Maldraxxus!)
Her crimson eyes studied the leather bracelet looped around Remington’s wrist. The sinewy cord held a silver wagon wheel symbol in place. “That… looks familiar,” Celaryn mumbled. “Fence… Fence Macabre?”
The mask still rendered the caravan master mute, a precaution against dangerous spellcasters the House of Constructs installed when Remington was captured. The older undead’s eyes crinkled as a hidden smile lifted her expression behind the mask. She bobbed her head yes.
“I had the pleasure of meeting two of yours. Do you know a Dezzie and a Calria?” 
Remington dipped her head once more.
“Ah. I apologize for the twenty questions. This conversation is a bit one-sided.”
“Perhaps I can aid?” A voice piped up from the cell’s corner. The figure there looked like a floating suit of armor pieces possessed by blue light. “I was overhearing your talk, well at least the one side of it.” An arcane light lit up in their metal palm as the figure hovered it before Remington. “I believe I can at least deactivate that muzzle’s magic.”
Rem squinted at the strange humanoid figure then peered at his hand. She shrugged then turned her muzzle toward him.
“This won’t hurt a bit,” he offered as he gripped the metal muzzle’s bottom. With a quick surge of arcane current, a crack spidered down the mask, separating the metal in two. Both pieces clanged to the cold stone floor. “Easy!”
Rem rubbed her jaw. It’s like she hadn’t used it in years. She opened her mouth, testing the joint. It made a sharp click. She’d get it fixed after she was back with the Fence. “Thank ya kindly.” She tipped her chin toward the strange figure. “What’re ya in fer?”
“Me?” The figure pressed a palm against his breastplate. “Let us say I am quite the thorn in the House of Constructs’ side.” He laughed. “My name is Kavar. I’m a Broker. And, yes, I would do it all over again.”
“Remington,” the one-eyed forsaken introduced. “If we’re doing icebreakers, s’pose I’m just a caravan master. Lead a lot of folks in the livin’ world. No idea if they’re okay right now.”
“I’m sure they’re doing fine!” Kavar chuckled. Though his tone did soften with sincerity. “Meditating on negative possibilities does no good.”
Both the broker and the forsaken looked to the elven figure who stared back at them with crimson eyes. “Celaryn,” she averted her gaze. “Just Celaryn, a wandering sword.” Her eyes fell to the floor.
Rem knew that look in other forsaken. Her voice softened as she scooched as much as her manacles would let her toward Celaryn. “Ya’ve been through a lot, haven’t ya?”
A knot choked Celaryn’s throat, partially blocking a shaking breath. Her jaw clenched, and she couldn’t bring herself to meet Rem’s eye. “I’ve… Lost family,” her voice threatened to break as she gripped the iron sword insignia looped around her neck.
A long silence passed. No words needed to be spoken to fill the air. Rem reached out, placing a cold hand on Celaryn’s shoulder. “Tell me about em?”
Celaryn shut her eyes. Her jaw trembled as she fumbled for the first words. “They were rowdy, reckless, and loud, but they cared and would have your back no matter who you were if you were one of their own.”
Rem squeezed Celaryn’s shoulder. “Ya cared fer them a lot too.”
A smooth gemstone slid into Celaryn’s palm. She looked down to the lapis lazuli shard in her hand. Its azure surface glimmered in the cell’s fading torchlight.
“This is the Good Stone.” Rem smiled. “Years ago, someone gave me this when I was in a dark place. Said it’d help good come to me, help me get through the hard days.”
 Celaryn peered at the stone, turning it over in her pale fingers.
“Gave it to me with one caveat,” Rem added as she held up a claw. “If someone needs it more, give it to them.”
Celaryn clenched the stone and cradled it to her heart. “Thank you, Miss Thornbolt.”
“Call me Rem.” The caravan master scratched at her nape with a short chuckle. “No need ta be so formal, Celaryn.” Rem’s pulled her hand from Celaryn’s shoulder and let it rest in her lap. “Ya know, when we get outta here, if ya need a group ta roll with. Ya can come with us.”
“I’ll… I’ll think about it. Though those thoughts must fall to the side if we must focus on escaping first.”
Kavar raised a hand. “Not to intrude on a tender moment, but I’ve already a semblance of a plan in mind.”
“Which is?” Rem shifted her gaze to the broker.
“Have you heard of the Veins which lie below Maldraxxus?” Kavar pointed down at the floor. Both undead raised eyebrows at the question. “Tunnel complexes below the land,” Kavar clarified. “But first: We must gather allies and supplies. You are a caravan master, so your caravan must be outside, yes? I know of a way to smuggle messages. All we need is a coffin, corpse, and phylactery.”
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manage-mischief · 4 years
Regulus Black and the Darkest Shadows: Chapter 12
Read on AO3 or FF.net 
Summary: Regulus learns a little bit about Muggle culture.
Author’s Note: Sorry this is a day late! I’ve been so busy with school! But, I hope you like this chapter. I had some difficulty writing it, but I hope it turned out ok! Thank you all so so much for your reviews. I love each and every one! If you want more content, follow my tumblr @manage-mischief. Enjoy! P.S. JK Rowling is trash :)
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.
Chapter 12: If You Like Pina Coladas
February 7th, 1979
Saturday morning arrived, and Regulus’s nervous system was electrified. He woke up early in order to prepare himself—physically and mentally, for his trip with Des. As Regulus coated his hands with Sleekeazy’s Hair Potion and ran his fingers through his black hair, he felt like a fool. This trip to Hogsmeade was not a date, it was a mission. Regulus couldn’t afford to reflect on his potential interest in Des until after he discovered Voldemort’s secret plans. He refused to think about the way her thick walnut curls brushed his cheek whenever she whispered to him, or about the way her big grey-blue eyes sparkled with delight whenever she learned something new, or about the way her Muggle jeans accentuated her waist and hugged her…Merlin. He’d let himself get distracted again.
Regulus took one last look at himself in the mirror. Though he had tried to achieve his brother’s signature “effortlessly cool” look, he didn’t pull it off quite as well as Sirius had. Still, satisfied that he looked decent enough, he marched out of the Slytherin Dorms towards the dining hall.
Des was already waiting for him when he arrived. The first thing Regulus noticed was that—for one of the only times since he had known her—the witch looked nervous. She kept fidgeting and fussing with her clothing, pulling on her top every few seconds. She changed position ever few seconds, first leaning against the wall, then standing upright, then shifting her weight to one leg with her hip stuck out.
The second thing Regulus noticed was that Des looked fantastic. She wore high waisted jeans and a tucked-in, tight blue sweater. Her signature clear plastic glasses magnified her eyes and thick eyelashes. Her hair was pulled back in a bun by a red, polka dot bandana like that Muggle poster girl—what was her name…Rosie the Ribbiter? No that wasn’t it…Well, whatever it was, Regulus liked it that way. Des’s eyes darted around the corridor before landing on Regulus. she jumped a little when she saw him. Immediately, she broke into a wide grin, burying any previous nerves Regulus had observed. “Ah, the hermit has left the library!”
Regulus shook his head, smiling. “I thought Miss Ravenclaw of all people would approve of my new studying habits.”
Des laughed. “Come on, nerd, let’s grab some food and go!” Des led him to a table, where Woodrow and Wilhelmina were already sitting, whispering back and forth to each other:
“…bet you five galleons,” Regulus heard Wilhelmina say in a hushed tone. When Des and Regulus arrived to join them, the pair abruptly stopped their conversation. Wilhelmina smiled slyly. “Hello you two. Lovely day for a Hogsmeade trip, isn’t it?” The table jerked violently, and Wilhelmina winced.
“Whoopsie,” Des said unapologetically, reaching for the pumpkin juice. “Terribly sorry, I must have kicked you under the table by mistake.”
Wilhelmina was not deterred. “Don’t worry about it, Dezzie, I’m sure it was an accident” said Wilhelmina, before turning her attention to Regulus. “Well now, doesn’t someone look nice today?” Regulus flushed, and Wilhelmina quickly tucked her legs up onto the bench, avoiding another well-aimed kick from Des.
“Are you two coming out to the town today, too?” Regulus changed the subject.
“After what happened the last time we went to Hogsmeade? No way, mate,” McDrew said.
“Aw, poor Woody’s scared,” Wilhelmina teased. “I’d go, but I’ve got detention. I may or may not have set off a dung bomb in the library to get back at my ex and his new girlfriend.”
“Nice,” Des remarked, her mouth full of toast.
“I’m sure you’ll run into some of the others, though. But remember not to bother Marlene and Dorcas if you see them in Madame Puddifoot’s…or be prepared to deal with the consequences.” McDrew, Des, and Wilhelmina all shuddered at her words. “You two crazy kids had better get going. A line’s starting to form. Have fun,” she chirped.
Des rolled her eyes and stood. “And you have fun in detention, Willy. C’mon Reg.” Regulus obeyed and followed Des out of the Great Hall. As he left, he heard Wilhelmina begin to laugh.
“I still don’t see it, Wil. I don’t think it’s a date. I mean, Des and Reg hated each other up until a few months ago,”Regulus heard McDrew’s not-so-subtle whisper to his friend.
“You’re so thick, Woodrow. They’re obviously into each other! Marlene agrees with me. Ah I can’t wait to hear what happens! Rivals to friends to lovers! Just like all of the best books! How romantic!”
Regulus resisted the urge to go back and kick Wilhelmina in the shin himself. If she only knew the true purpose of their trip to Hogsmeade. He couldn’t think of anything less romantic or “cute” than Lord Voldemort’s plans for world domination.
Des and Regulus signed out of the castle with the care taker, and set off upon the familiar path to Hogsmeade. A light blanket of pearly-white snow covered the bare tree branches. The morning was grey and overcast, but enjoyably so. The sun could be seen trying to break through the cloud-covered sky. The cold was refreshing, but not biting. Des’s cheeks and nose were rosy from the crisp air.
Des and Regulus kept a few inches distance between each other. Neither one spoke. Regulus thought that this must be the first time in her life that Des was at a loss for words. “So…” Regulus tried to begin a sentence. The words died in his throat. He really didn’t know how to engage in small talk. He’d never really had to worry about speaking when he was with Ginger, and, recently, so much of his life had been devoted to his multiple existential and moral crises, that he seemed to have forgotten how to have a conversation that didn’t involve his family, Death Eaters, or Voldemort. Regulus pleaded with himself to say something, anything. But, his brain obstinately refused to comply.
Des regarded him curiously. “So…I know a place where you can tell me about…your little problem…without any chance of being overheard. I don’t think we should discuss it out in the open like this.”
Of course. Des was focused on their mission—to discuss Regulus’s Voldemort problem. He should be focused on that, too. “You’re absolutely right,” Regulus said, nodding vigorously.
“You know,” said Des after another awkward beat of silence, “just because we can’t talk about whatever it is you want to tell me out in the open, doesn’t mean we can’t talk at all.” She looked up at the trees, in the opposite direction of Regulus. She bit her bottom lip.
Regulus’s cheeks tinged pink. “I-I know. Um. What would you like to talk about?”
Des considered his question. “What’s your favorite color?”
“What? Why?”
“Why? Because I’m trying to get to know you better, Regulus! Now, what’s your favorite color?”
Regulus thought about it for a moment. “Green.”
“Aw, what a good Slytherin,” Des teased him.
“No,” he said, “not Slytherin green. Green like the ocean. When I was younger, Mum and Dad would always take us somewhere warm for the winter. We sat on the beach, and Sirius and I would make sandcastles. It was nice.”
“That sounds nice, spending time with your family…doing normal ‘family’ things. Before they messed with your mind and you joined an evil cult,” she mused.
“That about sums it up,” he agreed, trying to hold onto the memory of the warmth and the sun and the sand. Oh, how things had changed. “How about you?”
“Purple. Royal purple, like kings and queens wear,” she stated immediately. Regulus raised a questioning eyebrow, silently asking her to explain. “I’ve always liked it. Though, I guess it’s also kind of related to a memory. But, just a flash of one—from when I lived in New Orleans with my parents. Right before Dad died, when I was almost four, he brought me to the Mardi Gras parade. I can’t recall the details, but I remember flashes of color: green and purple and gold. And when I close my eyes, I can see his smiling face as he held me and put a purple strand of beads around my neck because he knew it was my favorite.” Des sighed. “Merlin, aren’t we a dramatic pair? We start off at our favorite colors, and end up at the sob stories of our broken families.” She laughed uncomfortably and began playing with the cuffs of her sleeves.
Regulus considered the comment she had made in passing. He thought about his life the past few months. The conversations he’d had, the danger he’d put himself in. Then, he began to laugh. Almost hysterically. He had to stop walking as he doubled over, hands on his knees. She looked a bit concerned. “Regulus? You alright?”
Between gasping breaths, Regulus managed to say, “You-you’re absolutely right! I am so. Fucking. Dramatic!” He lost the ability to speak once again. This time, Des joined in. Together, they stood there, smack in the middle of the trail, laughing. Onlookers passed by and shot them odd looks. But Regulus didn’t care. He felt invigorated—lighter-than-air—like he was forcing out the worries, the darkness that had consumed him for the past years. He couldn’t remember the last time he had laughed this hard for no reason. He felt free. His lungs burned, his stomach muscles ached, yet, he felt alive.
“Do you…do you maybe want to grab a butterbeer like normal people before we go off to your secret dramatic place to talk about my secret, dramatic news?” Regulus asked, before he could think better of it, still high off of his semi-hysterical breakdown.  
Des grinned. “I reckon that’d be a nice change of pace.”
“You’re mental! There is no way that Potions is better than Transfiguration!”
“You asked my opinion,” Regulus insisted, spreading his hands out in front of himself defensively. He chuckled at Des’s indignation. “You asked what I preferred! I’m just telling you!”
Regulus and Des were seated at a cozy corner table in The Three Broomsticks, sipping their butterbeer and asking each other trivial questions. Regulus almost felt normal.
Des rolled her eyes. “Merlin, I know, but I thought you’d have the right opinion. I don’t know if we can even be friends anymore, Reg,” she said seriously. Regulus stared back, playing along with her faux aggravation.
“Fine,” he said, matter-of-factly. “We’re not friends anymore. Then I guess I’ll just go off and find some other boisterous Ravenclaw to tell all my secrets to. One who appreciates the subtle art of potion making.” Regulus pretended to get up to leave.
Des tilted her head to the side. “Aw, Reg, it’s sweet you think you’d ever find anyone as ‘boisterous’—as you so delicately put it— as me.” Her façade broke, and she began laughing. Regulus joined in.
“You’re absolutely right,” he joked. “You’re one of a kind.” An awkward silence fell over the table. Regulus averted his eyes. “Ok, my turn. Hm… let me think of a good one…Alright, alright. I’ve got it. Favorite vacation?” He asked.
“Oooooh that’s a tough one, Black. I’ll have to think on it. You go first.”
“Greece,” Regulus replied immediately. “I went to see the Quidditch World Cup there when I was ten. England lost, but it was a great game.”
“Merlin, you went to Greece and all you can talk about is a Quidditch match? Not the ruins or the history?” Des chided.
“Listen, I’m from an ancient line of pureblood wizards. I can look at fancy old stuff whenever I want. But Quidditch,” he sighed dreamily. They both laughed.
“Alright, fair point,” Des conceded. “Quidditch. What a good little pureblood wizarding boy,” she teased.
“Hey, you say that like it’s a bad thing. I’ll have you know I’m one of the most eligible bachelors in pureblood society. As we speak, families are throwing themselves at my parents in the hopes of getting their daughters a piece of all this,” he gestured to himself seductively. Des cracked up. Regulus had never felt so at ease bantering with anyone before.
“Oh my, I must have forgotten! I’m in the presence of wizarding royalty! Lord Black! Please accept my deepest admirations! I kneel down at your feet! I exalt you! I envy the woman who traps your arse!”
“Your turn, Lewis,” Regulus demanded, after their laughter died down. Regulus’s cheeks hurt from smiling so much.
“My turn, right. Okay. The best vacation I’ve ever been on would probably have to be…oh I got it! Our family trip to Cozumel. Uncle Thad was doing some research in Mexico, but Aunt Eliza wanted some time off, so while he worked, she and I went to a resort. I know you can’t really get to know a place just by being in a resort, but I just felt so relaxed. I’d never really bonded in that way with my aunt before—if you couldn’t tell, she’s usually a bit uptight.”
“No, your aunt? Uptight? Preposterous!” Regulus interjected sarcastically.
“I know, what a shocker. But, really, on this trip, we had so much fun together. We sat poolside drinking Piña Coladas and singing that Piña Colada song loudly whenever it came on the radio. It was brilliant.”
“Pee-nya Cold-latas?” Regulus questioned, now seriously. “Song?” Des’s eye widened with glee.
“Merlin’s balls, I forgot all you purebloods aren’t exposed to Muggle culture. Well, let me tell you: Piña Coladas—” Des sounded it out for Regulus “—are by far the best beverage money can buy. They’re made of rum and pineapple and coconut and it’s a rule that you must have one when you are on vacation at the beach,” Des spoke a mile a minute, rambling about her love of the strange-sounding Muggle beverage. Regulus laughed at her enthusiasm.
“Well, if I ever get to the beach again, I’ll have to try one. And there’s a song about them?” Regulus asked, highly amused. Muggles were quite strange.
“Yes! The Piña Colada Song is a musical masterpiece of the modern era,” she waved her hands dramatically. “Oh, my goodness!” She clapped her hands together loudly.  “I’m so excited! I get to be the one who introduces you to the Piña Colada Song! Ugh, maybe Aunt Eliza will send me her record and I can borrow Flitwick’s turntable…I’ll tell him it’s an emergency…why are you looking at me like that? Have I got a butterbeer moustache or something? Because if I did, it would be extremely un-gentleman-like not to tell me!”
Regulus was staring at her, his mouth stretched in an uncontrollable grin. “No, no! Nothing like that. I was just thinking about how…fascinating you are, Des. You really are one of a kind.”
Des looked taken aback. She averted her eyes shyly. “Well,” she said, regaining her usual air of confidence “it’s just… I really like the Piña Colada Song.” A breathy laugh escaped her. Cautiously, Regulus placed a hand outstretched on the table. He tried to act casual about it. Did Regulus really have to talk to her about the Dark Lord? Did he really have to think about the impending doom that awaited everyone he loved if he didn’t figure out Voldemort’s plan? Couldn’t he just leave it to someone else and enjoy his afternoon in peace, like a normal teenage wizard?
Des’s hand twitched, moving slightly towards his own. Before she took it, however, she looked up at the clock beside them. She sighed. “I reckon we’d better go,” she said, draining the last sip of butterbeer from her mug. He frowned, but nodded. She was right.
“Come on then, Reg, time for us to have a chat.”
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kartoonkane · 9 months
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8k Dezzy wallpaper :3
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luuuna-rambles · 4 years
Lost Rewatch: 3x08 Flashes Before Your Eyes
People assume that the life of a Lost character is a strict progression of troubled childhood to broken adulthood, but actually, from a nonlinear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, islandy-wimendy... stuff.
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Charlie asks what “The Island killed him” means, and Locke goes “You know what I mean”. Uh... no he doesn’t? He never sees the black smoke, as far as I remember
Once again, Charlie is being incredibly annoying - give the guy who knows CPR some space, maybe?
Claire says that she goes swimming almost every day, but... yeah, no she doesn’t
Dezzy 😊
Well Charlie sobered up quickly, didn’t he?
So Desmond is trying to stop Charlie from dying over and over again, yet when Charlie pisses him off he almost strangles him
The references to the numbers in this episode are very in your face, so there’s not much point in pointing them out
It’s interesting how close Desmond was to having a life very close to Jin - working for their girlfriend/wife-hopeful’s father, who’s a complete douchebag
The painting Widmore has on his wall is very reminiscent of the DHARMA Initiative, which is odd, because as far as we know, he’s never in the Initiative
Come on, Widmore, Dezzy doesn’t deserve this disrespect
Why take out two glasses if you weren’t going to give Desmond any, you arsehole?!
Is it just me, or does Desmond say “remember” in a completely different accent to literally every other word?
Desmond says he remembers taking his tie off, Penny asking where it is, then it starting to rain. Then it starts to rain. But Penny’s not here, so how could it have happened the first time round?
Desmond calls the university guy his best friend, and yet he never shows up again
Penny is so great. You didn’t get the job? Hell, yeah! Let’s go out for lunch
Thing This Show Never Explains #11: Eloise Hawking
Okay, I get that she probably got the stuff about the Hatch from Daniel’s notebook - he’d probably be interested in that sort of thing - but how the hell does he know the specifics of how Desmond’s life is going to go?
And how on earth did she know that red shoes guy was going to die?
Why has the photographer got a bunch of different backgrounds when they are standing very near 1) Big Ben and 2) The London Eye?
So, you’re going to break up with Penny right in front of that same photographer? Yikes
So, again, we’re just not mentioning his lack of clothes?
Oh come on, how did the picture survive too? And land so close the the sight of the implosion?
Desmond, I know you weren’t there for the baby theft, but Charlie being a ‘good man’ is honestly debatable at this point
Desmond says that he wasn’t saving Claire, he was saving Charlie, but - if Charlie dies trying to save Claire from drowning, doesn’t Claire die too?
Overall Review:
I love the Desmond episodes. And, as hard as it is to understand, I love all the time travel episodes. So this one is just a guaranteed win, isn’t it?
Overall Rating: 9.4/10
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ot7-hoes · 5 years
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Admin: Dezzy
Pairing: Hoseok x Reader
Word count: 3782
Warnings: Voyeurism, masturbation, oral sex (m receiving), sub/dom themes, lotsa dirty talk, unprotected sex, choking
Summary: Working in an office monitor room can get pretty boring, but when your friend and co-worker decides to make things interesting, does he go too far?
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Nothing ever happens in this goddamned office. You're not even sure why they need a security monitor to watch over the cameras, but here you are, sat in a dark room on the bottom floor of Park & Co., wasting your life away as you watch over the monitors. You see the usual employees doing their everyday work, same old same old. Your eyelids grow heavy as you stare at the screens, feeling as if you might doze off out of boredom. You look at the clock and read 12:25, which means any minute they should-
As if on cue, there's a knock on the door, and you excitedly rush over, your regularly scheduled company very welcome. A large smile spreads across your face as you pull open the door, being met with a smiling Taehyung holding a bag of snacks from the upstairs vending machine. This was your lunch every day since you were always too lazy to make lunch in the morning. However, as he comes in and sits in his usual spot on the ground, you notice something, or rather someone, missing.
"Where's Hobi?" You ask, raising an eyebrow before closing the door. "Oh, he said he had to do something and then he'd be in. Now hurry up and pick what you want before I pick, I'm starving." Taehyung replies as he dumps the contents of the bag onto the floor. You nod, sitting down on the floor and humming to yourself as you pick out three snacks for yourself. "So, you see anything interesting on the cameras today?" He asks, opening up a bag of chips. "Is there ever anything interesting?" You chuckle, rolling your eyes. "Well, Minyong spilled coffee all over herself and cried." He tells you, making you laugh. "I must've fallen asleep then. Damn, I can't believe I missed that." You giggle.
You loved this time of day, when you could just relax with your best friends. From your first week here, Hoseok had been super friendly to you, and when Taehyung joined on as an intern, he was recruited as well to make your little group.
"Sorry I'm late, Namjoon wanted my opinion on some paperwork." The door pushes open, Hoseok walking in. "Aw, you guys picked without me?" He pouts, making you smile. "Yup. You're left with the veggie chips, a Slim Jim, and a cookie at least." Taehyung says and Hoseok takes his seat. "Well, at least there's a cookie." Hoseok sighs as he opens up the wrapper.
You listen as they talk about boring work stuff, your eyes wandering over to the monitor. "Oh, hey, Y/N. I heard a rumor that two of the newbies keep disappearing into the storage room on floor eleven together. Have you seen anything?" Hoseok asks. "What the hell? No I haven't seen it. Damn! Why do I keep missing everything exciting?" You pout. "Exciting? Seeing two people go into a closet isn't that exciting. If there was a camera in the closet though, that would be fun." Taehyung chuckles. "You're right. But sadly, no camera in the closets." You reply, Hoseok raising an eyebrow at you.
"Sadly? What, do you wanna see people fucking in the office? Y/N, are you a voyeur?" Hoseok mockingly gasps, the accusation brining a light pink tint to your cheeks. "I-I never, you know, I never said that I-" "Holy shit she is." Taehyung cuts you off, gasping. "I didn't say that!" You throw a bunched up wrapper at him. "Honestly, Y/N, that's pretty hot. We won't make fun of you for that." Hoseok shrugs, and you can't tell if he's being honest or not. "You won't, but I will." Taehyung corrects him, causing you both to roll your eyes.
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Lunch being over hours ago, you lean back in your chair, back to boring work as you watch over the monitor. You start to look at that supply closet door more often, wondering if the rumor is true. So far, nothing. Just the same old boring office. You look around and see Taehyung at his desk, throwing tiny paper balls at Jungkook at the desk across from him. You shake your head at your friend as you look for the other one. Spotting the bright red hair, you notice Hoseok looks a bit uncomfortable, shifting in his seat and, pulling at his pants a little. Maybe the pants he was wearing were too tight? But, they didn't look too tight when he came in for lunch.
You watch as he licks his lips and looks around, his hand running over his pants again. He stands up, fixing himself once more before hurrying to the break room on his floor, locking the door behind him. He closes the blinds in the room, looking quiet suspicious. What the hell is he doing? He grabs a chair from a table and sits down, his body facing away from the door, but towards your camera. He licks his lips and looks around again, and you wonder what he'd doing, until his hand runs over his pants again, and you finally realize the bulge in his tight slacks.
He starts to loosen his tie, his head falling back somewhat dramatically. Once his tie is undone, he starts to slowly work on the buttons of his shirt, his toned abdomen slowly being revealed to you. You knew he was hot, he and Taehyung were both incredibly attractive men, but seeing him like this, his shirt now completely undone, his abs on full display, your breath hitches as your tongue runs over your lips.
No. You can't do this. You can't watch this. You can't watch as your best friend does, whatever he's doing. It just seems, wrong. But, even though you feel wrong, you can't tear your eyes away, watching as he palms himself again, his hips raising to meet his touch as his head falls back. You feel dirty as you watch his slim fingers work on his belt, his hand reaching into his underwear, and you gasp as he pulls out his cock. You never in a million years thought you'd see your friend like this, his hand wrapped around his impressive length, yet here you are, watching as your panties start to get uncomfortably wet.
The first pump has his mouth hung open, and you only wish you had audio, wondering if he was actually making any noise. His voice is so soothing normally, his sounds and whispers must be so nice. You wonder again if you should really be watching him, doing something so dirty. He looks up, directly at the camera, giving a small smirk that you know very well. He does that sly smirk every dirty comment and smooth pick up line he gives you. The teasing flirting. That's all you thought it was, just friendly banter. But, did he have other intentions?
You continue to watch, your fingers twitching and your thighs rubbing together as he loses himself, eyes shut, head back, his mouth hung open as he starts to pump himself faster. You couldn't help it. You loved watching. Seeing a person so vulnerable, succumbing to their desires and getting lost in pleasure. You're practically drooling as his hips move, his cock fucking into his hand, his moves getting a bit sloppy. His teeth capture his bottom lip as his free hand runs through his hair, pushing it back. You start to wonder what it'd be like to be in that room, to be able to touch him, hear him, taste him...
His head falls back once more, his face flushed as he releases, his cum landing on his abdomen, his hips slowing down as he relaxes back into the chair, catching his breath. Once he's calmed down he tucks himself back into his pants, grabs a tissue to clean off his stomach and chest, and fixes his shirt and tie before taking out his phone. What is he doing now? At that moment, your phone pings, a text coming through. He takes one more look at the camera, winking before he exits the break room. You're speechless as you reach for your phone, reading the text you received.
Hoseok: I hope you enjoyed the show 😉
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After the little show Hoseok put on for you, you couldn't even look him in the eye without turning pink. It's been almost a week and still you stutter when you speak to him and avoid eye contact as much as possible. You can't help but think back to how good he looked, and you can't stop yourself from thinking more about him. You want him, bad, and you think he knows it. Even now, as you make small talk with Taehyung, you can feel Hoseok's eyes on you, making your heart race.
"Oh, that's right. I forgot, I have to talk to Namjoon about something. I'm supposed to meet him outside. I'll see you guys later." Hoseok says, standing up. "Oh, alright. We still on for tonight?" Taehyung asks, you assuming they have some guys night planned. "Yeah man. I'll see you then. Bye, Y/N." Hoseok smiles at you before leaving. Taehyung starts to say something, but you jump up too. "I have to run to the restroom. I'll be back in a few." You tell him before hurrying out, leaving him by himself.
When you come back, you find the room empty, and assume Taehyung left to go back to his cubicle. You move to sit back down at your desk, but a knock on the door stops you. Sighing, you go to open the door, and are surprised to Hoseok standing there, running his fingers through his hair. "Hey." He smirks, confusing you. "Hey, I thought you were going to talk to Namjoon." You raise an eyebrow at him. "Yeah, I did. He just wanted to make plans to go out this weekend. Where's Taehyung?" He asks, stepping into the room while rubbing the back of his neck. "I guess he went back to his desk. He was gone when I got back." You tell him as you close the door.
Now alone with him, tension sets in the room like a thick mist. Your heart races as he smirks, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. "So, since we're alone, I wanted to talk to you." He says, catching you a bit off guard. "Uh, yeah? About what?" You ask, trying to keep your cool, but your voice failing you. He notices, moving closer to you. You look towards the ground, but your view is blocked by his body as he stands directly in front of you, his hands moving to gently grip the back of your arms. "I think you know what I want to talk about, sweetheart." He says, his voice deeper, sending a chill through you. "Um, I-I don't, um, know what-" "Did you watch?" He cuts you off. You continue to look away, your silence giving him his answer. "Did you enjoy it?"
You bite your bottom lip, the images replaying in your head for the millionth time. You give a small nod is what you give him, and he responds with a deep hum, almost like a growl. "Have you been thinking about it a lot?" Another nod is his answer. "Y/N, look at me, sweetheart." He commands softly, and you obey, making eye contact with him for the first time in a week. His eyes are dark, full of lust, his soft lips slightly parted as he smirks down at you. You're so close you can feel his hot breath fanning over your face as his thumbs start to gently caress the back of your biceps. When he leans in closer, you don't try to stop him. Instead, you wait impatiently for him to connect his lips with yours in a light kiss. It's warm and electrifying, but quick as he pulls pulls back, as if he's testing the waters, he looks at your face for confirmation that it was ok.
It's you that kisses him this time, reaching up and pulling him down by the back of his neck, moving your lips against his needily. He groans in response, kissing with more force this time. You moan into him as he bites your bottom lip, deepening the kiss as he slowly walks you backwards, your back hitting the wall. As soon as it does, his hands move to your wrists, grabbing them and pinning them above your head and his tongue explores, and you let him do whatever he wants. It's been quite a bit since you've been with anyone, so you're prepared and eager to accept whatever he does to you. His lips move from your lips down to your neck as his hands leave your wrists in favor of unbuttoning your blouse.
You help him by shrugging it off your shoulders, allowing it to fall to the floor. He wastes no time in grabbing your breasts, kneading them through your bra as he nips at your collarbone, leaving small marks in his wake. You close your eyes, tilting your head back against the wall and gripping his arms as you get lost in his warmth, small, breathy moans escaping your lips. "Hobi." You moan softly, almost a whisper. He growls in response, pulling back and looking down at you with hooded eyes while licking his lips. "I need you, baby. So bad. Wanna help me?" He asks, his thumb caressing your cheek. You nod a bit too eagerly, wondering what he needs and ready to give whatever it is. "Good girl. On your knees."
You comply immediately, dropping to your knees as soon as he gives you room. "So obedient. Are you normally like this, or is it just special for me?" He asks, smirking. You don't respond as he starts to unbuckle his belt, salivating as you remember what you saw over the cameras, excited to finally see it in person. His pants pool around his ankles and he unbuttons his shirt as you reach up, admiring the tent in his boxers as you rub it. "Well? Are you gonna just look or are you gonna do something about it?" He hisses, his harsh tone pushing you into action. You pull down his boxers, letting them join his pants as you watch his cock bounce free. It's longer than you expected, not too thin, with a nice curve to it. Precum already leaks at the angry red head, and you wonder how long he's been hard. You reach up to wrap your hand around it, earning another hiss from him.
Your eyes meet his as you start to pump him, his mouth hung open in relief, giving you the sense of confidence. You continue to pump him slowly for a bit, enjoying the soft moans he lets out before he pushes your hand away, gripping his cock himself. "Open up, baby." He orders. Your jaw hangs slack, your tongue resting flat atop your bottom row of teeth, keeping eye contact with him as he guides his cock to your awaiting mouth. He moans as you wrap your lips around him, pushing himself deeper into your mouth. "Agh, fuck." He mutters, pulling out just to thrust back in. He grabs your hair, starting to slowly fuck into your mouth. You hum around him, earning a loud groan from him.
Your jaw starts to ache, tears stinging your eyes as you keep eye contact with him, trying your best to not gag. "Feels so fucking good baby. Been dreaming about this." He admits, his hair starting to stick to his forehead as his grip on your hair grows tighter. A mixture of drool and his precum starts to spill from the corners of your mouth. His thrusts become sloppy, his groan more frequent as he puts both of his hands in your hair. "Sh-ah, ooo baby. I'm gonna cum." He groans, one last thrust being all it takes to have him spilling into your mouth, the bitter liquid sliding down your throat as you swallow it all after he pulls away. "Did you really do that without me having to tell you?" He asks, you nodding in response. "Holy fuck you're perfect. Standing up and face the wall."
You do as he says, standing and putting your hands flat against the cool surface, arching your back so your ass sticks out. "You're so good, sweetheart. Someone must've trained you well. Lucky guy." Hoseok hums, kneeling down behind you. He cups your ass in both of his hands, gripping it through your pants. "You're soaking through your pants, baby. Why don't we get you out of them?" He stands up, reaching around to unbutton them while placing kisses across your shoulders. Once he gets them undone he pulls them down along with your panties, letting them bundle around your ankles. He reaches under you, palming your pussy, his bare hand making you shiver. "So fucking wet baby. Are you ready?" He asks, sliding a finger across your slit. You nod and whimper in response, desperate for whatever he has to offer you.
You gasp as you feel the tip of his cock brush against your slit, your hips moving back even more in need. He slides it up and down your slit, coating it in your slick as he teases you. "Hobi, please. I need you." You pout, too needy to handle teasing at the moment. "You need me, huh? How much do you need me? Tell me how much you need my cock." He says, continuing his torture. "Mm, fuck I need you so bad, Hobi. I need you to fuck me good and hard until I'm shaking. I've been craving your cock ever since I saw it on the cameras. Please just fu-aaahhhh!" You cry out as he slams into you, cutting off your sentence as his cock stretches you out deliciously. "Fuck, baby. You feel so good." He groans, gripping your hips as he bottoms out.
He starts to thrust slowly, allowing you to adjust before he starts to pick up the pace. The sounds of your moans, his grunts, and skin slapping echoes off the walls of the small room, the heat between your bodies increasing drastically. "Ah, fuck Hoseok." You gasp, overwhelmed by the sensation of his cock sliding along your slick walls. You almost scream as his fingers tangle in your hair, tugging on it harshly to bring you closer to him. "Your pussy feels so good, I already feel like cumming. This is exactly what I imagined when I was jerking myself off. I've wanted you for so fucking long, I couldn't help but imagine how you'd look speared on my cock." He grunts between thrusts, making you go crazy. You've always loved dirty talk, and by the sound of it, he's amazing at it.
His hand leaves your hair in favor of wrapping around your throat, the action making your head spin. It's incredible how you've never actually discussed kinks with him, but he's hitting every one of yours. His other hand reaches around to rub your clit harshly, your walls contracting around him. "Shit. I'm closer than I thought. I'm not cumming first though. Come on, baby. I want you to cum for me." He groans, picking up his pace even more as he abuses your clit. His grip on your throat gets a little tighter as he pounds into you, and you start to feel a little light headed as your body begins to shake, your end quickly approaching. A few more thrusts is all it takes for you to let go, clenching around him as you cum, his name tumbling silently from your lips.
"Ah, shit, fuck!" He cries out, pulling out of you quickly and releasing all over your ass, the warm substance sliding down the back of your thighs. His hands rest on your hips as you both catch your breath, your cheek resting against the wall. "Fuck, that was amazing." He gasped, pushing his hair out of your face. You nod, now exhausted. "Do you have any tissues or anything so I can clean you up?" He asks, you silently pointing to a small table in the corner of the room. He grabs a couple of tissues, you staying still until he wipes everything up, placing a small kiss on the back of your thighs once they're all clean. "You did so well, sweetheart." He smiles, and you blush at the praise. You turn around, your legs slightly wobbly, but you steady yourself with your back to the wall. You finally get to see him, still practically dressed, his bangs sticking to his forehead, his cheeks flushed. He still looks incredible.
He fixes his clothes, making sure everything is buttoned and zipped before helping you back into your own clothes. "So, you think we can do this again sometime?" He smirks, walking over to your desk. "Definitely." You smile back. He pulls the desk chair out and stops, looking down under the desk and smirking deviously. "Well, sweetheart. Looks like you aren't the only voyuer in this group." He says, confusing you until he pulls the chair out completely, revealing a scrunched up Taehyung hiding under your desk. "Oh my god!" You cry out, hiding your body even though you're already dressed. "H-Hi, Y/N." He stutters, not bothering to crawl out, knowing very well you'll beat him when he does. "What the hell are you doing here? I thought you were back at your desk!" You shout.
"Well, I wasn't. Once you left to use the restroom I hid under here so I could scare you when you came and sat down, but then you came back, and so did Hoseok, and, well..." He trails off, you obviously knowing what he meant. "But, you could've like, said something instead of just watching!" You pout, not realizing until afterwards how that sounded. "Wait, do you mean if I said something, you would've let me join?" He smiles, wiggling his eyebrows. "No chance in hell, kid. Now get out of here so I can spend a little more time with my lady." Hoseok says, giving the younger male a slight kick in the leg. "Ow! Fine! I'm going!" Taehyung cries, crawling out from under the desk and hurrying out of the room.
Hoseok takes a seat in the desk chair, smiling at you and patting his lap. You bounce over to him, gladly taking your seat as you lean back against him. "So, your 'lady', huh? Is that what I am now?" You giggle. "If you wanna be. What do you say, sweetheart? Wanna be mine?"
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dcwastelands · 5 years
For Honor Event - Part 1 - July 13, 2019
It had been about five minutes since everyone had been loaded into the transport van, jostling as it rolled across the bumpy untamed roads of the wastes while a handler gave a briefing on today's events, having prior only been explained as "Ghost neutralization".
"We're currently about ten minutes off from the Old Renaissance Fairgrounds where we are aware a Ghost has made it's lair, this ghost; Phantom Knight by our logs, or..." They'd take a close look at the log sheet they had brought with them "'Ser Gaius Grimsley von Datenshire III' by it's own proclamation, is on the more passive side, but it's actions inadvertently put the base and travelers at risk. As such it's been decided that it should be neutralized for people's safety. We're currently not recommending direct combat with the ghost, as we don't know it's full capabilities and we'd rather minimize chances of harm coming to anyone, instead we want to use this as an exercise in repenting a ghost through fulfilling it's last desires, since not many have done so. Judging by the ghost's behavior, we assume that engaging it in a 'tournament' has a high probability of fulfilling these desires, so it will be up to you all to put forth your best effort in defeating it in anything it challenges you to."
The driver in the front seat would call out for the handler's attention "About eight minutes now." gripping their papers the handler would turn back to those present "Y-yes, as he said, it's not far away, so if there's anything you need to know ask it now, and I'll try to answer your questions with what intel we have. Also," They'd produce a stack of papers from under their seat "Everyone should take a copy of the log sheet and give it a look as well." They'd hand the stack to whoever was behind them, ready to take any incoming questions.
Gakuran, having begrudgingly come along, began to exam the paper work. While  understanding the reasoning for not attacking, he'd be concerned with toying with a ghost. Though he had no questions, he was ready for the day to be over. He was here for observation and help, the quicker they did this the faster they'd get back home. "I'm fine with trying to repent the ghost by its means but what if it gets violent? Will we abort and take it down by other means?" Knowing that repenting a ghost could work well or fail about half the time. But he wouldn't be caught without some backup plan. "If so whats our backup?"
The handler would scratch their chin a bit at the question "Well, if the ghost does go hostile, you are given permission to fight it, if we find it to be considerable risk we'll call you back and retreat back to Psi. We'll just have to play it by ear but we're really hoping it won't come to blows."
Spanx reeled back a little as the words "you are given permission to fight it" hit her ears. "Gosh, I sure hope it doesn't come to that. I hope we can give a ghost a nice send-off for once."
"I'd rather avoid that too," was the involuntary mutter from Haori. He wasn't one for fighting- or expending more effort on something than absolutely necessary. He still wasn't sure how he'd gotten roped into this, really. But it seemed to be in everyone's best interest, so who was he to complain?
"If worst comes to worst, and there's an impasse it might be the only choice. But the proposition that there is a way to do so is much, much favorable for the deceased." While Chaqueta wasn't the battle oriented type, she could defend herself decent with humans at the very least. But she hoped it wouldn't be necessary given the group was tasked with a more peaceful repent to be executed. If her brains could be of any use to them, she had more than enough brain cells to spare.
Ah, cramped vehicle space. One of the few things Obi had forgotten about this past century. But here he was; a near seven foot colossus of an archangel sitting in a van surrounded by others. Almost brings him back. Keyword being almost. He simply nods as he looks over the rest of his compatriots. In a way, it was good to finally get some new scenery for him. Felt like ages since he stepped out.
At least they were all on the same page. But something still lingered in his brain, a question. "What can we even expect from this? carnival games?" hoping for any easy excursion. Considering the venue, anything was possible.
"Well, the ghost seems to fancy itself as a type of knight, if you've ever heard the term 'hastilude' that should give you a pretty good idea, they're contests knights would perform in the olden days as a sort of honor thing."
“Alright, if nobody has anymore questions we've just about arrived-” Suddenly the handler was interrupted by the car come to a brisk halt “The fairgrounds.” hopping out of the passenger side door he'd open the door for those in the back “Alright, everyone out, try not to hit your head on the roof Mr. Ravissepto.” Being ushered out, the passengers would be able to get a good look at the faire, weathered old tents being reclaimed by nature, a stone bridge over a small stream with a concrete castle just past, wild grass had been attempting to encroach the center of the faire, but seemed to have regularly been trampled away by footprints. There was currently no sign of the ghost, but enough evidence that something or other frequents this area.
Precaution taken, Mr. Van Driver, sir. However, that precaution would still serve no good as the minute the door opened, the taller angel of the group sat up to, the surprise of no one, slightly hit his head when trying to get up, He says not a word and waits for at least a few of his compatriots to leave the van first before attempting to sit up yet again. The last thing he needed was blocking other peoples way of exiting while he himself was trying to exit. #JustGiantThings, amirite?
Lolo seemed oddly present for once, turning around to listen to each voice intently; it wasn't often she showed up to these training exercises but considering combat wasn't the focus, she was given the option and took it. How nonchalant all the angels seemed about this was fascinating still. that's just how it was in the wastes! Nothing phased these people.....She hopped out eagerly, staying closer to the handler than letting herself roam free.
In the back, though...someone else didn't seem remotely as amused. One green eye was focused more on the ruins outside the van, taking in the lay of the land as the others went on. He'd been through a lot of these, no need to be too attentive; seeing the wreckage of poles, tents in the greenery it kind of brought an odd knot to his stomach. He'd tail behind the rest of the group, his attention still seemingly far beyond the rest of the group with unwarranted tension. (Really, it was a non-combat repentance, this was what he liked seeing as a human--)
Spanx took a moment to stretch after stepping out of the vehicle.  It seemed quiet for a place haunted by a ghost that was causing trouble for people. "I hope it doesn't take too long to find this guy. Anyone have any ideas on how we should lure him out?"
Crown hopped out of the back of the van, taking in the sights and the smells of the faire. This. Was. Great! She'd always loved stories of knights. And now she was standing in a place where real knights did battle! At least that's what she got out of it, her listening comprehension might have gone a bit out the window when she heard the word 'knight'. But either way she was beaming and happy to be here.
Chaqueta got a small chuckle out of Obi still hitting his head regardless of warning. Once she was out she took a quick lay of the land. She could only imagine how much fun this dinky little faire was many, many years ago. It never ceases to amaze her how quickly all of this transpired, even in the wake of a festival. Tragedy th as no mercy it seemed, but still, she couldnt help but give a sad sigh.
Haori slumped out of the vehicle and blinked lazily as he took a gander at the surrounding area. There was still no telling what that knight-ghost would ask of them, really. Knight tournaments had various events, right? Maybe they would end up going through all of them before they were off the hook....great.
"Weirdly quiet," He mumbled
Alright was that everyone? That looked like everyone. Taking his turn to get out of the car, Obi took in the air and looked over the fairegrounds. Damn...it'd been a hot minute since the archangel had seen something like this. Places that were supposed to be filled with joyous occasion and enjoying the moment. All of that merriment...gone. He frowns slightly at the ruined grounds, but continues onward nonetheless. They had a job to do, and hopefully, a peaceful repent to pull off.
Gakuran trailed behind, making sure to stick behind the group. He was uneasy about their task but was hopeful about succeeding. Though, the new faces made him wonder if they would work well together. He would followed behind Obi and commented to Haori "Quiet, but lets enjoy it while we can and take time to prepare".
No sooner did Spanx ask how to find the quarry than from a distance came a hearty “HAHA!”, with a loud whinny and the beat of hooves approached a stout (aka, short, real manlet like) figure clad in heavy black armor on the back of an impressive ghostly stallion. Slowing to a trot in front of the party they would proclaim “HARK KNAVES, FOR THOU HAST ENTERED THE DOMAIN OF THOUST TRUELY, SER GAIUS GRIMSLY VON DATENSHIRE, THIRD OF HIS NAME. FOR WHAT PURPOSE DOST THOU TRESPASS UPON THESE GROUNDS, SPEAK QUICKLY, OR I SHALL HAVE THEE DRAWN AND QUARTERED!” The handler would bury their face in their hand before addressing the group “Alright, here's your quarry, try to calm them down, if it gets too hot we'll make the call, good luck, me and the driver will be watching from nearby.” With their piece said the two of them would walk off, staying within viewing distance.
"Interesting," Haori said under his breath. "Uh, which of us is spokesperson, exactly?" This was a little louder, enough for everyone to hear.
Haori didn't see himself as capable enough to speak for the entire group....or smooth enough. How were knights supposed to talk? He couldn't get into a character on command.
Well, something was coming back to Braces, but he wasn't sure what it was exactly...none of this crew really seemed to get what was going on at a ren faire though. He crossed his arms, grimacing...he may actually have to intervene?
Oh woah, right to it, eh? Uh...alright, Obi will step in.  Not too far, but a good half-step at best.
Spanx replies to the knight meekly, "Apologies Sir Gaius, we, uh, didn't mean to trespass. We're here to, um, what was that word again? Halibut."
"Greetings, Sir." He speaks up alongside Spanx. "We are....travelers of sorts here to...seek why you reside on these grounds."
Braces pinched his nose. This was horrible. He wasn't sure how much of this he could take. He looked almost close to tears, even.
For the event, Chaqueta wore simple dress and she gave a polite curtsy toward the knight as the others spoke.
Haori tugged at his collar. The whole...whatever he was wearing...it was a little tight across the chest, and stuffy. Not like the loose clothes he normally wore. This whole thing felt like a stageplay, which- as far as he understood- wasn't far off from what a ren faire actually was. He remained carefully quiet, aware that any snarking could easily get them all in big trouble right now. Time and a place for everything.
Gakuran followed suite with the group by acknowledging the knight with a nod. But he didn't feel the need to respond verbally. He instead would analyze the ghost size and environment to get an idea of what might happen. Gakuran would glance over at Brace and respond "Theres no need to cry, we'll be fine"
The ghost would think about Spanx's comment before realizing what they meant “HA, WHAT A JEST, YOU MEAN THE HASTILUDES! THOU SHOULD HAVE MENTIONED EARLIER, IF THOU WISHES TO PARTICIPATE IN THE GAMES OF HONOUR THEN SO BE IT, WE SHALL MAKE A TOURNAMENT OF IT!” He'd rear his horse before trotting toward another section of the fairgrounds “COME, THE ARENAS ARE READY, AND BE SURE TO BRING THY STEED.” At this he'd point his lance towards their 'steed', the van they had arrived in, the keys still in the ignition.
"Our- our what." Haori deadpanned. "Are we- does the van have a name? Does it need a- never mind." He sighed. He needed to learn to roll with the punches better.
Well, that went...well enough, despite the lack of decent acting. Braces raised a brow in disbelief though as his gaze panned from the van back to the ghost. He knew the not-yet-passed had some issues with denial, but .....it'd been a while since he really had to deal with it.
As amusing as the ghost was, Chaqueta couldnt help but make a quick note of how the thing registered the van as a horse. "Seems like his perception of reality is different from ours, she whispered. We can use this to our advantage? I wonder to what extent it goes to. We could pass off makeshift props as the real thing if so."
"That'd be ideal, actually," Braces blinked, his volume matching Chaqueta's. "Angels shouldn't lose track of their own weapons, but that can save us from causing any unecessary harm. Nice catch."
Crown was starstruck, a real life knight! And they even challenged them to knightly games, today was surely going to be amazing! She broke out of her trance momentarily when the knight headed off, jogging a bit to keep toe with them.
Maybe the Knight was looking at the raw horsepower of the Van, but that was beside the point. However, it seemed like the rest of the group was already planning. Gakuran would then focus his attention on Chaqueta "That is a good point, I'll keep that in mind." Since it was a strategic advantage, Gakuran complied and headed toward the van. However being much taller than most people also had disadvantages. He'd struggle a bit till everyone else caught up to crown and relocate their steed. Good thing he didn't have his armor on, otherwise the knight my mistake this as a joust.
Obi nods along with the group and follows along with Crown.
Spanx blushes a bit after realizing she misspoke. Halibut is a fish you idiot how could you mix that up she mutters to herself. She shuffles behind Obi as he follows Crown. The closest thing to a tree she could hide her shame behind.
Shhhh, your shame shall be resolved by the tree, young Spanx. All is forgiven, child.
Following the hunch suggested from Chaqueta, Braces made an ever so slight detour to dislodge a rod of what he assumed was some sort of metal since it was still intact. He was no lance user, but it'd come in handy and he had no idea how well old faire ruins would be stocked, anyway. who knew who raided these things for weapons even if they were props.
Lolo followed after, nearly sprinting to keep up; she was simply observing at this point since she was...probably too young to remember this phenomenon.
Gaius led the group to what seemed like a long track, a pole stretched along the middle “AND SO WE COME TO OUR FIRST CHALLENGE, CHOOSE THY CHAMPION, FOR UPON THIS FIELD WE ENGAGE IN THE JOUST!” Having said his piece, he positioned himself at the far end of the track. Seems like, as Gakuran was afraid of, someone would have to duel him in a Joust, but another question remained, who would be the 'horse'?
(One person must participate as the Jouster, another must participate as a Driver)
Unknowingly Gakuran signed up to be the steed by driving the Van. He'd show up at what looked like a parking space; without the knowledge that this was his starting point. Having been  away from the group, he didn't catch what they were doing. So he'd sit in the van and observe. "I wonder whats going on out there, did I hear 'Joust' "
"Eyepatch here," she said while point towards Braces. "Seems like he'd make a good jouster. He got the pole and the beef to handle it"
"A joust sounds like a pretty intense first challenge. I might be able to stay on pretty well but I don't know about knocking him over. Maybe someone else should..." Spanx hoped she didn't sound like she was putting this off on others. She was trying not to let her nerves get the best of her but a real life ghost, even a small one, was still intimidating up close.
"I weigh like as much as a cat," Haori provided flatly.
Braces looked over at Chaqueta with a sour face. "I got this just in case! .....Geez, I guess if someone had to though, I could....,"A hand paused on his chest before working at the pole, his suspenders not in their usual spot.
Crown would stand on one foot as she gave Braces a little cheer “You can do this Mr. Braces! I know from experience that you're plenty strong!”
He gave a sigh. "Fine, you guys don't look like you've even so much as eaten a turkey leg with a fool jingling beside you anyway," He hopped up on the van's roof, giving a tap once he finally got up there. Sure was weird to do this on a car roof, but it wasn't like training or even finding mustangs was a good idea either. "Ready when everyone else is."
"I have no idea what that means, but thank you anyway!" She said clapping her hands together and giving him a sarcastic smile.She took a couple steps back to where Crown was and would cheer for Braces and Gakuran from the sidelines.
With his opponent in position, the ghost would loudly proclaim “MAY THE FIRST ROUND BEGIN! CHARGE!” Readying his lance he'd Charge towards the two, Gakuran would pull the car Forward, and Braces would Block atop it.
Despite Braces' preparing for the attack, the Ghost's lance manages to find purchase, hitting him and setting off his balance on the car, though he manages stop grounded.
Spanx roars from the crowd, "Hang in there Braces!! You can do it!"
"Give it your all, you two!" Obi shouts alongside a swell.
That'd hit harder than Braces was anticipating; he tried to use the pole's shape to his advantage to grind the attack back but, that kind of backfired, the ghost being too strong and pushing him back.
Chaqueta winced, she felt that. Still, she continued to clap for the angel.
How did he get roped into this. Sadly it was too late to back down, so he braced himself for impact. Thankfully the vans weight helped disperse some of the brunt force. "You okay up there?"
The commotion seemed to be drawing a bit of a crowd, fauna ghost starting to congregate around the arena, the ones present perking up at Gaius' strike against Braces.
"I think so? Dealt with worse. Whatever," He waved it off, though the other guy couldn't see him doing it. he rubbed his arm. Christ, that smarted.
Circling around the arena, Gaius would CHARGE toward his opponent again, as Gakuran rounded the corner Braces would prepare to DEFEND, and as the two were about to meet... Gakuran stepped on the gas, BOOSTING towards the collision.
In the collision Braces defended valiantly, but the Ghost's strike was still too strong, breaking his guard and nearly tossing him off the van.
A "God FUCKING damnit!!" could be heard, ponytail flapping in the wind as he was doubled-over on the roof.
Gakuran simply looked up and covered his face with the brim of his hat. "Good grief" maybe luck wasn't on their side today.  "I'm guessing you are still ali- dead right?"
"Don't remind me," he covered his eye, groaning. too soon. "God I wanna end this man's whole career."
As they circled again, Gaius ever so slightly shifted the lance is preparation to BLOCK Braces' incoming STRIKE, as the two get closer Gakuran once again BOOSTS.
As they collided, Braces' lance hit the ghost's, but not with enough force to break their guard, the magnitude of the collision rebounding to him and hurting his arm.
For one final time the two teams circled around the ring, the ghost preparing to strike, Braces, fatigued from the blows he had taken he was scarce able to take another hit and was knocked off into the mud.
Cue a very comedic roll off. he's gonna be fine, he's an angel, who cares. at least he didn't get stabbed in the eye again.
Big oof. Maybe those muscles were just for show in the end. "Maybe one of us will do better in a different event."
Gakuran having felt the rumble of a body, stopped and started to reverse. Once he reached Braces, he'd exit out of the back to help him into the Van and out of there. "Hey we did our time, you need a smoke?"
"Brutal," Haori winced. He was glad it wasn't him up there. He'd have been catapulted in a single hit. If anything speed was his game, but he was less experienced than any angel in their group might be. He was beginning to wonder if He would even be any use here.
The ghost would trot up to Braces' side with a chuckle “A VALIANT EFFORT, I APPLAUD YOUR BRAVERY FACING ME. DO NOT FRET YOUR FAILURE FOR LONG MY FRIEND, THE DAY IS YOUNG AND THE CHALLENGES WILL BE MANY.” Rearing the horse away he would lead the group towards their next trial, the interested wild ghosts following behind like a group of fans.
He waved a hand, grimacing. "god, no. I'll pass." He wasn't a smoker by any stretch of the imagination, and all he could think about is how much fucking mud he was getting all over the van. At least the ghost seemed a good sport about it all. He'd hate to be dealing with an angry one right now, all things considered.
Yikes. That look like it hurt.
Gaius led the group to a fence, he would dismount before pointing to several targets in the distance “BEHOLD, FOR THIS WILL BE THY NEXT CHALLENGE, A SIMPLE ARCHERY CONTEST, CHOOSE THY CHAMPIONS MOST DEFT OF AIM.” He would pick up a bow and arrow near the fence, preparing himself for the contest.
(As many players as want can participate in this at once)
Braces groaned and grabbed his arm, watching this all unfold. At least archery had less risk to leave anyone in a state of dishevelment. "Don't look at me, guys."
"I'll offer myself as tribute," wow what an archaic hunger games reference.
"You can do it Chaqueta! Get us a win!"
Haori bit back a snort at the poor joke, but rolled a shoulder to loosen himself up and stepped forward as well. He wasn't the best shot, but he wasn't bad either by any means. The more the merrier...or something. "You have my bow," he offered pulling one from- did he just...pick that off the ground?
Having been battered around by the jousting, he declined "Someones gotta watch the Van, this guys only one good arm."
“THEN THESE ONES SHALL BE MY OPPONENTS” boomed the ghost, wasting no time nocking the arrow and pointing it towards the middle target and letting it fly, watching as it embedded into the middle ring. “HA! A FINE SHOT TO START THE SHOW.” Meanwhile, a lizard like ghost had manned a scoreboard, changing a score meant to represent Gaius to 4.
"Kick his ass, Chaqueta!" A bit overenthusiastic there Obi,  but the rally cry is definitely appreciated.
Haori took a step forward, readying his bow first. If nothing else, he at least knew how to shoot archery. He might be a little rusty, but...he pulled into stance and made sure not to twist his elbow. His eyesight wasn't so good these days...still, the close target looked pretty clear. that ought to make for a decent shot. He lined it up and let fly- thwip went the arrow as it smacked into the bullseye mark.
"That's a pass," He sighed in relief. Not nearly so impressive as Gaius, but a good start.
Chaqueta was feeling a bit bold, so she grabbed a spare rickety bow and arrow and launched the thing with as much confidence and vigor as a professional. She managed to hit the outer most ring, but missed the next time she fired.
Still, that was better than the critical failure she was expecting having never done something like this before so she was satisfied.
As the Score Ghost changed Haori's score to 3 and Chaqueta's to 1, Gaius, feeling cocky after his last shot decided to be so bold as to fire on the farthest target, as he pulled back and released the arrow he was... a bit disappointed as it landed nowhere near the target, his entourage of ghosts seemingly disappointed as well.
Braces tried not to be too loud but he was definitely on the edge of his seat and pretty happy about all this before wincing and recoiling back to clutch his arm more.
Haori was also feeling a little bolder. He nocked an arrow and let fly toward the middle target....the arrow fell short. He could practically hear the sad little wop wop wop noise as it clattered to the ground. "Welp," he muttered. He'd just have to put it all in for the last round, then.
A soft "Yes" along with a casual fist pump comes from Obi. He's a proud tree.
Crown waved a ratty old flag she found to the side, cheering on her team's archers.
Chaqueta kept her hands steady and breath held in until she released her arrow soaring through the distance and NAILING a bullseye on her target.
She jumped a little, surprising herself and was giddy as a horse, stomping her feet hooves in celebration.
Another fist pump. Fuck ye FUCK YE-
Ooop, don't get too excited there, Obi. Keep chill.
The score ghost would reluctantly bump Chaqueta's score up to 4. Gaius meanwhile, deciding to be safer with his shot went only for the close target, firing an arrow and sticking it directly in the middle, 2 points. “AND SO I END THIS CONTEST WITH SIX POINTS, LET US SEE HOW YOU FARE, MY FOES.”
A soft "nice!" can be heard in the background.
Chqueta waved off to the others, still proud of her second attempt before, recklessly aiming another arrow for a slightly more ambitious score. However, her arrogance would be her downfall as the arrow completely missed the target.
"Ah shoot." Now she felt embarrassed. She looked away from the others, too shy to see their, she assumed, disappointment.
Haori aimed at the close target again. Two shots meant a better chance for points, right...? God, he hadn't done this in forever.
His fingers slipped as he loosed the first arrow- it came close but ended up sailing past the target without hitting it. The second....thunked into the ground several feet away.
"Ah, for shame. How ever will I face my people." He droned. He wasn't all that upset, he hadn't been expecting to win anyway.
Braces rubbed at his eyepatch, that was rough.
The Score Ghost snickered a little as it saw it didn't have to change the scores. “ANOTHER VALIANT EFFORT MY FRIENDS, IT WOULD SEEM THE WINDS WERE NOT IN YOUR FAVOR, PERHAPS YOU SHALL FIND GLORY IN OUR FUTURE ENGAGEMENTS, NOW COME, WE HAVE COMPLETED HALF THE TRIALS.” Without another word he mounted his steed again and head toward a tent, beckoning the others to follow.
"Looks like we werent the only ones with bad luck." Chimed Gakuran, with a beer in hand. "Though, you alright eyepatch?"
Haori shuffled back in a slouched state, not particularly bothered. This ghost seemed really docile, honestly. Perhaps it had only been hassling travelers because it wanted people to do these events with. It was possible it would be satisfied just as long as they spent time with it so it could play. Kind of like a kid...
Then again, there was really no knowing for sure until the end.
"Aye, tis but a flesh wound," he replied to Gakuran, looking a little sour. "What's that ghost gonna do to me? Kill me again?"
Oh they're moving? Looks like they're moving. Obi follows.
Haori stifled a laugh as he overheard the remark.
"Probably but i think its having much more fun kicking our asses. " At least they were trying and didn't have to win. That made it a little less sour. "Kudos on giving it a warm up though"
"Kinda wish the plague would come take me out I'll say," she joked. Even if she had failed she couldn't help but smile through it all. Genuinly it was pretty fun.
"Hey, you kicked MY ass at least. You see that shot that fell short? Awful." He offered a crooked grin as he leaned against a fence post. "I thought I'd remember how to do this shit better,  but I guess I'm getting old or something."
"Hey, you made some damn good shots though." Obi complimented her, giving the reporter a pat on the shoulder.
He was following the rest of the group, begrudgingly this time, really hoping there wasn't arm wrestling involved for the next stunt. "Thanks I guess, I just wish I could've done better, is all...," he groaned, scratching his hair with his uninjured arm.
"Everyone did pretty good. Don't feel dismayed." Though having not contributed yet she has no right to judge anyone else's performance.
As the party continued on to their next destination they would enter a tent and be greeted by a number of oaken barrels piled up in the back, radiating a strange menacing aura. “AND SO WE COME TO OUR THIRD CHALLENGE, A SIMPLE DRINKING GAME, WE WILL DO ROUNDS OF DRINKS, THE ONE WHO STANDS WHEN ALL OTHERS HAVE FALLEN SHALL BE PROCLAIMED THE VICTOR, PICK THY STRONGEST OF CONSTITUTION, ALL CHALLENGERS WELCOME! He'd plop down on a wooden bench, his armor creating a thunk despite his small stature.
Spanx steps forward confidently, "I sat out the other two contests so it's at least my turn!"
Despite her hubris, Chaqueta appricated the reassurances being given. Though soon as they entered the tent Chaqueta immediately lite up. BOOZE. ITS BEEN MONTHS SINCE SHE LAST HAD ALCHOHOL.
"...I'm with her." He's tall enough, might as well test some sort of body alcohol theory.
"You guys have at it."
Braces didn't seem eager to get involved in this one either, even if alcohol would help dull the pain.
Having got a head start, Gakuran was game. He'd catch up to the crowd and join up. "At least this seems more fair"
Haori waved his hand. "Not like I haven't been blackout drunk once or twice by this point in life anyway. Go big or go home," he smirked.
The ghost entourage would bring up the first round of drinks “ALL RIGHT MY FRIENDS, I WISH YOU LUCK, AND BOTTOMS UP!” Raising the mug to his face he would chug the drink down, it evidently hit him pretty hard, already having him look pretty wet behind the ears.
Oh damn, ale. When the fuck was the last time Obi drank? It feels like a hot minute, but a challenge was a challenge. Taking the frothy mug, he follows suit with the ghost and chugs it down no sweat. Hmm. Ain't bad. He was waiting for it to be at least a bit off given the state of the world, but that's a solid mug right there. He slams it back down with ease.
"This is the best thing to happen all day" Taking the round with nothing more than an easy gulp. "Not bad, give me another".
Sweet alcoholism take her down. She pounded the drink down like a champ and knocked over her empty cup with gusto, "Fuck yeah, hit me again!"
Spanx downs her drink. "This goes down surprisingly smooth for something that's been sitting abandoned for god knowns how long."
Haori sniffed his drink. He had to be honest, his tolerance was fine, but something was just off about this stuff. And not in a rotten food kind of way. Well, no point chickening out now.
"Bottoms up," He mumbled, and tilted his head back to drain the mug.
...and then he continued tilting until he was on the floor. On his back. Groaning sickly. "Okay, I'm. Done." He choked- just before passing out. Something wrong indeed.
As the entourage brought the second tray Gaius snatched a mug and downed it, as he came back down he slapped the table with raucous laughter “HAHAHA! SEEMS I'VE FORGOTTEN HOW TO HOLD MY DRINK, ANOTHER HIT LIKE THAT AND I DOUBT I'LL BE STANDING!” he would continue laughing and shaking the table as his opponents took their drinks.
Spoke too soon, as this drink was one too many. This one combined with the other would be his undoing. After finishing, he'd gracefully lay down and let everyone else suffer instead.
Well, this wasn't looking good. Braces was grabbing his mouth in his hand, looking around. Hm.....
"Dude you shouldn't have had that beer before you went into the tent." he finally muttered as Gakuran went onto the ground.
Obi takes another hearty swig of that ale. The fizzyness is startin' to get to him just a teensy bit, but other than that, it's a damn good mug.
Gakuran having drunk too much could only mutter back "Worth it" knowing that he was gonna fail anyway but free alcohol was free.
Her hubris is rmtruely her down fall, for even with a side of bread Chaqueta was shitfaced. She didn't really care, hiwever, it seemed from his giggly she was.
"Heeheheheheh...." She slumped against Obi, unable to support herself. " oops a daisy I did a fucky wuckyyy... You smell good."
Anotha' one? Anotha one. And the alcoholic content is starting to get to him, but he's still got things under control. Hopefully.
As the table started to clear, the bartender ghosts brough out 3 more drinks, Gaius grabbing his and chugging "HAHA, BARELY HIT ME, SEEMS IM GETTING MY SECOND WIND!"
Spanx manages to finish her last drink and mumbles out an, "I'm sorry, that was just a little too much," and falls forward, snoring into her arm.
The sight of a shitfaced chaqueta though did earn a snicker from the archangel as he held onto her shoulder.
"You did the best you could, dear."
One more tray, two drinks, Gaius took his mug and clinked it to Obi's "CHEERS MY FRIEND! THIS WILL BE THE DECIDING FACTOR!" Tilting it back he'd chug, then slump his head onto the table, he was done.
Casually, Someone was popping in and tampering with the ale. The ghosts didn't even seem to notice, nice.
Obi takes that third mug and drinks it whole, slamming the mug down after another good chug and looking back at his ghastly competitor, a glint of determination burning in the archangels eyes.
The culprit clenches his fist quietly, trying to remain unseen yet.
"Woo woooo~" Chaqueta drunkenly cheered on. God was Obi always this sexy?
And so, Obi stood alone among a pile of drunk nearly-to-fully passed out people, the sole victor. The attendant ghost's bringing out pitcher's of water to help bring people back to their feet, this would be a good time to give everyone a breather.
Spanx wakes up, eats some of the bread and proceeds to talk, "Slo, diwd hwe hwin?"
a splash of water got Haori back to his senses. He wasn't happy about being damp, but the glass offered to him for drinking helped clear up the dizziness surprisingly well. What was in that ale, he wondered. Normally he could knock back a good clip of shots of something nice and strong before he needed to quit.
"Spooky," he sighed, and stretched. Looked like everyone but Obi had seen the same fate. "At least we finally took one, I gather?"
Crown would cheer Obi on “Congrats Obi! You got the first win of the day! Though I didn't realize drinking contests were really a knightly thing, maybe I should be taking notes.”
Alright, up you go, little lady. Obi picks up Chaqueta princess style, helping up Spanx along the way. And Haori as well.
"Its more a thing people do to flex on each other, but I figure it works for shows of manliness or whatever as well,"  Braces interjected as he stretched himself out--arm still hurt but it felt good to not be crouched down after a nice victory.
Oh and cheers from Crown as well? This day was already made.
"Honestly? Neither did I. Think it's some sort of valor thing. But  I'll definitely count it as a victory."
A head ruffle for you, godkid.
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newyorkcitywater · 6 years
Questing Buddies!
Also known as Questing Buddies: The Musical! or simply Chapter 4. Long ass post, so it’s under the cut.
Gaudy, CJ, and M carefully approached the concert, which is to say that they tangoed dramatically until they reached the crowd of people waving their hands in the air, jumping and screaming in front of many, many signs that said “ETHAN THE LOUD.” Yes, everyone had roses in their teeth, and no, don’t ask me where the roses are coming from. I’m just the humble storyteller.
Ethan seemed to be hyping up the crowd violently, though from what they could see, he had no idea how rowdy they were getting. “HE LOOKED AT ME! HE LOVES ME!” they heard one girl shriek, and she immediately decked the poor boy standing next to her with a chair. “HE LOVES ME, NOT YOU!”
The concert turned into what was almost all-out war within a few minutes, and Ethan had to stop singing. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, stop fighting! All of you!”
They ignored him. The Questing Buddies tangoed carefully through the crowd and reached Ethan, who looked like he wanted any way to get off the stage. The stage, incidentally, was far too tall to get on or off without magical intervention or stairs without suffering serious harm.
“You three are the only ones fighting, right? I need to get down here before there’s a mob or something. Do any of you have a ladder?”
CJ looked questioningly at Gaudy, but M shook her head. “Leave this to me,” she said, and leaped impossibly high into the air, landing on the stage in a perfect crouch. A shockwave dramatically rippled through the ground, and the crowd stopped their brawl. “Whoops, sorry,” she said. “I don’t know how to do it without the cartoony shockwave, but just tell them the concert’s over and we can jump down from here.”
“People! I’m sorry to do this, but I have to bring this concert to an early ending. So thank you so much, and quit fighting!” Ethan looked questioningly at M.
The crowd went back to ignoring him.
“Okay, just, I don’t know, grab onto my elbow or something and hold on tight and-” She finished her sentence in midair, screaming, “CROUCH WHEN YOU HIT THE GROUND OR SOMETHING!”
Ethan and M hit the ground, looking surprisingly badass. “There. And if you ship us, we’ll kick your teeth in!” she yelled to the crowd. 
The crowd, surprisingly, did not ignore her, but stared at what they thought was a new competitor for Ethan’s hand.
“Exactly what the fuck is going on?” said Gaudy. “Don’t worry, I won’t ship you guys. We can hash out the newest member’s application form later, but we should probably speed tango away from this...mob. Take a rose, I’ll explain later.”
“Well, that was a lovely impromptu song and dance number, but we are now running for our lives and in desperate need of a plot device in real life- is that a lettuce farm?” Gaudy skidded cartoonishly to a stop at the sight of an adorable cottage with a garden full of lettuce. Add in a “screeching tires” sound and you’ve got the perfect mental image.
Someone who looked like your mental stereotype of a lettuce farmer, AKA a gay badass (we are all being completely serious, Tath is a gay badass), walked out of the cottage. “Hi, I’m Tath,” she said. “My wife and I were in there trying to figure out which lettuce seeds are the best, so- is that another mob? I’m not even going to ask at this point. Our cellar has a random secret passageway which has been there forever and serves no point, but it might work to hide in if you’re going on a quest.”
“Holy fuck, Tath, we are literally indebted to you at this point. I’d promise you my firstborn if I hadn’t already bet it,” said M. “Different story,” she added. “Not important right now.” 
“How can cellars be cute? This is adorable!” CJ stepped back to take in the true majesty of the cellar. It was truly an adorable cellar. 
“All right, all of you, go into the miscellaneous passageway, my wife and I are kind of busy and it looks like an important plot point might be up there,” said Tath. “Hurry up, I was making dinner and I don’t want it to burn.”
The ragtag band hurried into the passageway. “Bye, all of you!” called Tath’s wife. “Don’t forget to put in a good word for us if you meet the king!”
The passageway started to climb, and the walls turned from tightly packed soil to stone bricks. Stairs started to appear as well, and the passageway morphed into a spiral staircase inside a tower.
“Well. I wasn’t expecting to be running around inside a castle today, but you never know.” Gaudy looked completely fine with everything going on, sort of floating up the stairs. They were the only one who wasn’t complaining quietly about how many stairs there were.
“This tower is freakishly high, so how about some backstory?” CJ looked at Ethan. “You need to explain the mob, and you-” they looked at M- “need to explain where and why you bet your firstborn. You don’t even have kids!”
Ethan sighed. “This is gonna be a long story.”
*gratuitous flashback noise and animation*
“I was kind of wandering around pointlessly, wishing I could do something and go on a cool quest, when I ran into this lady in a huge pink poofy ball gown. You know the kind, the one any toddler would sell their soul to Satan for? She was wearing that. And a beauty-queen sash. She was smiling and doing that wave thing that made it look like she was washing a window, and when I went up to her, she was all-” Ethan pouted and did a bad impression of the lady’s voice- “’Oh, hello, I didn’t see you there.’ And then she went 'You’re cute. I’m gonna give you a gift.’ And she bopped me on the head with this wand that was like a pink sparkly star on a stick and told me that people would always be fans of my music and love me when I sang. Hard not to feel like she cursed me, yanno?”
“Well, that cleared that up,” said CJ. “Now you, M. “
M shrugged. “What can I say? Being an evil wizard’s apprentice means you bet a lot. You bet a lot of shit, and sometimes you bet your firstborn. Joke’s on them, I’m never having kids. If I do they’ll be dragons I’ve adopted or something.”
“Good life choices,” said Gaudy. “Wait-there are windows, and while I appreciate the natural light as much, if not more, than you people, the fact that they’re there is worrying.”
“Is now the time to dramatically point and scream ‘A DOOR!’ Because I’m all ready and drama waits for nobody,” CJ said.
“Alright, sure, point and yell, Christine,” said Gaudy. CJ looked at them. “What? It’s fitting! This is the musical!”
CJ pointed to the door and yelled, “A DOOR!” They bowed. Gaudy, M, and Ethan applauded.
“Let’s go through it. I mean, if anyone has any other plans...” Luckily, there were no other plans, and CJ’s plan, also known as the only plan possible, was carried out. Unluckily, this door opened onto a corridor, and down that corridor was a direct route to the throne room.
“What do we do?” CJ hissed. “If I know this king, he’s a flaming asshole and I don’t need this kind of negativity in my life.”
The luckless group tripped, as one, over a hilariously long carpet and quadruple somersaulted into the throne room in a move that was the textbook version of “undignified.” 
The king and his queen lolled mockingly on their thrones, looking like incredibly disgusted magazine models with a long and tiring day of nothing to do. “Hmph.” It was nothing but a noise of boredom and distaste. The king emitted it masterfully, being that boredom and distaste were his day jobs. 
The queen looked down her long nose at the ragtag band. “Desmond, dear, don’t you think they’re a little too raggedy to be in our throne room? I mean, we just got a new carpet and it’s already mussed...”
Her voice trailed off, only to return complete with a dusting of sugar. The queen had seen CJ.
“Oh, sweetie darling honeypumpkin, how we’ve missed you! Come up here and give Mummy a hug.” The queen smiled. She had lipstick on her teeth, a bright red color that added to the ambiance.
“Hey, I remember you!” Ethan was staring at the queen. “Weren’t you the one in a fairy princess dress with a...” He stopped talking. It had sunk in. This woman was CJ’s mother.
“Thank you ever so kindly,” said CJ, icicles hanging on every word. It suddenly felt much colder in the throne room. “But even though I was welcomed so warmly, I feel the need to alert my sister to my return. Thank you, Mother, for allowing me to leave.” With a final jab of sarcasm, they swept off, head held high, probably to their room.
“Ah,” said the king. “That leaves you raggedy bunch. Drusie, what do you want to do with them?” From far above there was a loud thunking noise, followed by a shriek. CJ was locked in.
“Oh, I’m quite sure I haven’t got a clue,” muttered the queen. “How about--THIS!” She pressed a button on the underside of her throne arm, and a pit opened in the floor. The ragtag band plummeted through into the dungeons. “Oh, Dezzy baby, we are brilliant! Those little shits are bribes in human form!”
(The window breaks. CJ squeezes through and begins to rappel down the castle wall.)
To be continued.
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